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Mirada AI: Bridging the Gap Between Blockchain

& Artificial Intelligence

Version 1.2

Executive Summary

Mirada AI, developed by Mirada Labs, introduces a groundbreaking approach to artificial intelligence
through a decentralized model. This whitepaper unfolds the vision of Mirada AI, emphasizing the role
of community engagement, uncensored & unbiased AI, and sustainable funding.

At its core, Mirada AI leverages blockchain technology to democratize AI, making advanced image
generation, LLM chat, search, audio generation, and animation accessible to all. Users can mint their
creations into NFTs, fostering a vibrant marketplace that not only celebrates creativity but also
enables real-world utility and value exchange. Furthermore, the platform incorporates an advertiser
model to sustain GPU costs without compromising user experience, ensuring the project's longevity
and relevance.

Premium features such as animation, faceswap, faster image loading, and specialized models
distinguish Mirada AI, offering enhanced capabilities while promoting an active and engaged
community. The project's economic model is meticulously designed to support its infrastructure,
featuring a modest transaction fee on DeFi platforms , and rewarding token holders through staking
and governance participation.
Mirada AI stands as a beacon of innovation, inviting users, developers, and enthusiasts to partake in a
decentralized future where AI and creativity converge seamlessly.

1. Introduction

The inception of artificial intelligence brought about a new era of technological innovation, reshaping
industries and redefining human interaction with machines. However, the centralization of AI
technologies in the hands of a few major corporations has raised concerns about privacy, censorship,
biases, and accessibility. Mirada AI, by Mirada Labs, proposes a radical departure from this
centralized paradigm, advocating for a decentralized approach to AI development and distribution.

Mirada AI is not just a platform; it's a movement towards democratizing AI, where every individual
can contribute to, benefit from, and influence the direction of AI technology.

The introduction of Mirada AI comes at a crucial time, as the demand for transparent, unbiased, and
accessible AI solutions grows. Our approach addresses these needs by offering an open-source,
community-driven platform that not only advances AI technology but also ensures it is used for the
greater good.

In this whitepaper, we delve into the problems posed by centralized AI, our proposed solutions, and
the mechanisms we've implemented to foster a vibrant, engaged community around Mirada AI. We
invite you to join us on this journey to redefine the landscape of artificial intelligence, making it more
inclusive, innovative, and integral to our digital lives.

2. Problem Statement

The central challenge addressed by Mirada AI is the growing centralization of artificial intelligence
technologies, which leads to several critical issues impacting users. Centralized AI platforms often
impose restrictive policies, exercise biased censorship, and operate opaque algorithms, which not only
stifles creativity and results in inaccurate information but also limits accessibility and equity in AI
advancements. This centralization results in a concentration of power and control, leaving users with
limited say over the development and application of these technologies. Moreover, the lack of
transparency and inclusivity in these platforms hinders the diverse representation of global
perspectives, leading to biased and unbalanced AI outputs. Mirada AI confronts these problems by
proposing a decentralized, community-driven approach, ensuring fair access, participatory
governance, and a commitment to minimizing biases, thereby fostering a more truthful, and
innovative AI landscape.

3. Mirada AI Solution

Mirada AI introduces a groundbreaking solution to the centralization and limitations of current AI

technologies. By leveraging blockchain technology, Mirada AI decentralizes the AI landscape,
providing a platform where creativity, innovation, and ownership flourish. Our approach includes:

● Decentralization: Empowering users through a DAO for governance, ensuring that the
platform evolves based on community input and consensus.

● Community-Driven Development: Mirada AI champions open-source collaboration, inviting

AI developers to contribute and enhance our platform, fostering a rich ecosystem of shared
innovation and growth.

● Economic Sustainability: Implementing a low, 1% transaction fee on DeFi sites to support

GPU costs, ensuring the platform's longevity and performance.

● Community Marketplace: Allowing users to mint image generations into NFTs, and trade
other AI-related items facilitating a vibrant community marketplace for trading and sharing

● Premium Features: Offering enhanced services such as but not limited to, animation,
faceswap, higher resolution images, and private messaging, catering to users' advanced needs
while maintaining an active and open community space for all.

● Tokenomics and Governance: Involving token holders in decision-making, rewarding

contributions, and ensuring a stake in the project's success and direction.

Mirada AI's solution not only addresses the limitations of centralized AI but also paves the way for a
more open and innovative future in artificial intelligence.
4. Technology Overview

Mirada AI harnesses cutting-edge blockchain and artificial intelligence technologies to create a

decentralized platform for search, image generation, LLM chat, and AI-driven creative processes. Our
infrastructure is built on the Ethereum blockchain, ensuring integrity and trust in transactions and
interactions within the ecosystem. The core AI engine leverages advanced machine learning
algorithms for generating high-quality images, capable of understanding and executing complex
prompts from users. This technology stack enables not only the generation of unique, creative content
but also the minting of these creations as NFTs directly on the platform. Furthermore, Mirada AI
integrates smart contract functionality to automate transactions, governance, and the distribution of
rewards, aligning with our vision of a decentralized, user-governed community. Premium features like
faceswap, high-resolution image outputs, and private messaging are made possible through
specialized AI models and enhanced server capabilities, providing a superior experience while
maintaining user privacy and data security.

Mirada AI is leveraging cutting-edge technology to redefine the interaction between blockchain and
artificial intelligence. Our infrastructure and operations are designed to be at the forefront of
decentralized AI services, offering unparalleled capabilities in image generation, Large Language
Models (LLMs), chat functionalities, and more.

4.1 Ethereum-Based Token (MIRX)

In the innovative landscape where blockchain technology intertwines with artificial intelligence,
Mirada AI introduces its Ethereum-based token, MIRX, as the cornerstone of its economic and
operational architecture. This section delves into the strategic design, utility, and integration of the
MIRX token within the Mirada AI ecosystem, illustrating its pivotal role in facilitating transactions,
governance, and incentivization.

MIRX is designed as an ERC-20 token, leveraging the Ethereum blockchain's security, transparency,
and widespread acceptance. This choice ensures compatibility with the broader DeFi ecosystem,
allowing for seamless exchanges, liquidity provisioning, and integration with wallets and other
blockchain applications.

4.2 Image Generation

At the core of Mirada AI's image generation capabilities is the innovative application of diffusion
models, a class of generative models that has revolutionized the field of synthetic media creation.
Diffusion models operate by gradually transforming a distribution of random noise into a structured
image through a process of iterative refinement. This section delves into the technical workings of
diffusion models and how they are harnessed within the Mirada AI platform.

Overview of Diffusion Process

The diffusion model architecture employed by Mirada AI is rooted in the concept of reverse diffusion,
where the generation process involves reversing the diffusion (or noise addition) process. Initially, the
model learns to add noise to training images progressively until a pure noise state is achieved. In
deployment, the model operates in reverse, starting from noise and incrementally denoising to
reconstruct the data.

Training the Diffusion Model

Training of the diffusion model involves two phases: the forward and the reverse processes. During
the forward process, the model gradually adds Gaussian noise over a predefined number of steps to an
image until only noise remains. This process is parameterized by a noise schedule, which dictates the
variance of the noise added at each step.
The reverse process, which is crucial for image generation, involves learning to predict the noise that
has been added to an image and subsequently reversing it. This is done using a neural network,
typically a variant of a U-Net, which predicts the noise at each step. By subtracting this noise
iteratively, the model reconstructs the clean image from noise.

Implementation Details
Mirada AI has optimized the diffusion model implementation to handle high-resolution image
synthesis with enhanced efficiency. The model is trained on a diverse dataset that spans various styles
and domains, enabling it to generate a wide range of images, from photorealistic to artistic styles.
Special attention has been paid to optimizing the model’s parameters to reduce the generation time
without compromising the quality of the output images.

● Model Architecture: The U-Net architecture employed is deep and wide enough to capture
complex patterns and textures but is efficiently designed to expedite the inference time.

● Noise Schedule: A learned variance schedule allows the model to add and remove noise in an
optimized manner, which enhances the fidelity and diversity of generated images.

● Conditioning Mechanism: Conditioning on both latent vectors and explicit attributes (such as
style, content type) allows users to steer the generation process, making it highly

Integration with Blockchain

The integration of diffusion models with blockchain technology on the Mirada AI platform offers
unique advantages. Once an image is generated, it can be immediately minted as a Non-Fungible
Token (NFT) on the blockchain, providing users with proof of ownership and the ability to trade or
sell their generated artwork in a decentralized marketplace.

Quality Assurance and Optimization

To ensure that the generated images meet high-quality standards, Mirada AI employs several
post-processing steps:

● Denoising: Additional denoising algorithms are applied to enhance image clarity and remove
any residual noise artifacts.

● Upscaling: AI-based upscaling techniques are used to increase the resolution of generated
images, making them suitable for high-quality prints and digital displays.
● Validation: Each generated image undergoes a validation process to ensure it aligns with user
prompts and maintains aesthetic quality.

Future Enhancements
Mirada AI continuously explores advancements in AI to integrate more sophisticated models and
techniques. Future updates may include adaptive diffusion processes that can generate images with
even higher resolution or incorporate real-time user feedback to modify images during the generation

4.3 LLM Chat

Our LLM Chat functionality, powered by a model based on the newly developed Llama 3
architecture, represents a pivotal component of the Mirada AI platform. This advanced Large
Language Model (LLM) is specifically optimized to support intricate, context-aware interactions
within our AI Search Engine. This enhancement enables our system to deliver faster, more accurate
online search results, significantly elevating the user experience in accessing information.

Integration with Internal APIs

A unique aspect of our LLM Chat is its deep integration with internal APIs, which allows for
automated task execution. This capability is crucial for maintaining a seamless flow within our
ecosystem, as it supports various functionalities including transaction automation, user interaction
logging, and real-time updates within the blockchain network. This level of integration ensures that
our LLM can perform a wide range of tasks autonomously, reducing the need for manual intervention
and enhancing the efficiency of our platform.

Fine-Tuning for Cryptocurrency Relevance

In response to the growing demands of the cryptocurrency market, our LLM has been fine-tuned to
excel in various crypto-related tasks. These enhancements improve the model's ability to understand
and generate information pertaining to cryptocurrency markets, blockchain technologies, and
decentralized finance (DeFi) protocols. This specialized knowledge enables the LLM to offer
insightful analysis, timely market updates, and even predictive forecasts, which are invaluable for our
users deeply engaged in the cryptocurrency sector.

Technical Implementation
The LLM Chat functionality within Mirada AI utilizes a model based on the Llama 3 architecture, a
cutting-edge successor in the transformer-based models lineage. The transformer architecture,
fundamental to our LLM, is designed around self-attention mechanisms that enable the model to
weigh the importance of different words within a sentence, irrespective of their positional distance
from each other. This capability allows our model to understand and generate language with a high
degree of contextual awareness.
The Llama 3 model in our system is characterized by several layers of transformers, each consisting
of multi-headed self-attention layers and feed-forward neural networks. This design allows for
simultaneous processing of input data across different heads, greatly improving the speed and
efficiency of our model. Each head can capture various aspects of linguistic information, which are
then integrated to produce comprehensive and contextually relevant outputs.
Computational Infrastructure
To handle the substantial computational demands of the Llama 3 model, our infrastructure is built on a
robust distributed computing system. This system harnesses the power of high-performance GPUs,
specifically optimized for deep learning tasks. We utilize a cluster of NVIDIA’s latest GPUs, which
are configured for parallel processing. This setup enables the simultaneous execution of multiple
model inference tasks, thereby reducing latency and increasing throughput.
The infrastructure is also equipped with high-speed network interfaces to facilitate rapid data
exchange between the GPUs and the central servers. This is critical for maintaining the flow of data in
real-time applications, such as our AI Search Engine, where immediate response times are crucial.

Optimization Techniques
We have implemented several optimization techniques to enhance the performance and efficiency of
our LLM. These include:

● Quantization: Reducing the precision of the floating-point numbers in the model to accelerate
arithmetic computations, while maintaining a minimal loss in accuracy.

● Pruning: Removing redundant or non-contributory neurons from the model to reduce its size
and computational overhead without significantly affecting its performance.

● Distillation: Using a larger, more capable model to teach a smaller, more efficient model to
replicate its behavior. This approach helps in deploying highly efficient models in production
environments without sacrificing performance.

Data Handling and Processing

Data is a critical component in training and operating our LLM. We ensure that all input data,
including user queries and contextual information, is preprocessed using a series of NLP techniques.
These include tokenization, where text is split into manageable pieces or tokens; normalization, which
involves converting all text to a uniform format; and removal of stopwords, which are words that do
not contribute to the semantic meaning of the text.
For enhanced security and privacy, all data handled by our LLM is encrypted both in transit and at
rest. We employ advanced encryption protocols to secure data as it moves between our servers and the
users' devices, and we use secure storage solutions to protect data at rest.

Security and Privacy Considerations

Security and privacy are paramount in the design and operation of our LLM Chat. All interactions
with our LLM are encrypted to protect user data and ensure confidentiality. Furthermore, we
implement rigorous access controls and auditing mechanisms to monitor and safeguard our systems
from unauthorized access and potential vulnerabilities.

Future Developments
Looking ahead, we plan to continue refining our LLM capabilities to better serve the evolving needs
of our users. This includes enhancing the model's understanding of nuanced and complex queries,
expanding its multilingual capabilities to support a broader user base, and integrating more deeply
with other components of the Mirada AI platform to create a more cohesive and powerful user
In conclusion, the LLM Chat feature of Mirada AI is a cornerstone of our commitment to delivering
advanced, reliable, and user-centric AI-powered tools. By leveraging state-of-the-art technology and
continuous innovation, we aim to stay at the forefront of the AI and blockchain industries, providing
our users with powerful tools that enhance their engagement with the digital and cryptographic

5. Community Engagement and Growth

Mirada AI prioritizes building a strong, vibrant community at its core. Engagement and growth
strategies are designed around creativity and shared governance. Key initiatives include:

● Competitions for Image Generation: Regularly held contests encourage creativity, skill
development, and active participation, with rewards for outstanding contributions.

● Educational Workshops and Webinars: To lower entry barriers and foster a knowledgeable
community, we'll host events focusing on blockchain, AI technologies, and creative

● Community Governance: Implementing a DAO structure that empowers token holders with
voting rights on key decisions, ensuring the platform reflects the community's vision and

● Collaboration Platforms: Utilizing forums, Discord, and Telegram channels for idea
exchange, support, and collaboration, enhancing the sense of belonging and collective

● Recognition and Rewards: Acknowledging contributions through token rewards, highlighting

community achievements, and providing platforms for showcasing work.

● Partnerships: Forming alliances with educational institutions, technology companies, and

other blockchain projects to offer unique opportunities for growth.

Through these initiatives, Mirada AI aims to foster a thriving ecosystem where everyone has a voice
and can contribute to the project's evolution.

6. Marketplace

The Mirada Marketplace is a comprehensive platform designed to support a wide array of AI-related
products and services, including but not limited to NFTs. It serves as a hub for users to buy, sell, and

● NFTs: Unique digital creations generated through the Mirada AI platform can be minted and
traded as NFTs, providing a new form of ownership and investment in digital art.
● AI-Generated Content: Beyond images, the marketplace supports the trading of guides,
prompt packs, wallpapers, and more, catering to a variety of interests and needs within the AI

● Community Creations: Encouraging users to share and monetize their own AI-generated
content, from artwork to utility tools, broadening the ecosystem's offerings.

This marketplace not only facilitates the economic activities within Mirada AI's ecosystem but also
acts as a catalyst for growth, innovation, and collaboration among its users.

7. Economic Model

The economic model of Mirada AI is meticulously designed to ensure the platform's sustainability and
profitability, all the while providing immense value to its users. Central to our economic strategy are
premium subscriptions, transaction fees, and marketplace operations.

Premium Subscription Model

Our premium subscription is available for $8 (in MIRX tokens) per month, granting users access to
advanced features, including higher resolution images, faster processing times, and exclusive access
to new tools and models. Given the nominal cost of $0.001 per image generation, the platform stands
to operate at a significant profit margin. The average user is extremely unlikely to generate 8,000
images in a month, ensuring that the subscription fees far exceed the operational costs associated with
image generation. This model not only makes the platform highly profitable but also ensures users
receive considerable value for their investment, fostering loyalty and long-term engagement.

Transaction Fees and Marketplace Operations

In addition to subscription fees, Mirada AI plans to introduce a 15% fee on transactions within our
marketplace. This marketplace will serve as a hub for users to buy, sell, and trade AI-generated
artworks, NFTs, and other digital assets created within the Mirada AI ecosystem. The transaction fee
is carefully calculated to ensure it remains competitive while also providing the project with a steady
revenue stream to finance further development, infrastructure costs, and community rewards.
The introduction of marketplace fees is part of our broader strategy to cultivate a vibrant economy
within the Mirada AI platform, encouraging both the creation and exchange of unique digital assets.
By incentivizing users to participate in the marketplace, we not only enhance the platform's dynamism
but also ensure its financial health and longevity.

Long-term Sustainability and Growth

The economic model of Mirada AI is built with an eye towards long-term sustainability and growth.
By balancing user costs with the platform's revenue needs, we aim to create a self-sustaining
ecosystem that can continuously fund its development, reward its users, and innovate within the AI
and blockchain space. The revenue generated from subscriptions and marketplace fees will be
reinvested into the platform, funding research and development, improving infrastructure, and
expanding our offerings.
Furthermore, as the platform grows, we anticipate the introduction of additional revenue streams, such
as partnerships, API access for businesses, and specialized services for enterprise users. These
initiatives will further diversify our economic model, reduce reliance on any single income source,
and secure Mirada AI's position as a leader in the decentralized AI market.
Commitment to Fairness and Accessibility
While profitability and sustainability are crucial, Mirada AI remains committed to fairness and
accessibility. Our pricing strategies and fee structures are designed to be transparent and equitable,
ensuring that the platform remains accessible to a wide range of users, from individual creators to
small businesses and larger enterprises. By aligning our economic interests with those of our
community, we foster a shared sense of ownership and success.

8. Premium Features

Mirada AI's premium subscription unlocks an array of exclusive features designed to enhance user
experience and creativity:

● FaceSwap: Allows users to swap faces in images with high precision, offering unique
customization options.
● Faster Image Loading: Premium users enjoy expedited processing, reducing wait times for
image generation.
● Amplified search
● Private Messaging with the Bot: Enables direct, private interactions with the AI, allowing for
a personalized experience away from public channels.
● AI Prompt Generator: An advanced AI tool that helps users craft detailed prompts to generate
more specific and complex images.
● Higher Resolution Images: Access to higher resolution outputs, ensuring the finest quality for
prints and digital displays.
● Upscale Images: Transform low-resolution images into high-definition versions, enhancing
clarity and detail.
● Image to Prompt: A reverse-engineering feature where the AI suggests prompts based on
input images, sparking creative ideas.
● Animation: Bring images to life with simple animations, adding a dynamic element to
● Remove Watermark: Premium content is free of watermarks, offering a clean, professional
look for all generated images.

These features, central to the economic model, cater to both casual and professional users, enhancing
the platform's appeal and supporting its development.

9. Advertiser Partnerships and Adspace

Mirada AI's ecosystem incorporates advertiser partnerships and adspace as a strategic approach to
generating additional revenue while providing value to the community. This model allows advertisers
to target the platform's diverse and engaged user base, particularly those utilizing the free version. The
targeted adspace ensures that advertisements are relevant and minimally intrusive, enhancing the
overall user experience. These partnerships not only offer a financial lifeline for supporting GPU costs
and further development but also open up marketing and partnership opportunities for brands and
advertisers, creating a win-win scenario for both Mirada AI and its partners.
10. Governance and Tokenomics

Mirada AI employs a decentralized governance model, empowering token holders with the ability to
influence decisions and guide the platform's development. Tokenomics are structured to incentivize
participation, contribution, and investment in the ecosystem. Token holders can earn rewards through
staking, participate in governance votes on key issues, and benefit from the platform's growth. The
allocation of tokens is designed to ensure a balanced distribution, supporting long-term sustainability
and community involvement. This framework facilitates a transparent, equitable, and participatory
environment, reinforcing Mirada AI's commitment to its decentralized ethos.

11. Use Cases and Integrations

Mirada AI's transformative technology is designed to cater to a myriad of sectors, making it a versatile
tool for various professional, creative, and personal applications. Our platform's potential extends
from individual users seeking to unleash their creativity to businesses aiming to leverage AI to
enhance their operations. Below, we delve into specific use cases and integration strategies, with a
special focus on providing AI services to other crypto projects via API integration.

Empowering the Crypto Ecosystem through API Integration

A cornerstone of our integration strategy is to empower other crypto projects by providing advanced
AI capabilities through easy-to-use APIs. Mirada AI aims to become an AI backbone for the crypto
ecosystem, allowing projects to integrate state-of-the-art image generation, natural language
processing, and other AI functionalities directly into their platforms. This API service will enable
crypto projects to enhance user engagement, automate content creation, and offer innovative services
that were previously unattainable without substantial AI expertise.

Creative and Design Industries

Artists and designers can harness Mirada AI to bring their visions to life with unprecedented ease and
speed, from generating intricate designs based on textual prompts to refining creative concepts with
AI's insights. This not only democratizes access to creative tools but also opens new avenues for
artistic expression and digital art creation.

Education and Knowledge Sharing

Mirada AI stands as a valuable educational resource, making complex AI technologies accessible for
academic and research purposes. It can generate educational content, simulate scenarios for teaching
purposes, and provide interactive experiences that enrich the learning process, particularly in STEM

Enhancing E-commerce with AI-driven Visuals

E-commerce platforms can integrate Mirada AI to automatically generate product images, create
engaging marketing materials, and personalize shopping experiences. This reduces the dependency on
traditional content creation methods, enabling businesses to scale their operations more effectively.

Revolutionizing Gaming and Interactive Media

In gaming and entertainment, Mirada AI can introduce dynamic elements such as AI-generated
environments, characters, and narratives. This not only enhances the gaming experience but also
paves the way for new forms of interactive storytelling.

Streamlining Content Creation for Marketing

Marketing agencies and brands can utilize Mirada AI to generate unique, targeted content at scale.
From crafting personalized ad images to creating varied versions of promotional materials, Mirada AI
can significantly streamline the content creation process.

Integrating with Decentralized Applications (DApps)

Mirada AI's API facilitates seamless integration with DApps, enabling developers to incorporate AI
functionalities directly into their applications. This can vastly improve user experiences, offering
innovative features such as AI-driven recommendations, content moderation, and more.

Future Directions and Collaborations

Looking ahead, Mirada AI is committed to expanding its use cases and integration capabilities. We are
actively exploring new partnerships and technological advancements to ensure that our platform
remains at the forefront of AI and blockchain integration.
Mirada AI invites crypto projects, developers, and businesses to explore how our AI services can
elevate their offerings. Our API integration is designed to be straightforward, ensuring that the
incredible potential of AI is accessible to the entire crypto ecosystem.

12. Competitive Analysis

Mirada AI stands out in the crowded AI and blockchain market by combining decentralized
governance, community-driven development, and innovative AI capabilities. Unlike centralized AI
platforms, Mirada AI offers transparent operations, equitable access to premium features, and a
marketplace for NFTs and AI-generated content. Its commitment to decentralization through a DAO
sets it apart from competitors, ensuring that decisions reflect the community's interests. Additionally,
the platform's unique revenue model, including transaction fees and advertiser partnerships, supports
sustainable growth while offering token holders and users tangible benefits and participation in

13. Challenges and Future Directions

Mirada AI faces challenges including technological scalability, ensuring equitable governance within
the DAO, and maintaining a competitive edge in the rapidly evolving AI and blockchain sectors.
Future directions involve enhancing AI capabilities for more diverse and complex creations,
expanding the ecosystem with more strategic partnerships, and further democratizing AI through
community-driven initiatives. Continuously improving the platform's user experience and
accessibility will also be key. Addressing these challenges and seizing opportunities for innovation
will solidify Mirada AI's position as a leader in decentralized AI technologies.

14. Conclusion
Mirada AI embarks on a mission to revolutionize the AI and blockchain landscapes, offering a unique
blend of decentralized governance, community-driven innovation, and advanced technological
capabilities. Our commitment to transparency, creativity, and inclusivity paves the way for a future
where AI is accessible to all, free from the constraints of centralized control. As we move forward,
Mirada AI remains dedicated to fostering a vibrant community, pushing the boundaries of AI
technology, and ensuring that our platform not only meets but exceeds the expectations of our users
and stakeholders.

Legal Disclaimer: This document is for informational use only and is not intended as an offer to sell
or a solicitation of an offer to buy MIRX tokens. This whitepaper is distributed to receive community
input. The outlined visions and strategies are subject to continuous refinement and are not indicative
of assured future results. Any forward-looking statements made within are speculative and may not
reflect eventual outcomes. Mirada Labs reserves the right to modify information without notice and
disclaims any obligation to update the information contained herein. Reliance on any forward-looking
statements should be done with caution, and it is recommended that readers seek independent legal
and financial advice prior to making any investment decisions based on this document.

The appendices provide supplementary information to enhance the reader's understanding of the
Mirada AI project. It includes definitions of key terms, technical specifications, and answers to
frequently asked questions. This section aims to support readers from various backgrounds, whether
they are newcomers to the fields of blockchain and artificial intelligence or seasoned experts.

Glossary of Terms

● Blockchain: A distributed ledger technology that maintains a secure and tamper-proof record
of transactions across multiple computers.
● Decentralization: The distribution of power away from a central authority in a network or
organization, allowing for a more democratic and equitable system.
● NFT (Non-Fungible Token): A type of cryptographic token on a blockchain that represents a
unique asset, which can be anything from digital art to ownership records.
● DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization): An organization represented by rules
encoded as a computer program that is transparent, controlled by the organization members,
and not influenced by a central government.
● Smart Contracts: Self-executing contracts with the terms of the agreement directly written
into lines of code, which automatically execute when predetermined conditions are met.
● Tokenomics: The economics of a cryptocurrency token, including its distribution, supply, and
how it can be used within the ecosystem.
● Staking: The process of actively participating in transaction validation (similar to mining) on
a proof-of-stake (PoS) blockchain.

Technical Specifications

● AI Engine: An advanced set of machine learning algorithms designed for image generation,
language processing, and animation, which powers the core functionality of the Mirada AI
● Blockchain Infrastructure: A custom-designed blockchain that supports the Mirada AI
ecosystem, ensuring security, transparency, and scalability.
● Server Capabilities: Detailed information about the server infrastructure supporting the AI
engine, including processing power, memory, and storage specifications.
● Security Protocols: A description of the cybersecurity measures and data protection standards
implemented to safeguard the platform and user data.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

● 1. How does Mirada AI utilize blockchain technology?

○ Mirada AI leverages blockchain to ensure the integrity and security of transactions,
manage the distribution of digital assets like NFTs, and facilitate community
● 2. What are the benefits of holding Mirada AI tokens?
○ Holders of Mirada AI tokens can participate in staking, governance decisions, and
gain access to premium features on the platform.
● 3. Can I use Mirada AI for commercial purposes?
○ Yes, Mirada AI's generated assets can be used for commercial purposes.
● 4. How can I participate in the Mirada AI community?
○ You can join our community through various channels such as Discord, Telegram,
and our forums, as well as participate in governance by holding tokens.
● 5. What are the cost-saving measures implemented by Mirada AI?
○ At scale, the project will be able to utilize community cloud rendering which is
substantially cheaper than private cloud. If everything goes well, the project may look
to run their own GPUs for inference, though it's worth mentioning that specialized AI
graphics cards are very expensive, often tens of thousands of dollars each so this
would depend on the success and scale of the project.

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[2] "Fetch.AI Whitepaper" by Fetch.AI Team [Online]. Available:

[3] "Cryptocurrencies and Artificial Intelligence: Challenges and Opportunities" [Online]. Available:

[4] “Pathways to Crypto-Asset Regulation: A Global Approach” [Online]. Available:

[5] “Decentralized AI-powered Trust Alliance (DATA)” [Online]. Available:

[6] McKinsey & Company“Artificial Intelligence in the Blockchain Industry”

[7] “The Synergistic Future of Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain” [Online]. Available:

[8] S. Nakamoto, "Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System," 2008. [Online]. Available:

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