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Fluid Mechanics Second Stage

University of Duhok
College of Engineering
Department of Water Resources
2nd Stage

Bshkoj Sidqi Hussein
Fluid Mechanics Second Stage

Experiment No. (2)

Discharge over a Broad Crested Weir
2.1 Objectives

The objectives of the Experiment are:

 To show the measurement of flow rate.
 To determine the relationship between upstream head and flow rate for water
flowing over a Broad crested weir.
 To calculate the discharge coefficient Cd.

2.2 Description of Equipment

Discharge Tank
Point Gauge

Inlet Tank

Broad Crested Weir Slope Adjustment

Flow meter Hand Wheel

Volumetric Tank

Fig.1 Broad Crested Weir

2.3 Results and Calculations

 While the flow rates passing over the weir were calculated from the flow
equation of broad crest weir. Shown in fig. 2.
√ ………………………………………………...2.1
Where: 𝑄𝑡ℎ=Theoretical flow rate,
H =upstream head of water over the weir crest, and
h = depth of the flow over the weir
b = width of the channel
Fluid Mechanics Second Stage
 For each flow rate (actual discharge), measure and record the volumes in the
collecting tank and the time required to collect that volume by stopwatch.

Where: 𝑄𝑎𝑐𝑡=actual flow rate,
V = volume of the collecting tank (liter),
t = time taken to rise volume (sec.).

 The coefficient of discharge Cd is defined as the ratio of actual discharge

obtained experimentally to the theoretical discharge. i.e,


Where: Cd = Coefficient of discharge is a dimensionless discharge coefficient

which takes account the effects of neglecting losses and the contraction of the jet as it
passes over the notch in Qth.

Fig. 2: Cross section of Broad Crested Weir

 Tabulate your readings and calculations as follows:
Breadth of weir (b) = 7.3 cm
Height of weir (P) = 10 cm

Volume Time Qact Qth

No. H (cm) h (cm) Cd
l/sec sec l/sec l/sec
Plot graphs of log Qact against log H find the intercept log k on the log Qact axis
and the gradient n. The relationship between Qact and H is then Q= kHn.
Fluid Practical II: Experimental No.2 Flow over a broad crested Weir

Data sheet (2)

Volume Time Qact Qth

No. H (cm) h (cm) Cd
l/sec sec l/sec l/sec

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