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Non equilibrium optical properties in semiconductors from first–principles: a

combined theoretical and experimental study of bulk silicon

Davide Sangalli,1, 2 Stefano Dal Conte,3 Cristian Manzoni,3 Giulio Cerullo,3 and Andrea Marini1, 2
Istituto di Struttura della Materia of the National Research Council – Via Salaria Km 29.3, 00016 Monterotondo Stazione, Italy
European Theoretical Spectroscopy Facilities (ETSF)
Dipartimento di Fisica, Politecnico di Milano and Institute of Photonics and
Nanotechnologies, IFN-CNR – Piazza L. da Vinci 32, 20133 Milano, Italy
(ΩDated: March 2, 2016)
The calculation of the equilibrium optical properties of bulk silicon by using the Bethe–Salpeter
arXiv:1603.00225v1 [physics.optics] 1 Mar 2016

equation solved in the Kohn–Sham basis represents a cornerstone in the development of an ab–
initio approach to the optical and electronic properties of materials. Nevertheless calculations of
the transient optical spectrum using the same efficient and successful scheme are scarce. We report,
here, a joint theoretical and experimental study of the transient reflectivity spectrum of bulk sili-
con. Femtosecond transient reflectivity is compared to a parameter–free calculation based on the
non–equilibrium Bethe–Salpeter equation. By providing an accurate description of the experimen-
tal results we disclose the different phenomena that determine the transient optical response of a
semiconductor. We give a parameter–free interpretation of concepts like bleaching, photo–induced
absorption and stimulated emission, beyond the Fermi golden rule. We also introduce the concept
of optical gap renormalization, as a generalization of the known mechanism of band gap renormal-
ization. The present scheme successfully describes the case of bulk silicon, showing its universality
and accuracy.

PACS numbers: 31.15.A-,78.47.J-,71.10.-w

I. INTRODUCTION dimensional7 spectroscopies, which measure the polariza-

tion dephasing times and the correlations between photo–
excitations, to time- and angle–resolved photo–electron
Understanding the electronic and optical properties of
spectroscopy8, tracking time- and momentum-dependent
molecules and solids requires knowledge of their structure
electron energy distributions9 , to time-resolved T Hz
and their dynamics. Structural information describes the
spectroscopy10, which monitors the non-equilibrium
time-independent relative arrangement of the atoms in
evolution of charge carriers and low-energy excita-
the system and links their physical properties to their
tions11 . Extensive experiments have been performed
spatial location at equilibrium. Dynamics describes how
on bulk and nanostructured semiconductors12 , supercon-
the system responds to external stimuli and evolves from
ductors13 and other strongly correlated materials14 .
one configuration to the other when driven in the non–
equilibrium (NEQ) regime. Many dynamical processes, The situation from the theoretical and computational
involving for example the motion of atoms or charge car- point of view is rather different. Indeed, the modeling
riers occur on very short time-scales, ranging from 10−14 of equilibrium and out–of–equilibrium materials has fol-
to 10−12 s. Informations on such ultrafast events can lowed several distinct and often fragmented and uncor-
be gained by ultrafast optical spectroscopy1 , a technique related paths. The most up–to–date scheme to calcu-
which investigates time–dependent variations of the op- late and predict the equilibrium ground– and excited–
tical properties of a system under the effect of an ultra- state properties of a wide range of materials is based
short light pulse excitation. Since the availability of fem- on the merging of Density–Functional–Theory15 (DFT),
tosecond laser pulses in the early 80s, there has been an with Many–Body Perturbation Theory16 (MBPT). Such
enormous progress in this field. In particular some key approach is often referred to as ab-initio Many-Body
technological advances in the 90s, such as mode-locked Perturbation Theory16 (ai–MBPT). Within ai–MBPT,
Ti:sapphire lasers, chirped pulse amplification2 and op- DFT provides a suitable single–particle basis for the
tical parametric amplifiers3 have greatly improved the MBPT scheme. This methods has been applied success-
stability and reliability of ultrafast laser systems, mak- fully, for example, to correct the well–known band–gap
ing femtosecond spectroscopy available to a broad com- underestimation problem of DFT17,18 , and to calculate
munity of non-specialist users. the optical properties of an impressive range of materi-
Several experimental methods have been developed for als16 .
solids, starting from the simple pump-probe, which al- The ai–MBPT has been constantly developed in the
lows to measure photoinduced population dynamics by last decades leading to a solid framework. Already in
monitoring the time-dependent transmission or reflectiv- the seminal work of Hanke and Sham19 , it was clear
ity of the sample with time resolution down to a few that only by properly including the combined effect of
light cycles4,5 . Technical advances have enabled more the screened electron–electron and electron–hole inter-
sophisticated techniques, from photon echo6 and two- actions, it is possible to correctly interpret the equilib-

rium absorption spectrum of extended systems in terms ter photoexcitation with state–of–the–art simulations. In
of excitonic states. The electron–electron interaction order to simplify the analysis, we will pump the system
is included in the computation of the quasi–particles at photon energies close to the optical gap. In addition,
(QP) band structure by means of the GW approxima- we will work in the low density regime23 , where the effect
tion, while the electron–hole interaction is included in of the pump pulse can be described in terms of electrons
the computation of the neutral excitations by means of jumping from the occupied to the unoccupied orbitals
the Bethe–Salpeter equation (BSE). Therefore, as far as with (small) variation of the electronic population.
equilibrium properties are concerned, a number of well By comparing the simulations with the experiment,
established standards and codes are available to describe we will show that ai–MBPT in the NEQ regime is able
the experimental absorption spectra. to give a clear and complete description of the non–
The situation in the out–of–equilibrium case is rather equilibrium optical properties of bulk silicon. We will
different. The NEQ Green function theory20–22 , i.e. the give a formal definition of bleaching, photo–induced ab-
NEQ version of MBPT, has only be used to simulate the sorption and stimulated emission. This will make possi-
non-equilibrium response of simple ideal materials23–27 ble to associate these concepts, which otherwise can be
while, for more realistic materials, semi–empirical meth- hardly identified in the spectrum of extended systems,
ods based on the semiconductor Bloch equations28–30 and to specific features of the experimental signal. Moreover
semi–classical Boltzmann equation31 have been adopted. we will introduce the concept of optical–gap renormal-
As a consequence, while the absorption spectrum of bulk ization, as a generalization of the well known concept of
silicon, for example, is well understood16,19,32–34 , its NEQ band–gap renormalization. The latter is a variation of
behavior is not. It is then clear that there is a gap be- the band structure of the system induced by the renor-
tween the experimental and computational approaches. malization of the electron–electron interaction. The for-
The problem is, how to export to the transient case the mer, which is also a consequence of the band–gap renor-
same level of accuracy and predictivity gained in the equi- malization, is additionally influenced by the renormaliza-
librium limit by extending both the BSE and the GW tion of the electron–hole interaction.
approximation out–of–equilibrium. The transient reflectivity spectrum of silicon will be
Only very recently a series of works have devised a described in terms of the sum of two effects: (i) a bleach-
formal extensions of ai–MBPT to the different aspects ing of the first absorption peak plus (ii) a shift in the
of the NEQ regime: the interaction with a laser pulse position and a reduction in intensity of the same peak
and the description of excitons in a real–time fashion35 , due to the optical–gap renormalization. The bleaching
the introduction, ab–initio, of the electron–phonon and will give a reduction of the reflectivity and thus will de-
electron–electron scatterings in the carrier dynamics36,37 , scribe the negative signal in the low energy part of the
the introduction of the NEQ Bethe–Salpeter equation38 , spectrum. On the other hand the optical gap renormal-
the derivation of a coherent and complete extension of ization will describe the main feature in the experimental
Hedin’s equations to the out–of–equilibrium dynamics of signal around 3.3 eV .
electrons, phonons and photons39 using the Kohn–Sham The structure of the paper is as follows. Sec. II presents
basis. These methods have been applied successfully to the equilibrium simulations introducing key concepts like
study carrier dynamics40–43 and transient absorption44 the GW approximation and the Bethe–Salpeter equation.
in paradigmatic materials. In Sec. III we will introduce the NEQ optical properties
However, the ab–initio way to describe out–of– of bulk silicon. The experimental technique and results
equilibrium properties is just moving the first steps and, will be presented in sec. III A. The theoretical method
as a consequence, it represents a rapidly changing sce- and the results of the simulations will be discussed in the
nario. A winning scheme to get a real benchmark for subsequent sections as follow. In sec. III B the modeling
theories and approximations is to perform combined of the pump pulse and the creation of the NEQ popula-
theoretical and experimental studies where the simula- tion will be presented. In sec. III C we will introduce a
tions are on–the–fly compared with the measured quan- formal definition of bleaching, photo–induced absorption
tities. Indeed the ultrafast dynamics of semiconductors, and stimulated emission resulting from the NEQ popu-
largely explored by spectroscopic measurements in the lation. In sec. III D we will define the optical gap renor-
last decades, are among the first cases studied theoret- malization. Finally in sec. III E we will give the complete
ically and provided an excellent test–bed for the earlier description of the experimental TR signal of silicon using
development of the theory. the concepts introduced in the previous sections.
In this work bulk silicon is used as a natural test–bed to
the further development and validation of the ai–MBPT
in the NEQ regime. We will perform Transient Reflec- II. EQUILIBRIUM PROPERTIES
tion (TR) measurements, in which the system is excited
by an ultrashort laser pulse, and its subsequent tempo- Bulk silicon is a prototype semiconductor whose op-
ral evolution is measured by detecting the reflection of tical properties have been extensively studied both from
a delayed broadband probe pulse. We will compare the the experimental32,45 and the theoretical side16,19,33,34,46 .
measured out-of-equilibrium behavior of bulk silicon af- Here we start by describing its equilibrium electronic and

optical properties showing that the ai–MBPT approach is constructed starting from the KS Green function G
successfully describes the experimental results. and the screened electron–electron interaction W̃ . Here
We start from a density–functional theory (DFT) cal- x = R+r with r inside the unit cell and R the coordinate
culation47 . Then we apply MBPT to obtain the QP which identifies the position of each unit cell in the whole
energies within the GW approximation48,49 and the ab- space.
sorption spectra from the solution of the BSE16 . The The KS Green function has the form
QP band structure will show the effect of the screened X ∗ KS ′
electron–electron interaction, while the absorption spec- G̃k (r, r′ ; ω) = 2 ψnk (r) ψnk (r )×
trum within the BSE accounts for the effect of the n
electron–hole interaction.  ˜
fnk 1 − f˜nk 
The calculations of the equilibrium optical and elec- × + , (3)
ω− ǫ̃KS
nk + iη/2 KS
ω − ǫ̃nk − iη/2
tronic properties represents a necessary basis for the
NEQ simulations described in the next section. with f˜nk the equilibrium occupation factors. The prefac-
tor 2 is due to spin degeneracies since we are considering
a non polarized system. The sum over n is performed
A. Quasi–particles and the electron–electron considering 50 bands.
interaction The screened electron–electron interaction is:

The Kohn–Sham (KS) ground–state50 is computed,

X ε̃−1
GG′ (q, ω)
W̃GG′ (q, ω) = 4π , (4)
within the local density approximation51, by using the |q + G| |q + G′ |
PWSCF code52 . The parameters for the calculations are
a 4x4x4 sampling k–grid of the Brillouin zone, corre- with its Fourier transform in reciprocal space
sponding to a total of 64 kpoints, with an energy cut–off
Ω X iG·r ′ ′
of 20 Ry for the representation of the wave–functions W̃q (r, r′ ; ω ′ ) = 2 e W̃GG′ (q, ω ′ )e−iG ·r . (5)
in reciprocal space. The crystal structure is relaxed to NG ′ GG
its lowest energy and equilibrium configuration and norm
conserving pseudo–potentials are used to describe the 1s, Ω = 8π 3 /V with V the volume of the unit cell. We use
2s and 2p electrons, which are kept frozen in the core. the microscopic random–phase approximation (RPA) for
Two atoms are present in the unit cell and thus there the screening
are in total 4 occupied bands in the ground–state with 8
4π χ̃RP A
GG′ (q, ω)
electrons per unit cell, for which the KS wave–functions, ε̃−1
GG′ (q, ω) = δG,G′ + , (6)
ψ KS , and eigen–values, ǫ̃KS , are obtained. |q + G||q + G′ |
In order to simplify the notation we represent in the whose G = G′ = q = 0 component is defined via the
following as Õ a quantity O evaluated at equilibrium. limq→0 . χRP A is obtained solving the Dyson equation
MBPT corrections are then computed using the YAMBO for the response function
code53 . The QP energies ǫ̃nk are defined, starting from
the KS energies, via the QP equation χ̃RP A KS
GG′ (q, ω) = χ̃GG′ (q, ω)+
ǫ̃nk = ǫ̃KS
nk + hnk|Σ̃
(ǫ̃nk ) − Ṽ xc |nki, (1) χ̃KS RP A
GG′′ (q, ω)vG′′ (q)χ̃G′′ G′ (q, ω). (7)
where nk are indexes for the band (n) and the k–
point (k), x is a spatial coordinate and ω is a frequency. In Eqs. 2-7 we used 59 G-vectors (which correspond to a
kinetic energy of 4.6 Ry) and thus 59 r-vectors in Eq. 5.
hnk|Σ̃GW (ǫ̃nk )|nki is spatial average of the standard GW
Eq. 7 is solved in the static case ω = 0 and for the energy
self–energy48,49 Σ̃GW (x, x′ ; ω) evaluated at ω = ǫnk . w = 27.2 eV , the frequency dependence of W (ω) is then
Similarly hnk|Ṽ xc |nki is the average of Ṽ xc (x)δ(x − x′ ), obtained via a plasmon pole model54 .
the exchange–correlation potential used to compute the The KS response function can be constructed from
DFT ground–state. the KS wave–functions and energies. Here we define the
Eq. 1 is solved on a 16x16x16 k–grid in the Brillouin oscillator strengths as
zone, with the KS wave–functions and energies com- Z
puted from a non–self consistent DFT calculation start- ∗ iG·r KS
ρnmk,G (q) = d3 r uKS nk (r) e umk+q (r), (8)
ing from a 4x4x4 k–grid.
The GW self–energy
with uKS
nk (r) the periodic part of the KS block wave–
Z 3
d k ik(R−R′ )
Z 3
d q functions. We now introduce the compact notation
Σ̃GW (x, x′ ; ω) = 3
e l = {nmk} for the generalized electron–hole indexes with
8π 8π 3
dω ′ f˜l,q = f˜mk+q − f˜nk , (9)
G̃k+q (r, r′ ; ω + ω ′ )W̃q (r, r′ ; ω ′ ), (2)
2π ǫ̃KS
l,q = ǫ̃KS
nk − ǫ̃KS
mk+q , (10)

5 In Fig. 1.a the KS band structure of silicon is com-

4 GW pared with the QP one. Both band structures are ob-
LDA tained with an interpolation from the regular 16x16x16
3 grid to the L-Γ-X high symmetry lines. In Fig. 1.b in-
2 stead the difference ǫnk −ǫKS
nk is represented. In both pan-
els we can appreciate the two principal effects induced by
the QP corrections in semiconductors, i.e. (i) the opening

0 of the KS band gap and (ii) a stretching of the bands.

-1 In particular the indirect gap is lifted from 0.5 eV to
1.16 eV while the direct gap from 2.57 eV to 3.43 eV .
-2 The experimental values are 1.17 eV and about 3.4 eV
-3 respectively55 . Those values are in excellent agreement
with the results of previous calculations56 .
L Γ X B. Optical properties and the electron–hole
0.4 0.4 interaction
0.3 0.3
0.2 0.2 Excitonic effects are a characteristic feature of the ab-
bands sorption spectra of semiconductors. A well estabilished

0.1 stretching 0.1 theoretical scheme suitable to describe these effects is

0.0 0.0 the BSE16 , a non linear equation for the four point re-
-ε nk

sponse function, or electron–hole propagator, L̃BSE (ω).

-0.1 -0.1
Absorption is defined in the q → 0 limit of the response

-0.2 -0.2 function. For simplicity we will thus drop the q = 0 in


-0.3 bands -0.3 the notation for energies, occupation factors and transi-
stretching tions space by defining f˜l ≡ f˜l,0 , ǫ̃l ≡ ǫ̃l,0 and Ψ̃ ≡ Ψ̃0 .
-0.4 -0.4 We start by rewriting the BSE in a form where the
-0.5 -0.5 occupation factors appear explicitly:
-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5
ε nk [eV]
ll′ (ω) = L̃QP
ll′ (ω)+
q h iq
FIG. 1. (color online) The quasi–particles band structure QP ˜
L̃ls (ω) fs vss − W̃ss f˜s′ L̃BSE
′ ′
s′ l′ (ω). (14)
compared with the Kohn–Sham band structure in bulk sil-
icon (panel a) and the difference between the quasi–particles
energies and Kohn–Sham energies as a function of the Kohn–
In Eq. 14 L̃QP is identical to L̃KS but for the replacement
Sham energies (panel b). ǫ̃KS ′
nk → ǫ̃nk . A summation over the ss indexes is implicit.
Moreover we have defined
W̃ss′ ≡ ρnn′ k,G (q)W̃GG′ (q, 0)ρmm′ k,G′ (q), (15)
and GG′
δl,l′ vss′ ≡ ρnmk,G (q) vG (q) ρn′ m′ k,G (q). (16)
l,l′ (q, ω) = , (11)
ω − ǫ̃KS
l,q + iη

ρl,G (q) = ρnmk,G (q). (12) vG (q) = 4π/|q + G|2 is the bare Coulomb interaction,
whose G = 0 component is not included. W̃GG′ (q, ω = 0)
In Eq. 11 we consider 50 bands, 4 occupied plus 46 empty is the static approximation to the screened interaction. It
bands, which are used to compute W̃GG′ (q, ω). is computed with the same parameters used for electron–
The expression for the KS response function is then electron interaction entering the GW self–energy. Here
it describes the direct interaction between the electron
|ρl,G (q)|2 f˜l,q L̃KS and the hole.
GG′ (q, ω) = ll (q, ω). (13)
Introducing the macroscopic residuals:
 ρ (q) q
The response function has contribution only from the R̃l = lim f˜l , (17)
q→0 q
transitions for which f˜lq 6= 0, corresponding to a pair
composed by an occupied nk and an empty level mk + q the equation can be re-cast in the form of an excitonic
in the ground state. We label this group of transitions as hamiltonian as
Ψ̃q . Thus at equilibrium we have the condition f˜lq 6= 0 q  q
if {l ∈ Ψ̃q }. H̃ll′ = ǫ̃l − f˜l vll′ − W̃lls′ f˜l′ , (18)

where we considered, for the index l = {nmk} again a 0.8

16x16x16 k–grid sampling of the Brillouin zone, 3 oc-

cupied states in conduction and 3 unoccupied states in
q 0.7 30
valence band. The symmetrization via fl , already re-
ported in the literature57 , ensures that the matrix re-

0.6 10
mains pseudo–Hermitian58,59 also in presence of frac-
tional occupations. H̃ can then be diagonalized, moving 2 3 4
from the electron–hole space l to the excitonic space λ. [eV]
The rotation is defined by the eigenvectors Aλ,l :
H̃ll′ Ãλ,l′ = Ẽλ Ãλ,l . (19) 0.4
l′ exp.

The resulting excitonic propagator L̃BSE in the excitonic 0.3

1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.00 4.50
space has the form [eV]

Sλλ FIG. 2. (color online) Optical reflectivity of bulk silicon at

λλ′ (ω) = . (20) equilibrium. The KS and the QP reflectivity are obtained
ω − Ẽλ + iη
from the Fermi golden rule using Eq. (21). The BSE spectrum
Sλλ′ = l Ã∗λ,l Ãλ′ ,l is different from the identity because
P is obtained from Eq. (22). Experimental data from Ref. [60].
The optical absorption is also shown in the inset.
the matrix is not Hermitian.
From L̃ the macroscopic dielectric function ε can be
constructed. If we use the independent–particles (IP)
response function ε reads about 3.5 eV . This is the effect of the QP corrections
which we have already discussed in the previous section.
On the other hand the screened electron–hole interac-
ε̃IP (ω) = 1 − R̃l∗ L̃IP
ll (ω)R̃l . (21)
tion, which is described by the kernel of the BSE matrix,
closes the optical gap back to about 3.4 eV . The BSE
Here L̃IP can be either L̃KS or L̃QP . Eq.(21) is the results are in very good agreement with experiments, for
{G = G′ = 0} component of Eq.(6). We underline here what concerns reflectivity and absorption.
that, thanks to the introduction of the imaginary term The electronic gap opening can only be described via
iη, Eq.(21) defines both the real and the imaginary part the long range electron–electron interaction W . It cannot
of ε̃(ω), also respecting the Kramers–Kronig relation. be captured by the LDA V xc , which, instead, is local
At the BSE level the macroscopic dielectric function, in space. Similarly the red shift of the optical gap and
and thus the optical properties, are obtained from: the corresponding rise of the reflectivity intensity from
X the QP to the BSE spectrum can be captured only via
ε̃BSE (ω) = 1 − R̃λ∗ L̃BSE
λλ′ (ω)R̃λ′ , (22) the long range electron–hole interaction. It has indeed
λλ′ been extensively discussed in the literature61,62 that a
kernel local in space, such as the adiabatic local–density
where the excitonic residuals are defined as approximation, is not able to capture excitonic effects.
X In the NEQ section we will show how the modification
R̃λ = Ãλ,l R̃l . (23)
of both the electron–electron and of the electron–hole in-
teractions will affect the QP states and the BSE poles.
Fig. 2 reports the reflectivity at normal incidence defined We will thus introduce the concept of optical gap renor-
as malization that, as a generalization of the well known
p 2
concept of band gap renormalization, will be essential to
ε̃(ω) − 1 correctly describe the experimental TR signal.
R̃(ω) = p , (24)
ε̃(ω) + 1

together with the absorption, i.e. Im[ε(ω)] (see inset of III. NON–EQUILIBRIUM OPTICAL
Fig. 2). The results from eq. (21) (using either LKS λλ′
or L̃QP
λλ′ ) are compared with the results from eq. (22)
and with experimental data. The comparison between In this section we describe the different aspects of the
the KS, the QP and the BSE reflectivity underlines the NEQ simulations and the experimental setup. The ex-
twofold role played by the screened interaction. On one perimental data is presented in Section III A where the
hand the screened electron–electron interaction, included transient reflectivity (TR) is measured as a function of
in the self–energy, opens the electronic band gap, shifting the probe frequency ω and of the pump–probe delay τ .
the main peak in the reflectivity from about 2.8 eV to In Section III B we model the interaction of the system

addition, the need to excite a system on resonance and

probe optical transitions occurring at different frequen-
0.0 0.0
∆R(ω,τ) / R(ω) [%]
cies requires tunability of the pump pulse, whereas the
simultaneous measurement of transmission changes at
-0.5 -0.5 many different wavelengths calls for a broadband probe.

0 40 80 120 160 200

-∆R/R(ω) [%] 1.0 The pump–probe setup is powered by a regenera-
3.33 eV 0.8
-1.0 2.05 eV -1.0 tively amplified Ti:sapphire laser system (Quantronix
model Integra-C). The laser source delivers light pulses
-1.5 0.2 -1.5 at ≈ 1.55 eV (800 nm) with duration of 120 f s and at
E pump [nJ]
0.0 a repetition rate of 1kHz. A fraction of the source is
frequency doubled to provide pump pulses at ≈ 3.1 eV
-2.0 -2.0
2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 (400 nm) with duration of 100 f s and a total energy
Probe frequency (ω) [eV] which ranges between 12 and 200 nJ. The pump pulse
frequency is close to the optical gap of silicon, and the
FIG. 3. (color online) Experimental Transient reflectivity thermal broadening of the absorption spectra (see Fig. 2)
spectrum in bulk silicon at a time delay τ = 200 f s be- allows a direct injection of the photo–excited electronic
tween the pump and the probe pulses measured at the pump
carriers from the top of the valence band to the conduc-
energy of 200 nJ, which corresponds to a pump fluence of
1.13 mJ/cm2 . In the inset the linear dependence of the signal
tion band, around the center of the Brillouin zone (Γ
as a function of the pump fluence is shown for probe energies point). Another replica of the fundamental source beam
of ω = 3.33 eV and ω = 2.05 eV . These two energies are is focused on a 2 mm-thick CaF2 crystal, where self-
indicated by the two arrows. phase modulation generates an ultrabroad white light
continuum with spectrum ranging between 1.7 eV and
3.5 eV , acting as a probe. The pump and probe pulses
with the pump pulse, propagating the equation of motion are delayed by a high precision delay line and collinearly
for the G<nmk (τ, τ ), i.e. the density matrix of the system
focused on the sample. The pump laser spot diameter
projected onto the KS wave–functions. is estimated to be ∼ 150 µm which corresponds to a flu-
In Sections III C-III E the interaction with the probe ence of ≈ 1.13mJ/cm2 at an energy of 200 nJ. The probe
will be described within the linear response regime. Since spot diameter is about half that of the pump. The TR
the system is now out of equilibrium, this corresponds to signal, i.e. the relative variation of the reflectivity from
compute the NEQ dielectric function, ε(ω, τ ). the equilibrium, is obtained by measuring, at single-shot
As a direct consequence of the definition and calcula- rate, the reflected probe spectra with (R(ω, τ )) and with-
tion of ε(ω, τ ) it will be possible, in Section III C, to in- out (R̃(ω)) the pump excitation at several pump–probe
troduce the formal definition of bleaching, photo–induced delays τ 65 and calculating:
absorption and stimulated emission, beyond the IP ap-
∆R (ω, τ ) R(ω, τ ) − R̃(ω)
proximation. In Section III D the different components = (25)
of the optical gap renormalization induced by the pump R̃ (ω) R̃(ω)
pulse will be described. Finally in Section III E these The ultrabroad spectrum of the white light continuum
effects will be considered together to describe the TR and the unique single-shot spectrometer allows to simul-
experimental signal. taneously probe the evolution of the system over an un-
precedentedly broad frequency range.
Figure 3 shows the measured ∆R/R̃ spectrum at a
A. Experimental transient reflectivity in bulk delay time of 200 f s, i.e. when the relative variation of
silicon the signal is maximum.
The optical response has been explored in a wide range
One basic technique for time-resolved optical spec- of pump fluencies showing a linear behavior within the
troscopy is pump–probe, in which a first ultrashort laser entire range of probe photon energies as reported in
pulse (the pump) excites the system. The whole ensemble the inset of Fig. 3. The ∆R/R̃ spectrum is dominated
of electrons and atoms is thus excited from the ground by a pronounced narrow negative peak centered around
and unperturbed state to a time–dependent and com- 3.3 eV . The low energy side of the peak displays in-
plex configuration. At this point all physical properties teresting features at energies lower than the optical gap:
(including the change in the optical absorption and re- between 2.9 eV and 3.2 eV the signal becomes positive
flection) are dictated by the dynamics of this ensemble, while below 2.9 eV down to the near-IR optical region is
the evolution of which are monitored by a delayed pertur- completely negative. In the reflection geometry it is not
bative laser pulse (the probe). This is used to measure a easy to directly associate these features to clear physi-
wealth of time–dependent observables63,64 of which tran- cal effects, since both the real and the imaginary part
sient reflection (TR) is one of the most relevant. of the dielectric function ε(ω, τ ) enters the definition of
The temporal resolution of the experiment is deter- the reflectivity. The negative peak could be related to
mined by the duration of pump and probe pulses. In the Pauli blocking of the optical transition (or bleaching

effect), resonant to the gap. The negative signal, below self–energy is treated within the static approximation
the optical gap, could be instead assigned to a variation (i.e. the screened interaction is assumed static and con-
of the Re[ε(ω, τ )]. Indeed Im[ε(ω, τ )] below the optical stant during the time propagation). This constrain is es-
gap, and its variation, could be related to transient state sential to correctly describe the coupling with the pump
filling effects involving phonon or defect mediated optical pulse35 . Numerically, the self–energy and the Hartree po-
transitions and is expected to be some order of magni- tential are computed using wave–functions defined on a
tude smaller. 4x4x4 and then interpolated on a bigger 16x16x16 k–grid
by using a nearest–neighbor interpolation scheme.
U pump (t) = −V E(t) · P is the term which describes
B. Theory: pump pulse and carriers generation the pump pulse within the dipole approximation in the
length gauge. P is the polarization per unit volume and
In order to properly simulate transient experiments the E(t) the pump pulse electric field.
effect of both the pump and the probe pulses must be in- In order to mimic the experimental conditions, we used
cluded. The approach we follow here is to describe the a pump pulse with Gaussian envelope profile and a car-
effect of the primary pump field by solving the Kadanoff- rier wave oscillating at 750 T Hz frequency, correspond-
Baym equation (KBE), i.e. the equation of motion for ing to 3.1 eV photon energy. The full width at half max-
the NEQ Green function G< ′
nmk (t, t ). The knowledge of
imum of the envelope is 100 f s. The pump peak inten-
the G function provides access to a wealth of theoret- sities we use range from 107 to 1011 W/cm2 . The final
ical observables and it is also used, indeed, to calculate comparison with the experimental TR is done for an in-
the probe field response. As the probe is much weaker tensity of 109 W/cm2 , which corresponds to a fluence of
than the pump we can safely work in the linear–response 0.0886 mJ/cm2 .
regime and compute the TR signal defining a response In our equation of motion we do not directly include
function functional of the G< . Under specific conditions, the induced macroscopic electric field. This corresponds,
the TR becomes a functional of the sole non–equilibrium for example, to the transverse approach used in Ref. 66
occupations at a specific time and the NEQ response Such approach implies that the simulation field corre-
can be obtained solving the NEQ–BSE38 , whose solution sponds to the total field inside the medium. It can be
gives direct access to the transient spectrum measured related to the incident pulse electric field via the rela-
by the probe pulse. tion66
These approximations are: (i) the generalized p
Kadanoff–Baym ansatz23–26 , (ii) a Markovian approxi- inc 1 + ε̃(ω)
E (ω) = E(ω). (27)
mation for the collisions integral, known as complete col- 2
lision approximation23,36 , (iii) an adiabatic approxima-
Eq.(27) is obtained by subtracting from the incident field
tion for the functional dependence on the density ma-
its reflected part. As Re[ε(ω = 3.1)] ≈ 33 we have that,
trix38 and last, (iv) the assumption that the excited car-
neglectingpthe imaginary part Im[ε] which is smaller in
riers form a QP electron–hole gas.
The approximations (i)–(iii) have been already dis- Eq.(27), ε̃(ω) ∼ 11.4. It follows that our simula-
cussed in the literature. The adiabatic approximation, in tions should be compared with an experimental pulses
particular, is the core result of Ref. 38. Under these three of 0.0886 × 11.4 ≈ 1 mJ/cm2 . This value turns out to be
assumptions, we can consider the time diagonal G< (τ, τ ), very close to the experimental fluence of 1.13 mJ/cm2
i.e. the density matrix, and project it on the KS (or the used in this work.
QP) space, i.e. G< < The last approximation used is the electron–hole QP
l (τ ) ≡ Gnmk (τ ). Its equation of mo-
tion reads: gas approximation which assumes that the excited state
carriers form a gas of hot electrons. This ansatz is well
justified because, in our simulations, the carriers densi-
∂t G< <
l = ǫ̃l Gl + ties are above ≈ 1016 el/cm3, which is the critical Mott
[∆ΣHxc , G< ]l + [U pump , G< ]l + Sl [G< ], (26) density, ρM of silicon67 . It is indeed well known that for
densities below ρM the carriers are trapped in excitonic
with ǫ̃l the QP energies difference at equilibrium (see states and do not behave anymore as delocalized Bloch
Eq.(10)), ∆ΣHxc the variation of the Hartree plus ex- electrons. Within this approximation the off–diagonal
change self–energy out of equilibrium. The l = {nmk} elements of G< l (τ ), i.e. for n 6= m, which describe the
index run on a 16x16x16 k–grid of the Brillouin zone, polarization, can be assumed to rapidly decay due to de-
with 3 valence bands and 3 conduction bands. Since the phasing effects. Therefore, when the probe response is
KBE is solved in the KS space these are the only param- measured, only the diagonal elements survive and define
eters needed. the NEQ occupations
∆ΣHxc ≡ ΣHxc − Σ̃Hxc , is the variation of the
Hartree potential and the COulomb Hole plus Screened– fnk (τ ) = Im[G<
nnk (τ )]. (28)
EXchange (COHSEX) self–energy (ΣHxc ). Sl [G< ] de-
scribes instead the relaxation and dissipation processes36. From Eq.(28) it also follows that
In the COHSEX approximation the variation of the GW fl,q (τ ) = fmk+q (τ ) − fnk (τ ).

0 0
10 10 carriers from the valence to the conduction band, but
(a) also to stimulate the emission back from the conduction
-1 to the valence.

Carriers in the unit cell

Maximum occupation

In the following we will consider a pump–probe delay of

-2 -2
τ = 200 f s, corresponding to the experimental condition.
10 Time [x100 fs] 10 If we neglect the carriers relaxation (this means we set
-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5
Sl = 0 in eq. 26) the electrons and holes NEQ populations

Density x10 [el/cm ]

-3 8 10
-3 are showed in Fig. 4.b-c.
6 These computed NEQ occupations will be used, in the

-4 4 -4 next sections, to highlight the renormalization of the dif-
10 10 ferent components of the dielectric function. More pre-
0 cisely their effect will be described in two contributions.
-5 -5
10 7 8 9 10 11 10 The first is the variation of the optical residuals defined
10 10 10 10 10 by Eqs. (17) and (23) which will lead to a formal defini-
field intensity [W/cm ] tion of the concepts of bleaching, photo–induced absorp-
holes electrons tion and stimulated emission (Sec. III C). The second is,
0 instead, the variation of the many–body self–energy and
8 of the BSE kernel introduced in Eqs. (2) and (18) which
(b) (c) 7 will lead to the definition of the optical–gap renormaliza-
10 ∆fnk(τ=200 fs)

6 tion (Sec. III D). Once these effects have been defined in
-3 terms of the dielectric function, then they will enter the
-4 computation of the reflectivity and thus gives the theo-
4 retical TR of silicon.

-7 C. Theory: probe pulse and residuals
1 renormalization
-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 1 2 3 4 5 As we have already observed in sec. III A the TR sig-
ε nk[eV] nal is not easily associated with physical processes since
R(ω, τ ) depends on both Im[ε(ω, τ )] and Re[ε(ω, τ )].
FIG. 4. (color online) The total number of carriers (panel a) Thus in this section we first discuss the variations of the
as a function of the laser pulse intensity (red circles) and the dielectric function ε(ω, τ ). The TR signal is then derived
maximum change in the electronic occupations (blue squares). using Eqs. (24) and (25).
In the inset the total number of carriers as a function of time The NEQ dielectric function can be obtained from the
and the pump pulse are shown for the pump peak intensity of IP response function replacing the equilibrium residuals
109 W/cm2 , which corresponds to an estimated pump fluence with the NEQ ones in Eq.(21):
for the incident pulse of ≈ 1 mJ/cm2 . The holes (panel b)
and electrons distributions (panel c) at τ = 200 f s, for the X
εIP (ω, τ ) = 1 − Rl∗ (τ )L̃IP
ll (ω)Rl (τ ). (29)
same pump peak intensity is also shown.

As mentioned earlier L̃IP can be either the L̃KS equilib-

The number of carriers created by the pump pulse is rium response function or the L̃QP one defined in terms
given by the difference with the equilibrium population, of the equilibrium QP energies. The NEQ residuals are
i.e. fnk (τ )− f˜nk . In the present case the carriers densities defined, within the adiabatic approximation38 as:
excited by the experimental pump range from 1017 to
1022 el/cm3. More precisely, at a pump intensity of 109  ρ (q) p
W/cm2 the carriers density is 8 ·1019 el/cm3 (see Fig. 4.a Rl (τ ) = lim fl (τ ). (30)
q→0 q
and its inset).
Fig. 4.a demonstrates the linear dependence of the Eq. (29) can be naturally split in two terms according
NEQ carriers excited by the pump pulse as a function the the indexes in the summation.
of its intensity. This ensures a linear dependence of the Equilibrium part: the transitions corresponding to in-
TR signal characteristic of the low density regime. As dexes l that belong to the equilibrium group ({l ∈ Ψ̃})
shown in the figure, only above 109 W/cm2 the number define the bleaching effect. In this case the reduced num-
of carriers deviates from the linear regime. The reason ber of electrons in the occupied states (and holes in the
is that at these very high pump intensities the carriers unoccupied states) decrease the absorption signal68 .
approach the maximum occupation (fnk ∼ 0.5) which Photo–induced part: when the index l belong to new
can be induced by the pump pulse. At this high laser transitions induced not possible at equilibrium ({l ∈/ Ψ̃}).
intensities the effect of the pump is not only to excite It describes photo–induced absorption when the energy of

Residuals Renormalization this corresponds to a reduction of the real part of ε(ω, τ ).

This explains the overall reduction of the reflectivity with
a constant negative TR signal. This effect well describes
0.0 0.0
∆R(ω,τ) / R(ω) [%]

the negative TR in the low probe photon energy region,

but fails to capture the pronounced negative peak close
-0.5 -0.5 to the optical gap at about 3.35 eV and the associated

2 20 200
-∆R(ω,τ) / R(ω) [%]

E pump (exp) [nJ] 10

2 positive peak.
-1.0 0

2 -2
-1.5 I pump (theo) [W/cm ] 10 -1.5
7 8 9 10 11
D. Theory: probe pulse and optical gap
10 10 10 10 10 renormalization
-2.0 -2.0
2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5
Probe frequency (ω) [eV] From Fig. 5 it is clear that the assumption of un–
perturbed excitonic energies (and wave–functions) is not
FIG. 5. (color online) Calculated (line) versus mea- valid. For a better description of the TR signal we need to
sured (dots) transient reflectivity for a pump intensity of
compute their variation due to the presence of additional
109 W/cm2 and τ = 200 f s assuming the BSE poles remain
unchanged. In the inset the signal at 2.1 eV is shown as a NEQ carriers. Since we consider the excitonic energies
function of the pump peak intensity. The calculation (line) we also need to consider the variation of the underlying
reveals a perfect linear regime and are compared with the QP band structure, ǫ̃nk .
experiment (boxes). Nevertheless the transient reflectivity is We underline that the position of the absorption peaks
only qualitatively described and the simulation misses the pe- corresponds to the poles of the many–body response func-
culiar behaviour of the experimental spectrum. tion which are uniquely determined by the many–body
Hamiltonian and cannot change, as it has been shown by
recent calculations on a model system with few poles69 .
the final level is greater than the energy of the starting Thus any variation induced in the single–particle energy
level (ǫnk > ǫmk ), and the associated stimulated emission levels of the system by the NEQ occupations has to be
vice–versa (ǫnk < ǫmk ). exactly compensated in the calculation of the poles of
A simple and direct extension to the excitonic case the response function. However when complex systems,
can be derived when the variations of the occupations such as extended semi–conductors, are considered, the
factors are small, |fnk (τ ) − f˜nk | < 0.01. In this case we number of poles increases and the description in terms
can assume that the QP energies, the excitonic poles Ẽλ of all the poles of the many–body Hamiltonian is not
and the wave–functions Ãλl do not change following the convenient anymore. Such systems are thus described in
pumping process. We can, therefore, define the space of terms of QP with effective complex energies which are
equilibrium excitonic transitions {λ} as λ ∈ Φ̃ and assumed to capture the effects of the interaction with
X the rest of the system. Accordingly the corresponding
εBSE (ω, τ ) ≈ 1 − Rλ∗ (τ )L̃BSE
λλ′ (ω)Rλ′ (τ ) response function constructed from the BSE is described
λλ′ ∈Φ̃ in terms of effective excitonic poles.
The variation of such effective poles is not in contrast
Rl∗ (τ )L̃QP
− ll (ω)Rl (τ ), (31)
with the fact that the real poles do not change. In-
/ Ψ̃ deed such variation, known in the literature as band–gap
with the NEQ residuals: renormalization, have already been measured in different
materials70 . However, to get a meaningful picture, the
renormalization of the QP and excitonic poles must be
Rλ (τ ) = Ãλ,l Rl (τ ) where λ ∈ Φ̃. (32)
treated consistently.
We show here that, within NEQ ab–initio-MBPT, both
Note that the kernel of the excitonic matrix at the equi- the renormalization of the QP energies and of the ex-
librium are different from zero only in the case {l ∈ Ψ̃}, citonic poles, is dictated by the simultaneous effect of
i.e. if f˜l 6= 0 (see Eq. (18)). Thus only the “equilibrium the change in the screened interaction and in the car-
part” of the absorption is written in terms of excitonic riers population induced by the pump pulse. Thus in
poles while the “induced part” is identical to the QP en- both cases we use a static approximation to the screened
ergy differences. electron–electron and electron–hole interaction. By fol-
The computed TR of silicon is shown in Fig. 5. The lowing the adiabatic approximation38 we introduce the
main effect is the bleaching of the first absorption peak, NEQ COHSEX self–energy and the NEQ BSE. To this
due to a Pauli blocking effect induced by the NEQ occu- end we first define the NEQ statically screened interac-
pations. Thus the variation of the imaginary part of the tion, W τ as obtained by inserting the NEQ occupations
dielectric function (not shown) displays a negative peak fl (τ ) in Eq. (13).
at approx 3.3 eV . Due to the Kramers–Kronig relations, The static COHSEX approximation for the GW self–

energy then follows: Occupation induced Optical Gap Renormalization

14 (a) 102 14
12 10 1 ∆εMAX 12
Στcohsex (x, x′ ) =

10 100 10
Z  Z  8 10-1 2 8
′ 10 [W/cm ]
d3 k eik(R−R ) × d3 q γk+q τ
(r, r′ )Wqτ (r, r′ , 0) 6 10
-2 6

∆εnk [meV]
4 7 8 9
10 10 10 10 10
10 11
Z 2 2

+ δ(x − x′ ) d3 q eiq(R−R ) Wqτ (r, r′ , 0), (33) 0 0
-2 -2
-4 -4
-6 -6
with -8 -8
X KS,∗
-10 -10
γkτ (r, r′ ) = 2 fnk (τ )ψnk KS ′
(r)ψnk (r ). (34) -12 -12
-14 -14
-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5
Thanks to the inclusion of the time–depedent occupa- ε nk [eV]
tions in W τ also the self–energy, and thus the QP ener- (b)
gies, acquire a τ dependence. Therefore, quite in general,
the variation of the QP corrections can be expressed as 0.0 0.0

∆R(ω,τ) / R(ω) [%]

∆ǫτl = hl|Στcohsex − Σ̃cohsex |li. (35) -0.5 -0.5

2 20 200

-∆R(ω,τ) / R(ω) [%]

From Eq.35 we can also define the NEQ BSE, which re- E pump (exp) [nJ]
duces to the computation of eigenvalues (Eλτ ) and eigen- -1.0 0
10 -1.0

vectors (Aτλ,l ) of the NEQ τ –dependent excitonic matrix: -2
2 10
-1.5 I pump (theo) [W/cm ] -1.5
Hllτ ′ = ǫ̃l + ∆ǫτl − fl (τ ) (vll′ − Wllτ′ )
p p
fl′ (τ ). (36) 10
8 9
10 10

-2.0 -2.0
Eq. (36) defines LBSE (ω, τ ) which is the NEQ version 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5
Probe frequency (ω) [eV]
of L̃(ω) and can be written in the basis defined by the
excitonic wave-functions Aτλ,l . FIG. 6. (color online) Renormalization of the quasi–particles
It is essential to note, here, that Eq.(36) lives in a tran- energies (panel a) from the COHSEX self–energy computed
sition space larger then in the equilibrium case. This new with the equilibrium screening. Transient reflectivity (panel
space, l ∈ Ψτ , includes also the new trasnsitions created b) for a pump intensity of 109 W/cm2 and τ = 200 f s; the
by the pump pulse defined by the condition flτ 6= 0. Nu- variation of the BSE poles at fixed screening is considered. In
merically, then, the NEQ BSE corresponds to a larger the insets the maximum change in the energy levels (panel a)
matrix to diagonalize than the standard BSE. and the signal at 3.3 eV (panel b) are shown as a function
In the low density regime, however, we can assume of the pump peak intensity. Theoretical results are compared
with experimental data (brown circles).
that only the excitonic energies change and not the BSE
wave–functions. Indeed energies changes already at the
first order in the perturbation, while wave–functions only
at the second order. Thus have Aτλ,l ≈ Ãλ,l and the resid- of L(ω, τ ) enters only via the NEQ occupations f (τ ). We
uals are thus independent from the pump–probe delay τ refer to this as occupations induced renormalization.
In Fig. 6.(a) the variation of the QP energies and of
the reflectivity are shown under these assumptions. We
Ãτλ,l R̃l ≈ Ãλ,l R̃l = R̃λ . (37)
notice that the QP corrections follow the NEQ carriers
l∈Ψ̃ l∈Ψ̃
distribution and are very small, only few meV s. The re-
The index l ∈ Ψ̃ since R̃l = 0 if l ∈
/ Ψ̃ and in practice only sulting TR signal, shown in Fig. 6.(b), presents a deriva-
bleaching effects are included if the oscillator strengths tive feature which can be understood as a blue energy
are assumed to be at equilibrium. shift. However the signal is very small if compared to
In this limit the NEQ absorption has the form: the experimental data and thus the global effect is, on
the average, negligible.
Screening renormalization. We then consider the effect
εBSE (ω, τ ) ≈ 1 − R̃λ∗ LBSE
λλ′ (ω, τ )R̃λ′ . (38)
on the TR due to the variation of the RPA screening only,
λλ′ ∈Φ̃
i.e. the τ dependence of L(ω, τ ) enters only via W τ while
L(ω, τ ) depends on τ via the NEQ occupations f (τ ), the equilibrium occupation factors f˜l are used.
which enter Eqs. 34 and 36, and via the NEQ screened In Fig. 7 the variation of the QP energies (panel a) and
interaction which enters Eqs. 33 and 36. of the reflectivity spectrum (panel b) are shown. First of
Occupations induced renormalization. We first con- all, comparing Fig. 6 with Fig. 7 we clearly see that the
sider the case where we keep the equilibrium RPA screen- change in the QP energies and in the TR induced by the
ing, i.e. we use W̃ instead of W τ . Thus the τ dependence variation of the screening is much bigger and this time of

Screening induced Optical Gap Renormalization experimental feature, i.e. the sharp negative peak in the
14 (a) 3
14 TR around 3.35 eV .
12 10 12
10 10
2 AVG 10

8 1 8
6 bands 10 6
contraction E. Complete transient reflectivity
∆εnk [meV]

4 10
2 4
2 [W/cm ] 2
15 meV 10
0 7 8
gap 10 10 10 10 10
9 10 11 0
We have identified two main contributions to the TR
-2 -2
-4 signal: (i) the changes in the residuals of the dielectric
15 meV
-6 -6 function, which naturally extends the concept of bleach-
-8 -8 ing, photo–induced absorption and stimulated emission,
-10 Refl. Eq -10
Refl. Neq bands beyond the IP–RPA case; (ii) the optical gap renormal-
-12 contraction -12
-14 -14 ization due to the variation of the the many–body self–
-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 energy Σcohsex and the excitonic kernel K of the BSE
ε nk [eV] equation. This is split in an occupations induced effect,
(b) which we find out to be almost negligible, and a screening
effect, which is instead crucial to obtain a correct descrip-
0.0 0.0
∆R(ω,τ) / R(ω) [%]

tion of the main features in the experimental data.

We finally compute the complete QP renormalization
-0.5 -0.5 and TR signal including, together, all the effects consid-

2 20 200 ered in the previous sections. In Fig. 8.a the total change
-∆R(ω,τ) / R(ω) [%]

E pump (exp) [nJ] 10
-1.0 -1.0 in the QP corrections is the sum of the two effects rep-
resented in Section III D, with a dominant contribution

2 -2 from the update of the screening.
-1.5 I pump (theo) [W/cm ] 10 -1.5
7 8 9 10 11
In the same way the resulting TR (see Fig. 8.b) is the
10 10 10 10 10
sum of the effects considered in the previous sections.
-2.0 -2.0 The complete NEQ dielectric function is computed from
2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5
Probe frequency (ω) [eV] X
εBSE (ω, τ ) = 1 − Rλ∗ (τ )LBSE
λλ′ (ω, τ )Rλ′ (τ ). (39)
FIG. 7. (color online) Renormalization of the quasi–particles λλ′ ∈Φτ
energies (panel a) from the COHSEX self–energy due to the
screening of the non–equilibrium carriers density. The change where, this time, we include the effect of NEQ occupa-
induced in the reflectivity near the main peak is shown in the tions in the residuals
inset (blue arrow) together with the effect due to the renor- X
malization of the electron–hole interaction (red arrow). Tran- Rλ (τ ) = Aτλ,l Rl (τ ) where λ ∈ Φτ , (40)
sient reflectivity (panel b) for a pump intensity of 109 W/cm2 l∈Ψτq
and τ = 200 f s; the variation of the BSE poles due to the
screening of the non–equilibrium carriers density is consid- as well as the renormalization of the excitonic poles via
ered. In the insets the change in the gap (panel a) and the L(ω, τ ).
signal at 3.45 eV (panel b) are shown as a function of the The global TR signal can thus be explained in terms of
pump peak intensity. Theoretical results are compared with
three shifts of the equilibrium reflectivity as shown in the
experimental data (brown circles).
inset of Fig. 8.a. We have a red-shift (blue arrow) and a
second shift which is both a blue-shift and a reduction of
the peak intensity (red arrow). Last effect is a shift (black
the same order of the experimental signal. arrow) corresponding to a reduction of the absorption
Due to the presence of the NEQ carriers the screening intensity describing the absorption bleaching.
increases. The global effect reverses what we saw in the The computed TR spectrum well captures all the fea-
equilibrium case (Figs. 1-2). Thus the electronic gap is tures of the experimental measure. The only discrepancy
closed, the bands dispersion is contracted and the reflec- left is a 0.15 eV mismatch in the position of the nega-
tivity spectrum is brought “back” towards the KS one. tive peak. Such error is within the common precision
We name this effect as optical gap renormalization. The of first–principles calculations and can be traced back to
optical gap renormalization enters in the same way in the a combined effect of all the approximations introduces.
real and in the imaginary part of the dielectric function These approximations are essential to make these simu-
and thus in the reflectivity. As shown in the inset of lations possible and, as clearly demonstrated by the deep
Fig. 7.a it can be represented as the sum of two shifts of analysis of the different contributions performed in this
the equilibrium spectrum: the reduction of the QP gap, work, does not weaken the predictivity power of the ab–
or band gap renormalization, due to the renormalization initio approach.
of the electron–electron interaction (blue arrow), plus the We further observe that the position of the peak in
global shift due to renormalization of the electron–hole ∆R/R̃(ω) does not coincide exactly with the position
binding energy (red arrow). It well describes the main of the peak in R̃(ω). Such a difference is explained in

Optical Gap & Residuals Renormalization of the calculations.

14 (a) 14
12 12
10 10
8 8
6 6
∆εnk [meV]

4 4
2 Max. in 2
0 ∆R/R 0
-2 -2 We have presented a combined theoretical and experi-
-4 -4
-6 -6 mental study of the transient reflectivity of bulk silicon.
-8 -8 Experimentally the sample is pumped by 100-fs pulses
-10 Refl. Eq -10
-12 Refl. Neq
-12 at ≈ 3.1 eV , close to the optical gap; photo–excited car-
-14 -14 riers are injected from the top of the valence band to
-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 the conduction band thanks to the thermal broadening
ε nk [eV] of the absorption spectra. The resulting TR spectrum is
(b) measured 200 f s delay after the pump excitation. Theo-
retically, the interaction with the pump pulse is described
0.0 0.0
∆R(ω,τ) / R(ω) [%]

via the time propagation of the density matrix projected

on the basis set on which the equilibrium Hamiltonian is
-0.5 -0.5 diagonal. The interaction with the probe pulse is then

-∆R(ω,τ) / R(ω) [%]

2 20 200
2 described within linear response theory computing the
E pump (exp) [nJ]
-1.0 -1.0 non–equilibrium Bethe–Salpeter equation.

By means of this combined approach we gave a formal
-1.5 I pump (theo) [W/cm ] 10
2 -2
-1.5 and accurate definition of commonly used concepts like
10 10
9 10
10 10
11 the photo–induced bleaching, absorption and stimulated
-2.0 -2.0 emission in terms of the renormalization of the optical
2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 residuals. Thanks to the use of the Bethe–Salpeter equa-
Probe frequency (ω) [eV]
tion these concepts are defined within a scheme able to
capture linear and non linear excitonic effects.
FIG. 8. (color online) Renormalization of the quasi–particles
energies (panel a) from the COHSEX self–energy including all Another key results of the present work is the definition
terms. The change induced in the reflectivity near the main of optical–gap renormalization. Such a renormalization is
peak is shown in the inset (blue arrow) together with the mainly due to the decrease of the screened interaction,
effect due to the renormalization of the electron–hole interac- induced by the presence of the non–equilibrium carriers
tion (red arrow) and the absorption bleaching of the residuals created by the pump pulse. The optical–gap renormal-
(black arrow). Transient reflectivity (panel b) for a pump in- ization includes and extends the well known band–gap
tensity of 109 W/cm2 and τ = 200 f s; both the variation of renormalization effect. It is, indeed, more general as it
the BSE poles and the change in the residuals are considered.
also includes a renormalization of the electron–hole inter-
In the insets the signals at 3.45 eV and at 2.1 eV are shown
as a function of the pump peak intensity. Theoretical results action which is responsible for an additional contribution
are compared with experimental data (brown circles). to the transient absorption spectrum.
Combining the two effects, i.e. the residuals renor-
malization and the optical–gap renormalization, our ap-
the inset of Fig. 8.a. The maximum distance between proach well explains the transient reflectivity signal in
the equilibrium reflectivity and the NEQ one, and thus silicon. The characteristic features measured experimen-
the position of the peak in ∆R/R̃(ω), is shifted with tally are reproduced with a simple interpretation exem-
respect to the peak in R̃(ω) and is due to the slope of plified by three consecutive shifts of the equilibrium spec-
the reflectance. This detail could be better described only trum.
computing the smearing of the peaks and also including In conclusion, the present combined scheme is shown,
zero–point motion effects in a fully ab-initio manner34 . using silicon as a test case, to be efficient and accurate.
Such approach however would be very demanding and The ab–initio basis makes it universal and opens the way
beyond the goals of the present work. Here we use instead to a new approach able to describe ultrafast pump–probe
a finite and constant smearing η = 0.1 eV for the poles experiments of which, this work, is an essential step.
in the definition of L(ω) (see Eqs. 11 and 20). Indeed, the excellent agreement with the experimen-
In conclusion, beside this discrepancy, the theoretical tal results motivates further studies and extensions as,
approach captures and explains the sharp negative peak, for example, the inclusion of relaxation and dissipation
the negative signal in the low energy region and the pos- effects and the systematic application to more systems.
itive signal in between. The final TR signal shows a re- The final goal is to establish a theoretical method able
markably good agreement with the experimental results, to describe and predict the outcome of pump and probe
considering the complexity and totally ab–initio, nature experiments in a wide class of systems.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS the eXascale H2020-EINFRA-2015-1, Grant agreement

n. 676598 and Nanoscience Foundries and Fine Analysis
We acknowledge financial support by the Futuro in - Europe H2020-INFRAIA-2014-2015, Grant agreement
Ricerca grant No. RBFR12SW0J of the Italian Min- n. 654360. DS acknowledge Giovanni Onida for the com-
istry of Education, University and Research MIUR. DS putational time provided on the HPC cluster “ETSFMI”
and AM also acknowledge the funding received from in Milano and Paolo Salvestrini for the support on the
the European Union project MaX Materials design at cluster.

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