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Gray 1st Edition Milly Taiden

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Alpha Geek: Gray

About the Book

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28

Alpha Geek: Brent

Their Rising Sun
Alpha Geek: Knox
Alpha Geek: Zeke
About the Author
Also by Milly Taiden
Also by Milly Taiden
Also by Milly Taiden
Also by Milly Taiden
Also by Milly Taiden
Also by Milly Taiden
Also by Milly Taiden
Also by Milly Taiden
Also by Milly Taiden
Also by Milly Taiden




Skylar Milan has had it with the fashion industry and their beauty
standards. She misses her family and she really misses carbs. The
things she’d do for a piece of bread would get her arrested. The last
thing expected during her flight home was to have her hunger for a
delicious cheese sandwich be replaced with a different type of
hunger. One that has her banging the cute doctor in the airplane
bathroom. But whatever. She had a good time and it’s not like she’s
ever going to see him again, right? Oh how wrong she was.
Dr. Gray Hart is in town for a very serious meeting with world
leaders. The technology he’s discovered could change the world as
we know it. Knowing he is being followed, he goes to Nick Milan,
looking to hire a bodyguard. When the beautiful Skylar is assigned to
him, Gray can’t believe his luck. He hasn’t stopped thinking about
her since their passionate encounter and induction in the mile-high
club. Now he wants to have her bare and laid out on a bed where he
can really lose himself in her. Except, he can’t. She's a shifter and
he's a weak human.
Things go horribly wrong during his meeting and an attack leaves
Gray at death’s door. It’s only with a scientific wonder serum that he
escapes death. And becomes something out of his deepest fantasies.
He’s a shifter and he’s stronger than he ever imagined. Now he can
really tear Skylar’s clothes off without missing a beat. He still has to
prove to Skylar that he is the right man for her. But first, he has to
save the world…
This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are
fictitious or have been used fictitiously, and are not to be construed as real in any
way. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales, or
organizations is entirely coincidental.

Published By
Latin Goddess Press
Winter Springs, FL 32708
Alpha Geek: Gray
Copyright © 2019 by Milly Taiden
Cover: Willsin Rowe
All Rights Are Reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any
manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of brief
quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.
Property of Milly Taiden
October 2019

Created with Vellum

—For the fans of the boy who lived.

Geeky boys are so sexy!


C ome to mama.
Skylar Milan straightened her back into the seat, barely
able to contain her excitement.
And all for a cheese sandwich. The thick slices of sharp cheddar
poked out of the fresh ciabatta bun, calling her name. Yum.
Grabbing it ever so lovingly, she took a huge bite and moaned.
Loudly. The sound echoed through the first-class cabin.
A few nosey-asses craned their necks to see her, but Skylar
couldn’t bring herself to care. She closed her eyes in bliss as she
took another mouthful. She hadn’t allowed herself carbs in so long,
it felt like she was discovering bread all over again. God. It was
amazing. Somewhere inside, her lioness growled her appreciation.
She’d kept her animal underfed for far too long.
“You really seem to be enjoying that,” the man beside her said, a
grin on his handsome, albeit pale and skinny face.
“Oh yeah.” Skylar didn’t even bother to swallow, speaking around
another nibble of her lunch. “So good.”
The man watched on, clearly amused by Skylar’s current feeding.
“You should totally get one,” she told him. I might just steal it
from you. Skylar was pretty sure she could get a handle on her seat-
mate. Though he was good-looking, he was on the scrawny side.
She could wrestle the sandwich out of his long, bony hands. Her
lioness paced inside of her, a low hum emanating from the animal’s
throat. Fuck, the damned animal had been all out of whack in the
last few years.
“I think I prefer to watch you eat it,” he shot back. His face
darkened, the redness spreading all the way to the tops of his ears.
He pushed his wiry silver glasses up his nose.
The silver metal brought out the blue from the man’s eyes.
Skylar, not one to find nerdy guys to be appealing, had the desire to
take the frames, toss them aside and muss up the guy’s perfectly
coiffed black hair. With the thought, her lioness’s growl became
Geez, girl, Skylar told her animal, I’ll eat more soon. No need for
the drama. Besides, Skylar wanted to concentrate on her snack.
With another moan, she finished the delicious luncheon.
“I appreciate a woman with an appetite. Especially when she’s
making those noises.” The man’s face was a deep shade of
burgundy. He clearly wasn’t used to speaking like that to a woman.
Skylar had to wonder why he was choosing to say them to her.
Perhaps he recognized her and wanted a shot with a once somewhat
known model.
“I’m Skylar Milan,” she said, wiping breadcrumbs from her blue
skinny jeans. Oh damn, those were already fitting tight. Fuck yeah,
take that beauty standards! “And you are?”
The man showed no signs of recognition. Huh. Maybe he just
thought she was hot and wanted to flirt innocently for the duration
of the eight-hour international flight.
“I’m Dr. Gray Hart,” he answered, shifting in his seat. “Pleased to
meet you.”
“Why do I get the feeling you don’t like adding that title in front
of your name?” It was written all over his face. This guy didn’t like to
posture. It was kind of endearing, really. Most guys Skylar met
where always listing off their riches and exploits as if she should fall
to her knees right then and there.
“I hate showing off,” Gray explained. “But if I don’t mention it
right off the bat, people assume I’m hiding something. Honesty is
the best policy. So I use my title all the time.”
“It’s an accomplishment, you should be proud of yourself. I wish
I had been good at the book learning stuff. School was always
boring to me.”
Yikes. Skylar sure was over-sharing with the cute doctor. She
hoped she wasn’t making herself sound like an idiot.
“So, what do you then?” As he asked the question, he turned his
body toward her, his arm brushing hers. Skylar wanted to stamp
down on her lioness’s tail to make her quiet down. The animal had
reacted instantly to his arm grazing hers.
“Well, at this very moment, I am unemployed.” She grinned. “It
feels so good. I walked off the runway in Paris two days ago, and I
am not going back.” Skylar pointed to remnants of her sandwich.
“It’s no fun starving yourself for a job.”
“Starving yourself?” Gray’s eyes were wide and full of shock and
“Of course. Think I can stay a size skeleton if I eat normally?”
“That’s fair, I suppose.”
Gray hailed the flight attendant and asked for a cheese sandwich.
Skylar tried to ignore her own growling stomach at the thought of
the warm, fresh bread. Once the food was delivered, Gray dropped it
onto her table. A playful smile bent his full lips. Skylar was torn.
What was more appetizing, the snack or the man’s lips?
Wait, what?
What the hell was she thinking? She couldn’t be attracted to the
doc. He not only wasn’t her type, but he was human. With one good
pussy squeeze, Skylar could dislocate, if not permanently damage
his cock. She winced. So not the image she needed.
“Eat,” he said, pointing to the package. “Doctor’s orders.”
This time, when her lioness perked up, Skylar had to agree. The
commanding tone Gray had taken was scorching and a little
dangerous. Skylar let herself really take in the man. He was rather
on the skinny side, but he was so good-looking. His blue eyes were
sharp and intense while his large, full lips were inviting. Skylar
wanted to run her tongue along them, maybe even take a quick dip
into his mouth. His nose was angular and slightly too pointy, but the
glasses softened it.
Mine, lioness howled.
Shit. Guilt had Skylar shuffling in her seat. Maybe if she had kept
better eating habits in the last few years, her lioness wouldn’t be so
confused. There was no way the doctor was her mate. With a sigh,
Skylar grabbed the sandwich and bit into it. Here you go, she spoke
to her animal. Eat this and stay away from the human.

“N ow that you’re unemployed,” Gray said, sipping his

steaming cup of airplane coffee, “do you know what you
want to do?”
Skylar hadn’t been ready for the question. Nor did she know
what to answer. She was too busy feeling pleased that someone was
taking an interest in her needs. Even if it was only a cute stranger.
“No, actually. I have no real plan. I was just fed up with
egotistical designers, shallow friendships, and missing my family.”
Skylar didn’t add that she’d also missed being able to shift and feed
her lioness properly. That was actually the main reason for leaving
modeling. She realized she was slowly killing herself for a job for
which she felt no joy.
“All valid reasons.”
Skylar nodded, feeling a wave of sadness inside of her. She
missed her sister. She longed to feel the invigorating pull of her
animal as she ran in the forest. She had denied her true nature for
far too long. It was time to go home and reset.
“I didn’t mean to upset you,” Gray broke through her thoughts,
his voice deep and comforting. Skylar shot him a smile.
“Nah, it’s all good. Why are you on this flight, doctor?”
As she spoke the words, Skylar became aware that Gray was
interested in her. Not in the basic, she’s hot way. Oh, no. As she had
called him doctor, rolling the word on her tongue like a tease, his
attraction had spiked the air with pheromones. Skylar had to beat
her lioness away with the promise of a twelve-ounce steak to get her
to chill.
Gray’s eyes were glued to her lips as she licked their dryness
away. The blue depths were now nearly black. The tendon in his
neck jumped as he swallowed.
“I can’t say,” he answered, his voice gruff. It sent a shiver up
Skylar’s spine.
He leaned into her and plucked a breadcrumb off of her
cleavage. Skylar inhaled sharply, causing her breasts to be in full
contact with his hand.
“I think you missed one,” she whispered, knowing full well there
were no more crumbs on her.
Obliging, Gray traced the edge of her breasts with his agile
fingers. More, her lioness pleaded. Skylar arched her back against
the seat and crossed her legs, desperately seeking friction against
her clit.
It wasn’t enough. It was confusing as hell. How was she getting
all hot and bothered over a scrawny doctor in a crowded plane? It
wasn’t like she could act on it. Her lioness would eat him right up.
She’d destroy his fragile human body.
“I like that sound even more when I’m the cause,” Gray
murmured in her ear.
Fuck. Skylar bit her lip, trying to cool herself. Impossible. She
grabbed Gray’s neck and sealed her mouth to his. Intent on keeping
control of the kiss, Skylar immediately lost. Gray took over, and she
was only too happy to let him.
The man could kiss. His tongue was limber, and his lips were
soft, but sure. She felt the kiss everywhere. It zinged right to her
clit, and she moaned.
More, her lioness pleaded, pacing impatiently inside of her. Skylar
was powerless against the doctor’s kisses. She pulled away, feeling
her lips swelling from his attention. He did want her. It was clear by
the scent in the air and the sizable bulge in his pants.
A plan quickly formulated in her head. If she led Gray to the
small airplane bathroom, they could keep kissing. They could fuck.
She wouldn’t even have to worry about her lioness. She couldn’t
shift in such a tiny space. Yes, the lioness growled, I’ll behave.
“Bathroom,” Gray commanded in her ear. The doctor had beat
her to it.
Skylar was so shocked, all she could do was watch him walk
toward the front of the plane. He might be a skinny nerd, but the
man had game. She hurried behind him, closing the door behind
The space was small but not as cramped as Skylar would have
thought. Thank god for first-class accommodations.
Gray encircled her waist and brought her to stand before him, his
erection pressing deliciously into her core.
“I’ve never done this,” he said, tucking a strand of hair behind
her ear. The confession was sweet and so very at odds with his
assuredness. It was endearing and flattering. It meant he was as
affected by her as she was by him.
“Me either,” she responded truthfully. “I have an IUD, you know,
for protection.”
“I can do better.” He pulled a condom from his wallet and placed
it on the edge of the counter. “We don’t have to...” Gray’s throat
bobbed. “We just met.”
“I don’t care,” Skylar said, running a hand over his clothed
“Thank fuck,” Gray growled and crushed her to him.
His lips weren’t just commanding, they were decisive. Skylar
moaned into his mouth, clawing at his pants. Her fingers dipped
inside and grazed the drooling head. Gray hissed and grabbed her
wrist, pinning it behind her back.
“Me first, gorgeous.”
With his other hand, Gray unzipped her jeans and dipped into her
underwear. The silky thong strained against his fingers as he toyed
expertly with her clit. Skylar was panting against his shoulder, trying
to remain quiet, ignoring her pacing lioness. He flicked the nub,
pinching it. It took her no time to cream his hands.
Skylar had no time to recuperate. He had her turned and bent at
the waist in two seconds flat. Turning around, Skylar watched as he
rolled the condom onto his length.
His cock wasn’t just long, it had girth. Skylar’s mouth watered
just looking at it. Yes. Her lioness pushed against her skin, desperate
for a taste. Mate.
“I’m going to make you come so hard,” he breathed into her ear,
sending appreciative shivers down her spine.
Grabbing her hips, he pushed into her dripping wet sex in one
solid thrust. Skylar had to bite down on her lips to keep from
screaming out her pleasure.
“You feel so good, love.”
Gray’s grasp on her hips was impossibly firm, and the pace he set
was frustratingly slow. Skylar bucked her hips back, trying to hasten
his advances.
“I love watching your hungry pussy taking all of me.”
“Gray,” Skylar moaned. “Please go faster. I need to come.”
“You’ll come when I’m good and ready, beautiful.”
He snaked his hand around and ran circles around her sensitive
clit, never actually making contact with the bundle of nerves. Skylar
could feel her pussy quivering, clamped down hard on his erection.
Every thrust was perfect, making her see stars. Yes, her lioness
chanted as the orgasm built inside of her.
“Come for me,” Gray groaned, finally flicking her clit.
Skylar came apart, moaning his name over and over as the
orgasm split her open and sewed her back up. Gray took two final
thrusts and collapsed onto her back.
They stayed still, the tiny space filled with their exerted pants.
“Shit, Doctor, you’re amazing.”
Skylar meant it. She’d never fucked a human before, too scared
to ruin their fragile bodies. Her pussy fluttered happily. It was Skylar
who’d been ruined.

“I like that sound even more when I’m the cause.” Gray had
felt his cheeks heat, and his cock harden. Had he really
just said those words to a beautiful model?
His head must not be on straight. Be cool, Gray.
He’d definitely wanted to keep talking to her. He went to open his
mouth, hoping something clever would come out, but he was
stopped by Skylar’s hands closing around his neck and her mouth
crashing against his.
Skylar tried to drive the kiss, but there was no way Gray was
going to let her. A deep desire rushed out of him to claim her mouth.
He took control, dipping his tongue into her mouth and making her
The sound zigged straight to his cock, feeling the length
hardening. She pulled away entirely too soon. Gray wanted to keep
devouring her mouth.
“Bathroom,” he heard himself say.
Gray didn’t wait for her answer, he merely stood and walked
down the narrow path to the front of the plane. He didn’t even have
time to doubt his boldness. He heard Skylar shuffling behind him.
Putting his hands around her waist, Skylar made sure his erection
rubbed against her.
“I’ve never done this,” he confided, sweeping her hair behind her
Gray said the words, not as a line, but rather because the
moment was something he would cherish for a long time. He didn’t
do this kind of thing because he had never met a woman like Skylar
Her blue eyes sparkled up at him, a sweet, mischievous smile
bending her swollen lips.
“Me either,” Skylar whispered. “I have an IUD, you know, for
Gray nearly came in his pants at the thought of entering Skylar’s
pussy bare. But he wouldn’t do that. He had this need to protect her,
and he would.
“I can do better,” he said, pulling a condom from his wallet. The
gesture felt heavy, like he was expecting sex.
He wanted to be buried deep inside of Skylar, but he didn’t want
her to feel like this didn’t mean anything.
It did.
“We don’t have to,” he heard himself say, his cock cursing him as
it was already leaking his excitement. “We just met...”
Skylar’s hand came up between them. She ran it against his
“I don’t care,” she whispered seductively.
“Thank fuck.”
Gray pounced, crushing her to him. He let his instincts take over.
He swallowed Skylar’s moans as he kissed her with everything he
Skylar undid and lowered his pants. She cupped her hand around
his erection, her finger delicately spreading his precum around the
swollen head.
“Me first, love.” He grabbed her wrist and pinned it behind her
Gray unfastened her jeans and went straight for her core. Fuck.
Her thin underwear was made of silk, the material already drenched
with Skylar’s sweet juice. Gray’s mouth watered. He longed for a
taste of it. But there was no space for that in the cramped airplane
Though it was slightly more spacious than he had expected,
seeing as it was reserved for the first-class passengers, Gray knew
he couldn’t give Skylar everything she deserved.
He’d have to do his best with what he could. His agile fingers
grazed her clit and circled the hood. Skylar’s pants were driving him
wild. He needed to feel her come on his hands. His touch was
relentless, egged on by her moans.
Gray felt her orgasm building, her legs clamped down on his
hand, trapping him there. That was fine with him. He’d happily stay
between her legs forever. The look of bliss on Skylar’s face as she
came was a sight Gray would never forget.
Her pale cheeks flushed, and her lips parted. Her eyes rolled
back, and she lost all control. Because of him. It made him feel like
he was ten feet tall. It made him want to see her come again, this
time, her pussy a vice on his cock.
Gray turned her around and guided her down into a bend. He put
the condom on in record speed. The sight of her looking back at him
pleadingly nearly made him blow his load on her bare ass.
“I’m going to make you come so hard,” he promised while taking
hold of her hips.
In one swift thrust, he buried himself deep within her. He
watched his long, thick cock disappearing into her drenched pussy.
The sight was as intoxicating as the feel of Skylar’s clenching sheath.
“I love watching your hungry pussy taking all of me.”
He wasn’t usually one to dirty talk, but he couldn’t help himself.
Skylar drove him wild.
“Gray,” she pleaded. “Please go faster. I need to come.”
And he wanted her to. But he also needed to make it last. He
wanted Skylar to remember this moment for a very long time.
“You’ll come when I’m good and ready, beautiful.”
Pumping in and out of her, using every thrust to maximize her
pleasure wasn’t enough. He needed to brand himself on her skin,
Reaching forward for her clit, he stroked the nub over and over
again, mimicking his cock’s pace.
“Come for me,” he growled into her ear.
And she did.
Her pulsating orgasm milked Gray, and with two more pumps, he
“Shit, Doctor, you’re amazing.”
As Skylar called him doctor, Gray felt his passions stirring again.
He pulled out and cleaned himself off.
The sex had been amazing. The best he had ever had, in fact.
But it hadn’t been enough. Gray wanted more. More time to enjoy
every single inch of Skylar’s body.
He wanted to lay her down on a bed and fuck her with his
tongue until she was screaming his name.
On their way back to their seats, Gray kept her hand in his. He
kissed the palm of her hand as she settled back into her seat.
“I think everyone knows what we just did.” Skylar was blushing
“I don’t care,” Gray said, meaning it.
For the rest of the plane ride, he relished every touch they
shared. Whether it was her hand on his thigh on her falling asleep
with her head on his shoulder.
Gray kissed her hair and sent out a prayer to whatever deity was
listening to make sure their paths crossed again.

G ray’s foot tapped out a random beat onto the floor. His
nerves were shot. He hadn’t slept in days, and every noise
made him cringe. Being a target wasn’t easy. It could
actually drive a man insane.
It had all started when he had said goodbye to Skylar at the
airport. No sooner had he gotten into the car that he realized he was
being followed. He’d even asked the driver from the driving service.
The old, grouchy man had agreed. They were being tracked. Gray
hadn’t felt secure in that vehicle.
He had the distinct impression that the man, who was paid for
transportation and protection services, would have let Gray and his
research be taken. Or killed.
He’d gone home and done some digging to find the best
protection agency in town. He’d stumbled, quite by chance, on Nick
Milan’s company. There were whispers about the guards employed
by that business. Shifters, the lot of them. Humans who could
change into animals. The gift made them stronger and faster than
the typical human bodyguards.
Gray knew he had to contact the owner. That was why Gray was
sitting in Nick Milan’s waiting room. The decor was plain but also
soothing. The paint tones were pale, and the effect was pleasing. It
inspired some confidence in the entire shifter organization.
Besides, with the fate of the world literally in his hands, Gray
didn’t want to skimp out on protection. He had the money, after all.
His trust fund could be put to good use. Coming from a wealthy
family definitely helped at that moment. Though he’d never really
been the flashy type, he’d been good about growing his trust a lot
and multiplying his assets.
“Dr. Gray Hart?” The man who spoke was none other than Nick.
He was tall and muscular. His face was stern, if not to say a
downright scowl. Gray wondered if he had done something to upset
the man before they even talked about the specifics of the job.
“Yes, hello. Nick Milan, I presume?”
Gray wanted to kick himself for being so nervous. If he were
buffed and muscular like this guy, he would be less afraid right now.
But no matter what Gray tried, he could never bulk up. His muscle
mass just refused to go beyond a strange mix of lanky and sinewy.
He’d tried powders, vitamins, special diets. Nothing.
He was clearly doomed, being a spindly man who had to rely on
others to protect him. Fuck it all. He was a smart man. He’d received
his doctorate in nuclear physics in record time. Youngest ever, in
fact. But he couldn’t even defend himself. His big brain was no
match against big, bad guys with guns.
Gray also had to bite his tongue to keep from asking Nick if he
knew a Skylar Milan. That would seem too creepy. And really, what
would be the chance that the gorgeous model would be related to
this man? Slim to none, if he calculated the city’s population and the
approximate number of people with the Milan last name.
The sexy woman who haunted his every dream and waking hour
since they kissed goodbye at the airport would remain just that. A
“I’m sorry to spring this on you last minute,” Gray said, setting
down his hefty, heavy steel case onto his lap.
“No bother,” Nick said, watching him intently.
“I didn’t think I’d need protection. I thought this would be
enough.” Gray gestured to the coffer holding all of his life’s work.
“You’re an important asset, from what I understand. If you got
into the wrong hands, everything you know could be used for evil.
Or whatever. You can lock your research in a reinforced, secure box,”
Nick pointed to the massive case, “but you can’t do that to your
Gray harrumphed. Nick was right, of course, but he didn’t have
to like it.
“Seeing as I’ve had no time to schedule a guard for you, I don’t
have many options. Actually, I only have one option. She’s new to
the job, but I believe she’s competent enough to keep you safe.”
Fuck. Gray felt the twinge of embarrassment tugging at his skin,
making it itchy. Not only wasn’t he man enough to defend himself,
he was going to be protected by a woman. If only there were a
magic potion he could take to become more adept physically.
“Hey.” The office door opened.
Gray turned to see the newcomer, sure to be his guard.
Gray’s cock immediately hardened. How could it not? He
remembered how it had felt to be buried deep inside of the woman’s
luscious body. He’d had dreams about it. He’d jerked off so often, he
thought he’d develop carpal tunnel.
Skylar Milan, the retired model and bread lover, took the seat
next to him. Gray watched her skinny jeans, black this time, stretch
over her long, elegant limbs. Her pale skin was so creamy and soft,
he wanted to mar it with love bites and sweat. Her long, light brown
hair curled down her arms. He wondered what it would be like to
wrap the strands around his fist as he pounded into her from behind.
“Sorry I’m late,” she said, directing all of her attention to Nick.
She clearly hadn’t noticed Gray yet.
“Meet your client,” Nick said, gritting his teeth.
Gray watched as Skylar turned in her chair. He saw the very
moment she recognized him. Her face flushed, and her light blue
eyes popped wide open. Her mouth dropped into a perfect O, giving
Gray all kinds of dirty thoughts.
“Holy shit,” Skylar’s voice broke on the words. Gray had to rub his
mouth to cover his smile. “It’s you.”
“Wait, you two know each other?” Nick asked, getting to his feet.
“No,” Skylar said.
“Yes,” Gray’s voice had been louder, nearly covering her
“Well, which one is it?” Nick demanded. He crossed his arms in a
display of muscle and strength. Gray felt a twinge of jealousy. If
Skylar hung around with brawny, beefy dudes all the time, he didn’t
have a chance in hell.
“We were on the same flight. It’s nothing,” Skylar waved her
hand dismissively. Gray didn’t miss the way her face and neck were
She might be pretending she wasn’t affected, but she was.
Nick kept eying them, first Skylar, then Gray and back again.
“Is this going to be a problem?” he asked.
“No,” Skylar and Gray echoed each other.
It definitely wouldn’t be a problem for Gray. He would get more
time with her. Maybe he could get her naked again. Hopefully, in a
bed where he could spread her out and spend hours exploring every
inch of her body. Gray shifted uncomfortably in the chair, his erection
straining painfully against his pants.
“We do ask that our clients and guards don’t fraternize, if you
know what I mean.” Nick’s eyes were dark, sizing up Gray.
Skylar clicked her tongue in annoyance.
“Fuck, Nick. A second-grader would know what you mean,”
Skylar bit out. “Subtle, much?” she added, crossing her arms. Her
thin eyebrow cocked up in defiance.
“Fine. Bring him to his place. You’re to stay with him overnight.
Tomorrow, you have to escort him to an important meeting. You got
that? That’s all that’s on the docket for you, too.”
“Claws down, Nicky-boy. I hear you loud in clear.” Skylar
sauntered to the door, her ass swaying in her tight jeans. Gray would
have followed her, on his knees, to be closer to the perfect round
globes. “You coming, Doctor?”
He almost did.

A s soon as Gray closed the SUV door, Skylar turned toward

him, her blue eyes narrowed in suspicion.
“Did you arrange this somehow?” Her question threw him
off balance. For a few seconds, he couldn’t understand what she
was asking.
“You think I tracked you down?” Her accusation stung. Gray had
been overjoyed to see her, and he’d been hoping she felt the same.
“You knew my last name,” Skylar explained. “You could have
trailed me. Are you a psycho?”
“Skylar, no. This is purely coincidental. I contacted Nick because
a friend of mine mentioned his guards were unusual, but the most
“Right,” she sat back in her seat, but her body was still tense.
Gray knew what could ease her. If only he could dip his head
between her legs and lick her core until she came, her stress would
evaporate. Orgasms and endorphins were the most effective stress
“I will say that this fluke’s probability is 0.001 chances in three
Skylar’s eyebrows shot up.
“You calculated the probability?”
“No,” Gray answered with a laugh. “I might be a geek, but I’m
not that bad. I was making a point.”
“Oh.” Skylar looked down, keeping her eyes on her fingers. She
was cracking her knuckles nervously.
“You’re not happy to see me again.” Gray made the statement,
knowing it was true, but hoping against all hope that she would
correct him.
“No. Yes. I don’t know. Look, what happened in the plane? That
can’t happen again?” It came out sounding more like a question.
“Why?” Gray asked, feeling his chances with her slipping away.
“Because of your boss and his fraternization rules?”
“Because I’ll hurt you, Gray. And I mean, really hurt you.”
Gray watched her for a few long seconds. Her long lashes curved
against her cheek, and her white teeth bit into her plump red lower
“Look at me,” he commanded, his voice filling every inch of the
car. He placed his hand under Skylar’s chin, needing to touch her. “I
don’t think you could.”
Skylar opened her mouth to protest, but Gray quieted her with a
quick, simple kiss.
“I want to court you,” Gray locked eyes with Skylar. She cracked
a smile and nudged him in the shoulder with a long, slender finger.
One he’d like to see wrapped around his cock. He’d laid it all out on
the line. He hoped that their passionate time in the plane would be
enough to convince her. No matter what he looked like, scrawny and
“Court me?” Her raspy laugh struck his lust painfully. “What
century are you from?”
“The one that treats women right.” He hadn’t missed a beat or
stuttered. Victory is mine. He pushed up his glasses. “I believe that a
woman should always be courted properly.”
“Uh-huh,” Skylar shrugged. “You’re an odd duck.”
“I don’t think it’s strange that I want to wine and dine you
properly. Then, once we’ve enjoyed each other’s company, we can
enjoy each other’s bodies.” Gray was pleased to see Skylar’s jaw
drop. “I had a taste of you, but it wasn’t enough. I want more. I
want you spread out on a bed where I can feast on your sweet
Skylar groaned and lay her head against the steering wheel.
“Please don’t say shit like that to me.”
“Why?” Gray asked, putting a hand on her back.
“Because you’re making it really hard to say no. And I need to
say no.”
“Fair enough, Skylar. I don’t want to make you uncomfortable. I’ll
drop it.”
The words hurt as he said them. He should have known a
woman like Skylar would never go for a man like him.
The air was heavy with his failed attempt at seduction. Gray felt
awkward, but he couldn’t help but feel Skylar wanted him.
Did that make him a creeper? God, he hoped not.
“What’s in the box?” Skylar nodded her head toward the case
sitting on his knees. Even in the car with Skylar, he wouldn’t let the
thing out of his sight.
“Oh, not much. Just my entire life’s work.” No sooner were the
words out of his mouth that Gray regretted them. He was being
melodramatic. It had to be nerves for the following day’s meeting.
And being in such close proximity to Skylar.
She didn’t seem to mind, though. With one hand on the steering
wheel, she reached over and ran a hand over the cold steel case.
“Intense security measures, Doctor.”
Damn. Every time she called him that, Gray wanted to take her in
his arms and kiss her. He desperately wanted to hear her calling him
that while she came on his dick. He would have to rein in that
desire. That last thing he wanted was for Skylar to feel distressed
around him
“What kind of work is it?” she asked, pulling him away from his
“I’m a nuclear physicist. This is my research.” That was putting it
mildly. Did a case full of a new kind of radiation only equate to just
research? Probably not.
“Nuclear physicist? I don’t even know what that means.”
Gray chuckled. People usually pretended to know. Not Skylar. She
was as honest and transparent as she was beautiful.
“Basically, it’s my job to understand the central part of atoms.
The nuclei, if you will. I study how they work to be able to harness
the power for multiple reasons.”
“Please don’t tell me you’re one of those assholes playing with
nuclear weapons.”
“No, actually. I’ve refused many jobs because they were all linked
to weaponizing my research. I want to do good in the world. I want
to make a difference, but only in a way that benefits all humans. Not
greedy corporations.”
“That’s noble of you.” She sounded sincere and impressed.
Gray tried not to square his chest with pride. And he failed.
Stumbling on his words, he went on. “I want to find a source of
power that will work on cars, buildings. Anything, really. All with the
least amount of impact on our fragile environment.”
“Is that why you chose this field? To help the world?”
“In a way. I was also fascinated by the atom. It’s the smallest
thing in creation, and it still has the most power. I guess I feel a
kinship to the atom.”
“I don’t know about that, Doctor. Your brain is pretty big.”
It was on the tip of his tongue to say that his brain wasn’t the
only sizable part of him. He refrained himself. He’d promised her
he’d behave.
“What about you? Did you leave modeling to work for your
cousin’s company?”
He watched as Skylar flinched. Maybe this hadn’t been the right,
safe topic to address with her to veer the conversation how from
“It was more to be closer to my family. It was lonely out there in
the world. Being judged merely based on my looks. Surrounded by
superstitious assholes.”
“I get that,” Gray said grimly.
Skylar gave him a questioning look.
“I would never say that men are held to the same beauty
standards as women. What you ladies go through is absolutely
insane. But being a tall, lanky guy in a world where muscle is master
is sort of hard. I was always passed up for the tall, built guy. It didn’t
help that I was always in the library, studying or reading or...” Gray
stopped himself just in time. He was about to go full geek right in
front of her. That would have been embarrassing.
Never mind that he just been really open and vulnerable with her.
“I guess we all have our crosses to bear. We all have our
“Right,” he agreed with her.
Now he’d have to drag a new one. Pining for a woman he could
never have.

H airy, droopy ball sack.

Of all the clients Skylar could get on her first job, it had
to be the cutie she’d fucked in the airplane bathroom. This
had to be some kind of sick, twisted cosmic joke.
Skylar had been trying so hard to forget all about the human who
had been the best sex she’d ever had.
Now that was impossible to do.
Especially when he got all mushy and romantic. He wanted to
court her? Who talked like that? And could she please get some
more? It was a stark contrast to how bossy he had been when he
was plowing into her during their mile-high initiation. It was
intriguing and alluring. It had her lioness all riled up and ready to go.
Pounce, the animal had roared when Gray had asked to court
her. It was hard to keep the animal inside of her restrained now that
she was eating like a regular shifter.
As if on cue, Skylar’s phone chirped the arrival of a text message.
Nick. Of course.
This is a warning, his message read. This guy isn’t to be messed
with. You need to stay away from him. Physically. Emotionally. All
With a roll of her eyes, Skylar tapped out her response. I get
She wasn’t surprised when Nick immediately replied. You don’t. I
don’t like that look in your eye when you look at him. And I could
smell his attraction to you. Gross. Off-limits. One-hundred-percent
The more Nick forbade it, the more appealing it was to let her
lioness win the battle. The animal believed Gray was her mate.
Maybe Skylar shouldn’t fight it.
But that was impossible, and Skylar knew it. She would never
mate a human. That was just dumb. She’d spent years keeping her
animal tied down with her poor eating habits. She wasn’t going to
do it again for a man. Even if it was the irresistible Dr. Gray Hart. If
Skylar chose a mate, it would be with a man who could take her
claws, in human and animal form. But her and Gray? Never going to
Bitch, her lioness growled, we’ll see.
Yep, this was going to be a complicated gig.
Thankfully, the good doctor was quiet on the drive to his house.
He tapped away on his phone, answering emails by the looks of it.
Not that Skylar tried to see what he was writing. It better not be to
another woman. He’d just asked her out, for fuck’s sake.
When her phone’s GPS made her turn onto a winding dirt road,
Skylar confirmed with Gray that she was indeed heading down the
right way.
Coming around a bend to spot the house, or rather mansion,
Skylar gasped.
“Holy shit, Doctor. You live here?” She couldn’t keep the surprised
shock from her voice.
The entire house looked like a millionaire’s cottage in the Alps.
From the log cabin exterior to the wrap-around porch on the two
expansive levels, it was a breathtaking view with the rolling hills of
trees framing it.
“It’s one of my houses.” His tone was sad and heavy.
Skylar’s senses told her there was a story there. Her cat’s
curiosity got the better of her.
“One? How many do you have?” She really wished she didn’t
sound so impressed with his material wealth, but this was next-level
beautiful. Skylar doubted she would ever want to leave. She would
definitely make time to let her lioness out for a run out here.
“Hm,” Gray sputtered uncomfortably. “A few. All family land that’s
been willed down to me. But this one is my favorite, I guess.”
“Because it’s out here, secluded. There’s no noise pollution. I can
do my work to the sounds of nature.”
“You know there are soundtracks of that, right?” she teased.
“It’s not the same. I like the peace. It reminds me of what I’m
working for.”
“You’re getting all philosophical on me,” she said, grabbing her
bag from the trunk.
“Sorry,” he blushed.
“No. Don’t. It’s fine. I like it.”
Skylar winked at him. Down, you thirsty bitch, she grumbled to
her lioness. In her mind’s eye, the big cat flipped her paw
dismissively. Behave or no more steak, she warned. The animal
growled her displeasure.
Gray showed her around the house. The kitchen was the perfect
mix of modern and cottage chic. Skylar hadn’t cooked in years, but
she had the sudden urge to boil some water. The living room had
the best view of the mountain, and the expansive windows were
definitely the star of the room, not the television hanging over an
impressive stone fireplace.
A set of twin oak doors remained closed, and Skylar noticed Gray
was purposefully ignoring the area of the house. When she went to
open the door, Gray stopped her.
“No, please don’t go in there.” His voice was panicked, and his
face turned about two shades lighter.
“Why? Is it some kind of Blue Beard situation going on behind
that door?”
“If I said yes,” Gray took a few steps toward her, “would you
leave it alone?”
Her lioness didn’t seem to sense danger, so Skylar knew he had
to be kidding. Curiosity burned through her. Gray’s insistence that
she not open the door only made her want to see what he was
More than that, Skylar found him fascinating. It wasn’t just any
human man who could so easily capture her attention. Sure, her
confused animal thought he was her mate, but that was beside the
Skylar really wanted to see what lay behind the closed door.
“Come on, Doctor. Show me your dirty little secret.”
Gray’s eyes darkened, becoming hooded. His desire sparked in
the air. Damn. He was turned on. By her. By her words. How was
she supposed to resist his sexy little glasses if he was sending out all
kinds of sexual vibes?
“Please?” Skylar pouted.
Her flirtatious tone enticed her lioness. The big cat jumped up,
ready to play. Down, kitty. I was only kidding. But it was too late.
Her passions were stirred.
“Fine. I’ll show you. But first you have to promise me that you
won’t judge me.”
“Oh!” Skylar gasped. “Well, now I have to see what’s through
there. Come on, show me.”
“Fine,” Gray sighed. “Just remember that I’m a very busy man. I
don’t socialize a lot. I have to find ways to unwind.”

T he doors opened slowly to reveal the most interesting room

Skylar had ever seen. Three of the walls were floor-to-ceiling
bookshelves filled with books. The third was taken up by an
enormous, elaborate stone fireplace. Large cushions and plush
armchairs were placed around it, creating a lavish scene. Two
windows flanked the hearth, giving view of a beautiful, lush forest.
The few lamps cast an inviting and homey orange glow on the entire
It was like walking into the library of an enchanted castle. Skylar,
who wasn’t one to read much, walked the length of the room. With
a low whistle, she spun around.
“This is what you were scared to show me?” It made no sense. It
was magical. Skylar had the biggest urge to lay on one of the thick
blankets by the fireplace and lounge for hours.
“It’s not an orthodox room. Especially not since I’ve read most of
these books.”
“What?” Skylar barked in disbelief. “There’s no way!”
“Sure. A lot of them are repeats. Different editions, first editions.
Foreign editions. All of my favorite books.”
“So, you collect books?”
“Yes, I suppose I do. Words are easier to understand than
people. Just like science.”
“Which one is your favorite?” Skylar ran a hand over the spines
of a line of books, picking one up at random. The hefty tome was a
modern one. The last book in a wildly popular series that millennials
had grown up with.
“That’s very astute of you,” Gray said, taking the book from her
hand. “This series is the best. I read it so many times when I was in
high school that I had to replace my copies.”
“Why this one?”
“Because I identify with the main character. A young boy who is
mostly forgotten and neglected until it’s realized that he has this
great power that can help people. An outsider, a little bit of a freak.
Plus, the magic in these books is insane. When I first started doing
complex scientific research, I tried to create a lot of the things the
author describes. I managed to make a clock that keeps track of
where I am at all times, but...” Gray cleared his throat. “There’s
never been any use for it since no one really cares where I am.”
He put the book back and knelt down to start a fire.
“That’s really bleak, Gray. I can’t believe you’re that alone.
“A reclusive, introverted scientist who lacks social skills?” he
“No,” Skylar rolled her eyes at his severely skewered perception
on himself. “I was going to say that you’re a good guy, and you’re
pretty fascinating. You’re not introverted with me.”
“No, I guess not. But that’s because I like you. I want you to
know things about me, and I want to know all there is to know
about you.”
Skylar felt her face flush from the implied compliment in Gray’s
words. See? Her lioness purred, mate.
“I’m not a boy genius scientist. I’ve led a pretty boring life. There
isn’t much to tell.”
“That’s not true. You left home when you were young to model,
didn’t you?” Skylar nodded her response. “That takes a certain type
of courage. It’s not something I would have been able to do. It’s not
a thing many people can do. You’re strong, Skylar, and brave. It’s
“Those are sexy qualities,” she laughed, trying to lighten the
mood that was quickly going down a dangerous path.
It backfired horribly.
Gray came to stand in front of her and cupped one of her cheeks.
“You are incredibly sexy, Skylar. But that’s not all that you are. All
I was saying is that I see so much more inside of you.”
Skylar blinked tears back. Was she seriously going to cry because
this man was nice to her? Because he didn’t just see her as a piece
of expendable ass? Apparently, yes. She was going to get all
emotional about it. She had problems. None of the men from her
past had any interest in her qualities. They only cared that she
looked good on their arm.
“Let’s get you settled, shall we?”
He stepped away from her and left the room. Stunned, Skylar
followed him through the house and into a guest bedroom. The
room was spacious, and in the middle was a huge four-poster bed.
From each pillar, gauzy stripes of material hung, giving the room a
fairy-tale-like quality.
“This is amazing,” her words were quiet and reverent as she ran
her fingers on the soft, white fabric. “I was thinking I’d be sleeping
on a gross sofa that smells like old farts and cheese puffs.”
“I keep that furniture in the basement,” Gray teased. “But I am
glad you like it. This room has literally never been used.”
“Holy shit!” Skylar cried, spotting the bathroom. The tub was
sizable and had a built-in back support. It was calling to her. “I’ve
died and gone to heaven,” she murmured, lovingly stroking the
shiny, white porcelain. Gray laughed behind her.
“You can use it right now. I’ll go into the library and get some
work done.”
“Oh, right. I’m on the clock. I can’t sit around, taking luxurious
baths. I have to protect you.”
“I could set up right in here, if you’d like.”
The cheeky jerk stared at her with a grin. There was that bossy
attitude she’d so enjoyed during their previous time together. His
words evoked all kinds of dirty images in her mind, namely being
fucked from behind while in a tub full of hot water and bubbles. Yes,
her lioness begged.
“That would be even less right,” were the words she decided to
say, Nick’s warning suddenly ringing in her ears. The damned grump
was right. She had to stay away.
“That’s too bad.” Gray’s words echoed in the enclosed room. “I
would love to see all of you next time.”
Next time?
Skylar gulped around the lust building in her body from his
words. He had said he’d stay away. But the close proximity was sure
making it hard to resist him. Gray was feeling it, too.
“I’ll just have to settle for the picture of you naked in my
With that, he turned on his heels and left the room.
Mate, mate, mate. Her lioness was adamant, bouncing up and
down with each word.
Shit, maybe her animal was right. There was something about
the good doctor that was kind of raw. She responded to it. How
could she not? But she really had to contain that shit.
There was no way she was endangering the life of the man she
was supposed to be protecting.
If she couldn’t fuck Gray again, then she would enjoy the
bathtub. It was the lesser of evils. She used the marvelous shower
head to pleasure herself. The water pressure against her had her
coming in no time at all. The memory of Gray pounding into her
from behind on the plane was on a loop in her mind.

A s she towel - dried her hair , she hoped that she could still look at
him in the eyes now that she had defiled his bathroom appliance.
Slipping on a pair of yoga pants and pale pink tee, she padded
through the house, looking for Gray.
He was lounging against a pile of cushions on the library floor, a
fire ablaze in the hearth cast the room in a romantic glow. Thank
god she had taken care of herself. Otherwise, the view of Gray
reading by firelight would have really revved her sex drive.
“What are you doing?” she asked, plopping down next to him.
She tried to keep a professional distance between them, but it
was no use. Her lioness wanted to feel the heat of his body. The
animal was getting to be so bossy now that Skylar was feeding her.
Behave, she pleaded with the animal.
Not a chance, the lioness purred in response.
“This is one of the best books of the series by JK Rowling. I love
“Seen the movie, never read it.”
Gray actually gasped and pushed his glasses up his nose with his
index finger. God, could he be any cuter? The movement had her
lioness rolling around in heat, the dumb animal.
“You haven’t read any of the series?”
“No, sorry.” Skylar actually felt herself blush.
“Don’t move,” Gray commanded, getting to his feet. He walked to
one of the shelves and pulled out a thin, ragged book. “This is the
first one, and we are reading it.”
“Uh...what do you mean?” Skylar shifted uncomfortably. “I hope
you aren’t giving me homework, Doctor.”
He laughed and sat back down. She didn’t miss that he was
much closer to her now. But Skylar didn’t move. She liked being so
close to him. It wasn’t like she was fucking him. She could totally
control herself.
One-hundred percent.
“I’m going to read to you,” he said, cracking open the tome.
Skylar felt her jaw drop.
“You can’t be serious!”
“Oh, right. Is that weird?” Gone was the confident doctor who
had destroyed her in the airplane bathroom. He was vulnerable in
that moment because he had wanted to share something with her.
She wouldn’t deny him. She just didn’t think men did this. Read by
firelight in the most romantic setting ever.
Maybe men didn’t. Only Gray.
Mate, mate, mate, her lioness chanted. But Skylar quieted the
animal and gave Gray a smile.
“No, not weird. You have this deep baritone voice. It’ll be great.
Any chance you can fake a British accent?”
He blushed all the way to the top of his ears.
“It wouldn’t be a very good one.
“Ah, I was just teasing you, Doctor. Please, regale me with the
tale of this child wizard.”
Gray cleared his throat and began reading. Skylar completely lost
track of time. She was engrossed in the story, yes, but she was also
bewitched by the passion in Gray’s voice. Skylar could have sat there
all night, listening to him read. And she would have, too, if her
stupid stomach hadn’t decided to growl.
“Oh, we’ve been at this for hours. I should feed you,” Gray said,
hopping to his feet.
Like the chivalrous man he was, he held out his hand and helped
her up. As soon she grabbed it, Skylar felt a zing run through her
body, reawakening a different kind of hunger inside of her. She
shook her hand and stretched out her arms to tamper down the
rising tide of lust.
But Gray only made it harder for her to resist him.
The man took out two filet mignons from his fridge and grilled
them to perfection. They ate in companionable silence. Skylar didn’t
trust herself. She was scared if she opened her mouth, something
really dirty would come out. She couldn’t really come out and say
fuck me on this table, Doctor, because I have a disease and you’re
the only cure.
Ugh. Cheesy line. There was no way she was saying that. And
she would put Gray in danger. There was no doubt in her mind that
her lioness, that thirsty animal, would destroy him.
“It’s nice having you here,” Gray said, clearing their dishes. “It
gets lonely in this great big house.”
“I’m here to protect you,” she said with a wink. “Now, how about
we finish that book?”
Gray beamed down at her and led the way to the library. This
time when they sat down, their bodies were glued together.
Gray had one arm draped over her, and Skylar laid her head on
his chest.
It was breaking all kinds of rules, but Skylar rationalized it easily.
She wasn’t fucking him, she was just enjoying his company. That
wasn’t forbidden.
Gray kept reading, and the sound was comforting. Skylar fell
asleep to the melodious sound of his voice, and she had never felt
so happy, so safe.

G ray scrubbed his face, blinking rapidly against the sleepiness

glued to his eyes.
He hadn’t slept a wink. Knowing Skylar was only a few
doors down, sleeping in shorts and a tank, made him impossibly
hard. He’d jacked off three times, completely emptying the hot water
tank in the process.
Nothing had eased the pressure inside of him. His need for Skylar
was only growing. Her reaction to his extensive library had been
sweet. The other women—all two of them—who had seen the room
before had laughed at him. Those evenings had not ended
Gray knew that he had to respect the words he’d said to Skylar.
He would ignore his attraction and leave her be. His resolve had
slipped a few times, he had to admit.
But she did something to him. She activated a side of himself he
didn’t even know he had. When Skylar was around, somehow he felt
more like a man, he felt surer of himself. Maybe it was because the
sex in the airplane bathroom had been so intoxicating.
Exhilarating and definitely not enough.
“Morning, Doctor,” Skylar’s words went straight to his cock.
Yawning, she stretched her arms over her head, her tank riding up.
Gray had to force himself to look away and shift his pajama
bottoms to hide his growing erection. How could he be hard again?
Maybe he should seek medical attention.
“I hope you slept well,” he said, still averting his eyes.
“Oh, baby,” Skylar moaned. “That bed is made of clouds and
angel wings. I would have stayed snuggled in all day. I’m going to
have to haul ass to get ready. When is your big meeting again?”
Gray was mesmerized by the sight of Skylar pouring milk and
sugar into her coffee cup. She moved with grace and assuredness
through his kitchen. He liked it. It was a sight he would have died to
have every morning.
Skylar half-naked in his home.
“It’s at eleven, but the city is an hour away without traffic. We
should leave in about thirty minutes.”
“Fuck, I gotta beautify myself,” she said, grabbing a muffin from
the counter and stuffing it between her perfect lips.
The sound Skylar made was all the gratification Gray needed for
having called the food delivery service to make sure they sent lots of
pastries. Croissants, danishes, muffins. Anything that would make
Skylar moan like she had on the plane. Both in and out of the stall
where they had gotten very intimate.
“You’re already gorgeous,” he heard himself say, his resolve
cracking again.
Skylar rolled her eyes, taking another bite of her muffin.
“You’re crazy. I have mascara goop in the corner of my eyes.
Serves me right for not even bothering to wash my face before
going to bed.”
“I’m taking another one of these,” she said, grabbing a chocolate
stuffed croissant.”
“Please, help yourself.” It’s for you, he wanted to add. It’s all for
Gray watched the woman of his dreams saunter off, munching on
her baked good. The curve of her shapely ass peeked out the
bottom of her shorts.
He imagined himself getting up from his seat to palm the creamy
skin, leading her to the bedroom. He would kiss her until she fell
onto the bed. He’d rip those sinful pajamas off her to gain access to
what he wanted to most. His throat was dry, needing to taste her.
Fuck. He was going to lose his mind with lust if this went on
much longer. He needed to get a handle on himself. And not the kind
where he spent an exaggerated amount of time in the shower.
Thirty minutes later, when Skylar joined him in the entryway, he
had to shake his head and remind himself that today was the most
important day of his adult life. Of his career. He had to keep his head
in the game.
It didn’t matter than her black skinny jeans fit Skylar like a
second skin or that her loose tee hid all the curves he wanted to
explore with his tongue. He had to stay on task.
“You ready?” she asked, grabbing his large steel case.
Gray put a hand on hers and took the item from her.
“I’ve got this,” he answered. He meant so many things with those
simple words.
“I’ll drive then.”
He followed her to the car after locking up his home. Skylar was
typing away furiously on her phone as he settled in for the long
“You look nervous,” Skylar said a few minutes later as she turned
the car onto the main road.
“I am,” he conceded. “This is a big deal. It could change
“I don’t suppose you can tell me all about it...”
“If I did, I’d have to kill you. And I’d rather keep you alive. There
are too many things I want to do with you.”
Gray inhaled, surprised by his own admission. He hadn’t meant
for the words to spill out like that. For some reason, his cock had
taken control of his mouth. With a sigh, he gave her an apologetic
“I’m sorry, that wasn’t appropriate. I told you I’d stop coming
onto you, and I can’t seem to keep my mouth shut.”
“It’s okay,” she said with a breathy laugh. “We’re in a weird
situation. We’ve seen each other naked. Mostly. And now we have to
put all of that aside.”
“Maybe one day...” he started hopefully.
“Gray,” she sighed. “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”
He nodded, though he didn’t understand. Not really. Skylar
definitely seemed to be interested in him. They’d had sex after all.
“So, if you can’t tell me what’s in the box, can you at least tell
me who we’re meeting with?”
“We’re meeting with a few key members of an important
organization and also the heads of a few ministries. This is basically
a preliminary talk before I present my research to a larger group of
important people who make crucial decisions. I’m not being obtuse
on purpose. I need to protect some of the people’s identities.”
“And what if I have to go in the room with you?” Skylar gave him
the side-eye, gaging his reaction. Gray couldn’t help but smile.
“Didn’t you hear about the curiosity and the unfortunate impact it
had on the cat?”
Skylar laughed, rolling her eyes at his lousy attempt at a joke.
“Like I haven’t heard that one a million times in my life.” Her tone
was light, and Gray saw his opening. He had meant to ask her about
shifter stuff since he’d learned that she was one. Everyone who
worked for Nick Milan was a shifter.
Gray just had a hard time wrapping his mind around the fact that
he had slept with one.
And then it dawned on him.
Maybe that was why Skylar didn’t want to be with him. Because
he was a human.
A crushing sadness pressed against his chest. No amount of
working out and protein shakes could ever change his molecular and
genetic markup. He would never be a shifter. He would never be
with Skylar again.
Gray’s thoughts only got darker and more depressing as they
drove into the city. He was going to be alone forever, with his cold
mistress, science. It would have to do. If he couldn’t have Skylar, it
wasn’t worth it to try. She was it for him. No other woman would
ever compare.
“Okay, Gray,” Skylar said, pulling into a parking spot in the
underground garage. “Before we go in, I do need to know what
happens if I have to go into the room with you.”
Another random document with
no related content on Scribd:

1, 2. Saddle (or 2 hind quarters). 1. Leg.

2. Loin.
3, 4. Back (or 2 fore quarters). 3. Ribs.
4. Stew.

Chilling.—As fast as sheep are slaughtered they should be

placed in coolers and hung on racks as shown. If left out, and
partially air-chilled it has the effect of discoloring them about the legs
and thin parts of the carcasses, causing these to look dark and less
attractive than when placed in the cooler immediately after
slaughtering. There is little or no danger of chilling sheep too fast, as
long as the temperature is above 32° F., and the colder the room into
which they are put, as long as it is above freezing point, the better
will be the appearance of the mutton when it comes out of the cooler.
Sheep chilled for twenty-four hours in proper coolers, and thoroughly
dried and hardened, are ready for shipment or the cutting block. In
many places, especially in Australia and South America, they are
frozen. They should be thoroughly chilled in a dry cooler where there
is a good circulation of air, for twenty-four hours, after which they
may be put into the freezers at a temperature as near zero as
possible, so that the freezing will not be delayed. If they are frozen
quickly they retain a clear, bright appearance when thawed.
Choice. Good.


Lamb Tongues.—All tongues from sheep come under this head.

After they have been taken out of the heads they should be thrown
into ice water, washed and spread on a table, or in pans, in the
cooler at a temperature of from 34° to 38° F. for twenty-four hours.
Following that they should be trimmed, cutting off the extra pieces of
fat and the gullet. They are then ready for curing. They should be
cured in a plain 75-degree strength pickle with six ounces of
saltpetre to 1,000 pounds of meat, holding them in this pickle for a
week or ten days. They are then ready for use, either in sausage or
for cooking.

Medium. Common.


Pickled Lamb Tongues.—When tongues are pickled they are put
up with a white wine vinegar and are
handled as follows: After they are thoroughly chilled they are scalded
sufficiently to take off the outside film or skin on the tongue. This is
then scraped off with a hand scraper, or knife, and the tongue
trimmed, cutting off any parts that are discolored, or any loose
pieces of fat. The tongues are afterwards cooked until they are soft
enough for the bone to pull out readily. No special time can be fixed
upon for this work as the cooking varies greatly, according to the
condition of the animals from which the tongues were taken, and it is
well in cooking them to keep the sheep and lamb tongues separate.

Choice. Good.


After they are cooked and the bones are pulled out at the root of
the tongue, they are ready for pickling. They should first be pickled in
45-degree vinegar for at least twenty-four hours, when they are
ready to be packed in packages for shipment using 40-degree
vinegar by adding full strength fresh vinegar to the pickle they were
first put in. In packing them in small packages especially, they are
generally seasoned with coriander seed, bay leaves and sliced
Lamb Tongue Tests.—The following tests show yields of pickled
lamb tongues at values prevailing at the time they were made:


Cost of 1,000 pieces lamb tongues at ³⁄₄c each $ 7.50
Scraping, 10c per 100 pieces 1.00
Snouting, cooking, etc., one and a half hours, at 18c .27
Trimming at 5c per 100 pieces .50
Pickling, 10c per 100 pieces 1.00
Miscellaneous labor .17
General expense, 42c per cwt. on 143 lbs. produced .60
Green weight 320
Cooked weight 143
Shrinkage 177
lbs. or 55%
Credit 23 lbs. trimmings at 1¹⁄₂c per lb. $ .35
Cost of 143 lbs. of lamb tongues $10.69
Cost per pound, $0.0747.

Slaughtering Calves.—This item is so simple that it scarcely

needs mentioning. The chief thing is cleanliness of the hide. Where
the work is performed in quantity the calves are knocked, hoisted to
a rail; stuck, bled and passed through a washing tub; soaked and
curried so the hides are made entirely free from manure, and then
scraped reasonably dry. The calf is then gutted and placed in a
cooler, if it is to be sold skinned and it is preferable that it be cold
skinned. The color justifies the labor expense. Some fancy dressed
calves with caul spread are hot skinned but this is a local matter
common to but few markets.
Heads and Feet.—Heads and feet are scalded in sets, and sold
fresh or frozen. Eastern markets consume these in quite large
Historical — Investment — Hog Yarding — Hog Dressing — Hoisting —
Sticking — Neck Washing — Scalding — Scraping Machines — Hand
Scraping — Cleaning Bodies — Ham Facing and Cutting — Leaf Lard —
Splitting — Washing — Drying — Care in Chill Rooms — Open Air
Hanging — Chilling Necessities — Shrinkage in Chill Rooms — Hog By-
Products — Heads — Plucks — Paunches — Entrail Fat.

Historical.—In no department of the industry has the progress

been so extensive as in pork packing. Only a few years ago,
comparatively, it was impossible to kill hogs for packing purposes,
except during the winter season, and the various packing plants
located throughout the country worked during the winter months in
their crude way, packing as many hogs as conditions would permit,
turning out the cured meat in the spring, in inferior condition.
Under the conditions then existing there was little of the hog sold
fresh, for being killed as they were, in isolated places, there was little
opportunity to make it available for general consumption,
consequently fresh pork was sold only in the immediate vicinity of
the slaughtering place and it was necessary to cure the balance.
Under present methods, fresh pork product is shipped to England
and delivered in good condition to the consumer.
The important step in the evolution of “all-the-year packing” from
“winter packing” was the introduction of the refrigerating machine,
and in packing houses today little or no regard is paid to the outside
temperature. Another great advantage is the transportation facilities
now available. When killing hogs in large quantities the fresh pork
product is sold fresh and consumed as such, and a much greater
revenue is derived than when salted as formerly, and sold as cured
meats. With the present facilities for distribution the public can buy
fresh pork at any time of the year, while a few years ago it was
impossible to obtain it at any price during warmer seasons, unless in
the immediate neighborhood of the place where the animals were


Investment.—The investment capital used in pork packing is

much greater than for beef, for in slaughtering cattle there is
comparatively little left that requires storage, but in slaughtering hogs
fully seventy per cent of the carcass goes into the curing department,
to stay from thirty to ninety days; consequently a much larger and
more expensive set of buildings is required than for slaughtering
cattle. For instance, in the matter of chill room it is customary to
require cooler space for twice or three times the killing capacity and
storage area equal to five times the hog hanging area; in other
words, if a plant was to be built to kill a thousand hogs a day there
should be hanging capacity for 2,500 and five times the floor area
should be sufficient for curing the product, providing it is sold
promptly as cured. If it is to be carried for any length of time a
greater ratio than five to one should be used. This, of course, does
not refer to any of the auxiliary departments of the plant but only to
the cold storage and chill room department.
Hog Yarding.—Hogs should be rested in closed covered pens
arranged for summer ventilation, and winter warmth. It is essential
that they be well rested and cooled before they are slaughtered. To
rest twenty-four hours is by no means detrimental. In driving provide
the driver with a flat canvass belt attached to a short wooden handle
so that the hogs are not abused by clubbing. Keep plenty of water in
the troughs and keep pens clean.
More care should be used in handling hogs than any other live
stock, as hogs are more easily injured. Special pens should be
provided for their reception. Hogs should never be killed until they
are thoroughly rested and in normal condition. In the summer
weather they should be sprinkled.
Hog Dressing.—The principal points for attention in hog
slaughtering are briefly referred to under the following headings.
Hoisting.—When passing to the catch pens for hoisting, the pen
floor should be arranged with raised or corrugated surfaces to avoid
the possibility of its becoming slippery and the hogs “spreading” as a
result. The hogs should be headed in such a direction that when the
shackle is attached to the wheel the hind quarter of the hogs are the
first to move upward, without unduly twisting or wrenching the hog.
The transfer to the sticking rail should be done smoothly and without
A hoist, shown in Fig. 102, is often used; it is not only a very useful
device but it is also economical from the fact that it does not jar or
injure the hogs when hung up, as is often the case with an ordinary
hand hoist. This particular machine is adapted for small slaughter
houses rather than where business is done on a large scale, in
which case a double machine will be found almost indispensable.



Sticking.—Make a large and free opening. To insert a knife and

make a slit only large enough to admit it is insufficient. The sticker’s
knife should be sharpened on both front and back and when it is
withdrawn, a long smooth opening four or five inches long should be
made. It is far better, as hogs bleed more freely and die much
sooner. Be careful to see that the veins and arteries are cut, and at
the same time do not cut into the shoulder, as in that instance the
blood settles there and it becomes necessary to trim, resulting in
considerable loss. See that sufficient hogs are kept on the rail so that
they may bleed out well before dropping in the tub. The sticker
should keep close to the hanging off—sticking the hogs immediately
upon hanging.

Neck Washing.—Where space is available a washing spray of

cold water to drench the forequarters, head and feet, is a great
advantage, as the washing of the blood enables better scalding and
makes for cleaner hands and feet.
Scalding.—See that the tub is long enough to permit carrying a
comparatively low temperature and a good soaking of
the hogs. This will assist very materially in the removal of the hair,
either by hand or by machine. The scalding water should be alkaline,
by the use of potash or lime. It should be kept at an even
temperature and the hogs put in systematically.

Scraping Machines.—There are a variety of mechanical scrapers

on the market, and the output of goods per hour is perhaps the guide
in selecting a scraper for a large output. All things considered, a
vertical type barrel equipment, with scraping arms, delivering the hog
into a horizontal beater type would appear as the most efficient and
the less expensive for up-keep. The up-keep on a hog scraper is a
matter of no small figure and is worthy of careful consideration in the
selection of the equipment. In small plants, the choice is a matter of
personal preference, the beater types being probably the most
Hand Scraping.—Hair should be scraped out when possible in
preference to cutting off by shaving. A bench is provided following
the scraper for the finishing touches in this respect.

Body Cleaning.—A most important feature in dressing hogs is the

matter of getting the hair off, the skin cleaned and washed before
opening the hog. Inspection requirements as to cleanliness
practically demand this, and it is a proper method of dressing.
Ham Facing and Cutting.—In ham facing care should be used to
see that the workmen cut off the fat down to the lean meat, and at
the same time do not cut the striffen. In opening the hog it is
requisite that the opening cut should be a straight line from the
stickers cut to the bung. The breast splitting and opening over breast
bone is made so as to equally divide the sides and avoid trimming
when cutting hogs; the intestines are removed without cutting or


Leaf Lard.—Pulling the leaf lard just before the splitting, should be
done with care in order that the leaves may be pulled clean.
If this operation is performed in an indifferent manner, a
considerable amount of the leaf lard will be left in the carcasses and
it is afterward scraped out. Lard left after pulling the leaf, should be

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