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Sunlight boosts mood

Scientists have found that sunlight may affect the central nervous system's
functioning — primarily in regards to serotonin levels.

Serotonin is a neurotransmitter and hormone secreted by the hypothalamus that

allows brain cells and other nervous system cells to communicate with one another.

It plays various roles in our sleep and eating habits, but it's perhaps best known for
its effect on mood stabilization, feelings of well-being, and overall happiness.

Because sunlight helps the body release serotonin, during periods of the year when
sunlight is less available — like in winter — the hypothalamus produces less
serotonin from sunlight. This can put people at an increased risk of
experiencing symptoms of depression and anxiety, possibly leading to conditions
like Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD).

SAD, or seasonal depression, is a mood disorder that manifests during fall and
winter months. Those who experience SAD usually see their symptoms of
depression improve come spring and summer with more daylight hours. One of the
ways the disorder is treated is with artificial light, as the practice is believed to boost
serotonin levels.

2. Sunlight increases vitamin D production

Sunlight serves a crucial role in the body's production of vitamin D, which has
many health benefits. Vitamin D helps your body absorb calcium, as well as to
mineralize. Mineralization describes the formation of bone matrix, which makes
bones strong and rigid.

Sunlight is the primary way people get vitamin D.A common misconception is that
sunlight actually contains vitamin D. In fact, UV rays in sunlight stimulate the
skin to produce the substance.

Research has shown that maintaining adequate amounts of vitamin D may protect
you from developing multiple sclerosis and various forms of cancers
including ovarian, breast, and prostate.

It is important to note these studies all found correlations, not causations in the
connection between vitamin D and cancer. Therefore, there is no guarantee that
adequate amounts of the sunshine vitamin will prevent cancer.

Further, using sunscreen daily will not eliminate the amount of vitamin D benefits
offered by the sun.

3. Sunlight may prevent nearsightedness

Research suggests children who spend more time in sunlight may be less likely to
become nearsighted. A 2012 review published by the American Academy of
Ophthalmology found that for each hour children up to the age of 20 spent
outdoors, the odds of developing nearsightedness fell 2%.

Christopher Starr, MD, an ophthalmologist at Weill Cornell Medical College,

says kids should spend an additional one to three hours a day outside, to stimulate
dopamine production. Lack of dopamine causes elongation of the eye, resulting in
nearsightedness. However, exposure to sunlight does not seem to reverse the
effects on kids who are already nearsighted.
4. Sunlight can help you sleep

Sunlight plays a pivotal role in regulating our internal clock. This clock, otherwise
known as circadian rhythm, dictates our behavior based on time of day — like when
to fall asleep, wake up, or eat. Light appears to be one of the main driving forces
behind this clock.

Through a process called entrainment, a person's circadian rhythm needs to reset

every day in order to stay synced with changes in light. This can occur because of
changing seasons or moving to a new time zone. Research indicates entrainment
takes place as a result of exposure to light and darkness.

Regular exposure to sunlight trains your brain to sleep when it becomes dark, and as
a result, it can help you get a better night's sleep.

How much sunlight should you get?

According to Adam Friedman, MD, professor and interim chair of dermatology at

the George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences, it's
difficult to determine a standard amount of time one should spend soaking up the
rays to ensure adequate vitamin D production.

For many people, 10 to 15 minutes of sun exposure per day is enough. However, the
length of time will vary widely due to factors like skin color, elevation, and how close
you are to the equator.

In much of the US — that is anywhere roughly north of Arizona — the skin produces
trivial amounts of vitamin D during fall, winter, and spring. Meanwhile, people over
the age of 65 produce just 25%of the vitamin D that young adults do. Black people
also do not make as much vitamin D, as darker skin pigmentation reduces

Therefore, Friedman recommends people who fall into the above demographics take
vitamin D supplements. The standard dose for adults under the age of 70 is 600
international units (IU) a day.

In rare cases, taking too much vitamin D can lead to toxicity called hypervitaminosis
D, which can lead to renal and cardiac problems.

Too much sunlight can be harmful

Spending too much time in the sun can be harmful to your health. Even the mildest
sunburn is considered a skin injury. Other skin conditions like
hyperpigmentation, wrinkles, and sun spots are also caused by too much UV

Of course, these concerns are far from just cosmetic. Skin cancer, often caused by
harmful ultraviolet radiation, is the most common form of cancer in the US with
more than 9,500 people diagnosed every day. This is why it's important to wear
sunscreen regardless of how much time you spend in the sun.

"We do recommend everyone should wear sunscreen, SPF 30 or higher broad

spectrum on exposed areas every day," says Friedman.

For more information, learn about how to protect yourself and treat sunburn.

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