Safety Guidelines 2020

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You are reading the Prevention Guide. It sets out the prevention rules applicable to Sogea-Satom
agencies. All the documents in the various toolboxes are available on the Sogea-Satom intranet




2.1. Responsibilities
2.2. Prevention structure
2.3. Annual Prevention Action Plan


3.1. Worksite
3.2. Travel
3.3. Worksite facilities


4.1. Prevention
4.2. Health protection
4.3. Collective protection
4.4. Personal protection
4.5. Protections on vehicles and machines
4.6. Electrical protection
4.7. Lockout of energies other than electric
4.8. Protection during lifting operations


5.1. Communication and information

5.2. Training



7.1. Exceptional event

7.2. Organisation of emergency response
7.3. Reporting and recording


8.1. Risk assessment

8.2. Workplace inspection
8.3. Supervision assessment

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PREVENTION GUIDE Updated 13/01/2020


• The Senior Management’s Prevention Policy and the involvement of the Agency Manager are known and

• The President establishes the general policy. The managers (Agency Manager, Subsidiary Director) of
each Sogea-Satom entity demonstrate their commitment by establishing a prevention policy consistent
with that of Sogea-Satom and the Golden Rules. These are presented and explained to all employees and
temporary workers.

• Safety is on the agenda of every Management Committee meeting, operating meeting and works

• Safety is a permanent concern. It is incorporated into every decision by the company.

• “Zero Tolerance” is applied in the event of non-compliance with the Golden Rules.

✓ Sogea-Satom Prevention Policy

✓ Golden Rules
✓ VINCI Construction’s Safety Culture
✓ Annual Prevention Action Plan PAPA (Plan d’Actions Prévention Annuel)


2.1 Responsibilities
• Managers are exemplary in terms of safety.

• The Agency Manager or Managing Director of the subsidiary delegates part of his powers to his
employees and has a delegation of authority from the Regional Director.

• Certifications are issued as required by Management or its delegates.

• A driving permit is issued to all relevant employees by Management or its delegates.

• Driving permits are checked by the fleet manager before entrusting a vehicle to a driver.

✓ Organisation charts

2.2 Prevention structure

• Each agency has a Country HSE manager, whose position is defined on the organisation chart and whose
responsibilities are clearly defined.

✓ “Country QHSE Manager” job description

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PREVENTION GUIDE Updated 13/01/2020

2.3 Annual Prevention Action Plan

• The PAPA (Plan d’Actions Prévention Annuel) for the previous year was subject to a detailed assessment and
a PAPA for the current year exists.
A PAPA, which is produced following the review of the previous year, is established for each agency and subsidiary.
It includes the objectives in terms of prevention policy actions and the manager’s commitment. Its implementation
is monitored periodically (at least once per quarter).

✓ PAPA model


3.1 Worksite
• A Health and Safety Plan (PHS – Plan d’Hygiène et Sécurité) is developed at the launch of each site.

• The risks are studied at as early a stage as possible, from the price study phase, to define the prevention
organisation (choice of construction methods and definition of execution methods). The analysis of this
study is formalised in a PHS.

• Each task is analysed before being carried out and the resulting procedures are set out in the PHS.

• These procedures are explained to the relevant management (PRETASK).

• A Prestart Meeting is held every morning at each workstation.

• Any amendment to procedures or operating methods is the subject of an addendum validated by the site

• The PHS must also be updated, via an addendum, when new risks appear.

• The PHS includes measures implemented to protect local residents.

✓ The five unifying actions

3.2 Travel

• “Travel” risk is analysed and described in the PHS.

The following risks must particularly be studied:
- Travelling by motorcycle in countries where the requirement to wear helmets is ignored;
- Travel by sea or river;
- Travel in unsafe areas (presence of highway bandits, etc.);
- Travel longer than six hours or 600km.

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PREVENTION GUIDE Updated 13/01/2020

3.3 Worksite facilities

The positioning of portakabins, worksite facilities and offices must be subject to a special risk analysis before
installation, in order to guarantee maximum occupant safety. That analysis must be described in the worksite Health
and Safety Plan. Under no circumstances may the portakabins, worksite facilities and offices be positioned:

• In flood-prone areas,

• At the foot of a slope with the risk of landslides or falling rocks,

• Near or below roads or motorways,

• Near munitions or explosives dumps,

• Close to landing strips.

Every worksite, workshop and industrial site must include:

• Sanitary facilities for 25 employees,
✓ Separation of sanitary facilities for men and women,
✓ Water points nearby,

• Changing rooms,
- One wardrobe or locker per employee,
- Separation of men and women,

• A refectory,
- A shaded area,
- Drinking water available,
- A seat for everyone,
- Sufficient waste bins.

✓ VINCI Human Rights Guide


4.1 Prevention
• Each employee acts if any of his colleagues are unsafe.

• All employees are informed of their right of withdrawal if they consider themselves to be in danger.

• Work under the influence of alcohol or drugs is prohibited.

• Use of telephones or headphones is prohibited outside of authorised areas.

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• No employee is allowed to drive before two years’ experience in Africa; use of a driver remains a priority

• Overnight trips outside built-up areas are subject to authorisation from the Agency Manager.

• Wearing seat belts is compulsory in all vehicles.

• Speed limits are observed.

• Employees are transported in a vehicle specially fitted out for that purpose.

• The engine is switched off before getting out of any vehicle and a brief visual inspection of the vehicle is
carried out before restarting.

• Ladders are prohibited as a work station. Access methods must comply with the “Substitution of ladders”

• Existing structures in work areas are systematically inspected.

• Existing hydraulic and road structures on frequently used roads are inspected in advance.

• Carrying packaged unitary materials and goods (bags, pallets, reinforcing bars, containers, etc.) in digger
buckets is prohibited. In order to take into account the site conditions, this rule may be temporarily
waived, provided that a detailed procedure is established and explicitly approved by the Agency Manager
or the Operations Director, under the supervision of the Equipment managers and Country HSE managers,
including when loading and unloading are carried out using mechanical means.

• Each journey by a vehicle carrier or flatbed trailer is planned.

• Slings, chains and lifting gear must be checked annually by a competent person and identified by a colour
• Exceptional loads are transported in the company of a qualified person and, if possible, a lead vehicle.

✓ “Substitution of ladders” document

4.2 Health protection

Health and prevention programmes are established. Sogea-Satom’s policy for fighting infectious diseases
(HIV/AIDS, meningitis, tuberculosis, Ebola, etc.) has been launched. Agencies can partner with national
health campaigns.

• A medical check-up is carried out for each employee.

• Each employee is medically fit for the work required.

The medical fitness of staff (including temporary workers) is checked.

✓ HIV/AIDS policy
✓ Ebola procedure – Sogea-Satom measures

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PREVENTION GUIDE Updated 13/01/2020

4.3 Group protection

The necessary CPE (Collective Protection Equipment) is described in the PHS and staff are trained in its
use. The condition of CPE is checked regularly by worksite management to ensure optimal permanent

• Collective protection measures are in place in working areas with through-traffic.

• Collective protection measures are implemented when there is a risk of falling from height.

• Collective protection measures (critical angle of repose) are implemented in case of risk of burial for any
trench with a depth greater than 1.3m and a width equal to or less than two-thirds of the depth.

• Each crushing station without secure access to the conveyor belts has a mobile elevating work platform.

• No collective protection can be moved without agreement from management.

4.4 Personal protective equipment

• Every employee is equipped with the necessary PPE (Personal Protective Equipment).

• A package of compulsory basic equipment (helmet, protective shoes or boots, protective clothing, etc.) is
provided. This basic equipment is extended according to the risks specific to each activity. The wearing
of PPE is compulsory.

• The condition of the PPE is checked regularly and they are changed as necessary.

• Wearing a safety harness is compulsory for all work inside an elevating work platform.

✓ Sogea-Satom PPE Charter

4.5 Protections on vehicles and machines

• All self-propelled machinery and vehicles must be subject to an annual Periodic General Verification (VGP
– Vérification Générale Périodique) under the responsibility of the equipment manager and approved by
the agency manager.

• Vehicles’ speed must be restricted.

• The speed is determined by the Agency Manager (maximum speed: 110 km/h for light-duty vehicles and
ambulances, 90km/h for pick-ups and buses and 80km/h for HGVs). Any vehicle not fitted with a
restriction system cannot be used.

• Seat belts are fitted with a High Visibility system. From this year, all light-duty vehicles and HGVs
purchased or rented must be fitted with an audible warning device (at the front) if the seat belts are not
fastened. Each seat must be fitted with a seat belt, including the folding seats in minibuses.

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PREVENTION GUIDE Updated 13/01/2020

• All pick-ups are fitted with roll bars for the passenger compartment, including rented vehicles. A pick-up
without a roll bar cannot be used. The other light-duty vehicles listed in the Sogea-Satom grid do not
require any special equipment to prevent the risk of crushing in the event of a rollover. For light-duty
vehicles not listed in that grid, the MALT Department in Rueil must be consulted before putting them
into service.

• Installation of transport units on pick-ups is prohibited.

• Securing pick-ups’ spare wheels under the chassis is prohibited.

• From this year, all light-duty vehicles and pick-ups, purchased or rented, must be equipped with front,
driver and passenger side airbags.

• Earthmoving machines (bulldozers, graders, compactors, loaders, scrapers, dumpers) are fitted with a
ROPS cabin or a ROPS canopy; wearing a seat belt is compulsory. From this year, all such earthmoving
machines and HGVs must be equipped with a rear-view camera as a minimum. Hydraulic excavators not
fitted with a ROPS cabin will be subject to a special risk analysis when operating near embankments.
Excavators used on quarries must be equipped with a FOPS cabin.

• All HGVs purchased from 1 January 2018 must be restricted to 5km/h when reversing.

• All hydraulic excavators with a mass of less than 40T as well as backhoe loaders are fitted with a motion
control valve on the boom and arm cylinders and a lifting ring.

• All hydraulic excavators with a mass greater than 40T are equipped with those devices if handling
operations are carried out.

• Lifting devices and machines are subject to periodic checks regulated by a qualified inspection body.
Lifting machines are checked periodically and identified with special stickers.

• Double drum ride on rollers with a roller width less than 1m are prohibited.

• Forward-tipping dumpers (SAMBRON) must be equipped with a camera at the front of the tipper.

• From this year, all new finishers must be equipped with a smoke extraction device and a windscreen.

• The access ladder on the right-hand side of the “old generation” graders has been removed and a railing
installed (affecting the CAT 14H, 14M, 140H, 140 K and 160K).

• The reversing alarm must remain operational under all circumstances.

• The machine ramps mechanism must be compliant with the original manufacturer or with the hydraulic
ramps kit recommended by the equipment department.

• Subcontractors’ machinery and HGVs must be checked by the equipment fleet manager, who approves
or rejects their use.

• Machines must be slung on machine carriers by trained personnel according to industry standards.

All MALT Technical Instructions are available on the website:

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PREVENTION GUIDE Updated 13/01/2020

4.6 Electrical protection

• All facilities, offices, accommodation, portakabins, etc. must be subject to an electrical check by a person
appointed by the agency manager.

• Any employee working near an electrical network or installation must receive specific training in electrical
risks. This one-day training course, delivered by a person appointed by the agency manager (external
body or certified employee), must meet the requirements of UTE C 18-510. At the end of that training,
the branch manager will issue B0/H0 certification. The certification does not permit any electrical work,
but simply work near an electrical network or installation. Electrical work may only be carried out by

• Any operation on live work equipment must be subject to electrical lockout by a lockout officer
designated by the agency manager or his/her delegate. Safety measures must be in place to avoid
accidental switch-on. A lockout form must be completed by the lockout officer and approved by the
works officer (the procedure, a lockout/unlocking model as well as the INRS Guide ED 6109 on lockout
and unlocking are available on the intranet).

4.7 Lockout of energies (other than electric)

• All work on equipment, machines and vehicles must be carried out after lockout. Training for HSE
managers, equipment managers and relevant staff will be offered by AfricaPro at the end of the first
quarter of 2020.

4.8 Protection during lifting operations

• All lifting operations must comply with the Sogea-Satom Lifting Operations Guide (currently being


5.1 Communication and information

• A systematic and formal induction is carried out for all new recruits (including temporary workers).
The induction booklet is given to every employee at every site (worksites, workshops, etc.) and explained.
Subcontractors, dealers, visitors, etc. are informed about prevention measures and risks of the activity.

• Safety 15 Minutes are presented by supervisors.

At site level, each team meets at least twice a month to talk about prevention. Subcontractors are invited to attend
the Safety 15 Minutes.

• Innovations and good practices are disseminated.

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PREVENTION GUIDE Updated 13/01/2020

Reporting of Good Prevention Practices is encouraged.

• The Golden Rules are disseminated, presented and explained to all employees, including temporary
workers and subcontractors. Each agency has the possibility of adding specific Golden Rules.

• Organisational and Human Factors are incorporated into the management of employees who have taken
the “Safety Management” training.

• The Driver Guide is presented and explained to all employees.

✓ Induction sheet
✓ Golden Rules
✓ The Five Unifying Actions
✓ “Good Practice” collection
✓ Driver Guide

5.2 Training
• Each Agency Manager, Administrative and Financial Director, Operations Director, Equipment Director
and Supervisor has taken the “Safety Management” training.

• Each employee and temporary worker has received suitable training for the task carried out.
Business-line training automatically includes a safety component.

✓ Training for line management: Safety Management

✓ Training for employees and temporary workers:
• Certifications
• Driving training
• Worksite training
• Pre-start Meeting
• Safety 15 Minutes
• External training

• Safety criteria are defined for the selection of subcontractors.
The level of safety requirements is defined for our subcontractors. Safety criteria are incorporated into price
negotiations. The Director is responsible for checking subcontractors’ pricing levels.
The presence of a Sogea-Satom worksite manager is recommended during subcontracted work.
The procedures, safety results and skill level of the subcontractors are assessed.

• The directors of each subcontractor company have taken the “Management of Subcontractor Safety”
training and received the “Subcontractor” Prevention Guide.
Authorisation to work on our worksites is issued following this training.

• The subcontractor manager has received a safety induction.

Subcontractors are welcomed on their arrival at the worksite and an induction booklet is provided to them.

✓ Sogea-Satom "Subcontractor Safety Management” training module

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PREVENTION GUIDE Updated 13/01/2020


7.1 Exceptional event

• A crisis unit exists in the event of a serious accident.

• The Sogea-Satom procedure concerning serious, fatal and high-potential accidents is complied with.
• The compensation procedure for Workplace Accidents and Travel Accidents is known and applied.
✓ Fatal or Serious Accident/Accident Compensation Procedure (FR-M3-P7)
✓ Medevac Plan Procedure (FR-M3-P8)

7.2 Organisation of emergency response

Emergency response providers near the worksite (doctor, specialist, hospital, clinic, fire service,
ambulance, etc.) are identified. First aid is organised in the event of an accident.

• There are at least two first-aiders in the agency.

• At least 10% of the staff has undergone occupational first aid (SST – Sauveteur-Secouriste du Travail)
• Employees have received “response in the event of a fire” training, including handling of fire extinguishers
and presence of an evacuation leader and fire warden.
• An emergency drill must be carried out at least once a year.

7.3 Reporting and recording

• All incidents are reported to the manager.

• All accidents, incidents, near-misses and risk situations are analysed by supervisors and the HSE
The Country HSE manager is immediately informed in the event of a serious and high-potential accident. A report is
drawn up for every accident or incident. Near-misses are reported.

• The cause tree method is used and highlights the root causes (based on the VINCI Construction DEEP
grid and all causes considered to be original but not included in that grid).

• This analysis also concerns subcontractors’ workplace accidents.

• Safety reporting is entered into the BeSafe software for the fifth of each month.

✓ Serious accident information sheet (FR-M3-F21)

✓ Investigation after serious or fatal accident (FR-M3-F13)
✓ HiPo Workplace Accident/Near-Miss information sheet (FR-M3-F16)
✓ BeSafe user guide (FR-M3-I5)
✓ The Five Unifying Actions

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PREVENTION GUIDE Updated 13/01/2020


8.1 Risk assessment

• Each agency must draw up a document describing the actions to be implemented (Document Unique in
France), following the risk assessment and have it approved by the safety and working conditions
committee (CHSCT – Comité d'Hygiène, de Sécurité et des Conditions de Travail) or equivalent.

8.2 Workplace inspection

• Each Agency Manager, Subsidiary Director, Administrative and Financial Director, Operations Director
and Equipment Director carried out inspections at least once a month.

• Works Directors, Project Directors and Works Supervisors carry out a site safety inspection at least once
a month, and ensure that comments made are addressed.

• Supervisors ensure that any at-risk situation is immediately corrected and reported.

• Inspections are the subject of a report

• Subcontractors’ work is inspected.

• The inspection result is the subject of a report communicated to the main interested parties.
Comments made are followed up.

• A safety inspection log exists at each worksite and site. It must be signed by any person who conducts a
site safety inspection and provide the references of the report drawn up following that inspection.

✓ Inspection grid – Model report

✓ Safety audit grid (FR-M3-F15)

8.3 Supervision assessment


• The level of safety culture is assessed prior to each annual appraisal.

• The manager defines Safety objectives for his/her employees during annual appraisals.

• Safety is one component of the managerial performance assessment.

Version 1 – January 2020 ©Sogea-Satom Reproduction


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