Lesson Plan 7B

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SCHOOL: Secondary School no. 2 Hunedoara TEXTBOOK USED: English Scrapbook, Oxford University Press

TEACHER: Iuliana Ecaterina Cornea GRADE: VII B

DATE: 26.01.2018 TIME: 50 minutes.

LESSON: Defining and non-defining relative clauses TYPE OF LESSON: Lesson of assessment

UNIT: Fame LEVEL OF THE CLASS: Intermediate

DESCRIPTION OF THE CLASS: There are 15 students in the class and even if their number is ideal for teaching foreign languages, the problem arouses due to the two
different levels of knowledge of English. For some students it is easier to understand and solve the tasks, whereas some of them still lack improvement of skills.

RECENT WORK: We have discovered new information about famous people recently, but we have also studied the theory for defining and non-defining relative clauses.

AIM: By the end of the class, the students will have consolidated their grammar concerning the use of relative pronouns in defining and non-defining relative clauses.


 To recycle previous knowledge

 To develop students’ reading skills

 To focus on specific information in a text

 To use relative pronouns and adverbs correctly in exercises

STRATEGY: CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT: Individual work, whole class

METHODS: Error correction, brain storming, conversation, exercises, peer correction

SKILLS: Speaking, reading, writing.

TEACHING AIDS: Test paper, blackboard.


Greetings and -the teacher and the students greet -the student on duty names the T-Ss Speaking Conversation
attendance each other; absentees and says the date
check -2 min
-the T checks students’ attendance.

Warm up and -names Ss to read their homework so -check the homework T-Ss Speaking Error
checking the that everybody can check their correction
homework exercises

3 min - they had to make sentences with

given words, using who or which

Revision -to recycle -announces the Ss that they are going -pay attention Whole class Speaking Conversation
previous to assess the previous knowledge
8 min knowledge about defining and non-defining
relative clauses

-specifies the aim of the test paper

-guides the Ss to recycle previous -answer T’s questions related to the Brain storming
knowledge about the relative clauses previous lessons
-asks about the relative pronouns and
adverbs that are used (examples):
who, whose, which, that, where, why,

-anticipates the problems to be dealt


Evaluation -to develop . gives Ss the test papers, in which -solve the exercises Individual Reading Exercises Test Paper
students’ they have to: work
25 min reading skills
- read a text at first sight and
underline the relative
pronouns and adverbs
-to focus on
specific - answer the questions, Writing
information in a according to the text
- multiple choice

- fill in
- to use relative
pronouns and - combine the sentences
adverbs -explains the tasks both in English and
correctly in Romanian

Test correction - asks Ss what problems did they - communicate with the teacher T-Ss Speaking Peer Test papers
encounter in the test correction
10 min Ss-T Black
-puts Ss to change the test papers
between them in order to assess each - correct the test papers guided by the board
other’s work T on the blackboard

Feedback -gives feedback on all the activities T-Ss Speaking Conversation

2 min -writes the grades in the register

Backup activity: Read the text about Australia from page 44 and choose a sentence from a-d to fill in the spaces from 1-4.

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