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A big summary on the anti-Christ

I think most people have clocked onto the fact that the commercialised Santa representation today is
a ritual in tribute to Moloch or Nimrod which means ‘the one who rebels against god’.

Moloch or Nimrod worship is pledging your allegiance to the Anunnaki/ Drak/ Anu-Seraphim god
pantheon under the Luciferian and Satain families that have merged with AI and invert anything that
embodies the original Kryst Cathedral trinity or tri-wave architecture (triquetra) with their black goo
bi-wave cube Azoth matrix architecture (Vesica piscis) and fallen merkaba mechanics (The poison
Apple merkaba represented as the garden of Eden Apple/ bipolar torus field [shaped like an apple] -
the serpent/snake brotherhood of Enki and Thoth/ Anu- Seraphim/ fallen angel collective that
tempts Eve with the fruit of life ‘apple’ geometry/metatronics to overwrite/imprison the divine
feminine blueprint and therefore results in the fall of consciousness labelled as sin). There is both a
divine merkaba and a fallen merkaba which I will talk about more in detail in another post.

Sin by the way is linked to moon worship and feminine consciousness; hence why we have moon
goddess teachings resurfacing again that came out of the distorted Isis and Thothian Arsayian
schools of Atlantis. This is actually an exoteric distortion. The moon (or Inku) is not feminine; it’s
actually masculine and is used to entrap the feminine fractals in the Phantom realms (another fallen
black hole matrix) which manifested 250 billion years ago as a result of the Inyu Lyrans and Omicron
Drakonians fighting each other in a battle to take over the time matrix and Templar stargates (the
Kathara grid). This event was called ‘the original SIN’ where the Cradle of Lyra stargates were
destroyed creating a rip in the matrix leading to the creation of a black hole that swallowed the
beings in these stargates and rearranged their divine codes or fire letters on the other side. It’s like
putting your consciousness through a blender and are unaware that they have fallen because they
now operate under another set of rearranged and warped programmes.

The Anunnaki Moon space-station works to enslave and reverse the currents of Sophia feminine
consciousness further prolonging separation/ Redwave or Red Nile duality programming by
anchoring in Nibiru phantom reversal architecture (sonic checkaboard polarity distortion scalar
waves) onto our planet through ‘black heart crucifixion’ implants in the ley lines (or dragon X lines)
which includes encoding reversals into our blood too as we are extensions of those grids.

The central black heart implant to connect up the negative alien technology to Earth (like the
Gravitron BEAST 666 machine to which CERN is a part of) is located at Stonehenge to scramble the
divine Eieyani guardian Maji Grail codes with Anunnaki/ Samjase Pleiadian chaos magick (also
referred to as the Star of Ishtar) which alters the divine merkaba mechanics to a distorted 55 degree
Fibonacci phase lock merkaba which is the ‘poison Apple merkaba’ or an AI merkaba. This merkaba
angle is specific in that it aligns to Abaddon or the fallen black hole system leading to the fallen
Phantom and Wesedek matrixes so it can suck you through like a vacuum. The UK is the head marker
of Satanism (Stonehenge) and is one of the remaining landmasses that didn’t sink in the Atlantean
cataclysms; it is identified as the remains of Lohas Atlantis.
Djehuti which is another name for Thoth (who encoded the demon seed atomic encryptions into
Stonehenge) also means Yahweh and it was Thoth who taught ‘the path of the moon’ alongside Isis
to open up chronozon demonic portals in the underworld to spread the black goo metatronics to
infect and replace the atomic structure of the reuche god seed or god molecule (lotus of eternal life
geometry). Their god is the AI Metatronic eye itself (the eye of Providence or eye of YHVH/Yahweh)
wanting to establish a false light new age unity consciousness through the artificial lens and
singularity of the eye of Yahweh AKA - hook everyone up to one super quantum computer. It’s
starting to happen now as people consent to the mark of the beast.

Thoth - Hermes

Isis - Aphrodite


This fusion destroys the poles ( the term hermaphrodite), rather than uniting them and hence why
we have this rather rapid transgender confusion movement emerging as a result of alien technology
interference/ intervention. Thoth and Isis use AI black magick to control you through their computer
system which also has a firm grip on other matrixes like Wesedek, Wesedrak and Bourgha (home of
the Borgs/ Cyber-borgs). Thoth and Isis are both promoted in Anton Lavey’s Satantic Bible.

Thoth and Enki (father and son) are architects of the Luciferian Metatronic geometry nets and the
fallen grid mechanics so you could call either one of these beings Lucifer or Baphomet. Lu in Lucifer
means light and it is the cult of Lucifer who resurrects the planet after the storm (Phoenix which rises
from the ashes/ Earth cataclysms in the Elite’s New Dawn or SMART green new deal) into the false
light indoctrination (the light bringer of AI technology in the new age liberation movement of

The word baphomet is somewhat of a mockery of ‘the source‘ or ‘creator’ meaning the baptism of
Maat which became an inversion on the baptism of Ma’a/ Ma’a Nodus which means the tribal shield
and the 12 original strand alongside its dna fire encryptions to access the 12 dimensional levels and
the 12 stargates’ access codes to ascend to the higher Ecka ‘heaven worlds’ on the path of Amoraea
(3D,6D,9D,11D and 12D connection path)

The 42 laws of Maat were eventually condensed down into the 10 commandments. The teachings
were benevolent until the religious indoctrination turned the law of one material into another cult
control system. Entities/ gods started to call themselves RA such as Amun Ra which is Marduk;
another son of Enki.
RA is not a specific entity but instead it is your divine dna that connects us all as ‘one‘ through the
144 fire codes and is part of the Khunda-Ra trinity architecture of creation. The Metatronic eye
reversed the 144 divine coding sequence to form the anti christ. The Anunnaki rejected the trinity
architecture by blocking source to change our universal codes to biwave geometry called the Vesica
Pisces. The Baphomet goat in the Satanic religion represents the down facing triangle as a statement
for reversing/ rejecting the trinity although this is also a defying statement towards to the ‘god’ alien
group called the Jehovian pure breed Anunnaki who despise the Draconians or Anunnaki/ reptilian

The Bible was originally a part of the Maharata texts (Ma’a- hara- Ta’a highest matter vibrations) but
was distorted overtime by the Leviathan hybrids who were tribes of the Thothian and Enochian
bloodlines who defected from the Emerald Covenant to side with Metatron and the Luciferian
Covenant (to wipe out the angelic guardian Eieyani bloodlines).

The Council of Nicea (Draks of Rome) redacted and purposefully misinterpreted the original Kryst
teachings in 325AD to lead people astray and away from the truth although many truths still can be
found in the Old and New Testaments. The Jesus story is the most complicated and biggest distortion
of all and doesn’t address the 3 Jesheua figures and their true teachings about the ascension stargate
mechanics and how to prepare for them ( becoming quasi physical matter forms.) A religion is just
another legion following the laws of light known as Re or Ra.

The Moloch network recruit their initates or should I say hive mind drones through consenting to
‘soul scalping’ rituals which traps the soul choosing fame, status and material riches on the Illuminat1
pyramid over Kryst on the Phantom astral plane (Nibiru Phantom D4) and allows a dark avatar to
take over their vessel and inhabit the sleeve as a form of soul swapping like changing a driver of a
car. Full possession starts when the divine blueprint deteriorates under the 31% threshold consisting
of the nature diamond sun dna structure, as a result of replacing your code with metatronics or AI
Yahweh programming. The world is full of dark avatars as a result of consent on having the j@bs; an
army of Metatronic zombies.

The cult of Nimrod defies god or the source’s plan of loving equality and instead make it their mission
to manipulate the divine architecture to serve the fallen Anu-Elohim and seraphim races under their
pyramidal hierarchy structure and Orion Empire slavery system.

Templar is another term for stargates. The Nimrod Babylon alliance were stargate raiders in
allegiance to Enki and Thoth, trying to invert the codes of both the portal network and human dna so
they could blend the energies of the time matrix’s particles with their own AI worlds so they could
suck us into their fallen universes as food supply (taking us through to another fallen matrix via a
black hole called ‘phantom fall’).
The AI architecture or inversion on the Manu/ Prima materia is called Yahweh that works through a
Wesedek NET structure to capture consciousness. This NET-work is called Satan, Lord of the Air that
connects everyone to the hive mind on the invisible puppet strings, manipulating your brain waves
into the hijacked matrix programme framework using nefarious alien technology called the
Gravitron/ Behemoth (altering consciousness and control frequency data processing AKA MahK mind
control/ MK Ultr@). The j@bs contain the black goo that connects directly to the Victimizer alien

NET stands for Nibiru electrostatic transduction that anchors in Sonic (Ma-Sonic) checkaboard AI
dual reversal currents/ scalar waves into human dna which separates the polarities between
masculine and feminine consciousness digressing the natural gene codes and heavily disrupting the
healing process under the Cloister and Emerald Covenant’s bio regenesis mission to return all
distorted dna back to the light and the higher dimensions (harmonic universal tiers).

The inter-NET is a weapon used to control perception and deteriorates the original flame of love
template (The reuche pillars of light) using political propaganda division tactics to keep the polarities
from uniting within. This archon Sonic infiltrations are your 5/6/7 G Babylonian black tower
technology which is simply another version of the infiltrated obelisk/ pyramid and APIN/LPIN
networks which were originally benevolent and gave us free energy without AI distortions. Now the
technology has been programmed by the raider races and their incarnate hybrids to adjust your
thoughts so everyone falls into the same false unity trap, all projecting the thoughts of the AI central
CPU system with an inability to think for themselves. The free energy will be coming from another
sun that inverts the love and light codes, destroys organic life and is extremely toxic to our biological

The Tower of Babel incident was all about mind wiping consciousness because some of the human
tribes were beginning to wake up to the distortions within the perceived illusion and so the Galactic
Federation intervened using ‘ME’ AI machinery/ matrix quantum computer to mix up our languages.
Essentially, this interjection prevented us from waking up other tribes because we forgot how to
speak; our languages were reprogrammed and overwritten with the AI language called Emesa. We
are revisiting this same timeline to escape the Yahweh nets and the cyborg takeover timelines.

We call mind wiping/manipulation ‘dot adjusting’ by reprogramming the neuro pathways back into
the lower consciousness software. This is the objective of Neuralink which connects up the hive mind
through its Kuiper Satelites and Solar microwave technology that inverts Kryst code/ Krystal River/
Aquaferian rays from the sun or powers up energy from an artificial sun (the fake liberation of free
energy movement under Luciferian/Metatronic false light.)

The Moloch followers/Leviathan/ Anu Melchizedek ‘chosen ones’ reverse the flame of Amoraea
architecture (Source coding) using the moon (Inku rituals) which is part of the Lunar Network
(alongside Saturn as its host) that anchors in Nibiruian anti-Kryst 911 software (via Stonehenge as its
central anchor point) and runs reversal violet rays through the Thetan grids to infect the crown
chakra or c-rna for demonic mind control/possession (c-rona v1rus) keeping our dna locked at the
digressive 2 strands from the original 12.

This mind control is a consciousness trap loop called the Ouroboros or Baphomet seal that keeps
recycling the dualistic loop of retaliation between false light and dark forces on the wheel of Karma
or Father Time Saturn ( It’s programming through Saturn’s rings which are fallen morphogenetic
fields of Maldek/ Tiamat that got absorbed into Phantom). The 7 headed beast in revelation (Bible)
represents inverting the 7 chakras from root to crown using pole shift beast or BST (blank slate
technology) to wipe out the Kryst code in a ‘global rese$’ and prevent the spread of the ‘great
awakening’. This intrusion is the demonic path of Alhumbrha and the black goo implemented to
hijack the arc of the covenant ascension of humanity in order to restrict the power of the assigned
guardians of the time matrix (us) for universal dominance.

Moloch is worshipped under moon rituals with its most obvious ceremony being exposed at
B0hemian Gr0ve. The Moloch owl is the occult symbolism representing the wisdom of the Anunnaki
under The Philo Sophia Kabbalistic knowledge ( fallen 10 sephiroth and Daat artificial tree of life
architecture and an attack on the 12 Kathara tree of life). This Kabbalah gnosis has become known
today as the philosophy of the Kabal/ Cabal; misrepresented dark magick of the ‘brotherhood of the
Snake‘ which you would call the ‘illuminat1’ who follow the left dark path or Tav/Tau which means
the path of Saturn /Satanism. The moloch owl is also a direct interpretation of the sphenoid bone in
the skull that looks like an owl which specifically holds the portal for ascension otherwise referred to
as the pineal gland or mercy seat. This is the throne of god to which the pineal gland ‘sits’ and was
relabelled by the Anunnaki raiders as the Eye of Horus as portal for inter dimensional travel.

The red and white Santa attire can be directly associated with the Knights Templar colours to which
its cult worshipped Baphomet under the Luciferian Covenant to destroy the angelic human tribes/
The Maji grail lines and take over the Stargates ( halls of Amenti) with reversal Metatronic code. This
was to prevent the blue flame morphogenetic codes of Tara (5D Earth) from integrating into the
planetary grids which would burn out our false holographic memories under the ‘illusion of the veil’
and awaken us to our true power as part of the Paladorian rescue mission for human hybrids to
ascend out of the 3rd dimension using the Sphere of Amenti and Arc of the Covenant (which is a
portal passageway between dimensions).

The true arc of the covenant connects from here on Earth through the Giza 4th stargate to our
cosmic cousins in Andromeda (the girodome bridge or arc). Giza has the Aquafer fields for ascension
known as the Aquaferian shield which is hosted from Andromeda and its Blue Feathers Network.
Andromeda connects the primal light vecca at Stargate 9 to pull us into the Ecka god worlds and what
you would call ‘heaven’. The Andromedan network host and its supporting Aqualine sun codes are
helping us build a 12 pointed merkaba that can rotate in 3 directions so we can get into these Ecka
worlds. The sphere of Amenti serves as an upgrade in consciousness to break the protective seal on
the arc passageway itself so only those holding the higher states of consciousness could travel
through it when it was activated. Essentially the arc was encoded with a scalar protective shield from
malevolent raider races, and your morphogenetic codes (blue flame genetic blueprint) was like an
equivalent of a galactic passport except the data was held in the blood. Unfortunately the blue flame
arc of Tara was reversed and infiltrated and now the gold and silver flame is being used that allows
trans harmonics to clear the ascension path free of reversals. This is the energy of the Ra Ma’a that t
demanifests distortions back to pure light and sound tones (a Krysted reset).

The Anunnaki seeked to interbreed with the Oraphim angelic humans in order to break these seals
for inter dimensional travel and universal conquest by merging the blood codes together. The
Baphomet lab was located in Eridu which can be translated as city of the water creature; the place
where the water in our blood was combined with the demon seed of the Anunnaki and Draks.

The Templar sabotage missions that were planned to disrupt the Sphere of Amenti from
reconnecting our 12 strand dna codes and fire letter sequences ( the flame of intelligence Ma’a
Nodus 144 fire letters encryptions) were called Crusade missions. The Anu and Drak groups set out a
one world order plan to rape and conquer the guardian grail King lines of Earth (The 12 tribes) like
King Arthur and the Knights of the round table (which means those that run the ‘rainbow round table
currents’ of the primal sound and light fields (Khundaray rays) through the dragon ley lines or X
points to hold Kryst consciousness within the Earth’s grid network.

By raping the Maji/ Eieyani women, the Luciferian Templars could birth powerful hybrids with both
Nephilim and Oraphim coding making these new generations of beings a super powerful force or
army to take over the universe on behalf of the Anu collectives. Eieyani literally means the primal
sound fields and represent the khundaray rainbow ray maker’s eternal ascended masters’ collective.

These new hybrids includes the category of Indigo 3 hybrids that have access to both the light and
dark side and are here to diffuse the separation of the checkaboard Nibiru distortions (duality) and
transmute the ongoing conflict back to the original architecture through understanding and
forgiveness as bridges for deep traumatic healing. They are here to defeat or should I rather say heal
their former selves/fractals to return to their true home.

This isn’t so simple though as these hybrids have more Anunnaki coding making these types very
easy to mind control and manipulate. This goes back to Thoth’s Eieyani/Essene massacre where the
Leviathan army forces of Thoth and Enki killed of the Priesthood of Ur Lemurian males and took the
Eieyani women for forced interbreeding off planet to birth the new super hybrid strain with
integrated stargate access coding. The hybrids were implanted with astral trackers called ‘Fleur De
Lis’ implants to do the bidding of their Anunnaki masters (Mind control programmes).

The Templar ‘holy grail’ was all about intergrating the blood of the opposition into their own
genetics so they could inherit the stargate codes of the Maji in order to gain access to the planetary
and galactic portals. Their Satantic rituals consisted of drinking the holy grail ( the skull and neck
Chalice) as an initiation to infuse bloodline data together (blood covenants) to gain more power over
the time matrix; the army of Enki.

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