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At some point after the destruction of the Sword of Zariel, Zariel gives her servants (including the characters if they have taken on
that role) the task of forging a new blade for her. This endeavor comes with the following objectives:
• If Bel is still in Zariel's service, she calls on him to forge the blade. Otherwise, her servants must scour the cosmos for a worthy
weaponsmith, such as an efreeti from the City of Brass on the Elemental Plane of Fire.
• Zariel needs at least ten pounds of metal or material to make the blade of the sword. Adamantine would do, or a talon from Tiamat.
• To grant the blade its power, the freshly forged weapon must be quenched in the blood of a celestial, a demon lord, and an
archdevil. Zariel can supply her own blood, but her servants must collect the other two sacrifices. Zariel names this new artifact the
Blade of Avernus. This longsword is an artifact that requires attunement, and which has the fo llowing properties. Magic Weapon.
The Blade of Avernus is a magic weapon that functions as a vorpal sword. Random Properties. The sword has the following
randomly determined properties, as described in chapter 7 of the Dungeon Mast.er's Guide: 2 minor beneficial properties
• 1 major beneficial property
• 1 major detrimental property, which is suppressed while the sword is attuned to an archdevil
Ruler of Avernus. As an action, you can point this sword at one devi l you can see within 60 feet of you. That devil must succeed on a
DC 22 Charisma saving throw or be charmed by you for 1 hour. While charmed in this way, the devil follows your orders to the best
of its abi lity. If you command the devil to do something it perceives as suicidal, the effect ends and you can no longer use this power
of the sword against that devil.
Infernal Recall. As an action, you can use the sword to cast word of recall. Creatures transported by this spell appear in an
unoccupied space within 30 feet of the current ruler of Avernus, or a sanctuary you designate if you rule Avernus.
Destroying the Sword. The sword can be destroyed by casting it into the River Styx or melting it down in the forge that created it.


Χαρακτηριστικό γνώρισμα των διαβόλων είναι οτι απολαμβανουν να κάνουν συμφωνίες με θνητούς. Αυτές οι
συμφωνίες είναι κάτι περισσότερο από απλές συμφωνίες. είναι κοσμικά δεσμευτικές ανταλλαγές στις οποίες ένας
διάβολος χορηγεί σε έναν θνητό κάποιο μέτρο δύναμης έναντι τιμήματος. Μόλις επιτευχθεί συμφωνία, η συμφωνία
σφραγίζεται με ένα δεσμευτικό συμβόλαιο, το οποίο πρέπει να υπογράψουν και τα δύο μέρη. Ο απώτερος στόχος ενός
διαβόλου είναι να διεκδικήσει θνητές ψυχές. Αν δεν μπορεί να πάρει την ψυχή ενός θνητού με την μια, ο διάβολος
προσπαθεί να την πάρει ένα μικρό κομμάτι τη φορά, ενθαρρύνοντας τον θνητό να διαπράξει κακές πράξεις και έτσι
καταδικάζοντας την ψυχή του θνητού στις Εννέα Κόλασης. Οι κολαστικές συμφωνίες επιβάλλονται από το βάρος του
ίδιου του πολυσύμπαντος, από την ίδια την ουσία των δυνάμεων του Νόμου και του Κακού. Οι διάβολοι διοχετεύουν
αυτή την ουσία μέσα από την κολασμένη ιεραρχία που διέπει την ύπαρξή τους. Οι διάβολοι που βρίσκονται ψηλότερα
στην ιεραρχία μπορούν να αξιοποιήσουν πιο ισχυρές προσφορές και να προσφέρουν πιο δελεαστικά δώρα. Οι least
διάβολοι δεν μπορούν να συνάψουν συμφωνίες. Lesser και greater διάβολοι μπορούν να συνάψουν συμφωνίες είτε για
τον εαυτό τους είτε ως ενδιάμεσοι για τους ανωτέρους τους. Οι Αρχδιάβολοι είναι οι μόνοι διάβολοι που μπορούν να
αντιμετωπίσουν ελεύθερα πλάσματα έξω από τις Εννέα Κόλασεις, συνήθως όταν οι θνητοί τα επικαλούνται για να τους


Παρά τη δίψα τους για να παγίδευουν θνητες ψυχες σε δεσμευτικά συμβόλαια, οι διάβολοι μπορούν να συνάψουν συμφωνίες
μόνο σε συγκεκριμένες περιστάσεις. Ο ευκολότερος τρόπος για έναν διάβολο να σφυρηλατήσει μια συμφωνία είναι να το
κάνει μέσα στις Εννέα Κόλασεις, όπου είναι πιο κοντά στην ιεραρχία της κόλασης και μπορεί πιο εύκολα να διοχετεύσει τη
δύναμή του. Αλλού στο πολυσύμπαν, οι περισσότεροι διάβολοι είναι πολύ απομακρυσμένοι από τη δομή εξουσίας τους για να
συνάψουν δεσμευτικές συμφωνίες χωρίς κάποιες έκτακτες περιστάσεις. Μια συμφωνία αποτελείται από μια πρόταση που
καλύπτει τους όρους που περιμένει κάθε μέρος και μια σύμβαση που σφραγίζει τη συμφωνία και την καθιστά δεσμευτική. Οι
μικρότεροι και μεγαλύτεροι διάβολοι δεν μπορούν να κάνουν ελεύθερα συμφωνίες εκτός του plane τους, αλλά υπάρχουν
τρόποι που μπορεί να γίνει. Εάν ένας επικαλεστής σε άλλο plane γνωρίζει το αληθινό όνομα ενός διαβόλου ή έχει το φυλαχτό
του (όπως περιγράφεται στο "Devil True Names and Talismans" στο Monster Manual), αντί να δεσμεύσει τον διάβολο σε
υπηρεσία, ο καλών μπορεί να δημιουργήσει έναν τελετουργικό κύκλο που επιτρέπει στον διάβολο να κάνει μια συμφωνία.
Μόλις η συμφωνία σφραγιστεί με συμβόλαιο, ο διάβολος επιστρέφει στις Εννέα Κόλασεις. Ένας αρχδιάβολος που επιθυμεί
να κάνει μια συμφωνία με έναν χαρακτήρα μπορεί να το κάνει αυτοπροσώπως ή να στείλει ένα τσιράκι να προτείνει τη
συμφωνία και να διαπραγματευτεί εκ μέρους του. Ένας χαρακτήρας μπορεί επίσης να έρθει σε επαφή με έναν αρχδιάβολο,
φέρνοντας ένα χαοτικό ή ευθυγραμμισμένο ανθρωποειδές και προσευχόμενος στον αρχδιάβολο για 1 ώρα. Ο αρχδιάβολος
ακούει την προσευχή του χαρακτήρα και μπορεί να επιλέξει να ανταποκριθεί σε όνειρα ή οράματα ή μπορεί να στείλει ένα
τσιράκι με την εξουσία να κάνει μια συμφωνία για λογαριασμό του.


Least Devils Greater Devils

l. Lemure 10. Orthon
2. Nupperibo 11. Horned devil
Lesser Devils 12. Erinyes
3. Imp 13. Narzugon
4. Spined devil 14. Ice devil
5. Bearded devil 15. Amnizu
6. Merregon 16. Pit fiend
7. Barbed devil Archdevils
8. Chain devil 17. Duke or duchess
9. Bone devil 18. Archduke or archduchess

Diabolical deals start with either the devil or the character broaching the subject and offering something. The terms of the deal
require, at a minimum, the devil to offer a gift and the character to agree to a price. If the terms aren't acceptable to either
party, they can negotiate and try to sweeten the deal by offering more valuable terms, or simply walk away. Not every deal is
meant to be. If the price is anything less than the character's soul, a devil often stipulates a penalty in the event the character
fails to meet the deal's price. Once both parties agree to the terms, they seal the deal with a physical contract, which can take
one of many forms.


Most deals with devils can be resolved without rolling dice to determine the outcome. A Charisma check can't deceive or
persuade most devils into a bad deal because the fiends are too clever and experienced in deal-making to be fooled. If devils
do get involved in a deal that sounds too good to be true or is confusing, they're likely to pause negotiations while they ask
smarter devils for their opinions on the deal. The following ability checks can be made during deal-making:
If a devil attempts to deceive a character at the deal-making stage, the devil can make a Deception check opposed by the
character's Insight check. If the character's check result is higher than the devil's, the character sees through the devil's
• Devils like to slip extra clauses into the fine print of a contract. When this happens, a character who can read Infernal can
make an Investigation check opposed by the devil's Deception check. If the character's check result is higher than the devil's,
the character detects the extra clauses in the fine print and can have them removed before the contract is signed.


A devil wants souls, as every soul that it acquires brings the devil one step closer to its next promotion. If a character wants
something from a devil but isn’t willing to trade their souJ, the devil might ask the character to perform a service for it instead.
Archdevils are also fond of making mortals swear fealty to them.

When characters give up their souls to devils, they are promising to serve in the Nine Hells as devils themselves after death.
Once promised to a devil, a character's soul can't be claimed by another creature.

A devil that can't claim a character's soul might demand a service by way of compensation. Such services drive the character
toward committing evil or morally questionable acts designed to make the character more amenable to darker deals in the
future. Here are a few examples:
• Without using magical coercion, the character must convince another mortal to enter into an infernal contract with the devil.
• The character is told about a plague, an invasion. Or other calamity that the devil has orchestrated, but must do nothing to
affect the outcome.
• The character must steal a holy relic from a goodaligned temple and deliver it to the devil or one of its subordinates.

Archdevils prize fealty almost as much as souls. One way in which a mortal can demonstrate fealty to an archdevil is to lead a
religious cult devoted to the archdevil or perform heinous acts in the archdevil’s name. A character can also enter into an
agreement to serve the archdevil as a warlock. Such a character must take at least one level in the warlock class, choosing the
Fiend (represented in this case by the archdevil) as their otherworldly patron.


The limits of what a devil can offer are determined by its status in the infernal hierarchy. The Infernal Hierarchy table lists
devils in ascending order of power, from lowly lemures to the mighty archdukes and archduchesses. Devils like to tempt
mortals with treasure and magic items. Magic items bestowed by devils usually have a devilish cast to them. They're made of
infernal iron, bear Infernal script, give off faint wails of torment, smell of brimstone, or have some other telltale sign. Devils
might also agree to serve mortals for a time, acting as advisors and bodyguards.

A lesser devil can offer any or all of the following:
• Up to 500 gp worth of art objects, coins, or gems
• An uncommon magic item
• Loyal service for a period not exceeding nine years
A greater devil can offer any or all of the following:
• Up to 5,000 gp worth of art objects, coins, or gems
• An uncommon or rare magic item
• Loyal service for a period not exceeding nine days
An archdevil can offer any or all of the following:
• Up to 50,000 gp worth of art objects. coins, gems, or property
• An uncommon, rare, or very rare magic item
• A valuable piece of information that can't be acquired by any other means
• A single task that the archdevil or one of its minions can complete within the next nine days
• A supernatural gift manifesting as a charm
• The benefit of a wish spell (with no exhaustion for using an effect other than duplicating another spell)

Once the devil and the character agree to the terms of a deal, the agreement must be sealed with a contract, which the devil
can produce as an action. The contract often appears in some theatrical manner; for example, it might arrive in a puff of
smoke, accompanied by a fiendish cackle or an imp waving a sparkler. Contracts take a variety of forms, with the terms of
the deal written out in Infernal, and are made binding in one of several ways, ranging from a simple signature to a revolting
act. Once all concerned parties perform the actions necessary to enter the contract, the deal is struck. The character who struck
the deal gains the benefits of the devil's gift and is bound to pay the price.

A character bound by an infernal contract who fails to pay the price specified in the cont ract immediately suffers a penalty for
breaching the contract, as specified in the contract itself. Common penalties include the following:
• The character's soul is forfeit when the character dies (that is, the character is reborn in the Nine Hells as a lemure).
• The character loses all monetary wealth and property, or a powerful magic item (determined by the DM), to the devil.
• The character grows horns, a tail, or some other devilish features that can't be removed by any means short of divine
intervention (though illusions or disgujses can conceal them). As long as these marks persist, the character detects as a fiend
when subjected to detect evil and good spells or similar magic.

The character gains a new flaw. A character who exhibits behavior inconsistent with this flaw has disadvantage on all attack
rolls, ability checks, and saving throws until the behavior changes to match the flaw.

Voiding an infernal contract releases all parties from its terms without penalty, as if the deal never happened. Any gifts or
prices revert immediately, though some contracts might leave a scar or other lasting effect. The devil and the character who
signed the contract must both agree to void the terms of the contract. As an action, the devil magically produces the contract.
When both parties state their agreement to terminate it, the contract crumbles to dust and is destroyed. Devils require
compensation in exchange for voiding a contract. Some cowardly devils might be willing to void a contract in exchange for
their lives, but most would rather risk death than demotion to a lower form of devil and the scorn of its peers. A devil might be
persuaded to void a contract in exchange for one of the following:
One or more soul coins (lesser devils will often settle for three, greater devils for nine, and archdevils have no interest in such
a paltry alternative)
An exorbitant sum of gold plus the sacrifice of many humanoids in the devil's name
• A powerful artifact, such as the Hand of Vecna or the Sword of Zariel

The Contract Forms table has examples of different forms of infernal contracts. The sections that follow the table describe the
various contracts and the means by which they can be destroyed and voided.
d6 Contract Form
l Baby dolls
2 Damned wretch
3 Infernal scroll
4 Lemure kiss
5 Song of the devil
6 Written in stone

Baby Dolls. The devil produces two baby dolls made of dirty rags or rotting wood. The dolls recite the deal in high-pitched
voices (in Infernal) and spew blood when they are hugged. To enter the contract, the devil and the character making the deal
must each hug a doll. When the contract is finalized, the devil keeps one doll and the character keeps the other. To void such a
contract, each doll must be destroyed within 1 minute of the other. Failure to destroy the second doll in the allotted time
causes the first doll to re-form after 1 minute. Each doll is a Tiny object with AC 9, 9 hit points, vulnerability to fire damage,
and immunity to poison and psychic damage.
Damned Wretch. A portal opens, and a humanoid bound in chains with its eyes and mouth sewn shut stumbles through it. This
individual is likely someone who breached their own infernal contract and is now paying the price. The terms of the deal are
carved into the poor wretch's skin. To enter the contract, the devil and the character who made the deal carves their names into
the wretch, who is then promptly banished. Use the commoner stat block to represent the wretch, who is blinded whjle its eyes
are sewn shut. Once the contract is signed by both parties, the wretch no longer ages or needs food, drink, air, or sleep, and it
gains immunity to all damage that isn't dealt by the devil or the character who made the deal. If the wretch dies, the contract
is void.
Infernal Scroll. The devil produces a vellum scroll with the deal written on it in blood. To enter the contract, the devil and the
character making the deal sign the scroll in their own blood, or that of a humanoid who has been dead for no longer than 1
minute. Immediately after it's signed by both parties, the contract vanishes to a secure location in the Nine Hells. Burning the
scroll voids the contract. It's immune to all other damage and harm.
Lemure Kiss. The devil summons a lemure with the deal printed in glowing runes on its lumpy flesh. To enter the contract, the
devil and character making the deal and must kiss the lemure. When that happens, the lemure is transformed into a stone
statue with the deal visible on the surface. The statue then vanishes to the depths of the Nine Hells. The statue is a Medium
object with AC 17, 50 hit points, and immunity to all damage except radiant damage. No spell can turn it back into a lemure.
Destroying the statue voids the contract.
Song of the Devil. The devil produces sheet music with the deal written on it. To enter the contract, the devil and the character
making the deal must sing or play the discordant song, which remains stuck in their heads until the deal is fulfilled. Soaking
the sheet music in holy water destroys and voids the contract, and causes the character and the devil to lose the ability to
speak. A greater restoration spell or similar magic ends the effect on its recipient.
Written in Stone. A swell of lava oozes from a crack in the ground and quickly cools into rock. The deal appears as glowing
script on the hardening lava. To enter the contract, the devil and the character making the deal must each place their left hand
into the lava, which doesn't harm them, and leave a hand-shaped imprint in the stone. The slab of cooled lava then vanishes to
a place of safekeeping. If the left hands of both the devil and the character who struck the deal are severed and placed into the
handprints, the hands and the contract are destroyed, which also voids the contract.


While you have this charm, you don't age naturally, and your skin gains the waxy complexion of a doll. Magical aging still
affects you, however. This charm varushes from you when you die.


You grow a short, vestigial tail when you receive this charm unless you have a tail already. When you make an ability check,
an attack roll, or a saving throw, you can use this charm to gain advantage on the roll. Once used nine times, the charm
vanishes from you, as does your vestigial tail.


While you have this charm, you attract flies. As an action, you activate this charm to summon a horned devil. This devil
appears in an unoccupied space within 30 feet of you, obeys your commands begrudgingly, and serves you under protest for 9
days or until it dies, whereupon it disappears. When the devil disappears, this charm vanishes from you.


A fiery halo appears above your head when you receive this charm. This charm allows you to cast the hellish rebuke spell
(9th-level version) as a reaction. Once used nine times, the charm vanishes from you, as does the fiery halo.


While you have this charm, you attract flies. As an action, you activate this charm to summon a barbed devil, two bearded
devils, or three spined devils. All devils appear at once in unoccupied spaces within 30 feet of you. Each devil obeys your
commands and serves you eagerly for 9 days or until it dies, whereupon the devil disappears. Once all devils summoned by
this charm disappear, the charm vanishes from you.


You can speak and understand all languages, you gain proficiency in the Deception and Persuasion sfillls, and you can add
double your normal proficiency bonus when using those skills. This charm vanishes from you when you die.


This charm has 9 charges. You can use an action to expend 1 charge from the charm to gain 30 temporary hit points. For the
next hour, your eyes become voids of utter darkness, and you can't be charmed or frightened. Once all its charges have been
expended, the charm vanishes from you.

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