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3 Current Electricity

Electric current Dependence of Resistance on Temperature

The resistance of most conductors and all pure metals increases
Q coulomb
I= = ampere with temperature. If R0 & R be the resistance of a conductor at 0°C
t second
and q°C, then it is found that R = R0(1 + aq).
Ampere is the unit of current. If i is not constant then i = ,
Resistivity also depends on temperature as, r = r0 (1 + aq).
where dq is net charge transported at a section in time dt. Where a is called the temperature co-efficient of resistance.
The unit of a is K–1 or °C–1. Reciprocal of resistivity is called
Electric Current in A Conductor conductivity and reciprocal of resistance is called conductance
i = nvdeA, where vd = drift velocity. (G). S.I. unit of G is mho.
The materials for which resistance decreases with temperature,
Current Density the temperature coefficient of resistance is negative.
 i  
J=  n or i = J . S where n̂ is the unit vector in the direction OHM’S Law
It says that the current through the cross section of the conductor
of the flow of current.
is proportional to the applied potential difference under the given
Relation between J, E and Vd physical condition. V = RI. Ohm’s law is applicable to only
In conductors drift velocity of electrons is proportional to the metallic conductors.
electric field inside the conductor as; vd = mE
Krichhoff’s Law’s
where m is the mobility of electrons
I - Law (Junction law or Nodal Analysis): This law is based on
law of conservation of charge.
Current density is given as J = =ne ν d =ne ( µE ) =σE ∑ Iin =
∑ Iout
where s = nem is called conductivity of material and we can It Is also known as KCL (Kirchhoff’s current law).
1 II - Law (Loop analysis): The algebraic sum of all the voltages
also write ρ= → resistivity of material. in closed circuit is zero. ∑ IR + ∑ EMF = 0 in a closed loop. The
  closed loop can be traversed in any direction. While traversing
Thus E = ρ J . It is called as differential form of Ohm’s Law. a loop if higher potential point is entered, put a positive
sign in expression or if lower potential point is entered put a
Electrical Resistance negative sign.
Law of Resistance + V2 –
The resistance R offered by a conductor depends on the
following factors: + +
1 V3
R ∝ l (length of the conductor); R ∝ (cross section area – –
of the conductor). A + V4 –
At a given temperature, R = ρ 
A –V1 +V2 +V3 –V4 = 0. Boxes may contain resistor or battery
where r is the resistivity of the material of the conductor at the or any other element (linear or non-linear).
given temperature. It is also known as specific resistance of It is also known as KVL (Kirchhoff’s voltage law).
the material & it depends upon nature of conductor.
Combination of Resistances E 
r = R  − 1
(i) Resistance in Series V 
When the resistances are connected end to end then they Grouping of Cells
are said to be in series. The current through each resistor is (i) Cells In Series: Let there be n cells each of
same. The effective resistance appearing across the battery; emf E, arranged in series. Let r be the internal
R1 R2 R3 Rn resistance of each cell. The total emf = nE.
+ – + – + – + – nE nE
V1 V2 V3 Vn Current in the circuit I = . If nr << R then I .
R + nr R
E, r E, r E, r E, r
I + – I upto n
R = R1 + R2 + R3 +..................+ Rn and I
V = V1 + V2 + V3 ................... + Vn.
The voltage across a resistor is proportional to the resistance
R1 R2 R
V1 = V; V2 V; etc. E
R1 + R 2 + ......... + R n R1 + R 2 + ......... + R n If nr >> R then I = .
(ii) Resistance in Parallel
(ii) Cells In Parallel: If m cells each of emf E & internal
A parallel circuit of resistors is the one in which the same
resistance r be connected in parallel and if this combination
voltage is applied across all the components.
be connected to an external resistance (R) then the
net emf of the circuit = E.
I1 R 2
I I2 B Net internal resistance of the circuit = .
I3 R3 m
In r
Rn E r
V E r
Conclusions E mE
I =I =
(a) Potential difference across each resistor is same. r mR +r
(b) I = I1 + I2 + I3 + ........... In. R m
(c) Effective resistance (R) then
1 1 1 1 1 mE
= + + + ............ + . If mR << r then I = .
R R1 R 2 R 3 Rn r
(d) Current in different resistors is inversely proportional to the If mR >> r then = .
1 1 1 1 (iii) Cells in Matrix Array:
I1 : I2 : .........In = : : : ............ :
R1 R 2 R 3 Rn n = number of rows
m = number of cells in each row
Emf of a Cell & its internal Resistance
mn = total number of identical cells.
If a cell of emf E and internal resistance r be connected with a
The combination of cells is equivalent to single cell of:
resistance R the total resistance of the circuit is (R + r).
(a) emf = mE &
A E r B mr
(b) internal resistance =
I n
1 2 3 m
A 2 B
= ; VAB= V= 3
R+r R+r
where VAB = Terminal voltage of the battery.
If r → 0, cell is ideal & V → E
P Current Electricity 7
mE Circuits of potentiometer
Current I = . E r Rh
n primary circuit
For maximum power
nR = mr or R = A B
n secondary circuit Potentiometer wire
E' < E
nE mE
so I m=
ax = E',r' G
2r 2R
For a cell to deliver maximum power across the load
Potential Gradient
net internal resistance = load resistance
current at nullpoint ×
Wheat-stone Network VAB resistance of potentiometer wire R
λ = = I 
C L length of potentiometer wire L

P Q Here the internal resistance of the cell E' is given by

A B E r Rh
primary circuit
secondary circuit

When current through the galvanometer is zero (null point or E', r' G E' < E
balance point) = .
PS > QR ⇒ VC < VD PS < QR ⇒ VC > VD R
PS = QR ⇒ VC = VD  − 
=r'  1 2 ⋅R
Metre Bridge  2 

At balance condition : Where 1 and 2 are balancing lengths without shunt and with
the shunt respectively. R is the shunt resistance in parallel with
P R  R (100 −  ) the given cell.
= ⇒ = ⇒S= R
Q S (100 −  ) S 
It is used to measure current. A shunt (small resistance) is
D S connected in parallel with galvanometer to convert into ammeter.

G I Ig
A  (100–) C
B Is S

Ig R g
Potentiometer S=
I − Ig
A potentiometer is a linear conductor of uniform cross-section
with a steady current set up in it. It maintains a uniform potential where
gradient along the length of the wire. Any potential difference Rg = galvanometer resistance
which is less than the potential difference maintained across the Ig = Maximum current that can flow through the galvanometer.
potentiometer wire can be measured using this. The potentiometer I = Maximum current that can be measured using the given
E  ammeter.
equation is 1 = 1 .
E2  2 An Ideal ammeter has zero resistance.

8 NEET (XII) Moduel-1 PW

Voltmeter Joule’s Law of Electrical Heating
A high resistance is put in series with galvanometer. It is used to The heat generated (in joules) when a current of I ampere flows
measure potential difference. through a resistance of R ohm for T second is given by:
I 2 RT
Ig H = I2 RT joule = calories
R 4.2
If variable current passes through the resistance, then for heat
+ V0 – produced in resistance from time 0 to T is; H = ∫ I 2 Rdt .

=Ig ; R → ∞ , Ideal voltmeter
Rg + R Unit of Electrical Energy Consumption
1 unit of electrical energy = kilowatt hour = 1 kWh = 3.6 x 106
R = (Vo/Ig) – Rg joules.
Heating Effect of Electric Current ™ Series combination of Bulbs
When a current is passed through a resistor, energy is wasted in 1 1 1 1
= + + + ....
over coming the resistance of the wire. This energy is converted Ptotal P1 P2 P3
into heat
™ Parallel combination of Bulbs
V2 2
= = I=Rt t Ptotal = P1 + P2 + P3 +...

P Current Electricity 9

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