Piano & Keyboard Lessons 2023

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Piano & Keyboard lessons

September 2023

Dear Parents / Carers,

We are delighted to let you know that from September 2023 we will be offering pupils from years 1-6
Piano and Keyboard lessons at Bailey’s Court Primary School.

‘Primary Performers’ have been working in primary schools across Bristol for many years and offer
group tuition on the Piano and Keyboard. Both instruments and music for these lessons are provided
for the children to use in school, so they can experience the skill of learning a new instrument without
having to own one first.

We pride ourselves on providing fun and engaging lessons, where pupils learn music they can
recognise and enjoy. We also boast a 100% examination success rate for those pupils who wish to
pursue formal qualifications. We also have our own Bronze, Silver and Gold awards for new starters
to encourage their learning and sense of achievement while working towards grade 1 standard.

Lessons are scheduled to take place in the school day and will have 3 students per group.
The cost of these are £5 per child, for a 30 minute lesson and are payable in termly instalments.

Please note lessons will be allocated on a first come, first served basis. We will let you know before the
summer holidays if your child has been successful in securing a place on this scheme. Any pupils
unsuccessful this time will be placed on a waiting list. Please also note if your child is offered a place,
a term’s written notice is required should they no longer wish to receive lessons. This allows a fair
process for those pupils on our waiting list.

If your child receives ‘Pupil Premium’ funding they can use this to pay half of their lesson fees.
Please just indicate on the form if you would like to use this option.

If you would like your child to benefit from this opportunity, please click on the link below and fill in
your child’s information no later than Friday 14th of July.

We look forward to welcoming our new young musicians in September and are excited to see all they
will achieve.

Mrs Natasha Kevern

Primary Performers Co-ordinator

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