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ROLL.NO.:- 21/49103,
@NEWS related to floods:-
◦ 1. Kerala:- ‘kallakkadal’ ('Kallan' and 'Kadal', ‘Kallan’ means ‘thief’ and ‘Kadal’ means
‘sea)- resulting from high seas.
@NEWS related to floods:-
◦ Delhi monsoon floods, july 2023:- above-average rainfall during July 3-10.
◦ July 9 :- 221.4 mm recorded, heavy rain caused widespread flooding in city.
◦ Cause:- CWC red alert yamuna level record high, urban flooding due to poor drainage
systems and management. Deaths:- 105 throughout July in combined (UP,Delhi,HP)
to floods:-
◦ Sikkim GLOF. 4th October
2023:- intense rainfall
led to the overflow of the
South Lhonak glacier
lake in Sikkim, Teesta III
Dam destruction,
Causing substantial
damage to public
properties and
◦ GLOF:- when lakes formed
by melting glaciers suddenly
@NEWS related to floods:-
GLOF sikkim, October 4, 2023, has caused extensive damage in Mangan,
Gangtok, Pakyong, and Namchi Districts. CWC:- level was 84.83m.
◦ Floods :- Natural process that
occurs when the level of a body of
water rises until it overflows its
natural banks or artificial levees
and submerges areas usually dry..
Intense rainfall, Snowmelt, Cyclones and Severe Weather Events, River Overflow,
Collapse of Dams, Storm Surges and Tsunamis, Steep-Banked Water Channels,
Deforestation and Vegetation Loss, .Poor Agricultural Practices, Urban
Glacial Lake Outburst Floods (GLOFs), Landslides, Tidal Flooding, Poor Drainage-
Infrastructure, Riverbank Erosion, Illegal Encroachments, Poor Water Management,
Climate Change, Poor Urban Planning, Inadequate Early Warning Systems,
Poor Solid Waste Management.
*HUMAN CAUSES:- Unplanned Development,
Urban Flooding:- escalating heavy rainfall within short durations.
Neglect of Pre-Disaster Planning.
@Major Floods affected cities,
◦ 1.pilot project Development model Multi-Purpose Flood Shelters.
◦ 2.Development of River Basin,
◦ 3. Flood Early Warning System.
◦ 4.Digital Elevation Maps.
◦ 5. preparation of Inundation Models for giving early warning to the villagers for
evacuation in case of flood.
◦ 6. under the scheme financial support is to be provided to the Flood prone States.
◦ [Disaster preparedness Plan]-
◦ Flood Hotspot Mapping at local and regional levels. (For targeted effective
◦ Oversight and regulation of riparian areas to prevent overflow and erosion.
(Old damaged bridges, dams,River banks).
◦ River flood modeling to anticipate events like reservoir breaches and
emergency dam water releases.
◦ Utilization of advanced techniques like satellite-based mapping and
Geographic Information Systems for developing early flood warning systems
@Disaster Preparedness Plan: A
comprehensive flood management

Flood Hotspot
Mapping .
Mapping for
And rescue.
@Disaster Preparedness Plan: A
comprehensive flood management
◦ Integrated approach:- Holistic watershed management like :- hard engineering and
ecologically sustainable methods.
◦ Hard Solutions:- construction of dams, culverts, and dykes, along with river channel
widening and deepening, and diversion channels to regulate water the flow.
◦ Ecological Soft Solutions:- Restoration and maintenance of riparian zones,
◦ along river channels to retain rainwater and decrease river discharge.
◦ Prioritizing resilience, flexibility, and adaptability:- reassessing safety standards of
dams and canals, reinforcing them with higher safety margins, establishing new
intermediate storage facilities, and implementing dynamic reservoir management.
@Disaster Preparedness Plan: A
comprehensive flood management
◦ Enhancing Disaster Risk Reduction: - Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk
Reduction to decrease vulnerability to disasters.
◦ Sendai framework:- focuses on
◦ :- Understanding Disaster Risk
◦ :- Strengthening disaster risk governance to manage disaster risk
◦ :- Investing in disaster risk reduction for resilience
◦ :- Enhancing disaster preparedness for effective response and to “Build Back Better”
in recovery, rehabilitation and reconstructionreconstruction.
In flood-prone regions, flood control should be prioritized in reservoir regulation
policies, even if it means sacrificing some irrigation or power benefits.
◦ Physical flood protection structures like embankments and dykes.
◦ Greater emphasis should be placed on non-structural measures such as
◦ prediction and warning systems, floodplain zoning, and floodproofing to
◦ losses and reduce the need for repeated spending on flood relief efforts.
◦ should be stringent regulations on settlements and economic activities
in floodplain
◦ regions, coupled with floodproofing measures, to mitigate the loss of life
and property due to flooded.
Flood Prevention and Mitigation.
National Flood Risk Mitigation Project (NFRMP):- Its objective is to ensure that necessary
resources and capabilities are in place for relief,rehabilitation, rebuilding, and recovery
efforts in the event of tragedies, while also raising awareness among vulnerable
Flood Management Programme:-
NDMA Guidelines:-
:- Structural Measures – Redirecting floodwater towards natural and artificial channels,
wetlands, etc., to minimize its impact.
:- Building flood protection structures such as Embankments and walls to contain overflow
towards inhabited areas.
:- Undertaking activities like desilting and dredging to enhance channel capacspillag
reduce spillage.
:- Implementing watershed management measures like tree planting in catchment
areas to boost vegetation cover, mitigate erosion, enhance soil porosity, and
address sudden surges.
Flood Prevention and Mitigation.
NDMA(NON-STRUCTURAL MEASURES) :- prohibiting habitation in low-lying and frequently
flooded areas, delineating evacuation zones, and identifying highlands for relocation
during floods.
:- Constructing flood shelters in highland areas, ensuring food and fodder availability,
fortifying communication channels against floods, and ensuring uninterrupted
provision of healthcare services during floods.
:- Mandating all government departments and agencies to develop their own flood
management plans based on topography,flood frequency, and population vulnerability.
:- Promoting community involvement in flood mitigation, the NDMA has launched the
centrally sponsored "Aapda Mitra" scheme to train 200 community volunteers in the 30
most flood-prone districts nationwide to aid in flood rescue and rehabilitation efforts.
What needs to be done to eradicate
urban flooding?
◦ Govt. Efforts:- The Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation
(AMRUT) attempt to local bodies to strategically plan cities.
◦ :- to adopt green infrastructure solutions such as rainwater harvesting
systems, rain gardens, green roofs, and permeable pavement can
effectively decrease impervious surfaces, enabling rainwater to infiltrate the
ground easily.
◦ :- Besides reducing flood risks, these systems also store water for dry seasons
and contribute to recharging groundwater..
◦ Eradication of Rain water Runoff and promotion of water percolating green infrastructure.
@ Innovation efforts for
solving urban flooding issues.
◦ “Sponge city” is an innovative urban development model aimed at
managing floods, enhancing ecological infrastructure, and improving
drainage systems. (Chinese researchers in 2000)
◦ In India, the “Sponge Cities Mission” aims to increase urban
permeability to effectively manage rainfall.
◦ Benefits of the Sponge Cities Mission:-
◦ :- efficient capture and reuse of rainwater,
◦ :- replenishment of aquifers, reduction in flood risks.
◦ :- less strain on drainage systems,
◦ :- creation of greener, healthier urban spaces.
◦ “Sponge city” Model
◦ Traditional solutions to fight
floods in Assam:- Indigenous
tribal communities across
Assam, have coexisting
harmoniously in flood.
◦ :- They use architecture of the
bamboo houses built by
communities like the Deori or
the Mising.

◦ These dwellings are constructed on elevated bamboo stilts, providing resilience against
floodwaters unlike concrete structures. Residents also maintain boats adjacent to their homes for
evacuation during severe flooding. These traditional houses, referred to as chang ghar, are
simple to build using locally-sourced bamboo materials.
⛧Flood Disaster Preparedness..
◦ A. Before flooding occurs:-
◦ 1. Familiarize yourself with the nearest safe shelters.
◦ 2. Prepare a First Aid Kit with extra medication for snake bites
and diarrhea.
◦ 3. Ensure you have sturdy ropes for securing items.
◦ 4. Arrange a radio, flashlight, and spare batteries.
◦ 5. Stock up on fresh water, dry food, candles, matches, and
◦ 6. Keep umbrellas and bamboo sticks handy for snake
◦ 7. Select higher ground for sheltering people and animals.
⛧Flood Disaster Preparedness..
◦ B. Upon receiving a flood warning:-
◦ 1. Stay informed through radio and television broadcasts.
◦ 2. Heed flood warnings issued by local authorities.
◦ 3. Prepare dry food, drinking water, and warm clothing.
◦ 4. Check your emergency kit.
◦ ------------ --------------------------- ------------------------
◦ C. During evacuation:
◦ 1. Pack clothing, medication, valuables, and documents in waterproof bags.
◦ 2. Elevate furniture and appliances on beds and tables.
⛧Flood Disaster Preparedness..
◦ C. During evacuation:-
◦ 3.Place sandbags in toilet bowls and cover drain holes to prevent sewage backup.
◦ 4. Avoid wading into water of unknown depth and current.
◦ 5. Lock your house and follow recommended evacuation routes to safe shelters.
◦ D. During floods:-
◦ 1. Purify water by boiling.
◦ 2. Keep food covered.
◦ 3. Ensure children do not go hungry.
◦ 4. Disinfect surroundings with bleaching powder and lime.
◦ 5. Use proper footwear if entering floodwaters.
◦ 6. Avoid water levels above knee height.
⛧Flood Disaster Preparedness..
◦ E. After a flood:-
◦ 1. Stay updated through local radio broadcasts.
◦ 2. Keep children away from floodwaters.
◦ 3. Refrain from using electrical appliances
◦ 4. Do not consume food exposed to floodwaters.
◦ 6. Exercise caution against snake bites, which are common during floods.
◦ 7. Boil tap water before use.

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