MKT344 Final Report

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Course: Consumer Behavior (MKT344)

Section: 5

FGD Discussion Guide

Submitted To: Ishrat Jahan Synthia

Submitted By: Group 5

Md. Irfan Hussain 2012820630

Ilma Tashfia 2132069030

Almas Islam Jihan 2013096030

Syeda Raisa Anam 2132284630

Md. Thasin Hassan Shifat 2031495630

Tanzila Kamal Protyasha 2122433630

Labiba Ishrat 2111342630

Letter of Transmittal

June 2, 2023

Ishrat Jahan Synthia

Senior Lecturer, Department of Marketing & International Business

School of Business & Economics, North South University.

Subject: Letter of Transmittal for the Report on Consumer Perception Research

Dear ma'am,

It is a tremendous honour for us to present our research on "“নীড়ের ছ াোঁয়া” " a

recreational center, which further examines Bangladeshi consumers' use of recreational
facilities. In order to describe the components and strategies we intend to use for
introducing our recreational center, we have done thorough research for this report. We
sought to match our company strategy with the possible activities that our service may
carry out.

Finally, to reach a conclusion and offer potential recommendations in accordance, we

have organized all the materials in accordance with the data analysis we have obtained
from the research. We offered our suggestions on how to adapt the different branding
approaches and strategies to meet customer demands according to our research responses.
Please find our comprehensive report included below for your kind review. With
eagerness, we thank you.

Yours Sincerely,

Labiba Ishrat

Ilma Tashfia

Syeda Raisa Anam

Tanzila Kamal

Irfan Hossain

Tasin Hassan Sifat

Almas Islam Jihan


In the beginning, we would like to express our gratitude to the Almighty Allah for
assisting us in completing our task of creating a recreational centre for elderly people of
MKT344 by the deadline.

We would like to take this opportunity to convey our deepest appreciation to our
honourable teacher Israth Jahan Synthia (IJS) for providing us with every bit of necessary
direction, assistance, and guidelines, while we probably wouldn’t have been able to
accomplish a project of this scale professionally over a period of schedule without your
assistance. It has been an honour getting you as our instructor. We are grateful for
everything, Ma’am, for having such patience and for continually paying attention to our
difficulties and giving immediate responses.

Finally, I’d like to acknowledge all of my teammates for their contributions and tireless
effort in completing the task on time.

Name NSU ID Contribution

Ilma Tashfia 2132069030 Product Idea, STP, USP,
Promotion, Executive
Summary, Focus-Group
Tanzila Kamal Protyasha 2122433630 Pricing, Place, Competitive
landscape, Brand element,
Focus-Group Discussion
Irfan Hossain 2012820630 Finding & Analysis, One on
One interview, Rationale,
Labiba Ishrat 2111342630 Recommendation
(Marketing place), Letter of
Syeda Raisa Anam 2132284630 Finding and Analysis,
Almas Islam Jihan 2013096030 Objective, Finding &
Tasin Hassan Sifat 2031495630 Problem Identification,
Solution, Objective,
Executive Summary

In this twenty-first century, we are living in an age of digitalization still there are certain
things that are not normal, such is the recreational center for elders in Dhaka. Where we
are always on rush due to our job, study business, and daily life. People have become so
busy they hardly have any family time or recreational scope, one such victims are our
parents who now just wait for us to come home and get bored all day long. We have
normalized this so much that we do not thing this is a problem anymore, however, our
parents deserve to have a fun day.

Recreational centers are one such entertainment zone and have different opportunities
that elder people can enjoy. Such recreational centers are a myth in Dhaka due to our
traditional way of life.

Hence, we came up with “নীড়ের ছ াোঁয়া”and wanted to check if people were interested or
not,because we felt this was very necessary.

With 35 responses, and two engaging a focus group discussion (FGD) with 5 respondents
and two one-on-one interview sessions with working individuals in the city. Candidates
for the survey age ranged from 27 and onwards, and they answered questions about the
recreational center and their queries regarding it. The poll results revealed a variety of
insights as participants responded to topics such as why was a recreational center needed,
would they send their parents to the recreational center or not and so on.

More than half of the respondent replied how they would actually send their parents to
the recreational center and how they felt this was very much needed.

On the basis of consumer demand, we developed several campaigns, and content. In

addition, we tried to take their suggestion and add new features to the recreational center.
Overall, our initial theory has shown to be right, which is a good sign.
Letter of Transmittal ...................................................................................................................................... 2
Acknowledgment .......................................................................................................................................... 3
Executive Summary ....................................................................................................................................... 4
Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 6
RATIONALE .................................................................................................................................................... 7
Justification for selecting the product ...................................................................................................... 7
Methodology................................................................................................................................................. 9
Data Analysis ............................................................................................................................................. 9
Findings and Analysis .................................................................................................................................. 20
Insights from the Focus Group Discussion (FGD) .................................................................................... 20
Insight from One-on-one Interview ........................................................................................................ 22
Product ........................................................................................................................................................ 25
Segmentation, Targeting & Positioning ................................................................................................... 26
Brand Element......................................................................................................................................... 28
Price ........................................................................................................................................................ 29
Competitive Landscape ........................................................................................................................... 29
PROMOTION............................................................................................................................................ 29
Place ........................................................................................................................................................ 30
Communication Strategy............................................................................................................................. 31
Recommendation ........................................................................................................................................ 34
Conclusion ................................................................................................................................................... 39

The increasing elderly population continues to grow at a pace never seen before, with
people aged over the age of 65 becoming an important proportion of the general
population. Since a consequence, the demand for specialized recreational spaces that
adapt to the distinct requirements and preferences of older people has grown. Such
centers provide an important role in boosting seniors’ emotional, mental, and physical
health by offering a welcoming environment for interactions with others, involvement, as
well as individual development.
The purpose of this research investigation is to draw attention to the major features of
creating a recreation center for older adults. We may generate an inviting and delightful
atmosphere that supports a vibrant and meaningful livelihood for older people by
acknowledging their individual requirements and tastes. In this research, we will be
looking at several conception and functioning issues when designing a recreational
center, considering into thought the special requirements and restrictions related with
elderly. We will discuss the significance of including readily accessible elderly-friendly
infrastructures that supports freedom of movement for people of all disabilities.
Furthermore, we will explore the need of providing an extensive variety of social events
that appeal to the preferences and abilities associated with the elderly people supporting
their involvement in the community and overall happiness.
In addition, this paper will emphasize the importance of social connection and
involvement in the community throughout a senior citizen recreation center. Isolation and
feeling lonely are common issues within elderly people, and these conditions can have a
negative impact on their physical and psychological well-being. Recreational centers may
serve as important grounds for creating strong relationships with others and combating
social estrangement by giving possibilities for socialization and developing an
environment of affiliation.
Finally, this research will discuss the possible benefits of combining innovations in
technology and creative methods into senior recreation centers. Utilizing the full potential
of modern technology may improve the whole atmosphere and efficacy of these centers,
adapting to the ever-changing requirements and demands of senior citizens, ranging from
incorporating adaptive equipment and electronic devices to designing personalized
optimal health programmes.
In conclusion, the design and development of a recreational center specifically catering to
the elderly population is a multifaceted endeavor. By taking into account the unique
requirements of this demographic, such a center can serve as a nurturing and empowering
space, promoting overall well-being, happiness, and a sense of purpose among senior
citizens. Through careful planning, incorporating accessibility features, fostering social
interaction, and embracing technological advancements, we can create a recreational
center that enriches the lives of our elderly population, ultimately contributing to a more
inclusive and age-friendly society.


Recreation centres are important for every walk of life to effectively improve the quality
of life in the community. The objective of this consumer behaviour project is to gather
comprehensive insight and understanding of needs, preferences and motivations of
elderly peoples in order to successfully establish a new recreation center. By conducting
research and analysis, this project aims to identify key factors that influence the
recreational choices of elderly consumers, assess their attitudes towards existing
recreational facilities, and determine the most effective strategies for attracting and
retaining this target demographic. The ultimate goal is to develop a compelling value
proposition and tailored services that not only meet physical, social, and emotional; needs
of elderly individuals but class create a vibrant and inclusive community environment
within the recreation center.


Justification for selecting the product

1. Growing Elderly Population: Number of elderly people grows 3.41 times faster
than population growth as The Business Standard survey indicates that the number of
senior citizens is 9.28% of the population (more than 2.5 crore). This increasing number
indicates that there is a significant opportunity to address the unique needs and interests
of older adults through specialised recreational facilities. By focusing on recreation for
elderly people, we can cater to a growing segment of the population and provide them
with engaging activities that enhance their overall well-being.
2. Promoting Active Ageing: Recreation plays a crucial role in promoting active
aging among elderly individuals. Regular physical activity has been proven to improve
cardiovascular health, muscle strength, and flexibility, which are essential for maintain
independence and preventing age- related diseases. By offering a variety of recreational
activities specifically designed for older adults, we can encourage them to stay physically
active, improve their quality of life, and reduce the burden on healthcare systems.

3. Economic and Social Benefits: Investing in recreation centers for elderly people
can have significant economic and benefits for the community. By providing dedicated
spaces and services for older communities, we can attract retirees, promote tourism, and
stimulate local businesses. Additionally, these centers can serve as hubs for
intergenerational activities, fostering connections between different age groups and
promoting mutual understanding and respect.

4. Social Engagement and Community Building: Elderly people often find

themselves alone even though they are part of our society, it’s rare that elderly people
have their own community to socialise or to engage in different activities. This can have
detrimental effects on their mental and emotional well-being. Recreation centers for
elderly people will provide a platform for social engagement and community building.
By creating space for them, they can participate in group activities and develop
meaningful connections with peers.

5. Utilising and Valuing Elderly wisdom: Recreation centers for elderly people
creates a space that acknowledges and values the wisdom and life experiences of them.
By fostering intergenerational interactions and providing platforms for knowledge
sharing, mentoring and storytelling, these things will foster a sense of purpose and
belonging among seniors while enriching the broader community.

We used various platforms to gather both primary and secondary data. We conducted an
online survey on 40 people. We tried to gather responses of people starting from the age
of 18 and above as our intention was to understand the perspective of both the people
who are going to step into our target market soon and the people who are already in our
target market. Apart from this we have also conducted 2 Focus group Discussion (FGD)
where both the groups of respondents were either service holders or full time workers
who might be needing our services. Moreover, we interviewed 2 individual respondents
for an one on one interview.

We used various platforms to gather both primary and secondary data. We conducted an
online survey on 40 people. We tried to gather responses of people starting from the age
of 18 and above as our intention was to understand the perspective of both the people
who are going to step into our target market soon and the people who are already in our
target market. Apart from this we have also conducted 2 Focus group Discussion (FGD)
where both the groups of respondents were either service holders or full time workers
who might be needing our services. Moreover, we interviewed 2 individual respondents
for an one on one interview.

Data Analysis

After circulating the form we ended up getting 73.7% of the responses from the people of
the age group of 18-25 and the rest 26.3% of the were 27 and above
among the 38 respondents 65.8% of the respondents turned out to be working individuals
and the rest 34.2% weren’t working yet.

Our first important question was to know whether or not our respondents thought that a
recreational center for the elderly was necessary. To that 95% of the people responded
saying that it’s necessary while only 5% of the respondents disagreed.
Then the respondents were asked whether they would trust a recreational center to take
care of their parents. 72.5% of the respondents’ answer was positive which gave us the
assurance that people who are working would want a trustworthy recreational center for
their parents’ wellbeing. However, 25.5% of the respondents answered that they would
trust the recreational center.

The respondents were asked the level of importance their parents having social
interactions with other elderly people hold. majority of the respondents i.e. 55%
expressed that it’s very important for their parents to have a social life surrounding other
elderly people. 32.5% responded saying that it’s moderately important. Lastly, 7.5%
thought it is slightly important and the rest 5% didn’t think it is important at all.
In this question we tried to get an answer on whether the respondents think the staff at the
elderly recreation center will be friendly and helpful or not. 35% of them thinks the staff
will be definitely friendly and helpful, 32.5% of them chose a little less confident option
saying i.e. ‘probably will’.On the other hand, 27.5% of the respondents are not confident
about it so they answered that the staff might or might not be friendly and helpful.
However, only 2 respondents altogether believe that the staff won’t be friendly and

In this question we tried to figure out what activities they would want in the recreation
center. Bingo was the least of them. In ranking yoga was the 2nd of them. The average of
the surveyed people wanted painting as their activity. Chess was 4th in rank and the
highest number of people wanted gardening as their activity.
In this question, we asked the respondents to rank a few activities. Majority of the them
ranked theater as a facility they want in the recreation center. Pool facility came 4th in
rank. Salon was the average answer of the respondent. Gym was the 2nd last choice of
the respondent. The least facility they wanted in the recreation center was library.

This question was asked to the respondents in order to identify the importance of the
access to healthcare and wellness at the elderly recreation center. 40% of them think that
having access to healthcare facilities is extremely important and followed by that 35% of
the respondents went for the ‘very important’ option. 17.5% of the respondents think it is
moderately important and 7.5% think it is slightly important. Lastly, none of the
respondents thinks that the access to healthcare and wellness is not important at all.
We asked the respondents about their level of importance when it comes to the
opportunity to share their feedback and suggestions about the elderly recreation center
and 42.5% of them responded that it’s extremely important to them followed by 35% of
the people who feel that it’s very important. Lastly, 12.5% of the respondents think it is
moderately important and the rest 10% think it's slightly important. No one responded
that it is not important, which helps us to understand that the significance of this
opportunity might vary from person to person but all of the respondents to some extent
want the opportunity to be able to share their feedback and suggestions about the

We asked our respondents about the preference in the mode of communication with the
staff and other members at the elderly recreational center and 57.5% of their responses
tell us that they find in-person communication more reliable. Followed by that 37.5% of
the respondents find communication through phone reliable. Lastly, only 5% of the
respondents preferred communication through email.
The respondents were asked whether they think the facilities offered were enough or not.
62.5% of the respondents thought that the facilities weren’t enough which leaves us with
the idea that they want more features and activities in the recreatinal center where they
prefer to leave their parents for some quality time. However, 37.5% of the respondents
thought the facilities that are already being offered are enough.

One of the most important features of this recreational center is the assistance that we are
going to be providing by booking doctor’s appointments for our members and
accompanying them to the diagnostic center and thus we asked our respondents whether
or not they find this feature beneficial. 90% of the respondents answered that they will
find this beneficial whereas only 10% of them disagreed.
In this question, we asked that on a level of 1-10 how likely are the respondents to
recommend the elderly recreation center to a friend or family member. Most of the
respondents answered with 5 and above in the scale among which 5 and 10 both had 20%
responses each which was the highest. Followed by the second highest response rate was
17.5% people responding to 8 in the scale. 15% of the respondents responded with 7. The
responses in 4,6 and 9 in the scale were 7.5% each. Only 2 people responded with 1 and 2
which were the lowest in the scale. As a result of these responses, we can conclude that
the majority of the people are more inclined to recommend the recreational center to their
friends and family.

We asked the respondents whether or not they are interested in volunteering for such a
recreational center that caters to elderly people. majority of them i.e. 87.5% answered yes
thus giving us an idea that they are very enthusiastic about our idea and thinks that it will
be beneficial. However, 12.5% of the participants answered no to this question.
What are the main benefits that you want to get from the elderly recreation center?

1. Socializing
2. Interaction with other people
3. The facilities involve doctors and assistance. Meeting other people coming to the
recreation center. Recreation without hassle.
4. Mental health
5. Games, ability to talk and discuss, relax
6. Have fun, make new friends, maybe a few medical help and some psychological
7. Healthy life
8. Better social skills, social interaction
9. Social interaction
10. Networking
11. 1. Making the elderly parents engaged in activities so that they don’t feel lonely
2. Routine medical check up and instant help in case of an emergency
12. Safety
13. having a safe and secure place where the elderly people can have a quality and
productive time
14. N/A
15. I want my parents to feel loved and respected, they should not feel like they are
abandoned. So the staff must respect and be there for my parents all the time.
16. The main benefits I seek from an elderly recreation center for my parents include
providing them with a social network and reducing their feelings of loneliness and
isolation. I also want them to have access to physical activities that promote their health
and mobility. Additionally, I value a supportive community that can offer emotional
support and resources for their well-being.
17. The main benefits that can be expected from joining an elderly recreation center
include increased social interaction and reduced feelings of isolation for the elderly.
18. A good time and value worth experience
19. Making friends
20. Mental well being
21. Relaxing
22. love
23. Above mentioned ones
24. Relaxation
25. Not feeling lonely
26. No benefits
27. Proper diet, socialisation, health checkups
28. Companionship
29. Mentioned above
30. As more as possible
31. them having a good time, as well as maintaining their diet and health
32. Scope of fun and socialising for my parents
33. Social interaction, mental stimulation, physical activity, and emotional well-being
for senior citizens.
34. Activities to keep busy
35. 1. Healthful living of my parents
2. Safety of parents
3. Removal of isolation/ depression of parents
4. Able to continue work without stressing about parents
36. They take care of me
37. social interaction, physical fitness, mental stimulation, and emotional support.
38. keep them engaged
39. Community

What are the main reasons for you to join the elderly recreation center?

1. Take care of my parents

2. Parents health and security
3. Meeting people going through the same things like I am
4. To help them
5. To relax away from all the hustle and bustle
6. Probably to be busy and enjoy my older life
7. Time pass
8. To communicate
9. Get to be around like minded and honest people
10. I will know when I will be old enough
11. These days as the number of nuclear families is increasing , working children find
it difficult to look after their parents all the time .
12. Trust
13. lack of time to take care of my parents
14. To have a quality time out of the busy life
15. I would like to join so that I can ensure that my parents are in safe hands and they
are not deprived of any needs just as I am busy.
16. Elderly recreation centers provide valuable benefits for older adults. They offer
social interaction, promoting companionship and reducing isolation. These centers
also provide physical activities to improve health and mobility, mental stimulation
to keep the mind active, and a supportive community where seniors can find
understanding and resources. Enrolling parents in such centers can enhance their
overall well-being and quality of life.
17. individuals often choose to enrol their parents in such centers to enhance their
social connections and combat isolation, while also providing opportunities for
physical activities and a supportive community.
18. These centers provide opportunities for engaging in physical activities while
fostering a supportive community environment.
19. Not feel isolated
20. To socialise
21. Piece
22. to experience
23. Peace
24. Socialisation
25. Have a good time
26. Not needed
27. To have someone take proper care of my parents
28. Do something good to the community
29. You know it
30. Social work
31. so that they don't feel lonely and undervalued
32. To create an open environment for my parents
33. To engage in social activities, maintain mental and physical health, and enjoy
companionship and support.
34. To find friends
35. Protected space for my parents where they can devote their time for their
betterment so that I can attend to my work without any worry.
36. My children do not treat me well
37. Socialisation and community engagement.
38. entertainment
39. To get along with people on the same boat
Findings and Analysis

Insights from the Focus Group Discussion (FGD)

Group 1
1. Syed Adnan Shanto
2. Mohammad Rafi Alam
3. Syeda Afra Disha
4. Dulchi Fatema
5. Afsanur Rahman
6. Mahfuja Malik

The following Focus Group Discussion was conducted by our group via Zoom with the
help of some full time service holders, entrepreneurs of different start-ups and SMEs. The
goal of this FGD was to know people's point of view on the idea of initiating a recreation
center for elderly people. Firstly, some of them thought it was a good idea while others
were a bit sceptical about it. Then we discussed various aspects of this idea, including
the activities and services we can offer, the target market, potential partnerships, and the
benefits it can bring to both elderly individuals and their caregivers which seemed to
make everyone understand and appreciate the concept of “Priyo Manush” better. The
participants thought that providing opportunities for elderly individuals to volunteer and
contribute to the community is a great idea. It adds purpose to their lives and allows them
to feel valued. Additionally, organising fairs where they can sell products they make
during their leisure time can be a wonderful way to showcase their talents and skills.
They also suggested that another important aspect to consider is providing support for
their healthcare needs. Many older adults may struggle with doctor's appointments and
transportation. If the recreation center can assist in setting appointments and even provide
transportation to and from the appointments, it would greatly help them stay on top of
their health. However, as much as they agreed to the difficulties of caring for ageing
parents while juggling work and personal obligations, the participants were also
concerned about the expense that might be incurred and whether or not people of this
target group will be able to afford this alongside the other increasing expenses.
Group 2
1. Sutapa Karmaker Promi
2. Nabila Islam Khan
3. Fariya Afreen Chowdhury
4. Kayeef Ifaz
5. Ibnatun Nushaiba

Another online focus group discussion was conducted by our group online by the
participation of 5 young service holders. After hearing about our services, all the
individuals seemed quite interested and also stated that their parents would actually enjoy
such recreational services if they are executed properly. One of the participants
mentioned that he tried enrolling his parents in certain clubs and activities but they seem
to lose interest very soon because they don’t really get proper company or personalised
services. Another participant mentioned that this recreational center would be of great
help to her as amidst all work pressure it gets very overwhelming when it comes to
spending quality time with her parents even if she wants so therefore on days, she won’t
be able to manage to give time to them this recreational center would help her parents to
feel less lonely and neglected. One of the major concerns that was raised is whether or
not the parents will acknowledge the recreation center in a positive perspective as
according to the mindset of our culture they might feel even more neglected. To answer
that, our participants have mentioned that if the facilities and intention of the recreational
center is properly communicated to their parents and a proper understanding is created by
explaining to them that it is just for their temporary recreation then they might come to
terms with the idea of the services that will be provided by this recreational center. The
next concern was about the safety of their parents to which we assured them that there
will be guaranteed safety in the center, there will be a team dedicated to security, the
center will be monitored by CCTV cameras 24/7 and they can always communicate with
us through phone, online communication and in person. There will also be professional
doctors, medical centers and for bigger emergencies we will be partnering with well-
established hospitals which will help us to take their parents into proper medical attention
in terms of big emergencies without any trouble. Moreover, it was also discussed how we
are planning to bring this center as a CSR to multinational companies by making them
our partners which will help the people working there avail our services through the
company. This idea was really appreciated by the participants working in a multinational
company. Lastly, we asked our participants how much they are willing to spend in a
month for these services and all of them said that they can stretch their budget to 22-25k
in a month if the services they expect are provided properly.
Insight from One-on-one Interview

Have your parents expressed interest in a recreation center designed specifically for

Ans- No they did not, expressed any

Do you feel a recreational center will make your parents feel loved but not

Ans- Yes of course, if it is not a traditional old age home.

Would a recreational center help you balance work and taking care of your
parents better?

Ans- Yes it would

How much are you willing to pay for a monthly subscription at the center?

Ans- 6000-8000 BDT

Would your parents be interested in learning new skills or hobbies?

Ans- Yes they will be, they have mentioned this earlier.
What types of amenities and facilities would your parents like to see at a recreation center
for seniors?
Physiotherapy, painting and swimming.
What times of day and days of the week would be most convenient for you to attend
recreational activities? Would you prefer weekdays or weekends?
Ans- Morning to Noon, Sunday to Thursday, weekdays.
How important is socializing with other seniors to your parents?
Ans- It’s very important.

Would your parents feel less lonely if they participate in group activities with other
seniors, such as group exercise classes or game nights?

Ans- They will not, they love to spend time with others.

Are there any specific recreational activities or amenities that you think would be
especially beneficial for seniors, given their unique needs and preference
Ans- Arts & crafts, book readings and physiotherapy.

Would you be interested in volunteering at a senior recreation center, either as a

participant or in a leadership role?

Ans- Yes I would love to.

Would it be helpful if we schedule doctors’ appointments and take your

parents/relatives for health check-ups on your behalf?

Ans- Yes it will be.

Mr. Sameen Yaser Haque is a service job holder in a reputed company. Although his
parents did not show any sort of interest in a recreation center designed specifically for
seniors, he felt it is a much needed thing as long as it’s not a traditional old age home,
he also added that this would help him to balance his work and taking care of his
parents better. He was willing to pay 6000-8000 bdt to pay for a monthly subscription
at the center. Mr. Sourav’s parents are interested in learning new skills or hobbies and
they would like facilities like Physiotherapy, painting and swimming. His preferred
time for recreational activities is from Morning to Noon, Sunday to Thursday and
weekdays. He also mentioned its very important to socialise with other seniors as they
love to spend time with others. He also added that arts & crafts, book readings and
physiotherapy are the specific recreational activities or amenities that he thinks would
be especially beneficial for seniors and he would love to volunteer at a senior recreation
center, either as a participant or in a leadership role. He also mentioned that it would be
helpful if we schedule doctors’ appointments and take his parents/relatives for health
check-ups on his behalf.

1. Have your parents expressed interest in a recreation centre designed specifically for
Ans. They expressed interest in activities where they can socialize with people their age
but not specifically a recreation center designed for seniors as it is not that common in
our country.

2. Do you feel a recreational centre will make your parents feel loved but not neglected
Ans. If executed properly, I believe it will make them feel loved.

3. Would a recreational centre help you balance work and taking care of your parents
Ans. Yes, it would be really helpful.

4. How much are you willing to pay for a monthly subscription at the centre?
Ans. Around 20-25k
5. Would your parents be interested in learning new skills or hobbies?
Ans. Yes

6. What types of amenities and facilities would your parents like to see at a recreation
centre for seniors?
Ans. Fitness center, cooking classes, library, fairs, functions to socialize and participate

7. What times of day and days of the week would be most convenient for you to attend
recreational activities? Would you prefer weekdays or weekends?
Ans. Weekdays

8. How important is socialising with other seniors to your parents?

Ans. very important for their wellbeing.

9. Would your parents feel less lonely if they participate in group activities with other
seniors, such as group exercise classes or game nights?
Ans. Yes, they would enjoy these activities in groups even more.

10. Are there any specific recreational activities or amenities that you think would be
especially beneficial for seniors, given their unique needs and preference
Ans. Reading, Exercises, board games
11. Would you be interested in volunteering at a senior recreation centre, either as a
participant or in a leadership role?
Ans. yes
12. Would it be helpful if we schedule doctors’ appointments and take your
parents/relatives for health check-ups on your behalf?
Ans. Yes, that would be very beneficial.

Mr. Ashiq Ranjan Das, production manager of a reputed company. His parents expressed
interest in activities where they can socialise with people their age but not specifically a
recreation centre designed for seniors as it is not that common in our country. His parents
would feel loved in the recreation centre if executed properly. Mr. Ashiq answered that
the recreational centre would help him a lot to balance work and taking care of his
parents. He is willing to pay around 20-25k bdt for a monthly subscription at the centre.
His parents are interested in learning new skills and hobbies. Fitness centre, cooking
classes, library, fairs, functions etc. he would want in the centre. Mr. Ashiq prefers
weekdays in the centre for his parents. He thinks it’s important to socialise with other
seniors for their wellbeing. His parents would enjoy group exercise classes or game
nights. He said reading, exercises and board games would be especially beneficial for
seniors, given their unique needs and preference. He is interested in volunteering at a
senior recreation centre, either as a participant or in a leadership role. It would be very
beneficial for him if we schedule doctors appointments and take his parents/relatives for
health check-ups on his behalf.

Problem Findings
Since 60% of the population of Bangladesh falls under the working class, they hardly
manage any time for their personal life and have time for their parents. Moreover,
statistics have shown that in Bangladesh a lot of elderly individuals are unable to engage
in the same kinds of activity they once did, which means that they might feel alone and
depressed. A recreation center can give an ageing person with a comfortable along with
inviting atmosphere in which to socialize, physical activity, and get involved in a range of

A recreation center for the elderly would offer a wide range of operations such as:

• Workout sessions

• Activities of by chance, including the bingo and board games

• Workshops in creative arts and crafts

• Learning opportunities

• Providing Healthy Meals

• Facilities for individual care

The center would have employees operated by skilled specialists who are able to help
conducting operations and deliver aid to those who are older adults. The centre would
reside within an ideal spot and accessible throughout days that might be easily accessible
to older adults.


The senior's recreational center is a facility designed specifically to meet the needs and
desires of elderly persons. Its key objective is to provide an inviting environment that
encourages friendships and community building, enhances psychological and physical
well-being, and offers users with a feeling of happiness and purpose. Our product
“নীড়ের ছ াোঁয়া” was designed to specifically cater to this need.

One of the center's unique features is its welcoming and open environment. The center
promotes socialisation and fostering community. A variety of activities and events will be
organised to build associations and strong relationships among senior attendees. While
their children are at work and they are at home alone, seniors will have the opportunity to
network, exchange experiences, and build a feeling of community belonging through
regular social gatherings and group activities.

In “নীড়ের ছ াোঁয়া” we are planning to offer many recreational activities for the elderly
people that will help them pass their time throughout the day. Activities like gardening,
yoga, playing chess, watching movies and listening to music in indoor theater, reading
books, making crafts, attending seminars if they want, learning new skills like baking,
cooking etc. By involving both the physical being and the mind, these endeavours
propose an enjoyable experience. Gardening requires bodily movements such as planting
and tending plants, which builds endurance and balance. Activities like these foster a
sense of achievement and satisfaction, participating in competitive gaming. Furthermore,
they promote interaction with others, which reduces emotions of solitude and feelings of

Apart from this we are offering medical checkup facilities, as elderly people need specific
care and have doctor appointments, we are also providing an opportunity for our
customers to enjoy this. We will personally take them to appointments and help them
with any medical issue they want to deal with. To avail this specific option, the customers
might have to pay more. We are also planning to incorporate a physiotherapy center in
“নীড়ের ছ াোঁয়া”, so that elderly people can come and use this time for their betterment and

Furthermore, at “নীড়ের ছ াোঁয়া” we will be providing weekly meal plans prior to the week
to the families and ensure if they want this or not. The weekly meal plans would be same
for everyone and they can avail it at the dining of the center. The meal plans would be
made by a professional nutritionist keeping all the requirements of individuals in mind.
One thing that we would highly promote at the center is to have meals together, the main
idea is to feel at home and there is no other place better to bond.

Moreover, we want to provide options for our clients to participate in fairs and sell
something that they made or want to make. We are not taking any share of this. Through
this we want to empower the clients and be more confident about themselves. Also,
through this they will feel like they are not dependent on anybody and are self-sufficient.

Segmentation, Targeting & Positioning

A target market is a particular group of people who have comparable characteristics,
demands, and desires that an organisation wants to service. Identifying the target market
enables companies to tailor their approach and reach the correct clients with greater
success. It involves assessing demographics, psychographics, habits, and purchasing
power to construct a good customer profile. Our Tagline is প্রিয় মানুডের, প্রিয় স্থান for
“নীড়ের ছ াোঁয়া” which basically represents how we want to make the elderly people feel
at home and a part of the community. Our main target audience are the middle age group,
i.e., the working class who are unable to take proper care of their parents due to their
busy work schedule. Our professionals at the recreation centre will take the responsibility
of their parents putting their worries to rest. A majority of people who are employed
might not have the time or means to give their ageing parents the degree of care that they
require because caring for them can be a full-time job. In order to provide family
caregivers the much-needed break they need to attend to their own professional or
personal obligations, daycare facilities might offer respite care.
Especially for those who live alone, social isolation and loneliness can be serious
problems for older adults. A sense of community, social connection, and mental
stimulation that daycare centres can offer can help fight sadness and loneliness. From our
survey, we have found that almost 60% of the working population of Dhaka cannot
provide time to their family members and the culture of joint family is over the years
breaking and becoming more a nuclear culture.

For “নীড়ের ছ াোঁয়া” we want to segment in the following manner:

• Demographic- We mainly want to target people from the age range of 50
and above years of both male and female. Because they will perfectly be
able to enjoy the opportunities at the centre. Moreover, with our target
audience we want to segment it for middle income families as certain costs
are to be met.
• Geographical – Initially we want to segment it to the clients in the urban
zone, and preferably residing in Dhaka because with our given capacity
we will not be able to cater a huge crowd.
• Psychographic – We crafted this product with some specific people's
hobbies and interests in mind. For example- retired and lonely people
whose kids are working and they want to enjoy the day and pass it in a fun
• User rate- We also want to identify our long term and short-term
consumers, for that we are dividing our payment and admission policy in
three parts monthly, six-monthly and annually. So that we can differentiate
our premium and retain consumers. This will allow us to understand our
position and target base better.

For positioning rather than portraying “নীড়ের ছ াোঁয়া” centre as an old age home, what
we want is to position it as an innovative and lively community hub. We wish to
highlight the centre's energetic and cheerful atmosphere, which includes a wide choice of
recreational activities, social events, and possibilities for personal growth. We hope to
break misconceptions and attract a larger audience seeking an exciting enjoyable
experience in their golden years by promoting the centre as a location where seniors are
able to communicate, pursue their hobbies, and enjoy an enriched lifestyle. We also want
to portray the centre as a friendly and inclusive location that appeals to a wide range of
backgrounds, making seniors feel appreciated and respected. To demonstrate their
dedication to giving customised care and attention, the professional and supportive
personnel will be highlighted.

Unique Selling point

The unique selling proposition of “নীড়ের ছ াোঁয়া” is it is a first mover in Bangladesh, it is

designed to cater a need that has been untapped for decades now. We want “নীড়ের
ছ াোঁয়া” to be a home more than a recreational center. Our unique selling point is we are
first of the kind business, we are not only providing recreational activity, we are also
ensuring that medical health care and pick up and drop doctor checkup service as well.
Moreover, we are establishing it is a social cause rather than a commercial one. Hence, I
believe that the product will be one of a kind.

Brand Element

Logo: The logo represents the main idea of the service and hence we want to keep it
simple and precise for our customers to be able to relate. It will be such that straight away
attracts the attention of our target market and they instantly feel the comfort that this
place promises. “নীড়ের ছ াোঁয়া” is our brand logo and represents a homely community.

Color Palette: As color is an integral part of our brand identity, we have brought sky blue
as our primary color. Sky blue is a peaceful color and is comforting for the eyes of the
elderly. Moreover, it represents the vast number of opportunities and says that the sky's
the limit. The elderly people who lack purpose in their life or think they are too old to try
new things, blue encourages them to be brave and unravel the boundary.

Tagline: Since the idea of a recreational centre for the elderly is still not widely accepted,
we do not want our customers to feel that their children are abandoning them. Rather, we
want them to think of this place as a gift from their children. We want this place to be
their favourite. Hence, we came up with the tagline “প্রিয় মানুডের, প্রিয় স্থান”.

Font: We are using the font Nirmala UI and keeping it simple for easier readability. The
colors will be again soothing to the eyes to maintain tranquility.

At our facility, we recognize the existence of differing budget preferences and priorities
when it comes to leisure and recreational activities. We are offering a variety of pricing
options which include monthly, six-monthly, and annual memberships to meet their
varying demands. As we believe in customer transparency, the pricing strategy will be
communicated in a clear and prominent manner to avoid any sort of confusion assisting
customers in making choices based on their tastes and budget. Here, we promise to
provide a good value-for-money service to our customers and therefore, to keep our
pricing reasonable without sacrificing the calibre of our services, we do in-depth market
research and analysis.

We plan to incorporate cost-based pricing while gaining first mover advantage

simultaneously. The cost of providing the services is calculated as part of the cost-based
pricing strategy, and a markup is then added to cover overhead costs and make a profit.
Due to the fact that the concept of an elderly recreation center is still relatively new, we
would like to seize this chance to enter the market and draw in the working class, who are
unable to properly care for their parents due to their hectic work schedules and are
therefore willing to pay a certain price for the services that give them peace of mind and
ensure the safety and well-being of their elderly parents. In the future, value-based
pricing can be added to reflect the unique benefits and features of the centre. During
holidays or other special occasions, promotional pricing techniques, like working with
bKash to offer cashback, can be utilised to draw in new clients or keep hold of old ones.
Additionally, the center can offer senior citizen discounts, early-bird registration
discounts, and referrals. To entice new customers, promotional pricing strategies can also
be used, such as a free trial period or a discount for referrals.

Competitive Landscape

For the Bangladeshi population, the idea of an elderly amusement facility is somewhat
novel. Although there are old-age houses, they are more like residences than places to
have fun. We think there is a critical need for a facility that will give our senior residents
a feeling of community, purpose, and comfort. By launching this service, we will be able
to penetrate this untapped market and acquire a competitive edge. By entering as a first-
mover, we can have the freedom to explore the market as well as position the concept of
our social cause in the black box of our customers effectively. The Nina Munshi
Foundation, which previously introduced a similar idea, is the only challenge we face.
The market, nevertheless, is big enough to overcome any such obstacle. Instead, we
intend to make the best use of rivalry to increase our efficiency and level up our

For promotional activity of “নীড়ের ছ াোঁয়া ’we want to go for a combination of
Promotional efforts that leverage social media and offline buzz so that it can be extremely
effective in raising brand and product awareness and involvement. For initial promotion
for the recreation centre, we want to collaborate with renowned neighbourhood health
care facilities that can be used to boost credibility and visibility. This will allow people in
the neighbourhood to know about the recreational centre, moreover we want to promote it
naturally rather than making it look commercialised.

Furthermore, we believe that before directly motivating the recreational centre we have to
raise awareness in Dhaka regarding the need of a recreational centre. This is because
people tend to have a set mentality and are not really open to such centres. We want to
organise road shows and seminars in multinationals to reach our target audience with the
proper message.

Moreover, we want to basically launch নীড়ের ছ াোঁয়া” as a CSR of multinational

companies, as we want to position it as a social contribution. We want companies to offer
the subscription to the employees for their parents, this will help us directly cater to our
target customers as we want to fill the gap between working people and their parents.
Moreover, companies can use this to motivate their employees and as well show it in
their Corporate social act. This will give us a great grip.

In addition to this, we want to brand it by using the means of direct messaging and
calling. We want to do this by collaborating with Telecommunication companies and
their CSR policy, plus we will provide them with a business discount.

Moreover, we want to go for online campaigns and hashtags that our consumers can use.
We believe social media is a great platform to reach a large number of audiences, we
want to create a web series on our website, where there will actually be an animation of
elderly people alone in home. Over time, using the web series we will show how this
environment of the recreational centre will positively impact them. Also, we will boost
our Facebook and Instagram posts for our targeted audience.

Lastly, we want to advert “নীড়ের ছ াোঁয়া” using local newspaper and leaflet. This will
allow us to directly reach the elderly people we want to invite to the recreational centre.


The recreation center intends to develop a website where users can register via an online
portal and make appointment requests based on the details associated with their accounts
(names, ID numbers, etc.). As a result, the lives of busy working recipients will be made
easier by this online portal; our website will allow visitors to check their appointment
history, which is one of its primary benefits. They will have a thorough overview of all of
their prior appointments, making it easier for them to manage their time and better
prepare for their upcoming trips to the recreation facility. Moreover, they will also enable
online payment through bKash and debit/credit cards for a seamless payment process.
Additionally, since everyone in the working class is relatively tech-savvy, online
registration should be convenient for our target demographic. Since we intend to work
with a well-known multinational corporation and incorporate this project into their CSR
objective, the MNC's websites and social media pages will also include a link to our

While online registration options ensure easy accessibility, our forms will also be
accessible physically in our offices and the booths of the relevant MNC branches for
those who wish to complete them offline.

Communication Strategy

We have selected a mix of traditional and digital communication channels to reach our
target audience effectively. We will consider the following channels:

a. Print Media: We will place advertisements in local newspapers, in “Kaler Kantho”,

“Prothom Alo”, “Samakal” and put inserts of our upcoming events in community
newsletters. We will publish articles and press releases to promote our centre's activities
and initiatives.

b. Broadcast media: We will collaborate with TV stations to run our advertisements,

interviews, and feature new events or activities hosted by us. We will create an emotional
TVC which will be featured in ATN Bangla, Somoy TV and Channel i on a continuity
basis, that is, the ad will feature evenly throughout the year. The TVC will show a retired
husband and wife living alone all day with their kids busy with work and them having
nothing to do, one evening their son overheard them sharing their sorrows of loneliness
and he felt very guilty, he searched for recreational activities for elderly people and the
search engine suggested ‘নীড়ের ছ াোঁয়া’ he browsed through its website and the next day
took his parents there and was overwhelmed seeing his parents so happy, socialising with

c. Digital media: We will have a user-friendly website named “নীড়ের ছ াোঁয়া” and
optimise it for search engines where we will share information about the centre's services,
programs, and events. We will utilise social media platforms like Facebook and
Instagram to engage with the audience, share updates, and promote events with targeted
ads. A Facebook and Instagram page named “নীড়ের ছ াোঁয়া” will feature our OVC and
upload various SEO based contents and articles highlighting the significance of these
recreational organisations. Furthermore, we will start an interactive campaign called
“Priyo” where we create Facebook profile picture stickers for our target audience to post
pictures with their parents.

Figure 1 Website
Few online contents as follows-

d. Community Outreach: We will participate in local community events, senior fairs, and
health expos where we will distribute brochures, flyers, and business cards to raise
awareness about the centre.

e. Email & SMS Marketing: Collaborate with some telecom companies and SMS
promotional messages and invitation for events and updates of our Centre. Develop an
email subscription list by offering promotional and informative newsletters, event
updates, and special promotions. We will send regular updates to keep our audience
engaged and informed about upcoming activities and initiatives.

d. Out of home media: We will purchase an ad space in billboards around Dhaka New
Market area, Dhanmondi 27, Gulshan DCC to increase our visibility and reach.

Figure 2 flyer
Public Relations: We will create connections with bloggers, influencers, and local media
outlets to regularly promote ‘নীড়ের ছ াোঁয়া’. We will invite ‘Petuk Couple’ for a day visit
at our recreation centre with their parents. We will host a grand launching event where
there will be press conference, media coverage, and elderly celebrities to promote our
recreation facility and reveal our value proposition and planned CSR activities.

Develop Community Partnerships: Collaborate with renowned health organisations,

retirement homes, senior centres, local businesses, and educational expand
outreach efforts. Participate in cooperative projects, workshops, and events with guest
speakers. We will utilise these alliances to broaden the centre's influence and credibility.

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities include:

Wellness Workshops- Wellness seminars for all seniors in the community along with our
members that cover subjects including exercise, diet, mental health, and meditation. The
professionals from our business can lead these sessions. The elders will be given
brochures or resources they may use at home to learn more.

Donation campaigns- We will launch donation campaigns to raise money and gather
necessities like clothes, blankets, food etcetera for elderly people in need in our society.
These contributions will be made to groups that assist the elderly, such as retirement
communities or shelters for the elderly who are homeless.

Environmental Sustainability- “নীড়ের ছ াোঁয়া” will adopt eco-friendly procedures at its

recreation centre to lessen its influence on the environment. This will involve making use
of energy-efficient equipment, encouraging recycling, using less water, and setting up
tree-planting campaigns. A campaign named ‘Poribesh Nirman’ will be initiated by us to
plant more trees in the neighbourhood. Members of our recreation centre will get the
opportunity to volunteer for this campaign.

Monitor and Evaluate: Finally, we will assess the efficiency of the communication plan
on a regular basis using measures like website traffic, social media engagement, event
attendance, and client feedback. Based on the outcomes, the plan will be adjusted and
adapted to guarantee ongoing progress.


1. Find Target Customer Base:

Learn about the special needs and preferences of older adults in the neighbourhood we
serve. Considering physical capabilities, activities of interest, including behavioural

2. Establish a Remarkable and relevant Brand Image:

Build an appealing and relevant identity for the business which represents the recreational
centre’s concepts and features. In our advertising theme, we used warm colours, inviting
visuals, along with a welcoming approach

3. Develop an Appealing Webpage:

Design a website that’s easy to navigate with complete details regarding your recreational
center’s amenities, programmes, and offerings. Customize it to facilitate the availability
and make it simple to use for senior people.

4. Make Use of Social Media

Connect with our intended demographic on electronic social networks like the websites
of Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. To develop a virtual community while create
attraction, post inspiring tales, programmes announcements, along with timely articles.

5. Work hand in hand with municipal Elderly Organisations:

We can Boost our recreation centre by partnering with local senior centre’s, eldercare
facilities, and medical centres.Provide referral-based discounts or rewards, including
collaboration to advertise complementary facilities.

6. Provide a complimentary trial Sessions:

Allow potential customers to experience our amenities and services for complimentary
for only a short period of time. The reason behind this offers visitors an overview of the
facilities your center has been able to provide and motivates customers to join for the
duration of their membership.

7. Social interaction Programmes:

Organise or get involved with social gatherings for older adults. Set up stalls, provide
details about and involve prospective participants in collaborative events. This could take
place at wellness fairs, retirement conferences, or regional occasions of celebration.

8. Mail Campaigns and Brochures:

Use advertising via mail that reach targeted neighbourhoods, or circulate leaflets at
neighbourhood clubs, libraries, and medical clinics. Emphasise the recreation centre’s
exclusive advantages and characteristics, as well as any special deals or coupons.

9. Word-of-Mouth Promotion:

Motivate delighted individuals to share their experiences with their relatives, close
associates, and friends through promotion by word of mouth. Provide rewards for
profitable referred customers, which can include lower costs for membership or
invitations to special events.

10.Organize public meetings and Seminar Sessions:

Arrange frequent events where visitors can come to our center, contact those who work
there, and acquire knowledge regarding the activities that are offered. Deliver seminars
for learning including on the spot signup.
11.Conduct Personalized Visits:

Teach our team how to give interested individuals personalised visits which highlight
their individual requirements and preferences. Emphasise the amenities and recreational
opportunities that correspond to their aesthetic preferences, and also emphasise an overall
feeling of togetherness.

12.Apply Reference Programmes:

By giving rewards such as reduced membership costs, special events, or privileged

discounts on particular offerings, we will motivate existing customers to suggest their
acquaintances, relatives, or close friends come to visit your center.

13.Collaborate with Nearby Media:

Distribute announcements and contact local media outlets, periodicals, and broadcasting
networks about featuring your centre. Promote our centre’s accomplishments, prospective
forthcoming activities, including the constructive influence our organisation has on the
daily activities of those who are older adults.

14.Build ties with Medical Providers:

Establish ties with physicians, psychologists, and various other medical specialists who
specialise in treating older patients. They may refer individuals to our recreational centre
as an additional component of their complete treatment approach.

15.Deliver a Variety of Subscription Packs:

Offer a variety of membership packages in order to meet a variety of demands and costs.
Evaluate weekly, monthly, or yearly progresses in addition to family and spouse

16.Acquire Feedback and Ratings:

Motivate happy customers to express their favourable experiences in the form of

feedback as well as online evaluations. In order to establish assurance while reliability,
feature these customer reviews on our company’s webpage or on social media platforms.

17.Organize Learning Sessions:

Organize learning events and conferences on themes pertinent to the ageing

demographics, including good health, dietary habits, improving cognition, and financial
management. Encourage specialists in the field to come forward to demonstrate their
expertise with audiences.

18.Work jointly with Neighborhoods Firms:

or alliances between local dining places, coffee houses, and grocery stores to provide
special offers and savings to those who belong to your organization. This motivates local
companies to contribute to your center as well as raises affiliation perceptions.

A senior activity center could serve as an important resource in any society. It would
serve as an inviting comfortable setting for older adults to socialize, physical activity, and
indulge in a range of tasks. The center would strengthen senior individual’s mental and
physical well-being, minimize loneliness and social exclusion, and expand chances for
acquiring knowledge and confidence in themselves. The costs of running an older adult
recreation center are likely to be compensated by the monetary advantages it’s able to

Building a daycare center for older adults is a critical project that meets the ageing
population’s distinct demands along with health and happiness. A center that focuses on
boosting physical wellness, improving psychological and thinking skills, stimulating
psychological wellness, urging interpersonal relationships, and offering some relief for
carers might have an irreversible effect on the quality of life of elderly citizens, family
members, alongside the community as a whole. The establishment of this center needs to
be prioritized in order to guarantee ensure elderly people can live a full along with
meaningful life throughout their old age.

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