Draft Pre Action Letter Nicole

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Ms CHUNG Yui Ying

[Your address – 2 lines]

Tel: 66770233


Mr TAM Ka Chun
Flat B, 38/F, Tower 1, Harbourfront Landmark
11 Wan Hoi Street, Hung Hom, Kowloon

Dear Mr Tam,

Re: Aria Janzen – Demand for Payment of Unpaid Salary and Disbursements

I refer to the above captioned matter. Please find enclosed herewith the Chinese translation of this letter of demand.
To the extent of any inconsistencies with its Chinese translation, this letter (in English) should take precedence.

From 1 July 2021 to 20 August 2021, I had been hired as a full-time project manager by Aria Janzen (the “Firm”), a
registered firm of which you were one of the partners, to provide general assistance in marketing projects and multi-
media production.

On 14 September 2021, I entered into another service contract (the “First Contract”) with the Firm for a contracted
price of $4000 per month, commencing from 1 November 2021 to 31 January 2022. The terms of services and
payment are detailed in Provisions 1 and 2 of the Draft Contract enclosed herewith.

On 9 February 2022, I accepted a separate offer by another Partner, Mr TONG Kun Chi, to extend the First Contract
for one month for an adjusted contracted price of $2000 (the “Second Contract”) from 1 February 2022 to 28
February 2022. This is evidenced in the relevant WhatsApp message record enclosed herewith.

Further, during the aforesaid period, I incurred two disbursements for the Firm, namely the rents for two studio in the
sum of HK$1050 and HK$495 on 17 August 2021 and 6 November 2021 respectively (the “Disbursements”). I
confirmed that the Disbursements, together with the said salary for both the First and Second Contract, have yet to be
paid. The copy of the receipts of the Disbursements are enclosed herewith.

As such, I give you notice that I will hold you liable for all loss and damage suffered as a result of the breach of
Contract. I hereby request you to pay me the amount of HK$15,545 plus legal costs representing the loss and damages
suffered by me. Unless I hear from you within 7 days from the date of this letter with a view to making full payment,
I shall commence legal proceedings against you for the said amount plus interest and costs without further notice.
Kindly take notice that defaulting on wage payments also constitutes a CRIMINAL OFFENCE under the
Employment Ordinance (Cap 57). The relevant notice and leaflet issued by the Labour Department are enclosed

All my rights are hereby expressly reserved.

Yours sincerely,

CHUNG Yui Ying

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