Mgt610 bc200409334

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Name : Muskan Waheed.

ID: Bc200409334

Assignment no 1: MGT 610

Qno 1:-


• Invest in worker for their well-being:

The company should have to be prioritize investments in workers healths.trainings,and safety

initiatives in order to improve working conditions and promote employee well being and
improves living conditions of labours in Asiana.

• Conduct regular audits:

The company should have to be conduct regular audits and assessments of its product
manufacturing plant in Asiana to to ensure obedience with labour laws.

• Implementation of ethical guideline:

TeckEon can establish clear and simple ethical guidelines and standards for its several
operations in Asiana.TechEon ensure that all the employees understand and adhere to
several ethical buisness practices.
• Engange with Stakeholders:
TeckEon actively engange with labour unions, local communities, and several many
human rights organizations in Asiana to gather feedback on its operations or to address

Qno 2:
• Employees Separation:
Employees of the organization become disenganged or separated and demotivated If they
Understand the company’s actions in Asiana unethical and non logical ,leading to
decrease retention issues and productivity.
• Reputational damage of TeckEon:-
TeckEon may face negative damage to its reputation and negative publicity if unethical
labour reports practices in Asiana’s surface leading to customers or consumers adverse
reaction and loss of trust.
• Legal and regulatory risk: Categorize profit over different ethics could be expose the
company’s legal and regulatory risk including lawsuits, including fines,and sections for
violating human rights and labour laws standards.
Qno 3:

As we know that ,Stakeholders such as employees ,local communities, and investors play
an important role in influencing TechEon’s different dicision making process as for
the expansion to Asiana :
• Investors:
Investors and Shareholders may prioritize all financial performance .It also consider
the short-term and long-term sustainability and reputation of the company. Their support
and hold up for ethical buisness can impact TechEon access to market valuation and
• Employees:
TechEon’s employees have a invested interest in the companys ethical practices and
performance as they are directly affected by the treatment in the manufacturing plant
and working conditions.
• Local communities:

Communities may have lot of concerns about the impact of TechEons operations on
the environment ,economy and social fabric of Asiana.Communities support or
opposition can influenece or increase the companys success and reputation in the region
of Asiana.

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