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watch Vocabulary
aticipation - очікування
cave - печера folks - народ, люди ruse - хитрість
checkmate - шах і мат fray - сутичка sled - санчата
chimney - димохід gingerbread house- sleigh - сані
Christmas Eve - переддень Різдва пряниковий будиночок spot - місце
concrete - бетон halo - німб squeak - писк
cookies - печиво hoax - обман, містифікація stew - рагу
countdown - зворотній відлік hockey stick - хокейна ключкаstockings - панчохи
crowd - натовп kindness - доброта string - мотузка
crumbs - крихти ledge - виступ, карниз stuffing - начинка
demands - вимоги list of errands - список temptation - спокуса
destiny - доля доручень tie - краватка
drain - зливний отвір maple syrup - кленовий сироп trap - пастка
dude - чувак night shift - нічні зміни trappings - атрибути cards
emergency stash -запаси obstacle - перешкоди trimmings - прикраси
engine - двигун ornaments - прикраси workshop - майстерня
feast - свято permission - дозвіл wreath - вінок

flashlight - ліхтарик reindeer - північний олень

flea - блоха

annual - щорічнй impossible -

attach - прикріпляти awesome - невожливий
blink - блимати pounce - накинутися
неймовірний luscious - соковитий
borrow - позичати remind - нагадувати
deceptive - mean - злий
complain - скаржитися rush - поспішати
оманливий onward - подальший
convince - переконувати snarl - гарчати
downright scared - ridiculous - смішний
declare - оголошувати sneer - глузувати
відверто наляканий spectacular -
deliver - доставляти sparkle - виблискувати
dumb - дурний видовищний
deserve -заслуговувати steal - красти
fateful - starving - голодний
despise - зневажати stitch - зшивати
доленосний thoughtful -
dismount - демонтувати sweat - пітніти
feisty - злющий вдумливий
frown - насупитися swell - набрякати
forbidden - tight - тісний
invite - запрошувати tinker - лагодити, возитися
заборонений unbearable -
kidding - жартувати unclog - очищати
furry - пухнастий нестерпний
load - завантажувати unwrap - розгортати
hurtful - unsteady - нестійкий
moan - стогнати образливий upset - засмучений 2
Task 1 Label the pictures
gingerbread house, sleigh, reindeer, wreath, feast,
ornaments, cookies, stockings

1 2 3 4

5 6 7 7
Task 2 Answer the questions

Do you decorate your house for the New Year?

What ornaments do you usually use?Do you
create handmade decorations? Do you
decorate outside your house?

Do you bake any Christmas cookies?

Task 2 Fill in the following words
kindness, emergency stash, Christmas Eve, permission, ruse,
1. The big celebration usually takes place on Christmas
2. I think her is one of her strong points .
3. You will need from your parents to go on the trip.
4. I have an in my freezer in case I need to fill a few cookies.
5. The carpenter was hammering in his
6. It was just a to distract her while his partner took the money.
Task 4
Task 3 Wordsearch
Match the words with their
lafflashlightj synonyms
ara lodpdpfcro ig
a shalofdf
esy wnfpfppf bs



phhfs kf cgim


1. awesome

a) fiery

2. feisty b) harmful

nyf; pc


3. impossible c) amazing

4. upset d) blue


ng count

ney l 5. hurtful e)reflective

hgfh kopm ap 6. thoughtful f) unworkable
Match the words to make
Task 6 collacations
1. deceptive a) forest
2. fateful b) pain
3. unberable c) pet
4. furry d) meeting
5. luscious e) appereance
6. forbidden f)cream pies
Task 6 Label the pictures
steal, frown, blink, unwrap, sparkle, borrow

1 2 3

4 5 6

Task 7 Choose the correct preposition

1. I attached a photo to/at/on my application form.
2. Lots of people have complained about/for/on the noise.
3. The cat sat in the tree ready to pounce on/under/with
the ducks below.
4. How long will it take to load this sand onto/for/to the
5. She'll probably sneer at/to/about my new shoes
because they're not expensive.
Phrases and collacations
apologise for - вибачатися за щось mail a letter - надіслати лист
attaboy - молодець my bad - моя провина
brace yourself - взяти себе в руки no doubt - без сумніву
bump into - наткнутися на когось out of food - без їжі
by the way - до речі search for - шукати
come up with a plan - придумати план this isn't your fault - це не твоя провина
count me in - розраховуйте на мене to see somebody in person - побачити когось
don’t blame me - не звинувачуй мене особисто
giggle over - сміятися з чогось watch out - обережно
Give me a hug - обійми мене what in the world is happening - Що взагалі
has its stride - набирати обертів відбувається
hit the mother lodе - наткнутись на золоту wish for - бажати чогось
hold the bus - затримати автобус
I need to do some recon - Мені потрібно
дещо розвідати
in my watch - у мою зміну
let’s make a run for it – давай рятуватись
втечею cards
Choose the correct response
1. 2.
A:I don't kno er e are cool A:I'm plan 3.
in this situatiow what to do A:Look, th this shop party ton ning to organise
B: a) Firstly, b n d iscounts in ut me? ight. Can a
you help
b) in my watc race yourself B: a) Watch o he mother lode B: a) Coun
h t b) This isn t on me
b) You've hit 't your fau
4. y vase. A:Susan won different 6. prize?
n m
broke me me. It competitions. ....... She on the
Y ou 'v e A:You w taboy
a ) D on't bla is a good tennis player
B: a) At its stride
B: r dog do some B: a) My bad
a s y ou b) Has
I n eed to b) No doubt
While watching 0.0.0-
Task 1
Choose the adjectives that describe Who Whille

Would you like to live in this city? Why? Why not?

Who’s b
ehind th
Is it a d e
angerou door?
Why do s mons
es ter?
Why do he live al
es he liv one?
e so far
from th
e city?

Task 2 0.3.11-
Match Grinch's morning routine with the pictures 0.5.40


Describe your
Task 3 morning

Task 4
Why did Grinch hate Christmas?
Replace the pictures by words.

1. The hated Christmas, the whole Christmas season.

2. Now, please don't why. No one quite knows the reason.

3. It could be his wasn't screwed on just right.

4. It could be perhaps that his were too tight.

5. But I think the most likely reason of all may have been that his

was two sizes too small.

How do you think what was the real


Task 5 Put the pictures in the correct order and 0.7.35-

tell how they are connected to the plot 0.10.43

supermarket pickles choir snowman

Task 6 Look through the examples and make up your
own sentences using "gonna" and "gotta"
3- gonna - going to
gotta - have got to

I gotta go

I'm gonna
miss the

o 1.
n 2.
n 3.
o 1.
t 2.
t 3.
Why is this letter so special? Have you ever written a
letter to Santa Claus? What did you wish for?
le tt e r.
just a
isn't et te r.
This s is the l

Task 7 Is Grinch a good friend 0.14.1
to Bricklebaum? Why? Why not? 0.18.0
What makes a person a good 0


Task 8 Are you an attentive watcher?

1 Where is the girl going? 0.19.1
a North Pole b Who Whille с Miami

2 How many jackets did she put on?

a 1 b 4 с 9

3 What's the reason for her journey?

b to talk с
a to ski
to Santa Claus
to meet with driends

How long does it take to get to the

4 North Pole
a 1 month b 1 week с 1 hour
5 What did the girl put on the angel?

a stocking b star с halo

Task 9
0 Max's Whose activity do you
0.22.4 prefer to do more ?


Grinch 's
Task 10
What did kids wish for? Match

Groopert more rest for mother

Cindy Lou
What is your wish for the coming year?
Task 11 Match phrases with the pictures. 0.25
a) Feast Which is something the Grinch
could not stand in the least.
b) as he remembered that Christmas
where nobody cared

c)Yes, he couldn't. recall

without feeling the sting
d) That lost, lonely boy, isolated and sad,
with no home of his own, no mom and
no dad.

e) thing became clear: that this

was the single worst day of the year.

d he decide to
What di
4 do?

Task 12 Write the answer to the question
What was Grinch's plan?

Task 13

0.38.38 What are the drawbacks of children's plan?
1. I'm going to sit in the living room with my eyes wide open

2.We pour it on the roof, the reindeer get stuck, and then they can't fly

What animal did

Grinch search for ?

a b c d e

14 a goat a bear a dog a reindeer a fox

Task 14 Retell the episod using pictures
0.44 8

Task 15 0.50.30
Correct the sentences
1. The reindeer made a cup of tea for Grinch
2. Max chased the cats and failed Grinch's mission.
3. Among main temptations for Grinch's gang are christmas
lights and milk.
4. Groopert though that Santa comes home with a candle
to light his way.
5. Max pulled Grinch's sleigh
6. Grinch didn't let the reindeer to come back to its family

Task 16
Choose the best summary for the 0.50,30
episod. 1.02.05

a The Grinch succeded in his Christmas

operation and stole Christmas trees and
presents from WhoWhille’s houses.

The secret Christmas Grinch's operation

b was in the finish line but Grinch was
trapped by his own temptations
Max spoiled Grinch's
c plans to steal
16 Christmas
Task 17 Mark True or False
1. Grinch changed his mind and returned all the present after 1.02.05
dialogue with a small girl 1.02.05
2. In the morning people were sad but the absence of presents
and decorations didn't spoil their Christmas
3. Max saved Grinch's life as well as all the presents.
4. Cindy Lou invited Grinch for Christmas dinner.
5. Grinch refused to visit Christmas dinner and stayed at home with
Match the halves of Grinch's
Task 18 speech during Christmas dinner. 1.02.

1.I've spent my entire life a this little girl right here.

2.But now I see that it b changed my life.

wasn't Christmas I hated. c And I have all of you
to thank for it.
3. But I'm not alone anymore.
d It was being alone.
4. But especially...
hating Christmas
5. Ma'am, your daughter's kindness e
and everything about it.
After watching
Task 1 Who said this? Match
How did I end up
1 with such a wonderful daughter?

I'm going to steal

2 their Christmas.
Because you deserve

3 everything you want and more.

4 I'm gonna stay up on Christmas Eve this year

and meet Santa Claus.

And that right there, Max, is the true nature
5 of the Who child: just right to "me, me, me.

I just came to invite you to
our house for Christmas dinner.
Describe the following characters. What are they
Task 2 like? Who is your favourite character ? Why?

Write a letter to Santa Claus

Dear Santa,
My name is .I am years old
and I live in
One thing I would like this year is

Some other things I Some books I would

would like like to read

Somethings I would
like to give

Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4 Task 5 Task 6 Task 7
1. stocking 1. Eve 1. a
2. gingerbread house
crumbs, flashlight, 1c 1e 1 unwrap 1 to 2. b
2. kindness maple syrop, crowd, 2a 2d 2 sparkle 2 about 3. a
3. ornaments 3. permission 3f 3b 3 blink 3 on 4. a
fleas, string, 4d 4c 4 frown 4 onto 5. b
4. cookies 4. emergency trash 5 about
countdown, halo, elf, 5b 5f 5 steal 6. a
5. reindeer 5. workshop 6e 6a 6 borrow
6. wreath 6. ruse
7. feat
8. sleigh

Task 1 Task 6 Task 12

jolly, united, hospitable, spectacular, This letter is so special, because the girl Grinch decide to become
bright, energetic has a special wish to help her mother. She Santa Claus
Grinch lives behind the door. No, he isn't. wants her mother to be happy.
He doesn't like Christmas. Task 13
Task 2 Task 8 She's gonna fall asleep
1 f 2 d 3e 4 a 5 c 6 b The maple syrop will freeze
1. a
2. b Task 14
Task 3 3. b
1 Grinch 4. a d - reindeer
2 ask 5. c
3 head Task 15
4 shoes 1. cup of coffee
5 heart Task 10 2. chased the sausages
Cindy - more rest for her mother 3. presents and cookies
Task 4 Groopert - turtle 4. flashlight
1 snowman , Grinch ruined child's
Task 11 5. Reindeer pulled the sleigh
6. Grinch let ....
2 choir, Christmas choir followed Grinch 1. d
3. supermarket, he went to the 2. b Task 16
3. e 1. b
supermarket to buy products 4. a
4. pickles-,he took pickles drom the 5. c
woma's basket, tried one and out it back Grinch decided to steal Christmas
in the basket of another woman

Task 17 Task 18
1. F 1. e
Task 1
1. Donna
2. T 2. d 2. Grinch
3. F 3. c 3. Donna
4. T 4. a 4. Cindy
5. Grinch
5. F 5. b
6. Cindy 21

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