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Dubai Business School- BBUS 200: Introduction to Responsible Business.


Assignment 1- Individual: Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) memo.

Course Information:

Course code: BBUS 200

Course Title: Introduction to Responsible Business.

Semester: Spring.

Academic Year: 2023/2024.

Assessment Instrument: Assignment 1- Individual.

Course Instructor: Dr. Nasser Almuraqab.

1.0 Introduction.

Emirates National Oil Company (ENOC) stands as a pioneer in the sector of energy,

representing a corporate entity that goes beyond its main function of providing energy solutions.

It is a versatile oil and gas company established in 1993 by the government of Dubai (el Mallakh,

2014). Its diverse presence, encompassing oil and gas exploration, refining and distribution,

makes it a very fascinating subject for our exploration of corporate social responsibility (CSR)

within the introduction to responsible business course. It has been listed as one of the top

businesses in United Arab Emirates (UAE) actively participating in corporate social

responsibility (CSR) projects (Zamoum & Serra Gorpe, 2020).

ENOC’s journey in the energy landscape is not just about providing energy solutions; it is

equally anchored to a commitment to sustainable and responsible business practices. The


company actively participates in ensuring environment sustainability, empowering the

disadvantaged and underprivileged, driving awareness on various social and environmental

issues among other activities. The company has secured several awards for actively participating

in corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities with four recent awards secured in October

2023. Therefore, the decision to focus on ENOC for this CSR analysis is influenced by its

distinct role in shaping the energy industry and its remarkable initiatives towards striking a

balance between profitability and the general societal well-being.

The energy sector, often criticized in many cases for its environmental impact, has

undergone a paradigm shift with companies like ENOC leading the change towards responsible

business conduct. It has always worked towards achieving its aim; to lead as an example.

Delving into ENOC’s corporate social responsibility initiatives, I aim to unravel not only the key

trends in CSR within the energy sector but also how a corporation of such magnitude contributes

to the well-being of the communities it serves.

As a student, navigating the complexities of responsible businesses, choosing ENOC as

the subject of analysis stems from a desire to understand how a powerhouse in the energy sector

integrates ethical and sustainable practices into its business model (Goby & Karimova, 2021).

This exploration goes beyond the classroom, aligning with the ethos of responsible business

practice we aim to cultivate in our academic journey.

2. 0 CSR Activities Analysis.

ENOC extends its hand in championing corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives

that help various facets of society. They include:

a) Blood donation campaigns.


Through its wellness and social program, ENOC organizes a voluntary blood donation

campaigns in collaboration with the Dubai Health Authority. The campaign aims to help those in

need and encourage employees and the community to donate blood and on a regular basis to

replenish blood supply. By fostering a culture of altruism, ENOC plays a critical role in

addressing the crucial need for blood donations, positively impacting healthcare and emergency


b) Clean up UAE initiative.

In efforts to achieve its goals to implement best practices and enhance the quality of life

of residents in Dubai and UAE, ENOC actively participates in “Clean up UAE” campaign. This

initiative involves engaging employees and volunteers to remove litter and waste from the public

spaces in efforts to preserve the natural beauty of the environment. This initiative fosters a sense

of environmental responsibility among the community.

c) Dubai Aquarium and Underwater Zoo Collaboration.

ENOC has partnered with Dubai Aquarium and Underwater Zoo to provide support to

initiatives that promote marine conservation awareness, offering educational opportunities for

individuals to understand and appreciate the importance of preserving aquatic ecosystems.

d) Ramadan Aman initiative.

In collaboration with Al Ihsan Charity Association, ENOC’s employees and senior

management distributes care packages to motorists at traffic light junctions before sunset

throughout the holy month of Ramadan.

3.0 Critical Analysis.

In acknowledging their positive impacts, ENOC also has some areas of potential

enhancement. Some include in the following areas:


a) Clean up UAE.

Although the ENOC’s involvement in the “clean up UAE” is laudable, ENOC should

consider reducing waste production. It should consider initiating methods of reducing wastes

production through ways such as encouraging recycling among other methods. Initiating ways of

reducing waste production will be better since the waste will not be dumped in the environment

hence greatly reducing pollution.

b) Ramadan Aman Initiative.

Participation in the Ramadan Aman initiative exemplifies ENOC’s commitment to social

responsibility during culturally significant periods. Although this initiative is highly appreciated,

it is only done once in a year. ENOC should consider doing this activity several times; two to

three times per year for transport sector is one of the very critical sector for ENOC; one of the

major consumers of their products . Additionally, a critical examination, however, could delve

into the long-term sustainability of the impact, exploring avenues to create lasting positive

changer rather than primarily meeting immediate needs.

4.0 Impact of CSR activities on profit, people and planet.

ENOC’s CSR activities manifest a profound impact on the triple bottom line –profit,

people, and planet.

a) Profit.

Although CSR activities are driven by commitment to societal welfare, they can also

have a positive impact on the business. A socially responsible company creates a good reputation

which enhances brand loyalty, attracting socially conscious consumers and investors. By

engaging into different CSR activities mentioned above, ENOC not only contributes to social

sustainability but also aligns its brands with responsible practices, creating a potentially long-

term benefits through the corporate image and the gained customer loyalty.

b) People.

The blood initiative campaign and the Ramadan Aman initiative directly addresses the

societal needs, contributing to well-being of the members of the society. Blood donations caters

for health needs of the different members of the society. The Ramadan Aman initiative also

provides direct care products to the members of the society satisfying their needs. Additionally,

the collaboration with the Dubai Aquarium and Underwater Zoo not only enriches community

but also educates and inspires individuals, contributing to more informed and environmentally

conscious population.

c) Planet.

ENOC’s environmental sustainability initiatives such s ‘Clean up UAE’ and the

collaboration with Dubai Aquarium and Underwater Zoo contributes to waste reduction, and

ecological preservation. It helps in protecting the environment hence the planet.

5.0 Submission Deadline.

The memo will be submitted before 11:00 am on Thursday, February 8th.

6.0 Conclusion.

In conclusion, this assignment offers a comprehensive exploration through the critical

analysis of ENOC’s CSR activities. By examining the CSR activities of ECON on profit, people

and the planet, I aim to contribute valuable insights to the discourse on sustainable and ethical

business conduct within the energy sector.



el Mallakh, R. (2014). The Economic Development of the United Arab Emirates (RLE Economy

of Middle East).

Goby, V. P., & Karimova, G. Z. (2021a). “Simple rules” as an approach to corporate selection of

CSR strategies. International Journal of Organizational Analysis, 30(2), 197–206.

Zamoum, K., & Serra Gorpe, T. (2020a). Corporate Social Responsibility in the United Arab

Emirates: Principles and communication strategy. Advances in Science, Technology

& Innovation, 33–40.

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