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Developer notes on the transition to Python 3

:date: 2010-07-11
:author: Charles R. Harris
:author: Pauli Virtanen


NumPy has now been ported to Python 3.

Some glitches may still be present; however, we are not aware of any
significant ones, the test suite passes.


Information on porting to 3K:



The Nose test framework has currently (Nov 2009) no released Python 3
compatible version. Its 3K SVN branch, however, works quite well:


Known semantic changes on Py2


As a side effect, the Py3 adaptation has caused the following semantic
changes that are visible on Py2.

* Objects (except bytes and str) that implement the PEP 3118 array interface
will behave as ndarrays in `array(...)` and `asarray(...)`; the same way
as if they had ``__array_interface__`` defined.

* Otherwise, there are no known semantic changes.

Known semantic changes on Py3


The following semantic changes have been made on Py3:

* Division: integer division is by default true_divide, also for arrays.

* Dtype field names are Unicode.

* Only unicode dtype field titles are included in fields dict.

* :pep:`3118` buffer objects will behave differently from Py2 buffer objects
when used as an argument to `array(...)`, `asarray(...)`.

In Py2, they would cast to an object array.

In Py3, they cast similarly as objects having an

``__array_interface__`` attribute, ie., they behave as if they were
an ndarray view on the data.

Python code

2to3 in

Currently, calls 2to3 automatically to convert Python sources

to Python 3 ones, and stores the results under::


Only changed files will be re-converted when is called a second

time, making development much faster.

Currently, this seems to handle all of the necessary Python code


Not all of the 2to3 transformations are appropriate for all files.
Especially, 2to3 seems to be quite trigger-happy in replacing e.g.
``unicode`` by ``str`` which causes problems in ````.
For files that need special handling, add entries to


There are some utility functions needed for 3K compatibility in

``numpy.compat.py3k`` -- they can be imported from ``numpy.compat``:

- bytes, unicode: bytes and unicode constructors

- asbytes: convert string to bytes (no-op on Py2)
- asbytes_nested: convert strings in lists to Bytes
- asunicode: convert string to unicode
- asunicode_nested: convert strings in lists to Unicode
- asstr: convert item to the str type
- getexception: get current exception (see below)
- isfileobj: detect Python file objects
- strchar: character for Unicode (Py3) or Strings (Py2)
- open_latin1: open file in the latin1 text mode

More can be added as needed.


F2py is ported to Py3.

Bytes vs. strings


At many points in NumPy, bytes literals are needed. These can be created via
numpy.compat.asbytes and asbytes_nested.

Exception syntax

Syntax change: "except FooException, bar:" -> "except FooException as bar:"

This is taken care by 2to3, however.

Relative imports

The new relative import syntax,

from . import foo

is not available on Py2.4, so we can't simply use it.

Using absolute imports everywhere is probably OK, if they just happen

to work.

2to3, however, converts the old syntax to new syntax, so as long as we

use the converter, it takes care of most parts.


The Print statement changed to a builtin function in Py3.

Also this is taken care of by 2to3.

types module

The following items were removed from `types` module in Py3:

- StringType (Py3: `bytes` is equivalent, to some degree)

- InstanceType (Py3: ???)
- IntType (Py3: no equivalent)
- LongType (Py3: equivalent `long`)
- FloatType (Py3: equivalent `float`)
- BooleanType (Py3: equivalent `bool`)
- ComplexType (Py3: equivalent `complex`)
- UnicodeType (Py3: equivalent `str`)
- BufferType (Py3: more-or-less equivalent `memoryview`)
In ````, the "common" types were replaced by their
plain equivalents, and `IntType` was dropped.


In numerictypes, types on Python 3 were changed so that:

=========== ============
Scalar type Value
=========== ============
str_ This is the basic Unicode string type on Py3
bytes_ This is the basic Byte-string type on Py3
string_ bytes_ alias
unicode_ str_ alias
=========== ============

numpy.loadtxt et al

These routines are difficult to duck-type to read both Unicode and

Bytes input.

I assumed they are meant for reading Bytes streams -- this is probably
the far more common use case with scientific data.

Cyclic imports

Python 3 is less forgiving about cyclic imports than Python 2. Cycles

need to be broken to have the same code work both on Python 2 and 3.

C Code


A #define in config.h, defined when building for Py3.

.. todo::

Currently, this is generated as a part of the config.

Is this sensible (we could also use Py_VERSION_HEX)?


Convenience macros for Python 3 support:

- PyInt -> PyLong on Py3

- PyString -> PyBytes on Py3
- PyUString -> PyUnicode on Py3 and PyString on Py2
- PyBytes on Py2
- PyUnicode_ConcatAndDel, PyUnicode_Concat2
- Py_SIZE et al., for older Python versions
- npy_PyFile_Dup, etc. to get FILE* from Py3 file objects
- PyObject_Cmp, convenience comparison function on Py3
- NpyCapsule_* helpers: PyCObject

Any new ones that need to be added should be added in this file.

.. todo::

Remove PyString_* eventually -- having a call to one of these in NumPy

sources is a sign of an error...

ob_type, ob_size

These use Py_SIZE, etc. macros now. The macros are also defined in
npy_3kcompat.h for the Python versions that don't have them natively.


Python 3 no longer supports type coercion in arithmetic.

Py_TPFLAGS_CHECKTYPES is now on by default, and so the C-level

interface, ``nb_*`` methods, still unconditionally receive whatever
types as their two arguments.

However, this will affect Python-level code: previously if you

inherited from a Py_TPFLAGS_CHECKTYPES enabled class that implemented
a ``__mul__`` method, the same ``__mul__`` method would still be
called also as when a ``__rmul__`` was required, but with swapped
arguments (see Python/Objects/typeobject.c:wrap_binaryfunc_r).
However, on Python 3, arguments are swapped only if both are of same
(sub-)type, and otherwise things fail.

This means that ``ndarray``-derived subclasses must now implement all

relevant ``__r*__`` methods, since they cannot any more automatically
fall back to ndarray code.


The structures have been converted to the new format:

- number.c
- scalartypes.c.src
- scalarmathmodule.c.src

The slots np_divide, np_long, np_oct, np_hex, and np_inplace_divide

have gone away. The slot np_int is what np_long used to be, tp_divide
is now tp_floor_divide, and np_inplace_divide is now

These have simply been #ifdef'd out on Py3.

The Py2/Py3 compatible structure definition looks like::

static PyNumberMethods @name@_as_number = {

(binaryfunc)0, /*nb_add*/
(binaryfunc)0, /*nb_subtract*/
(binaryfunc)0, /*nb_multiply*/
#if defined(NPY_PY3K)
(binaryfunc)0, /*nb_divide*/
(binaryfunc)0, /*nb_remainder*/
(binaryfunc)0, /*nb_divmod*/
(ternaryfunc)0, /*nb_power*/
(unaryfunc)0, /*nb_pos*/
(unaryfunc)0, /*nb_abs*/
#if defined(NPY_PY3K)
(inquiry)0, /*nb_bool*/
(inquiry)0, /*nb_nonzero*/
(unaryfunc)0, /*nb_invert*/
(binaryfunc)0, /*nb_lshift*/
(binaryfunc)0, /*nb_rshift*/
(binaryfunc)0, /*nb_and*/
(binaryfunc)0, /*nb_xor*/
(binaryfunc)0, /*nb_or*/
#if defined(NPY_PY3K)
0, /*nb_coerce*/
(unaryfunc)0, /*nb_int*/
#if defined(NPY_PY3K)
(unaryfunc)0, /*nb_reserved*/
(unaryfunc)0, /*nb_long*/
(unaryfunc)0, /*nb_float*/
#if defined(NPY_PY3K)
(unaryfunc)0, /*nb_oct*/
(unaryfunc)0, /*nb_hex*/
0, /*inplace_add*/
0, /*inplace_subtract*/
0, /*inplace_multiply*/
#if defined(NPY_PY3K)
0, /*inplace_divide*/
0, /*inplace_remainder*/
0, /*inplace_power*/
0, /*inplace_lshift*/
0, /*inplace_rshift*/
0, /*inplace_and*/
0, /*inplace_xor*/
0, /*inplace_or*/
(binaryfunc)0, /*nb_floor_divide*/
(binaryfunc)0, /*nb_true_divide*/
0, /*nb_inplace_floor_divide*/
0, /*nb_inplace_true_divide*/
(unaryfunc)NULL, /*nb_index*/

PyBuffer (provider)

PyBuffer usage is widely spread in multiarray:

1) The void scalar makes use of buffers

2) Multiarray has methods for creating buffers etc. explicitly
3) Arrays can be created from buffers etc.
4) The .data attribute of an array is a buffer

Py3 introduces the PEP 3118 buffer protocol as the *only* protocol,
so we must implement it.

The exporter parts of the PEP 3118 buffer protocol are currently
implemented in ``buffer.c`` for arrays, and in ``scalartypes.c.src``
for generic array scalars. The generic array scalar exporter, however,
doesn't currently produce format strings, which needs to be fixed.

Also some code also stops working when ``bf_releasebuffer`` is

defined. Most importantly, ``PyArg_ParseTuple("s#", ...)`` refuses to
return a buffer if ``bf_releasebuffer`` is present. For this reason,
the buffer interface for arrays is implemented currently *without*
defining ``bf_releasebuffer`` at all. This forces us to go through
some additional work.

There are a couple of places that need further attention:

- VOID_getitem

In some cases, this returns a buffer object on Python 2. On Python 3,

there is no stand-alone buffer object, so we return a byte array instead.

The Py2/Py3 compatible PyBufferMethods definition looks like::

NPY_NO_EXPORT PyBufferProcs array_as_buffer = {

#if !defined(NPY_PY3K)
#if PY_VERSION_HEX >= 0x02050000
(readbufferproc)array_getreadbuf, /*bf_getreadbuffer*/
(writebufferproc)array_getwritebuf, /*bf_getwritebuffer*/
(segcountproc)array_getsegcount, /*bf_getsegcount*/
(charbufferproc)array_getcharbuf, /*bf_getcharbuffer*/
(getreadbufferproc)array_getreadbuf, /*bf_getreadbuffer*/
(getwritebufferproc)array_getwritebuf, /*bf_getwritebuffer*/
(getsegcountproc)array_getsegcount, /*bf_getsegcount*/
(getcharbufferproc)array_getcharbuf, /*bf_getcharbuffer*/
#if PY_VERSION_HEX >= 0x02060000
(getbufferproc)array_getbuffer, /*bf_getbuffer*/
(releasebufferproc)array_releasebuffer, /*bf_releasebuffer*/

.. todo::

Produce PEP 3118 format strings for array scalar objects.

.. todo::

There's stuff to clean up in numarray/_capi.c

PyBuffer (consumer)

There are two places in which we may want to be able to consume buffer
objects and cast them to ndarrays:

1) `multiarray.frombuffer`, ie., ``PyArray_FromAny``

The frombuffer returns only arrays of a fixed dtype. It does not

make sense to support PEP 3118 at this location, since not much
would be gained from that -- the backward compatibility functions
using the old array interface still work.

So no changes needed here.

2) `multiarray.array`, ie., ``PyArray_FromAny``

In general, we would like to handle :pep:`3118` buffers in the same way

as ``__array_interface__`` objects. Hence, we want to be able to cast
them to arrays already in ``PyArray_FromAny``.

Hence, ``PyArray_FromAny`` needs additions.

There are a few caveats in allowing :pep:`3118` buffers in


a) `bytes` (and `str` on Py2) objects offer a buffer interface that

specifies them as 1-D array of bytes.

Previously ``PyArray_FromAny`` has cast these to 'S#' dtypes. We

don't want to change this, since will cause problems in many places.

We do, however, want to allow other objects that provide 1-D byte arrays
to be cast to 1-D ndarrays and not 'S#' arrays -- for instance, 'S#'
arrays tend to strip trailing NUL characters.

So what is done in ``PyArray_FromAny`` currently is that:

- Presence of :pep:`3118` buffer interface is checked before checking

for array interface. If it is present *and* the object is not
`bytes` object, then it is used for creating a view on the buffer.

- We also check in ``discover_depth`` and ``_array_find_type`` for the

3118 buffers, so that::

will treat the object similarly as it would handle an `ndarray`.

However, again, bytes (and unicode) have priority and will not be
handled as buffer objects.

This amounts to possible semantic changes:

- ``array(buffer)`` will no longer create an object array

``array([buffer], dtype='O')``, but will instead expand to a view
on the buffer.

.. todo::

Take a second look at places that used PyBuffer_FromMemory and

PyBuffer_FromReadWriteMemory -- what can be done with these?

.. todo::

There's some buffer code in numarray/_capi.c that needs to be addressed.

PyBuffer (object)

Since there is a native buffer object in Py3, the `memoryview`, the

`newbuffer` and `getbuffer` functions are removed from `multiarray` in
Py3: their functionality is taken over by the new `memoryview` object.


There is no PyString in Py3, everything is either Bytes or Unicode.

Unicode is also preferred in many places, e.g., in __dict__.

There are two issues related to the str/bytes change:

1) Return values etc. should prefer unicode

2) The 'S' dtype

This entry discusses return values etc. only, the 'S' dtype is a
separate topic.

All uses of PyString in NumPy should be changed to one of

- PyBytes: one-byte character strings in Py2 and Py3

- PyUString (defined in npy_3kconfig.h): PyString in Py2, PyUnicode in Py3
- PyUnicode: UCS in Py2 and Py3

In many cases the conversion only entails replacing PyString with


PyString is currently defined to PyBytes in npy_3kcompat.h, for making

things to build. This definition will be removed when Py3 support is

Where ``*_AsStringAndSize`` is used, more care needs to be taken, as

encoding Unicode to Bytes may needed. If this cannot be avoided, the
encoding should be ASCII, unless there is a very strong reason to do
otherwise. Especially, I don't believe we should silently fall back to
UTF-8 -- raising an exception may be a better choice.

Exceptions should use PyUnicode_AsUnicodeEscape -- this should result

to an ASCII-clean string that is appropriate for the exception

Some specific decisions that have been made so far:

* descriptor.c: dtype field names are UString

At some places in NumPy code, there are some guards for Unicode field
names. However, the dtype constructor accepts only strings as field names,
so we should assume field names are *always* UString.

* descriptor.c: field titles can be arbitrary objects.

If they are UString (or, on Py2, Bytes or Unicode), insert to fields dict.

* descriptor.c: dtype strings are Unicode.

* descriptor.c: datetime tuple contains Bytes only.

* repr() and str() should return UString

* comparison between Unicode and Bytes is not defined in Py3

* Type codes in numerictypes.typeInfo dict are Unicode

* Func name in errobj is Bytes (should be forced to ASCII)

.. todo::

tp_doc -- it's a char* pointer, but what is the encoding?

Check esp. lib/src/_compiled_base

Currently, UTF-8 is assumed.

.. todo::

ufunc names -- again, what's the encoding?

.. todo::

Cleanup to do later on: Replace all occurrences of PyString by

PyBytes, PyUnicode, or PyUString.

.. todo::

Revise errobj decision?

.. todo::

Check that non-UString field names are not accepted anywhere.


PyUnicode in Py3 is pretty much as it was in Py2, except that it is

now the only "real" string type.

In Py3, Unicode and Bytes are not comparable, ie., 'a' != b'a'. NumPy
comparison routines were handled to act in the same way, leaving
comparison between Unicode and Bytes undefined.

.. todo::

Check that indeed all comparison routines were changed.

Fate of the 'S' dtype


On Python 3, the 'S' dtype will still be Bytes.


str, str_ == unicode_


There is no limited-range integer type any more in Py3. It makes no

sense to inherit NumPy ints from Py3 ints.

Currently, the following is done:

1) NumPy's integer types no longer inherit from Python integer.

2) int is taken dtype-equivalent to NPY_LONG
3) ints are converted to NPY_LONG

PyInt methods are currently replaced by PyLong, via macros in npy_3kcompat.h.

Dtype decision rules were changed accordingly, so that NumPy understands

Py3 int translate to NPY_LONG as far as dtypes are concerned.

array([1]).dtype will be the default NPY_LONG integer.

.. todo::

Not inheriting from `int` on Python 3 makes the following not work:
``np.intp("0xff", 16)`` -- because the NumPy type does not take
the second argument. This could perhaps be fixed...


The Divide operation is no more.

Calls to PyNumber_Divide were replaced by FloorDivide or TrueDivide,

as appropriate.

The PyNumberMethods entry is #ifdef'd out on Py3, see above.

tp_compare, PyObject_Compare

The compare method has vanished, and is replaced with richcompare.

We just #ifdef the compare methods out on Py3.

New richcompare methods were implemented for:

* flagsobject.c

On the consumer side, we have a convenience wrapper in npy_3kcompat.h

providing PyObject_Cmp also on Py3.


The ndarray and dtype __setstate__ were modified to be

backward-compatible with Py3: they need to accept a Unicode endian
character, and Unicode data since that's what Py2 str is unpickled to
in Py3.

An encoding assumption is required for backward compatibility: the user

must do

loads(f, encoding='latin1')

to successfully read pickles created by Py2.

.. todo::

Forward compatibility? Is it even possible?

For sure, we are not knowingly going to store data in PyUnicode,
so probably the only way for forward compatibility is to implement
a custom Unpickler for Py2?

.. todo::

If forward compatibility is not possible, aim to store also the endian

character as Bytes...

Module initialization

The module initialization API changed in Python 3.1.

Most NumPy modules are now converted.


The PyTypeObject of py3k is binary compatible with the py2k version and the
old initializers should work. However, there are several considerations to
keep in mind.

1) Because the first three slots are now part of a struct some compilers issue
warnings if they are initialized in the old way.
2) The compare slot has been made reserved in order to preserve binary
compatibility while the tp_compare function went away. The tp_richcompare
function has replaced it and we need to use that slot instead. This will
likely require modifications in the searchsorted functions and generic sorts
that currently use the compare function.

3) The previous numpy practice of initializing the COUNT_ALLOCS slots was

bogus. They are not supposed to be explicitly initialized and were out of
place in any case because an extra base slot was added in python 2.6.

Because of these facts it is better to use #ifdefs to bring the old

initializers up to py3k snuff rather than just fill the tp_richcompare
slot. They also serve to mark the places where changes have been
made. Note that explicit initialization can stop once none of the
remaining entries are non-zero, because zero is the default value that
variables with non-local linkage receive.

The Py2/Py3 compatible TypeObject definition looks like::

NPY_NO_EXPORT PyTypeObject Foo_Type = {

#if defined(NPY_PY3K)
0, /* ob_size */
"" /* tp_name */
0, /* tp_basicsize */
0, /* tp_itemsize */
/* methods */
0, /* tp_dealloc */
0, /* tp_print */
0, /* tp_getattr */
0, /* tp_setattr */
#if defined(NPY_PY3K)
(void *)0, /* tp_reserved */
0, /* tp_compare */
0, /* tp_repr */
0, /* tp_as_number */
0, /* tp_as_sequence */
0, /* tp_as_mapping */
0, /* tp_hash */
0, /* tp_call */
0, /* tp_str */
0, /* tp_getattro */
0, /* tp_setattro */
0, /* tp_as_buffer */
0, /* tp_flags */
0, /* tp_doc */
0, /* tp_traverse */
0, /* tp_clear */
0, /* tp_richcompare */
0, /* tp_weaklistoffset */
0, /* tp_iter */
0, /* tp_iternext */
0, /* tp_methods */
0, /* tp_members */
0, /* tp_getset */
0, /* tp_base */
0, /* tp_dict */
0, /* tp_descr_get */
0, /* tp_descr_set */
0, /* tp_dictoffset */
0, /* tp_init */
0, /* tp_alloc */
0, /* tp_new */
0, /* tp_free */
0, /* tp_is_gc */
0, /* tp_bases */
0, /* tp_mro */
0, /* tp_cache */
0, /* tp_subclasses */
0, /* tp_weaklist */
0, /* tp_del */
0 /* tp_version_tag (2.6) */


Types with tp_as_sequence defined

* multiarray/descriptor.c
* multiarray/scalartypes.c.src
* multiarray/arrayobject.c

PySequenceMethods in py3k are binary compatible with py2k, but some of the
slots have gone away. I suspect this means some functions need redefining so
the semantics of the slots needs to be checked::

PySequenceMethods foo_sequence_methods = {
(lenfunc)0, /* sq_length */
(binaryfunc)0, /* sq_concat */
(ssizeargfunc)0, /* sq_repeat */
(ssizeargfunc)0, /* sq_item */
(void *)0, /* nee sq_slice */
(ssizeobjargproc)0, /* sq_ass_item */
(void *)0, /* nee sq_ass_slice */
(objobjproc)0, /* sq_contains */
(binaryfunc)0, /* sq_inplace_concat */
(ssizeargfunc)0 /* sq_inplace_repeat */


Types with tp_as_mapping defined

* multiarray/descriptor.c
* multiarray/iterators.c
* multiarray/scalartypes.c.src
* multiarray/flagsobject.c
* multiarray/arrayobject.c
PyMappingMethods in py3k look to be the same as in py2k. The semantics
of the slots needs to be checked::

PyMappingMethods foo_mapping_methods = {
(lenfunc)0, /* mp_length */
(binaryfunc)0, /* mp_subscript */
(objobjargproc)0 /* mp_ass_subscript */


Many of the PyFile items have disappeared:

1) PyFile_Type
2) PyFile_AsFile
3) PyFile_FromString

Most importantly, in Py3 there is no way to extract a FILE* pointer

from the Python file object. There are, however, new PyFile_* functions
for writing and reading data from the file.

Compatibility wrappers that return a dup-ed `fdopen` file pointer are

in private/npy_3kcompat.h. This causes more flushing to be necessary,
but it appears there is no alternative solution. The FILE pointer so
obtained must be closed with fclose after use.

.. todo::

Should probably be done much later on...

Adapt all NumPy I/O to use the PyFile_* methods or the low-level
IO routines. In any case, it's unlikely that C stdio can be used any more.

Perhaps using PyFile_* makes numpy.tofile e.g. to a gzip to work?


The RO alias for READONLY is no more.

These were replaced, as READONLY is present also on Py2.



1) PyOS_ascii_strtod -> PyOS_double_from_string;

curiously enough, PyOS_ascii_strtod is not only deprecated but also
causes segfaults

There are some checks for PyInstance in ``common.c`` and ``ctors.c``.

Currently, ``PyInstance_Check`` is just #ifdef'd out for Py3. This is,

possibly, not the correct thing to do.

.. todo::

Do the right thing for PyInstance checks.

PyCObject / PyCapsule

The PyCObject API is removed in Python 3.2, so we need to rewrite it

using PyCapsule.

NumPy was changed to use the Capsule API, using NpyCapsule* wrappers.

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