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Dliny ) DBT, )WBT,a) DPT 0 RHuqst ay Satuuatisn,) lacng tumharatus.

sknsD8T Ihtmhcalwe a ain muasbud y ctinaythuxrnasmdon

dy ll tumhatuxy a th aun
iQ WBT: Ih tumhuratux a thh aih is muasdbs sudinay thuns
onrlax dut thu ulls th tumsmuty is CsuMd ly thi ut.
Auick and exhaid to a cUHNant nih, s knsun nt
llr tmhuxathu
dolind as th tumhusatuku at uhich
SaDPT: Auu hnint lumhuatu ini dalinud
thy msLatu Luatu uaheuhunt n itdh nik Jequns ta candan
OPT dhunds an th hatuxatisn tmhxatux a uau uahsLH IN th
muxtu in and uatuy uahau
i RH: Rulatiu umidity is thu Hatis a mass
uth nit uslum dy aiM to mass al aluu uahaux xaank
uuth nit uslum sl dy ain uhn thu aiH is AluHatd

Lahsusin dhe nit mass

Aama tunhuatusg
uhich ahsHssn ahuman ing usuld al sam ud f com<et


an Juxisl an adiolsati oluxalisn hscIas
mhuxasy uitheut
is addd to ain at constant
thh sLSLLNdings This muans that thaxe
at axchang1 uith

changing ib hmhuualua
3-ith shotnst an uaHious hauchamdic sriss
qahhical uuhantaisn a thh ousua thuumsdunamic

oiy, uhih HL Hnined an th lild a nin anditisning and

canideH Lot a calcuatisn
a h haychsmdxit chaxk s ngumally dxaun <s dandaxd atmesthu
Hic SsU G 160 mm a - 01325 ba

Speciic Humidity Lines

a Dry Bwb tempexatuere lines [DBT
3. Dew Point Tempeatune lines [DPT
Wet Bulb Teopenakune lioes LwBT
SpeoiRe Volune Line
6Speciic Enthalpy Lines
1Relakive Humidihy Lines
s Vapaur piressure Lines


4todnain naib eatnghse and Sunailde Soaling hHscA

th ineHLQA

Jogm hag hatex and kiln iM OA thu hating cail

h1 tumhuatuua ai is ducasud ntheat changng ib máustHQ

CRrtunt Auuxing thia hxstA thu snib coaling DB.& W8 tmhaxatuk
d thi aix dcxaas uhilo Latnt s inand th DPT a thu i .
kmains conatnnt

5- tahlain Byha <ada dax huating and cssling col

achinusd by aix uhun had. QMH Jh kâd ts thi manimn
umhuxatu dilleniit cAuld hau achiauad

huaing and coaling il

Henee a th QyhaA Jactan dcasn,th1 llicianey dxan


G tahlain tkumidilicolisn and Qahumidilicatisn Jsces
snsHumidi<icalion:t is a huacias in uhieh th ulu wahsuk ib addu°

slHaight uudieal bnu on th hauchamatxischant staxling uem

initial unue Hulatue humidih
Duhumidilcaliso Ih huscss al hating th ais Juhis sumulhnuu
Halsd to as o hang and
dhumidilicaliso heocesThis milhed inuALues hassing th ain
acASS a uaxiahy a sulstancs sich as lumine and mslay

8.Jhat e thenctos aleling huuman camlot

Âasldadiu tmhuxatux
a teat hxsdutien and Hqulaliss in human Jsdy

DsituHO cantant a in
ls Qualihy and Quantiuty a nin
sun Mslisn



ulhatis ttuman Cam<at? dahlain ith th hh al ASHRAE Comlod.

doyn idantica! anixonnts,dind hechl hcie CaSnlst in
chills uuhile athues may ual
ASem hushle tnd to R msist canst climah,uhil athas mau
hxlex aid uARt anuiNaNMInt aH Soal an sh mauntain uath

thu snsican Ssciis a Heating Auiqualisnand din Condilianng

dnginxs CAncudedthuxy s Aang a combind mhxnt uxa
and humidiis hat huouids com<i to mNt haahi

Qalin1 and dochlain RSHE GSHE, ERSHF

das1RSHF: Resm hnsbte tHeat tastsH i dallnd os thi otie a
thu kaam uns hat to thi sm tatal hiat n summr the
aubid ais mhxatuNS and huiudly aJrsth hiah.lh koom
aGSHF: Jynand sunsle tteat Gactsa isdainad as theHatis al
Lthi total s n e hnt te th Sand tstal hunt uhich th
Lsaing csid s th conditianing ahhaxatua is teqzisad to handl
dhind thu kotio
AASm hansibte huat to th adiu
hant E a hum hich loto. JyhAss factsHahhexua du

Josl a dhe diminalisn a u quanldy and auleiisn a coalng



: t shet nst an un Aulding
sth sieen Building uis thu huacliL a cuualing sbucues and using
hsceNs that ae onne ushsnile and HUNSNL ician
thusugh a duilding's hh sycl luam iling to dign,csntueti
chualieMaulinan,HiNALnlisn and desluian:
denignad to Hadu th eall amhact a th
Luilt nHanmunt ahumanhalthand th natuva snianmunt
yaiciarly aing nxgyudua and athu esueS; huslucting
Qceuhant hualth and imhuauung amhlsyn fxaduluity,kuduing
uast halltuanand nuixsNMantal degadatisn
classydillpunt tuhts al camhuassNS dahlain anusne
dAcoYding to Hhe methods of Compression
Aucihnscating camhsa

alAcording to Hhe numbex o uotking strokes

) Siogle Acting Campresscrs
5 Double Acking CompressoYS
aAccordiog to the number of stages
) Siogle Stage Compressors
5) Mulh Stage Compressons
AAcording to the method of dorive employed
Dinect Dive CompYesso?
b Belt Driye CompreascT
According to Ehe locakion of prime mover
aSemi-hermetic Compressons
) Hermetic CompresScs

aaiy Saaling 1au Iouand dahlnin its hhlicatisn

Coaling lower
Type of Draught Iype of Material
Natual FoYced Tnduced Timber Coscrcte Stee Duct
Draught Draught Draught Material Material Material

Applicakions of Cooling lowex

A&inumslding and comhxLsAisn Msuding machin
Ilachiny yon dicasling

I4:dxhlain uith mat skdch uaxSuS hansian uicaa

didashigh huASUI Si usm Lau hsANA Sid d th sustum

and tumh1uatuxe fux th uauikamgnt a aystem:

h vaisus tuhs a ahalDH
a Capillany tube
Automatic expansion value or BressuYe Cantaol
8) Thexmostatic expansion yolve
) High side Float. yolve
5) Low side Aloat valve


15: thlain thu s i n g a ihmIAatatie zhanaien unle ut h
halh muat dingxam

Sins it dses nt allsu thi liquid uaigawant to ant th

a Thu schumatic singam a thi unI i

aa aalax L that is nttachd to th AMahssoH it tule so
that it inss thh dumhntuu at thu sni s, sahealoa1h Laal

in thu tlkiaxatiso hustum, it may e dilaxant- An coa it is

dillnt dam thu alaiqant, thun dh TEV s calld TEVAMith HANS


1:donain thi dustking a Dxwahsats
Ann this th Jiqid aeligHant lad y axhonian
unto onn snd al th tult and thu ethu Lnd
I siaxant ntius

illed ith mçNtu

mixtuy a
o liquid and sahaun abxigcan
Ih sahaatss uuahouatsu, mL and moe iquud
9 5 Higuant assea thxough
laauss th auahaxatDH in a dxy stato
Thus thh eigvant

thu suahaxate
Hucijuacating camjea
I8-Stot h adunntags al scoll camhussa


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