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[29/6/22 8:36:49] Rebecca Peckham: Los mensajes y las llamadas están cifrados de

extremo a extremo. Nadie fuera de este chat, ni siquiera WhatsApp, puede leerlos ni
[29/6/22 8:36:49] Rebecca Peckham: Hello, Rebecca here. I was planning on visiting
between 12 and 2pm, is there a time that would be good for you? Best, Rebecca
[29/6/22 9:13:29] Mati: helo yes that's fine
[29/6/22 12:55:00] Rebecca Peckham: Hello we are outside 39 siddons Court now?
[30/6/22 13:36:37] Rebecca Peckham: Hello, thank you for letting me and my friend
into your home to meet your lovely cats yesterday. I am very keen to take the boy,
would it be possible though to talk to the vet he has to check his health/care
needs? Best, Rebecca
[30/6/22 15:53:51] Mati: Hello.. Yes thanks for coming to see my baby.
So you mean beforeahead check him in the vet to see if everything is fine?
[30/6/22 16:10:41] Mati: And yes sure it would be great to see his fantastic health
[30/6/22 18:21:58] Rebecca Peckham: Yeah exactly. Who is your local vet?
[2/7/22 13:58:24] Mati: Oh sorry i didn't realize i haven't responded yet.
But i don't know... It's rare to go to the vet if you haven't any symptoms. Is like
to go to the doctor to see what?
A general health check for a so young and healthy cat is... I don't know rare. But
if you would like to do it it's absolutely fine.
I would assume all my responsibilities and expenses if the cat is unwell.
[2/7/22 14:21:33] Rebecca Peckham: OK that's fine, appreciate it would be unusual.
I'll take him to vet when I get him, did he get his kitten vaccinations? Did you
want to drop him down to mine if I order you an uber, or should I come back to
yours? And would you like cash or PayPal?
[2/7/22 17:16:46] Mati: Yes he's vaccinated... I have to search the card.
Yes i would like to drop him.
Cash or PayPal i don't mind.
Also you have 2 weeks to see how much you like him or well you see him... I always
offer a full refund.
My babiess have to find a sweet and definitive house. I don't want them rolling for
the world.
[2/7/22 17:22:47] Rebecca Peckham: OK sounds great. We'll I'm home all weekend so
happy to take him whenever, let me know when works for you. Does he like any
particular type of cat food?
[2/7/22 17:28:49] Rebecca Peckham: Not sure what traffic will be like around you
though with pride.
[2/7/22 17:29:58] Rebecca Peckham: At the moment it looks like uber will pick up.
[2/7/22 18:44:59] Mati: Today is super busy everything
I'll go tomorrow. What's your post code?
[2/7/22 18:45:41] Mati: He isn't faddy at all... Only eats dry food
[2/7/22 18:45:45] Mati: <adjunto: 00000018-PHOTO-2022-07-02-18-45-45.jpg>
[2/7/22 18:45:52] Mati: this is his favorite food
[2/7/22 18:46:22] Mati: Sometimes i get him eating One chicken from the brother....

But almost always is in Royal canin

[2/7/22 18:48:38] Rebecca Peckham: OK great, I'm at SE15 5TH.
[2/7/22 18:48:44] Rebecca Peckham: 3a Pennethorne Road.
[2/7/22 18:50:17] Mati: Anyway I'll bring some food with me until you can get it...
So no worries
[2/7/22 19:01:48] Rebecca Peckham: OK fab, just ordering online now.
[3/7/22 13:06:54] Rebecca Peckham: Hi, just checking what time you were thinking of
[3/7/22 17:48:10] Mati: oh sorry.. I'm feeling unwell another day... Maybe
[3/7/22 17:49:19] Rebecca Peckham: OK, hope you feel better, yes am free all
[3/7/22 17:51:04] Mati: OK great.. Thnak you
[5/7/22 16:32:34] Rebecca Peckham: Hello, just checking that you are still able to
drop the cat off tomorrow? I'm home all day.
[5/7/22 21:09:32] Mati: Yes i finish at 5 so will be there about 6:20
[5/7/22 21:45:21] Rebecca Peckham: OK great thanks
[6/7/22 17:26:18] Rebecca Peckham: Hello, hopefully you'll be on your way soon.
Just FYI cat food has arrived, so no need to bring that.
[6/7/22 19:00:35] Rebecca Peckham: He's back
[6/7/22 19:03:43] Rebecca Peckham: Llamada perdida
[7/7/22 8:46:19] Mati: hello.. How those babies slept? Fine right? I think they
never cry.
Btw Taylor east only a bit from the poucher, so i actually use for 1 the whole
[7/7/22 9:39:37] Rebecca Peckham: Actually he cried a little bit when it got
quiet/dark and I was asleep and i think he got a bit spooked but yeah, much better
than I thought. Yep, mabel only used one pounch a day. Enjoy your holiday!
[7/7/22 16:10:05] Mati: And don't you like Taylor?
I'm so sorry, but i didn't want and i still don't want to let my boy go....
I simply can't.
I deeply apologises because i know what i do is not good...
I don't want to cause you any harm.. I really like you
[8/7/22 17:39:04] Mati: hello, can i ask please how my babiess are?
Always that I'm going abroad i use to leave them in friends house. So they are used
to be away sometimes, i suppose for than reason they don't cry.
Do they go out? Where do they sleep? Do they play sometimes? Thanks
[8/7/22 17:40:41] Mati: Actually i always forget the present continues 🙄
Is mostly are they going out and where are they sleeping?
[8/7/22 18:27:59] Mati: Right... You may be upset with me...
Let go to you today or tomorrow. And we speak face to face.
I apologies
[8/7/22 19:06:29] Mati: sorry? I'm very concerned right now. Can i go to speak
with you please?
I'm so stupid... I actually don't mind making mistakes and being stupid as I'm. The
great problem is involving others in your stupidity as I'm.
[8/7/22 19:06:33] Mati: Can i go please?
[8/7/22 19:47:14] Mati: I'm extremely concerned right now... Are you going to steal
my cats?
[8/7/22 19:50:30] Rebecca Peckham: Hello, I am out at the moment, the cats are
fine, I'll talk to you tomorrow.
[8/7/22 19:51:12] Mati: Sorry no I'm feeling very unwell with all this... I need to
see you to speak with you please
[8/7/22 19:51:18] Mati: Please
[8/7/22 20:45:40] Mati: i only please need to speak with you... I'm feeling so
unwell that sleep is going to be impossible for be
[8/7/22 20:45:42] Mati: me
[8/7/22 20:45:56] Mati: please let me just see you 5 minutes
[8/7/22 20:46:41] Mati: Please
[8/7/22 20:46:56] Mati: when are you going home?
[8/7/22 20:50:09] Mati: I'm dying please... Don't ignore me... I'm feeling really
[8/7/22 20:50:37] Mati: at least let me know when can we speak face to face?
[8/7/22 20:55:09] Mati: Please I'm extremely unwell😓😓unwell
Only let me know when can i see you?
[8/7/22 21:01:40] Mati: But can you at least only let he know when can we speak?
I'm desperate sad I'm idiot until the moon... I still believe in people in
forgiveness in love... I'm still so stupid yes
[8/7/22 21:26:21] Mati: So tomorrow at what time?
[8/7/22 22:01:55] Mati: Please? What time tomorrow ?
[8/7/22 22:57:59] Mati: you know that i won't sleep tonight.... But you could help
me by saying what time i meet you tomorrow?
[9/7/22 0:28:31] Mati: ?
[9/7/22 2:25:05] Mati: What time tomorrow?
[9/7/22 4:00:00] Mati: I can't sleep but you don't care... Your behavior is not
[9/7/22 9:01:55] Mati: Hello what time today?
[9/7/22 11:02:23] Mati: Hello?
[9/7/22 11:20:33] Mati: can i go to speak with you please? That's all
[9/7/22 11:24:01] Rebecca Peckham: Hello, your behaviour is very alarming and
upsetting to me, I think you need to seek mental health help. You have worked
yourself up into a complete state, when the two cats you gave me are perfectly
fine, and you still have 4 cats in your tiny flat, which is at least two too many.
I'm sorry, but I can't in good consciousness give them back, because it is a
terrible living environment I'd be sending them back to. I know you love them very
much, and they are physically well looked after, but cats aren't supposed to live
in large groups in small spaces, and I think they are really stressed (which is why
they run away from you). The boy in particular, as he gets older, can't live with
two other unnutered males in that small space, its not right. I can appreciate that
you are very upset, and I am sorry for that, but I really am thinking of thier best
interests and if I thought that was giving them back to you I would, even though
I've grown very attached to them and can give them a wonderful life. I can send you
800 pounds for both. I know you will find this really difficult, and I really do
think you should get some professional help, and please focus on getting the right
environment for the 4 cats you have at your home.
[9/7/22 11:28:56] Mati: my mental health really? You have been ignoring me all
this time.... While I'm suffering for my babiess. All what you had to say is yes
come tomorrow to see me. That's it.
All what i said to you is please respond.
Your lack of kindness is cold- hearted.
[9/7/22 11:30:20] Mati: As you can see they have a marvelous behaviour... And they
are very happy with me, and they are a lot of time in tnt garden.
So no worries for my cats welfare they are perfectly well.
Maybe you can check charities where they are cats that have suffered a lot... And
they may need your help really.
[9/7/22 11:31:26] Mati: please give me my cats back.. That's all what i want from
you. I won't bother you anymore. And i deeply apologises if have cause you any
[9/7/22 11:44:54] Rebecca Peckham: It's not about me or you, it's about the cats.
I'm honestly doing this to hurt you, but yesterday I did talk to a person who works
in an animal charity and a behaviour specialist who confirmed that cats can't live
in those numbers in a small space and not be really stressed. I also found this
article from an animal charity which I think you should read
my-cat-need-a-friend%3famp if you were able to find an animal professional e.g.
vet/animal behaviourist that could confirm that they had a good environment to live
in then I would give them back.
[9/7/22 11:52:46] Mati: Well anyway I'm moving from this flat in 2 weeks to a
bigger one.
And my daughter is going to be in Spain studying so will have 2 with her.
Thnak you very much for your concerns.
But i still believe that you fall in love with them, because they are adorable and
you are inventing excuses to keep them for you.
You know perfectly well that they are in very good conditions and that's why they
are so incredibly adorable.
[9/7/22 11:55:21] Mati: <adjunto: 00000071-PHOTO-2022-07-09-11-55-21.jpg>
[9/7/22 11:55:32] Mati: Look my cats "suffering"
[9/7/22 12:14:50] Rebecca Peckham: Look, of it's true they are lovely and maybe I'm
not objective, but I honestly don't think giving them back would be right. I'd be
happy to find someone, like an animal behaviourist, to mediate between us, or if
you could find someone I'd be happy with that as well.
[9/7/22 12:16:51] Mati: If you are so boring with your life why don't you help
people from Ukraine war? You have a room free you can take a refugee? There are a
lot of animals abandoned and suffering around, pay attention to those? You know
perfectly well that my cats are in excellent conditions
[9/7/22 12:16:57] Mati: Look my neighbor statement
[9/7/22 12:17:05] Mati: Right now I'm telling her this
[9/7/22 12:18:04] Mati: Fyi cats together company each other, and have less
stress... I noticed that because before when i had one and i was away to long he
was a bit stressed. Having several finished with this situation
[9/7/22 12:20:15] Mati: <adjunto: 00000078-PHOTO-2022-07-09-12-20-15.jpg>
[9/7/22 12:24:35] Rebecca Peckham: Firstly, I'm not going to apologise to caring
about cat welfare. Secondly, the fact that you think 6 cats in a tiny space is
"less stressful" is very much part of the problem. Finally, I think I'm going to
carry on listening to professionals in animal welfare, rather then you and your
[9/7/22 12:27:42] Mati: Ok if you think that i have to many that's fine. I'll ask
my friends who would like to have some of my lovely cats. I'm sure I'll find
[9/7/22 13:26:02] Mati: I wish all the cats if this word would be in similar
conditions than my cats. But unfortunately is not like this.
Be honest and recognize that they are incredibly well cared.
[9/7/22 13:26:11] Mati: Just please let me get them back.
[9/7/22 13:26:48] Mati: Meanwhile yes we can continue to speak about theit welfare
and how to improve their life's if this is possible.
[9/7/22 13:26:57] Mati: Can i go please to speak with you?
[9/7/22 13:46:19] Mati: Maybe we can do something different, that's why i want to
speak with you
[9/7/22 13:46:36] Mati: Can i peacefully speak with you?
[9/7/22 13:46:43] Mati: Please
[9/7/22 13:48:48] Rebecca Peckham: OK I am busy this weekend but I can do a phone
call or meet somewhere Monday evening, maybe a coffee shop.
[9/7/22 13:49:24] Mati: OK
[9/7/22 13:49:54] Mati: But on Monday is when I'm leaving and i would like to leave
with peace in mind. So necessary is tomorrow
[9/7/22 13:50:02] Mati: or today
[9/7/22 13:52:34] Rebecca Peckham: No, I'm not available, we can do a phone call
Monday morning?
[9/7/22 13:53:22] Mati: No no i prefer face to face
[9/7/22 13:54:02] Mati: What coffee shop around the center?
[9/7/22 14:40:13] Rebecca Peckham: I don't mind, somewhere around London Bridge?
[9/7/22 14:43:05] Mati: I would prefer close to Waterloo bridge.. That day i
haven't a lot of time... I do the effort only because this is extremely serious
[9/7/22 15:56:08] Rebecca Peckham: I can do Waterloo.
[9/7/22 16:09:09] Mati: OK what time?
[9/7/22 16:18:49] Mati: I'm reading this well.. And yes find it, but meanwhile i
think is fair to give me them back since... Simply they are my cats no yours. You
are not right to keep away from me the cats on your behalf they are not your
possession. And now you are in the place of just stealing my cats.
[9/7/22 17:03:35] Mati: hello?
[9/7/22 17:27:00] Mati: What time in Waterloo?
[9/7/22 18:21:38] Mati: Sorry but you are keeping my cats illegally.... So let's
speak about this in a friendly way and try to resolve it. Please
[9/7/22 18:26:42] Mati: You are committing a criminal offense... Up to you if you
want to continue with this.
[9/7/22 19:01:45] Mati: Hello... What time in Waterloo?
[9/7/22 20:11:58] Mati: Hello I'm waiting.... yesterday , today all the day.. And
well you still say i have mental health problems... And you? Do you really believe
you are well doing all this?
[9/7/22 21:09:40] Mati: Hello what time on Monday?
[9/7/22 21:26:50] Mati: I'm still wondering why are you do cruel towards me??
What's that i did you? Honestly... Think about it and respond
[9/7/22 21:45:57] Mati: ? Where and what time please?
[9/7/22 22:36:44] Mati: Hello? I don't want to bother you but it would be kind
just say if you are willing to resolve this in a friendly way or something. What
[10/7/22 9:29:43] Mati: Hello.. At what time please?
[10/7/22 11:13:10] Mati: This is a legal requirement . I will go to collect my cats
today at 1 pm if you do not confirm the collection I'll report to the police this
crime to start the prosecution.

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