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Griff Love Under Construction 1st

Edition Hale Brynn

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Copyright © 2021 by Brynn Hale
All rights reserved.
No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or
mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without
written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a
book review.
Contact Brynn at for more information.

1. Jade
2. Griff
3. Jade
4. Griff
5. Jade
6. Griff
7. Jade
8. Jade

Also by Brynn Hale

About the Author


THE MILD APRIL day reminded me of my college days of studying

out on the campus lawn. I laid out under the sun to warm up
against the cool crisp Chicago spring air. Just like today.
I close my eyes and the memories steamroller over me. A guy
from my business economics class, wearing thin wire glasses so as
not to hide his handsome face, approached me with a smile like he
had a secret. A secret I needed to know.
But the only secret I learned was I’m good at getting hurt.
I shake the memory and regroup, smoothing out my crisp white
dress over my bountiful curves. The sharp, clean color compliments
my rich complexion. Plus, wearing white makes me feel more
powerful, underestimated even. From past encounters, I know the
competition and even coworkers will mistake me for naive or
innocent. But I’m the powerhouse that will move this company into
the top tier of real estate.
I moved back to Chicago against my better judgement, just in
time for spring home inventory to come on. I grew my name on the
west coast as a solo entrepreneur, beating out the best of realty
groups, when I was scouted out by Rough Diamond Realty, to
become a partner and that was the next step I wanted to make. Not
only will I make commission, but I’ll have a base salary too.
I smile the smile taught to me by the boy in wire framed glasses,
the secretive but friendly smile. I introduce myself to those already
manning desks and I’m shown to my corner office, a large window
making up one side of the room. From here I can almost see all of
Chicago. We’re on the twentieth floor after all, the last business
before the five penthouses above us.
Certainly a change from my studio with a Murphy bed that
doubled as an office.
“Morning drink?” my assistant, Angela, asks me.
She looks like an intern more than an employee. They start so
“That would be wonderful. What are my options?”
“Anything you want, Miss Jones.” Her wide smile disarms me
I’ve clearly made the big leagues. No more self-service coffee for
“A cappuccino, please, extra foam with one squirt of vanilla.”
“Anything to eat with it?”
“Where on earth are you going?” I laugh, standing up to eye the
list of orders she’s taking from around the office.
“Sugar Babes Bakery.”
“Hmmm, sound good.” I see what others are ordering. “I’ll take a
croissant then. Thank you, Angela.”
“My pleasure, Miss Jones.”
“Please, call me Jade.”
She seems slightly taken aback. “Okay. I should be back in a half
hour.” She’s efficient; long gone down the hallway without even
running. She’s more skilled than an intern and I wonder why she’s
still getting coffee.
My first day goes quickly, I join the office morning meeting for
more introductions and the bakery item settles the tiny amount of
anxiety rolling in my stomach. The afternoon is meetings for
planning, with potential clients, and a run-down of today’s market.
Most of which I knew already. I did my research. If I wasn’t coming
into a hot market, I would’ve stayed where I was.
“I’m going to head out early. There’s a property I want to get a
contract on before the day is done,” I inform my partner Robin from
her doorway.
She grins and shakes her head. “It’s your first day and you’re
already hunting?”
“I grew up here,” I remind her. “I know where the diamonds in
the rough really are. Why waste time?”
“Go get ‘em, Jade!” she calls out as I turn. I don’t need her
permission. It was more a formality of professional courtesy.
I park on the corner of a building that is borderline condemned.
It used to be an office building, but I see more, I see boutique shops
on the ground floor and apartments or condos climbing all the way
to the fourteenth floor.
My heels click on pavement as I approach the graffitied FOR
LEASE sign.
It’s mine by the end of the next day, and by the end of the week
it will say SOLD.
The next day, I’m giving the basics to the team.
“Tell me again why you’re representing this building?” Robin asks
me, looking over the pictures strewn across the conference table.
I smile and tap at the brick exterior. “Do you have any idea how
hard new construction is trying to copy this old brick styling?
Commercial investors are going to eat this up. It just looks horrifying
because it’s the street behind a boulevard. It doesn’t get as much
“I’ll be impressed if you can sell this.”
“You’ll be reminded why you brought me in,” I correct her.
The building already has a solid offer with two in the wings by
the end of the week. I sit patiently in my office, waiting for the
representative of the first interested private party.
Angela pops into my doorway, flushed and looking shy and
excited. “Your 5:00 o’clock is here, Jade.”
She vanishes before I can ask her what the matter is and her
figure is replaced by a tall lean man, wire framed glasses and
perfectly trimmed stubble. He’s casual in a sports coat and crisp
white t-shirt, matching gray slacks accompanied with boat shoes as
if he has a yacht date later, and not a hair out of place.
“Fuck,” I say before I can stop myself.


“I’LL JUST HAVE A WATER, THANKS,” I chirp back at Jade,

keeping myself steady.
When I received the spam-like newsletter for interested parties in
an investment opportunity, I thought the name Jade Jones was a
Definitely not a fluke.
Behind her desk, standing tall and deliciously curvy, is the
infamous Jade. Outlined like a goddess from the sunlight pouring in
through the large window, I can’t help but stare. She wears a
cardigan, white blouse, and fitted coral skirt, matching the peachy
highlights of her cheeks, creamy like a calla lily. Even in heels she’s
still shorter than me, but behind that desk she exudes a confidence
I’ve always admired.
Damn, she looks good. Not that she ever hasn’t.
“Angela, a water—make that two waters, please.” She releases
the intercom on the phone and looks me over, sharp light green eyes
sizing me up.
“It’s nice to see you again, Jade.” I help myself to one of the
plush chairs opposite her and thank her assistant as she sets out
two branded bottled waters and disappears.
Jade doesn’t answer me right away, perhaps still trying to figure
out if I’m real or not.
“How long have you been back in Chicago?” I ask to start some
“A week,” she exhales, begrudgingly taking a seat.
“A week and you’re already hitting the market hard,” I amuse.
“Didn’t like California?”
“Are you here to discuss the building on Hewitt?”
She deflects the pleasantries. Even with rays of light pouring off
her, I can feel the cold shoulder she’s warding me off with.
I give her the courtesy of the business meeting, but I plan to
make moves from contracts to a more friendly conversation once it’s
all settled. That’s the plan, but with Jade, she’s known for changing
my plans. “Silverstone Realty is very interested.”
“Your own company?” she asks after a long drink of water.
“Family owned.” I clean my glasses with my shirt and lean back,
crossing my legs at the ankles.
But she doesn’t relax, sitting straight up and keeping her eyes
locked on me.
She’s watching me like a hawk on a mouse…or maybe rat.
We went to college together. We shared business courses for four
semesters. We spent hours studying and not studying together.
While she’s talking, my mind wanders, recalling how she felt beneath
me, and how I still compare her to every other woman who’s shared
my bed. No one left an impression on me like Jade did. Bold,
ambitious woman with ample energy to go along with her supple
“What?” I ask for a clarification, when I realize she’s waiting for
me to answer something she asked.
Her eyes roll and her cheeks flush, she’s annoyed with me. I
want to tussle her curls and nip at her neck to get her giggling, more
relaxed and less business. Just like I would when we were stressed
during finals.
“Is this for you and your family or are you representing someone
I stand up, pacing around the room with my hands in my
pockets. I stop by the window, putting myself behind her to look
out. I glance back when I hear her chair roll. She rises to keep an
eye on me, leaning on her desk.
I answer with my back to her. “I’m representing a commercial
corporation. They liked your proposal of condos and businesses. You
appealed to their money-hungry pockets. I get them the building;
they hire my family to contract the build outs.”
“Amazing. So you don’t just always look out for yourself?” Her
cold words cut deep but I bury the feeling.
“I’m a family man,” I grin and turn to face her.
“You have kids?” Her eyes are wide with shock and I allow myself
to chuckle.
“God no, but I’ve got a niece on the way. What? Can’t picture me
being a dad?”
We once spoke of children, playing around with names, strange
and possibly too deep of pillow talk for college students who only
acknowledged one another as friends with benefits. The way she
blushes and looks away, tells me she too remembers the
I use her distraction to my advantage, coming up to her to rest
my hand on the small of her back, bringing us closer than we’ve
been in many years. She’s warm to the touch and even through her
clothes I feel that all too familiar softness.
She looks up at me, eyes wide, telling me she’s caught off guard
by my gentle touch. I could kiss her now.
But I won’t.
She deserves more than a fast fuck on her desk.
Instead, I take another lane to the original plan.
“Why don’t we catch up?” I offer. “My treat, we’ll try a new place.
You know old Chicago. Let me show you the new Chicago.”
“We can’t go back to the old Chicago, Griff.”
I coil back. “What?”
“Never mind.” She shivers, so I give her space to breathe,
stepping back. “Fine. But only so I can lessen your inhibitions and
rob you of some money with a good real estate deal.”
I chuckle, she can have as much of whatever I have as she likes.
But don’t tell my brother Dane that.
“Where can I meet you?” she asks me, keys jingling in hand as
we step off the elevator.
I shake my head, hooking my arm around her waist and directing
her towards my sports car parked on the street. “A lady doesn’t drive
“This isn’t a date,” she counters quickly.
Not yet.
“It’s a treat,” I tease.
And you are that, Jade.
Quite the treat.


I’M HAVING cocktails and dinner with the last man who broke my
heart. The reality of the moment hasn’t quit me yet as I sip the
lemon drop martini, slightly annoyed Griff remembered that it’s my
favorite drink.
What right does he have to be sentimental with me?
The dimly lit restaurant is intimate with small tables and
expansive windows draped in dark fabrics with gold accents. It’s a
good choice, if you’re going to propose to someone. Otherwise, it’s a
little over the top.
Not exactly the place I’d picture myself connecting with Griff
Silverstone again. Part of almost not moving back to Chicago was
because of him. To him we’d been fuck buddies, to me he’d been the
only man to deviate me from my plans of conquering the business
He doesn’t know what he took from me, and I don’t think it
would change anything for me to tell him.
“Tell me what’s new?” he asks as he sips on his Jack and coke.
“Why don’t you talk, and I’ll just listen,” I answer, a little
“C’mon, Jade, it’s been, no wait, eight. Eight
years?” He’s as cool as a cucumber. Meanwhile I’ve got up every wall
I can possibly build around my heart.
“Yes, it has.”
“We didn’t keep in touch, did we?”
“Icy,” he mumbles as he sips his drink, but I hear it.
“What did you say?”
“The drink…the drink is icy cold.”
I take a long drink, shuddering as the tart flavor hits me in my
core, only spurring my crisp words. “What did you expect, Griffy?”
I wince as I let slip the old term of endearment. No one else was
allowed to call him that but me.
He smiles and leans forward. “I miss being called that by
someone who’s earned it.”
My interest is piqued, and I arch a brow at him, urging him on
with a wave of my drink.
He smirks. “Eh, women have only been in it for my money, my
looks, the status.”
“Am I sitting at a table with one of Chicago’s most eligible
bachelors?” I balk and roll my eyes.
He winks. “That you are.”
Cocky bastard.
“So you’re eligible and let just about woman sign up for
bedtime?” I signal the waiter for another drink.
His smile falters for a moment but he puts himself right back
together. “I get lonely too.”
“I do too, but you don’t see a line out the door of men for me, do
you?” I let the details slip and curse under my breath.
Griff reaches across the table for my hand, and I’m not quick
enough to retreat. “There should be, Jade. I remember what an
insatiable woman you were in bed. I can imagine that’s still true. Am
I wrong?”
My face flushes but I don’t back down. “Wouldn’t be any of your
business now would it?”
“What if I want to make it my business again?”
The offer catches me off guard, even though I know he’s
abrasively intense in his wants.
“I’m not in the market for a fuck buddy.”
His hand is so warm over mine, I feel like ice in contrast to him. I
don’t want to thaw for him.
I won’t.
“Are you in town for long?” he inquires as his thumb rubs
evocatively across the back of my skin.
“I’m not looking for a business trip screw either, Griff. I live here.”
For now.
He seems confused. “We’re on a date, aren’t we?”
“Is that what this is?” I’m as confused as he sounds. I’m in weird
place thinking he’s the enemy, but also a past friend that I missed,
and maybe a future business partner.
He’s too much. Period.
“I’d like to take you on more. Many more.” I try to glean the
catch in his offer and look around. Is it a prank? No one jumps out
from behind anything with a camera.
“Why?” I sigh when I don’t get the inside joke.
“Because if I’d known graduation would be the last day I’d see
you, I never would've let you leave.” He brings the inside of my wrist
to his lips, kissing the vulnerable flesh there and inhaling the faint
traces of my perfume.
“I’m a busy woman,” I explain. “I don’t have time for—”
“At least let me try to make up for lost time.” His endearing
charm wears me down and I nod once.
“We should eat.” He continues to hold my hand as he waives the
waiter over. He’s confident and powerful, my perfect match...or my
perfect rival.
Fuck, I’m in trouble.


IT WAS JUST THE START, the first of many dates. I want to make
up for lost time. I meant the words. I never say anything I don’t
I don’t know what the aching feeling in my chest means when
I’m not around her. But I do know it stops as soon as I hear her
voice, see her face, or the ping on my phone for an incoming
message from her.
Was it always like this?
We even see each other more in the workspace. Jade doesn’t
just handle business ventures in commercial real estate, she works
the residential market as well. A double threat, for sure. We’ve
collided as rivals in a bidding war twice now over fixer-upper project
homes. I admit defeat. She had the better strategy on the last one.
She’d even swindled the price that my clients were willing to max
out at. I comped their fees for the egregious error and they swear
they’ll be back, so in the end, I ultimately will win.
Still, I hadn’t made my way back into her bed, and for once, it
didn’t bother me. I’ll be the first to admit I usually get bored with
women. Well, at least the women I’d been dating, if sex wasn’t the
major factor. But when it came to Jade, our relationship before had
been on the basis of sex before, now I feel like I’m earning the
achievement of getting her horizontal.
What a day that will be…
“Did you know I live in this building?” I ask Jade, watching her
eye the contracts on the wide conference table.
“Mhmm?” She’s half-listening to me as her eagle eye catches
something and makes a note.
“Top floor,” I say as I rise and circle around the table to stand
behind her.
I massage her shoulders as she turns the page. It’s well after
hours and she’s overlooking an addendum for the commercial
contract of the Hewitt building. She relaxes into my touch and my
cock twitches.
“Do you want to come up for a drink?” I ask soothingly.
Either she’s done reading or she’s finally hearing me. “A drink?”
She tilts her head back to look up at me. Instinctively, I bend
down and kiss her lightly on the lips. Electricity shoots through my
fingertips and toes. I deepen the upside-down kiss. And she kisses
me back.
The ice I felt mere days ago melts a little more.
“I’m at work, Griffy,” she chastises me when I eventually break
apart from her.
“Me too,” I remind her. I snatch the paperwork away from her,
shoving it into her bag. “Enough of this, come up with me.”
She agrees, cursing me for taking away her beloved work. She’d
work until the sunrise. I’d take a bet on it. Responsibility for her
comfort and her relaxation lands firmly on me. If not me, who would
help her find joy in life beyond a good business deal?
Just thinking about anyone else being on her arm or getting the
majority of her laughs pisses me off.
“A penthouse?” she asks as we step into the elevator.
“Top floor penthouse,” I shamelessly add and realize I’ve used
that phrase too many times. “I mean, I’m lucky to have gotten in
when it was being built. Everything’s double what I paid now.”
“Impressive.” I hear a little excitement in her voice.
I don’t wait for the elevator doors to shut. I drop my briefcase
and pin her to the cool metal wall.
I tug her blouse from her skirt, kissing my way down her chin to
her neck, inhaling the sweet scent of soap and perfume. All my
senses zero in on her, I don’t even notice we’ve reached the
seventeenth floor. Her quiet moans as I find a sweet spot in the
crook of her neck, make my cock jolt. I press my thigh between her
legs and the skirt gives a little.
I have half a mind to let it tear but a little good sense remains in
“Griffy,” she purrs. “The doors are going to close.”
“Ever the smart one,” I praise as I pull myself off of her.
Leading her inside, I do an unusual home tour. I stop in each
room to pull a piece of clothing off of her and then off of me.
“Are you leaving breadcrumbs?” she asks me, giggling as she
loses her skirt in the kitchen.
There’s hosiery and socks in the hallway, shoes in the guest
bedroom, earrings in the bathroom, tops hanging over gym
equipment. I wiggle out of my slacks and let them drop to the tiled
floor, taking in her beauty. I don’t even need to stroke myself, I’m
already as hard as the granite she leans against.
She’s only hidden behind a bright white bra and panties. She’s
put together down to the last trace of clothing. I lead her to the
bedroom to shed the last bit of clothing there, revealing her to me
once more.
“You’re more beautiful than I remember,” I sigh and kiss her,
cupping her cheeks gently.
Jade’s always been confident, no matter her size, freshman
fifteen didn’t scare her, and it certainly didn’t make me shy. She
knew she was the embodiment of a goddess; she would be a fertility
and prosperity goddess if it were up to me.
“Well, stop remembering, and be present with me.” She wraps
her arms around me and deepens the kiss.
I press into her body, her breasts swelling against my chest with
each breath. I reach down to cup between her thighs and feel the
heat and excitement there. Grinding my palm against her clit, she
moans into my mouth.
My cock throbs against her side. I never realized how much
shorter than me she is without heels. I straighten up and look down
at her, legs trembling as I continue to work on her sensitive button.
Her eyes are glossy with passion as she returns my gaze, lips parted,
open for more kisses.
“Remember when we’d see who could last the longest?” I ask her
as I push my middle finger inside her.
Jade gasps, reaching down to clutch my wrist. She holds firm as
she grinds on my hand. “A game, I never minded losing,” she pants.
“You hated losing other games though.” I kiss her cheek and
slide in a second finger.
“Fuck,” she hisses, riding faster, hips on autopilot.
“Are you trying to cum the fastest there, baby?” I bait her on,
enjoying the juices flowing down my palm. “Come for me, use me,” I
“Griff!” she cries out my name as her weight pushes into me,
grasping me as if she might fall over. Her legs shake and her thighs
clench tightly around my hand.
I pull myself free from the juicy depths and lick my middle finger,
grinning. No woman ever compared to Jade.
And I never want to compare another one to her again.
Jade backs away from me slowly, settling herself on her bed until
she’s looking back at me...upside down. She grins and motions me
forward. I crouch to place the head of my cock at her lips, rubbing
the precum like lipstick across her full red-lined lips.
She licks me a few times before opening wide and relaxing her
jaw. I groan as I slowly thrust in, attempting to go as deep as she
lets me. She uses her hand to guide me and stroke the girth left out.
I’m more competitive, I’m determined to make this night never end.
I bend over her, rocking my hips gently to fuck her face, while
reaching down, fingering her once more.


I BREATHE HARD through my nose, trying to swallow him whole,

but damnit the man has girth making it hard to take him any deeper.
People used to think I got sore throats a lot back in college, but no,
it was just Griff’s dick bruising my throat.
If I had room to, I’d grin at the memory, but my mouth is
occupied. My only display of emotions is limited to my brow and
earnest eyes, well hidden by the thick cock from this angle. I twitch
and writhe, as he plays with my pussy more. He’s no different than
before, more experienced certainly, but he’s still more concerned
with my pleasure than his own.
For a man I assumed to now be selfish, he’s a selfless lover.
I gag as another peak hits me, cries muffled by the manhood in
my throat. He promptly pulls out, apologetic for his intrusion, his
smile doesn’t tell me he’s too sorry for it.
But then again, neither am I.
My legs continue to quiver as Griff pulls me up into him, rolling
us into the bed and tangling our bodies. He brushes my hair from
my face, tilting my chin for a kiss as he wedges himself between my
legs. He throbs against my belly button.
“I want you inside me,” I demand, arching my back, hooking my
legs around the backs of his thighs.
“Your wish is my command,” he obliges.
It’s been a while since I’ve been with a man.
What did, Griff say, 8 years since we’d seen each other?
It’d been that kind of long time. I bought the products—plastic,
glass, ceramic, high-tech. All of them. I used to replace the memory
of his manly flesh with inanimate objects and that way I’d never let
a man weaken my ambition ever again.
As he pushes into me, my eyes roll back, my body practically
humming with joy as he fills me to my very core. I whimper and
clutch the bedding, gasping as I’m stretched.
“Griff,” I moan, biting my lip.
“Baby,” he coos, cradling me and allowing my body to adjust.
The moment didn’t hurt like I thought it might. I’m overwhelmed
with relief and even happiness, my body so desperate for human
connection once more, but not just any connection.
My body needs Griff, as much as my brain will deny it.
He moves slowly at first, breathing hard to control himself as he
does so. His hands interlock with mine, pinning them into the
mattress as he focuses on keeping himself mild for my sake.
“Faster,” I plead for him. I want to feel him more, feel all of him.
He doesn’t need to be told twice. He growls as he quickens his
pace and penetrates me deeply. My whole body moves with his, the
bouncing of my breasts only stopped as he presses his taught body
against mine.
Griff’s always been lean, but now I can see the defined muscle.
He’s put on weight and the meaty kind, the kind that fills out a suit
properly. The idea of him fucking me with a suit on brings me closer
than before, a third orgasm on the horizon.
“I’m so close, don’t stop.” I squeeze his hands and he nods,
focusing as he brings us both to the peak of existence.
I shudder as we both come down from the euphoric natural bliss.
He smothers me with kisses, bringing me in close. I expect him to
disconnect, get up and leave, but doesn’t pull out. Instead, he rolls
us until I’m on top. He holds my hips and rocks me on his length,
forward and back. Forward in back.
The softness inside me I felt a moment ago is replaced by a
growth spurt. My eyes widen as I look down to the scruffy realtor,
licking his lips hungrily for a dessert round.
“We aren’t done yet,” he remarks and bucks his hips up into me,
hard as a rock once more.

It’s too good to be true, right? Lying in bed with my college

sweetheart, post fantastic fuck; it has to be too good to be true.
The large king bed could swallow me whole with damp sheets
tangled around me, and a warm chiseled body under me. He looks
pale though; I may have worked him a little too hard with the
second round.
“Have you always been this light skinned?” I ask him, rolling over
into his chest.
“Think you’ve drained me of blood, succubus?” He waves it off
with a chuckle. “I tan in the summer. I don’t fake bake, but we can’t
all be blessed with rich melanin. I like to take a trip once a summer
to the beach after a big sale. It’ll be nice not to go alone this year.”
You usually travel alone?
“Who are you going with?” I ask, shimming deeper into the
Such a big bed for one man.
He looks down at me, his brow flickering with confusion. “You,
Panic spikes barbs of ice inside me, rebuilding a privacy fence
around my heart. “Me?”
This isn’t what was supposed to happen. Only his body. Only my
And not my heart, but definitely not his.
He leans in and kisses my forehead, fussing with the curls
clinging to my face with sweat. “I need to see this beautiful body on
a beach.” He runs his hand down my side, riding my curves like a
How had this all happened so fast? How had I let him in so easily
after all this time? My chest burns with the arctic winds coming
through with each new doubtful question that I think.
He’s spent the weeks lavishing me with dates, dinners, gifts. I
finger the necklace he gave me after my clients had won the bid for
the last home that we’d been pitted against one another on. It’s a
simple gold chain with a solitaire diamond dangling from it...and I
accepted the gift without hesitation.
Even feeling…happy. No…thrilled.
Griff snores softly beside me quite content from the intimate
affair, unaware of my racing realizations and wandering mind.
I moved to Chicago and hit the ground running, not only with
work but with Griff. I let his easy going smile and flashy lifestyle
sweep me off my feet…again.
There are cracks in my ice shield.
Shit, I’m going to lose sight of what I came here for.
Slipping out from the bed as quietly as I can, Griff mewls in his
sleep as he rolls over to grab for me, but I’m gone. I bite my lip,
watching him sleep for a few moments.
I worked too hard to let a man pull me away from my hard work
again. I let him do this to me in college, distracting me with a good
time. I finished my courses fine, but I didn’t do the best I could.
When it felt like I was nothing more than a consistent lay, I left. I
quit him cold turkey.
Worst eight year hangover, ever.
But I don’t want to want him again. I want to be the queen of
the real estate market.
And I can’t do that with a King already on the throne.
Getting dressed as silent as a mouse, I sneak out of the
penthouse, mashing buttons until I blindly figure out the ground
floor. I hold my heels, legs far too weak to try heels, adjusting my
blouse as I realize it’s backwards. It was trial enough following the
trail of clothes and picking up clothes and making sure they were
mine in the dark.
I furrow my brow and stand up straighter, and with a ping from
the elevator walk into the garage and back to my car.
“You’re not in college anymore, Jade,” I tell myself. “You can’t let
your heart pull you away from what you’ve accomplished, and what
you will accomplish.”
Get your shit together, woman.


WAKING up to an empty bed didn’t used to bother me. It was

always a good sign when the woman left without the awkward
morning after. There was no need for excuses to get out of bed to
make breakfast or coffee, or ever seeing them again.
But not being able to pull Jade into my arms and ravish her again
is very different. The ache I’d grown accustomed to in my chest until
I saw her again is right on queue to start my morning.
I scramble to find my glasses, actually needing them, as much as
everyone thinks they’re a fashion statement. I scour the penthouse
but there isn’t even a trace of her left behind. She’d been so careful
as to grab every bit of clothing that I am missing a dress sock. I
stand in my kitchen, utterly alone and confused.
I check my phone and find a few texts from my brother Dane,
numerous non-urgent—even if they say otherwise—emails for work,
and an email from Tinder begging me to come back.
Nothing from the one person I want to hear from.
Warming up my espresso machine I pull out my phone.
Griff: Make it home okay?
I quickly answer the ringing of my phone before checking who it
“Good morning, beautiful,” I warmly greet.
“Well shit, Griff, if I knew you thought I was pretty maybe I’d
come around more.” It isn’t Jade. It’s Dane, my eldest brother, the
one who worked his ass off to put me through college, so I work my
ass off for him now.
“Oh, it’s you,” I say dryly.
“Rude.” He snickers and asks for someone to pass him the sugar.
“Your commercial company reached out to me, something about an
addendum, closing early and getting to start early.”
Jade was working, already? She must be downstairs then. She’ll
be in her clothes from the day before.
Sorry, baby.
I should’ve known the goddess wouldn’t sleep in, not when there
are closings to set in concrete, literally and figuratively.
“Yeah, we got financing done quicker than we thought so we’re
closing earlier. When can you start working on it?”
“I just sent Connor over to start assessments with a city
inspector, so we know where to start. I hear it’s rough but old school
rough at least. Something we’re knowledgeable in thankfully.” Dane
thanks his wife, Haven, for the sugar.
We talk shop a few more minutes before Dane sidetracks the
“Who were you wanting to be on the other line?”
“Jade Jones,” I sigh.
“Why’s that name familiar?”
“She’s the other realtor on the deal,” I explain.
“And that allows you to call her beautiful?” I can see the grin in
his voice over the phone.
“We’ve also been dating awhile and dated before back at the
Dane slaps his knee so hard I hear it over the line. “That’s what it
is! She’s the girl you changed your courses over to have the same
ones as her. She’s the whole reason you took up real estate as a
business major. I lost a valuable engineer because of that woman.”
It had been a battle with Dane to change my majors over to the
College of Business. “And I’ll remind you that you gained a highly
intelligent financial partner who has made you a millionaire times
over because of that woman.”
“You’re lucky Mom was on your side. She didn’t know the change
was because of the snake in your boot.”
“Hey, she’s no snake.” The need to defend Jade comes from my
gut and my chest.
He adds on a few more choice cuss words and I try to decipher
what’s aimed at me and what’s aimed at himself.
“Did you insult me and compliment the size of my dick?”
He chuckles. “Depends, you still thinking with it?”
I think a moment, rubbing my chest where it seems to ache for
Jade’s presence. “My heart’s been doing a majority of the thinking
lately. Dick just has ancillary input.”
“I look forward to meeting Jade then.” Dane excuses himself for
family matters, which I’m sure means he’s getting some action, but
I’m happy for him.
I never worried about Dane finding someone, but I didn’t think
that woman would be a previous sister-in-law. At least I know what
to get her for Christmas without asking—kitchen gadgets and spa
Makes me think of what I could get Jade for Christmas,
showering her with gifts and excursions and…
My heart triple-times in my chest.
God, that feeling…it’s weird.
I dress quickly, throwing on slacks and a t-shirt, just presentable
enough to show my face in the office. I fill a cup with espresso,
fresh foam, and a little vanilla syrup—what she would order and
using my barista talents from college—before making my way down
to the twelfth floor.
Rough Diamond Realty is open, a skeleton crew. It’s still early, it
will be busier come ten o’clock.
“Good morning, Angela,” I greet the assistant. Ambitious as her
boss, the young blonde looks fresh faced and ready to seize the day.
She’s surprised to see me, looking me over. I ruffle my own hair,
knowing I look less than my usual suave self.
“I’m sorry, Mr. Silverstone, but Miss Jones isn’t in today.”
My surprise matches hers.
“Oh, I got an email for some paperwork, so I thought…” My brain
kind of goes into neutral, and then drops into drive realizing the
Shit. She went home, not to work.
She eyes the pink coffee cup in my hand. “Is there anything I
can do for you?”
“Is she expected today?” The pain in my chest tightens.
I’m too young to have a heart attack, right?
Angela hesitates and looks around, to be sure no one’s
eavesdropping. She quietly shakes her head at me, leaning in to
whisper, “She emailed me at like 2:00 a.m., telling me to clear her
schedule, and to reschedule the rest to phone calls or virtual
meetings for the rest of the day.”
“Thanks. Here.” I slide the cappuccino I made for Jade across the
desk to her with a wink. She deserves it for the insider information.
She blushes and takes a sip. “Wow, that’s great. Thanks, Mr.
“Call me Griff, please.”
“Will do. I hope…” she looks up, “I hope that everything works
out okay.”
She’s sweet and I can tell she cares for people.
I check my phone as I sprint down the stairwell, too anxious to
wait for the elevator. No new messages. No response from Jade. She
didn’t even leave me on a Read status.
I know she’s alive. She’s sending emails, and all of them before
8:00 a.m.
Breaking several speed limits and a couple minor traffic offenses,
I pull up to her place. No one answers the door. There’s no lights on.
“Did I dream this up, Jade?” I ask bewildered.
Outside of work relations, she’s completely withdrawing from me.
She’s efficient. I’ll give her that.
A big gust of wind comes up and I blink back tears that I’m
positive are allergies. The only time in my life that I’ve cried was the
day I was adopted by the Silverstones. I was eleven and I needed
them as much as they wanted me. Wiping my eyes quickly and
retreating to my car, I don’t even say anything to the traffic cop
writing me a citation for parking illegally.
For some reason, I feel like I earned what’s happened today,
even if I don’t understand everything.
I’m missing a piece of the puzzle. But I’m ready to see the whole


DEEP DOWN I must have assumed I would wind back on the coast.
When I moved back to Chicago, I kept my lease to a hideaway on
the west coast intact. But what exactly am I hiding from? A suave
handsome man who can make all my dreams come true without
effort on my part?
It sounds even more idiotic when I talk aloud to myself, trying to
assemble my thoughts, my reasoning.
Maybe we’re different people now than back in college.
Maybe I’m afraid of settling or settling down.
Maybe Griff’s a different person.
No, he never said anything about his feelings. He wined me. He
dined me. And he left me speechless last night, but all I want to
hear is the truth from him.
I know my truth and it’s killing me.
I packed a bag as soon as I got home. I waited in the airport for
the first flight out of Chicago and sent my mass work emails about
being out of office and having my assistant rearrange my schedule.
“How long will you be gone?” Robin asks me, I can hear her
pacing her office.
“I’m still working,” I remind her. It’s clear that I’m letting her
down. “I just needed to go back home for a few things.” I’m lying
through my teeth and it’s making my jaw hurt.
“As long as the clients are happy, I guess I can’t complain. How
will you do open houses?”
“I sent Angela operating procedures to get her started. She’s my
body while I’m out here.”
“And how long will you be out there?” she asks me again.
I don’t know.
“Not long,” At least it isn’t a definitive date. “Besides, we can
grow the brand, I’m under Rough Diamond Realty now. I’ll sell a few
beach houses while I’m here and keep my real estate license up to
date in Cali.”
We schedule a few conference calls before she leaves me to
attend in-person client meetings, which she does not hesitate to
emphasize their importance before getting off the line. My whole
idea of running away from Chicago is to preserve my dreams of
being a badass businesswoman. But I can’t escape the feeling that
I’ll be ruining my reputation in the process.
As soon as I’m through the side door of the garage converted to
a studio, I throw myself onto the stale rollaway bed. It feels so much
smaller when compared to Griff’s king bed. The memory of that
pillowy softness makes me sigh.
Snap out of this. It was a bed.
I check my emails again and frown as I have the unread icon in
the top right screen of my phone.
It’s from Griff. I hover over the icon. They’ll still be there even if I
put my phone down. Since leaving him the first time, I’ve never
been like this. I’ve been take charge and a few dates and one night
in his bed and I’m right back to where I started.
Griff: Make it home okay?
Griff: Where are you?
Griff: Haha...jokes over…
Griff: Okay, but seriously, are you okay?
I don’t allow my messages to be shown as read. I don’t like to
make clients panic if I can’t answer a question right away. Part of me
knows, Griff isn’t as easily fooled.
He knows I’m alive. Otherwise, some ultra-talented real estate
kidnappers are doing my work for me. But I’m exhausted. I haven’t
slept since the night before, and now jet lag is setting in. I push my
laptop and phone aside and curl up into a ball to sleep.
A queen needs her rest to rule.

“Mrs. Pewter.” I shake the co-partner of Rough Diamond Realty’s
hand and take a seat opposite her.
“Mr. Silverstone.” She does not look happy to see me. She’s pure
business, even with her concise speech she has the plastered on
fake smile, hiding any sign of real emotions.
“I’m only here for one thing—”
“I know. Angela told me. You should have spoken to her not me.
I’m not soft.” She’s an older woman, all gray but nothing about her
shows she’s anything but active and probably could outrun me in a
I smile, not hiding an inch of my emotions. There’s too much on
the line to play games. This isn’t a house fresh on the market with
an open floor concept, this is about Jade.
“I just want to know where she is.” I run my hands through my
hair. “I don’t need an address. I’m not stalking her.” I roll my
shoulders back as my chest burns. “I’m just worried.”
“Because of you, my star realtor has escaped to the coast,” she
chastises, a falter of scowl in her flawless smile. “I’ll admit. Jade is
still killing it. There’s no lapse in customer satisfaction and now I’ve
got my realty signs on the beaches of California.”
“That’s Jade,” I chuckle. Saying her name pangs my heart.
Jade isn’t dead, I have to remind myself. She’s just out of reach.
Robin looks me over and sighs. “It’s none of my business...but
here.” She scribbles an address down on the back of her business
card. “There’s an open house here this weekend.”
Taking the card, I question her motives. “Mrs. Pewter, I’m not
here to buy a house. I just want to find—”
“It was nice meeting you, Mr. Silverstone.” She stands and I feel
like I’m being dismissed by the principal. “I hope to work with you
“What? Hold on—”
“Mr. Silverstone, Mrs. Pewter has a full schedule.” Her assistant
Thomas’s voice booms from behind me. He quickly ushers me out of
her office like some real estate bouncer.
Looking down at the card I don’t recognize the zip code and it
dawns on me. Jade will be at the open house. Before I can turn
around and say anything, Robin shuts the door to her office in my
face. I can’t blame her. I scared away her prize-winning agent.
In just a few hours, I settle onto my bed, completely
overwhelmed. An open suitcase sits beside me, haphazardly packed
with I’m pretty sure sixty boxers, ten t-shirts, and nothing else. My
brain ruminates a few questions over and over.
Can I chase Jade across state lines? And moreover, should I?
We were moving so fast, isn’t that what scared her off to begin
Shit, what am I supposed to do here?
I pull out my phone and hit the #2 preset speed dial. He used to
be #1, but he’s been thrown off by a sexy, smart woman who
deserves to be #1 in my life.
There’s construction in the background as Dane answers the
phone, yelling at someone on the roof to not fall off. “Dane
Silverstone, what can I build for you?”
“I didn’t know you were still answering calls like that.”
“Hello to you too, baby brother.”
“You know I hate that.”
“And you know I told you gut renovations needed my approval
before purchasing, that new Reckons Street site is a—”
“Yeah, yeah, fine. Whatever. Don’t compensate me then.” I grow
frustrated, unsure why I called him in the first place.
“I never do. You’re good at making your own money,” he pauses,
expecting my to snap back but when I don’t he grows serious.
“What’s up, Griff?”
I clench my chest, grimacing. “Tell me what I should do. How do
I know’s Jade? I’m confused. I want to give her space, and yet
I don’t want to stay away,” I ramble on and realize that I’m having a
panic attack.
“Griff, I’m not exactly the love Guru.”
“No, but you’re fucking your brother’s ex-wife. You must have
something figured out!”
“What the hell, Griff!” he half-shouts, half-growls at me. “That’s
my wife, your sister-in-law. Don’t talk about her like that!”
My form a small smile as I try to remedy the situation .“I just
meant, you made love happen in an unusual way with someone
from your past who may have been reluctant to go the distance.
That’s what I’m dealing with, too.”
I hear a sigh from his side. “All right, lover boy. Then stop fucking
around and let her know you’re not fucking around with her. Tell her
how you’re feeling.” Dane doesn’t even like to swear that much. I
always find a way to rile him up. “Like really feeling, Griff. And yes, I
know how hard that is for us. Having lost love at young age can
really screw a person up. Don’t let it come between you and Jade.”
“I’ve been done with my stupid ways. Ever since she walked back
into my life, I don’t think of any other woman. I’ve ignored passes.
And I’ve tried to show her how much she means to me,” I explain
but I can hear all the things I did that she couldn’t see.
“Does she know that?”
“No. I treated her the way I think she should be, but I never told
her the things she needed to know.”
“And what happened?”
I toss a pair of sunglasses into my suitcase. “She ran off back
“Where’s home?”
“So why are you in Illinois?”
He puts the reality so painfully clear. There’s not even mention of
another option because there isn’t one.
Dane’s voice is a lot softer, much like our father’s. He’ll make a
great dad someday. “I’ll take your silence as an understanding. I got
to go before someone falls off this damn roof.”
“Thanks—” He hangs up before I can finish.
Everyone’s tired of my nonsense it seems.
And I don’t blame them.
I’m just hoping there’s a goddess in California who’s willing to
listen to a little nonsense and a lot of common sense.


I STAND on the balcony of a 2.5 million dollar beach house for an

open house. Stunning views, with private beach access, and more
rooms than any single A-lister needs.
Thankfully, April’s much nicer in California, no chill rolling through
my bones from the breeze.
I straighten my back. I don’t need a man to keep me warm out
I sport a floral spaghetti strapped dress and wedges to hopefully
make me the tallest person in the room. My hair freshly braided,
dangling about my waist, it took a whole day to get them done but I
needed something to distract me from him.
There’s fruit and croissants laid out in the kitchen with tea—
sweet and unsweetened, as various guests walk through the
extravagant structure, some able to afford it, and others dreaming.
“Let me know if you have any questions,” I remind a couple as I
hand them a flyer with the details.
The soft creak of the front door draws my attention to it.
“Welcome!” I call out.
“I hope that I am.” Griff walks through the entryway, hand
casually in one pocket. He looks around, mocking interest in the
beach house.
He looks good. No bags under his eyes like mine hidden beneath
foundation and concealer.
“What are you doing here?” I ask, knowing it’s not for the
property. At least I can’t imagine he’d make an investment here.
“I’m in the market for a vacation property.”
I scoff at him.
He quirks a brow at me. “Don’t think I can afford it?”
I want to scream and throw my flyers at him, but I stand tall.
“I’m working,” I whisper sharply.
“And I’m a potential buyer. Show me around, please.”
I scowl at his claim. But with people around, I change
expressions quickly, smile bright and white as I lead him from the
foyer to the upstairs master. We’re alone in the master bath once a
wide-eyed couple leaves, murmuring about the size of the walk-in
I spin to him when they’re far enough away. “Why are you really
He winds his hand into my and pulls me into the oversized tiled
shower. Those people were right. There’s enough room in here for
four more people. He pins me against the cool tile. The chill stings
my bare shoulders. His knee settles between my legs, resting his
thigh right against the pulsing mound between my legs.
“Did you know I’m off the market?” he whispers, his lips tickling
my ear. His hand grips my waist.
I’m breathless and my head is on one of those Tilt-a-Whirl rides.
He continues, “Right after I saw you for the first time in so long.
I got rid of that guy once and for all. The numbers, the apps, all of
it.” He rests his forehead against the shower wall.
I can only imagine what using a shower like this with him would
be like. I close my eyes tightly, trying not to dream more dreams. I
already have one, my success…
But is it the most important one?
“Jade,” he pleads and my walls start to crack. “I need you to
know, I’m not for sale to anyone. I’m handing over the deed of my
heart to you. No bidding war or escalation clauses, maybe an
appraisal gap we can deal with later,” he winks and that crack
deepens, “but consider me yours.”
And the wall tumbles to my feet. There’s no need to protect
myself. Maybe having a queen and king of real estate is a foundation
I never thought of.
I allow myself the chance to breathe, looking up into his begging
brown eyes. They’re so warm I could fall into them, melt away like I
did in the big bed with him.
“I like working,” I finally say. “I want to be the best. I want to
dominate the market, even if that means taking you down
“Take it all. I don’t mind second place if I’ve got you.” He lingers
inches from my lips.
“You want to give me your crown?”
“What you don’t see is you’ve already taken the title, Jade,” he
says firmly. “You work hard, you were only in town weeks and you
were already taking the market out from under me. I concede, but
give me a consolation prize, Jade.”
“And you’ll settle for me?”
He laughs, kissing me. “Settle? When it comes to you, I’m the
winner. You’re my queen.”
He kisses me again, deeper this time, pulling me from the wall
and into his arms.
“I love you. I should have told you before, long before that night.
I ache inside without you in my arms, Jade.”
“Griffy,” I cling to him. “I didn’t know I could have both of my
dreams come true. I love you, too.”

“And this room…” I watch as my wife floats through the for sale
house. “With this soft yellow, this could be the gender neutral
nursery, like we talked about on our honeymoon. You remember?”
I nod and smile, keeping my hands shoved in my pockets
because all I want to do is show her what’s in the right pocket, but I
love seeing her happy, so I’ll watch on.
She points to another doorway. “Oh, and it’s right across the hall
from the master, which, oh my God, the shower in there is huge. It
totally puts that Cali one to shame. You remember that shower?”
I nod again.
How could I forget? It’s the place you said you’d be my queen.
Her brow furrows quickly like she’s not understanding my shit-
eating grin, but she comes back solid, always the professional real
estate agent. “And…upstairs there’s a room that could be a guest
room for when my parents come to see us. It’s separated from our
space and got its own Juliette balcony, which I know they’d love to
have coffee on and watch the people walk by. Plus, whoever did the
interior design work was amazing. If we don’t get this one, I’ll have
to get Kelsey in here to see this so she can emulate it.”
I stop listening to her rambling on and on because there’s a little
piece of information that she doesn’t know about this turn of the
century home in the Wicker Park neighborhood.
An anonymous offer was placed and accepted on the home six
months ago. This is the post renovation state because the pre-
renovation condition was definitely not fit for a queen.
But if my queen doesn’t like it, we’ll find another palace.
“You don’t like it, do you?” her face falls, but my heart pounds
sure in my chest. It has since that fateful day.
“I just want to make sure you love it.”
She slips her hands into mine as she faces me. “Here’s what I
know. First, the only thing I currently love is you. Second, as much
as I think this home could be the one for us, unfortunately, Robin
tells me its already had an offer put in on it and she says that it’s a
cash offer, substantially over asking and market. Someone with
deep, deep pockets.”
Thanks for that, Robin. Her partner had embellished a little, but it
did the job.
She shoves a hand in my chinos pocket and skims next to my
cock. She knows how that makes me crazy. “Even deeper than your
pockets, Griffy. So, if we want this home, we have to really want it
and we’ll have to pay for it.”
“And do you want it?”
Her blue eyes skim all around. “I do. I really, really do. It’s weird,
but I feel like this place was meant to be ours. It’s almost exactly
what I would’ve chosen if we decided to build.”
It’s no wonder she feels like this place fits her. After a lot of
secret meetings to find a diamond in the rough and begging for
Dane to fit the project into his schedule, his crew stripped the five-
bedroom home to the studs and rebuilt the place to exactly what
Jade would like with a little help from my four sisters and four
sisters-in-law, too. Those eight women helped me to pick out the
finishes, tricking Jade into telling them what she’d pick out by
occasionally asking for her opinion. Not enough for her to become
suspicious, but enough to give Dane’s interior designer Kelsey and
my architect brother Wesley the right info to make this her palace.
And I would’ve had her here two months ago, but Chicago
decided the third floor level needed more support beams and
alterations to the plans. Wesley thought the caution was overkill, but
I wanted the palace to be perfect…and perfectly safe. Afterall, that’s
what the king does for his queen, protect and cherish her.
I pull a keychain from my pocket and jingle the keys. “Then I
guess we should move our things in tomorrow.”
Her eyes water. “Are you serious?”
“Silverstone Construction owns the deed and Dane’s ready to sell
the place over to me for an already negotiated family-discounted
price, as long as you love it. If not, we’ll sell it to someone else for a
hefty profit and we’ll build or renovate whatever you want with the
proceeds, baby.”
She steps back and her fists hit her hips. “So you’ve been going
behind my back this whole time?”
Oops, didn’t see that one coming.
Her mouth drops open dramatically when she looks around
again. “That’s why Justine, Kelsey, and Piper, and Lucy, and Haven,
and Zuri, and Gigi… all of them…were asking me all those weird
“It was a surprise. Plus, you’ve been too busy taking Chicago by
storm and becoming the best of the best of the best to get this
done. I wanted to show you how much I want us to be a family in a
place we can grow into.”
“Well, you’re not wrong there. I am the best.” Her self-assured
smile could melt the polar ice caps. She steps back “Then I have a
third statement to add to my previous two.”
Shit, she wants to make changes. I promised Dane that his guys
were done so they could move on. Oh, well, I’ll just have to beg a
little more.
“What’s that, my queen?”
“Third, I have a surprise for you, too.”
I step closer.
“Griff, I found out this afternoon that our family will be starting in
just over eight months.”
“You’re pregnant?” I don’t know if I only think the words or say
them out loud.
She bites her lip. “You okay with that?”
I stalk to her and bend my knees, lifting under her ass and
putting her back up against the hallway wall.
“That nursery’s going to get plenty of use.” I run my lips down
her neck. “How about we try out that shower?”
She wiggles out of my hold and I watch as she strips her clothes
as she walks down the hallway. “Are you coming?”
I adjust my cock.
I think I already did.
“Yes, my queen.”
My heart flutters in my chest and now I know, it’s not some sort
of medical condition…
It’s love.

You asked for it and you’re getting it!
Up next is Connor, Haven’s ex and Dane’s brother, from Love
Under Construction 1!
Check out Connor today!


Holiday Hotties—Christmas 2020

Jingle Belle- My Book
Wynter Wonderland- My Book
Candy Canes- My Book
First Noelle-My Book
Holly Jolly- My Book
Holiday Hotties Series- My Book

Holiday Hotties- Summer 2021

Honor- My Book

Love in the Falls

Leelyn- My Book
Molly- My Book

Instalove Hearts Series

Extra Hot- My Book
Open Doors- My Book
Show Time- My Book
Going Down- My Book
Instalove Hearts Collection: BBW Romance- My Book
Bundle- My Book

Love Under Construction (Sugar Babes Spin-Off)
Dane- My Book
Griff- My Book
Connor-My Book
Wesley (to come)
Bundle- My Book

Sugar Babes
Icing on the Cake- My Book
My Sweet Tooth- My Book
One Tough Cookie- My Book
Eye Candy- My Book
Box Set- My Book
Bundle- My Book

Chartreuse Clover Pub

Thorn- My Book
Brody- My Book
Jason- My Book
McCoy- My Book
Bundle- My Book

Graffiti Street Tattoo

Kash- My Book
Lynx- My Book
Ozzy- My Book
Bundle- My Book

Multi-author series works:

LEO-Bad Boys of the Summer Games- My Book
Theo & His Cat- My Book
Dared Under the Mistletoe: The Sweater Series Book 1- My Book
Hungry for Jensen: Hungry Hearts Book 3- My Book
Her Midnight Desire- TBA
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Title: The age of the crusades

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The Age of the Crusades

Ten Epochs of Church History



New York
The Christian Literature Co.


Copyright, 1896, by
The Christian Literature Co.

Printed by
J. J. Little & Co., New York, U. S. A.

Bibliography . . . xi
CHAP. I.—Introductory—Outline of Study.—Problem of the
Crusades.—Outline of Preliminary Study . . . 1
CHAP. II.—State of Society—Ignorance—Dulness of Life—
Superstition—Low Sense of Justice—Cruelty—Taste for
War.—Sporadic Culture—Great Men.—Budding Art.—Ignorance—
Few Industries—Degradation.—Narrow Limitation of Life.—
Superstition.—Laws—Private Combat—The Ordeal.—Hardness of
Manners—Brutality.—Cruelties.—Love of War.—Cruelty of Greeks
CHAP. III.—Chivalry—Rules—Education of Knight—
Ceremonies—Influence on Character.—Rules of Chivalry.—
Rites.—Defects . . . 26
CHAP. IV.—The Feudal System—General Principles—
Influence on People.—Minute Subdivision of Europe.—Baronial
Independence.—Bondage of the Masses.—Communes.—Feudalism
and the Crusades . . . 32
CHAP. V.—The Impoverished Condition of Europe.—Pauperism
at Home.—Plenty Abroad . . . 40
CHAP. VI.—The Papal Policy—Demoralization of the World
and the Church—Hildebrand’s Purpose Inherited by his
Successors.—Corruption of the Papacy.—Hildebrand’s Plan of
Reform.—Previous Prestige of the Papacy . . . 43
CHAP. VII.—The Mohammedan Menace—The Rise of Islam—
Saracens—Turks.—The Doctrine of Islam.—Koran and Caliphate.
—Rapid Conquest by the Saracens.—Saracens among Christians.—
The Turks.—Conquest by the Turks . . . 51
CHAP. VIII.—Pilgrimages—Origin and Growth of the Custom
—Extent.—Rise of the Custom of Pilgrimage.—Pilgrim
Superstitions.—Incentives to Pilgrimage . . . 64


CHAP. IX.—The Story of the Crusades.—The Summons—

Peter the Hermit—Pope Urban—Popular Excitement.—Peter
the Hermit.—Universal Enthusiasm.—Europe Swarms Eastward . . .


CHAP. X.—The First Crusade.—The Crusade of the Crowd.—

Walter the Penniless.—Peter.—Gottschalk.—Volkman.—Emico.—
General Disaster . . . 78
CHAP. XI.—The Crusade under the Chieftains, Godfrey,
Raymond, Bohemond, Tancred, Hugh, Robert of Normandy.—
Godfrey.—Raymond.—Bohemond.—Tancred.—Hugh.—Robert of
Normandy.—Various Routes of the Chieftains.—Character of Alexius
—Fear of Latins . . . 82
CHAP. XII.—The Fall of Nicæa.—Contrast of Christian and
Moslem Soldier.—Capture of Nicæa—Treachery of Alexius . . . 91
CHAP. XIII.—Battle of Dorylæum—Tarsus—Defection of
Baldwin.—Victory of Dorylæum.—Capture of Tarsus.—Baldwin
Seizes Edessa . . . 96
CHAP. XIV.—Before Antioch.—The Crusaders before Antioch.—
Discouragement of the Christians.—Exploits.—Battles of Children
. . . 101
CHAP. XV.—The Fall of Antioch.—Treachery of Phirous.—
Capture of Antioch . . . 108
CHAP. XVI.—The Holy Lance.—Kerbogha Invests Antioch.—The
Holy Lance.—Kerbogha Routed.—The Holy Lance Discredited . . .
CHAP. XVII.—On to Jerusalem.—The Crusaders Enter Palestine.
—On to Jerusalem . . . 120
CHAP. XVIII.—The Capture of Jerusalem.—Suffering before
Jerusalem.—Procession around the City.—Final Assault.—Christian
Cruelty.—Jerusalem Despoiled . . . 125
CHAP. XIX.—Godfrey, First Baron of the Holy Sepulchre—
Conquest of the Land—The Kingdom of Jerusalem.—Godfrey’s
Rule.—Victory at Ascalon.—Return of Crusaders.—Godfrey’s
Prowess.—Death of Godfrey . . . 134
CHAP. XX.—Baldwin I., King of Jerusalem.—Baldwin I., King of
Jerusalem.—Ruse of Bohemond.—Death of Tancred . . . 144
CHAP. XXI.—King Baldwin II.—King Foulque—King Baldwin III.
—Exploits of Zenghi—Rise of Nourredin.—Reign of Baldwin II.
—King Foulque.—King Baldwin III.—Fall of Edessa . . . 150
CHAP. XXII.—Military Orders—Hospitallers—Templars—
Teutonic Knights.—The Hospitallers.—Templars.—Teutonic
Knights . . . 156
CHAP. XXIII.—Europe between the First and Second
Crusades—Kingship in France—Papal Aggrandizement—
Abélard—Arnold of Brescia—Bernard.-Kingship in France.—
Abélard.—Arnold of Brescia.—Bernard’s Influence . . . 160


CHAP. XXIV.—The Second Crusade.—Bernard—Conrad III.—

Louis VII.—Suger—Siege of Damascus.—Bernard Preaches
Crusade.—Start of French and Germans.—Disastrous Beginning.—
The Kings Reach Palestine.—Divisions among Crusaders.—Abbé
Suger . . . 166
CHAP. XXV.—Nourredin—Rise of Saladin—King Guy—Queen
Sibylla.—Nourredin.—Baldwin.—Amaury.—Rise of Saladin.—
Baldwin IV.—Sibylla and King Guy . . . 178
CHAP. XXVI.—Battle of Tiberias—Fall of Jerusalem.—The
Field of Tiberias.—Crusaders’ Overthrow at Tiberias.—Fall of
Jerusalem.—Magnanimity of Saladin . . . 186
CHAP. XXVII.—Europe between the Second and Third
Crusades—Superstition—The Waldenses—Degradation of
the Papacy—France under Louis—England under Henry II.—
Richard Cœur de Lion.—Superstition.—Waldenses.—France—
England.—Richard Cœur de Lion.—Coronation of Richard I.—
Richard’s Cruelty . . . 195


CHAP. XXVIII.—The Third Crusade.—William of Tyre—

Barbarossa.—Call to Crusade.—Frederick Barbarossa.—Bombast
of Champions.—Death of Frederick Barbarossa . . . 206
CHAP. XXIX.—Siege of Acre.—The Siege of Acre . . . 215
CHAP. XXX.—The Coming of Philip Augustus and Richard—
Fall of Acre.—Sea Voyage of the English.—Richard Arrives in
Palestine.—Crusaders Take Acre.—Finesse of Richard and Saladin.
—Assassins.—Richard Retreats.—Peace with Saladin.—Captivity of
Richard.—Death of Saladin . . . 219
CHAP. XXXI.—Palestine after the Third Crusade—Henry VI.—
Siege of Thoron.—Various Minor Crusades.—Siege of Thoron.—
Discouragement of Christendom . . . 236


CHAP. XXXII.—The Fourth Crusade.—History and Condition
of Constantinople.—Weakness of Greek Emperors.—Foreign
Aggressions.—Antipathy of Europeans.—Riches of Constantinople.
—Suburban Wealth . . . 242
CHAP. XXXIII.—The Summons to the Fourth Crusade—
Contract with Venice—Egypt the Destination—Philip of
Swabia.—Fulque.—Venetian Ships Hired.—Crusaders to Attack
Egypt.—Inducement to Divert Crusade . . . 253
CHAP. XXXIV.—The Plot for the Diversion of the Crusade—
Capture of Zara.—Dandolo’s Treachery.—Fleet Sails against
Zara.—Revolt of Crusaders.—Young Alexius’s Promises . . . 260
CHAP. XXXV.—On to Constantinople—Capture of Galata.—
Voyage to Constantinople.—Protest of the Greek Emperor.—Capture
of the Golden Horn . . . 268
CHAP. XXXVI.—Constantinople Secured to Isaac and Young
Alexius—Usurpation of Mourtzouphlos.—Assault upon the
City.—Flight of Alexius.—Isaac Restored.—Young Alexius
Coemperor.—Great Fire.—Mourtzouphlos.—Latins Attempt the
Sovereignty . . . 274
CHAP. XXXVII.—Capture of Constantinople.—Fall of
Constantinople.—Plunder of the City.—Nicetas.—Relics Stolen . . .
CHAP. XXXVIII.—Founding the Latin Kingdom of
Constantinople.—Baldwin Elected Emperor.—Fatal Influence of
the Fourth Crusade . . . 291
CHAP. XXXIX.—Between the Fourth and Fifth Crusades—
Condition of East and West—The Children’s Crusade.—
Eastern Disasters.—John of Brienne.—The Children’s Crusade . . .


CHAP. XL.—The Fifth Crusade.—Disaster of Marietta.—Start
of the Crusaders.—Assault of Mount Tabor.—Damietta.—The Affair
of Damietta.—Pelagius.—Francis of Assisi.—Disaster at Damietta
. . . 301


CHAP. XLI.—The Sixth Crusade.—Frederick II. and Pope

Gregory IX.—Pope Gregory IX.—Papal Anathema of Frederick.—
Frederick Acquires Jerusalem.—Return of Frederick.—Popular
Discontent with the Pope . . . 313
CHAP. XLII.—Between the Sixth and Seventh Crusades.—The
Tartars.—The Carismian Invasion.—Tartars.—Carismians.—
Carismians at Jerusalem and Gaza . . . 324


CHAP. XLIII.—The Seventh Crusade.—St. Louis.—Innocent IV.

and Frederick.—St. Louis.—Personal Qualities.—Piety of Louis.—
Takes the Cross.—Louis’s Zeal for Crusade.—Delay at Cyprus.—
Victory at Damietta.—Vice and Strife among the Victors.—Sultana
Chegger-Eddour.—Foolhardiness of D’Artois.—Disaster at
Mansourah.—Horrors of the Christian Retreat.—Heroism of
Marguerite and Louis.—Massacre of the Sultan.—Escape of Louis to
Acre.—Louis Lingers in Palestine.—Louis Returns to France . . . 328


CHAP. XLIV.—The Eighth Crusade.—Death of St. Louis—Fall

of Acre.—Bibars Sultan.—Louis Reënlists.—Death of St. Louis.—
The Fall of Acre . . . 361

CHAP. XLV.—Results of the Crusades.—Kingship.—Unity of

Europe.—The Papacy.—Liberal Thought.—Increased
Knowledge.—Arts.—Literature.—Commerce—The Turkish
Power.—Growth of European Kingdoms.—Unity of Europe.—
Prestige of the Papacy.—Lost Prestige of the Papacy.—Popular
Liberty.—Arts.—Education.—Commerce.—Wealth.—Rise of
Ottomans . . . 368

The sources of the history of the crusades will be found collected in

the following works, to which reference is made in the entries which

Jacobus Bongarsius: Gesta Dei per Francos, sive orientalium

expeditionum, et regni Francorum Hierosolimitani historia (ab a.
1095 ad 1420) a variis, sed illius ævi scriptoribus, litteris
commendata; Hanoviæ [Hanau], 1611, fol.
Martin Bouquet: Rerum Gallicarum et Francicarum scriptores.
Recueil des historiens des Gaules et de la France; Paris, 1738-
1876, 23 vols.
François Pierre Guillaume Guizot: Collection des mémoires
relatifs à l’histoire de France depuis la fondation de la monarchie
française jusqu’au 13. siècle; Paris, 1823-35, 31 vols., 8vo.
Jacques Paul Migne: I., Patrologiæ Latinæ, tom. i.-ccxxi.
Jacques Paul Migne: II., Patrologiæ Græcæ, tom. i.-clxi.
Jacques Paul Migne: III., Patrologiæ Græcæ Latine tantum
editæ, tom. i.-lxxxi.
Recueil des historiens des croisades, publié par les soins de
l’Académie des inscriptions et belles-lettres; Paris, Imprimerie
nationale, 1841 sqq.; vol. xv., 1895.
Paul E. D. Riant: Expéditions et pèlerinages des Scandinaves
en Terre-Sainte au temps des croisades; Paris, Imprimerie Lainé
et Havard, 1865-69, 2 vols. ( vol. ii. being tables).
Paul E. D. Riant: Inventaire critique des lettres historiques des
croisades, ... 786-1100; Paris, 1880 (in Archives de l’Orient latin,
vol. i.; Paris, 1881).

A. Chronicles of Eye-witnesses.

Albert of Aix (Albertus Aquensis): Historia Hierosolymitana.

A.D. 1095-1121 (in Recueil. Hist. occid., iv., pp. 265-713; and in
Migne, Pat. Lat., clxvi., col. 389-716. French translation in
Guizot, Collection, xx., xxi.).
Baldric, Archbishop of Dol (Baldricus Andegavensis, later
archiepiscopus Dolensis): Historiæ Hierosolymitanæ libri iv. A.D.
1095-99 (in Recueil. Hist. occid., iv., pp. 1-111; and in Migne,
Pat. Lat., clxvi., col. 1057-1152).
Anna Comnena: Alexiadis libri xv. A.D. 1069-1118 (in Recueilt]
Histor. grecs, i., 2, pp. 65-179; and in Migne [Greek tex. and
Latin translation], Pat. Græc. cxxxi., col. 79-1212. Latin
translation also in Migne, Pat. Græc. Lat., lxviii., col. 903-1516).
Ekkehard of Urach (Ekkehardus Uraugiensis): Hierosolymita.
A.D. 1095-1187 (in Recueil. Hist. occid., v., pp. 1-40; and in
Migne, Pat. Lat., cliv., col. 1059-62).
Foulcher of Chartres (Fulcherius Carnotensis): Gesta
Francorum Jherusalem peregrinantium. A.D. 1095-1127 (in
Recueil. Hist. occid., iii., pp. 311-485; and in Migne, Pat. Lat.,
clv., col. 825-940. French translation in Guizot, Collection, xxiv.,
pp. 1-275).
Gilo: Historia gestorum viæ nostri temporis Hierosolymitanæ
libri iv. A.D. 1095-99 (in Migne, Pat. Lat., clv., col. 943-994).
Guibert of Nogent (Guibertus, abbas monast. s. Mariæ
Novigenti): Historia Hierosolymitana quæ dicitur Gesta Dei per
Francos, libri viii. A.D. 1095-1110 (in Recueil. Hist. occid., iv., pp.
115-263; also in Migne, Pat. Lat., clvi., col. 679-838. French
translation in Guizot, Collection, ix., pp. 1-338).
Prince de Joinville: Histoire de Saint Louys, IX. du nom, roy
de France (in Bouquet, xx., pp. 191-304. Numerous other
editions, e.g., Wailly, with translation in modern French; Paris,
Didot, 1874. English translation in Bohn’s Antiquarian Library,
Chronicles of the Crusades).
Raymond of Agiles (Raimundus de Agiles): Historia Francorum
qui ceperunt Hierusalem a. 1095 ad 1099 (in Recueil. Hist.
occid., iii., pp. 235-309; and in Migne, Pat. Lat., clv., col. 591-
668. French translation in Guizot, Collection, xxi., pp. 227-397).
Tudebod (Tudebodus): Historia de Hierosolymitano itinere ab a.
1095 ad 1099, libri v. (in Recueil. Hist. occid., iii., pp. 1-117; and
in Migne, Pat. Lat., clv., col. 763-823. French translation,
Mémoires de l’historien Pierre Tudebode sur son pèlerinage à
Jérusalem; Paris, Champion, 1878).
Villehardouin: Histoire de l’empire de Constantinople sous les
empereurs françois (in Bouquet, xviii., pp. 432-514. With modern
French translation, Paris, Lemerre, 1891, 2 vols. English
translation, London, 1829).
William of Tyre (Guilelmus Tyrius): Historia rerum in partibus
transmarinis gestarum. A.D. 1095-1184 (in Recueil. Hist. occid., i.;
and in Migne, Pat. Lat., cci., col. 209-892. English translation by
Mary Noyes Colvin; London, Early English Text Society, 1893).

B. Letters of the Crusaders.

Anselm of Ripemont (Anselmus de Ribodimonte): Epistolæ ad

Manassem archiepiscopum Remensem duæ. A.D. 1098 (in
Recueil. Hist. occid., iii., pp. 890-893).
Alexius I., Comnenus: Epistola ad Robertum I., Flandriæ
comitem. A.D. 1098 (in Recueil. Histor. grecs, iv., p. 132; and in
Migne, Pat. Græc., cxxxi., col. 564-568; Pat. Lat., clv., col. 465-
470. German translation by H. Floto, Kaiser Heinrich IV., vol. ii.,
p. 354; Stuttgart, 1854).
Godfrey (Godefridus Bullonius): Epistolæ et diplomata (in
Migne, Pat. Lat., clv., col. 389-398).
Stephen of Blois (Stephanus Carnotensis et Blesensis) to his
wife: Epistolæ duæ (in Recueil. Hist. occid., iii., pp. 883-893).
Urban II.: Epistolæ (in Migne, Pat. Lat., cli., col. 283-552).

C. Contemporary and Very Early Writers.

Matthew Paris: English History from 1253 to 1273 (translation

in Bohn’s Antiquarian Library; London, Bell; New York,
Roger of Hovenden: Chronica; edited by William Stubbs (in
Rerum Britannicarum medii ævi Scriptores [see under Stubbs, p.
viii.], No. 51, vols. i.-iv., 1868-71).
Roger of Wendover: Flowers of History (in Bohn’s Antiquarian
Library; London, Bell; New York, Macmillan).
Willibald, The Travels of, A.D. 721-727 (in Bohn’s Antiquarian
Library [London, Bell; New York, Macmillan], in the vol. edited by
Thomas Wright, Early Travels in Palestine, pp. 13-22).

T. A. Archer and Charles L. Kingsford: The Crusades: The

Story of the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem; New York, G. P.
Putnam’s Sons, 1895.
George William Cox: The Crusades; London, Longmans; New
York, Scribner, 1874.
Heinrich Hagenmeyer: Peter der Eremite: ein kritischer Beitrag
zur Geschichte des ersten Kreuzzuges; Leipzig, Harrassowitz,
Arnold Hermann Ludwig Heeren: Historische Werke;
Göttingen, Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht, 1821-26, 14 parts.
Arnold Hermann Ludwig Heeren: Essai sur l’influence des
croisades; French translation, Paris, 1808.
Thomas Keightley: The Crusaders; London, S. P. C. K., 1834,
2 vols.; new ed., Parker, 1852, 1 vol.
Bernard Kugler: Geschichte der Kreuzzüge; Berlin, G. Grote,
1880; 2. Aufl., 1891.
Bernard Kugler: Neue Analekten zur Geschichte des 2.
Kreuzzuges; Tübingen, Fries, 1883.
Jean Pierre Armand de la Porte des Vaulx: Les croisades,
et le royaume latin de Jérusalem; Limoges, Ardant, 1863.
Louis Maimbourg: Histoire des croisades; Paris, 1675, 2 vols.;
2d ed., 1682, 4 vols. English translation, The History of the Holy
War; London, 1686, fol.
Joseph François Michaud: Histoire des croisades; Paris, 1812-
22, 7 vols.; 9th ed., Paris, Vivès, 1856, 4 vols.; illustrated by
Doré, 1875-76, 2 vols., fol.
Joseph François Michaud: History of the Crusades;
translation, London, Routledge, 1852. New ed., with
supplementary chapter by Hamilton W. Mabie; New York,
Armstrong, 1881, 3 vols.
Joseph François Michaud: Bibliothèque des croisades; Paris,
1830, 4 vols.
Jules Michelet: Les croisades, 1095-1270; Paris, Hetzel et
Cie., 1880.
Charles Mills: The History of the Crusades; London,
Longmans, 1828, 2 vols.
Edwin Pears: The Fall of Constantinople; being the Story of the
Fourth Crusade; London, Longmans & Co.; New York, Harpers,
Reinhold Röhricht: Beiträge zur Geschichte der Kreuzzüge;
Berlin, Weidmann, 1874-78, 2 vols.
Reinhold Röhricht: Quellenbeiträge zur Geschichte der
Kreuzzüge. Bd. i., Zur Geschichte Salâh-ad-dîns; Berlin,
Weidmann, 1879.
Reinhold Röhricht: Studien zur Geschichte des fünften
Kreuzzuges; Innsbruck, Wagner, 1891.
Richard Salter Storrs: Bernard of Clairvaux; New York,
Scribner, 1892.
William Stubbs: Chronicles and Memorials of the Reign of
Richard I. (in Rerum Britannicarum medii ævi Scriptores [No. 38,
vol. i., 1864], published by the authority of her Majesty’s
Treasury, under the direction of the Master of the Rolls [hence
called the “Rolls Series”]; London, 1858 sqq.).
Heinrich Carl Ludolf von Sybel: Geschichte des ersten
Kreuzzuges; Leipzig, Fleischer, 1841; 2. Aufl., 1881.
Heinrich Carl Ludolf von Sybel: History and Literature of the
Crusades; translated by Lady Duff-Gordon [not a translation of
the preceding, but a compilation from his writings]; London,
Chapman, 1861.
Friedrich Wilken: Geschichte der Kreuzzüge nach
morgenländischen und abendländischen Berichten; Leipzig,
Vogel, 1807-32, 7 parts.

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