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Performance Task: Jesus InfoGraphics

G – Your task is to promote Jesus in the digital world by making an InfoGraphics of Him.
R – You are part of an advertisement agency tapped by the Catholic Church to promote the truths about Jesus in
the digital world.
A – You need to help the digital generation to appreciate Jesus through technology. These are people who express
themselves and understanding things easily through technology. They are so preoccupied with a lot of things,
and they do not have time to know Jesus.
S – Many people of this digital generation do not know the value of Jesus and His sacrifices on the cross. Your
plan is to utilize technology, social media to help them know more about Jesus.
P – Jesus InfoGraph
1. Make an InfoGraph that will promote the truths and teachings of Jesus.
2. The following should be present in the InfoGraph
a. Picture/Drawing of Jesus
b. Specific Information about Jesus life, passion and death
c. Teachings of Jesus
d. Miracles of Jesus
e. Famous Quotations of Jesus
f. Tagline promoting to live Jesus in our hearts
3. The output will be submitted in the LMS to lessen the use of paper.

S – The students will be graded with following rubric:

NOTE: Attached below is an example of InfoGraph.


5 4 3 2 1
Content (2) The InfoGraph The InfoGraph The InfoGraph The InfoGraph The InfoGraph does
effectively and mostly promotes the somewhat promotes minimally promotes not promote the
accurately promotes truths about Jesus in the truths about Jesus the truths about truths about Jesus in
the truths about the digital world. It in the digital world. Jesus in the digital the digital world. It
Jesus in the digital includes relevant and It includes some world. It includes lacks relevant
world. It includes a well-organized relevant information, limited and poorly information and
comprehensive and information, but lacks organized demonstrates a
well-organized demonstrating a good organization and information, complete lack of
representation of understanding of the depth of displaying a lack of understanding of the
key information, subject matter. understanding. understanding of subject matter.
demonstrating a the subject matter.
deep understanding
of the subject
Design The InfoGraph is The InfoGraph is The InfoGraph is The InfoGraph is The InfoGraph is
visually appealing, visually appealing, visually acceptable, visually visually unappealing,
with a creative and with a well-thought- but lacks creativity in unappealing, with a with a chaotic layout,
eye-catching layout, out layout, color layout, color scheme, poorly organized mismatched color
color scheme, and scheme, and use of or use of images or layout, scheme, or complete
use of images or images or graphics. graphics. The design inappropriate color absence of images or
graphics. The design The design enhances somewhat enhances scheme, or lack of graphics. The design
effectively enhances the message and the message and images or graphics. detracts from the
the message and engages the target engages the target The design does not message and fails to
engages the target audience. audience. enhance the engage the target
audience. message or engage audience
the target audience.
Accuracy The InfoGraph is The InfoGraph is The InfoGraph is The InfoGraph is The InfoGraph is not
factually accurate, mostly factually somewhat factually minimally factually factually accurate,
with all information accurate, with most accurate, with some accurate, with with no information
supported by information information limited information supported by reliable
reliable sources. supported by reliable supported by reliable supported by sources. There are
There are no errors sources. There may sources. There may reliable sources. numerous errors in
in the representation be minor errors in the be noticeable errors There may be the representation of
of Jesus' truths or representation of in the representation significant errors in Jesus' truths or
teachings. Jesus' truths or of Jesus' truths or the representation teachings.
teachings. teachings. of Jesus' truths or

Presentation The InfoGraph is The InfoGraph is The InfoGraph is The InfoGraph is The InfoGraph is
well-organized, with organized, with somewhat organized, poorly organized, disorganized, with no
clear headings, headings, with some headings, with unclear headings,
subheadings, and a subheadings, and a subheadings, and a headings, subheadings, or
logical flow of logical flow of somewhat logical subheadings, or a logical flow of
information. The information. The text flow of information. disjointed flow of information. The text
text is concise, is mostly concise, The text is somewhat information. The is lengthy,
coherent, and free of coherent, and free of concise and coherent, text is verbose, incoherent, and
grammatical or grammatical or with few incoherent, and riddled with
spelling errors. The spelling errors. The grammatical or contains several grammatical or
overall presentation overall presentation spelling errors. The grammatical or spelling errors. The
is highly is professional. overall presentation spelling errors. The overall presentation
professional is satisfactory. overall presentation is highly
is unprofessional. unprofessional. |
Punctuality The output has
(2) submitted on or
before the deadline.

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