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Amami-Oshima Island,Tokunoshima Island,the northern part of Okinawa Island and Iriomote Island

Amami-Oshima Island

Tokunoshima Island

The northern part of

Okinawa Island

Core Area(possible area)

Iriomote Island ■ Islands
■ Mangrove areas
Buffer zone
■ possible area
Amami-Oshima Island,Tokunoshima Island,the northern part of Okinawa Island and Iriomote Island

E129°8’ 2’’ E129°43’ 38’’

N28°31’ 59’’

E128°52’ 38’’ E129°2’ 27’’

N27°53’ 40’

N27°39’ 40’’
N28°6’ 23’’

Amami-Oshima Island Tokunoshima Island

Core area without mangrove area 72,345ha Core area without mangrove area 24,927ha

E128°5’ 5’’ E128°20’ 35’’

N26°52’ 34’’

E123°39’ 42’’ E123°56’ 59’’

N24°26’ 33’’
N26°35’ 22’’

N24°14’ 23’’

The northern part of

Okinawa Island Iriomote Island
Core area without mangrove area 34,145ha Core area without mangrove area 29,337ha

Core Area(possible area) Buffer zone

■ Islands ■ Mangrove areas ■ possible area

Question: Do the property and its buffer zones and surrounding conservation areas to be
inscribed on the World Heritage List refer only to the land areas of the four islands, or include
the sea surrounding the four islands?

Answer: The property and its buffer zones and surrounding conservation areas to be inscribed
on the World Heritage List refer only to the land areas of the four islands.

Question: Will the surrounding conservation areas of the property possibly be extended beyond
the four islands?

Answer: Given that boundaries of surrounding conservation areas of natural heritages are
decided based on scientific examination, the surrounding conservation areas of the property for
inscription are the land areas of the four islands mentioned above. It is therefore obvious that
there are not any reasons or grounds for the areas to be extended beyond the land areas of the

Question: Where are the boundaries of the property and its buffer zones and surrounding
conservation areas for inscription in accordance with the IUCN recommendation drawn?

Answer: The boundaries of the property and its buffer zones and surrounding conservation areas
for inscription in accordance with the IUCN recommendation are shown in the map below.

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