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Writing unit 1

Exercise 1 :

- Xu hướng tăng : development, rise, surge, partern, increase, upward trend, rocket
- Xu huong giam : decrease, drop, decline, fall,
- On dinh : remain unchanged, level out/off, reach a plateau, stable, flat at,
- Tang giam lien tuc ( khong on dinh ) : vary, fluctuate

Exercise 2 :

1. A gradual drop was experienced in the amount of salt over the period from 1990 to 2000.
2. The year 2005 saw a significant rise in the number of Vietnamese students in the US
3. The sales of books fell slightly in 2006
4. There was an upward trend in the price of oil from 2010 to 2015
5. The number of visitors in HCM city dropped quickly in 2020
6. An upward trend was experienced in the number of visitors to Hanoi in 2014
7. The number of students studying two languages was experienced a stable remaining through
the period
8. The sales of books saw a sharp decline of 20% in 2017
9. There was a remarkable decrease of 35% in the percentage of smokers during the period
between 1990 and 2000
10. The percentage of heaters in the households increased of 30% in the 1979

Exersice 3 :

The number of road accidents began over 4 million in 1983 and then rose/increased steadily to
nearly 5 million in 1985. In the following year, the figure had peaked at 6.5 million before dropped to 3.5
million in 1987. There was a fluctuation in the number of road accidents between 1987 and 1990, which
was followed by sink to a low of just under 3 million in 1991. The year 1992 witnessed a recovery back to
4 million accidents, but the figure then surge to 3 million cases at the end of the period.

Exercise 4 :

1. Rise
2. Increased
3. Rise
4. 1200
5. Climbed

Exercise 5 :

1. The divorce rate in Finland stood at 38% compared to 43% ones in Sweden in 2011
2. Standing at 2 million, the number of visitors to Paris stood at twice as high as that in Lisbon in
4. The proportion of people using their own transport, which was 60%, was three times as much as
that of people using public transports in 2010
5. The mount of money invested in health care system stood at 2 million, twice as high as that in
education in 2010
Writing unit 1
6. Standing at 20%, the percentage of American doing at home stood at twice as high as that … in

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