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@iam.yourtutor B2

dispatch for – відправлення для scatter – розкидати
equestrian – кінний спорт strapping – обв'язка
cover for someone – прикривати statuesque – статуетка
summoned – викликаний ransom note – записка про викуп
lair – лігво crumble – кришитися
croutons – грінки inconceivable – немислимий
filing – подача maritime – морський
handling – обробка heritage – спадщина
abysmal – жахливий palpitation – серцебиття
fragile – крихкий whimpering – ниття
squander – розтрачувати squeeze down – втиснутись
hunker down – вмоститись mantle – мантія
void – недійсний brat – нахаба
suffice – достатньо shattered – розбитий
bribe – хабар a sworn duty – присяжний
squirm – корчитись обов'язок
intersection – перехрестя lousy clump – жалюгідна грудка
quirky – вигадливий rat on smn – донести на когось
vermin – гівнюк, шкідник mischief – пустощі
weasel out – ухилятись ambush – засідка
critter – створіння snicker – хіхікати
chicken out – злякатись trespassing – вторгнення
pin something on someone – cookout – барбекю, пікнік
повісити щось на когось gear – механізм
mingle with – змішатися з cog – гвинтик
spawn – нащадок, потомство tinker – возитися
rustic – сільський impeccably – бездоганно
scurry – поспішати, мчати irrelevant – той, що не має
swamped – зайнятий значення
gutter – жолоб precisely – точно

squinting – примруживши очі
woodsman – лісник Notes
blindfold – зав'язати очі
cramped – тісний
butler – дворецький
dupe – обдурити
puffed–up – надутий
fester – гноїтися
resentment – образа
every whim – будь–яка примха
spite – на зло
goodwill – добра воля
mob – натовп, шайка
comprehend – розуміти
feuds - чвари

Тицніть сюди, щоб

почати вивчати слова
у Quizlet

Before watching task 1

Match words from the vocabulary with their definitions.

to try to make someone do very bad, horrible

something for you by giving them
money, presents, or something
else that they want

to waste money or supplies, or to people who are unpleasant and

waste opportunities by not using harmful to society
them to your advantage

simple and often rough in relating to buildings, places etc.

appearance; typical of the that are considered to have
countryside historical importance for a
particular area or for all people

behaviour, especially a child's, to deceive someone, usually by

that is slightly bad but is not making that person do something
intended to cause serious harm that they did not intend to do
or damage

a large, angry crowd, especially a party at which food is cooked

one that could easily become outdoors

While watching task 2

Watch till 07:40. Answer the questions.

You don't really write many these days, do you? But I bet there's one
you never forget. Send it off to a certain plump guy in a red suit and,
provided you've kept your act together more or less, he'll drop off a toy or
two. And yet, no one seems to wonder how the whole thing got started in
the first place. This is a story about letters, and it began... with this one.


Why was this letter so special?

Who received it?
How many months had this man been studying in the Royal Postal Academy?
Did Jasper succeed in any types of work?
What was the main task given to him?
How many letters did Jesper have to stamp?
How can you describe this place?

While watching task 3

Watch till 14:56. Fill in the gaps in the following sentences.

1) Oh! Uh, colorful local traditions. folklore. That kind of thing.
2) No, no! Why you...Oh, you !
3) Admit it! You and rang the bell!
4) You , and now you want to pin it on us!
5) Welcome to Smeerensburg, home of the world's finest .
6) with their sworn enemy's ? Oh, no! We can't have that!
7) Well, lots of nice, natural light, touches, central air and panoramic
8) You're a postman in Smeerensburg, which is on an island cut off from the
world, cold, angry, violent neighbors, and this is home now. Are we
starting to connect the dots?

Watch till 20:32. Order the pictures. Try to retell this episode task 4


While watching task 5

Watch till 30:01. Describe Klaus giving as many details as possible

(think about his lifestyle, accomodation, personal features).


While watching task 6

Watch till 42:33 and translate the phrases. Make up you own sentences
with them.
1) новенька іграшка -
2) абсолютно без підказки -
3) жалюгідні життя -
4) немислимий -
5) невдача -
6) гнити -
7) належна освіта -
8) пролізти у димохід -










While watching task 7

Watch till 47:15. Write down the translation of the phrases.

1) But less presents means less letters, and less letters means less... more
children's dreams being розбиті .
2) We have a присяжний обов'язок for the children.
3) I sent my letter, and all I got was a паскудна грудка of coal!
4) Oh, yeah? And how would he know what I'm up to unless you настукав на
5) Every пустощі, prank and брудна справа.






To your mind, is it possible to

motivate these children in such
way? What would you suggest?

When you were a child did you use

to write any letters to Santa Claus
or Father Frost? Do you remember
what you wanted to get as a

While watching task 8

Watch till 50:04. Write down the good deeds of children.


While watching task 9

Watch till 01:05:31. Answer the questions.

How was the myths about Santa Claus flying reindeers born?
Can you think of any other myths that were in this cartoon?
What was Jesper looking forward to? Did he really want that
or did he just pretend?
What problems did a postman have?
Why was the leader of one of the families calling the meeting?
Who was their common enemy? Why?
What surprise did Jesper prepare for his new friend?
How did he help a girl from Lapland to write a letter?
How did he try to slove the problem with the lack of the toys?
Did he manage that?
What did a small girl want her present to be?


While watching task 10

Watch till 01:08:00. Write down a monologue.


While watching task 11

Watch till the end. Order the following sentences and mark a person
they belong to.

You just duped everyone so you could get back to your puffed-up life
back in the big town.
Let's continue discussing what a horrible person I am while I most likely
break my neck trying to save the children's toys, why don't we?
And with a whole year of planning, we can expand to more villages next
Everybody knows rotting fish is so over.
And if kids happen to be talking about their parents plotting to form an
angry mob, then, you know, teachers listen.
Hanging out with an old woodsman?
What about starting far, far away from here?
They insisted, and I didn't want to be rude.
A true act of goodwill, huh?
I wasn't going to let them have the toys.
I think I may have missed my boat.

After watching task 12

Look at the following pictures. Try to guess what's hidden.


task 1 task 4
to try to make someone do something
for you by giving them money,
presents, or something else that they
want - bribe
very bad, horrible - abysmal
to waste money or supplies, or to
waste opportunities by not using
them to your advantage - squander
people who are unpleasant and task 6
harmful to society - vermin 1) brand-new toy 2) аcompletely
simple and often rough in appearance; unprompted, 3) miserable lives 4)
typical of the countryside - rustic inconceivable 5) tough luck 6) rot
relating to buildings, places etc. that away 7) proper education 8) squeeze
are considered to have historical down any chimney
importance for a particular area or for task 7
all people - heritage 1) shattered 2) sworn duty 3) lousy
behaviour, especially a child's, that is clump 4) ratted on 5) mischief, dirty
slightly bad but is not intended to deed
cause serious harm or damage - task 8
mischief shoveled all the yards on the street,
to deceive someone, usually by helped Mom with the chores, helped
making that person do something a neighbour who had hurt himself,
that they did not intend to do - dupe picked all berries for Mrs. Runa, went
a large, angry crowd, especially one to class every day, cleaned dad's old
that could easily become violent - clarinet
mob task 10
a party at which food is cooked My Lydia. I remember when I found
outdoors - cookout this spot in the woods that she loved.
task 3 And I built us a house right here.
1) Quirky 2) rotten vermin 3) weaseled Away from it all. But it wasn't gonna
out 4) chickened out 5) feuds 6) be the two of us for long. We wanted
Mingling, spawn 7) rustic 8) frigid children. Lots of them. Running
around, laughing, getting in trouble.

task 10 Let's continue discussing what a horrible
While we waited, I started making person I am while I most likely break my
toys for them. And we waited, and I neck trying to save the children's toys,
kept making toys and more toys. Oh! why don't we? J
I wasn't going to let them have the toys.
Here's another one. What do you
think? And we kept waiting, but they
And if kids happen to be talking about
never came...And then she got sick.
their parents plotting to form an angry
Even now... sometimes...it almost feels
mob, then, you know, teachers listen. A
like she's still...After... After she was task 12
gone, I... I guess I got lost. She loved 1) a chicken, 2) a globe with knives, 3) a
birds, so I just kept making postman's bag, 4) a toy frog, 5) a horse, 6)
birdhouses. But then... Then you altar, 7) Klaus, 8) a stump and an axe
showed up. Delivering these toys,
seeing the joy they bring to children, I
thought I'd never feel this again. And I
have you to thank for it, my friend.
So... thank you.
task 11
And with a whole year of planning, we
can expand to more villages next year.
Everybody knows rotting fish is so
over. A
What about starting far, far away
from here? J
A true act of goodwill, huh? J
Hanging out with an old woodsman? J
They insisted, and I didn't want to be
rude. K
You just duped everyone so you could
get back to your puffed-up life back in
the big town. A
I think I may have missed my boat. J

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