HR - Pay Scoping Sheet - 12508

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HR/Pay Scoping Sheet

1. Countries?

2. Number of locations

3. In which states are your company worksites located?

4. How many employees support your payroll department?

5. Number of active employees

6. Do you pay in states requiring city or local taxing?

7. How many payrolls? AND what are the cycles – 16 WEEKLY- would like to consolidate and run
via payroll and asg set. They have 3 different bank accts.

8. How many earnings/deductions (estimate)? What kinds of deductions are currently set up on
your system? – Shift diff are setup as company. This could be an are to improvement.

Double time and OT (Standard FLSA Calc ?)., Piece Work – Exec Non Qualified, Car Allowance,
Third Party Sick (WC), Personal use of company car, Union Dues – Flat $ Amt,

401K Plan and catch-up. Work with principal.

9. How do you audit your Payroll data?

10. Pre-Audit

11. Post Audit

12. Do you have work schedules

Yes – Shift schedules but nothing else

13. Do you currently use a labor distribution system?

14. How many hourly vs salary employees

15. Are salary people required to submit time?

16. Do you have employees working in different shifts?

17. Do you have any seasonal employees?

18. Do you have any special pay processing requirements?

Yes – Holidays need to change check date.

19. Do you process any garnishments? (Volume?)

20. Is there special processing required for holiday/PTO, etc.

21. How are taxes filed today? Will you be outsourcing this activity or use Oracle for this?

Will bring in house

22. How do you handle workers comp

Workers comp is provided by Sandra, manual reporting done by her.

23. How do you handle costing (accounting)

Standard costing will work fine for them

24. What Currencies are you using?

25. What business areas and/or operations are targeted for improvement?

Vacation accruals and salary accruals

26. What business areas and/or operations are targeted for re-engineering?

27. Which of these business areas and/or operations is highest priority? Medium priority? Low

28. Define your interfaces/information to other systems/users

29. Are there any other interfaces to other systems (Mainframe, PC, manual) you have not told us

30. How many unions do you have?

31. How many bargaining units do you have?

32. Approximately what percentage of your employee population is associated with these unions?

33. What are the are the durations of your union contracts?

34. How many different contracts are negotiated?

35. How many PTO plans?

36. How do you currently process your benefits? Are benefits outsourced?

37. What system(S) will we be converting from

38. Who will be responsible for converting from legacy systems?

39. What format will we be receiving these files in?

40. Reporting - Are they going to use the seeded reports? What about Govt Reporting and Union


1. Who enters time and what system is used? What system will be used in the future?

2. How do they enter time?

3. What types of approvals for time?

4. What would we like to do in the future for time?


Gifts Cards?

What would be the quote for OAB? - Advanced would be better…

How many benefit carriers – 12 -15

Need a conversion from Basic to OAB

Master Tax

Do we need an electronic file format for Garnishments and Child Support?

They are going to Pay Card

Would Like to outsource the check printing and garnishment processing.

Would like to HR Field Svc reps to have access to Payslip and W2

Currently do not have jobs, visa information, reviews, performance mgmt, EEO reporting, need to
add departments.

Payroll Timings - Include timing aspects of deadlines, elapsed time of process during payroll, and any
production down time due to pay processing.

Payroll freq = Sun - Sat and time is received on Monday. Must have to ADP by Tuesday @ 5.
Check date is Friday. Basically is a 7 day offset

Retro Calculation Processing is currently handled manually –

Is there a need for holiday pay to be automatically generated? For union they get double time

PTO – One vacation plan but different eligibility and decreasing plan. They may be changing this plan and
adding a different accrual method/calculation.

Forcasting information – PTO Balances/Used time/

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