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1. The Christian name appearing alone In brackets Is the name of spouse
2. In some cases the designation, wtdow, has been omitted by request
3 Names tn bold pnnt are those of ftrms whtch subscnbe to or advertise in thts
City Dtrectory. Names in capttal letters are those of propnetors, partners or
execullves of these firms
4. Business firms wh1ch are Individual proprietorships or partnerships are
Indicated by listing the names of the owner or partners in brackets: Plaza
Grocenes (John B. Scott, Wm Noble) Conversely, a firm name In brackets
after an Individual's name Indicates that he is an owner or partner in the firm.
5. The householder or head of the house (owner or tenant) Is indtcated by h
preceding the street address. Other members of the family, roomers and
boarders do not have this designation. To determine whether the
householder is owner or tenant, refer to the pink section, where home
ownership Is indicated by an asterisk (•)
6. The Information In this directory has been gathered from onginal sources
and the Publishers have made every effort to ensure completeness and
accuracy. They cannot guarantee the complete absence of errors and
assume no responsibility therefor. You are requested to draw any
inaccuracies to the attention of the Publishers so that corrections may be
made In the next edition.

~ Vernon Directories Limited
The content of this section of the City Directory is gathered from a door-to-door
enumeration and Information supplied by the lnfo-Dtrect Dtvis1on of Tele-Direct
(Publications) Inc.

Any unauthorized reproduction, by any means, is expressly prohtbtted.

Vernon Directories will honour an occupant's request to have his I her name,
address or telephone number removed from future editions upon written request.

Copyright 1985 by


29 REBECCA ST., HAMILTON l8R 1 83 PHONE (416) 522-5066
• Commercial



~AA ...V ® •Agricultural

fllti1'1F' ._.. •Recreational u
~ ~~.'1 an independent member broker
11 ~J 121 Heritage Rd., Chatham, Suite 202 (519) 351 - 1300

A Randy J !Andree Gl p!ogram & pllvsieal dir YMCA II 36 Dollalda
• Ray D(l(aro!y11 Ml mdSI A& P h 8 Siugeen av
A 1 Furn>ture Jerry & Cnatlle MtDonell tngrl 400 Pari< •~ e Robt D 1Ruth J 1stsmn Petro Canada h 13 S1111onton dr
A 1 vacwm Creane! Serv~ Centr~ tAiphonSt & Isabella • ROlli R1\ onda) tn1J Uruon Ga$1136 Allen
l.lartt'nSI 54 FO\Jilh • Roy h 5!'! Allen
A& PFood Soe Jack Hegan mgr 416 St Cla•r • T9111 J (V~ra) h 116 Uosuhne av apl A
A p wElectroniCS ltd Janet fraser mgr 641 St Clair Adams!<I Mark mntlltl! Wheels M!rlnn 30 McNaughton av w
A& Wliaye Grasso mgr 100 King w unu F 1 Moe men Land Ross tMallon)!leot mgo Onl Wl\eat Producers M> lg
A WK lndustroal Coaling llmtted Douglas Kllbnae pres 41 Sass Bd h 200 Ototaware av
rd Addoct1011 Research foundatoon JCJhrl Zarebskl dot 259 Wellington
Aar55ell Rochd !ShellerI S)'$1e.'ll$ anelysl UOI(lll Gash 3 Valley VI
rdn Adllt!ion Elle Tert!$.11 Plan mgr 100 King"' untl220
Aar1s Marco 3D Lark Aoalt'V Cynl ~ IEiarne) supvsr I HCaoalll h 25 W;lsoo ••
• HtNelloet tAarts Consul h 3D t..k ~ Slullt 25 Wilson ...
• Ronald 55 Welltng1011 e (rm 4) AOoy Rolli h U3 Par!< av .,
Aarlsen H¥ry h 505 P!lh. IV 'If Rob1 F(llllCIIll stl<pt Cllalllam We Comm ll II Aberdeen
Abboll MJ'Ille Mrs h 323 Balaoon rd Adeline s Hat! St~ (Judy JOnes160 FQU!Itl
• Root P 18arb U supyst UniOn Gas h 68 Collt'Qrate dr Alley Robt stud! 1I Gotomer~ d!
Abe Jas (YvonnetiChr Kent CQunty Bd oC Educ h 44 Stone av Wm F m«h Computa!og Gelrllart Lid 11 Goiclmere or
• M•lwo (Yoslttyel h 94 Wil$01\li Adte Karen ESIUill 12 Pamelt CI~S
Anel Ch 49 Baxlef Aobl S !Sandra El conlraC111'1QfUn•on Gash 12 Pamela cres
Abel florence Scllool ol 1lle Dance lfiOiflltl! Mathewson) 3 Ad~on A tchr lnd;an Cree~ Ad Pub Schl
~Ieard Ad~ Ins Dan MRev tDawn Ml pastor Mapl~ Coty Bapllsl Ch n 119
• GI!O W;Befruce Sl opr Ea!On Yale Ud h 28 Houslon Sy!II!!Stllf dr
• Uart Beth taSIII WOOico 28 Houslon Oa•e Ah 4 Lamson ttes oot 3
~u Wt1a1Ltd tRobt Holl•ngl208 ~ Adolph's Sound Cefotre tAdolpll 0 lrrgangl raooo & tv sis &ser~
Aberdt't'n Tave~n The (Rick &Btoa~ Currie) 1 Grand a• e ~5 Rtchm<>ncJ
Abhar Kavoos (Ya!iSmln) m~ ferguson Anomal Hosp h 54· r2 Sl Adl18n B!uce PIOQ!IIll Cansoll Systems 20 1'2 ~h
Clatr • Ccxmne admm Ca~ll Systems 20 1'2 Joseph
Abrams Terry dety mn Udd(' Sleep Shop R•ver rd • Ralph h 20-1'2 Joseph
AboOStmolt MIChl M 1~1 operations mgr Chatham Cable TV h 39 Aaiph 1Rejl!ne) pre~~ Cansoft Sysll!m& res RR 1 Blenheom
Garden Yale rd Adrienne's Beaut~ Salon (0<~ Belli 236l.acroix
Abru Mauno S ( Mau~l conslt (WindSOI) h 42 Edgar Adset1 f h 650 Grand av., apt 50I
• l.lallllO S (MaroaI conS11 (W;ndSOII h 42 Edgar Ad\Jvata Vtmata (Prosadl nurse Dr A v Prasaa 365 King w apt 2
Accurse J h 11 Dana pi Allvance Plumbing &Hea40Q 8 Emma
Ace Appltances (Lanny MetcaJie & B•R luKtoniiO School Adva~ Beauty Supplll!S Ted Prosser mgr 403 McNaughton av w
Ackert Gal don F tlytte ll mechl eng 1HCanada h 56 Holland a~ Aero Teen Jltosporatory Serv~tes Inc 143 Wet!tnglOil• su;le 106
• James EI Yaty f) h 64 £dl)l' AerrSffi Sloan mgr Theatre Vloeo Mart r~ RR 6
· Jas M!lillian) h I 5 Atdle'O'IIlr Affleck C h 58 Harwich
WmP(AP WElec1Jorucs) 15Atdl!!lllfldr Aga< A!lan A (Donna J) assl mgr Sl Clait Graon & Feeas h 810
Acklord Losa stylost F11st Chooce Ha!teutters 57 Baldooo rd B!oomlre!d ra
aot 106 · Freda t.l h 114 Ca~teroury
• N 72 Baldoon rOIPf204 • Ross S (luella! dM R~ll BrQ'If!l Drug Store h 74 Wol&on av
Ac>croydAandy W!Ann l) ""'' A PWEiedtoruc h 391·1"2 1t91a Gtaoys h 118 R"l!fV'!!'W dr apt632
Mc:Haughlon av e • Jom R h 214 Kmg w apt 13
Aclon Allan H(Betiy HI mgr Domlllr Packagong h 51 Choppewa ar Agnew Shoes Broan McCrae~ en mgt 609 Grand av w
Becl<y w~s lec;u~ Hotel310 1'2 Welllng!On Agrlf'w Shoes Ron McCracken mgr 801 St Claot
Broan \lllf Tt'Cums~ Hotel h 310·1'2 WeUmglon w Agnolln Jut;e (Richdl darkrm tec:hn Chatham Dally News 81
Ch 25 Gladstone av Baldoon apr 6
• DebOr'ah A(Joel"'~' MartJn Ttlley & Co 100 Mcfarlane av apt · Roc~ tJuhel mgr K Mart Computer Cenlre h 8 1 Baldoon ra apt
504 6
Jo6 D(DebOfah AI lab Peter luyt Con&lr h 100 Mcfarlane av Agucutture Canada !FOOd Proauctton lnspechon Branch) 10
Ada•r MelbOurne EtDor1nda Rlletllllter Un Co.Op h 136
Choppewadt r\gncutture C."lnada (V~Ier;nllfY lnspecllon Anomal Hea~h) (01
Dan Aytml tO Cef\tre
Adam Wallace !CarolI urllon r~ Un.led Fd & Coml Wl<t$ Unton h
12Ren~e-o. av Men Murray 0 (Patrtera M) piS OPI Can Fram Ltd h 50
Coal5wor11l av
Adamac Stephen 1Ruml • k' lloyd Bag Co h 21 McK•nnon ar A;kef\heall BevNiy WtPatr1cla Cl mnlnu Urwtme Convenl h 6
-.damaslo.• Katen 63 Sussex Oroote p~wy
Adams AlextE!ozl .,l<s Eaton Yale Lid h 112 Vanoer dr Mark h 51 Harvey
• Brtan !MarleneI auto body spec Roulnl Automoto~e
Pan• wks Mt Submarine 6 Oriole pkwy
SpeciaiiSIS h 82 Euoenoe
A;kmen Alex tRuby C) h 36 GreQory dr e
• ~~ ltl•s ct:~ St Jo6 HosP h 1000 Cllat~ng Cross rd unol
15 AITKEN, ANNETTE, MRS, Circulation
• Harold G h 125· 1'2 Queen RepteMntatlve Londo11 FrM p,.... (Chatham
Adams Hobby Shop (.las lA Adams) 125 Queen aur. .u). A" I Copperfield er.., Phone
· Jas M !Adams !lobby SIIOp) h 125·1'2 Queen ,W.en Clan< h 365 Grand ave apt 1
• K tchr lnd,., Cr$ Rd Pub Schi
Katen it! Slulll 79 Choppe..a dr · David (Edotfl) h 89 Rlvervoev. or apt 1005
• Permtllta h 89 R·•trwlew Ill 801 1003 • Davtd J IJudyltcllr VtCtOioa Park Pub Schl h 3 Pamela cres
• Davod J (Malyi supt C&. WAsoltall h 100 Ucfa~talll! av apt40 1


Glry J stuGI 70 Dur1vtglrl dr Jls h .. 7 CorrMI
Geo V (Doreen! RrYmn Hydro h 70 DYnvegen dr Ron vr (Joanne 1.11111 ""' drvr £11011 vale Ltd 11 14 Clr1o
John 0 (Miry-Ann) Cllar11Cd 177 GriW!d IV • 11118 Enz.belh Ron vr ; appr H£ vannaner n & 01e 14 c.1o
Paula 0 ICCig ell< I HCaOida 70 Stmenyn tv ~ Camlell\lr;l wl!s I HCirlacll h 278 ~IV I
Alnclololl J (Paula O)leaet camt! II 70 Semenyn IV Gerald (lela 81 rnrunce Kent Countt tflCI Sell SeN 8d 11 62
T1111 M11UC1 70 Dunvegan dr Oevtwl I'd
Wm 0 IAmelllt Ml medl TtlllSPQit AlpM lid 118 Copperfield ~(~II!) h 50 Mchener ra lp! 201
cres Ida 8 t.1ts slscl1< Zellers 62 Devon I'd
Aa111$0118ecky h 122 ~ dr apt3Z7 Allen Ange Ia R Or lllleSIIleliSI Pub 0er1t Holp 11 Brta-IQJ
Al<toi Geo ldlt Chatlllm Kenl Sec Schl h 4 7 SUI1II'fllde IV rd
Al<-erll'llltl Olio S Dr phys 882 Chltlng Ctoa I'd 11 IIITW Allene (Rochdl P111ntf Hillman s Men's Shop 9 St Geofge
Al<klll A Raoul Or (~m) dlf of laby St Jo& Holp h 7 ~ Ch 43 Tattr 1•101303
Cleel! rd w Daume Y1s (Tr. Smuggle!) ll 19 SYibJrt dr 1014
Allrcoo Jloet 1dW Kent County Sep Schl Bd 11 • 5 Trlllil.m DMcl 8 (Ailg!li11 RJ h II &iat Hill rd
Vi~IPI312 llouQ!as l (~ PJtctv Indian~ rd Pub Schl h 163 St
Allrte Roge. H {'ViVIan A) (Ra~ta Or;wall) h 18 Madera trts
Vlvlln IRoger) sis Simply You & Gold 16 Mldera cres "'~··
fl!d F IJohamaJ lab libby WtHeiU & Ubbv 11&6 Argy1e oes
~ John .. 2 Pillectesl rd Freel' (Marylou) lab Can Fram h 139 ~ IY •1Cl13
w.n.n H (frii!CeS) I'! 2 Plnecrtst rd Fred w(Palrlda) ~ C.O fram !I 109 S1anley av
AltJeno PlUI (0 Rizopolos) 429 Sl Clair Gaty dnr ~ Plmc Finishing
Mleno's O!tllllg l~ (0 Rlzopoiol) 429 51 OaJr Geo £ (ThlllJ G) kCM1 Unior1 gash 235 T~ IV w
Alderdice Jeff (Donna) Sis Gesletner lid h 30 £mrna Glad"'.., h 85 Ptne 11l1130
Alclos Slella 1.1 t.tts 11 99lkHiuglltOilav w apt 152 Gordon£ !Gayle) lab RoOwelllnll 1125 TISitl oes
Alexllldel 8rlarl F Stud1 131 Ctyml c1r 1\11!11 (LIJChl) brn leChllSI Joseph Sfp SeN 215 Merrill av
Oa~ Eh 34 Cornhlll lee lormn Chatham PlasiiC FiniShing
D.wid H (Rulli A) tab Hall Gto 11 U Alllu dr t.l4e CII 3 7 T*ffdsmult IY w
Oe!b1 (MIIjOrlt) II 136 Gray Lt (l'.aren) h 215 Memll~rv
Dennis 11otar1e) 11 prod analyst UrPon Gas 11 I Dove pi M!Cill {Snerry) Llb Ubby Mc~m & ltbby n 10 Oriole po""'
Elearo' Mrs ldll Kent Count. 8d of Educ h 156ltydlean av A en P J Or surgeon 39 Grand IV • R R 7
t•l Pa!ricia ~ IX• e lee 134 Sum~ ••
Fran!< J lllsa t.11 mnlnCe Kmg Canning h 825 St Clalt ~19 RlChd ~ ~~~~ patlntl Hillmarl's ~.ten's Shop h 9 StGeorge
Gilbl 0 (Dellblt) •h Can Fram Lid II 151 Wlchener rd Rob! 0 (t.~anor,) dlff S! Jos Hosp h 222 Coverdale
Gordon (!lonna I pres loiCColl O!ug Co 131 Crystal dr l!lNld G (Shirley) drvr Uo10r Wlleel Corpn n 15 TrUilum
ALEXANDP. GORDON J , (Doftna), PNe McCall Villaoe IPI311
Drug Co Ud, II 131 Cryet81 dr Terry QShr Terry's Varlttj 109 Slarllty ••
l•an (Thelesa) *".s 1mper1a1 Tobeeco (Ay1merl 1154 Jttlrty Theis 0 (UIIda AI srttems enal)<1t Union Gash t87 St PtiJChatl
larry P (Cirol)lab Eaton Yale Lid h 42 Beobd IV
Ledl h 1118 Thames •w !l~ f(~Urjone l) 11282 Grand a• w
Marl< IDirienel wl<.s Mainly Woods n 32-C lleectJWOOd cres Allie!! Beverly wlt.larlllle!J lormn lllr'IIOtld lid I! 255 KinO e
P!ter lib King Clm!ll\g h 509 V"CioriiiV Douglas E(Palricl.l N)lab Eaton Yale lld h 81 Prince 1
Stanltv N(Eil8n Sl II 80S Grm I• w 1P1 1107 Dougfas E jr 61 Prince &
· 5~ J mnlnee Crow's Rent 4llltd 34 Cornhlll Juhus I' lat> Cat, 242 Ktng e
S~tve h 20 Murray apt 1 Russell £ 117 Vlilllam s
T~V E333 Pall< Sy!YIII.l'1 h 242 Ktng t
Vh 650 Gtllld IV w 1P1 409 AJllo Oav1d 0 (Helene) IChr Ken! County 8d ot Educ h 76

Dnc:tor a..,._..
Aleuncler Fu-.1 Home•
.... Erie leec:ll, PtloM 171-3010
McGeorge tv
Ocugias G INorlna Bl pres & ~ mgr S.Vlce Ud h 2
Hal rd
• WlllOill t.lts h 650 Grand av w IIPI802 • Gtrlrude Mrs h 78 ·~
• Wm S h 66 Rale19h ALUN, JAMES, E I , (Janina), Auoclata
Algera John (Ann) trlr drvr Preferred 8.t h 29 Pme Badtord. Myef1 & HanMn, h 313 Baldoon rd,
Algra Tf'C /Thtoresa) n206 Tllarnt! Unlt37, Pllona W ·75U
JoatlleciUrer Osgoooe Law Schl483 King *
ALL CANADIAN TRUCK AND John E(Jean El tctv h 483 K11111 •
RIChd CllotarQI Ll h 53 Delaware 1>
TRAILER SUPPLIES, All•nson F n 455 Salldys apt 4 to
(DougDevlee) • Keolh stsmn H J Helrlz II 393 Baldoon rd t.llll 40
371 Alct'lmond- - -Ptlone W -11011 rracv elk Plaza Sulte & 0.11 Cloon J9J 8aldoon I'd UllJ! 40
And 1-100-HI-0513 AI SOil Adam sls rep ~~~~~~~~ Fl!ty res Tlllmesville
lliH h 273 We lng1on w 1014
Bruce C tlolargl) Urllon Gas h 106 Pemdge ens
.AIIaon Alva R(t.lary AI dlr Uac:'s l.l•lk II 232 FOIISI Call B Ili!Jlan I h 52 CofnhUI
Alla•re Noel A (lUCie AI custodian Ketll County 8d of Educ: II · Cia>' res COullSellor 5.oullt.wesletn Regl Cenlltl\54 Tomrruns
187 McHaugtnon av w ape 1 oes 1015
Allan IIObel ~ 80S Gtalld 1> w ap~712 Don lall Sl Cll•r Tt & Ole (Wallaceborgl 185 Sandy$
P AII 30 Tri!Uum Vllllge 1011505 · Donald 0 lllosaleen 1.11 opt 0nt H;"llro n 89 Rt~erview dr IDI
Allard .lacQuefine 170 LICrl)lx 703
• Mtry Mrs h 529 Vlclot•a av Jas tMer~;nllehr Ktnl County 8d of Ed\IC II 2 I KensongiOII pi
Rou f.htne) h 258 McNaugiiiOIIIv I IPI I08 Uurrh' (Ao$eaMt) dr>r Eroe & Hulon Eltverages h 84 Taylor av
Nancy 1162 Taylola. apt 1
.AIIegte!tt Jos 8 II 121 Partro~ OilS
4llely Gary (JOyct) lall Rock.welllml II 192 Llydlcan IV lxl • Ohve M Mrs (AIIJ$011 UPhOII h 685 Grand eve •
• R.t~ J I Rulherln fJ lormn llo~ !lao Co II 403 Sandys 101 3


231VAN ST., P.O. BOX 543, N7M 5KI PHONE 364-5045

Allison Upholsl•Jing (011.-e MAlhson) 685 Grand •~ e Ande1son AdrfennP w•s Or E Andmon 8 Westgate Waf~
Alhston Oo!Oihy 11 99 McNaugh:on av w apl248 • Ann l rna SIJostmph 383 We!hogton w &Pt 314
IJiossely B n 70 McNaughton av w apt S At ell•• h 452 Grand ave
• Jas Rlab 1HCanada h 204 Park av e Barbara h 102 Wellinglon eaot I
• UaryAnne slsdl< M.llebox res RR 1 Bert {Rubv) slsmn Re Mar West Gate Ally h 41 Comdale ftlll
A11on Gary A(Mlolh R! mgt llOyd Bag Co II IS Tecumse~ rd 102
• T 11383 'IIellington w apl107 • Brenda l Glee mgt Chalham Mtrs h 451omm•ns cres ept 101
Almas Donald G (Calhenne) routemn Y S Setv h 10 Ueadowle.a rd · Soan !Eileen) onsp C•IY h 36 Valley rd s
-lltne Urs h 79 W~~~V<ic~ dr · Cecil J 31 Scane
• KevJn 0 potr Nooh AmeriCan Plasta 10 Ueedowiea rd Oa111d (Kerry! buver I H Caoada h 11 Joalll'e
• Margl Mil h 100 Poplar apt 29 • DOtts R lcllr KP~I County Bd of Edue h 10 Oroon blvd
• ph 78 .lo6eph • Qv.4gttl {Margt)lab Ealon Yalalid h 353 Indian Creek rd w
AlmeidaAcacioAtl.lariA H)opr HJ Heinz Co II 18 Holland IV E h SS Sl Antnonv apt 4
• Alvaro h lOS lacroi• Anderson EDl pllys BS7 Grand av w su te 10~ RR 7
• An101110 h 126 AIPK41ldtaav Ema II 192· 1'2 We010g'.on e
• Jo6t> NIUar.a C) lab UOIOr ~~ Corpn h 91 Pamela cres • Elhel M ctrv ten11~ Tl'leal!e S9 Stanley tv
•!ia) II 101 Poplar Geo HlAndy) mach(l(JI S!a'ldald Tube (Bienheom) h 411 Oum~
Alpha &Omega Cra!ts !linda C & Paul R WnghU240 Kong w · ~aid G iAtvona '-II h 31 Scsne
Al'sGarage (AI Vand!f Weidel212 Grand1vw • Gerry 11 197 2 Park
Alton Howard W(Pall (Alton Photo) h 19 Patry dr • Gilbt R (flolence K) eng C & 0 Ry 1'1 65 Pllyllrs •~
Alton Ptoologtaphy (Roger Ltmonl 229 Oueen • Gwelldolyn h 8S Pine apt 248
Alward Allan ClllQI.echn Gallanl Clng h rS61 Pari\ av w Harry E(Jean El h 22 Kork
• Bla>e h 48 Adelaode n · lsa~lia G h too Mcfarlane ev apt 707
• Cllolyn (All wtrs Spaglleno .1unctl01'1561 Pa1k av w ANDERSON, J A, Deputy Clllet Chlltllam Fir•
· Ivan fEliz) h 76 Centre Departm•nt, Rn 300 Orand av w, Phon•
· Roy A(LI;a C) elk l C Bd h 80 Wlllpp<)(lno\11 etes 351-tt52
At«ay fila l Urs 22 ChanertS Ja'lel techn;rry of Natural Resoorces h SO Bl!ldoon rd
· Waner G [IAadelone I<) 5\IIMf Uoion Gash 21 Ca'lllne" cret apt3
Amam M h 6 Son~ cres apl 9 • Jan•e It 206 Kong e
M••e J !Susan A) lab I HCanada h 90 Riverview dr apt 1 • Jas l IJo Dee) teen! ~Is supt Pioneer Sffil h 1 Br1a1 H1ll rd
Sue (lhchl) sr secy Heallh Councll90 Riverv>ew d1 apt t • Jas R(Susan Ll chart acct Ul'llon Gash 102 Cecile av
Amato Angelo I Barbara) lab Ea1on Yale Lid h SOOihend cres John A ll !Ia) mach reprmn Roc;kwell ln111t 38lar~
• ~ !Ut1011a) lab Lobby McNeill & Ubby h 207 Memn · John G IJuoe AI suppon Serv mgr Kent·Chalham Hlth Unit h 29
· Fran~ (Josephine) wks lobby McNe II & ltbby II 26 Em~eld o1
Chestnut dr
Kenn~ Rev (Mary L) rector Chtost ChurCh IAngln] 1'18lndten
· Paolo IYenc:enlal h 68 Soutllend cres apl1 Ctee!< rd w
• P1W0 (frai'ICet) !Pet~·~ AVID Reprj h 67 Madera Cles KennP.Ih M h 329 Wellongton w
• SalvatOt (Rosallab Eat0t1 Yale Ud h 202 Otley dr • l<~nt h 343 Grand av e apl504
· Tony (Maroa) brklr 17 Spnng p1 h 6a"'P • lome H (Gtm>vleve Ellab I H Carta<!a h 75 llegency or
• VlfV'nia fV1r1 Submanne S~ • ~Uiefn !EriCJ recptnst Or Ancll'rson8 Westgale Walk
Ambassador Buoklono Ua!l\tenace Co ltd Bas Hennessey rngr BS • Mochelle stud! 7 Ordon blvd
Thames · Rhonda h 28 Princes
Ameloa Dono C011S1r w~J II 122 St Geetge • Robt ~Rev paSIOr lrnmaculatP Concephon Ch h 416lacro••
· .los C{Mary Belh) rl est agt F WConeybeale lid h 43 WIICOK • Ruby 99 Park
etes Sarah M h 13 EllwOOd av
• Josl'ph Alflarnet f) lAW K lndl Coaltog Col h 103 Gregety
dow • Thos !A !louise) rngr Brtwera· Retail Stores h 7 Crerar dr
· lisa ~tog~ A 'IlK llldCoal ngh51·1'2 Edgar Thos R(MeiOdv Jt formn City h t 28 Gray
MIChl (Belly) lA & ACoostr) h 721.4ercer · Tom IPatroctat h 65 nmmons cres apt 211
Amenauit Karrn 47 Patk Ia Y h SO IA~Chenef rd apt 605
Arner1C8'1 Can Cool Canada lid 149 Rale.gll Aodrna• Juloannt' h BS Tunmons etes apt21S
Amon C h 67 Baldoon rd apt 7 Andre., A!bi E(Annoe)!rl< drvr h 60 Willowmac IV
Arnyone Robll\60 Rocllmond apt4 Ano•e battndr Wh~els Ino h 146 Baldoon rd apt 3
AnaesllleSoa Astociates 76 Emma Clotfd H IPhylhs Ml h 97 Sylvester dr
Analtin Oo!ot Mrs recptnStMin.stry of Tr1nsp &Commurtlc h 481 OavoCI!Chuslme) lab Can Fram h 24 Storey cres
lliCIOb Deborah h 45 T1mm10s cres apt 215
· Cleo R(laverne Rl h IS Elizabeth Geo M C~ancy Ml h 981nshes av
· ltsf·• !Ger!Jna) h 60 Cornh•U • Henroena Mrs h 87 Poplar
· Rob! wrCarotrn 01 h 99 Coe!sloom 1v • Jas !Florence El chf opr Chatham Watl'f Comm It 99 Mcfadden av
Mcl\of Fra"'CCS (Efllt 1ourneymn Elan Tt & Doe h 251 Moctoener · Mar~ Estlldl 87 Paplar
ld • Phytlc &lsclk Janoe'& Fasluons 97 Sylvestet
· John lab HJ Heinz Co 251 MiChener rd Wayne E(Gotlian A) mach opr Uno011 Gash 97 Bedletd apt 206
Ancoc·~ OiillCIJ I Debra f) tkeUy& Co)h 491 Oueen Aodruchow Petet IMary) h 66 Cecile av
· John !Hel!'n !AI stsmn lnd!Mil FabldiS n 22 Pembroke aes An~k Alex h 79 Baldoon rd 1PI7
• M"" Mrs h 127 AleAandra av • Broa~ l SUf)VSI S 1.1 S PetrolPUms 60 Water
• kancy ac:clg elk Kent Counly Sep Schl Bd h 455 Sandy$ apt40J • Margt ~~rl<s Saxony Motel 60 Watl!f
Andel$ Mo~e J ltnellCIII loreas!lng Unt011 Gash 202 Campos Pkwy • Mary h 79 Baldoon rd apt 2
801307 • MIChl 60 Water
Ancletse!i Fred llrrngard H) 'Nks I HCanada h 13 Wilknodale pt • Rull\360 Sandy! aDI 102
·Peter IAttgelltlab I HCanada h46 Gledslooe av • ~ 360 Sandys apt 102
Anderwn Anderl!Betty) mould mkr Celotlo T1 & Mould Co • Th 29 Regency dr
(WallacdlUfg) h 67 BaJdooll rd apt 5
· VIdor S (Matgt) wks Molor Wheel Corpn h 60 Water
• FII 32 Soslo.ind ct · Wendy dlt Mac's Mn~ Sandy
• Pete< Nlflnel h I 11 Pine • Wm !MaiY Ann) llh Ill< oPr Nail Oro h 194 Richmond

Please Turn to the Last Page of
the Classified (Yellow) Section.
Andruslat< EmU (Sandrlllhll.-k dm H J Heinz Co 11 77 ARCHIBALD
Miehene! rd
Aodryt Mike (Olga! h SOO 5I Cle•r Ron v(l.lillgt ,, h 238llllnesiV
• Mtile F (Pam Al £lily eng I H Clloada h 9 Wl'ltpPOOtv.•ll aes • W Donald tMarlon Jl h 913 Chat•ng Closs rd
Angel Celam1c Stud•O (Rosalie Bechard) na Ro<:hmond Areo>et!t Bernard F tEiiz El h 274 Colborne
Anglin Mark secur•ly guard Burns Secur ty h 65 Tlmtrillll aes ArdiS Oia'la h 45 Timmins cres aot 209
apt209 Arens Doone J tellet can lr!IP Bk of Comm 11 24 De G,...e ~
• Pe1e! J (Karen Jiletw wJ Batrd Nl Scht II 520 Vlclolta a• · [151fl U II 28 OeCt~/8 ~
Angood Alb! 0 (Annflle) ICht Mnl County Bd of EdUC: h 81 MiChl R tM.!ureeo El t119' Chall\am Cash & Calr) h 19 catdinal
,Jesper d1 ties
• Uzann~> Sludt Ill Jasper a• Argenll Angelo B )I {V~gtnll R) !!<c ~ Brngllam Optical Co 1'1
• Suzanne MsltJdl 81 Jasper av 45 Aberdeen
AMiverSIIry Snop (R chd & Kay Arnoldt815·A Gtand 11'1 w Angelo F (Auteha 8111 121 Mcfadd<!<la•
Ann's Styie Shoppe Ruby Gillard mgr 150 K•ng w Fram. (Bruna) n 166 Co/borne
Anla~a Arct,-e A (V1olel Ml h 701 BIOOmflflld rd • Geo S tGima Gl Wd1 n 95 I.I;ATty
Bernard II 77 R•ver;tew or apt3 JoiW1 {G10tdanal h 33 SunrrysldU>'
• Ca v1n J slsmn R1v•era Men's Wea~ II 11 Slanley a• • M.rno lab Can Frillll 33 Sunnyside a~
• Ga1l A reC'•r Nail VIC!orla and Grey TrU$1 1I Stanley av Per., A {Kathy J) b llorr.lar Inc II AS Al1llur dl
• Herbl h 132 LlycltCIR lv e~l Meoo llwrty ShoP (Jean Cl~ary)5 SIXlll
·Kenneth F (M Fay) dell~ mgr MOlal Wlleel Cotpo h 154 Armaly Oo'lld J (A va H) h ~Ascot C1
laoceUeld pt - O; L \Nancvl USl SUVN Cit) 11 204 ~ 11'1
larry (Denice U lab Molor 'lftl(>d h 100 Bryt!le~ cres Donna J ass! 111{1 Ocrv~ Flour M~ Tayior Grim 766
PatriCia A Mrs clio WG &rton ltd h 103 Mcfadden •• Bloomt"'ld rd
• Pat11cia ll b<y l«hn Kent County Sep Schl Bd h 55 Taylor Robl M 1Donna Jl Iaiii H Clnada h 766 8&oom!teld rd
av aot306 Arm.~age Geo f {Ann~! caro 28 Phylf,s •• h same
• WChas !Millie) h 94 Vtt!orla av M Edna Mls 28 Phyllis 11'1
Antheunlll Chas 8 (Jant)lab Eaton Yale Ltd h 68 Sheldot! av Ar mour1es Wm Carnr.'lefS olcl itl-dlge 28 Yr Uiam n
0 h 63 Spentel av Almslrong A h 76 MJty ~ 801
• Dawn M 68 Sheldon av Annie !,Irs 104 Edgar
Gentil h 65 Closs apt 2 n 59 Taylof av ap1 II
• Marla h 159 McNaughton av w apt2 0 h 7B lla!llef dr apl 203
Antklw Peter (Anne! secunty Tile 1\lngsway res RR 3 Rldgetown Dav1d 0 (Jalll!l) lab I H Canada h 18 Tay~ av apt 3
Antonio leonor smstrs T~e Plnaa h 47 Emma ap1 303 • Oerwyn 8 (Katnleenltab Ill Canada h 277 Oueen
Antoruou Cllus (1\oullallab Can Fram h 66lome av Dcmld 28 0 Ne~l
Tony (Gracatlab Call Fram h 68 1'2 lorne av Douglas B {Mary R) h 26 0 Ne!l '
Antuma Brenda G hrdrSI Golden Raz01 4 Madera aes EAinsl•e n 31 Randolf cres
• G 1\ 40 Elm apt220 Earl H(Janto) .,..,s M.niSlri of Transp & Comm h I 1 Setlvtlt
· Peter J (lnske) mgr M loeb ltd h 4 Madera cres • F h 30 Tnlltum Vlllatr apt602
• Ronald 0 studt4 Madera cres Geo E IE drill Ml routemn V S Setvoc:es lid h 3 Manon av
Antune5 Antonio lfrm!ltndal btldyr h 66 Pamela aes ~ti1187MatvaP1109
• Dominic: cons!l wl<r Bruinsma & Son:o Lid h 131 lnshe1 av L G 11 7330rand 11 e
Joao G (V•taltna G) constr wkJ lcaloa!Yl h 24 Dena pi · leona<d sprayer beba1 Sancty
• Zelia 5 M~ltlm' dr · Leonard spray-er Lebet1 11 15 Sandys
Apers Rl!l\~ 97 McFarlane av apt307 lOIS Studt 51 Tay1or av ea>t9
ApostoliC Fatlh Church Rev Lasalle AodQe!S mtnl51et 37 Tturd M h 20 Tnllium Village apt 203
Apparel Cleara'lte Centres Doug Seney mgr 595·E Grand av w Marc h 484 Ktng w apt2
Applt811C~ Repatr SilO!> (Tom Wilsonl10 Adelaide n • M.chl J (linda Kl mgr Cll(Thamesvllte) h 58 Cecile a•
Aplel Jas 0 (Celli I quai•IY control I H Canada h 82 Cect~ tv t<elson RIVeot)egt F WConeybeare Lid h 10 Fa.rcourt av
Aplhorp Harry (VtrQI!Ill) sis CIAO h t 1 Homestead aes • NO!man A Rev sexton 51 Andrew's Un Ch h 85· 1"2 WOllam s
• Kennelh R (V1cky) shpr & recvt Western Equip h 108 Semenyn • Ron h 64 COO!)erf•e1d cres
av • Shirley Mrs h 164 Sandys
lloyd G {Ruby Ml 1nsp Eaton Yale ltd h I 06 Park a• a • Terrv tloiSI dr.r C•ty h 5 t Taylor av ap19
0 Mrs h 805 Grand av w ap1612 Tracey w11h Ftrsl Choice Halrcunm res Ml!l'm
Pal 11 Homestead ~:~es Arndt Emtl opt Cll 55 Wetl•ngton e (rm 1I
Vtcky Mrs tchr Kent County Bd of Educ 108 Semenyn av Am!!l Wtlfd (Ftoreoce)lab I H Canada h 40 Edgar
· Wendy budget analyst elk Unton Gash 276 Merr1n av apt311 Arner lOll T1011rs Saielltte Res1r h 220 P111k av e
AQuasoh Servtca ltd {Robl Kennedy) 586 Grand av e Mark 0 asst mgr Jack Fraser Store h 202 Cllmpus Pkwy apl 301
Arbon leslie h 76·1'2 Van Allen av Arnew Oovld h 64 Pr1nce Arthur av
Arbour Douglas (Jean) wl\s Emergency Hllh Servs n 40 Joplyn Arnold Apartmenls 342 King w
Arc lndustnes Oev1d Katzman dlr or voc S11VS 995 Atc:hmond • Bcuc:e lead hand Ventra Mig 115 0 Neil apt I
Archer Ah 600 Gland av w ltll6003 • Con 1M Mrs COOk OeveiOpmenlal Oay Cen:re 49 De Glaeve dr
• Allen nortoc:ulturtsl C1ty 4 Alhlone d • Dele 544 Vtetooa av
• Jas K (Sh•rley Jl alsmn h 4 Alhlone Cl • Dan tOorolhy) wks Maple City Country Club h 79 Baldoon cd
·John {Stendal h 67 Baldoon rd apt6 apt I
• Vtota Mrs h 40 Delaware av apt 17 • Donald C (Macgtllarmer h 86 Regency dt
Arch•bald Ar111ur h 46 Barthe apt 3 · Douglas G !Betty Ml n 544 Victona av
• Cla•r h 623 King w • EJ h 46 Hous1on
Arch•bald & Ctee<llawyers 490 Queen Edwd w'ks R J Sunpson Mfg (Thamesvllle) 259 Baldoon rd
· Frank J (fl01ence Ml h 12 Phyllis a• • Geo sis Tom's Aplnc$ 41 De!aw11e
J h 10 Tnlhum Village apt208 Geo A {lleten M) mach opr can Fram h 24 Woods
Jerry pntr Chelham Plastic Finishing • He~btltOora Jl h 142 Well•ngiDII e
ARCHIBA.LO, MARGARET, Mayor City of Chatham, • tvey h 99 McNaughton av w apt20 I
4fKl QUMn Jan•ce guard Burns Secunty h 72 Baldoon rd apt 104
MII!Qt Nmavor 490 Queen · John C (Cam1lle Ml stsmo {Ham) h 259 Baldoon rd
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AUSTIN , EARL E. AND SON Wlnndred h IQ0-10.CIT•IPI11
LIMITED. Wm (Jar.el C311nS;l C & 0 R-t h 78 MMy ~;J~5 14
Deal er For lnglle Waehere, Dryere, Refrigerator•. Babich Albell(.lullaM Hl mKII opr Domlat Paci<~ h 1 ():a,r.a
Aaneee & Dllhwuhere, A lto Fr. .zere, M lc:ro Wave dl
Ovene, Air ConditiOning FuMo 101<~ E!atl Tl & Die 1 Ot:3'"a dr
Complete Service & SaiH , PerU lor all Make• Silvano Wdl7 onawa dr
40 Taylor av, N7L 2TI BabinW .Me 1.11$ h 132 Joseph
" •••••••.Phone 352-0080 8abing!on ~;~1n J (t.OII l) h I 30 P&Widge em
· Lon ~.evinl secy Chalham Olce Sply 130 PWkloe
~Elaine (Tne lblry Brol<er) 41lorm' ••
Fra'ICI$ J (Jac<rJe ne A) capl Fire Depth 1 I Lamson cres Eht49 1 Queen
Kelly bkpr Chalham 11oo1< eeplnQ 71 Dela-..are a• J h 216 5I Oai1
M Alteen Mrs sis Tom'sA;llncsol Qlalham 77 Def....,e IY Babkltlo Bernard (llab!o R:t,) n SlO Lactoo•~Pt2
Marl< AhOrse tra.."ler & grOOI!le! Trefoil farms 77 Delaware •• Babk"' Bernard Real [Sial! ~_er ll!em&-d Ball•lrl<l 570
M n h 100 Thames 1;111 LWD1•1ll12
• Pvry e1ec1 Wa! e 1 Elect 77 Delaware •• Babo Cheryl lab Plneoest Fds n 421 ~ 1P1 1
R leslie 18 Eileen) h 130 Sheklol'lav ap1 116 B.mula Glof11 (Sam) m OrR J Sussen res~~~
Tllos A (Jessie) h 202 KIIIQ e *
83th£ h 97!i Grand •• 11J1106
• Thos £ (M Aileen) (Tom's Apfncs ot Chalhaml h 77 De!a..are •• c
Batnand ,:.r.lll (Ctler)1 L) asst ~ ala Cl!llmp Ilk ol Comm
• r 1111 sis Tom·, Aplncs res RA 1 Dover Cenl:e ~y Donnllllldl393 8&!:loon rd utlll13 .los (Shel:a .1) 1dw John M:Gregof Sec 5ehl h 39) aa:;,oon rd
Wm R h 190 Thames epl2 uM13
Authier AJbl EJ.Josephine) h 20 Hgnland dr ~~ Tmy J !.loa11 Ut heal b'eal supvst '!\~ ne!MQ
• Ali$on I.IIQCI Onl Wheal Board 95 wyandoa jW] fi160Uydana• t •i
Bob(Penny) U& dlemkr St.losHosp hg75 Grand a•., lp4 101 Bathus Pamela D t.ils r n Sl Jos HosP 4 1 Cumberland cres
Gary A (Sharon,) lab Motor Wllett Corpn h I 53 f ISSlma!l IV l errance A (Pa~!a 01• &• 11 M!IU!ds h 41
· John W\Maflene R) dePIIIIQ! Union Gas h 95 w,a'1dolt Cumberland cres
leo 239 Wolllam s c
8achyl01 h 109 Har;ey.,. J
·,p nurse Sl.los Hasp h 82 Delew•e ••IPI 102 Roy N(lOis IlCht l'cent Counly Bd of Educ h 244 Baldooo rd
Mede (lOiettal d"'l A;jarns Sand & Gravel h 343 Grind •• e apt Slanfey J (Theresa I meal elf Gordon's Supe.mi!S h 35
309 Glen .wood dl

.. .,
• Ray l 20 Hlghlaod dr Wayne studl244 Baldooll rd
AUIO-lruck Rustproof ng (Cha1ham)lld 1£dwd OatJdfonJ207 Park BatJC Robl eng tnon Gas n 1JO ShtiOon ••IPI 208
Bacl<us Ha!rt T h 190 lharn!S IIPI SO
Aulomollve lube Shop (Edwin Schaffner) 45 Kell dJ s Baddef 0311eoe Y 29 Prtra n
.Avco Financial Setvlc:es Company Limited D l Boe!sma mgr 220 l..llny h 975 Grand •• w ~Pt10o4
limgw t.t.JrTiS s:k bo;- Kl.la11 h 82 Delnn 1Y ept406
Ayun Da'll Dr ·~ Agrit canada h 167 Co'itfdale · PatriCia R ~!set~ S1 .los Hosl) t189 5rlefdon awiPI2
Ay1es-•1ll'·~ 8 8 M>1i h 4 19 King w R h 232· 1'2 St Clatr
Ayoub ~erley wtrs l.l,lehefrs Bay 1M h 55 Taylor av ape 108 • Rus:e!l G(Rachel I) h 29 Pnnc:e n

AyOUbi Walill A (Ama!e Aj tift Ill< apr Domlal h 276 Uerri!IIY Bad;~l< Barbara siSC.< St Cia r Te•hles res RR 4
apl302 Jonn (Olga I h .., s Jocllyn
Av'!heal1 M h t•s ComhUI · Ken slscll< St Cia r Te ·~ res RA 4
· Olga mgr 5I Clatr Te•U1es res RA 4
Randy GtEiainel reprmn BeD Canada h 11 Andrea dr
8 Badura Gerald mtCh C l Benraoger Eqwp res RR 3
Baerll)anna cast'lr TSC Slores ltd res RA 1 Pa•ncoox!

I.IMgaretlf h 765 Queen
8 & B Custom House Bto<.er19f ComPiny Lid Gary Borrowman mgr Baggs tan G Dr (JaneO dr.tst 186 Well1119ton w ~u·~ 201 h 93
1000 RIChmond Kensington PI
B & D Hardware (Alvah J DunlopI 24 I Grand ave Bagley Root A(Judttll Ml rned lab tecnn St Jos Hosp h 262
8 & E Food Store (Robt & Eva MA~Y1Chl280 PIIK Fort!St
8 &M l.lanutactur111g !Chatham) lid !Ralph Mann•nQl r373 Grind BaQnall 8 h 30 Trillium Villa~ apt203
ave Clare £ (Mar1 Ct h 90 Per>
B P Car Wa'lh Hank De Boer mgr 450 Sl Cla•r £ 97 'kFarlaoe av 4PI20 1
Baars Balllaan !Hendroka)wldr S&ss Mig h 51 Sl AnthOny Geo S mecn Hend~'s Setv Stn h 74 R·~·e- dr apt4
8aba Harry N (Tnkakol elect 16 Ellwood av h same ~18eatrtCl'97 Mcfarla"t a¥ aD(301
• Riehd S appr elect Harry N Baba 16 Ell..ood av G h 252 wen~ng~on e
Baba!l$ Tom (GeOiglll cook Thames·Lea Restr h 189 wUlam s • S!JS111 pnarm asst Russell Blown Pharm 84 Baldoon rd apt JOJ
Babeltenko Anna bl•er Public Genl Hasp h 112 Semenyn a• • ThO$ G(Anne) u~I•IV man Eaton Yale Lid h 268lark
Babcoc.l. Btent J (W"lldy) purdl ttpedilor I H Canada h 103 Baguley Chas 8 h 23 Gladstone av
Glengarry Cri!S Batl~y Ba•ley & Kearney cnertiCCIS 111 Her•lage rd Ulltl105
• Calll!'f•oe M'11Chr Kent Courlty Bd ol Educ: 26 Devon rd Bailey Daoll SIUOI SJ0 lacrool
• Oennl$llab Can Fram 26 £1hs • Da•e J (Caroii.IIICd Batley Bdey & Kearney h 24
• Oon tEva f) tan I H Canada h 40 Taylor av W llovo~pl
- Larry R (Dorotllyl (Htlll1eQIO & Babcoc:k LIW Olcel h 416 Klng w • Ete.nor J h 210 Pari<'"
eap1 11
· Mildred ll.lrs lab HJ Heinz Co h 28 Elhs • Freoa h 166 Foresl
• Ronald wv.mse mgr Can T1re 26 Ell•s J Harold n3 St1n1e1 a..
• Ruby Mrs h 3S Hollyard · Kenneth W(Jaoe)lab Roc«well lnd h 114 Faubert dr
•wBarry ICathellne) wmsemn Natl Groc:ers h 26 Devon rd · laura t66 Forest

5ervinl The Communhy Since 1966
........ ·Hot AlP WI fill loallli- Ca••ercW
ShinsJins, Sidlns & Soffit
160 EUGENIE 352-4082
BAILEY .........__........."'
IIIOIIIc* CMd AChllyft El II 21 ,.........,. •
Rallllllll.llby McNiill aLllbr 21 ,......,.... •
- E.. dll Sllapplr'l Drug Milt 21 ,......,... IV
lllldllln Ran" 111 ...........
• S II 313WIIIIIgloft •1111 2t3-2t•
............. ~AigiCMn7tS<nndiV • •
- AndwlMirY)" 33& S1 Clllr
........ (SIIImllniPAMnul ~· EIICill h 28
1111kw11 PIUI E(SIIiltly Alldmin 91 Clllr Coli II 83
cJ" . . Llcnlll
· OIIInriiii ..... DulllpU~ IV w
DIIIIIIIW llllllllldllll 119 McChll F11111 ~II liS

.,....J 37'-tew
feN M.... II •lllc:leluf*Jn IV W1111 II.
· Grlceii.Pinltpl127
ltllll " ID5 OrllldiV • • 21 t
. .......... 1121 l,...,..dr
· J 0..1*¥ It) IIIII Cln Ftlln II tU ~ ld
JD CISIIitlrlco 11111111 C... 1137 '-'new
•.11111oc1r """"" "" a Ran 111 Lid 107lloclllllllld "'
. .-.,D37.._..ew
111 • aRan Lid ""' a Ran 11111 107lloomleld "'
.... " ., lllc:leluf*Jn ...
• .-1 CMIII) 1n1P HJ Hllnl Co h 245 Clc:lle 1W
........ RIMI9.111M111triHC...hiOW.
· ICIIIIIIII HClllnllllll Rodlwllllnll II tllalle "
I..UieiiCY FL ...... Lid 111 RR 7 ~
..... 117· 1'2 Rlcllnlond
· Mil: GCMic 111 H11J aCooling)" u ~ ...
IIIMic ..... &CoallngCMicGIIIII)U~eww
•.... ANII II* .lalln III:GIIgDr Sic Scfll h tOO £Ill
lldll t tD llldlln Clllilld 1
. .......... 112~-
• Rlnld L1\.1111) CJIIn & Ran Ill Udl h 88 Mid-.ld

· 1 ' -I - llllpr T--11111 C.. Allocl31 WDociiMd IV
II tOODa.tng era.ld unit II
.. . . CIIIMII) ... IIIclllllg&CoallngiiU~
· WinAm.-l)llllnniHC...h31Wooclnltv

· WinD CE-.H) ..... Ill Fanyfl TIMI AQCy II 38 bit
....... - H11111111 IQ Ml drw Ftldlrtcll TIIIIIP II 133

.Iaiii CLindl.lllll Ed ..... HaldniJI h :M Pllnllrallt crw
· llldld R(C:.yn AIII!Pr I& diiiNu ,.,_. n I D1t II !10
.... - l h :M lllldaan ld. 3
Min,_" 816 OriiiCI" • • tiM
..... llldld lllllllymand h 25 Older dr
BllldoniMRICANIII II 13 ,_.
· lldll J IICW 81- Halp 83 ,_.
llngl. . . . (Gilmlll) IIID H J Hllnl Co h 12 hbroolcll)l
... "' ........ Ran Narwoocl119101 S1 Clllr
... "'....... cCabum 119 t3t ICing.
111111 "' ....... -~Uc:Nr 1191i!i0 lllcftnoncl
... oi ........... Loull ... 131i0..
111111 111....._.1111 IIIICIRIId 119 «<t 81 C111r
111111 oiiiDIIIIcalllllldld I McMu 119 UO 0..
... oiiiDIIIIcalll""' ........ .., 91 Clllr
... oiiiDIIIIcalll .. DIWid .. ,.... ... t321Cing •
. . . . . . . . . . 13 ....

. ......... YaungC...Ciwlngera.
....... llellldrtr ,_.Iu-. Gl Pfl II ulan
Man,._., It D Alleft

Smalley Brisco & Thompson



M.tgg•e B Mrs h 805 Gr~nd av w apl 1002 Wm f (June) h 250 Wood$
• S John 1M~ Cl II 8 7 Coalswortn av Bam4!:; Gary h 925 Gt And IYW 101 10 1
V h 3831'ielling1Dn "'IDI 114 Ken SIUd: 69 Ehzaberh
Bartner Tf!lry 111< CIM Waffie s Elecltc 23 Ta(ior llarrner Deborah A II 511 EIMill
Bantmg KeMelh R (Nancy Ml De!SQIV>el11mln Ca<\ Fram hrhse h • Georq;na r. 27 ·1 2 Prmcess n
3.t Holland av .lo R ,M1111~ lou;sej It~ elM ()o.er1and Erp h 60 Sputgeon df
Bapt•st Temple Dan Ad¥in~ pastor 500 Indian Cree~ rd w Lorra• 'e nse•.pr Blessed Sacrament Rectory n 440 Sandys ap1 1
Ba•ber David f Jr 161 Vl'ellmqtotl e Ida~> lab Olsen !A'Q h 85faylor ••
David f (Salah Mj le!!er carrier h 161 WeillllQIOn e p,,., a Sludl152 Slleldonav
E h 975 Grand •• w IPI107 • Flrtnd l'fi'!'!XlY) drvt Transp Ale Cctn 343 Gra!ld a• e
John l'f t&enda Lllab UC 022· 1'2 I'<Uham 1 • Rose 11341 G<and ave ao~•1o
Mar1or•c l.lrs h 33 Gray wm l (lleraldol'etlt~ or., smncsans Tuoe n 27 \lat~ter or
Barbour Jesslf Mt$ h 30 Tnlliom Village apt507 llatn,.efl Allan (Joan I motnce supv11 Can F~ h 39 Af!tn
Batbuto An!ny 1Edd8) h 39 Earl dr • B h 63 Sl Anlllony apl 3
Billclay Brenda elk PilOt Ins ret Atdgelo.n Bra•Jity IJarucej drftsmn Sass Mig 13 Col'eg•ate dr
Harry E(lrse!OIIe) h 266 Baldoon rd • Gary h 37 Bar1he 8016
Bard Jili(Uafk) alee elk l.lonatet. PrOilBne Lid r.s RR 1 nlbury Grate Ann J.Raipht (f. A Schwa00150 YOI1C
Joy dres&ma•et 28 Oulutn h same Janice IBralltey) orl:sldv Sns t.ltg 13 Cclleg•a:e df
• P1<1l slsmn Cllatl\am Sew•ng Cenlten 220 W~l«ngton ., · Jean M Urs h 27 Gtay
• Robt mgr Chatham Sew•ng Cenlre 69 Taylor av • Joan ICtu Kent Counl)' Bd ot Educ 39 Allen
Bar<lgelt Thomas J di'OIUI! tMrlpiSI 26 Filth 8Uil8 30 1 • K h !It Taylof av llll2
Bardoel Antnv HI Peggy Bl mech I H Canada h 90 HOlland av Kahe h 85 Pille api 1 I 4
Oenn•s E It~. dM Pelcott PP' & Pac~ag·og 90 Holland •• ~erl!'l 0 tPamt'.!.l Sl (ooltn•ymn lndl Metal fabtiC8roiS n 26
Oenms n 59 Taylor av apt 1 Oueens..vay dr
· Henry IKathteen) (Hank·s Piece I h 122 R•venrlew df ~Pt 234 • N1ncy L!ega1 secv Union Gas 39 A! en
S.rdyla OaWl1 M11 OUI&e Thamesv•ew Lodge h 8 I Baidoon rd apt 7 S/llrley A M!s scneooles erped•IOr Canadoan Fram h 83
• Omylro !Veron•ca )lormn Daymond ltd h 57 Covetdlle Cot.lelbutv
Barqe•n Bam Llmlled !.las l.lu11aly)1S.18 Krog w Batonesaa (Wa)'M!! ComQbell & t.lanatme EttMatds) 100 Kong w111111
Banbeau C h 61 TaylOr a• ape 10 Barr Cec:1l H h 40 Tr•lltutn Village ap1309
Bar~er Donald tOatlene) stsmn L J Oelry Prod h 77 Otlr'ln a• • CultlbHIIfthel) h 56 Poolar
John T IJac~1e 01 lao Eaton Yale lid h 629 Grand •• e 0 Coy tllnde 1.11 PI (!Oil c< EaiOn Yll• Lid h 1 I SherbrOOI>e
8ar~s Gladys Mrs h 25 Taylot av pi
• Les M lA t.Ayrlel h 4 I Ado!la•de s £liz admon StClair Coli 115 Baldoon ld
llar~Wf'll Pete~ llla•yer3 Williams h 50 Merr•h av 101606 GilD l t.liry) h 115 Baldoon ld
Ballow Bla'<t (Janet) phys ll!lf 5J6lact01X • G<ace D275 WellillQIOO e
David h 76 Mary apt604 Robl R 1Marg1) h 49 Stte!don av
• Ehz h 3 1· 1'2 Ha111ey Bane11a Condtdo (Mana)lall Eatotl Yale Lid h 94 Ellis
• Ho.ard 8 (Brenda! elk L Clkl h 16 Garden Vale ld Eh 55· I '2 S1 CJa,r
• Peter (Jack•el (l~ds Cablsl h 5 Water • Edrth M tab Pmecresl Food 20 R•ctlmond
• RBlake Or 1~1 Cl phys 143 fha~ h 521Lacr-oh Barren Wendy slsclk Anni'lf!S8ly Shop res AR 1
Barnard 0 h 955 Grand av w aDt 308 Band Oa•e W(Charlene Dt tao Olsetfs (Trlburyl h 103 I '2
• Oehet 0 onsllt Oekl<er Rfg n 360 lnd~a.n Cr~~ rd w ~
• Gtenn IOeannat plalll mgr DeKalb Canada Inc res AR 3 BleMeom • Gllbt llucyl mgr Pllollns n 16 Duff cr-es
· Wayne H !Sylvia P) mgr Nail V1cl0na and G!ey Trust h 131 · lucy IGIIOI)teller Royal Trust 16 Duff Cl
Sylvester dr Barrelle Ambrose lab I H Canada I 69 Grand av w
Barnes Beny Mrs secy Kent County h 11 0 Gladstone av · Becky J Mrs dtvr Cllalham Coach Lines 177 P•~
·Donald J stockmn Can Frarn h 7 I Dunvegan dt • Oav•d G IBecky JJ 111< drvr Oom Auto T~l Co h 177 Park
• £na h 42 Regency dt Doteen 169 Granch• w
· Gamet F !Beulah) h 16 Gatbra•lh · Erne$~ E!Thelma R1 h 80 Poplar
· Graham J Rev !Esther Jl mmtster Chamam Bapllsl Ch h 19 Fred l rflorencel h 25 Pu~
Pembroke cres • Gary w80 Poplar
· Harold (Lucy) h 131 Delaware av • Herman h 169 Grand av w
Hubl (Karen) h 43 Sandys Joe W 177 Park
• J h I 54 Thames Barron Aust•n t MICI1e~l meter repr UrtiOt\ gash 15 Pel I!!$
• Jas F !Janet Ll poiiCemn h 148 Cllolchlll Clau<~ene sis Walk•ett Shoes 91 Coa1sworth av
· John H IBevetleylwi<s OeKalb Canada Inc res RR 1 Blenhe•m • Jas (MontCal lab Can Fram h 91 Coatsworth av
• Mar1or1e 97 McFarlane av apt 109 Bauy Almstead !Neva Ll n 177 Ehzabeln
· Mark (Gladys) lab Un1011 Gash r51 Taylor av apt I • B 11455 Sandys ap1210
Mothw Slud11 14 Crystal dr · ~nard I (Virg•nla) servmn Un1on Gash 116 Glenwood df
May Rh 266 Forest Carol WitS O•ck's Caletong h 647 Bloomfield rd
M•chltchf John UcGregor Sec Sc:hl 422 V1ctona av • Ft01ence h tOO Pooaar ape 45
Mochl wl<$ WheelS Inn I 1• Crystal dt Geo H(Wendy) lab I H Canada h 65 Vanter df
· Rob! B (Bonn•e Lllab 1H Canada h 66 Pnmrose Ia J G n 96 Stanley av
• Rose A re-condJboner Waekens Chrysler Plymouth n 336 St • L 96 Stanley av
Ctaor apl6 Pat~ J (VtCIOt18 J) h 43 Water
Barnes Secu"IY St111oces Ltd John C H•lher mgr 79 1'2 Ktog w · Ralph (Belly) eng McG!!DrQ8 & Barry Lid h 36 Stone av
• VIdor A (Manlynn) drvr & a1d1 Chalham & [)lsi Ambulance h VJCIOIII J Mrs tchr Oueerr Elizabeth I 1 Pub Schl 43 Wale!
74 Canterbury Bartlen B h 23·1'2 Pnnce n
· Wayne 0 IMli!YJ asst mgr L C Bd h 13 I Vanier dr • C tchr h 276 Mernn a., apt 206
• Willard C (Sandra D) I Barnes Farm Equip) h 12 Opel ct • Chus recptnsl United Co·Op 7 Taylor av
Barnes Wmes Carol Smyth mar 801 Sl Claor • Gladys Mts h 650 Gland IV w 801 80 I
J obnson. .t)ubtu£11 ESTABLISHED 1927


193 QUEEN ST., CHATHAM Phone 352-4343
BaO'e'SIOCt. Harter ltEdoa Gl h 70 Gtand av •
BARTLETT • Stephen h 955 Grand •• w apt 203
Kellh (Belly) rep Jcmsori·PudweU Ins h 58 Adela~de n
Baa Jatl< tAdrioal h 40 Elm apt lOS
Ba•ltr Anne bll•bly esstKftnt Countv llbry res RR 7
• Steve sur.eyor h 7 Taylor av
• BeatNCe h 15 Wtlherspoooll)l102
BarDe Umbello lab 1.1010! Wl1ee! Corpn h 54 Tirnm,ns cres apt 9
• 8ef1 Rsupvsr Ubby McNeill & ltbby h 33 RtCilmond
Barton BatTy D(Sharon 1.11 hne 10rmo Ont Hydro h 83 WyandoQ
• Carolme Mrs h 168lh8mes
•a.n t62 L.or~~e av
• Chas Dh 30 Tr~hum Village apt 1106 Cathy 162lome ••
• Gttn (Donna EJ IChr Kent County Bd of Educ h 99 Parry dr • Dl Mrs h 99 McNauohloo av w apt 117
• Pearl l.lrs h 45 TrtOlUm V1llage apl202 • Jtm atdt Bowi·A·Dromft 162\.orne ••
• W•nn•ITed Ch 48 Chutch1ll • John mgr Consumer's Wallpaper
• Wm eoo Grand IY w IIPI2008 • Jonn ICmcM mgr Cons.umtrs Deag Centres h 92 llydocan av
Barylew1cz Fran~ (Julia) h 32 Sussex Krm ISanora) slsmn Kent R!ty Uruilne
• HenryS (lucille Allab Can Fram Ud h 71 Sussea • Robll (Cofleen Dllab IH Canada h 162lorne av
BallUI Tnflco (Jollanna 1.1) n342 Mc:Haughlon •~., • Sandia DMrs ICh!'s aid Kent County Children's Treatment
Bas Brran !Cindy) SWdt h 182 Lome av Centre 116 Ursutme av apt B
• Clnd; tBrrao) SKY Chalha~~>-Kent Rl Es1 Bd - lass.e fAilne) stsmn Kent Rlty res RR 5
• Constan1 H tMaty GJ rowmn V S Serv h 40 Sudbury dr · l•m T tSanora 01 rl estagt Kent County Ally h 116 Ursulrr>e
Bascom Jos (Grace) h 40 Tnll!uf11 VIllage apt1008 av apf8 Gulhw (Albino) 00011 Chatham ltla; Coun Da; Nun;enes Baylis Chester 190 King e
11 Otta'*a dr • Cl.nton (Suzanne) wits Campbell Soup Co h 8 St11flng Ia apt 4
• S h 7 Balmoral rd • Cynlhia a•dt> SauthtNeSieln Regt Centre h 248 Parl<
BaSJt>< Gerry (Belly) mgr Nol1hem Sis Co Mc:Haugllton · Florence MIS h i90 King e
• Yatere fMnl 5tsmn Cl8ennrnger Equrp res RR 3 • Jake N rectta.IIOI'I dtr Soult!westem Regl Centre h 561 Queen
llasilva Jack 315 Sl Cta.r • John h 40 Kul!
11as1<1n Rotbns ~ Cream Store 5 Pat1! av w • Kathleen 28 Kir\c
Baskm·Roborns Ice Cream Karen Bal<er mgr 441 St Clu · leonard 190 Klll!l e
Bassens Alphonse (Valt•na) h SOO Grand 8Y w tpt4007 Margt h 194 K11-.g e
Basse11 Fred!< A (Jo&n l) U& chemkt MOOr Wheel Corpn h 119 •o
• Penny lab Clmpbell Soup Co l<trk
Canterbury Ba)'ts Kenneth P 11 8 Dan•efs pl apt 3
• Gary fGIIhan) n& dtemkr Motor Wheel h 81 Baldoon rd apt Baynham Thos slsmn Color Your WOitd h 122 R•verv1ew dr apt317
10 Baynton Donald E (Joyce) admln Chatham Parks & Rec Dept h 56
John RI Karl S) tenniS drr Wheels Fitness Coosullanll h TI!C\Jmseh rd
52·1 '2 Pant Bazrn Gabrielle A lab Domtar Pl<g 87 Taylor av
• Rtta h 650 Grand IY W 11)1909 lleacotk VICIOf mecnl eng Can Fram h 343 Grand av e apt 404
Bata Shoe Store Mona Vander'M:lode mgr 801 St Claor Beacom R h 925 Gralld av w apt 20 1
Batate er..., (ltlar•a)serv mgr Ce<llral Equip res Channg Cross Beaman Anne P 198 Wellington e
Balch Allc:IF h 17 Elaabeltl • Paul IHilda) insllr lee Sparks Ftocw Coveong h 8S W•llowmec
BatchelOr MarJorie h 57 Atdle~glt dt ev
Baleman Doug l !Darlene D) rk drY• Thlbideau Finch h 128 Bean Chas J IMarjorre EJ h 155 Wesl
Goi<IPIIl< rd • Larry w(Sandy El hnancaatwty11 Can Fram h 40 Pamela
• Ua.ple C h 51 Spurgeon dt cres
Bates ApartmeniJ 30 Wilham s • Sandra l mgr Scoff's Chtckeo VIlla II 50 Michener rd apt 308
Bales Colleen am mgr Young Canada 45 nmm1111 ap1101 Bear Randy Cwldr I HCanada h 38 Anch ct
• Geo F(Susan CJ probabon parole o1cr Moolstry ol Corr Sem · RoOt h 650 Grand av wapt 101
h 39 81)'1hewood cres Beaidall Ruby Mrs h 330 ViCIOiia IV
Glen R!Theresa UJ h Murray apl1 • Wm B II.Wton) h 150 Vldorra av
· Marshall lab libby Mc:Htill & libby h 45 Timmins cres IIPI107 Beardsall Paul J (Gwen) h 70 Highland dr
• P h 20 Indian Creek rd w Bearse Ronald WperSOMelaupY~r Standard Coml Tobacco Co h
llalhurSI Wm l (lnnda Itt) COUIIIeltor Chatham-Kent Commurllty & 159 Ellis
Famtly Sert h 202 Wilham s Beaton FlOSSie h 122 R,verv•ew dt apt316
Bal!m l.larca.t ltl (Julia) lab lt*epod Conslr h 15lDY~e • Jack u~r 122 R•verv•ew dr apt 318
BaWk lflly h 468 King w Been•e Buan studl153llydan av eX!
Batley RObon letlr Sl Cia or Coli h 44·1'2 Amelra · Douglas (Wendy) stsmn C & G Realty res Wellaceburg
Bull Gegi It 9 o·euen Or • Edna M h 201 VIC10118 av
BallenCatolynnSiud1121 PrrnceAI!hl.l'av • Helen EMrs h 650 Grand av w apt 604
• Elroy o !Donna MJrwe11ghller h 83 Glenwood dr • John W(Diane l) lchr Kent County Bd of Educ h 4 Jordan av
• Nortnan '-t !Gtorra P)sllrM Weslllm fquop h 121 Pnnce Al1llur Beettte & Lambe (Wm J Bea"'l' & J A Lambe) chan ac:cts 378
av RIChmond
• Ronald Slud1 121 Pnnoe Mltur av • MMomca hse~pr Rev l J Coughlin e 8 Eastlawn dr
• Wm C (Jo..Am) ltr~ h 124l.tatyknolt rd • Vanessa l.lrs h 600 Grand av w 1111 7006
llalleflllk Henry (Aly)loans mgr Kent County Cred Unoon h 44 • Wm J (Jeanne M)(Beantt & Lambe) h 8 Emerald Ill
Mercer Beatty Alfd (Anne) h 89 R!vetYiew dt apt 801
8at1llla Rtdld l!Anorea C) buaget rl'1gl UlliOO Gas h 123 Cryllal • Alonoz B IRulhl (Beatty lovstmnts) h 187 VldOnaav
dt Dh 124 VICtoria av
Bau(;>man Hatotd h 20 RaJelgh Emma Mrs h 40 Cornhlll
· l Hh 805 Grllndav w apt713 Elnes140 Cornhlll
-Lest.. 40 Wellington e - Frank rfr Miller Rig & Sldtng 74 St George
• Lesloe WICalhenne J) h 531 St Cla~r · Greg AICiv Kent County Bdof Educ h 212 Grand ave
• t.Ur1t h 36 SUSielape 4 • Rob! h 48 1"2 Emma
Olive u 1.1~ h 40 Welllngll)n e · Terry B IMerelie E) opr supt Sea11 h 152 Thornhill cres
Bluman lincoln I~J ~ drvr Rermers &p Unes h 189 • Wm lab A WK llld Coaling 36 Allred
McNughlon •• 'II apt3 • Wm (Setty) (llllrm Shoppers Drug 1.1..-t h 145 Kmg w apt 1
Seaubten Bame (Joanne) drltsrnn County of Kent h 294 Mercer

Bessie Dt.trs h 51 FOS!el Glen Fsecullly r.fcr B.arnes Secunty 46 Seiv•rl<
Do! ot11y 1.1 11 4 Jackson ell r.odtrto~ R IJacQuellneJ (Angel Cerarrnc Sludool h" s Fbdvnond
John F tMa•guet•le C) ll !>I Foster Hec!Of COM:. 1h t22 Sheldon i1'1
• Ross Slltmtt.>ricr Cuf'lningllam Sill M:l 4 Jac:l<son dr llelen h 343 Grand •' taOI 102
Beaudet Tt>os E(Paula M)IC/lr John Mc<J•eoor Sec Sell! h 6S lienry J ~ehna) h 40 Trillium VIllage apt203
wyandon · IvanE IDola I h 52 Semenyn av
• Wtild 97 McFarlane av apt314 • J MIC:hl tPaltiCIS) PIS opt I Hcanada h 170 LactOI'
Beaudotn Guy h 126 Ehzabe\1'1 • .boe IOonaiU! secv Chatham K~t Big &others res RR 4
Bea<JI Br~da 148·1 '2 We'lt Jerome c:c:O Lumbef)acl! Res:r n 265 Queen apl3
Glen 0 IHelen! (tleaufs Uphol) h 77 to-erda•e a.
.JOIInlre secy Union h 32 Aberdeen
• HelentGien)ISI\Idio 1)77 eo.e~oat~ Jos P (Ka~ l)lao Dover Cor)lf! h t 30 Sli.IJC~M~tl a•
lisall148 :'2W!SI Jcry IJ c:osme\lc:lal1 810 V 0rug SlOfe ~ UcNaugMon IV ""
Beauloeu Oa1lt R tM.l{feiJ mlltnce Dom:aJ h 272 Pat• ••"' ~A e•ll!lmlnator Cenlrat Pesl Conll'OIII~ Otll...are av
fern (Gerrna ne) mQ1' Fern's Esso h 296 Joseph Kennell> lab P.necrest fds 207 Se ••r>
Maurice (Noella) mntnce Pinecresl Fds h 446 Sarodys epl2 Lawrence M tPatrtCII G)lofrM Can fram Lid h 80 WeUgewood •~
Beeutne Stephane tMonlquel wl\s Kent Coonty Sep Scnl8d h ~46 Leo (Janel) tr~r h 275 fOfesl
SincMIOl4 . o
~ tAn~ne~~eJ ~ •n dM IIi Canada h 201 Se'ku~<
Beau! Upholste<•ng & Fabucs (Glell 0 Bee;JtJ •ot Ol.een • lisa (r1111) ll)f T~ Haor &I t I Regency
UO'rli lMn)leehn CM1 fram l.!d h 23 Fleowood cres
lleau!noot AAne h 46 Part
Geo (lleaumonl VI dgJ h 3561ndtall Creel< rd • lCifl-11< Super lt Drugs 4 Beeclr~W')()d QU
John wto.s campbell Soup Co h 6S T•mmlns cres IIPI309 lcM5 nrt06·1'2 wesa
· JoM (Ann P) •iUr Preletttd TrallSP h 58 WOOUiaOCIIV • LCIUIS P ~ FCIIcSl
· Josephine M Mrs h 100 Poplal apt39 1.1 h 4().1 G•1nd av I! IDI 4
Beaupre Donald L 659 Par~ av t1 • Ma~go !Gerald I c: can Post Corpo 37 SPUigeon dt
• G•deon (fste!IP) carp ECOt!Omy Rig h 659 Park av w Mal'!! n 45 T.mmms ttn apt213
Guv tOenrst' L) carp FOUf SIIHOOS Conslf h 11 Sarodys · M.!Het:eE 181· t'2Rochmood
• Luc: (Mary) lab Daymond h 2251-tarvey • l.l_m car cosmellcs Presffle ACal
UtCile! tCec•leJ net•Y equ•p opr Maon•ger Bios h 260 Col~ • Mi1!11 tCathy) h 9 Forest apt I
BeaLJSejOUr B h 9 75 Gralld av w aol J06 • l.larll F s1mfrl UAW local 552 (W•ndsOfl 136 Sem~)'!IIV
· Bob Hcarp Rendell & Fienders ltd res RR t Dover Centre Mill~- M [honne MJ quaiJty conlrOI onsp II J He•nz Co h 196
Beausoleil Chas mech Libby McNeill &Libby h 20 Timothy cres Ellis
• M lehr Indian Creek Rd Pub Sehl M•chl siUU146 Se'••rk
• Michell~ h 625 Sl Ct1rr untt 11 · MIChl J IChl•sl "'ks Can Fram Lid h t55!ol•chtner rd
Beauty Encounref tJane N9dl400 LattQIX • Mien! v r!llove•lv JJ r11011 opr L•bby Mc:Hetll & Ubby h 120
Beii!IV8ta Cla<ldl! (The!'esa!l:lll Ea!DII Yale lid h 40 T111'\rntns cres Prll!llose Ia
ape3 N~h23Emma
• Jean h t 0 I Willowrnac •• Norb1 J (Jean! prod mgr I HCanada h 91 Glenwood df
•!'' (fra'lCeS) bt~lyr Pro MMon Con Co h 21 TIITIOI!ty cres • Or<·ll~ J illor1) Clnll Couflesy Cab h 46 Se!"•lfl<
Bea~aiS JacQUeS ll 10 0rC118rU pi • Oscar J (lolargt''Y Nt lao Can fram h 1000 Cnaung Cross rd
Beaver Eng•ne4!""0 lim/led t49 Ratelgh unrl32
Beavt!l Lumtx>r Ron Whll'rng mgt t085 Rrchmond • PatriCia t1 29 Chatlel rS apt2
Beav•s Ron tDtx•e Lee! · Paul h 6 RIChmO!Id
Bechalld Oo!IIOrv•llel elk Bes1 F01 less 46 Sel~•rk • Paule~~ A SIIC'f lollplt C1ty Lndty 469lndlan Creek rd •
~hard Alan (Susan) rtc'IT Hall Gro h 160 Edgat • Prvthp A tfdna Bl h 2~ FCIIest
• AIOde H h 805 Gralld a~ w apt 305 Pllv1hs A esst mgr ca01tol Thelllre 114 Delawafl! IV
· Aida u t2 Sout11!'nd cres • Ralph J ll.loolca Pl tm.r Over' 'ld Western h 554 McHaughlon av
Allan W{Laura Jl compu1er progn~mmer IIi canada h 142 St w
M•cha~l av • RayU J (Jeannene) ptS opr Can Fram h t14 Oetaware ••
Anna Marie asst banquet hostess Holiday Inn 4 Pefnela cres Regd J (Paulme M) drvr slsmn Maple Ciry Lndry & Clnrs h 469
• Bever lee J ktt hlpr GL Vend•ng h 271 Grand ave llldtan Creek rcfw
• Candy ?3 Redwood crts • R•chd D(Jantte)lab Eaton Yale Lld h 8 Co• av
• Carhy slsclk Consume!S Otstrg h 204·1"2 Queen apt 2 Richd R!Sharon EJ wks Elan Tl & Die h 192 Saodys
• Chns 0 tOellbl~ AI mach Can Fram h 5t5 Indian Creek rd w · RICk J t8t · t'2 Rtcllmond
• Cryslal srudt 23 Fitdwood CIH Roger J (leona M) SIStnO·"''f F WConeylleare llcl1'14 Pamela
Cun•s N (Dianna M) reprs Can Fram lld h 599 Queen cres
· Dan L (JaniCe L) mgr OowniO\'In Chatham Parking Grge h 166 • Rolaoel J asmblr I H Canada 254 FG~est
Adelatdes • Roland Iarmer 4 Cedarwoods C/I!S
• David E(Jacqueline!lnsp Rockwell Inti (Tilbury) h 393 • Ron (Mauanne) lab Eaton Yale ltd h e s Given rd
BaiCIOOn rd Unit B • Rosahe 0 n s Rlc:hmood
· Douglas G...~s A & P 37 Spurgeon dr • Sevihe H (Jeanne P) h 35 Regency dr
• Edna t38 Sunnys•de •~ · Shelley 52 Semen)'!l B>'
· Eileen pntr Charham PlastiC FINSI'ung h 45 Joseph • Tammy 1.4 studl275 Forest
• EIIZ h 25 Second • Tim qua1tty con:rol Campbell Soup Co 207 Se'~llk
• F Mlllk tDeootah A) srmftr h IS larose cres • Tunorhy B (Kathy A) •es mgr RichatdSOn Secl.fl~es h 50
• Gary (Joanne) mech R•vervlew Mtlll h 355 lndlan Creek rd w Sounquots
• Gerald (Jacqueline J) gas bar atdt Becker's h 4 Beechwood V11al (Ednal h 40 Trullum VIllage apt209
cres • Wayne h 228 Tllames ape 4
• G~rald (Jacquehnel gas bar atdt Becker's Milk 4 Beechwood • Wm J (Mary) n tOOO Chafing Cross ru unrt 56
C/es Becl< Cheryl asst mgr Bl'hoela & Blamer h 49 Cenlre
• Gerard M (Pauline 1) fnnr h 4 Cedarwood~ cull • Oon 75 Jullene a•
• Gerard (Margo) stkclk I H Canada h 37 Spurgeon dr • Edwd h BOS Grand IY wapl406


124 ST. CLAIR ST. 351·3133
DonMI L (Doreen) en. Roct< wtlllnll h 38 Dunvegatl dr • ClroiiCIV CNidren's Village Dav en Centre res GtJnde
IILUNQIIIl. QIMY, (Muy JeM), Pree Credit Poilllt
...... of ClletMm Lid, II 21 Wade Eh 86 8lyhwood cres apt •
Miry wsupvstllell Canldt 3' l~ 1'1 Emesl Mauteer>-l ••_. uton v~~e Lld h 499 t.crot•
PaulllUdl 38 Dunvegan dt aENOIT, OAMIEL L, (Edna), (lhlloft, Vu ftuy,
• Stephen h 57 ln.shes IV lpiunll 1"-'11), II 201 Vlc:torla av, Pllone
11e1ore Ktvln L (Jan T) orol eng Can Fr11111 h 1~ O'Brien dr U2-1Nt
BetveOere Aparnnenl5 258 Me~Mughton •• e Gmkl R (lynn) en. • & Ph 132 llaldoor! rd
Bemco Inc Austin Beard pm 25 Sin rd JacJ, lab I H Canada h 279 Wellington t
Benlal Fran~< (Jaime A) otce libby lkHei1l & Libby h 123 l<imbtrty wn Sale 11t Re.slr h J6 SoiJihend cr•IPI 1
~1'1 laur'oe assliCIV Vlc1or11 Par1o: Schl88 Esw• a
Benbich Joe ([vensta) CQnSir lab lnlreoid Genl Conslr 11212 . , . (~.ate!:)ll 159 Harvey
fhlmeapt6 Mlchhr 0PP h 343 Gtllld 1'1 e IPI613
Bence Bob h 8 Richmond apt 1 Purl260 Colt!on1e
Clv'IS G stucll160 [Ills Penny ItS CWHtllcl Soul!lwes!em Reo! Cenn h 4 5 funmlns
Geo A(Janet J) lortM MOIOI W1ll!el Cotorl h 160 ElliS cres 81l1307
Bendt~ Ka1hrme Mil h 93 Adelaide n Rar11 ~In •s Devol! rd
Ao1anc:1 R~ llr!< ct"<T OIMon Trensp h 38 Alpille 1'1


JameaWIIMn, ........, FUERTH.
UlltCielr lanletert, lolldtort, Notaflel Public
_ ....... PtloM 312-1120 124 Tllamea, P 0 lo• 1017, N7M &LI
.......... PIIoM 312-1510
BeneleiU OIIVll t15 Sl Cia I
Bentamln ~Wry Eh 455 Sllldy1ept401 v;- , o lit r·· ,2970ueenept1
Ben~ tvan J (Susan Kl 1e1v UIIUI•ne eon h 86 Da~ cres BEHOOT . CLINT, (Til-), (Mualcalltrlnga 'N
Benn l.t~tcel (linda! bod'( rf011M w,.y~on Lid h 77 Bedford Tlllnga Ltd), AM A A 3 Kant Brldee. Phone
llennell Allan T 11otarg1 El mntnce Union Gas h 22 Homewood 112-50H
Brian Plll<s & reaeatt()n Commun.ty Centre 22 ~ Benool De (~) h 729 Granllav e
Certyte s fOorO!IlY Jl slsmn Nor Amer Ufe Assce n 650 Grand Benore Batbarll en. ltw\e$ Bool< & V111e!y Store 110 EAt• et
IV w act I008 lltssle M M'1 h 99 McH&ugl'tiOn av w 1P1 14 i dm Warren Cross Auto Clmte 67 Ale•alldra av Herman J (Barbarall h 106 ES9e• ct
Don (Joyce) h 13 Baldoon rd 81l123 VI ldll991.1!.Na:Jg!l10111vwipl144
Danna M Mrs 59 Lincoln rd Bense11e Oa!e E(Ca!hy A) w .s Union Gash Z8 Storey CrtS
~ n 89 Sheldon 1'110110 Bensoo 8tenda h 100 Bedford
F111nli 170 T1mmtns erenot2 lltliL'I Karen)• .sSemh578~~ ...
Ketlh 1)13nNng eut Union GIS h 89 Tweedsmuirl'l e Matl!n <Bomie MJInS s1smn Lon Lilt! Ins n 138 s~ 101 J
lalry AIApn1 A) lab AW Kllld Collllng 1142- 1'2 WUsam S • Wm (Eiil)lead llal1d Ptt!ecresl Foods h 498 ~ •• w
8PI3 Bentley Mae mgt Best W\Shn C.d ShOO II 65 Timmlns crts 101
lola l h 120 Sunnyside IV 305
M>clll SPQI1S editor Chatham Daily ~ 22 Homewood Snlrlty A h 4~ Gralld ,.. e alll 1
Nancy 219 Michener rd 'II m J lab I H Canada h 30 ('nrd
RIChf Indian Creet Rd Pub Sclll Bento A'11Qni0 (IAJtiaJ blo.r 111m lolas!!r Bio.r; h 6 I Tav1or 1'1101
Rlchd w!Danna IIJ 1e1v Kent County 8d o1 Educ h 59 lincoln 5
rd Benton h 4S8liiCIOO •
Robe Gsll Pro lictd 22 Hclmfwood Benwav lin C (Susan M)ICCIS mgr Eli< of Mont h Z8 Clllven <lr
• Rolli S wrllSe M<r Maedei'G Bevelllqes res RR 5 Be!dan Gardot! 1\ 4'1 Tay1or •• lllf 30 1
· Roy tMary AI Slaty eng Domtar II 170 Ttmmone Ct!!S lf)l2 Berg ~lldw (Jenny Sl ( Aulo Stsl n w s Creek rd
· Roy S (Rulli) II 114 HNvey Jenllle (Anct..) lcllr Catvon C~rsban Schl res RR J
Wattace 0 (Palric;lal lab Roclowd Inti h 15 fiiiCOUr11v Berger~"" IIIW1289 Joseph
Wm C(Joanne Bl ltMnn Union Gas h 87 Ale•ll'lllrl I• Marli re counstlklt SOUI!twestern Regi Cen11e 289 Josepn
Wm W(CIIhelme R) 11 29 Willslllre dr RUlli MIS ntne Pub Genl Hosl) h 289 Jose!)~~
Bennie Jo1U1 W(Ed<'Ill WI h I 71 ltydlcln 1'1 ext llfrgeron 0 Aoc:cuPIIIonaJ inslr Soulttwtslem Regl Centre II 28
Bennie lumber & Building lotllerill Elmer Plcl<ering mgr I24 Keol forsl
drs Ber9!!S HIIQil r olce AgriCI.olture Cell8dl h 343 Grllld •~ e 101308
Benntng Edwd F !Merellallormn Cln Fr11111 n 18 Nonhllnd dr Bergsma Gh 69 Spencer •~
Floyd WtFiorente Ml h 51 Regency dr Heltn elk Woofco u TaylOr .. 1014
Benninger Albin H(Aolt C) II 202 Clmpus Pkwy 1P1 10 I Mlfy c!IIZelltrs 1144 Ta~ av apt 4
Bervw!ger C L EQUil)lnerllltd Clll lleMnger pra I 025 Richmond Berlemonl Ebsl Mrs C1$01nt! serY cJit Unoon GIS h 62 Blnln 1'1
Cllll (Joy lot) pres C L Bennlnglr Equip h 129 FIUtllrl dr • Ron I1Chr 62 8urlon 1'1
• Eug A (Thet81)11111111r Rockwell lnll h 32 Wbipooor will crt1 Berman Murfly (Esltlet) (11\my Berman IWII'I!I Aid Spec) II 137
• Glry (Chnlllne)l)fOduCIIOn IICMf Cln Frlfl'lll63 Dover 0oon fiUOel1 dr
dr Bermln ~otway Helling Aid SpeeialisllMurrlr Berrnanl 552 o-..n
• Jlnnllel SIUdl I 29 FIUtllrl dr Bermoo Michl F cs-111 wl<s !bon GIS h 10 Jordln 1'1
• Thereu !Eugene) brier Aowtlnd'slns 32 Whippoorwill crt1 Susan !MiChl F)legal aecy O'Br~et~ Jeckfm Sulrnan & O'Brltfl
8ennol Jodie cons C UTllvel
Beno Erie 99 Plrit
r• RR t Blenheim IOJordanl~
B«nard !livid IPPIBernlltfS Style Studio 3J Vllnief dr
8lnoil a..ce """"' Sl Agile Alclory h 88 ~· Cl Oonnl Mrs beauliCilf hllttStfliSI Bernlltfs Slyte Slucllo 3J
• Betly wkss..s h 74 RlvtNiew dr 101 3 V~Nt<dr

It's as easy as ...

to find " WHERE TO BUY IT"

BICkford Gerald 65 Hlrvey

BERNARD · Hazel h 65 Haf•ev
-Jotm 65 Harvey
-Gerald llle<;l1na) m~ & hd miller Kmg Gta10 lid 122 lkum Elva n 455 Sandys apl 608
Gil'!'Wood l ydf h J43 Grand IY tapl 108
·li!Uiald A (M Teresa I (lookong GlaSs) h 63 Sulux dl BlddeH 1.targ1 n 76 Uaf'( apt 211
• Wdf w!DonnaI (Bemllo s Style StudiOI h 33 Valllel dr Bodden's T!re & Battery Servtee Llmlled Ana; O'NeR mgt 545
llematdl LOUIS (Susan) SIJMYOf IOSP Haoes Gray & Assoc h 135 R1chmond
Semen)'ll av apt 4 B1du~e Lynda elk Olxoe Lee 360 Sandy's btapt 301
• M1ro (Della) conslr wkr Intrepid Gent ltd h 170 Oxley dr B<~nSlman,. Susan diet Cook Soutnwesrem Regl Cenlre h 114
• SleiiiO (Gina) lab I Hcanada h 166 0Jiey <k lome a•
Bernards Style StiiiiiO !W•Ild & OOnna Bemald) 11 Third PehiiJtNorallabCenFramh 151 Emma
Bernath Elllbbeth h 14 Oxley dr B1g VOlug Store Chas Qarby mgr 180 McNaughton av w
Bernhardt Anna EMl5 h 33 Sellmlt Bo~x Ela1ne sis rep t.lcMalh Rttv 67 Taylol
Bernyl< Wm h 50 Clldonal cres
B1U & Don's Soong Servlo>s LKI Bi1l Johnson 1119' (!Willf 300
Beny B ... h 225 Cam!M Pl<wy 101 111
Natoonal rd •
• Jolin Olil.lai)OIY) 99 ParK
Ber1a Angela Mrs h 700 Oueen B1ll Men lab Rowlll'ld farms IBienhP,mJ 125 Gray
BerlneiOI N h 76 Mary apl503 BiUeU 010n P 1CIIelv11 comoulm operations tochn Bell Clntda
8erb Ada kbm St Cia.~ Coli h 10 Tnlhum Village 101203 n 63 C!onne
Berbno Miles A (Oeryl) pollci!IIV'I h 43 Heather dr J f 11 9 Sarah cres apt 204
Ber1rand B h 70 t.lcNaughlon av w apt 2 ·Ken W(Bertha M) supt Northland Place h 455 Sell(fys apt 104
- ColleHe h 31 Duffe11n av apt 1 B1llle's Wm Harvey mgr 425 Sl Clair
• ~ h 87 Se~nyn IV apt2 Bl11mgham llObl ICIIoiAnn) rec•r Sl Jos Hoao h 8 Mallon av
Besant FralleeS h 260 McNaugtllon av e BtU's Frutl Martet (Gono lngrattat 940 Charong Closs rd
· l h 254 Patk a•w at113 81lodeau F Doreen n 509 S1 Claor
• NonnM J (Hazell I h 104 Tweedsmuu ave - I h 89 RIVervoew dr apt 707
~ Calhannl! S h 795 Grand av w101 104 • P•P!rtlte h 223 lnsh~s av apt 4
-Douglas R(PitncJa Mt SQraY pnlr I H Canada h 91 Llydan Roxanne h 182-1 "2 WUllam s
av Bi~yea OOn tEiiz .111~1 tab recttn H J Hetnz co 1\ 119- 1'2 Harvey
Gary P (Linda I) lab Eaton Yale ltd h 21llydtcan av • Oon D IMaroanne M) teletype techn CN-CP h 18 Woodlall(fav
Gilham (JeanI rnech Towsley Auto Serv h 285 St C1a1r Ja~ IO!lnaldl SIS Collen Gonny 119 Harvey
Jay cI Mary LJ S1d1ng onsur 376 Palk ave apt 1h same B'"ga Bethune 0 IKiaass1ena) lab Eaton Yale Lid h 62 Dukes
Marshall (CarOl) mech Towsley Muff~ h 163 Josepn Bon()ham Eileen nurl>P h 343 Grand a•e apt 212
Pat flawer arranger Sian's Mkls 91llydican
Be&l Elmer I JeanI h 73 Florence BINGHAM OPTICAL COMPANY
Be&lfor l"' Robl MUITett ITl!l' 801 S1 CIIJr
John dlftsmn I H Canadl h 891tvt!(VI!'If dr apl405
Best Yl1s/les Mae Bentley rngr 801 Sl Cllll W Olen Powere, 0 .0 .• R.O .,Prea & Oenl Mgr,
Beth's BealJiy Bouloque 119 St C1a11 Wholnale Manufacturing and Dlll)enllng Optic ian•
9ellencoutt Lilliln ws Ma<cel's Calenng 16 Jay pi 200 Kine w, N7M 51<1
Pa~ll.ludyllab Mocor Wheel Corpn h 16 Jay pi
........ Phone 352..-e30
~ Booi<keeptng Semce Atvtn J Hughsoo mgr h 136 Sl Cla1r
157 Orand av wl Suite 100, N7L 4T1
Bettendge Bruce (Linda) aoctg Oucana Bldg (Tilbury) h 28 .......... Phone 351 -3te1
Parry dt
BeltS Gregory (Annltl & <loemkr Libby t.tcNelll & Ubby h 80
Randolf etes - Ronald G !Gwynne!ll ~I t1 &d•e formn Supenor Mach &T1 h
• Jas K!Etynor El supV$1 agl Chessoe S~ern h 60 Beechwood
127 Canterbury
cres · SamI A ISI'Mrley) h 55 Buck1ngham ••
Rulli '-h 140Jolln • Wa~ h 619 Utcroi.<
Serena SliCII 80 Ra'ldOII cres B1ngo Centre 132 Fbchmond
Belly 8111~ CleaneiS IUelv111 AR1pley) 1811(ell dt 1 BIIIQO World (John Bradley) w s Ketl dr s
lleucl<ert Petet (Callly) lab NaU Hdwe Special lies (Oiesdenl h Buell Jos W(Paultne) h 681 Grand ave
428 Sandys apl4 -Larry D(Barbara Al sis 81\Q Can Fram lid h 16 Fmch av
Beuglet Ann Mopt UAW localt27 h 183 Covetdale Bud Donald K (Mary Jane) mktg rep Can Fram h 54 Windsor dr
l45 Tnlhum Voltage apt208 · Florence Mrs h 102 Baldoon rd
· LIZ recptnst Kee & Robetl$on res Box 24 Stoney Point • Jos A (PatriCia JJ contrlt Hunt Wesson mtbury) h 107
• Wm (t.l1ldred) edjstr lllo!den &Helwig ltd h 45 Tnlllum Parkwood dt
Village epr20 1 Rob! !Gwen) h 360 Sandys ape 1 12
lleottalMd< Sandra 300 Woods BIRO, THOMAS, (Stella), Chief of Pollee City
Beaton Oevld R l.leall f) ISouflliO'tSI SailsI h w s Creel~ rd of Chatham, h 75 Glenwood dr, Phone
• Gav1n w 1 Crwt~ rd 352·1217
Beli~~~e Anne S1$1t! n 167 Bordie's Nest (Pauline Banell) 28 Willoam s
• Oebb•e ICCI Sears h 795 Grand a• w ap1115 O.rkby Allan sts Kt'111on Lid lnsulabon h 158 West
• Frank h 27 Jtffrey · Barbara h 12 Bedlold
·l>"oa" M Mr1 h Q9 Mc:Haugtuon av wepc 204 • Ollnald E (Serraptune l) h 9 Cardtnal cres
Bhatnaqar Dayal S IAn1ett) nurse The Pones h 160 Copperfield - Eileen wtB Wheels ton h 158 Wesl
cres • Geo C011$1r wkr 248 KIIIQ e
Bt Wal SIOre Da-e W1~Uk rngr 60 I 51 Clu • Kathleen Mrs n 450 McNaughton av e
Bo Way SJOres Lid Wm Tropoey mgr 148 K1ng w · Leta Mrs h 40 Trillium Village apt401
IIi Way The Roy Chan mgr 635 Oueen · lyon WIIS Maple City Goll Cour~ 11 Finch IY
B111obrzesloJ Frank h 26 Galbnulh • Mary h 85 Ptnl! apt 220
~ l h 56 Gtegott dr w • Robl B (K1m AI rnecll Boll's Auto Repr 450 McNaughton ave
• Terr, A (~I st><pr One Hydro 56 Gregory dr w B•rl<enshaw Anna MrsiCiv Chatham Kent Sec Schl h 295 Delaware


It Isn't the cost - 1t's the coveraoe that counts
and you get so much for so httle
when you advert1se m the DIRECTORY

lilldn Rolli (Ennlllllr Cllrilf h 12 ~

....., o.rlklllb HJ Hlinl Co II 41 eo-trdlllllll303
a. RobiiCindyl toeill ..r o.nn·s Aid Soey h 18 Grt l (Bonnie JJ 1111 Aocblll d (nbury) h 80
lilhop lilly . . . . . . . . . . 1 St!ap 72 Ctdlrwoodl Colloerfleld ""
John E (Jolml) Irk chi A Gold 6 Sonllld h 23~..-.down~IV
Olily 8 lolrS II 22 Olley It Kr1t1i 1191ot1c's ~ SDI851111doon !'d 1111 7
Elrl C (llonl) II 17 Cllecpy It I leorwd II •21r91m
Olrlld (Bamlt) 1111 HJ ltlinl Ucl II 4 7 Orchlrd .. It 1111 ...,. (£dill) Aldl h 123 Woodl
204 lllrq 1121 knt .... It
IUIIIBhuCrtelo!'d Ah 225 1:am1:M Pl<wy 11)1212
John (MIIInl h SS TecUI!IIItl !'d Rob II • a.tckman It
lowell R1"- E) wldr -"'bbll Hc.ndl II 83 Amold AoQer r tKrilllllll mgt Arsl..lwn en 111151111doon rd 1111
l y11 A(fat lollrlt) h 110 llt1'\tWOOd CIWIIIII2 7
Alrldy J ~ J1 Qlllllly CDIIIIGir:w- llcM c.t Fnwn IUs II 55 f IYIOr IV 1111205
Lld11208 t..k Shrllry PIYfOI1 (II Ollltwll Commurily Owd 1)1 . . Tillury
Ron h 79 8lldDan !'d 1111 10 IIIIlS ~ (Y¥0MI) II 805 Grind IV •1111113
VIII lolrS II 481 YicloriiiV
Vern (Mini) blllr Aowllnd'l 1n1
• Wm F(My 11119 Mlrril Ylrinlb Sill 8tN II 72
Hlcole (s.w.rtl drc 'Ill Olily lilwl170 ~

PNhppe J (bill) wks I H c.ndl h 257 Olley It

Ctdlrwoodl Cl'll RobiiPimtlll otce Willie lnd (W~I h 20 Gl!'dln VIII
lliiiCtlop AG h 22e WtllingiDn •11112 rd
Altiiii(Mirlorl) IUillllllllrulnlml ' Sons h 748 OIMn et.l<e Jls J reprr Cllllllln DliiY Ntws Ill w.a.:.buiO
Allptl (MIIIn) Iller C*Mf II II Ptironl CIWI Klllly "'" 12211MMfw It . . 215
Tildly (CIIhlrlnl) 1111¥ tldlnCIIogill PW Glnl Holp II 119 L Violet n 30 TriOIUIII VJ111g111)1101
~It Nelson J (TIIertSI A) h 112lomt1V
...,...lilldl II 3(11 s.ndvlllll4 lllik*y Brian (Mr(l.Oul ~ . . . ~Algi
8llllwl Ei111n M h 200 E~ 11119 Centre 11 72 Wesl
8llchbd Kim ., al»oil ~t Aell A Wn 11 115 1niMS IV
Sillily II Olllai1 It bely Glen (Ellz)" 50 wo- rd 1!)120!
BID . . TOOII6 EQuipmln1 Grt Nolan mgt S30 Grind IV e Thos J (t.llryl h 50 lohcllener rd 11)121•
811C11 Dl¥ld l 112• ,..,.. II Blancllatd Pete (Jill) alee mgt Wlnulilllns II 85 Atgy1e c:rtl
• Gerry 0 (Giye WI mgt (Ill sply Union Gll115 Briar Hill rd , 81enc:het11! Jeen PIIUI h 18 o.chlfd Hll dr 11)11
01ecpy T(IIIWerley A) eng Union Gil h I 0 WIIdioM dr ~ Cina II 165 King •IIIII
· Yllglry I II 48 ~IV e Bllznte F 10 Trillium~ 11)1310
BID 6 Mc0on11c1 Rolli SRm mgt 180 KeU It 1 sul1e 13 Bllzey BF h IS Ope! d
Robll(,_,) jill wY 30,..,.. II II - Blalul< Clvl$11Jle W1o1rS 1t1W Ken! Couf1ly Bd ol Ecklc II 31•
Rolli s (lAin!) insllf Speedy AU10 Gtot h 114 s- !'d WcHaugiiiOn IV I
8llcl<lll Wm 0 (Ellie) II 492 ~ llleswd SM:rtmenl Plrisll Hill 1•5 Videria IV
8llckblm Dome fllllion eonsulllnl Silly Shier 29 Slone ... Bleswd SM:ramenl Aedory l•s VlcloriiiV
£ ~ II 15 WtfleiSpOOII 1111304 Blessed SM:rtmet11 ~ SdiOOI Ptlll VIle prin I! I VidDril
· Glen H(Oorolhy) ~ h 29 Slone IV
• Grin! Irk ctvt Wlekeni.Qwysltr f'lymolltllld mill 1 C"*lll ••
Bl!chlnkl s~ h 100 Wcf-*" ..,1111 a1•
Helen IJicl<) IWidlbd 0111 a.tlllm Dilly Ntwl 35 Plrry as
llligl!l Harry (E >'llyn AJ 11 Tommons crt~ IIIli 103
·HelenE II 108 Teylor IW Bhss s h 1o7 1'2llctoi•
John (Helen) purci'IIQI s- MfQ 35 Pltry dr Bhttsteln Allin J (CoriMiliGtNI Wesl Audio) h 28 Holland
Joe J (Bel) II 89 Oriole pkwy IV
· IMry (MIIIn) aHIIdiniiOf Rocl<wtllnll h 151 Cowerdlle 8lodl Alyd n 2•1 Cecile IV
Yql108 TIYIOI IV B1oc:to H I A1at1 Cemeton dlsl mgt 127 Sl Cllir
..... I1Udl go Semenvn .. Blok Arie w(Mirgie) miniSiet Fl!'11 Aelarmecl Cllurd! h 1132
lolrt Ellen (Wm) secy Clitl McAiilur Sllle fltllllnl go L.acroi•
$emenyniW Blok~et Jo1W1 pet1Sml1 Wlli<ens Chrysler f'lymollt!IIO Wcflddln IV
IWidy A (Doreen} mntnce Pub Genl Hasp h ! 1 AIIIOid Wlflff [Willltlmintl h 110 Mcflddln IV
· Alta P 1o1rS II 10 Dlllroil dr B1okzv1 Andy J (Callltflne G1eleCII!orwY Elec1 II 32 WilloMIIIe
Atlllll lolrS 11 71 Oellwwe aw pi
• TJIClly CIIIW K lotln 29 Slone IV lllomme RICk 256 Colbome
Wm C 1131 Sislunc:ICI Romaone f tShlrlevl 1!11 ctvt Cny h 258 Colbome
Wm G (Mity Elfenl dt$P Frl!dlr!O TrllltD h 90 Semenynav BlolnlllefS Bemlloolrs n 39 WerCif
llllcllfo!'d ... h 20 ()ochard pl OenM tShlfonltcel E110n Yale Lid h 102 AJeqnc:lriiV
llllclcwell ASllntev h 11 ~ aw e Ehz Wn h •J Selklrlo
• Alchd (Kun) II 2S Houllon 111ommes1Yn ClwtS _..,A I Ph 393 Blldoon rd U111128
Wm l(Mitgl E) (81ackwell Omarnenlsl h 123,..,.. aw • P1u1 G 393 S.ldoon ld unt1 28
• Wm W(Smtey A) genllonnn I H c.lldlll 2tl Wtsl lllorld! Anne lotrs II 850 Gtllld IV •1111205
• Wm S tEnn l)HSI ptOd mgt Go!'donl Ytts II 130 Sheldon •~ Ar1lluf s h 176 Gtllld IV e
1P1 t 11 • Eltlel Ah 73 Ellzlbetll
llllcll.aoc! Deb lab Campbell Soup Co II 3!7 Sandys IPI 2 Gregory A (llemtct 8) farmer h 117llydocan IV 111
• Dons t.l!s II!Chn S1 Jo&epl1's Hoeo 11340 Oelawnl~ S!antev Flllarblri)'Mk$ 8rldly Flr!IIS h 118 Alodolf Ctel
• Kevin IOebbit) Clblmkr Windrndl Cllbl SIIOC> 367 Sandy Ex11111 Blorldetl AIICI Wrs h 127 Ellllbllh
2 Arlen A (JeiiiW) stMy t110 I H Clnldl h 252 T-osmuw aw I
~ Dlvid Con1ruC1Jon 517 VodO!IIIV Arth.. 97 Wcfatllnl ·~ 1111 206
Blain Ailne I4IC'f Dr T HMlrlil'l 8 h 208 Hlrley
• M4clll A tMity Ct Sysllmt -'VSI UriiOn GIS II 219 TWledlmulr David 11PP' 8jondeel Gllsllld 111 RR I Grinde f'ool*
IV• Edwd G tlmal pres Blondeel Gllsllld res Blenheim
111M 0oug111 W(Millry E) ~ 48 F1flllsuile 303 h •89
• Geo 11'111 (Uncle Geo<ge'sllled F"n) II 184· 1'2 Alleigll


(Div. 386398 Ontario Umited)
B<le<sma 41bll511irley) tr1< drvlleldlaw Transp h 166llaol•
Fred (Fred Boer$/Tla Auto Body) h 147 Sandvs
• Johannes 1Pan wtdr Sass Mfg 282 MP.rcer
Ken Lutlr & Larry John1011, Mgn,
Jonannes tPal) wldf Sass l.lfg h 282 Mere"'
171 Queen........ Phone 354-1151
• Pat (Joe) wl<> Can Post Corpn 282 Mettet
Bogaerl Cindy fiOlal dsgnr Syd K@msley Ftorosl Inc h 51 -1'2
• Ja1111• w!ldwiOSIIr Du<:anl Bldg Prod (Tilbufy) S411aldoon rd Hilvev .
ap«JOJ Bogan S counsel lot SOtJ1hwestl'ln Reg! Centrt II 115 Sel-.1~ apt
· I.Aaunt@ (Suzanne) mech ~~Glass ltd res RR 1 Grande 2
POinle BoM Phyths I h 650 Grand av w apl308
• P,m W!ldWII!SI!r Ducana Bldg Prod (Tolbury) h S411aldoon rd BohuniC~Y Wm J tC Colleen)1Chr twit Couttly 8d of Educ h 55
apl303 Ct>o.JrWOO<IS etes
·Rh IS4Ra~ Bodeau Aoore G lab Motor Wheel Corpn h 122 Rlvervit~w drIll!
Btondell At111u! h 80 Park Ia 212
Blood•a Annene nurse Pub G~l Hosp h 76 1.1ary apl 407 ~nie $Judi h 145 Edgar
• Joht\393 Baldoon rd Uflll 30 • !le<liS GtMoniQue P) probahon per()4~ ofcr l.l•rll!ill)' o(
• lolargl Ch 393 Baldoon rd Uf'l•l30 Corrrc: onal Serv h 159 Lance lie
Bfood,e 9ruC@ (Karen) h 24 Eugenoe • Roland (Maklnel stsmn Wes Chemical Prods (Tori h 145 Edga1
• Darcy cool< Scon's Chicl<en Voila 70 lark Bone Paul h 204 Ehzabettl
• ~ (Tanna) qual ty controj teeM c.n Fram h 70 Llll< Bolsm1er [};j>'ld K (Kim J) ""' Supenor Tl & Ort h 76 Van Allen
8loome !limy 31 Duloe s av
Bloomlietd Atbl H (Barbara El f!Pfmn Henry's TV h 463 Park a~
• Donna Slsclk St Ct~lr Pnl & Wallppr76 1'2 Van Allen av
Dwayne N42 ~~eough av
Blue A 0 30 Trllloum Vollage apr 403
. Jeffry h 24 Oulfeuo 1o1
·Bradley E tPemey L) Jab I.IOior Wheel Corpn h 36 Sl MIChael
Iii • "'orman J I Janel col'ld Chessit SyS!ems h 42 'kKeough av
·Coy C(Rose Ml h 22 Ooeensway dr
. !lick !Glenda) lab Etan & Doe h 53 ~lkirk
Boiv.n A!DI A !Belly J) (Video Vaull) h 175 RIChmOnd
• Gtaee hosttss Burger Kong h 30 Trilllum ViPage aot 403
• JacQuet.~ SI\Kfl22 Oueenswa'y dr
BellY IAibl)fl!ll' ldy CommuMy CIIIIS 175 RlcnlliiOIId
• Robii0.-1 qual•ly contrOl Motor Wheel Corpn h 5 Chestnut
Janet IRonald) bkpr Murray Berman 566 ~a ..ghlon 111
dr l.ltldred EMrs h 99 ~Naughton av w apt 156
Blue Sapphire Restauranll.lalhlus l.lathlus owner-opr 462 • Ronald EIJaoel E) lnsp Eaton Yale Lid h 566 McNaughton ev w
R"'ervoew dr · Wm G (I.Aanon)II!Chn can fram h 22 Pnmrose a
8o1~o Waller IAna~allab Cty h 18Kendall
Blue Wllef Pools (T Taylor)441 R•verv•ew dr
Blue Walef Sko Shop TTaylor mgr 441 RIVe!VIeoN dr Bo~a Atill fat) Eaton Yale lid II 146 O•ley dr
• Wm J (carne) seasooal wlu Rodgetowo Golt & Counlry Club h Hh 264 K111g w a111 1
Jenllle secy lJMed War 146 O•tey dr
1000 Chlrlng Cross rd """ 4
81ut11 Geo J (Ootoihy El h 93 Essex ct Bo~or Chuck h 179 ~
Blydorp l.lana HMrs h 294 lnd•an Creek rd e Bola At~' S tOaljd Kl h 14 Prlmrosa Ia
Blyth Pete< L (Heontta) (Blyth Prntg) h 65 Jasper av Boland Brian (Pamela) wks Ministry of Natural Resources h 162
Mid~Mer rd
Bl~11le K1!<1 h 50 I.IICherlet rd apt316
Boa•f'S RU5Sel IPPf • & diemlu Russell n & Doe 21 Odelle d Boles Edwd elk Ja!Tif'S Pnoro (Chatham) Lld h 65 Baldoon rd apr 8
Board Wal~ ApatlmeniS 955 Grand av w Helel> Mrs h 578 King w
Board Wall< Apartment! 975 Grand av w Boley Bes$1e 99 Park
Boa<d Warlt Apaflments 925 Grand av w Botovmos AroSIOIPhS !Brenda AI chef Sa1ellile Reslr I Kent)
Board Wilr Apallmen~t 202 campos Pkwy Lid h 152 Copperfi~ld cres
Boatt>ouse Ltd (M•~ llochte) s s Thames - Brenda (Terry! wusllad Rooster Chop Suey Hse 152
8obbt Jon casuals John Rehner pres 801 St Cia or Copperfoeld c1es
Boberte l!eaU1y Salon (Shelley Seney) 87 Queen Bollen Albt IEisoe) n 75 Baldoon rd apt S
Sobofia On h 88 Wh<PIIOOf'*ill cres • Fay N tleey ~f$ Be• h 44 Coppffiielcl ere&
Bob's ~lid (Bob Fooke)1025 Ri<:hmond • Jas G tNaiiCy AI hrdrsr Haorporl h 22 Pat1r1dge cres
Boc:cll•no Elisa SIUdl r70 Gtay • Ru;lld WtFay A) Jab cao F<am h 90 Kendall
I.Aochl (C8rmelial h r70 Gtl'( . s K h 9 Sarah Cles apt t03
Bock lolar14' I.IB h 650 Grand a-."' apt709 • W~rren h 66 R"'PnCV dr
Bodchon Palncia Mrs II 805 Gfand av wepl302 Bond Oauelll slsmn Sears 25 Bedford
Bodonl Antonoa (51etfie) carp Zanlingh's Countryside Homes h · Don lab Eaton Yale Lid 351 campus Pkwy
148Par~ l~w · Donald !Deborah) tab Motor Wheel Corpn h 96 Harvey
BQdj.on Anne (Doni bkpr OrR J Sussen res RR 2 Thlrnesvllle DonaldS !Betty F)~ drvr Dom AU!o Trtnsll h 92 Edgar
C h 4Hmma 8!11 206 • Eatt 0 (VPIITI3 MJ mntoce SUIMI Eaton Yale n 351 CamPUs Pkwv
Joanne slsdl< Best WIShes 100 Mcfarlane - Elll G nora! an anger Kemstey's Flortst25 Bedford
Mh 200 Emma apr 13 • Geo J (Malllda l) h 264 Woods
Bodnar h 122 R•-..erv.ew dr apr 130 • GIBC@ l.lrs slsldy AtliSIIC Ladies' Wear h 100· 104 Park apt 4
Ron h 81 Baldoon rd apt S · Gwen (larry) dk B.est For less 20 Arthur dr
• Sh 57 Baldoon rd apt 301 • Jas loh 111< dM Ventra Mig 92 Edgar
Boacl<ler G•lbl 0 (Oorlanne E) Wltl'l Kent (OUICh can) Ctedo1 · Jas (lmdaJ quahly control mgr Libby McNeoll & Libby h 11
\Inion h 16 Oe!rott dt Jay pi
Boacl<ner Vern C tloiar•~ G) h 68 S1Mlctlaef av • Jemy HMrs h 99 t.lcNaugolon •• w &p~234
aoe. houd J wOr p1tys 52 Fourtll Lilny h 20 Arthur dr
Boekhouo Wm F (Wmnlfred) II 559 King w · Lee A (Patncoa) asmbly line Rockwell loll h 19 B11chwood
Boerstma Eppe (Matgl) mntnce St Jos Hosp h 39 ROSSini cres Randy lab Roell well Inti 351 campus Pkwy
• ~'TV lab libby l.tcN.ooll & Libby 39 ROSSI!ll cres Saml J (Wolrna J) lab Eaton Yale Ud h 25 Badlotd
· 1.1 •t h 80S Grand 111 w apt1103 · Sandra L wtrs Reslr h 89 Sllt>ldon a~ apt19
• Ste-.e h 258 McNaughton a~ e apt 106

29 lebecca St. Hanlllton, Ontario Ontario
---~~<•-~~)~52_2_--~-----~--•-~ __________ Commun~s
TlfTY W(eyn,ii A) cUIIOdiln Kll1l Coulty 8d ol (Ouc II !I Jom boCtfmn Slndy Elliol Mob~ m 8lemeim
Coppelflelcl a. Wanda 11140 SoiAI'Iend era 1C11 1
Wm (XIren) lllldll'lny Altrlg h 3'3 Clmpus l'!lwy Boots Drug Slore IJICio Quinn I~ Hellbergl100 Klrtg wunlt
Bondi W~y~~e C h 3& GlldlloniiV 129
8oncly Allin (HIIIIII) (Bonclv's HydriUilc Sply) h 7 1 CtQII llooPfrieda K lolls h 5 Buc• nghlm IV
AloysiUI Ao1ct ell SoiAIIWIIIIm Reg! Clnh h 70 llurtofiiV Bordeau Bety1 job lllllysl Union Gil" 77 Prm ~ ..
· Ann (frri) bi!PI SpMI'I flrQ ret RA 1 TilbiMy l om J INorma Ml n88 Glef!wood dr
• 8rendl m The Klnglwly 26 CcMure d!IPI 1 Bordenulo John A (Mirll E) (Jolmy's Red Sert} 1111 ~ dr
• 0 II 1111 Rtvttview dlepl204 Johtl wh 1111 O.ley dr
• 0 Kh528Klngw ,._IIIJollniiCN St Joseph Sep Schill ~ dr
- G8i4 11CY Scwal ~ 261 Viclorl8 Rosemary 49 $ell!lrl!
Boncly Clloril Olnce ~ 231 lOng • Borges John P lib Holtl Amef Pllllics 73 PrinCe I
Qqg" 184lAcrol• Jose (lor[) lib 8enn 11011 f~Uy (WiillceWgl n 85 Glldllone
• Jom H !Coletle T) 111111 & eerv mg~lenoue PontiiC Buick IV
(TIIburYl h 24 CoppetMid era M Theresl 73 PYtnce s
· JosE (lee 0) h 35 Wlllon IV Minuet S \Marguerila Tlllb 8enn lrorl Fndry h 73 Prince s
l ...910ng •IPI1 Borgtord Penyl(*"ty A) 119 ~ ,._. Olce 1111 4
Mulct l (Uirgl) (Bondy's Coin lndly) h 30 Ellwood IV Clyslal dr
- Mikhd " 90 Gray 8orlo Greg SIUCI406 V'ICIOril 1Y
ph 53 McKeough .. laura J 11'9 Sam The Record Min 406 VlcloriiiV
- Aid1d (Kalen) lnsp H J Heitlz Co h 1461'111nan ev 8orlo Shoes llll • 8orlo IJIIS 1641Ung •
Tom h 43 Oeggr T h 89 1'21Ung w11P1 1
Ulysses 1...,.,1 prln St Mlty' s Sell SeN h 7 ...,..d pi l"" Slid 406 V'ctoria ..
Wm F (Ann M) egt C & 0 Ry h 59 Dllfvlf* cres
Bondy's Dry Clealll!f & Coin laundly Maurice Bondy owner-mgr 122
··"!! (Shirley)pres 8orlo $noes lid h 406 Viclorl8 ..
Borland EIJz 0 h 118 7 Pill! av w
Richmond llorna!S La~ SIUCI211 Sandys
Bondy 1 Hydlaullc Supply Complny llrnllld (Allen W Bondy) 70 Marilyn lndlavw ClmclbtQ SOup Co 211 Slndyt
Richmond Plul Slbnarine Sl'clo 211 5lrldys
Bondy's Qulcl. Clean Coin laundry Mlurlce Bondy OWIII!I·mgl297 Philip E11M Mc.Kinlay Transp h 211 Saodvl
SICIIII BorOVICinln Buem1r (ljutllcal h 139 Gladslone 1v
Bonln Johtl (Teresa)suovsr Unlon Gu h 117 Slallley 1v II ~e (llrgrcal mach EIIOn Yale lid h 122 C.OIIII cres
Bonnar Ann Mrs II II FlilcouriiV Borrowman Elll(larry) !Jiopt 8 & 8 Cuson Hse Brokel~g~191
Bonnell l.lny (Jinel) h 26 P.neson IV Joseg/1
8onne1 Ale• (Theresl A) 11'9 HINester EmployMs (Chllhlm) Gary 0 (Nancy) CUSIOmS b!kt 8 & 8 Coslom &okeriiJI h 260
Credit Union h 64 Tecumsell ra Eltzabtlh
0 L h 43ll'(lor IV IPI 306 J II 73 KensingtOn pi
- " - I I 23 T1ylor 1Y LJrry (Nancy) mgr 8 I 8 ~ Hse Brolterlge 260 Ellzlllelll

.line! McounseiiOI Soulhwaalm Algi Cenn 4 Stirling II Robl sis 1gt Gerry Ooller AI Est h 20 Tril!IUIII VdiiiJIIPI
BorlOiolll Usa h 1100 Grind ••• ~ 9005
· Ken A (Pilricia AI lib Molor Wheel CoiPI't 11 100 Houllon IPfl
l h 20 TriUium Vllllge IPI207 8os Cornls At> (Aieidal rninlslll free Reformed Ch h 57 Sioux
- M Lynn recplnsl 0!' R J SUIMll 114 Tecl6llMh rd dr
• Ron llsmn Chllhlm Otct $ply BosaullOI!IIlO h 135 Wi .am IIIPI4
Aonlld M(8lrblra A) ldlcpr Jellriellcllcog h 36 TIDI!IIII 1Y Marlo (Benilll MJ lib £11011 Yllelld h 31 Foeter
• Shlr1el A Mrs Slsctk Mlgoie's O!'esl Sl!oP h 126 Stenley .. Bose Augustme 0 (Helen) hsel<pg Pub Genl Hosll h 27 Susae•
SleVen (Cathy) h 111 James • Evangel!sla I1Uftt' S1 .los Hosp 1!14 t..1o
Terry elm Wallles Elect 23 T1ylor 1Y Jacob 11 100 Poplar 11P1 19
• T•m f (\'ICky Alllb Olson's Duomltlc: (TIIOury) h 393llaldoon Johnson nurw St .los Hosp I!14 t..1o
rd UNI34 Monica COW'IS!Dor Soutrrwestem 11eg1 eenn 1!14 lart.
TlmOihy 23 Taylo< av Vmcent mllrgsl eng Stntetl5 Can Inc IBienlletmJ h 1!14 Lart.
TOII'Imy S (Nancy Sllludl h 29· 1'2 Selkirt. Bosman Russel H (I Juof) serv rngr Olll Hydro h 145 01ley l1r
Vh 3C Blldoon rd IPI 2 8ostuc Inc 143 We!Unglon w suilf 207
Bonnell David G (Betty J) h 29 Ken 1Y Bosselaar Allee (Hubl) w!WI Consumer·s WlliPIOtf !10 lotld!enef
Violet Mrs 99 Pari~ Ble~e A(~ Jl prs Ollf Elln Tl & Ole h 30 SlOne IY
Bonnent vera h 85 Pine IPI 217 • Hubt tAiic:eJ 11 !10 MIChener rd apC310
Boogurt AN:tw 111Ud145
· .11Slltul1l45 et-dr
er-"' Bossence Bruce M tMirgt 8Jslsmn Profola's GrgtCo h 151 John
LA11831'2Klll!J • IIPI3
- Jom (Miry) lib Mocli1l Tl & [)je h 45 er- dl • !lobi 8 (Aulllllltll ml<.r J & £ Cuslom T.-ps h 7 HomestMd cres
Booker R 8 h 11!15 Grind IV • IIPI305 Robt w1 Homesleld cres
Boon .liS h 15 Snll a. 11P1 2 • 11/110111y ll'llrieijJ mgll)\igiiCO Ctedrll)lion h 43
• Jo1nne Yclll Super XO!Ugs 15 Slrlh IIPI2 Whippoorwill era
lloonl Albt (Geltie) MIS Holdlwly Rig hIll! Alleigh Bossv Arl:tw J tMDeborahI lib c.n f ram h !14 De¥011 rd
Chlrlene lltul1l38 Collswoi'IIIY • Getr; J (Kllll Gl h 58 forest
· Ed M(...,.,Anne) mtg 11'9 Rockwell 11'111 (Tilbury) h 32 Marianne olce ell! Cllltham Belns h 49 Part.
SlugeeniV Bost RIChd J tDella Otllb Mtr W!wl Corpn h 39 Blxtet
· lotlrcl!l J (Gibtlelle) " 38 Berry blwlcl< wGlfn IF Aullll h 1000 Clllrlll!l Croll rd U1111 44
• Roger W(Corl EJ opt Aockwelllnd h 38 ColllwotiiiV llosveld Jan llleulil!) II 53 V'ICIOIIIIV
Bool1 OM1 A (Aoalyn) h 173 Woods ~n P (lynn AJ ICiw Clllthlm Kent SIC Schl h 22 CtiYen dl
-Devid E (Sindy f) 1111 mgr Gordonl Y<1s n 112 ~ dr Boswen Bill h 273 Welltnglon •llll3
• Oontz ieglllall<enl Colln1Y n 148 81k1oon rd 11P1 1 James M 11 28 Lawson dt
8oollle Elll n 1 Vidonl Home II 125 Edglt • Sadie Mrs h 124 King t

~ •Residential ~AA ...V ® •Agricultural •

~ . • Commercial KJ7'fFI~ •Recreational


~ j;Jff~.'l an independent member broker
11 ~J 121 Heritage Rd., Chatham, Suite 202 (519) 351 - 1300

Botti' l.fl.laQdelllla 1.111 h 172 Wolllam $ BOUR~E

11o11es EliJO IGerTy) h SO UJC/1ener rd apt 104
Bo!lf!llll GeoHrey A (Sandra) rnacll Superior n & Ote h 62 • Wm F tPeggvl orflsmn Todqham & case h 315 McNaughton av w
Cheslnut dl Bousek f•a"" !Helena) mntnce mech Ctn Fram h 12 Wllowdale pi
· HSWllpt (I.Wy .Ja'!!l h 86 Chesl.rwA dl • Helena Ifran>) elk can Pos1 Corprl 12 WollowOale pi
· l<mn Rh 201 Grand ave . Jerry nrdrst Dawn's Bty S.ion 12 Willowll41l> pi
• l.fcht 86 Ctlestnul dl • PeiPrlludl 12 W•llowdale pi
• Robl bldg ITliT!l1Ce l.l·ntstly ol Go.-! Ser;s h 124 Wtltoam n Bouwman Chari o 1T1nal constal>l@ OPP h 75 Dunvegan dl
Slat! IS~) II 58 Greoot) dl e Bouwmees1e1 Brenda h 65 BaiOoon rd apt 3
• Wm wl<s Ate tnd 86 CheStnut d! • Wm ptO supv~l I Hcanada It :l59 tampus Pkwy
Bon•no Robl A toonna l 1techn Chatllam cable TV h 25 Stmonton Bo\-ln J h 108 Sl George
dr BOVIN, LLOYD, (Ida Jun), (Chatham Plumbing &
llouchatd Joha'llle h 65 TIIII1T\111S cres apt 317
Hardware), A. . A A II, Phone 352-3125
• .Ml•lh ~ l Hca'lada h I 7 1CO\'erdale
· Roy h 50 Baxter 11>1 2
l stsl<lt Lady Jwiry Co h 77 Oove! Bow Chas tPaluc;tal slsmn CFCO Radoo h 61 Crane dr
Bouchard Al1hurs N•cole baMdr Holoday IM h 795 Grand av w
PatriCII llrs Jchr l<l!fll County Bd ol Educ 6 1 Cra'le dt
apt204 BoWtlen Cetherm~ 40 ~berdeeo
~~ Ke~~tn wl<s campbell Soup Co 24 l.fallard pi 97 McfartaM av Btll 202
leo !Nancy) v.ks Not~ Plasllc (Waliacebufg) h 24 l.fallard
Bowen Mallon F I Mary EJ h 15 r aubert dr
• llll.fl1 *•.S Daymond Ltd h 10 Carlo
• Ron h 76 Mary apl105 BOWEN MOVING & STORAGE LTO,
Boucquez Jean EUrs h 170 Houston Member Alii~ Van Li n..
Commercial & HouMhold Storage
· John P I!Aanlyn) IMoote"s Sewing Maclllll23 Spurgeon dr
& Over..., Shipping
Boucluez !Aarityn (l.loo<e"$ Sewono l.taeh$)23 Spurgeon dr
Boudu!au C343 Grand av e apt4 13
341 Richmond, N711o4 1PS
..........Phone 352-4214
• Da•sy h 100 N::fartane a• apt 407
Geo T14ndrewfeenellabcan Fram l1d h 210 Adtla•de s
· Lisa slsclk Dapper Dan"s res RR I Dove! Centre a
.•.....•Phone 3M-53541 354-8825
· MilE!< SWdl210 Adeta•dt s
· P~)a h 361 Sandy$ apt 2
Pholhn l (Marcia E) carp 664 Bloomlteld rd h same Bowtr Ot\<og/11 h 86 Delaware a•
Boulfard Jocelyne II 65 ·1"2 Taylor av Bowers Alasta11 C !Sandra) supl of englnee11 Can Fram h 29
Bouffotd JoseJ)tline t.Ars II 115 St Cla•r Aberdeen
Boughner Doane stsdlt Plush Plum 79 Blylllewood cres • O.te II & dtemkr ltussell n & Ote res Merlin
· Gordon J tl.l ldred Jl genl mgr 1.1 J Smolh IChatnam) Lid h 33 • fraoces 97 Mi:Fa•lane av apt 104
T~d$muor av w • Jonn M (lllltan 0) n 24 Wmdsor d!
• Rob! G rO.a!ll! ll reptr Chatham Dally News h 79 Blythewood Bowes BarD !BoOI recptnsl Or Anderao<1 Wh<ppoorwtn cres
cres • R $c(>n !Nill't:V C!lab Sll!~rd Tube !Biffihe•ml h 136
Boule Yvon seHlp mn Eaton Yale Ltd h 70 Wedgewood av ap14 Gtenwooddl
Boulley AUd W(Cindy 0) lnsp Libby McNeill & libby • RobiiBarbara)lnt:ll eng IIi canada h 55 WhiPPOOrwill cult
IWallaceburgJ h 135 Uarylu!oll rd • Wmh 197LOt,....IV
• C.ndy tAifdl WI!$ Golden Ct~ Restr 135 Maryi<JIC)jl rd Bow1-0·Ilforn!' IAlta Feldma'lt182 Oueen
Boullon Kema llilloanl prod Jeclvl Hayes-Dana h 19 Wtlson av Bow1811 Fled fl(arenl h 40 ~ cres apl 3
• Ua<la elk Sears 19 Wtlson av Bowls Beatnce 59 Sheldon ..,
• Robl s:uot 19 Wilson av • Waytll' tCaroll 1110' Om Pal tO & Pvg Stone res Aodgelown
Tom n 500 Baldoon rd Bowman Carl A fV•••il'l)lrne trlc d""' Hydro res Channg Cross
Bouma ConsltUCIJoo Lid Ray Bouma pres 53 Holland av
Bouma lorratne wl<s Woolco 53 Holland~~ BOWMAN FUNERAL HOME,
Ray !Cla•al pres Bou"ll Constr h 53 Holland av (Murray Bowman)
~John h IS O"Boen dl Spacloua and Well Appoint~ Aepoalng Aooma
Bouncer Doug lab Newman lltg 179 CO\'erdale Oft Street Parking
Boundy Elmer EtPauhne G) staly eng llbby McNeill & ltbby h 4 VIctoria av, N7L 228
130 Cenll'!buty .......... Phone 352-2310
• G 56 Colleg.all! dr
Bounfages Alciclas (SuzanneI IDa•ry Oueenl h 192 RIChmond
• G·n~ •ks Childlen·s V1llage Day Care Centre 192 Rochmond • Janel E h 51 Che!!nul d•
l.faroo P Sludt I 92 Richmond Kenneth EIMad!'linel Jraf depl C1ty h 510 McNaughJon '" w
Bol.rdtau Anne 165 Ktng w 811123 1.1 •e I louAnn) lOP' mec11 Cycle WO!I<s 260 Woods
• Oenl J lMatayn) asmbU can Fram h 33 Pheasaol dt BOWMAN, MURRAY, (C.rol), {Bowman Funeral
· Ole" IN¥1cy) radio anncr CfCO h 8 Peart cres apl3 Home), h 4 VIctoria av, Phone 352-00M
~ne ll.ltChelle) ~ fredertck Trall$p h 4 13 Park Paul G h 79 Baldoon rd apl 6
• '4d!'lone h 805 Grand av w apt 402 Bowyer Elmer C IShii ley) formn IH Canada II 283 Delaware av
• Rob! J (Audrpt 0) dala procesa ITI9f IAoiol Wheel Cotl)tl h 3 Boyce Jai wks Union Gash 78 Mary ap1205
2!10011 pi • Paul h 63 Wedgewood av
· Ronald tDary!J POiicemn h 52 Rossini cres Boyc:lwd Allan elk Mac"s Milk res Ttmmona
• Thos J(Josephine A!llb can Fram II 148 JaM lloycnuk li!Onlrd J I Barbara I pres Colontal Petroleums lid h 23
Bourlie4l.l T11'1\ 20 1 Grand .., 1! Br111 HIU rd
Bouregols Donna l;lw h 343 Grand av e 1PI3 I I Boyd Carmen (leo) 51en Ont Monostry of Agr1c & Fd 69
Bourgeo.!i Orner !lynne) lab RoclcwellnU h 32 Oullrth McNaughton av e
BoumbonnaiS Oenls 1\ 82 Delaware av apt208 • Geral<l Eh 343 Grand av e apt 307
Bouroe E~aoor h 30 l rolllum Village apt 308 • Wm EIBemadelle E) h 225 campUS Plcwy 1PI203
• Helen H Mrs h 69 Palleson av lloyl!l f Mrs h 85 Pule apl 222
• Pfooy " ' nu<$e Pub Genl Hoso 315 McHaughlon ... ... Hilf\'ey !Pearl! h 25 Llydocan av


Brljcic ».t1f IJ!Iijll -IIIII Ubby McNiill & Ubby h 13C
BOYER c..tlury
...,_, Wm (Bonnie) Wid! IIIII Cln , _ h 257 Sl Ollr
J II 711& thnd IW w 1C11 213 ._~In NJ Qenl Holp h 121 Adlllide I
IIDn II 30 1'2 £1111111 Brenco ,_, (lucltlllnn 1111 11 111 Aldwood cna
Wllld H (~A) II 371111111 c
Br..s Gordon (Nomwl IICM ... C8llldl" 111 r..-.. • •
.,.. ....... 21 Second PW (JoyctiiiCM Bel CINdl II 27e lllldool11d
ClilciiMII1121.,_ ~frtdA~AJ ... mgrOnl~o.-t
eo,. & ltlrCI Ud (tddll Mlrltondll143 King w Wk1g Bd II 21 DlvoniiiWIId
• .Iaiii Mil II 1000 Chlrir!g Croll rei unll211 llrtndon WlrgiMII II 80D Grind 1W w 1C11 500'
OlD J (Aidlln M)linllmn c.n F~~m II 20 llrry Brlndlml Allen W(Amt) pllrC mgr v.... Wig II 70 Dlll¥llw
Root " 7t lllldool1 rei IIIII em
Root A (Roo, A eo,. AI &II 11361 Wtllnglan w BriiiiCOtnbl Aabt ( (flortnce E) II 100 WcF.-. •1111 II 15
eo,. Roo, A AMI~ Root a.amgr 3CI Kir!O w BrM Jo1 A (Miril) II V2Durwtgln dr
SllpNn ~I lied Ken! Counly ld of Ecluc II 82 Croll Brlnlan Aabt E(Mirgrnt)IIXI Sl Jc11101W Holp II • 71 King w
· Wlldl II 2311 WllllngiOn w · -Glrlld J (Miry() 11100'1119Narllem Sll Ud" 210
8oylln Aabt DILYMI tlln1n AI ....... 0.. Ally"' Ill 1 ~1'1·
Marolll llndlsutl 210 lolcHiuf*ln ...
Boyle fiii!Cia W(f!WCIIMI II 7C Dlworl rei 8rtull Bonnie sllclk Apw ~Shoes C~ T.-.m Vlllgl
GMII117eMIIYICJIII12 • Wlry97 WcF.-. .... 211
Jlcll231rock Bralnleln .,_ ldw llle.-cl Slcrltnlnl Sep Sclll II VIM QwWig
· .111M (liulln JllltQI-clll Pallc:e Dllll 1118 ~ cna Cronld
~~~~~ t1b Libby WcHei1l & libby IIDC o.tng Crollld
JoiW(Mirrlyn G) ldnlin 119 flllll Midi TIC!wllllaglc:al Cenn h
• Aosem~ry 1ctw 0eorg11 P v.- s.p Sclll h VIM OwinG ero.
· lto p (Cirmln} ldnlin mgr o.ICIIb c.n.dllnc 1118 McNiugiiiOn

·Tom l.lunel 11257 Plllo "'•

lny Bibby 233lnlhlll'l
• D II 32 FOIIIf
Doris clo Wclor C1ly II C9 Tlly1or IW 1111203
lloltl Dorilllll c.mpblll 5014) Co " 36 Dulltrln IWIIII2
MirY A(Aalll) clo ... For L• 127 Mlchtrll! MAZia. IIIUU, (8111M). Ctrcuii i iA llllp
LOIMioft ,,_ ~ (CMIMm ...,_,), 1112
Michl f Mlllrl< dM Campbtlt Souo Co II C~ lc.-
• Aabt £ IMIIY Amlllll c.n frttn II 127 Mlchtrll! rei L.IMOift ni, IIIIIOM 111-1111
Brlllff s- N(Russi olct 1M4M1 Chllhlm Clble TV 12llncoln
llrlllllc Billy Mil II 15 Mlrior! IW
IEIIinllllll Aockwtllnll II IMI!lurwtgln dr
lo1ldll Flib Aockwtllnlllllllurwtgln dr
Brazrl Dilrw l res C<JUIIIellot ~ Aegl Cenn h 190
llrldlanluy Belly IIIDnllltY TllfiiiiO'I Alpr Sent 3C Ordon liNd Woods
Aonlld G (lilly A)lrl< bri<rii3C Ordon liNd BrMUII c.tol Ifrri I mar C llrwlull CIMI Blldoon ld
lhclwllrilll (DonNI II IV Olegary dr t f rri (Clio! I quelt1y aDol c.n Frtm II CIMI Blldoon ld
lhc:QII Olwld J h .,. Gllnd .. •1111300 Jlna '"COUMIIIor ~ Aegl C... h 2C Edglr
Edglr II 31 c..tlury PW mer:h Cln rwe 111• PocMr
Wm J (Ciltllnne H) drftlmn I HCINdl II n I~ 1'1 Roger P jf (Brendl Jllrl< dM llkllaw Trnoll 137 Woodl
llrecQionl Aabt £ J Alv (Eltnl Bl II 1CO ~ dr w Breceo;lc Jol (Guenillll bii<Jy! 1192 Plmela em
llriCIL• Mlldows lllllilld o- Buddllld mar 11 15 ~ Silvlno ulludl 12 Plmell em
hclbury '-icllllll Cllrome Tell Plllb II 25 Grey 1C11 2 8rft John KIAlidll h IS Tlylor 1'1
Brlddon Donlld W(....., A)ldw Ken! Counly ld ol Ecluc II~ Breedtwl - " 50 Merrift .. .,. 30C
F"tntllct 9reemllalr J " 63 Baldoon rd 1111 20C
• .IIIII C Mil II 58 MeQeoroe 1'1 Breen Ah 276 Wernli I¥ 1C11 108
llrldlord ,.._ . . . 19 Donekll dr Brev Bus ..lick loturray mgr 25 King •
• Aabt DlOIII) miCII Superior Midi II 19 Donekll dr llremnef John II eng Union GIS 55 W*llll3
hcllty Delrl J ,......, pnoiWIII mgr WIIM!Ilm "258Mirrill John C II I II Cedlrwoocll CltS
Bren Consllnce co-ordlnllor 91S Pl'ttl Union GIS 9 ChciPtwt dr
• Ffldk J ~ Gulpto Inc II 87 Taylor a • EUIVC2 Wllskly In Focus Cllnns h 9 ~ dr
HilTy_... Sllndwd TIOI IBIIMiimliiO Plmell em Brendl s lleN1 s.lon Brendl ClrMr owner.fl9 C3C St CIM
Hlll!er S hd ciiiW Wllllllllotlr 1M II Ill RMrvlew dr 1C11 806 &enderS leorllldus C ll'nicll C! obclk I Hc.'ICII II 211
.line dM hcllty FilmS 18 e.t dr WellongiOII w
.-.,. Mllltlw Kent Counly Bd ol Educ 2581otem11a 8rennln AII 1105 Grtnd 1'1 w 1C11 60C
• K1111 h 122·1'2 St George • Gemude Ah 600 Grend 1'1 • 1PC 200 1
LMTy E(Miry) (Whlelllm) II 2e2MirriiiiW ~en IIUdl 75 We!ct1

• LWI Eh 12 Aobelllon 1'1 Aobl Aj[llll II 75 We!ct!

wm c (Amy Gl mar Zelllrlll80 Plmell em Brenld Pllricia l pllnnlng leChn City !WI "6- 1'2 ~
Brldy Aidln WDr (P.-ici~W) pllys 20 Vldorill'lll 71 1'1
AlgonQuin dr
llreschelll Clludlo IDirlene) lib Wclor ~ Corpn II 23
Edglr l (SIIIIII A) QUIIity aDo~ mgr EIIOII Yell lid II 31 l't-.ntdr
Holllndl'l • Ross S1Udt 1 1I St w.cNeil'l
alice" 38 fomt • insp Wclor ~ Corpn 11 118 Sl Mcllllil'l
Mldelllle Mil II II Ingram Bresee Wendell H (Warguenll EI II 110 Ctyslll ~
Peula ICY'!IIMCY John IJytn SeN '"RR II Werl•n 8relhour Slrwe SUC1C Meldow Park Apes h 50 Mem111YIIII 1D5
Shlill l(dglr ll blllr Jolvlloti.Pudwtlllnl Brtu 31 Holllnd 1'1 Br- Cmdy AITIIIIOihyiiSSI mgr SillY Sllief 795 Gllnd IW 1C11
· Sulln1155 WIIII!IIIII 106
llrlgiiiZI LIO T elk UIC II C55 SlndYIICII COl • DenniSJ tKen1 LllnaegiWIM UltAIIce1133 TIITIOfly
• Nonnlrl W(Aoullndllllldl Rlc;tvnond lllrs II 85 Prince Altlul IW em
.,..,_.llryln J (SIIIITy AI rec:vr Gordon'a Super Werl<et h Kh r76 Forest
IVAigyteem Neil h " Ninllllll 2
• John E(Alice W) eng Bel carlldl II IS Pnidge cna TIII1QIIIy tConoy A) h 795 Grllfld 1Y w 1C11 I 08
Br~' Rellil Slorf Tom Andetton mgr CC I S1 Cl8if
• Terrv F IAQII!e Clsutl II 3 Belr;tlwood em


231VAN ST., P.O. BOX 543, N7M 5KI PHONE 354-5045

s-ers· ~tail SIO'! w~~~yon Peppel mor 132 RlChmond BRISLEY

&ewers· Warehou$ing Company Lim• ted Ra~d Goss grp mgr 535
Gland a• e • Wm C.loeol meCh I HCanaoa n 15 Madonna aes
llteyTiaef1 Bnan w1Eia•nt Rt.nmblr Call Frarn lJd h 60 Randolf Brto;sel1e Don (Rota) (lr•ple A Tow•ngl n 214 Rochmond
cres Busto! GPO E p~Jr 210 WPIUogton e
• C~nl IEI~anor)lab RockweU Inti h 156 Par~ La • John (R0$8) elM Chalham Coach Lines 121 Ehzabelh
• Gwen cashr Oom Slores 156 Palk Ia I.IJChl J tSylvoal d!vr C!lltham Colen l•oes h 343 Grand av!
. Jos loA (Joyce Jl w~.s 1HCana<ll h 159 West ep1505
Brew Ago$ttno ti.Aarlatlnsp Motor Wheel Corpn h 89 OUawa dr W•nona n 76 Mary 1101 60:.>
Bllan Bra•n h 237 Delaware av Wm H 76 Mary ~111602
Bl•deau Cam• lie J (Antle A) coosl! wkr h 1851.AcNaughton av w Br•lton Marla wks Campbell Soup Co 118 R1vervrew dr apt 523
IPII Dorothy n 94 W!dgewood av
CarmelIa 10 I Berry apt 4 · LouAnn (Marie) secv Jublllaw 0'.::! 8 Allen av
• Ect<ld J 96 o·Ne~ • Mark (lou Ann) shlmttwkr lndl Sill & Metal h 8 Allen
· Gerald df\<r Charron Transp 174 Gray N~OCI' 460 0\leen
G•esela E-.vs RaMkiM Hll h 12 Emma • Rayd IBarbara£) clv•l eng M•rnsvv o! Tra'ISII & Communoc h •
• QJibl (Berthatlab Motor Wheel COrpn h 96 o·Netl $ouflquois
· Norman (Joan! h w s G•ven rd • Roblllonc:lal h 145 HaMV
Br~Jasot.larylou)f•ref~rHRR3 • Ron J !Barbara Jl mntnce SUIMI Domtar SOQQCO Cru:n h 73
• llrAnn secy Mary lou's Ca1!1ong H Creek rd (~ RJ Ounnav
Bndgen) • Russell F tCarolyn M) mgr Pondelosa Slea~ ~ h 19 Finch av
. ~,~ J n •o Partt>dge etes . Susan M 4 SouttQuols
• R.lis> it.lary loul flll'fl{llllef h e 5 Ct~ rd • TtrnothY h 35 Ellzat>e~h
• Tom J tKamtpen t.l)wks Brewes Wtllsg n 75 Dover Doon dr B<oad fariiGia<lyS) h 35 Closs
Bridger MY)OI•~ 99 Park Ed CJoytPJ mgr Cty Couroer res RR 3
!!<len J 2761.1efrll av~P~203 • Glenn tRL.dharm) mntnce MOIOI Wroeel Corpn h 2!)4 Pari< a• w apt
Brogden Manna clnr Sa•ony Mole! I
Br•gl\t Paul IIAarylynl elk Chess•e System h 79 Kerr av Joyce tEchvdl olce mgr S Downey res FIR 3
Bt"J''IS '1'1 ~ I.Aarion Ctllg mgr 100 Kingw u'lll 131 l<mn c1rc tep Chatham Da•tv News n 11 HtllyarCI
BltONJII RobiiOonnal h 112 John • RuthAnn tGiennl caShr Harold's Vanety 254 Park av w
B11t Anna Mat•e n 162 Rale•gh BrOII<Ibent Bev J ICatol AI mnti\Ce County Kent h 162 Sheldon av
Bnmble GShane (Trna) m1 lllOf K Marth 46-1'2 Ralelgh • Donald H!Jean El wks Pharazyn Dead Stk Removal
· Gerald W(Florenoe M)lab MoiOI Wheel Corpn h 33 W&IWIO: dr IWallaceburgl n83lansdowne av
Bnnt> Paul h 75 Mary apl 207 • J•m V~ar1e1 wlls Can Fram h 76 Mary apt 714
81on~. ~lAlla) carp Mar·ltn Constr n 168 Coverdale · larry A (trent' A) le!ler earner h 220 Mercef
• Jas (COrnehat ca1)1Aa!·Litl Constr h w s Given rd lynn ICtt Mar\trl & Tolley Cnan Accts 162 Sheldon av
Stu n 14 ~aleCk • ManP (Jim) ctk Chatham Pub Lrb1y 76 Mlll'f apt 714
Bnnl<man Anlonla h 40 T1111lum Village apt 408 •tMe !CarOI)'Tl) meat ctt Gordons M~ta h 46 Panll$00 av
• E&lA tfl\llh Ctlc!!f Mc~eoug!l Pub Schl h 270 Tweedsmw a• w R•chd J ti.AargttleUer canter res RR 6
· Gary J tlloantl h 40 Elm apl303 · Russell lab h 80 M·1rray api 2
Hh4030ueen Zetoa stud! 162 Sheldon a•
· .lottniEcl<:!tl med labyi!Chn SIJos Hasp h 215 Tweedsrr~Uira•

!!<trio:·&Canacla ltd 1007 RIChmorld

Broad"''OO<I Denn.s J tEiatlle) !Busllel or a Peck IRtdgelOwnl) h ~
Homestead cres
• Kt>V<Il tPam) slsmn Trutk Unt PallS h 37 Tnan aes
!I<IOI'eS Frank R1llo&lla Sl rnn:nc:e Un co-op ol Onl h 47.o Bmc:> I.Aane mgri.Aac'e Convtl\le~ Store 50 Mernn ev
fleeci>VIoOO cres • Ronald slsciK Mac's Conven1ei\Ce Store 50 I.Aetltll av
Blor:kman V11gonoa secy Re I.Aax West Gale Rtty res Morpeth
BRISCO, EC, ll<odoe Alleta Mrs stsldy Ann's Style Stooppe h 111 Elizabeth
C ivil Engineer • J Joho F h 110 Robertson av
13 William n , P 0 Bolt 327, • Jas lt.lanlynl ftrel•ghler res RR 3
.-........ PlloM 352-HIO Jat cfl> One Hour Mar11rnzrng res RR 2
Joll htdrsr Rtvteta Hatr Place res RR 1
• John M !Rosemary) mig systems mgr can Fram h 887 C!lartng
Ctoss rd
BRISCO, E C , LIMITED, · John V !RosemaryI pollcemn h 425 Vtcloroa av
(Tim O 'Rourke Ern11t C Brfaco) • JuiiP Clk One Hour Marbnlzlng res RR 2
Ontario Land Survayora • Jul•e secy Kong Oretn h 82 Delaware •• apt312
13 William n, P 0 Box 327. N7M 5K4 Karen !Gordon) ~ten On! Mtnostry of Agrlc & Fd res RR 1
... - ...•.Phone 352· 3el0 Metv111e M (J~an Ml h 7 Zircon pi
• Met..n W!Thelma) mkt mgr Union Gat h 219 Baldoon r<l
• R•ta h 761Aary ap1509
BRISCO, ERNEST C , (Hntar). (E C Brlaco), Raa Robl T lab K1ng Grarn h 24 Houston
R R 3 Chatham Phone 352-2511 • Scoa techn Hugh's Carpet Ctng 425 Voelolla av
BRISCO, F B ' RICK', CMulna), (Smalley, • Scoll J stud1887 C! Cross rd
Brl aco Thompwn Umltad), (Brlaco Raal Br~ers Arnold slsmn M•crObyte Computing 62 Umverslly
Eatata Corpn Ltd), h 144 William • · Phone • Arnold IMatoa A) II 275 Campu<> Plcwy
354-3245 .JoanrrC! mgt M Clobyle Comput•ng 62 UntVetSIIy
BRISCO. PETER, CBavarlay), (Smalley, Brltco a Broetsma Peter IAiy R) custodran Kent County Bd ol E.duc h 166
Thompaon Umltad), Rat R R 5 Tlwn11vllla. Park 8VIN
Ptlona &t2-4803 Shl!rron Pub Gent Hasp 166 Park av w
II< '-.Y RoblE YOianal Jl pr()l)efty mgr Robe E llmco Prooety • Slt>Yen P61smn St81S 166 Park av w
l.l:lQfMI ~ h 67 Chfo:stnul dr Brogan J IEiarne) lab Union Gash 20 I.Aercer
Brltco & Son Realty !RICk & Bob Brisco) 227 Ouetn Brol<er151Uil' Glen WIMary Lou•se) elk L C Bd h 94 Tweeelsmulr av
8ri$lev Gordon M(Kalllelone) h 460 VICIOIII IY e

Please Turn to the Last Page of
the Classified (Yellow) Section .


Aultl E11 96 RObellSOil ••
Florence M·1 n Elm apt 308
Bromberg Edwd H(Laura I) II 101 Dalevlew cres Geo h 40 flm apt323
l'im (Jo. Anne) ~!lalld Weals) h 561 ParU• w
Bronson Bna11 C (Mallon Gl ~l mgt Unloo Gas h 4 Opal d
Wm S (Rial mgr Tne t.M!Ierman h 73 BaldOOn rd apt 13
· AG38Mary
~~~~ 1.1 }e 55 l'lelling!Oil ~ (lm 51
Brool<er Dellolah 86llyOitan av
ScoU lilt! Woodb!KJge P!'lone CO!pn h 86ltvo•can av I r.
BrowP h 120 Gtay
B•ool<es Ann secy UAW 1150 M•chene, rd aol312 Blo"'n h 66 Mary
Brool s M••aMe elk The Shoe Plat@ 1es RR 3 A Floyd IJa~lce) (Bowen Mwg 11 Sigel h 64 Randol I ttes
• Barry C (S DawnJinsllr Bel Cal'llda h 20 Ja~r av Ab h 50 MiC/Ielle! rd apt413
BelhUfle (Marva) tnsp Eaton Yale Lid n 25 BatdOOn rd Albl elk dr<t Chalham Pub l •bry 1\ 135· 1'2 foresl
B<llJn JPI!me!al serv ICChn EarlE hl$1ill & Son h 86 Wa!e1 • Ant'ly 1:!~ Bet· er's M •
Bron (V•d<fl rates ell< Hiram war•ec (WindSC!) h soer..~e dl Aeril blo_p~ lleal1ie & Lambe Sl1eldon
cedi (Oeamal na Cll111dlanna N.rrsg Homes n 136 Weltingtoo e Arche I (Frulll f ) n 75 Tecurtl$e!lrd
Oav•d pnll Chrome Tek"PIHIIS I2 Blla!ri Barbera h 10 I Ra!erg!l
Dahb•e !GeoJ dsgnr Syd Kemslev flo!ISI21 .,e.anora av • Beny n 11 Pr1ncess •
Donna Mrs bl<p! Huron COilS!! h 12 B~alty C tl liS 1'2!{lngwapl l
• Oorolhv B Mrs h 99 McNaU<Jhloo av w apt143 C Otna h 41 Faobert dr
· Douglas B (Susan) 11 & dlemlir Superlot Mach & Tt n 28 Tasan Carol h 26 0\IJo ! I
cres Cllllltrme 99 Par\
• Ed•ltl h 56 Sy! d! Chas o lEna! schl bus'*"' l)eorl.a h 43 Pa•ey
F Ben~a~d (Constance V) Dnesmn H J ~nz CO h 24 S\ldbutv dl ,, S~4!>1r· ~Vil~~310
• frafltes oor~e h 76 V11111!f d! apt 102 BROWN, CHRIS. (Shirley), Secy Smytll M•morfaJ
Fred WIBertv J) lab Cliy h 28 O!lote pltwy Company, h 127 VIctoria av, Phone
Gary Wgro elk Dam Stores h 177 Gregory d! w 351-2058
· Gary W!Marlene! slsmn Lebans h 38 Sunnyside av • Ch11s J Joeil~n Ml meclll•bber·SI Cla•rlnc: t'l'lattacellufgl n
Geo !Debbte) radiO anncr CFCO n 21 AJeulldra av 133\itand avw
· Gordon J !Ella Ml bllngl Me00el's lkverages h 170 Edgar Clala A.!!$ II ' 73 P411< IV w
• GwendOiyne Eelk Super XDrugs 7!i Mary apt 306 Cla·Jdl! S (Uta M1 II 89 Wyandotl
• Ha<Oid G(Carol AI h 300 WelllngiOIIYt • CouncriOt C (Alia Sl h 86 Pr.ncess s
• Harry AtConslaflte L1h 420 lntltan Cteek rd 'If • • Cr·,,"al n a canatltilllllll Nursg Home h 14 H '2 Ha!'rey
• Harvey f IEialbara Ellab Pioneer H• Bred Lid h 19 BelmOIBI o h 8A l 2 Raletgn
D L n 217 Selofrlt
· Horae!! A (Maryl h 2 t Sunoo ct · DanE (Gail) h 34 W•lco• cres
· Jack f {Waoda) h 343 Gralld IV e ap120S • Oanl E d•SI "'9' OeKalb Ca.nad!llnc res S\Jadord
• Kenntl'l L (Getaldlne M! drvr Bloomf·~d Tr~Kk SloP h 76
Oarlt!ne cf• llo~,,l.Q-Orome 7 Pe11one ern
David ! (Bonnie) lelll!fcaf!l~' h 10 Weoge'WOOd ,., ept2
Trillium V1tlage
David wn 57Batdoon rd apt 106
· leontCaroi MI res counsellor Soultt.ves~em Regl Cenlre n 392
· David W1SIIortey loA) 51JPVS' Cll~ Fram Lid n 7 PtUone Ctl!S
lndl811 ~" rd w
• Merwy11 A (Victorlal purth agt Oomlar PICkagtng n 145 IAertl!f • Oean R n 120 Ur!;ulrne11•
Murray J (Debolahl n& dteml<r Super101 l.!ach & h 106 · Debta A h 152 lndiat1 Creel< rd e
Delmar L tMartyn) tab H J He•nz CO h 202 Sandys
Mtcnene• rd
• A•tll<l math MOC21k Tl & Ole h 47·A Beechwood cres • Delmet !Munel) tUS!Od•ao Cllalllam Kenl Sec Schl h 306
• RIChd L!Suzanne '-II bus drv~ Chal~am Coeth lines h 7S Sussex McNaugtUon av e
Delores (Bob I she'TIPOO gtrl Em~ lily Salon COllege
• Robl 21 Suaon ct
Denis J (.lea~) Iall i H CAnada h 2 1 Patteson a•
• Robt wks Clly h 29 Srt!<11lt
• Sh•eta edvtsg elk Chatham Oa•ly News 19 Balmoraf rd Oeni$P. 152 Par•. Ia
Del\ll!s jan Tecumseh Sec Schl 234 We 1ng'.on e
· Stelle lab Oom AuiO Trans!l33 OMlOsh•re rd
Wm (Deborah! wks Can Tue h 265 WeiTmgloo e
• Oenrus C (Jean E) sts rep !ktropolitan llle h 387 campos
Broo~sbank Ktngstey E(Barbara) purch agl & tral mgr RookYtell Pkwy
• Oenms w!Carol) lab Eaton Yale Ltd h 92lnshes av
lnUh 83 McGeorge av
Douglas lltndal drftsmn J HJorden h 11 Glengarry cres
Broom ll11•811 n76 Mary apt 10 t
Brophy Gary n 38 McNaugtnon ave E h 163 Joseph
BROPHY, P R. (Karen), City Tr. .aurer, h 3ll · Earl J (Oolollly AI h 38 Dukes
• EdMl h 44 l'loodtand a~
Roealnl cr..
Br~au Alma M Mrs llliekpg Pub Gent Hasp h 200 lnshes av
· Eileen Mr& ofce .,~r Charron Transp h 66 Betty
Dh 570 LacrOix apt 4 • Elll Mrs lrbm CFCO Rad•o 519 VlC\Oria av
Ellen secy CMtham CommuMy Cled Un res RR 1
• Don h t7 Louetta cres
• Ethel II 805 Grarld av w apl 203
• J h 78 Lacroix apt3
Josh 61 · 1'2 aa~ter • Ethel Eh 25 Sl PatriCk
· FE h 30 Tnlllum V1llage ape202
• Kenneth Sludt S3 Harvey
• Ktt~•n ass1 depl mg1 Woolco flonl 200 lnshes av • freda lA Mrs elk AM's Ores1 Shoppe 2 Cardtnal em
· louiSe t.lrs elk l J Mulhern &Co h 53 Harvey • G Be!nard (AMie) h 539 S1 Clau "":
Brossman Galy (Sandlll research mor Del<alb canada InC res St • Geo lab Can Fram h 85·1'2 Sneldon av
Thomas · Gerald K (Syfvoal h 134 Edgar •
8routllelle Clarence (Blanche) h n s Rtellmond Gerry IBonntel camera rm opr Chambetlam Press res SIOiley
• Rlchd lab Ambassador BldQ Mntnce Con s Richmond Po1n1
Bround H Kellh (Gtona) h 89 Riverview dr apt 70S • Glen h 42 Emma apl 6
· Nan 99 Park · Gordon (Joyce A) i11b Coty h 234 WelllngiOn e
Broussellu Ela•ne SOCial wkr Unemployed Help Cenlre 187·1'2 · Gordon C (Thelma ll h 32 Highland df
Lorne IV · Gordon K tHeten) serv teeM Krazy Kelly's res Dresden
Brouwer Eler1 (Hennvl h 88 Mercer • Greg Sludt 387 campus Pkwy

• School and Office Supplies • Office Furniture

180 KING ST. W. PHONE 354-0470

· Harold G (lolafguenle) h 99 RotJem;On IV • Rhonda 266 Woods
· Herbt C24 Prince s • Rrctld h 217 Selk•ril
• HertJt S 11~ drY! Libby Mc:Hetll & I.Jbby h 24 Princes · Riche! HtHealhef)lab I H Canade h 191 Stlkttk
· Iva lArs h 45 Tnlhum Village apt 104 • Rob•o elk Bowi·Q·Orome 11 Oua•l pi
• J Russell (Be~y El h 24 Broar Hill rd Robin wliJ Ouro·Foem Spray tnsulatron 222 Sl Cla•r ap~ 208
· Jane res counsellor Sou111,..estern Reg! Centre h 383 Robt C (Coreenllab C 8IJmen (Dresden) h 544 Queen BP15
Wl!ftiiiQIOO w apt 304 · Rob! EtEiarne) h 255 Selkirk
• ~hostess Scon·s Ch•cken Villa 125 Grand •• e · !'lobi HtiAanlyn) IChr Kent County 8d of Educ h 715 Queen
• Janis M wks Kentucky Fried Chicken 125·1'2 Grand ave • Robl J h 299 Woods
• Jas (Clwrst<ne l) eng Unooo Gls h 42 PriiTllose Ia • Robll tDoona PI l01mn lol•nlf.1IY ol TranS!) & Communlc h 68
• Jas A (Peggy l) hrefrghter h 111 Piny dr Hou$101'1
• Jas C(Doane) tab Molor Wheel Corpn h 152Palk II • Robl Rh 50 l.lemH IV apt 404
- Jean EtDenn•sl mgr Becker's Milk 387 Campus Pk"'l' • Robt T )OeiOies) Uk dm Super101 Mach & Tl Lid h 5 College
• Jean Mrs h 88 Partridge cres • Rogef NtEdlllll h 330 w
- Jessre l h 56 Fa.rcowt IV • Ronald 66 PrtnCftS s
-Jo AMe h 143 Sandys • Roru n 66 Prince Atlhur av apt 1
· Joe h 202 Campus P1twy apt 102 • flosanne Mrs ola! ltlltomauon Union Gas 11Cterar Or
-Joe V tK"'1 lAI orderly Pub Genl Hosp h 130 ~ • Ros5 h 85 P!ne apt 24 1
• John 66 Ptrncess s Roy (K•m) h 98 Par• apl4
· John !Janel mntnGeeng libby McNe•• & Ubbyh 37 O!don blvd
· JohnS ti.Offaine D) lab Rocl<welllnl! h 301· 1'2 Patk 0 Elder, Prnldent
· Jon WIRosemaryI lab Eaton Yale ltd h 130 Semeoyn IV Preecrlptlon Service, Druga, Olfta
• Jos w38 Duke s et1 Orand av w, Tham• Lea Plaza, N7L 1C5
- Kalllwl Mss secy Ur!ion Gas h 11 Ouail pi ..........Phone 364-1 NO
-Kellh drY! Sou'ltlern Corocte1e NO!Ih 8wrton
· Kerth (I.Aatyl h 3 Chrppewa dr
-Kenneth (Mary Lou) shpr Oomlal Packaging h 28 W-ICk dr • RU1h !o.lrt (Brown·s AuiO Sply) h lA D~Nonshire rd
- Keooeth (NBF'IC'f) press apr Can Fram ltd h 4861ndran Creek ld Ryan 26 DUke s
.,. • S h 383 Wellington w apl8·5
-KeMeth Q (Mary Al custodian Indian Creek Road Pub Schl h • S h 89 Rlvervtew dr apt 304
456 lnd•an Cteek rd w • Sally s.ecy GilhUia Grant & Burgess 38 Spurgeon dr
- Kim Sl..rdl202 Sandys
• Shawn """ Felli!(a '" RA 1
Leon H(Audrey J) mason t.laple Ridge Consu h 50 I.IICheoer rd Sherman 0 (Hazel) h 201 McNaugnron ave
api2D3 · Sherry L Mrswtrs Harvey's Restr 27· 1'2 Adeta•de n
leonard J (Dolores) h IS6t.lerce1 • Sl11rley Eh 12 Sbrl•ng II apl 1
-Lillian Fh 301 Pallo · • Sh1tley J lArs CUSIOmer enQUiry elk Union Gas h 49 Ascot ct
· lloyd J (IAarion) h 24 Otia .... dr · Stephen C(Carole PI h 84 111811et av
• lom h 118 Rlwervlew dr apt 422 Stewar1 G(l.largt Gl tl esl stsmn F WCooeybeate Ltd h 117
-lOf\·an ..t.s Holiday Inn 178 Colbome llobt>ftJon av
• lucy h 360 Sandyl apl3" · Terry W(Debra R) lrraflghler h 253 Grand at w
lyle A(Helene W) h 34 W•ndtor dr • Thos wkt Sears Canada Inc 26 Jeffrey
BROWN, LYNNE, Ch'-1 Librarian Chatham Public • Thos C Dr (AI~I phys Pub Genl Hoep h 355 VIC!Of11 av
Ubrary, h 17-1'2 Uncoln av · ThosE IShe!ry l) h 27· I '2 Adelelde n
Mae IA11 h 991.1c:Naughlon av w ljll125 · Weldon J (Merle)wi<l Molor Wheel Corpn h 196 McNaughton av e
Mana J Mrs h 395 Pllll • W•lld J h t03 MIChener rd
Nan< !Annenel u& d•en~~q Russeu Tl & Doe 519 Vlclona av • Wrl500 ICiate)lab I HCanada h 11 I '2 Lome av
• Malk ~Ellzl d II d•eml<rldeal Stamping (Aidgelownl h S19 • Wm (Wendy) wks City h 43 Taylor av apl205
VrciOf•a av • Wm G lila! lab Earon Yale ltd h 15 Prlnoess n
Mart1n !Pansy) slsmn Ra""elgh Prods h 38 Mercer • Wm J (Eva G) h 557 King w
Mal)' IKe•lhl m Dr Ashe! 3 chippewa Wm K (Ada 8) techn engmeenng asst Umon Gash 430 VICtoria
· Mary AM Mrs h 805 Gland •~ wapt41D av
Mary E h 12 Surhoo Ia ape 4 Browne Jas 0 (Josephine K) h 5 Emerald pl
Mlck (Kathy) asmbly Can Fram h 23 Quail p4 · lillian Mt1 admln & d1schge co-ord Soulhwesiern Regl Centre
lol·~e (Robin) m«:h Smlh Cy(le 222 St Clair apl 208 h 93 Wedgewood av
· Wdreo h 143 Wellington e Brownrng Barbara A Mt~ secy Canada Emp Centre 4QS Grand av e
• Na!tlan studl216lar1< • Becky counsellor Soulhwestem Reg! Centre 80 Lome ev
• PGale r n ChrotliC Care h 84 Balcloon rd apl30 1 D 1.1 h 18 Pearl cres apt 1
· Pal tS/IItley) reprmn I HCarllda h 18 Devons/lite rd Doug G51udl 80 lome av
• Palk 66 Pr•ncess a Douglas G (!rona RJ (J & RIncome Tax) h 80 lome av
• Paul A (W Gall) asmblr IH C8llllda h 21 BLWk J h 265 Gland •~ e
8fOW'I Pel~ Dr 011hodonhll 30 Keilh T(Barbara A)ISII mot Kenl ReftiQ & Fum h 405 Grand
• l'elet J farm mngmnllj)ee IA•n.Slry ol Agnc h 925 Grand IV w ave
apl305 • lots h 98 Park IPI 3
• Phy!rrS h 125-1·2 Gtalld IV e • Mary RSWichbd CIP! Ont Hydro h 5 Gregory dr e
RFrri !Doris 8) h 42 Canlerb~Ky • RIChd (Nancy) tOock·a Caleung) h 197 Gtalld IV e
Randa~ (Julia) pres Btuwn's Auto Sply h 9 WlrWICk dr 8townlee Bna11 (Helen) dM·ald1 Chatham & Drst Ambulance 5erv
Randy C(Batbata J) llllnmn C & Q Ry h 228 Michener rd res Wallaceburg
Rayd A (Mary E) h 115 W.Jlowfnle IV Jas (N•)Oie) ~ U111on Gash 130 Oxley dr
Renee 1.1 ho5leas T1m Honon Donuts h 40 Selklrt.: Brownlte lin h 955 Gland IV w apt306
Rhoda LIArs h 14 OcM!COUII Brown·s Auto Supply Randy Brown p1es 557 Orand av e

llloMI~ Rani (F!tCit MCy bkp!Brilal & Son Ally res BUCHANAN
All 3 t upperYIIle
8rv llln Dt4lopmll~ Co lld (lien &ulntml) 380 Plrtr ... Cheryl CIShr ....., Clrn & ~ 11. Gtly
Bruce Dh 45 t nlliulll V!lllgiiPI303 Doug Alib libby lotcHeiR & lllby 1t2l.n:dllcl pi
Klill D(£1il AI h 271 Co1mpus Plcwy [ctooard AI~ G) esmblf libby 1ottNei11 & lJtJby II 1•2
SJII~Bf'lrtri¥W lencefleld pi
8rugginlo Chrilllr!t IIUdl h 57 Beldoon rei IPI20' be wlos Damllr Sunoco h ttalbrey
8rvlllmln Anne Mrs h 119 Hlrvey • Geo (Dcme)llb Oulllotalan II I 1• Grey
Bruhlmen Ap811rnen111 1'l! Kmg w Jearvw252Selk~
• Heelhef l lludl 9 1 f eUbl!l ell Thos E(Colleen lolllllml'l Hodlon Bay Co h 155 Coppetfleld
Henry (CIIIyllls Chllllm Con\pull! Sll 720 f~Mrvlew ell cres
IMIHLMAN, ttiJMY H, (Helell), I"NN _ . . Ct1y lluchne! Din (lllnn) ~ Wallec ll1d ltd (W~)II 8ee
laiiMirJ I DrJ C.... UtniiM 11M Detuae Oueeo
C......l~llllf••IC...._.lUII, IIIIt But• Cecil I (111 Gl n IOfHotcfan- IYIOI103
L.8onlbl ..._ 82 Plty1lis ..
Jly ACliWf .... City LnClly 5e lletJoiJ Janel tverst PlAza 52 rlirCIUt"
Kevin Ill Ollllll'n ~ Sis 5e 1 lecrou l Anne II 821otefICICien 1Y
~RUHLMAN, I'IOY " · (Della), leo-T - _ . . lyle 82 Ptrytlls IV
CleJ laiiMirJ I Orr C..... Umlted 11M wayne lir!f~ 1152 r~"
Ulllleld, II t1 ,.-.rt *
o.luM C..... I Leu11ll••• (CMIMm)

Bruiniul Luke fllmitl (ldlll Pmlg) h 59 Plrtr 1¥ w

~~Clio 1Hc.lldlll82 E-•d
Butt~ fred h 1$lrillillm Villlge IPI102
BIO!and J DaYicl (Join) ctllllltd lhd-lN ~ h 20 I
IIRUIMIMA. ANOMW, "'11" 1111 . . . IINI-1 O•~dr
.... Ud. MOGIIeeft, ......_lll. . . . lotyrtle lotrs II &50 Grand IY w1CJ11107
llruinlmlllen AII M-1 'l! Yidorlll¥ ~le! Ken H (tlonN K)ll 18 SIJ'Iflylide 1Y
W.ot 1165 Timmins en IPI101
MUIN8MA liN IlONa LTD, Wen<ty mg Oeppet Din's res RR • Blenheim
~. lftduelrtel, MlrtM Wort! I Buc~Jey Hllold 0 (lllllfllot) I & diemi<J Dorntll Pecklging 1133

-~ ...
.... Nftl, CleMr8l eo.•uct~or~
..... I . . . . Coftleructloft
Bucko (Qiipmetll t.r!ll ITIIC1Iy Hlrold J Willers pta I I Rlchmoncl
Bucfowlleal "llan C K) press apr Elatl Tl6 Die h 11 S
Copperlield cres
0.; M(Glace lol)llbCiwysle!IW~l!l 11 Jlsperl¥
Benj Aelk Gotdons a.ts h 18 I Selklri<
Gtace llldt$1 Btendl s Blv s.Jon 11 Jespe! •~
· Wiles A (!lemadetle) lib I H Cenedlll 550 Vlcloril lv
• fiMy h 050 a.-,
IIMNIM.._ MANON, lee· T - ... 8rultlemlll Budd lotdey SIUdl h 102 WelllnglorltiPI•
Budge Davld tJlt CllvllottKertle Mtllen Lid 7Ot~ dr
.... Ud, MOOueen
w I!WyAnn (Pwllr) MCy bl<~ Cunninghlm Slllrntl Wlls 12 8udgfll l'ttef C nym A) eng Cln Frwn h 81 Swlquois
Budge! VIdeo lotovie Rentals !!en Donlis mg •20 ~
Gerderl VIle rei SW..I RamP (Bimll Otesmblr Genllllrs n 36 Thomhlll cres
· fWr (Miry Annl 11 12 Glrdtn VIle ro
• Sltnem (SIWI) llfS CIPI Elln Tool & Die h •s lotarlon IV
8rundri1l Alb! h 221 JoleClh 1P1 D
Bucllv!lsi<IBell !l.tatlal hsekp9 Public Genl Holp II 108 WOOdS
• Clrl h 85 Pme IPI232 Buec!<.ert Davtl!llntllr Bell Cllladl n • 1 Covttdlle IPI 206
• G h •1 Orchlrd His eliiPIID2
Jake 4 I Coverdale IPI206
<linin 1~1 mec11 Superior & n 1133 HJrwiCII
Wary wn Tile KingSwly 20' 17 a.-,
Shlrlty J ell< t.-IIOn Ga h 82Beldoorl rei IPI20 I
8runMI Roger C(Helen £J IUCI'tSI t.-110n Ga 11 112 Pllmell cres Buesnel £liz welks.. Noble Sllop n •o Trillillm Vitlegt IPI
Bruner Oonlld w(Wonil<al c;r., ltd Clwysltr ShllllngiOII h 187 1101
Bultoni Gmo J (Will HJ IMovloll Clle) 11•1 ~
ChippewJ ell BuHy Diane n 1 Thlmes•>rW lodge 1189 Sheklon lvlpl18
Bruni Tom A(Brendl J) 1Ctlr ChMhlm Colt IIIII h 112 Plrtr
Bugala EJ Rrv PMIO! Dill Udy of YIC!/t)f'( lAC) Ch h •110 St
&ruth 0 . (PIIoebe) h 1 ee cnoo .. e
Herold E h Z« lnshes 1¥
Bugeta Oanl R (Dot lsi rectNIIOII d01 C•ty h 8 Glenglrry cres
• Kelly lludl 350 lotochenel rd
Buglet David roolef II 69 W!Chener rd
• Rob! H (lll\l) wks I HCJnedl h 350 lotoehenef rei
!luis r rani< P SIUdi•J Lincoln rei
· Slnch llqJinll HcMe ol $pJciJcle 350 Mldllnlr ro
Niclo J CCJIIJrlnll h IIS5 Clllncll¥ •IPI lOll
" ' -Cllly 8 wn LUI!Iblr!D Allr h BD llllfll IPI2
11M111t1J Mllnul S (OIJnnJ M) ICIIr Klnl Counly Bel ol EGic h . ,., c (lllllln .., ~co-on~~ ... Cln fflm" Q
lmcolll rd
211 Olley cW
8rylnl CMryiiiUdl 107 PMy ell Sllpllen .. ""' 0 lincoln rd
~Allin G (Siwllty Jl IUPWif Cln fflm h 110 DIII¥IJw
•Danlld F (.llnll L) Ill ._Bid OuiiJI II 107 PMy cW
· Dorin J ~ Ll 119\M~oiOntll 203
llulcke Alb! C!Miril C) II 1000 ChJrtng C.0. rd 11111121
~IW ... food Slole Ibm Mllcllll"''l' .., Sl Clllr
• UnciJ c:lllllwiJIBDalll-- 1111111 107 PMy cW
Mldll E(.llnll D) "*'a 119 DuaiiiJic OIJJn 111 .._. ct
• Aalll R ~A) 11iP1 ... IIIII Union Gil II 12 ~ rd n
• Silly J 11Ud1203 ~ cW
.,. Dlwicl c(w.ian llll9 . . Wllclng Sply h 75 Sl YlcNJI

Bull Fn & Selll1 Slr'flc:w 270 ....,_"

• KII :MJ Grind 1¥ t Jill BD3
• , . , (lllnl)ll 240 WoociJ Aldld '"II' Gil & Go 75 Sl Yic:NJII¥
• filii ( ~ 1000 Clwlllg en. rd
BIDicll EdMI W(&ml E) I I . RlviMJw 1W IPIII08
auc:t.l ~ J IMJrgl V) IIIII Clly 11117 PapiJr Bull WJicllng ~ 270 .........
BuiiJrd s-1112 a.-. ..
· s...t A(.all) gJIII tarmn ChryJIJr (WindJor) II I 19
Bullen MII 1150 Clllncll¥ •IPIII08
. . . . -11213o.-tJ1113 • Tla G IJJnnitlr AI II 8 MciUnnon ell
· llnln11Ud111•Grw llulllr Helin II 18 ~ 1¥ •IPI257


Serving The Community Since 1966
lndustri~l - Hot Asph;tll Fl~t Roofing - Commerci~l
Shingling, Siding & Soffit
160 EUGENIE 352-4082
Laur1e 30 Wei' .ngt011 e apt 3 · Marzella pun Gregory Or Pub Sc11l 14 Bto"'" ere~>
• Nancy olce clll Mot01 Wheel Corpn h 45 nmJIII/Is cres apl 103 Robt (Joan) ~udl at-~w h 293 Vlcloria •~
· Paul A (Margl 01 Plod l8Chn Hayes-Oana h 7 Jat pi • T h 97 Bedtordapl 108
• VICky Sludl 7 Jay pi • Thos A(~aneH~ S) tao libby McNedl & libby II 74 Sl
. Wilfd J (Margltt259 ColbOine Micllael a•
8ul1ey AJieo h 7 Thud apt 2 • 'Nm (Stendal r.erv rep Fedl Furn 94 Paneson av
Ted A(Marilyn AI mectt Speedy's Grge ITilburyl h 15 Romney BUtggraal Anlhy studl79 Edgar
rd • Arie P (Janet) d!ylWalllnshf Rayata Drywall & AcoustiCS n 79
Bullock H h 975 Grand av w apt207 Edgar
Bulmef John (Miry I pe~oleum geolog•s11122 Jotdln a~ • Fram: h 8tt Oueen
Bul~e Geo T(lracy AI (W1ndmlll Cab! Shop) h 89 Univelstty d! • Frank IJo·Anna C) d1esel techn Chalham fuellnJecl1011 n 26
• Jai'IU Psld OoslelhoH Jwus 50 Argyle Klll!WNI'r' dr
• Jas lPP! MuiU Conslr 34 Urlf">'eiSitf d! • Aayd !Cheryl AI taper Kenc Acollst•c:s h 4 OriOle I*WV
• JeH Sludl 34 Uno\'e!SIIy dr 8urgoone Ch 18 Pearl cret BPI 2
· .1oM (ltmaltMulb Constll h 34 Un••ersiT'(dl • Waltei(Chelylltrkl Chalnarn Cash & Carry Lrnbf n 12 Orehafd
PMp f.lana)lonnn Mull' Constl h 50 Argyle cres His dr apl2
• AIChd cablmkr Wtndmlll Cab!s 34 Unlve!Sity dr 8u11e Mallei A h 805 Gra'ld av w 8lll911
Buru<e~Milk tKamy) wid! Sass loltg h 190 P111es011 av Burk Batbara Mrs slscl~ Kool<y Kostume AnUs 13 Ale•andra a•
Bullko Janma lotrs h 451Acflflane av Emma 11805 Grand av w apt403
8unn Sltlla h 238 LacrOI• · Glen !Connie) sllldl h 101 0 Nerl IPI2
lllme!1 B Radclyl!e IBelly) II 229 Joseph • G01oon Lh 28 Second apt 2
BunnmgAgnes , h 40Tnlllurn V1!1age aptl003 Jack A (TheresaI lab lo!OIOI Wheel COipn h 20 Brock
• 0an1 0 !San<hllthrWallacebulgOist HoghSdll II 214 • K Atlan(Patricla AI sup'f'\1 Umon Gash 79 Venderpark df
Baldoonrd • loltchl '!Suzanne M)lab Can Frarn 11164 Emma
• Denn1s Wl.lem1~ AI buyer Can Fram h 180 CaQieav • Mle tOonnlllab G-l Vencltng h 264 St Oa11
Bumng M GReal Esiale 29 O'Bpen d1 • Thos IBarbara)trl\ drvr Aydet Rancher (Tori h 13 Aiekanora
• lolan~ell G(Mavis E) (M 0 Bunnong AI Esll h 29 011nen dr IV
Buns Masler Bal<~ry (Gary Sabourm)472 Riverview dr • Tho& IC81111eenl•ldr H Canada h 5 Pearl Cles apt!
Burch Brooe F tErteen M) lWith OPP he s Joplyn Bur~<e Anlla 0 quality control Standard Tube h 35 Llydlcan av
• Janene styll51 First Choice Halrtullm res AA 4 • 8 Barry IE•alyn) a<;~t mgr ll'l Papa's Serv Sill Lid h 23
• Janice 124 Wolltam n MacMrllan cres
. ,..Jh41 Gray · Donald AIR•ta Bllli'L Papa's Serv Stn ltd) h 174 Cecile av
• Rob1 rfr MJller Rlg & Srd•ng 475 Queen · Greg L Studl 368 Baldoon rd
&.chi Gabrtel (Oanlellellab ,_.0101 Wheel Corpn II 396 Bafdooo · Harold carp 38 Spurgeon dr h same
rd · Helen G Mrs II 85 Pr~ apl125
Bur~l C\JrtJ~ ell 11es1 FOiless 41 Coverdale apt 202 • J A h 71 Collegiale or
·.1oM W!Noreen) grp ldr Can Fram Lid h 48 Tasan cres • Jas h 10 Gregory dr e
Burchill RobltSusan) lechn Mololola h 178 Cc1teldale John E 10oana1 dr'ir ~1111011 Tra'lSP II 8 Yllllovtdale pi
Butd Albl J !lyndOn Jl .nop 'fll<l Oom Auto T11rr$11 h 15-2 forest • K~rn A II 46 Canterbury
·Howard J (Jul<al h 105 Van Alleo a~ · leola II 99 McNaug!lton av w apt I 27
• Jacl< L (Sharon Gl asmbU Can Frarn h 124 Pnmrose Ia • Lehl•a M h 9 Simonlon dr
·lym IAlbll dm Atro.Lndry 152 F01est L.llian &!Selk Belinda & Brother 24 WebSier
Burdge &en (Karren) geol mgr CP Exp h 393 Baldooo rd 101 • Lot>Ga M h 40 Woods apt 1
21 • M N01man h 101 Glenwood dr
Burdon la11nte aPI)I rnech Nonllside Te:QCO res RA 3 Kent Btidge MarJOire hsekpr Soulh•estern Aegi Centre h 170 Lome av
Bureau Gtlle5(Carol A) lchr Chatham Kent Sec Schl h 58 • Ray IL•II wks Lobby McNeill & ltbby h 24 Webb
Wntei<d! • RIChd (Birdtellab I HCanada h 368 Baldoon rd
Burey l Rev !Oe1he) mrn!Sler Union BaptiSI Ch h 43 ·Roy A !Sharon AI lfeas ll'l Papa's Serv Stn h 120 Holland a~
Petonecres · Sherry! aceta recvble elk PrOY Cl h 24 Vanier dr apt 3
• Slepheo srudt 43 Petrone cres · Stan H!Edoilll h 58 Arnold
• Wa'(Tl(! ~udl43 ~~~one cres · Stanley J (Shllley)lener earner h 88 Tlssrman av
Burford R1chd M (ltlarolyn JJ dlr Kent County Pub Llbry h 114 ·Terry h 795 Grand av w apl310
Cardinal cres - Tom (Doane) (Ookle lee Ctucl<eo Aestr (Wallaceburgl) h 15
Burger King lAd EOdlnglon)525 Grand a~ w Wtltshore dr
Burger Vrrgtnla paramed 132 Glenwood dr Burleigh Hatry A (Jean) sis Tom's Aplncs h 72 Cornh1ll
Burgess Ah 805 Grand av w apt 904 Ivan S !Lillian Ml h 66-1'2 Sheldon av
Bruce !Barbara) glazJef Blondeel Glass Ltd res AA 1 Burlington Jas greens supllndlan Creek Golf & Country Club
0 Bnan lands agt Union Gas 61 Buclunoham av res Blenherm ..,kS Olotd!en's Village Oa~ <Are Ce!llre 97 Bedford apt Burm TheodOre P (A•Ia M) lab Can Fram h 80 ColleglaJe dr
108 Burn Geoffrey A (Dale l) consultrno eng Wythe & Ulnallld h
• Eleanor secy Chalham Colleg181e ll1sl res RR 1 Blenheim 120 Tllomhrll cret
·Frank 0 I Marzella Ellchr Chaltlarn Keot Sec Schl h 14 BtOWil Burnen.Jones Thol H(Susan J) slsmn hAoore Business Forms h
cres 135 Sylvesler dr
• G ICiv lndoan Creek Ro Pub Schl Burnesa Wm T (Jean) mgr eng Unron Gash 12 Detrort dr
• Gene h 253 O•ley dr Burnen Angela baMdr Wheels Inn h 604 Bloomfield rd
• J Bradley tChnst•ne M) cllalt ICd Gilhula Grant & 8urgea h Jean IOCIII wkr Soutllw"*e!n Regl Cenlre h 56 Wrllowdate pi
85 DIJel;-e. cres Randy drw Oomtm011 Auto Translt
·.1oM M(MIIJOIY) r~ London Ulelns res RA I Roger J (Ellzl gent mgr Challwn Cable TV h 211 Baldoon rd
K&lllieerl h 94 Pe1leson IV S 275 Klngw
• Mlbel 11 8 Lorne a• Sean h 123·1'2 Kino w
~·n L tMatQU h 61 Bucklno!lam av 8Utnen·Jones Tom sla r~ Moore Busoness Form'

Smalley Brisco & Thomcson



&rnham C P mgr Cha!llam Place '-lallrea Por1 Alma
lflOS (lena) h 21 SIIIIOilton dr
Bumlslon Alb! B tfdna Gl h 30 Trllll\lm VIllage 1Pt608 · John T (hlary JaN!) n 100 Ucfalfane a• a01 S15
001don R (Olive AI h 31 .lar.k5011 dr N¥tcy 234 lnshes 81/
&rns Bev 112 1'2 Foresa • WA 11 30 TnUIUm Villagt' apt 50 1
• C11 24 Varner dr apt 11 • W ;ld2 Da'll Spl
Oeo N h 5 Sllrltng Ia Ha r Place res RR 7
Bushy Helen ht<liSI flcooe~a
Burns lntem&!ionbl Security Ser. OCI!S Lid Nli\UI Asn br mgr Bussey J-ell<: Canada Manpo\W!r Cenh 650 Graod .. ., apt
143 Wellington w suttt 102 505
• M•Cilt"P Sludl103 Mcfadde<l av Ma~guentl' hOmemaoer h 650 Grand •• w ap!SOS
• Rl(l< h 631Latr01x Obve M!'S 650 Graod av "'101 505
Burr Donna eft< Woolco 202 Campus Pl<wy apt30 1 IMteed Her01 PfllJ 12 RandOlf ern
· Estelle II 99 M~Naughton av 'I' lpl262 Jolm wgas atat Map!,. Clly Gas 12 Rai1Cio!l ern
Gerald J (Palrlcia Ct equip SupVSf Mmlstry of Transp & Comm · llOyd thelyn) h 16 ~- rd
II 571 Vtctotla av • Ross h 12 Randol! ern
ButreU Evelyn h 100 M~atlane av apl408 8us1on Clul$ p 80 Brog IY
• Healt!e! C tBruceJ serv rep Co-Operators Ins res Rodgl>towl1 Bual)®i Re9•N Mrs h 243 WOOdS
• M•tnljNalatie) mgr of QUality cootrol Can Fram Lid h 49 Butthef Geo !Barbera KJlab M.:llor W~l Corpn h 70 T.mrrurtS
Tasan cres ttes 8()13
• Natahe I (H M•chl)eSSI Chlknn's Village Day Cite Centre Buller - , 31 Orclllld pi
49 Tasan eras · Ala~ W(Wencly A) RC2 Soultr~n Regl Cenlre h 63 Sl
Burrougi!S Chas S (Ann•e G1 kk drlr Chatnam Water Comm h 69 I Ardhony ape 2
Park ev w - Adny (Phyltls II mgr Union Gas h 233 TWlldSmU•r av w
John h 40 Trllhum VIllage aDI903 • Bealricr lab Can Fram ltd n 50 Mchener rd apl410
PauliChfiSttaQt') wka OPI' h 343 Grand IV e apt209 8tyatJ Sludl h 39 Oo¥ft ape 6
Burrow$ C h 383 Wetlmgton w apt209 · Bud ({)iaoe) h 87 ~apt I
£mel M h 36 P•n Carol A h I 09 Sheldon a•
lee serv techn Sentry F1re Selely res Wal!aceburg Chas CIISIOdia~ RoyalTavern h 69 1'2 Kong waptl1
· Mark (Tammy) IPPI mech Jack Cerron Car Sis h 455 S8'1dys apt • OCanna lol (l.eol lt'!:ff earner 231 Killg e
306 Donald J genl f01rm Mnstry ol Tr~ & Common h 105 Esse)(
BursE' Harokl Edely war~er A~IOmOI~>l! h 83 Grand av e d
MJChll(Dranetlab MOlD! Wheel Corpn h 134\ksuhn~ av • Dwhne (Tracey) set\JfiiY g\lald Burns Securlly h 130 Sheldon
Buoch Oavid (Mary) II 220 lnshes av •• apl305
• Geral<ltrf' Eletter camer 77 Lansdowne · Eva 97 t.lcfllltane av8PI306
Nona G ctk Aslrat Photos h 18 RICI'Imond • FllOyd !Kaye) rmlnee Rockwen lrll h 63l<etra•
• Peter J !Gladys Elanalyst Unton Gas h 93 SuonySide a• Fred (VtOietJ to 97 Bedf01d aptl02
Burton Betty 274 1<111g e • Fr~ (Linda! II & d Pmkr Fleetwood !Tilbury) h 144 GOidplwll
• Chas h 64 Bartl!~ rd
· Elmer N (Phyllislt111 dlvr Cha•IOil Transp h 66 WOOdS • Gordon G tManon fl h 39 Cra...en dr
Joe J farmer 134 Pall< fa · J Rh 455 S8ndyS a01110
• Pa!k E !Leona A)lrmr h 134 Park Ia · Jack H (Ruth Nt tab Cen Fram h 81 Essex ct
• Paul F Iarmer 134 Pan, Ia • Judy r n a Pub Genl Hosp h 28 nmrruns ern apt4
• Robt L IJnen) servmn Denomy's Rad10 & TV h 66 Barthe · leo R !Dianna M) w1df 1H Ca'lada h 231Ktng e
· llllda h 254 Park av w 8PI2
BURTON'S LIMITED , • Linda h 49 Taylor •~ 11P4 107
JamH A Walker, Prealdent • Linda M wtrs Wheels IM 81 Essex e1
Office I. School Suppll. ., Office Furniture, · linda Mrs IChr Sl Cla•r Coli 144 Goldpark rd
Boob, GrMtlng Carda, Gltta, Stationery, • M h 300ukt s
Lugg119e I. Art Suppllea, Mabel 0 h 370 Park av w
180 King w, N7M 5K1 • Mar11)'n elk K Matt 39 Cra~en dr
, ........ Phone 354-0470 • Mark h 60 Rossml etes
· Murray f•refoghler h 82 Delaware a~ aptl04
, • O!Yillto LIR11a1 h 197 K1ng e
Bus Stop lunch (leno Ceruena) 104 Wefllngtoow • Regd h 26 Paneson ••
BU5 Transler 100 Wellington w . s h 276 Memn a• apt 103
Busch Barbara secy EBusch Ins • Sh1t1ey A Mrs secy Can Fram h 115 Churchill •
Busch Eddte Insurance (Eddie Busch)t2 Grand av w suite 102 · Stanley h 8 Rocllmond apt 3
- Greg ole~ mgr E Busch Ins • Thos IShaiOil) IChr Kent County Bd ot Educ h 50 Merrtn a•
Buschemeyer Bnan (Leana) mach Elan Tl & 01e h 100 Josepll apt505
• Da~ld WIF Ed1thl supvsr L J Dll•ry Produce to B2 Pine • Wm G (Judy AI mntnce Unoon Gash 8771'8111av w
Bush Edward Rh 347 Park av a c
Bun Haroto (OorothY)'*KS Lon Armourtes h 37 Houston
Bushey Barbara wks Chamam Answering Serv 115 Woods Butler man Barbara Mrs secy A Gold h 108 Delaware av
· Brad 0 !Drane 0) tab Beatnce Oaory h 179 lnshes a• • Leo EIMar(one) h 228 Delaware av
• 0 h 112 Sheldon av apt 12 Butterman Terry management acct 153 Kong w
- Oavld ptpellne (S8rma)l85 McNaughton av w apt2 Bunon Ernest w(C8thennel meat cuner Dom Store h 67 Eugenre
• Edna Mrs w•s St Jos Hosp h 234lnslles av
· Gary E mlwrgl\1 RJ Cyrs {Windsor) h 37 Oxley dr · Jas W 67 Euge<~oe
· Helen (Wayne) mgr Terry's Vanety res RR 1 Butzer John (Diana) !Chamberla•n Press) h 54 Glengarry cres
• J L h 162West Buwalda N01111811 h 40 Elm apt 321
- Jas (Donna) h 115 Woods Buxton Saml F h 123·125 Vlctofia av apt 5
• Jas P (VJC1ona ll wks libby McNetll & Libby h 185 Buzwah larry h 73 Taylor av apt I
McNaughlon av w apt 2 Byan Bnan J (Elizabeth A) constable OPP to 64 Juhene •~
· John (Paula) elect Rocltwelllnll h 347 Michener rd Byers Mur1el Mrs h 221 Joseph apt C

J obn,on.-Jubtu£11
193 QUEEN ST., CHATHAM Phone 352-4343
TI'IO$ R tcatoi~l mntnce Utnislry of TIIIISP4 Commun 1194 • Oen•se A tRoland! opr Sh1d1o 1 94 Sunnys•d! av
Bur1on IV Oen1se Anne wks Campbell Soup 58 TayiO! av
8yke Slefle !.1 h 890 Cnanng Cross rd • Elhllt 0 h 198 Richmond
Byma S~e (Hessyl (Vanderslu•s Bros eons.} h 104 John Gerahl H (Joa111 !Gerald Cedolle PYg & ConSlll h 423
8)'T(1 8nan has lnsnes av McNaughlon IV 8
· leonard G(Marylou)lab Can Canntlt'S (Diesden) h 39 Brook • Grace Eaecuroty guard Plnkenon Secunty II ISO King e
· lynn elk Chalham Clrvs · Laura 0 Mrs (Wld •) h 85 Sandys
Byrne Hugh (Rachellel meal dr A & P{Sarnla) h 65 Rosslnl · lome stud! 76 Ma~y ept30 1
cres M F h 125 Orand av w
· Rachelle (Hugh) hrdm self 65 Rossini etes • !.Iaroe (larry)asst t.AcCaU's Pharm res RR 7
S,rnesO ICiv lnd•an Creel< Rd Pub Schl Mauuce A tMard~l eled 18EW ll'linosot) h 18 Hillcrest 8¥
8)'VIIIk Chns c:onslr wi<r h r136 S1 CIIIJr M<ldred recptnSI Kent ll1iy •56lacrOt•
· Nancy h 253 Park
Ov•lla J (lillian E) h 81 Ba.ter
PattiCII wtrs SPIQhettl JunctiOf\ 87 WeU•ngiOtl e
c ~ Pav•ng &ConstrUCIIOO (Gerald HCadolte) 423
!Ac:Naugttlon av e
Roland 0 (Denise A) lib I H Canadllll94 Sunny&lde av
C.A.A. AUTO CLUB & TRAVEL AGENCY, Alloald U (llelh V)lab I H Canada h 353 T...-aedsmuor av w
110 Richmond, lo:xl22, N7M IIKI · Shurley J (Yvonne) grp ldr Can fram h 58 TayiOf av
..........Pho!le Slt-2222 Slanley h 805 Grand av w apt1006
• Tom (1. ynda l alsl!ln H~ Dumpty fOO<lS h 173 Grand IN e
· Wayne wl<s Onl Hydro 456lacrOtx
C f A ()petajtOns toe Chas f Anderson pres 170 Byng I V · Wayne R(Theresa AI Ins slsmn Zuncn Life Ins 11 21 Juptlet
C F C 0 RADIO STATION, Ceclt.n Philippe T h 1000 Channg Cross rd un•l 30
(S.. Radio Station C F C 0) Cady Oan I Shan) parts dept Waycon lnU h 434 Salldys IPI 2
M June Mrt h ws Lynwood dr
Cele Ann ...~. Lloyd Bag h 206 Ha~ey
Oanl R(C&thenne} supvsr Oa'Nrl Compress01 Sin Unoon Gash 44
C & G REAL TV LIMITED, Suoontondr
Commercial, lnduetrlal & Rlllldentlal Caord Anew liPid eng ITT h 66 Gilly
Real &tat., Mol1gaee Loana, Property C&•ss>e Fredii(Palr!Ctll dm FrederiCk Transp h 8 o·~o~~n ape
Man8fell*lt and Apprallala 2
17 Thames, N7L 1~
.......... Phone 352..710 C81abrese AlltO !Amoneuajlab Chatham Concrete Forming h n
.......... Phone *-UN • C lchf Chatham Kent Sec Schl 11 32 Lacrorx ape 3
• Jos eng ll«ker Sullo & Assoc 77 PeleJS
Caldwell Oetryl sludl53 TweedJmu11 IN w
CH YR 7 Radto 180~dr SSUIIe 6 & 7 · Douglas R(Malgo Lllab Ubby McNeill & Lobby h 53
C K Home Rentals 149 Rateig/1 Tweeosmullav w
C-K P!ofesslonaJ ~-.ces Inc 149 Rate•gh • Edwd 81Linda El sis rep Unoon Gash 96 Cecile av
CS CGeneral Corn::IOis I.toM Maofoarol 40 Rdl-onond • Hugll 0 llleuta~l h 19 MacMillan cres
c s c w.1<ce~ (Jonn MeQtoa<o) 40 Rodvnond .anet wlc$ St .los Hosp h 40 Oelawl!le av ape 1
CTech Ate lndusJnes Davod Katzman voc d•r 101 Stewart Kongsley J (Lmda AI meat1nsp Ont Go111 h w a Joplyn
C UTtavel Sll•rley Oowr>ey mgt 75 Thames Mary Mil supvsr hS('~pg Pub Gent Hosp h 425lacrOtx
CWC Local 53 382 WeHongton w T•m H :ab t H Canada 19 Mac~·llan aes
Cabtal Godol!edo 0 (Zelia Ml fann lab h 23 Bax1et C81houo Allen lab A WK lnd Coaling 86 Adelllde 1
J h 5 YOI't< C1 · Barry mtllnsh! I HCanada h 574 Grand ave
• Hel$on Rev ass1 putor St Joleph's (RC) Ch 180 Weltlngton.., • Oennts lhpg Nart Gro h 224 Wellington w apt 1
• RothardO 0 !ami lab h 23 Baxter • Jack WICarol El buyer Canada Pkra h 300 McNaughton 8¥ ..,
Cacctavtltani Kalhlten h 138 Park • Kevin lab Ptoneer Seed COipn 86 Adelaide a
Caddo! Jeannette secy Mac Glass 258 StClair • Leonard (Kattuyn) bus dm Chatham Coach Unes h 86 Ad!letde
Ga<leau Etw GMrs h 27 Foster I
• Flo)'ll (Shettyl eng Rockwell Inti h 572llcroix • Madtltne Mit h 57 4 Grand av e
Kewln K (Judo!h) illty eng St Jol Hosp h 259 Michener rd • Scol1 [Tracey) h 1t Adelaide n apt2
Cad•ck frank W(MargJ E) lnsp Motor Wheel Corpn h 15 Tnlllum • Ste-.e 11 45 Trillium Village apt 209
Voltage ape 106 verna G h t86 Park IP13
Cadtelll Palk J (Helen OJ mobtl supvsr CPR 11 149 Lark Ceuen Allen A!Kart E) lab Eaton Yale Ud (Willaceou_rg) h 3
CADILLAC SAl.U & SERVICE, (S.. Chatham Moton McOoogallev
Ltd) C&liens Anlhy J !ConnJe)lab Eaton Yale Ltd h 47 O'Nelt
C8<lman GriCe h 32 Regency dr · Arthur J !Yvonne Ml h 55 O'Hed
CadOae Agnes EW1t1 Cotmlly Side ResJr 122 Riv~•ew drape · Garry lab Eaton Yale Ltd 47 O'Neil
326 Callingham Laura F supys~ Union Gash 393 Batdoon rd uM 38
• Chi! gas lldt Gu & Go · Peter A(Marilyn) stsmn Waekens.Qvyster Plyrnotllh h 42
• a.ffd A (AliBI lib Can Fram h 82 Bedford DoiRn rd
• Danl (Amel wlls A WK lndl Coabng h 118 RtverYI!'W dr apt GallowAmy hsekpg Chatham Gent Hosp h 71 St Anlhony apt 2
423 • Russell A (Mildred E) lOW m1r drtr l H Canada h 58 Alden
• Oa~e mech Cyde WOrks 65 llylor Calvary Chnshan Reformed ChUtCil Rev RFtlher min151tr 266
· Debra lib Zelle158 Taylor IN Sefl.trk
Cliver Garv !Penny) slsmn Mon81ch Propane LJd res Merlin
• Hom" • Farms • Commercial
Realty Limited , Broker
67 Thames St., Chatham, ont. I!JibJm •
352-6760 ~~
· Walle! Hl~ptrine [)II -'3 P• nee Ar1!u I• · lltJtle 8ldl Sunoco 1r~e 50 Merna
Calver11ienne!h (Joyte)IUIMI blorl Tale lid h B1 Plleua."'l dr l lol t.I!1-'7 Y1 IV
NeUlab Eaton Yale Lid BI Plleasanl CIJ linda Dt.l!1 Can Fram h 112 Berry
Peggy n254 Sandy$ M wayne (Blenda AJ(BarOI!eSSI) 1118 Phyllis IY
Calver1s Pele mlwtghl Elton Tale lid II 46 0' • · lot~ giL 1.111 n3"3 Gtaoo av t IPI811
ear.~n Chris: School John Postma pr1n 72 rmlman.., *
UNg1 A t.L'S II 805 Grand 11 &;11503
Catyn Kathy Shldl23 Dcm pi Mane At.l!1h611ns!lnlf
MiChl {Rulli) Shop lomV!Millislry ol Transp 6 Comm 11231lo\-~ I.!Mk A(!'egoy J) constz teem MJiis1ry ol Tran1P I Comm h 85
pi Susse•
Cameo Hair Fashlolls (Pa:n 863 Ou!en Mtllose H \Malia M)r!o «•l Thompson Trnp lSI Tlvna) h
Cameron Oa:sy II 55 AICI!eig!l dr 72 Holland BY
Donald A(l ,:Jan) *1dr II Canada II 17 Do-~erCOUII • 1.1 r (Ka!llrlnel l1iM Ubtly • n& UtJby 11 4 72 Sl CW
Oran1w rep!! C!lalham Dally New11132 1'2 ~ n t.! C IN'lna III 41 7 VICIOfiiiV
Hugh (Kalll!een)ICiv 11 19 Rossini em Moonry l~) 1a<mer h 89 Rlvm!ew dr &;II 701
I A h ~6 Lacrol• • OINe h ~ SaMyllllC 2
Jas 0 h 208 M'Cilener rd R115 7 llalOoon Ill 101302
1\ trk dM R EVan Gassen Ltd II 14 Cern • Randy 3" \'i ildrast! dr
l F(Donald) eli! Can Pos1 Cotpn 17 Dovercourt Rhonda l c:a Wheels 1.1) 1M 38 Oriolt plowy
lisa studt 19 RtlsstN etes Rlelld (Fili!!CeS) pnll R ~Deer lid h I 13 Robe!llon I •
Steven 0 parts Clepll.taple City F01d 17 Oovercour1 Rotll(lreneJdM lnlerCIIV Ttlo line h 284 Me.~ a• •
Clmlls L H 1'1383 Wl!lllng!On wIPI30 • Rob! BtDcreenl prs Bob Campbell MJII:n res RA I Painccu1
Cammaatt &ian F 1\,aurel A) corrosion I!Jchn Union Gas 1110 Rlltll w (Helen) lib King Ora:n & S«d n 380 Llooi •
Coverdale Ronald K (Ca!herlne) 'll'!o.s Btl! Caned~ II 107 Atnold
Cammaert Gus (Yc:lna) h 214 SaMyl R 9H.I.:flllw1etv ep!101
Camp Rayd E(Syt;J) h 591.A31y RlCt deso l)1ioo Gas h 258 lk.'Uug~U!IV I 10120 I
1Campbell AM EChurch Rev G M Burns mlnlsler 111Ung e s h 273 Oueerlept2
Alec 1130 Trilllum Vi &;11603 Catnlll:d Sclenlitc Brian Oa; mgr 192 S1 Cia r
• Ar1llllf L(flose M) rnntnc:e ~~ Oommunily Cenn II 70 8&ar ~ 14 ""'alll3
• Barb h 76 M4ry IP1"11 Slwman R (Anlla) lab I HCe:a<SI h 71 Glemwood dr
Bessie h 39 Do-ver IPI I Shelly J $!Udlll6 U.cG~!I a•
CAMPBELL. BOB JA, S.VIee Man~ Bob Campbell Salp Colnpany l.lm!!ed Clt•'t James plant 119 750
Campbell Motora Ltd , II 2t Timothy c:r" RJchmond
S1evt Iarine! II 761llry epl BIS
Bob Campbell Sr, Pretldent Tammy 3' w..- m
Toyota Sal" , P1ru a Servlc:• rerry lab Uti r r 1.1• .... & libby ~ Sandys 1012
st3 Alc:llrnond CAMPBELL. TODD, (Gall), O•n.raJ Man1o-r Bob
...- Phon• 352....740 Camp~ll Motont Ltd, II 111 Stor-r c:r"
• Todd A IGail •• ..J1 ·•.gr Boo CamC)Oefl Yolln 15 Slorty cres
• Valme Edielei.'C a!d MHOO"' Pit' Nur1Q Hllme 11 40 l'tooda 101
CAMPBELL. BOB, SA. (OotMn), Pr.Udent Bob 2
Campbell Moton Ltd, " " R A 1 P1lnc:ourt • Vertyn 99 Palk
• B:ucr n 130 5ne!dDn ... 1101 202 • w John 99 Por'•
· Clarence S asmt11t Eaton Yale lid n 22 SUI1on Cl 'II ayne l tli.Jrloll E) suptli.nls!ry of"~ E~~vlronmenl n 26'
O.•e 293 Queen ap1 1 O•leydr
Dean tKat.~y) h 43 Stmet!yn IV ept 13 ~I W !Ckea & Trmc:a la« yera 75 Thames
• 0creen H (Bob) secy Bob~ Uolors res RR 1 Palncoul1 • Wm stucll118 Rive<vlew CIJ 101 • 12
· Dugald (lynn) eng Can Fram h 16 Klrl<ca!OV pi • Wm 1n 14l!A.-mla!e
• Eltz elk Dt•le lee 72 Holland •• WmJ {Gtatellab Eaton Yale Lid n 343 Grand a• • 1111312
G h 50 M.Chener ttl 1D1 514 Caflllll AgricUIUfe Plant Ptoducts 1>•1$1(1111\enne!ll ~
• Garry Gtt.l Sandra! mer.c11 teem Union G!S h 118 McGuigan o!tr.Jn..dlge 48 Fill:l
IV Canaoa AgriCulture Pou!llr o..cwn Geo lolcGreop o1ct .jn.c:ftge
Gayle E{Alii'! Jlessl cashl Hydro res RR 3 48 F>l:n
· Gordon 8 (lf9l A~) elk CllaVIIm Cash I Celry n 17 Sneldon Can:ld5 Businm EQUI:lmenl M;a.l L ZaleSki pttS 20 King w
• HWGr11111 10 M~l !lel{Campbell WICkett & Tnnc:al h 4 7
Canada Depet1ment ol PuaiJC \'ior•.s lllmmllr 10 Centre
Ca~da Farm laDOut Pool 'hm HScholllnS 1n0f 815·0 Gl'llld •• w
Willa..mac IV canada tmmlg!l!lOn Cenlrt 10 Centre
·.man M lab Bc~erll!lll7 1Glenwt!Od dr Can:llla Post COipcnllon RIXll flayl!e! pGit:!1a & - 1n0f 1D
CAMPBELL. JERRY, Mgr Low., Th1mae Vallay Cenlrt
ConMrvauon Authority, II 73 Buc:klngh•m av, Canada Post Cotpor$ion Sub 4 428 ...32 S1Cla•r
Phon• 351 -3541 Cal\303 Red Cross Sociery Annel:e Allgood ll.lC)VIr 93 Cenn
• Jtss1e 78 M.lry •PI 41 1
• Jolwl 0 h 24 1l« eec1Smutr IY w
• Kame ECU. Sya Kemsley FIOIISI 580 Bloom eld rd
• Ktilh I Bonnie! Sign pnll t.l inil!r~ ol Trtnsp & Comm n 8
w I'Wic;kdt IT PAYS TO
Kt->~elh WIf fJinOf Gl h 73 Cecile •~
CAMPBELL. KIM (Carol), Ac:c:ountant Bob
C1mp~ll Motont Ltd, h 28 Unl,..n tlty YOUR CITY DIRECTORY
"Y D 114: ,,. A, .:..p IA'n!W( ol Transp 6 Communic h 580
llloomfteld rd


General Contractors - Design and Build
303 MERRITT AVE. P.O. BOX 151 PHONE 352-7780
• John (Marilyn) h 56 TaylOr •~
CANADA TRUST, Canox V;eldng .Sllpplles Sam Pa~e co-ora•nator 1876 RlchmOfld
Tom L Stepheneon, Mauger callSOll Sys~ems (Ralph AdfiBII) t55 Gran<l IV a
Complete Service For Savl119a l Chequl119 Dally Cantec Quatlly I Doug frallCJSI209 Park av w
lnt•eat Aecounta, Cartlflcatea, Mortgagee, caNin Tom (Susani•MIIr Great V;eslAudio h 161 Mc~ughton av
Eatata, Eatata Plannl119, Loana, Retirement Plana, wep14
Penalon l lnvattment Fundt Cantlon Llo~d h 59 lorne IV apt C
Kl119 w at Third, N7M 5K5 canton R~ant (Oivld lung) 112 Kell dt I
can!W~II J n99 McNaughton 1v w apt 126
·-·······Phone S54-0IIO Caouene OerlfuS lab I H Canada h t62 Gray
Branch: Chatham P ' - Mall
..........Phone 354-1730 Calle Jamce l Sluot 119 Mcfadden av
Janis 106 lome av apt!
• Jas Wtlvcy) h 1t e.ddella•
Robl J tJane El staltn Union Gash 1t9 ~cFadden av
CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY, CapM< Da"'d C lib RQrkwtll'"" ~ 't1UfV)46ol Queen
Kent County Unit CAPEK, FRANK C, (Mary), Pre1 Capek Realty
Mr1 Oeor~ Labombarbe, Secretary Inc, h 4M Queen, Phone 3~7542
M Barthe, N7l 1TI
..........Phone 352-3MO CAPEK REALTY INC.,
Frank C.pek, PrHident
Complete Real &tate Service fram ltd aor clnl & fan proo MIChl McG!e<p P'H 540 4t4 Queen
Park ave ..........Phone 354-7542 Fram U<l emrssiOO conllot drv t.IJChl McGreg01 pres 700
Clllild•an Gra.n Commossron Gram lnspectO! R YHodgson ora•n - Rose Maroe st\Jd1 464 Queen
lnsp 20 Cenrre Cap4>Jong Brad h 258 McNaugt\ton ave apt209
Cl11adoan Gra•n Commtsson Gra•n San.lahon Ray Trahan ofcr 10 . ''ent' slscf• Sara Nobt~ Shopl 63 St Anlh<XIy
Centre • Jas E(Irene M) lab ROCkwell Inti h 83 St AnthOny
canae~oan Heanog Socre!y 93 Wilham n
• Kev•n brKr Slewart Ins Brl<rs res RR 3
• Theooore A(Madeline) h 107 Ale-xand<a av
CANADIAN IMPERIAL lANK OF COMMERCE Ceporchto N h 383 Wethngton wapt 208
"Kingw Cap•tol Ttleaue AI.IOtey McKerme mgr 236 Ktng w
..........Phone 352-7150 Caple Jas Rev (Maulyn) paSIOI GreQOJY Onve Alliance Church h
445 Richmond n s Gtego<y dt w
..........Phone 352-n1o Cepoccia Gio>'llnni lab libby McNe~ll & Libby 50 Kendall
424 StClair · lO!elO !Concelte))BII Wheels M!r hm h 50 Kendal1
.......... Phone 354-4200 Caporale Salva101e (Mary) wldr Panter lron•Oiks ltd h 138
151 Orand av w Rall!lgh
..........Phone 352-eotO Caportccl E A wks Chthlm Pub Ubry h 50 t.lemrt av apt 508
Palncourt Capra Ha•r Styles ltd lmn Ducharme pres 143 Welhngton w
.......... Phone 354-a&40 su•te 101
Clplaon M·~e'slandlng 76 Cedarwoods cres
Cerd Helen G h 88 Regency dr
Canadian t.lenlal tleallh Assoc1111101193 William n • John h 64 Regency dr
Cenaa•an NaJ•onal Ra•t•ays 360 Ouee<~ Wm E (OOIOihy I) h 53 Phyllis av
Canadian Pacihc bpress & Transport Ud Rogers Btvce mgt 55 Cara•na. Seed Co 74 WarwiCk or
Wrlloams CAREY, BARBARA, Mauger Kent l &Mx Mutual
Cenadlan Tue Cotpolatron Associale Slln Ken Smith mgr 60 lneurance Company, 21 SUIMJI, Phone
Keil 01 s 352-3111
Canadoan T11e Gas Bar P&n\N Stewatt mgt 76 Ke!l dr I carey Cymnoa ltab Cernpbell SOUQ Co 450 Indian Creek rd w
Canadranna Nursrng Home Ud Jas l Ha,.es admln 91 Tecumseh rd DonaldS (RUlli M) serv supvsr Hydro h 71 Ardlelgh dr
Candusso lvJ91 G(Cirol Al eng Can Fram h 20 Mohawk ct • Edwd (Terrill 8) Ja.b Rockwell Inti h 450 Indian Creek raw
Clf~N*) Artur tlvclndallab Standard Coml Tobecco Co h 8 t.C • Geo A(DoriS Elsewe~ serv h 2 Athlone c1 •
CennrH Brent A bkpr CO\Jrtesy Cab h t24 St Michaeii'W
· Ftedh 131 Parka•e
· Glenda J ctk IYP•SI Chatham Civic Centre h 341 Tweedsmulr av

Jason S sJIJOt 450 Indian Creel< rd •

· Gary WIGerlrude M) mngrMIIICCI Elan n & Ole h 109 ~ie.. · JOhn P IV•Oieti(John P Carey Elect Dram Serv) h 108 O'Neil
Kevin G IJanet! rep London Ule Ins res Box 10561bsclen Carey John P Electnc Ora1n Setv1ce (J Cerey)108 O'Neil
l JeiMe Mr$ h 67 Mcfadden IV • Kevon gas atdl Norlhslde Texaco res RR 7 Dresden
CANNIFF, LYLE F, (DorMn), (Coun.ty • Naomi t.lrs h t7 4 lnshes av
ltd) and (C l I Sprl119 Service), h 2t1 Randell R (Irene A) mgr Union Gash 108 Tecumseh rd
Wellington w RIChO l (Mary Ann S) wks Unron Gas h 61 Northland dt
I.IMk tHeelhe!l mach SuperiOI' wacn &n h 30 L~ av CAROIN, JAMES, (Lola), Aut Director
CANNIFF, PAUL, (lonlU), Manager Coun.ty Children'• Aid Society ol Kent County
Cablltd, h 45 Wlleon av, Phone 182-1401 Cargo Gas Dons Rose mg1 562 RIChmond
Yle:ndy nUI1ellid h 76 t.laly apt 202 carleton ROOt K !Marilyn) pvb hlth lnsp Chalham·Ken1 HUh Unit
Cenning Ylm f (Joellne t.l) Jab Motor Wheel Colpn h 1291nShes av h 560 St Clatr
cannon Oanl s (Gall) knemn Bell Canada h 123 Covl!ldale Cerley Cheryl242 King e
Cano Joe (Mary) h 463 Vlaorla av · Donald l cook Sl Cia or Gttll 54 Ascot ct


124 ST. CLAIR ST. 351 -3833
t!elcn Mls tal:> lrbby McM!H & Ubby h 22 Devon rd Orner h 81 .losept1
Rotletla M lab \Jrllted Co-Ol) >4 A.SCOI tl • Oseal YiOOrot:ly W) lab biOI1 'r1le lid h 122 Gregory df.,
VI!!~ h 40 TriiUurn Village IIIli 1104 ParJ slsdl< Be51ills.'les res RR 7
wm J asmblt I H Caoada n 54 Asco! ct Paulled'll Hug!l'l Cllrpet CUlg res RR 8
Carlsen 811111 cOOl< Scotrs Cl\lc'~ en Vltla 46 S1 G~e Pfltl sis Wa~e~bed Way Sl:ei.don av
DentS E \MJJot) •nstlr Render& & Re!'dels Lid res RR 6 l.leriln RM h 200 Emma 81)1 3
Susan h 404 Sa11dyl apt 3 Randy !Barbara I stsmn Pro Hd.ort h J9 A lleecllwood cres
CariiOn Arms Apanmenls 190 rnames • Rlthd 11\Jdl 76 Pall< av w
CarmaniCo AlbiiWP.ndy 01 court admtn Prov Cov!1 (WindSOil h Roland h 40 Trillium Vlltaq~ apt JOB
109CeCIIUv Roma•n (Mary JeanI lab Can Fram Lid h ~4 Tasan aes
• Cyntt11a l Sludt t 09 Cecile av • Shelley asst mgr Scott's ChiCI<en Villa 795 Grand av wAPI
CllrmJChaet Barbara J Mrs law elk Catol EPflfeJ h 79 F~n 303
dt • Shene cashr Mae's M :1< h 251 'It .111m s
Donald R (Eva! acct Neepsend SU !WatlacDIIgl h 518 • Ted conutr l bbV Llt.NelU & Ubby h 259 Pari<
Yoctonaat irmoltly l produciJOn asmoir I Hc.n.:sa 77 P!ly '' av
Camanan Roti!IICe E 99 Pa11< Valerte E U!'S c~ mg< Trans C8!lldl fP.e.ZIJS h 46 Ne!lafl9100
Fred E (.loon) n 90 lincoln rd e
Carnegie Franlo (laura) studl h 75 t.AltY apl307 ('ephire ICorrnnr) h 1'2 ~
ISabelle Mu b c dept Sears JO flegency df CarJ)enlel Ball C(Gavle Al'*kl Arc 100 h 360 Sllldys aot 108
Jas h 30 Regency dr • Cora b~ pr Ross Ins Agnes Forest
• Jas E fJuCV 0) supvSJ Cr>armm & Orst AmboJtance Selv h 81 JoM h 19 Ranney rd
Mar100ev • Scott mech Kent T r1! 87 FOfest
• Slle•la A h 120 O'Neil V~non L (Coral Shcwfm rep Wes!P<n EQu•p h 67 FOf!SI
• Wavne A as5t mgr Scott's Chic~ en VriiiiiWallacebotgt h 80 Carl Althur (Joya-l sUP! t.A ncstry ol Nat\Jial RI!SOdtl!S h 36
Patteson av Cra~e d!
Carne•rO Af\lonlo (There&al C00$11 w1<r h 27611'!mn av apt 208 Don wass! mot El133 Bros R!!Sll h 202 Campus Pk•Y ace 308
Lowsa 143 M~aughton ev w apt 3 • [nc W(ti:co4e Etlab can Fwn ltd h 14 larose cres
Carney All !Emily) h 100 Mcfarta'e av aot 713 Janlct h 114 Bt~"JOd cres 1PI3
Br•an tNancv)lloanclal analyst I H Cllnada ~ 89 Rr'iefY\ft dt lenora ~PO Pub Gent Ho!p 34 SouL'Iend cres apt 2
apt802 Morley J IMarjOI•e Mr n 16 W•~
DorOlhy M h 21 P!lylhs av Wayne tAos" I lab IH Canada h 31 Orta-;,a dr
• Eo>NO H(Stleylal plant ell< libby McNI!III & lrbby h 53 Joseph • WIY!le 01 d!\!51 T11Dont Dental Cenile h 600 Grand ev W 8PI
Caro Elena 41 Ofolaware av 9008
· luis E tMonrcatsupvsr Wamod<. lier~y Prof Servs h 57 CarraII \'rallet l (Vera Ml h 34 SUnnySide av
Baldoon ru apt 104 Cane•ro Jos (AJdal h 49 ll•llyard
Carol'I Ceram1c Sludro Cllrol Wh•te mgr·Owllf!r 84 Dover Carrrage House The Gerry Currao mgr 270 lnshes av
Caron Ah 60 Grav Car~k Groa nursery atdt Wheels Fatness Club 134 Gregory dr w
Allen J 111b AWKlnol 122 Gregory d! w • Reneta h 134 Gft'901Y d! w
• Alvm IHeetn~rJ serv CN E Aplncs & Serw" h 13 Cox av Carrae wm elect Libby ~r.eill & Ubby 11 e s Creek rd
Anner.~C8$1lr Gordons M<ts n 102 1'2 Lomea• Climer Ancn COQII Knog~~t s of Columbus 29 Crerar df
Bernard h t99 Colborne · Hazel G Mrs h 24tlacroi•
· Brad (Sally) dM C FA Opera!IOnS h 65 TtmiTIII'StreSaot 213 MJtnllda h 65 Tlmmtns aes apt 110
• Caroltleol mgr Toys & WI'Pela 4061W1lUQ!llon a• w Carr~e<e Andre A 1M.lflanl surveyOr M n!S!r)' of Transo &
• Catlle!•~ J ll4traii1St Golden RIZOf 77 Phyllis •• Commurnc h 29 Crerat (II
• Cha1 wks Can Fram Lid 49 Mel(•nnon dr Royal F h 219 Parl<
• Chros h 154 Grand ave Cllrrtng10118 Stanley (YIClona Anti) forll fttl op1 H J Heinz Co
• ClemP.nt n 75 Mary apt 209 h 138 Woods
• Connie P Mrs h 50 Edgar Bertram E (Ruby Bl h 6 Edna
David C ~ludt 71 Phyllrs av • Jas Wserv wnr Waekens·Chrysler Plymou!lllld h 222 Colbome
• Phllrp (Wendy) slsmn Ford Mtrs (Tilbury! h 650 Bloomfreld rd
CARON, DONNA, Sal.. Coneultant, Plneonn...uu
Can•veau Edwd C (SIIaron) tchr Chatham Collins! h 186 Baldoon
& Gebal Real &tate Inc, Realtor, h so
Coverdale, Phone 354·2505
Carroll e h t04 Harvey apt 5
Ernest tBafb}lab Lrbby l.lcNeHI & L•bby h 106 Lorne av apt 2
• Br1an J (Ciw!ryll program~• lrbby McNe•tl & Ubby h 118
Eva 13 Co.av Elizabeth
Ftrn slsmn All Cdn Trk & Trlr Splares RR 5 O!~n
• C h 45 Devonstllre rd
Fred (Linda I lab Libby McNeill & Libby h 48 Grand av e
Chlls F ttrenel h 59 Alexanora av
Geo tCindy} h 64 RIChmond
• Chlls R (Heleo A) h 6 James d
• Ge!ald lab MotOI' Wheel Cotpn h 76 Park av w
• Gri!OOIY M neavy ttk asmblr 1H canada 77 Phyllis av
• 0 Kh 288 Joseph
Oranne wkS Haopy Hour Cards 51 Peirone etes
• H h 60 Rrchmond apt 3 Harry W(Deborah Bl hne reprmn I HCaoada h 22 Wrllowmac av
• Jack J 11n seM 122 Gregory dr w CARROLL, HUGH J , (Sandra), With C & G Realty
·Jean Paul (Rrta A) farmer h 48 Alprne av
Limited, h II Opal Court, Phone 354-0U 9
·Jell wks Serv A Yard ISFoster Cerro! Jack PontiaC BUiCk (Jack Canoll1150 Ru;lunond
· Joanne t26 Welhngton e
Carroll JoM l (Margtl slkcll< l.lbby McNerll & Ubby h 11 !lntNn
· leo G (Carol B)lormn Adami Sa11d & Gravel h 406 McNaughton
· lrwy h 19Q.t'2 Par~
· Leonard lab Mocz,!( Tl & D•e n 348 Grant
• Palli S e kg techn Sarnia ~ Hosp t5ar~~~a)51 Pe110ne
• Lionel 0 tBnd•e Tl prrn elk I H Cllnada h 77 Phylhs av
• l.largr•l h 650 Grand av w apt 503
• Wm C(Lila M) mgr Chalharn FOld EQUIP Sls h 34 Devon rd
• Mary h 120 Harvey
Carron Chas h 75 Balc:loon rd apt 11
· l.lary Ellen mgr Fun & Games 40 Alexandra av

It's as easy as . . .

to find "WHERE TO BU Y IT"

. flonda h 404 Grind av eapl2 • MIChl I 51udl8"'adef• cres
Caryn Ann IRIChdl stacll( The Oress•ng Room res RR 7 Oresoen
• John C (Judy AI elect Mum1y Rose Etecl h 51 Dover Ooon dr
-Rene L (Cathy J) mn111ce Thamesvlew lodQe 11123 P•ne • Ceasar A !Evelyn) n 52 Par1ndge etes
• R•ll 97 Mcfarlane av af)l119 • Mcmolle wtts Ponderosa Steal< H$!0 56 flits
• Roger A (Marcia 0) WI($ Rockwell Inti h 254 liiClOIX • Roma•n G (linda f) l)el$00nel mgt Accurcast h S6 EUis
Cal!others Calvtn W(Dotts) I) 68 HaNey • Scott lab Eaton Yale ltd 56 Ellis
G h 164 Raleigh Casa Chlveta !Ehsabeth Munstefhtelm & JUllllh Legu!r) 107 K10g
• HughS (Joanne l<l supvsr Ca" Fram h 6 Briar Hill rd w
Cascadden Belly h 92·1'2 Adelaide n
Carrutllers CEhz Mrs mgr May Court Bargain Bo-< h 681nshes av
case Brien l (Patncla C) tchr St Cle•r Coil h 153 Uydtcan av
freok R (Kathleen B) d•r Sl Clatr Coli h 50 Seneca
• t.1 Ch 57 SIAnlhony apt2
• Wm 8 (Constance Ll prtnSt Ursula Sep Schl h 148 Marylcnoll CASE, C WILLIAM. (M•ry), (Todgh•m l C.M
rd A..ocl•t.. lncorpor•ted), h 141 Cecile • v.
CARSCALLEN, CHARLTON A, (JMn), (C•recatlen. N7M 2C2
Reinhart, Malhany, Negle), AM 71 Phair •v . IJ&nl L 'Fls ne l.lj ".emtl 0o1 Hydro h 370 We\i•nglOII w
{Walleceburg) • Johr; C (Jean f) SO!MI I H Canadl h 85 Healher dr
Gash Jas 0 h 19 Emevald pi
CARSCAL.LEN, REINHART, MATHANY, HAOLE, Casol'1 Doane M 0!111 asS! 136 Faubel! dr
Berrlatert, Sollclton, Notarl... · Donald tllebboe) d~r lol.ona•Ch Ptopane Lid res R R 5
Otfk:H: Chatham & W•ll-buro Thamesv•l~
111-1'2 StClair, N7M 5WI • MIChl P !Nancy AI Slkc!k Supe!iOI Mach & TI h 136 Faubert dr
.......... Phone S51 ·2H1 • Valere 1Ann l stsmn C l Beoomgev Eou!D res R!l4
Cassels Jellfl!'llt! Mrs 41 Grand av e
C&ss•dy Cheryle lormn Cnalham Plastic Flntshmg
Carson Barbaral bkpr Teuco canada h 122 Rtvetvi!W dr apl 318 Casletn Albl F(Mary C) tl & d•~rnkr I H C4naaa 1134 Taylor av
• Chas (Helen) coos fotsylll Tmel Bureeu res RR 11.1oroelh · Donna sllldl< Bala Shoe Slore res RR 1 Pa•ncoUtl
Oennts h 241 Grind av e apl5 • M 34 TayiOI av
·Donald wlls Campbell Soup 61 Tay1ol' av apt 6 • Rob h 4 OrChard HIS dr apt 4
• Donna M h 130 Sheldon av apt 309 • Ruth Ann kn hlpr Pub Genl Hosp 34 Taylor a.•
• Freu R(\larg1 Ml h 50 OIJOie pkwy Caslle Fred J (Cathy) tchl Kent County Bd of Edut h 9 Mohawk
• Kevm IKIIIII piiiiO! Taylol Meehl h 79 Baldoon rd apt 12 Cl
• Margl rest home aid canadlanna Nursg Home h 61 Taylor av apt • Geo W(Ruth A) h 14 Klr~
6 • Phyllis IRobll bkpr Southern Cooetete 44 Sudbury
· Mart 'II (Brenda! mech Wa)'alO lnU Trill h 265 Wellinglon w Robt R(Phyllrs 01 quahty control Mot01 Wneel Corpn h 44
Caller Alma (Geol 1C11t St Joseph Sep Sehl 111 Cross Sudburydr
• Clallll!'ne Rbuyer Russell Brown Drug SIO!e h 64 Baldoon rd Caslonguay Nile (lO!ra•ne) h 349 Sandys apt I
apl102 Castro ManuP.I h 112 Fielder av
• Geo W(Alma ll ctwo (R•dge1ownl h 111 Cross Cato lawl'f'llCe WIlaura lllab libby IAcN~II & Ubby h 36
• ~ IOell<al cemeo1 fnshl Bumea Consu h 137 nmm10s Copperl•tld cres
Cfi!S llll4 cation C h 249 Kmg e
• KeCh lllarbera El depl mgr UniOO Gas h 11 Joplyn • Cheryl 8'11mlll hUh techn Kent VP~nary Ch/llc 249 Ktng e
• Kenl (Gier>da) 11'011 FIISilady Coofllres h 77 Vlctoua av · James E(WyMl h 10,IIan cres
- 1.1~ h 100 Mcfarlane av a(ll305 • J•m A (JaniCe ll bndry elk Unton Gas 1145 Tasan etes
• ~ RISMieyl prntr ~Press h 361ngram • ~y IChr Sl U~a Sep Schl79 Me!Cel
• Vcl<r olce 111<r I H Canada h 22 1'2 'lltt'le!SpOOn · Michl J (Jenny) acct exec RIChardlon Greenshlelds of Callada
Catber A h 79 1'2 Dower h 197 Chl(lllt'wa dr
·Ann h 15 Wtll'le1$1l001ll!lll04 • Tim F IJudy M) prograrnmet Ulllon Gas h 79 Mercer
• Bt~ mgr Brenda's Bty Salon h 118 Bedl01d CaH001 David J (lO!•IIf &O•emkr llussell Tl &O.e h 72 Park
-Oenott Rcfll Can fram 115 Glenwood dr Ia
Oennos •1<5 Shamrock S101es Elm • Flora hse~pr h 71 Arnold
Edas IAdehnel h 40 Trillium Vtllage apt 302 · .los l (Aubertel wks libby McHeoll & Ubby h 193 Oxley dr
Canter Elfctnc IRobt Callier) r250 Sl Cia~ Lon 1Dave)slsclk Addt~on-Elle 72 Park Ia
Herl!llln 0 (Mane H) gradef opr Kent County h 9 Elm Rlchd !Beverly) II & d•emkr Russell n & Ote res RR 1
Kaltlieen slsctk Carlter Elect 11!) Glen~ Canrysse AleK (Paula) mech Thames Mach & Tl h 9 Foresl ap1 2
Rene T(t.taty J) &etv mgr McGrail Farm Equip h 106 Thornhill Gerry AIEltzabeth) counsellor South'IVI!Siern Aegl Cenlte h 90
Ctts latk
Robl J !Kalhleen) (Catbef Elect) h 115 Gl~ dr • John studl90 lark
• RolanO I PhylliS) U& dternkr (Ridgetown) h 14 Nanlh apt3 • M h 161·1'2 Richmond
• Sle~en J (o.anr, E! Internal aud.IOI Union Gash 7 Joanne Caughy Shawn h 9 F01tsl ap!3
· 'II 'red A ISholleyt h 33 Juo•Jeu~ Cavacas Armand studt58 Gray
Carutdge Kennell\ l (Ma!gt 0) h 795 Grind IV w ape 106 • Em1110 A(Chr.sune) h 58 Gray
CartwriQI'd .las A (lwyta Fl lab M0101 Wheel Corpn h 41 Tasan GIPn E studl 236 Oxley dr
cres Lenora Sludl Z36 Oxll!y dr
• Karen 6!udl4 1 T~Sin cres Manuel N I Mana P) ITIIC opr Eaton Yale Ud h 236 Oxley dr
· lol.chl llllllda AI e&mOy Opt Ealon Yale lld h 3 Shtrbrooke pi Mary 0 51Ud158 Gray
Camino J n 455 Sandya apt604 • N~tson Mstud! 56 Gray
• Jos f 1159 Taylor IY apl4 CavalcaOP. of Mag~~; & Costumes 34 s
• MlO (1o1M.a AI reprmn Fenlon's A1no Plii'IC Shop h 12 Berry Cay Shortey Mr1 h 99 McNauglltoo av wapl202
CaNer Jos wf.lenne!!ellab Elton Yaie Ud h 366 Pao< av w Caza Lionel J (Helen)lab Clwy$ter (WtndsOI) h 75 CoaiSWatlll
Carwanl AIDe A llud1 8 Madera c:res
• Jol V tESinlr Vt11.1apie C.:y ford) h 8 1Aadeta cres ••
Ceccacc M h 61 EIIICIOon rd apt 6


n ian'tthe cost- II'a the cover•that counts
and you get 10 much tor 10 IIHie
when you advertise 1n the DIRECTORY

,. ,..........." ...
ClaciiD AII 50 ...... • 1111 3D7
lllllo ........... dr

.,., .... CIIIIIc .........1 a . .
Clflll Alili will I HClllldl233 ......... I
Ctw1l Al'-lc:ie () lllldl Delli.- Sollca C..W II " llllldalf

.11111111181a.. CllullntNWrl II 233WIIIIIIIIIDnl
............. , . . Clacl:i llllllly 1115lllldaall Dlillcl (lllblral.-:t OWidllr Bid II 50 MICI .... •
Dalilld (1411111 () . . . . CICIIIRIRadlwlllltl II 117 Hlnty
Cll:cNnl ,_A lllallin 1111-119 11M II 33 ,....._II Clllltdltr (ltclic """ Ollnclllr) 50 llc:Mand
. Hlltn£- elll J Dllry Plod 187Hinty
Cldlr ClDniNIIon to.__.,
llallln lftll*l *Y lGndDn UIIN 33 Prinwollll

Cldlr ..... " . . . '2 ........ "

22 Ylndlllll* dr lrfill J ~II 258 MdllufiiDii IW I
lltili S ~) ......... SlhelliiOOdl II 15 Adlllldl n
C'AIMI• ... Clll Tile ...... " " laltnct 1111 f*t , . Lid 107...,..... dr
c.llllllllllllll f,lalwlniJ II 12III'IIIMIIIII l.Nillltl ..... Wlltll II. Adlllldll
Clnlll Cllllgllllc ................ 56~ dr • N h ~ AlcMICIIId
C.... ~WI Yin ........... 119 IOCIIIIc:Mand filMy" 203 Adlllldll
c... "-'tlllry Blln " - ' 119 1. Klnl• ' Atycl DlllrNctl II. Mc:Otalvl•
c:...y ....... 211. a. ~11580'NIII
r.- AdrWio " 151'11111*11 "" 1111 310 Wm LIDanntiiOWtdtr Eldlc) II 155 Eugllilt
Clwtg Pwelr fCIIIIMIII ~ 0.. Ttcll C... II • I
· C...O llllnlll M Cldlt •
C:.C.flllll . . . . ...,.. . . 3 ec-dllt 1111 307
Chlrtllll11 .......... Clllltclll ... 481llcMiand
· OICirlludiG . . .IPI3
1111 Cln ffllll II G...,.. 1111 3
. ...... f()lclr)~ Jalwl u,.n 8cN 401 IIndy . . 3
Ctwtlltr . . (Rntl_. .... Vctarit llld-Tlllll II 50
Mldllntr "' 1111 511
Clnlwgl.lalwlll ...... lllf Tao 12 JIINy . Hlnty11·~···1·
c:...c ...... 313 Vldalll• · l~Wri11141PIIII••

c•......:.ITM..-.a......, .. •......, o.m II 221 Collomt
Chtpmen lab lltmicel CO.. Plllo I Pwg llarttl20 Vldalll
• . . . (11111'1 FIUIIMdl II 12 .lollrlfl hell E1S1r111 M1 lttpg ell Oulpo Plod II M Glenwood dr
Cllllllca FIINIIfrlnclll II 127llldllon ld Dartlh20D~-·
. Ja1111 !MIIta) II 1lllldDan ld s
. Dalilld ~, ..... Cllllll!wl'l ~ &MI" 2 DMn dr
Clllllwldl ~lllllilliUIM'~OIIII IO._.dr JINICtw ~ Stc Scfil II 71111ry 1111 •12
~ DII 10 T,..,. Vlliglllll 301 Kllhy Elib ....... Alclttlloll 01111 M Glenwood dr
Cllllcrlll DII 31M ........... w11112 · lome h IS Dint pi
· Jtlflludl"l..omt"' · 1o11r1J 0 n 1 Pubic Qllllltalp II 103 c:..wy
• KII 20 Vllllgilllll 3D1 Chtpmen'e ~ ~ li!NIId Dalilld I Cllllll!wllll'll M5
....... II"LOINIW Otllld••
0111111 0.. I ... .., lldiDnl CHAPPLI, AUNt .... Alii IIIII ....
0.. EI' ; 't•IIIICI Clllndllr Blct II 10 lldiDnl ....., Ulnleld,ll71 ~ ,...........,
011$111111 II ~ T.... Vlllgt 1111102
flllllllllll" ..........
11M .... h 3D,,..,.,. Vlllgt 11111108
......, F(Mill apr Clly II 122lldlanl · an.. K~ Ll • a dltmllr Alr-«a~ MouldiiW 'a ttl 1111 11
Ctu ..... Dlillcl J 1111 .... ~ lllg 57.,._ dr
· DIIIIM 1111 alc8 119 a.a.tlln "-II 1•1 fGIIII ..........
!iCM Blldoon "'
• Jallll CC(Ialalflr ,....., At ...... o..._

&ic 19111 F) glllllllgr .... ~ lllg II 57~ dr . rc.. !Wiyllt) *Y Dr Slliglru..,.,.. . . . 7Drlldall
· 111111 8 II 3D,,..,.,. WIIOIIIII 1005 . lMy J (llncll S) tltct ~ Clllr Inc " • LIIICIIIIId
Plullnlllinli51llllclr pi
OWitllllllil• ,._ Qlllil...-g 200 a.- a.;.. ... ~ ................... " 1r7 8IILIIIII
SCIIIIICilll A) Ill'* 0.111111 ..1"-II 77 " ' - · ~IUIM'NIOinlltalpli 77 . . .
Ciwntllrllltd MIt 3D Trillium Ylllglllll 110!1 O.boiw-.AIId~l~...,....,,.... ..
Clwnbn Anlft 1111 Cln ffllll II U DulllriiiiW 1111 3 AA3MIItln
• a..icl II 3& Dl*e I · C Alili ell K.u.t II 10!1PIIII • w
· 111111 ~ ll:llr 11M COIIily Ill d EGic II 3& ,_. • GoldDn II 1U Woodl
• DlnliiWilGIIIIniMI 1111 Cln ffllll II " Pllll II .. . . . . 1117"-
• OlD A(Ednl 1111 II 13 Plnl ·lii.IStmM,n•lllll
· JII3D ....... tllll1 • llllilllh" 3D,,..,. Vlllgt . . ~
· K ~IJII!IIIIIIIprQ•e llllllca...llya~SIMII · ~lltltlludi,.7T..-....I

• AatllliVIwllrt .1) 1101111 c:lll Cndl , . Callln " 33 Wlndlor
lily~,... Culdlllldlld

c--t ..coak
GaldlnCIIMii ....a"TMI!I
-· II 12" "
• Slllilty J !OIIdYII II ,.7 T...-.. • I
• SlfweA!Diniltlwiiiiiiiii~SiplcNIIIII 122 ......
OWtlt Atycl dltllllgr .... Oro II 71 Fcntl
awttnd 01111 II W Child 1W I

• Bing lili Clll FIIIQ) l.udly-ln .._ Ctwltbois Anlft II 112 Henly
o.lldtll · II!NioE ~llllldl~~----­
• Dil fill fWINno)..._l.udly-ln .... a T111111 II.~


.................. ,
• Dlillcl II 48 T¥1t • 1111 30!1 CHARLEBOIS FURS LIMITED,
· Kiln liD lillY CIIGaldln I I " - · c:rw
· Roy 8 CTwll*y) will. Wly Sllnl II 55 Vlllgl
CtWid ........ coak Scal'l Clilclten Wll.1 ~ dr -....c•n•••~o.....,...
· lll--llltl HJ Mllnr Co II •1 $yMIIIr dr _,__,..... . . .,710
Ollnclllrlllln ..... drw ....... c.nn~).
(Dtv 386398 Ontario Ltmlled)
CHARLEBOIS. MAUfUCE J, (Aoubel ..), Director Chale!ll!!lt Florisi iBI Wrlgfll) 891\i11Q *
cnar1ebott Fun Umtt.d, Ree R R 5 Cl¢er t.I.Jrillll ll.:lll) 1:tw St ~lie;) Still res RR 3
Cllatllam . We ldv S: ln&lla Sep Schl res RR 3
It • ~ ·Pill 11M Cllit.'la'll COidll~ h 15-t Edglr ,..,..,"""'AD~ Scllool Lawrence \'erfla'd prm 102 Taytar a•
Pa~oo ~ 265 Gland ~., t
P" ;JCJe 110 IIJbt W'lee! 120 l'i am "
CllarMOols Furs Umlted. h 120 William n SERVICE LIMITED ,
SliM ,.-,, mgr mdlreii!IOnS Rocii<Od lnll t: 52 T1521
141 Ral41ioh. P 0 Bent 711, N7M 51<1
errs .......... Phone 352-2340
Chari•e sV~ Slo-e Lena ~i 0'*'18 & mgr 310 1'1r1<
0\arli!'s Vodeo& Dance PatiN IJohn Bladley1 wsKellllr s

Chat::ln A!11r1 M !Carol [J QUilty alt'.IIOII Hear.!~ >r 12

· Oa:synCO~t't'apl9 275 Kino w, N7M lEt
- slsrm ~s ~res RA2 ~ ---- Phone 352-7540
• t:m li~y PJ n 691 Queen
· Douglas~) ...... Clmobe8 Soup Co 1\20 S~SOIII# ChL"lam Auto Rldlatof Reollrs lid (Sa<lllr Zoldel 3 llaodl
• I!ern: W'l.larjo-oe Cl n805 G-anci •• "' api30C ~ Auto Sells (S&.\I'I:'eraO:J 75 Rld1mOtld
. "~~· 0 Slu!ll 70 P!!ylis •• Ct1a!!1atn AUIDma!.!c Vend::lg Sem (.lolln ~) 219 0~
· !CeV.nOt~P)~'«::~Eledh 119~•'!liV Ch;Coam Baot!st Ct-4tll fltoy Graham J !!ameo> llliM!e! 124
• lhune h 70 PhtJis •• Wlliams
· fT.Dldlll30~<1r Ola!ha,'TI Beans 65 Um!~ J w& 1.1 C Ctmllclt don 95-97 Cenlr~
~ Lndl18 ~!:3naes Ctla!!\afn Bo!ar ngs & Supplie Llll (G l'r11gt1 & DKendan) 437
Olinon Adlcn \IAMiene) v pres Che<ron Tra<~SC~ h 140 Baldoon
rd Olalham B:uepront .11~'1 Gil "ltv ""l' 374 St Cia'
- 11oM~ mgr Sr!iriey K Ua~·r h 8 Salah aes apl8
· Brenda IVIdOrl lll9' F~1~ Tra~ Bureau 114 Pr.mrose a CHATHAM BOARD OF WATER
Chrli!ne man rm Clla:ha"n Dally lie..s 71 Houslor~ COMMISSIONERS,
- ()a_nenJAS n~Parlo D A Pierce, Mane;er-Treuurer
· Dnoeh 12Eim David E Hilla, Admlnlatratlve Officer
• Georgett~ IHer!lys Vanelyl h 187 Kl"9 e Ctvtc Centre, P 0 Box t, N7M 5K1
• Ge<ald c lab campbell Soup Co 42london Cl .......... Phone 352-4500
Greg n 78 Pnoce AzlhUtiV
· Greg M ~~ Clr.r Clla<roo Tra~ 26 Wlltshore dr
· Ida 1186 Covetelale Challlam Boo~~eepmg Ellis MllfllhY O>WTW·lllgf 192 51 Cla•r
• Jom V llorr!:al prod led'!n Haye$-()a"' L"'C res RA 8 Chal!\am Booo1et~m~ Geny Miller 1110' 100 Keil drs
· ~EM!ih42Loroonct
Chalham Blll!Om" Udla!lge plan 100111 El Tommev set·. . .
. Ma Mrs h 105 Ha"Yey 131· 1'2 Queen
• .IIJ! h 127·81Allm!y Chalham Bulld~~~g IAa•nJenanee (Slaniey J Solsrij 55 Gteoor; dr
· Law<ence tllvlllel mnR:eC!la-ron Tr~n 28Viu!Sitiredr w
· la*"tnee lot Lh Irk 11M Charron Tran&p 28 Woltstl,re dr Chatham Bulidrng SuPI)(•es 151 ~li<ltlr
• Loreaa C l.l<ml cf• Best For Less res RR 8
• Move 1Htneh tl
• ~ l'lfcrst n 155 Sandys CHATHAM CABLE TV,
• Nancy l 28 Wlll5lllre <1r R J Burnett, Gent Mgr
• Norman wh 280 CoiDOme 481 Richmond
• 05Ca$ tlllura 41 carp Ur1ton h 14 Fsnch ct ..........Phone 352-8270
• Ostat 0 (Irene £) h 71 Hous1on
Patsy 4 stud! 28 Wii!Shore dr Chatham Ct~e Supply (Cheryl Wearne) 526 Grand 11V e
Tonv I (Belly f) h 45 lansdowne av Chatham Canada Employmeol Cenlle Diane M<;Gulgan mgr 10 Cenlle
· Vaor J tllfenda LJ pntr 114 Primrose Ia h same Chatham Cash and Carry lumbef Company limoled Jas Tunks owner
• Wm 0 (41e~andra Nl lltl drvrChanon Transp h 1581.1tNa.Jghlon & mgr 6S Colbornf!
Chalham Chnsllan Cenlre Rev Paol Mcl'haol pastor 181 Llctllll
CharteftS Rlthd W01 l)llys 857 Grand av"' lUIIe 102 h 100 Chalham Clea~rs ltd (Sam Somans) ~8 St Claor
Raooolt e~es Ctoatham Coach Lines Body Shop 203 Kong e
Thtolma Mit h 650 Grand IV w IIPI 704 Chatham Coach Unes 16S·I73 Kl"lj e
Char1oet Ch « Gregory dr w Chatham Collegiate lnslllute J Clarl<e pnn 51 Pnnce n
Chartrand Eh I SO Nilt'f apl90 1 Chatham CommuMy Cn!dot Un•on (R Bruce Edwaret} 245 St Clair
• Rayd J (C BerNet) ldv Pa•rsootXI See Schl h 28 Batmoral rd Chatham Computer Sates & ServiCe Hank Bruhlman ownet·rngr 54.4
Cha~ HarTy J tA!yct £) h 94 Phyllis av Oueen
• ~ Blh! h 30 Willoam sas:H Olltham Conr:rete Formong Lid Slewatt Hams rngr 431 Uemo IV
Chast £-' 0 l~lynnQI'IIIIIIX:eC..'Y n21 F01111 Chatham Cultural Cenlre David UtNe.t dlt 75 Walia 'II n
• far! RtSit1ta CJ lormn Cily h 38 Hanoidl Chatham Cycle Works larry Sell rngr 653 Grand av e
· Horace IPM! Sllectll'llerpreter I HCanada h 246 Tweed&muor
• Je<ome lab Rod<• elllnJJ 38 Hanrrlth CHATHAM DAILY NEWS, THE,
· llllglord IBtaoche) IUOO.te Manne Nmnoe) h 112 Malykooll rd Robert Renaud, Publlaller &. Genl Mor,
• lynn C teey Kent Coullly 8d of Educ: 38 Hanold~ 45-47 Fourth ........Phone 354-2000
• t.lodll firelighter 248 Tweedsfnu,r ave

ferH• •re£terlea ,.. etvtng

29 Rebecca St. Hamilton, Ontario Ontario
Telephone (-416) 522-5066 l8R 183 Communities


Step~tell S..t, P11bllal!er
' The Papa~ Thall Rea4 FM A PurpoM'
Ma• A de Bruyn, Chief - -· ... Phone 354· 1021
OffiCe 5 s.cond St.
- "hOM 352·3MO

F(lrd E~ Sale lJml2d w~ ca11d11!9 985

Goscltl n 1 R'ctlmotld
CllatTllm Gra!l1le Club T pra 4 1 W m n
Cha..":am Heal Tmr.>ng lid Gene Hanson & I'm OsWOOOI ITI(If1
Horne E~L Goroon~ om 143 CHATHAM MOTORS LTD.,
111 Wm l Sunpeon, Pre• d•nt
lblid~ Sodett w HBrtsee tuPI300 Gtr.d., e Cllevrolet. Otdtmoblle Cac!lllac cara and
Che.,rol_. Trueh SaiM , lefvlc:e and Peru
CHATHAM 'HYDRO RECTAIC SYSTEM, 755 Grend aw w 11 Keil dr, Po eo. 721
2 13 King, P 0 eo. 70. N7M 5K2 - Phcme 352-1200
- ..·- Phone 352-1300

SII:I)Cle Ron ~ 11117 ., f~

~ e-.eanc s~ CQyton Lutn 1!9 336 0ueen !l!ne<J(E!Jeme~ ··~
Cha I GAfRob! &Eug Clariel 100 Vi ~I
Cl\a~ 8lg Bralnen .l~!Ofl Pa:1icla J SUI VI!C CHATHAM OFFICE SUPPLY LIMITED,
CJd 184 W~llng!on,. Ferg Flanagin, M1n1ger
Y.tnt ~ S151m Assod3tlon Toe J lolalllll [W mgr Authorized VICtor Cath Regttter Deal., and
137 1'21Gng. Remlftilton Rand lutill. .l Equipment Centre
Cha"-'" r.ern Corlun:Jnlty & fll!llly SeMcts Slm Hmt;er.I!Qrn MS'N Complete Line ot OffiCe Furniture 1nd Suppllet
e• Cl 259 WL'I!ll!giO Ru-Rot.ary Duplicating Equipment
'.tr.t ~ OI;Cer.:relu-MnCo dlt 20 SaiM & Service Aentall
Crystaldr 70 Fourth- Phone 352-7!50


THE MENTALLY RETARDED. Chatham Palntin9 & Dtcor•t:no !LDUtJ Ttl!bOdea>J) e 0ewe
P 0 Boa H7 Chal!latn Palks & Reerw;on llepa1trnenl Hugllloga!l CJd l(lln!n 80
310 Wellington w , N7M 5L3 T-eedsmWf a• "
Adminotlralioll Ctlll1am Plate Gal ~ Bob Copland '"" eo 1 Sl cau
· - - -PIIOM 352-1174 Chi~ Pbte Ans•-ennQ Serrlce Pallia L~ mgr eDI 5I
R"ode11tlal Services Cb!J
_ PIIone352-1tn ~Place O,H,u c p Burmam mgr 801 Sl cw
ARC lnduatrl" Cha.."lam ?Ia= fin!S1lef1 Mlrvln Go*! trrtr4l3 IUf(,ll ..
H5 Roc:hmond
..- ...- Phone 352-5173 CHATHAM PLUMBING & HARDWARE,
Parkfield Gill & Coif" Shop (Lloyd Bovln & Tony Van Loon)
IOH Park avw Plumbing Contrac:lort & Retallera
·-·--Phone 352-~18 83 Centre
Developmental Day Centre _ ... Phona351 -6«2
20 Cryatal dr
.....,_Phone 351-0480


Chi.."lam llent & Ois!JlCI Retarda!JOn Cenlre 202 Campus P'• *Yapt {Brian Strank)
309 Pool & Hot Spa Contraetora
Chalre!ll Kent & Distrid ~for lhe Merellly Rewoed 315 Mc:Niughton av w {Dover Square Piau)
109\l~ hW _ _ Phone 354-1157

Mary G Creaaey, Curator ~ .,....,,.. P'"'"« : B '110 ... 857 Gtend a• w
Open Tu"· Thura & Sat, 2 pm to 5 pm
Open Sunday• May to Dc:t. 2 pm to 5 pm CHATHAM PUBLIC LIBRARY,
Open tat & 3rd Sunday from Oc:t to Apr 30 Lynne Brown. Chief Ubrarlan
2 pm to 5 pm 120 au ..n at Crou
51 William n ...._ Phone 352-1540 Phone U4-2t40
• Residential
~/AA ....V

® • Agricultural

an Independent member broker
121 Heritage Rd., Chatham, Suite 202 (519) 351 - 1300
Chal!lam Pubtte Worl<s Dept Davt Knon supl us Pall< ave \illtna woerts Restaurant (Chi Po Chan & Stuu W•og Tam) 444
Chall>am Quat~v Pools u< Verl<a•kl425 Park av w Rovem•w dr uno! I 2·3
CllaU\Bm Rev <al Centre Rev Kenneth W~lls m•n•Slef 29 Viclorl3 Chlndler Mary h 383 l ~croi •
av Chinn JoM R !Debra Allan can Fram h 48 De Graev~ or
Chal!lam Rod & Gtln SllOP Lid IJohn Chorba! 491 Grand av e 'lim J (Helerll h 1000 Channg CtOS$ rd unot 2
Chalhalll Rllbbef Slarnp Manulaclut•ng {W Ku•per) 220 William s ChJMlCJ Dan illtenda) sfsmn Form & Build Silly Inc ra FIR 8
Cnal!lam Sand &Gr1ffi A Gold mgr 202 Slanley av Richd Gllama) farmer h 503 MtNaugllton a~ "'
Chal!lam Sewing Cen!re IBelly JollllWI) 151Ktng w Rl(hd (Kartn) Iarmer T £ ClriMIC.· & Sons h 774 Bloomfield rd
Chatham T~rs Aparlments 80S Grand av w Wm tMartOrl) fnnr h 1000 Charing Cross rd umt51
Chatham Tow•ng Semces ltd Jolin Ver~aik mgr-owner 281 Ch•Pcka la11yW wksCFA Operations Inc 118 RtVPrvlf'W dr apt
RIChmond 530
Chal!lam TownShtp Office Francis E"""'!l mgr 785 Sl Clatr Choropraci•C 1iea11h CentrP tOr G WHa'Vey Steel) 575 Queen
Chalhalll Trailel Park 452 Grand ave ChtstlOim .luO•th A sts Merle N01man res TilbUry
ChaU\Bm lri Coun:y App!a~Se!S ltm~led 55 Dover Chonllll David N (Atldrey ll sti< mgr I HCanaclil o 153 Olegoty dt
Chalham Walef Commrssion Dtstr•bullon Olce F J Faubert supY5l
325 G•and av e "'
Ellen Mr~ h 115 Sef,Jr~ ept3
Chatnam Weldmg Suppiy l.ltm Par~~r)578 G•a!ld ave He<bt W (Carohr~e M) h 76 Poc>lar
Chatham Window Cleantng & Ja!'IIIOita' Serv!Ces (Stella Gary & • h~ne Mrs 99 Par~
Allan CaliOn) ~80 VtCIOI • Rob! I 76 Plljllar
Chatham Vamal\8 Bluce Campbell rngr 671 Grand av w • S Glenn !Oonna A) h 187 Twl!edsmullav e
Chauvon Kelly h 99lacrol~ Chtvers Thos WIMa•v El CO!leettonal ofcr Chatham Jail h •4
• Kl'!llleth EICectl~ N)lab can Fram h 27 Par~*OOd ar l<err av
Mark SIU'll27 Pa"'*ood dr Choma A'1!111 elk Clly Hail h 129 McNauotnon av w
· Mar~ lKtm)lt'Cig ForsyUI Travel Bureau 1111 Wallaceburg Ct'Omeyko MatheW A Dr JCarOI A) denltSl 186 WeOI!lgton w Stte
- Wtlfd J lllettt ll pntr l<ent County 8d of Eouc 11 79 For$ 201 II w 5 lyn-..aod dt Maue h 253 Kmg e ChOII•w Dora Mrs h 35 Mcfartar;e av
Chelt~icz Robl•~s Mm!Siry of Tra'15P & Comrnumc h 76 Mary apt Choudtlrv Voc1or ~Marv1 b~• Whe<>ls Inn h 205 St Cia"
31~ ChQwnard laurence J (Rota ll sel ·UP mn Elan TI & 0•~ h 68
Chetcta~ Joyt• Rh 23 Foster Sassrd
- l.lananne h 44 Ta)'lor av apt5 Mauroee E(Ktm £1dtelary dep1 Pub Genl Hosp h 236 Grand av
Chenty Bobby 89 Slll!ldon av apt 9 e
• t.A •ks Can Imp & of Coolm h 19 Har<ey Chtallt':k Cheger h 214 Ktng w BPt2
• Ph 15 W•rl>erspoon apl407 Clltt$1 Church iAoghcan) Rtov l(ennelh AndelllOil rector 80
• PaulaiPgal sety Rl Mcfalls Welhnotonw
• RPauliDonna Mar.e) S1udl h 383 WellulQ!on w apt 206 Chnst Church Pattsh Ha1143 Centte
Chen•er Rob! (Kim) wks No<lhside Arena h 82 Wedgewood av Chnst Joe P 11 201 fhzabe!h
Chepfl<a Dana S1udl ~ 222 Selklfk Chnst~Stnlooane L Mr~lab Slandard CornI Toblcco h 123
• EdNd (Dorothy) v.l<s Oel<alb Ca'lada Inc rea RR 6 Dresden 0 Netl apt3
• Sherry h 1751.1(.HaogMon a~"' apt 1 • Renee l d~ Can POS1 Corpn 50 Mlehener apt 511
Cherry Thurman S h 75 t.Aary apt 210 Chtl$han Car Chmc (Hairy Oetytk) 84 Sass rd
Chesapeao• &Onoo Raiiwiff Jas K Btl!! 801251 Colbome Choll•&n frat!l< w~s Can Ttre 77 Baldoon rd apl 22
Chfsney l Marcelone Mrs 1199 McNaughton av w apt253 • Geo h 2?4 Pali< ave apt2
Chevaher Dh ISO Mary apt 610 Joyce A 18•111 elk Coa!ham Cable TV 89 Rlvemaw dr apt 604
· DentS N fJean) 1150 Bafdooo rd apt4 Chns11an Laboor Assoclallon of Canada E:dwd Grootenboer mgr
- OeMis J wks Oom St01es 50 Baldoon rd apt 4 392 Pail< ave suite 107
· Gary !Paultnellab 1.10101 Wheel Corpn h 12 Donalda dt ChrtSt•an SCtence ReeOtr>g Room 23 Firs!
Jol>~ EIAOOretl "'' mgr Gordon's Supef Mkl$ h 10 I Bur1on av • Wm C (Joyce AI exec d•r Ont Hoso h 89 Rtvarv•ew dr 1101 604
ChrtSI•e Geo B (Martlyn) SUOVSI I HCanada h 60 Whlpp()OIV.-iU
CHEVAUER, RANDY R, C.L.U •• B..A., cres
Man-eer NOfttl American Lit. Auuranc:e Co, · Jane 60 WII•PPQOI'I< II cres
Rn 23 Jeffrey (Tilbury), Phone 112-2284 • Robt J lehf John McGregor Sec SChl h 44 Water
Robt Welk Mac's Mtlk 118 Rtverv•e'~' dr apt631
· Rochd {Carol) mach opr Rockwell Inti (niburYl h 145 · Theresa teller Ou1en Credil Un1on (Palncourt) 44 Water
Goldparkrd Chrrsrner Gordon B (Judith) Irk drvr Fredertck's Transp h 70
Moton Ltd) • J G01don (Etle@n) h 15 Trtlhum VtllageeptiOI
Cll<a I'I•ASaon llt.Aary Cl h 15 dr Chtr&t()jll1el Jonn h 73 Baldooo rd apr 21
Cllteko-;o~~. 184 lOII'Ie av Chrr510pher Arlhurs Chl'ft Willet CFCO 73 Baldoon rd apt 21
·Stanley R (lynn f.lltechn Chatham Cable TV h 29 Coutute Of Chrome let< Plaslo~ ( 1982)lld John Basic gent mor 830
Ch•ld Robl J (1Ae<11el1 eng l•bbey-St Cla•r Inch 47 Pavey RICIImOnd
Children of Ja® Synagoove 29 Water Chruscoel Zofoa Mrs 29 Syl.,•ster dr
ChrU5C•k Barbara J studt 61 Sf MIChael av
CHILDREN'S A ID SOCIETY OF KENT COUNTY, · John tRorna Tltab Eaton Yale ltd h 81 St Mtchael av
Richard L Whlltlnston. Ellec:.Oi rector • Rtchd J stl10181 St Michael 111
Jamea Cargln, Aulatant Di rector ChfysfP.t Dan M !Dawn J)larm lab Thames Fam11 h 110 Adelaode n
435 Orand av w, P 0 Box 157, N7M 51(3 • Gordon W(Marjoue) h 317 Vtelorfa av
.....•••..Phone 352.0.UO Grace N h 102 Cross
t.Aarv (Robll secy Bee Keepet'a Spla 1050 Richmond
R01>er1a Mrs h 307 Delaware av
Chtldren·• Voltage Day Care Cen!•e (lualle Goi<lsrm!hJ 58 Robt G IMatgl) ('N A Chrysler &Son) h 1050 RIChmond
Do>.er Chtysler Sh•ll•ngton & Co char1 accts 36 foortll
Child 1 v. O!ld Co-()pera!.-.e Nwsety Scioli Susan llene)re SUIMI y,.,an Mrs h 367 t.AcNauonton ave
80 y, ellll1Qion "' Chlysler WA & Son (Rob! G Chrysler) apoans:s· epts 595
Bloomfield rd
City Oolical John Gibbons mgr 100 King. ~ 229
QwanowlkJ loWian (Cmllwl)ll 14 7 Eilts
Cllurdl Dlrelr (Mireellllll) supwtt YMCA II 125 S1 Cllir U111113 CUy S9l ~ e 1 Hyslop
CIIICN Moehlel Dr (Diannal dnll surg 4 12 Grind ~ t II 85
Grlytlng !Gemldtl wks 0181111111 Coech Unet h 7 Sudbury ~ Kenslnglon pi
IPI3 CN1Iler MeMn H(Eielnor 81 II 850 Grind ~ wljllll04
ltlrold bus elM Cllllhlm Coech Unn II 1go ThlrNs lllC 8
~ C (Dariiiii5Z3Indiln Ctelic Ill w
· .Ill (~I lib lolc*lf Wllllel 11 118lllylhewoocl aes llll2 CMc ~~ A 1851(1ng w
.Ill A (11Mrtey1 C1tm11 CHA 1'1 4~ Vldoria ~ Ctlel<ea Eva B Mrs 1'1 278 Joseph
l11111t AhrdrW Seers ll&lMr Sot5 51 Clair • ~ CllikiiUIMI Wllfels 1M 99 [C!Qit
t.t.y mgr S1 Clair lotolel h &t5 Sl Clair
Peul eled Honey EJeaic res RA 1 Dover Cath
Cllurdl of Jesus Chrlll ollllllr Dey Sainll The Ptullherllult
pres 23 Oetron dr I Clleys P ICht lndlao Creek Ad Pub Schl
Aiclld (CbU!CII'I Outdoor Start) h 825 Sl Clair U11115 PIUI J (Mary) meter r~ Union Gas II 38loulse
Wayne h n Gregory~ e • Rayd J lfllmN AI c:lll A& P 111&-t ThcmNll an
Cllult'ND P II 118 AMmew ~ lllC 431 Clalrmonll'lm " 1Til Coverdale
Ptul..,., "9 TMmes Commurlic:llion S II 28 Ordii!CI His ~ lllC 7
Chuldls ~ Slore IAichd Cluclllll29 StClair Clanlhatl Hormln G(Amle) II I!Kl T~ ~ e
CIIIAI!Iryen II 44 WiiJon ~ Clancy Blrtllrl 1!383 WeWI!Qion • 101 8-8
Undl c:lll Seers 289 Pill Clare ~~~~lab Klng t.mers 85lorne ~ lllC 4
Randy lib Clvome lei\ f'lltiiCI 269 Plllo Claridge £mle w(t.larglll) h 98 Slleklon ~
Rayd C (Mary A) lib EMon Yilt lid II 289 Pltk Cllflo Ale• W (!lotlrion)(Cin Den1ln ThlrlplsQ 1121 ~
Aolemlry M n2tl4 PM £r&l.t0elfl
SIMn 289 Pill AuO-r G Mrs 11 7 Bam
1 n30 rrillium v~~~~ge Ill! 1~ AuCtfy 11 secy Souttrweslem Regl Cer'*e 11343 Grind~ tlllC
Clldel! L-ence (Anna Mifllll h 58~ IV 408
Wm f 58 Semenyn ~ lleltt (Kert_) ~«"~' ~ & Assoc Ins re FIR'
Cunal100 Mluric:e P lllo«llllel brl<lyT 1'1 24 James • Oar\ Big V Drug SlOtt Blair Elston mgr '20 0ueer1
Cimoroni Dlrmy Wdl 65 John Bob W !Rose Anne) mfC!Ili!JCry lotcHei I & Ubby II 356Btldoon
• Jenny lludl 85 Joht1 rd
• Jos IMIIrll) h 93 Tllvtor IV Bruce 1'1 •0 Ken IV
Morris lib Roc....reH lnll (TIIoury)8~ John 0 h33 Amelia
• Roblllb Molar Wheel Corpo85 John Oirvld IE•~) lf1dry 1U1M1 Pub1tc Genl Hos11 119' fsv• d
Aobl (Grace) lib I HCallldl h 85 John DetlCit A'llllab Depl of V~os Allatts 94 Esse• Cl
Sandra l1udl 85 .1oM Clatlo Dentin Clllllc (Ale• w Clatl<) !93 W~ling!M •
Clndnnlli l1me SV'tems 20 Krng w DonaldS (Aullley UJ wks Aoclo.elllnllll60 Pelrone CtH
Circelll S ""ke (Grnl Mj IClw Uttulloe Coli h I S Jopl'fl Dofoll1, I Mrs dN Caoaell Depl ol Pub W1<s II 7~ O'NfiiiiJI'
City Bus Trii!Sier Pornl e s Cerure Douglas A 116llvdlcan ••
City Courie< Ed &Old mgt 90 Bonowmatl Owigtll A 1loliehelle £) dM Silverwood$ h 1~5 Coverdale
CITY DtMCTORY, (. . . Vernon Dltectorlel Edw11111241 G!Jnd IV e 1£]12
LlfNied) £ lz nurse Pub Genl HosD h t 9lhulme ••
Ciarlo FOfk Uft l rucios 9'0 RJchmond
Garnet A(G~) elM ~X Drugs II 263 WcHauglllon IV t
Vernon Dlr.ctorlel Umlted H II 10 Trillium ViiJaoe llll308
21 . . . _ . II. Hamilton, Onl8rio H¥old l buS Clr'<r Chalhlm Coich Lines 11 128 Surlnvtillt ••
~{411)122·1011 Hale! Mrs 11 110 Pme
JlmH H (U111011 l)(CIIri!'s 11'9 V Drug Slln) n 515ll1Cf0i•
JoAme sludl65 T~ •• t
Ke!111 R (tona~M) Orwt s1smo Hos1ll!ss PCIIIO ChiP$ h 65
CITY OF CHATHAM. Twee<1smu1t aw t
CMCCRTM Kelly Sue CISilt Zellers 9' Esse• ct
11110f11w, ~ 0 loa MO. N1M IKI lany J t 8rtly Lou! 11M slsmn AIJII Da ''" n ~8 Pit!< WOOd dr
AUDITOfnl ~ARTMINT lloyd (Bea!r!Ce) 11 40 TnUium V"lliagt ap1108
Tllome, Gunn I Co llo-,d J IV Agr!eS) h 79 Chult/lill
CITY INGINEIR, Wllter Coulter LO<I'II! A1'1 118 WriUngton e
CLERK'S OfFICE, William G Terry lOUIS twdr61 Brenda s Btl' Salon res RA 7 Dresden
MAYOR, Me...,..,..
CITY MANAGIR, Hugfl Tllomu

N Arclllbeld, QC,
uargt t.trs h 28 1Queen
Marvella M Urs II 100 Poolar 101 8
UICI'oelle EMrs CISilf 0om SIOIH 155 Coverdalf
Mallwell G Howell, Planning~ AGregory (t.l¥v Cl II 91 Vande<park dr
PlUMBING INaNCTOR'I O,ICE RObl (Sihr~) tep!IM I H Canada n 240 Pltk
llyron E, lnepector ROOt J Or (Wendy Sl diiiSI150 LacrOix h 345 ViCID!Illt•
~.UC WONt'S O~ARTMENT Aosernarv J letlr Soutnwestern Rtgl Centre h 18· 1'2 .limn
Dllvld Knott. Wortl'l luperlntendellt Verl'fl t.trs 11 IIBllydtCat~a•
TREAIUMR"I OfFICE I TAX DEPARTMENT Vi.-1111 cage SUIJV$t R.ctllrdson Greensnields of Canada h 290
' R lfopllr, Cltr T,_., GrlllCiaw w
WIU'ARE OEPAATMENT Waller h 32 James d
Edwerd ~. Adml.....,.., n
Wtyrte IEI<Z)trl< dM 11 T,mmms cres llll2
IIUILDtNG ENGINEER, Jolin o . - Clar•t 8 n83 Gray
• 8rad s/>Pf recvr Ollll'lam Plasbc F'"'slmlQ
Dale lab lachine Farm EQUip res Aldgelow11
CITY OF CHATHAM WATER COMMIUION, {. . . Tile Danl J Sllldl 164 L/ydlcarla• t•l
Clletllam lloetd of Water CommiiiiOIWa) •o
• Oiaoe Sllldl Kllndlll
C.ty ol Cllllnlm Wiler Pollution ConUol Planl Dave S1epl'leolon Don pnlr Clla1llam Plastic Frl'ldlllng
SUPI 100 Irwin Donald A (Hlldl Jl siSIIVl Ulller Fd Powet 1'13' Mil lOll IV


231VAN ST., P.O. BOX 5463, N7M 5KI PHONE 3546-5045

- Donm! 11 t~ Colbome Bra!! (t.I.J~y Janel Counly Coun .Jud!le 1195 Par1.wood d!
Dor(l(lly h 40 Kendan David h 210 Par• av e apiA
Doug lclv h ISO Mary ao1906 Doug w~s Chatham Pia &tic Frnrshtng
Eug Nflaunell owoo & mgriGA h 172T~uor ave G Jul'le stores South>~~estem Regl Cen11e n49lorl'le av
GelaiO R(Ga<l Elll & doem~r Superoor l.lacn & n h 1 Dunkork Gary J (lynn fl Sllldt h 43 Sudbu• y dr
Cl John Et4r~n MJdrvr examrner Monlstry of Transp &
· Gordon F1Margl St s.upvsr C8n fram lld h 100 Thorntull cres Communlc. h 104 Belry
H h 96 Sheldon av Karhryn h 7 Wale~
Hllh 47Emmaapil01 - Kenneth F (Jovl slsmn h 33 West
-Hal\'ey cab drvr Courtesy Cabs 12 COX av • K11~ 8 (Yvonne)ten~r carrier 38 Q,ley dr
ltlary !Merle Norma~) 10 Tnlbum vonaoe llll308 - M.chl104~
J Gordon (Oy1issl1112 Co• '' • NWnarl K ( S) {Clem s Ne>~~ & Used Fum Slsl h 38
James K !Rosemary) PM C!latna'll Colilnsl II 164 Llydocan av Charlet IS
Clemmer B h 955 Grand av waPI 110
John stud! 164llydocan av ext Clem's N~ & IJseO Furrnture Saoes & Book E•change (N:wman ~
Jos J (Sao<lra E) 5'!' up mn Rochvelllnll h 98 1.1 ~ rd
David Clementsl15 King e
• Jur>e AMrs shpt AlTO'* lndty & Dry Clnr1 h 180 West
Cleveland ba May mg~ GOld Connec.!lon res Blenhelm
llltrY E[Kar!n Milab I HCanada h 127 Sutmyside av ChH PPier I 11 76 Mary BPI 802
larry RlOra nne fl ICiar~.e's Home lmprovemenl) h 93
Chllord Alan B Dr (Laurie) dntst 26 Filth sulle 301 n 411
Sytves1er dr
lorne ICIII John McG•egor Sec Schl ISO Mary apl906
John (Valer.e) (Bella Donna M ~tel) h 510 Grand ave
1.1 Roc:hd (lla<bara £} mgr I.I1111Siry of Reve!lue II 73 1.Aarron av
- Vater•e (John) {Bella Donna MGtel) 510 Grnd ave
Clone laru ClHelen II II 2 John
- Mar~ J h 33 Deooe
Qmgeosrll!ln londa slsclk Oslrenoer Jwus II 76 Vanier dr apt
Malhw K Sludl 164llyd~<:an a~ e•l
l.l~ed Bh 82P11nces
OAtn W(lab) Rod<welll'lll h 65 Spencer av • Ma'lls S n 34 Jac~soo <It
- Ray B$11'.bly I .. Can3<la h 7 Sudb16y 0t 8p1 4
P~ J oftzenat h 8 llur'>•O.. C1
• Peuy n 78lacrocx apl 4 Cfrntor. Etoc J aJmputer cxoorammP.r I HCanada 41 C01oerdale apl
- Rob h 50 Mernll av apl 503 306
· Root Dslsmn Seers Canada Inc 200 Fares! Clogg Alex I Jenny) h e s Goven rd
· Rosemary !Jaslseey-recptnst Ricllanlson Greenshields ol • fred A{Alma JJ agtonomoSI Oekalb Canada h 28 Spurgeon dr
Ca~ 164 ll f'd>ca'1 av Ext
- K•m slsclk The Olessing Room h 118 1'2 Selkirl<
· Roy K tl.ldlel!e ll mntnce Aa:urcaSI h 10 Melrose dr • N(l(man H tt.laxtne F) Pfod mgr Superior Mach & Tl h 173 ~ole
T h 118 RNervlew dr apt512 av
Wm Rtl.ltace l) (IGA) h 88 Ellis • R•chd !Frances) meal C!r Gordon's t.1>1s 11149 Eug!'noe
Clar•f's Home lmC~tQVement I larry Clarke) 93 Sytvestt'! <It • RobliBrtnoal lab I H Canada h 145 Sel••r~
Clar>.es~(Tr~)labUbby ~.~c.-.e.a&l•bbyl'l20 1'2 Scon '*l<s Chatham Cult11111 C~e 149 Eug~oie
lomeav - ThOs J (IS<lbena A) elecl Super!Of t.lacn & Tl h 75 Campb~ll
Cla•o's Hea"no Aid Clinic (Ale• wClark) 193 Wellrngton w • Wm (Audrey) h 385 Grand ave
Clarkllon Paul h 85 lorne av apt 1 CIOSP SU51n W1rS n 76 Mary apl 806
• RobiiMargll mgr Ylllllum Vrllage h 6J T11lhum VHiage • Thos A rKaren EJ (Marbn Tilley & Col h w s Joplyn
Classic lloolclhop Kalhy lePaiO<Jret ITliJI100 Ktng v. und 214 Oolhes Hamper The Lllloan Smo:h mgr 113 Kong w
Clatwonhy Gtegorv S !Susan) ICIIf Tecumseh Sec Schl h 372 Cloutll·er l Mrs h <lO Wooos
l.ltandave Clout•e< Andre S1udl4 Copperfoeld cres
• Vl!fna II 18 4rnold • Gary lab l.lolor l'lhl't'l 4 Copperheld cres
Claus Mary h 50 l.tehenel rd aJ)I8 t 3 • Patroce drywall taper h 21 Thelma
D.l•ton Gwen :75 Sandy$ Clubb Eh 99 McNaughtOn av ., apl 238
• Ronald l (Carol A) h 29 Pavey Clymtnll Allons ElE.-etyn ll formn Kent Coomy Fen,hzn h
ClayiOO Baobara II 18-1'2 Hal\'ey 422MGNaugnton av w
-Barbara A h 10 Ja'!leS Cmelo l.lf'lvrn h 131 Joseph
- Daoo W(Belly) cr, lies! For less res RR 2 Cnossen H h 15 Witherspoon apt 403
J Klltlt Rev (l~ndal mrniSler V!CICIII Av United Churc:l\ h 189 I<~ C iHllly) tchr Chat'lam Collegoal~ Ins! res RR 3
• Kalfly stsc:ll<. Ron1sfashtons res RR 5 CO-OPERATORS, THE,
- lily Rh 130 Sheldon a, ap1105 1n1uran~
• l )nd.t (Kent) leht Chatham Diil C!mSitan Sec Sclll 189 380 StClair, Box 1183, N7M 5lfJ
EllzJbeltl .........Phone 354-4280
Ronalci(Ka!nyllab Sass M!g res Pa.ncou:1
Cleary M Jean !Arlene Bty Shop) 860 Channg Croa rd
· Ttrry A(l(der PIOCe$$011 H Canada h 57 Ba1doon rd apt 304 Coakley Carol mgr Nutrotoon ~lte
Clea iCI Mary Arm h 4 La'lisco cres apt 4 Robl W (WJune) dM Wonder Bread h 343 Grand a• e apt801
etee.e l\ II 82 Barl!!t Coates Dean h 463 Kof~Q w
Wollr!O G (Clara AI h 389 UctOI> -Vrctorra 37 AdelaJde o
Cltmtn~ Ctltrop~ae~oc Cenlle ll J Clemen!) 152 Thames CoalswOflh Dean ElRosa Mt admlo sate1y Unton Gas n 249 O~ley
Gfollrey M h 39 CBeechwOOd cres dr
l h 136Stewa~ ~2 • RPauli Mary El set·up mn Sllndard Tube (Btenheoml n 75 Sl
· leo J !.bot !Clements ChrrOI)faCb(: ~tre) II • 23 Kong w Anthony
Clemenls Be< note rna Meadov> Park Nurag Horne h 54 T1mtTUnt • Role M tDeln El secy Bedford Myers & Hansen 249 Oxley dr
c.res 11)18 - T Emer5on tOra) h 23 Ut~ullne a•
~erty J I Salty Armel COIIOSIOfllechn Unoon Gas 11 18 Cobb Alan H (M Sue) h 570 King w
Dove!~ C h 75 O'Net apt 1

Please Turn to the Last Page of
the Classified (Yellow) Section.

• David hsei<Pf St .los ~Ph 87 PaJ!eson fit Ronald S (~y Margljlab can Fram Lid h 51 Glen'llfOIId dr
• David A mntnce St Jos Hasp 570 King w Coli Goldll! h 100-104 Par\< apt fl
Peter Ar.ttidt 570 Kmg w Collin~ PMrppe J grarn lnsp Can Gtarn Comm•ss•on h225
Cobey 0e101es M lndry ·~~t~r Southwestern Regr Cen!Je h t59 Campus Pl<wy aOt 303
AdetaldP s Colle'( Alber1a n a Cal"adiai'IM N<JIS!I Horres h 115 Seny
Coburn Chrrs J (Lynn Ml rngr 81\ of Mont h 12 Glengarry Cia Goo h 2A4 McN.&ugi\IOII avl!
Cocchetlo v h 45 Trolltum Vinage ao: 203 - Mat!< E (Carol AI 1011!!11 Elall Tl & Ole h 1.43 Sy1~ester dr
Cochrane Lmda J b~PI Walker AutomotiVe & Mach h 30 Wrndsor dr Collro .lone h 4 52 Grand av e
M h342 Krflll w aot3 Collino .las (AnneI brlu lard!aw Transp h 215 Covetda!e
Mary J Mrs 1\650 Gtand av w 111'1608 Collins Anmv R (Ceha 1.11 palrolmrt IJ.•MISiry ol Transp & Convn h
ArChd J tCocr<~ane lndl P!.aolng lid) h 202 CampOs ps.'lfy apt 94 Prrm1ose Ia
303 • Donald I electronic teem 24 ON-e av h same
• Rrchd J (Pemeta l) contr 20 Lynwood dr h same · HEh51~n""
Cocl<ll Ktm sucvsr Sunoco Inc 10 1'2 Second fltlen M Mrs h 24 Oeia.vare av
• Lata MMrs h 99 M'Naughton av w aot 243
Cod) J h 955 Gtano av w apt 106 COUINS, J T, INSURANCE AGENCY LTD,
• Nrthls A IAnroe l) eng 1H canada n 123 Wellington • John Collins. President
Coe tence (Ruth Annllab Motor Wheel Gorpn h 90 Van•er dr Linda Collin a, Secretary-Treasurer
Lance A tJoan) h 61 Mrchener rd .til Fl lth, Unit 307, Box 1 tell, N7M 5L8
• Paul tab MOI01 Wlleel Corpn 61 Mrch,.oer rd ._ ..... Phone 3~2-83211
CoetMManuelG(Maoa)h, 12·1'2Berry
• Manut'l R fT atrn11a !lab I HCanada h 32 McKrnnoo d! John tEnal prod c:ol'llrol Hates·Dana h 20 ~b~ard pi
Goeman Robt fReta) n 45 Tweectsmurr ave • John T (Linda 01 (J T Colhnt tnt Agcyl h 8 Mallard pi
Coene Rose M elk Can Post Cor on 150 Mary apt 704 Lucllre 56 Wast
Cofell Chr.~trnP 1> 85 Proe apt I OA M h 203-A w.111am s
- DOwel C h 93 Lacrorx Colhns Pao. e s F.rm n
-trene A h 15 Wttlletspoon apt 207 Ratpll h 76 Pamela cres
- Jas l (Snerry Mtlab Motor Wlleel Cofpn h 54 frt>eland ev • Snarron (liatoidl stsldy Re Ma. Wast Gale Rt[y 51 Seugeeo av
Coffee Cup Restaurant 111m Okran mgr 253 Wilham s TIIOO S trk om O.rect Transo h 672 Bloomfr!id rd
Coffey Oennrs C(Donna L) pr()ducuon LibbY McNeill & libby 1'1 ColhllSOO Margt Mrs ~~rkS Pint'trast frozP.II Fds h 55 St Cta•r
20 snerbrooke pi Coniosoo-Rt>rl(Jers Myra£ (ffanl<l sec-treas Rendl!fs & RellOers
Coffman Mary Mrs II 44 VIOle! lid 3 Proecsesl rd
Cohen Bemard (lynne) h 600 Grenda~ w apt9004 Colon rat COurt Apartments 360 Sandys
Coholan Krm wks Sears h 230 Patteson a~ Colon•df MOll'! Edwd & Terry Soyl<o mgrs 717 Grand av e
co~e wm tab Mott.lf wneet h 294 Forest aPI1 Coloma! Pesroleum~ Ud (len 8oychok)93 \ljllllarn n
COiarw Gino (Rinallab Oomta~ Sonoco h 9 Pal\udge Ctlr.i • Coloc YO\Jf WO!Id Doug Mc<lrl•ery mgr 93 Ke.1 drs
• Rose 9 Oo•~ P' Colours (Jas t. Na~ Boi100J195 We"•ngton..,
• RosanM taby lechn 9 Panrrdge cres Colpaart Jos (Rosel carp 384 McNaugtlton ave h same
Colasanti'S Janie Morton mgr 100 King w unit 215 • Patk elk IGA Foodliner 384 McNaughton ave
Colasanti's Plants & FtowetS Jane Knlster mgr 801 51 Clarr Colpaert J n 9 Oe~onshlre rd
Colby Cm!ly ctk Consumers OtS!rg 211 Pat!< CoiQUho\ln lao h 343 Grand av e a01 605
Oebbr~ h 211 Park Collar! Orvrlle A h 29 Ba•ltl

• Geo F IAileen Ht h 23 Berry
• Wesley G (Marion mntnce Cen Frem Ltd h 135 Canterbury
• wm mech Mr Transmission h 24 Patteson av
Robart h 99 McNaugllton av w11)1112
• Wm A tBalbaral h 33 Ardletgh dr
Colucc• FelrCI' n 15 Trrlllum Vl11ageept 312
• Wm 0 (Helen K) pres Wm 0 COlby Ill Eng II 262 VICI01t8 av Coma111t Oa•e h 4 7 Emma aol 104
Colby Wm 0 Ill Engrnee•rnq ltd Wm 0 Colby pres 45 Grand •~ w Comeau Ch 175 Comdale
Cote Allen wks Nail Gro h 4631<tng w • Chrt&~oe 38 Frnch ct
• Chas A h 17 Paneson av . Elste W11130Sheldon av apl104
- Kenneth w(Glace) h 175 Stanley av Comeau Furnrture Restorers 270 toshes av
. Maty Mrs h 272 Park • M chelle secy Rendf!fs & Rend!!l's h 82 Dela'ltllle av aptJOI
• M•ldred A r n a St Jos Hosp h 39 Alden Cornel Apartments s s RIChmond
· Ralph (LOIS) h 463 King W Comfort Nellie EMrs h 1021nslles av
flobt (J Flt.lfence) stkmn I HCanada h 50 Houston Comiskey Brll studt 25 Ellwood~·
Colebrook Barbara J Mrs counter elk Gordons Mkls h 14 De COMISKEY, J BERNARD, (Nelly), (Arnold, Wataon
Grat"'e(ll & Comlakey). h 205 Joaeph, Phone
Edwd E!BlancheI prano tur~er 82 Alexandra wv h same 354-0198
RobtS (laurie M) lab HJ Heinz Co h 47 Made~a cres COMISKEY. JOSEPH N, (Leitha B). lnauranee
• Rosemary stud1266 Grand av w Adj u11er Comlakey Limited. h 11~ Llydlean.
Wayne E (Peggy Ll ofce IH Canada h SBlorne av N7L 3E9. Phone 354-8~011
Coleman Oavtd B slud1612 LBCtolx
JeNrey 0 stud! 612 LacrOIX
· Jerry M IJanet S) lab can Fram h 72 Coppet'lleid cres COMISKEY LIMITED,
Lorne R(LIIII~n A) chart acct30 Raleigh h 612 Lacrol~ lnaurane. Adjuatetl
- Rtchd R (Susan) hoisting eng Dean Conslr h 36 Poplar 55 Dover, P 0 Box 1184. N7M ~La
Colenut Dh 18 Tudor ct .......... Phone 352-4180
Coles Book StO<e Lon!lla Reaume mgr 100 King w unit 202
Coles Sock S10<e Ruth Simpson rTlQf 170 King w • M Patrrc:la Mrs blip/ Corniskay lid h 25 Ell'lltOIId av
COles Chas M (Patricia M) slsmn h 163 Poplar COMISKEY, MICHAEL 0 , lnaurance Adjueter
- Donald wlab I H Canada h 50 Mrmin av apt 206 Comlakey Umlted, h 70 Stanley av. N7M 3J3,
· Randy lab Motor Wheel Corpn h 144-1'2 StClair Phone 354-4368

• School and Office Supplies • Office Furniture

180 KING ST. W. PHONE 354-0470

Coo~~ Bernlct h 85 P1ne apl246
Commercial Banl<1ng UM L H Kunll mgr 127 Knl!J11 Bruce 0 (Dana Ml aplnce reprmn Hydro h "27 Sherblooke pi
Community ~ntre Ball Par~ w s Ooetn
Commu1111y Cleaners & I.JiundereJS (Lennard & Charles Dayl145 COOK, CARSON,
Queen Sal" Rep Vernon OlrKtol'iet Umlted
Como 0111me F (Valenllne) h 148Emrna " " M Willow St (Stratford), N5A 384
Complete Wob41e Wash Bnan Chonmd< pres 41 Sass rd Phone(511)271- 104S
Compcon ~r Rri!CVI l..lbby McHe•ll & ltbby h 185 RIChmOnd
• John A(l.llynnel buyeJ loiCI(eougll Sons Co Ltd h 56 ThomhiH
aes • Donald A (Helen M) supvsr L J Dairy Prod h 413 VICIOIIB av
• 1.1aty Eltell h 31 Slone av • Donald J tMargl AI stsmn L J Da1ry Prods h 144 Park 11
Compu1er House (Lyonel & LyOtB Sl!app) 167 WelhngiOil w • Ellen 11 85 Pine apl 239
Compute~ House Workshop 65 Four1h • Gladys Ecashr A & P h 100 t.lchrlane IN apt 303
Cornpuler Sol!wllre llb111y The 199 Ku.g w Goroon J (Bea1r>ee Sl plmbr County Wiae Hlg & Coohno h 38
Conan Pa!k IKaren) wks 1HCanada h 256 Selktrk Greoorydrw
Colle & Sflaloe Shop The (Mary Ann LangiOtS)564 Queen • Jas Eh 128 West IPI3
Coneybea•e Fw(BessI btl<! f WConeybea1e Lid 604 Thames JOhn (Jant'l) wks Can Fram Lid h 17 Klngsway dr
Towerse · lyle h 150 Mary apt803
• May Eh 85 Pine apl 119
CONEYBEARE. F W, LIMITED, Mildred mntnce Kenl County Bldg 34 ROinheath rd
Raal Eltata Brokera, Farm, City & Bual""' • M)'rlle 97 Mcfarlane •• BPI 301
Propertlel, Multiple Uetlnge Servlcee, • N1cholle 349 Sandys apt2
220 Wellington w (Chatham) · 0 Bna (Danai serrnn Hydfo 27 SharbrOOI<e pi
..........Phone 354-3111 • Pal 44 Finch av
• Peter J arch J HJordl'f'l h 24 l '2 Dultenn av
R h 14 O!dllfd pt
CONEYBEARE, FERNE W, (Bell), (F W COneybeare • Robt oely mn L•ddy's Sleep Shop 52 McNaughlon
Limited), 100 Orand av w, Tham" Toware • Roy G tve~a Ml dm Charr011 Transport h 58 Oldey dr
Eut, Apt 1004 (Chatham), Phone ~111 • Ray Mplmbr Counly W1de Plmbg & Coohng h 210 P81k IV e BPI
CONFEDERATION LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, • She<ry"'"'Jade's Steak Hse h 52 Mc:HaughtOil a~ e
PO Boll SOl Cooke Irene Mh 76 FOI'eSI
•..•......PhOne 352-tiiO • Jas l h 955 Gland av w11)1303
• Krvon 11 76 Varner dr apt302
· Lew1s 67 Ooole pkwy
Cor>gdon Geo G (Ruby G) h 21 Seneca • Lloyd h 360 Sandys apt 308
Conlotfe Gary h 82 Delaware a" apt302 Cool< sOil Ulhan M 1c11r King George VI Pub Schl h 40 Delawate
. Gordon F(Ruth PI stsmn Janet Wallace Rl Est h 241 av apl5
l.lcHaughlon IY W • Petef h 104 Harvey apl2
Con1m Clalence R jJudy AI diesel mech Sandy ElhOI Iolrrs h 458 . Peter (Tina) lnsllr Aquasoh 104 Hanley
Mc:Haughtonavw Cools lueten stsmn Waet<ens Clvyatlll P!ymoulh Lid h 89
• Karen studt 456 l.lcNaughlon IN w Rovervoew dr apl606
Conmaek~ Jas H(Betty G) custodian Kent County Bd of Educ h Coombe RultiAnn (Te~ry) mgr Custom Clloppe! 601 Gratld av w
14 Cornhll leny (Ruthann) h 601 Grand ave
ConneiHlrownhlll Dora C nutse Ill WP Turner h 419 V1ctorla av Cooney Lawrence (Frances) drvr Kent News SeN h 15 Slskmd C1
Connolly John F (Margl) pharm St Jos Hasp h 78 Adelaide n Coopel Ba!bala A Wks Chalham Coach Lines 280 Col~
• John P prod IIChn Hayes·Oana InC 65 Oon apt 1 Barry techn J M Amusements res Woodslock
· Paul h 89 1'2 Klfl!lwapl2 · BnM (Sharool n 185 Stanl-.y av ap11
Connor Ofh 451 Vtclonaav • C!vot 72 Pr tnces& s
· John H !Jacqueline) ~lltlktl H Canada h 40 Coppeffleld · Oennll Csecunly guiiiO ROCI<Wtlllnll h 28 Mu11ay
Cte& • Ooo h 52 Laaolx apt1
Connors G h 24 'Ianter df apt t Donald E(Mary Ellen) h 51 Eugen1e
·Geoff W(Susan Gl eno Union Gash 2 Delaware av • Ooug H (lorle Ll agllmperlal 011 h 23 Marion av
• GeoHrey F (Tammy l) d111r atdt Chatham Olst Ambulance h 276 E h 99 McHaughton IV wapt 206
loleml IN ape 315 · Geo F (Bile I) h 288 Lalli
ConQuetpd Bryan K !Janet L) inslr C SA (Tor) h 15 Htghland • Hazel h 100 t.lcFarlane aupc 215
dl · JaCk (llelly C) comptJief analyst I H Canada h 309 WelllngiOn
Conrod Bruce (Sandra) lab h 62 AOelaJde n w
Conroy lome (Peggy) drvJ Dommoon AUto Trtm~lllfl Muuldrk Jean H h 132 Stewa/1 ape 4
Cons Qa.,d B(Ka!l!y Ell co mgr Pe1ro Canada h 76 Vanter dr John forestry rnr.gmm Mlnl5try ol Natural Resourm h 137
apl207 Patteson av
· Jas H (N•na) insp I H canada h 67 Balooon rd apc3 • John (Mary) ldlr St Joseph Sep Schl res RR 1 Merlin
Conll<y Chas Ill 0111 surg 9 Ursuline IN • June N(Vtrgtl) elk Can Posl Corpn 72 Pnnceu s
Consta11do Geo constr wlu COilstanoo ConSil 120 John • K lehr's atde lndtan Cree~ Rd Pub Schl
• Nflson DlUana Cl (Conslancio Con51r) h 120 John Ke•lll h 71 Canlelbury
· Orlando (lotatra) cons1r wlu h 242 Tweedsmutr av w • Kim E(J1II Dl slsmn Aeld & Garden Cenlre h 35 Chestnut dr
Conslanlmou C011al<is (Georgta) h 132 Slewat1 apl2 Coopef·Labadoe Lid (dov FirestOne Canada Lid) (Tom Labadie)
eor.1nJC11011 Engoneertr>g Sffllce 7 Taylor IN 505 FhdlmOild
Consumers Dlslrobutfr>g Michl Castelo mot 801 St Cooper Laumer 0 (0 Joan)supvsr Mlnlslty of Transp & Communlc
Coosumefs Wallpaper Co Ltd (John Baxter) 420 Queen h 183 West
COilte 0 h 343 Grand a• e ape 604 • Lori (Doug) dsgnr Syd Kemsley Florlst23 Maro011
COilbnen&al Call Canada Inc T0 Smyth pllnl mgr 12511Wln • Melany 8 7 Edgar
Conway Debboe SIUCII75 Raleigh • Nancy (Pnortty Personnel)
• Wm J lleenoe HJ Slkmn I H Canada h 75 Raleigh • Owen Sludt 72 PrtneeSS s

Corral ~ (Ciar WJ Hot~) 228 King w
COOPER Corremt P 8luno \Nanna L) lab Faca Cone h 22 Semenyn .-;
RaCer! pnll Chatllam Plastic flnlshiog · lllchd 0 lab~ t.!vg' Slge 22 Semenyn ••
Ccrrigan Linda 0 wh Oevetoprnanlal Day Catt Cen:rt h 4 I8
Rob! J h 452 Grand ave
Ror1alO A(tiU14!1) h 136 Patteson IV
VldOf (Debbi~) !I & CliemkJ I H Canada h 22 Tavb IV 1D1 Z Corrrveau Gary l 26 Gregory or w
Vrrgtll (.lunll A) feller tanl(!l II 72 PrinctsS 1 • HaMY mngmnl Ellie Cons:r (WIIIacellurgl h 4AO Snt111013
Coopman Jean (Sl Clarr Boaungl • Irene A tredil olce Sears 440 Sandys 101 3
Warren (St Clarr BoaUng 1 • Jas D (.lovte El meter repr Union Gas h 72 Par• av w
Coole Ra"'dy 0 repttr Chatnam Dally ~ews ra ~R 8
· leo EIAudreyl) slsmn Oodtref 1 Uell"l Ww h 28 Gregotydr
Cop Aug T (l.larlt E) lab BrlliSh lea! Tobacco h 596 Pllk"' w
Ftanlo N(Joanne R) flllll~ clrvr Millar Wlleel51 Parry dr
Mcl< e J (Callly) Slllmll mech Jack Fol~ Hlg &Coo1111g h 123
• Miry Mrs h 5 1 Parry dr RDberlson IV
Cope Jas E(Bette) indl eng I H Canada II 157 Owld 1> w Rh 11 Pwtcresapl2
• 'r\ lma !.I.'S tot.s Oomlaf Sonoco Conta..~ n4!i2 Grl!ld,. e
Robt h 45 TimminS cres apt 302
Copeland Agne~ E11 805 Grand av w apt61 0 Corso A.metla h 29 Redbud dr
Anna J t.l_rs h 707 Bloomflelcl rd Gerardo h 26 Chatleris
Bob rngr Chatham Place Gas Bat John IH GaJ~el bldr w s Ctm rd n aame
· Dennis h 122 Riverview dr 11)1337 ltarto \N'Itl'ie) meter rdr Cha!ham Wllef Comm n 17 .la$pel ••
• Oennls M fill n DOt I H Canada h 65 Timmins ens 11)130 I Costley B h 99 ~augtllon t> w 1012:01
John (Yvette) wks I HCanada h 98 M...-Gulgan •• Sarodra l ll>ld.:or lkllon Gal h 1!i Tr IIIII Village 101208
Kh76Vanerdr8pl 101 Cosiellna U!S h 8A Eliabelh
Kelly h 265-1 "2 St 00 Costa .1o1m h 3!i llndlall Creek rd •
Wane 0 'wio.s Vldoria Home h 19 ArUu dr
• M 600 Grind av w apll002
·Murray w s Nor Amer Plastk:s (Wallacebu<gr707 Bloomlleld rd Uauo J 19 Arthur or
• Ra.'1dy J (Helen) n 10 De Gratve dt
Cosll! LA O<a!h!een E)II650Grllld •• •1011007
Cosi1S I( A(Tammy) w!o.s t.l:4her't Pillll h 49 Pari< Ia
• Scott lab Continental Can 10 Oear- dr
Co!e LIMY 196 Sell<~
· Wayne h 273 Baldoon rd
W~ A(Margl Nl shpt Can Fram Lid h 100 l.lcfllflalle I<IPI202
Colre!1 Rolli (lebl lab libby t.I;.N I & Ubby t189.C Taylor at
Copeman Kenne111 A(!~dry Ann) program mgr CfCO RadiO h 5 Con W llH (Eitz Gl h 21 Berry
Pmecrestrd • V.m F (Jeanl) olee Can Fram h 102 Co¥~da't'
Copley Betty Aelk The Sllae Place res RR 6 Couell".en Iaili HCanada h 45!i Sandvs 8PI 103
Coppe AJberl pnb Ch:I!hlm Plasl!c Finishing I<en jr 4!IS Sandy18pf 1OJ
Copy Systems N01man BMclellan mgr 18 Dufferrn a• Lloyd diYT t!Ot Cha!ham & O.SI Amb\lla'ICr Sent res Drtsdtn
Colbell Ma\lflce h 47 M.:l\eoug!ll• Cotton Gr1111y Mary ~t:e fTIOI·diSI SUIMI' 100 Krng w uru1
• P1errt h 795 Grand •• w apr 304 liB
· Rene h 36 Dut!erln •• ape 4 Coutat f ram (,lnr~~e) Chtl Wlleels 1m h 130 C.O.nal cres
Corbett Chis G (Phyftls J) lofmn RJ Simpson Mig (Tha'!leS¥ Ve) Coughlonl J Re-• h e s Eas!Q1011 dl
h Ill Cardinal cres Coulter Dn76 v1111e1 dr ape 305
Corb11 AJbt A(Sylvia) lab 1.10101 Wheel Ccrpn h 51 Wedgl.oood av • Ehz n 276 Pa1< •• w
• Doug!as E\Mellll E) h 5!i Gralll Gordon f (frances f) h 929 Clw•ng Closs rd
·Jim (Candy) rll elM Frederkl< Transp h 367 Sanctys 1013 · ln•m K n S5 SlleldOO "'
·.los GI MiChelle 1.1) lab MliiOr W'leel ~ r156-1'2 Slle!dorlav Pa~• TOr1Pa!JICioll~h221 Eh~
., Pamela secy Ursuline Convent 45 Oxtev dr ··• T~ Upholsterer (John !A,. .. .., 346 Ollf!tn
• Ray 51 Wedgl!wood av
• Roland 51 Weogewood av COULTER. WALTER. (Anna). City EnglnMr, h 38
· Ruth Mh 45 O•lty dr Holland av
Susan day care w1<1 51 Wtdge¥owd a• I.OUIIlef 110.,ard D (~t:Je) h 15 McGeor~ ••
Colby RJ h !i 1 Tavtounpt 3 Counlly Ki1dlen Restatnot (Gus LI•UopoulosJ 415 RIChmond
Corea RoQdy V 1t.4.J<~ne A) w\s M!RlSiry of Nalufal Re!JOUfCel h Counfrr Woods R:cf. lOlOio rt>g180 I Sf Clllrr
415 Krng w Counlrtma!l F h 57 Grllld •• e
Coley Te<l(Do<een) (Coley"s New & USed Fum) n!S RR 6 Oresderl Francts WiEdeen Jt transp drtr Carcem Transp h 221 O•f~
Coley's New & Used Furnolure (ltd Coley) 325 Queen <Jr
Colrs!lne Rooatd C (Cherre) v·prm Johl'l McGregor Sec S<;hl h
314 BaldOon rd Gary !Dt~) Ilk df'<r Th•bodeau fonch Exp h 600 Grand av w
Collett Clara tchr Kent County 8d ol Educ h 40 Trrlllum lpf 6002
V11f&ge apt 809 Georgina h 11· 1'2 Third
Colmoet Jack tBtenda) lab Eaton Yale Lid h 24 Emma lCIIne h 89 Ro•trMW dt lpf 404
Cometoous Doug bus dM Chatharn Colcl! Unet h 99 inshel •• • tJaureen stUdl221 Oxley dt
CorneOus .1o1m (Susan) (Kenton Lldl h 61 0'-dstone •• Phtll•p G!Sandra ll formn Norlh Amel Plas:oes (Wallactbwgt
Cornell Roy T\t.l Judy tile AI supvsr Union Gash 9 BucJongham 1v tl86 Tiylor ••
• Wm J (lolargll h 10 Water • W•lfd (lola E! n 600 Gtand 11 w apt4002
CornersiOO!! The Jolm Wolliams 1111nttlef 23 Cenb'e Courltry'S•de flowe<S Audtr~ Lankhot & Mana l.latun mgrs 643 St
Comlretd ~guerote Mr$ h 99 McNaugi'IIOn 1v w 1pl 203 Cia r
Comtontl Agrles MIS h 218 P1ttaeon IV Counlly\lde FurruWte Lid NrCI< l<orpan pres 901 St Clll•r
· Bonnie I Joel money serv lldmm Royal TIUSI3 Redbud dr Countryilde Reslaura~lKatherrne V1vou1ts mgr 615 Grind •• w
· Joe (Bonnie M) lab Flod<weU IIlii h 3 Redbud dr c cr(
County Court ot Kent Robt SlevenS c:our1 21 Seventh
Cornlldl Jas dellbSI TnDonl DeniAl Ceob't 52 Latrolx County Eng•neer & Rod Supeuntendenl (John D Fe~guson) 435
• Jas E(Jean) (Trt~ Weed Mall) h 13Q Mldlenet rd Gtandavw
• Jeen (Jom) M.r RowW!d·s Ins 1391.11Cflenef rd County Jan John F Prnder sul)l n s Stanley ••
.IWl 0 Mr~ ~.,Can Red Ctou Socy h 380 Gland 1v e County M~ Snop Henry Soroi<y mgr 739 St Cfalf
Col!llsh Doane Cl•lmpow&al Ophcal h 115 O'Ne• 1pf 2 County ol K!llt AdmUliSIJ'ItiOII Ottree Robt H Foulda C!.< edmm
oiChatham) County Wrde Healing & Coolong Lid (Boll O'Phee) 25 Beatty


Servmg The Communi ty Smce 1966
Industrial- Hot Asphalt Flat Roofing- Commercial
Shingling, Sid ing & Soffit
160 EUGENIE 352-4082
ec •ell Bonnre fl't'a~ne) como Cl>a~'lam Da•ly News 102 Prince
• Cal~r shirt tnsht Communrll' Clnrs
COURTESY CABS L TO., . Chene Saxony Reslr 231 fatesl
(lyle F Cannllf), Jranelle M n a Meado"' Park Nur1Q Home 130 Sheldon a< lpl207
Radio Dltpatched, Safety With Dependability - Kathy 144·1'2StC1atr
12 Adelaide'· PaLJl llouatVL~l ol~ Can Fram 1139 lar~
.......... Phone 352-2300 Ray t (JUOi AI Orvt Natl Gro h 47 Anhur dr
• Wayn' IBoMie) Lab Can fram h 102 Pni'ICe Arthur av
Cowen Geo C !Sondra A) lab Dover Corpn h 297 Wellington w
Coorrtte Noel C ISh~ley A) rngr t.lcCaJI Drug Co h 65 Ardie•gh Cow•ft Chrl~ mgr Granada TV res Windsor
dr Cowl~ Rhonda d•etary Pub Oenl Hoso h 100 Mcfarlane av aot506
Couslllea~ Barbara A (J•rtll opt Sludro 1 73 Lark Cowley Hazel h 50 M ctreoer rd apl311
J.rn J 1Barb Alltk dM Nau Gro n 73latk • Parn~lla S l~"'l wtrs Sax !lily Resll210 Ctramam n
Philflo l (MJureen Ellchr l<ent Coonlf Sep Schl Bd h 18 Co• Aubley n6SO Grand av w ao11002
- l!ef1ha h 10 Harv.>eh
Cous,ns Jas M Lab Eaton Yale Lid h 107Ehz~th • Bruce A tedln Can Fram lid h 45 T•mm.ns oes apt317
Vargt n 69 1'2 l<rng w IPI 12 JEre (Dons! pres Soull'leln Coocrete Prod h 4t fa•rcourl av
Crosson Ren~ h 106 Wesl • J•m N l.lantt Alli~w~J 1HCanada h 151 Copperf•elo cres
CooiO Noberlo(•rallab On1 Hydro h 153 Emma • Judi' AM cashr GQidons t.IJct& .u Fa•ICOYrt a•
Cool!s Douglas C (Jessre Ml h 10 Tnlliurn Vtllage apt102 Mary E h 199 Slan~y av BPI9
FrancesBh 136Co>erdale Robt (l)'La) prod wldl Sass M'g res 81enheJm
• Gt~ (AM) SU!'>1!yor 1.1 rns•ry ol Transp & Comm h 99 . Tereooo N!Su\anl lonnn Solltheln ConcreleProd h S 1
\'; edgf*?Od 8• Blythev.-ood c;.es
• JonAnn ll!cbr SludiO Ore h 99 Durin av • Walter 99 Par~
Larry !I 181 l.ltNa-JgtllOn •• w apt 1
Coyle Duncan t.1 1Rulh AI 1'\ 14 Fallberl dr
· 11-f. !' S Mrs h 66 Buc~Jngharn av
- Goroon c rHelen 1) mech Rossini A~1om011ve Spec h 33
• wm (Eia•ret "'"s J M Carruthers Mtrs iBienhe•m) h 138 West
Simonton dr
CoutUte Arlene J IChr Kent County Bd ol Eouc h 69 Amelia
• J1m mgt Jat11fS Faslltons res Olesden
c h 9 Maoonna cres Randy !Doanna I sis rep'let Inch 12 Ear! dr
· Ce>~llie J i[dna) h SO M•chener rd I!DI208
Coyne ECI*d C iHell'll El h 90 PIWIIIS av
• Da"d J h 190 Tha<nes ap160
· .lee> T (Ga•l Wj !.flltk dM Libby McNeill & l•bbY h 27
Del•ma h 216 McNa1101Uon a•., W•t~erspooo
• Denise tchr n 343 Grand av e aot 310
Crebac .k!rr( (Aol1ne) rngr res RR 7 Dresden
• Denn•sltMarjOire Ailall Rockwell rntl h 73 Berry
Crabtree Jas AIDolores Ml plant mgr Eaton Yale lid h 18 Opal
• Dennis IShe!ley)trk dl\'1 King Gta1n h 57 Baldoon rd apt202
• Donald F (Cathenn~ l) ofce elk Ktng Gre•n h 4 Wmdsor dr
Ctar;krl J h 805 Grand av w apt1013
· Douglas AIShtrley El lab Roclorwtlllntl h 39 John
Cracknell Olo<yr 8 prs rm Chatl'larn Da•ly News res Dresden
• E Patmelia t.lrt h 99 McNaughton a,; w llll 129
J h 228 King e Ctaog D wm tPatr~t•a HI lab I HCanada n J88lnd1an Creel<~ rd 11r
• Jetomt (lynoa) lab ea~ fram h 20 Dull Ctes
· Dora 45 Elizabet'l
Geo h 100 Mcfarlane av BPI S02
· l7ncla otce dk Fredeucio; Tra~sp 20 Duff Cit$
· Madel~ 1.1 II 20 WllldSof dr
• Lillian P stlldl 3881nd!lln Creek rd w
• lh Ia J !Be111'18J h 94 Gregory dr e · l ill" 1.1 hostess Scans Chicleen VIlla 388 lnd•an Ctm ro ..
• Rand{ J 40 Thornh1U cres · Mar)Oue M11 h SO McKeough av
• Rene h 9 Vielona a. · MIChl A !Karen l) w1111 OPP h 66 Crane dt
llocho h 328 Pa•k av e • Parsy A1.111 secy SOulhwesleln Reg ICetllre n 19 Buc>.•ngham av
• RtCnd h 150"t api 303
· Ric<) illOI Sntll Gas S!n 40 ThOrnhill cres
· Alia !Cherbe) w~s Red Roos:e. Chop Suey Hse res RR I
G:a(]Qe PO!ll!L'
· ROlli H ti•31'1CY ll h 40 ThornhiH Ctt$ CRAGO CONSTRUCTION LIMITED,
Roo Ilona) COIJII!"' per$011 All Canadt1n Tr~ & Tra·ler Spls h J R Crago, Pr"ldent
185·1'2 Woods General Contractora, Commercial. lnduetrlal
Rodney h t53 Park and Retldentlal Building•
· Roger !Ch~ryl) coni! II 102 Mlchenerrd 303 Merri tt IV, P 0 Box 151 , N7M 5K3
· Shelley IDeolsel d~ M1ll1ng Prods ltd 202 Baldoon rd apt 57 ..........Phone 352-7780
eo...acch Alld h 14 B•rchwood
. l.f..,..a 14 B•tcholtOOd
• SU.>O tNe-oa,) lab Faca Constr h 19 OuJIII pi CRAGO, J RICKARD, (Wanda), Pr"ldent Crago
Co\~ A'lllur 99 Pa~ Conetructlon Limited, h 27 Gladetone av,
BroanS iW•IIem•na M) h 401 lactoi~ Phone 3,.·5&82
· Dorothy t.lrs r n Maple Ctty Residera h 95 Semenyn av apt2 Crago Thos H(Mary AI h 104 Arnold
ea.eny lksula l.l1s h 2~ McNaLJOhton a• e apt 107 Wanda slsclk Barnes Wines 27 Gladstone VIm r n 991.1c~IIQ'lton av w apt247 Cta•evreh G•~como P IEhz JJ lab M01or Wheel Corpn ~ 32
Cq, yeo• Roy h 22 £11111\1 WLitowrnac a• ~ Eh 96AJ en · Paul Sludl 166 Thornhrll CIH
• G•en r n Dr J 0 0 NtiD h 955 Grand a• w IIDI107 • P!etro 1.1 cT eresa MJ h 64 Prrncess s
· John P (Palroa lo!J h t 48 Sheldon av • V110 0 lt.l.ary AMtwks Mocz1k TI & 01e ll 168 Thornhill aes
- John R !Siwiene AI es1mtr Elrre Conus tWarlacebutg) h 107 Ctarg Cec•IIJud•th) h 343 Grand a• e apl412
GlenQarry cres · Doug P programmer analyst Unron Gash 100 Murray
lee Ann 8 Shrhng Ia IIIli t • Dougras h 109 Joseph api 2
• lOUIS S lllontl h 45 GlenwOOd dr • Jrm stud! 207 Paneson a•
• Parry T \Nancy AI l~ehghtl!f h 20 Ctw dr • M h 795 Grand a• w apt308
• Tetl) dr<r eciUc: Onl !.llr league h 4 t8 Salldyupt4 • Maroon mot Bright's Wme h 112 Sheldon av apl 5
• Mchl207 Paneson av

Smalley Brisco & Thomoson



1.1~ J(Calheftne A) atC1G mgr CI L (Courlrlg!lt) 1187 Nit> (Mlty) h 154 Harvey
Pame cres Salva1or M ;mal lab Slandatd Coml Tcbatco MIO 0 -
ey A(1. nl tormn I HCr.ada h 207 Pll!nOil av Cr~ Graham E(llndlll wi3 I HCanada h 64 Thornlli!l c:res
Norma""' 11211.!~ Ill Cm-'.:s 0yn1 w('llomie u lab Maple lw "' n C8 Prince s
l'lulll.l¥yl h 71 l.lerW M:lrray (Sanchl lab Can Fra.'ll1'1191 Eugen~t
R Brad ILC!S l)11151! IChedultr Can Ftam h 26 Hollalld IV Rardyh333T~arw

S Oavld n 795 Gran<! • w llll 30 I Crt'* 01at1e n 270 Oueen

Tom 207 Paneson av Doreen u '*~'Elias Bros Rmr 215 Park
wJ ~ d!Yt Netw!IA lra~ h 88 TrtiiiU!TI Village £ug coo> Ehas Bros 199 King t
Cra11 R L Inc Roy Cameron mgt 14 3W!llirlg'.on " lUIIe ~ Gregory P bn1dr 1.1err111 Tavern n :m Pa1t
CraM Pal •11'1St1M ~ Fd Prods lome av L(llarDaral ••.t
I HCanalla 111119 King r
Craner John ISI\atfotl) diYf rardl ~lid res ~':elm CteM~ t.A.1rjOfie h 16 Tecumsen Ill
er-mne Enc J cr.etyn) h 21 F btl dr Cre-• James R S'fSll!mS 1 lyst Union Gu h 79 Gregory dr "
John Wlllonnoe A.i e~rp~ lllQl Waolco h 267 Grand av" Crew-.on lloy(l J E(Helen AJ h 30 fiUI)tlt Clr
Cr&Pper .m !Sytvial (IU!ty Kobtllet SI!Oes) 11683 Bloom! eld rd
CriCh •:en n 4~ T.mmrns em apc303
Cng!1lor! Rand3 0 (lyla E)ll'\lg'am ~Union Gu 1129
Sytv'.a L (l'.lm) (Kiddie Kcbb!er)683 Bloomfield rd Pr1mrose 1a
Craven Harold G (~ae MJ mntnce rnech M nistry ol Tr111s;1 & Cnpps Jos II (Elsle) h 40 Trillium V IQe apl W8
Communtt 11 ~ Pme Crisp Vray-ne n~Grand a• * ~ 5001
lYM Mh 118R <1!1YirwCl<IIIJI521 Crileli Tom h 805 Gralld •• '* aplll06
Ulltl tm h 170 lnslleS av Cn1s Irene V Older Ubby U.:Ne & Libby 1!75 Oveen
T J n 600 Grand av w IPIIiOOS M.!!llda h 6 75 Oueen
Wm99Pat!o Ctoc11er Ectwd Hll 99 LttHa4'*1'! a• '* ap~ I 20
Crawlord !l3rtla!a Arna Pub Gel1l Host! 11272 Grand •• * Croll 0a>id W(l.Urg1 0) h 94 I.IJrY!'JlOIII!S
Beth secy Onll.l!! Leaglltl 83 Alc•a!ldra av U>e (Col:eenl cool< Un:!ed Grill h !57 Harvey
8rld olce mgt MAnning Bros 396 King w Cromal Bany h 264 King '* 111116
ll!adleyP S!Udl58 WVII1CIOil Crombey Anctw J (Oemence Ml h 101 Sussu

Craw'.ord & Co lnsuranoe Adjus:ers 111 Htrl•

CarOl lab Camptleft Soup h I07 Hlgll!lnd Cit

0111 U 1111 Ilk diYf H J Heinl Co 11 6511erry

rCI un.1 104
Crornbellarry lab I H Cll1llda h 62 ~!door~ rd apl I01
N h 48 "!'.!0110!1 IV
Crombie Come 1.1 SlUdl 156 Sta.~r:r ••
o.t\1 (Judy) pres RlTefVIt'tt Serv Cencre he sl)'ll'*ood dl Jchn (l!rtndll lib I H Ca!lilda h 156 Slanley a-•
Dave R (Jack e 0) lab I H Clllada h 158 Ade 'je I JoMny A Rlvard s Sa•lrill 156 Stln!ey 11
Doug J 78 Berry Crornf NOIII1SI1 (Ame!'.el ..-t.s M.cns t.!;;ffler h 79 ~Ill 1Pl9
Edna M11 cecy Uolon Gas 4 8nat Hillrd Crone C h 172 Grand IY e
Ellz A sten cu A.Jto Clw & Travel AOCY 83 Ale.ll~dta av J Po!!• muscn n 187 1'2 L01ne ••
G 118 R•vemew dll!ll512 JoM u muscn MJn ~ 93 Flnber!son rt•
G!ady197 U.l:f&11ane av 11!1107 Kenne:h G(t.Wgl A) mus;c ll:llf 93 Robe1sarlatll same
Jack l (lb/()Oe E) h 83 Ale.andta •• ... , 226 \ltel:tng:on .. apt 1
olean u technllel Clnl<1a Inc res RR 4 l!1eMeim Thos M:!lertne)lall U!W, ~ & l.lbtr, ll68lorne • •
lieJIIliShertell) lab I HCll,"lada h 110 Pl!leson av ThOs B l.kan IJ h 72 Pr~ s
1\evln elk Ca~.ada Post Corpn h 84 WiJcwmlc IY Ctool< es Anne h 23 FaittOUIIav
larry w54 1St Cia r • Fraru5 h 23 Fa rCOUI1 a•
Leonard J (Pauline) formn Ktml County Grge h 73 Vanter dl Isabel~ h 23 Fa!ICOUII ••
M.lbe! h 85 Pine apt 209 Crosbie ~!tanG (Leah) planl mQf Ha1-es&na Inch 5 C.dmal
I.I.Jrgaret n a Canadtanna N ng Homen 107 Highland dr
M.!.-go tab Chathatn Plastics 107 Highland Clr Crosby Bib h 73 Hanrlctt
loU• B 1~1 grain 1nsp Can Grlilil Comm II 541 Sl Cb:~ OwVIJ h 925 Grand av w ltD1307
Crawiord .!.tolofs ~ 0111 Crawftlrd tng~351 RJChmond • Ed:'.a t.f:s 1165 Timminscreuoc218
Paultne srcy BenefiCial can InC 73 Varuer <Jr Eug li~ lr~ cor CamQbeU Soup h 8 Oanlel's pi apl1
Perry I 10 Patteson a•
• EUIIIOe M~ 199 Kmo t
Peter ll !Dolores 81 eng Seneca Coli (lOf) h 58 Wy~ndoll G!'O (Aiberla) h 89 FIIYerilew d! apt102
Rob1 A(Edna) h 4 Briar lltliiCI Ger1nJdfo h 85 Ptne ape Z 14
Roy (M~ne) quahly corttrOII H Canada h 78 Berry Harold En 128 CoDPerl•eld cres
Sharon tab Campbell Soup Co 107 Hgtlland dr Irene lab P11ecres1 Foods 25 Dt.•t 5
Tammy 110 Patteson av JunJor lab l.l.)l()r Wheel Corpn h 25 Qulie s
Cra,.1ey Oav d (llnoa J) lthr Sl t.nula Sell Sci>J h 8!dv 1\e'<in 55 Oul<e s
pl - La ·· ~ h 151ng!am
~Y .13s f tote Ins Sis l.ltrs Ute 76 MtJtTar lester lf8illl A) lab I HCanada I! Z09 1'2 Vielling!oo e
CREASEY, MARY G, Curator Chatham-Kent • MJ!itvn J .,. s Lilllly McNeill & Ullby 54 ASCOI Cl
MuMum • t.1er11 nli.Jtanfl II 55 Dukes
NorliiWIIPeml•l 11 78 V.elltng\011 e
CREDIT BUREAU OF CHATHAM LTD, • flan<tl' 62 la )'101 a• IIDl 1
Gerry Belli nger, Pretfdent • W(Et'eenl math OPt Can fll'lllld h 78 Mil'( apl201
Member Auoclated Credit BurNut ol Canada W!lllab Chrome I ek Pia~ 34 Duke I
231 William 1 , N7M 4T2, Crosna• 811 (Lavlnal night formn NaU Gto II 1000 Cllartng
.......... Phone 352-0400 Cr05S •d un.t 27
Cros•et Allen L !Ellene EJ • pr•n John McGregor Sec Schl h 430
Mc..N3ugluon •• e
Ctetd Afld 8 !JoanI lawyer Alchiblld & Creed h 35 Finel! a• Cross Francis (Agnes! h 7l I Gra'ld a• e
Ctee~ R03d Gartlens (Wayne LScMtta.'lOil *sCree!< Ill leon~~~d L(.loame) CUSIOdlan Cl!a:llam Colllnslll t69lorne
Cresla Jos (Sy1v<a 8) (.los~ Elt'<tgl h 1124 Bloomfield rd a;
Cresla .los£ •cawa:mg Ltd (Jos Creslllll24 lllocmheld rd liOnel Sludl 169 Lomu.

J obn~on. .t)ubtutll


193 QUEEN ST., CHATHAM Phone 352-4343
· lOfl (W~ olce mgr Wll!'ell Croll Alii! Clinic 24 ~ John J {Helen) h 136 Thal!les •
~ell Csa-'llt5 Clrl l~l mgr Wesl Encl ~ S!!Op 11 387 Vlctoril
• loltMn £ lllallJe ll , 44 Scl!1e BY
• Notma!l (Kittly) (W!Iglll AUIO PillS) h 323 Ca'llpus Pl<"wy ~ ICill Sllksull Sep Sclll 35 Delaware ape3
• Rodger ... h 66 Sunnyside •• Csi>~c 'w~cSCIIatham Plastk: Finishing 1176 t.tary 1Jll1805
• lomh l0Trlflium~8PI303 Csomor Susan secy Cl1a!llam Place Mall h 137 O'Nell
Cloa WarrenAoto CLnlc W•"'9 1011 R'lclvnClnd Cu Telle~ Ctedlt lkrion (aUIOmated ly$1em) 4g Kell dr 1
• Wenen w(toefl (Wan en Cross Auto ClinK:) h 24 A'llle M•lf Cucl<.stv C l<ennetll (JuneJ Pllb relations Union Gu h 1000
dr Channg Cross rd 111111 fl5
• Wa.-ne h 18 Poplar Mary h 85 Pme llll 1 I 7
Crossland W'!l h 109HirvtY lpl4 Cuclmcn Douglas Grnn:r.:e Crow'a Rent At! ltd res RR 3
CrlliPU Cherly wt.s T1m Honon llonl.u 51 Taylar a-olpl8 ThlmesVIIIe
Crouch Gall secy City Half h 92 JoM Ridld A (l.largl E) ISS! mgr A & Ph 12 tblland av
- ... fdrtd Mrs h 805 Grand •• w apl206 Rogel A(~ semM Unior1 Gl5 h 123 Yl!loCl' ell
• T.m Amech Jaci< Carroll Poo1Jac Buick h 18 Wiler Cudnty Gordon (Bartlall) II 82 Edgar
CrOI.dler Ha<ry(Tnsa AJh 301rilllu111 Village lpl1107 HerbC N(louise C) h 26 WliiOwTnac IV
• LOUise h tOO lolcfarla.~ •• 1Cl1715 Irene N Hill> lechn Chatnam Pub llbry h 3lamlon C1U 8P13
• Scon lUI mgr Grell Wesl AudiO M~~mtr 11 SO t.lernn •• lpl204
Crouctlman E51hef B Mrs h 63 Susw• · ROOt GtBeulall) mgr L111aen Tawera ApiJ II 100 t.tcrarll!•t ••
•Jtn/ly 99 Par~ apll01
• '-lothl h 154 Thames 111!15 • Thos IIPPf m!dl wlflen Cross Auto Clink: res RA 2
Cra.o Ch!r;t llol¥toj aecy 01 Paku!ISI'ft RR 7 • WmJ (Joy E) pa!1S mgr Challlam ForII EQUip Sis h 112 Parry dr
· Dale l {[lberiiJ olce mgr MoczU Tf & Doe h 100 Pa!~wood dr CUIInce A~ruo ur Highlallder Clrn McNIIJIIIUon w
• Danll mech Dave Wall<er Seno 100 Packwood dt CU!bertl<tM drvt Clly h 11711edfofd api 10J
David ll Dcnen E) wldr Sass Mig h 90 BlYft• -ood ttea 111!12 CULOIN, EDWARD, (Barbara), Fullenll Director
• Doreen tD;rMJ mec1 secy 01 Pa-ry 90 Bt~ cres ICJI2 Stephen- Alaxalld« Funwal Home, h 243
• Du8ne A lab A WI< lnd! ('.()almg 100 Pari<wood dt Welllllfton w
• Garrvl~ Tr!<glh 154 Thames ape 10 ~ l ewtS f fBonnl~ G) sis Cerl:ral Equip h 4 28lndle11 Creel\
Gary (Calhy) ~1 Freder!Cll Tnti'I$P h 371 Kmg w rdw
· James (linda) Qllltl!l ~ Glass II 165 l orne IV · lew s H11218lacrOtr
• ,.,.IO!Oerll secy erow·, Relit All lid 235 Vtdorfa · Mary Al'1qllnSI secy Martln TllltY & Co h 218lacro1K
· JosOt~ M)wio.s~Cor-..h 15g~evwlpl4 · Ronald A(.lolnne R) setv mgt frederiC~ lfBl'!sp 1128 Engfllh
· l<r>in omgr erow·s Reoi-Alllld 235 Vidorll Sidt rd
· leonwd A fBemioe MJIIb Can Frern Lid h 490 VICIOrilav Cumming B h 80S ar.nd av w apt1109
· louis fVell!lll h 494 S1 Cllof • Bealnce MJS h 100 Poplar lpC 28
• M l h 9SS Gland a• w apt103 · Dh11Ca!lo
· Owen H (Wiej pres Crow's Rerf AI h 235 Vlctorla av · David mecl1 GoodYMJ Tilth 189lacrol•
• A111».111 20 lllrh • ES#lel h 12 .la5per . .
• Sharron AdJ Suoef XOr\IQI RA 7 Thalnllvilla RR 7 • Flott K loh h 80 Ardlelgh dr
lhlmes-vllle • G MalColm (PhVfha 01 slsmn AUIO Treder II 188 Maryknojl rd
· Todd (Gayle)""' Woodbridge Foem Corpn (Tilbury) h 85 · Gayle Asecy Map~ leal M11ls h 88 S1 MJchlelav
Bafdoon rd apt 10 · Gordon W 166 ~knoll rd
• Wm J (Cheryl) elect Moler Wheel Corpn h 267 MtChl!lllr rd • K VIm (.loyc2 E) buye< I HCanada 11 83 Mcflldden II/
CrowOer Albi a .u10 boclr mec11 " ' - Cl1y Ford h 285 Parll · l<tvm M(Doana l)wq I H Canada h 111 John
• Ooarle J 285 Pw1< • Wm A rep P!lney-Bowtos 83 UcFiddetlev
· lolargt J lolrs h 99 ~ •• w 101218 Cunwnlngs Belly J L111 reBel petton Challlarn City Hall n 39 Sl
Crowell Fred lol 32 Ranclotf crts Pcick
· !Wry LC~ loiJlib can Fram Lid 11 32 Randolf craa · a.s H tUiry J) h 40 TriUium vmage ~p~204
Crower Edna h 85 Pine 111!1242 · Douglas llludl43 ~ d!
Clowlrt RII 15 Petrone Ct!S · Eldon F h 245 Welhnglon w
Crown Al1ornt(a OfficeS A B Wild crown Illy 21 ~entn · Floyd EP11 opr Ca~ Fram ltd 488 o--n
CIUir'l Wayne audd eng can Fram h 7 Fonch av ~ Gh 99 Uckau¢1on IV w apt ?84
· Wayne l (Rut! HI drllsmn Cln fram h 84 Holland tv CUMMINOS, TIMOTHY E. (Carolyn), Funeral
ero.·s Rent Alllld tO HCra.o) r380 51 Clair Director Stephen· Aiexandw Funeral Home, h
Crorford Petel C llloanfle J) au10 body rep~ Chalham Mila h 8 241 Mwcer, Phone 354- eot4
Pelrl CtiS "" 2 WLor:M" tEielnQr) syilf'<ntlllll)'lllJnlon Gash 43 Dunvegan dt
Cro•J:Jn Enc (Pinelooe) h 223 Co.ltdale Cummons~tene h 129 w..:l411'1 n
CrOllS l.llldllwt.s Pao Clllllll h 85 Titnmltll cres 8PI21 o Cundle llll cashr Suoef X Or\IQI 183 ParK
Cluid.slwlk B h 10 Trillium Village 1PC30S • t.lac LIRUIII Allortnn Ca~ Frem Lid II 14 Blylhe'!Oood 011
Crurnblell.lary Jonea mgr 100 King w Utili 233 Cunha Aurelio tlolataa) Ut Hlgtllandel Dry Clnra h 147
Crummer C Ke!#l (Fraras LJ h 389 Kong w McNaughton av w apt 1
Crump A h 150 W¥; 111!1804 Cunningllem Doug (Helen I lib Ealon Ylle llll h 122 Gray
• lol 0ertuoe Mr1 h IS Wi#lerspoon 111!1 408 · Cleo ICall>y) lrkr dM h liM! Harvey •
Crunoweh Dlvld llortaeI Cl1ce ell I HC1111111 II 1M! • Ju J (l011)1Bim4!f llii!IIM Hydlo h 52 Tecumsen rd
W ~ppoorw UCtll · liSa w1l.l libby t.lcNetll & libby 122 G111y
• E<l'ot•ll ( Al~!tlll wl<s Can Fram h 220 H•ltflcock rd · lynda h 232 Park IPI3
Cruse EG lab I HCanada h 8 Ueltose dr - U41rlel J h 202 Cam1)UI Pl<wy lpl204
• Ectoo111 KIAIYII h 218ltllhela• Cunningrlam Sl1eel Metal Worl<s Lid (Wm Wall<.er) 325 t.lemltv
• RoclC W (F Belly) II!) Aocliwelllnll h S Heahr dr • Ted h 65 TWMIIIII c:rea ape 315
Cr;demwl Douglas (Mieler) mec:h Honda HR h 94 W•llowmac av · Tom WILMineat Cl h 23 ChanefiS apt3
· JahnK l36llll.'Tiel V•ncent 1She1yl} teeM Uolon Gas h 67 Roulnl c:rea
Cur·k O.V 010010111 157 Sl Cla11

• Homea • FarrM • Commercial

Realty Limited, Broker •

67 Thames st., chatham, ont. I!J©m
Cwloltty Shop The 22 V.111lam I
Cwteoo GordOn B IM.liiiHil) h 83 I '2 Adelaide I
Cwrao .los 1'1 143 !'arlo av e
M!Chll slsmn Waelo ~ Owysler Ud Z86 fcnsl
Regtne c dlelary lld Nl Genl Hasp h Z86 foresl
Currie AP wl Cllalham N1 Ubry h 925 Granda• wl;ll310
• £uta Urstt 100 w mg:on e D& MCycle Ud David Me1caUe mQ! 3 I I Merrill_.,
lOIS Uri 1'143 Orchard pi DaColla Ah 167 Sefi.~
d3 COlli Amando'O (leornklia I laO Moler ~ Colpn II 29 Peg!ry
MiC!ll H hlp! Chatham Pn!g 6 0ecrg 43 Ortha:d pi
MJ.e h 161 Timmins ens 111112
Sllophen Dl.lar!e E) lab Libby M:Nelll 6 Ullby h 124 Sy!vestar
01 com A..nlbl' vt.lanicle El lab Samla Cons1l n35 w~

03coSla .lad (Mana)cons:rwlcr Riverside Cons1r h 203 1'2

Cuny Pd. L!CelestineI h 86 Prince Mhur ev lacroiJ
Pall< M(Jane) ISSIIIIQ! l C Bd h 35 Bedford Ill CoSII Janice E Mra nutte Pub Genl Hasp 35 W• • Wil IV
Slepllen J (Judlii'J olce I HCenada h 130 Prince AltllUr av Manuei(Barbarl Al mgr Burger King nS2 Blyftwood cres
Curtin AM £ stud; 32 Fatrtw1av Dadd Gerald IYN11 slln ell< A!l Cdn Tr!. 6 Tnr Spls res AA 1
Corinne Mrs toe~al w\:1 Pub Genl Hosp 82 l.ltGeorge •• Blenllelm
John II 93 VietOrllav DAESCHLE. TOHY, (M.,ie). PrM Rldlmond Moton
P .las (TI!emal h 32 FCCXJU~t 11V (CII•tn• ml Umlted, n 15 Dove pi
Therese CJjm)lylliS!Of Asher 42 fallcoun 1Y O:I!Dn:r Domingos (llMII) Molar W'leel h 46 Broc:Ji
TllOS (Cortnnellttlt Kenl Courry 8d Ill EcM: II 82 hlcGeorge av [lagneall Oolorts cr. typiS% C k lq,ll 9 I ~ .. e
CuM John C (ROOena AJ &lsmn Union Gas h 851Wvtr11ly d! · !Yes n121 Tecumsen rd
· Jolin E (No'ma) II 12 Pa!lridge cres • M.l!~ h 3611riar tt.ll rd
Cur zoo Fh 342 King • a:lll • Petricla 91 ~ I'•.
Cusllley wm elM Clrv Courier II 123 PBt1l a• e Davi t.brlo (Maria) lab Sacci Conslr (~)II 135
Cusllman Gordon (Mary) n 109 Metter frelling!one
· lloyd mgr One Hour Ma!tlnlztng 397 Grand •• Qaioneau Connie 195 'tte$1
• Steven IIIII' One Hour MatllntzJng m RR 1 wanacetown Rld!r*-ay (lucy) med1 Sandy £lllol Uolors m Tilblrf
Cusson Rene RQ!lloadel !lornl.1f Sanoco II 203.C W~ 1 • Su::anne (Theo) r11Sl bf!i1 J S Prilef 6 Son 185 Wesr
Cus1om Choppet (RI4hallll Coornbtl601 GrillO av' flteo (Suzanne) II 195 W'est
Cus1om Clea!lel1 (tlomeruc lornbllfli;)3SO lactol• Dalgr.uull Loul$l (Unda) fep!Jilf1 Bell Cenldiii681Jnco1n rd
~Brendlh31 WOOds Dally Queen IA1ddas BourdageS) 222 Rlalmond
• Hector J (Ca!ol Jl slsmn Duroloam lnsulallon II II 0 Gtegory Del!y 0ueen {"'esley ....-ceulev) C07 St Cllal
drw Dalcourl Maurice (fraiiCOise) lab Em! Ya ~Lid h 342 Sandy1
~ D8';1d (Gall) mgr Can Imp Ill! Ill Cornm II SO Norlhland dr apll
• Sluall EII 19 Siddell av IJIIeo 11 154 Tlmmlns cres
Culllben:son Geo (Jean) h GOO Gfand a. w apt 7007 Dale Eled1lc (D:I!e Wennga i 39!1 Pa..-.
• Mools (Shlrtty) wk.s Del<alb Cenadl tnc res RR 3 · 120 Trillium Village tljll210
Cutlet Stephen II 76 Mary epl311 • lfene hsepg Wheels Inn h I 0 TriDlum Vllllge ep11 08
Cutlrn J I!JO.IOC PB11111P1 12 • .IOIMe Mnurso lnslr S1 Cl$lr toll II 20 Tri111um V'ollagt apt
Culllng Cornet (Shirley H:ldson) 2 ~ rd 210
Kenneltl E IBetlha E) h 67 Coa:swonhav · John (Cheryle) dr>l frederick Transp h C6 ktr1<
Cllylle f rec11< P brkfyT 101 Be!ry 1P1 I • I( h 150 Mary 1;11810
Croanil t.Ue CMMiel h 199 ~ •• w • Karen LICCIIII Cha!llam eatge TV 1SO Uary IJll 810
Theo E (Chery1 F) d 6 ~~ Tha:nes n 6 Ole II 140 Prlmrole • Rllb1 A(Nllrml £) ~ W !!a1 A<.t~Dmc~C:<e h 811eedr *OOd
Ia Oft
eyt.,. M 1Chell (.kllle A) h 120 Copperfield cres Rllnald 0 (.Nilan A) lab Courfy ol Ker.t h 39 Hig!ll8nd dr
Ci1lresS lola!l<e!ing Inc 34 WyandOCI Dil!es Cer)yle GIM.Irgl RJ sec-nes 0 T ~ 1n11 EQUip II 70
CYl Alnle 111P1 Tenace Fony ApCSII 15 W,lhmooon 1P1 108 ~
· Rene (Cecile) C\1$10d•ara Our Lady Ill Flllme se-c, Sclll h 78 M II 15 Trillium VlllaQe IPII07
Kenav o·Aiessandro Don !Suslnl • •s Woodbndge f01111h 101 0 Nell apt
Cyrenne Geo A(Nancy AI buladmon Kent County (RCI Sep Scttl Bd I
h 10 I Plllridge etas Daley JoM (Chrl$line Ellndl eng Olsen Mfg {Tilbury) h 43
Cyslef Ale• J (Patriclll mntnce M,)l()r Wlteef Colpn II 68 Balmoralrd
lii1Sd0vo"le .. Dobos Geo (Amy) ft'enus de Milo Stee• Hsel h 949 Chenng CIOal
• Civil IIU<ll 66 Le~lH! a• rd
· Cindy lab CamPbell Soup CO 88 Lensdc• ne •• · Tom (Peultne) dllllleettn A~• Clal1\ Denlute Thmpy Cltnlc II
• Corneltus (Uatg!) plmbr Bedard'a Plmbg & 1t1g 5 Renfrew 69Peters
• Joe A 1111 Campben Soup co S6lansdo~ av Deily .los lngl Raleigh lololllll s. RIChmond
• John lab 1.10101 Wheel66lenldowne •• Dall'nys Adele Valcoutt mgr 100 Ktng w U'\11124
Ren"" ,,.
• Net I (lhtgtl plmtlr Bedato·s Plmbg 6 Htg 11 5
• PlllUp t9tlttlll'llira Aplnce SeN) 11 159 Comhlll
DoJ:on friO slsd"• Ronl's Fa$1l1011S res RR 5 Ttlbwy
Daly B11 G50 Grand •• « lpl209
• RicNl (Jey11ab Wriglll'a [IIICI II 2G4 Sanclys - Be:Ty-t vnn lorms •'~~'111 Urlion Gas n 949 1·2 Clllr"'!! CIOal
CzatkOW<' l Julian M n 89 R•Yertle« dt •Ill goc rd
Czep Allan ldmtn SoulllW\!Siern Regl Ceotre 530 McHaughtotl ,,. w • Oord f (!lev) Sl~ rtp ~0pera1011111S res RR 4
C.Wnohor(•;J Guml (Marla I h 357 Part~'" w · SMh 118Rlver.-drapt•ll
• vena M Mrs n 79 Grlf\l

iQ TO MARKEr/N~ Dllzell Elil f Sludl 118 Wyandoa

Gald•ner Rev (Het:llef ll rntniSW F,rst Presby Ch n t18
• "-nte G stuo1 118 Wyatldoa

2iJISH'EDAD7 Wm G stual 118 Wtll'ldoll

Dame Ra~ h 253· I"2 Sl C1ai1
Darnm Gerda (PelefJ cabtmkr W.ndmlll Cab1 Shop 33 W~ dr
Pelef IGI:Idal n 33 W•ldtost dr


General Contractors - Design and Build
303 MERRITT AVE. P.O. BOX 151 PHONE 352-7780
Damphousse Rosa,re (Bella) h 79 BaiCIOon ret apt 4
D'AngelO Tony mmnce Harve{s Restr h 214 King w apl16
Dang Hoa Ctneu (TnnM) pntr Chrome Tek Plastics h 27 Hillyard • Bruce (Sandre Bl ofce mar Lower Thames Valley Conservation h
Dantel Geo 52 WeU1nglon e 19 Dove pi
Danoefs B h 23 SISkind ct Dorothy J elk Osttande!'s Jwtrs 100 McFarlane av apl 701
• Wayne (Donna) dl'l! Monarcll Propane Lid res RR 7 - Dorothy h 1DO McFarlane av epl70 1
D'Antonio Ralph D(Jud1th Al hre servs Are Marslla11's Ofce h • GBruce (Sandra) olce mgr lower Thames Velley Conservallon
13 SPIUIQ pi Authy 19 Dove pi
Dantzer Ronald (Melnaghl systems al'l!llyst Umon Gash 101 • Heattlet v.ks Chatham Plasbc Fmtshmg
Card1nal cres • Kun•s sludl 15 Pamela cres
Danyk Fred TtEiiz) h t5 Trllhum Village apl30 I - Ranctalll elk I HCanada h 59lensdowrle av
Dapper Den Unda Doherty mgr 100 Kmg w um1 203 • Robb•e h 360 Sandys epl 106
Dapper Dan Wendy Buckler mgr 801 St Cla'r - Wm J (Brenda J)leb Can fram h 17lamson cuts
Dasby ChasE ll.l•chelle AI mgr B1g V Pllarm h 28·1'2 Jordan av Wm M (Mary T) h 44 McK.nnon dr
Darbyson Oav1d (Donna) lab Motor Wheel Corpn h 45 Timm•ns cres • Wm R (Joanne GJ asst mgr Th•bodeau Fmcn Exp h 15 Pamela
aot202 cres
Darhng Keotn h 455 Sandys apt 609 Dav•dson's Bob Men's Shop Lid IRobl F Dav•dson) 645-l Grand av
• Murray S h 2 Gregory dr e w
Damovan Rose h 12 Ste111art DAVIES, DOUG, (Debra), (All Canadian Truck &
Datow R h 66 Emma Trailer Supplln), h 71 Heather dr, Phone
Dashchuk Moclll h 210 Park ave apt 9 351-2587
OaS•Iva Fernanda lab h 136 Adelaide s Davres Laura A 89 R•vervlew dr apl 101
Da S1tva Manuelo274 Park ave • M sySiems analyst Union Gash 89 Riverview dr apt 101
• ManueiiA.driana) v.ks Motor Wheel Corpn h 17B lnshes av • S h 18 Couture dr apl4
· Manuel IMane) h 31 JeHrey DaVIS Agnes F secy North Arner L•fe Assce 45 Elizabeth
Paulino h 104 Lacroix • An!hy glass fnstlr Standard Auto Glass h 100· t '2 Murray
Oastva Cand•do (Aiioel h 262· 1'2 Oueen • B h 137 Par~ av e
Oath Belly 15 Chestlltll dr - B Kqua lily control supvsr Can Fram h 6 Thornll1fl cres
- Dav1d wks Wallaceburg Clnrs h 15 Chestnut dr • Brent M tBeawce A) lab Can Fram Lid n 86 Primrose Ia
· Dennis (Jackie) mech Verralllnll h 197 Harvey • Cfa,r sis Wa•etbed Way Wellington
Hasold (Ed,th F) d•sp Are Depth 38 Park ave · Dan Bh 15 Jordan av
Jack•e Mrs drvr ald1 Chatham Ambulance Serv 197 Harvey • Diane cllold care wkr 127 Sussex
Daudhn fdwd l (Yvonne Ml mQI Zleban Aulo-Trk Rustproof•ng h - Don A (Ruth) Hit trl\ drvr h 6 Woods
60 l.larykll(]j( rd · Ethel h 45 Ehzabeth
• Kev•n rad reorrm liebart · Fred (Gwen) (lorne Av Variety) h 45-1'2 Lorne av
Rene P (Annette LJ lab Wnghl Auto Parts Lid h 21 Eighth ~ GallS elk Co-Operators Ins res RR 2
Oaugllerty Hally F(Vera L) h 805 Grand av w apt 508 • Helen M secy Pub Genl Hosp h 153· 1'2 Adela•de s
Kenneth G (Jean A) opr Eaton Yale Lid h 90 Glengarry cres Irene M1s 5 Raleigh
Nelson II 805 Grand av w apt BOB Jane Mrs clkoredl! ofce Woolco h 13· 1'2 Taylor av
Dauphan John dl\'1 Dempste<'s John H(Doreen VJ mnlnce tormn Daymond Lid h 540 King w
Deuphin Alex h 650 Grand av w apt 1009 • K h 384 Wellington w
· Emily stsctk Janie's Fashions 10 Lincoln • Mo~ey G (Mary B) lab Rockwell Inti h 127 Sussex
• Erruly Alab AW1\ lnctl Coaling 15 McDougall av • Norman H (Myrlle) h 68-1·2 Founh
Hasold I Judy) lab Can Flam h 156 Vamer dl • Palncta ktl wkr Eloas Bros h 20 1 Woods
- Jody h B4 Lansdowne av · Ron (Susan) h 82 Delaware av apt202
· Joe (Nora Jean) h t 05 Maryknoll rd • Susan hsepr 20 Trllllum VIllage apt102
·John (Derlene)lrt< drvr h 171 McNaughlon av w apl3 Terry fork 1•11 opr Libby McNe111 & Ubby h 485 Park av w
John E (Lowse 0) nemn Cllatllam Au1ornaUc FOOd Serv 24 Parle Wm (Donna) h 20 Trillium VIllage apl102
- Judy slsctk Young Canada 156 Vanier • Wm B (Margt A) mgr Union Gash 25 Spring pi
- Marjoroe J h 24 Pari< Davoson Carl (Dorothy) tcllr Kent County Bd o( Educ h 87 Essex
• t.lax M prod wk!r Sass Mig h 574 Grand ave Cl
M1chl stud1 156 Van~er dr Davus Eva h 190 Thames apl 25
Murray tiAary) mgr NaU Gro h 583 Lacroix Dav.dry Bnan h r239 Park
Dauphona•s Hervy A(Jean HI h 17 Wyandou · fred h 33 Tasan cres
Dauw Fran~ (Asphalt Consll) h 89 Riverview dr apt903 • Herbt w(Ruth) lab Can Fram h 24 Brock
Davenport Delek E w1ls I H Canada h 28 Sunnyside av • Paul Sludt 24 Brock
frank mgo Fnct's Fo~ons res Wondsor Dawdy Allan (Debbie) cook Sm•tty's Resu 96 Coverdale
Ins acd elk I H Canada h 100 Mcl'arlane a~ apt613 Dawe Gh 600 Grand av w apt 8003
Milana lab I H Ganada 28 Sunnyside av • Jas F h 43 Woods
Davey Clv1s G drvr Chatham Da'ly News 202 Campus Pkwy apt 206 Ross 0 (Gall GJ tchr VIctor Lauriston Pub Schl h 39 Saugeen
Geo99Park av
M Th 225 Campus Pkwy apt206 Dawes Wayne S Rev (Mala ida) minister Evangel Community Ch h
Matg Tlehr Blenhe'm Otsl High Schl h 202 Campus Pkwy apl 120 Collegiate dr
206 Dawn Got don (Theresa) Irk drvr Overland Exp h 28 Soulhend cres
Neli>e h 100 Poplar BPI 25 apl4
Terry J rTJnaJ v.ks Dea-Gray Restoralion CO (Ham) h 26 Oriole Dawn's Beauty Salon (Jerry Bousecll) 2 Grand av e
pkwy Dawson A Brian (Catherine) analyst Can Fram h 67 Collegiate dr
· Thos P(PalnCia DJ wks Dea·Gray Rest0111lon Co (Ham) h 85 Arthur W(Janice M) mech Triple A Towing h 112 Argyle cres
Orlolepkv.y • B h 67 Aberdeen
Dav•d Wm (Fann•e) agl Canada Ufe Ins h t 50 Mary apl 1005 • B h 24 St George apl 2
Oa\-odson Alldrew B (OOfOChyJ mgr Thobodeau EJpress h t6 Jupiter e
• Chester (PatriCia F) h 106 Robertson BY
av Eh 43 TayiOI av apl t06
Brenda 18<111 cashr Theatre Video Mart 17 Lamson cres · Ellis (Betty I) prin Kent County RC Sep Schl Bd h 40 Flncll


124 ST. CLAIR ST. 351-3833
Oe Baets Harry 0 IDoraclly) h 4 7 Pari< Ia
DAWS0:-.1 Debaets M Jane M•s II 8 ltol.."\101'1
'-I.-ray U (M¥y AI iab Cln frfm h 32 Jasoef IV
FJorenc:e lltJohnl dk Rosslm Automo!Nt Sl)tA;lall$tS •u RA Oe Baets t.I.Kray n I IB M!thener rd
1 De Banke Frede!ld TtV El"l!!!!n) h 101 OCia'll4 df
Gtona ~,I hlpr Wheels Inn 41 Coverd.1'e apl 10 I De 8ure Emllie 97 l.l.:fallane av ~ 328
• J 11975 Orand av wapl310 Oe8ed Ctlrl$ltne A n a Canaril!nt\a N<JitO Hon1e 84 WedgniOOd av
.las A (Theresa Ml he s Goven rd Da:lene l LI-s !eCy Ene 6 Hulon £ley 84 w~ IV
JoaM~ prsmn lnslaot Pnnl Shop res RR 2 Tilbury Randy J tDar•ene l)lab Can h 84 WedQtw!IOd av
• Joey W(Jooy Alaccts mgr 1,4apl~ leaf~Al!IS II 74 Wedgewood a~ De Beer Gush 10 Mlf}'
John I06 lor ne av apt 3 Or!leff John lab Eaton Yale ltd h 54 ·1'2 P11'1'!
• 1.4 h 50 Memn av apt 309 Oeheoham Jim {CftrOI) h 380 Mr.Neughlon av e
• Mat~ h t9 Prmceas n Oebefgh Gabriol C c;hbo 15 Third RR 31)~
Mat~ llaUt•P.! lab Cftmpllell SoupCon 106 Lornt! av apt 3 De lleloa<on John (Annal 135 Welhngton e
MIChl wl,J Gas N Go res RR 4 Debi3SI Ugo (MMY) politemn h l Webb
Nancy bbrv supv&l ~enl Coun!v Ubry Char,no Cro6s Deblois ~.e-.·n (Btelldal labOialhllrn Coechllne$h 501 Pa1r •••
Paul 0 (Patricia Jl rl est brl<.1 M.:\1.1111 lllty h 12 ~~ pi c
De Boer h 150 MMy apt 1010
Oa"'son w I) ptrvs 334 King w De8oer Debbie lRic~ 1secy Sl Cmi• lll"l!!lld 204 M'.Chenef rd
Woodrow l (Margt .1) h 209Mt.'i.wghton av w De Boer Doug P IPPI•dwl<J 32 EllgliSh Side rd
Day Addie h 37 Kill< Han! (Shena 9) lab 8P Gas Sin h 32 Enghs.-: S1de rd
A1111111 N (Vera fl h 4 Heatnet dt DeBoer Joenne Eopr Studio I res PR 1 Blenl!etm
Bob38 1"2 Sel~lr> De Boet JoM J stud! 116 Parr.wooo df
• Bnan mgr CalnpbeU Setenliflc 213 Lmk Deboer Ken h 360 Sanc1;1 ll)l211
• Chas (Charlolle) (CommunitY Clml71 Mcfadden • Melvin C(Donna Jltf• Gordon's MoriS h 1141.1cfaddenav
Chas (Ch~riOIIP) !Community Clrvsl II 71 Mcfadderlav Oe Boer MIChl (Ann Sl plslt 116 Parr. wOOd dt h same
Danny h 4 16 Park R•chd J (Deborah Ll persone1 W!lpuler analyst lJmon Gas 1'1
Darrell AtJane!IAIIab Motor Wheel Corpn h 137 Park av w 204 l.l.(llener rd
Douglas C mntnte Mi!monal Commun!ly C!!!'.tte h 100 Mcfarlane Ron 811udl 32 Enghsh Side rd
aval)l411 OeBtander larry N h 55 Alden
fdwei E(Shallen" Cllchr John M~Gtegor Sec Schll\325 Dt Ill esse~ frank A1Eleaoorl comllabl~ OPP h 38 Or:awa df
W~lhnQtonw De 8<\rln leotlllrd IBeny)laO I H Ca'11108 h 725 Grand •• e
• Franlo s tcatrenneJ h 104 Robertson av OtBnryn J h SO Mcnener rd eot615
- Grace (lenna•dl (Communlly Clnl$) 85 P!Lnte .Artt1UI de S.• yn M R h 9:'5 Go llld avwr~nt309
Herbt A (DorOihy VI h 118 CaNeroory de BRUYN, MAX R, Chief Chatham Flre
• JosE !Agnes VI mgr Regal Tower Inch 89 Roverview dr apt
Departm ent, h 288 Orand IV w, N7L 1C1 ,
103 Phone 761-0897
• Kathryn secv J(~nt County 8d of Educ h 39 Parry dr DeBruyne G- (Jolin AI planrung suovStl HCanada h 23 Prrnce n
• LeoMrCl C(Grece 0) (Communoty Ctnrsl h 85 Prince Arlhur av
Debr\rvne Roger carp Mull• Conslf 11 298 Woods
• Lyle J (010118 Ollab MotOI Wheel h 52 Copperfoeld ere'S DeBurgl!l Pelet L (Calfll'n~ HI h tOO Mcfarla~ av apl204
• Mh 103 Raleigh Debus$ttlere Qe•ry (~rntel.,lrs Bell Canada h 7 Maclol. 'lal'l aes
• Martne tBriiJ w1-~ t.~ar110 Tolley & Co 217 O~ley dr M.ary M-s n a St Andt~·s Reside~ h 100.104 Park act 5
•.ue lab Plt!ecrest FOOdS n 11 Randolf cru 0ecan linda dnr Service M.lslet 181 Mc:Naughlon av w 8PI 2
Norman (PatriCiallchr John MtGregor ~Still h 552l.aCfOI~ IJ.ll!'IC!'! (Marcellal secur1tv gUild Burns Secur:ty h 181
• R M h 505LICIOI• M:.Naugt:JOn a• w apt2
Ron studt 39 Patry dr • Ralph h 402 UcNaughlon av «
ferry h 39 Ku1< ~ DeOOie nwkpr !ro-n Coulter 55 Sneldorl a•
Wm J (Martha) deputy treai City h 217 Orley dr
Nolfd h 600 Grand aw w apt 1005
Daymond B~tty h 1SO Mary apt 408 Oecedef Delore h :;.>30 Woods
Healnet Esludt h 805 Grand av w aot 1011 Gu·ard J (Jud•tnl tab EaiOil Yale Ltd h 30 Gregory dr e
Daymond Lim• ted Louos F Sm•th mgr I 55 1,.,\ll O«h Rosallta h tO Ouetonsway dr
D'Ciule Deborah J h I SO McNaughton av w Dechert MUtiel M h 4 I Ad~lalde n
Oeaeon B h 76 M~ry apt 70 t Det~er Reneeto 62 Baldoon rd apt 101
• Bernelda C h 70 1'2 Grand av w De Clark Donna J ~,~., recptnst Great lakes Bnck & Stone h 376
• Eliz h 82 Taylor av apt3 Baldoon rd
• Wavn~ h 435 K•ng w · Jimmy supVSI Dresden )nd 376 Baldoon rd
De Acus Dnnny Fl elk Nail Gro h 975 Orand av w apt307 ~o~, •t (RebeCCII guard P1nker1on Secunty h 34 Baldoon rd apt
~aktns Lisa h 204 ·1'2 Queen apt t I
-Ray l !Pat Altchr Chatham Ken! Sec Schl h t s l yf'IWOOd dt RI!Otl A firma! lab IH Canada h 31 Oriole pkvty
Dean Helen Mr1 h 6SO Gtand av w apt405 Dtcte~k Hennena ~o~., h 370 UcNaugtliOil ave
• John 0 (EIIy) adm•n ofcr Can Imp Bk of Comm h 10 Wedgewood DeCitrk MarceltMargtJ ISSI rngr King Gram ltd res RR 5
avapll Thamesv•lle
Deane Perer A (Mary Ellen) e•ec o•r Kent County 0151 Hllh De Ctoedt Mane Ch 115 fhzabtth
Council h 422 King w De Coe Franlo. h 15 Wotherspoon 81)1402
De AnQf)hs Ceteha 81 Sylvester dr De Cola AntoniO (Marie) wks I H Canada h e s East!awn dt
· Tony stud!61 Sylvester dr D«ola Oom•nrco (Chf!s~ne) (Pizza Shop) h 255 McNaughton ave
Deans Mary C Mrs h 100 Poplar apl 7 De Coil Gu•sepp~ tMafalda) wldl Sass Mlg h 42 Sylvester dr
l)p.arby Peter J (Marg Ellab Eaton Yale ltd h 53 ASCOI ct DeCola Mafia (AnlontOI rur lnshr Charlebois Furs ru Rll4
lle<lron Sharron P<SI Arrow Lndry 92 Taytor av ap18 De COla Pa•mela srucn 42 Sylvestet dl
Deas Betn Csecy Land Regostry Ofce 3!llor~ av OecoraiOr'S Touch CarOl Bteauil mgr 65 ThameS
John (Janeu .,.ks l•bby IAcNeill & libby h 39 lorne av ~ l)pcl<er E•elyn M h 55 Carnpi)IU
De Back ~er (SusahannaI h 58 lincoln rd OeDtcker floran h 650 Grand av w apt701
De Bacl<l!l Kenneth N (Eileen D) (Hoghlande! LJldiY & Dry Clog) h OedOmti'IICIS Franlo. J !Elena M) press opr I H Canada h 105
24 Parry dl llandOIIaes
Debaene Don carp Citv h 302 Woods Deechan M.ldted h 28 Kirk
1 ...
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It esn't the cost - et's the coverage that counts
and you get so much for so htlle
when you advertese en the DIRECTORY

DEMARS Denomy Cllly llylill 11M Wofl<a n2 .lollph

Cecile ..., h t3Pegley
Dlvlcll tOabes)ICIV KMC Colny 8d of~ 11229
lll 30 Slllldon 1Y
~ Llrf'Y (Shirley) sllmn Kent Ally SyMI!Ir
Dolores (DtYidliCIIt JoM Uytn Sdll 229 Ellall
De Mars R 11150 w.y 101708 DENOMY, AWIICtl J , C~t. , _ Deftomy'a
Dlmlllil - IMII 10 Syf\olltll a
~IT.......... Ud, ll ... ~
Armlndo (Domenlc:all1 s~
o.u..,.. J" •& Rachmond
to a ...,
.bte B [Callly) mgr Oenomy I Rldio & TV h 232 .lollph
De ..... ~lb! 1!1111 Canada Poll Corpn lllltnheim) h 131
Kalllleen Mrs II 17 Amald
Demerhng E~ h 272 OIMn
~ lab HJ Hellll Co II 19 Jeflrey
RII 3l8 Wtf1lnglon w
Demers Alab Molor Wheel Cotpn II 73 Tlylor 1Y 101 7
11er111 ..,.. 11 805 Grind .. • 101 e10
Ronald l pM'Ief C/vyller ShlffingiOn & Co II 600 Grind 1Y w
1P1 10007
Bob (Heleoe) ICIV Ket1l Cou!1ty Sep Sclll Bd II 1311 Vlllief a
Oenomy·o.tJr Mlchlla (Chis) phlnn WcColl Drug Co 21 Jordan 1Y
Conrld B lib Pineo Flfll1l (Piincourl) I! 68 Klng e
Din lib G J WIIIOO Serv Sin YniiCf 111 Ill 1 Dowel Cenn
Ellie Mrl II •o TriUium Villlge ICIISOB
0.., h 56 Argyle CI1IS LTD .•
.Ill B (a-t f)(lollrtln filley & Col II 30 lynwood a ,,_.. J Deftomy, Jlllti ... .....,
Jos 11 tOOO Clllllng Ctoa Ill un111 t TV ..,_llerYice, Cotour lpectd...
Ktnnelll J 11 tt Edgar lemng CMIMm I t - 1147
l!.tm E '"'Y IKIIn St JoB Holp n975 Grind •• • 1111 102 17 It CIM. N1M aHI
l J 11•8 Petrone C1es ..........I t " - IIZ-2120
DEMaM, ~,.Y , (llllrte,), ..... ~
Kent CoulttJ ~ Limited, II 41 1,.,_..,,
P"-312· 1313 ~l'IOO Jos !Simmonel pUmp lbiClr
llfg res RR 5 r,~
lolary A II 805 Grand av • 101205 ~ Clw I (DorDihy) n 600 Grll!d 1Y •101 300'
Ov1hnr Mrs 11•0 TrlUlum VUlage 101506 Dennis J t.lolln Cllermhlal mgr tMIJand uD 1130 Wildrose a
Rlll)ll (Belly) nmblr Ellen Yale ltd II 102lltl< m C ( MJ mgr Belver lmbl h 128 FIUbtlt a
Regina n •s TnDtum Vllf-oefiPI 107 loiMJOfle 97 Mcfatlane IV IDI 105
Rhea~ II 11!6 BaldOOn rd lol<tllt AIfdill 01 s1s mgr Dlirmond nss AIQonQulr! a
&run M~~uc~•s s~ a Ronald 0 (fr>eresa t.l) SIJo.nn d• l.lbomtllrd·s Cllllllam lid h 102
~ II 107lledlotd Glmgarry CJe$
Wm h 162 Pert. 1012 ~ Tandt Anae (Shirley)ICIV lecurnse/1 Sec Schl h 12
Demko P ll 150 w.y IPC 505 TllormiU CII!S
Demore Annr·Mirie rep~~ Chlllllm 0111v NNs 11393 a.kloon rd Sl!lrley t.I!S r n Pli! Gent Hosp 12 ThOmhiO Cti!S
unf11 ~tnar1ogh r , 15 Tnlhum v1Ja9e apl201
Donald N (Allee M) doll mgr Stilt Farm Ins 1187 CllellntA a ~ Nure Danlelle SIUdt 3 Owelav
Wll~87o-uta OeHure J I(Chalham)llm111!<1205 Kmg e
Michl wits L 8d 87 CheslriUI a
OtNure JI(Chlthlm) lid Reg De H1n InS ~~ t7311Jng a
Oempslen lllelds 270 Jns111s IY
llenlull Ge!ry J (Villi) lab Cln Fr1111 II 3-43 Grind 1Y e 101206 OeHure J Mil (Evel)'nl (Cnllhlm CoiCIIUnesl h 366 Vlclor11av
~ Hln llemel!ll (Berblra J) ~ 8leMem Bus lines n 1
'*-!A 57lleny
Ale• tGerlldanel II 11 ear.tx1y P!lyllisl¥
Brien L (Wendy Ll CUIIOCiln Wllonoc r~ 11 51 Arthur a Reginald P (lhnda) !Ctwtnlm COld! Lines I n 3 a-, ••
• Oln c:ashr llecket'IWtllt 57 Berry Oenyt Garv P !llndll ,.Jcon1r1r lolcKfouQI1 & Sons n 122 !Mirritw
Oelmlr 0 (Jioet BI-ll' Oornlll Pacl!lging 115 7lleny aft
~of Vet!fi(IS Allin Canadll Wl(e!ly mgr 48 Flllll
• Oougllss IDebatlll)llb I H Cerlldl h 9 Woods
Depencier Douglas G(Silirley) land bier II 180 TWftCSmulr 1Y I
· Greg elk Mac's Convenience SlOtt 11 ~
·llndll rna ~ Nui'S9 Home h 8 S~rhng lall)l2 • liSI Cl~ ·5et"Y Bell Clnldll 180 Tweedsmuor •• e
• linda Aera.nee Ilk of Moot 57 Berry ROOt C (DonN I laD Cao Fram lid h 24 TISII"I cres
• Mt~~ II 601 M IV w [)topper Thos W (Stlllley El II 40 811ar Hill rd
. p h 78 lollry aplll06 ~~~Roger I Zelma I dhr t.lonatth Propane lid res RR 8 Dresden
Pat (Kall'lyl II 98 HaMy Oer~ V"tttor (Joatmel 11 160 l.lcNau9hlon ave
• Paul J lab Molor Wheel 57 BerTy OerDY Muriel h 191 Harvey
~ Undii(Cavalcl<lt ol Mag;c & Coslumes) h r ItO Kong e Oerbysture lien G ICotal acct Sllndard ComJ Toblcco Con 337
Dengel John h 11. Cecile •• T~a...

Oenhlr10Qh lolary wits Ilk of Moot h 8 7 1otary IPf 302 l A11 4261otCHatq~ton •• e
one. Emil G..,.. h 99 ~ IY • .p. 208 De Re Homt lmp-M E~ 54ltllryilnoll rd
• Wm rL•AnntliiiiP Polk:a DICJC h 70 Norlhllnd a DeAt w.y " 3-43 Grind ew •ICII •oo
Dlnilon Helin M..., h 20 TrAiium Vllllga ICII20 1 De Re Stlwe 1Emltlll*!l54 ~ rd h 11mt
Dlnlclrs lhndi(Aobl) retplnll Dr AJ McCIIIt Clllring Clllll De Ridder Ale• Ilk 11M llr8lldon Hlge 45 TlmmiiW CMICII 318
- Glo llynn) rep Lon lift Ins n 97 Glldllone ew Dericldet DlrTel1 G 11M Floyd Alctlllll 3-43 Grind 1Y t1C11303
• Hlrry (Anllll h 64 M 1Y e De Rlddef lily Ilk dht Oltnon lllfllll II 45 T~ CMICII
Dlnley llurl L IIUdl II 118 RivtMtw a 101530 316
Denning TlleresiMrl h 15 WllhlrlpOon ICII507 Dirk w.y Ann PIY'Qff ell Cln Frem h 138 Wlllilm n
DlnNI Hlir Slylel117 Sl Cllir 0troo AIIIUI C (PtlrontiiiiiCIV TICUftlllh Stc Sdlf II 111 Quill
OIMis .llnll K h 160 S.OO rd ICII2 pi
• Aldlcl 0 (Anchll 11M Hulblnd 11111111 h 10 Hcll.-on Dtrooy Adriln 11111111 I Hean.dll h 1at lllltigh
• ~ M II~ lllcloon rd ICII3 DeAooy Brian t£11etn) IICI'IIf rilles & *"'~non Gil h 217
• ""' h 21 Glldan VIle ld Clmpusflkwy
Dlnoll-. 0 . (Mirilme)C*II a.l!lllfy of TIIIIIP & Conllll II 11 DerOIIief 0... h 20 lomt 1Y
Oonlldaa Derouin DelorltS Y n 8 o..rt pi1CJ12


(0/V 386398 Ontario L1mlled)
cit Ru11er Jenn,fer ICht Chatham Dost Ch/1St'8" Sec Schl n 50 DEVLMUNCK
M·ch~ner rd apt 507
Detyco BoDcalllbldr teed's CalliS h 2520Uffil Fran!< 4tZoel n 300 Woods
• tiatry J (S/IaUOfl) (Chi lSI I!~ C.V CliniC) h 145 Bedford Robt A (Chr stone AI tab 1.10101 Wh!'el Coron h 150 Woods
• .1oM 11348 Lacroix Oe Vogelaere AiOI 0 studl23 Peuone cres
Peter Alab Da)'!"'Old Ud 383 Kong w Aobl M (FIOrent!')ll & d e~~r Ca~ Fram lid h 23 Peuone aes
~w Susan AwitS Holiday~~ 49611100 w • AI laO 23 Pe;rone cres
Dtsa Heman• (Aioce) ice mkr Chal!lam Granue Club h 39 OeVogelaere Alia~ h 328 Pari< BY e
T~rd Oevoldef Jos stud! 131 £ugeo1e
Desai Jan8 parts elk Waet<ens·Chrysler Plymouth Ud res R112 • Karen r n Pub Gent Hosp 13 I Eugerue
·Michl Ellz K h 52 P81k ~ w Mai)IK:e (lrenettrk drvr Clly h 131 Eugenoe
• PaultMolliel slsmn Ostetbrool< Rl Esl 76 Mary apt 5D7 MIChl IDonna) fM·ke's TV Antenna Sis & Servl h 365 St Cla1r
Dtsautnoer Franl< Mmech Sandy ElliOIMtrs h 12 Regeocy dt oe Voogd Comls 1Audley} h 39 Sl Antnony
· 118 43Pone dP Yoogd Ot!SJ9n lnte••or & E•tenor Renovations Unllm1ted !J
• Kennell1 (..leanlt•remn f~nck's fransp 1\ 154 Paneson av De Voogdi415 Par~ av w
Patk J IJoyt~ f)laby techn Can Fram Ltd II 34 Bl)'lhewood • John D (de Voogd Osgnl 39 St Anthony
cres Oe'vos furniture Inc IGeo Oevosl485 "'verne"" dr
OesbteM Alyre h 99 ~auQ'ltofl ·~"'apt 137 Devos Geo (Georgette) tOevos fum) res Patncoutl
• Jean ..w.s Eaton Yale lid 26 Baldoon rd Geor~IGeoltreas Devos Furn ri!S PainCOurl
· 1.1 h 258 M;:.Naugt)ton ~ e apt 304 M.vcei(Jos<>phlne)oke elk Libby Mc.~elll & Lbi1V n57
Oestlli!"'PS Flonda h 160 Hasvey Wooo:aooav
Desch nkpl Darlf!!le ,.1<5 Mac's MIll h 27 McKeough IV
0e Se·xas Maoue• (ZeliaI lab~ BrUinsma & Sons n 179 Ralelgh • N:~~ma~ (.Want lab C1ty 1!206 R,chmooo
Rene A !Nancy Alreptmo I H Canada h 1 o·B,en do
lofaroa ~udl 179 Raoe,g~
0e vos Roney A !Celine Ai,nsulator Renders & Renders Ltd h 1D
Oeseure Benn1e tLCar,ooe M) (Great Lakes Broc.k & Stone ltd) h
71 Cedarwoooscres Madonna cres
Oesfofges Ru1h 116 0' Neil OeVroP~ Caol F Sludi2S Anne Mat'e dr
Oe Sunone fran• h 121 Harvey llfovt•I!S fred h 40 Elm apt225
0es)8tdll1e Gilles J (Suzanne)lab Ont Eng Suspens,ons {)el/fiPS John E (Cath•rne t.IJ rnUI1iC>P81 SUPY$1 M,n,stsy of
IBlentoetml h 62 Stanley a• Transp & Comm h 25 AAlle Maroe 01
Oes1ard'"s Chnst'na Mrs hAl! stylist Brend4'e Bly Salon h 137 De Vrtt>S lenny c:f• Union Gash 95 Cardona! cres
Joseph f.I;Jrllla!J AWK lnd 269 51 Clair
· lle<ln<s ..ks E.alcn Yaoe h II Grant Oe~nes Stwoey h 44 Taylor av apl3
Mh 15 CarnptJeU ap~2 Oe Vrli!S Wm lab EatOn Yale ltl:l h 269 St Clatr
• lolartel h 204laaoox Oe Waal Gerry (BarbaraIll & dl•mkr SupertorMach & Tl h 72
• M,l ~ h 73 S~llCef av Arg)'leCies
Renee secy Wheels IM h 65 V~ona a• De Wacnter Gustal M Iflorence PI h 53 Pell!fs
Oe$lal)ltets Guy Y 34 Wesl De Wael Cynl J 1Helen)l8b Daymond Ltd h 24D Wellington e
Oesi'PP!! Dan stsmn 409 Sandys apt 1 DeWael Davod J !Came Dl h 36 Sussex apt 2
OeSIT'illucille )Cilr Sl Ursula Sep S4;hlres RR I Chafing Cross Dfo W~l Gordon E(Judith G) mcd\ Fenton's Auto Paint Body ShOP
de Srl\lll.!a"a E Mrs h 805 Grand a• w aot811 h 128 Berry
Oesnawes ManueltMana)lab Eaton Yale ltd h 398 Sandys apt2 . Jotm PI Helen A)(Johnny's Auto Repr) h 565 Park av w
llesolna Jof' II 15 Ko.X De Wilt'le And"" L tEunoce Ll lab Daymond h 130 All'~andra av
Oeslosiers luc•e 24 Jupte< a. llfo.,a..le AM M 1.1'5 h 41D Mc:Naughlorl ave
· Miura R tAl ne rnech H J Heinz Co h 413 McH!ughlOO ave ~ WaPle Hermao tAnnel lab 'iiallec lnd h 105 Park av w
Des ROS>ers Ray- J sandblaSie~ Roge~ Roce 98 latlc • Ja~ s:.!dt 130 A1••Mdra av
• Roger J iSo!Jh>el drvr Auto tiaulaway h 98lar~ ee-,:e Rob! H (Maty Jol l~waele lrench,ngl h 12lawson dr
Oeslur hnda hldts!LOOI<Ing Glass h 1~9 r...l!edsmw av w • Theo 1Margtlj~ Waete Trenc.hingl h 81 Ordon blvd Fra•Jt G lOons V) ..,r.sernn NatJ Gro h 4D21ndoan ~war Charma,ne Ill Selkirk
Cree• rdw • Oavod tOebblel h 301 Baldoon rd
Oesveau• Gef&Jd (Tan I lab Ge<~l Mils (Wlnd50f) h 156 Berry · Gordon IBrendaltecho Can fram Ltd h 64 Taylor av
Oetme< nm IOebboel lab I HCanada h 738 Btoomheld rd · Harold ""ks Parkvlew Tavern 361 Krno w
Oel!en A h 60 Grand av w ap1 1 · JnCh ttl Selktrk
De Turtll Ctndy l StUlll 133 Oxley dr • Ktn~lh Wm (Thelma Ml Ia by techn Can Fram h 58 Kerr av
Rola'ld AISI'oMy) S1al)' eng Public Genl Hoso h 133 Olley dr · Ralph "'~.s Ols!'n·$ h 212 Thame'UPII
Oeulschlande!Mar1'n w~s l1bby & Libby h 435 King"" • Raodyh 212 Th~mi!S8PI4 1'2
Otvldnon John P t!Aagdatenel mr Asses! Of(e h 54 Ca'lletbuty OeW~erle~~ai8Aiexafldraav
Oe>q~..,ere llllda filt:Cf Royal TI\JSI21 Gteooarry cres VICtor h 18 Aletandra av
Otvuu Pttrre 0 (Cltanne Rl serv recA & M canada h 23 Ch\'sloul ae... oe Alphonse l iMargaretl 1Ken1 County F!!!l,hzet 1h 2
dr M.,cM.III!I1 tti."S
llevo'le John Fie'< pasJOr St Ursula's tRC) Ch 205 Tv.eedsmuir av w De w,ne Donna h 625 St Cla'r unot 17
~·- Ka<en tehr Calv1n Clwos~an Schl 245 Tweedsmw w ee...,ne Germaone h 115 Gregory dr w
Oe Y1to Carman(lrene) Jill Unoon G<H h 147 Adtla•de s Oe w,ne Jas h~ opr 1H Canada t1 w s Goven rd
· Carmone.h 147 Adela•de s Oew,ne John tDeWone Pholo) h 258 Wellington w
OeottiO COflstrUCliOn INlei< 0evolo)209l.atk DeW,IIe Photography I John DeWitte) 258 Wellloglon w
Oe\o•IO Enlo Sh!dt 34 SVfVt!Siel dt Oewoll Debbie C202 Campus Pkwy opl 202
• Frank stOOl 34 Sylveste< dr Dey • h 28 St George
Oe V''i) Ger111do (Annette I lao IAolor Wlleel Corpn h 93 • KennetiiiJiillacclllbby McNetll & libby h 12D Goldpark rd
Un!Wel$lly dr Oeyck Pal h 123125 VICIOioa •• aot I
Oe\>110 l.lar10 (Anionet:a loti (l)e..,lO Com:r) h 34 Sylvt!Sier dr Oeyoog Dave h 55 Balmoral rd
• llielo IJoannf)lab Ban n & ~e h< ~ ZOPte Her>~ !Annal egl Cllnstranlall Assn ol Canada h 21
rony 34 SV'Vl'Ster c1r KI'IT a•
~ 4do\oh A(5)1vial h 28 Oxley dr Dhaen Peter (Johanna) h 595 Out!t'n
fr~ne asSI ChuOOfi(IIC llllh Ce'llrt 300 Woods • Rard IY~ El h 75 Alexandra av

YerH• •re£ferlea t:Se'lving

Ll•lfetl o•aE croRY PuausHus 39
29 Rebecca St. Hamilton, Ontario Ontario
Telephone (416) 522-5066 L8R 183 Communities
Oi!llich l J h 383 Welllngton wept 20'
Dlll\£N · Philip G (Joanne C) p!a!lliUPI Ea!an Yale Lid II 41l.lllo~
Raymond E(Lorrame) &sst 1110' waedel'aiiMrages h 39 0o1sen lb-1 N (tloris A) plana opr City h 270 k1clian ~ ld e
Ill Qiw'e T'"Y K(linda ll mgr !.Won Gal II 1C Cec£e IV
Dhamt Tetl l!.brQQ (Shoppers Drug M3t1l h 661klimS!I'f Clt Dignan~ 97 Uda!lane IV 1;)1207
DhindSI ~ Sludl62 Primrose Ia DhliO!iS S~ (Theodora) (Unlled GrUl) h 22 1'2 ~.lf!Q
Hat)!!!! !Sucnltll ICtiiTecumseh Sec Sdll h 62 Prii!WOSe Ia wllpl2
D Hood1 Rayd P Dr (Virginia Kl op~:~m 157 51 Clallll &t
Pall< wood dt
D•lll!';h256Parl< "'*
'- h c2 Prince Arltlur ••
D Hooghe M.w; II 39 Canlerbufy Dollor! Grace l.t-s nco Tnllum '{. I ge 301501
Oiamond Hatl UJSJC CentJe (The m:1 & Robl King! 711 Kino w Gregory J (Muriel lA! h IIi l.!t..~ IV w apt221
[)jape! Lorml'll! 11 130 51\e!doo av &DI214 Herb! Eh 89 Riverview dr 8t)11107
o:as J H (!i8 MJ farm lab h 96 Plmell ctes JaM J (VMenne) h cs Oetl*ft av
Dlbblty Helen h 298 Queen ~ enne111 (Doris) s1s rep eo." & Brl:hvr•l! (Tor) 11 II
J 11 24 S1 GeQIOI! aD1 4 lle'tonsl1!re rd
leona AM.'1 h 28 WllllmPOOO · t.IPurlt.ttsn 158~. •·•
Susan 107 Mela•dn l.te!)nda nurse Pub Genl Hosp 62 Ta~ a• ~ 12
DO David A ([)elynne) 111e Erle & IUon 8ev h 74 w-lllshlle ell Pl!1lc!3 (PaoJl sis &igll(sl'fme 71 PP n w
DICK, OAA'I' W, (Myr•l. A8Pr-t8t lve a.t• rcll• nd Paui (Pi!rlcts AJ lab lb; -ell h 71 Pw• IV w
•nd St-811 lnaur•nce, II 80 Devon rd, Pllo11e Pete! (Denise) 1122 Oriole ~wy
354-~21 Rlchd II 29 Su5&e.t
Homet B(S!Urley El (Dick Homer Travel ArlangemcntS lid) II DotWOII!l tt ton agt Prud Ins 503 Sancn
66 Chcslnul dr Dineen Bnan w~o.s 1HClnada n 112 Oeta..are ••101402
D•t~ Homer Travel A.trangemeniS (Homer & Shirley Olclo) 55 Pari< • RsiKIY M(Susa~) lab Eaton Yale ltd h "1 Bedlotd
. m studt 66 Ches1nut c1t Dingman John 8 (lslbell) h HIS Tlaslman a•
K h 83 Park a-no Dtno Vw CllNlg Pnll Ol&lham Plast!c Finishing
Michl J ~s Canada l.latlDO*e Cfnlrt h 7 Edwltd ~ Pauline H 1.1~ h 1105 Gtll"'d av w11)18112
Proctor A(lena) (Ene &Huron 8ev) h 100 ~IV t ()ln.'> lU!! Tu h 122 Rlveview Clt ~P~224
DICI<erson R h 162 Parlo. ljll3 Dinsmore l.!c!lt studllrHieds M lli!e<,"& Co h 391 1'2
Vclllna h 85 Pll'll! &PI 204 Kingw
ll!cl<.ey Harry J tM.ujOtle Rl d Crib Superior Ma:h & T1 h 90 Dlome linda dJo Can Pos1 Corpn 187 VI esl
~Cl Direct film llfboral'l mgr 80 I Sl Clair
Oid<le A.nnabelle 23 GladStOne av Olrecl Transpol'l Sys!rm lid Jo/111 Cha.'lrand mgr 930 Rlchmond
Chis II 30 Trillium Vll~ ljll1104 Dl!ksentbrf Am br libry au~ Kent Colrt; llbry Cmvt drso
Hulll EIE•Itenl 1161 Mercer - ~ Us'( Am) 1!11J supvstU!nlslry ol TlllllSll & Communic II
Dld<Jnson ~A rna J) lab Chrys:er Can:ldl h 70 50Cravendr
Chestnul dt Dtn:eill Get ald H IM Ruth) r~ sls COflSIJbrlll H Cltllda h 157
• Olive 70 Cheslllul dt ();•ley dt
• Robt W(Ca!olvnnllab I H Canada II 22 Par~ tv w Di Sllnle Bruna dntlml Tndorll Onll Cenlrt 52 SlA.'I!IIOIIy
Terry L(JUI E) mlw!glll hiP! HJ Helnz Co II 10 Bto,.n Clet Diana SIUOl 52 St A.rllhOIW
Oicl< 1son Comie dnU ISS! Dr l O:llts II 190 ThameS ljlllll Sarrllnl h 52 Sl ~
Dlc~'s Ca:enno & Barlquet Service Ud 1Richcl &owningl 193 !lo$t'.er Bruce J IIJ.arhl s1s supvsr Urllled Co-Op n 55 Higllllnd
Granda-;e Clt
Dickson A GMne! (Vyvltnne F) h C95 King w Dona!dG(llllleiAJh97 T~lvw
John h 48 Bar1!1t Disney Ruth M:s h 650 Grand IV w ljll 5011
lloyd 0 (Helenl (l)lckSOII M:OS) II 24 1 Delaw~ t• OOchf~eld Lmla!l M111 h 121 larl<
Lori !llUdt h 60 Baf•ne apt 1 - MPibeli!IChr Jolll1 NGiven Pub SGIII121 LA'"
P34 3 Grand •• e apt eos Olllll'll!r Allall R d &doe Clsgflr SuoetiOI Tl &0.. II 23
R Marlene (Gary I caShr elk Onll+yoro ret Mmlln Sunnvslde av
• Rob1 D(Cheryl R) !lrellglller h 135 Ct!urthlll Benv Jean IChr John N G • en Pub Schf II 5 I'll ;11ls ••
· Wmh34~ 011!111 G (Judy l) mach Dovef Corpn 11305 T~~tv w
OICrescenzo Jos R (Ell.! A) IChr Ufsullnt' Coli h 102 ~ Oennls 1.1 46 Harwic:ll
dr • Elsie B h 1OS K1110 e
DJednthlen - h 276 Memn ••IDC 307 - Harry C (Ill UJlab Elan Tl & Ora II 46 Harw\c:ll
Oiegues lnacpo (lsaU11l c:a•p c:onsll Ceoo Cons!r n 240 Ortey or • Jolvl q Can Fram 15 8\lfiOIIIY
· I.Ufv Sludi240 O••ev dl lt!rie II 15 llui!OiliV
· Vidor SUP>'\! Ceoo ConSII240 Odey dr • Todd C 411 Hanwlc:h
Dieteman Jane 21 M.:Geolge IY Wm IOS!Gnge
• Y,'m (U~e) h 21 av Dlv\:aris Qeo 1191.acroi X
Dienesth Be!llna SlUdl c1 Holland a• • Peler (Ellen) h 119lxrol•
Gerald M fi'II!Ch Maple Coty Ford 41 Holland av 0."'11!0 S h 925 Grand av w apt 1(18
• IAoh IRulli) meth Mapit Ctty Foro n 4 I Holland •• Do•~e Lee Ctvc•en & Seafood Ron EINuv\s mgr 180 lolcHaughlon IV
Ootncksr IAochl C (LOITaone 8) aet up mn Daymond ltd 11113 w
Ralei(Jh Dtxle lae Clltti<en & Seafood IRon Beevlsl 115 Roc:hmond
• Peter N tllatbara E)trk d•vr Overland Western h 7112 Do•on Darcy pnll Cllamam Plaslle Flnlst11ng
BloomloeiO ld · Dorey J 12 G•lmcre av
· Rh5W-ielodl Glm A(Wendylttea dlslr teeM Onl Hydlo h 20 English Skit
Olerd• Frai!CISCUS J (Doreen 1.11 elM Klngswty Tfii!SI) h 80 td
Byngav J&a F(l.latgt)lab Aoc~•ell lnll h 12 G!mora tv
Julian !Connlellab 1.10101 Wheel Cort)n h C40 Sandys IPI2 John ~ & oroerty Vlclori8 Nur$11 Home h 32 ··1'2 Taylor ••
Dier1ens Henry (Maroe) h 87 Gle!IWOOd dt tor• secv n 761.1a!y apt 210
~TICS A (Ln<ll 0) mec11 Ul P~t~~'a Rl!ll h S1 Onole • ThOS H(Diane El S11< hind Carl Fram 11 7 Goldmere dr
phvy D lalsiiWo leb Counlryslde Masonry 140 lndill! Creek Ill e
• Residential
• Commercial Kl7'ft"'l..

~.~f_A A...V ®
•• Recreational
Agricultural u
~~~.'1 an Independent member broker
• ~J 121 Heritage Rd., Chatham, Suite 202 (519) 351-1300


LOU1Se n 140 lnd1an Creek rd e ·l1nda mgr Dappe1 Dan h 76 Mary apt405
. Tony brklyr Countryside Masonry 140 lnd<an Creek rd e Oojo Supply !larry Taylor) 131 Queen
Ooan Elvyn !lylarnae) mech Waekens-Chryslel Plymouth ltd res RR Dolamme StudiO Linda Wagenaer mgr 219 Queen
1'-Aorpelh Dolata Henry (Barbara) tab Rockwell Inti h 22 Sussex
- Geo (Cafhanne) 262 Woods Dolby Dorothy M h t30 Sheldon av apt 102
Dobbelae~e Bertha Mrs h 650 Grand av w apt 401 · Larry F (Vrcki) lab Rockwell inti h 81 Covesdale
Dobbtns Rn 10 Trillium Vtltage apt lOS Dolsen Douglas W (Mary JJ sr elk Union Gas h 22 Emerald pi
Oobrowney Annie Mrs h 121 Efizabelh John A (Donna Ml recvr·shpr Eaton Yale ltd h 539lndian
Henry 0 CVa•da M) plant equip dsgrv J H Canada h t85 Creek rd w
Chippewa d! • Kenne1h h 1D9 Joseph apt 4
Oobrlanslll Frank h 163 McNaughton av w apt 1 • Maude Mrs h 650 Grand av w apt 607
Dobson Elmer R(R1ta) h 30 Trillium v,nage apt902 • Paul slsclk Chalham Place Gas Bar
Doddy Angela MMrs 18 Scane Scon A 539 ln<Joan CrePk rd w
• OelllllS A 18 Scane Dolson Oav1d f t.Joaone l) mech C L Benn111ger Ltd h 8
. Joe R h 49 Taylor av 81)1205 Shl>rblool<e pi
- Jos P (Mary) h 18 Scane • Slewall (Mal)onel asst eng techn M1n1stry oC Transo &
• Peler J slud138 Poplar Commun h 14 Cumberland cres
· Peter J !EiiZ)llne formn Chatham H;dlo II 38 Poplar Doman lla G h 650 Grand av w apt 708
Dodge Bon H(Jud•lh El II 20 Cedarwoods cres • J G h 247 Selkork apt t
• OeM's Rstudl74 R1vervtew dr apt 1 • K A reprmn Belt Canada h 24 7 Selkrrl< apt 2
·Otaneh 157Par1c • Scon studt t2 lansdown!l av
· Joyce (Robt) assJ mgr Cole's Book Store 74 Rtvervtew dr apt
• Wendy l''*' resea1ch Shell Canada h 604 Bloomfield rd
Domrnalo Ytctor A (Janis) ptlol Voyageur Airways h 756
Rot!i 0 (Joyce EJ elect IBEWh 74 Rrverv1ew df apt 1 8ioomf,eld rd
Ood1ch Daf!o (Ant Ia M) lab Motor Wheel Corpn h 252 Inc!<an Dom1n100 Auio Transit Ray Myers mgr 325tndustrlal
Cree• rd e Dominion Income Ta• Serv•ces (Howatd Easter) 143 Welhnglon w
· Frank (Rosa! h 83 Tweedsmw av w suite 2t0
Susan M slud1252 lnd1an Creek rd e Oom1n1on of Canada Generallnsuranca Co J P Beuglel & FD
Dodman Ada Mrs h 178 Joseph Oonats adjslr 48 Frl sulle 2t4
Connie M (Robl) secy DeKalb Canada Inc res Blenhetm Dom101on Secuutlas PUf1eld lid Peter GJamieson mgr 89 Queen
Gall Edletaty dept Pub Gent Hosp 243 Selk1rl< Domln•on Shell Gas Bar Sieve Molner area supvsr n s Grand av w
loretla h 343 Sandys api 3 Oomm•on Stores Lid Terry Langridge mgr 671 ·T Grand av w
Mtllon C(Patrlcta) pres Royal Can legiOn Br h 243 Selkirk Domtar Sonoco Containers Inc A H Acton mgr 67 4 Richmond
R h 47 Orchard His dr apt 304 Donahoe Tom J (Lena) wks Molor Wheel Corpn h 54 W00<11ana av
R111h Ann adm.n ofce Publ1c Genl Hosp h 200 Emma apt2 Donahue Jas h 4t3 tnd,an Creek rd w
• Thos M 243 Selkirk Dona•S Cathenne J reservallons Wheels Inn h 805 Grand av w
• Wm E!Stella M) hnesrnn Chalham Hydlo h 430 McHa11ghton av w apl1007
Oodol< Grego~y Rmach Sass Mig II t99 Cove!dale • Chftd P (Mary L) h 58 Ftnch ct
Ooef!ng & Brown 20 King w • FrallCis tBeatnce) clatms adJSir Dom oC Canada Genllns n 82
Doe; Davtd h t55 Tweedsmuu av w Robertsonav
• EG1ibl (t.larlon) asst Victoria Av Un Ch h 69 Poplar • J h 663 Park av w
· Joe !Susan) h 86-1 '2 Cross · John J ICath~rlne)lab Eaton Yale Lid h 280 Colborne
• Ka!llleen I so Prmce s Kennelh !Shelley) h tO lndtan Creek rd w
· Lloyd R(Jean ll eng•neenng supvsr Hydro h 73 PhyiUs av LOUIS E(Dorothy) mntnce Thamesview lodge h 256 Mercer
DoHan Jam1e lab Campbell Soup Co 67-1"2 Thames ap1 C Rob! A (Mary G) wks Eaton Yale Lid h 80 Wlilowmac av
Dolorno DomllliC (Barb) systems analyst C•t; h 80 Gray Rob! A Jr stuCit 80 Willowmac av
Do Forno Ernest stud142-t'2 Harvey S h 106 Houston apt 4
Lou1e lab Pioneer Seed Corn 42·t'2 Harvey - Tom lab Eaton Yale Ltd h 62 Taylor av apt4
Tony !Rose) cFornos Travel Agcy (leamington)) h 421'2
Harvey Donald Jack l (Elaine Hi elk Dom Store h 135 Lancef1eld pi
• Jacl< W(Cora)lab I HCanada h 263 Grand av w
Ooher Carroll Mrs lehr St Agnes Sep Schl h 136 Berry • Robt J stud! 263 Grand a... w
D GerraiCI(Myleoe Al pres Gerry Doher Rl Est h 152 Faubert Donnelly J h 173 Raleigh
Donovan Bernard 41 Glenwood dr
DOHER. GERRY, (Mylene), PrHidenl Gerry Dollar Grace M h 98 Pnnce Arthur av
Real &tate Ltd, II 152 Faubert dr, Phone
354-2t82 Doolinle J 0 h 26 V1ctorta av
· l h 28 Victoria av
DOHER, GERRY. REAL ESTATE LTD, • Mary MMrs h 85 Pme apl 135
Gerry Dollar, PrHidenl Doocnenbal Bllan D (Kelhy M)tchr Chat 01st Christian Sec Schl
Property Management, Apprlltale, h t47 Forest
Commercial and RHidentfat RHI &tate, Dootson Uh 86 Wesl
48 Kell dr 1 , N7M 3G7 Doran Cynl J (A Wanda) h f Gregory dr e
..........Phone 354·3800 · K!Iryh 51 Taylor av api6
• Thos tlorra10e) eled Fords (Windsor) h 225 larl<
Oore Alain (lva)lab L1bby McNetll & L•bby h 8 Gray
• M ~oeve t.trs ~Economy Rfg h 71 Raletgh • Mar1an A IChr Sl Michael's & St Vtncant's Sep SCis h t08
• S<VQa $IUdl t52Faubtll dl Copper1teld cres
· Shannon 11 !$t sis Ooher Rl Est t52 Fauberl dr Michl (Valer•el Wks Gordon's Super Mkls h 355 Wellington w
• Sha• n COUll c!'• PrOY Coollt52 FaUbett dr • P1ene J (Marian A) nurse Pub Genl Hosp h 108 Copperfield
· Sue Ann 511Jdt t52 Faubert dl etes
Oohe!ry Apnl E(t.lark) elk Best For Less res RR t Charlng Dorey Oant tCompu1er Software llbly) res london
Cms.~ Dorion Adelard (ViOlet) supvsr Onl Englneerh 218 Coverdale



Denis (Donlldl) w1ct PoiY1I' (Simla) h 183 Set:• John P lllatg14)1140 TriiKim Village 1P1 JO.a
Jlmit "*' counlel GordOnS ..~ 183 ~!r!. .klt.e stsclk Aci fmet t.ten's we.w res RR 3
John£ (Theri!SII R) t:IJ' Ursuline Coll114 7 ~ em KeYW! B \at!lyl aca tums1el ~ Credtl Union II 224
ltlh 3 YO!\ C1 Mlcbener ro
Darb Sufjd (SUtlrderlllb Dover Corpn II 146 Timmins em 1Pt linda ~ counse!lo! Group Home 60 Dct<e Ooon dr
~ lucl dO M!l!ng Prods lid SO Midlene ept 611
Dortll1d Rly 0 tAnna I) h 220 P~" a• w M 113A Gray
Dorner Ehz W!s 11 6 Ct- dl Marl< P lnnr aBriar I ld
~press OQf 1ot01or WIMI Corpn 196 Sell< Mary 53 1'2lolc:lieOuOIII•
• Undi1CC1S rec ell< Chalham Dllty News 1111 Berry Mar; S 62 foresl
Mike (Giorlal h 119 Edgar Ma~ J l~tuee M) II 87 Phyllls I•

Robl " 11611e!ry Ulclll studl 87 Phy1h$ IV

SIPve8Cr-CII' P Keme!ll ~ CII'V1 Caopat lid II r9lolc:Keough IV
0os Slnlos Eduardo II • 65lome IV Pa:ooa 1t1V 87 Ph a•
DosAt1IOS ~ (,._..) t1101 lnll BI!Jards II 5 ~ II Rayd 119 J;nigNS of Columbus h 100 ""'Jarla:~e IV apc4 1S
W.IO C(Yirle C) lab I H Canida II 13A Perlrldge cres Rose ~I c;ounseiiOI Sol$-eslem Rllof ~ 1'1 1000
DolO Glbrlflll286 WefilnOIOn w Channg Cross rd untl 19
U.ll clngl<ly Tecumsell Hole! WeUII1Qion Sllal'l)n S1Udl h 1Z3 0 Nei 1P1 I
l,tlchl(W.ia1 dleml<J E!a11 Tl & Die h 204 Patio ave Shal'l)n te!lef Na!l V:dorila:ld Grry T!USIIIO ~e Ooon dr
Doub John lllrendlll II est stsmn llt!lllld BablJr~ Rl Est 11122 T1m J wldt TUbe l urns II 29· 1"Z Hl lyatll
Mtehenet rd s
Tim ~ lot¢IOt ~11ee! Corpn II 111· 1 2 Gladible IV
Oouez GeraldiM h 18 Taytor a. 1p1 Z Tom CJeanl h 94 Ba!dOon ld 11!1304
Rllldy (Brenda) h 39310ng w Y'ncent J lMan't.n Jllr!TV 11 8 Brialllll rd
Dougllly O.wn lluCII 198 Ellzlbe!h llolals J Ron II 475 0\lffn
Jas 0 (Etla t.l) h 805 Grl!ld IV *1111 1004 Doloi1 ~ J I~I h 189 Gregory dl"'
.lis E(l!erii!Ce [)lab t.1o1or Wheel h 133 Woods John wtJ woocblclge Foam Co CT.:bur¥1 189 ~ dr '*
l'llrd 0 (Join) (Oougllly Trl<gl h 198 Ellzabe!h Ul~ J (Jeanne) c!ce mgr Caprt fum 114 Oual pi
Douglas fred G h 137 GlenwOod dl 1.11:111 GdrYT Cha:nam Bus lintS 189 Glegory dr"
• Jas wcoons) 1190 l<mm~ns aes Pi!~ 8 4 Ouall pi
• John t.l [Helen) 111137 Pat~ IV w OOZOIS, RICHARD 0 , (Annie), Court
Ket~ (Joanne) mech I H Canada h 50 H yard Admlnletr•tor a J uetlc:e of tile PMc:e,
t.ltkt 2ZS Campus Pl<•v apt205 Mlnletry ol the Attorney Oener•l, Crlmln81
· Robin lllatbarl) partsmn Waei<-.Qirysler F'tymoWllkl res Olvlelon, ,... t035 l roderlc:k rd , R R 3
W.wdsv!Ue Wlndeor, Phone U2· 1070
Shiel:~ A 1140 Ba•ter
Douma Geo H (Hilda l meitl mor Gordons M~1S 11 3 tiomestled em
Otagstra t.t nco Elm apt129
Mil 114 Sandyt apt 810
t.t.v.; M.~ ~ 50 Alden
Syble~~ ('BirgmJ carp 3Z James 11 11me
Wayne (Cindy) (l\el\1 JsniiOrial Sef;.) h 114 Toi!IITIIftS Cfts IPI
Oouros Gus II\ICII ope 0orn1at Packaging 11 S5 Wlfiowdale pi
• Oousl t.ltlhe bndry *"-' Chamllerla:n Pless
OoVff CorporatiOn !Canada) Umhed Mit .l.sllet mgt 337 RJCflmond Dra>e Ve<OI'IQ Mrs n 155 Mercer
Oraml:lohs .Ja!I!Ce loA r n Svdenhsm Oist Hosp 28 JIU.son dl
Dover flour M Is Don11a Armalv ISS! 1110' 14 WUtam n
Ora:nnoll~.l! C.wolyn st:xll eJ a.ldoon rd apt104
Dover Scrap ~!talers Ud llt'tzul)194 WoodS
lOIS n I Themes ~ lOOQe h &J Baldoon rd 101104
Dover $Quale Plaza A 189 Uc-'iaugi\IOn IV"'
Oraper Reb! J IJ4tg!) II 40 TrtUlum VU!qllll909
0o>w Wm l (SUl!11ne) seltiCI mn M!l!OI WliHI Corp h 59 Bed!ord Oia;JS J II 3Z Taylor IV
Oolod Robt CIISIII Becket'S 1.1 Dreher Ceci~ h 99 M:.NI:Jgll!On I< •Ill! 108
OolodaO t.l Blanclle MtS II 258 lot(;NaughiOn IV e IPI 302 Or me Ardw M SI!Jdl 258 Indian Crff• ld e
Ooloket R J h 11 Academy ere Dick l~l mecll Cllatllam ford [Q'Jtp Sis h &C6 Bloomllfld
Do..n Geo A(Jesste ll lteas & otce mgr ttrdro 11 78 Mcfadden •• rd
eo-.ney Ella 11 I~ 'IICIOOI av Ott.l. (Cia•rP) mech Clla~ITI Ford Equip Sis &C9 Bloom! eld
P Brian (Angela 1.11 II 10 Oevll!l rd Donald S (Y'I()IlM E) lab Sass Ufg II 338 Patk lv e
RobI R (lrtne Gl OPh)m 157 51 Clair h 16 Rel)41 pi Strnon oBa<enc!ltlal ,.,~tnee GotdM's SUI)elm\!ts h 2S8ltldtlll
Slltrlev (Rov) mgr SMI~y eo-.nev & ASSOC1 res RR 2 Kent Clfl!'l< rde
Illidge DRENNAN, CHARLES E. Olvlelon Supervleor,
Qcl,.~~ey Slltrlry & ASSOCllleS $hitlty Oo,.~ mgt 15 Thames Dtetrlbutlon Malnten•nce Union Qu Ltd,
~ N~ 1C1W Ken! Counly Bd ol Educ h 65 Mcfwtane I• Ptlone 351 · 111t
DowninQ Bill (lntll Slkrm elk II 8 7 Cornhill Oressoeos .lllia II 291 Grand I•" IPI2
~ Marv Lou !leader & OoOJliSl n 393 'I'ICIOrll•• Oressmg Room Till! fDsa fISh) f 117 Kong *
Oownlow1l Cnllhlm ~ 100 King • lnveny Girt 1Patl mecn Srnld's S«v res ~tm
Oowmawn Cllrltnam on hi Tnernes ~ J AVttr~ll SIC·!!9 Ortw A!!red h 21 llv•'tl
137 12King• Cliff II 650 Grind I• "' IPI 303
Doyle Aileen I\ 92 ClOG • lloyd Hrid mech llbombl•ds Crlalnam lid h 21 Dover
• llealflce h 117 Harvey • Marguetote h 81 Closs
• CalhPrtnt lot llomemkr Red Cloes h 53 1'21otc:Keougn av Mary E stud! h tOO Mcflllane I• apt 518
· Clare hQmemkr Red Cross II 62 F01es1 • Robyn V Mrs n I Tllatne$v•rwlodge 30 Susse~
. o •o
t1 Trllhlllll Vtllaoe aplll()g ·Roy E(Robyne VJ lab Rot!<.wed Inti II 30 SUSSI.I
• Oan 1.1 II 55 lome a• llrtOJtty Olrtone S •>s Red Rooslef Cllop Suey lise 23 8•Jtll'if00d
• Oor0111Y S Mrs MCY Holy Tnnlly Angtn Ch II 148 llncefle4d pi John WI Agalhl YI II 4 5 llelll
EdOJd J (Siwon)lamler 1120 Southend c:res • Margl (Beet WitS Rfd Rooster Cllop Sury Hse 23 a.tdl,.OOCI
£leanor 11 111 ~ • t.ltt•ln V (Vet~ Gl h 103 Cllurth!U
Jean Mrs II 10 Trdhum Vtf11191IIPI I 0 1 · Pan. J clnr IJnion Gas 45 Ken!
John H(Shlrley l) n 97Bedfoniii!C lOll Rll23~


231VAN ST., P.O. BOX 543, N7M 5KI PHONE 354·5045

Rock J studl 45 Kent · Paul Wllonda Ml compressor stn tec/ln Union Gash 28
· Sa•ty A 103 C/lurclloll Sherb<ooke pi
Ord'ros Tom~ o - mgt 195 Bolhwell Roo 11 8 Orcnard H:s dr apt 2
Droes fdwll P rElitI prof eng Todgham & Case Assoc h 682 Oueen • Roat E(.lam>! M)lab Sasco Dosposal h 47 Ba1mora1 rd
llr•esen Andie J lonnn 5upenor Mach & Tl381nslles av RobtJ (Matol)"lll tab Eaton Yale ltd h SO Scene
Droessen Cllto~tone M studl 115 Faubeft dr Oudzoc Bwce -.ks Soulh-.estern Aegl Celllre h 190 Thames apt 24
Jolin T(laU!a M) CIISiodoan St Utsoll Ch h t15 Fauben df Dull Agetha h 84 BaldoOn rd apt 201
· Mana A Mrs 115 Faubert dr Dull Buil(tong 143 Wellington w
Oroessens Alan C (Linda A) lab C.n Fram h 100 O"Netl · Doane h 58·1"2 Fou~h apt 1
·Rachel 11 149 fltzabelh Donald G lt.li11glll stsmn Chatham Mtrs h 771nshes av
Onscoll DanJ (Audrey J) leChn M•~•stry ol Transp & • Gordon (lreneltOuff Mlr Sis) h 39 SlouJr df
Communocai>OnS h 67 Alden • Join Sludl 77 lnshes av
· oa~id J tPhylfos Sl producloon contrOl mgr flan n & Doe h Murray (Madge F) pres MUtr8y Dull Enlerprrses h 4 Francis av
32 Ph)'lfl$ ·~ Dull !Aorrat Enterpr1ses (MIII!a)l Duff) t43 Wellington wsUJI~
• S h 40 Tnllium Vollage apt605 202
lln•er Claud!! IJean) correcbona1oiCI Chatham Jaij h 921 · Rob! J IEhz 81 h 1D1Lome av
Cllanng Cross rd · Wayne M tJoan) wks Murray Duff Enterpnses h 51 Wotcox C/es
• Bma h 805 Grand a~ w apt 707 Wm 11~ dM Overland E>p h ~5 Tlmmms cres apt t06
!lnller E.>a~monallOn lnslrUc1oon ldorma:ooo62 Kelt drs Dlltfenn Hall w s Ouflerm av
·Lloyd f I.Jean Rt h 36 Randol! cres Dufly Geraldone 0 f@Cptnsl Pub Gent Hosp 1\ 100 Mcf•tanf av
llrobko Alert Betty LIISSI chi Opt Challlam Water Comm h 405 apt SOt
Pa<l< • Ja.ile 97 Mcfa!lane av apt 203
-Coody E ~ Cll< Hobday IM 405 Par'k • L~!' tlolaroon) st~rm elk Labombards Chal!lam ltd h 251 Merrort
· Jackson h 42-1"2 Raleog~ av
Drohan J Pat (Della Mae) h 40 Regency dr · Ronald 100 McFarlane av apl501
Drombohs OoMa Mrs lypost Unoon Gash 57 Baldoon rd apl205 Dufour Maur•ce h 214 King w BP4 8
OrcuU!ard Nancy (Edmond) wtrs Feher's res RR 1 Dugas Andre (Mary lou) wks Motor Wheel Corpn h 70 Fielder av
Oruet Albert lormn Cha:nam Plasloc F'"isllong Duggan .Jas Wapp1 Honey Elect 97 Sunnys>de av
• B h 21 Clmpbtll apt 4 Walle< J (Yvonne) stkp!l.lorusrry ol Transp & Commuruc h 97
Onlmmond Craog Rev h 27 Doamood dr SuMysldeav
• Paul h 5 Woods Duhamel Aug !Rtla) h 260 Woods
Drury Chrostone h 4 1 Stone av LouAnn 260 WoOdS
Margt h 5 Clla1ham Dukelow John !Catllenne) lab 0 ES Blenheim ltd h 67 Edgar
· Scon 5 Chatham • Thertsa stodl 67 Edgar
~k Randy (Vteilyl prsmn Chamberlain Press res Petrolia Dulong Chis H fBonota L) carp 43 Cross h same
· VICky 1Ra.'1dyl bndry *'<r Charnbella•n Pless res Petrolia • J A h 177 Howard rd
Oube Manon rSt Tay1or av apl3 • .los Rh I 00 McFarlane av apt 109
• Rayd J shtmtl fab<ocator Chapman·s Gtatn Equip h 247 Se'i<irlr; • Rothd F !Judith Annl lab Can Fram n 54 CIIUrctull
apl4 Dumar Ed elk M.niSlry or TrallSil & Comm 127 Berry
• Regd !Rachaetllab ~bot Wheel CorP" h 26James ct Oumay F1mon~ Mrs tchr Kong GP.Orge VI Pub Schl h 210 Forest
- Londa h 85 Taylor av
Rochd Wcarp Renders & Renders Sldong h 21 9-1"2 lnshes av
Robt h 7 York ct Dumont Gerard (N1colel drvr Domtnlon Auto Transll res Belle
Dullocs Noel< lab lJbbey·St Cla1r Inch 294 1'2 Grand av w
Oumonoer Jeannene Mrs 62 Burton av
• N•d< P (Sara Mt.,ks L1bbey-SI Cia or Inch 294 Grand av w
· Peony slscll< '>'Ideo Moor.e Shop 294 1"2 Grand 11Y w Domouctle! Poerre E(Jeann,,.. P) eng-mgr Unoon Gash t12
Dubs 8 Errrelda Mrs h 85 Gregory dl .., ThomhrO cres
~Helen M11 h l.i5 nmmms aes apc203 Dumouchelle Norm h 190 Thames apt3
·Oscar RIMartha)h 26Taytouv Dumoulin John C !Cynthoa !A) data process~ng cusromer eng IBM h
• Rayd Ill< dm C.ty h 275 Grand a~ e 26 Glengarry Cles
Duceder Gerald (Yvonne) mech Dover AUIO Wrkrs h 15 Sputgeon dt Dundas Sharon Rr n Pub Gent Hosp h 78 Blythewood crea
Duced<e Albl A (MIIerte Bl handymn 74 Joseph h same Dong Anh ly wks Chatham Plastic Finishing
· Elleen Mrs h 105 Sandys Dunk Eileen Mrs slsclk Janoe's Fashions h 35 Pnnce Arthur av
· Rose Ml.frs h 80 Fielder •~ Dunlop Allan (loAaJrtne) (B & D Home Hdwe) h 108 Pamela cres
Oucharmt C Eh 5 Paneson av • Belh I 08 Pamela cr~
• lrvon l (.hlloet1e Dl pres Clpnce Halr Styles ltd h 45 SIOux • CecH lEo teen) grp ldr Can Fram h 131 Tweedsmw ave
Ill • Dennis H (Patncoa E) umbly lrne Can Fram ltd h 118
• S 5 Pa~eson ••
Duchene laudta M h 63 Baldoon td apt 107 · Donald B (Fay M) lab McKeough Sons Co h 8 Poplar
· Nancy EICI1f Tilbury High Schl h 18 Cout · Douglas RIBehy) h 167 Forest
Ou Chene Peter J IBI!Hy El med laby 1eehn St .los Hosp h 231 • Ehz recptnst Haor Bon 128 Churchill
T..eedsmU!IIY W • HatOid ISMital h 112 Forest
!M:hene RtCII mech l.abombatdS Chatnam ltd 75 Joseph .lac\( WCSIIIIOIIL) lab C.n Fram h 34 Hei!lher dr
-Roger A (EileenI"' :II J H Jorden Arch h 75 Joseph • Jl!ffrey J SluOI 34 Healh!'l 111
OuchnowPr Helena Mrs 431 Pat1< av w - Judi(Ji!!:kl Cfdlac·s Mo.ue5 RR 1 Dover Cenlre
Oucl--wor'.ll Geo AtDfbbtel biotog<SIIolo.'IIStry ol Natural • MII B7Mary 81)1310
~h42~ndl • Marlfooe !Mac) pharrn MCC.II"s res Dover Centre
- lot h 77 Vllllet df • Mary h 25 Stanley av
Duddy AJ 8 I Eileen) (Peler Pam Shop) h 51 Algonquon dr · Norman h 15 Sarah aes apt3
Dudgeon Ere G(Galli lab Ban Tool & Ole h 86 Uncotn rd • Aebettill 144 TeaJmseh rd
Dudley A Bet~ Mts h 18 RandolI aes Robl C mntnce Pioneer Hyb<ed h 128 C/lun:hdl
• Hollon 0 lab I H Clnldl h t30 Grand au • Thos W(Ruth Aoo) U& doemkr Russett T1 & Ole h 91

Please Turn to the Last Page of
the Classified (Yellow) Section.
Dunne David J 31 Do!sen rd
John p (Gall) eletll.l ntslry cl lriiiSI) ~ Comm II 31 Dolset! rd DUTCH CANADIAN KENT CREDIT
~ Gstudl31 Dotsen rd H"d Office
Seall P 31 Do:ien rd o D wBoec:klw , Oenef•l M•neow
Doll Wenner, Brench Me11egw
DUNNETT. KEITH, 551 Qu. .n, Boa 1041
a.... Ret~ VefnOfl Direc:tori"
Limited - -Phone Ul -0033
AM 136 Governor• rd (Dundu) LtH 613 Anne St-Ilt, Brench Me11egw
·-"'"' PlloM 121-1065 417 StCielr
. -PIIoM 354-1700
Bill Oeborne, Brench Menegw
llunnlgan Terry (Oananalassl 119 8> of I; ow SCOIII II 115
111 Duftefln
PIIone 127- 1111
Duong Hung h 134 Raltlgtl Andre W•tow, Brench Menegw
P11U0C 69-1 '2 St CIU Pelncourt, Ont
Duphetm Ron lab EalOn Yale ltd h 12 Pheesatll dr .,_..... Phone U1- 1344
Duplessle LBNy H (Deborall J) sandot ftnton's A!liD Pnt llod)'
Shop res Ttlbufv
DuplessiS Darlene Eh 114 Parhv e DuldJ MJ:~~ tlliDic!o Kranenbulg rnor 419 sa au
Gorden F (Sata! El (Easl Side Towlllg (~I) h W L'lllles ~JI Anr.e h 237 Elizabetll
8V ~(Mary PI h 49 GJegory dr w
Goroon Fh 484 King •IPl 3 !Mol Wilfd W(Palricla A) 1'1!1r L.a'd!H M-0 h 49 WJ,r-.>t-1< dr
Dupuis Bernard H • Pembroke cres Du1ry Darren rnech Cen:lal EQUIP h 276 t.ltrri!lt<IPI117
• Don H ( !l.lldii:S MJ!IIer) h 84 TttotnhUI etes .kine w•s 1<e111 eounrv Hllll Ur11t n 76 l.l¥'f 101 111
Gtani ! Brende l mech SandY EltiOIMOial res Ttlbufy Madellne 40 IriDium VlllaQe lpl106
LPrence J (Mary Helen) oltomr repr 4 ~.Jl ern nsame
Ma<y M.!S ll 40 Trilla.n Vl!:age DC! 106
Ph 2~ M• uglliOn ave U..::tlce h 82 Deb"w-arr IV lpl412
• Aerii'J (Audrey) h 343 Gtand IV t lpl508 Du!lon Barb k:lY h 150 M.vy ~ 502
RhW J (Vivien E} blf lnsp Boileflnsp & Ins Co of c-da II Ca1lenne !line Pub Genl Hos;l h 781r1Hlum !!age
2320.~dr Du-val larry (Belly J) genl rnor &1'1 11 & Doe h 27 Chi~ · dr
Ou Puy Alfred S (Mathilda MJiatl Can Frern h 1S6Lanc;et eld pi Ouwvn Sylvan F IMChelle J) n • Academy em
M.vk CSIUCII 16& Lancelleld pi Owyer Doug car COSmeiiCS PTeserve·A C.
M!lhlldiU M:s hOs:esS 'f S Serv 168 Lancelleld pi ~ (S/wrlry AIJ.j elect Fords (Windsor! h 278larl<
Ronald F Cllldl185 Lancelie!d pi • Douglas I' c:!l< s-s 278l.P
DuQuene n269 1'2 Grand IV e JoM F S!uC11637 B!oom!Jeld rd
llefrne ISIIIbll A wK lndl Coanng 239 W".!!am s Pa~ An 40 Solthend cres a;ll4
• Blenlse (Debbie) lab DeUter's R!g n 185 Seodv1 Regd [(frances UJv prln Cllalhlm Con lnsl h 637 Bloomt.eld
• Brran Mmblr A WK lndt Coa~ng 239 Yl :uam 1
.c h 143·1'2 Sendys Sheila stud: 7 Ordon bl~d
Denrse wllh Dek~., Rig & Siding Sandys ~y lfOI!lU'lt(Mlry) to 4~ Ul;.~:t'..g!liOI'IIV W
• Evelyn Mrs n 108 Ell.labe!tt Dyd John V.U.y) .r.cs: ~test End MJth ShclCI to 105 Adelaide n
• Gllbl ~(Sue) shop *'-1 Domlruon Autll Trarsil res Bo• 14 ()oygn John (Cec-,1iai h 227 W:xlds
Shady Pine !¥.Jlml (leo (Jenny) p1s1w Well« Eng neenog \l'tt.llatebcrgl h 36
• Gdbl sr drv! Domonlon Auto I rlllSit res ThamesVUit Parry d1
• Harvey (Clara! h 21 De GJatve ell H.vry n 14 N ntn apt 4
. Larry J (Karen E) quality conuol Can Fram h 307 Campul Pkwy
l.t.ary Am ~ Wavne! tabtmkr Yfilldtlllll Calli Shop 70 Uarlon av
. u...~ence AIAooe MJ•i<.s BlddeU'sT~~e& BtrySetv h 132
Paultne tal! Rowland ~~~ms 55 Tey1or •• apt 109
l'tayne ~~ Am) 111t ~ Wo11$011 Conet~ h 70 Marion ••
· leone Elhs bllr Ene & Huron !lev h 239 Wtlliam 1 ()oy'-em3n K II 54 Jo5tpll
• M h 181 Tlllmes l.l¥yann h 62 1aAof a• apt 11
· l.larie 1!130 Sheldon IIU!lll09 Oyhs Vent 99 Par<
~be lndry rm ~ ~~ Cenn-e h 3711arlhe IPI5
[)y!<-Sier Henry Shpr Dempslef s
• Pl1rioa L WlrS SUillhine Aesr n 300-1'2 PI'!< [)y!<.stta Jerry IHe!ltel n40 Elm aptt04
- PhiWp (Sharon) sloop wtr Oomlnlon AIIIO Transit ra BleMM'I W•ll ~ (W!Jtllll loA) rnlnisler Fltsl Clwi$!Jan Relor!!lfd Cll to
T1na C1$111 1.1~'& Mlr., 2311 WtUII'!I I t7 r..etdSfnuor •• e
Ounlan J h 1~ GoldQerk rd Oy~•tooorn An 43loutw
• ROlli M (Joan) personnel Can fr1m h 245 Ucl;auo~.!On •~ w Oymock Frank C (R lillian) Lnemn 0nt Hydro 1ft Wellatetlllg
Dutdle Hcwllld E(Jean HJ h 47 Tweedamlarav w • Mar~ n 9 Sera.'I tres IPI202
Durfy Belly A Wrs h 189 S1an!ey 8V Dymond Allan 66 'ft DOds
• H Wm Sllldl 18a Sllllley D'i Dl'na'.J!e Foods Umoted J J Vanderkllden 119 135 Bo:t:~ttd
· Kenny cfK Mac'S M 8 Regency dr ()oyn.a>. Ma!l8!1 fAonal h 20 Ox ·l!y or
• Margo! h 9 Regency dr Oz,aduta Gene J ~MarteL) ICIV Cllat.ham Collt9,_te lnst h 21
Oumon - h 36 1'2 Gray SouiiQUOIS
· A J h 600 Grand av w aDI lOOt · lynn MSIUdl21 Sour;quoos
- Greg h 20 1 Gralld av w 1P1 1
-wenen (Donne1n 187 UelcDt
Oure> Foam Spray lnsu!a!iot\ fOt• of TherJnC>.Chem ltd I 'f
Tetreault pres 725 St Cla11 IT PAYS TO
Durocher Larry A(Pauline M) t1smn Benote lumber h 59 Ken a.
Ousome Jacqueline elk CM Auto Club & Travel Agcy 258 Lacrotx ADVERTISE IN
Dusten Scoa 1110' Kent Cirpel Cenllt rn !lolt1.vefl
DuldJ Canad&en llal<t ShclCI(Orval Ol<l<emel450 Grand IV e

Ela AnDiio J (ftlillvlnl RJllb ~Yilt lid II 92 FIUberl
Elt~~llrol!en SNrlty Aoule mgr 735llidwnoncl
Glrllld C(Roblrtl JJIChr 1\1111 Cour1ly 8d ol Educ 1138 lollrii11Ud192 fiUCIIII ell
~ell Umbelilll SIUdl82 FIUIIer1 ell
Hally K(nne 0) lib~ Yilt lid h 300 P.rlt ElizJbllll Tume1 P.rlt t alacroi•
Harwly (Sillily) mgr Scoa'l Clvc:iltn (BIImtiml h 108 lome (II, S Yin's Well lm Tesloey mgr 110 I 5I Clllr
.. 11:115 Elltn II II 38 Pelettmlugh
• Huiiiiii87Emma EiJerbtdr lUIM 202 c.npua f'llwy 11:11305
Jla £ IP*Icil Qmgr Sl Cllk Gtlln I ftldl h 44 TICUIIIIIIl Elley Robl W&Jine!MI lis rwo Stii.Qn ~ 1129 Ceale IY
ld • Vorgn~ Mrs II 4!1 Trillium V' 11:11212
• " - ' n 1 ~ Nurtg Home h 110 Eelglr Elllol ~d J (Girllcine l) prn Honda Houle II 18 ~
~ G I-*' H) llllltll II 1 11lMalleld pi Crtfllldw
...., "84 Amold ELUOT, JOHN Q , CGiortal, Mp HoMe HeMIN. "
..... (Bruce) (lllronnll142e V1doriiiY 101 llerk•ood•
...., "" " 110 Dowet Ooon ell lloyd 1145!1 ~ IJ)I203
Nartne (WiyneJICX'D F011y1111rewel Burte\1 17!1 MlrCII!
• Ncwmlrl (Agnel) " 22 Dowetcourl ELUOT, IANOY, MOTON UMITm,
Aobin II 20 Ordllrd Hll ell 11:113 JoM H leowe, .-naiiiiRt
Will 0 (kill h 120 liCIOil Uncoln, Mertlur. eouter. Capr1, Clt8lld ...,....,
Egan Anne.,_..elk Good Tunes TrM 1124 "'-1111 ell
.wq-. Cofttlf_.., Mertl VII. Topu,
a Lpa, Full Une Fcwd Trucka
Yilt! " 11 JW.igh 11:11 3 UONct-ld
Eggleton Hlrb G (Ainblr) II 45 Trlliurn Villlge 11P1 112
IIIlA A(Jine} brkt llidllw TfllliP 11838111oomfleld rd ······-ftllolle
Eglin Dennis W (SoiN C) grp 1eldlr I H can.dl h 9e V~
ell ElliOII Ctwlstine <WI The KinQSwly 54 Wilson IY
Will l (lOffllnf A) h 22 ~ 1Y w
lle•t II 5!1 T~ t•IIPI202
f"ldl Undl " 220-A Welling!On • • llevid (Susan) llfH mgrii!Cflelin Tift lid h 391 ClmOul l'llwy
Elghlblllllillllrds & Glmls tA Almeicll HDe Sl & lot PltlloJIIO
Douglas s (Ruby u mnlnCt SUO! SllncWd Tut1t " 1oe WylndDII
RIChmond Cleo (UndiiCGeo ElfiOII PnlO & Oeaglll54 Wilson 1'1
Eizengllllllr1lllll AIW lliotlnlll minilllf Evangel Community Ch h
£111011 ~ ~ & OecoriMg (Geo Ellioll) 54 Wilton
50 Michener rd . . 111
Ej11111 Geo M IlNne HI h 18 Wc:HiuQI1Ion 1Y •
• Peut Alllari Ann) egl P!nsonnetull I Gebel AI Est h 476
£1111 T001 I Ott UITMied Fr- JohMon pm 381 Pari! 1Y w
ViCIOrla a•
Elcollt l'tllr A(IWicill cMmitl S1 Jo1 Holp h S8 Oledllonl
Shelley $lUdl 7 OrdOn blvd
WJ1s (Dolores A) siS & rfCll Ellioa F11111 Equip h 70 "-k ew
Ekllr Bruce 111ft _. Sl AnMw'a Un en "84 Blldoon ld IIPI
103 *
[IllS Aimef II 360 Sllldys apt303
• Oewld J (CIIherine) (Auulllllrown llnlg Slott) "48 DurMgwl llrendl seq Dom AulD TIQI II 51 Soulher1d C1ft
ell • Chri5tme A bkpr GrHI lakes E~ II 818 Chlring ClOss
·Gordon J pNrln lldln lluateflllrown 84 Blldoon rd IIPI 103 rel
Jack A(CIIIIy AI mgr Bell Clnldl h 48 Wy811doa Denise !Irs secy 8tll & Don's Spnng Sen 87Mtry IJ)I310
Sllphln A IOUndlldln 48 WylndDII Oonnl 8 76 Regency ell
Eldlrs Wm C(.....,) IChr JoiWI WcGregor Sec SeN h 221ofeGeofge 0or0111y ~S tib Oomlal PICi..aQing h 1C3 Wdlowmlc I•
1'1 £ltlel C 893 Cllatlng Cross rd
Wm H(Role I h 52 Allen ElliS F M(A I Alactlll"plly ElliS ownet·mgr 192 Sl C'-or
Eldtldge Chll 0 (KIIhy l) lib Moo Wheel Corpn n 95 Semellyn Harry TIKarfll E) eng can Fram h 12 Joplyll
ewapt4 Jes G (Fleta) rnntnce lotolor Wlleel Cor!ln II 154 ,._y
• Dl'lk1 l-*'1 lllks llidllw TIIIIIP 114 fielde!IY Jolin \Rose I tib Ben Bninsml & Sons lid h 140 ~ IIPil
Glen (lll!llyl!ll<r dM EIIOn Yale lid h 152 ._...., leela<ld 253 1'1l'lrll
• Kevtn dM Aadto Gab 168 HarVey lelan<l S ll!envl Slltmllwrkr CtOW1l H1g & Air CondltJOnong h 46
· Nell A (Jayne) drvr Ktnl News Service rtS Werlin l.tcl(eougl'la•
~ J (lollry) slsmn Welton llkrs 11110 lnslleiiY Aichd (llenlse)llll E'-1 T1 & Die to 248 lnlhes 1Y
EleclrolUJ Clnldl AOMalon of CfC ProdudS lid Hlrry fiO't Ellollrlllal h 87loncoln rd
BerniCkv mor 30 Alk!ioto Ttel lab [IliOn Yele lid 51 Soulhend CfH
• ThOs (Dnnnallri< dM 5Ift MfO res DoYet Cenre
ElectroniC EllCOUIIM<I Bttnda Stuckey mgr 100 King w urlll 235
Elecronlc Slclploeslncorporlled Jack l'lul mgr 32 MMMy II
Elgie I*Ty mech Towsley AUIO Serv 245 ~ 1Y e
· !lev lOeb I 1111 dM I HClnldl h I 5 Elm
ThOs liGemlde) eng llbl!y lolcHeiU I libby II 5S8 Voctoril

• Wm (fletlyl Shlnllwlll Hereon Sill Mit II 10 HornNoocl

• Bewerly J (lollrtlynl dM TriiiiPQII Aoule Clllldl h 20 Selkirk Wm A!Gladys SJ wmse mgr McKeough Sons Co h 27 Ptne
·llrwnl (Birtllrlllhpr Wandel ar.d II 31M Woods EDison Ken 0 (Gilt Ill wlls lollnrSiry ol Trenep & Comm to 103
• Brian (Michelle) tupwlf Allilnca Sl (Ttlbury)ll 18 Cryslal ell
Coverdale · llldeleine 1c1y ••.., can Fram 11 14 lincoln rd
• CGto 850 Gland ew w apt 203 EIIISIOn SIISII1 J h 264llcHiughlon I'IW
• Debbie h 381 Slnclys . . 3 EllsworttolollrQIL II 154· 1'2 ~
• 0wtyne 8 (llldly A) lab Mill Glo h 15 Sudtuy ell 11:115 [hood Gary tWollllllb llcM Pub Gent Help to 42 Olllwl ell
·~CReal 87 McfarllniiY IIPI208 • Gladys II I00 Poplar apt 10
• Judy 452 Grllldew e · lollrll 102-1'2lome 1'1
Michl 11amn Clpn F"" 20 Sellllrk · lollrk pnlr Chalhlm Pllst~e Ft111slung
• Aabll (Lenart) lilmn Genlllkrs h 2.&5 ~IV I ~~~ 168P.rltiJ)I2
• Tammy Cllhr Epic Book $lore 20 Selklrll • Sllnley repnnn Kent TV Serv h 9!1A ~
• Tina Cllhr s.. 20 Selklrll Elsom I*Ty EII 25 Regency ell
Elson lllureen A39 DcM!r IPI 6
• Wllllr WII 27 Slone 1Y


Serving The Community Since 1966
Industrial- Hot Asphalt Flat Roofing- Commercial
Shingling, Siding & Soffit
160 EUGENIE 352-4082
EppA h 50 t.lelrlUv 1Pl610
ELSOS · L~CI A Rev (J Mal1!la) c:tlapla1n ~Reg! Cer1lre h

· Melvin A(UnCia U) supvsr lkllon Gas n 23 Ylllderpark dr ~SK11111•

• 11.tN Aslid 23 Vanderpatlr dr • Nathan liUdl ~5 Kong w
EJslDn K Blair (l)eOotah A) pharm mgr Clatl!'s B.g V Orug S~e
ElZinga W~(lrene)PfQIIIIQ Tharne$ Vtllfy Eng h 180 Mercer (Relph Weet), 13 William n
Ema'IS Oonald lab l.lotOf Wneet Colpn h 82 Dete•~re •• apc203 .......... Phont 352·1540
• Oonald V (Ilene l.l)lab L•bby UcHelft& Libby h 112 Jostph
• Slrve Tllllrbert) mgr ~p lid h 600 Gta!lelav wIPI
I~ Erdelac Jon supN Eastern lnvenloty h 202 Campus Pk•y aptl04
• Wm (IA.vy Anne) pwch agt Guspro Inc II 19 K•rl<calely pi Erote Oant £spray pmr Chatham PlastiCs h 130 Sheldon av ape
Emerson Franca adrnln SOulllweste!T1 Aegl Cenlre h 23Lorne •• 207
• Susan .....J Sit>'ff ~ .Vtbl&nl23 Lome ... •be AM *b Chatham Plastlc Fnsrn 16 Oriole rk•-y
£mery AtW~n (Danai n 737 Gta!lela. e · Lou Amwt.s Chatham PfaSIIC Fnsln Ill OriOle pkwy
• AlllliW (Oelllllt h 40 Trillium V:tllage tpl201 Enckson C h 228 Thames IPI2
Efil AU.'"S h 80S Gta'lelav •IPI II 02 • Ctart l.lts h 273 Sl Cla<r
• Omlei 0 (RimiL) lab Eaton Yale lid h 193 Sand~ • 0,."'" I Eric) c:f!< The Shoe Place 3J ()wen
• Gregory Plab DuomaliC Olsen 932 Chwlng Cross rei • Ei!een H h 47 Stanley a.
• Helen U Sludl 462llleliln Crftk rei w • Elgln WI Mary A) p:&rl!ICCII H Canada h 433 Ri Ye!VIew ell
• Homer h I 82 Sef:~L'il Freel Wlflleen)llreiJghler h 36 Bedford
• Homeugl J S Peller & Son · JohnHh 13Homea.
· Homer A(~) h 190 Thames l!ll27 · Kerth 78 Mary IP1403
• J c h 100 Pople< llll2 · Ph ISO loAMy apl401
· LOUise"'" 1'"' Hoflon Donuts n 98 S1 Cia• • Wm atdermn Cl!y
· LUCille U.'S h 4621ndlan Crftk rei w Wm K(Margl 01 sts ~Lon Life Ins h ~ I(Jng w IPI I
• LY1W1 A SlUdl 932 ChalliiQ tross rd Er t1 Glass Lid Ron StrOI'.ks OW!lel·mgr 345 St Oal1
• 1.1~ lludl932 Chlr1110 Cross rd Ene & !bon Beverages Lid Derld DiCk prea 71 Part<; IV e
• UJtk (l(aret)) etec1 Roc•~ ln1J h 264·1"2 51 Clu £rison Al!ari(Pmy) cons F!Jspln Travel Setv res Tflbury
· l.lary cnurse Pub Genl Hoi!! n 932 ChJt•ng Cion rei E1'1111!11 Angela 1.1 hrdrst First lady Coolfura43 Rornhearh rd
Orner \ Uar~nne) C0S1 dk 1H Callldl h 27 Burton tv • Ettwd TSludl 43 Romheslh rd
• Roger (DebcnhJ wits Sloe~""" Ttl! n23 Couture dr · Thea G (Mar;) lab I HCanada h 43 Romhealll rd
• Rose•rP lhOp w~J Oomanton Allto TraR$11 '"Grande Pointe Ernest 0onn1 t.trs 121 Sino~
• Wm J fUll) h 38 Unrve!SI1y dr Emteman [ISle Eh 230 WtlllngiOn e
· Zoe Un secy St Joseph's Rectoty h 20 RObettlon a. Lucy 1.1 h t60 Adellldes
Emma S1reel HeMe 1711 Emma • .,.,., Am secy Dovel Corpn h 150 t.taty apl 10011
Emmanuel Blpi;SI Ctlwch !It-t P111l•p 0 Slam minlsl8 100 Emy Steve h 212 Thameaapc2
Mcka~arw ErO$ Gasper h 163 Gra!ICI av •
Ernrninl. Piefrellf l.lrt hlel<pr l.lrsl.l B Btadlry h 56 Soulllend cres Enet Jay wlKarlt E) c:ha•rmn of applied 1111 bus & 1ect1n01oQ
• RctJ1 H~1 Wlleels 1m 56 SouthenCI CteS S1 C1a1t Co:!egt h 51 & King "'
EIMIS Ed (Helenl rngr s~ 11 136 CopperfleiCI ere~ Elbjerg lngd)org h 103 8tlOOon rd
• ~d ••.s Submenne 136 Copperlleld aes Esdi F1anl< J !RoA~nneL) wks I HCanada hI 17 Edgar
Esi<JII Donald appr mlldl UlSief TIIIIII!I!SSIOtl res Rid~
• l.I!Chl ts11 mgr 1.1t SUbmanne h 1431.1cHtughm av • tp14
• Pal ..~s 1.1t SubmtMe 136 Cooperfleld an T1m (Anne) lab I HCanada h 46 t.AiriOtll¥
EmoedJ Pwter (Rosal•el h 8 Alel&lldra •• Esplen John H(Joaf'l C) tc:nr K!tll County Bel of Educ h I 4
Empress Betuty Stlon !Ctwlolle Neinyl<)l39 Oueen
Emrich Chef! 0 !Walle!I ptra'egal._ O'Bt~tn JtckJ'" Sutmln Essery Altd R!Hope) lab Elan Tool & O•e h 106 Paneson tv
&o·Bt~e~~ 254 Uernl a. fssto• Wf!ICiers Supply limdeel The Leonatd GoucniW mgr I Ill 8)'1lg
• Danny dlr Spot~l.lar! 35l.leKeough '"
• limen " stey l<enC Cou!T( Secl Sc:l1l Bel 109 Coottrdlte Eslabrook"' Arthur *ill Pub Gent Hasp h 1~·I '2l'llarTIIII
• Katlly l leller 1111 ol Mont I 09 Coverdale EtChes .Vchl~ J (GttoeJ contr 63 GreQOrY dr e h ame
•u.nm (Rosie) ilhf'M opr I.IOiof Wheel h 35l.lcKeougllav • Claude F (C l.lane) h 112 Gregory dr e
• Mtrlm Jr lab t.lolor Wllee135 l.lct<eo.qla. Eugenio Arlhul C fl.larll) COtlllr •kr l<tnl Constr h 24Lou~te
• Roserrw11 otce -wlo.f flol.w u,JJa 35 UcKeougllav Evangel Communtly Churcn Rev S W~pastor 711 Sallelyt
• Sle¢ttel J fEill AI l•bby l.lcNedl & libby h 109 Coverdale Evengelou Andrew fMaroutla) mrunc:e Eaton Yale ltd h ~ Lark
· Willer h 254 l.len•tt •• • HICk h I Poplar
Ent1gy Thetrnat Conlrot392 P11hr e 1UU1 103 Evaf'll Allen J studt 43 Algonqu1n dr
Engberel Herman chrome 1tr h 71 ·1'2 Cotnllill · Claud t (Geraldine MJ lab C.ty h 202 Themes
Engels - h 41l8 1'2 Kmg wapc2 • Cynlhlt h 217 Vk:lorla a.
• fll!lClS G(Paultnt) h 11l8 Joseph • DaYid Or (CatOiyn) phys 47 Emma SU•ll 201 h 43 AlgonqUin dr
Engltnd Georg.nt l.lt1129 W• em I • DeriCk h 45 Ttmm.ns aes IPI314
English c.o11ne t.1rs h I 00 Mc:f liD 1YIP1809 hans En!erpt1ses (Wm A htnsl 84 RJChmonCI
• Jiric:e l stCy Plonee! ljj. Brtd h 35 oar.. dr · fred rnlwTQI1I Libbey S1 Clair InCh 268 Woods
Jctr1 H ~~ K) slarep J S Pttler & Sons h 729 0ueen Gary h 112 Sheldon av 1P1 10
• Gary •b Sm•tty's Restr h 199 SIIWiley a. apt II
• Slephen L (Shirley A)IIOrt kiiMf BemeLmbr h 10 LOII•t
•JMn c (Kal!lleen L) h 120 l.IU<rly
• Kerlnelh R (Jolnne A) III'*'C:8 mec!1 Oomlar Pkg h 34 Eliabeth
EI!QIT*WI frtd WltbiiiCIIOioQ'II S)danhlm Genf Halo
(W C!1ceburg I n 15 Reoe1 pf • Uarg ~ 0nt Humane Sor:y h 184 ·I '2 Aaela~ I
Enls V!Oiel V l.lr1 h 8 Oegge • t.W1ha h 100 Popt., apt 47
Eme!! U h 82 Oett..ate lll!ll4 18 · Paul h 434 l.lcHaughlon tv w
• P 82 Oelftare lll!ll4 111 · Ruth bl<pr WOisen Forms Lid h 225 Cltnpus Pl<wy IPII05
Era .Its El!lo&le) "'"' O!y h 31 Prince 1 · Th52Emma
[QIC 8ook SJart Dave S.nluJII mgr 80 1St Clu E~aer1 Paul (Calny) Clrtr IIIII Chatham & Ambulance SeN
res WatllcebutQ

Smalley Brisco & Thom~=.

- - • l>i()l(~
·~· WUHtn ·
hiiWI Cllwyn ~ Sllhull SIP ScftiiW Ill 3 Klnllridgl F......... Rod l - . mgr 100 King w unit 125·1211
Dauglll II (lllbll C) pre apr lqdllg Co II 20 Flndltw Felconl! Donlld (a.tllrl) II 45 CAy
1\1-.Tl, W A.M. MD, ...... DINIIIIr _, ErikA Illy CDIIUIIInt .._., Kly eo.n.tlcllll CAy

...................... CII. . IM

E••9Wft Oily (llrwndllllel'tiOiogill Cln Frem II 212

lwln " 1112 Colbornl
,_.. Mlllclk AM!wl's 77 8eldoon"' 1111 13
Aon8ICI C I.NdY M) ~ c:Gr*GIIUPWII DcMr Corpn II 119
Copperfield oes
~"' I
JII135WIIIImnllll Flllbld! Clrolint 11CY lnan Gil II 45 Selnlnyn IW 1111 9
MIIIIIIMish~Oulln FIlion A II 51 Sllolllc:NII IW
Fll!lily Clfdt (G Rllopoloe) 429 St C11ir
• - - . pallclmn" 116 Murley
hlltl 011ne ~ typ111 OPP 123 s-a fll!llly Vnty (.lafln Clomble) 158 S1lnlly 1W

. Ednlll132 ec-dlll

Glry 1•
......, IW
Olin lllcll Mlc'l- 1•......, 1W
FlfiiCll ....... (Mirial h 238 ~I¥ 1
Fn.y ttlil Stytn (Siwon S...-n) 91 OIMn
f IIIIUl Mu (lis & HIB Ur!llll Slyllng) res Ill 5
Wax P 1~1 111Q UNor1 Gil 11 112 Wllcoo oes
MlrjoriiMII II 171 MIQr r •ICllsiclort " 11 t tcua~~~ "'
·llar!IW!" (Edlll) " 123 s.- flftSiCh .... pr11139.,... .... " -
Fnl< WmGII3975Mdysllll2
·lllgd W(RDnnl) mnh:t SunniQuip Ud II I . PIMon IW
Shnn AII 21 Adlllidl n Flflone VII 32liCIOI• 1111 I
. . . . . (Miry)t. - . d Aoy.l Cln legiot!Br 211 1111 Alcllucl dr flml Credll torpor_, Way~~t n - diiiiUPWif 435 Grind IW
EWII......,.MIIII 17Kirrew
Hlltllrl M(M IWIIICIW .lafln Mc0rtgor Sec Scftl II 5411llcroll
"' ...111 ob mgr lllln 2 HINI
• Jat (Jolit Jl 11 & c11em1u Woalk n & 01t " 811 M~rytmo~~ "' TIIOs S (~)lib I H Clllldlll2 Hilt!
• Tll!y J II 138 Wlllowmlc: 1W FemiWOflh OouQIIt 8 IBilly J) dvll__,. II 7 Klrtaldy pf
Tllll prod mgr IGA 811 Mlfytlnoll ld • PIUf lib ARC lnd" 925 Grind IW. 1111 105
. wm J (OIInel • & dllll*r 5up1r1or Mlcll & n "1 11o111n1 ow F~ A..-. (Join E) lib Rod< well lrfllll Ari'twtw
E• a.tllrlliUP'I' S.. 58 Alndolt cres Alan 8 (Dorlna FI tct. ~ County 8d ol ElM: II 24 0'8riln dr
llonnit . . . h 78Miry 1111 301 • 0 h 925 Gfllld IW W 1111 308
· CDimii~E)II'IICIIaprblanYIItUdh 18DurMglndr G11975 Grind .. w 1111210
• .lafln 111 11011or ,..lilt a.. 11 41lome" Ken (Verona) prot eno 0n1 Tldwlology Cenh "49118eldoon
• - . ITI8Ctfl dllymn Form & Build Spry InC n1
~ OUT.oMD 8ALU IIIRVICI. (... Maple Kennetll h 152 Tecumseh rd
Cllr o•••• til Ud) Pamrla S111Mt Woolco II Aelll!tw rt
EWIId 11M lilt lnllnnce Agency Ud (DIM WEW81dl 253 Sl Salll wdwi<~ F~ W~ 8 flenhw 1'1
Olir Rotll A (Debra KJ flO WeD Wl'llelll 22 8lyllewoocl at1
£Wild 11M W(Judy) (OIWe Ewald llflt Ins) II 7 fllltWIIW F•I'Jf Ala!IIJ.vnel pn1J flae8rolh82a.-.IWIIII 1011
• Geo II Ill¥ (SI*Iey Eli*IOI living Fll1h Community Cll II 10 F111tfl Allan lludl 105 Parrtdge ern
llamtlllllld • a.t1 SIUdl 105 P. .idgl em
Ewing Kim Atiller Nil VlCiorla llld Glty TlUll II 135 Wlllllm Me counsellor lesllr 8 "-ton Clnn II 57 V1dona ..
1111114 Wm T (P~.v~t) dk ~ ol Tt'IIIIPI ~II
• ~ C(totodlm .._ Hlk StylesI II 92 Grind.., 1 105 Patridge em
• &.mi mgr Alnl ~ h 158-8 ,,..,. .. F•refty Jas J fllefllll1) (Arrow Lndty & Dry Clrwsl h II 0...
EliiCUii¥e Hit I 110 Kill dr I res
Eyer l:knller ~I diOI mgr Cln Frem Ud II Ill~ dr F•ron Peera A nur1t Sl Jos HoiP 11 393 8eldoon "' und 3
Eync~t~owt~~luaen F -.IICIII'IIIIvftldl Olct Equip II 108 fii!OW fillY l II 58 CoiMitl
.lolepllllll3 FIIIOWHenne 137S1Cialr
Eyte~ .11ft E(lotlry .lint) drfllmn I HClllldl h 12 SIOux dr fllffOW ~I A Ltmlled Kafljf Klein mgr 1011 RIChmond
· lora Mil h 27 McGeorgt" FIIShion Lalt; (W!ra Gtlloe)214·1'2 Klfl!l w
·SIMn8 . . . 12Siouxdr feubln (Dorolhy) .... 11M Ovtrlftl hp" 253 Slndys
Cllrence W(IIMrty AI II 100 Mcf.-IW 1111110 I
• E.mes1 J IOorlt MJ h 258 Olley dr
• Elhel Mrs .-ks Clmptlefl Soup Co II 219 Welllnglon e
F Francas J (...jorie) II 110-1"2 Taylor ..
• Garnet 1Edrll) II 17 Renfrew 1W
, _ J" 150 lotlry 1111 8(M !Wold J (.lenlellt) pfmbr h 115 T1Y10r IW
· letiTinal II 45 SouriQuois Jlnite G castw R~ Brown 0ruo SIDrn 123 Churchill
. s.w.t (Nicole) ldjllr Pllollnl" 70 McHiughbiiW w .,. 3 • Jes M lllefty J) flO EaiOrl Yilt Lid II 111 Kirk
Flblr Ann Mil kit hlp Urlullnl Coli II 112 Mlrion rt · Jefome T 1Je111) (Oresdefllltel!y Mix Lldl II 123 Churchill
• ClfoiN . . . 82 Mn!n IW John F SIUdl 408 lndilll Cr.... ld w
• Horlt " 479 S1 Cllir I· .lafln s tE~Iyn) .... 11M Ovet1llld Exp" 408 ~Creek"'
• Thol (.lolnlle)lllehn llblllt's TV & Aplnca h 114 Tilnlnlnl C1W
"' (ArleneI teMiy pes County Bklg" 75 8eldoon "'1111
Flbiln Ed J II 455 Slndys 1111204 1
Flbuloul Frenk's 0... w.._ mgr 375 ~idlmond
fill Elelnal legll secy Dlvld lactllnal II 1111 Sllnlly 1W
I· Ktlll w(lotlry WIII'IICIII HClllldl, g Thorrlllll c:rtl
·leo P lllndllllb I HClllldl II 37 Alhlont et
· l...., II 49 TIYIOr 1W 1111307 • Leon~td tw.dtlelntl 110 Aa~w~~nga onu Lid" 1e1 0e11wn ..
• Les (Tennys) 11V1111Ct Pub Glnl Help II 192 FOIIII
· Mincy 1117Lome ...
• • "383 Wllllnglon w 1111 312
secy Ken! County lAC) Sep SeN 8d h 107 1'-.on 1'1, 73 8eldoon"' 1111 111
flllblrh Ellen V Mil II 100 Mcflrilnltw 1111 414 I • WiCIII G fBrendll (Mike's AulD lleprl h 353 Pllk IW "'
Flirlllld MMey ICIW Sllhull 5ep Scftl II 113 8eldoon ld 1111 • Michl J ICheryl A) flO I HClllldl II 24 Juc*r 1W
305 , • Nlncy wn" ze ~:o~ue e1r 1111 2
FM!ey Cl8lre II 850 Oulln Feubln Plumbing & Htlling lid (Herold J Fauben) 115 Teylor 1'1
FllltiOm Jed! (leN) II 711 Miry 1111 512 • Aonlld J (Shutey AIIICIII'I 8Ift Clllldl II 1 s Creek ld

J obn~on..t)ubtutll ESTABLISHED 1927 .,~

193 QUEEN ST., CHATHAM Phone 352-4343
Ferguson Anunal Hospolal (Drs B Ferguson J Kay & J Hundll332
FAUBERT Grand ave
• Shorley (Ron) secy Fuel Apphcaloons res AR 3 • Belnard (Jalllce) !Ferguson Anunal Cllnoc) h 54 Umversoly dr
·Tim 167 Oelaware av apl3 · Bob !Patncoa) (Parkvoew Tavern) h 35 William n
Faulkner lynda S (RobiJI secy C& G Realty 32Holland av · Clark (Marg1) mgr Tor Oom Bk h S4 Cardona! cres
·Rob! J (lynda S) mlwrghl !Aolor Wheel CorPil h 32\iolland av • Oauphne h 85 Pine apt 216
Favreno Golbl h 219 Queen apt 2 • Eloz res counsellor Southwester Reg! Cenlle h 135 Semenyn av
• lotochele (Maroa) lab Motor Wheel h 67 Wlllshore dt ap\3
Fawcett Betnard (Glace) h 233 Tweedsmulr ave · Hugh mech Oe Nures Bus Lones h 145-1'2 Cornhlll
· .ieanne Mrs h 465 ViC1oroa av · Janice (Bernard) vel Ferguson Animal Hosp SA Univt!fsily df
loretla lawyer I Hcanada 465 VoCiorla av · Jol1n 0 !Ciaude«e K) eng Couf'lly of Kenl h 103 Tecumseh rd
·WardE (Am E) h 200 West · John S 01 (A Grace) h 522 King w
Fawley Beny f h 82 Delaware av apt 110 • Konnon A (Sandra Jl mech Bill's Aulo Rep~ n 454 Indian Creek
Fay Wm (CarOl) ofce Unron Gash 106 BI.Wion av rdw
FazeM Bahman 15().1'2 Sl Clair • Marg1 G lobry lechn Chalham Pub Ubry res RR 4
Feannan F W& Co ltd 650 Grand lfY wapl101 • P~tmna Mr.~ med tecords St Jos Hosp 87 Sunnysode lfY
Featllers1on J lot h 140 Copperfoeld cres · Sandta brkr Ross Ins Agnes 454 lndoan Creek rd w
Featherstone Darlene blcpf Kee & Robertson h t 9 Slslund ct Fernandes Jose lllnda) lab Eaton Yale ltd n 20 Patry dr
• Lela A II 32 Arnold Fernhoul Margllks h 40 Elm apl 301
Federal Buoldong tO Centre Fernlhough Dora Mrs h 147 Woods
Federal Buildlllg 130 WtUing!On w · Gordon L (M Joan) lab Eaton Yale Lid h 28 Anne Marte df
Federal BUSiness Oeveloprnenl Bank Wm Stool mgt 59 Adelaide s Tammo s1Ud1 28 Anne Mane dr
Feduk Jetfefy T(Pauline) parlner Chrysl~ Sni"ongton & Co Fern·s Esso (Fern Beaul•eu) 294 Sl Claor
res RR 3 Blenheim Feron Mocht J h 78 Raleogh
Feetham Oallld (loolaroe A) jan Motor Inn h 76 Coverdale Feronu;es Hanlonsea h 75 Gray apt3
Felu Rola 625 S1 Claor unot 21 Ferrara Anlonoo (Frances Cl lnsp Eaton Yale hd h 15 Emerald
fetel< Oenn<s M(Heather) Jormn Ont Hydro h 74 Churchill pi
Fek~en Oebboe Astsclk Chatham Place Gas Bar 237 Cecile av Sebastono (Josephme) opr lechn Eaton Yale Lid h 142 Cryslal
· Jack slsclk Chatham Place Gas Bar dr
· John ICobie) mgr Lon Life Ins h 237 Cecile tN Ferrari Dental Laboratory !Donald RFerrari) 145 King wapl3
Feldman Alex (lore«a) (Bowi·O·Drome) h 95 Phyllos av • Oonald R !Eva M) (Ferrari Ontl Laby) h 74 Mcfadden av
·Alvin (Wendy) lab Motor Wheel Corpn h 415 Sandys apt4 Ferreira Albmo !Mana) sptay pn1r I HCanada h 294 Forest apl
Feldmann Rob! 0 (Calny f) dlr economic development City h 107 3
Colleg•ale dr • Bernard•no (Calesle) h 56 Gray
Fellowes Marjorie h 78 Aegtncy dr • Fernando (Marla) sis Wafer Tee lnsulahon h 123 Wesl
Fellham Oavid A (Anne l) olce I HCanada h 86 Sourfquols • Frank L stud! 294 Forest apt 3
Fellos Wm A(Thelma l) servmn Arner Can h 79 Coalsworth av • Geo studl294 Forest apl3
fenell RobiT (Sendra J) mgr eng Union Gash 19 Andrea dt Ferrell Clyde 168 Wellington e
Fenmk J Wm (Sherry) rep london life Ins res RR 6 • Linda 168 Welhnglon e
Fennelleonna slsctk Chatham Place Gas Bar • Loretla h 168 Welhngton e
Feooema Floyd (Debbie) therapist Pub Gent Hosp h 29 Thomas • Rebecca 206 Kong e
Fenner Bruce h 65 Tunmons Cfes apl 303 Fenen Bruce (Dorolhy) lab I H Canada h 210 Metcer
• B<uce (Rose) h 625 StClair unot 16 Elhel Mrs recptnsl 01 G M Solverman 19 Storey cres
· Palr10a r n a S1 Jos Hosp h 195 Lacrorx · Jack W (Joll A) lab HJ Heonz Co h 14 Oalevoew cres
FENTON, BRYAN, (Prudy), (Fenton'a Auto Paint • Jom !Eihel) mech H J H1!1nz Lid h 19 Slorey cres
Shop ltd), Rea Merlin, Phone~~~ • Wm A !Ruth M) h 9 Grant
Fenlon CJoyce (Gary) secy Fenton's Auto Pnt Body Shop res RR Feme Juanola Melk Mulhern's h 383 King w
9 Ferros N•ck lab Ealon Yale Lid 88 Gregory dr w
· Cl h 866 Park a• w Fetter Bnan (Sylvoa) (Feuer's) 16 Standaeo1
· Dwaone N reprmn Fenlon s Auto Pnl Body Shop • Michl cook Prov Jail h 10 Woodland av
FENTON, OAAY, (Joyce), (Fenton'a Auto Paint • Sylvia (Bnan) (Feller's) 16 Standaert
Shop Lid), Rea A A I, Phone 354-4114 Fetlel's Snack Shack (Bnan & SylVIa FeHer) 662 Grand av e
• Ktllh w(Sharon L) bodymn Fenton'• Aulo Body h 16 English Feuz Mlnn•e I Mrs h 3 Baker's dr
Slderd Feyen Fred tMargl HI (Fred Feyen Constr) h !55 Chippewa dr
·laon M11 wks FenlOn's Aulo Palnl Shop h 150 Tisslman av Fiddler Nancy elk Waekens·Chrysler Plymouth Ltd 19 Poplar
• Th 25 Orchard HIS dt apl 2 Foeld Ann sludl69 Adelaide ro
· Terry Nwks Fenton's Aulo Pill Body Shop res RR 9 · B h 32 Croyden
• Thos Wlab I HCanada h 433 Indian Cleek rd w Chas (Penny) msur Duro-Foam Spray lnsul h 76 Vanier dr apt
FENTON, WAYNE, (Mary), (Fenton'a Auto Paint 307
Shop Lid), Phone 171-8M4 Eug F (Eileen) h 99 Gladstone av
Foeld & Garden Centre (Oiv Challlam Beans 66lld) MChlnnlck
FENTON'S AUTO PAINT SHOP LTO, mgr 26 Wellongton w
(Wayne, Gary & Bryan Fenton) Hatold W(louise H) staly eng Ubby McNeill & Ubby h t52
Body & Fender Aepaln, Complete Colllalon SeMce Glenwood dr
Wheel Alignment. DleMI Mechanic Service. ' Harry (lotunel) wks Rockwelllnll h 164 McNaughton ave
315 Richmond • Helen M h 40 Murray
··-······Phone 352·3350 • Jas Ah 64 Baldoon rd apt304
• Jos Flab Eaton Yale Ltd 15 Homewood
Orland J (Dorothy) vehicle mmnce Chatham Hydro h 57 Cecile
Ft!fl'*ICII Calhy 0 etect Motor Wheel Corpn 123 Sylvet~er dt av
Kevon G mlwrltJt Moler Wheel Corpn h 123 Sylvestef dr • Paul Rev (Geraldine) mlnoSier 51 Andtew's Un Ch h 69
Ferguson A Paul (Susan G) chan ICd Thorne Riddell h 28 Adelloden
Thonlhll cres Pelel stUdl 69 Adelaide n
• Allan sludt 54 CatCllnal Cfes AWh 18Parllla

• Hornee • Farm• • Commercial

ClJ: .. ' ..
Realty Limited, Broker
17 Tham• St., Chatham, Ont. _

352 8760
f nt Presby1ffiln Churtfl Atv Glfdlntr c Dellel1 pllb 80
Fils1 Reformed Chu!cl1 Rev Ane lllok 1111111111r 832 LAcrooa
A1ye A atudi•O Murray first Tll<e Video Dale 6 Hous1on Hembt" mgrs 425 Sl Claor
Fitld Ron &Son EleclriC (Ronald field) 301 Grtncl " I flrfl Jeanine courwellor Soulhwtlllrn Algi c.rn 78 ...,., 1101
llonlld £ (Mincy J) II 1S Honw00C 207
51.-. will~ Inc! 1176 Vlllill dr 1PC 104 Fistfltor Rldoy 1187 ~ IPI 307
fltldiiiMriJ !Jinlll 11t1 AGold 6 Sonl11200 SliW1IIy IV IPI Fisher Adl 22 SIAion d
1 Alai! G (lotafgl) economi11 Onll*nllry ol ~ 6 fd 111 AR 2
Bill mgr Min-A 1o11rt m RR 1 lllenhllm Blenheim
. _ fEliZ) lib Conllnt!UI Can Co II 278 lilemft IV IPC 309 Annie Mil legal MC'f Wcfalll S.,._ 6 SIAmln 52 P111< IV w
Dlle COOl< Scoa 1 Chicken Y!lll mlllenheim Cincfy PII1Sdlo J-k r1r111 E~ lid res RA 1
l.DIIrd (BMrly) IIIICh II$« ~ IPI II C111ence W(FISher Trl1ilesl h 89' Chlrtng Croa nS
Scol COOl< Scols Chicken VIlli s-x dr
Evangrllne teey lite Ins 4QCy 48 Finch "
f itldul Helen 97 Mcfatllne IV tpl 117 HWMrs II 4 50 r.tcHI\1111101'1av •
Aob1 M (w.llyTI J) guard I HClnlda h 23 Ptmbtokl Cfll .las A (Citen I) mac11 Sl.perlor lolacll 6 Tll\81 Vtnelerl*l< ~
Weyne d< ean.dll'oll Corpn h 82 Dllawtrt IV IPI 31• mE 1~1101 owner 1138 Qleno.ood ct
f 1ft Oavid II •S2 Grll'od IV e Jen; SIUIII 52 Pll1< I¥ w
• Fred 1!V11ra mec11 H J Heinz Co II ~ Welllnglon '* JerJy A (lesllf AI elk 0om Slorll h 230 lolerctf
Helen E mgr PennlngiOn's 1S5 I'Yinte Mllur IV JohnS 1E lynn! plinl mgr Standlrd fubt h 1109 ~ Croa
lllttlll Mrs h 104 Adtlalde n
· lloyd l (BiHte Ame) latmn EIIOn Yale lid h 49 CUmbe!llrld
lrs T11 1100 Grano •• •ICli•ODJ
lloyd W(£Jiel M) IJIIIQ h 9' Baldoon nS IPI 20 I
LI0)1S (Vern~ I & ~J Supefio! MIChl n11 MD Gtand IV
IH2•V--driPI2 l y1e !Dorine) mmn l J Dliry Prods 1t1 RR J !olerlln
~ IIUd1 104 Adelaide n
p h 14 ilen5ing1011 pi
• Wm l (AM Gl lei up mn SlllldlnS TUbe II 383 We~" w Reg A(Je411 M) latlfloc~weiiiNI h !15 DlieolfW CIIS
F1ggtns AI (Hiney MJ tchl Kent County Bd ot EduC h ~ Tunmms • Rldld J If v~IIM!)wlcs Cindy lltol<et h 48 fonch 1¥
FiSh!eJgh 8rad (\olarlhl l h 155 Patlelon 111
Figlioll De1n S (Miurlen BllltOd mgr Stanclltd Tube 1193
Florence n 650 Gralld av • IPI 502
Glenglrry Cfll Keme!t1 (Borlnie) geflllormn lololor Wheel Corpn h 1 s 1'811! ••
Filby Chlrtenl S 1bc111 Peoples .holls II 87· 1'2 Tay1or av
• Chris lllclk AeconSs on Wllee!s 140 Betry •
Ttff'i wn W>leels 1M ll M TIIM1Itll crniCll 107
Deloris E melle mgr Super XDrugs h lAO Berry

•.... w(.lnll) ell! Caneda Post Corpn h 86 Har"'J
(Wiry) wks Can Fram h 30 Taylof ••
Simi R (BemicfI h 74 Fares!
FisleiO'I MII S5 Wt! ngiOn e
filch Donald R(WJo-,-ee)ISSI mgr 0om AliiO Trll'llltll457
nlian Crre!t nS •
rue Ruby"'" h 100 Mecer
FilllmMkl Donna 14 PeQ!tv Fltzgeorge John plmtlr 38 Hofletest 111
~ Mrsh 14 Pegler fll.lgefllld - 1150 WetriiiiVIC>C 406
Filson 8 1148 Sunnyside IV (;has w(Dttltlie J) Plf1S mgr C l ~ltd h 20 \'Iiley rd
Filler Queen ai8n Mlllf mgr 49 Ked dr s n
t llldlay MeriOn G Mrs II 24 1'2 .limn Ellenore !Chill 190 ~ IPI 71
Flnkbeinef Melvin D (S1ella AJserv Jormn Waekens..Qvysltr Eric J rnn1net Sears 92 Glei'WOOd ~
Ptymou!tlltd h 89 MaiiOI'I av John 8 tfrencesJ lnsp I HCanada h 92 Gleowood elf
Slttla A(Mel) sr bllllllg d~ 01111!ydro 89 lotafiOII" F11lllelry A h 463 koog w
t inkblner John (lle01) ptol eng Union GIS h S3 Whlppoorw111 Fll:moms Ted tK>m)supvsrltelln UtlllllQ Union GIS II 35
Cfll Cerdonel cres
f lt1lty 8lrblra 11 13 1 ltinQ e F~ Brendl199 Slanie't av 1P1 S
Bill Eh 233 Colbomt filyczll< ArCfJ (ZOSI) h 311 1'811! IV •
• Clrl 111'11 Clllhm Plalllc Fnshrs 233 ColbOml F~ Donald IMI!VIJ lib Aocltwtlllnll h 343 s.ldys 1P1 2
• Cll!y h 280 Colbornt flamingo Yole!IRuctJ6 Kl#1 Gerull)421 Gtand IV t
• Glenda 233 Colbornt Flanagin Ausbn mgr Guild"I USed F~
• Gllnnl233 ColbOml llrld wl<s WallaceWv 28 Plllndgl Clll
• PIUII 233 Colbornt FlANAGAN, faG P, (Merlefte), Mp CMtMm
Flnlln MI!VIIIIIdk Simply You 6 Gold II 93 ~~~ Cfll Offtce Supply Umlted, 1111 P8rtrlclee CHI
• Aob1 G(Oonnt Jl 1st1 dlt Envwonmtnlll Hfth h 21 Fbsl Pttone""IU7
Finn louenne d< Beeker's ...., Chlnng c:rc. llt¥!11 SIUdl 65 l111<
Aob1 w(Jinll EJ wllbtly McNeil &libby h 118 8adlr llndl wob ca. Form & Build Sply 28 ~ Cfll
llndl mgr TSC Slores lid res PllfiCOI.fl
, _ Dm'MTMINT, CHATHAM, Marlene !FergusI MCY Ctlllllm 0tce ll)ly Plllndgl
• MICIIIIKIINfei'IJ llfV teeM Cllllhlm 0tce Spty h 2!17llcroia
.... ".
... Clllel
Rob1 Jr (<AIIIenne A) IUP'II' \Mion GIS h Ml.lrll
-·-·-..~--- Tom Ofllerly T'*""- lodge Ml.lrll
Flnglro Wnhault John CroaiUPVII !Ill Nllionll rd
Filler Vldoril ~ Chllllm Pub lftlry h &5 Blfdoon nS
flrt Hilt • Sendys 1014
Flrwplect & Pilla Mtf...., & John Jlqun 1110'1 1C v.... FIIYIIllloh lltudl40 BleciMOOd C111 1P1 2
dr • John H (Phyllis MJ lib Rockwtlllnll h 40 BleciMOOd CIIIIPI
Flllllllplill Clutfl AIV f T111U mini* 135 lUng t 2
Firlt C11o1c:e ~ OIVId Mol* mgr 31111 S1 Clair Flegel Woehl E (llllynn Dl c:omc11Mr apr Union GIS h 320
Flnl Ctwi1Nn Allormtd Clutfl AIV WHI Oyklh ~ n I Well'"IJIOII•
T..cllmulr IV I Fleitchluer c.i J 1~1 ~ Tlr SIIOPI h 1011
r 1111 Clutfl o1 Cl1ritl Sdenllll 23 Firll Adt!llden
Filii Lady Colllurll (Kane Clrlerl77 VicloniiV Fleming OIVId HCOonnll into mgr \Mion Gil hI I Glwtn rd


General Contractors- Design and Build
303 MERRITT AVE. P.O. BOX 151 PHONE 352-7780
• 811 h 225 Campus Pkwy apt 217 Kenneth WIFrances A) pub relahons mo A Gold & Son lid h
· flnesl (Elsie) h 8 Kens111gton pi 111 Berry
· Gary J (Shelley M) mech Verrall Inti ltd h 606 Bloomfield rd Fotd HarOld 28 W1!hetspoon
· Lest,e (Marg1) h 398 Sandys apt 1 J h 69 RIVerYiew dr apt 303
Mary E Mrs h 56 McNaughton av e
· Mary-Beth sec Kent COIJnly Bd ol Educ 225 Campus Pkwy apl217 FORO, NORMAN,
• Robt 0 (Joan E) assl mgr Can Imp Bk of Comm h 238 Tweedsrnuir General Mgr Vernon Dlrectorlu Umlted
avw Rea 24 Tally Ho (Dundal) LtH 3MI
Fletcher Barbara Awks ARC lnd 225 Campus Pkwy apt209 Phone (411) 127-0314
Carl A farm mngmnt spec Ont M1nlstry or Agrlc & Fd 455
Sandys apl204
· Fred Mh 510 Victoria a~ • S 78Lecrotx ap!2
Geo E (M1ldtedJ h 329 Park av w
Ford!' Peter lA comp Chatham Daily News 76 Lacrout ept4
• Isabella Mh 225 Campus Pkwy apl209 Foreman Dorothy Mrs h 220 Palleson av
J Sh 955 Grandav wapl301
• Kalllenne studl 16 Jasper av • Wm L h 103 Card1nal cres
Keith R wks EB Eddy F01es1 Prods 16 Jasper av F01get Rob! G mntnce tormn St Jos Hasp h 19Louella cres apt 1
• Mark (Irene) d1SI mgr OeKalb Canada Inc res Elmlfa FO«n and Build Supply Inc (lloyd McDonald) s s NatiOnal rd
• Marlean h 360 Sandys apt 311 F01mosa Alld C ICh!islme Ll h 21 lnd,an Creek rd w
- t.lorroe P 99 Park • Carrli! IIAartol eire elk Chatham Daily News Chat1ng Cross rd
· Rob! W(lenore) mfg rngr Can Fram h 16 Jasper av · Chas A (Donna l ) lab Can Fram h 34 Oaleview cres
• Stuan N!Geral<hne l) drvr Huroo & Ene Bev h 137 Tlmmms • H h 173 Richmond
cres apl2 • Mary h 171 RIChmond
• TO!lltCalhy) lab E11e & Huron Bev h 67 St Anthony apt! • Maurice lab I HCanada 85 Fielder av
Flen Glenna 37 Chartens - R11a h 11 F01es1 apt 3
Fleune Jas lab Chr0111e Tek Plastics 446tnd,an Creek rd w • Tra1ano (M Connie) h 79 EliZabeth
Fleury L h 96 Adelaide n · Veronica cashr A & P 21 Indian Creek rd w
Fliclc Ame J h 15 W11herspoon apt106 Forrest B1ll h 42 Glengarry cres
Flikweert Geo (Janet Al policemn h e11 Creek rd • Shn1ey h 48 Gray
Petll! C(Irene B) supl meter shop Union Gash 43 Allen F01sten Carol (Harry) elk l J Dairy Prods 90 Park av w
Wilma 43 Allen • Harry h 90 Park av w
Flint Barb dlsp Rad10 Cab h 185 Thames Fornler Janice tchr John McGregor Sec Schl h 97 Bedford apt
• Charlene K wll'S Elias Bros h 49 Grant apt3 304
• Dianna 185 Thames linda 108 Argyle cres
· Sandra t85 Thames · Marlin C {Patricia Altchr The Pines h 90 Heather dr
Fli!IZClllk MJ h 15 W1therspooo apt 502 Roger A (Cheryl L) supvsr Can Fram h 108 Argyle cres
Aodrowskl Stefan (Janina) h 57 Pheasant dr Forsyth Beryl computer opr Ont Soya Bean Growers· Mklg Bd h
Floyd Anne !larry) lllp1 Hems 14 Maple 29-1'2 Prince n
· Lawrence W(Anne M) asmblr Dover Prods h 14 Maple FORSYTH, GARNET H, (Lucy), (Forayth
flurry VictO< h 46 Barthe apt 7 Printing), h 12 Murray Phone 354-2053
Flynn C Rob! (Bette J) h 6 Blddell av -Janet (Robl) secy Forsyth Travel Bureau res Blenheim
Oenrus P carp Michaud Constr h 195 Adelaide s
Patk J (EIIZ l) &OCtal .00 Children's Trealmeol Centre h 50
(Garnet H Forayth),
S1dney J (Mary) SOCial w1u Children's Aid Socy h 66
Bfy1hewood cres O.neral Job Printing Service
Vema M h 56 Baxter 11 Llewellyn
· l h 805 Grand av w apt 607 ..........Phone 352·0410
Fade! Geo (Marg) secuft1y Ont Hydro h 95 Regency dr
Foekens Irene mgr Mr Submarine 390 McNaughton av e
Maria Mrs h 390 McNaughlon av e • Robt !Janet) pres Fatsylll Travel Bureau res Blenheim
Foersler Randy l (Shuley E) mgr Sears h 39 Algonquin dr Forsyth Travel Bureau Lid (Bob Forsylll)35 Themes
foe~ Phyllis Mrs h 650 Grand av w apt 908 Fortier Francois (MoniQue) lab Marlin's Pop Corn h 118
Fqt1k Ehz Mrs h 54 Campbell R1vervlew dr apt 613
Henry J (wldf) plpeflr h 18 TlSSiman av • M h 97 Bedford apt106
· Pauline Mrs h 125 Partridge cres Fossenler Germain B (Yvette) pres Ont Centre For Farm Machy h
12 Madera cres
Foley Jack Heabng & Cooling (Jack Foley) 51 Centre
Foley Jack W{Dons M) {Jadt Foley Htg & Cooling) h 91 Phyllis Foster •• h 449 King w ap12
av A lamlly studies Indian Creek Rd Pub Schl
• Pele J (Mary E) sh1mllwlu Jack Foley Hlg & COOling h 22 Allan P (Kathleen E) mech Kentown Autornollve h 47 Spurgeon
Tweedsmw ave dt
Folio Gennaro (Evelyn) conslr wkr h 64 Wllfowmac av BeatriCe tchr Indian Creek Rd Pub Schl h 64 Stanley av
Salvatore h 14 7 John BI&Jr l(Sandra K) lab I H Canada h 67 Blythewood cres
~I lie Ch 73 Ollell C Douglas (A Jean) h 21ndlan Creek rd w
Fonseca Edwm IHallna) asst research mgr Oel<alb Canada Inc res Chas{Lynda) loans ofcr Royal Bk h 8 Valley rd n
london Chris J (Marlene) letter carrier h 47 Dunvegan dr
F001aine Ke.lh (E~Iyn) slsmn G Oohe1 RJ Est h 89 Rive!VIew dr · C1ndy (Greg) elk The Shoe Place Sylvester
apl308 Geoffrey W (Irene) mgr Can Fram h 75 Dunn av
Foolen Barbara Mrs h 180 Thames • Gerald P mntnce mech Oomtar Sonoco Cntnrs h 56 Randolf cres
Foote £dwd (Manlyn) WiUI Daymond h 75 Baldoon rd ap17 • Guy R (Anne) lime study analyst IH Canada h 3 Ellwood av
Foollocker Don Sloddatl rngr 100 King w unll 109 • Gwenyth M Mrs h 208 Paneson av
Forbes Eddie h t65 King w apt 15 • Jamre Emgr Burger King 65 Princess s
Janet Wks Elan Tl & Ole h 72 Baldoon rd apf 203


124 ST. CLAIR IT. 351 · 3133
.klhe elk lnd Rnources 90 Catdlnal cres Riehcl(Oeanna) wts 001~ Mlo1s h 99 Lome av
lillY elk Canida Posl Corpn h 82 DQ;wn IV 1014o.- Franco11 Hanfo h 583 0ueen
lome E(UJIIMI genllornln Eaton Yate ll:l n 21 Plvey f~ Jal!el EMIS secy Kent Colnt Bd of fOA: h 58 8edbd
.-.eN lab I HCanada h I~ I '2 Gray f ra~fur:l Janet lind csr 8lr 01 ~ rn IAerlin
Nella Mrs h 10 Trdhum VillaQe 101 103 fran>.::n ~ n s Richmond
Ph 343 Gland av t IDIIIOS rra~oA:eJ E(Ann)~ bldgCilSlodiln h 291 Grand ~•IPI1
• Pmcla wh Oom Store 2 Crerer df ·Gaylord S Matgt) ltllef wrler res RA 2 ~
FOil!! Paul medl H J Heinz lid 19lhird FRANKO, RON A, (Elaine), laiN Aaaoc:late Kent
RGn 528 King w County AMity Umlted, AN A A 7. Pllone
Ranct; tllellbie AJ sup~27 e Merri111216 Merr a, IPI 115 U2· 5235
Ronald (.land) s1smn Dempstet Toestmas!ef tim(! h 717 .,_.

S h 43 TajiOf •• IPI107
Frri ·s t.t.ISlc ~ larr; Lozon mgr 375 Sl Clait
f~ I HaU Sly1es If~ Yl1seman)3! 1· 1'2 Sl Clait
Franssen Albert G !l.blhu) asmblt IH Canida h IS' Elillbell'l
Susan hrdtsr Bematd s Style Studio res RR 2 Merlin • Ange!lr.e M 32 Sudbury a
•Susan Mst;liSI Hrs & He!s Unlse• Srvllno res RR 1 ·ElizV32~dr
WEJorn (Ailee) h 2A Mette! Gerrv P lab oormrs W'dg 122 Alvervlew dr IPI2 12
fOih!rtly Mart lou h 95 Seme!'Yn av apt I • Harry HtAme I mntnee Suoerlor Madl & n h 32 Sudbury~
wRobl ses up mn RockwetllrCI h 925 Grand av • aPI202 Jos W ;rna l avnblr I HCenadlll 45 l'h!esanl dr
FO!heringham LillY SPetC."llheflll!$l K!nl County 11<1 ol Educ 36 Wm (Mary Alln) II & cfiem)J Superior MICII & Tl II 68
Warwte~dr Whlppc)cr• nCIH
fouttS l\ell80 Regency dt Fraset Ale• C (Palrida C) lOCI I H ean.dl n 1~ ThomhiU
Russel lab Colonial NursefV 80 Reqency dl cres
vetme nso ~v dt Barry G (Carotfll A) agnc rep Onl UJrnlrY ot Al1lC & fd h
Foun<1 Vlclorla 0 97 t.tcfatlane av IPI 217 J8 Briar ~I rd
Foumte llu res counsellol Cllatnam 1\enl Assn 104 Parr; df Belly IBrU«)IChl Ch5lham MJt Coull Illy Nurwties 45 fi/1Cil
f oumtet AJ h 225 Campus ~:wy 8lll115 ~
lloyd lAMe h 82 Delaware IV 101308 Bruce c tBettt Jl Wllh OPP n•s rn:n ••
Wm K lab Can Fram 11189 Grand ave Douo {PaulineI CUSIOI'I1er ilt1V'M On: Hydro res 8ltMeim
Fow1e1 Caroline belVIdr The K•"'" f 188 foresl HafT11$11[£1eanot I h 4 IAJ!' rd pi
• Caroline A • 1 Grandav e • nt1 S mgr A P W Bec:troniCS 15 Attl!eigh dr
Dfv\d Kspray pnlr AWK h 4 I Grand IV e Jas 1158 ;;enc~a·
G Hh 11 Oetawate av ~.aren 1: 122 rI!TV'Illns ern 1;)13
r.r ace Ed>ewY litll! PubliC General HOSll h 82 Baldoon rd IPI l Netl h 135 Pari!
203 larry ft (Oeblal) •1dr R S S WldQ il 8-4 Srmenyll av
Margl h 125 M!nly MarQ11.1JS n 80S Gta,"'d •• • apt 405
Noreen h 99 Mc.NaugtltO!I av ., IPI 130 p ll:hllncSIIR Cree•- Ad Pub Schl
• lletlecc:lll 4 I Grand • ~ I AD'/ h 232 P~ IPI2 E
Fox Cllarr.e h 360 Sandys BPI 109 ThOS bDdylm S!lldy Ellloll.lolors res 1111 1 Blenhem
Oev!d (Dora) n 40 Trttllum v~ IPI602 • Vm E U!s II 5 FiWbert dr
• Oorothv sld Peoole's Mrs m RA 3 F~·s t~ Men's Wear & loll Kt• n G'Of'IIC rngr 801 St (la.r
• Florence h 198 Pattesorl av fredefie Snoes Joe M.J•icondl mgr 100 Krno w unot 111
·Glen J h 650 Grandav w ap~402 Fr~~ !lfadltr s 128 Par••ooa d!
Jesslca (Adflanl &lsldy flosemefy's Ladles Wear res C/YtS Rstud! I28 Park wood Clr
Wallaeeburg c
Jelfrty S!UI:Il 128 p ~ .-,oo dt
lte f (0or01hy) ublrl'( mn HydrO res R R 3 ROOtS tPauieta I)~ Ple5 or operations FrederiC• TriiiS&l h
Margtl h 19 Cornhill 128 Parlo WOOCl dt
Nancywl<s Wheels llln 19 Jel!rty Saml C {li!Ciol Mi O.'SD flfdef<--• Ttans:l n A68 liCIOI•
• Norma l Mrs 39 Dun-vegan dr free Re~ Cllurtll Reo. C 8os rnoM:er 20 Cloyden
R Peter tEIIzl meat rngr GordOn's SU~~er IA<lS h 25l~ em Fretdy's Clolhing Store ltd (Uonry Fridenberg i 91Kong w
• ThOS tPennYI bkpr Uoalk Tl & Dte 11290 T'NHdSmurr av e Freeland JaniCt! Slud! 28 I BaldOon rd
• Wm pn1r Cllattlam PliSile frnlsllrng ROOil{JaCQvellne) mgt Unton Gash 28t Baldoon rd
• Wm A rr<athleen Al slsagl Allslare Ins h I I Sylvestl!l df Freeman Chas 1Baroa•al g\llrd W!leelllm h 65 Selle" •
foxcroft Wm (Galli rngr Wes1Wne lnCI h 9!> Cross 0 h 50 Uen•~ a• apt508
Foy E111 11225 Clmpus ~'~<*Y ltll210 Ed"d P ll 38 Foresl
· Joe (Shir~; AI eng Nor1n Arner Pl.stiCS h 32 Bedlord (Jo.ra h 122 Rverv- dr IPI328
• Jos LIShelleyl Irk dM Kono ~~~~ h tOilk/iaugl\ton IV t1 Emce IIAdfY Ja:ll!) 111<1 !lorn Aulo Trt!\Slt b 119 Burton IV
· Lori 360 Sanays ape 1t4 Go! don Al'otllle ll slsmat1 E11e Huron ~ h 125 Sf MIChael
• Marlene h 360 Sandys apt 1t4
· Uelvon H(Gtace El h 3 O'Bmm dl
Juha lAI$ h 46 Prne
frarn Dorothy M h 100 IAGfarfllle IY apl304 lenora J lall Pll\eatsl Fib h 248 K1ng e
Fraleigh Jul~ A !Joel Ilks Children's Vlnaoe Dey Care ~lre lisa ot:e rnor Holidly Inn h 202 c:.npus Pl<wy 1p1 106
' " Ridge!O"*'I LUCI ~ 65 ~!lurk
· Matte 1 n Canadlama Nursg Heme n 50 lolenl: 1v IPI50 1 Marlon EMrs II 390 Perk
Frampton fii!CI J (Sharon G) rleSiagtM J Howes Rlty lnt h HIS • t.t1urtenll266 1'2 Oda•are ••
Maryknolltd Na.rocy L w11.s Pub Genl Hosp n 367 K~ng w
Franclleno JoniiiAJec:ill h !>6 Ascot ct S•d~ H !Lily AI h 38 fOSIII
Francis Nlhlll H (l.l•ldred II h 8 Pheasanl dr Tenance IHetthll pertOnllel supwsr can Cennels h 150 ~
• Arthur G (Helen Allllb Ellon VIle Ltd h 64 Woods apt1002
8tendl J elk Best For Less h 258 Colbofne Frtrman W 168 St Cla•r
0ouo R rngr Tech Quality h 202 Clmpus PI<*Y apl31 0 WI fill! C01111 Geo Blti<by 5 I lornt It
· Mat~ 1m Gordons lotlo-1$ h IDA IWYty IPI3 frerr W~ld (I.Qbell h tl a.tty

It's as easy as . ..

to find " WHERE TO BUY IT"

Frel<ef I.I!Chl C (Lynn Ml sis I110f ll\'110111 Trans Eastern h 101 Fu!lan AniOOII h •2 Alden
Adelltde n • Cllet•ft stscfk l•ndof res RR 2
Fremlon Cll••n EtRuth AnnI hnemn On! Hyd!o h 35 Slone av Furyk Pearl h 8 Richmond apt4
French BWh t5loueUa cres Fyck E11800 Gral'ld av w apt 10003
• Bruce (Dons) h 35 Clefar dr fyf'e Oav•d Hlluttlle Jl mtr mt'!Ch I H C!Oida h 12 Coppe~oeld
• Bruce C tShlrlty Alloreftghler h Z22lolcHa<Jgh10n av w ues
Diane M lehl Georges P Vanol'f Sep Schl n Z3 Oueensway df Fysh Dorothy l.l•s h 302 Oueen
• Emma Eh 100 Mcfarlane av apt 107 • ~: n 14 t Paneson av
Fred C (Fioreoce) h 15 t.lcl(eoogh II' • Mary Jane studt302 Queen
- Fred H(Ctllna E) h 89 RIYemew dr apt 507 Rtchd stsmn lledell'il Froreo Fds 302 Queen
Gary wldr Rove11iode Welders h 72 Taylor av
• Maunce 15 McKeoogll av
Moltoe M ""' h 296 McHauonton av • G
-lolyrlle M11i h 241·1'Z Oueen
• Pat A h 21 Campbell apt 2
-Peter F(!lonna Ml model mkr Can Fram h 71 Madera aes G& 8 Grading !G M Ma~nderl508 Btooml•eld rd
• RCh43 Taylor av apt206 • G l VendL'lg ltd iRobl Aleaelll r271 Grand ave
·Randy (Bed<y)lab Standard Auto Tube h 26 SeHorll G & RKwok Stop lid !Wm Rt5J)II11237 Grand a' e
· RJChd WtOen•se AI wks Can The h 832 Btoomfoeld rd G & RKw•< Stop lid (VI'll 1r & Barbara June Rospon) 861 Oueen
·Ronald (Barbara) apr EalOn YaJe Udh 121 McNaughiOn ave Gable Belnoce l h 100 l.lcfartane av 81)1610
Frelz Jas flrei!Qhlef h 43 Taylor av apt 304 Gabroel Rochd rEffie) w~s Campbell Soup Co h 32 ·A Beechwood
Fnc:k ShelJty A 105 Datev\ew cres cr~

Flld<er PllylltS Mrs h 438 VrdO!Ia av GadaJ l&UiatlCe (la~ralet-) lab Motor l'freel Corpn he s Gov"ll rd
Fnd: s F11•ns Frank Oa-venpor11110f 4 tO~ Gadd Jocelyn Acash! Haro~{l Reslr h 76 Uary apt 704
fncl<s ftr~ns Frank DaYl'flpor1 mvr 443 St Cla~ · Ph 76 Mary 801510
fndenberg Monfgome~Y (Rachel) (freed{s Clollung Stole) h 219 • Porll'r A IAn•tal h 136 Grand av w
Metcet • Roc:hd secunty Wheels Inn 136 Grand IV w
Fnederldlseo EO.Wd (Agnes))an Wheels Inn h 82 Taylor av • Wm Gcar ~hr HOIIda HoiiSe 136 Grand av w
Fritz lloyd (Ahcel h 94 Baldoon rd lpl204 Gagen Buan l~ary AM) lab MOIOI Wheel Cotpn h 281 OuPen
· Randy mmnce Challlam Place Mall94 Baldoon rd apt 204 Fra"' M !Mad('ltne1auto mech K Mart Auto Cenue h 274
• RJChd (tolar.anne) medl Ubby McHetfl &libby h 908 Channg Twel'dsmUif a• e
Crossrd • WayM F fD Isabelle) m<!'Ch Btlan·s Gulf Serv h 49 Marton a.-
frkoviC Bolrs h 165 Kong w apt 31 Gagne Ht>CtOf A(Anne Ml lab K& DSanolalron h 7 Academy cres
from lou Anne (Dave) ICIIII.Iaple City CtwtSllan Schl John 0 lab Eaton Yale ltd h 44 De Grae•e dt
Fry Bessie 99 Park · Rochdh 214 Kmgw apt I 1
Kathryn Mrs h 30 Trllhum Village apt 502 Gagner Claude J (Diane M) mlwrght Genl Mlrs (WindSor) h 64
le•hOfll h 8 Hillyara lark
Fryscok Edwd lab Brewen;' Wrhsg 35 Wotlowmac av • Eutahe M l.lrs h 15 Tulhum Village apt211
• Mane Eag1 Good nme Tra'lel 35 Wollowmae a~ • FranQS Z iEhz) prod leehn Hayes-Dena Inc res RR 8
• Otdrch J (EI:.z Mt mntnce Unoon Gash 35 Wollowmac av · Gerald A !Pautone) h 174 Oxf~>y dr
Fuchs FI'B'ICIS guard Bums Secwoty 95 Poplar · Irene Mrs h 40 Tnlloum Vollag~ apt 1109
• Frank appr medl Chrost<an Car Cl•noc n
• J Guy I Juliana) U&d•~mkr Moczok &D•e t1 526 McNILIQhlon
Jean P tDanoellel purc:h ag1 Sass Mig h 95 PoplaJ avw
Marllliremn Northside Teraco 95 Poplar • Jean Claude tab Campbell Soup Co 64 lark
FUCHS, ROY T, (Sally A), S.C.Tr... Chatham • JeH stud! 18 Gll!llwOOd dr
Moton Ud, h 442 McNaughton · John J IPatnc•a I) lomm I H Canada h 177Lancefoatd pl
fuel Applat-on.lomoled MaA Ra~out mgr 90 Oo.ef John M 177Lancefi!ld pt
Fuerll'l ~nc lchr S1 Joseph Sep Scht res nlbUrY • Ka•en SIUdt 18 Glenwood df
• Hazel h 173 Adela odes · Roger !Barbara) wks l HCanada h 18 Gfl!llwood dr
Janinc MAC couosetlof Souln-n Regl Centre h 421 Sandys Gagme. A Car!T'en J chef Italian Club h 78 Wesl
aptZ Carmen (Ad!oen) IChr Gl'!()(ges P Vamer Schl 78 Wesl
FUEATH, STEPHEN J , (Ani ta), (Benoit. Van N01man (Bl'fnadenet f01mn I HCanada h 29 Woodland av
Aaay, Splaanl l Fuerth), h 42 Unlverllty Regd N !Maqotle M) lechn Gestetner Inch 7 Sudbury dr apt 1
drive Phone 354-7341 Gagnon h 24 1 Grand av eapt 4
Fu1•· Jean l.lrs cl" Un•on Gash 178Lanceheld o1 • CelesiP GSIUdl 126 Ursuline IV
Sleven K 178 ~field pi · Edmond (Holdal h 20 Tnllrum Village apr 104
Sur aecto County ot Ken! h 33 Wilson •• Euo !L EvangeloneJ eng tec:hn M•nislly of Transp & Communlc 11
• Te.uyo Mrs h 33 Wolson a• t26lksutone av
Fuld'le< ~aid NlUna 0} 265 Oxley <11 GhiSia•n !Pauline) lab Eaton Yale ltd h 77 Rovervlew dl apt
fullerlon Alma h 200 Park av e 1
• S.dney R (Freda) dm Russell Blown Ofi.IQ SlOfe h 76 Wolson • Joel Estud! 126 Ursuline av
av • lawrence J (l.lary H) periJ mgr Waekens-Chrysler Plymouth h
Futlowka 0 ~~~ palhotog.s\1150 l.lochener rd apt 113 127 Se<~orl<
Fun & GarMs Famcly Enterla!Mle!'ll Centre Sharon Da'<odsoo mgr · Norman A !Nancy Fl ofce elk Moczok n & O•e h 55 Dover Ooon
801 StCtar dr
fun Vetlic;ln (Richd Sol><n5i<o) 42 Ta1tor IV · Paul 4!15 Sandys apt 209
Fun• Abe J •Eona HI h 116 Elhs • Rachelle M CIUdl 126 Ursulooe av
Hans P n 258 Mc:Nai.IQhlOn ave apt 307 • Roland (Rotands Style Centre) h 264 Kong w apt3
Funioe Judy !BotH aeet Bob's Molorsport lid 157 Park Ia • Ronald h 232 Park apt 4
- ;tob{J (Judolh)(Bolfslolotorsportlld) h 157 Park Ia • Ronald h 32 Poll
Foo!<enhallll!l Ka~ lluoe} lab Ealon Yale lid h 2'8 Batdoon rd Gahlll Cl!cile l.lrs h 201 P81k
· Paul flhef-J 11 22 Dalevoew cres • Eawa R!Tracy AI sr aca City h 603 Oueen
• ~ J SIUdl 22 Dalevoew cres Gahunta Gurdlaf Mn; 39 Goldmefll dr
Funnell Robe !Barbital knemn 0111 Hytto h 18 Vlscoure • Ja1naol (lnder) wtdr Dovel Corpn h 39 Goklmere dt


It 1sn't the cost- 1t's the coverage that counts
and you get so much for so little
when you advertase 10 the DIRECTORY.

011un '*'*' 11 20 Dlv!d cres

Glllley John (GIIdys) mgr Chlllllrn IIIUIPfinlll 108 Maryknoll"'
Glrdiner A!!d w(Wuflrl) n g 7 Baldoon rd
Carl (Suzanne! c:ounsellor SoW!weslem Regl Ctrdre 11 49
Oljrlj AMI W1120 Kitltcaldy pi Southe!!d em
Glllnill Cliftd II 155 King w IQI30 Clarice f II 8916lsdowne lr
flcnnct D Wrs wks Pllalr Ins llrkts I'WII*tbulgl 11114 lil!herine CRoss! secy Oevld Gltlc:George L*' 200 fornt
Copplrfleld Cll!S Mll!rw (M.ifgl) n899 Chlring Croa "'
Ill hrdrlr Alltbe Hlir Cite h 8e Fleldl!r IY Mlri!I(Ail slsciJ. Chllhatn Cake $ply 9 7 Baldoon rd
P II 10l8m10!1 Cll!SIQI 4 NGrma J Mrs Shmil's Olce h 30 Pllllfton ..
Weynt (llllrgl drvr Soulhem Concrtlt 1ft RR 1 Rayd 5ludl 49 ScMhend aes
Gilt &n.n ( (Shlnon I) 1nS0 Call fll ~ h « Wil~ pi lloblwb I ti CIIIICia h 79 rleldef ~
Flld A(Aline E) lab Dom Elev (Lon) II 1871ntllellv Rose h eoo Grand •• wap120 10
Gllclys Ah 22 Chlr1er1s Ross (KA~heftne} sJsmn UbombatO I Chalhlrn lid h 200 fcml
· l P II 22!1 GrMd awe Wayne lab l~ Wc.Hein & libby 1134 Edgll
Weynt f fiClC)f medl Cho!loet 1871nsh!S ... Wm f (Janel) mig 119 Cln Flam Ud h 23 Vllley lei n
Glllckl8ab wlos I H Clnldlll 76 Wary IQI 505 Gardr1er c f 111 1 Plr1o ....
D II 75 5emenyn 1Y 1Q1 3 G II •O L6Clor•
l<iflltb h 100 lolcflfllne IY apl312 Jas J (landis Sl 11 19 ~ av e
Gales llll1y bkpr Owysler Sllill ngiOII & Co II 78 Wiry IQI2 15 t.Wmy 1\ (Hrlen)ll92 Adellide n
· O.IHelenl II S1 llt!COin rd · Nan ( mgr Irene re 1oter11n
OotOihy (Garry) recPI!* Or J Roe res RR 3 Randy \Watltne) tP-S Superior Mien & Tl h 435,.,. ~.
Gotdon Waut genl mgt F1tld & Gilden Ctnlre Chel!llfllllftl'll Gatrau Ednl n 85 P~~~e ICll ~40
lid II 23 Woodllndav Garfd Btadley J (Sut Ann) dsgnr Supero Mien h 108 Pwry dr
Gall DlrTIIJ (~I) slsmn Hlclleson 1191 Oellwtlf IY Callly J hsekpr lotiQit City fle:sidela 11 16 Lamson trftiPI 1
Elgin (Joyce) h 95 ~ •• • Geo A(Emily Hl h 888 Charing Croll rd
Kevin (Kirenl llPI Domllt Sunoco h 131 Edgat •.all'lryn A (Paul) CUIIOmef MfV Onl Hydro res Rondelu
Gll1lgller A WII 78 Wary 11)1309 · Kim h 216ltltrrm ~YIPI201
•Ow11 11t1 mgr Jacl< Fmer Clolhlng 818 Bloom! eld rd Mat> wlo.s t.f¥1o's Plm &6 Cross
Elfltll A(Joyce I) mgr of 1CC1S Molor Wlleel Corpn II 39 Ralph ~ Brll Canida 1186 Cross
Peters Gat~ H.mtl !.Irs n 199~Wwty
• Eug l (lo~Qa) mgr dala ~~Gas 11818 Jlmmyl99~
a.oomt!tid rd Garmon Anne 1134 lome av
J II 102 c.n.tlury Gamel Ga•ry R ltlltl c;arrle~ res Bo • 1023
• Wlchl!Bonnle) slsmn Energy & Thermal Conlrolll 101 SandY' Palr!Cllll 1 :3 f•eldef,...
Sll¥en llKII 39 Ptters Glrml.bO 8 (Pal) b I HCllllda II 44 Allen
• fenyh3e0.~dr Jolin s SIUdl " Allen
Galllol Cleaning Rldld Gutlbelult tng~82 FOU!IIl Glrnson Ron ( Belly) caostr wlo-r II 82 Edgll
Glllanlllelitil wh 128 Wdliam n Garrod 0 II 188 1'2 Adelaide I
· luc 85 Ti111111111Scres IQI317 •Don w!o.s Jac Austin Drug Co n 761o1Mv IPI213
Glllemo Harma Wls h 27 PopW Gera!O E(Uanon) It\ df';r Clly II 275 Grand .. ,
• Judy h 114 l!tchmond lloyll A(f'alrlcQ) It\ elM Citp I! 97 Ta;!or l'f
M h 153 Raleigll Wm (HI!alllef) lab 1.!0101 'Mletl Cdrpn h 150 liM·~
•&.nrey (frances) II 487 Sr Clair Garrow c n275 Kin9 •
• Sllnll!y lab I HCanada 48 7 St Clair J 8 •Mary Jill!~!!) Ita "9 131< CllotOIII h 32 f>I'IWII em
• Wm f 185 Grand ave Gaf1on l h 73 Tav1of IV 1015
Galloway David blrlndr Tecurnse11 HaCei Lori A castw Shoppel1 Drug t.t¥1 73 Tlf\01 !IV 101 8
• David II 14S King w 11J1 4 G¥• n Ar.lllony (Frances) IOITIWII.Iolor W!lee! Cdrpn h 1112
• flotenu T h 9 Pty~ Elllabelll
Gambell ..,chiP ltlope Hll..,ke'sWwg & Clge) 1128 l)e.111lShtre Barbar1 e.>« dtllolental Hl1ll Clinic n 52 Adelalde n
rd Gas & Go lklll Faubellmor 82!1 Sl Clail
Glrnble J Brian Or pllyS 20 ~ .. Gas & Go SeMces Inc (R!CI< Gtarl!llnt) 666 Grl'ld •• e
Gambtlft Helen u Wrs n 214 Pert< Gas & Go rra er Pan. 825 St Clalt
Garnrnlge Jts R !EIItne V) lab Mil Wheel h 7 Al'ldrel dr n
Gaspar JosS (Oalda S! wks Elln & O.t n 54 De•e..ew Cllil
• lot•lllcent F h IS Windsor dr Gass Cllr!S Allo!.!riOIY H) Ctld lldVSI farm Crld CorP'l h 49
· PI! h 112 W•lbem n Clleslnul or
• R l<ellh (Carole) IChr Kern Count~ 8d of Educ h 8 Jlspet IV Gales A'a l (AliCe) 111!1 Comllil1
• Roy (Ann) lrkt Roc:kwtlllntl h 4 Onlwt dr Duncan W(Susan G1 JIS mgr ~t LNIMtiiS n 35 Cra•en dr
Gander B•ll h S7 Baldoon rd aot10S W Mlllld lot h w s Joplyn
• E Mrs h 100 Poplar 10137 Gailey Arleen A Mr1 h 99 Mc;Naughlon av,. IPI242
• Jcihn IAudrey)ll284 P11~ IV t IQI I Ga~ ltl;cn~ T(fiii'ICeS) mor valdl Foods n u Glldslonla•
Ganclla Mie111 (Eugenia) CUSIOdian Ken! County Bd of [due II 6 Gauaree\JIIA'!Ctw (!IJ~!Ie)tab !lim lton fndrJ (WalflceWgl n
Catlo 54 f IIMIIIIS cres 11J1 4
Garan1 Oonaid n 180 Slll<IYS GltJJ<el Rh 107 Bur1on I•
• Ktm IOonl prsr Bondy's Dry Clnrs 180 Slnctys GatJ!ll Donald G(l.tatv B) 1eCM Prov Gov1 n 36 W•llowdlle pi
• LOten. n 85 PI~ 101 137 Gaus ~ l.loJ pmulolefcury Prm n 9 College
• Rosatrt30 Duke s Geo (1ellhul A) IeDer CI!Ttet 1124 Spurgeon dr
Garbun Dlll4 w(Mary El macl'll HClnada h 47 C.nleltNiy Gaulreau YICIOI secunty gu.-d Bums Sea.•ty 185 lkNauglllon
• Jts A l Myr!lel) h 27 Atnold avwapl1
• leonard IUPVSI Roc;kweU Inti (Ttlbufy) h 85 Baldoon rd lpt5 • Wo11d 185 McNaugiiiOIII• • IPI1
Glrcs-yliPJ Frank II 10 Galbrallll Gl•in klyu IMoeN) ltht S1.1ostp/l Sep Sc11168 Souroquo.s
Garden Ah C5S Slndys IICll JO.- • U tNT f) regi COIISllll.lnl Addocllon R~
Gatdener I'NI II C9 Tay1cl!'lv IQI105 foundlttonll 68 SourrQ\1011
Garct>oute 111 u n 55 rtmmons etn IPI 106 • Pllillp J (Clint f) Sh" tuP'N lotlniaSy of Corrldlonll
Gatdtna Gulsseppe (l•beralal wh L•bbY l.tcNe&U & libby h 125 Sel't$ II 15 Ktr>.eald~ pi
~IVW aa.. Slletry c:as1v t.tac's "'~" 11 sr 4nln0ny IPI3


(Div. 386398 Ontarto Limited)
Gawne Don h 73 St Cla.r apt 3 GEROUX
1.1 h 99 t.lcHa.l.qlton IV '#I apt 214
Gay l.laowood97 t.lcfarlanuv apl202 Emtly loans oiCI Chalnam Communoty Cred Un Dela.,are
-IAalwood tllllianJ n 1!i W11hetsp000 apt !i08 • G8ly (Delllsel seoJ!IIy guard Burns lnU h 76 Van•er Clr apt
Gayaud Jean L (Helene) 13b Mtr Wheel Colpn h 147 Copperfleld 202
Karon A p!lllrm leCilll ShQppefS ()rug Mart h 101 Shel<loo a•
Gaz.arel< Rudolph tl.lary) h 23S ltlcNaughlon ave • Mer~ R!Eia•ne Ml tnsp I H Canada h I 15 Sunnystde av
Stev!! (Uartl h 147 Gray • Mart•n h 127 Delaware av
~ Susan tchf St Ursula Sep Schl res RR 4 • Pat rec•r WOOk:O h 76 Vanoer dr apt 303
Gazo Moelll dM-atdl Chalham & Dosl Ambulance Sef'f h 40 • Rayd L lab t HCallade h 151.4:Dougallav
Tnllum Y1llq lpl509 · !loy (cm•ly) n 70 llncotn rd
Geary Paul G7 Delaware av · Sylvester !Barbara) h 7 De Gtlii'Ve dr
GEIAL, JOHN, (Rickie), Sec-TrMI PlneonnMult Gerrard Oenms P (Joyce Netson) supYSf employee berlellts Umon
a GeNI Real &tate Inc, Realtor, h 111 Gas h 116 Adelelde n
Uydlc8n Ext, Phone 354-3N7 Gertz Stanley Dr tRuth E) dntst 26 Ftlth h 233 Mf!fcer
Gebal Stan '111<5 Elan n & Ole h 138 1'2 Joseph Gerull Angela 421 Grand av e
GeceiO'ISI<y Davod h 7 Garden Yale rd • RUth tflammgo t.lolell h 421 Grand a• e
Geddts Oooald w(Faye Lltntadtstr t.Aorden & Helwig n 97 Ger\'a•s Oamelle 0 homemkr 448 Kmg w apl 1
RobemQnav • Vatoa h 40 Trillium Village apl303
• ScoU studt 97 Robe11son av Gerwel John t~argtl wks Molor Whfo<>l Caron h 170 T1mm1ns etes
GEE, FRANK R, QC, (Dorothy), (McNevin, 0.. a apt1
O'Connor), R.. Cedu Springe, P 0 Box I Gesteloer Inc Randy Coyle sis rep 303 Memll av
Gee Gary trk dM Prelerred Transp 131 Tweedsmutr av w Gl!lty Col:een P Mrs lch! St Ma-y's Sep Schl h 79 Parry dl
Geo W(Vema Et h 190 Bios Ghan Shelley bkpr tnmoot TrailS Eastern res AA 2 Kent Bt•dge
GEE, JAMES 8 . QC, (Uncia), (McNevin, 0.. & GhefbaZ Albono (Mana) (Coly T11l! & Carpe!ltl43 Alden
O'Connor), P 0 Box 5I Ghesquoere Emesl G !Margf) h 87 fielder av
• Moine L(Grace E) agt C & G Ally h 38 Pembrol<e etes Gtang Plluon kol hfpr Luc~y l~n27 De GraPY! dr
Geene Peter h 40 Elm apl227 G•anoai<as Reta (lonyt wlrs Saxony Resu 28 Sudbury dr
Gegear Norman L tl.targaret) h 48 KetT av ' · Tony tRetal h 28 Suoll\lly dr
Gehl AIYin l (Ctlartotie) ell< CP Exp h 17 W-ICk df G>bb Eug W (Jeanne)llnemn Hydro h ;34 Partridge etes
• Edward T (Diane Bt shtmllwkr Can Fram h 41 Oriole pkwy G•bbons Jeffrey C fElda PI asmh r Eaton Yale Ltd h 30 Grind av
Getger Da!ren R (lesley II) mgt Sears h 48 Randolf aes w
Geleynse Jeanne Aesthetics CtlniQIJe Jearme Geteynse mgr 56 • Jon !llQf House of Spectacles res RR 1 Dulton
Fourth G•bbs Fred h 49 Grant apt 1
• Jos J (Jean loll (Geleynse Plmbg & Htg) h 72 Partridge cres • Sheila L hllfn Chatham Put> Llbfy h 8Q Sh(oldon IY 11Cl20
Geleynse Plumbing &Heal•ng (Jos J Geleynse) 7'Z Pamdge aes G•bson - h 87 Semenyn av apt 1
Gemmell Keofh J (Mary H) bkpr Shel Canada h 35 Murrey • Chas D(Wanda E) chef Wht'els Mir 11111 h 62 Woodland av
General Bakenes Wonder Btead llrruted Henry HooSiorl ml)! 265 • Cheryl wl<s Ventra Equ•p h 8 Stuhng Ia apt 3
Richmond • Cheryl C h 14 Sl George apt 2
(;enefaJ Nutn:.on Centre June Coakley mgr 100 King "'unu 227 Clyde Rcarp Elirs-Don Constr 151 Pari<
Genies lol~tcel (Carolyn) mech Waycon Inti Trks h 371 Cotbofne Oavid computer opr Can Fram 71 Chestnut dr
Genyn Dennis lab Domtar 112 Sheldon av apl 14 • Gertrude J h 38 Pronce s
• Ronald P bar1odr Ye Olde Monlreal Hse h 77 Woods • J Cra~g (Joanne Rt mgr Young's Jwlrs h 225 Campus Pkwy apt
George Ame loh1 h 31 Dela~e IV 104
• Anhur lltene) 140 Gotdpark rd • Joanne slsclk Ja.c~ Frase• ~en's Wear 225 Campus pkwy apl 104
• ArlhU! J h 49 Rate1gh • Lvte R (Uta IAIIermonal mg1 Ku1gsway Trano;p h 52 W1llowdele
• Cmdy ll'lCik Mac"s Cor~>enoence Store res RR 1 pi
• Conn•e h 45 T1mmons cres apt 105 Randy B tMunel G) lorehghter h 122 Ellis
• Da•sy MIS lab Oomlar Pac11ag1ng h 179 Sheldon BY . Robl H(Beulah M) lab Mo!Of Wheel Caron h 71 ChestnUt dr
· David 1Ka1hleenl fabtlcalor Chapman Farm Equip h 140 Saf\dra h 65 Taylor av
Goldparl<rd • Te~ry h 360 l..acrOtX
• Oolo!hea 99 Park Gielen Pelrr (Ann) custochn St Joseph Sep Schl res RR 7
• Douglas h 34 G•ven rd G•era P 76 Mary apt207
John (Lilly) servmn Fuel AppllcatJons res Leamington Gl6llfecht John h 224 apt 3
l(e,:h h 4 711os$ni aes G1!1ard Barber Shop (Kent G•ftard)238 K1ng w
MarjOI)' h 29 Renfrew av Gtlfard Kent C (Ruby El brbc 238 1<1ng w h t 9 Bt1ar Hill rd
Mark DtM SuzanneI !clw John McGregor Sec Schl h !i32 Kino w Gtfhn Lyle (Lorna! pres Milling Prods Ltd'" RR 4 Blenhe1m
Reg (C.Ildy) 8PP' techr1 Bob Ca'l1pbei1 Motor• res Rill G1Hord Janel ._. h 57 Edglt
Re!jd A (t.I IO'ed)ltlllorrnn meter shop Chatham Wale! Comm h Leanna lab Can Fram h 30 Plne
71AIIfon Palk st\ldt 57 Edgar
Georoes P Yaniel SeparaJe School Donald t.tyere pnn 20 Cecile G•fl Cabm Lid The !Jan'" KemsleyJ80 1 St Cfa•r
GeorQP"tich fanney h 29 Park IV w
GogniiC Kev1n mgr Jack Fraser Men"a Wear res Windsor
• Leasa L h 32A Grant
Gemd Mabel 180 Grand av e • Theresa ao;st McColl Drug Co h 45 Tnlllum Village apt 309
Ge<e<;~hty Lloyd S IBonnie l) union Slewald 1.1010r Wheel Corpn h Gilbank Joan 1.1 latl Oomllr Packag1ng h 9 Melrose dr
248 Pin< IV e Gllbeaultlaurll slsclk Epic Book S101e Charlng Cross
Ge<ma11 Gary II tBalbara) etect IPIII Mfr Wheel Corpn h 70 Devon Gilbert Bdon G(Mary) draw furnace unloader Eaton Yale Lid h
rd 96 Ounve<;~an dr
• Ge<1nxle h 190 lhiiT!eS apl 47 -F~h 150MaryaPI907
~ EID Ruin) rtiQI Clldkl IAasooic Tl!mple h 29 Edgat • Gary wleatnef hnemn Hydro res R R2
Gemaey Coyne llydtal sernm Union Gu Co h l McDougall av • Gordon (Alma) h 89 Riverview dr ap!902
Regel !llea1ra) h 100 Pop!al apt 38 • Jas M (I.JSS) lehr Waltaceburg D•SI Sec Schl h !i08 King w
Wm (lonol klbe mn WMkens.¢lrysler Plymouth ltd res Rll6 • Jell (l.tar Ann! h 276 MI!IIIH av apt 210
Gerow.llalne M (l.tarkl tlk Polio& 0ot fallficl I 15 Sunnysode IY · Joanne wks Ale tnd 63 Cornhlll

29 lelaecca St. HalftHton, Ontaria Ontario
, .......... (416) 522-5066 Lll 113 Communities
GiJmcu Allan IHiclene Cl mecn W~ycor~lnll Tm " 108 G~engwry
HIOrne CMrs secv ~Gas 108 Glel!glrly cres
·K AII • ..,_woocl cres
llll HlrliiiiP .... Clly Alii Home 83 Warwicll dl
Ginty Bnan IM~urten loll doesiii!IICII Roran Tr!lg h 208 Sandyt
Glovanllll Ray n 8 cres IIIli 4
U.M tdll Olwdln Aiel Cenhl SeN 508 King w GiMnnla ~ stsmn DIQper Oan'l !10 West
........ E M!1 .:y Ollriln Glmtllt h 63 w.wlclt dl Giritd Dean U (Joyce A) medl Fenton I A'*! Painl I Body ~ h
....,.. NTIR G. CAM). ,.._.. e11r a.. a '7 Pemtlrolae ern
01 C. LN).III ,......,. aY, ,.._. Jacqueline M llsclk Ronnie's FIINOnl h 21• King wll)l A
ll4otll1 John IBrendtl lrtt dM J II Sloc~..U (1Mtnmglon) h 31
Rllnillldrtr Wondlrall h 397 Slndyt 1C11 I Tlsstmana•
l'dld (Clio!) h 108 o..gory dlw l n 8l(ingswly or
llldlcl 0 . . . 83 Comhll lanl dieln Pub Genl Hasp I! 200 [I!IIN lpl $
. llabll (Kim 0) . . mgr ol cndlt Ilk ol Monl h 81 Dllt¥1tw l eonBICIICflf Tecumsen Sec SeN h 57 lllldoon ICIIC)I20e
CIW Rev<! h •8 Wetrmgtan e
Tod h C56 Slndyt 1C11 209 WtsiOII (PIIIICII) lib Rlwlingl OrUiong Co h 1• Gray
Wllll!l (llltbnl C1P1 Fn Dip! h 83 Cormld Girgis Rlmlis A Or (Hanroelorel~ "91)1Co-Clph 108
GllblriD llldlmi!o IWicftllltl lib ~ lid (WltldiOrl h 129 C.Citllalcres
Girl GuieleS ol c.n.c. Ttllllum Atet 382 Wellinglon w
Clilll c!Wold 1'1 187 Edglr Girou• 0 h 3S El!l dl
·Giryh 122Well lOUis C (Mary F) 1C1v John Uyen SeN h 70 u.yi<IIOII!d
liiii*O A!Ell A) ICCIIIIclllfdlon I 1..11!111 h 13llrilr HiU • Mary f ldv Sllnull Sep SeN 70 lollrylnoll rd
rd Glsoen Wm H (Ellen J) INIII HeM Specially) h 8' 1'111<-.ooel or
• Yauric:. W lfllz l) ICIW Blenlleim High SeN II 42 ~ Gturlel John J (Thetesl) asmbb Ulan Ylle ltd h '4
cres Wh•PClOQfWill tres
Gilhllll Wm h IM Vldorllaw ICII 3 Mm.J Mrs 210 Eugerve
Gllhull AM lnurw Sl Jo1 Holp 1'1 93 Olldstone aw Milos t~Ura ! lab Eaton Yale lid h 210 Eugen.e
· AIIhurh~~-3 GMnlela h 16 E•
. . (Charyl) lib Clworlle Tek Plletles h 61 TIYIOf 1¥ IPI12 G!a~ Rota h 21A Forest
GiltiM O..llurgna CIWt 1Cd1141 Grand ... ~A 118 Rlndoll cres
• J c-!Siwley F}ICCI Gilhull Gran! I llurgelt h 1II A~ (florene) h 193 Deliwn ••
PM!dgeaw G~slet Cl•lld G (SI1irleY A) suovsr I H Clllldl h •9 V~
JoniM!I.., Union Gel h 10 Dove pi dl
lllnnlll CIMirit AI . . meal mgr A& P h 57 loflrlon 1¥ 0 hAS TrtlfiUITI ~ apt302
..... -.diiOOovwpl la...ence EINQrlt1e E) lib Roch•elllnll II 187 Sy!Yesl!r or
Wm ISI*tly) lllmn" 8!10 Grand ... "" 504 wBreru Sludl 49 v~ or
GI'"'Y .lick J (Oilnnel COSIOdiltl Georges P Vanier Schl res Glassco R Gte f mecll l HCaiiiCII h 73 Prince ~ IY
Tuppe!VIIIt Wm G!Helen El h 879 Chlrln<J Closs rei
Gill Hu;t1 (llle W) h 4$ Clrdl1111 cres G!H~bd A bef14 M n 1 Pub Gent Hosp h 30 Tnllium VIllage
Gilllndn Helling Lid 3 t Leeson or apc506
Jll E lormn llbby lolcHeiD I libby h 100 UcF•Iane 1¥ 1C11 805 Clr1 H 1t.tarllynllab Onl Engineering Suspensloo h 95
Jlah&'IOPirl<1¥tiCII7 Mlchenef rd
· Jim (Bonnie) tied Ubby McHelll & Ubby h 289 WOOds Chas l i.Ndy 0) 111< basetme Molor Wheel Corpn h 795 Grand
Gilfapie Alzenl h 40 Tn!Hum Vllllge 101 807 •• wapl116
Dlwtd l ella A Robe!tlon IV Debbie 9 7 WoodS
Dlwid M (8arttlrl A) elk~ Sons Co 114 Robetllon 1¥ Oela Mrs h liO M.lrrlr
Oouglls piQo CMNm Dally Newl338 S1 Clair"" • Dennis WtPaula MJ orde!tt Soulhweslem Reg! Cenn h BO
Gillell Ant;y hYV'Iflill G Mezener llnll Clinic res Belle R!YI!I Soulhend aes
IIMrfy E (Giyle R) e1ec1 £1101'1 Ylltlld II 45 McGeorge •• Ernest J (!(altle!lM) S1111VV Overflnel Exp h 91 CovefOale
· Brent A(l'llltcll R)llb Molet9lfl Contlr h 119 Baxiii1Pf1 Geo H!Rosel wldr can Frem h 144 Forni
• Cllly h 39-B cres Jn31llerrv
Din J (Cindy A) IIIICh 0orn11r Sonoco Cnlnrs h 112 Randolf ern J 670 Par!law w
Home fhll U) h 71 Edger J<m lead hand Pmecresl Fds n $ Melrose or
HP h 118 Yen Allen IV ~~~ 16$8erry
• Hlrold I< f0ortt) h 21lOWII Orval R 1EIIilhl h 2!10 Oelawn ••
Jll A(l'lrlcll A) lormn Hydro h A& SuMVStde •• Patnc11 stuell 144 Forest
llcy Aelk IYIIill Keni-CIIIIIem lfllg 48 Sunnyside IV Rooc F!Monica) llbv leChn can frlm lid h 30 liillctest aw
• ~ llnnll mgr Slwrwock Slorts 1111 Blrllf"" 1 Ross n 276 t.lemlle•IPI 11•
• Aotll A!Norll blrWir Ye Olde WOnrlll Hie h II lolorllgOIMI, dl S Ml'l49 Regency dl
Glllelle Oorllkl J h 118 Blrllf Sehna Mrs n 300 Joseptl
Gillttr Joe ll.ll) elec1 Honey Elec!riC res RA 3 Tef!Y IJisl clasa tdv!SQ Cnatnem Deity~ res RR 1
· Jam S I ' - Mllrmr h 925 Grand 1¥ •101205 Fbelgerown
. u h 130 Slleldot! 1¥11)1312 · ThO$ ll~ Alf011MPU1eetest Fds h 117· 1'21.ksu!Jnt IV
• Phylltt ~ One Hour Mlttlnizlng res RA 2 Kent Bridge
• Wm (Mantyn) SI\Pf Plnectest food h 20 Cornhdl
· Sian F !Tracy l) 1trmer h 100 Mcf•r- r. 1C11 812 Wm J tShorJey II h 97 WOOdl
Gillin lllroiCI A(Miry Elldw Kenl County Bd of [Clue II 87 Olassho!M NU!WfY & Garden Centre (Marlin Van AllyI ts Ctlfk
Gdflnge G M h 184 Gland IV w "'
Glluon J Eh •5 T11U1um Villlge ll!ll208
Gllloet G h 149 RlleiQh 1P1 I
Cleo J h 795 Grand h •101 I 0$
Wltdllc-y) leCIWI Abell WICO 1118 I '2 Gland 1¥ w Glelson John W(CIIhennr TJ q Can Fr1m h 63 AlgonQult1 dl
Gillis Clbrine M IIUCII 196 Chippewe dl Orville R tllulh l) ICtll John Mc:Grevor Sac SeN II 123
• Cllhenne M!1 h IM CIIIP!I"I dl CoaiSWOI'Ih ••
Gordan N 1145 Tnllium Village apt 108 Gleeson E•leen ICIV II 150 Mary 1D1 801
Glllman Harry Ah 254 Pille twan lli!JIII h 6!10 Gtll'ld t• •IPI 703
~ . •Commercial
KJ7'fJ"'IIa• Residential


• Recreational

® • Agricultural u
~;.#j~.'l an independent member broker
11 .,_J 121 Heritage Rd., Chatham, Suite 202 (519) 35 1-1300
Glenn Ivan Wh 75 Glads1one av Golden Shears Umsex IConn.e Ourdte) 225 Si Clair
- Wm A (II~lh 17Taylorav GoiOhawk Ma111i R asst mgr Rrckl's 143 W11i1am s apt 1
Glidden Gertrude M Mrs h 32 De Graeve dr • Paul M (Elaulll AI order processmg analysrs IIi Canat111 h 152
Global Floom~g & Wall Tile (Eddy Rota) 16t King w Berry
GJogows~i Danny E(Helellltab Libby McNe1!1 & ubby h 205 GoiCIOilt Franl\ A !Nancy Jl mgr Capri Fum h 102 Dalevrew ores
Woods Goldfick H tfrancesJean) h 50 Michener rd apt 210
Edwd (Olga) h 35 Orchlld pi ' Gotdung Douglas loan ofcr I H Employees Cred1t Union h 393
GIOt!<l's Sports Boo11que lid (Vany & Gloria Hanstetns) 80 Baldoon rd unrl 39
R1chmond Hh 229lacro•K
Glover Harold Th 591 Queen Marton Mrs h 71 Joseph
- Jas B (Barbara) h 32 Lowe OliVe J h 81 Murray
- Karen h t15 O'Neil apt4 Goldsmrlh Arthur tEd1th) h 100 McFarlane av apt 509
- Karm stud! 86 Alexandra av • Iliad elk Queen St Vanely &Coffee Shop 45 Chestnut dr
Laurel sludl86 Alexandra av • Brran elk Oueen St Vanely & Coffee Shop 4~ Chestnut dr
Moke (laLKa)lab Libby Cntnrs (Wallaceburg) h 45 La!k • Carne wtrs Out'en St Varlely & Coffee Shop 45 Chestnut dr
- M1ldred Mrs 11 60 R~y df • FrPdk WtM lucllfte) mgr Gordon's Supef Mkts h 39 Sou11a1J0ts
·l'tlyllls Mrs h 600 Grand av wapt 8009 • Herbt D (Ada) h 23 Comhlll
- RU1h Ann elk M1n•Siry of Transp & Commun h 86 Alexandra av - larry K (Beverly M) mgr & o.mer Queen St 1/anety h 45
• Scon h 199 Slanley av apt 8 Chestnut dr
-Vern (Harllet) bus drvr Chatham Coach lines h 137 Goldpark lucrtle Mrs (Children's Village & Day Care Centre) 39
rd SouiiQUOI$
- Wilda r n a Pub Gent Hasp 60 Regency dr • RIChd C !Glace) peMnll"l mgr Daymond ltd II 199 Tweedsmuir
Glueksle1n Nathan S (frances) cost aCCIIH Canada h 30 Ootsen ave
rd • Scon F tD•ana Fl (V•ltage Fd & Sply) h 36 Collegiate dr
Goad RF h 124 Pat~*OOd dr Goleblowskr John P tChnstrna) lab MoiOf Wheel Corpn h 41
Goat M Nellie I.Ars h 78 Arnold Coverdale apt 302
Goaltlt' Robt J (Jean BJ sec-lreas Royal Can leg1on h 15 Tudor Goltz Rudy A !Audrey) slsmn J S Pe1fer & Son ltd h 29 McKeough
ct av
Gobert John H !Sherry AI coolrfr Tube Turns of Canada OoluboY lena Mrs h 75 Murmy
!Rldgeto.m) h 27 Pamela aes Goncalves Manuel (Marra) tab Loanng Constr h 9 Alexandra av
• Robt (Marlene) h 65 Trmmms ores apt3t4 Gonyou John (Janice) field crew Dav•d GMcGeollle ltd res RR 6
GodboU1 Ar1helln (fmillenne) drvr McKinley Transp h 111 West Wallaceburg
- Danlelle t11 West · Kart L (Margery) h 689 Grand ave
Rayd wks Wheels Inn 11I West Gonzalez Aldo fN•Idal b~pr The Ktngsway h 49 Taylor av apt304
Goddard J h 89 Rrvervrew dr apt 406 · Hector' bkl!f libby McNeill & libby h 49 Taylor av apt 201
- Larry C (Nancy C) chart 8CC1 Thome R1ddell & Co h 96 Gooch AMe llchr Tilbury Q1st High Schl 3 Jordan av
Pa.rkwooddr • ROQE"r K quality contrOl mgr Rockwell Inti (Tilbury) h 3
- Susan Estud! 96 Parkwood dr Jordan av
Godden Sydney (G!adys) h 50 MIChener rd apl213 Good Geo L (Lucille) h 255 Betdoon rd
Godefre Rene J (Katherine) h 42 Sheldon av Good T1me Travel Ross Sherll mgr 25 King e
Godf!ee Kennelh E!Bernice W) lreas Godtree's Men's Wear h 14 Goodal Bernard J lawyer 36 Fourth
Aldte1ghdf Goodall Alb! Wappr W1chmkr Maddock-Mye" Jwlrs h 18 Delaware
• WmA !Margt) mgr Godtree·s Men's Wear h 69 R1¥erY1ew dr apt av
202 • Alb! wlCath'!llne Ann) wtchmkt Maddock-Myers Jwtrs h 343
God!ree·5 Men's Wear (Wm A Godfree)426 S1 Ctaor Grand ave apt 302
Godhey Deborah Ah 130 Sheldon av apt1 15 Goodbum Darryl (Jo-Anne) wks Leader Pubhcalion (Dresden) h
- Ed'wd C (Helen J) h 45 Trllhum Village apt 111 64 nmm1ns cres apt 3
• Wm h 23 OriOle pkwy Goodison Herb! h 89 Riverview dr apt 203
God1n Georg1na Mrs h 4DDelaware av apt 2 Goodman Donald (Litha~) (Singer Sewrng Mach) h 50 Michener rd
Godmho Henuque (Lui &a) mectl Fenton's Auto Parm Shop h 166 apt309
Selkirk Edwd w(Blanche) h 10 Lowe
Godieau Ell.! M h 199 Stanley av apt 3 Hazel M Mrs h 5 Cox av
-f h 150 Mary apt 201 Goodreau Robt lab Can Fram 636 Sf Clair
Guoldor A IDtaMe) wks Daymond h 28 Southend cres apt 3 GoodrOd Ray (Debbie) slaty eng CIL h 55 Bedford
Godrey le$ J 16 Mohawk ct Goodwrll Used Cars Jack Carroll pres 141 Richmond
God'o.m Sandra h t 54 Thames apt2 Goodyear Trre Service Store Gerry Boyd mgr 255 Richmond
Goebel Jeffrey (Jane) lab Can Fram h 343 Grand ave apr 502 Goos David J lEitZ Anne) wks WG Thompson & Sons h 118
Goens Don R (Helen) stJb lorrnn Onl Hydro res Rldgetown Riverv1ew dr apt 533
Goethals Mafia h 54 Kendall Goosens M l h 76 Mary apt 408
Goetheyn Grace A (Rick) elk Chatham Pub Ubry 35 Coverdale Goossen Adrian (lneke) ptmbr A 1Mechanical h 21lawson dr
RICk h 35 Coverdale
C L Mrs h 40 Elm apt 102
Golf David (Linda) tfl( drvr Oom Au1o Transit h 40 Pheasant dl Henry !Debbie) mech Wae~ens-chryster Plymouth Ltd res
Robl J (Gwendolynn C) h 98 Park av w Thamesv111e
Gold A & Sons Lid (Or<,ne Gold) scrap dlrs 277 Pari< av w Goral Helen wks Ursul1ne Convent 174 Sheldon av
Barry E(Mar E) formn A Gold & Sons h 253 Pall< av v.
Gordon h 190 Thames apt 30
J h 30 Trll:oum Yilt~ apt 505
• Alen IAnne J) admrn St Cla•r Colt h 39 Peterborough
-Jo-Anne aSSI prod conttot mgr Chatham Plasbc Arnslllng
AleK tr~r RD GLeasmg h 110 William n
· Roger !Sandy) h 17 Forest
• Vetma h 69 Roverv1eo.o~ dr apt 307 Betty !lsclk Jack Fraser Men's Wear 21 Edgar
· Wayne h 805 Grand av .,. apt 1009 • Glen slsmn Country Woods res RR 1
· Wayne formn Chatham Plast•C Ftn.shing • Heten cook Scott's ChiCken VIlla 90 Primrose Ia
Golden Cro.m Reslaurant (Kam Cham) 421 St Cla1r • John W(Lynda t) wfdr Daymond ltd h 129 O'Neil
· Kenneth lab A Gold & Sons 199 Stanley av apt 1
Golden Mapfe Farm food Warehouse (&ill Palmer) 40 Keil dl s
Golden Razor Nancy Reaume mgr t00 King w unit 216 • • Mar1P A wks Sunset Lanes & Constr 110 Wllfram n
·Peggy asst mgr Scott's Chicken Villa h 20 Athlone ct



Ross J (Helen MJ h 90 Primroee II M n 251 · 1'2 Pa·•
Ruth An 81 1'2 Cross R~ (Ca:loeron~)lab Eaton Yale lid h 308 Woods
Sonny tCtlarleneJiab ~PI!! lor Mach & Tl n 24 Beny V.m 67 Mulrav
Teny "'~-' Sla!ldarc!Tubeh J36 Sl CIM IPII GouldenBrta'l eog Urlton Gash 77 Ba•doOil rd aot 16
• VR h ll!i Sell\!•>. apl1 Goulet~ 4Me "U!lee admon Chatlllm·K~ Commun.l) & fJI!Iily
VUginoa h 199 Slanley a• aP1 1 51'1"' 356 o.ICIOOII rd
GOtdons Mar>~!ll Bev Shew fll9!595-8 Gra'ld av w Gol.leue A h 100 Mcfarlan~ av apt 616
Go• dons Marke1S lhn Gowman mgr 835 Oueen Goure Donald !Joanne) body shop meet. Cha~am Mtrs h 49 Spenc~r
Gordon& Supet Markel Rick Laszczynsl<o mgr 444 Sl Clair av
GQre Bonme A h 30 Chatlefts • Ell"ear 1Mallon) h 1000 CharlllQ Cross rd ut\119
Dexter !Jet) h 100 Poplar apl31 Ge<a!d ISabtt'tala..IObodv rPPIIM F LWi~e«enslld 156 Joepl1
Ela<ne Mrs h 71 TaYlOr av Joarw i.l!$ •er1)UI'Idl opt Gao Fram 49 Silerat a•
GP.rTyh 136W l~s Or.itle J IE tal gtOUI) leader LCCy lk,'let11 & Ubtly h 39
Goegorv ag1 PrUCllns 60 Elizabel.~ ~a.
la•r~ s1a1y eng Sl Jos Hosp h 82 M~ctr Ronald studl39lansdo.-ont a•
Shaw11 &tudl 71 Tavlor av Goveta Orlando IP*lriela Dl acc1 Can Ftam hJ oaa ..
a df
Snorley h 15 1'2 Sai'Kiys Gow Be.ltroce 239 WtP•am s
Stanley C (AliCe M) lab Can Fraon Lid h 92 Wedge.-ood av Oenll!~ gas bat atll1 h 116 R· .er,•ew df apt412
Ve•na h 102 1'2 Grav Gerald R(Judy TJ bl~l Prele<red ltilllSP h 135 Adela•del
GOt~ louis M1Mr11~ lou ll press opr Elan Tl & Ote h 50 OuJon Hatold (loislleb CamQbea Soup Co h 122 Rovl!f1t'!!W dr apl
blvd 232
Gormak Mana Mill lab Dresden Ca~tli!r& n 174 Slleldon av linda baby»tt~r 367 McNaugnton av w
Gorski Ros4' h 360 Sa!ldys apt214 M h 12 Jelfrey a PI 1
Gosal JS h 345 Pan< IV w lbrion ro 11 1 Amo«<
Goslon Wm C(Rut:>Y) con::lr Challllm MtiS II 70 Urvverslly Of Slwlev A·~ Drs R l SCOII & G V i.l!l£'M 105 Van Allen
Gosnell R•chd IKvml h 33 CorMIII av
Wesley IRUihl h 483 Sl Cla1r Tnos [Edlin fl me~ relf Chiltl1am Hydro h 3Q7 Mi:Na~on ••.,.
Gospel Hall.,. s Tevlor av Go.. an Raody asst Good'teat T11e res Rll 1 Pa•ncourt
G<lwdt'n Colleen 145 Grand a•
Go.¥"'"'111 Ohn S (Gloria D) stor, mgr GoldenS MkiS h 85 Vandelpar~
Mrt Lloyd Schwandt, Manager
Scripture C&rda, Plaquea, Sacred Recordlnga, Goldz•et>Pl 'ff 1167 BaldOon rd aD18
Grabae Losa ,.. s J Gtabec res Rll 7 Ottsden
llblel, Re!lgiOUI PlctUrH, Hymn Bookl,
Grabb Ootoltrj Mrs h 513 Si Cla11
Sunday School Suppllea, NovettiM ,
· John l gua~d Prov Ja,l513 S1 Cta•r
Materla!a, Communion Wara, Chrlallan
Uterature, Prayer Booka. Vlaual Aida, Grabee rra~k J I'"'"' A& WResll 45 Pnnce s
Fra'\1< J olant suP! Ene & Hilton Beve<ages 45 Prince s
lannere, Setolll, Calendart Grace CI'Jtslian Re!ormed Cnureh Rev Peler Kra~rg m.n,Slef
M Orand av e, N7L 1V7
.........Phone 352-51to - Gfcl{'eav
Gr.~ceDav ldC studl 132 Plll<wood df
Wm C tMartha JJ mgr Bell canada h 132 Patllwood df
Goubert M~ry n 258 McNaughton a~ a apt 103 Grager Geo h 4 1 McKinnon dr
~thy 4 1 McKinnon dr
• Waylll! !Ardent) h 421 Sal'dysapl4
Goud•e Ann spec educ tehr Kent County Bd or Educ n 422 Graham Beula~! h 23 Cnat1e11s IIJl)t 1
VIctoria av • Btl1111lab A W K lndt 186 1nSheS av
• Ellz 422 V1t10111 av
l!tuet' Sl:ldl 186 lnshes av
Goudreau A•mee J cl~ Bl Way 15 Adela•de n
Carson tHazet) h 74 Tw~mu•r e>' e
• Duncan A (Vllgrllla M) lab ROCJ<,.eJt lnU h 59 Cedatwoods cres
·Anita h 94 Baldoon rd apt 104
• 8 Mh 41 ~rdaleapt205
• Eh 204 McNaug111on ave
Floyd dl\it Courtesy Cab h 99 Wtlson a•
• Barry srudt 74 Elizabeth
• Gwen h 89 Buclungham av
• Denny DlOpat El h 25 Scane
· Donald LIJudtlh M) process1ng eng can Fram ltd n 72 · Irene h 36 Ja~s e1
Thornhill cres • J h 35 Otchard Hl!l dr apl 1
J D studl 35 Coppffloeld cres
• Gtegg mmnce Wheels Inn 84 Whoppoorw<ll cres
Jean Mrs h 15 Adela•de n
J rom (Nancy Sllab Eaton Yale Lid h 35 Coppe~field cres
Jtannene R (JosliC~r Georges P Van•er Schl res RR 1 Grande
• li!Onatd J !Donna Jl mgr Esse• Wldrs Spls h 84 Whlppoortotll
cres Potnte
John (8('-;1!rlyJ tr~ drvr Transpot1 Route Canada n 458 Grand
• IAane sbclk People's .t...1rs
Ramoe h 27 Dew ave
John Ecar wash atdl S M S PeUoleums 407 Ktng w
• Reg lab libby McNedl & lobby (Wattaceburg)40 Glay
Jos A (Manon M1 h 14 McNaughton a• w •
· RomeoS ll Marie) mngmnll H canada h 64 Strnenvn av
'-I .chelle sis Belinda & Brothet res RR t Grande Poonte
• Rose An~ Mrs h 805 Grand av w apt 204
V1ncent J (Stella I lab IH canada n 74 Elizabeth Pearl h 186 tnshtsav
Pet!'< H tlezlie LJ lndl m!wrghl Motor Wheel Catpn h 358
Gough Allred R(Maty I) h 172 Emma
Welhng1on w
Goulay John h 108 Slanley av
R Jac• (Audrey) h 57 r... eedsmw ave
Goutd A h 118 Palleson av
SA h 20 Trllhum Vrllage api2D2
Btenda h 182 W1lham s
• Wm (flameI conlrlr Ea1on Yale Ltd h 64 Pamela cres
• Chas 67 Mwray
Gra•nget Janetllehr John McGregor Sec Schl h 33 Eugen•e
• DorOihy l Mt5 h 67 MUJTay
· Kathy slsclk St Clan Pnt & Wattppr 308 Woods · loo•s f (Villlolred E) lab Can Fram h 113 Gtengany cres
Mauroce l\Eva MI(Gia•nget Shl Mil Wksl h 210 Se>~lfk
· l~ h 217 Park


231VAN ST., P.O. BOX 543, N7M SKI PHONE 3541-5045

Pf!ggy h 36 Sou~'ld cres apl2 · Wayne Wtola~ICeJ lab 1HC.nada n 25 Aberdeen
Ray (Oor1s) mecnlabOmbacd's Cnalham Lid res RR 1 • Wrlbl CIEtnPI Ml h 34 Coverdale
·Ronald J !Sharon Ll IOfmo Ma•nly Wd Operations h 21 John • \'lllld F (Ins Jt wlo.s Trans Canada Freezers h 175 Colbome
Gra•'lQI!I Shee!Melal Works (Maurice l Grarnger) r210 Selk11'1c Gravtord Norma Jean mgr Sears h 82 Delaware av apl 4 11


Jolin Marchetti, ArM Repr-ntatlve (Jean A Smith & E Rueull Smith)
Televlelon Rental• 'The HouM of Dinnerware'
174 King w, N7M IES Glfte In China, Sliver & Cry•tel
..........Phone S54-7115 Founded In 1to2
15 King w, N7M 1C7
..........Phone S52-7800
Grand Bruce h 159 Selkrrk
Gcand Vte'N Aoartments 343 Gra'ld ave
Grandbois Jolvl G h 91 Krng e apt 1 Grolc M h 50 Memn av apt I 03
Gcandoa's Place Ant•ques tJ A G•llesOteJ 83 Ktng w Great lakes Brock & SloM Lid Wm Grtn pres 602 Grand av e
Granioen A!fd W(Margl Ann) prod dsgrv Daymond Co h 49 Aberdeen Great lakes Ia! ltd 745 Pa•k av w
Gran& Bnan Ad:$11 stn eng Unoon Gas h 138 lark Great West Auo o (AI Bllllstern & ROD Eyers) \97 King w
• Bnan P IShl!tey AI sis mgt .Ia!:~ Carroll Ponllac n 21 Greaves Terrance purcll SPit C8n Fram h 2191.1Jchener rd
wr1ldsclr dt Green Atvena C 1137 Ea10rt d
· Br1non K !lindaI ell< L C 8<1 n 172 Coverda•e Artll•e h 104 Pamela cres
• Chas F !Blanche) h 20 Sheldon av • 81!1 h 292 McNaughton av w
Danl J IDebra El wrlh OPP h 116 Sylvester dr • Bon!lte Mrs 93 Field!!! av
Denn•s J !Paul~) mech Cto•is Rntl h 44 Buciungharn av Bra<! J ICIIMyl A) h n s Rtehmond
GRANT, DORENE, (Larry), Supervleor Credit • D V /187 Regency dt
Dept Chatham Board of Water Commlulonera, Dan h 183 McNaughton av w apt 3
Rnl18 Bloomfield rd, Phone 354-1281 • Dave r n Pub Genl Hosp h 90 Eugen1e
Oooglas wtdr h 161'2 O'Neil David W(Donna J) 1tsmn Kent Welders' Sply h 12 Jupiter eY
• Geo MlEitz Al program analyst Umon Gash 160 John Doris M Mrs h 99 McNaughton av w apt 240
· Gladys 97 Mcfarlane av apt2D9 • Fernande h 72 1'2laytor av
· Gladys M Mrs h 99 McNaughton av wapt 106 Gary bar1ndr The Ki~way 71 Parry dr
-"'.an EMrs h 31 Churclull Geo tlev•nal 11 91 Rale•gh
• kathy L studt 21 W•ndsoc dr • J Allan !Dorothy El di$11 Chatham Water Comm h 136 Lome ev
· larry C (Dorene) chat1 acct 141 Grand a• e h 619 Btoomfreld • Jeff 6ludl 40 Punce ~nhUr av
rd · John M(Bonn•e C) elk Canada Post Corpn h 142 Wlllowmac av
• LOts Gsecy Unton Gas h 150 Mary apl405 lany R (Judo!h Ann) provt prosecutor h 151 Canterbury
· Michl !Susan) lehr U!Jyhne Coli h 100 Gladslone av Lean !Harvey) shpr La~eland lndl Sis res RR 9
· MIChl Blab~ Wheel Corpn 21 Wtndsor dr R'CIId J (Janel AI studl h 33 Park av w
• t.l.ctll 0 n 50 Mdlener rd ept607 • ROb! asmblr C.n Fram h 94 BatclOon rd 8PI 102
· Nh 123Wtlllamsapt1 Ronald A h 71 Parry dr
Norma Glab MoiOI W~1 Cotpn 46 T1mmins cres ap12 Sharon M k•t hiPI Wheels Inn h 73 St C1a11 ap14
· Norman Awks Eaton Yale Lid h 46 Timmins cres aPt2 Stanley V (Margarel) h e s Easllawn dr
• No<ma, J tRuth I) mntnte Chatham Cotnmunoty Centre h 608 Tho$ H tJune Ml h 128 Coverdale
LM:roo• Thos w (Martlyn JJ lehr WJ Batrd Pub Schl h 40 Pr1nce
PC h 276 Merr.:l av apt 215 At!h.. IY
· Ray lol h 96 Kensrngton pt Velda J !Douglas W) secy Bedford Myers & Hansen 87 Regency
• Robt wtlrn Bell Canada h 45 Alexandra a• dr
• SUSiln dteln St Jos Hasp h 276 Memtt a• apt303 W Leshe !Helen Jl h 47 Churchill
Granville Mh 44 Joseph Wm h 3 MadPra cres
Grasso K h 59laytor av apt 10 Wm w~s Domter 18 Onote pkwy
Gra!lon 0 h 76 Mary IPI315 Wm H (Harnent aupt Kent County SChls h 471 Victotaa av
Graveline Rrek mgr Gas N Go Wm llfflen} n 11 T Gladstone ev Ken IMatgl mech Maple Cl\' Ootboard res RA 2 R•dgetoY.n Wm R!Deborah AI olce mgr Kent Weldefs Ap1y h 132
Gra~ Alan !Janel eng Union Gash 59 WhlpJlOOI""tll cres Copperfield Cles
• Amanda J IJas) SISCik 1<10011 Kobbler res RR 4 Greene Tom h 549 Park av w
• An1'!1t' K h 805 Grand av w apt 710 Greenhalgh Altd (Edtlh A) tchr Tecumsell Sec Schl h 541
Gray Apertmellts 4 Gray VICIOtta av
· lltad!~y I< lab Fred's NUtsery 64 SoMys>de av · Florence Mrs h 99 McNaugnton av wap1149
• C.l M 1FernAl 111< drvr l.IJdfaw Transp h 64 Sunny~~de av Greemlade Harry F h 76 lotary apt 711
• Dh 18 Pearl cresapr 4 Jolin A !Dorothy) h 4 7 Eugeme
Donald R!Joyce lot 1sec: treas Richmond Mill h 150 lotary apt • S h 138 Sernenyn av
707 Greentree Farms lid 143 Wellington wsune 110
E~ M M•s chart analys1 Uoton Gash 70 Regency df Green-Nay Jas W(Patror;ia M) pnn Kenl County 8<1 of Educ h 15
• ~ !Susatll h 15 Otch&rd Ht1 CUDI 1 Homestead cres
• Jas h 97 BedtO!d aoc 201 • Patr>C>awks 8lc ol Monl h 50 Merntt av apt405
· .las R1!'Q< Staodard Trust h 78 WOOOiand av Greenwood Chas J (Judy) cablmkr h 389 Grand ave
l H tMargl JJ h 22 L'ldoan Ct~ rd 'N • El!lel B n 190 Thames apt 54
• lOti M h 12 Shrhng Ia IPI 2 • Judrth secy Ross Ins Agnes 389 Grand av e
• Palr~C~a dr<r·atdiChalham & Ambulance Serv res Green 'HOOd Wm Dr eye spec 78 Vle1011a av
Greer Goldon (Gerre) lab Daymond Ltd h 462 Indian Creek td w
Slody tteplnSt WheelS fllneSS Club h 76 MMy apt 4 15 J•mh 75 Mary apt 305

Please Turn to the Last Page of
the Classified (Yellow) Section.
Gr~lnk Harm J (Parnell Cl mech h 152 John
Pead h 5!1 Bryltlewood c;es
Trudy bi<pr Honey Elec15S Bryi~OOil Cllll Wa.,-ne Qllil1ly toni!oil H Canada 1\ 9S T..~IIV e
Gregorenl Romono lab MOIOI Wneef Corpn h 124 Cornnm Grin<llay Jim h 20 Trttnum Village apl302
GregoriO Joe SIUdt 84 Ou!!vegan 01 GHneaoe Ct> A VI :drill I h 84 fle!I:Jet I•
Vcenle W(Banal eng Can Fr111111 84 Dut>vtgill dr (la.!l3.'1d llOtSe 11arner BA foeklet av
V'rgtnla Sludl84 Dut>vegan dr M~nay l(lng<ld Jl1'10111P lralnef h 11 T~etma
G!egory Or~ Alliance Church Rev Jas Clple pas10I n s Gri!QOIY Gn!IOil Eo h 21l8'l*' cres
c:Jr• N~... ~ Mrs h 100 McFa•la'• •••ot309
Gregory Dr•ve Pubht School ~rs MallCII.a BurQI!U pron 180 l'tllltp M (GilberteI Jr;ht SllJrsula Sep Schl n 68 Alden
Gregory l:lr w V"tfgil ·~'·llia llab Eaton Yale ltd II w1 Go,en ra
Gregory lrent> Mrs h SO Har<ey Grot~l Ulllen Ah 20 O'N-il
RolandAh 181 Oela-e ev Gtocon Al!Pn w(VIole! 1.11 dtW Fne Depth 55 Woi!Stwe 01
Gregus Paoi(AniOinelle) h 93 Grand av • •rlhur R ( Nee!~) h 102 ~'~rio ev "
· Paul G !CarOlyn) n 534 St Cle•r Etil Al:{drsr S•ars Ha11 8auar 20 Ellis
Gremer Boo111e 99 Ta;101 •• c
fredlt dk Can Posl Cotpn res eo. 535
Getala h 39 Tecumseh rd J3c!o M (Susan VJwnblr can Fram lid h 141 Pollllose Ia
• Gllrslarn (Sutanne) tlmpet~al Orvwalll h '15 Sandys apl2 Jane EIW0155 'lii•IS/I•tt (J(
G!esko Mrehl(~ry Al h 171 laocelreld pi - .leannme SlUdl 20 Ellis
Greoten ~n Gh 402 King 'II John F (Judith AI Slsmn Credit Bofeau ol Chaltla'" h 20 EOts
Nancy tchl Jolin McGregor Sec Schi402Kmg• -l.ladefl:le f.. LI."S h 99 '-I.C.'4augll!Dn IY W 1DI217
Grey Judy !Dona lot bkl)f Maple C•ly Gas & Oil Co 111Bie0~m Paul sl"cl< Ene & Hwon BeY 55 WJtsNre dl
Shelly asst co-ord Kern Volunteers h 97 o·NPrlapl4 S n 6SO Grand av ., aol 204
• WavnrG (Beryl Gi supv<;J CIL II 101 Sl MJchaelav - Vlc~i caSI\r Ml:OoNIIds h 59 TeviOt snpl12
Greydan~r-> Gar)' 8 wks Rendefs & Rend~s lid 1ZI Park Ia Groen J<n W(lllkla AI purch PL.tb Genl ~ h 771 Queen
Gerald 8 (Joan) &11om I H Canada h 121 Park Ia • Jol!n R lllndal d•SI mgr OeKalb Canada toe res RR 2lyndtt~
• John 0 wks Weslhook Constr 121 Pa-1< 1a lleJ~'I W(W•rufred Gllchl C.tvln Chrisl•an Schl h 75
Greyhound & Cnaltlam Coacn Lmes Dfpol440 Gra'ld •~ e Sunnysidl> ltV
Gr•eve J h 11 Rate1ogh apt 1 · l•nda AM~ asst admln f'nr< C!(Famtl"f Oivl771 Queen
Guft N h 795 Grand 811 w apt216 lou h 795 Grand a• • aor 209
Or tHin Glenn 8 (Manon) dlsl supvsr WOO< Wear Corpn ll 129 -Lou J asst pla!llllng f!llQ uruon Gas 202 Ca."llllU$ Pl<'lfY a01J06
'IN~ams GtOenenbetg Gertti(Anje ll lab Ealon Va!e Lid II •J Goldmere
·lawrence wks Chatham Pub Ubry 129 Wilham s dl
· Ronald (Maure<1nl sell Woodslte GtflQlln t h 59 St AnthOny ap!J
GltHJ«'n Ottk J ILuc•a Ml mechRrver<iew Al.tomOblle ltd h 61 GrOQ', .1>!5 .'4 I Gn"d 11r e IPI2
Gregoryc:Jrw GROOMBRIDGE, DALE E. (Audrey). With C & G
· John G IR•k81 qualrly control eng Mot01 Wheel C01pn h 203 Realty Limited, h 98 Cro11, Phone
llydican av eid 35..8398
l()l18trll! 151 Forest Gtl"'mbrrdgt LlOyd 0 tllea~ICe EJ h 310 Vldor•l a•
Gnll•th Antla (l<.e•rhl elk Best For less res RR 1 Dresden Grooltt~boPr DeniSe J sludt 7 I f oub\'fl dl
• Fh 15 WllherSPOOn IPI503 • Ed AIW,IIem•na) union rep Chnstlan laboul Assn~ 7 I
Garl't'l F I Glaays Ml h 202 West Faub!fl or
· ~ami T Or (Anne l)mlernal mllcfiCifll! 857 Graoo av w n 154 Grose Slella n 76 M.rt aoc 31 o
M<:Naughlon av e Gross Fra~k Glltlllan Gi h 46 Regency dt
Ja$ G(Nora Ml h 60 Fatrcourt IV Grosvenor Jolin ltk dNr Prel~rred Transp h 28 T•mmms Cfes 801
• .IP!m1e Mrs h 805 Grand av w apt207 1
Karen Mrs h 650 Grand av w ape t04 Grout• A h 178 RIChmond
l Clair (Evelyn Jl h t9 Fatrcoun av Evelyn h 35 Campbell apt9
lisa Mstud! 130 Sheldon av ap1201 Ron P {Wendy Jl lab Goodyear h 404 Sanclys apt I
Matte MMrs hd casllf Gordons ~kiS ll 130 Sheldon IV apt 20 t Grover luc-v G• n Pub Geol Hasp h 70-1'2 l!edford
Manlyn J 1CI1r Kent County Bd ol Educ h 136 Maryknollrd Grove< Kaltly 971Acfarlane a• aPI 102
Mrchl Studt 650 Grand av w 101 t04 Grozeue Ron J IM•nn•e M) eng Unron Gas n w s Creek rd
Ronald ICallly) brtl! tell res Pa•ncool1 Glumrnen Oa>1d tndl hyg•en•st Can fram 51 Allen
G11lfrllls Harry !AI reel h 99 McNa~hlon •• w apt263 ·lloyd J (Joao) h S 1 A•ten
• Slanley (Auclrey) mntnce reprmn Ea1on Yale h 54 Ottawa dr Gruszka Laon (Mary) tl146 P11nce A!lhur av
• Sluarl (Oebbre}lab Libby McNeill & Libby h 29 Patteson av Gryp Alld slsmn F WConeybeare lid h 220-8 Welllnglon w
GriH01e Gerald (Judy) meter reprmn Uo•on Gas Co h 93 • Cllrtsl•l'lt' brkr F WConeybeare lid 30 Floch Cl
Maryknoll rd • Qebboe Wlrs Thames lea Restt h 72 8aldoon rd apt 10 I
J h 975 Grand av w apt 302 Glen (OOieenl crew formn Onl Hy!lfo ues Mert1n
• Trel11e 0 tFlonne C) I\ 79 NOIIhland dl Gryson Romarn A (Juhanal h 'l7 Kendall
Gtrh E~ IAQnlla K) h 115 SusseK Guait•er• F181\l< H (M IAax•nel aCCI Un Co-Op n 100 Cotleg•ale dr
Grigg Robl (Marie) brkr Frederrek Transp h 87 Patteson av Guay Chas (Rosemary) opt J M GMtg h 30 8ar1he
Gnggs Chas h 360 Sandys apt 306 David S (O.ane M)tchr lndtan Creek Ad Pub Scnl h 34
Joy (Paul) arttsldy J H Jorden res 1Ul4 Orasdeo Norlhland dr
Groll Lite Gas Products Ale• Kunr ptes 81 Thames Ernest P tEdna J) uac:k formn CNR h 68 Soultlend aes ept4
Gnlller P slsclk Dapper Dan's res RR 4 • JoM 0 (Glaays V) h SO Ch<ppewa dr
Grimes Allee N Mrs h 91 · t'2 lnshes av Gubbels A h 392 King w
Gun Harty (Joan) purch egt Great la~es BriCk & Slone Ud h 2t Guenene Anton• (M•suzul tc1v Kent Coun1y 8d of £due h 264
Ursuline IV 8aldoonrd
Jeannine (Jtm) secy Maple Cny OulJ)Oerd res RR 1 Charlng Guertn Cl~etyl elk A Schwanal 187 Eugenre
Cross • Jas G (Ruby 0) cable repr Bell canada h 57 Maryknoll rd
Simon (Romkjel h 358 Grand av e Wm F (Joyce) tormn Beef Canada h 187 Eugente
Wm (Margl) pres Grestlakes Br1ck & Slone h 134 John Guesl Ela•ne A secy-i:lk Sl Cla•r Coli h 10 Lamson Cfi!S apt2
Grtnage lloyd C {Marlene G) lnsp 1HCanada h 139 Baldoon rd • Ftom h 85 Pine apt 225

• School and Office Supplies • Office Furniture

180 KING ST. W. PHONE 354-0470

Guidohn Frri !Ba!bara A) eng I H Ca!\IOa h 39 Maryknoll rd HACKETT
Guilbault~ (Donna) lab Can Frarn h 452 Grand ave
-Rat l mach OCll Black &McDonald h 172 Delaware av Jas A h 22 I Joseph apt 8
GuiiOs ~ Fumllln Owe Flanagan owner mgr 69 Kong w · l h 95 t'2 Ra!(>ogn
GuiJOs Used Furnoture (Aus~n Flanagan) 75 St Clatr Richd G (Ja~et) Onll&nd sUMyor h 53 ROSSini crM
Gtnlard Kalhleen Rh 81'ayne • Robt N218 Adelaode s
Gutl Self Set>'!Ct em 89ton rnor 5 Grand •• w Roland (Kalhleetl) h 218 Adel81deS
Gul~am lnSiallers S39 VICtom av HaddOck Ann secy Chaltlam Bluf!ll!111l 57 St Mochael av
Gulick Don H tPatrocia) plmbr 22 Taylor av apt 1 h same • Annoc Mrs hostess Venus De 1.4•10 Reslr h 63 Baldoon rd apt
Gundry A Paul I Barbara L) lchr Kent CO\Jnly Bd of Educ h 52 207
Glengarry creJ • Broan shpg & recvg Chatham Plastic Finishers 63 Or tole pkwy
Gunn CWm !Susan !AI chatl aocct King Gratn h 22lark • Della h 99 McNaughton aw " apt 116
- John Est~dt 22 • 01811!' stud! 63 Otoole pl<wy
· Paul WstOOl 22larl< • Geo WtWolda M) equip opr MonrSI!y ol Transp & Cornm h 69 St
GvnM Them J (Karen) ltnfrno Ord Hydro h 23A Grand av w UJCIIIel av
&rr G'aham F lllargt AI stsmn Sears h 374 King w · Gregory WIEhz AI tchr Chatham CCII hlSI h 9 Crystal dt
Gusoro lnt Avqust Sull/lell pteS 280 Grand av e · John C !Janet Ll trk dM Un•on Gas h 34 Vanderpark dl
Guslln L h t35 G•ay Rochd L agt Manullle h 105 Oat~"'ew cres
Steve !Theresa! ar.mblr Wa~ec lnd (WallacebiKQ) h 54 • Robt A !Nancy J) mntnce Can Fram h 63 Onole pl<wy
.Aie..andra •• • Ro5e secy Chrysler Shlllmg1on h 44 McKeough av
Guttertdge Valefoe A51udl h 62 Bedford · Ruthann Mls cashr Can nre h 175 Seilurlc
G..oidge Brad [KeUyliCCI Pooneer Hy Bred h 4 1 Ordon blvd • Sharon 0 ldgr ctl< Te< Dom 81< II 16 Louella aes
Gene h 55 Ta;tor av apl208 Wm W(Aoo) h S7 Sl M~ av
J II Y ~ Coly 38 Northland df Haden MICI'or lndll!l Creek Rd Pull Schl
Manl~'!l elk S@a!S 38 Northland cit Hadley 0 h 191 Joseph
- IAIKIIy G (No!111 Y) techn Todgham & Case Assoc h 38 Northland HadlOCk AUS!In A (Doane Wl techn King Graon ltd h 32 Kerr av
dr Haelewyn Datlene h 45 Trmmms cres apt 114
Gvy Dor1s H elk typoS! Out Ministry ol Agtic & Fd h 15 Ehz Mrs h 122 McNaughton aw 111
Wotherspoon ape20 t Martha H M~ h 69 COverdale
· Eleanor (Melvin) sfsldy F WCooeybeare Lid IH R!l21oterltn Hai!SI Madehne U h 805 Grand BY w apt 912
· .lim tab Soulhern Coocrele 158 COpperfield crts Hagen fetrance W(Charlene Rl h 3A4 Pari\ ave
Manon M h 27 Banne HagertyCatnetme Mrs h 850 Grand &Y wapC901
Rob! (Cindy) fd techn Ont Centre lor Farm Machy h 222 Haggart CharloltP h 142 ElliS
Metnll av Jos J h 142 Eilts
Robt C (Winnolred Fllab GJ WaiSon S@rv Stn Mnlnte h 19 • Margl h 142 Elhs
Olley dr Haggeman John h 114 Poplar
Susan l hsekJX Wheels Inn 19 Oxley dt HagQeny John (Elloe) dM Hall Grocers h 98 Joseph
Wmh30t - r2~ • Rob1 L !Brenda F) wks Ea!on Yale Lid h 48 Scane
Guyeu Annur J h 4 T~111r ave Hagq.ns Broan wks Uno ted CO-Op (Thamesvtlle) h 45 Tommons cres
EOwdA l lol llocenl lA) h 283 Sandys apt 217
Gary f !Ooa~ 111111 rm dk Sass lolfg h 61 Heather dt Haggllh Br~an J !Mary M) wolh OPP h 55 Healhel cit
• Maroon h 287- t '2 Sandys • T n 50 Mernn av apt 603
• Roy !Joan) h 3261'ark Haogh Getald G (Kathryn! drvr Rockwell Inti h 124 Goldpark rd
GuyoU Clar~ S trk dl'vr Charron Transp 301 St Ch111 • Sti'Ven stud! 124 Goldparl< rd
Mary c1k Boody"s Ouock Ctea, Coon Llldry 301 Sl Cla11 Ha•n Hetman 1Ma11e) h 138 SunnysJde av
• Robt E•~~~~~ MJlab ltbby l.lcNelll & Libby h 35 Oroole Haone I'IH D Plod control Ha~ · Dana Inch 118 Rrve!Vl e'lll dr apt
P'* Y 612
Rllbl S IUary loll Itt drvr Charron lrllllsp h 301 Sl Clu Hainer F h 24 FOSler apt 1
Gwll Slant~y All t8 Campbell II'"''" "'Its lucl<y Inn 262 Colboroe
(; "W<Irlw1-~o h 20 W~Sl Margl Mrs h ?62 COfborne
l,fllh A Ror.M;anJ pt)IQmn h 25 OoveiCO\Jfl Patk 262 COfOOI Ill'
:;,,.f()r.o) .,.,,y Chlf Ur.Annur Stale Farm Ins res Bo• 114 Haonpo; Isabel sec treas 8 & M Mig h 225Ltcrolx
l';j.,.._,.,, J Ll!$ (Margt) loresler JOUrneymn Ont Hydro rl!$ Rondeau Park
'•r•'J·i•, '•"" IU~rqo,..,oi~J ~l~mn Sandy El oct MoJe<s res R!l7 Pall opr StudiO 1 99 Ouoo av
lx•~'~"' HaonQP C h t 18 Rovetv•ew dl apt61t
ltr, I; IUitf,...y I) II A rJr,.I!Wr HE V&lln&lll!llld (Wallacebwg) ChriS tGa•l)asmbly Eaton Yale Ltd h 315 Ollawa dr
to M.;t U• N~•llfl•llln ~· w Geo !Darlene) lab MOle< Wheel Corpn h 210 Sandys
"h 14 t ';<,J~rr• ~I";. Geo I h 48 McNaughton av ""
r,,.,,., I ·~o~ I• n1 WHitlll!'"" wapt8 John h 383 Wellington 111 apt 111
lloyd (Ona) h 242 Selkirk
Mary h 246 Sandys
Peter II 30 t Oueen
H Wm h 383 Welronglon w 8pt 1 tO
Hau Bin The (Wendy Ounlop)230 Queen
II A Tll!lV'f I'IAlloc: St.nool./lm McVICar p!lll 125 Chrppewa dr Haorl•ner Uurray Vaughan owner-mgr 48 Filth l~ry~all20lnd~Ctter!rde Haorport (Jas & Nancy Bolton) 195 Wellington w
·~&tty""" h 121 Pop/a/ Hal8k Jos (Annoel h 277 St Clall
M·l-• M l.losl'pllooe M) h 69 Juftette IV Ha~~et Edwon h 214 Ktng w apt 17
Had<el Eroch EIErntnll h 69 Pronte a John h 66 Bedle<d
Had< en Chas R!Belly) Slkclk 1HCanada h 197 Paneson aY Hakr Mochl (Marie) mntnce Mote< Wheel Corpn h 319 Baldoon rd
Ctorl$ h 28lowe Hataska K wtrs Holiday Inn h 77 Baldoon rd ap1 20
· Edwd Gh 625 St Claor unot 18 Hale Graham !lllane) slsmn Elaoctronte Spls InCh 120 Wtllowmac
· Eileen i.l lt 30 Trdhum Village 1PI 407 IY
• Ethelte tnshr Leeds Cabinet~ h 625 Sl Cia~ U/111 6 • Jas W (Jean Ll h 136 Churchill

Katnll1n G n76\lt ppoor• ncr•
H.ALE Hamblon Geo 695 A Perl< a• w
Hamar Joi1n (Joan) ~ & ct!m!IJ SupefiOI' Math & Tt h 70 Adela1de
• Ross w( JJ res counsellor SOuth..,estern Aegt ten~ h n
88llydJC<lll IV Hamtl Er. n liflsle U h 111 Ait•andra il't
SlaNey H (Ellsabtlnlol elk Electronic Spls h • 9 Ken .-~ Hamill Henry CJane AIll 6« 9 Queen
Ha•es David G(Angela w) ICI'Ie(!uler Union Gas h 191 Sytm:lf Hamo!ton Angela ana.'v5l U~ Gas 110 Gttngary cres
ell B II 16 VlCIOioaav
.10$ 0 (Vtvllll MJ lab MJIOI Wheel Corpn h 249 Gllnd ave Danl A !Ju\lY C) a!JIO bOdY leelltl Maple C :y FOld h 8 T\I'IIOitly
.,Man A(Gweo BJ h 43 Churchill tres
Root Hwks M•mstry of Tran5p & Communtc n 1000 Cnanng Oavtd w\s lobby MtNI!III& libby 137 Tweedsmuh av a
Ctoss rd urnl 33 Edna h 40 DeJa ...are '" ,mJ 6
Hatev Conme J 11 150-1'2Kmg e t.lal•e lolrs h t37 h.eedsmulr •• e
.los 178Ccfll0m! Path 4 Olchatd HIS 01 apt 2
.Judy SIMir YMCA 18 Taylor anpt4 • Rego o [.Angelalledln tJnio!l Gash 110 G!~ em
M¥"1 hW'.pr ~5~em Reg! Cen!rt h 18 ra)lot aviPI4 Haii!Ln Olas t t.Ury) h 75 Baldoon rd apt 8
• T n 15 Trlfhum Vilfa<Je apl212 J3s 55 \U!llng!On e (rm2)
Vm M M•s 100 lefarlaTJe •• a01309 PartlCilllab Can Fram h II Eighth
Hahnaty Jos MtStellaJ olce MOIO! w~aet CorJlfl h 15 caultnal Rooon Mh 20 lansdO ""e ••
aes Hammerton John\Cnr•$lire1II 38 Hillaest av
Mar~ studt 15 Cardtnal cres R•chd (AnnaJasmbh E810n Yale Lid h 36 Rossin• cres
• Paul atudt 15 cardinal cres Hammond Btanthe 1185 PtnuDI 116
H311 Ambef M (leonard) mac11 opr Hydro 78 Gll!f'wood dl • Dou<Ns H(Joan U 1lab Clll fram ltd h 28 Ctane dl
Anne wtrs ~ Sl'Jatte1y 18 I Parreson av Harry R tleoora J) h 941 Cllanng Cross rd
Anne Mar~ stud! 4 Detron dr leonard 1Corlille)II4SS Sanoy$ apt 501
B M I 7 Patteson av Wrn J (,..reen E) CO<'I!Wonal olcr l<ent COUrlty Ja I h 52
Brenda Cl< Oueell St V8T181y h 18- I '2 Panesonav Randolf cres
Clt~lon M (DoltS M) reprmn IH Ca~ada h 1.8 Eilts Hampton PP<C)' I Eileen) Uml<r Ca.<~ Fram h 280 Baldoon rd
• Donald (EIIZI slsmn Chemegro h 4 Det!Ott dr Ha'"'a Mary M•s I! 1511 Elizabelh
Edn1 h 82 Delawarl! av aot 108 HanaJ< Jonn H(He"" RJ (John Hana• Ins Udt h 27 TectJmseh rd
• EleaOOf R h ~Grand aY w apt 90S Hatlill John ltl$uranoe lid (John H Hana.- l 21 Ttciii!Rh rd
• Jan•ce L secy County o!Kentll 133 Prtmrose Ia Hanas CtltiS G h 795 Grand av w BDI 107
• JosE (Verlyn AI custodian McNaoghton Av Pub Scht h 446 HantQCl< Ctara 44 Burton av
M'Naughton av e J 1Cart,re r!lo<otny AJ h 79 Mdadden ••
June A (GeoHrey WI teller Standard Trust Co res RR t Jas N j()o(lna) c!ce elk St Jos Hosp 11 « Burton IV
Pa•ncoun • Robt C tiren(' P) purth IQt Cry h 108 Hollafld av
•l Mac (Amber Ml mach Cover C01pn h 78 Glenwood ell Hands Matgt Mrs h 40 T111t1um Vdlage apt504
l Shtrley II 85 Pme apt 20 I • Vetma 30 l,le<ctr
• M Douglas (Rulli At orde<ty Puo Genl Hoso h 141 rw-eeosiTUJlr av Handscllul1!'r .Ar111U< J (Ad!'la·ne MJ h 100 Mcflllllnt av iiPlllO
w Hanosor !llanche ass1 Tnlloot DenIll ~ res RR 1
• Mamn 0 (R\.111 C) II 142 Sunnysrde av Ce<ltre
• Mon•ca (lomJtr asst Cllil&e<1's Vtll~ Dei care Cellue 16 Eug l tBatb.Jra J) lab I HCanada h 15 Atlllur dr
Warwid< dr Robl C II w s GIVen rd
• Percy 97 McFarlane av apt 206 • Trula B h 3D Tnlllum Vlllage apt208
• A h 15 Trllllum VlitaQP apt 205 • Velma 1Mrs lead hand Ptnecresl Foods h 222 Sandys
• Allndt E laby techn MOS labs h 59 Helen Handy EM h 805 Grand av w aot 908
• Redgle G (Eta.~ V) ~ 24 Ken av • Enc (Sandra! tab t HCanada h 7 Beechwood aes
• Robl tatl MoiOf W'let>l Corpn h 18 Pat1eson IV · laute! tao Ma'* Ctv l.ndry rS 1 Taylor avll!l 5
• Robl K (!Aar)O(Y) customer~.,. Bennt~ Lmbr & Bldg Ma!enal h ~d!'s Rubt M·s 11 537 V:octona ••
156John Hamomaa;er Ar.e lllemrcf' J) tonlr8CIOt 498llcrOt• h same
• Ronald J (l.l ~'101) agroloo.s1llbby McNI!III & Libby h 130 • Kan! p tlymo E) s~ dept Unron Gas 1132 Alpone a•
McFadden av Haney LawYenoe W (At rna fl h 115 Mcfadden av
T h 10 Tudor Cl Hank's Place Han~. Bardoel mgr 249 St Clau
11105 W(Gladys) I~Uer caruer h 90 Uydocell av Hanley A Douglas (H<>IeneJ 11th h 250 Vte1011<l av
• Tom (Monica) tab I H Canada h 16 Warwick dr Johll (Pamela) h 70 Cross
Wayne 0 (Anne) wtdr I H Canada h 219 Co\oercfale • Jos F h 3D Trillium VoltagE' apt404
HALL, WIUIAM Fl. (JOMphlne), Salea Flep J T Hann Bernard J • the•rmn loNer Thames Valley Consel\'ahon
Kovac• l A11oclatu lnaurance Brokera, h i5 Authy res RR 3 Lambeth
Canterbury, Phone 352·1825 Hanna Eileen E Mrs h Ill Cornhrtl
Wm W(Phyllis MJh 90 Aobetlson IV Hannah R•chd I Rachel) mg Gordon's Bilr, h 25 Orchard HIS dl
Hallenen ·• h 67 St Anthony apt 3 apt 1
Hallen Donald L (Ruth S) lchr Ridgetown Sec Schl h 12 AYOO dr Hannon Angus J (Esther) tt 100 Mcfarlane ev apt 104
Halliday Alvon E(Lorena L) II 76 ThOfl\holl etn • Jos lab Can Fram h 183 Rlchmood
Hall111an Jelfrey Mhorse tramer Francis E~ (Dresden) 26 • M,•e J tl<aren ll tab Can Fram h 67 Ken av
Co\oerdai!> • Roy (Mary) II 40 Aberdeen
• John h 283 Forest Hansen Kenr II 404 VICIOII! av
· John W(MargtJ h 26 Co\oerdale Hansom AliCe h 99 McNaughton av w apt 261
• RObt studl 82 Delaware av apt 105 Hanson G h 3 Redwood cres
Halstead Lawrence C(Joen) mlwrghl Motor Wheel COfpn h 24 John 0 h 871 Cllarllll,l Cross rd
Madera cres Hanste•n Va~y W(Gion8 E) (GIOfl8 Sports Boutique) h 27
Halvorsen Dave (Dorothy) h 203 LacrOix Saugeenav
• 01ane J h 3D 1'2 Grant Hanlon Ctvtshne SIUdt 24 Sprolll,l pi
Hamaguchl Glen Sis rep H•llenck & Bradsby (Wall~) h 89 • Ray L tGweodoline W) !lll,l MiniStry of Transp & Comm h 24
Sheldon •• apt 22 Spnngl)l


Serving The Community Since 1966
lndustrW - Hoi Asplull FIAtlooflns - CommercW
Shingling, Siding & Soffit
160 EUGENIE 352-4082
Hlnulllk o.y IIIII ~ 0.78 011111 dr HARRISON
· .Ill All• Annll "'Il""' I HClrD II tO Aldin
• JaM (hryJ 1111C11 J-1( Fn~ &Milld IWIII2 Fred W(Ellz EIIID Aocbllllnllll 712 Outln
Hippy Hour c.\11 Clral SIMnlmgr 100 KJng • unll 110 John (Connie) lltmn Cenlrll lily Spls h 71 Dover Doon dr
Hlrdclllle Au11in FII 258loldilugl*ln 1¥ tlllll 05 John AII 125 S1 Cllir 11M 111
Hlrdlllg Anello E(lnlll II 811 Sllnlty 1¥ June llrdrlr .lull Hill 71 Oowtr Doon dr
·LNt (Piticil AI lib I HClrD II CYc0targt IW Keiiii10CIIIfllm
• Wllld (Joy) " 83 Atgency dr • U bkpr Clvyllet Sllitlillglon 0 & P II 107 Teytor 1¥
Hildy'*" ... 21 WclleolqiiW Norah IOCNhrn
• Dlblll230....,.. .. . .......... lblr Wl!etl Corpn 7 , Oowtr Doon dr
• Glil ""*'te Sen 2(M Stlkirll • ~ CIIIIIU.C'I -
• Hlrry J ((lleen HI II 230 Merrtll¥
• JaM Ill* .... Pnlg & Oeclg" 2(M Stldrtl
Tlloe .... Downey . . Wtlllctburg
HlnOd 2113 Outln ipl3
• JaM polocemn 128 ~ .. H1nog11t Aldllt H (Doml AI tarmn c.t flllll h llllllncelllld pi
· bemrtll2e~IW HlrTOIIllll Cllelerllwl<r Wheels Inn 10 Aldbud dr
. Slmlni20C Selclllt · Lon lUll 10 Aldbud dr
~JaM K (.VII A)ldmin llby S1 Joetpll's Holp II 31C
Slwtey II 115 TIIIIIIIN at~IPI20 I
DlllwniW • Wm A10 lltdbud dr
~ Qw9CWII 7 Oelftnl¥ • Wm H(Judy A) lilt dr¥1 .. Oro II 10 lltdbud dr
~Kennell 1811ric111 h IIIII Wtlinglon e Hill Enc: II 15 Trilllum YlllgeiPI II 0
Hlrllcl< "--I A!Dibbilllllb ~ Ytlelld II 115 . . _ F II 203 EINIII
Sylvilllh II 311 Mlple • Jlnillld elk 1.-.on Gil II 31 lldlt 1P1 2
ttnng S 11 78Lome • IWitord AII 71 Werwlcll dr
Hlr-" Ptllllp llollrQJ II Ia I Wtlinglon t • Clhrine ninle...,.. 1111 Clinic: Wbllop h II Alltigh 1111
Hlnwlnt c.tlon C 01 (V. . . . .I ...... C7 &nmlsullt 203
" IIII cr.tng c.o. rd
Hlrold'l Vnty (HIIOid Joyct)l 118 Alclvnond Chis WIE Anne) Ill! 11M OveMnd Wtlllm h 37Cindrln Cteel\
lt.per C II llll.actol•llll5 rdw
· Edytle8111'1111 . Cllucl< " 184 Dellwn ..
• lily 11M~~" 151loldilugl*ln .. •11113 • frlllk (Ciral)lrll 11M Clprt Fum II 110 Dover Doon dr
• Wm J (Mirilynl "P london Lilt lniiWIIA 2 Tilbury • Michl 0 374lndrln Ctttlc rd w
Hlrtel AoiWd J IOIInt llllb ~ Ytlelld II 3110 Sendysllll 111t11ey Hlloyd (Utrlon E) rniCII "'Il""' ~ Ytle Lid I! 84
30t Regency ell
~Writ Gtlrude II 811 ~ 1¥ • 1111231 Herold l 1011 Colbome
Slllroll C8lllr WcOonlld'l Atlr " r232 St Cltlr Jll II IS Pine IPII07
IWrieb IWvey V (SIIIrolll)tctw Ttcumltll . . Sd1l II 22 Uildred .... Counlry KitChen llelr h lOll Colbome
a.ppe..dr ~ 1Ellzl11 & Cllemkr lblr Wl!etl Corpn I! 187 Dele... 1¥
• Slllrolll (!Wvey)lellr Cllllllln Coltegillllnll20 Cllippewl apt!
dr ~ Clrl E!Uiuteen AI •ICdl 119 c.t Imp Ilk of Comm h
HMinglon Eldlllh II 1150 Grind I¥ w ICJIIOIM 51 Dllt¥iew c:res
Mlrglllh II II fllrCCUII¥ ..._., Employees (tnllhiml Cttdlt 1.-.on Lid Alex Bonner mgr
Hlrril Andllll7 lottflrllnt 1¥ipl318 318 Merrill I¥
Altv SIE Clrolt) C1Vome I* llbfl Am1nc:1n Pllllcl II tWvey Oorofly U h 811 McHiughlon 111 •IPI233
178E«~g~r Oouglls (VIII) dr¥1 lotonlrch Propene Lid 1W AA 3 Tupperyille
· Brera J nwet CX11Nt11or CAA..., Cllb & TrM119;y 45 • Jlnelmgr8ollie's r• AA 2
Wllowmlcl¥ • Wm 119 Blllie'a 10 I Ctoll
·llriln K cC~wtoet Lllldllt ~a &
• Cllll41 " - ' ..
""'I" 12 Alllont d Wm (Chri~M~JIIb ~ Yllelld (W~) h 48 TtmtntnS
• Ctwtoall 1•1en Kl 01* mgrllk ol Howl SCOIII 12 Alllont • Wm (Treenalllllllblr Wlletl Corpn h 101 Ctola
d HlrwY• Drive-In I Bin lltmbtclli)25 St Cllir
Cltylon " 11 Sheldon ..
• Dlwid II 1155 Grind I¥ Wipl310
.len J (SIM!tty) drtllmn Ulnisly ol AMnue " 49
• EII 1105 Grind I¥ w IPIII08 '*" J . . . 49 Amellt
• Edwd G1111C11
• EliZA 1711tny
"*' Wlletl Corpn h 48 Grind I¥ t Ftri 0 (.llnlct 011111 c.t F11111Lid II 23llrton pi
...,_A 11Ud149 Atnt111
• lllbtla C llh lllclt Yoort Vlliely II 4 Oeggt U S 24 Oufl.rin 1¥
• .JIIn ~fiCO Bell II 115lome 1¥1CJ13 Urth50lowe
· LIIOJ ISNrityl prs apr c.t f11111 II 300 ~ • Millon S 1"--ddl) INtbotov ConR) h I 7 Welllnglon e
l-IEltitlllb "*' Wlletl Corpn " 2721111doon rd
• MlriJI u " 120 Wtllnglon •
• AICIId J COline E) ~ IIIII c.t fllllllld II 711 Cedle 1¥
• Aobl 1"-icii AI mntnce 11C11 The Pines h 48 HIIIYifll
· ~ U IIh11811~1¥w1CJ1210 • ~ CliOIItrd)letw Geotgas P VIIMer Sd1l 111 AA I
• UllleiCIIudlltl bkt Ulplt Clly llkry II Ill Stlkirll Heuk SIM H IGordlt.l ~ WGTllomplon & Sons
. ..... (Uriyn} elk Ulc'leor-.enc:. Slorl " 2118 Grind• • (llllnlleiml " 101 Sl Uiclltell¥
• Wwrly A300 ~ Hllklllltile" 3110 Sendys1CJ1205
• Nlil DIOWi*le K)lellr Tilbury Nl Sd1l II 311 Alganqukl dr .....,. Aida G II 452 Grind 1¥ t
• PNIIp (Cindy) 11M OoiNnlan..., ,,.,.. . . AldgiiDwll • Brien (EIIIne)lrll dr¥1 ftldrnln Wndwl " 1111 EiiZibelll
· Alnd,J IDitlbie El lib V.-.s~} II 125 • Eh 34 Atgency dr
ComNII • Edwd A""*'Ce 111M' Holp h 110 Glenwood dr
· AII1124 Kill< • Edwd CCU1ri1n HI II 7111'1111 II
• &vile clllllmgr CNiwn ""' 71 SOIAIItnd Cltl
•- -w
Tho& " 54 Wllcol
tAiml Cltl
C) (Mirril Anlqut Slorl) " 84 Dlgot · f , _ nurte'llld Vlc:bla Home II 22 W.spooit
• Wm s ISIItllal "'Il""' Fenlon's..., PN Body Sllop,. • Geo EfEdltll Yl 11 141 Sutlllylidt 1¥
~ • Hlllhtr IIUdl 5 Ttil pi
IWnlon Annlllh " 183 £lizabtll • Ht1tn II 1110 Themes IPI21

Smalley Brisco & Thomoson



HiJ.,i.•ns Darmy R d & d•em•r Cln Frarn h 92 Esa• C1
HASKELL Garv 0 tEIP.anot)IOI'""n Pooeer Com h 187 t"MMa
• Hilda h 88 Aatetgh
ian (Sha~ron) olfset prsrnn Cnatharn Dally News n 109
Pa•r~tta elk Lew•es Boo!< & Vartety SIO!e 187 Emma
Wlllo• rnatav • lhetma h 88 Aaletgh
Janelle t1 118 Ri•I!'<V'tw dr o1p1A 33
Wh 600 Gland av "' apt 7004
Jerry \Ma'QIJIChr John Uyen Scfll res RA 2 B•anl\elm Ha•te; Ocral(l J IAQ'lftt fol'"lll Ea•on Yale lid h 37 Glad51one av
·John A \Barbara AJ lab Ea1011 Yale ltd h 156 Grand •• e
·John F h 48 Kent
linda )llrs IIOrlll'mkr n 185 Gland ave
Jam. . M Hawryluk & Jam" A Stollker
• Murrat (Mltlh ltlab I H Canada h 91 Llll(Oin rd
184 Wallington w,
• PatJii.Ja~e) n 617 Grnod ave
........Phone 351·1112
·A Arley h 19 Chesmut dr
• Ran<!v mech WIVCOO In~ 22 Wttllet5POOI\
Rob! Wst~pr UniOn Gas h 76 Solltnend t_~ HAWRYLUK, JAMES M, (Mary), Pree Hawryluk &
Rolli WIRulhJtnJemalaudtl Unton Gas n 5 Teal pi
A11oclatee lneurance Brokel'l ltd, R" R R
• Rodney )II d•slr Chlltham Water Comrn 22 Wttherspoon
4, Phone 352· 1213
Ronald K(Oarlene) ...ek:Jong co-ord Hl Tumerltd h 14
Deta...are av
Ha-oo"' • ~ary .lo"'' bt\or HaWT'fiU. & Assoc Ins res RR 4
Pa-.. ,G*IH1 S, 11!\.."::1 Cnallla., Cal)le TV h 66 Pme
·Ronald Rswd114 O..fa..a(e av
lb"'rylyl< Jas I()!gal l•reftghter 49 Bec1ford
• S<:Oll stu<ll 28 W1andon • M•ke !Anne) h 10 B•ddell av
• Sle~en 0 tKar!H1 FJ prm Kenl County (RCI Sep Schl Bd h 11 Hawlhome John Helk Best For less res Ofesden
Seneca Har J h 795 Grand •• w IIIJI203
• Valette SIUdl5 Teet p1 • J A M.dll mtge IQI .las Md.llldresS ~1911 Brl<r h 64 Soutnend
·Vernon h 6Sl1mmms cres apt212 cres ept4
• WmiSa<l•el h 40 Trtlhum Village aptl006 • J•H mgr Varco lndl Sis 795 Grand 1v
• Will R"""s ltbby McNe•ll & l•bbY •• Delaware av Haydon Ellttn h 805 Grand av "' apt 407
Haslam JoEo (Ciaudtal sis rep Royal Trust res Thamt'S~•IIe Ed•tl1 P M11> h 28 VI JIOw'IYIIC av
Haslip Harold h 605 Grand av 101 805 • Stanley G techn ~'fOilolorvstry of TrallSPOIIaU011 &
John n~ aoncr CKCO·TV h 143 Wellington w su•te 109 Commontta!IOfll 28 W'llowmac
• Marc cam~ramn CKCO ·TV h 4SS Salldyw apt S07 • W Edwd (K Anne)ldv ChaL'Ialll Kent Sec Schl h 17 8nar fltn
Ha~selaill' Margt Mrs h 398 Sandys aPI4 ld
• Shllley w~s Canlllla Post Corpn 398 Sanoys apt4 Wm M (Judy Ml productron SIJPVS( Can Fram ltd h 30 Btymewood
· Walter B (Eunice A) lab Sass Mig h 109 Roberlson av cres
• Yvonne wks Canada Post Corpn 398 Saodys apt 4 Have Davrd E(lOIIll M) h 177 Wellington e
Hasson Asa tJeen) n 45 Hous!on Ha;es Jas L •Edtlll R) admm Ca<ladlanna li-ng Home h 95
• C•ndy Slud1 130 Ml!fter Tecumse!l rd
• Child (ColeP.n) 6peceal assignment Kent County Bd of Educ h • Larry T (Jud•lh AI secunty admtn Urnon Gas h 28 WiiiO""da'e
130 Mercer pi
• Cynthie MAC Soulllwestern Reg! Centre h 45 Tlmmtna cres apt • Rose h 801 Queen
102 • T~ K ldlr 1<!'01 County Bd ot Educ h 190 Tn.res apt85
Vl<n (Donna! yd mgr Chatnam Cash & Carry lmtx h 803 Oueell
• Jas A(M•Idred PI recvr lJOby )llcNt•ll & Llllby h 60
Wm E h 975 Grand av w apt309
Cedarwoods cres
Haynes Caodtte A Mrs r n Pub Genl Hosp h 21 College
•l h 78laCIOIX apt 2
Ht>le~ 11!11> h 5 Ktngswat dr
• Robt trkr Weslburne h 265-1'2 welhng1011 e
· lien w~s Empore Cllem~Q~IS 50 Merrill a•apl509
• Wayne h 36 Barthe
Hashngs Dave wtdr labncator Aldura Tra11er & EqUtp · RICE (Hearhef ll sis rep Carhng·O'Keele Btewenes (TOt) h
!RidgelOWn) h 202·1'2 Queen •o Wyandon
• Kennl'th H tab scheduling Gordon's Super M•ts h 45 Tlmm•llS Haysum Marc•e 4blcpt' Maple C•ty Ford 93 Wedgewood 1v
Haytet I h 605 Grand av w apt5 I 1
Hayward Jean M tab U C0 22· I '2 Williams
· laura sr elk cashr Union Gas 202·1 '2 Queen
Haleten Oa~e I Shop wkr Renders & Renders ltd res Tuppervllle
· lllltan h 258 MtNaugtltoo av e apl I09
Hazell .las W tDebby J) temlrnal rngr Oiled Transp h 44 Oo•er
Halher!lt FIOience 97 Mcfarlane av 8PI312
Joan h 100 )llcFarlane av apt 704
Hanon Dudley (Catherine) tlmkr Superior Mach & n h 59 Allen Ha.!enlle!g Hh 24 ZIICOO pi
Hazlehurst Brian J elect mntnce Woodbridge Foam (TIIOUry) 19
Robt J (Suzanne AI acct Un1on Gash 19 Oueensway dr
Havent Chns N wks Elias Broa Aestr 30 0'8nen dr Ceoleav
· Fred~ J (Oorolhyl !0«1111 Bell Canada h 19 Cecrle 1v
Ke.•n wtab Ventra Mig 30 O'Bt.en dr
• ROI18ld (Nancy) rap Honeywell lid h 30 Cardona! cres Hazlen Magg.e A Mrs h 192 Mc:Naughlon ave
· Wayne G (Helen M) sis rep Lon life Ins h 30 O'Brien dt · Rob tSh>rley) mgr J H Ryders )llachy Ltd res Tupperv11te
Hawco Chns lab Rockwell Tilbury h 4 Stirling Ia apt 2 Hazzard Ball) htdrsr HaHpor1 48 Vanier dr
• Francrs T (Mabel Lllormo Loutran Inch 73 Baxter • Jess.e H h 84 BaldOon rd apt 204
Hawn Floyd h 67 Gray • Robl G (linda) wks Gordon's Super Mkts h 110 Mocheoer rd
Hawgood Chas drtr Rad•o Cabs h 59 Lome av apt 8 • Rose stsctk Sara NOble Shop h 48 Vanier dr
Heagans Clystal85·1'2 Taylor IV
• Oavtd R (Belly El CIISiodlan Kent County Bd ot Educ h 95 Heam Boll F bus drvr Chatham Coech Lines h 163 lnshes av
Houslon • Chas M (t.l3f9Uellle B)10sp 1HCanada h 202 Campus PKwy apt
• Donald 0 dM Tmns Canada Freezer 59l01ne av apt A 108
Ed dM lnlerprovrnclal Freezer h 59 Lorne ev apt 0 • Jam•& gas bar at<ll Pronto Gas Stn h 173 Cornhill
Isabel h 59 lome IV apt A • Jas wks Accutcast D•e Casbng (Wallaceburg) 11 CatdJnal cres
Robl dM C P Exp 59 lome av apt 8 Judrm 25 Dovercourt
Wm J (Rose E) lab Gore Sanrlllhon h 192 Welhnglon e ltnda hfdrSI Wondert:UII165lome av apt 4
Hawker Robt G (Pearl) h 109 Taylor ev Marguente otce wkr Can Fram h 52 Stanley av
• Ron slsmn Waycon Inti Trka Ltd h 58 Edgar Marte N h 11 Cardinal cres

J obn~on. .t)ubtutll


193 QUEEN ST., CHATHAM Phone 352-4343
• Naocy M ~earner 11 Cardo!\11 eras HEMS' AND SON SHOE SERVICE
• S1ephen C(lolarolyn El slsmn Fnto-lay h 3 Canlelbury & ORTHOPEDIC WORK,
• Sue AM arch Echo Homes h 252 SandyS (Margaret Hema)
• Wayne r1<r Colnryslde Fum 173 Comhln 2M QUMn.......... PIIone S51-3711
Hea1h Roger CIMargt A) spec ilnemn On& Hydro res Wallaceburg
Heathcote Ed~ lab Ptnecrest Foods h r196 Park
HEMS, CORNELLUS, (Margaret), With
· John wks Gulfstream lnstlrs h 30 Oul<e s
International HarvHter, h 251 Queen, Phone
· Jos (Jaors) lab Can Fram Lid h 44 Kendall
3&1- 27. .
• Thos h 42 Krrlt
HEMS, MARGARET, (Hema' and Son Shoe Service&
Heather Ethel M 1.111 h 221 laaOIX
-larry lllettyl country dM Maple Crty Lndry & Dry Clog h 41
Orthopedic Work), RH 2M QUMn, Phone
S51 · 27. .
Hfflderson Arlhllf J h 45 Trtlltum Village apt 110
Healhfo!ulg!On Marl( h 2761oAemU av apl212
·NellE INorma R) Slkrm atdi Mtr Wheel Corpn h 49 CoelswoM • BUtYOie J (Benha WI h 805 Grand av w apt4 13
av · Dan h 67 Mary
• Oa•rd (Mary Annellehr Mcl<eougtl Pub Sehl h 60 Allen
• Rodney stUdl49 CoaiSWOflll av • Oooald A tRuth) h 30 lrrlltum Vtllage apt 807
Healle~ C h 89 Sheldoo av apt 24 • Geo EIOigat h 141 Grand av w
Hebblethwarte Buan (Bonnie) molnce NO! Arner PlastiCS h 74 Grace Mrs music du Sl Andrew's Un Ch h 4 Eml!!llld pi
J llbrn Indian Creek Rd Pub Schl
• Bruce h 11 Raleigh apt6 Jas M tVtOiet) supvsr I Hcanada h 70 Warwick dr
• Kim Sludl43 Houston . lee h 257 PaJl<
·Mark h 165 Krng W apl25 • Mrehlt&lhann) wi<s Conlract Cable h 163 McNaughton av w apt
• Ronald i!<llhennel elect RockweU lnU h 43 Houston 4
Hebert Fh 10 1Laaoix • Murray 0 (Oitve 01 formn Hydro h 2 Ordoo blvd
• Nh87M.yapct05 • Rrchd N h 780 Bloomfreld rd
Hec;l;ter Henry E1189 Fbmvrew dr apl901 • Ronatd IJeanllab ltbby McNeill & Libby h tOO Edgal
·Jeff (Jane) counseiiO! Soulhweslem Regl Cenlre h 36 Grand Hendrick Elean01 h 100 Poplar apt 5
avw Hendncks Donald R(Joyce L) II & d.emkr Russel TI & Ole h 26
1'2 Kendall
Hector Donald h 49 Grand ave Hendncks Towing & Recovery Lid 209 Par!( av w
Heotey SA h 150 Mary apl706 Hendrlckx Raymond (Mary II trencher 11 Oxley dr h same
• Wm h 4 1 Marton av Rolli J l&ltyl dr\or Greal Lake B11ck & Stone h 50 Ascot ct
Heeley Chatley ISound Sllo9J 2 Crew dr Hend11e Elrz h 58 Regency dr
Heemsbelgen Ctleryl slsclk Agnew Swpass Shoes 100 t.lcflll1ane av Hendrri<S Hervy PI'S 0P1 I Hcanada h 26 lar!(
ap1 408 • Joan counseiiO! Southweslern Regl Centre h 12 Orcl\ald pi
ttendrtx GeorrttiAnna) h 100 Mcfarlane av apt 503
• Rrchd l (Cheryl Nllotmn Callfeeh h tOO Mcfarlane av ap1408
Henley B11an J I Judy M) sply ldlr Kent County Bd of Educ h 74
~ Aboe J IOorOihy)leht Kent County Bd of £due h 73
Jasoer av
• Btuce F !Joyce Jl elk A & Ph 4 Ellwood av
• Albl (JanmaJ h 78 Ta)'lor av · Donald A (Conntet plmbl Henley Plmbg h 167 BalllOon rd
• Thol RSludl 73 Jasper av • Joyce Mrs elk WOOICo 4 Ellwood av
· Timothy J studt 73 Jasper av • Laura Mts CO·O!dlnalor Southweslem Regl Centre h 60
Hegan Helen (Jack) bkp! Magee & Goodall 281Park Gladstone av
· John C IHelen Mt mgr A& Ph 281 lark • RIChd J (Gtadvst h 204 Forest
Hegmans OorOihy Clretary depl Pub Genl Hosp h 258 t.lcNaughton av Henoeker 8erme H !PatriCia A) grp ldr Can Fram h 118 Burton
eapt301 av
Herl John IDoane) lab Elan n & Ole 14 Wrthellpootl • Edrlh J lolls h 50 Kuk
Helnbuck Allan Ell.targt E) mech I H Canada h 105 Wrllowmac av • Gteg A elk lelores Vanety 62 Adelarde n
• Allana M bill Gordoo's Super Mkts 103 Hrghland dr • Kevtn 118 Bunon av
• Jack AIKathleen EJ bus dm Chatham Coacl1 Unes h t 03 · Scott wkS B•ngham Optrcal 118 Burton IV
Hrghland dr WHamson (Edtlh Mt h 192 Wrlllam s
HetniiiJ•s Oonafd J [Judy A) eleCtronic tec11n Maple Ctty Ofce Wayne T(Leanne)lab libby McNeill & libby h 161 Timmins
EQIIlp h 26 Wrldrose dr cres apl4
Getal(f ICaltlenne) h 254 Selkirk ' Hennessey Palncla Mrs ofce can Fram h 207 Harvey
Stephen &ludl207 Harvey
• John II.IJrerUe M) fdy ...~r.r Elan n & Ole h 11 Hllletest IV
• Wrn tiAargt) carp 21 Wildrose dr h same • Terl)' Sludl 207 Harvey
Heinas Ortk (Ann) carp h 22 av Hennessy Bastl S (Heather) mgr Aladdin Janllorlal h 47 Lincoln
Heino Moc;hj (Fay) leb Daymond h 37 Chartetis rd
Henry Bnan h 11 Gray
Held! Geo lllmn Chalham MUSiC Shoppe re1 RR 1 • Dons J h 32 Baxter
Helkl! Ronald S !Judy) carp (Windsor) h 26 Hrllcrest tv · Dwayne 0 (Cheryl A) lab Ea1on Vale Lid h 37 Lowe
Helleburyck A h 200 Emma apl 8 Franos M llrndsay) IChr John McGrega~ Sec Sehl h 54 Haalher
~negard Frank 97 Mcflll1ane av apt205 dr
~llerrna/l Carol~n atcll Sunoco Inc res RR 3 J h 36 Oufferln av api 3
• Glen ISSI plant rngr 0e Canada Ud h t 96 Par!( IV e apt 3 Jos G wldr Essex Wldr's Sply h 36 Taylor av
Heltrngs Bef1l1e MMr1 h 130 S11111ey av ·Joyce Eh tOO Mcfarlane av apl 702
• Mrchl F stud! 54 Heall!er dr
I.IM!n (Johanna) h 609 Gland IV e
Htlsdon Twrla l h 258 Fores1 • Paulene 0 wtts Saxony Reslr 32 Baxter
· A wks Bell Canada h 115 Harvey apt1
Htmbree Dale (FII'SI Talre VIdeo) res RR 1 Grande Pointe
• Hou5IOI'I tFt!$1 Tlkt VIdeo) res RR 1 Grande Pointe · Sheila elk lyptst Erfe & Huron Beverages 100 McFartana av

Tammy h 360 5anclylaol210
· Vema h 89 W•llo-.wmac av Heyw1l0d Ke>1n h 47Emrna ap~I03
Henry's TV 5ales & Serv~ (Hiory Raaymake!S) 255 Wrllra'll s H11lbe!1 Wro h 150 M~ry apt1004
Henry·s varretv (Georgene CharronJt87 Kmg e Hid<long Guy mech Sm.lh C;1:1e res RR I!
Henson ~~y E h 133 Wesl Hit'•mcll Allan Bt.lacQueline Aj IICM l.klton Gas h 65 Devon rd
Hepburn Alan W(Gla·jySl (Plll!l Vuleallllmg) h 17 Slmoolon df Brute WCQITli)Uiel programmer Clsll & Clrry lmbr 65 Devon rd
llepner Sle'ie (Mdryl Jail Sou1hem Concrete Prod h 142~ · Gladysh99M'"~avwaoc 145
or Hoti<s Broan (GIOrra)wks S~td TOIJII! tBienhe•mJ h 132 fltr<ey
Hepp carOl slstdy Elk's Men's Wear h 28J..1 '2 G11nd rv v. HIC!os lkaldulg5 Sulll
• ChriS bodymn Mas Body Shop 283 ·1'2 Grand •• w • Foedl< P lMEhz) h 74 Eug<!me
Herber! JoiLn E(Wrnnrlredl elk Llonel'a Men's WNI h 209 Grand Hazel n 133 Selll,n.
ave • .lir.i (Sherrill) lab Ubby lkHeil1 & Libby h 27lorne at apl 1
• P h 343 G<and av e ap1503 HIIIQIOll Allll'!l!e lecptOSI F l Waenns ltd 291 C8rn(lus pkwy
• Scoa conn 62 layiCK av apt l II same • B h 65 Pol'l! apt 128
• W1nl1ltred (.lack) elk LabOmbard's Chethamlld 209 Grl/ld ave Cllas (Col'~"l ll'Chn Urllon G.H h 28 AIPone ••
Herd Jack NIIIQ' Boyes & Berd lid h 190 Tha'Tift apt 41! Collftn £ secy OPP 11 63 W·llowmac aw
Herder carl pohcemn h 57 Orclon blvd .las W(Wendy l) dm Worl<WW of Ceneda h 13 HouSIOII
• cart studl267 Se\k!lk · ..lotu1 h 30 TnlhUITI Vl~gt': apC 302
• Jac~ tGarol) mech I HGaneda h 267 Sl!liurk Rob! B tMilene) coostable OPP h 291 Caii'ClUS Pkwy
Nancy COSIICCI elk I H Ganada II 15 Redwood c:ras S Heatne< blopr Mas~ Clrvs n 109 StGeorge
I!ria Sludl21!7 Seli!1rll • Wendy (J1mt caw 1.11512< Clru & Lndly 13 Housalr1
Herlst AI Tune Up (AI HP-fsll 77leeson dr Higgs Rulli M h 50 MiChe11el td IJ)I505
• Albt (MarQII (AI Herlst Tune·Up) h 139 l.tmer H;g!l J R h I Joplyo
• Paul J stud! I 39 Me<cer Pamela J nurse Pub Genl Hosp h 1!4 Rardolf cres
• Robl srudt 139 MPfcer H1gh Sly1e BeaU1y Salon (Mrs Mar; Roy) 51 Battne
Herman Edna M h 66 Dove~ Higllgatf l~la lArs h 197 EIJ9'!'lle
• Sll!\'e lEva) hI! I MtFatlalll! av HJgtolandlr cr~.aners (Kennell! De Baclte) 321 51 Cla r
Hermilll.loyd A(Kalhet1neJiab Ealon Yale Lid h 117 5andys H1kle!lrand t.l n 4 I StGeorge apC 3
Hern larry (5an<Jrat rep london l1fe ins res RR 5 Themesvilk> Hill AStewart (Sturll)yJ sert tngf BOb's Uar1spor1s lid h 171
Hernandez M1chiiM1rtna)ll51 Paneson av Poplar
Hemgafl Den111s 1'\ 975 Grand av w apt105 • Albt G (Pamala J) lab Can Fram h 291 Mercer
Hetron Jas l (Margt Cl s.gnal ma1nta1ner CPR h 221 McNauglllon ~ltll H lab Roc~«oen tr.!l h 4 1 Sl Patncto
avw · Ar.nM~ 113911\Jngw
Hrrshenl10rn Satnl e•ec dir Cha•Mm-Ke!ll Commull!ly 6 Family • Broao Dlellet CIITII!f 4 I St Pau'O
Servs Byron S (VIOla MJh 1000 Channg Closs rd Ull!t 52
Harshorn Wm mgr Mtster Transmtss•on res RR 4 • Chas H h 239 Krng e
• Wm {M Joyca) (M1s1er Transmission) h 39 Japlyn • Oavtd S (Gertrude EJienet earner h ~ Coatsworth av
flellellorella M Mrs h T ReoencY dr Otanr.e L (Ston!ctk Cnetnam Gable TV 201 Grand rv w apl1
Hester W1thr Kent County Bd o1 Educ h 128 Syl•asle! df Oonlld M (Joarmtl pr1n Thamesv1rt Pub Schl h 88 Glenwood dr
He!herlngton GladY' M M~ h 133 lnshes ev Ec:tw•n J h 235 K1ng t
• Jodre l atdl Chatham Dost AmboJianoe Se!'tl h 24 Ellzabetll • Geo A tOons M) h 30 Tn~1um Vmaga apt707
Heuston Cllrlstme A97 Bedtcxd apl IOt • H Gordon h 600 Grand av w apt5003
• Healhet h 152 ·I '2 Raleigh • H Gordon (Margll h 650 Grand av w apl903
• Henry (Mary lou) mgr Gent 811111 h 228 McNaugllton rv w HaNeY (Donna) crane opr Sass Mig res WallactburQ
Ma!llla v mgr 97 Bedford AplS h 97 Bedford apt 101 • Halt! Eh 1!4 Colleg<ate dr
· Rob! tab !.lark's TransmtSIIO!l2281.lcNaugh10n •• w · Ida M n 243 K1ng e
• RObt H (Suzanne El bk drvr Ponecrest Foods n 44 Glint M·dll stud! 30 TnPtUITI Vollage apt 707
· Shelley L 97 Bedford apt 101 Mildred !.111; 99 Park
• Sieve h 9 Orchard Hts dr apt 3 RMn76 Maryapt110
• Thos A (Bevetly T)lrk drvr Nusaey Ctge h 77 Berry Robl J (Shorley Ll mstr plmbr h 268 lndoan Cleek rd w
He\Netmans John G (LorraJrte G) genl formnl HClnlda h 46lark • Vim P !Rolli El firefighter h 85 Buctdngham av
· leo C (carol) lrtsp I HCanada h I! I ~ dr Holher John h 174 '{ICIOiil av
Hewer B Wayn<! tJeanene)l!i(dk A& P h 25 T1m01hy c:res Holhs Wm R(Arlene 51 lab Motor Wheel Corpn n 221 Sandys
Hev.rngs Mark h 165 Gregory dr w Hrltman Brian elk Oorn StOles 46 ~rborough
S Bart (Jacqulel tchr Chathem Collagoale Ins! res RR I! • Donna res sportwkr Challlam WCKnen's Centre h 448 Oueen
Hew·~ Jas G (Col'lnoeJ techn Mrn•at'Y ot Transp & CommuniC h 24 • Elmer (Agnes) h 46 Primrose Ia
Orchard pt EriC M (Heatllef l) gtO elk Gordon's Supet Mkt h 39 Arnold
Heyd Elmer M (l.toldred H)li!b Cllrysler Clnlda II 188 Lacroox Frank (lena AI h 115 TweedSmuor IV w
• Jas etecl Chrytlar (Wtndsorl h 1!48 St Clatr • Gordon W (Mary M) advtsg siS Chatham Dally NI!WS h 51
· Jerome G (Marlon OJ drvr Oom1mon Auto Transtl h 836 St Juli~ttte av
Clair Heather (Eilc) asst McColl Drug Co 39 Arnold
• Leo E(Mary E) drvr Chalnam Bus Lines 11 t 05 McNaughlon ave John lab Barrte's BriCkyard (lhatnesvllleJ46 P~erbOrougll
Heyens Chroatlorne St Grp Home) h 7 Lorne av KaJhleen (Wm) secy Or Gc Debergh 28 English Side rd
Heyonk Ger1ld llab Vanell'lge1se Hlg & Cooling 11 Glenwood ell Laune pntr Chatham PtesltC Flntshong
• Gemt J (Henroene) II 11 Gten...aod dr Ray F (Mar•onl Sll<mn I H Ganeda h 46 Pelerborougn
• Henrlene Mrs hrdrsr Artistic Hair Cere 11 Glenwood dr RObt (Martlyn) cablmkr Windmill Cabt Shop ras RR 1
• Henry (Judy) (Henry Heylnk Excvtg) h 4 1 Forest • Robt B(Nanty ll prOd sup'tSI Olsen't {nlbwy) h 346
· John D mech Hank's Auto Body (Dresden) 11 Glenwood dr McNaughton "' w
Heyntnck Gloria h 58· 1'2 Bedford • Robt H (SoHit ll lab Eaton Yaie lid n 15 Diamond dr
• Jas D (Vodorla Ll meat mgr Gordon's Supetmkts h 28 Webb • Rob! N 46 Pnmrose Ia
· Ram•e carp Bruce Rayment h 192 FOiest • Wh 132 St Clair
· R1ta Mill h 1!4 Ellzabelll - WDonald (AMI supt Grand Vrew Apts h 343 Grand •• e apt 106


General Contractors- Design and Build
303 MERRITT AVE. P.O. BOX 151 PHONE 352-7780
Hobbs J Hv-pres Unooo Gash 89 Ro.81Voew df aPI302
HILLMAN Hod<In Anne 11 fa•rcourt ••<lge Ahce Ioiii h 85 Pone apl142
Wm(Kalhleen) h 28 £ngto5h S4de rd
Hodges Den EMrs h 85 Pill!' apl108
Hiooman s loletl'S Shop (Rodld Allen) 206 Oueen
• Gamt'l W(tdoltl loll h 5' TriTlllllns creupl 7
HILLS, DAVID E, (Elaine), Admlnllttatlve
• Jetferr 8 rTerry F1 doSp Chalham Coach lines h 45 Wollowmac
Otfic.r Chatham Boerd of Water av
Comml..lonerloII 574 King w, Phone
Hodgol'l Ehz Mrs n 89 Ro~el\'oew ar BPI 702
Hodgson ~nne (Norm! mg~ SIOke·s Wyandolle
H•Us Patncla mgr Wanda's Fashions h 11 Forest apt 1
• Bradley N s1udt 76 Wyandol1
· Randolph (Joan) meat elf IGA n 63 Taylor &V
• Byron ~ Sludt 76 Wyanoou
• Sanelrl h 187·1'2 Wellong101l w
Holtz Khon (Karole) mntnce Southweslern Regl Centre h 89 Le"y 1Mrs h 99 McNaughtoo av w apt 128
RovetVOt'W' dlapt 708 • Normao F tE Anoel supt Ken! County Bd of Educ n 76 Wyandolt
• Randy h 455 Sandys apl503 Hoek Nocl<otas (TinaI h 805 Grand av w apt 611
• Rolen 76 Mary apt708 Hoeloslra AI~ (Annal farm mgo Bru-Ben ~I Co h 594
Patit avw
• Rob1 J h 98 Part< apt2
Hime Oa,.'od H (Anne) drftsmn can Fram h 86 Devon rd • Andrew (Margt) mntnce MOIOI ~ Corpn n 50 Dunvegan dr
. Oe<ek R !Sherla) shtmUwl<r Can Fram h 132 Churcholt • Audrey secy Arc lnd 125 Delaware av
Hond Ann studt 71 Lansdowne av · Audrey 97 Bedford apt 208
• Byron wks Gas N Go Campbell • Aug llooie) credit supvw Teppermans h 343 Grand ave apt
• Ch 100 Mcfarlane av apt208 103
- Douglas stud! 19 Fmch av • Chl'1yt L SIUdl94 Ottawa d!
- Douglas l h 193 Woods Oorl< (Holda) wks Ealon Yale Lid h 163 HaNey
• Gordon F !Elva] h 253 Woods - fdwd IJanel I hoiSI eng Ben Bruonsma & Soos h 59 Pnnce
· Herbt l (lOU1se) h 7 1 Lansdowne av
• Jack H (Lillian) lire preyentooo otcr Fire Depth 10 Diane • Eertsche Mrs h 149 Coonholl
rd • Eroe studl 14 PackwOOd dr
· Jerry flonda) olce I Hcanada h 60 Cross Eug J tHetlle Ml gent Ol)f Moler Wheel Corpn h 38 Pnmtose Ia
louose (Herbel bl<pr Alspon TIM Serv 71Laosdowne • H h 40 Elm apt98
-Mark h 32 Lacroi• apt 6 • HaoJY G h 47 Poplar
• Rodney J (Joanne loll eleclll H Canada h 14 Boddell av • HarTy (Jenny) prs op1 Motor Wheel Corpn n 59 Collegiate dr
Honds Oavod Re~ (Margt) minister United Church h 51 Water • Harry (Yvonne) cootr 11 Houston h same
Hines Chi IS A studl 70 Wyendol1 • Henle (Eugene) acets Rowland's Ins 32 Prtmrosa Ia
• Paul A (lolarlene E) bus admm Kent County Bd of Educ h 70 • Jack h 25 Jordan av
Wyandoll • Jac1< Wm (Ann Sl asmblr opt Eaton Yale ltd h 125 Delaware a•
Htnneg3!1 Ah 463 Kong w • JIICQUe!oll(' wks Meadowpetk Nursg Home 154 Oxley dr
Hmnegan & Babcock tK Allen Honnegan & lar!y R Babax:k) • Jennoll!l ass1 mgr Sma~ Set 154 Oaley <II
lawym 72 Voctoroa av • Jom A parts dept Rocllmond Mtrs h 59 Wlflowmac av
. Donald w(Eltz) h 54 Metcer John c h 99 McNaughton ev w apt 212
- Fred (Blenda) lab Standard Tube (Blenheim)h 216 Mochener rd • Jos tSusanl lab Motor Wheel Corpn h 23 Redbud dr
-John J tMarae E) h 36 Tecumsell rd • Lawrence h 71 Blylhewood cres
• K Allan IMargo TJ (Hinnegan & Babcocl<) h 3i Cedarv.OOdl ens • Marg1 Mrs h 40 Elm apt 307
- Palnoa ntne VON h 82 Delaware av apt 309 • Mary (I.Aochl) elk Best For Lea 154 Oxley <II
• Perry G(Karen E) dov mgr Sears h 36 Tlmolhy cres • Mochl J !Mary) slsmn Sandy Elliot ltd h 154 O~tey dr
Honnegan TBrady Funeral Se!vooe (l O..ady Hlnnegan) 156 • M1~e studt 23 Redbud dr
Wolflams • Paul G {Teresa A) carp Weslhoel< Con$11 h 123 Co®erlleld
Hinton John S d & d•emkr Molor Wheel Corpn h 225 Campus Pkwy cres
IPI307 • Ptter (Hilda) h 288 lnd•an Creek rd e
Hit1l Bob 104 VOCIOna 8"1 • Pell!l tRotona) asmbly opt Eaton Yale Lid h 321 TW!!edsmutr..,
-Eugene J 1Palt1C18 A) eng rngr CFCO h 258 Tweedsmuor av w w
• Florence h lOot ViCIOfia av RaJph tWolma) h 40 Elm ap1103
LFh 78Ro~dfap13 R1chd P (Jacoba H) n 805 Grand av w apl801
Robll 78 RIYervoew dtapt3 S~lley elk Queen St Vallely & Coffee Shop 11 i'louston
Hopwe!l Petet 8581 rngr Ho!oday Inn h 267 Voctoroa av • Sonya tashiBeaver Lmbr h 97 Bedford BPI208
Hos & Hen Un•tex Slyflng (Malt F8111Ul) 401 McHaughlon IV w · led {Tina) lab can fram h 14 Par~wooa dr
HoEhCOclllllyan (Paulone) 8Cd Libby l.lcHeoll & Libby h 23 · Tracy L studl94 Dnawa dr
finch av • Wm (Mildledllab City h 94 Onawa dr
Clvostone E 118 lancefleld pi Hoffman Adolf P (Barbara C) (Hereon Sht Mtl) h 33 Sourtquols
• Ooroclty M 54 Marton av Oanl mntnce Nonhstde Arena 15 Melrose dr
EdVWd B(Vera) lab Oovet Corpn h 23 Algonquon <II Donald IJune)apt supt h 82 Delaware av ap1 101
Hlrold E!Nellie 8) h 118 Lancefaetd pi Edwd l (Oorotny J) lab Can Fram h t 6 Scane
• H.old J tlouannel ~eng Slandard Comr TObecco Co h 88 • Katllltoen A bill Ene & Huron Bev 16 Scane
UcGeotgtav • Rob! P (Joanne E) Sht mH mech Hurcon Sht Mil h 74 Oalevlew
· LYoe (llalblra) teclln EM! E Auslon & Son ltd h 258 Stlktrlt CteS
· lolatltyn l ~,. Puo Gent Hosp h 77 Baldooo rd apt 15 Steve W(Nerlna A) lab Elan n & Ole h 153 Poplar
• S Leah h 64 Matton av Waller C (Norma J) h 15 Melrose dr
• Shorley h 153 Gtay • Wilma EMrs h 991AcNaughlon av w apt 252
• Stephanoe 881kGe<irge av Wm G (Denise M) lroo Wkr A J Cyr h 56 Alpone av
HoiChea & Thoogs (C81herlne Whole & Scott Smril)281 Grand av Hogan Cllffd C(Manlyn E) Irk dtvT Chatron Transp h 183
e Sandys
Hitchmough Geo plmbr & ptpel!r h 93 PaDeson IV Hh 45 Trillium Vtllage apt 301
ltceznaak Dave (Gwen) rnech Cycle Works res RR II Jas h 354 Par!t av e
Hladko Z1n11o !Qioal h 40 I VQ~ria a• - Jim medl frederiCk Transp h 195 Emma apt 3
Hogg A Westey plmb! Kent County Bd of Educ h 30 Glenwood dr


124 ST. CLAIR ST. 351 -3833 ~
E Rvtll Mrs h e s Easlla.,n dr · l R h 600 Grand •• w apl1009
HogI~ Arma t.lar·~ !II!CY The P11lf!S 155 Mc~aughlon •• w · Lloyd R tManon Bllormn Iolii Wtleel Corpn n 33 Ctoyden
• C11ffd N (Theresa J) farmer h 1551kNaug1110n av w · M h991.l(.'l~tv*ap1122
Hogwood Judy h 209 Welllng!OO e • t.lari< (.lamielldYISQ sis Cllatllam Da•ly ~*' h 151 VIMf dr
Holcomb DenniS WI<$ can Ti!P 46 8ald00n rd ~P~.t • Rid< S (Anne) CUStomt! ., Ont Hvao ret RR 3
Hnl(ombe M n 41 Cover<IIIII apt 103 I" Robt E !Seanor M) h 507 R•V!A'I!W elf
• MarQI S1Ud1185 Woods · Ted Lt Mary Jane1sup'Jlll dala l.llliOn Gas Co h S8
Holdliway Tammy l secy DeKalb canada Inc ru Blenheim Northland dr
HoldPr Wm (Doane) techl serv rep MOior Wheel h 40 Beecf\wood • Theo A (Kattry Bl II & d•emkr Roc~<wellln11 h 51 Faucoun av
cresapl4 • Thos C (Uary) h 251 foresl
Hofd11dg~ Jtm h 10 l n11ium Vii~ apt 206 • wErnesl 11.1!11!1 n 17 Stone a•
Hole ~P11ll C tllnoa Cl IClu Queen Elilat!!'t"' N1'1.1l Sci\! h 36 Hois Klaas U IAI.!Je) h 27 SIOUI d!
Ktn av -loes SIUdl 27 Siou• dt
Holeh Anna Mrs h 15 Trdllum V:tllage aPI 112 Holsilooel SaakQ!' Mrs h 69 Pat!< a-• "'
• Franlo. F (Jovte 1.4 I prs Oilf M0101 Wiled Corpn h 52 AICOC C1 HoiS1P1n AI~ 75 Abefdeell
• Pauline J Mrs key punch opr Umon Gas h 135 Ale_..ndra av • John F 75 Abt'rd4!en
• Rose stsclk People's Jwlrs rill RR 2 Ken! B11dge John G!Ethsw) rep1mn Chatha 'II Coacn l.J~ h 75 Aberdeen
· Terry J stud1135 AleKandra av • Roger 75 Aber~en
Holiday Inn Lid ol Chatham t.largt Abefcromble genl tng1 25 Ke1t Holthol E h 40 Elm apt 121
drn Geo ITtna• lnsllr Spar>s fir CQo.en~ lid h 92 84JI:er
G<!o W(fffielsec treas Spe·~~ floor COllen~ Lid h 117
300 Merritt av, N7M 30 1 Hot.-<Ia Donald (l-1 h 481 lndilll'\ Ct~ rd w
•.••..•... Phone 3S4-'444 1 Holy TnMy Aogllc.ln Church Rev .lasS Sle'wenson rTWI\IsMI w S
VJCtona av
Hoi~ TnMy Aoghcan Chutch Parish Hail81 Sell<lrk
Holland Albelf A (Dorothy 0) h 271 Deta.,are •• Home Aopltanee Strt•c.e !Earl &Noms Reynolds) 509 Pari< a• w
Allen h 455 SandySIJ)I 6()3 Homl!lli~l.. IAartl)'l'l wn llle'lles lea Reslr h 58 Houslon
Carl A(frances A) lab city h 49 Lai!SCI!Mne a• lJlChelle D ma.d Wheels Inn 58 Houslon
• C•ndv n 6 Oamer, pt Homeslead R~~aura'lt234 Queen
Holland Food Bloke~ 550 K1ng w ~ood £•elyn J MIS h 16 Thelma
· Grace M h 146Lark R.chd J tJan• f) lab can Fram h 50 Datev~ cres
· Harold H(Beulah! (Holland Bros Conlrsl h 88 Sunnys•de a• • RIChd 0 (Orbboa U)lab Elan n & ()e h 152 Welhnglon e
Howard (ArrM>Hal h 8 La\NSOO dr • Root J stud! 50 Dalev•ew cres
Hugh (Donna M) drvr C P Exo h 2 Melrose dr Wall~ C tlolarlon) as111blr Ea!on Yale lid h 201 Setl<•r1<
• .las A (Carol A) bl<r Ttm llofton Donuts 49 Lansdowne av Honcllar Bob ofee ..~, GMI l.l:rs (VI ndsorl83 0\.ottveoan dr
· .las C (Patnoal ca< Slsmn Cha!ham M11S h 17 Pa•~Y \~•ch' •Jloslollab [lt'VI Yak> ltd h 63 Ounveoa'l elf
• IOIII!fl h 33 1'2 R•chrnond
- MurTay 271 Ortaware av HONDA HOUSE,
• Patnc•a A (Jas) elk POlka Doc Fabf1cs t7 Pa""y A Dlvlalon of H J Elliot Ltd.
R1chd H [Judy) lab Can fram lid h 138 Cornhlll John G Elliot. Manager
• Sharon l 152 Indian Creek rd e Brad Stewart, Service Manager
• Wm 1.4 sec·lreas MJ Sm•th Lid h 26 Lonte av Honda Automobiles,
Hollelll'and John n 349 Park av w 3&4 Rlchmond •••••••• Phone 354-8530
Hothog John W (Donna M} mg1 Nonh Stde & r.Aamortal Arena n 37
SUI'nVS«le ••
• Rob4 J {Otana L} mgr Abe 1Waco lid h 276 McNaughlon av., Honev Etecll"IC Reg r.A3dlonald PI~ 1D Adela•de n
• Wm rca1he!•ne1 Sf'rY mgt Maple C•IY Pest Control h 242 lnshes Hong La• Hoa IC1y wkr Sunnequip ltd 322 Pari!
~~ Hontng Peggy 89 Sheldon a~ ap122
Holl•s DaVId h 55 Taylor av apt 104 Hanley Ph 65 Baldoon rd 8PI 7
• G Jas tBarb8ra)n90 Arnold Hood Ed•lh Mrs n 65 T1mmtns aes apt t04
Gregory A (Rutne A) lab can Fram lid h t8 Couture dr apt 2 Leta I h 145 Thames
Joyce tRegl wks C81ol's FQrest Hoogendyk Eileen Mrs h 93 Fielder av
M•chPhene N h 115 Ursul•ne a~ Hook G Step~~en (Eia•nel Onlland surveyOr Todgham and case
R!!Qd C(Joyce) custocltan Kent County Bd ol Educ h 235 Forest Assocs r~ RR 7
Wm E62 Taylor av apt 5 Hooke< J•ll (Gte~nl clatms rep Co-Operators Ins res
Holly Andw P (lola t.ll h 94 Prince Mtlur 1v Wallaceburg
Bradley P tab Woodbndge Foam (Tilbury) 94 P11nct Arthur IY • Korkstud1121 Faubel! dr
• Buan h 71 Park Ia • Paul R (Deborah Ll mgr CountryYtew Golf Coulse h 114
• Ch11s tab Eaton Yale Ltd 94 Pnncr Arthur av Robenson a~
Ctvtsl•na "'~ h 180 Sheldon 1v • Wesley C (Doreen MI(Country V•f!'N Goll Course) h 121 Fauber!
• Gary &tud194 Pnnce Arlhurav dr
· LOUIS T (Mary Jl personnel dtr St Jos HOSD h 67 Cedatwoods Wesley f (Charlene) supt CouoiiY V1ew Goll COulse n 112
cres Churchill
Stephen J h 44 Pri11cess s Hook!Wtlh Own (lenora) sis Boat lise h 12 Flnc.h pi
Holman Paul B [Patricia} prs opr can Fram h 144 Glenwood dr Hooley M h 128 Park Ia
Holmes David (Joyce) drvr Husband Transp h 69 Rossini cres Hoopef Christina res counsellor South..estem Regt Centre h 26
Donald Emeter rdr collr Hydro res A R9 Orchard Hts or apt 2
• Ootothy t.Ais h 15 Tnlltum V1llage apt 111 Dorothy h 65 Ptne ~ 139
• Ets•e Mrs he s Easttawn dr lJrTy E h 487 lacrotx
• .k'I1II!Cim ThaiTies Vallet E~ res ThamtsYIIIe - lynn (~.!aryl h 343 Sanctys ~ 1
It's as easy as . . .

to find "WHERE TO BUY IT"

• --JMII*Lflll"'lltdlllulllll 4 llllr • ELAllie ~1*11111 Clll frlm II 43 .._... •
•J1N1r EII 4 Siring II . . 4
IIDDNIIIII:II.,._ ...·---
· GIIdllllf ............... .,. . . . • ,.._Clllllti~CIIIIWII ~-- 43.._...

..,.-~Cin'-Ud" til &Mil
• CII t2t 1llamflll CINI
· PN1'1213P-.I•
• PUint H n 1 lillpll Cllr Rllidlncl II 54 Tlmrln a111111 I
8llnllr lib HJ lllinz Co 1'1 40 Trillium Vlllglllll 205
· HIIIIIIIIIIIIItMaMu• HaltDn Tiln Donia - Sdwoldlr .... 20 !Cell dr •
· l.IIII ... Jin.Mall
·lllrr 17llc:FIIIInl• ... 3111
•.....,Ro.,IAIIIIIIIIIdlwiiiiiii(TIIIurrllll2 .....
Haruci llaal E... II.
Ha1tDn Tilll Da!UIIIdld Sdwoldlr 119 3111 Ill Clllr
• Win Alib PlnKIIII Foodl4 9llrllng II 1111 4
Pint 1111 215
HDrul:2i frll* 0 CMirGI K) I & dlell'lkr Superior Midi& TOOl 1'1

· Difiii8Ra.a
.............. ~PIIIIcFIIIIIIIIngll 144...,
·JaiiiiR ........CIIIIIl_ll...,drwii-
HGMIIAIIIII(Mol) ...-I Hc.lldl 1'1 174 111doon rd
• 01111111 MaiDr ....... 174111doon rd
• Glltlll " 100 llldoon rd
• ~ ... " 23 Rlc:llllland
. ...... J . . . . . . IIP... UIICIIIIIIIIID . . . . . . · VIIIIRIAINI1'123 ........ dr

· ,_JIll* CIIIIWII Pllllc Rnill*lg 144 lllwy
Harwood .latin ll~l IJIIIIOIOQIIt PIAl Otnl Holp h 431111doon
• T1140 8111 .. 223 HDIIIId Din " 81 1'1111 • •
MapplrMctiiPIIII Dlnl J 1111 o.,mond lid 54 Vllldllplltl dr
• DDuglle R ~ Al1141'1' Clll f!Milld 1'1 54 Vllldllplltl dr
· llllry . . Dlllr:t ,,..., . , . . . "32 ,., Edglr
IIDplall Clnll tDonl elllillc'l- Oldwd pi
· ICIIwyn ADb ell o.,mond l td 54 Vllldllplltl dr
· llo1icH P 1111 Fricll's 54 Vllldllplltl dr
DII 21 Oldwd pi • "c:AAd 0 wb Cln FIMI54 V. . . . . . dr
ltoriiiJII tOT.-VIIIglllll207 HoiiWII Clllld 111'1111
IIQIIIIDM!d 1111 II Ill Munlr 1111 1 • Dlnnil G494 lalola
._..,. .lal II M Sllldnd d 1'1 85 Pint 1111 123
HamJDIII ..................,_,I7 ..... .lint A... II 2 Clrdlnll all
· Jaiiii!CIIie L) IIIII HClnldl II 73 , ........ • w · I.IOIWd F !AieiiMI II 414 Lacroi•
• LOMII EIOWIInt WI 1111 Clll frlm II 117 111M · Rail! N{Oioril Al-lomln Mlnilrf ol T~ & Comm h 30

• Sillily Lwn Zllllrl73 ,...,..... • •

~Giry A ...... OIIIItfGOII 74 ~CINI

ll 4tN Vlc:DII•
Millon IV
1t011111 Food P!odudllld Gn..n. 1141'1' 878 Alc:hmond
ltouowlld Wtlyl h 74 Waodl
~DDNidC....- Mi clllliJ19IillpiiCirOicl~ll Halal .Iiiii h 23 Anchl dr
175SUiidllll• · Aiel< IOstnlllb I Hc.lldl h 235 . . . _ rd
Hllnll DlnNIIUII 10& , _ _ •
. Oouglll (Anlill1141'1' ec.. Courily bd ol E&lc h 482111doon
Or ... 12T. . . Cllll

• Ffld WeMily ll II 23 INidl
. .... C.llnlllwb f*n , ...
. _ . . . 10& 1'1111111111•
· M1130T.-VIIIgt . . 401
IWtn ..... elllillc"l - ()llty dr
Houlcll'oglr (Sinlonl) " 235 Selldlll
· ' - e l l Super Sub II 115 ~IV Wllll3
Houle .... 18benelllb MaiDr ....... Colpn" 204 Wtllinglon t
· Aurllt G(Odllt II 1'1 1111 DIN 1
· ...... bldg119III2Tiylar••8
."*.. !l'*-1
gdN CIIIIIM!IIaiiQAnl Iocr" 23
· 0 Ill Sllnlty IV . . .
• Dlnnil (8lrbR AI modll mllr Clll frlm lid II 37 " ' - ' ! dr
~~an..- Cllll Cln , _ " 110 011111
• DDuglle l (l'lllllnl E) lib Cln F11111 h lli5 Sylwtlllr dr
• Sylwle 1112 ,.,. . . . 2 · Oeo~lall II Ml OrtndiV w
• T-.IUII 12 T. . . CINI · lllclar J fl'lcii iiiiiiiiiiNrptntd 177 Woodl h 111111
• WHlftedll 1'1- 1'1111• w • Leapoldint " 57 ,.,.
• . . . F Pllncy) --IMioft 011 1'1 12 T... C1N1 • llo1icH (SI'IIrryJI*IS clllll Mlple Clly Ford h 8 Slllllng II
• Willi eMily .1111111111 Dlllllb Clnldllld" 10& n.n.. · " - W,.,.._ N) Ill CIIIIWII Ford F- Equip h 148
Hamill JaM AOr CMirlonl dlllllll 412 Orllld • , " n
llninglan pi HeMe ol Spedecles J Oibboni119IO I 5I

..._..JDIIIIRIIIIwldr S.MigiWIIR 7

Hallltr1111111111CINIIEI•.... Cinfrlm1'113....., c1r ttCIIIul ............
Hanllc:ll._ ECMiry Al ldw CIIIIIMI ec.. 8tc 8dll 1'1 448
· 0..1111LIIbr_...&IMJ1152W.
· ··--·......_
171 - · · N7M , . .
. ._LeiiiGA ......... It ........ ,
· Lanllllcll .......'l151 ....... dr lb-.. Clllryl Eh 127 Slllldon IV
· Rallllllllry .............. 151 ~dr · FlaltiQ ... h 100 Grind IV w . . 7001
• 11111'1 Iiiii II BOrllld • • . . 1107 •Cleo IWchdJ" 150 "-Y ... 201
IUitl"--lldtiiiiiHCinldll'l207 ..._.., . ... Db ell~ ol T~ & Comm 4 " ' - ' ! dr
._..01'151Tertar••7 • .latin . . . . . . Clll frlm" 87·1"2 Munar

· UndiCIIN J M. . . _ . . T.,eor • · .latin !MIIenll & dltiNir Clll Fr1111 h 4811 Vlc:IDrlll•
Malian Alldllll& Pint . . 103 • Kllwinl " a OrtndiV •11111104
1Myi'I22T.,eor . . . 4 · IIIII fllltlnllllmn Jldl Clltoll ~ Bulclc II II DIAl
CIINnctl"--n.._..,.....,.eooOrllld•• llll all
· l 1'1 20 Trillium \'llllgt 1111 I08


lt1sn't the cost- 1t's the coverage that counts
and you get so much lor so little
when you advert1se 1n the DIRECTORY

l n30 Tnll1um ViUage apl504 • Ronald !BatDiral•a.oe a~·n 1H Canada h 68 Copperfiel<l etts
~Querlle ~r9 h 4 PMasanl dr • Ross Ah 151 W1llowmac av
• MIChl F(Ada! ne) lab I H Canada h 44 Colmoll • Th0197 Md'lllaoe avept215
M~ ~ T n 118 R. verflew 111 411'1 523 Todd h 105 VICIDrla a.
• Palll 0 (Sandra D) slsmn Lon lite Ins n 85 ¥f,lfowrnec •• • Wm J IRWI AlllSmn J S J>e,ler & Son Rl Esl h 12 Fll1Cil av
• Rithd (lenora) ~s De l(a.l) Canada Inch 15 ROSSini cret Howl"ff Btoa1 WSIUCII 21 Jasper av
Sandra 4 Pheasant dl Ia Ml.ltlt 15 W•lt-lpoon 8pl504
Hollltne(l!fli Margt Mrs sis ~brook Rl Est SA Dur111egas1 m l ' 71 ..ay•• ••
Paul 623 lacrou HOWELL, MAXWELL 0 , (RIIIh), Planning Officer
Pe1er wl<s fords (0) n 623Lxrob City. ReaR R I Pllncourt
Houwel•ng Clwls 1PP1 chef Wt~eel& lnrl135 Ml!rttl HOwes At: 36 urtna~d His dr aoc •
Kenneth asmblr Feldmann Wndw (T olbl.lry) h 65 Timmons eret •Pl H~ Borldlllll Sy\l~ma (Mervyn J Hoio~l20 I Gr&lld •• w
304 Da<1d 11 <1 1 Sl Georgi" apr 1
Pelt'! D (Johanna I h 135 Mercet Gatry w~s Alr.lnd 795 Gra'ld •• w 101102
Howard A!fd S \~'{) h 22 Gle!Wo OOd df • Ho•ard Yflttflltt CJ medii HCaneda h 24 Sherbrool<.e pi
Barb L h 130 Sl'leldon •• aot 307 !della 11795 Gtand av w 3111 102
Barbara I (Don) elk ~ For less 69 Rl>llrV•ew dl • Je3n h 101 Berry apl2
l!ern<e 391l.acrouo: · lloyd J (.lu~>'~l SIS rep I.A J HQwo>s Rlly h 50 Lancef1eld pi
Cet11 F !Oorothy Ml n 123Jonn HC<.,-es MJ Rt>al!y InC fl,l~ J How111)20 I GtW1d a• w
• ChitS (Rulh8Milab Cal\ frarn ltd h 406 Parle • Mervyn J (Gold«ynne E) brkr M J Howes Rlty n rd
• Cn,..s Pn 651.1cN.t.JQ~ton a... e • No~ ltE!v~)lab Sl ~Hasp h 41 Ken IV
· (lao, \!I poua 1"4<r Molhef's 68 Thamnth ues • 0 GleM lab Charron Transp II 112 Par!<
Da"ct B ~Helen) plant suP"Sf EalCI! Yale lid h 18 Valley rd s · Rob! (Unda) (Pride Ha !Styling) h 44 Amelia
• Oennos J studl225 Campus Pkwy apl207 Robl W(PIIyllos E) lener carrier n 258 Sandy$
· Douglas A (Oienllf' Mllab Rockw~lllntf h 39tlacrotx Howlell Annte 1'16 Woodland tN
F•edl< wl<s A1c l1ld 391 Lactorx ~ sl5cfl< Wolfo!'s Slalv 631obr¥
• H Ernesl (Ina MJ h 188 Murray S!uat1 h 63 M;~~y
Harold E(Gladys) h e s Eu1fawn dl How'ev Pal secv recpmSI Challlam Plastic Fmlsho1111
·Henly Ato 225 Campus Pk*Y apl207 IIDY Clari 1h1 n 15 Sudbury dlllll 2
• ~ffley C SIUdl 225 Campus l'l<wy IPI207 ll)ltOa II 805 Gr1nd av w lp! 602
• John J h 33 DovP.r • Rrchd rHenr1ettal towetrnn CPI! 11 169 T1mm1ns cres IDI4
Judy (TomlhOsU!SS Scoll's C!licl<en Villa 36 Sussex dt apl I Yvonne Mrs n 150 Mary aol602
• Lloyd R lab Eaton Yate lid h 118 Rrverv1~ <k epl 520 Ho)oen Leslyt h 93 1'2 Han--y
M Jane h 36 Sudbllty df Hoyle Fra~• h 22 liW$011 <k
Mark R Sludl 225 CamPUS Pkwy IPI 207 Hrabek l.l•~e (Jane) II & d•emlu I HCaoada II 19 Jat pi
· Max (Ella Ma~) wits Pub Gent Hasp n 133 Goldpartc rd HradtdiV·~e (Sh~1la) II & d1ernkr HE Vannatter lid II 162
M•thl U& d1~1T11<r Elao Tl & Ote 55 Wale!~ I Covefda~
• Orv1!1 tlormda\ h 129 ~wood dl HrecfiiU)t Saml (Jeen) h 27 John
Palk G (PatriCia A) lab I H Canada h 52 51 George Hro(ll\8 JaM IJolanal sewer ctrv Coty h 90 Patt"SSOII•
Pe1er ecct W~IS Inn 68 Thornhill cres HMII•n Albl ~1uat 59 Eugffle
• Ravd 391 lacro" D11276 Merron a• 81)1104
• Robt cook Scan's Chicken V1lla 36 Sudbury dr HMhn Dotts Dr oplom 199 King w
Robl (Nancy)lab G'!OI Mtrs (Wondsor) h 236 Michener rd • [ stscll. l.lac·s M· • 59 Eugenle
Ron W (Sh~l~ AI h:wmn Elan n & Die h 95 Semenvn e•IPI3 I.IJua w<s l1bCy IAJie- & Ubby h 59 Eugen1e
• Stwtla n~ 16 Vallty rd s Hryual< Bernard J tllarlcy ll prof eng Habel CO he s EastJewn
Howard Smail Engon~ Shop (Howard Rober1s) 371 Park ave dr
· Susan M tchr Chalham May Courl Day Nu~Ptots 84 R1verv1ew dr Hua Mmh w~s Chatham Plaslle Fonoshlng
Rill 1 Hubet Petro 11 11 Coverdale
· Tammy mgr Loft Clo Store 236 M•C~fll'f rd • Wasyl (Veta I h 118 Ale.candra ••
T~ (Edolh) h 40· 1"2 Raletgh Huber Eug S (Sybil I h 50 Vrellener rd a01304
• Wm E(Hilda 8)11011 w~• local 700 (S3n\oal h 68 Thornhill • ROlf !Erika HI n 10 Cra•'1'1l dr
eret HUCt<le A h 60 Soul'lend CtM ap!1
Howe Alberta MIS h 31 Taylor a~ • BevPtiey (Stella) h 50 Memn av apt 504
Howe Apartments 73 Sl Clair • Oorothy Mts olce & fc!Y wkr Olsen's (Tilbury) h 35 Hlgntand
Bas.I(WIIdallrallet sup.-sr Fredertck Transp h 86 d!
Bl~wood etts ept t Ed h 138 Ttmmons cres IPI3
• 6rlan (Oebfl) tarme1 n 39 Wolcox cres Edwd l h 9 Prtncess s
• C J~ (K~tn) billono elk Ont Hydro 360 Ktno w G Harvey (Heldt M)lab Ene & Huron Beverages h I 52
· ChriS ass1 mgr Re11man's res Bo• 28 Port Alma McNaughton av w
• Oebboe A 15 1Willowmac av Roy J h s s RIChmond (Cornel ApiS) apl3
• Don 326 Patk Shorley h 75 Mary apt202
• Gerald (liodalwks St Cla1r Grain (Wallac:tOUrQI h 241 Queen • Waller F stud! 189 Stanley a;
Harold 1Phy1hs) h 43 Semenyn aw epl 11 tludson Barry B II 134
Jas M (Aurelia EJ mor Lon life Ins h 55 Windsor d! • Brad mnu'ICe Chatnam Place Mall h 136 S1ewarlap1 4
Jas M tAuoehal mgr london LHe Ins 55 Windsor dr . Gary appr COunty MilCh Shop 6 Hyslop
Kevon N IC Jan<!) h 380 Ktno w John wn 35 Cooture dr
lorene siUdl 12 Finch av Jonn w(Shtrley AlbuS dM Ctl)' h 41 Regency dr
· Martan EcomPUtet m(ll McKeough & Sons h 225 Campus Pkwy ape
June h 200 Emma apt 7
• Marron secy h 76 Mary 8pl611 MIChelle slsclk Belinda & Bt:other S1ewar1av
• Mark w11s Chatham Da11y News 326 Park
• Nancy h 61 Taylor av epl4
• Patsv h 2 t 1'2 Grant


(OIV 386398 Ontario Llmtted)
- Norma MJ h 6 HyslOp • ROlli G34 Dolsen rd
• Paul h 99 s~x • Robt h 82 ChurCillH
• Pa\Jf ~ Cllalham Coach Ut>es n 22 1·2 kmg w apt3 · Ruth A h 218 Oxley dr
• f11n (Sue) wits PllltS h 4 1'2 lome IV Humpty Oumpty W!ll8Stem mgr 270 lnshes av
Hue Bnan mtch h 154 Thames apl7 Hundt Jas 0 t!.laflao Fl lecMolog•SI H J He•nz Co h 35 Pawey
HuffCL h 15 Trtll•um Vlllageap( 307 John J Or (Barbara) (Ferguson Hundt Ammal Hasp) h 16
ClariCe Mrs h 22 Fa•rcoun av Matlerd pi
oh 88 Laetolx apt 1 JohnS (Romans) ms slsmo Lon lite Ins h 232 Elizabeth
· Jas R(Frances K! h 455 Sandys apt301 • Manan F Mrs malerlll conlrlr Rockwell in« 35 Pavey
l BlaflC/1! Mrs h 425 RtveMew df Hung Hua Tran pntr Chaltlam Plastic Fln•sh•ng
Huffman Gerald WIPemy ll lab Can Fram h 25 Wildrose df Hung Nguyen \loet pr11r Chamem PlaSilc F•n•sh•ng
-JCh795Grandavwap1113 HUI\IIIlld< Bnao ChemJCallectm Daymond ltd 185 St Cla•r
- l.tlldfed lArs h 150 l.tary apt808 • Ga ll Sludl 185 51 Ctau
Hughes Adel•ne h 100.104 Par1t apt 7 • Yve1t~ lArs 1nc1ry wi<r Pubhc GPnl Hasp h 185 Sl Cla•r
·Allan E it.4.11'•1yn C! mgr Ostrander Jewellers h 620unvegan dr Hunt Helen h 83 Lorne av
· Kenneth rEmmy) OPf Ea1011 Yale ltd II 12 l.tcKinnon dr • J•m rad reprmn Z•ebart h 455 Sandys apl504
Lore Estud! 62 Dunvegan df • Percy J h 32 Gregory dr w
- Marjone secy Gatswmklef Enlefll!tset 100.104 Park apl 7 Huntl!f Audrey h 667 Grand av e
Robl W(S~ila A) wrhse Nail Gro h 100 Copperfield etes • Bewe h 15 W•lherspoon ap1 204
- She•la (Bob) (In Focus Cameras) 100 Copperl•eld • Bonn•e stsclk Mac's Hllh Fds 585 Grand ave
WmJ (El•nor) custodian Kent County Bd o1 Educ h 146 • Oav•d l (Hea!hel J) medl Map!~ City Ford h 585 Grand ave
Alexandra •• Edvwd !PatriCia) ~b Sl Cta" Feeds h 89 Cross
Hughey Buan R mfwrghl h 165 Grand av w · Gordon <Bernadette) lab Rowland Farm h 173Lorne av
Robl J (Louena 01 acc1 Van Boyes h 34 Ot ley dr • Healtler (David) mgt Mac's Htlh Fds 585 Grand ave
tan W (Janet l) tted mgr Tor Oom Bk h 33 Chestnut dr
HUGH'S CARPET l UPHOLSTERY CLEANING, • Kame L Studt 226 Grand av e
(Hugh Sinclai r) · Lesley (Wml slsclk Mac's Hllh Fds 10 Delaware
SIMm Cleaning · loul~ (Don) bl<pr Chrysler Snllhnglon & Co res Blentle.m
..........Phona 354-5474 • Margt h 40 Tnfllum V•ll~ apt306
h 5H Grand av a, P 0 Box 154, N7M IIK3 • Nela lArs h 15 Witherspoon ept 206
..........Phone 354-5474 · Paul 0 1an Domclean 585 Grand aY e
• Rayd M h 253-1'2 Park
• Robt h 3 Oana pi
Hughs Jolvi(Saunl) h I 00 l.tcfarlane av apt 710 • Robl lnstlr H•tches 87 Gray
Hug/l&on Aloin J (Mary B) (Better lll<og Serv) h 10 Sunset av • Robt lab A & S Wldg Gray
-E.-a 1.111 h 61 Houslon · Rob! tlil'len) h 42 Arnold
• Gladys ElArs ad'i mgr Woolc:o h 38 Ea!Otl ct Ronald (Marlene) h 87 Gray
Ht.olema Beay secy bi<P! Greallakes Buck 4 StOlle lid 822
Bloomf•eld rd · Ronald H !Mary Jane) technolog•SI Can Fram h 2171ns~s av
• Kenr>!'th (Joyce) h 822 Bloomfield rd · Ross Ddrllg SIJJ)VSf Todgham 4 Case Assoc Inch 118 A1verv1ew
dt apl420
HUibng Egbert 0 (KIIIhy Jl lab Rockwell Inti h 39 Pembfoke
cres • S Frances Mrs olce I HCanada h 74 Sunnyside av
Huls Agnes lArs h 7 Brown cres · Tammy h 7 Oululh
Alber1ena P IChl Bd of Educ 7 Brown cres · Ted h 150 Mary apt809
• Chas 0 tab Holland Fd Brkrs 7 Brown cres T1na 87 G!ay
~ Pteltf WIO.ana E) systems analyst Unoon Gas h 85 • Wm A (lesley) 114 dll! l.lolor W"eel h 10 Delaware av
Regency dr Huntley Helena h 15 Pembloke em
· A Mrs h 40 Elm apt 204 • W1lbt 15 Pembroke cres
• Shorley wtrs Spagllelli Juncuon res Blenhe.m Hurdle Bess•e 300 Grand av w
Hummelen Andw B (Tlna) wdWk supvsr lnSir Arc lnd h 537 Park av Hurley John Rev pastor St Agnes (RC) Ch h 52 Croyden
w Hurst Chas H(Joyce) wks Eaton Yale Lid h 58 Munay
AUdrey P!ogram co-ord•nalor Development Day Centre h 795 • Joyce custodian Chatham Colleg•ale lnst40 Southend ttes apt
Grand a• w apl 111 2
Mary lArs h 63 BIY~hevwooo CTes • Kingsley (Bttg•tlel elk Gordon's Super Mkl h 39 Ingram
Humphrey De wid h 64 Yanie! dr • MICilf'lle 58 Murray
• Etmer J I GladyS C) serv l.tonarch Propane h 231 forest • R•chd h 40- 1'2 K1rk
• F Gral'll Or (VI(g.~~ta 1.11dntSI 189 Welhng1on ., h 48 Ardle•gh • Alchd A (Allee) lab I HCanada h 32 Tasan cres
dt • Wm 76 Venter dr apl 306
• Katlleflne K Uta (1.111) cost analysl Oomtat Sunoco h 72 Hurtublst Rayd (Nonon) poultry mgr DeK!IIb Canada Inc res
eo.erdale Ottawa
Mary~ !bon Gash 73 Baldoon rd 1p1 17 HUSCto" Grant stud140 Batthe
• Neil R(Jean I} PIKch mgr Duo-Malic Olsen Inc h 48 Holland M Lewanna Cf~ Bell Canada h 40 Banhe
av Huson ArthurS (Evelyn) h 178 lnshes av
• Stanley R I Betty Ml wks RJ Simpson's Mfg !Thamesvtile) h 60 • Jas (lOts) h 40 Tnlllum VIllage apt906
Van•erar · Jas M)r aldl Maple Cny Gas & 011 h 109 HaNey aptS
Suzanne studt 48 Holland av Robt A (Sanara C) personnel dept Eaton Yale Ltd h 58 Ordon
• Wm H (Ewtfyn J) co-ordinator Kent County Bd of Educ h 147 blvd
eo.erdale Hussey 0 h 15 Trillium Village apl305
Humphreys Ala J h 82 Chwchlll Hust Ela•ne Msecy City h 253 Tweedsmulr ave
· li$1 J 34 Oolwn rd HUSIWICk Rose 265-1'2 Welllng1on e
·Root J (Ehzabethl lhP! Dover Capn h 34 Dotwn rd Hutchongame Jack Alummum Wmdow 4 Door Co (Jack Hutc/110game)
851 Queen

Yer••• •lre£ferlea $etving

29 Rebecca St. Hamilton, Ontario Ontario
Telephone (416) 522- 5066 L8R 183 Communities
Jn!O()Iace 111fonnallon IItke! ctn!te Paula L 8U$I'Iey mot 801 Sl
JoM 8$Phall nsp Mu\islrv ol Ttll\SI) & Comm II 32 Earl dr logoelori!Chtllonnle lab Ca.-npbell Soup Co 37 OriOle okw;
.k!lln C (Isabel) (Hulehlnga'Til' Allin WMW & Doors\ h 27 G>,.. IAI'>OI'IIa lA !at! !It rlSI' l eat Tob1cco h 37 Orrle DAy
Oueenswav dr A '""'e l lab Ca'"'Obt'' Soup 37 Ouote l)l<wy
Hutch1ngt Andw T(Thelma! rfl Holdaway Rig (Blenheim) 1183 INGLIS APPLIANCES SALES & SERVICE, (S..
Auatln , Earl E & Son Lim it~)
Adelaide s
HutchinS Nll 150 Mary BP1 306 l g s Geo R(Jea, 11 J.o<JmP me .h 0 .., Sef'l & Sply" 7811ed!old
Nh 87 MBry 8PI306
loglam At••n II Rlctunond apt3
· OCh 19.105eph
Wm h 206 Aelela•de e
llulchlson Bruce (Joyct) Irk dlvr Bulrtl bp h 150 El1zabelh • No!ah B h 53 Bucku~gham aw
· Mary h teo Emma • W~ncla G Mrs h 65 Pme apt 109
lluYfll\ Duong 45 OlcNiro p1 1nose!lef Jas u tDoloCil"f JJ rn!<IIJ rep l.lonsinlo 11 •s Un'
· Son 1101 Stamtl Challllm PlastiC ti/IIShert h 45 Ortlllrd pi dr
Hyan Cathertne Mrs h 63 fiaryey IMIOI1I Transeeslem InC M d1t Freoer 1119' 4« Rlvffi- df tnl
Da"'d A (Belly} eng ea, canners 1114 ~on rd IS
Inn ShOP TIIP (~len I.A~al !251<eD df n
· Evan B lMarv T) laD I HCallada h 87lark
• flumtle!fy &eC ~M1law Assn 14 Devon ro tmes Came'OII 51001233 Oell~re av
•larry Rll ynne OJ eng UNon Gas h 92 Par~wood dr Cam!ron 8 (Arl!'!!!l c:f• IH Canada II 233 ON-. 1Y
• Leslie slum 87 Lark • Gordon mecll Goodyear T••e h 360 Safldys 1P1 10 7
· Maude Mrs h 139 Gray • Jean K t> 39 Dover epl 3
• Randy GStudt 85 Baldoon rd BPI 2 JoM 75 Pa'll!son a•
• Robi iOnt Slop Vattety) h 40 Adela ode n Vlrgt01a stOOj 75 Patteson a•
RoO! I' h 40-1'2 Adelaoele n . w.,. J tRulh) stat; eng ftr;lish Leal TOIIICCOII75 Pneson It
Rovce A(l<arrl] servmn Ma~rs Bev I SS Batdoon rd apt2 lms 8arvliBrudl 10 At>erdeen
• Wm A !Oollv fl h 65 Ba~lef Flobl G (PalriOa AI toll mn ~11 Ca'lldl h 10 Abefdeen
HYDAO ELECTAIC SYSTEM, (SM Ch• tll• m Hydro • ShP.I)l SIIJ(II 10 A~deen
Electric Syelem) lns!atlr P!inl Sllopoe !Ket~ Oa..-.on & Marg KU1pet)180 l<~n df
Hydro Stalton 210 Tweecsmwr av VI 5 su.:e 1 5
Hven Edna h 54 Rale,gh IIISUiance Ett/1311Q!! Tile John C SUiinQ lli!S 48 f1!'.11 sulre 301
Hynds Sharon M 795 Grand a~ " apt 210 f(llf!f City True~ L1n!'S ltd Waynt Pran mgt 521 Memn av
Hyslop OotOihy !Doni bkpr Chatham Olce Sply res Dove~ Cen!te ln!f'fOeoonunai,OMI Chepel oftn~ Redeemer of Love (Douglas
Pow,.,st 6 Fil!h
Hyslek A~.llur ltleUy) O!derly St Jos HI)Cj) II 10 T*et'OSITIIJir IY e
lnlema'JOnlll ft,tJiards Co ltd 135 Oueen
· COrnelia Mrs h 40 Elm apt 302
• Elisabet'l stJJd110 Twe~dsmw av ~ 11\!eflliltoona Hafves!ef Canadll,mJ'~ Deane Collti\S olant mgr
- Ph 17Grant 508 Rochmon<l
lnte~nar.onallJrlfon lUAWileo Ruslin & 8<11 Zilio Inti reps
Hyllenrauch Gordon L !Barbara J) fork Uft d"" Cha!'WI'II Gash &
22051 Cla•r
Carr,; h 11 Pllvll•sa"
ln:rtp~d a-aI Lid Flonndo Mlnda!ITIO pteS 51 Sass rd
lnv!SIOIS ~~ f•nancta· Pla'lfllng ~!Barry Su•IOfl
93 Cenlre
ln~estors Synd,cal~ Lim• led 539 LIICI()I•
Inwood llooet G!Nomlal h 26 Fa~rcoun av
I B M Canada Lid Stan Lovec.~y rngr 75 Tham~s sulle 1 IOns Denn•s Mtlinda ll mnlnce supvsr St Andrews Res•dence h
tann~cello Ted (R1tal h 18 Emerald pi 99 Colleg•ale dr
tantosca Anlhy (Grace M) h 60 O'Ne1l • Manon M11; n 20 Tr•lhum Vtllage apl 108
• J h 75 Che5tnut dr Ireland DaVId !Olga) h 293 Baldoon rd
• Michl kil hlpr Blue !;.1pplme 60 O'N~ol Denise rep Can Scholarsh•P Trust Founda!lon h 38 Olchatd pi
• V•r"«!llO (Thetesal h 83 Sunnyside av • Jonn !Normal n 28 LOUise
tanroska Ralph sts Sacwa~ Ftrg 8 West John A lEla 11e Cl ~!IQ ea, Fr&m h 1•1 St MCI3tl a•
leleal Barbl't ShOp (Harry Outltal 48 Williams !rent' Hill Lid Nancy G&dnef mgr 80 I Sl Cla•r
Ideal Prlnt~ng !Luke B!UinJU$) 59 Park av w Irene Hdl Ltd Nancy Gardner mgr tOO King w uM 230
lies Lorndl h 100 P()!llar apt 35 Ireson w,lfd J (Audy) s1smn Bro""'·s AuiO Sply h 40 Otchald pi
· Norman !Cta1re) n 515 RIChmond Iron MarM A (Susan Ll mgt SuDe! XDrugs!Ofe h 110 lacroo•
llrseviC Mike !Rob1n1 slsmn Leneau Pontiac Buick h 47 Peorone lrrgang Adolph 0 (Jeani(Adofph's Sound Cenllal h 45 Richmond
cres lrv1ng Btmn Wsiud169 Semenyn •• apt3
· Paul (EIIZI h 74 Adelaide n Slewart J (Hale!) sis mgr MJ Smith (CIIaltlaml Ltd h 239
IItman Barbara studt 76 Mary apl 214 McNaughton av e
• O.n IMargrl sls rep Eagre Q,stnbutJng n 78 Mary apt214 SILIIIrl SIIJ(II 69 Semenyn av apl3
• PhylliS A M~ ~ K~nt County 8<1 ot Educ 68 Stanley av Wm JGraceJasmbly dept Ellon Yale Lid 1169 Setrenyn av apt 3
• R Gann (Phylhs A) elk Che!ham Mtrs n 68 Stanley ev lrw·~ Andw (T EleallOfJII35 Par111dge aes
Immaculate Conception Church Rev Rob! Anderson paslor 416 IIWIO Don Inc AUCIIOneef & Appta•ser 124 McNaugnton ave
lacro•~ · Donald S (MarJOtte H) material conltol I H Canada h 124
Imperial Club And"{ FenlOn pres 22 Payne McNaughton av e
lmpenol Optocat Company lid Dan A Ill Francesco mgt 138 K1ng w • Laune elk The ShOe Plact res RR 1Ti!Oury
In Focus Cameras & PhOIO Equipment !Root Hughes) 175 King w · Peggy (T1ml secy Doln Secur>!lt!S res Blenlle1m
tnoome Security Programs client serv canrre 235 King w • Scon (Salldrallab Sass Mig res Wallaceburg
lndependcnl Road Sei"YJCe Lucreo Letourneau mgr s s Richmond Isaacs Oous S lchr Ken! Counry Bd of Educ h 975 Grand av VI
lndept"ndent Road Serv1ct 625 Sl Clair UIIJI 23 apl203
tnd111n Cree" Goll & Country Club Sill Nell mg< 120 1nd•an · Evelyn Cl~ l1nlOO Gash 28 Duluth
Creek rdw • Roch<l E(Velma El mech Barre Farm Equip h 171 Gregoty lJt VI
lnd1an Creek School C Jas Teellel pron 511 lnd1an Creek rd w • wm (Janet) sup-s~ Union Gas n347 campus Pkwy
lndustnal Metal FabttcaiOrSltd (Frank van Oirsch0t!268 IShefwOOO Mark h 72 Wh•PP<IOI'* II aes
lnshesav lsrtf'ls Cora Mrs h 75 Grand ave

~ •Residential ~/AA...V ® ••Agricultural •

~ • Commercial KJl"fF'Ir. Recreational

.....~ WESTn,~~~~lt~;!~r~! l TO.

• ·" 121 Heritage Rd., Chatham , Suite 202 (519) 351 -1 300

Jolm (E1•sa Sl h 76 Park ave • Dwayne SIUdt 48 PwlCe S
tslok Louis h 162 Edgar • Ed•ltl Mr& h S7 Popla•
bala Canedoan Sl!f\l~ Club 250 Nlllonal rd • Erma 20S Har•ey
Ivan Jolln 1.1 tAntOfllal h 100 TaylOr •• • frtd G(florence! h 89 Rovl!fVoew dr apt 90S
l>'llSO!I Hugh J h 150 Mary 101403 • A(Votl<y AI putell agl Supenor !Aach & Tl h e s
lvey BCh 100 Poplar 10124 Easllawndr
lviSOO Carol tcllr McKeough PIJb Still h 67 Baldoon rd 1019 • Jas M !Brenda l)lab I HCanada h B2 Chestnul dr
• Ken h 225 Campus PkWy apl214 • Kennelh N (Jean! h 156l8Ciolx
l.l•chl w!<s Monarch Propane Ud 159 Gregory dr w · les lab Eaton Yale lid h 18·1'2 Klrlc
PatrtCJ.a A(Wolfdl cl~ Super X Drugs 12 Redwood cres c
· Uta h 75 O'Neil apl 3
• Wtlfd WtPattiCII AI lab RocJ<wetl Inti II 12 Redwood aes · l0f1 Ann 70 CllUftlltll
twanchun Rtt~ shop lormn Cha!ham Ford Equ•p res RR 2 Rodgelown • l~mallliSh•rley 1.11 n 5 OrtOie pl<wy
lzawa Estner 1.1 secy Venlura Mfg 119 Wesl • M dM Cl1y WksCOmm h 150Comhtll
1.1 llobiiMaoon Sl mach rtllf Can fram h 119 West • M J h 100 Mtfar!aoe •• epc 607
Ml h 76 Mary &Ill 1104
• Mtlcired I h 99 McNaugllton a• w apt 150
M ldted l hset<PI Voctor~a Home h 40 $cane
J · Morley J 1Mona ll h 100 Mcfa!lane av apl608
• Mr1~ B il,tary Bil011tng o!cr Coty h 138 Cantefbury
J & 0 Trucl< ltld Auto Repu (John Oemaal)21 0 RIChmond Nellie B 11•S(l Radio Cabs n 187 Roellmond
J& E Cus!Om Tarps 482 Rr~-dr · Patricia Ann h 625 St Cta•r unit 7
J.K Farm Equipment Lid Harold F KeUs p!es I 045 RJChmond · Pete! 7 Tllltd apt 2
J MAttlusemPnts IJ Marton & f Va~ De Hogen)31 fOISyltl · Ph )'Ills Mrs h 9 M<:Georg~ a•
J P Enlefprl&eS John Fuchs llf~ 270 Joshes lv • Rh 14 Sheldon av
J & R Income Tu (Douglas 80 L01ne av Rl h81 TaytoravaDII
Jac~ Doogtas A(l.larvtA) conu lllteflake h 67 Algonqurn dr · Ralph S !EIIy) asst mgt GOidon's Super Mkt h 78 Holland av
Jack Fraser Stole Doug Brown mgr 100 Kingw unil219 • Ray W iHe!Pn J) Slaty eng Sl Jos Hasp h 355 5andys IPI 4
• JIT!l h 30 Trolhum Wrage apt 907 Rayd lab MOlor Wheel COipn h I00 Gregory dr e
• John h 30 TrdDum Vtllage apt 907 • Regd N!Emtly Jl h ~ Twffilsmu•r ave
·Kenoel'l llucil rnech Waekens.Chrysfet Plymouth Ur! res RR 5 • Rtct>d Sludl355 Sandys apl4
• Kevtn (Magdela•nel supvst L J Oaory Plods res fiR 1 Blenhetm Rochd (Bonn•el elk Gordons Mkts h 48 SomoniOn dr
·Sh 40TIIIIoumVtllageapt 101 • Rtchd (Eflca) lab AW K lndl h 141 Harvey
Jackea Attllle l (Dorothy) h 194 Tweedsmulr ave · Rob! studt 5 OriOle pkwy
.lackte K's (Jacquel•ne F Keenan) 48 Flhh • Robt !Rose Anne) (Robl Jackson Fuel Ltd) 1184 Pheasant dr
Jacklin Carmen mgr Reitman's 43 Sunnysode • Root G !Sandra Ei CRobt Jackson Automobve $pis) h e s
JACKUN, DAVID E, (Janlth), (O'Brien, lynwood dr
Jacklin, Sulman & O'lrlert), I SunMt c:rM • Ryth Ann tchr Ken! County Bd ol EdUC n 40 Tnitium Vollage
(llenhelm), Phone 17f-3M7 1111603
• U Ca'tne••IJ Mrs rnv Rt!!trnan·s Store 43 Su0f1Y$1de av • SandraiRobll slscl~ C Breauh res RR 4
• Mabel E Mrs h 160 Lanceheld p1 • Sharoo A day care IChr Ma)'Q)UII Nurse1y 14 DetrOit dr
Jad<manHelen M h 154 Gray · Terry l !Ehzl lab Can fram Ltd h 20 Regal pi
Jaclo:'s Garage (Jay SIOfey) 343 Oueen • Ttmolhy H flee Ann) prs opt Campbell Soup Co h 72 Southend
Jad<·s Ha r Place (Jack Robensool 321 Oueen cres apt4
Jacl<•s Used Ca11 (GtaeamO 1'1~)427 Park ave · Tom RIIA3Ureen Rl n 225 Campus Pkwy apt 205
Jadoson AI slimn N•ghltngate Rl Es1 • Wm h 127 Robel1son av
· Atan 0 IISSI counseiiO! Soulhwestern Aegl Cenue 297 • Wm C(RU!h EJ h 3 15 Dtlaware ••
T~ti<W Jacob Alvon l IJean l) mgr Un100 Gash 40 Parry l1t'
Alvon 97 l.lcf.atlant I• apt 315 • SCoU S1udl40 Parry cir
Barbara A 187 Roenmood Jacobs Albt F (Doris H) h 1 Simonton dt
Barry 5 011010! pi<wy Bonnie h 80S G1and av w apt 614
Jackson Brenda pub aed 12 Grand av w sutte 101 · Bradley drvr atdt Chatham & Dlst Ambulance Serv h 207
Bnan Aletter carrie< n 1731nshes av Ratetgh
Buan C (GIOita ll slsmn l J Oaory Plod h 120 Forest • Jacll B (Jean) olc;e elk I H Canada h 257 Grand av w
· Came underwrtr Kent & Essex Mutual ins Co res RR 3 lea M11 hsePI h 82 Dela..,are av apt 216
l \JPP('<Volle MIChl h 199 Wolltam s
· Carol Itt 193 Grind •• e Hofman S eng ll!chn Eaton Yate Lid 48 Plll<wood dr
• Catolule n I Canedo ana Nurag ~ 18 Coi!IUfe cir apt 3 Root (Rachel) ..,1<$ Rockwell lnU h 53 Chestnut cir
• Chas lltndal h 167 Wellington e • Rose pkg Domrar h r89 Ratetgh
· ChasE (Oatll!ne AId & d•e CISlel Supe~lor Mach & Tool ltd · Sharon cashr Becker's Milk 199 Wilham s
h 569 Sl Clair · Susan M teller National Vtctorta and Grey Trust 257 Gtlnd av
· Clay!Oo R(Clara M)labiH Canada h 14 ~I dr w
· Danny Wlab Woodbndge Foam (TUbury) h 55·1'2 Stanley IV · Wayne G!Barbara! !lib 1HCa111da h 4 Soulhend cres
• DeDot&'l de()! hd leiters 84 Pheasan& dr Jao::oOson Oebboe h 22 Hollyerd
• Olaoa cashr A & P 84 Pheasant dt • Debolah h 336 St Cla11 apt 2
·Don WIHeletl MJ eted & gas lnsp Can Corps Allairs h 70 M·~e 17 Second
~II Jacovach Jodi elk Mac·s Molk 2991kNaugblon
· DonaldS (Aiw;e Hi h 297 Tweedsmurr ev w Jacques Blli<e M lab Rockwell Inti (Tilbury) 171 lnshes av
Dons Mrs h 205 Ha,.ey • Brad Wk$ Gas N Go res RR 7
Doug h so l.lernU •• apt 60 1 • Brenda l tlsekPI 45 Foster
0ougtu H IV~tO'OII E) elect fords h I 3 OfiOie pi<wy • Cllas J h 171 lnsneuv"'f' ..,1.5 Chatham Plasloc F•n•Sh•ng • Chas J h 131 Wellington e


JanSeMS Leo J !Ca•ol AI lab llbbty·SI Cia t Inch 30 , _ d
JACQUES Jansens Danoy coo!~ Holida"t loo J51ogfam
Jan5Jnl< Maarke h 455 Sandys apt 310
De"'d J !Phyllis) h 81 Pa!leson av .IaMon Miron J (W•lhemenal 111~ 11 126 CrySial dr
• Frances J IOeo l) otce cl~ Monarch Propane lid 4 Marion av ~ 0 n 7Q5 Grand,., w104 1,.
• Glty R 10onna J) hit~~~ llr<t' CamPbell SouP h 132 Lome IV • Geo H(Gaye AI d8QI1 supysr SUC*IOI n & Ote h J0 Chtppna
Geo A9 o·Btten t1r dl
•Geo l (Franca Jllab H J Heinz Co h 4 Marton av · Jake (~Aifgll ag1 Sun life Ins 11112 Parkwood dr
Oeo R(Judith) lormn Frartl< P1tJQeon & Sana h 13 Tay101 av • Jeln 133 1"2 51 Cla•r
-lou-Anr>e kit Pvb Gent Hosp h 62 Baidoon rd apt 304 • Johns studll12 PallrlOOOd dl
Jacques Seeds diSit John T Mctnerr>ey 111 mgr 180 Kelt dr 1 • .lOll NOrll h 195 ~r.ey
aulle 12
·Velma loll$ h 87 Harvey 8PI2
Jo1 A (Ha.'!!! "'J
• Rh 202·1"2 RaJeigtl
Cln Ftam h 39 Eugen.e
W~ld J (Almeda Bl h 9 o·Bt~n dl ~ luh !QR'Sief apor Orlll+ydro h 97 Bedford 104105
• Wm D(Jaruce L) h 4 Slllftng Ia apl J Japan Camera Cenue John Kneoer mgo: 100 K10g w uno12~
Jade Garden Restaurant & Tavern (Chun Kan lol 409 McNaughlon

Jaeger Alfred (Josephin~ I) I! 1S3 Edgar

Japp Paul H(Oian~ t.ll consJable OPP h 415 Sandy~ apiJ
JeQ~ Arnold L (Vw ~"•fred E) h 933 Charing Croa rd
• .Ia H (l>da 81 h 805 Grand av 11 11)1513
Jann Otane h 43 Adelaide s I.IJchl J (Sy!v1al compulel ~- Unton GIS h 39
• WFred (Hazell eng Ltbby Mc~eill & libby h 141 Goldllllrk rd Wtuppoorw•n ern
Jatmlce C Ah 18 Jai"11!!S ct • Thos \t.lldmll h 93l ancefleld pi
JaiN! DttMIS (Elaine) h 148 Ttm'IWIS CteS apl3 Wltle! R(Yirgo11111 ltW drn Hlloid Harth Trl<g h 53 Athlooe
Jahb Ale>< [PirOI) Sludl h 123 Ale~andrl IV Cl
Ja~ovac Gerard l (Karen I<J h 299 '-lcNaUQ'lton av e Jardtr>e Robl J (Sharon AI lab l.lotor Wheel Corpn h 21 Ren!lew
JakUbeC Timolhy tiAaureen) gUild Courlty Jail h 4 Redwood cres av
ZUlln Mrs h 165 King w &PI4 Jareme Md!IISiephaMjlall Ubby l.le,Ne!JI & IJbby h 15
James Chve A (Oarlllt plant mgr Campbell Soup h 39 Ch•ppewa dl CO'<"'llale
• David (KathyI lab Guspro I! 175 Delaware av Jarrtll Fredk !DaleI"""' Walfefl Ctoss Auto Clinic h 109
• Oeo (Betty ll(Venec Contra ltd) h 54 Pt~ Gladslooe IV
Cleo WI Marjory MJ (James PholoJ h 27 Seneca Margl h 128 Glt!'jf()(J(j dl
Mal te ll Mrs II 99 McNauglllon •• wIIIli 111 .Jatmt !rl-.:vna hllt'f teeM Challllm PIAIL•Irf h 135 forM!
Naresh J (Ivy Nl program d11 Southweslern Reg! Cenue h 15 Jasper leland 0 h 16lawson dr
Andteadr • JaumP lh1e<l)' ~m CfCO h 118 Rtvervle.. dr apt513
Opal Mrs I! 39 Selkitl< Jawllrov.ocz Romart J (laJrlt!l genl mgr Wheels FtlneSS & Racque1
Jamee Pho1o (Chatham) Lid (Geo wJemeSI216 K•ng w Club h 218 '-lt!mll ••
• RGordon (Ehll h ws Lynwood dl Jar G.vy F 1Bteoda1 "~s Bell Canada h 5 ~~~e rd
• RWm tPatncla A) h 178 LOll'• av Wh 55 Taylor IV IPI 107
Regel (Marg1 R) h 35 Jackson dl JaJ'Cee flail II EmrTII
• Rrchd A h 4 t Gray JayCH R••t!Nitw Pari s s Grand av "
• Ronald L (ConnteJI chart aec1 King Grarn Lid h 1 Eml!fald pi Jedhnslor Atllonl Oeolure Tht!tlpls1 (Anlont JedMskl) 214 51
• Roy !Emrty loll supro Canada Post Corpn h 34 Cumberland cres Clall
• S h24 F1rsl .lee WOav>d lee.etly AI systPmS analyst Ea!on Yale lid h 29
• Tenyh41 Gray J\JPI!e! I•
• Wm G (AI>ee A) mgr ol planning Union Gas I! 26 Brrar Hill rd Jeffl'ISOO Allan h 47 v.ctona '" 1111 ~
Jarrne!lOn Alex (Thelma) cond Chessle Systems h 114 Partridge · Gary W(Ruthann) Irk drvr Sylces Trlr:g h 28 Brock
Cll$ • Ja\:1< illb Ealon Yale Ltd 35 PY•ncess s
• O..•d l (lracey El slsmn Eco CllellliCII h 89 Ma•IOn av · LOQ4'Ua n a V•CIOna Home 173 Wellinglon I
· Donald C (lOillllab Ubby McNeill & l•bby h 123 O'Neil apt 2 RID- 0 h 173 Weffingron e
• Donald K (Eitz loll supvsr Bell Canada h 11 O'Brien dr • Sh!>rne h t 43· 1"2 Wellington e
• Evelyn B Mrs h 178 Wilham s • Talford H !Pat AI lab Eaton Yale ltd h 47 Dukes
· Ivy 99 Park Talford h 85 Ptne apt t24
• Jack G (NorrTIII CUS!omet set'i Hydro h 93 Llydican IV Tonv 126 WelhngiOII e
·Paul appr mecn Warren Cross Auto ctlruc 101 GladStone Jeffery SUSilf1 h 21 Grant
· Peter mgr Dom ~rilles h 20 Trillium VIllage apl30ot Jeflord Robt h 76 '-lary apt 810
• Seon S!Udl 10 1GladStorte av Jeffrey ApartmeniS 12 Jeffrey
• Tracy E(Dave) SlYIISI His & Hers Unisex StYling Batty B G h 805 Glllrtd ev wapt 50 1
Jamnteky Paul Rev (EI!z) mrnlster Our Saviour Lum Ch h 86 • FIOfence (Waynell)rl(r Rowlands Ins 115 Coatsworlh av
Cardinal cres · HaNey J (Joanr>e Ml body shop mgt Chatham "'<>tors h t98
JlmiGZu1sld Jos w(Ja~ El mach repr mlwrgh1 Eaton Yale Ud h Lacrooc
83Susm • Jenn.ler bkpr Holiday Inn 87 · 1"2 Patteson av
JanP Dav1d (Cheryle) prOCMStng Campbell Soup h 83 Raleigh • Jtm 198 laciOIX
Janick Tom G (leslie) tehr Chatham Collegiate lnst • Joseph P (M Jantce) dte asmblr Eaton Yale Lid h 12 Oulu1h
Janre's Fashtoosladles' wear Jim Coyle mgr 653-P Grand av w Paul bodymn Chatham Mtrs h 87 1'2 Paneson av
JanfiOI<IC V h 48 Adelaide n • Wayne B (Florence W) pauli shop formn Chatham MlrS h 1t5
Jankowski Steve (Josephlr>el Ur Godfree's Meo's Wear ~ 133 CoalsWO!Ih ••
Batdoon rd Jelovlc Anthy (Clara) secut•IY guard Burns S«:urtty h 283
Jennack Carmen l (DOlls W) (Jannack Uphol) h 155 Wellington e MIChener rd
Janseo Albl C 17 Lawson dr • Ger>e A (Suzanr>e Ml c111 Gordons Mkls h 735 Oueen
· Allan tecnn R•vervtew Body Shop ~ 73-1'2 Taylor IV JeiSITII Fred (Ina) h 58 Glenwood dl
• Geo pharm Btg V Drug Store 17 LIWIOII dr • Heltn h 196 VtCIOrtUY apl5
• Henry (Chrlshr>e) 1du Calvin Chrtsllan Sctll h 175 Park Ia • Jenn•ler s1udt 58 Glenwood dr
· Jochem (Ellzt (J & S Consltl h 17 Lawson dr JelusiC B Of dnU surg 227 Grand av w
l h 130 Sheldon av ept 110 Jenktns Alfd w (Claire) 1 n a Pub Ganl Hasp h 83 Taylor IV
Wilma otce Union Gas 175 Park Ia • Btll J tPatnclal mgr Jeokins Ldscpg h w s Gtvett rd


231VAN ST., P.O. BOX 543, N7M SKI PHONE 354-5045

• Sharron olce w1<r Maple leaf M•lls h 79 Arnold
Br•M 0 lleslte Ml sis rep All Can Tr~s & Ttlr Spls h 28
Johnson Ale~ wks Gerold KadoCI Conwlr h 39 Dover apt 5
Jaspet ev
• Allan chart acct Chryslf!f Sholllngton & Co h 76 Mary apl 713
• C h 68 Randolf cres • At-.n mQI K Marl h 1000 Charlng Cross rd unit 21
• Clv•s (Sally) lab Cry h w 5 Gwen td · Audrey J n 30 Tnlllum V~lage apt 801
Oernse (Mark) slsldy lyM's Budai Suile res RR 3 Blenheim
Barbara flarryt elk Osmon's Hdwe 110 Oal~v1ew cres
Jeruc.ns Food Products Mark Jenk•ns mgt 7•4 Grand ave
· Bernard V (Vitky T) h 945 Cnanng Crost rd
• Jas tG«enl mec/1 Chaltlam MilS h 288 M<:Naughlon ave
• Bdl 234 lnshes av
Marl< lab CamPbell Soup 123 Maryknoll rd
MarkS !Oemsel pres l J Dairy Prods res RA 3 Blenheim · C h 25 ·1'2 Houston
· Carol quality controllnsp Chatham Plastic FiniShing
Mary J h 123 Maryknoll rd
Calher,ne Estudl27 Joseph
Ph 383 We!llngtoo w apt21 I
• Clv1s H llieatllel M) mntnc:~ supVSt Birla lnd {Windsor! h 304
• Panoe;a elk L J Dairy Prods res RR 1
• Pell'l h 109 Fle~ IV
• Chnst·~e siOOI 6 NOflhland dr
·Tracy studl123 Maryknoll td
· Dave stOle elk All Cdo Trk & Trtr Spls
• Wendy IBrad) lab 1ec11n K•no Grain lid res AR 7
• Wm J h ws Gi•en rd • Oav1d 97 Mcfarlane a• apt 204
Jenki/15011 Carol wtrs & cook Ouo V1d1S P1ua r39 Park av w • DaVId A 0! !lorram~ Ml phys 230 Sl Clair n 920 Channg
• Shorley wtrs Sutl&hull.' RPS!l h r39 Park av w Crossrd
• Shirley 168 Pillk apt 2 · Doane (Wm)secy Bm & Dons Spnng Serv 163 Woods
Jenner A!fd J tPaul•ne A) sis 0 Rllrusl1 EQuip Lid h 126 · Edna castw Burge~ K•ng h 143 ChurchiU
Delaware av • E~ 97 l.lcflflane av apt119
Hugh H h 805 Grand 1v w apt 70 I F Alex (Gwen Jl drvr O•erland Westl!'rn h 62 Alden
• l B h 99 McHaughlon avw apt 102 • Fred C IDeborah) flshe11es mg11Am1S1ry of Natural Resources
·leonard Fgent formn I H Canada h 76 Parl<wood dr h 13 Dale• Pw etes
• LISI caw G& A l<w•k SlOp Lid res RR 3 Gail lA jr acct Chalharn C4~i<: Centre 27 Joseph
• lor• recplll'lt TnOonl Denial Celllre res RR 3 · Gary (Jenrnler)lab Clly h 48 Mc:K1nnon dr
· IA"rray M iBeny Ml pohcemn h 19 01\awa dr • Gary B ILilla B) lab Motor Wneel Corpn h 11 Regency dr
· Rob! I< h 275 Par~ • Gerald T!KalhJYn E) tab I H Canada h 15 Holland av
·Roy (Ma1gll h e s Joplyn · Gerald H(Margl) h 27 Joseph
JeM1ngs Jack A (lorene) h 278 Merntt av apt 202 H Neal !Lyno)tchr Chalham Collegiate lost res RR 4 Merlin
JeMy's Place londa Thornsoll mgr 91 no.e~ · Hanley !Enid) h 7() Mary apt413
Jtonyn Kev1n tloll)wks Supenor Propane h 149 Ha111ey · Harold a~blr Eaton Yale Ud h 57 Baldoorl rd apl 207
JeiOfl'le Healhe! (Rheall tklagl Rossini Bros 125 Prunrose Ia Harry h 45 TJmtnll'll ties apt 104
· Rhea! !Healherl sls11'9 Sws h 125 Pr1nwose Ia • H~ather w~s Venlra 68 Soulhend cres apt 2
Jerry's Sunoco Jerry Grabec mgt 99 Thames • lan h 464 V1tiOt18 av
Jewell JaneT (Jas) olce mgr Cenlral Eqolp 54 Sass rd • J B h 175 Eugeme
• Jas R{Jane n hoosbng eng Frank Pidgeon & Sons Lid h 54 • Jac~ 0 IDianna l) hit Irk opr Libby McNeill & Ubby h 60
Sassrd Vanderpark dl
• John F attt I.IAas IA~fller 54 Sass rd Jas M lab Ela, Tl & 01e 75 Gtanl
Jew •SS ~ly (VictorI secy Andy Watson Consliluency Ofce 132 • Jas w!Shirley) ecctg supysr Tee Gas Slge h 40 Woodland av
Semenynav · John IRosellechn Si Jos Hosp h 19 Sudbury dr apt3
• VICIOI C (Bevetl) A) h 132 Semenyn av • ludy IWm rl me<:h 811! & Oon's Sl)!lng Serv 34 Southend cres
J!Q91ll5 Joan C r n Pub Gent Hosp h 4 Tlmolhy cres apt I
J"~monCJh 102Welllngloneapt3 JOHNSON, LARRY, (Barbara). Mgr 81ondHI Glut
Cl•"d lab Molor 'l'l'hee! 107 Adela« 5 Ltd, h 110 Dalavlew ern, Phone 352,...74
M 190 Thames ap~64 Larry illrendalll• drvr Btoedbenl IAvg & Stge n 27 Adela1de n
lPh214Kingy,ap~5 • LewiS M (Margate! A)yard formn CNR h 28 Kerr av
Jinks B ..~s lnd•an Creek Rd Pub Scht · lilly M Mrs h 130 Sheldon av apl112
• Mary h 30 Trrlllum Vrllage aP1206 • L1sa htdrsr Brenda's Bty Salon 110 Oalevlew ties
• Mu11ay A fBonn1e L) olce elk 1H ~ h 1• English Srde rd • ll!l wks Chatham Plashc Fln1Sh1ng h B3 Baldoon rd apt JOB
• Sadie h 50 '-!1chenef rd apl 105 • Ll!l C hrd<sr Brenda'• Bty Salon 1t0 Oatevlew cres
• Shorley t nOn MacWilham & McKay h 160 Baldoon rd apt 4 • Mary J h 141 Park av e
Joc::h An!Onln CIShe1la) h w 'L ynl¥00<! dr M•te w~s Aylmers 68 Southend cres apt 2
Joogers '-lar~ Howell mgr 100 King w unil224 • Nancy M Mrs h 97 Vanderpark dr
Nellie h 94 Grand av e
John Kenne1n wks Gull Sin 122 Rl~ervlew dr apt 316
P Fraser (Shelley A) pres Elan Tl & Ole h 81 Syl•esler dr
John McGregor Secondary SChool J NNoble pr10 300 Cecile av
JOHNSON, PAUL C, (Roberta). Prn Paul Johnaon
John McGregor Secondary School Atloex w 1 Faubert dr
lnaurance Broker• Inc, h I Northland dr,
John N Given Pubhc SChool Gordon C K•rk pnn 92 Churchill
Phone 352-0717
John Uyen Separate SChool SltYI!II Haskell l)!rn t s Lark
JohMy's Raoiatot !John Bordnukt930 RiChmond JOHNSON, PAUL. INSURANCE BROKERS INC
Johnny's Tow•ng S1Qe lot 57 Sandys Paul Johnton, Pr..ldant '
Johrc Allan h 102 Gladstones~ 150 Wallington w, P 0 Box 4M, N7M 5KI
• Catol yn J s:udt 99 Faubert dr ..........Phone 352-1345
·ChasE (Shirley f) h 118 Panndgecres
• J CSR a>dt Pub Genl Holp ~3 Wnl Paull I~ M. r n Pub Genl Hosp h 57 Coatsworlh av
• J tab ll~ UcNeill & libby h 43 Wesl
Johns J l Horre lmpro.ement Enletl)!lset (.loa L Johns) 650 Grand JOHNSON·PUDWELL INSURANCE BROKER,
ave Commercial, Auto, Flra, Farm and
·Joseph L IE~etyn lA) h 99 Faubert dr Uta ln1uranca,
• Ktnnelll FI.lin Bl mgr Ubby McNeill & Ubby h 153 Blls 113QuHn
• Peler Etfayl Plod leChn Hayes·Dane Inch 2 Dunkirk ct .......... Phone 352-4343

Please Turn to the Last Page of
the Classified (Yellow) Section .

Wm C tTe~esa 1.1) dM et.amlner Mon!stry of Tf11111P & Commlll'lc
Rayd !EIIIIIIb Eaton Yalt lid h 68 $®1Mncl t1811012
11 4s Mc!'ilnnon dr
RegonaiCl 8 (r.lariO<'Ie G) lab ledln 51 Joseptf5 Hoap h 40 Wm F (Bteoda ._., ll'!mtl,.i<r h 40 Ra.'ICIOII C18S
011awadT Johnslone Bemice IJ ·~ h 806 Gr1nd av w ape 505
Aober1a (Paul) Ins brJo;, Paul Johnson Ins 6 Nol1hland dt Catl'ler•ne IRobl1rJ rngr's M•. 104 ViCIOIII
Robt Sludl6 Nort'ltand dr Gtaham 0 (511310nJ h 81 Van ABen r•
• Robl florra!l"e) tab Ela11 Tl & D1e h 163 Colborne J h 2tlO weth~ w
R05t Mrt nurse F'ut> Ge<~t ~ 3 Sudbury dr Jas tMarp.e E) h 897 CM••ng Cross rd
· Ross $!lOP tormn Ene Glass ltd Chat~ng Cross Jesse Mrs h 40 Tnlllum Village aot601
• Sandra 232 Patk apt2·D t.Aa'JO'le E(Jasl sec'f OeKalb Cenalla Inc 897 Chlnng Cross rd
Shawn slsclk Daoper O.rfs 40 WOOdlilnd, s:..dl 74 I.!Jtrar
· l h 216 WeUlng1011 e Mdl~llt1 M (.loMIVyiiSI Hts& He1s 1Jni5e,t 262
• Talloc~ 5 10onna1 h 22 Crerar dr Welhngton w
WaiiP.r W tBIISsle M) h 57 Hooston • Norma secy A~ll Waco 104 VICtoria av
• Wolld h 113 Cotborne Flobl)l s&.!k Mac's !A 'i< 104 VIC.IOIII
• Wm IJudvl wk.s s.n & Don Spring Ser< h 34 Southend cres a(ll ROlli J jca!toe<.ne A ~ SIS rep t.lelma!1 0.51 lM1SS) h JZ8
!.lt.P<aughiOn •• e
Wm A h 85 I '2 Thames WaJ'IIe mgr Wa!erbed Way 138 Sem'.'nyn
Wm DtJarnce Lilormn Sass .,.,g
h 172 Ellis Jolotf! PauiiPavlln~l h 2 Sunset av
• Wm E(OiiiOe) (8•11 & Oon's spring Serv) h 163 Woods Jolley "eeneMrs h 499 VH:IOII! IV
Johnston Audrey.,. 199 Raleigh JoM s:.d 868 cnarmg Cross rd
B n69 Tay10r a• John 8 (lorelei lot) ta.w1e< Union GIS 11868 Cnarlng Cross Ill
· Bill •~:r Cl!anon Traosp 39 Pavey Susar~ ~ analysl d!t Union Gas 499 VICIQroa ••
• Bruce L Hl\'mn Umon Gas n 37 f Otesl Jone<J Albt h 76 Mary ap1811
· Carl R (Jo·EIIen) lab Cyanamid Canada (Tilbury) h 19
Alice t.Ars h 86 Joseph
Sherbrooke pi AOO.. (t.~aovlll 99 l.fckalJ911100 av w ape 157
• Cetol L h 144 Senlenyn a• 8013 Arwle req!lnSl OentliS Asl>t'! La" flflll h 45 Ttmrnii\S ties apt
• CUIIIS P Dr dnlSI 227 Grand av w h 8 Pamela C18S
• Da•td 8 h 40 Charlefos • Bernard Wv p11n Wallacetx.rg OtSI High Sdll h 55 Holland av
Davod A IE JeanJinsp Ealon Yale Lid h 20 Pheasant dr • Bredley llab Coly h 125 FlobetiiOn av
• Oavod 39 Pavey Ch 16 1kNa•J!IIllon IIH
· David IOiallel mech labotrtbard's h 14 W'drose dr ChriS N IttzbeiiH cusrodoar> Spwcedale PlAJ Sdll h 65
Don h 2 Redbud dr PallfSOI' av
• 0oog W(Sandy)tctu Chatham Col18glatl' lnsl res 81t'!toe1m Crystal 45 TtiTIITII!ls cres IPI 111
· Douglas (F'hylhsl lab Eaton Yale Lid h 91 Popllll' 0 h 65 Timm•ns cres apl312
• Fredk J (Wanda) h 112 Poplar ~llll!Sandral accl Sl Cla•r Gra.n & fee<l h 26lorne av
• Geo Fl (Darlene) capt F•re Depth 20 Stewart OW\8 L M<S secy Unoon Gas 66 Holland av
• Gtaham 11 40 ~ Gra~ve dr
• J h 392 LBCIOI• Donald C h I 19 Coatswor111 av
· Jacob (.,.81\111 h 108 Baldoon r(!
• Jas R !Ben A) 11mekpr Libby St Cia or n 14 PembfOI<e C18S
I E<Nil h 85 Pone apl 245
• Edwasd M (PatriCia Rl stsrnn F WConeybeare Lid h 11 De11011
• JOhn R n 28 Orchard Hla dr apt 8 dr
· .los W1st mstlr Bell Canada n 56 Allen • FlOrence Mrs n 75 Houslon
· Ken (Mar,or.e) llancnlse dll Snap-On TOOls h 58 U111verstty · Gary ItCarol Al d &d•em•<t SupenOt Mach &ll h 47
dr Highland dr
· Lenard A h 199 Raletgh Geo C (Mane) h 145 Joseph
• Lillian A 199 Rate1gh Getald M (Jean Ei n 694 BIOO<"OI•eld rd
· lmda M lthr Kenl County RC Sep Sdll 8d n343 Grand av e apt GolD! lab campbell Soup Co h 67·1'2 Thames apt C
213 • Gladys Mrs 99 P811<
.,. lchr lnd•an Creek Ad Pub Schl Gordon E IMa~l bkpt Leeson Trae1or Ltd h 443 Merr,n av
• .,.arg1 0 Mrs h 70 Wilsoo av Helen (t<en) comp Datly Ne<NS 56 Harwich
.,.arl< 91 Poplar • Hmnan ltOOr•sl h 5 Wildrose dr
Mary V mgr Mac's Milk 39 Pavey J h 88l.acr01x apt 4
Melodee elk Syd Kemsley's FIOtiS1 231 \I letona av • J h 89 Riverview dr apl 1004
Michl wks Syd Kemsley FIOIISI 231 VIctoria av • Jas Eassl mecn Tnornson·s 160 Pari< Ia
Mildred Mrs h 105 Pine Ja~ M (O.ana Ll supvsr Union Gash 66 Hofland •~
Orner C 199 Raietgn Jeffrey J stud168 Holland ••
PatroCI.II Mrs h 61 Vielona •~ Joe f h 42 Cumbtrland cres
Pany 112 Poplar Josephone lolrs lab Ene & H111on Bev h 266 Colborne
- Pally couroer serv P C Messenger Serv 39 Pavey • K h 15 Orchard HIS dr apl 4
• Rayd mgr .,.cOonalds 14 Wildrose dr • Kathleen A elk Dover Flour .,.Ills·TaylOr Grain res RR 2 Kenl
• Robl h 586 8 Gland av e Btldge
Rob! J (F AMI constable Prov Court Hse h 39 Pavey · Katllfyn d•r Sou:hwestem Regl Cenlre h 16 Orchatd His dr apt
Ruth Mrs h 40 Tnlltum VIllage ap1908 4
• Shanon (TI1os) florist Syd Kemsley F101lsl23 1 VfctOIIa av Ken R (Helen E) wks Russell Tl & Olen 56 Ha1Wich
• Shirley A Mrs h 53 Sheldon ev KeMilh shop wkr Dominion Auto l renstt Thamesvllle •
Shortey E h 99 UcNaughiOn av w apt 255 leonllfd IJa!W!l drvr Dominion Auto lransll res lhamesvllle
Teny W(Ltndal gas hrl HCaneda h 173 Thames • Loonel R(Mabel! h 379 McNaughton ave
-The!esa M h 33 Eeton e1 Manlyn h n s R•chmon<l
JOHNSTON, THOMAS, 0 C, (Sharron), (Syd Mark l (lOti Jl supl regulatory etlalrs Union Gas h 124
Kamaley Florlatlnc) Phone 354-2571 Collegiate dr
· Wayne Gdtflsmn Can Frem lid h 496 King w Marshall (Reba) h 100 Mcf111lane av ap«212

• School and Office Supplies • Office Furniture

180 KING ST. W. PHONE 354-0470

• E(Joyce 1.1) h 289 Baldoon rd • Harold (Harold's vanetyl h 142 LacrOI•
• Myron dM Oomm•on Auto Transltrn R~ • John J (Pamela Mllab MOiol Wheel Colpn h 23 Peterborough
• Nancy IChr UcNaug111011 Av Pub Schl h 30 TtiHium Village apt - Joyce W~rs n a St Jos Hosp h 31 Oueenswa; d!
301 • Patk tGeorglll8) loans ofa Royal 8k h 393 Baldoon rd uM 7
• Ned Geng dept C.ty 694 Bloomfl1!1d rd • Regd P tVeron•ca) h 22 Redbud dr
· Norma Mrs h 245 Gral'l<IIV e Joytand Amusement Centre (J Mllllm & F Van~ Hogen) 31
• Norm~n Civil dlftsmn Wy1lle & Ufnal h 84 Baldooo rd apl1 03 F015ylh
• Holman f tMelbl) h 187 Joseph
• Pam IDoug) w1rs Fetlef's Bolh*'l!ll Jubl t.lalhw M (Mary) lawyer 215 Park av w h 217 Park av w
• Peter &Jsmn K•MY Shoes Jubenv•lle Bany (Joyce) supY$r I H Ctnada h 146 Woods
• Reg•na !The Jones S91 Co) h 125 Rdvnond • 0 h 6 Sarah cres IPI 3
• Rdldl h 97 Bedford apt302 • Dallt elM Dom Aulo Trans11 h t 10 tnws av
• Roc~y (Anita) auto body mgr Maple City Ford h 59 Partridge • Oennt$ R f~ loutsel mntnce Bell Canada h 71 Copperl•eld cres
cres • 00111\11 recptnst Chrysler Sh•tllngton & Co res RR 1 Pa•ncoort
• Robl R 01 (V11a 1.1) on!SI4 1Grand ev wh 32 Indian Creek rd • Douglas h 12 O!cllard Hts dl apt 1
w • Eva Nil h 51 Broer!
· Rod Sludl84 Tnlhum Village
· Gerald L wid! S•mpeon·s Fence h 261 Grand ave
Rod 0 stud! 55 Holland IV
· Harold fVICI<i) tab libby McNe1t1 & libby h 210Coverdale
Ronald h 20 Princes
· James E(lolsJ) Irk drvr Purolator Counet Services h 252
Roy L (El:N E) lab t.1ot01 Wheel h 151 Perk av w lark
• Scoa appr elect Wallie's Eleclric res RR 2
· Sherman supvsr CMOand Exp h 2·A DIMln rd • Karen elk O~>•e Lee 189 McNaughton av w apt 1
Jones Stgn Com parry The (Regina Jones) 125 Richmond • Ken h 32 Orchard HIS dr apt 4
. s~a~~ e(Donna t.IJ lab Ktnt County h 160 Pari< Ia · leonard AtSharori l ) 11/11st h 39 Staniey av
· Sue Ann elk lewleS Vanety h 31·1'2 Emma - 100Poptarapl11
• Tammy J lab Campbell Soup 65 Tnlllum Village • Rh 383 Welllnglon waot 306
· Tammy l 160 Perl< Ia • Randy W(Katlue) l!Chn Cllalham Cable TV h 42 Emma apt 4
• WFred (Margaret l) 11 14 1Edgar · Rena (Rena's FaShion Boohque) h 50 t.Aemll av apt 602
• W•nslon (lmdat compullf opr Can Fram ltd h 65 Tn111um • Richd h 56 Wesl
V•llage • Rid< (Kathy) secunt; Downtown Chatham Centre h 1•1
Joogbloed Albt J (Tracy A) s•gnal appr CPR h 76 Balder McNaughton av wapt 4
• Albl ICleett!el lab Adam Sand & Gravel h 74 8axlef • Ron l 102 Park a• e
• Jo1v1 (Ann) Yilt.$ Ken! eou..y Bldg h 146 MIChener rd • Roy W!Jean11eHe 0) drvr Overland Exp h 100 Mcfarlane av lp1
· Tammy dlt lewii!S Book & var~y h 48 Allen 404
·Tracy bl<pr Chalham Bookl<eeprng 76 Baxter · SA h 29-1·2 Taylor av
Jongsma t.1 Eh 43 Taylorav apt 102 · Shawn·Mane studl504 BaJdoon rd
Joosse Jerry J (Marla) hnemn Ont H)'Q'o res RR 1 Blenheim JubinVIlle Shirley h 189 McNaughton IV w apt1
Jordan Bryan h 75lolary apt104 Judah Harry (Annte) lilt truck dM IH Canada h 43 Eugen•e
• Chas R (G*'I!ndolyn Rl h 1000 Char1ng Cross rd ullll 1 • MICIII h 52 O"Nell
· Donald 1.1 (Sharon l) 1r1<1 h 170 nmmilll cres apl 4 Judd EJesse !Betty) h 86 Eugenle
· DoriS (Aibl) stsctl< Gray·s China Hafl104 Eqex d Juctson S h gg t.lcNaugtllon av wapt 14 7
• Fraok (Ins M) Wildlife lllllst 261ndiln Creek rd w h same Judtl.lary MIS h 7 Oueensway dt
Jordan Frank Signs S'OO po1r 236 king w Juhan K h 150 Mary ep1402
• Geo h 975 Grand av w lp! 205
Juliette's Dairy Bal (Alex F'a1Stovich)17 Dover
• Jack l (Helen E) h 1000 Channg Croa rd unt134 Jull Carolyn J (0 teller Standard Trust Co 68 Allen
Karen II (Terence l) teller Slandald Trust Co 11 Cheslnut dr 0 Br1111 (CirOiyn Jl computer co-ordmator t HCanada h 68
"' h 4 Ounk.rl<ct ~lien
· Terry l (Karen Mt l11eflghter h 11 Chestnut d! June Barbara (Clayton) eire elk Chatllam Dally News 90 Taylor
WOanl (Kaltvyn I) ICOI Rocl<\Weltlntt h 58 Dalevtew cres
Clayton R(Barbara} wks Cunningham Shl Mtl h 90 Taylor av
Jorden EIIZ Nil h 98 Pnmrose Ia "David (Cheryl) h 269 Grand av e
JORDEN, JAMES H, (lonnie), (Lamb and Jorden, J h 41 Sl George apt 3
Arc:llltect'Pianner), h 30 Glengarry cree, Richd W(Bonnie l ) lab Campbell Soup h 39 Orchard pi
Pilon• 351·2387
Steven R (Madeline) lab Watson Concrete h 37 Orchard pi
Jordl t.larte 99 Park
Junior Achievement Business Canlre Pat Kerrigan program dlr 60
Jordon Albl h 104 Esse• ct Wllhams
• Ru!h h 600 Grand •~ w apt6007
Ju11t01 Chambel of Commerce 11 Emma
Jorge FIUSIO (Citmellfla) mach opr t.IOior Wheel h 282 Park IV e Junors Oebbte Sctueck mgr 100 King w unil 215A
• lou•s (Mary lou) h 54 Ordon blvd
Just Hair Beauty Shoppe Sue Spollen mgr 8 Harvey suite B
Jorgensen Donna Jean taby techn Ubby & libby 251 Pari<

H0.1Sben251 Park av w
· Hatold E!Edna loll h 156 Wlllowmac av
Just Kids Jane Jones mgr 100 King wunu 103 & 104
Just Pet•tes Myta Jack mgr 100 King w unit 201
Juzlc1w t.tykOia !Stephanie) h 209 McNaughton ave
Jyotll Alex K pollcemn 604 Bloomfield rd
· Kay B(Her1a) me811nsp Fedl Govl h 171 Tweed$mw IV e
Rldld C(Oor\oa t.l) peyroll elk Ubby t.lcHet~ & llbby h 251
Part av w r--------------------------,
~lh 40Eimapt 125
JoweU Stanley (Winn•lred) h 407 King w IT PAYS TO
• W~t~ntfred pub hlfh Kent Cllalhlm Hill! t.Wt 407 King w ADVERTISE IN
Jo)u Alld (June)ll!lp I H Canada h 14 HIIICfesl IV
• Aroce ~11 h99 McNaughton IV w apl139
• Getaklone M11 h 65 nmmlns cres apll15

K Pal"' (Dorolhy " ' h 75 ChurclliU

11-Mirl ~ Slote EJoh!llon & Elllr1orl mgrs 575-A Grind
1111111 .iellrty lludt 393 8ll<loorl Ill unit 20
l .... bly IICIWI Nlils & lathft 393 1111c1oon ra unlt20
f'alricq A stscl\ l indat 75 CluchiU
Lid), II 137 Chi, . _ . dr, lll"ttorre 311-0100


ICAAa, WAY. . I. (Mery Lou), ,.,_., Dlrectof liven Katzman), lllaalderttlal, Commercial,
.,,. u A... a..- ,.,_., Home, II - IIICiuetrial, Mot1g..... AppflliMie,
....._nii,A,eiO, P'tloMJM.NM lllural Propartlaa,
111b1n1 K1bir h 79S Grind " • IPI302 1•2 It Clalr •••".lll"ttorre SM-13CM
Karl llalt (l(alleriM) wl!s lialldly Inn 111 18 Wt!SI
. _ Clrl S (fllz N) 110 l.ltJbey 5I Cllil (WIIIIcebl6gl h 7AO
~ra Klt1min Jane IIC-lreiS IQn I'A1'lmlll Rl Ell 137 ~ Ill
Dl'l11l~driPI 130 Keulmln CII 15 Trilllum Village IPI304
Olin " IMIII1 Dunvegltl dr Dennis eng I.Worl Gas 1'1 21 Aberdee!l
.lilly (Mircellll jlnltor Cln Fremll91 Durwegen dr - Ktm SIUdl 21 Aberc1M11
PIUI P (FIII!Ca A) h 8t John l 011 stual 21 Aberdt!en
lllclld J "' bOy K Mlrl 9t Dunwegan ell lil•alet Stephe11 J 1Eilz lot) eng II 190 ()lippfwa dr
Klczoltlo .._., Mrs h 7 Litglr Kay Albl G !Lorna 11 pntr 379 ~Naughton .. w l'lsamt
K.-.c Geo Atw !*tor 5I Anlllony's(AC) Ch h 2 5I Antllony Oa.-10 A (Janel 11'1 reprmtt I H Clnedl h 9 W!drOll dr
Kadllwl K1'1 121 Slleldon ev Oennts LIRuby Gl ~yor t.t\nislr; o! ,,..,., & Comm 1120
Klllul Algd lFiortnce) h 150...., 11111701 KefTil flobin INincvlllsmn Hoodl House h 82 Ta)'lo! ev 1PI3 Kazarla.n KM)IIt I[JIZJI Clllll'l49 T1¥b av 1P4 302
Kalinowlki Sllrl ctlonnalll 85 TIIMI!nl em IPI20A llone h 99 ~ 1> wap1224
~ KIIMn Mrs h 1~ Gtllld ... . M.S~ Kerwtll (Bnerlty A)h 198 .~
. . . . . cool Halidly 1M 1~ Grind ... . I'.Ull Ooug!as A (Irma t.IJsr-
~ CM'r11C ts.n.-1 h 117
Klloywlls Jolv\ W(loultt 01 vice-pres St Ctau Fleslr h J Patry on,.,..a dr
dr John limelopr I HClnedl351 ltiCNiughtorl IY w
• """ ll Y"ddlllsmn 111m* Bldg S)'lllmS 11 53 Pw1rklge ern Vtlma Mrs h 38 Earl dr
• Philip (UIIiln A) mgr St Clllr Aestr II 3 4ademy etes lir.arlle'i Jas D(Mary lou E) Chari led 81<1ty 81 ~ & K~
• Wm (Sophie) (SI Clair Fleslr)ll 18 Cr1¥tn dr II 128 TriOinnlll etes
Kelp Din II 151 McHiugNon ev w 111112 l'.wnsJWIIl06WUllamn
0111111 115 Fllldl! ev · .m P (Sandra AJelecl Elton Yale Lid n 2t2l~~>
Hlrry w(fUJy) ""*""' O..llncl hp h 250 St!J.Jrlo JcM A(Claudia I lib I HClnedlll48 Rossini C7es
HlrlnM !Giendltllmbly Can Frem h 189 ~ .. •IPIA • Me ASlld85 SounQucn
l.lrry ILyndl G) mnlnCe Notlll Americ1n P11s1k:s h t35 Semenyn · larry (~I copy W111 Radto Stn CFCO 1174 ~elY,.
8YICJI2 ~y l PMlp J) IChr Georges P Yil'llft SeN 85 5ou"IQUOIS
Kllllli Key (Hiney) II 35 Berry •"r l.lts 11205 Emma
Klmarttgoe Adr.- Aid! t92l-" • PNhp J \MTY A) c:onslable OPP n 85 ~
Clwis C (Georgina) lib Elkin Sprmgs h t921.1tto. MIISiey Walle! H(Shirley lol) eng Can frtm II 190 lancefotkl pi
• NiQt . , . 192 L-" Keats ~atrltf lot 1.1!1 bllpr I<eats Jwtrs II 103 Johll
• Pam lUll t92 L-" • Gary (CIIery1) dr!lg Iedin Cllallllm Wlll!f Cornm h 44 Acerdeer1
K1mtn11ri Ben (Ciw11) 112t8 Gtlllllev e .lis l IDoroct!y I) h 15 81~ I•
• Eelwd 121 Cornllllt
Jal (KIIhy)lllll OCII!lomt.- II 121 Cornhlll KEATS JEWELLERS LTD,
K.- Win lflil)lllni'Ce WoiOf W!leel h A7A MeNiugiiiOIIIV w Jim Smyttl, PrMiderlt
K.-lllrldle A II 58 Olllwe dr Jewellery, Dlamondl, Wetc:llee I Watch ~~~epe~,.
Klpll Adolphine IIUdl t67 Coverdaie 151 King w, N7M 113
Klpilrl Gordon 5 ~~~leigh .......... Phone 354-3030
~ Al1llti (Lilli) ldlr Chllllam May Court Day Nurtet1es 98
•Lilli k IAntlliJ mgr plant led I H~ h 98 on.... dr KEE, D THURSTON, QC, (Donna C), CK•I
Kaclulnlll< Pete! (Mirtlyn A) US1 mgt NO! Arnet P1astlct Robe!Uon), " " Stoney Point
IWiillceburg) h 73 Olllwe dr )(~ Grece E Mrs h 128 Ell11
kames Sllnley T(lorrM~e Cl lib Rochw elllntl h 5 Vancle!PIIk
Klmey Role Anne (Del) riCptriSI Nortrle<n Sales Co Cnering (D Tl'lumon K•, QC, Ronald 0 lllobartlorl)
Croll llarrl.-., lollcltorl, NOIIIIM Public
Klrolyl Peter IVIC10ii1) sis rep Can Fr1111 1'137 Adelllde n 21 Third
KAMY, THIO " · (Ietty J), Mer Public ..........Phone 364-1.10
RelatioN Union Gel Umltled, 1'111 8rtar
Hill rd
l<aiTy Todd lludltn-ICCI$ Ward Mllletll t8 81111 H1U rd Keech John V (Mergl J) ICIW Kent County Bd o1 Edue h 85 Olllwl
• WJeflyey lludl t8 &r.. H1M rd Of
Kllpll Jal J IMiry) h 4 I Woolllenll IV Sl~ llldlsr Kul HIA 1'140 Delawlre I~ apt1
• Ronald (Nethe) lib 1H C.llldlt h 1111 Goldperk rd
Kasper FrriC 1111111 wldrCunt~~nghlm Sill Iotti h 124 PllleSOn
• Wm W(Donna! lab Rocitwelllnllll 15 Ceaarwooos
K~yCDougtasOI (F Ebl) SUfgeon274 K1ng w h 8 Oavondr
av K"" - h 22 W;IIIOOII
• Kevtn teeurlly guatd Bums Securlly t24 P.-.orl IV • J h 15 Trillium Vlllage apt 308
Kll1oll Doroct!y ll1dk People .• Jwlrl 75 ChurcNQ KHt*l Brld ICathy) reprmtt Union Gash 393 Llctoox
• Judy '*"'· linclor ret Bo• t 02 PIII'ICOOtl • Edmuod J I Clara t.l ) h 221 Per~ IV ..


Serving The Community Since 1966
IndustriAl- Hot Aspho11lt Flo11t Roofing - Commerci•l
Shingling, Siding & Soffit
160 EUGENIE 352-4082
• Ehl ~ stucl221 !'Irk •• w • Jls A(.loaM!! I ijh 11M Elton Yale ltd 11 28 Aberdeen
· Jacquelme Wts~k's)h 76,.yll)l814 .1C11t1 M Mrs h 38 Hous!on
·a..rv M101nen P) mig eng Carl Fram lJd 11 186 Cecile a. • .kfny RS1Udl 550 lolc.llaugMOn IV '*
Mary I II 40 Trilllllm Villlge IPI503 John D (lore!ll) genllormn I H Canada h tU t.ll.ffay
· Robe J (OiviStlne Ml U& d~ SupetiOf ~ & n II 28 • L h 258 M.:.Naughlon 111 1 apl 309
VarJty rdn
l h 89 1'2 King w apl4
Keepmg Mr. Mrs~ Holldly Inn J6.1'2lorne IY t..rence A(Rulli A) lab I HCanadall478 M<.:.Niugtllon av w
· John IAml lib libby McHelll & libby 11 J&.1'2lorne av
• Ll61 A slsclk K•dd•e Kobblt! 405 (lfand 1¥ e
• Ktlty cww Petro Canada 63 Baldootl reS ape 203
lois (Dor\1 bi\Pf Ha!¥!yluk & Assoc ins 67 WIIWICk c1r
l!etv11 ~FOr INona ll II 42 Slallley a• t.!Mguerllt M sis Shapper1 Drug Marth 496 Queen
Kehoe Ale• J (Mary lJ br mgt Morden & Helwig II 491 V'ICIOrll a•
M ~.e tab Can Fram 33 Pit!< Ia
• Cl1harlne A SIUCl S4 Poplar • Norma l Mrs h 3 Regency dr
· Donald J !Matr J) w1dr h ~ BIOOmfJfld rd
Doreen An 140 "*" Ia
• .lffl51od 804 Blocmliekl rd
· Oliver (t.targt) slsmn Godtrle's Men's Wear h 92 Ellz.abetll
P ~e (MSusan! nurse Nl Gent Hosp n 96 W~WOOd av
· RWh601'1!1\IY'*
· JaiMe Shampoo girl Pride Hl~ng U1 StClair
Ray h 30 TrrDium Village IPI901
Jon A(Helefl U) ICiv lksullne Coli h 198 O•lty dr
• Robl II 100 Poplalapt21
· La•~ (lol¥y Fraoces) h S4 Poplar
• Mrldred II 70 B.wthe • S h 194 Paneson ••
Sandy w!rSlumbefjack Restr h 60 Bar11la apt 4
· Pal wlos Campbeil Soup Co 140 Park Ia
• Paul HlUI rd 1U1Mt Kenl County Bldg S4 l'oplw • Sandy J elk Bell Canada 38 Houston
lerry h 116-1'2 Sei>W..
• R II 10 TriDium YlllaQt IPI201
• Roblst!o-Cik A & P 491 YOCIOrilav • Torn 176 Park
· Varney h 4lO!M I•
• Robl H IAnne) II 281 Sl Cia~
· lhOs Mcameamn CKCO-TV(M) S4 Poplar Wm lib Can ftJm ltd II 30 Trillium Vili-oe1D1805
• Ylm hi!IStylisl140 Parlda • Wm 0 (Janel) h 24 Crane dr
Ked Jeanne personnel mgt W!leets 1m II 192 EILZabe!h K.ebey Ah 103 Ale...OU•
Kerllor Jls A(~ l II 26 Eltl dr Rob! h 4 52 Grand ev t
• R1140 Trillium V'lllage ape 1007 Kember He8lher \Sam) mgt~ A Yard 920 Rk:llmond
• ThOS HIBa•bn .1) 61$11111 Eroe & HLran Be\1 II 118 Mcfadden av · Sam J tHeallltf) bl\pr Serv A Yard Ud h 920 Rlcllrnond
Keith Gh 5 Pearl cres apt2 llemble Batry J (Manlyn JJ eng Union Gas 11 7 Sparks d!
· lO!t 115 Har~y apl1 · Eldon H (Catharrne) h 104 Me~<:e!
• Saocy II 115 Harvey 11112 · Graham n 118 Pari< apt2
• Wm (Calherlllt) bus~- mg1 Ont Tech Centre h II Webb Ktmbley Cia!! 0 h 3D Trilllum Village 1111405
Kellam Connie I 130 Grflld ave Kemp CampbeU R (Mary El a<lrrnn Kent County Chllartn's
• Glenn II.O!re I tr~ CIN! h 355 MIChener rd Tr811mtf\1 Centre n 44 Holltnd ..
Keller Frank (Gwyntn) II r125 L.acroil · Elmer IEIU) lab I H Canada n 76 Fielder If
· Gall 0 lolrs ne101011< nyais elk IJooon Gash 87 [ljzlbllh · Harold serv techn IV&zy Kell{l ra RR 3 Blenllerm
• Ge<ald E(.lunt I) lib I HCanada h 75 Yl~aon 1Y · Jack !Joanne) rnecn Maplf' City Outboard ret Theme~V•IIe
• Joa WI0 Ga 11 II 253 Elizabe!ll · Jack (Kelty) llrdrlr HI-ad H~terl h 65 Poplar
• TrKy loens Ilk ol Nooa Scotfa 87 EliUOetll •Jeltrey tOebble~comp Challla."' Da 1y Newsrn RldgeiD'ff'l
Kel~y Oevid M ratne~lkDooalds 39 Ch..ellln • John E (Melany) mach & d ltr Mo101 Wheal Corpn h 45 ROIS!nl
• ~(MarShal lab l.lolor Wheel Corpn h 68 fltlder av till
• GeoW !Euna M)carpCrago Conslr h 9 Beny · Vh3~e•~
· Harold J h 10 Tnlllum Villege 11)1108 • Wume Ah 139 W!lliam n
· I•an Hl£1iz) h 134 AleJalldra ••
Paul tMirU Commun.ty Cenlte 134 Alelllldra av KEMSLEY Al.F, THE ROSERY FLORIST,
• Thea w(...if, .n h 39 Clvctllll F l - . Del~ Anywllete by F.T.D.
• 'llanen II 1DO Poplar 1P1 11 201 Klnt w, N7M lEI
Kelber Ge<ald h 1l3 Caoterbld)' Phone 352-N10 ••••or.M.352-4200
• Getald lhop wl<J Domlnoon AUlD Tt~~~~~t rn RA 1
• 'lim (Oeborall) pollcemn II 83 BalmOral rd
Kells floyd B !Brenda M) llstnn J K Fwm Equip h 20 Thornhtll KEMSLEY, ALFRED T, (Jelen), (Aif Kemaley The
cres Roaery Floriat), II 1 Cretar dr
• Harald mgt Petro-Canida &II RIYefV\tw dr apt 402 Kem$1ey Hamal h 85 Pine ape 121
• Hllold F ~Biatlche) prn J K F.-rn Equ•p h 181.ark • Jane l Mr& mgr Gtll Cabtn 38 Plly1111 ••
Kelly AMellr tlropocare) II 22l.arlldowne •• Rodoet J I~ l) 11~11'11 Pt•fl!l Rt Est h 36 Phyills av
• Broan 0 -~.s lol®l Wl!eel Corpn h 137lll!VTllfll ern 11)11
• 8tuCI W(Margl) tk/65 Mit)' I I - KEMSLEY, SYO FLORIST, INC.,
· CAII50~rdapc502 (Thomu DC Johnaton)
• DeniH h 221 ASefltitll Member F.T.D. and TelefiOf'a
• Dooald H(lois MJ lab I Hc.lldl h 67 W~ dr lalloona-,_. FOf' All Oc:c:aelona
• Edmund AIleu C) h 39llcroi• M1 Orand IY w, P 0 Boll 3M, N7M 5K4
• Edwd h 21 Adelaide n .......... Pflona 354-1300
• Edwd I(Bartlara) ICC! co-otdina!O! I HCanada h 550

• Elaine E Wts h 29 OtYonstUre rd • Sydney A(Batbara) h 184llydlcan av tiC!
• Helen E h 118lolc:Haugrllon 1Y • IPI220 • Thoa A (Naocy E) (All Kemsley The R0511Y F10!1S1) h 63
• lin p 550 '-lcHa~ .. w HJghland dt
· Joan castw llecket·alol.ll< ~ '* kendall Carl G IDonna Jlan) mncnce tormn Libby & Libby
• Janel Wt110dalstM Kant County~~ Sep SeN Bd 24 er- h 120 Pilkwood dt
• Oetltne J h 89 Sheldon ·~ 101 13

ley Brisco & ThomDaon

·rs ~.""?"":.
• i\l.lTHl
Kenl County Court Alpoltlr ~ DINII Judgl'a 11CY I COlli
IIJIDAl.J. .21s--.ll
.......,_.._CIIIfwii ....... I!Jclla1151 KMW County Ollrid l4ellfl Council,_ 0.. c1r 75 T1WN1

lllll 111111 County filii Smlll Clliml Coull Yurl8y Tudl ell 21

. . . . . . . . . . .Cilia IJd . . . . .

_ . . . . . . . . . ICIIIIa.tiJdiWIIII s-nll
................ 310
.............. . . . ............
......... ....... Direllllf

. . . .L . . . .I)II . . . . td
..........lilllllwdl,......Lid 22 Wllclal "*..,
Ken~ County library Atdlcllllmrd clr 101 St Clair

......... ~....., SdiiiOI JICIIIIIDwtiiCJIW I

. . . .. . . , , . . .,1151UtCIIIr
Kin! County l 161Q ~Joyce Bly'*ln
WllllngiDn ..... 114
111111 County YurliCIOIIIIMdno 435 Grllld ...

. . . ...,17...,.... . . 111 KINT COUNTY (RC) IIPAMR ICHOOL. .oMD•

. . . . ~ .... ~·· Olldllanl•
......... 1¥1111" c:..tuy
.... , ••u ........ ..
.... . . .............,,.
........... Nitce--)

·CIIIIIIL ......... ,.. ............ " . Ollnglrfy CIW

. ............,.
...... IMI:ialallt3T- •11111305

.. ..........
................. Corpn II t5 TiiNnlnl C1W IIIII 211 KINT COUNTY MALTY UMITID,
111713._ ... Cemplael . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1111111 Wll 1t Eltloollaw
' ..... CMIIIillltllr CiiRpllll Clllnln8 II 321.,._. av
..................... 7'01


· -.. ........,llttdla n 11 11 Woodllnd .. . . . . . . . ...... .. 0 ... 11M
............. 1Jdll .. 10....
.., . . . . . () -.::tl "Clnldlt"
752 Grllld ...

., .......
• ftiiYA ........ Cinffii!ILIIIII 131 ~av KINT COUNTY......,..~
. . . . ,_.,II 121PIIII•w Gecwte o a~u~men. ....,.
...., Danlld ~Ann) lllmn l J Ollrtll" 22 Orclwd pi
. . . . . . .1131tll:lltl _ __ ........ au-7740
. ~·- ... a..n Dilly ..... 321 Pill!
...., Danlld G~ R) II. Willington t
· .lid& W~Ill drw -Inti Auto W!lctt II 321 Pill! Kent County Surrogall Coull Aabl c S1twwW COlli ell 21
· LWIIIII177EIII s-ntl
• ..., .... 1150~tdltlll501 Ken! Oavid Atl'lriclll meclll HClnldlt II 111 ...... dr
·n.c-., . ..,,,....
· lllctiiP-l) ... Radlwlllnlll 1nE1111

...,11111111151 , . . . . 3
Vllllgtltlll 1101
Dougles W(Piricll A) eng Union Gel II 34 Clrdlnll CIW


....... .,,. . . . 307
.-r ....... 8IIMCa. ca.
...... c..,. .......
141 .. Cl*, P 0 ... Ill. N7M IIU
DIIMII A•lllul• 11 ....._ Uftlllld) ,._ ...............-3110
ICIIII 1•111 I Duldl CIMdlln CU!Limlltd Mldlllnt
...:M .....
. . . Calptt en. C1c:cl Dulttn) 418 St Clair • Geo cr.t Wlli<-·Ktoj111119llydleln •
Kent MIOrill SeMel IWtynt Drlglhl 114 Timlnine crttltlll


Juddll A Wit p!eiS apr WHa:-- Wig II Ill E-d
DrWA . . . . . Direallrancl

· Kelly Clltlt Guilda Uled Fum 91llydlclrlav

....._ __""u-.
....... OIIoer .. ...... lenore P Wit 11 891otcHt11!1*1n ., • IPI 2211
· l.o (Twytatll 115 v... dr
Kent Minor..,...... Oflce Emili l v.. Summtrlllid 11CJ11
383 WtlltngiOn w IPI 383
Kll'll Minor Aptmlenlllimllld 383 WelllngliOn •
. ...I f . , . . .,.,.,., Slln'l . . . 73 Poe*
.... w,...If F) plltl CIOUI*nM ·~ Plymoufl
Lldh 73Poc*
Ken! w.o Cenn 3112 WtlllngiDn •
Grllld ...
1(1!'11 Wolllllllliln Sklnclll 420
Kent News SeMces lid IComll Vteugdlnllil) 1115 Slndya
1(1!'11 Ollie» fumilln (!liMn 0 lltlllngerl r231 Wlllllm.


Clenl Moll. PlllldiAt
'umllute I ~anoaa
. . ................,,
... a -. N7MIJ4
J ofJnlon-t)ubtDtll ESTABLISHED 1927


-~ ~. ,

1tl QUHN ST., CHATHAM Phone 352-4343

Kidd Fltdllll5 lllldool1 rclllll 4
KENT Kl<ldle kabbii!ISyfvil Cripplrl 100 kmg w unil210
kkldoe kabblll K• Crllll* 119 eo' St Clllr
• Aan 1111C11 115 Venllr dr • WII 30 Trillium Villlglllll 80S
Klnl Sdloal ~- Cld Union lid 338 King. kldmln Mil AII 123 Sl George
K1n1 Tn s.Mcl Jldl Rlld 119 124 Brt'll¥ llilll«a ......... 250 5I Clli!
K1n1 ~ (0011 GSID) 1358 Sl Clllr c
• Jolin (HIIInl h 22 DuiiMI
1<1n1 v.nn.y Clinic IDIJII Sindllr) 871 Sl Clllr • Jo1 (ca.. .._,lib EIIDI'I Yilt lid h 250 5I Cllir
Klnl.,_. .. CoriiCIIonll Servailne Clllw .lldiiOn Killin Aick II 100 llolcfelllnu• 1111 313
. . . 71 Wllllnglon. · S kom111s (Tine) 111mn Holllndllllkry II 517 Perle 1¥ w
Klnl Wlldlr'l SucJply lei¥ lAM Erie Oltygln crl Clnldll Dlwlc! k*-d lynn . . . 202 Clmpul Pkwy 1111201
kllbrklt D II 619 King w
~ ...... - Alcllm
KIIMII.IIWIIIIIY & 01111 (Kinllll--1 158 King • 10~ Mown J (Etllrl II 19 AIQineY ell
111011 """.Perle • Wlllrcl J ,...., h 21Aeglncy ell
. . . . . . . !'Ilk 101111y .....,.. lllclk Alcordl on Wllllll 73 "'-'"ell
~ Alrltt 119 KIMiy 511011 · MieN C1Urt Ami) lllmn Union Gil II 73 "'-'"ell
K.-n J PU dlrlnl . . . Klnll E-.111111130 Slllldonev • YicH J . . . 73 "'-""ell
Ketwlluk ~Mrs COOk Vk*lrtl Horne II 274Larlt
• AatllwiiSI HClllldl274l.IIIL
• WAatJI p!Odudlon 119 Libbey·S1 Cllir Inc 12 Crerlr ell
H (1)onenellllmn Monlrch oece Sply h 12 Cftr• e11
KllltMIIill1115·1'2 Alleigh
Kll'lllult ..... A11CY CrOMI Momly·a Olce h 100 llolcfllllnl KHklgQ Vlolll IS6Licloia
IV 1111511 Kim KtyOung (Oinn) 119 G1in Glalllr II 119 SIMP
• PU CKifllj lib I HClllldl h I 27 Sindrl Kimpt 0 . 0 ID Jllnlllb . . . Llll TabiCCO h ~ 73 Perle IV w
Klltftll cmspnr o.~wnl'llllc Flniii*IO Kllll '"" l y - Olllwn P1lllic Flnithing
. ems (IIMityl" 70 ~IV • 1111 1 King Mil (.limy) h 1000 Chlnng Oro. rd 111111 10
K1111a1 C1143 T8ylor 1'1 1111 101 • Ami lib Yl*l! Wllell CCirpn 711 Perle 1¥ W
klrtudt J1111 crlcl elk Ztllrl II 50 lillcNW rclllll 506 • B11b1r1 wn Ellis Brill II 711 Vlllill dr 1111 30 1
• Rob1 J (Edtl Alllb Cln F11111 Lid h 85 Pftnce 1 · llemlrd midi opr Chlpmln'a Qqjn Equip II 15 Timmins c:rtlllll
Kern ..... " 75 c..tlury 306
llelpll Glnll h 150 Miry 1111 1008 • liNn AII 11 DuUh
Kllpll Slloe SeMel (Cclmll aoo.n) 242 S1 Cllir NIJIIIWI....,..
Clr1 (Diibblel Clly Gil & Oil Co h 111'11111011 1¥
Ken Iamie elk IIIII Olo 35 . . . • Cllol A3112 LICIOI•
• D111cn11 h Zl o..rilllll I • Denny 1111 "'*" Whlll Corpn 88 Wedgewoocll¥
• Oonlld EllJill J) dltalm Hrdro II 211 Finelli¥ • Dlwld II I(M Willon 1¥
• Douglll IAirRI 8)11811 Wllwlc:k dr • Dlwlc! J IChr !In Counly Bel ol Educ 102 lnllleiiV
• Girlie! F(Mimlel J) EIIDI'I Yilt lid h 35 . . . • D1w1c! A(Aolemlry Ml II 32 Popllr
• Hoyt F!Ednll h 1<M Euglnle Klllg I ftfll Cenn 26 Filii
• ~ llllllr lqll Tlllll 74INI'IIglll ell • ff111C81Mra II e a e..- dr
· JaM EIHIIIIII II 81 Prira Alllurev • mdk 1~1 II 7~ Popllr
· l..llry ISI*OIIIICCI Slndy Elial .... h 15 Ollnwood dr • Glry m.-1 ~ wldll.otllllll3 II 126 CornNtl
·l..llry E(.IIII)IChr a.lwn ~ lnll res AA II • Geoll II 16 Oldwd pi
· l....a (Miry)llmllf h 650 Grind 1¥ W 1111 4011 Ktng George Vll'lmlic SChool Donne Sklnnlr pnn 227 Dellwlre
·Lilli J lUI 74INI'IIglll dr IV
· SliMy IOougl,._ Or a... res AA II • Gennllne CICCIII elk Chllllm Dilly News 440 Slndya 1111 3
• 1'llol (lily Jl MCUtly pd Ctlllllm .1111 h 7. Oulwegln • GeiTy IWrttl aupvll Chllllm & Oial Ambullnce Sllv "'
dr Wlllc:ltlurQ
Killey W, allclk El<'lllllln'a W. "'Oil Springs Ktng Gr1in Lid (Willing DMIIOIII Sc:oll Moil 119 701 Ak:lllllond
Kirwin Cllol A,._ Nl Holp 184 l..lnclllld pi • Gtegory INdl 35 F._, ell
· 0 . (PIIrlill wldr S.. Wg res AA 21'1lrt 1..1m1*1n • JII(Siiltfy) h 35 F._, ell
• Glry ICIIol A) I & cllla*r AII-KIIIIIUdllld (WIIIIolbwgj • .llfi11Udl35 f.., ell
h 184 l..lnclllld pi • .llmifwr wiiS !In News 35 FNIIII ell
~ .. h 105 Grind ... 1111 1101 • Jenny . . elk KlniNewa SeMce 35 F..,_, dr
Kel Dll Aoy (Mel) II 1000 a.tng era. rei unll42 · John B(Lindllrlt dM WC Reod o.g h 1~7 ComNII
•a.o AIIJIJI 111.-11 n & 011110 Mc:Fiddln ev • klll!lllfl A(Joanne H) II 10 Trilllulll V*-011111 3<M
• 0.0 Wt<llldyll II 45 Sernlllyn 1'111111 • Ktts 0 (Joanne 8)1111 Sllncllrd Tubi II 100 8lny
• Wllllll\hla AI h 110 liolcflddln IV · l h 310 Welllnglon •
1!1111 Aoglr A(lOllY) eng Dlylllond Lid II 124 ec-dllt • LlndriiJam) r n 1 Scdlwelllm Algi Clift 1~7 ComhHI
lll'llny lilllndln F lib Vt1U1 Wg 1191 ...._. 1 · LOUIIII An I Clnldilnl Mlng HolM II 75 Grlnl
.J .... ~~cuern.- O..llyGoll 354 King• • Ylmie h 4 7 DIQge
• YicN 354 King • · Mlr1ln J (Pnlcill J) allop lormn Bull Flit & Slflly II 70
· PII23a..nallll2 WelltnQion •
. faMwy..,. bul elM Dlnure Bus l.lnel354 King. · Miry J llldk lllmel Wlnll res AA 1 OcMr Clift
klyiGJ1111227TWIICIIIIUI'IW · Miry KMrs II 100 llolcfllllniiV 1111409
· Gil !Jill- YcCcrll Drug Co 227 TWIICIIIIU 1'1 w . ........ " 150 Miry 1111 705
Kilen Mlin lllrall I dllmkr Cln Frwn Lid II 11 Zlraln pi King ()plicll Undl OeiiNyt 119 41 Filii
• SlpN AIZIDidl) II 112 ec-dllt OMIII J lAine 01 pr.- op Cln Frwn II 37 TIIIIOI!y crw
• S1111k OCQIIIIIOIIII ..... ....., 1111 Clinic: II 271 · Pl1120Yunlyllllll
Mlml1'11111204 • Pal! M h 96 Teylor 1¥
• ._., S 11J1J1 Tooll Yldl Shop 112 ec-dllt · " - 0 llld 37 Tlmolly crw
~Ya!WI(Aaillll)~-~~50~rdllll • Plilt:illllllc:lk Wolfe's s~ 70 Wtlllng~one
402 • AatJI ll'l*mll CDIImond Hill Mullc Clrftlllll5 Timmins crw
IOio ..., llo IMINIIJIWIIHI9 Sic* XOrugl20 1rr pi 1111105
.... IAr llol eng Cln ~Lid 1120., pi • Aatlll (Mir\Onl 111W1C1P1 & 111111 COt* h 24tollry
KldllniW!IIIenv II 11 Plrk 1¥ w · Sylvllhfll6o.-
• Realty Limited, Broker

· Homes • Farms • Commercial

1--- 67 Thames St., Chatham, Ont. 1!1 rLlm•

352-6760 s.m:: ~
Tam'l'Y studt 70 Wallington • • R!Chd l shlmllwiu 13 I foresl
• wayne Mh 233tnshel a~ • Roy (Velma) h 35 Campbt!H aotoi
Wesleen h 65 TunmlnS tres apt316 Kiczul Ktv'll I Hellner I shot ftlt'<< Sears h 1D Spir1o.J <It
• Wm C h 16 Alpine av • Nelhe n 32 Louise
• Y h 89 Sheldon av 101 8 • Snoney (Oa•llll orce ~~o•r lhplt C.ty Gas & Oil Cc res RR 9
KongdOm Han of JeMvall'l W·lnelstS 23b Joleph · Terry lltnda)lab ~01 V.~«l Corpn h 1120 Atthmond
Ktngham Hea11ler AMra court replr .t.llorney Genl Olce (TorJ32 Kivell Ed.,d (IA.IIoel h 30 W11Ttam s apt2
EIIWOOCI av · Gary A (Shffloll Sl lllaOO lechn 102 Grand IV wh same
· Ron F (Healllet AI tchr Indian Creel~ Pub Sehl h 32 Ellwood lv • John (Kathy) h 118 Rlver.oe. <It ap!522
K1ngt1 Pille C81eterla & C8te110g ServiCI (Robl & Lucy KIOQI • Regd F(Joan MI IKi•elh Birds & Spls) h 556 Bloom~eld ro
196 King "' • T ~ ~.. (Jeen AI h .t3 ~btoU tri!S
Kingsley !jelson H h 114 Gland av w • ViUQM (Ctlefyl) paoo IIICtm 83 VlciDna a1 h Ult'-e
• Rav 114 GJ311d av w l(l>elf t B•lll8'11S & SuclPheiiRegd FKIVell) 556 llloomfield
1\lngsJon A Elaine M1s II 560 King w rd
· Isabella Mrs h 157 Llvd•csn av ext KtveU't f>tanO Parlour (Vaughn K•veli) 83 VltlOita av
Pe!er h 165 KIOQ w lljll37 K•WI'US Sladium 100 Twndsmw I~ w
l'.lngsway Hol8t (TliTl Wtlkinsl429 Granda• e Kiyoung KIITI mgt Suny'! Gas Bar 119 Slm811
Kongsway Transporf Limtled Lyle Gtbsoll mgt 11 RIChmood Kteges Alv111 J H (81!th J h U [IIts
KtllllPf Shoes Andy Keoste! mgt801 St Clatr KIM J h 30 l rllbum V1Hage apl503
Ktnny 8 1\ 182 f'atk av e ROO h 258 McNauQ!Ilon a. e lpl306
Cliv•n B (Betty Allellef camer h 31 Hlgnllnd <It llrlna•el Aild lllucelle M) d & d•emOJ MOCZJk Tl & Ote h 135
· Vema h 99 MeNeugnton av w lpl237 Coveruai~
Klnosh11a Ken (Ros•el h 94 Mllfray Klinck Allan H h 121 Oxley dr
Klnsmen AudJIOrium 80 Tweedsmw av w · lio.vatd R IMarv M) h .t6 Faube!l dr
!Onsn'lt!n Park e ·sSt Ct111 Klooslra Jonn 71 AI~ •andl'3 IV
KbiQI Mary Jane SI!Cy Kent County 8d of (eiUC h 343 Gland IV I Jos (liennv) (Trend 8lbt Shop) h 120 llssrman IV
apt409 • Paul £ $ludl 28 S•monton dt
Korby Blanche (.la$J w\lh Consumer's Wallpeoer res RR 6 Merlin • Rlchd 0 (Grace ) lab Cll Agromart h 28 S•monton dr
· f red J !Uary Eijdal h 81 Devon rd • Roehd tC..oj El guard M•ruSiry ol CorrectiOOII SeM h 55
· John Studt h 1451<1ng w apt 5 Outlveoan dt
• Joa (Ehzl h 248 McNaughton av w • Stege~ (Lena) tiiJ) Canad•ana NUISQ liome h 71 Ale.xendretv
· MartOn J Wl<s Nor Arne! Plntlcs h 55 Taylor ev ept302 . Walle! (EI!enl h 40 Etm iiPI209
· Ron tl inda)-..~et .lube Lew Of;."l! m Tilbury KIOI)ter Edna h 88 Pny1hs a•
• Warren H h 955 Grand IV w 101 102 Klu<ldlt1 Denrse 51!CY l!fe Ins Agcy 115 Coliegtlle dt
Ktr~r John (Mary Anne)tchr King Geotge VI Put> Scl\1 h 109 • John (Denise) agt MutUill U~ Assce h 115 Colleg.ale dt
Panrtdge cres Klyn Hessehnk J 8>11 (Carol) 51 drllsmn Union Gas h 11
· lOUIS€' studl 1011 Parutdge cres MJ(I.Iotlan cres
Kirenlo.o Nesler M h 10 1 Joseph Knapp GGerry (Shlftty llllb Ubby McNeill & llbby h 119 Pone
• Teodore (Katnenne)lab Daymond Ltd h '6 Ccverdllle • Gerlld F h 222 Adeta•de s
Ktrk Jas M c•vtl servant Prov ol Onl h 30 Tr1111um Village ape John T(Sandra Tl rnech Ubby McNeill & Libby h 31
903 Ccppetfoeid tie'S
Ktr1<hllm Doug A !Ann Mllti< elm Nat! Gto h 252 VICioroa av • Shil!ey ,., s Cna'J'.am Ptasltt Fnsrvs h 48 Bllabeth
Kl!l<tand Andw F (lltve~ley D) Challlll"l Coll lnsl h 569 Knead Oa~ (Sue) elect Walfie"S Electric res RR 5 Blerlhelm
VICIOrt&IV Knao Y h 44 Baxter
Kirkpatrick AllenE (Beltylou AI sis Oomrar h II Regel pi l<~bone Eileen elk. Ctty 19 Taylor av
• D Ces Joplyn Geo A (Jeant h 107 McfeddPn av
· Donald sJsmn NoghhOQale Rl Est re'S RR • l Pea•! Mrs h 19 TaylOr av
Kirkwood Adam IMIIIQI) h 106 Alellllndr& av -Maud 97 Mcfarlane a. apl 10 I
Kirwin Jas A(hAauneen) v-pnn Tilbury Otst Sec Schl h 59 KnezeviCh 1\enneth R (Georg one Ml lab Mot01 Wheel Corpn h 120
w.ttshuedr Baldoon rd
· John stud! 59 WtiiShore dr Kntazlt'"' Richd DOr oprom 199Klng w
KtSI'r J Wayne (Susan Jl mgr McKeough Plmbg h 120 Church!" Knight 8 1\ I 48 Raleigh
• JeMie Mrs h 304 VIctoria av · Donald P h 232 Park apt t ·A
· John M (Mary G) capt Fire Dept n 864 Cherlng Cross rd • Earl w!Sharon A) opr Eaton Yale Ltd h 590 McNaughton av w
• L Mollon wks Can Frem 864 Chaong Crou rei • Fred G prodtJCe leChn Hayes-Dana tnc h 240 Slndys
• M h 112 Shl!ldon av apt7 · l h41 Grav
KISh J•m .t. (8e1Sy))ln Kent County 8d of Educ h 55 Tay!Of IV • Jon<Jihon G (Siephan•e K) Ill> Rockwell tml (Ttl bury) h 38
apt303 Oxley <It
· John (Joanne HI pb~ insllr Bell Canada h 8 Sunset IV • Nancy (lhosl ofce elk Ctvysle< Shliltngton & Cc res Otesden
Kit Dmytro (Roselle) h 23 Coverdale - Norma wi<s Eaton Yale Lid (Wallaceburgl h 122 Tommtns Cte'S
Ki)chen Dorothy M Mrs h 53 Sunnyside av apt4
· Jack (Mary Key) lab I H Canada h 28 Valley rd s R Davtd (Denise AI wks K EL Commumcabons (Walll<lebu!V) h
• Millgt h 155 Pronce Al\l1ur av 204 Colborne
• R!Chd K lab I H CenaCia 53 Sunnyside av • Sehna t.l~ h 99 U!;N<Wghlon IV W apl 250
• Wm T 53 Sunnyetde a• • Thos W(Deus Jl v-pnn lndtan Cr«K Ad Pub Schl h 126
Kllchenham Alan (DoriS) sis mgr Seers h 148 St Michael ev cantarbUfY
• Alyn f &tudl146 51 Mochaela• Wm (Heall1er) sls Westbume h 49 Crane dr
1<11or Chnstine h 29 Mcfatlane av KnightS John (Sally) gent mgr !.lolling Prods ltd !e'S RA 7
l<il'a Towmg & Auto Electnc Kit Moms mgr 653 Grand ev e Blenht'tm
Kill Diane M Mrs lab Can Fram h 33 Park Ia • Jos l (Pauline) h 33 Devon rei •
Jack h 35 Campbell apt 6 - l h 148 McNaughton BY W


General Contractors - Design and Build
303 MERRITT AVE. P.O. BOX 151 PHONE 352-7780
Komamytlcy N~ h 18 Uac.IA•IIan cres
Knogrns o1 Columbus HaN Ray Doyle mgr 595 St Cla11
Kom1n1'k Blran (Silellallecnn Maple C11y Olce Equ•p h 393
Ktlighls of Columbus Hall Olfce 595 St Cla•r
Batdoon rd unll 32
KntStet Jane mgr Colasanti's res Uerfon
Cllas appr mech Crawlord lAirs 154 Sheldon av
• Wm h 65 Baldoon rd apl tO
Knoblauel'l Allen 27 Dover CI11154PPI mecll Petro Canada h 478 Queen
· Dawn M stud! !54 Sheldon av
• Cllas Ilinda) h 33 Jackson dr
·leo A(Uary A) h 27 Dov~ Dor•s A (Jos Jl secy Archtbllld & Creml 19 Craven df
·linda elk bi·O·Drome 33 .lacl<soo dr - Jonn (Carol) mech Jack Carroll lAirs h 154 Sheldon av
• lola!k lab Campbell Soup 27 Dover • Jos J t0ol1s Alsupvar Canada Post Coloo h 19 Craven df
• Ph!iop wks Holoday Inn 27 Dcwe1 Jos u tNancy) ca1p Home Improvements h 48 Pavey •
Vern !Dorothy J)tab h 54 Timmrns cres epttO Kathy h 478 Queen
Knoll Alma lArs h 100.104 Park apt 3 Uary lou (Jas) secy OeKalb Canada lllC res RR 1 Ridgelown
KNOn, BRIAN W, (Beth), AIIOCiate McNevin, Maty Mrs h 187 Woods
OM & O'Connor, h 11<1 Delaware av A h 805 Grand av w apt 909
• Ca~111e lArs h 650 Grand av w 11)1309 t<omon Tony (lolafy) 11 S6 Park ta
KNOn, DAVID, (Lynn), Cl1y Supt o4 Worka, h Kondo John Y h 196 Forest
14 Redbud dr ilonecny Anasta'!la lolrs h 1S Sell<~rk
• HaloldA(ulhan) h 99 UcHa~ton av w ept123 - Anna Mane recptnstlmp Optical h 196 Park ave apt4
• Mlrgt lArs h t 08 Tweedsmw av e • Calhl'11ne bl<r Bunsmaster 140 Glenwood dr
Knot J Snla11 h 46l.ac101x John llab Bowen Mvg & Stge 140 Glenwood dr
• WllheiiTllne l bill1ng elk Ont Hydro h II O'Ne!l ·.los F(Palr1C1I loll sls mgr Bowen Mvg & Stge h 140 Gl~nwood
Knuckle ChefyS castv Oom Stores h 76 t.t.y epc207 dl
Kno.J1DIIolerte linemn Ont Hydro II 25 Oewonshore rd Ka!le compan1on & home care wl<r h 213 Woods
Koaches AJeqndeJ (Jean) asmblr Rocl<wetllnll h 102 Adela1de n • Palntsa M(.los) cestv Shopper's Drug Mart 140 Glen'oii'OOd dt
• Cnetyl h 96· 1'2 Adelaide n • Sle-.e (Blenda) h 27 S1sk1nd d
· Jordan stklm COnsumers D1strg 102 Adelaide n Kon1gers Peter II 805 Grand av w apt 202
· Karen dtetary dept Pub Gent Hosp 102 Adelaide n Konmg Ch 122 Rr.ervll'W dr ap1319
KobeiiiCh RIChd survey asst Todgllarn & Case Aaoc: h 63 Baldoon • OaYid (W1n•e Cl mgr Can imp Bit of Comm h 15 Madera ete~
rdapl206 Guorun Mrs h 73 Sunnyside av •
KOO.nsky Anna lolrs II 58 Hervey Harty tParnera A)lab Crty h 15 W1lcox aes
Kobtossy Elias 30 Pemblolce cres Herman h 36 Pavey
·John INallefa K) lab Motor Wheel Corpn h 30 Pembrolle cres Jas A (Joan MIIM~cury Press) h 171 Thornhill aes
Kobylka Mark T IOebO!ah) electronics teclln Maple Clly Ofce Marg1L sec-treas Waeken&-Chryste~ Plymoulh h 73 Sunnyside
Equip h 65 Ulcllener rd av
• Uelro llolarJO<Ie) process eng Ubby McHe111 & Ubby h 2 Konstanlmou E11c AI D1anne CJ 11 106 Bl)'lhewood aes apt2
OriOle pl<wy Kooge~ fra~k tEity) un.on rep ChfiShan Labour Assnh 212
·Paul !Nellie) reprmo Tntar Refrlg h 145 Tirn!lll!ll aes apl3 Cecile e•
Kocall RUdolf (Pauoa) Ukr Great Lakes Co h 33 Jullelle av • Kooky Kosturne Rentals 10 B!ooks mgr\12 Beatty
• Wm stlld133 Juhene av Koole Cornelts !Dianne AI acctl H Canada h 35 Joanne
Koch Robl H (Evelyn ll dm l.aldlaw Transp h 11 Cou1ure df • D•anne (Cornls) secy Kent Welders Sply 35 Joanne
Kochany Kalal S (Ua!la) ICiv Chllhlm Colllnsl h 52 Glenwood Koomans David lab 361 Colbome
dl • O•c.k )r {Jean) lrl< dM Koomans & Sons DemohliOn Conti h 36
Kocts frances lolrs h 94 Eugeno! Sass rd
• Geo 725 Si Cla•r • Dork (~dina) IO.rk Koomans & Sona Demo11110n Conlr) 11361
• JoM CJ(a.lhellne) (CI\atllam Meat & Sausage) h 725 S1 Cla•r Col borne
• Joho J lab Dover Corpn 725 St Claor Koomans D1rk & Sons Oemoltbon Contrac1or (Dirk Koomansl361
Kaczor Jol1n (Eva 51 h 27 ~date Colbor~~e
Koehtet Beln A lolrs r n 51 Jos Holp 15 Ellwood av - Hatry !Anne) pres O.rk Koomans &Sons Oemol•hon h 264
-Dare E(Be111 A) h 15 Ellwood av Indian Creek rd e
- P Cnug (Colleen) ICiv Kent Coullly 8d of E<M h 12 Webb · John IJa~~e) CJane & doz~ apr Dirk Koomans & Sons Oemolrhon
Koene Adnen Cl t.Wle} h 40 Htghland df h 365 Colborne
Koeykuyt John plant palt!Oiogfst King Grain 5 Me1cer - Nellie telle~ Can Credll Union 361 Colborne
Kogel Motdlell (Eitz) h 4 Gray apt I Koop John H (Susan R) prln Kent County Bd of Educ h 191ndfan
Kohaf(la Nancy secy uruon Gash 276 Uenllt av 1p1211 Cree~ rdw
Kollllttltla aldl Cargo Gas 16 Stanley Koopman B h 40 Elm apt 222
• WC11s (Rose KI ICIII Kent County 8d of Educ h 16Sianley av Koopmana Bern~ta 16 Pheasant dr
kcnlutell Barbara A lrav counsellor Forsyth Travel Ltd 240 KOOPMANS, DICK, (Elizabeth), Body Shop Mgr
T*eedsmulr ave Sandy Elliot Motors Limited, h 11 Ph.... nt
• Karen 0 cashr Shop~s Drug Mart 240 Tweedsmulr 8'1 e dr, Phone 354-1207
·LOUIS A (Cathenne) olce cl~ I H Canada h 240 l weedsmulr 8'1 Frouke Mrs h 33 Allen
e Steven SlUdl 16 Pheasant dr
• w.l< dM Mc:Calh Drug Store 240 Tweedsmutr rv a Koppes Apnl Astudl65 81z.abe1ll
l(olter Clattnce G 118 Sheldon 8'1 · Gordon C (Sl1111ey Jl wmse Nail Gro h 65 Elizabeth
·Rene G!Belly J) carp 118 Sheldon av h tame • Ja~~e (Peter) cla•ms rep Co-Operatcnlns 222 Tweedsmulr w
• RIChd Sludt 118 Sheldon I V - John wks J S Perler & Son h 33 Ordon blvd
~ Egbert (Carol) v-pres lllplt City Ofce Equtp h g 10 Charlog - lolary lolrs h 925 Grand av w apt 109
Crca rd - Pelet L IJane D) f1rehghlt!f h 222 TweedsmUJr 8'1 w
• Jh 40 em 101324 Komacirer Robl J (Shltoo B) spec educ co-ord Kent County Sep
· Kttlh (Winy) pres lolaple Cdy Ofce Equip lid h 27 Zircon pi Sclll 8d h 427 King w
KoiiGIIca Slln F ISSI pilllllltog eng lkuon Gash 202 Campus PkW'f · Sharon B Mrs tclu Our Lady ol Fatima Sep Sch! 427 King w
apt306 Komactu Wanda Mrs lndry Pub Gent Hosp h 393·1'2 King w
Koltaoe Don c10011s Ll 11 14 Oldon bl'<d Korol John A fJana M) St d1st planning eng Union Gash 21
Kollar Alex (Jut •a) U& d1emlcr Superior Mach & Tl h 13 Sylvester dr
Pnmrose Ia KorolI Darleen h 212 Thames 8pl 7


124 ST. CLAIR ST. 351 -3833
~.atrul8 Mrs 11805 Gtand IV * 110151' KRAZY KELLY TV AND STEREO,
·I h65L01nea•apl2 TV S•rvlu & R•ntala
• Ros~ lab N01 Amer Plao;trcs (Wallacetl\lrg) h 18Loue«ac:res Vld~ & Audio Sp.clallell, Movl•a, Rintala
apt3 23 Grand av 1 , P 0 Box 711, N7M SL1
Korpao Gary W(Cheryl) lab Bryan 810fl(lle Farm II 130 Sl'eldon '" ........ Phone 351· 1000
MIChl !StJSa~) tarflllll h 19 Vailey rd s
• Oruf11j (Stepnanr~) ktl ~t~~r Gent Hosp n 149 O'Ned Krerller Calny ~ 7 l..aMoo"'M a~
·Russell J (Janet E) lab Motor Wheel COIP" h 60 fleatller dr KreJCI Ehz Mrsll94 Dl!llware av
KOI'(1nlckl Stl"'e (Anne) h 431 ~rctona av kre>..,.,ch W h 18 Ellwood av
KosctelsloJ Ed,.d J (Rosemary) h 26lowe Krete ~aid M (Diane 81 lab I H Csnada h 29 Heathef dr
Hervy /Debra1COtlectronal o!cr Clla!harn Jan h 52 Edpar Jclhn J tDonna ll mgr I H Clnada h 44 Patlt*Ood dr
·John J IAngell! II 52 Faubert dr *
l<t~c!alusl Mn 97~ Gran<~ a• apt103
l\.OSlk Cathy 208 Balooon rd Kr ' ¥ Dl!nnls C jUddy M) le:lP.r cam. h 38 Pinl!
Cheryl 208 Batdooo rd Jolin 8iCiaucJetle l) mgr JalJin ~a ~re h 130 Sheldon
·John J tl ynn) mech Sunnen Prod h 208 Baldoon rd
•• apt 316
·Lynn cons M<:.~~on Travel Baldooo rd
f(csjrtllona e11< Sharnrocl< ~artely h 127·1 ·2 Colnhtll llw•nda !Der>M) ~ tarr'!f 38 Pine
KOSllS Gtae~! h 106 Cl'OIS Paul J sis &e- s Reahl 40 wllowdele p1
·IIP!ll II 190 Harley Roy AIDartS Jl h 40 w lu..cfaJ! pi
~06M John {Ka11lefme) h '3 Orrole pkwy ll.rlslel Paui!G<sela) h 150 Pnnc!! Ar1llur av
· JoM A(Mary Janel uphol Beaut's Furn & Upllol h 62 Krttlen51!1'1 Set!art r~) mason 98 VICIONI av h sa'llt
CsnlllfbutY Knsza Robt R (Belly) wt.s ROCk~t~ell Inti h 12lallsdolllne ••
• Mary Jane unoe,..,rtt Kent & Essex M~~tuartns CO 62 Caot!fbury kJ•Il C/lf•sltne 273 Baldoon rd
Kotarba Kalorruerz (Marte) h 35 Perr011e cres J(,roe;P.I' Keonelh l~!!n) chlniCd Thofr\e Riddell h 2 Abefdten
- vanda secy FrederiCk Transp 35 Peirooe cres llrtK"le Jol1n 1~1 ICCI 0 J llaJ!ey & Co h 125 Gland IV e
KOUyzet John AtGabr•el) h 211 Ral~tgh Krogman J h 15' Thames
·Josh 30 Trillium Village apt t 101 Kroll 0 h 600 Grand ,., w apt 8008
Wm (Donna) lab Eaton Yale Lt<l h 24 Lon•e av Krug MarK h 210 Park ave apl 12
Kovacs Eug !EIIz)ll & dt~m~r Daymond Ltd h 148 Thornhill cres Krursselbronk !!Mlard !Beatnce) tehr Chelham OISI Cnrishan
Sec Schl h 55 Al•.rallllla a•
KOVACS. J T & ASSOCIATES INSURANCE BROKERS, Krullowsl<l Andw ~3 8ut~tngham av
(J T Kovace), O.neral & Life lnauranc• · Ida Mrs st~-rm K Ma" h 16 WillotNmaCIV
111 StClair, N7L 3J2 karenl adm•lltng ~ Puo Geoll!osp 75 Bedford
oM••-.. Phon• 351·1 115 LI!OI'IIrd M !Sharon} slsmn Labombards Challlam ltd h 75 Bedfold
M~ry Mrs h 93 Buci<lngham av
llrzem·~n lynda M 11~1 & l~se mgr Wae~eos Krochal< ltd h 70
KOVACS, JAMES, (Judy), (Mapl• City AMity
Ardletgll dr
UmltM., Broker), II It Ottawa dr, Phon•
352-7342 • Rltlld J (Ja'llce Ll tfed lectin Cllatil8m CaDle TV n 16
· James (Margt) hh truck epr ltblly McNe••l & lrbby h 555 ~~~~oes
lacrOI• Walltf B (Ttllevl st<mn I H Csnacta h 3 Pevey
Kovank Matt~ Mrs n 2861ndra~ Cr~k rd w I Kubota Anthy M tMJty n gent formn MOIOI' Wheel Corpo h 30
Rh 79 We<~gNtood IV l.lerce~
KOVATS, ART, (Mary Ann•). Vlc•Pr•• & Mgr carol v r n Pt..b Genl Hosp 106 Prrnce Arthur ~~
Radio Station CFCO, h 82 Glengarry Eva ,.rs 30 Men:er
Kov•nSJ<y Allan 194 HaM!y Mart Ann 1.1~ ltli!f Can Imp 8« of Comm h 106 Prmc:e Mtu
·Chas Ch 194 Harvey av
Kowalyk Wm IC~tte M) carp Pub Gent Hosp h 666·8 Grand ave Mary Ellen otce Chatham Kent Shopping News 106 Prrnce Attn!~
Kozlna Belly (Chas) csr Bk of Monueal res RR 1 Blenheim av
Koziol Donald (lrndy) m~h Sandy ElliOC MotOts res C~ar • Paul (Jane) mach Supenor n & Ore h 41 Van•et dr
Sprong11 · Steven A !Shannon Al supt ol costiiCCIS Can fnm ~ 85
• Larry !Penny) h 31 Har\fey Sylvestet dr
Krabulfk JOiln F 103 AdellIdes • Terry sludt30 Mere~
Krahn Rudolph (Helen) stk boy A &P h 51 Gladstone av Kub•lanskl Josephine h 85 Prne apt I 10
Krallo P f lchrChatham KentS~ Schl h 62·1'2 Adelaide n • Paul J h 8 James cl
KraJevskllaurreleller Can Imp Blo. of COmm 30 Trillium Vtllage Kubrnec MtChl !Wendy 0) elect Motor Wheel Corpn h 74 Prlr1vose
apt1003 Ia
·Peart Mrs sms1rs LlOyd Bag Co h 124 Murray Kocera Chas h 585 Park a>~ w
• Wtnston H(Paultne f) ml!lt etr Zehrs Mkts h 30 Trrlloum • Ed.wl J (Sylvta Kl wks Bell Canada h 45 Woodland av
Vrlla911 apt 1003 KUCharS•I Davtd M I Judy A)lead supvstlo!OIOI Wheel Corpo h 24
Kra1ewski Wh 30 Trrlllum Village apt 1103 Vatteyrdn
Kramme. S h 68 Grand ev w Oenrs lead hand h 729 Park av w
Kranenburg Csthenne mgr Holland Fd Brol<els 550 King w · John (Irene M) ,.ldr Super!Of Mach & Tl h 12 Parry dr
• Otrk HIMathtfda MI(Dick's £U/OI)e4/l lmpom) h 3 Goldmere ~udl&a Alex Ius P !Mary) letter camer h 40 Buclongham av
dr · John 40 8ucl<~ngham av
• Nancy A Sludl 3 Goldmere dr · lou•s A IAMel h 378 YtdOila av
Peter tMame) monoster Grece ClltrSlran Reformed Ch h 245 M.1ty T Mrs recptnst Bongham Optocal40 Bucl<tngham av
l'*Sedsmutr IV w KUChtaruk Y111ko Ot dn!SI TriDent 01111 Centre h 343 Gland ave
• Wm M (Catherine) slsmn Holland Fd Brkrs h 550 King w apt313
Krazem1en lynda MtDavrd) oenl mgr Wael<ens-Cillyster P!ymoull! Kud•rka P h II 6 Ursultne av apt C
ltd 70 Ardlergh dr Kudo Thos h 190 Thames apt 52

It's as easy as . . .

to find " WHERE TO BUY IT"

Kuhn Thos F (linda S) prod COillrlr Can Fram Lid 1138 Caldlnal LABADIE
Kuiper Adr•ana Mrs h 805 Grand av w ep1301 • Demos M h 733 Pari< e• w
· lltrrv h 421'B11<avw • Don R fins Kl CUSIOdian Sf Ambrose Sep Schl h 227 Sandys
• Wayne plSIM lnslafll Prinl Shop 711 Oueen • Edwd Mrs h 61 St Patrick
• Wayne H(lolargt J) d1r of hselcpg S1 Jos l1osp h 711 0ueen • Edwd R !Brenda) sludl 11 393 BaldoOn rd uM 9
KU1pen; Angela Y stud! 22 English Side rd • F Wl'Sley tloolanoo)lnsp Eaton Yale ltd It 18 K•ngsway dr
• AMI Cstlldl22 English Side rd • GaiT)' dM t.tcCall Phann47 S1 AOihor>y
• John tab 1\Uipen; Constr 22 EngliSh Side rd • Garry J cook Ponderosa Stea~ Hse 47 St Anthony
· lou W(Ed•lh) (Kulpen; Constr) h 22 English Side rd • Gary F(Susan l) wks Elan n & Out h 28 P•n
• M•l<e H (Matgt) h 33 De Graeve dr • Geo (Anne) elk Best For less res Wallaoeburg
Kula John (Jantce H) lab St Cta•r Plastics (Watlaceburg) h 153 • Gerald•ne 1199 McNaughton av wapt 219
Ttmmlll$ otes apt1 • Jack (Giorla)lormn Daymond h 26 Bunon _.
Kumpess Paut (Rosal&e M) h 19 Thelma • Joar>ne •nstr commulliCellons Soutl'l..,estern Regl Cet1tre h 45
Kunl Ale• J (Wally) (Grd-Uie Gas Prod) II 15 Joenne Ttmmlns cres apt 311
• Anthy J (Alma Ml technologiSll HCanada h 40 Baimoral rd John E tab I H Canada h t 57 Poplat
· lldy (Wendell sis Baronessa 68l'lmell etes • June B acdnl Chatham Oe11y News 52 T!$$oman a•
• Otbboe Slid 15 Joenne • 1<a1hleen Mrs 11 ~ 7 S1 Anthony
• Frank (ManaI h 113 Highland dr • Kenh214 Klngwapt t6
• Jo& w(Mary loose) pnn St Wary's Schl (Blenheim) h 66 · lee h 75 Mary apl206
Glengarry cres · leona sis Merle Normar~ 71 Wood
• Moke wks A Kuni res Paoncourt • Lonnoe (Nancy) wks Can Fram Ltd It 95 Woods
Sooa s1smn Un100 Gas 68 Pamela cres · lucy 3491nd•an Crl.'ek rd w
• Wendel J ('Ehz ll supvsr t.loczlk Tl & Die h 68 Pamela em • M h 11 Garden Vale rd
Kuntz Katen studl 7 Pamela cres · Mark (Anita) techn Chatham Cable TV 11 Garden Vale rd
·l•r>us H (Angela Ml coml mgr 8k of loolont h 7 Pamela cres • Miellete sts 1ep Bell Canada h 166 Eugeme
Kunz Andw tNtna M) slsmn Grar>llda TV h 97 Bedfotd apt 204 · Nancy sJsctk Pro Hdwe 166 Vu:tona av
Kuratczyk VICIDC (Yochallna) h t42 Ponce Artlur •• • Norma bkp1 Chaooter Beet h 118 Gray
l<urecka Anflly J (Mary) tclv Wallacebwg D•st Sec Schl h 925 • Pearl 55 Canterbury
Channg Closs rd • Rayd h 168 Vidor•a av
• Doar>e Sludl925 Channg Cross rd • Rayd tfranone)autobody reprmn F LWael<eM Ltd res BofhweU
• Katen l stu.! 925 Cllanng Closs rd • T h 163 Thames
Kusatok Sli!<! (Stephanie) h 102 Tlmmtns etes • Teny W(Jealw l) (Tary's N~) h 88 UnoveiSiiy dr
Kulasi SytYI8 Vsten Todgham and Case Astocs res RR 5 ltlerfin · Theresa A Sludt 16 Heatller dr
Kuyper Robl mgr Mack Glass Ltd 18 Princess s • Timothy (Tracy) gas atd1 Sunoco Serv Stn h 73 Taylor av apt
• S~~eey h t 04 Paneson •• apt 2 2
l<uypers Leona wk5 A· 1 Vacuum Clnr Cenlre h 322 Paril · Tom D (Cooper labadie Firestone) h 18 Prtmrose Ia
·linda (Bob) stk elk Kent News Servloe 81 Princess s • Tracy hostess Scott's Chicken 1/tlla 73 Taylor apt 2
• Robt GlUnda NJ formn Mack Glass h 81 Princess s Waller l (June AI h 925 Grand av w apt208
KuLU Steve (l.lor*a) w1<s King Gra•n lid h 85 Glenwood ell Wm t (G Marie) h 4 70 tndtan Cfee~ rd w
Kuvna Soflil opr Domtar Pkg h 134 Grand av e Yvonne &lsclk Slmpsons-Sellls Lid h 31 Canterb!Jry
I< wan Henry (Tracy) cook filbury Motet h 69 Semenyn av apt 2 Labbe;o&s !Donna) h 118 R•vervoew dr apt 621
Kosr>yCia DeMs G(Carol R) wldr Olsen's (Tilbufy) h 127 la Belle DonatE (Rose Ann) owneqxes La Belle's TV & Aplnct
Colborne h 102 Ottawa dr
K'Orlk Franlc (~) euslod&an Ursuline Con-mit h 371 McHaugllton Labell~ Matgl Mrs h 100 Poplar al)l23
a.w laflelle Roseaooe secy LaBelle's TV & Apinct 102 0Uawa 0'
• Ftank K(Josela) h 371 Mc:Naughloo a. w la Belle"s TV & Appliantft lid (Donal La Belle)235 Sl Cia or
• Mortne 5tudt 371 lolcHaughiOn .., • labombalbe 01ane flower arrlllg!f Stan'slolkls h 89l1ydican av
Kyle Donald C(Battlara K) credit mg181< of Month 6 Sioux dr • Edwd (Evelyn) h 4 7 Alexandra av
Kys Ed'ord (Barbalal mg1 Monlleal Hse h 393Baldoon rd ur11122 · Gary G(Pamela El offset p1smn Chatham Dally News h 80
f1ank (Mary) (Monlreal Housel h 185 Gland av w Pnnoes
Jaime s!udt t 85 Grand av w • Hatry J (Edna) h e s Eastlawn dr
-John stud! 185 Grand av w Isadore f (1/erg•e M) h 51 Harwich
Joan mgr Stan's Mkts 691/llltef dr
Margt R80 Prlnoe s
cancer Society, Kent County Unit, h 13
Tudor ct
llbadle Amla (Mark) asst McColl OIUg Co 11 Galdlenvale RIChd ofl$1de wkr Canada POSI C0rpn h 15 lolanon IV
• 8 h t90 Thames apt 64 Roy E(.Ioiii) uphol Slandard Auto Glass h 69 Vama dr
• B.lime acct Chatham Daily News h 52 Tisslman av Labombard Edwd l (Marie A) h 134 Wlllowmac av
• Bwbara aav elk Cllalham Dilly News 52 Tlsslman av Fred A (DoriS) h 31 Emma
Brad h 65 Tunmt/16 aes ept311 • Gordon F llolarcme L)lab Motor Wheel Corpn h 18 foslel
Brenda (Ed) wks Mar11n Tilley & Co 393 Baldoon rd apt 9 · Heather wks Ale lnd 18 Foster
BrianD t....,gl El res counsellor SOUVlwettern Regl Cenlle h · Jas 18 Fostet
466 Indian Cfeek rd w Nancy hsel\pg Thamesv1ew Lodge h 67 S1 Anthony apt 4
Bud R(Molly AI h 172Murray labombards Chatham Ltd !leiV dept Donald Morden mgr 7 Dovet
Ch 75'fiS"*icl<dr Labombatds Cllalhlm Lid pans & le!V depl Don Morden mgr 55 St
Cheryl mg1 Town & Country Shops 44 Aberdeen Cla.r
• Dh 5 Simonton dr Labonte Allen (Ka!hyJ lab Rlvlld Sawmlll h 135-1'2 Park
· DC h 197 Thames Chnsl&na L stud! 104 Parltwood r:1r
· DIM dM City Courter LaBonle Fnlnk J (Marton E) h 205 Patll
· Deborah l c:l~. Sbrling Y11iely Slore 61 Sl Patllek La Bonte Gene (Belly) h 409 Grand av e


It •sn't I he cost - tt's I he coverage I hal counts
and you get so much for so httle
when you advertise tn the DIRECTORY

• ~~at~v A n 296 Park 11112 • Bryce 1~1 h •o Sou:hend on apt 3
Lallonlr llee •Beve!tv ~~ wl<s Roclwetllnll n 265 Oalry C1r Cha'J I BarbaraliNd hand Ca~ Fram h 65 T''MIIIII em apt 108
Llbollle louis DtWary CJ ptpeflr wldr Roctowen lnllll104 • CwllS$ h 26 PopW
Pan.iOOOd dr • Enc J h 187 A Joseph
• ~IC!ll h 365 Par• •~ r Ge'lkl C (Jea~ Glopr Trant Canada Freezers h 15 Payne
• Ralpn ll>eboranl banndt Bl~ Sapphire h J38 Park Glynda I'!~ aldl Ptonlo Sell Serv
labute Anne ~rte Sludll57 Ec!IJa• Ha,.,.,.C IJillllatl Pub Genlliosp II 267 DtlaW'ate a'l
CatoiSIUdt l~7Edgar l h 290 Park av e
Elhel 0 h 73 Woods l•nda 215 Welhf191011 t
la&lt Geo J dlvt laidlaw llll'150011 h 7 lDIIlt IV Morle, J ii.C lclr!d 0111265 Par•
lallui!James J!Horma Jl n 151EdtJar • Rnonda J h 210 Par\ ave IIIli tO
John wtos Shamro<:~ Stofes 157 Edgar • Robl (Krm) lab M!llor V!hee! CorP'! h 355 Sandys 1013
· f'lolef tOebbte) constrwkt h 121 Van Allen •• sneda J secutJf Q~Wd Eam Yale Ud 23 Oegge
• Wrn f tKaren E) mgt 18 W'lellef True~ SIOC! h ~Lincoln •d • Sla~ Elluclllt Rl h 215 Well.ngton e
liC!llnee ()las R (C«ille A) rnodll shoP "'\r Can Frarn n 115 vn 72 Dukes
Cecoteav ladd•r!'s Shoe RtQa•• ll~ M •uiiCI) 2• Williams
· Oav•d R!Janet Olla'll"fet 5 'Sudl\ h t 1 Wall! • Ladoore O!lve SIIC'k RadJo Shack
• Denose A h 43 0• ey dt LIOOUCI!lK AlocMI IPI!yllrs) h 197· I Parll
laclllnca Drywall IJ Noelladlanctl 81 Weat O.v'd 17'-1'2Gilw
• Gtbloel J quahty controlinsp Olson's ot Ch11!1am 115 Cecile la Douceur Jas 0 (Colleen MJIChr St Clalr COli h 8 Alpine av
IV LadoUCeur Paul (Londal eno Eaton Yale lkl II' I Pnnce Althur
Gilles IJoenlcoNr h 130 Sllf'ldon av apt210
Gise!leskclk Deppe~ Dan's 65 ltlm'!IIIIS cres ap11l6
lady in Wa<tmg & Pelt!~ Lad (I'll Vlllderende & Mane Hlfoldl
·J NoeltBarDeta AI (li~Cllat:U Drywall) h 81 West 105 M!IQ W
· "'~ MStudt 1I 5 Cec~le av Lady Jewetery Colla The Callly &Rlchd Baron mgrs 71 K•ng w
Ronald onsllr L.Chanceo Otf*all n 142 Ratelgll lady' s ACl\a'llll The !H•Ida Ecllfon) 6'9H Gtllld av w
ladllpelle A!lglfone h 16 Jellrey Lady's A Champ Tne Tom Eehlt11 tngt 100 I<Jng w unrt22&-228
• ChriSionesludl 16 Jeffrey lae-vens Chas l1Ertsa I.Ai h 99 CllurchiR
• Rayd (Carmen) k11 wkt Southwestern Regt ~ntre h 167 Berry Oanl f (Jane) elk l C8d h 180 Lacroix
Lacn1ne - h 32 0 Beechwood cres lafa••t Ken h 162 Pa~P.SOn av
8ta<J•eov S siSmn Mlltdeh BevetaQf'S 17 Col..tura dr laffi!UI' J h 521 Par~ a• w
• Crvos R(Tracy) Ofdllly Sl Jos Hosp n C8 Bocl!mgnarn I• tatoret Calny M'S wcy Union Gas 22 Fonch d
Debbta K stud! t071ndrll/l Creed rd e • Den !Catnyllab Mo!Of Wi'etl h 22 ftnch C1
Denn.s ISh•rl@y) quahty control Cha!hern P!Ml'l; Fnsl\rs h 58 Fran• 97 Mr:Fattane BV apt320
Tweeosmulf ave • Frllfl• '-a!nl 'Chr Wallaceburg 0•51 Sec Sent n 300 Delaware
l.ecntn!o Farm EQUipmenl {Stewwt A LICII•ne) 107 tnd:af! Creed rd av
e Wm sludl300 Dellware IV
· Fred S (Marv B~th) pohcemn 1188 Ell:a~tll latren>ett B h rl 42 St Clalf
• J h 67 1'2 Thames apt B l~ Narman F (Throresa A) lab Eaton Yale Lid n 83 Holland av
• Jean M~ h 8C Baldoon rd apt 101 • Roget J hnemn Ont Hydro res RR 8
• Jean~ F Mrs h 73 5andys Lahey Brtan A (Susan R) spier Bell Canada h 165 Oxley dr
· Karl (Madehne) back hot opr City h 44 Brock • Oal~ E (lngfld J) IChr Chatham Kent Sec Schl h 78 Primrose
AObliJack•el prOd wldr Sass Mfg res RR • Ia
• SIPWIII A Ill YYOtloel (ladlone farm EQUIP I h 1071ndlln Creed • La'TY M(linda AliChr John McGregor Sec SeN h 106 Crys1aJ
rdt dr
• WFred IEis•e Ml h 795 Grand av w apl 103 lahonyay Jos J IChr•st•nellchl Kent County Bd ol Educ h 69
• Wa\ll'lt lab Caprr Furn 73 Sa~dys Pheasanl dr
• Wrn J !VICIOnl M) set up mn Motor Wheel Corpn h 79 Regency la·~e Dale lab Sunoco n 97 Bedford apl1 01
df La•dlaw Clara F n 12 O'Bnen dr
lac1ne Cllas 30 Churcl\111 • Janone ctass advtSg sls Chatham Daily News res RR 5 Blenheim
• Chis (June) mntnce NaU Gro h 30 Churchill • Sll>rrey tGeol bkpt Maple C.ty Gas & Oil Co res RR 5 Blenntlm
• Georg•na F bkpr A& P88 Burton av La•dlaw WI!Stey J (Mary 0) h 565 Lacrot•
· John 0 (Mm1e) otce I H Canadt h 35 Church•II La•dtaw Wm J supvsr Soulhwestem Regl Centre h 182 Forest
• Jos gas atdt Maple City Gas & Oil Co t ~ Harvey La•er Oanl h 237 Welllr\Q1011 w
• Matk h 200 McNaugllton av e Laing Arlhur C (Margl P)lnvstgr Fire Marshall Ofce h J Finch
• Mary h 88 Button av a•
• Mary Beth Sludl J5 Churtlull La•rd Bwlda secy Stanley Mayes
• Patk J atdl Maplf> Ctly Gas h IS Hanrey • Oougls R (CarOl) rep london Life Ins res t<Jngsvllle
• Peter Shop repr Maple City Gas 3D Churchill Phollp h 27 Canterbury
Laoma Franees 97 McFatlane av ap1 304 Ll•ty Mary Lou bkpt Kent & Essex Mutual Ins Co 40 a;.denvale
• frank 97 Mcfarlllle av eot 304 La,eunesse Homet sptay pntr 1H Canada n 408 Grand •• e
lacke-y Ronald (Margl) red mladvsr Ont Ministry of Agroc & Fd Omr~ J (Edna Ml h 61 Covet epl3
res RR 2 Wallacetown Omer h 17 Payne
lllll<oe C h 228 Sandys Lakeland lndusiJ181 M R 0 Sates Inc Steve McKillop mgr JSO
Ehz Mrs h 8& Pine apt 247 Richmond
lacombe Rlc:hd A (Lori J) mech Waeken lnU h 190 Thames apt 72 Laken.John v (Ga•l R) chaiiiCCl RIChardson &laken h 144
Lad Babu K(Urmlla B) mach SuperiOt Mach & Tl h 36 Sussex apt Fauben dr
3 Lakin lsobel J h 1000 Chating Cross rd un.t 5
ladd AIII/I elect Can Fram h 380 Kong w Lal' tvor H (Kay) ~ 0111 Ealon Yale Ud h I 51 Cornhill
· Alvin A100 Ctly h 23 Oegge Lally Jas (Betty ll he s Goven rd
• Bonme stsctk Barnes Wones res RR 1 Lalonde Bernard (Whtspenng Pines Wdwk Shop) 42 1·2 Ellllbelh


(Ow 386398 Ontaflo Limited)
LALONDE lamont lAreiit rrech Chrrstran Car Clmte h 212 Thames apt 5
la l.lonte Rayd H !Enrd VI h 786 BlOomfield rd
• Debra Ann h 42-1"2 Ehzabeth lamoille Gtrtrude h 63 Baldoon rd 8J)I308
Henry EICiv Chatlllm-Kenl Sec Schl h 393 Elaldoon rd und 36 • John W(llerlhallab H J Hetnz Co h 31 Adelaide n
l h 3 Dunlc•rl< d Lamoure~• Y~ne tr 62 Baldoon rd apt 301
• Sharon l W11S Chatham Bkry 10 Ingram Lampard l.larJor.e Rcredrl dept Umon Gas 410 lodran Ctee¥ rd w
Laturr~oere Ernest J (Shefry lA) h 135 Wilham n apt3 • Sherla wtts Wendy's Restr 410 lndtan Creek rd w
lalurntere SIINry pnlr Chatham Plastic Frnishlng Lamperd wm G tBPlty) formn Barry Lamperd n 224 Lark
Lam Eh 342 King wapt 4 Lampman Paula M lArs h 95 McNaughton ave
l h 383 Welllnglon w apt 311 Lamson Apartments 11 Raleigh
• Saml h 40 Trillium Vtllage apt905 Lamson Wrlma Mrs h 11 Raleigh apt 4
LaMarsh D h 15 Sarah cres apt4 Lancaste~ Brran IValene) set-up mn Eaton Yale ltd h 56
La Marsh Dan L (Mary Am) mec11 Starlrle Lanes h 88 Gra'ld av w Petronecres
Lat.Aarsh Dave h 70 Houslon • Kay Mrs 11 140 llydrcan av ett
La MIIISh Detmer F(MIIfY loll sel·up mn Do-let Corpn h 160 Fones! La'ld Danny (Gabnele) 6( drll5mn U111on Gash 7 Ou4•1 pi
• Edwd J (IAatlon H) II 39 Wesl · David !Sandra) meat mgr IGA h 40 Webb
• fhz Mil> h 34 Romheath rd • Sand!l M tDavrd) vel aSSI Ferguson Anrmal Hasp 40 Webb
LaMarsh Ella J studl 115 Van Allen av Landry Ernest (Giona) msu Rrdgetown CoH h 5 James c1
· Glen L (Gtace W) h 7 James ct Landiiyl John (Joanne) lab Motor Wheel Corpn h 37 Devonshtre rd
LaMarsh Judy Heatrn & Welfage Burlding under constr e s Lane C h 50 Michenel rd apt 406
Willtams • Edwd h 1000 Chilling Cross rd untt 6
-LArry L illel1y) lab Eaton Yale Lid h 270 Klng e • Goo A 1Frances) lab Eaton Yale Ltc1 h 124 Welltng!OII e
La Marsh L!On&rd D!Sandra J) wldr Lobby McHetR & Libby h liS <korgrna R asst cook M~ado"' Park Nll'sg Horne 18 CoutUie dr
VanAllen •• ape3
larnarsh leroy (Kallly) hft tr11 drvr Daymond II 17 Thirel • J llelnck IRrtaJ prod lab Motor Wheel h 12 Allen
l aMarsh lOll 270 K•ng e • Jas D wks Motor Wheel h 72 Baldoon rd apt 103
La I.Aarsh LOfne D (8ealnce) h 53 Houston · Jet( SIUOI t24 Wellington e
Paut tab Eaton Yale Lid h 35 Prlnce.s s • John R!Deborah M) asst formn Chatham Cash & Carry Lmbf h 15
lltthd L (Gtace Ml mec11 Transpor1 Rept Ser• h 3D Pnnce n Balmoralrd
Lat.Aarsh Robbtn R (Rhonda L) w~s Libby t.tcNe••l & Llbby 115 Van . Jos G tPauteue Allen!!! caml!f h 31 Alexandra av
Aliena~ • Jos G (Shtrll'y) lener camer h 22 Alfred
Ron h I 28 West apt 2 K h 17 Baxter
La Marsh Ronald H (Margt £) ct~ I HCanada h 28 Wyandoll • L h 45 Tnlltum Village apt 305
·Ruby 1.11$ 28 Wyandot1 Malcolm w(Belly) lab Rookwelllntl h 207 Park
· Tent A $1ud128 Wyandoll • Wm E(Georg•na Rl h 18 Couture dr apt 3
laMarsh v h 84 Murray Lang Jos tG•sele) n 143 John
La MarSh Vera MB slsclk K Marl h 293 Sand)'$ • S1antey J h 202 Camous Pkwy apt 208
-Y~h6lr~ Langan JOhn mgr Sacwal Flrg h 30 Trrllium Vrtlage apl402
La'lg!'r Gordon (Shirley) h 30 Trtlllum Village apt 803
Langevin Paul tab h 80 Morray apt3
15 G,.nd ay w. P 0 Box 410, N7M 5K5 Lanoford Blad Sludl 204 llydtcan av ext
......••••Phone 352·2010 • John 97 Mcfarlane av apt 320
Langham Roy (Ills) mach Supenor Mach & n h 22 Regency dr
• Slt'Phen 11 & dlemkr Can-Tech 53 Tasan cres
Lamb Gord W(She•Ia Ll cornpu1er conulr Umon Gash 80 • Trevor C(Vale~re) supvsr Chapman"s Gratn Equip h 53 Tasan
Collegtate dr crea
· lolartha Acorrecloonal ofet Chatnam Jed h 102 Semeoyn av • Valer•t l*pr Duro-Foam Spray tnsutauon 53laJIII cres
Langrll~ De11nm h 16 Valley rd n
· Wm G!AnnaL) 1etv Kent County 8d ol Educ h 61 Devon rei
Lambclen Margt h 89 Rt•l!fVlew dr apt 806 · Gerald WI Nora A) securrly guard I HCanada h 1D Ktngsway dr
Lambe Jack A (Cheryl V) Jl panner Beanre & Lambe h 51 Langley Albt RIE Anne) h 13 Kerr a~
Sour•qoos langtors Kenneth wka Mapl~ Cily Gas & Oil Co res RR 4
Lambert Brenda L elk Bell Canada h 582 Bloomfield rd · Kevin dM-aldt Chalham & Dlst Ambulance Sl!fV res RR 4
• Gary 1Chr Blenherm Hagh Sclll 76 Mary apt 607 • Kevin Irk drvr Maple Ctty Gas & 011 Co res AA 4
lamboe~ Kelvtn 132 West Langlois Lenard Ofltee 149 Raleigh
· Ken (Pat) EDP aud•tor h 30 Devonshire rd · leonard (l.lary-Ann} pres Chatham & DISI Ambulance h n s
· Laura h 49 Gran! apl 2 Glenrnar av
larnbrou Lambtos !Annal mach opt Superoor Mach & TI h 70 Lori radio opr Chatham Poloce Depth 112 Cross
Timmons cres apt 1 Langrnaod G h 69 Thornhill cres
lamer$ Anna w s Creek rd Langner Jerry K (AIIreda E) mmrclpal elk h 77 SourlqUOis
· John (M·tlteent £) mech Motor Wheel Corpn h 47 Goldmere dr • Unda £ sludl 77 SouriQuOis
Lammens Dave RI Anne) lab Earon Yale Ud h 102 Blythewood cres • Ltsa stud! 77 Sourlquots
apt2 Langrell John 99 Park
lta 1.1111 99 '1'1 !90n IY Langrtdge Atld tPalrteaa) g<O elk IGA h 169 Timmms cres apt I
Wm E(lena CJ (Wm la'nmens Rl Esr) II 215 MckaugtiiOn av.,. • RUih Eh 42 Sunnysioe 1v
limtnen~ Wm Real E5111e lWm E Lammens) 215McNauglltonav w · Terry J IKatherrne £) mgr Darn Stores h 22 Larose etes
Lammers Dd H !Janel) '*kS Chatham Castl & carry lmbt h 675 La111gan C h 9311erry
Par!< IV W lankhoi Audrae mgr Counlry5lde flOwers res RA 2
• Herb! h 33 Alexandra av Lannoo M Rtchd (Annene) healllealment dept Moczak TI & D•e h
·Jolin (Johanna) asmblr opr Eaton Yale Ud h 48 Spurgeon dr 30 Oueensway dr
Lamond Kennem W(Barbeta W) mtwrght WG Thompson & Sons ltd · Ray !Marcella) stsmn laldla"' h 50 Michener rd apt 509
llllenheun) h 20 O"BI•en dr Lansens Anna h 43 Cornhill
• Wm N(S/I!rtey A) tc11r Kent County 8d oC Educ h 58 Coeisworth • G h 45 Trtlhum V•llage apt207
av • Geo B (Glenda M) mgr 0111 Eng SuspenSIOIIS (Bl~tm) h 203

fer••• ltlrecterlea cSetving

Ll•lfetl DIREcToRY PuausHERs 39
29 Rebecca St. Hamilton, Ontario Ontario
Telephone (416) 522·5066 L8R 183 Communities
I Larouche Katnleen stool 35 llaJrnoral rd
LANSF.NS Rayd [loulsellab Can fram lkl h 35 Balmoral rd
, Larsen [Ina Mrs h 99 1.1'-'Qoghlon a• w 101215
lheophlle E (Judrltl A) supwr t HCaoada n 49 T~r •• frt>d A (An.'l) h 99 Adelarde n
w John (Gt!rry MI(Sl•rUng Va~•ettS:ore) h 254 lweed$mw a<
LllMOils Glenela sten Kent & EsseJ( M~luallns Co 203 Uercet
Lansue Jas (Robm) tab Onl Engllleered Susoenalonlll ~49 * dr•• diSD Rldlo Cab h 10 Ingram
Sefl;lr~ · l':e'o~ t!krm Uloetl Casl1 & Carry 254 Tweeosmult avw
Latry P (~I tao I H CaNOl h 111 M tl\enet rd · l•sa tall libby ~Netn & libby 478 0\Mn
• S h 122 R••emew dr apt 110 · Ole (0 LyMJ carp 135 Edgar h sam~
Lanthier Grtbt (Denise! wks Nor Amer Plast•c {Wallot.eburg) h • W<lly T (Bonn•e Sl bltr Challlarn Bory h 2()11Jnshet av
115 Wellmgton e LITSII Stanley Wh 36 7Wellington w
lao Rong Gyut h 32 Crayclen Sue (Stan) su~ T1100nl Denial Cer$'e 367 W~llngton w
Lapa thrill Ill> Ea1011 Yale Ltd h 247 Menltta• ~ Krm c:OfnPI.te! OPII<ent & Esse• Wu!UIIIInl Co lweedsmUir
• Paul sis Sooter Stuo'OS t.temn av • Robll \IWY AM) eng MJtor Wlleel h 40 Owen av
laoadal F h 15 TrilliUm V'!llage &DC 103 • Sherrt h I 1 Pat!esoo av
LaoaJIT'~ Cla•rsse "'liS Te<·Print 44 De Gr~ dr La Rue E<l!lyn l.lrs h 35 tnoram
LaPatourPt 118thy mgr Cltmlc 11oo1<s 463K•no "' Lallu" John A (Arielle) h 29·1'2 Comhl11
l.ap,~rre Rene tMaude) n 15 Sparks dr · Linda IM,~e) Beaure & Larnbe 11 t Syl\-ltSler dr
LaPlante Paul h 85 Ptno apt 227 La R~ M!Cfll T !Linda OJ Irk drvr C P Tr.-p h Ill Syhoeslef
LaPointe Bar tiara h 30 Welllogton e 8012 d:
lapolllle Dianne 5eCY RCMP II 158 tndil~ Creek td e s
t.aRue h 66 ~
laPoint~ lome J h 1165 Bloomf•ekl rd lat!Ofd Carl A 1Evelyn J)shtmU•"r lndiiSirial Mtl Fab!ICIIor!
laPomte lOIIAf\111> dog oroomet Pet World res Sarnia n 30lll'gge
Lapo•~ MPIV!Il A [Mary) h 25 l.lapte Dellis 156 ~ av ~
laP0111te M.CII) I'II!WS dlr CfCO h 9 Sarah Cte5 apt J0 1 • Oouo'-35 WI Donna MJ esmbfYrM can Frarn ltd h 156 Par1o: av w
laporote A 115 Selk11k apt 2 Euc G (Donna) pn opt Can Fram Ltd n 1• N'ntn &PI1
Laporte Doreen h 144 StClair LO!etta h 265 Ouefon
lapos Jas (Susan) auaht~ control mor HE VannatiP.J lid lather Douglas I!Va!alle P) consu "'kr E~se•l.lach h 53
(Wa'lacet>urgl h 300 Ba!doon rd w lowCiaJ e pi
liOP John h 492 VldO!lll av • John B reprmn I H Canada t1 130 SP!etdon av 101308
R1194 Tlsslman BV · lvM Aslsd1< UnOor ltd A Lamsoocres aPlJ
• Rrchd 1Kathie LtP.) l•rellQhlfll 22 a,reflwood LaiiiTlet Gl~ Mrs h 650 Granct a• "apt305
• Ronald tJo~ce) mech I H Caflada h 452 Grand IV e • Ulllall h 80!i Gland av w aol 807
• Tom (Debbie) dnlr EBtlln Yale ltd II 46 Baldoon rd apt2 • Pa'IICIII tchl Kent County 8d of Educ 11 15 Trllllum VIUage
lal)(rse Bemrce h 65 Ttmmlns cres BPI 116 aot203
·Carolyn counselling asst Soul"western Reg I Centre h 72 Paul lab HUfOtl Constr n347· 1'2Lacroix
RallQollcres Laue Srec~o (V6tlll1Qilt eng n 180 Tec:om5eh rd
• Cllas E(Conrue Ll mgr labourerslntl UJliOfl Local 749tlon) h • Zoralab Can Caooers 180 Tecumseh rd
21 Willowmaeav Launder Wm G !Edna) 11•8 TWffdsn'.wr trv e
Da•1d 0 !Debbie AI lab H111on ConSlr h 9 Mel(~ a~ laura S«ord Canctv Shop Ela•ne Belanger rngr 100 King wUN1
• Otane Mr; h 224 Patk ave acM3 232
La Prtse Donf11e J h 281 St Cia" LaU<e1 JoM 11 1000 Clla11ng Cross rd uM 3
Laprrse Guy V !Penny J)asmb1r can Fram ltd h tOO WlllflPOOI"'II l8UI•e Andw !A Studt 19 Wmdsor dr
cres Old son M ('-IOOJCII ft stkrm H J t\eiN Co h 19 Wndsor dr
La Pt,~ HectortLIIDan) h 198 Ha,...ey • Et~aoor M pnarm atst S\lper XDrugs 19 Windsof dr
Laonse ~arc L (Johanne Mllab Ktng Gra'n n 249 WoodS • Geo F[Norl1llll ~11:1 Can Fram 1197 8UC)Ongllam av
• t.lllfY L h 40 Trtlhum VIllage ept607 Geo N wms• w~r Maeoef's Bev 262 Colbome
Nelson J (f.f!rgt)automoli•e asses! Call Fram h 6 l.tadOnl!a cres Jm (.b AnneJpmtr Ff)r$y111 Pmlg res Blenl'~m
V'IIICP.nt (Katlly) h 146 Perk ape4 John 0 lab <:en f ram h 88 Gregory dr w
La<abet> larry J tSusan M) •ndll mnrnce mech Wa•:PC lnct l<aren 0 tab AcllonmetJC Lid 97 Bucxmgnam av
(Wallaceburg) h 25 O'Brien dr Ke•m D97 Buc~ingllam e~
larebre Brenda l 59 Prince s • Aobt F h 89 Hrghland dt
CaroltRon) ~toucJ'II'r Alton PhOto 75 1'2 Taylo! av • Ruth orderly Tllames••ew lodge 93 Pafle901lav
• DP!!b•e stud! 59 PrtncP s - Shaulab lrbby I.I~N•III & Libby 134 West
• Aobl G (Doreen I.IJ lab 1HCanada h 59 Punce s Wm A (Hazel) h 83 Tts<J•man av
· Ronald tCaroll Eaton Yale ltd h 75-1'2 Taylor av Laur•n Chas elect Dllvmond lld n 11 Sandys
Laram•• Su&an tchr K~nt County Bd of Edue h 271! Meo,ttav apt lauuston G Ah 25 O!th8rd Hls 01 apt 4
112 LauterbaCh EtnSl (1\arerl) conslabte OPP h 9 t f.f<chenet rd
LartVJere Carmen 32· 1'2 Taylor av Lauzon Atld J IJune Al btchr Leoover Brosh 110 Woods
• Linda h 77 RiverYiew dr apt 2 • Gary W (PAM) tchr frlbury 0151 High Sehl h 48 Heather dr
• Ph 185 King"' apt 35 • Jean n a Thames~•ew Lodge h 23A lorne av
• Robt h 16 Sarah cres apt 2 • John 11 0 WOOd$
Larkrn Evelyn mt Cit Gordolls MkiS h 76 Mary ept 109 • Jos Alab Ctty 17 Berry
• John J (Ilene J) h 3 f.ICGI!Ofge IV • Jos H(Sueanne M) carp Alelld wan 1197 Sheldon av
Latoclle Beny h 225 Campus Pkwy aptllO • Usa stsctk Liv•no Th•ngs
0 h 14 Dun~trk ct • Randy h 60 l"iesl
Latothe4te Onll G (Mary Etten) slsmn Chatham O!ce Sply h 192 Robt 1Cat~'ne1 Wfll.~P 111111 Weslburne lndl Emetpr'ses n 239
Joseph forest
Larocque Debby M h 795 Grand av w apt t 09 · Robtl.l (Rosemary 0) asmblr Cnrysler Canaela h 23 Mallard pi
• L h 115 McGuigan a• Roger h 360 Sandys apt 111
La Rose Ruth c:lnr CIDJIOI Theatre h I I S.1 '2 Woods • Suzltlllf' elk D,.•e Lee res RR 1 Pe'ncourl
LdAC. S h 373 Kmg w la\<e/QJ!e luoen J (Rita M) t1 & dlemkr Russell Tl & O•e h 74
• Wayne R(Hillary ll h 132 Stewart apt t Clleslnut dr

(511) 351-1300

· M1122LOWI • Dlnnll '-tncllkiiPIC Mlmy llln!wl25 ~ell
1.-.y AIIU Cllrlll H) II 245l.acl* • Oonlicll(Orlce llllllmn lqlerlll Ppl h 25 ChiiN ell
• 0..17Mcfllllnt1WIPI330 • Elir lllldy living Tlllngllcdqut25 a-u ell
· JaeepNntl7 McfllllntiW. 330 *Y IICy .... ~" 12.,.... • • 303
• R Glry driiiM 14 c:..ll245llclallr llidiiiiiiiC)' WIIIIIIIM 25 ChiiN ell
ltf911.b G('Minntl C.J & ECUIIalll T.-1'135 A11U ell l.tlllznldlll h 213 Ylc:toriiiW
·llllln ..a 35 AIIU ell c
lllllnc h 315 Pn
• Kim Acit KMlrl35 AIIU ell lltlllnc Jill G!Sylvia JIIC & J Alii & Skiing) h 203 Adllllde 1
lMI Rallt J ....,., CCIUIIIIIIor ~ Ocllfl " 17111doon Ill lltlllnc .. 232 Grind ••
t.a.OIIIM J ._ .Iaiii..,_ Til Co 50 llllldoriiW ltlllnc lllrlt h 21-1 Edgar
• ......, • Cllllwlll Plllle ~50 Slllldan. ltllllne *Y .. h 82 en.
• Clwllwb "'*"" Foodl" 50 lllllldDn.
• Dtnnll119 Wend(~ .... " 44-1'2 lhll
lltlllnc llicllll pnr 0111111111 Pnlg & Dlcrg 203 Adllllde •
ltllln: Honnl 0 h 43 ~ •
· llontl " " lhll lttlllnc Pllr!l ru-t-1 h 380 Slndrlllll 101
IMoll Lori H 151 ~ Clllllld t lt llllne Aameo (lllce).,q . . . . . . . . Corpn" 155 Wlltl
• ..... 50 lllllldDn 1¥ ltlllnc Sllwt lllmrl ~ lndlllply 232 Grind ••
• lolql II 18LOUIIII c. 1111 4 Lt cn..u do_,. 100 King w un11213
. a~c~~~~• .Iaiii .... Tile Co 50 Slllldon. Lecilgo Kazlmitrz lnntl h 431 Plrll 1¥ w
ltllllriln (SIItryl)wb t.l Film lid II 188 MldW*III lt Clllr Andre G (Mirtl)lormn E*'l Yilt Lid h 434 Slndrlllll
• .Iaiii F(.»Ann) drwr ...... * -,._, Clllpa II 81 Papllr 3
· .Iaiii Tca.tcll II :M3 lnld 1¥11111 104 Ltcllilllriln ~ . . King Chill lid,_ Ill 1 Glwldt ,..._
Llwl Rallt HII 24 ~ 11114 ltCIIif Clrolt A(Jidl)fl9 Ita & lin Unilll S¥lng ,_ Ill 8
! . - - . Edlld J llolllletw ICM Counly ld of EGIC II 3111 Orlldtn
lllldoan Ill Lecllil Dlvld Pill contr Clllllllm Dilly News h 287 Slndrl
l.lwllnce llemlrd (Piullnt AI prln et.lwn MwMIII Sc:lll II 85 • Emile (.,_.AI IIIII C*11t1 h 70 Teytor tv
WlclglwoodiW • Aogll (liZ I elM klngewly TIIIIIP a.tnQ en.
.c 11455 , . . , . . 205 le Cllir Aogll J llnilll 111mr1 c.t1on c.dl h U5lncllln
• Ff8lldl II 100 Papllr 1111 33 Cltlk Ill•
• JDP(SY\IOMI)clklllll~ll 11ZJollpll ltcltre loull(....,.,.._) h 8 ~ell
• .-n(OIIdyl)" 2011W"Y Lecocq Letllt ICC! Aoyllllk h 48 ~tv
• Klnrlc* (Yalllll) II 24 Ylllltr ell 11118 Ltcvyer Oonnltctv Sllmllrott Stp Sc:lll 57 Jollpll
· l'lullne A(llnwd) ICtw et.lwn lcMnlll Sc:lll85 WlclgNood • Glrlld (Merion) (A CIa Ulle SDt) h 118 Woodl

~Diwldll 125cn.dtvw
• Ilene ... h s7 Jollpll
.lit P (Audrey) Sytll!nllllllyll Union 0. II II Aotllnl CIW
• Fted J IDoml..,~ ..... Wndwt)" 4 Cllipptwl ell lecuytf kevin Ill Sen 105 PlllttOn 1¥
• Mlct!IB (CIIIerint) mnn:e The P1nte h 48 H1M1Dn · Philip l llllrtllriii"'P I HClnlda h 105 PlllttOn 1¥
LtwtoniiMrlly Gl.llntQ 1111 Aoclcwllllnll h 24 S1monb1 ell Le Donne IIIIo (Ninl).,q HEYIMIIIIr lid (WIIIeclburg) h 8
• Edrll " 188111ny O!Mpl
l.ayiOIIllhd E!Midtllnl F) II 141 Gllgory ell w lldoua Dlnlellt h 8 Teytor a
• Ann L11U11t Nl 01111 Holp II 313llllcloon Rid 35 leO!tw.flonvarltz Lorn h 81 c.dllll C1W
l.-.vlelllllly L 73 Comllll Lee llellie J h 74 Sheldon "'
· w.y Mrs ell WOOico h 73 Comllill · lltendl c dtahwllv Suony Aeelr 32 Birtle
LIZdlnl JaM ""'"*"' Union 0. " 8 Elm
ltrZirln FrMCO (Cnle AI 1Ctw Sl 1'111'1 Sc:IIIITiwntlwlltl II
•lhndiUrs h 1U Stmtnyn 1¥ 1111 4
· llriln lib Eltnco h 1Z 0e11wn • 1111 207
70 Gltngerry C1W1 • Don rngr ~ .. h liZ King w
L.:t~en.. J lllclk The ltdr Shot P1lce 48 Slmonbl ell • Ouncln 1"-""1 ICC! Town & Counry Shop (Tor) h 35 PlrTy ell
· 0wtene .,q et.lwn P*1c Finlalling • Gall 20 FinCh tv
L1ACH. CLAYTON L, Gelll Mirlleor C.........
tt,drolllctrlo.,......, ...............
. Dlwld c.,.. 48 Slmonbl ell
* • GtiCt lkldl38 Ctoydln
• Howlrd Elllallsltrnn & dtly Cltm'a ~ 1'157
· o.lld AClone AI h 118 ~tv • Hlql DIAoblriiM)IIII rngr ~ Lltllllct h 78
• ~ Edill~ Aegl Ctnh II 111 W111ow1n1c" ~crea
· MII2871Ungw
• Month 85
• Rallt
Pint. 218
IJoltCII*!I..,. e..'* lid" 17 ~ 0 .
• JaM C (IUI'Ilnnt) PlOd rngr IGA h 403 lndlln Clttlc Ill w
• Kwok LN!g (Puhll} h 38 ()oydan
•llu (HownJ CIIIV J M~57 Sllnley tv
• Rallt ACOIILI rngr Gl Vtndng h 704 o.- . . . . . . 178 Colbomt
·IIDJ (Gnl) plwm Iuper XDruga 111 Ill 4 • Htllit E h 1DO Wcfwtlnt tv 1111 205
l.eeda! lltnwd wCDolcntl Cleedtllllll " 47 Plrridgl 0 . • NonNn P !EI'IIIIl h 178 Colbomt
• Oouglee (Gtltudll h 176-1 '2 Grind "' • • Robe E!Kironllormn lotolor Wllttl Corpn h 37 Vntt ell
Leedtl & DoM. ~ s.Mc:ei!Oalortll.eeda! & w.y Lou • ~ lcnceliOCIII wtu Cllilchll'alld Socy h 7 Wlrlon.,
0oM.J204o.- • Tt!fy W(KIIIerinll ~ h 173 Olley ell
• Eric. wbleedtlllll47 PIMdgt c:rts • Torn E(LindiM)wlca Libby Wc:He111 & l.llby h 80 ~
t..lg T0111 h 28 ~ 0.1Cl14
len ltly ... " 188 Stldl1< • Wlllan J Dr I*YI ~ 178 Llydic8n IWIII h 11mt
L.-y ttow.d J llollrjorlel hll50 Grind tv w 1111 107 • Wm M(lily klletw Ttcumltll Stc Sc:lll h 17 c.dlnel c:rts
~lid Dtnnll de Fteilll opr 300 ~ lttdl Clbirllll (Frtd Dtrydl & Pwtlr lltrlowl 287 Colbomt
i.eelllntlltllll c:.lw Ttrry'l Vlfltly Leef Ken H {Oorolly M)IUPI88IilcHiugiiDII¥ w AI* h 88
·.a. A II wllynwoocl ell ~t¥WICll101
lllleeu Herold" 214 King • • 20 L"'* Dlryt C h 14 S1 Gtorge lpl1
llblrl Dlwld l!Siwon T) ... 119 FriO lty Clnldl h 18 Ltel Hilde Clliml elk Co-()per*'llnl85 AlltiQh
Colllgillt ell · John h Hdnl


LMSOO Cart wks Clla!llam Concrete Fonnong Ltd 451 Werroa •• lNUte W011d O•lles Hamann mgr 80 I St c:ta.f
Lt~lans Ar111ut Jmlal Clk Canada POS1 Corpo h 82 Baldoon rd
·Carole h 64 O'Neil
·Fred!~ W (Jeannellleeson Traclor Lldl h •51 Uem!lev apt202
Lenon Trec::101 limi!PO FrllC!Leeaonmgt•OO R1cllmood • Robl (Aonatleb libby t.tcHtill & Ubby h 38 Faubell dr
l e f I<VI Andw J 46- 1'2 Well1nqlon e l e•lenbergel Almon IMary Ja~J tied libby CtiiM
Lefaove DtlmaJL(Marjoue £1 h 15 Sudbury dr apt II (Walilcel:ugl h 392 Ktng w
le ft~ve Jos A(Elsie loll h 48-1 '2 Wtlllng1on e • O.'llly (Denlc~ Ll medt CllaNITI ~ h 260 Fornt
lefltve l<en OM CellO> Weed<nQ Spl1162 Paneraon I· fred (TruttyliOOI & doe mh Supeoor loAach T1 & De h 86IMII
LellbVIe Gerard (Beali!Ce) wldr 1H Canada h 53 Nonhland dr L11<avy Lucoe Mrs h 18 Par~ ave
• Shorley h 26·1'2 Chartens lrlivouftCII Hele" Gh 150 Olley cJr
Lefon Gerard (Faye) st.l(mn Natl Gro h 45 HJ1Iy11d • Wm 150 OJtley dr
l egar AssiSiance 1<~"1 Mark lol Ulcl(ew d•r 78 Weilitlglon w Lema• .las J ch•ro 232 St Cia or 116 Spring pi
LeGelllolarce E h 50 Pr•nce s Lemay Serge (Shflleyl lab Ollen"s {Ttlbuly) h 69 Semenyn av
teoary ..,argt h 100 lolcfanane ,., apt 513 apll
· ROlli J IShlron Dl lab Can Frem ltd h 139 Sylves!M dr l~~En82Lomeav
· Ronald (Mary Jean) lab Eaton Yale lid h 9e EdQal LIMesunet Perry h 21H•ng"' ape 15
• Wrn IJudolh) h 5611 St Clair ltrrute Denise h 17 Bcock
legale Myles B (Ann) rl est brkr n 211 Uydlcan a• e•t • Stephen w1r.S Ubby McNeJII & Ubby h 190 Tha-'1'MIIIIl15
lege•n Henry A (DollS Ml lab MoiOI Wheel COrpo h 55 Bltlhe lem•skl Peler E(lOne G) n 75 Mcfadde11 ••
legg Cllas R (Cary ll eng Un.on Gat h 98 Pa11r1dge ern lemp•awsl!• Julll h 193 M<;Haughtonav w
Leggelt Stephen h 45~ Sllldys apl 202 ltmUSJet Garlh (Roael h 448 S.OOys apt 1
leggtero Mario (Rosatlab Daymond ltd h 84 Syl'iftlef dt Lentn!Jne Ralpl1 G(Ri.llll lrmt h 189 Sf'tejdon 1Y
Leg•e~ Judillll s~~h patholooist Kenl Coullly F1C St9 SeN II(! Lq.Mlyh 1351'1~SIP12
h 310Woods Lennon Mary n 40 Pl•ncess s
Leg•on Mrmonal CMI'f'l e s Maple Leal dr Regd (Barb) laC!IIly SIJIMI Soumwesttm Reg! Cantre h 34
Legroulx Albt h 218 Woodl Tasancres
le Grouht Albl w(Fema) he s G•ven rd Lennc.ll~l R Mrs h 120 St Geotge
Legroutx Rayd G (Helen T) custOdian S1 Joseph's (RCI Church h ll!flO';et Alice Mrs h 40 Raletgll
123 Mcfadden av lenovl!l Brolt!m ltm!IIICI Gerald lenovet pre 525 Pili< av e
• R•chd tGa•ll repmm I H Caned~ h 106 Blythewood crnap14 · David tlolaryl rnecft Labombllrd's Cllalha'TI lid res RR 1 R~
• llon'!IO 1\.lly) sub asmbtt I HCanada h 63 8aldoon rd apt205 • Don h 10 I TnotnhiUcres
• Wm P ILeaefeanot) secunly gUild I HCanada h 143 Mocherle! • Gefald A(I"belleI pres Lenover Bros Ltd h 15 Crystal dl
rd Jed< W(I MA••"el retail mgt Lencmr Bros h 27 Craven dr
legue Alhl II 11 SosiMd e1 • Janet secy Unoled Co-Op II 395 Ktng w
• Amber elk Challlam Pool Serv h 2110 DetaWIIe av • Keoltl L (ltoll Ll sec·treas lenowt Brol Lid h 511 Lacr01~
· Blanche h 40Trillium VIllage apt 403 • Rtchd wks Lenover Bros 11421 Sandys apt 3
Bryon IJuliel (Gnll Renew Co lid) h 32 Lynwood dl • Watt!f J (OoiOiflyl wllOI mgt Lenover Bros 11 11 Atnoid
• Chas J rej)II'M Musal Strings ·NThings h 59 Stanley ev l tlf!S!Ilk l.lantn f (linda II eng Umon Ga h 4 Spar\ls dr
· Dan J (\'oclcy) lab ILAP Govl P!Ojec::t h 200 EIMIIepl4 l e PBge Claude II 58 1"2 Kirk
• Doug h 60 Rochrnond apt 5 lfi)IOe EHl G l~r carnet res Box ~
• Ed•lh M II 1000 Channg CtOR rd unit 28 · Guy lab MOIOII'I~ Corpn h 228 Pili\
• Edwd A bann<Jr Kntghl's of ColumbUS n ~0 ViCIOiia ev LePage J E neos Grand'" .. tpi 60'
G h 105 Colbome Lepage Mary G Mrt secy Charron Transp 172 Perk
J 1chr lnd•an Creek Rd Pub Schl • Wm gas aldt N011hslde Texaco 172 Perk
Janice elk Woolco h 94 Houston LePatoure!Jes (Erleen) plant rngrKing Gra•n Ltd res RR 6
larry J tJacqueltnellab Daymond LIIS h 12 Seventh
· MPh 5641<tngw Kh 463Kongw
• Marjone Fh 85 Ptne apt 126 lernout Geo 0 lAuth AMI efedl eng Ont Centre h 320 Campus
• M11y 97 Mcfarlane av apt210 Pkwy
· Maureen n 105-1'2 Colbofn! ltfOUJr Ahmt J 46 Par11KIQ8 eteS
• M•ke h 165 Adelaode s Kelln 0 line OPt Motor Wheel Cofpn 19 Htgl\lend dr
· Morley R (Nancy) proj supvsr MlniSiry of Transp & · Paul V (Jane El mtr mech Chalham Mtrs II 19 Highland dr
Communications h 18 Allen lesa~ O<!ne (Aolhyl leoat secy O'Bnen Jacllhn Sutman &
• Nora Mrs h 71 Poplar O'Bnen 111 Llll<
· Pauline r n 343 Grand eve apc201 Tony !Diane) ahPO 51 Clair Glass (Wellleeborgl n 111 Lark
· Ralph opr Eaton Vela ltd h 363 Wet~ng1on w apt B·7 leschyshyn Jot loi(Mane) II 110 Canlelbury
Tim studt6 Primrose Ia Lesco Machone Ltmoled Fred L~ mgt 400 Rocnmond
· Wilmer H(Belly M) pkg melet mntnce Cily h 6 Pnmrose Ia Leslre .tact. 0 tl<ethleen) meter 1fllf Challlam Wl'.el Comm h 32
Lehmann Fred J !Evelyn) tl & dlemkr SupenOI Macl'l & Tl h 84
TweedsmUtr •• e
Collegtete dr Lesnar Franl< !Mary) lab Motor Wheel Corpn h 130 Timmons cres
leigh Cecil H(Doreen M) fin supvsr Canada Pest Corpn h 107 ept1
John Lesn•ak Rtehd 45 De Gral!'fe dr
John J Dr (Linda) phys 197 Sl Clair h 64 Wyandott • Theresa Mrs h 45 De Graeve dr
lolary secy Union Gash 100 Mcfarlaneav 191114 Lt!SI'tak VtdOI h 190 Thames apt 66
Vera W Mrs h 39 Htlletnt av Lespmnce A h 343 cnoo •• e apt507
letght Garfteld C lab I H Canada 11 122 Rtverv•ew dr apt 326 Alone v lab Standard Tube 74 Chestnut dr
· .las (Patrlaa) h 131 Raleigh apl1 • Oems (Ehz) loh Ilk opr Eaton Yale lid n 18 Hillyard
• Pauline h 11 L01ne av Susan dot YMCA h 190 Thames ap168
LetSIIman Edna 48 t.tcHaughiOIIIY w Lessard Joe B (Suzanne) prod ledln Hayes-Oint Inc res Blenheim
· Rob! 0 (Debra AI supvsr Domlar h 12 Klrkcaldy pi • Leslie W(Margl) lab Motor Wheel Corpn II 119 S1anley IV
lelstra Clarence h 28 Vtscounl Lester B Pearson Centra 101 Children & Youlll Jullt Farrell dlr
• Joanne bkpr Ene Glass ltd 26 Viscount 19 Raleigh
· Peter (TemiMI 1140 Etm apt 106 Lestet I!Nn h 229 Lacrotx
• Pe!M W(Debboe AI tab Ken Ferms h 184 lnshes av


231VAN ST., P.O. BOX 543, N7M 5KI PHONE 354-5045

• Ci•ffd R !Sandra! w•lll Snap-Oo Tool$ h 19 Pe.rone cres • Judy counsellor Soutnwestero Reg! Cenue h 43 Tay101 a• ape
• E HuQh {Kalhletn Hl pres Stallelard Coml Tobacco h 876 Chli•ng 103
Crossrd • l<enneth HtPatflcia A) tr~ dM Overland Exp h 135 Park •• w
• Edna lolrs h 15 W•lhMIIOOn apl302 • Lanl stum 114 Beoforo
· Robe 0 IJul•e Al pnrr Cllaltlam Mush 204 Wolllam s · laura Aslsclk Oegala Jeen Corpn 135 Park av w
• Wm H(Maltlyn R) cla•ms rep The Co-Operators h 102 Esset ct · leonard G(Marion Jl (lew•s Auto SaJes) h 18 Finch ct
Leszcynskr Joseph•ne lchr St Ulsula Sep Schl res Blenheim • MacDonald w{Joyce AI computer srkclk I HCanada h 84
letang Thos EsW1chmn C & 0 Ry h 77 BaldoOn rd apt 22 Vanrk>rpark dr
Letnlllldge Dawn srud18 De Graeve dr • Nellre 1Mrs h 25 Sunon C1
• Orana l srudt 6 De Graeve dr · Paul h 76 Mary apt410
• Doug mach opr HJ Co h 118 R•vetV1ew dr l!lll630 lewis Shoes Sue Trav•s mgr 100 King w uOII 107
- l<ayteen asst mgt WooderC\11118 AIYIIfV'I!W rd apt630 Leyden R h 8 Garden Vale rd
· uabet studl6 De Graeve dr leyen E h 50 I.IJCheMr rd IPI 608
• Wa•1er J (Uarna) slsmn Genl Bkrs h 6 Oe Grieve dr Leyland~ KICatoletJ h 89 l<ensmgton pt
Lttootneau Andw h 26 PllleSOII •• leyle G<egory SIUCI 9 Renlrtw IV
• Ch 129 1"2 Slleldon av Jrm Sludt9 Renfrt''l' av
· Donald (l•llda)lab Eaton Yale lid h 95 Jeffrey • JoAnn Sludl 9 Rrnftew IY
· lh 152Paflla"w • Mary iW•Isonl secy St Joleph Sep Schl 9 Renlrew av
· lh 150'h#ylljll107 · .,.,rison A \Mary) supt Rockwe'llnltll9 Renlrew av
• LIS! h 87 Mary ap!l07 llano Chung N•en tSo Yin) cook Golden Ctown Restr res Toronto
· LUCien (Barbara) Undtpendent Ad Serv) h 825 51 Clair und
· Mary Jayne wl<s Campbell Soup h 8 Oriole pkwy Brian C Parker, Pr•• l Mgr Dlr,
• Va•er.e N h 14 Ktrl< Canned a Froten Foodl
len John (Audrey E1 h 23 fweedsm•M a11w 330 Richmond, N7M 1P7
• M h 57 Baldoon rd lljll305 .......... Phone 352~00
· MarshaL h 130 Sheldon av lljll103
letts Robt E1Faye) pobcemn h 129 Comhlll
leuoo Anme wtrs Canron Re51110 ftnch ct llberrty Jan (Randy) cons Shrr!ey Downey 106 Dalevrew
Dav•d COOk Canron Re511 10 Fmch ct l•ben C h 53 Semenyn av ept ~
• J•mmy wks Ctty Hall 10 Finch c:t
llbf>rty Belly H bkpr Sandy EIIIOI Mtrs 12 Regency dr
Met Yu• wl<s Canton Reslr 10 Anch Cl
· John h 228 laCIOI• apt3
PaHul< h 10 Finch ct
· Randy D(Janet Ml mech FrederiCk Transp h 106 Dalevtew cres
Levetlle Ernest J (lolargl) lormn CPR h I 02 Wilson av Ltcense Bureau 62 Kell d! s
• Jas S (Jacqueline) mntnce CPR h 81 Michener rd llchtherte Greg 32 Allen
· Usa Ann elk Bake~ Dozen 102 Wilson av Marcel lab Rocl<,.elllnll {Tilbury) h 32 Allen
• S h 30 Tulhum Village apl1102 Liddle Jolin R (Kattty I) lab Acuca5l (Wallaceburg) h 99
· Tho$ A llle1nl s~Jmn!Aaedel's 8ev h 30 Donalda dr Maryllnoll rd
• Wm ISilaronJ slsmn Maedef's Be" h 17 Couture or · lot ~e J (Marolt w~s Can Fram 11 70 Trtlhum VUiage
le.esque Fema.nd (Pauline) genl op! foAOIOI Wherl h 1 5~ av c
Liddy Gtadvs h 343 Grand ave apl402
· Gales h 625 St ~·r ~n11 22 · Velma A Mrs h 25 Jup•llll av
· Llont! h 223111Shes av 11]11 · Wayne lliQ! ll<ldy't Sleep Shop Rive! I'd
- ~1wtrs~Hllh 1461.1urray U<ldy'e Slffll S!Jol) Wayne Liddy mg1 3BS Grand av w
Real IH.Igutnel Irk drvr Faorlawn Sod h 145 TuTJmtns cres ap! Lldel~ Gordon l (BeatriCe I) mgt St Claor Gram & Feed h 442
2 Baldoon rd
• RIChCI (Ca!nyJ lab HJ Heinz Co h 121 Bedford Lldste1 Batry D 10emse1 mach Ollf Ben Bruinsma & Sons h 753
· Roell lab North AmeriCan PlasbCI (Wa'lacet>urg) 270 Queen Grand eve
· Sarto (Batbara) lab Sass Mfg h 825 Sl Clair unll 1 • RJohn (Mary C) prod supvsr Can Frem Lid h 418 McNaughton av
levi Wm F (Bonole Jl drsp Frederick Transp h 48 WJilowdale pi w
levi's 1850 Le.•'s 100 King wun•l221 • Ronald h 55 Stanley a"
le.rn Chltrta cook O'Toole's Restr 15 Sussex lieblng GJorra casllr Ont Hydro h 19 RandOl! etes
• H1lda L lArs h 15 Sussex liessent August J Ilea) Pf' opr E.lan Tl & Ole h 44 Spurgeon dr
· lance 15 Sussex L•evens 0 h 202 RIChmond
Levogra<wus Antola (Roma Tavern} h 25 Orchald Hts dt apl3 lrgoeft MelVIn J (Ellen Ll h 30 Trtlllum VIllage apt 804
ltw-es BUIIO•ng 146·15 WeningtOnw lightong Gallery Chns Alllidge mgr 699 St Clarr
lev.esJohn Book & Var~y(John Lewres)54 St Cta•r lit Juli Velma Pa•sovlch mgr 80 I St Cla•r
lewltl John f (Rosei!IIIY) (John lt'*ltS 8ook & Varrety) f\9 ll'l Papa's SefVICI! ltd (Donald Burke)691 Richmond
lOUtlt Ltlley Aldelle Mrs h 203 Patteson av
• La\lltl ti~ lew-es 8ook & Variety Store 9 LOUise Linden Towers Apar1ments 100 McFarlane av
• Rostmary mgt Le."es Book & Variety Store 9 Louise Llndor Janet Stuart mgt 801 51 Clarr
Lewrs Allan (Cheryjl quallry conltolrechn Motor Wheel Corpn h lindsay (E•Iene) msngr Union Gas h 24 nmothy cres
137 Foret~ · Chuck tr gree11$kprlndran Creek Golf & Country Club Park av
lew•s Auto Sales (leonard lew•s)105 Alc:hmond w
• Cnc!y l M11 cashr Gordonl Y~IS h 198 Park l'f e lljll2 · 01121 Jamesct
lew•s Cta!ts Bonn•e Gillande11 mg100 Klngw W~•l208 · Don 165 Par~
• £ h 99 McNallghlon av w IPI245 • Donna J 30 Park IV e
• Geo !Matoannel ""ks Mocor Wlletl Corpo h ~6 Btoomlleld rd • Haroto S ICatllerrne) h 64 W1110n av
• Georgona h 1t4 Bed!ord · Robe J tCharle<ne AI ecct elk Sa<ley Bailey & Kearney
• GI&Cyt n 1 Clnadolnnlltufsg Home h 26 Orchard Hts dJ epl6 (Wallacebutg) h 40 Holland av
· John rtlnoa) ~e mech Be~ Canada h 57 Ctysla! dr Russell CI Vema Kl h 80 Lac~
· John (1\at>cyl mg YMCA h 53 Pneuant dr wf h 63 Parry or

Please Turn to the Last Page of
the Classified (Yellow} Section.
lluN Local 749 ChallaottW mgt 143 Vlemng•.on w sulll I 001
LINDSAY li'<erpool Apartments 105 1'2 King w
liVIng h•111 CommuMy ChurCh Rev Gao~ Ewald msntSier 530
• Wm C IShHJey IAI scheduler c.n fram h 30 P11k ave Vlc1Qria ,.,
llnllan Jana stud! 50 Clllllbeflaod tttS lhln!l T~ Hans Val'lde!OIJ<V mg 801 Sl Cla1r
• Jerrv (Mal)') mach rep! 1.10101 Vl~l Corpo n 50 Cl.mbtllal'ld Li'<•ngston Carl241 ColbOrne
CIH • Garry (~.aren) bkr Gonlol1's Sope~ M•l h 100 Hou5lon 1012
L{nton Lloriel n 925 Gral'ld a• w apt 203 l.Mngslone Allan (l.l.lriannt) v pnn McNa-.;g!llon A• Pub Schl h
lloners Men's Wea~lld lliorlei Malbn)210 lOng w 10 GIVeiU()
L!Ooess Pork n s Syl~tsler dr ltzannn FIO!ICS uodel constr 100 King w UM 206
L•ons Park ws Uzot1~ Gerald mgr In Focoa cameras h 88l.aCI'Oixapt3
Llpa Gary II 11 Park av w • Joy~ 11'-t.ol CkSt aqt De!rtllt Free Ptm h 62 Adelaide n
Lipinski Dan! J !Sila<on ll lcrmn Hum v.-n 7S Cornhltt • I.Wil! h 991,t~~ IV lfiOI l07
• Sharon l Mrs bkl)! Housing AutrlOI~t 76 Co<nhlll Rl(tl(l (£Yll!lgf!lll181 or.r aldl Cl'la!Nm & Ills! AlnbcNru Serv
Upp!'rl De01se h 129 Colbome res Wallacewg
• Rob lflg! The TC'WII Hse 361 lOng W lloyd Anne t»ldill com .&rtiS!Jc lad•ea Well h 72 8aJdoon 111
• RotMm pntr Ct\alllarn PlaSilc Flnlsl\lnQ apt 201
L•t>SCOmbe Waller97 Mcfarlane a; apt 309 lloyd Bag Company Llm•l!ld Gary llOyd Pies 114 Sl Cla•r
Llpscome Walter E h 30 Tulllum VIllage ap\20 1 • Cohn warden agl OnI Humane Socy 1&4 Grand av e
LIQuor Conlrol Board of OnlariO Ben Mallette mgr 615-H Orend • Oenrw$ ICiv Vlctooa Park SeN h 24 W 01)0()1'6 .I Clll
•• w DouglaS J \Ma'lhl f) ,_-.II Call Ttre h 27 Sudbury dr
Liquor ConlroiBoal'd of Onl8•10 W M•liet ITlg! 210 Wellington w · Gary pres lJoyO Bag Co
L1sabi!lh Dave sis Lakeland !ndl Sis 975 Grand av w apl309 • Heclof P (Otanne Stleb O< A1110 Wreckert h 6 Larose c:res
• T1111 t!k Besl F01 lMS h 409 SandyS apl1
ltscumb lou1se h 51 1'2 DuKes
H"'Me "'"s caned.anna Nuflll Home 60 Mary
• John f (MJrgt Gl J(; drvr CfA Operarlofis Inch 315--I '2 Pltk
· Ah 186 Ralfllgh • Manon """ n 356 V'!Clot'1a av
· Rob! h 232 Patk apt2·D • Ma<~nt (Thosl co-ord T1ny Toes Nursery Schl res RR 1
• Ronald h 273 Oueen IPI I Blermeim
LJs;! Fred WI&ICka )233 Melcef M Chi J Bl PflM7&1T!IICI'IIIna f$t Union Gash 72
ltsl Albl l (Barllera A) lab I H cal'lldl h 311 P.-1< Sue• ngnam a•
• Betn Ann 148 Wellington e • Aayd J h 393 Baldoon rd UOII 10
· Bryan Slud180 Pl•ncess s • A•la !Royslonl wldr fmv TOis N~ Schl71 ltncojn rd
·Harry LcHancy Ll h 80 Pt,ncess s • Royslon lAtta~ wldr Omn•lech Sll h 71 Uncoln rd
·lllliln R h 148 Wellmglon e ' • Sntrry C.erll~ed hl!ll care 8ld Clnad•anna Nursg Home 57
·lorna h 267 Grend av e BeiOOOn rd SPI 20 1
• Mark 80 P11nceo;s 1 Lo Chut1 Ka'l wos Jade Gardeo Reslr & Ta¥ern h 128 McNaughtonav
• Pall< h 296 Park apt I ...
• T•mot~y G (Roobi-JO) 168 Wellington e l obb 01'<11 MiBelbata Jl slsmn McCormod<s lid h 602 L1001a
· Tracey 80 Pt1ncess s - Wa~er M lctlr W1ns1on Churchill Pub Sctll602 l..aciO'x
L1s1er carl A (Margl) 10 Crerar dr Local Reglslra• Sul)!eme Coull ol Onlalio Aobl C S1evens local
· Thelma Mrs h 39 Slone av regtstrar 21 s~enth
Lrlschko Atadar J (l.largr) mech J K farm EQUIP h 7 Diane rd Locher Slev~ (Sylvia) IS~e·s Formal Rl111$) h 78 LincOln rd
• carolyn~ elk Tawco Clng 7 Otftr,e Lo Chun Kan h 574 McNa\lgt'Jon •• w
· ChriS J stud! 87 Parl<wood dr Lock Robllab 1Hcanaoa h 62 Delaware av ept 215
• Ellz h 196 Rall'tgl'l LDC>rPy B11an stud! 23 KlrkcaJdy pl
Leo J (CiafiJa 1.11 P<'1ject $U1M! IA•n•stry o~ Tra!llp & Cornm h • Mary M meO secy Drs A TtUlCI & A J Verbtsg 23 t(lrltcaldy pi
87 Patkwood dr 1 · Aobl 0 (Mary Ml Oosp Natl Gro h 23 Kltkca!dy pi
· Margt medlcel essl SOuthwesJern Aegl Cen1re 7 Diane rd LOC~wood Tom h II Klrlt
Michl J SIUdl 87 ParkiNOOd dr • Lodew~gan Wm J h 561 King w
Thos J Sludl 87 Parkwood dr Lodew~n Mary Mrecptnst Cenada Employmenl Cen!re h 20 Wade
LIISI!'I Rod h 955 Grand •~ w apt208 Ted IEI!eenl h 85 apt210
Llll Claude (Mary E) peril mgr KeniOWillld !Tilbury) h I 0 LOdge Morley lab Ray Hendncks 114 West
Birchwood l oeb MCash & Catry lid Pe!er Anluma mgr 80 Wtlllam s
Llllle Barry (Sandra l.l)leb NaJI Gro h 1 OnOie pkwy Loffelmann John H !An•ta Bl assessor M nrSiry ol Revenue h 49
• Danl T(Eihel) h 73 Llllsdowne av Ftnchav
· Harold (Frances) h 65 Timmins cres apt308 ·John h 59 Ftncll av
• Henry 0 cook Ml~e·s Place 73 LanSdowne a• Lofl The Tammy Howard mgr 100 King w unll218
• J Kenneth tM Jean) cabl mkr Mann.nge~ Bros Conslr h 8 logan Bernedas E Mrs h 64 Pat~ av w
Buckingham av • Daryl D!Eill) wi<s Chalham Cullural Cenlra h 76 Pheesant dr
• Leonard J (Carole I) lib Southern Conaele h 543 Kmg w · Eh 15Wtlherspoonaptl05
• Lorne T (Mary Al v-prln Kent County 8d ol Educ h 30 Bnar • Eoward H h 650 Grand av w apt 90S
Hill rd · Hugh recteatJOn dtpt Ctty Hall n 212 Thames apt 4
• Mlchrlndien Cleek Ad Pub Schl - Jas V lab Cenlral Equip 109 Stteldon ev
• Peul (Brenda) h 182 Murray • Joan (Fertton) recptnst Dr Challens Grand e• e
Llnle People (Michl & Jenny Calion) 32 flhh A Murray h I Prnec:tesl rd
Aobl G (Anoene C) prlol Uruon Gash 14 Holland av lombatdl Oorruruc (Joanne) h 351 Welllnglon w
• Aobl w(Kalllerlne) eng Un.on Gas h 28 Parkwood dr
. VDarlene asst mgr Ae•Jman's 73 ~ av LONDON FREE PRESS (CHATHAM
• Wm D (Evelyn) h 44 Warwick dr
LIHiewood J Dh 455 Sandys epl 502 BUREAU),
Lmon Sweda lnternallonal Hans Funk mgr392 Park ave sulle Mre Annette Aitken, Circulation Rep,
104 Ruaa Bruler, Circulation Rep,
LiJwln D 40 Rossini ern 33S King w, N7M 1G1
Llu Thos h 30 Trillium VIllage apt 1002 .......... Phone 354-3870

• School and Office Supplies • Office Furniture

180 KING ST. W. PHONE 354-0470

• RlChd w (UilaedJICC! 159 Ra•!tgh h ume
COMPANY, • Roy h 57 Palil la
121 Hefft8ge, Sul1e 1, 1olt 111, NTM IKI
• Samt SIll (VoOiel CJ F1 81 Ell•s
-·······-~ 112.....0


• Bmer u (Eleanor GJ lab Eaton Yale Lid h 83 Welhnoton e Jerry Campbell, Managef
- Mary£ lolls 83 Wtlhng1on e 100 Thamft........Phona 364-7310
longbonom Agnes h 86 Cross
- Bob tramee Ale lnd 86 Cross
. Cindy lab T, _ Clnlda Freezers35 CempbeU ipl8 lowes BAh 228l1Ct0ix IPl 2
• 0an1 G (.l\dfll &lsmn Refrlg & Foo. h 9lolcKlnoon dr • Dave Wrt esllgl Gecry Oohe! Rl Esl h 50 Memd av apt 308
• Deloghl lead hand Trans Clnlda freezers h 35 Clmpbed ~ 8 • Fred caretkr h 28 Wtlltarn n
• Kom (Janice) h 297 Queen apt 4
• Fred CUS1odl4n Deol ol Nltl Defence 101 Llercet'
1.ong11urs1 Robi(Lucille) h 76 Copperfield cres
• G Tholl sludl-on-IOCIS Ctvyslel Shllllnoton & Co 103
Langland Todd pn1r Cllalhlm Plmoc Anoshlng
Rober1son av
Longley Guy h 80 Lacrob - Gerald F(Giolla H) elk Canada Posl Corpn h 103 Robertson av
Longmire leonard 72 King e
Longmore Thos D(G1yndl A) h 78 Essex Cl LOWES, GORDON E, (Verna), (Oofdon E Low.
lononeYGraham 146Gray lnauranca Broker Ud), Rea R R 3
- Wm mntnce Ambassador Bldg Untnce h 146 Grat
Longs181!e fredk G (B Ullian) h 224 Baldoon rd LOWES, GORDON E, INSURANCE
Longval John (Unda) sial! l.Jbby Wc:Heill & Ubby h 30 Jeffrey
lookmg a..- The (lot Teresa llenwd)179 Ked a • BROKER LTD.,
loop BerOIOI! loin h 600 Grand IV W apl 6001 O.naral lnaurance
lopes Albono (Adelaode) h 19 Joanne 311 StClair, NIL 3K2
- Bonventura (lolanal cons1r wkr h 1 Wh•ppoo~~~r~ll Qret .......... Phone 3&2-t720
-Fernando S(Armonda lot) prs op1 Motor Wheel Co!pn h 33
Ooo.bertand cres
Luciano h 104 Copperlield cres • Juhe 1.1 n a Thamesvlew Lodge h 131 F01es1
lopez f Ban (Ruby U) tna blltr h 482 McNaughton IV w • Leala h UH2 Ratelgh
Lorenowlez Wa'-' J (Jo)'ce AI ac:c1 DomiW Sonoco CniM h 760 • RotM Ins agl GOidonlowes Ina h 135 Pari(
Queen - Shll1ey M Urs h 902 Chlnng Ctoea rd
Lorette Alld W(Wolhetml(ll) lab Eaton Yale lid h 24 Coverdale • Wm (Wlnn•lred) slsmn Chatham Auto Sis & Leestng h 101 t.lercer
lonmer Lealef E(Glace El h 81 Thornhill cres Lowrie Kayda £ secy Laidlaw Transp 433 Indian Creek rd w
Lonncz l.edoslls (Olga J) h 23 Oxley dr • N01man A (Jean U) IQnnn I H Canada h 28 Heather df
~Avenue Vanety (fred & G.en Dlv11) 45 L01ne IV LOWI!lel EGarth (Marleoe A) IUIMf Bell Canada h 4 78 LacrOIX
loll David ASllldl321 Delawwe IV - £Iaone elk Woolco 36 De GraeYe dr
Diane WlrS Starlight lounge h 82 Del._e av apl409 • Fred P (Doris) h 62 Alexandra av
floyd W(Janet O)h 15 TrUII\Jm Village apl210 • John C (Ellz) shlmllwkr Hereon Lid h 36 De Graeve dr
Robt F !Janice) genllefV mgr Waekena-Chrysle~ Plymouth h - Uochl h 114 Alexandra av apl2
32 I Deleware IV n
Loxton Ruth h Baldoon rd apt 23
Louagte Ueuroce J (Harnell) h 30 lolcHaughton IV e Loyer Barbara A Mra techn Russell Blown Drug StOle 39 Burton
Loucks M Hugh {Theresa £) h 57 Bar1he av
Rob! R(lynda AI mktg rep Can Fram h 38 Parllwood dr • Debol'ah 202 Camput Pkwy apl104
LOU!tftd Parx:ia caslw t.ltracle loW! h 12 SW!Iey 1'1 • Dennos M (Barbara A) eng quality control Can Fram h 39
LOUts AIJIOmOI!ve & All Condrllonlng (LUigllolagllro) 392 Part< Burton IV
ave auote 105 - Jas U systems analyst Union Gat h 119 Comhlll
Lourevo Joeo P (Annal farm hlpr h 75 Cl!ay lpl2 · Leona A loAn h 16 Highland dr
L.ouwese Berrwd (Ann) policemn 11 121 Glenwood a Wh 40 TnWum Village apl1005
louzon Bloen J IYYellel umblr Can Fram h 17 nmo111y cres Loyson Andy (JosleI lab Ont Eng Suspension (Blenheim) h 33
Nary l (Eug) w01d proc:essor-rec;ptnst 001 Centre 101 F1rm Stone av
Machy & Fd Processing res RR 7 - Noel lab Uotor Wheel h 44· 1'2 McKeough av
Lovas Roland h 360 S4ndys apl309 lozen Rose loin h 99 McNaughton IV w apl133
Lovedey Donlld (Carol lot) lab Rockwell lnlf h 118 Churchill lOZif Mano h 145 Slndys
- lolargl FIoiii h 225 Campus Pllwy lpl211 Lozon Allan studi41D Sandys apt3
LClW Cynde COU05el101 Soulhwes1ern Reg! Centre h 22 Tlmmm - Alphonse (Ida Dl dM Ktngsway Transp h 75 Edgar
creaapc4 • Ann IIUdt 4 10 Sandya apl3
• Jlmes lab IH Clnadl h 209 Emma - Clrol slscfk Country Woods res RR 7
· John D(EIIzlbtlll) lab IH Carlada h 7D llydk3n IY CarOl {Tim) secy Earl E Austm & Son 64 Vanier
• Wm h 512 StClair Chuck R (Michell& M) (Counby Woods) h 83 Dove!
lowden Gregg (Computet Software Ubry) 214 King wapt 12 • Cindy wks Concord {Tilbury) h 94 Baldoon rd apt 301
Lowe Anna 1o11r1e 11udl 159 Rale4gh · Clayton (Bealllcel h 81 Taylor av apl7
c h 56-1 '2 Raleigh • D I h 200 Emmaap!1
• Geraldine lot h 244 Pelf( · Dale J (Irene) lab Can fram Lid h 105 Lancefleld pi
J h 55 StAnlhony apll • Darlene wks Woolco 148 Glenwood dr
· Jas 1.1 (l.laureen J) gtlln lriSp Can Grlfn Comm h 9e Randolf • Dav1d Awks Eaton Yale lid h 74 LIU!Tiy
cres - Dewn wks City 66 Campbeh
· l•oy lab t HCwllda 55 Welhngton e(rm 3) • Oonald h 60 Emma
• Ottve l.lrs n 40 Tnlllum Village apc1102 • OOiene chronic: floor St Jos Holp h 348 Michener rd

• E.t H~ A) dll of lduC Kent County {AC) Sep SchiBd • Aayd IC.oQ '"'*ICe 114Mt Cln Frtm II 74 Glenwood dr
h 28 CUrnbllllnd CNI I· Rlclld lib I H Canida h 3M TWitdlmuiltv •
· EdlldJh202~ Roger 0 (Ocwten) llsmn Oenllllln II I011 ~ 1¥ •
• Ehlah h 21 Hlnot:h Auf!. AM lib~ SQjp Co II P111110n tv
• Fro,G J (Pirlcll AJ (Lozon Trllg Ccngl h 88 c.npbell · Tony B~I lab Cln Frtm 1\ 3.t l-"
Lozon Floyd Trucldng I Demolillon ConriCIIng (Floyd Lozon) • v h 7U..,y aptll15
222Colborne VlcloJe L (Heaor) .U Cln Poll Ccrpn 17 ChetlniA dr
• flldl h 105 Grind 1¥ • • 709 Lucier Wlllt SY*nilnC (Louis Luder) 21111nnd tv t
• Olmel A(lrlne) h lOll Woods Lla) J l II 888alllf 1&112
• 0.0 lOll Woodl • Pal W(Cd1y}llb Cln Fram Lid II • I Paacwltv
• 0.0 h 158lotcNiulll*"'tv •1&11 1 Lucklewtcz A 1\ 214 King w 1111 I
• Hector J (Acnla)-- Dower Corpnll117llllmcnl !0 Luc~ 'f lb.IQ 11 202 Cernclus !by 1&11207
· ldl (All WITICUI!IIell Ha11175 Edglr L!Oy.fn AestNinl & TMm (Jcllnny Yip) 317 .J291nnd tv w
• J h '55 Slrldys 1&11 20 I lucy\ C1'1 203 Em1t11
• Jla ..vmn ~Equip rw RR 8 • 0myro I.,.Yl n •3 Pwry dt
• Jlallloo llkr Dominion AulD T...-.t ret Kent llrldQt . NICk lao 0ovet Auto Wlon 1152 Woadl
·....,_liD Cln Ft1111 II 410 s.ndyw IPI3
JIM.Piulllb Olio fCIIIII $prly lnsiMon 1W Ill II
ILudolph Aorl•U ~of Hltlnl ~ 11 455 s.ndyw 1111
• Jllomt J (Eiolle WJ lib I Hc.lldl h 117 ~ tv • LudschuweiiiWold l....ily!l) . . di't mgr Woolco h 118
• LMy AIPiriciiW) llltnn frri's Yu11C Clnnll23 lllylllrwOOCl em 1111 J
Plrbooddr l~ - Or 1'1 600 Grl'!d 1¥ •11112003
· leo 1&..1 Y) frllltp dM Charron Tr111111 he 1 CrM td Fred G (A_tlfltlll! C) a& ditri1 Superior n I Dlt II SS
Leone lof h 71 Woodl Wtllowmac••
ltanltd J (Irma) II II Blldoon !0 • JINce B IIUdlll finCh tl
• lot Jerry (WIIIdl) ICiw K8l1l County IACl Sep SchiBd II I 011 John ~ Union Gas 55 Willooomlc 1¥
Prilnroee II • K.enn!lh A(!of AM) dM WllllnQ Ploducts 1111 flncll ct
....,., Q7 Wcfllllne 1¥ 1&11302 • A II 50 Wemllt• apt 409
·loficllelle lltclk Coulwry WOOdl Dower Rlla slscl1< OOs1erllolf Jwtn h 1411 Goldpll1< td
• lotlcllllaldl 105 pi Wmpd1Cermh43 1'2West
· lillullyh25Kentv Lue Tu Dinh - COOir Golden ClOWfl Altlr 122 ~ape 224
• Pl1 h 225 Clmput Pkwy 1111 118 lull Oe\'ld lc:!y .tu CMI F11m 7•llncoln rd
• Reyd 0 !Ameae Cl lib Ubby ~HelU lltbby h 14 Thelma LUQQ Petey (Waty Sl h 87 Susw•
•flldld (Citol) (The flrl!l Shop) h WI 0Mn r0 TIIOS R(Weureen E) lib Cln Fram h 55 fllrCOU'II¥
• Aldr. mgr Coul1lry Woodl res RR 7 l~ Jos 11113 I'2 King •11118
• Roger W75 Edglr LIJIIM.Zr-U Aegine Wfs mech opr 0CWn1tr h 11117 Pari< •• w
• Aonlld lot defymn Krazy Kelty's 84 Jellrty l~ Wl/gi(Piul) dlgnt The Aollty flontt 50 loltrrill&ll
• Sandra (Wunlt) MCy lluQ/I'I c.p.t Clng 25Ken 410
• Sllllley B h 37 Aegeocy dr • Plui(Witgl) II 50 t.lernlt•llll410
• Sllpllen elk Tlm Hollon OotMb 4 1os.ndyw 111113 lukllnenkg fillet ILCWIIIall EaiOn Yale Lid h 71 ltlcf.,_ ~
• Ttm IC.OI) 84 Vlllle! dr lulll Pralcastll\ 4 I WIIWicl! dr
• WII1CIIIIOIIIII Scoll'1 CNcken VIlli 1011 Pnmroet Ia lumllefjad< ~ (Alnllcar NogutifiJ I 00 Ktng w Utili 115
• Wm h 25 Campbeft 1&11 3 liJTWy Craig A (lindiAj agl Prud Ins h 393 ~ 1Y 1
• Wm C (PI! lot) lib Cln Frem h 10 ~ Oevld t-.1 dllll mgr AICio Sheclc 113 Pe&one crw
LOZOIIe Jerry mgr In Focua Clmnl88l.Jcroj1 • Oannt 119 O•ley dr
Lubbert John (Edlllll mi.V. Wtyln h 1M Tllllmlnl crtt • Ouene SIUdl 29 i~m
L~U~~Lyndllltclk WOINI Gun W1cs h II Slllh crttl&llll • Wat!Jn h 62 Teylcw IV ape 8
Luca Oennillof ..- Souf!...-n Algi Cenrt 11 2811 Colboml • lott•lne h 291ngtam
• Yk:hl A (lltlry 8) . . rngr TIYIOf Gr1in I Ftld h 272 Lumsden Weyne J I&end~) till £an YMlld h 24 ~IV
~I¥· lundrigan ... h 259 Coftlome
luct Aldlcl -.c~ 40 Copperlleld crw Lundy John A (lielen) bldr lOll Joseph h ume
lcanli 8 II 1181'1trldgt crw • WICht wU .1oM ALundy 1011 JoleQh
Lucier.,.,. J h 190 n.n-1&1122 L~m Ktvtn lao~ ltllltld lid h 30 WellingiOn tape 3
· lllendl2111 ~ Lunnon Jacques II 795 Gtllld 1¥ •1111202
• Cora Wit h 3 Blldoon n1 lunshol fllllCes Uts h 40 Elm 11)1309
• 0 h 422 Slrldys ape 3 lusl< Edwd IKarenl U& diemkl Auaell n & Doe ttt AA 7
• Dlnllall Co-Op 74 Glll!wOod dr Oraden
Lucier~ (Chalham) Ud (loutsluellrl 49 01ley dr · Jolll~lh IOL~crn
• Dololes elk Glllanl Clng 422 Sllldy ape 3 LUIK, KEN, (carol), Mgt llondMI G'- Ud,
• Doreen ICIY St IM1ull Sep SeN I011 ~ 1¥ • .._" "1, Pn-u.-ot7o
• HarTy 0 (Jeer!) h 43 llltllll lutes OeYid £ ILarysa .., poiiCetnn 1\ 20 Splw1<S ct
• Hector J (ViclueL) 1r1< elM Lucier 01tp0111 h 17 ~ LUIII Albl (Ge!Wde) fnnr 1\ 44 7 Voctcwttl¥
dr LUll Fredk l (Dolts L) h 35 EltOn C1
• Jlfome G wtdr II 45 Foew • Jack 176 Pllk
• Joyce 74 Glenwood dr
· LIII')' L IJo.AMe Jl medii Hc.lldl h w 1Lynwood dr
· Ltonlrd A !Coltlle loft rt ttpiTM I H Canida h 211 Olley dr
.Ill F(Linde OJ genllonnn Aocll..alnll II 19 Twtldamulr tv

• Kennelll A I Bonny) SlllmiiiOCI! J FOley H1g I Cooling h 12

• ltonlfd (Atvle) lallloloklr Wheel Corpn h 82 Oelawn IV 1111 lilghlanddr
• Linda 0 (.las) sllclk Kiddie l(obbjer 19 Tweedsmuir av •
· LCWI·Anne tludi4Q O•lty dt luu Anh (K•mJ wks 0 YSuspensiOn (llltohttm) h 72Lome tv
• LOUis P (LI.ICler OtlpOIIl (Chathlm) Lid) h 49 Olley dr • Ttnh P (LamJ clng!'a Alllr h 27 Oe ~ dr
• Ralph mnlriee Holiday Inn h 4~ King • 111111 Lu•IOn AI IK•ml h 11 811Chwood


Serving The Community Since 1966
Industrial- Hot Asphalt Flat Roofing - Commercial
Shingling, Siding & Soffit
160 EUGENIE 352-4082
• Chnst•e s111111 58 Adelaide n
• Elg•n W(t.l•ldted LJ II 74 Ardleigh dr
• Dt\ 5 Ptatl cresapt 3
• Rooer tcalhyl mgr Alton Photo Ordon bl~
Luyt Ah 40 Erm ap~21 D oare L (Cheryl AJ eJeel Ho!'le~ !:lee! n 76 Sunnyside •~
· Allan P(IM!I) d"'r Eroe & Huron Bev h 50 t.lercer • Erlll!!n Mrs olce mgr VtdOIII A~ Uo en 190 Blidoon rd
• Geoh 247 Selkirk 11)13 • Fonlay R (Jean) t\ 36 Tweedsmul! IY e
· Usa A IChr St Joseph's Sep Scll1 (lllbury)100 John • Geo Af(fhel Al t\ ~ St George
· Peter (loelt~) hd gdnr Soulhweslern Regl Cl!l"llre h 2 O'Broe11 · l h 11 DBlrlllewood cres apt 3
dr L h 955 Grand a~ w apt 302
· Peter J (Palrocra Jl (Peter J Luyl Inc) h 1DO John • • Norman A (Coral (MacDonald's Meal Mkt) h 613 Park av w
Luyl Peter J Inc (Petet J Luyt) wrhse 10 Indian Creed rd e • Regd A (Kathryn A) conlr Hone~ Elect h 15 Kensington pi
• Rtchd 247 Sellurk apt 3 Robl G(Joy Dl wks Trans Canada Freezers h 72 Pme
Ly AM Dung ('iodu) lab CllalhlmP1asltcs h 101 WOOds • RU$1y bUS drvr Sadder Bus Lines h 24 Holland av
lynas Pearl h 167· 1'2 Adeia•de s ShoriPy Mrs SIS rep Smalley !Insco & Thompson h 58 Adelaide
Lynch EarlE (8llneh!') h 218 T•eedsmUir ave n
Lyng le<l!l"lCe (Rosemaroe) V·pnn Ursuline Coil h 26 Dove pi • Trecy sludl 72 Pone
Lynn R•chd D(Wendy LJ IISg mgr Kent & Chalhlm Hsg Aulhority h Vrcl<.l sludl 58 Adelaide n
68 Allen Violet h 237 Patk
l~nn·s Brodat S111te (lynn MOir) 165 King w Macllonald's Mear Market (Norman A MacDonald) r613 Park av w
lyon DonS llesl•~ 0) lech Sl$ rep Can Occidental PetrOleum h t.lacOonelllyndl J bkpr t.lad Ma'l Mildogan h 343 Grand ave apt
895 CllamlQ Cross rd 210
• OonLld S s1smn h 69 Pat• a~ w MacDONNEll. SEE ALSO
lyons AU1Ry f clll Coty HIH 156 Vicloruv MacOOUGAU, SEE AI. SO McOOUGAlL
l Y0f1S Bemltd Dr dnl$l412 Grand IV e Macllouga'f Barroe W(l.lapeta•ne 'i) lab Molof Wheel CorJ)I'I h 231
• Ch 276 t.lerroa •~ ape 308 lnshes IV
• Wm Mh30AIIen • Dan (Dorothy) ton trl< drvr Rockwell Inti h 52 Soulhend cres
• Wm T (Johanna) appr reprmn can Aptncs h 41 Soulhend cres • L h 249·1'2 Grand av w
lyililk Barbera (Geo) hbry Iedin Cnalhlm Pub libfy 24 Parlcwood • Madela111e V (Barry) sr casnr Hydro 2311nshes av
df • Mary h 600 Grand av w apt 400 I
• Geo J (Barbara) Slaty eng t HCanada 1'124 Parkwood dr MacEACHERN, SEE ALSO McEACHERN McEACHREN
l}'ll!e Cleave (lynda} Wits Southwestern Regl Ce!l~e h 49 MacEacllem Kenneth dM·atdl Chatllam & 0151 Ambulance Serv 55
Atlllone ct Taylor av apt 307
M MacEwen Lorna policewoman h 86 \Ianier dr
MacFarlane 01Vrd h 139 McNaUQhlon av wapt 4
u D S labOiaiOnesShaton COllins mgr 857 Grand av wsu•te 104 • Donna pans elk C l Equ•p 82 Delaware av
t.l DS LabOiaiOrles Sharon Collons mgr 857 Grand av wSUite 201 · Elsie t.lrs h ~ Wiltshire dr
MP l Hobby Dos:ntlUIOII (l.lurray Berman) 552 Oueeo • Geo A (Mauan) acct h 67 Canlarbury
Ma Wah·Yul<: h 20 Trillium Vlllageapt308 · HarOld E h 109 TwP.edsmUJr IV w
MaalhUIS Connie M (Pele) clll Polka Dol FabriCS 447 Pari< av w 1.41Chl (.loeMe) IChr W T lang Pub Schl (Wallacebvrg) h 33
• Otrk (FII!l"l) h 1000 Cllanng Closs rd Unol 43 Chippewadr
· Pete (Connie Ml elect h 447 Parka~ w Rock h 14 7Thames
l.4acAI.ISTER, SEE AlSO McALISTER McALLISTER • Scoa wks DeWaet OredglllQ 34 Ttmmrns cres apt 3
UacALONEY. SEE AlSO t.lcAI.ONEY · Terry (Wendy) Slsmn Srmpsorfs Fence h 254 Delaware 1v
MacArthur HA (Elsle H) h 955 Grand av w apl 204 t.lacGREGOR, SEE ALSO McGREGOR
MacAWY, SEE AlSO McAUlAY McAUlEY MacGregor Geo M(Oiane)tnsp Dept ol Ag11c h 41 Devonshire rd
Macaulay Allen A (Margt G) h 53 Woodland av Machado Antonio h 19 Pheasant dr
MacAVEllA. SEE AI.SO MeAVELLA Antonio (lracl) tab Benn Iron Fndry (Wallaceburg) h 105
IJacAVOY. SEE AlSO McAVOY Thomllrll cres
l.lile9AIN SEE AI. SO McBAIN B S 11 101 Whlppoorwrll cres
t.lacBETH, SEE AI.SO Mc8ETH Barbara (Bnan} elk forsyth Travel Bureau 101 Wlllppoorwlfl
UacBRUlE. SEE AI.SO McflfiiDE cres
t.lacCAUUN SEE AlSO ~UN · Fernando (Marla) lab Eaton Yale Ltd h 163·1'2 Selkirk
MaccARTHY, SEE AI. SO McCARTHY MetARTY Hernan! (Metra) lab Motor Wheel Corpn h 102 Edgar
Mac:CORt.IACK, SEE AlSO McCORMACK Jose C (Ana Mana) asmblr Eaton Yale Ltd h 28 Mallard pi
t.lac:COfiMICK. SEE ALSO McCORMICK MacHardy Allan A (Margt A) h 860 Cllarrng Cross rd
MacCUISH, SEE AI. SO t.lcCUISH • Clare Mrt h 12 McKeough IV
l.lacOERLIIO. SEE ALSO McOERI.AIO Mar)Oioe I h 600 Grand IV wapt 8002
Macdlarmtd fan SIUdl 28 Redbud ct Mact>esney Scali n 22 Alexandra av
• RIChd J (a.t.a) Ins rep Greal West life Asaca h 28 Redbud Mac:I*JGH, SEE ALSO Mci«JGH
dr MiiCI!!JOWS~I Tom (Deborah) quality control can ffam h 800
Mac:OonaJd A Clletyt (Dale) asst Chitcnn's V111age Day Care MaciNNIS, SEE AlSO MciNNIS
Cenlre 76 Sunnyside av MaciNROY, SEE ALSO MciNROY
• Atchoa J (EJieen) rep NOI1h Amer Life Assce h 190 Baldoon rd MaciNTOSH. SEE AlSO MciNTOSH
• 8nan A (Colleen T) tab Elan n& Doe h 28 Collegoate df Macln10sh Wm D(EllS P) h 10 De\oonshore rd
• Carl h 228 lactOt~ apl4 MaciNTYRE, SEE AlSO MciNTYRE
• Clletyl253 ~ Maclmyre 0111 I (Karen t.l) Iedin On! Hydro h 80 John

Smalley Brisco & Thomoson

MatfVOR. SU AlSO t.ldVOR ~~SEE AlSO lokNAitl~AA
IIJclo Alat~G (Wahnlellllall Rllckwell h 62 t.tatv IJ.xNAIJGI(If;N SEE ALSO lolcNAtG!TCN
Bev !Linda GJ canFram h 270 Pll!o at w SE£ ALSO
Berns1CI ~ Kent & Esse.t MOitlal Ins Co res RR 2
CeMn (Cia!e) 119 ~k Glass h 1t 6 Thornhill cres
Caoeltte cashr G& R· -. • Stop Lid 116 Thomhl1 cres Tilbury
M.Kk G!au Lid Calvin Mack & Rolli Kuyper mgrs 249 StClair J h 63 Baldoon rei apt 208
l h 50 Mlthtnet I'd apt612 Uac.NHll, SEE AI. SO ~Eill
Mkt~ l M!S I\ 15 1'2 Elgh!h M.lcPtWL. SU ALSO loi.:PHIJI.
R1c:hd A (Annetle Mtlab Cat~ Fram II 84 Rlvelvlevl cit 8DC 2 MJePhall Chri5lie slsdA ~ VII Jet; 70 l.lcGiorge av
MatliAY SEE ALSO MacKEY McKAY Deanne (.las) bkpr Sandy Elliot MOlarS res RR t DD-11 Cenllt
MacK~v Donald H Or (Ma!glN' h 343 Grand a• e ap~405 • .las f h 70 Udleorge li
Jalll(:e l lllldl 395 Campus Pl<wy M.ICM£, SEE AI.SO M:PttEE M;;At!E
~ J IE Bemlcel mot United ~Ph 395 Campus ~v.-y M.ld'H9!SCN SEE ALSO l.t.:PHERSOH
t.iacl<eltlerg lhna II 302 l.tcNaughlon av e Ll.Jd'hmon Ajlpf83al Drive In Cenlle Gary AICNrd!l mgr 45 tt.eil
t.QcK£l.l.AR, S£E AI.SO l.ldiEI.lAR Clrs
Mad<eDar Btadley (lA Sl'lel!ey) tab Sass M!Q82 Oe'.l'*~ • J:lnet tcrv n 196 Yll:tortu• ep11
Ougai(Fai!h) elecl Ron Ftetd & Son Eled h 4211aldoon I'd ~ l'.el!h A (Sandy A) eng Onl fed! Certre h 170 Sl
IPII L!dlael av
~ThosE 01 (Carole lol) plr;\ 857 Grand IY. ~ 206
wNell (Suzanne) purc111191 Western EQUip h 38 Orton rei
MacKtNll£. SE£ AI.SO McKENZJE h 69 t<ensing!on pi
MacKMZie Doug IAI!teJ fiiO! HlQho!te Rm 11 81 McGecwge av ~. SEE AlSO M.."'OARRRE
Macfo.tnlle EriCK (Doreen El h 169 Faubert ell t.t.x<lUUN SEE AlSO M.."OUEI.N
MatKMZie J h 130 Sheldon avapl206 l.t.!CAA£, SEE ,._. SO ~
• John h S4 1'2 Houston L!x's Colr·-mente Store KrtslJ Bllit mgr 12 Cluchlll
lome E(Btenda H) ofce 1»01Cidlalor Cha!ham w~er Comm h 97 Mac's Co~Mn!ence Store loiJrle Brotl! mgr «1St C1U
Hea1nm ell Mac's lteallh FoodS (fhe Eclipse Holo.'ng Compeny)205 King w
• M.t!gl J sr cf]( Cha!ham Wille! Comm h 286 1'2 tung w s a.l: Donna l.eberl mgr 4 9 1\e I Clr s
M».enlle Marilyn •-old ptOCeSSlng 1UPVS1 Union Gas 169 FIIJbel1's M 219S1Qa'r
Clr M 'sloi•29S~ave
Mac!o esy Ma;ja (t)enniS)IChl John 1/yen SeN res Wa!!xetxJrg MJC's M Batb M~T IYisl1 mgr 39314Naug!llon av w
toi4CI<ev.l.t 1130 Trillium VIllage 11Pl905 Mat's M.!.lo. Darlene Descllln>tllllOl tail Mc.~.lon •• •
Macl\EY, SEE AlSO MacKAY M.;KAY I.!Jc's 1.1 M!f)Or e S'klpper 011-ner.mgr 122 ltdvnond
t.lacloey's Tub O'Suds (wm & John M;:Alorum) 50 KJng e MJC' s L! llel Arnold MJrl< 1110' 10 Van!er dr:
MACKiE, SEE ALSO M:KIE Mac s M Sne Callly JoMstone 11111 5&4 OtMn
~~~ Raya T (JuanllalA) S1JPYSI Ur!lon Gal h 40 Trillium lAx's 1.1 • Store 409 (Emilie t.Wlattl350 lecrOJ•
Village IPI 1106 MJC's Tu SeMces \~he Sc:llumecnel) S86 Gland ave
MacKillOP, SEE ALSO McKillOP MacTevlsh Jell elM a:m Chalham & OlSI Ambulance Serv res
t.ucKIJ~NON , SEE ALSO M.:KIN~t-1 Wa!;acebufg
l.tJCKiMOn s WlrS KlnQswey 11261 SefrJr!o; apl2 Mx'fl l!iam Jolin COr (Doris) ph)'\ 44 Thltd 11252 EllnDe!h
MdckJin Jat~ 8(lhtgli lab Cl\ry$1ef Corpn h 1lll.llflon IY MJtWUIIams A.!Yin P !Rllse)w1Cir Sea\111l011l 'ft dg h 32 Stlnley It
MJdo.ness Clayton E tBiancl1al h 70 Selklr~ Ben 8(Helen A)trb lro;5n ll80 BlylllewOOd cres
• G Shirley (tlllllll I h 89 Arnold Hh 795Gm00evwapttl0
MacKMGHT, SEE AlSO lolckN!GHT t.OCI Man~ ltd (Denrse Mc.Xar123 Grlllelav e
t.tacLACHlAN SEE AI. SO l.lci.ACHlAN lol.ldahnsld 11tuno h t 31 W,t~owmec ••
l.tad.ecNa-1 8e!!y lUI mgt St Clair Commll!llty Est Olte II I.IJdJppW VAngelo 01 ~Angell 81 ph)'\ Soul.t!~ R'1jl Cenn
Ounl<lr~ Clr h 93 ()a!ev)ew Cf!!S
• ~ J Mil Rev 1<1111 CourUy Bd of [Clue 20 'floods ~ ECI;!71 G IJ.rt h 2S81WQ~ ave lpl205
• Elsie lou elk A& P n 2!1 Woods MJdCioc!t. l.JnCia liSSlmgt Canadl TrUSI h 77 8aldoor! td apr 2 t
• londa lludt 20 Woods • 1.1• r!~y " ('l."'l!i •·prn M lling Prods ltd res london
• Malcolm 0 1£1111 h 1100 Grand av w apt 7009 1.1• ~·l'Y:•s I•IM Jast bl< pr M.tdelotl< Myers res RR 7
• Rlchd 0 tDonna JJ Slaty eng I H Callade h 20 WXICII MADDOCKS, JAMES R, (Helen), (Maddocka-Myen),
• VIm fiiO! St Clair CommuMy Est O!.:e h II Dunlurll ct P 0 Bolt 718 Phone 354-245t
Maclaren Malcolm wl<;s Soutii~Sieln ReQI Cenlle n S8 t Park av w MADDOCKS-MYERS,
M.IClEAN SEE ALSO lolctEAN (Jamn R Maddocke and Dennie K Myere)
I Maclean AW Ru!l!~ (OO.e G) h w slyrwood Clr Jewellery, Walchn & Dlamonde
I ' 8 h tl9 LftNeug!lloo 8'i W apt 2 t 0 IH Qu"n ..._."Phone 352-1010
11r1 Ol lM-1 p11Y' 45 Rateign 11 108 Park"'w<l e1r
• Unde h 360 Sa•'ldvs 101 t03
· llnOI mall rm Olr.ham Dally N~ 360 SandY' Eatlpl 103 !.Qdelra JuiJe 42 Edgar
• Rolli G(Ovos) h 33 lolaryi<llOO rei VefgUIO IJubalasmblr OPf Ea!on Yale ltd n 293
• Winnofred Ah 275 WPihngton e Madel o.ry1 (Janel!!) serv mgr Maple Caty Gas & 01ILICI h 130
lhclEllAN. SEE AlSO McUllAN Raletgh
MacLENNAN, SEE AI.SO MclENNAN Mad1lt Davod (Toff·Kole Car Cenue)
Maclannan Myles R Or (Ann M) raellolog•SI St Jol Help h 1'2 Maedefs Bever1ges L1moled Ral' Dahlen tng1 50 Borrootman
VICID!IIIV Magee Ed'«d Ch 19 Pllk a•"'
MICl£00, SU ALSO Mcl£00 Edwd MIGiofllllel!er camer 181 Elollllelh
lbcleoel £lame h 293 St Cia r • Wm P (Anne} la-wyer 3S four111 h 45 KtnSing!on pi
lolargll M~h81Dunnav lolaggo~ $Ores$ Snop (Jerry A.le•ls) 103 l<tng"'
l.txM~R. SEE AlSO NcMASTER ~ Ausllio (l.l.trla)ll32 .1oM
M~U.tS~e~ .las R (lolar( toul sis mgt labomDarel's Lid n 50 Oomonlcl L!r1 h 3111.1oa00w~9 I'd
GIICI$lone •• · John !MIChelle I~ conr 40 RJChmonCI n ~

J ObUSQU...~Ubtutll ESTABLISHED 1927

193 QUEEN ST., CHATHAM Phone 352-4343
MaliaI Gleo (Karen) lab Olsen's (Tilbury) h 73 Tay1orav apl4
MAGLIARO Mallett Annetle studl46lansdowne av
• Bealnce slstdy Rellmans h 202 Campus Pkwy apt 210
• LUCiano (Granella) lab Eaton Yale Ltd h 45 WyandOII • Colleen wks Domtar h 18 Ouole pkwy
• Lurgl {Marta A) conslllnlrepld General h 191 Chippewa dr Donald G h 131 Adelaide s
• Lurgl !Mill..) rnech Rossini's h 32 Jupiter 8V
c Gerry (Mane) lab I HCanada h 11Jeffrey
Moc:hile (t.Uira) h 8S Cross apt 3
• Gladys A h 33·1'2 Oo~er
• Pat Gbldg lnsp Crty 191 Chippewa dr • Glen F (Susan) slsmn While's Farm Equip h 75 Park Ia
• Tony (Grace) (Naples Ta1lor Shop) h 46 Richmond
. John F reprmn Felllon's Auto Pnl Body Sllop 55Landsdowne av
• UmbertO (Filomenla) constr wkr h w s Creek rd
c John F {Margt n body reprmn Fenton's Auto h 55 lansdowne av
Magne Gerard A Or dntl surg 150 Lacroix
c Murray (Lee Ann) serv techn Sentry Fire Safety h 44
Magnet Clvlstlne elk In Store Focus h 45 Tlmmlns cres apt1 08 Cadarwoods cres
Maguire Julie h 64 Timmins cres apt 2 . Robl J (Madeline) 01)1 Eaton Yale Ltd h 46 Lansdowne av
Mahal Frank G(Edith) h 141 Selkirk ap13 MalleHe Benedict H (Mary M) mgr L C Bd h 63 Alden
Mahef Shoes Carol Thompson mgr 100 King w unit 202A . Donna M wks Coun Hse 183 Wellington e
Mahler C J h 190 Thames apt 23 • Rayd J (Judy E! elk Brewer's Retail Store h 44 Regency dr
Mahon Dennis N (Myrtle 9) h 22 Galbraith Mallory John {Catherine) h w s Joplyn
- Donald B {EiiZJ h 89 RrvetVrew dr apt 803 • Lourse h 180 Coverdale
·Lawrence J (DorOChy) h 100 Mcfarlaneav apt105 Malloy Tim h 258 McNaughton av e apt203
MAHON, RICHARD, (Sandra), 8alee Rep J T lolalm Carla h 404 Grand ave apt3
Koveca & AMoclatee lnaurance lrokera, h • Jacl< bre serv Goodyear Tire 404 Grand av e
1 05 0tt.1wa dr Malo Oentse MS1udl54 Lincoln rd
-Mahony Th 50 l.lemft IV apl305 • John J mntnce Pioneer HI·Bied 54 Uncoln rd
Mahood l.looore h 85 Pine apl131 Joseph A (llemadetlll) land egt Union Gas h 54 Lincoln rd
lola! Katherine Mrs h 80S Grand IV w apt 605 Paul A sludt 54 Lincoln rd
Maret Nr<:ola {OIImpia) cons1r wkr fiCCI Constr h 97 Highland Malolepszy Dawn A stud! 93 Lincoln rd
dr -John P (0 Jantce) poi~Cemn h 93 Uncotn rd
Maillet Alfd J {Irene) rnech l.ltnislry of Transp & Comm h 196 · Slephen sludt 93 Lincoln rd
Coverdale Malone Tom {Susan) chan acct Fredeflck Transp h 3 Jay pi
• Gerry J(Sandra J) olce I HCanada h 29 A!hlone ct Maloney Flobl L (Phyllis) h SO Michener rd apt306
- Karen asst rngr Firs1 Choice Haircutters res RR 1 Malon A h 393 Baldoon rd unit 29
• Larry WIEIIz) (Sunset Varrety) h 126 Michener rd -Bertha EMrs h 29 Okley dr
• M1ke studl 126 MiChener rd · Charleen (Geo) bkp1 Windmill Cabt Shop res RR 4
Ma!IIM Darlene 18-1'2 Kirk • Cheryl 129 Murray
· Donald h 118 Riverview dr apt531 • Chris Ewtrs Wheels Inn h 107 Victoria av
· John (Susan) IChr Kent Counly {RC) Sep Schl 8d h 30 • Donna M S1udt 29 Okley dr
Cumberland cres • Geo J {Charlene E) supvsr Can Fram h e s EaS11awn dr
· Josh 8S Pine apt237
Jilllmte E (Irene A) lener carrlet h 89 Whippoorwill cres
• Mary h 228 Thames apt 3
·Terry M secy Red Cross Socy 19 Thomas Maton John D1esel Service {John Malon) 68 Selkrrk
Maine Jack P(Helen M) olce Eaton Vale Lid h 100 Sl Mldlael av • John J {Mav1s) (J Maloll Oresel SMV) h 68 Selkirk
· lillran M Mrs h 570 Lacroo apl1 • Floss (Pamela) lab Motor Wheel h 161 Edgar
Maonly Wood Opetations 100 1Richmond T h 393 Baldoon rd unot 29
MaiSOM!UVe Marcel h 50 lolernn av apt 80S Maltais Jacques A lab Eaton Vale ltd h 4 Orchard Hts dr apl3
lolajlk Rh 116 Ursuline av apl E Merle dept aor clog Can f111m h 189 Sheldon av
lolajnovlc Antun (Sheila W) (Tony'a Pntg & Decrg) h 138 Glenwood · Yvonne h 328 King w
dr lolalyk Dmytro (Olga) h 10 Coverdale
lolajor N51 Taylor av apt2 Mamak Gurdrp (Kanwal) (KenweU Jwlry) h 13 Wildrose dr
Mak G h 83 Baldoon rd apl 202 Harbhaton 13 Wlldrose dr
· Rebecca Srster tclv S! Agnes Sep SeN 52 Cross Manno Louis (frances) elect Domtar Packagmg Ltd h 195 Mercer
Makey Dean h 24 t Grand ave apl6 Man Norbt lab I H Canada h 112 ForeS1
• Deama ctk Vald1'1 110 Harvey Mancatl V h 695·9 Park av w
• Evan busboy The Klngsway 1SO Lark Mancell •• h 2S Orchard pi
·Jerald (LOI$ A) rd lormn County of Kent h 150 Lark · Carole (Murray) ofce elk Klngsway Transp res Metlln
• Flobl Ewks Klngsway Htl 150 Lark Greg mech Chatham Ford Equip res RR 1 Merlin
Makowetsky Dennis A (Margt D) tclw Kefll County Bd of Educ h 27 Mancho Wok Lucle Chan mgr 100 King w unli F·2
Hillcrest av Mander Arthur C(Florence) h 10 Teal pi
• Elleen Mrs h 128 Gregory dr w Manderson Jas Ch 15 Trillium Village apt201
Malaqulas An1onlo (Edrlh) h 277 Baldoon rd Mangat GGurmeetlab HJ Heinz Co h 49 Sunnyside av
Malcolm Alistair J (Velma A) matetlals control 8UpVBt Union • Rajlndgl (Gasblr)llh Irk drvr HJ Heonz Co h 26 Finch ct
Gas h 16 Ottawa dr • Wm (T Shins Set) h 174 Perk ave
• Marion h 239 Park Mank Kenneth (Sharon) app1 Honey Elect h 91 Harvey
• Velma (Ali$1alr) o1ce mgr Gallant Clng 16 onawa dr Manklss Wm (Eileen HI mUSIC lchr 6 Cardinal cres h sama
• Wm radio anncr CFCO h 122 Riverview dr apt339 Manley Bonnie h 36 Kirk
Male Chas J (DoriS MJh 111 Wellington e Steve W(Olive) mgr 9 P Oil Ltd h 75 Ardlelgh dr
· Edwin S (Agnes) h 150 Mary lpl708 MaM David h 115 Okley dr
• Ronald C SIUdl 11 1 WellingtOn e · Petey (Maurine) h 805 Grand av w apl1008
• Susan l Mrs lftctk S.nnpty You & Gotd 18 Seventh · Ron F (Terry AI termer h 20 Trillium VIllage apt 305
• Wm S (Susan L) lcty wkr Ea1on Yale ltd h 18 Seventh Floss M (Oonna 9) h 393 Wellington w ap1307
lolalebol Kenneth l.ltllson ownet'-lllQf 80 1 St Clalr Stephen {Beth) customer serv Bennie Lmbr h 17 Tudor ct
Wales Robe G (Reva E) h 14 Lawton dr Manneke Malhw C (Susan J) II & d1etnkr Mylar t.lold (Wallaceburg)
lolafrpard Oodlsle h 85 Pine apl 134 h 19 lansdowne av
Mana Ashok K I) (Susan) psyctllarlsl countellor t.1enta1 Hlth Mannoger Theo (Rita) (Mannlger Home lmp~ovements) h 387
CliOIC h 551 lOng w LacrOIX

• ttom. • Farm• • ComrnenMI

Realty Limited, Broker t!".

I7T..._BL, C........., Ont. 352-8780 ~~~

· llllln f .......... Or Alln Clltlord 138flllrc.r

• lllltlilll II 21-1'2 8lllldon IV
· IIICIIIIIW ~ E)lllle.viiP Y..... Woclc:o Ltd 11138

........ 1101 eon.uc:tlon 11171) lid Frri MMninglr mgr

1CIIIe llldiiiiCIIId
. , . ,. . C)pwlgllllmgr......,llnlleon.ll7
• 81014 !MirY AIIUPI . . . l ... c.n..y lit ...... l ... dl
· Miry Af(leo)- mgr ~'It 1 ....,..lell dl ....,.. City Senior Cllzwl'slletidlnclt 17 Mcf.,... IV
·lldll llnlrlll " .. Oldey dl • Mlclll City Stniot Cern CINVIe Fltnlgln ""''I ~ 75 Wlllilm
• IIIII S ITICII elk~ XDruga387l.Kida n
..._ AIWWidD IT!ICy) 1111 Bin n I 01t 1135 Edglr Mlclll CWI ~ 115 Pint
JaiWIIEllz) llectDIS.. Wig h 388 ~IV W lollple tell Cemtll!y Gto...,..., ...... Cltlk rd
Minion Hlllld J (lyndl 8) - - ....., of Ntlurtl Atloulttt lollple le.l Cemtll!y Gto H Wtnningtr IUplt alotlplt lell dl
111tMidiiiCIII lollple l-' lotillllld [ N..._ mgr 1102 Alc:flmond
.....................7 SunnytidtiV ....-.c. Btrry ~~ pertOMel mgr ~ , _
· llo (JIIn)iniP Cln F..,. II 14 Gllnwood clr Cll*t II 100 Perry dl

Mlnulll:llnlllltt lnulnct Complny Alcftd HlddDcll mgr 58

Mlplt Clly lllrery IAIIpfl Fllltll I Sergio Pupulln)381 Orlnd

• Jennifer IIUdl 100 Perry dl
Wlr -1. Y'1 ConlrudNin (....,.. Yllldlr linden) I I Cltlil rd
W1tc111e C1ro1 £ ldW .lolvl Uytn S.0 ScH II '<I TIQII!IIIh rd

. . . Clly ClwtiiM School Oln AdkiN prill500 lncl*l Cltlk
Mlltefl c.nng !Wirtll' ...., DIUI:*) 101 Kal drs
Wlrchlnd AWII 228-1'2 Orlnd IV I
• Aldl ,...,, l ) ll 131 ClnllrWy
....,.. Clly Ford Slllll.IIMid WOltnltch prw '<11 Alc:flmond Alltn lOP' " - " " Til Olt 21 Comhill


Itt "--I ew • - " - - IM-1710 INSURANCE,
(CI*nl V .._....... I Keltll I -...en)

•. ...............
Gefter811 Ule ........ . . , . .

Gery Dick, Ule .....,.........
MAPLE CITY GAS & OIL CO. 17114 Clelr, , 0 . . . . . N1M IK1
LTD., ltlloMelll-11111111· 7011
. . . . . . . 011,
1....., . . . . . IIIRW, • lnclley S (Annlllt ll '-II Cofwlllnd II 10 1-1'2 Adtllidt n
,,_ _...._ ....1... MMCHANO, CUffORD V, (.._.,..). (.._CIMIICI
..... ee.-11.......)." 1t Vlctlrle ...
• OenM (Sulannel 1 diiiiW Aulllll n 1 01t" 82 0e1n1re

....," ................, .....

..., .. ......._., ..
• Emtll Hr11 dM llidlaw TllfliC) II 30 Find! d
· Gerald (Pirlcil J) lllp I !eCY! E'-' Tool & Olt II 1 1

.......... .......
........ -.... CcMttftllc.t CouMr
• Jlniu l mgr ~Gel 30 Find! d
• _ , l'lulllb Qwysler (Wlndlor)IISII Pdldgl Clll
Jolwl PIUI mech Slndy ElHd lilc*lr1 1!I Ylc:tariiiV
· .loa H (Ehl81114e31ndian rd w
• Larry " 49 IIP1If
• W5uzMWll !lllnM G) ... ~ldrwn's Vllllgl Illy C.. Cern
MAPLE CITY OFFICE EQUIPMENT • w.y Alice an tctw ~ CWt~y 8d of ElM: " 15 Sudlgy c1r
LTD., • Rlyd (KIIIIIetnl '-II Cln Frtm h '<14 Slndylll)l 2
(Keltll ....... ~Coke) • Rlyd 8 ([Jill mech I H c..dl II 210 lrwtlle IV
,,....... ..,~ ....... c -. • Yoc:tor G(JMnnll E)~ COfftl Cln Ffllll II t I Joplyn
Teo& Apple Cclnltl....._ ero,doll, Htrttr, • Yonce A111t11 mgr 1GA ITtcuNIIII II 78 Alglncy dl
.....,..,.......,..,_, N.I.C., • Yoncent mech Slndy EJiiol lilc*lr1 1!1 YlclaN IV
...... NortMraT....... T........_.,_ • Wm 111mn F WContybtn Lid h 383llcr0b
, Quae~!, , 0 . . 1410, N1M . . . WlrchWII WII !175 Orlnd IV w 11)1 204
Mltdllll 0 h 11 ~
........ Annlll HaiiiiWaOd
• Dominic: 101n11" n ~
• Eugmech ~ lllylllcdiiJd n~
. . . . . CITY OUftOMD LTD, , .lolv'IIIIIIP lY 11Mamllload
c--............. ~,., ........ • P1t1o !eCY! TSCSDw IJd II 183 nwn.
a ••••• ..,._._
• Oulr*l (Mincy) apr .... Wlllll Calpn h 11 HaiiiiWaOd
a....,.., .. Po . . 111. N1M IICI ...... 011112110... 11)15
-"-- · .loa A 135 OltdllllniiW
. Miry ... " 135 OltdllllniiV
M11Ca11 Wm T(Ann) prablllon ob ...-yol~ I
Socill Slrv 11 71 OltdllllniiV


General Contractors - Design and Build
303 MERRITT AVE. P.O. BOX 151 PHONE 352-7780
MarcoviCil Joe (Teod<lfa)lab Elan Tl & Oie h 79 Dover Ooon dr MARLATT
• 79 Dov-er Ooon dt
· l.la11S 79 Dover Ooon dt Ma1y Ew1r5 Rossttlt's Restt 154 Mary~noll rd
t.Aalcus Aha h I 00 McfIIlane IV apt 703 Mt.~ray D (Tracy l) asmbU Motor Wheel CQfpn h 403 Sa!lltys apt
Gran! (Vema) h 52 Grand ave 2
Ron !Mary Lou)lab I HCanada h 43 Arnold • Patr•oa h 174 Grat
Mardling 8118n G(Helen t.l) lchr KeOI County Bd of Educ h 127 • Rayd h 45 Tnlllum Village el)l205
W•IIOwmae IV Robl40 1tmrn~ns cres apt 4
• Davod R (Jantte El genllormn HJ Heinz h 27 Joanne • Ronal<! A tSusan E) ground$1\Jll Maple Country Cl~b h w s
• Ga.rnet G(Vanessa F) h 397lecroll Creel< rd
• Geo lA (Debbie l) h 94 Sheldon IV Marlarte Wayne E (Jean B) asmblr can Fram h BOe!roll dr
• Gladys wl(s Restr h 163 Par1< Mar1erte Marg1 n 65 Pme apt 11 1
· Howard (louise) mech P VanBoven 123 Park ave MarQUIS GlnetteA wn Montreal Hse h 163 FQfesl
• UIChl cons1r wl<r Chapma~'s Constr163 J>arl( Marr Jas 0 Pda M) drvf Purolat01 Cout1er Ser'l h 625 Sl Clatr
• Phil h 153 O.iey dl uM8
• Rob! Gmgr t.lardllng's Hdwe & Pam! 397 Lact01• Marnoll Joan h 21 Edgar
• Slanley W(Ou1ne Pl II 95 King e 1.1ars11 Fraoces Elab Campbell Soup Co h 81 TayiOII~ apt9
-Todd 163Pm • Francos h 59 Taylor av ape 6
Wayne J sludll h 25 Pari< ave · lesa M61 TayiOIIY 81)19
Mardl·ng·s Hard..are & Pallll !Rob4 G I.Wdl•ngl396 Lecroo~ Marshl!l A h 383 Wellington w apt 104
Marenlene Allonse dely mn Countryside Flowers 9 Kerr • Connie Slu<ll h 241 Grand ave apt I
• Alphonse l (E.-elyn R) sopvsr IA•niW)' ol Transp & Comm h 9 • 0 h 975 Grand av w apt305
Kerr a• • Dave l !MIChelle) wks Gordons l.lkll h 9 Oroote pkwy
• Dh 55 Taytoravapl305 · lla"vtd A tSue)lab Mol01 Wheel Corpn h 55 Taylor I>' lpl 306
• Edwd d<vr Oom.noon Auto Tra11111 res Stoney POinte • Gten Hh 223 Park
· John Gh 100 Mcfarlane av apt 706 - ~ei99Park

•l h 925 Grand I>'W&ptl10 • Kh 44 Pine

Ronald I {Mary L) IChl Tecumseh Sec Schl h 2 S1t.ana dt · l<ennelh G (LOUise N) genlformn Can Fram h 79lnshes av
Marti Adelllli 136 Adelatde s • Mack &ecur•ty gllllrd Ponkenon's Securtty 223 Park
Mar1anchuk ROSie h 165 Ktng wapt5 Nora Mrs h 85 Pme apt 120
t.lanconda Edward D(Diane) (Boyes & Herd Men's Wear) h 414 • Robl L (l.largt M) prod co-ordinatOf Nat! Hdwe (Omden) h 39
Klngw Wyaodolt
· Jos L (Marla) rngr f redelle res RR 6 • RuSSI;' II W(Oortne S) h 100 lkflllall!! av apt412
~.~a~~ unda l.tJadoe mor 100 King w ,.,, 120 • WElmo tMargl El h 665 Sl ClaJr
Martngh CynlfUa elk Woolco 15 Anch av Marshalle C h 971.acroox
Emma Mrs welfare wlu Kent County h 15 Anch I>' Marszelk Jason (Kmga) d•emkr Elan Tl & Ole h 13 Elm
Manon leo J (E..a MJ d1r qua••ly control King Gt11n & Seed h Marten• Ann (Paul) IChr Children's Village Oay Care Cantre 52
67 Parrydl Vantl!fdr
NoelIa M 100 Murray · Ch11stopher w1<s A·l Vacuum Clnr Setvs 272 Baldoon rd
l.lall()'' l'lzzelll 246 Park av w • Dave A IUPI Orchard Park Ap1s 122 R1V81V1ew llf apl235
Marts Oan (law!etta) mech LabOmbard's Chatham ltd res RR I • Hecto• lab Ban Tl & Ole h 35 tieathet dr
Blenheim · Larry R!Shirley) lab Gent Mtrs (Windlol) 11 108 Freeland I>'
Wm iDorolhyJ mech Sandy EJIIOI Mokn m RR 4 Mefhn · MIChelle M secy Townshtp (Hatw1Cil)231 Faubert dr
Mark Paul lab Libby•ll & Ubby 45 nmm•ns cres ap1206 · Paul (Ann) fcty wkr can Fram h 52 V8l\ler dl
Matl<et Place The partung loi 61 King w l'tllhp J (Mary A) IChr St Cla•r Colt h 42 Hillcrest av
Uarl<harn Ann !Glen) olce cfk Chry51er Sh•lllnglon & Co res Pori • Robt G (Julia AI lab I HCanada h 231 Fauban dr
l.ambton • S1mone Mrs tab Domtar PICI<ag•ng h 109 O'Neil
Annel1e B cl~ Gordons Mkls 170 Sandys • Stephr>n (Kusan) !ric drvf TO!Il Fr1 Lines h 35 Ta)'IQf av
Ed'rwln (carol Jl 'll1ls Challllm Ambulance Serv h 7 Algonqum dr Marlin Adam dlr Mac's Milk 27 McKeough
Ellz Mrs elk UniOn GIS Co h 236 Mercet • Al..ah N mgr Dover Flour Mills· Tayt01 Gllln res RR 2
Gl h 1l2 Rtvervtew dr apl211 1uPil8fVolle
Ma!1<1e Mt.~ray (Susan) dtr mklg serv King Gra•n h 72 Collegiate Anne Mane stud! 171 Selkirk
dt Annene L lab Rolland Fasms h 204·1'2 Queen ap13
Mart<o.ic Sle'<en h 525 Parlll>' w Ar1hur l (Rebecca) laD RockwelllnU h 18 Lansdo-Nne IV
l.larllo'<ICh John F h 19 Kirk Bartlars A h 765·1'2 Oueen
• Kale Mrs h 220 Part Bryon (Diana) pollcemn h 262·1'2 Sandy~
· l.ltll 19 Kirk • Cart h 150 Mary apl904
Marl<owsJU Kt'tm D (Shelley 1.1) electlechn Schep Conllg Ud h ·Can (Jean) (Mallin's Used Car lot) h 196 Grand IV w
91 T1SS~m~n •• Chas G !Sharon T} 11:1v W•nsiOn Ctlorchill Pub SChl h 11
l.lall<s Doug (CIItly A) IIJI)VSI Sllbor'l Sis & Serv Via Rat! h 57 Healtlt'r dr
Juroene av Clarence D(Evelyn M) custodian John Uyen Sep Sell I h 6'ry !Nanette) Plooess d eng Waltec h 339 Uichenel rd lndoan Creek rd w
Marl<'slransm~ISion ClnliC (ltlafk 0 Rochon) 5 ChurchrU Clttfd (Beatncej h 59 Tweedsmu~rav w
Martaa Bevlah M~t h 40 Berry 0 h 73 Vanderpark dr
• Ot•nd Nwks B.nghlm Opcicall06 StGeorge 0an1 8Pilf u& dtemkr Russell n & O.e res RR 1 Grande
· Dennis ca$IV Mac's U•lk h 71 St Anthony apl3 Poonte
• Geo H(JessH! L) mntrtte supvtr Kent County (RC) Sep Schl Bd David h 65 VICtoria IY
h 154 Yaryl<noll rd · David mad hndlr Canada Post Corpn h 396 King w apt 4
• Gllnn E!Hml El h 106 StGeorge Dean 251 Wtlham s
• Gordon IReta El h 25 Edgef • Oetphot~e 41 Croyden
• Hatold J (Emilft) Slstm Mac'I l.liUt h 4 llennw I>' · ()lane M I Jerome) Clk Best FOf Less res RR 1 Dover Centre
• Helayne E h liS St Geolge • Donald h 27 Siddell av
· John lab lower Thamet vartey eonservauon 37 8lllhe ap15 · Donald (LOIIe) 11 & d•emkr Thamet Mach & Tl h 19llyditan av


124 ST. CLAIR ST. 351 -3833
• EOgat tanner h 957 Char•no Closs rd Se-.11lt (MM!on) ll446 VlcloriiiY
Edmond R(Diatln) mgr Llonel"s Wen'l Ww II tl4 Merttr • Shelly~ Om 45 Trntnlns era~ 314
r'Neen cv.ncme> emc11< F01t.ess Pa!ll a t.tanin Sludlo R lol.tlll Mar1ln mwr 12 Gtn:t•• ""
Emma t.t t.trs h 206 Oela•~e •• • TRay (~) usoc C1l Krnl Cou!'Cy 8d ol Edut II 6
• Eug BtEricl) lib RockweU 11111 h 117 P111tklge ern Phy1ilsiV
Gh 15 WitheBDOOII apt 308 MJfllll TIIOS H01 ear nose & lhroeliCIIC 11 Gtllnd It w R R4
G Berry lab Elatl Tl & OJ! 117 Vanoerpart. ell ~ & Tdley & Co Cha!IIICCIJ .Am Demn sr 1CC1 !55 Tlllmel
• Gav n Htt.targt H) h 3t! Cfetar ell Ua!tln & Tllley ~ Consu!lanls .Am~.,
0eo (Gall) IChr St Clail Con h 73 Wl!ll COIISUIIaril 155 Thames
Geo E(Susan J) rep~mn Bell Canada h 117 DaJevtt,o trn I Tom h 991.!cHaughlon ltV w apt 216
· Gerald E(Irene lol) lab I H Clnada h 117 Vanderpatl< 0' ~ L ICIV's mt Ken! Countt Bd ol Edut 3 I Joanne
lllrold h 160 Pat1< ... • Wi!Xr l (Olga) mt..-rg!ll RoO wtlllnllll725 ~ IV w
HJrold rf: t.t1 rr Rfg & Sieling 84 Edgal 1oW1.11 Wa!!!l G ~ ·mA Mat<Jn) ll1 ~ 1
• Home! J (Janet Ell!llllnce Campbell Soup Co II 4 Parry 0' • Wdfd h II Sa!:ef
• Hugh E\Mabel} slsrnn WestOn 8lus h 59 Dunvegan 0' • Wm A(Ruth U) mgr Waller UMI;II Ltd ll101llcGul(lan IV
· Ivan (Margt lolj II 80 GrandlY w Wm E(Jemllel UJapcnr The~ h 937 Charing
J Adam II 112 Sheldon •• 11p1 1 Cfoss rd
• J Gerald (V1vlanl co mg• Bell Canada II 29 Joaepl! • V.m f tlbrQIU mgr Chlmbef of Comm h 55 Amold
· JaCQUeline L(lloQe!l phann mt Super XOfugs 135 W~llil-'n 1 · VIm G (Shlrlt;11ab Roc~wtlllnd h 1 111 Eugen.e
11):113 UarllnCidl Becky (Uno) tc1w JaM Uytrl Sclll m RA 2 Tlltuy
• Jilc:Ques (Unda) dM Oomlnlon A~ TratiSII rn T Dury ~ LUCianO \Mlrlal apr llomlaf PackaQino h 23 OCawl ell
• Jane M 13 Regency 0' "'J1lf 283 Campus PI< wy
• Jas A sanclef FenlOn's A•JIO Pnlllody Snop rn Wa ICdlllrg · Rtrla!o (Abini) opt ltQIOI.,.,lieel Caron h 283 Campus Pl<wy
· Jean 11 76 Colleglam o- Martincb!e Don {Sharon) slsmn Roya!Truslll6 A#llone d
Jean.Pa;J! h 76lolafv 1;11 106 t.lartJne!. Wes!ey plmbr Bed&tcfl Plmb(l & H:g Ill RR 8 1.!
John R(Nancy) 1c1v Kent County Bd ol Ectuc II 123 Co!!egla:e t.IM1inho Jose h 16lamson ern llll 2
ell M.!rtlnhos AniOnlO (Oeol'lllde) field ..~ r h 31 8~~ ern apt
• Jos lis P!onarr H ·Bted 4 10 ~toton IV w 2
.los (Betty) (Purity Meet) h 410 lh..'>au{lhloru~ • t.l.JI1IniZing Lloyd Cushman mgr 80 I Sl Cia.•
• Ja1 G \'"~ro,eyl n 123 Joseph 1.1~ Albino (EngfacfailabEa'.oo Ylie Ltd h 57 Faubendr
• Kev~n A110111Culture tlep1 Crrv 112 Baldoon rd 1!>1303 1.!4rtln's Tv & Stereo Cenlre (Norman MI!IJn) 87 Tha~es
!Nry lab Pinecrest fds h 76 t.lary apl40 1 N.ltlln's Used car lOl(Citl Pa~ & Erich M1111n)l90 Grand IV
Larry slsclk Baskin-Robbins Ice Cream res llfl 4
• Laurette Slk rm B• Way II 46 Ba!Uoon rd apt 4 *
~.a MUll !sue)llll8 Covenla!e
· Lawrence G(Janelle t.l) 11130 SllrlcloriiV apt 203 *
t.tarusJ<!n LIJry Ann I.IJS h 18 f'arli E¥
· Lillian J otte elk Sears h 455 Santtys epe 405 t.l.ltVell GOICIOn C it.latg11er I n 40 '-lcGeorge ••
• Lloyd 1151 Scant • M ce (.lorllwltllnstt llfll Canadlll20 Donalda ell
Loret:a Sllldl 171 Sell<.lt~ 1LtMn Ocnald h 195 Emma 11D1 5
· luc lllOp wi<J Dominlon Auto TIIIISll m RR 8 ~ Angle {Pe!efl leoalteCY Benoit 'Ian Rllr Spiseni &
• M I h 805 Grand av wapl214 Fuerlll
Marta Ah 4 1 Croyd!n • Petef IAngela I lab I H Ca.'llda II 73 Covenlalt
• t.ta~tr t.t'S 111 r2 Kino"' Marzieoll MarinO (Agnes) tormn Ban Btulnsma CollA h 11
• t.t.MJ. lab can Fram n 711Miry apt 607 ltQhlanddr
Michl J (Doreen E) (M:l<e M111111 Floorlngl h 43 Vlndetl)lfl< dr MJ$011 A~• M (Agnes) h 4'3 VlciDflllv
Matlln M•l<e flo0111\g (MIChl J Martln)43 Vandefpetk dr · Allene l tibm Pub Llbry h 25 1'2 Oul'lenn av
· Nancy wn Smllly's f>a,ake Hse 11112 Baldoon rd apt 303 Da-nd (Amtlrrl h 40 Oell•~·uv apt 4
Hapln h 39 Princess s • Ocnald M defy Westons Bl<.rs 79 Heel!ler dr
Norman G (Oelrose Cl \lolarlln's TV & Slereo Cenlre) h 35 • ~ h 78 Sefl,irlt
Wtll1et1po0n • Ev1 IJJS35 va~ dr
Orv~l (Vertyn loll h 4 James d floyd lao Onl SU PtodS h 22 I'2 Bat1el
• Pal~ C(Rebec:ca I ISit Mlnislty a! Rrvtnue h 28 Brla! HID rd • HI! 170Gtand1Hr
• Paul II 121ogram • Jas A IEVII h 149 fOilS!
• Pavl J Studt 6 Phyths IV Jean EMrs h 577LICIOI •
• Phll•ppe (Baroarlllab 1.10101 Wheel Corpn h 77 Spencef av latry AtGe;le Ellab Eaton Y1te Lid h 114 King e
PhiUip N mntnce Cllal!lam Pw~s & R!craauon h 178 Par. • Ll :an Urs n 25 SandvS
• R Drr1nis (Carolyn N) d & dl~ Superior t.IM;h & n h 13 linda !Brian) bkpr loi(;Coll Drug Co rn RR 2 Ktnl Bt~
Regenc:yw Uadehne t.t IJJS h 27 SandyS
• R MiChl h 78 MMy 8111707 Mb!V u ICCt $up-N t.tJIIISlrY of Transp & Co!Tim h 711 HM#Ier dr
Rae AM co 8$SI f!IOI Ella 8tos II 7S Baldoon rd 1;119 • 'fl m J SIUdl 7tl Hea:her dr
· Randyh261 ~M1<apl1 U..ISOI\IC Hall "119 1117 Welllng1on e
· Ray (Marltyn) lib Staooard Tube iBieMelml II 1711 S.lldys t.l.lsoniC Temple II Pill\
• ReQd L I Belly Annet h 17 1 Sei!<Jrl< t.US$t Ba<tlata dl$p ftre Dfpl360 Sandy Ell
• Reoe 11 245 Saoovs Masvndet Cecil N IIAIIOIIIII(It lit & dely c.nadl Post Corpn h
• Rltulcn N51l Gro 171 Selk11k 194M~ay
· Rolli H(Yolanda Mllab I HCellldl h 10 [ngltlll S•de rd • Oebor&!liCCI dtpl UniOII Gas 40 Oela'..are ••IPI 18
· Rolli J dM Ctarn 81(1 VDrug StOll Ill LantdOwllt IV • GBtllllley (Karen) lab I H Canldll h 497 Par• •• w
Robt WICel~!e<i!le)lab can Fram h 385· 1'2 King* • Geo U (DorOt!ly E) tG & B GradingI h 508 Btoom!olld rd
Rogef Wh 135 William I apt 3 • A (Allene) lab I HC.nadl n 273 Gtand l•t
Rosaite (Mary)wb I H Canadl h 78 Pint • Rebecca M 11131nshes av
• RUI!lllsdk Gta(s Clllne Hall UasJono AM Matte •111 Outo-Foam Sl)flrlnsutllion 1011 Dale';-
• Sarnl B IV'"" KJ hset<PQ Sl Jol Hoap h 486lolc.Haughton av w tres

It's as easy as . . .

to find " WHERE TO BUY IT"
MallheWman Anne C hbm Chatham Pub llbfy h 73 Baldooo rd apt
Matthews David Studt 223 CotbOrM
• OlviCI h 43 TsyiOI' IV apl203 • Eh 228 Lecrooupt1
1A1S1 Fred Wplanler Colonill Nl.neries w s Qeek rd (lvl Wm • .lasH !June lt II 17 W\lkl!190n IV
IAISI) • John w(Betty) lab libby McNe~ll & Libby h 223 ColbOrn&
• Pe1er G(-'lice! carp Sleetwty Bldg Conllr h 557 Plitt avw • Jo1 E(franca Ml h IV 0egge
• Wm iSulte J) tormn t<Jng Grtm Ud h ws Cleek rd Manni~ Ju<!illl Mrs n~ne Can Fram Lid h 51 Churchill
. wmP (SUsan! elect Albl wast EJect h IDB Plllt av w Mal!llyssen Jeff Pfogratl\ Union Gash 795 Gland av w apt208
Ml$lllr Cleaners lAd Laundry (Cilia & Lennard Dty)592 Queen Mal1lson Donald h 211 Emma
Mas1ers JosE (Aoilltlde) m1111101 St Jos Hoap h 11 Hazel Manusslllnda layout wl<r Instant Pr1nt Shop res RR 3
w.saerson CMs Lfwmef h 40 Tnlllum Vtltaoe apl706 Matuk lyad (lucia C) tchr St Cla•r Coli h 277lark
• Gerald lA (Gat I) lab EIIOn'l Suspension h 15 Wilson IV Matula Ida Mrs hsekPI Paul Hudson 99 Sussex
1otwy Eh 600 Grand av w apl2007 Matun Anna Mrs h 140 Foresl
• 0 h 45 Tnillum Village apl103 • M1111 mvr Count!)'Side Flowefs res RA t Patncourt
· Pat dM Waycon tnU Trilltd h 82 OeliWIIe IY tpt405 · Steve (Yolandallab l.lolor Wlleef Corpn h 104 WIIIOI'IIY
Mas1ron1aM0 Pasquale (Mana) lab I H Canada h 14 SourtqUOis MatyS•k Fran~ (Joennal h 83 Churchtll
• Roll A lnslt Chatham May Coull Day Ntnery 14 Scuriquols • Jolqfll Mrs cook Canadianna NutS~~ Home 83 Churchill
• VriiOf'IO(tdajlab Elan TI & Ore h218lweedsmuv IVW MiluM Larry " 20 Orchard Hts dr apl 2
Masuda M Joe drftsmn Union Gas 34 Chutchlll Mavin Hdasy J (Barbara)lch• John McGr~ Sec Schl h 1
Yasuo tR lucy) Irk dM ll<Mf Flou! Mills h 34 Chlnhrll Eogti sl1 So de rd
MaliK R!Chd p (lrtyrna £J purdl elk libby Mdlelll &llbby h 87 Maw Bitan 0 miW!Qhl Chapman's Graon EQIIIp 60 Faubert dl
l.lncebtld pi · Eileen Hh 60 Faubert dr
MATHANY, JOHN E, (llelna), (Carecallen, • Kallleone Etvdrsr WondetCUI 60 Faubert dr
Reinhart. Matllany, Nagle), Rat 616 Sanclre lolawtey Ernest (Y Peart) h 233 Paril
c:r• (WaU-eturg)
Malllany Michl (Catllerine) tchr The Pines h 3n King w
. Manbell h 99 McNaughton IV wapt 146

Maltle! Rolli (Bonnie) d & dlemkr SuperiOI' Mach h 89 Woodland

MathelsCarolsoaal wk1 Chlldren'sAld Soty h 150 Maty IPI

P h 50 Memn •~ api 203
Maxey Frank (...IICI!) h 38 Wotner'Sl!C)On
Muwell 0 h 268 Wellong10n w
· [Ill h 37 Somonton dr
501 • Jack w{Agnes) h 11l1wson dt
MaJI>eton Allllfl cill City h 150 lolwy apt509 • .1o1m h 975 Gtand av w&111110
• Lyd•a h 148 T~utrav e
• LyOia h 9 Sarah cresapt101
MATHESON, PETIA, • Pamela r n a Pub Genl Hosp h 90 Blytllewood cres apt 3
lal• Rap Varnon Directories Umttad • RIChd A hft trk dtYr I HCanada 11lewson dr
Rat 2100 BarWn e (Hamilton) LIE 2J7 • RobtJ bodyrepm~n Maple City Ford h 148 Tweedsmulrav e
Phone (4tl) Ht -t417 · Ronald (Joan) tab Public Genl Holp h 156 Emma
· Tom 37 S•monton dl
• Wh 150 Mary apt 702
• flayd (Judoth) custodian Kent Courdy Bd ol Educ h 630 lacrool May Court Barva•n Box Belly Catruthefs mgr 8 King w
MalhewSOf'1 Donald A (Gaoll) S1J1W$1 Ont Govl h 88 Dover Doon dr May Court Day Nursery Janel Sm•llie dlr 275 McNaughton 1v w
• Sandy cook Ponderosa Restr 88 Dover Doon dr Maycoort Ne.ghboulhood Centre Katen Weal!lerhead supv~~&-1 "2
MaiNes JudrlllM hl1h mne can Frtm 126 Ceclte av Klt~gw
MabaS Mary MIS tab Ubby Mcfletll & Ubby h 9 Tecumseh rd Mayea Jaime Fstudl184 P&rk Ia
MATSUDA, LORNA J , (Mille), luparvleor of • Wm C!June F) h 184 Parte II
l llllng a Meteflng Chatham of Water Mlyetsllonel J (Rose) h 48 Hillcreal IV
Commllllonare, Rat tOt Anger (llenhelm), M Mar,or.e Mrs h 99 McNaughton ev w apt 208
PtloM 11f..U7t Mayes Mne (StanI exec am Health Councll 543 Lacroix
Matsuo Glenn T stud! 161 Chippewa dr Mayes Stanley B lawyet 75 Thamea suite 2
Slmtl (Susan Sl suptUMloGa h 181 Chlppewa dr · Stanley G h 543 Lacroix
Matsuye Ya~o (Jom) cook Chatham May Court Day Nurseries 11 Maynard AI lathe opr Nail Hdwe h w • Cleek rd
Eugenoe Anne wl<s Chatham Plasttc Flnosrung
ManalO Mrc:N h 955 Grand av w apt208 • Barb h 20 Seventh
WlllataU Levns h 150 Mary apl309 • Bess•e Mrs h 150 Deta..aruv
MatleiS Atrltly (Blenda E)lormn Huron Conllt h t 92 Cadle av • Brian h 39.0 Beechwood cres
Emes1 (Carmela! h 49 SytYellef dl • CGeo (Matgl A) h 283 Tweedlmutr ave
• Geroes1o M IErTrna L)lab Elan n & Dre h 19 PetkWood dr • Casey 0 94 Alexandra av
Jos Gh 282 Queen Claudll D (Geo) ctk Canada Post Corpn res RR 2 Kem Bndge
Tina hldrllfllvrera Ha•1 Place res RR 7 Dave sli!M Jenkins Food Prodl h 162 Pllk apt 1
~ Clat100 F{Phytl•s M) (RusteliBiown Drug Store) h 57 Douglas L (Ada) f11ellghtet h 48 Amold
Plitt wood dr Douglas (Anne) lab M«**! Wheel Corpn h 158 Gray
·Doug wtDranne)lormn I HCanada h 49 Aoellnl cres • Ftedk l (Ruth A) lnap Can Fram h 18 St Georve
• Eclloond C (Marlene A) ptllll mgt Centrt Une (Windsor) h 21 • Geo h 600 Grand IV W apt 2008
Pine • Geo l (Ctaudta) ctk Can Post Corpn rea RA 2 Kent Bridge
· Edna Mrs lab Daymond ltd h 221 Woodl • Jea F(Matgt L) h 63 Alexandlll IY
· John (Carroll to1efilt!ter h 381 Laaolx • Jas K (Karen AI qualoty conltol techn Can Fram h 248 Forest
· .1o1m A(Marg!llab I HCanada h 174 Sandys • Jim h 47 Orchard His dr apt 103
• Katherine 1'1203-8 Wilham • • John !Judy! popeltr Libby McNel~ & Libby h 122 nmmlns cree
· lrllr)or" H Mrs h 99 McKiughlon av w lpl124 apll
• flobotn 511dk Consumers Qlslrg 49 Roalni ern • Kenneth (Ullilll) 51\p & recvt LJ DallY Prod h 1DD Harvey
· l 4718Ktngw . KeMelll D (Doreen Kl mntnc:e Ctllic Centre h 48 Wtllowmac av
• WRochcl (CIIhlrioe Gl h 34 Bnw Hlllrd • Kevon atudt 48 Wtllowmac av
· Wendy ucy Daymond ltd 1'1172· 1'2 Wtilllm 1 • Lon clasSthed ads Chatham Dally News h 39-1·2 SelkJril


It tsn't the cost- tt s the coverage that counts
and you get so much tor so little
when you advertise m the DIRECTORY

·lynn lludl48 Mlold · Regel HIChrisl!fii)RMM lNiion Gas II 83 ~ IV
· J dlellr; 110 ThamesVIew lodge 1115 Woods t.t.:Cafflry Clms S lab loiJior Wnetf 1 a.. HID ro
....,.. 100 tWvty • Jenni!er l s:;d 7 Brllt !d
• Ollvtr D(Ellz) fllO! loiJyT'IIrd'e 4lllo Trim 1194 AJeuncn •~ • lh:n;o wSlildl 7 8rlaf ro
• Tammy A studiiS3 Uncotn tO • Palric:ll A lAra h 1 Brl&t l1 rd
• lhOS 0 CJoenJ me1e1 deOt ttydto h IS3 Uncoln ro ~n Dona•d J n Ill Lamson era .,c 4
·Tom CJenel)drvr GeraidCidolle ~~~ h 1Udelllde n • JacQUel!ne Ill Dovl!f "" 2
WIY!llld's Auto Ttlm ()11om 0 Maynard mgr 20 Adelal1:111 • Ridld p h Ill Dovel ap~2
MAYNI, IYfiON I , CJacqiHIIIne), City Plumblnt ._. CAl ' SEE ALSO t.lcCOU
lnepectcw, II 2S ,.._.
MAYfiAND, ~AUL. ~rM TllamM Communlcetlonl McCALL DRUG CO ., LTO.,
Ud Oofdon J Aleund«, PrMident
Wlyl Cindy & G•fts (!lidld Wlyl) 2S8·2e0 King w Preec:rlptlonl, City Wide o.ltvery
Wlyl Elllefprtse CRalpn Ml1tl ~~~ •• Nationll ro 231 Klnt w, N7M 1EI
Ml1t Mynle WI'S h 47 tlarfey --··-Phone U2·J700
• Rllph {Mays En!erDriM)47 HIMy
• Rlchd (Ways Cindy & Gdl Shop)4 7 Ha"f9Y
Mllln PellleO Motor W!'olel Corpn h 88 TI flO! IV
1 M.:C4ll Norman lab Clly n 2S2 Seil<llll
Wazepe M•~e Z !MII'fl h28 Semenyn av · AI'; 2S2 Sel<~ll
• R•chc:l e~rvr Weslon """28 Semenyn •~ M.:Ca • CliniC P!wmacy HoeJ CQ.ftlce 11'9 as1 G<W ev •
Wllgal Janina WJiaD llboy WtHelll & libby 20 Gelbra Ill aut:e 101
· Stanley f.Janlnel h 20 Galbrailh McCALLUIA SEE Al.SO W.CCALLUN
MazllfPj Sum (Em!UI) t128 Woodland IV M.:Ca,';jJn ACh liS Cecile ev
MAmrO!e Rllonda h 4 Berry
lolcAOorey DeMs (Jan) h 50 t.latiotiiY
l!na h 88 ~:enslnglon pf
• £s:her RU:s h 99 ~IV'* 101235
~Alrey EOnl h 100 Mcfartane evlpl708 • Janice n35 ca~n ap~t A
• £11\e1P11805Gtand evwlpl ~ Kill {Peiclal pol;cemn h t221kfldden tv
Mc-ALISTER_ sa ALSO MacAUSTER ~lUSTUI • V'!Oiellolrs k 1hlp~ fleoi Cern n 138 TIIMIII'ol
lolcAJIIsllr SVCI h 137 Tlmmms cres ap~3 Cln lj)l4
Mc.ALUST£11, stE AI.SO loiJc_ALISTER IW.USTER · 1'11'/Tie P (SIIerf)W!Earon Yaelldh SSW. ~·Qcr•
McAIUstet Clrol Ann ~@ypunc!l opr lk!IOn Gas 83 fa:Jbert dr McCann AMut (t.I.M.ej h 41l E!!ls
· Jolin lolasst mgt 8k of Mont 83 Fauben dl • Clfollll n 1 ~ H•JrtQ Home 19 Ctl!fW dr
• Wll::olm sup! COIOI\III C1 '-PIS h 360 Sendyt lpll02 · Gitmh 11 · 1'2~ ..
• Rlth Am elk l)lllll Union Oa h 83 Feube!1 d: .la1'le E n 1 ClnedlaMa Hlng Home Ill Cllrlf dt
tkALONO', SEE ALSO Mac.lLON£Y • Jonn H {Jeatl Aispre-;ptll GIJSI)fO Inch Ill Cllrlf dr
Mc.AIOIIIm Deixrlh I( 1811 Fauber! dt · Mi$1 Mrs h 100- 1~ Park 1111 2
tkAIOIIIm Hel ng & Cooling (Wm & John Mc.AJotum) 50 1'2 King I • Pe\!f (lllmldellt ll SI.CtN ~)lion Gas " 537 King •
t.IGAJOIIIm- (Gladys I 11128 .loMoll • Sllerrl studl537 KillQ.
· John T(Agnes)(McAIOIII!!I Hlg & Cooling) h 343 Gtllld ev e IPI • Slanlty G {Abnll) IIIICII H Cenldl h I 0 Woodl
202 t.ltCatron Janet ICdg NIIU Gto h 2S3- 1'2 Queen
• Robl P (MI!QI H) h 29 GIIIIWOOd dl • Jas J fMellon El mech can Fram h 31 Hollaod 111
• Wm G flle!ly Ml (McAJorum Hlg & Coollngl h 188 Faublfl dr • T Ph 50 Mcne- td apt21S
McALPINE. SEE AI. SO loAac:ALPINE ~ Cla11011 T 4811edbd
McANDREW, SEE ALSO loiJcANOREW • Vn loll'S h 48 Bedford
Mc:AATHUfl, CUI'F, (Cettl«<ne), Ateflt ltat. loi..'Catlly O.w\d II atudl I 5 Ch!ppewe dr
,.,,., ln.ut~t~Ce CompaniM, h 101 TWMdemulr • Geo wlab Rockwell lnt1 h 73 Pine
av a, Phone 342·11 11 • ~ C"'' Mllltty ol lra!lll) & Comm 38 [dglr
McAIIhllr COihn E I '4icol•ne)IIO Hevei·Oinl h 43 Ellzabelll>.teonn..t 1145 TI/MIIIII em ~P~308
• Honna ehlld awe wi<J Soulllwesam 11eg11Care• 88 1"2 F~ • WKtnnel!lllolcM!Jne 8 I plane con1rV I HClnldl h 15
• F\ldld BIAnni ""'Ill 81\ ol Nova Scolia h 143 Chlpptwll dt ChlpptwtOf
McAULAY, SEE ALSO MacAUlAY McAULEY , • Wm M (Judy D) lab Elan n& Doe h 3& Edgar
McAuley O...n l (ltlbetl V) amOitl H Clfllda h 108LIIII 1lolcCasll 0.<\d E (lAur.e F) budgelaupytr l.Wuon Gat h 27
• Rob ISUII~l comouter IIIQ \JIIIon Gas h 315 Mldlenl!f tO ~
MeA VEllA, SEE A.LSO Mar:AVEUA ._,~ Angm R&ladl248 Selo.l/k
McAVOY, SEE ALSO lolacAVOY Chns ld r•r ~ Inn 248 Sel~.ltk
M(BAI~ . SEE ALSO M&SAIN · Gerald n24 Sl Geotot ape 3
Mcl!rni, sa ALSO t,qcS£fH • Gera.ld )r , 311 Sl Georgt
McBRIOE, SEE ALSO Mec:BAIDE · Gerald (Giorlll lib MOO Wheel Colpn h 248 Stll\irlt
McBuda EvtfiH n 60 Richmond 11)12 Uc:Ceuley Mat1< w(Carmen) " 42 Raleigh
· Frank (Joyce) ptOd mor CFCO h 225 Clmpue Plcwy 11)111& · Wesley J (Serldre P)IDa'ry 0 - of Clneda) h 147 McHiugtlton
• M n225 Clmpu~ Pl!wy epl11& avwapc 3
• Robl V( elk A& Ph 122 Grand 1111 McCI,.I.Iortey ll7 Mcfllllnllt epl208
· Verne (lolauon)IUpYSr Clnadl Poll Colpn h 15 SIOIII Ill lolcCialthey LitTy R (Donna E)lup'N UI\IOil Gat h 78 Devon td
McCabe Allao J (l.IUIII Al opiOm 255 t11ng WlUIIe 2 h 41 • Rob I B bkt loll$)le Ctt 81<1y 78 Devon td
lJnl¥esiJy Cll • Rogel !Susan, USI mgr lolochel'a P1m h 7 Sudbl.wy dt lpf 2
• Cllv111 M 11Xt Ken1 Counly lid ol Educ h 77 Beldoon tO 111118 t.tcCIN:n Aflootd (Florence I h 285 UIZabllh
• CMste!ll (ReQdl blll)r LJ Dairy PTOCII83 COallwantlav Mce.y Keolh h 17fllll
• Elll 1Br11n1cons Rltoin Travel Senr res Ofnden McCLEllAN SEE ALSO Mc:ClELlANO
(Orv. 386398 Ontario Limited)
'-'~'iatl Peggy slsdk Colasant•'s res RR 2 ~cCUBBIN SEE AlSO t.lcCI.RlA~j
Mc.O.EMOm , SEE AlSO lotcClYMOO . wph 132 Cr)1ilal dr
IAcCiefl'llll Ko•k (Pamelal w~ s Bd Canada h ~6 TISin cres UcCudden N EMrs h 7 Arnold
McCfontoo RtChd IO.ane) lab Can Fram h 63 St Anthony llpll McCUISH. SfE AlSO MacCUISH
McClure Rupt E(OorOihy) h 65 Sumyside av
- Wreford E(Beulah I) h 136 Williams McCULLAGH SEE AlSO MacCULLOUCH t.AcCULLOCH t.AcCUI.LOUGH
McCluskey Jas li (Mane J) h 100 Mcfarlane av apt 108 McCullagh Jas E !Karen) dosl f1191 OeKalb Canada Inc res Nepean
Jas ~ (~eoe)ll & doemkr SUI)enor Mach & Tl h 46 Unooto rd McCvlloch Jas WtMargl) h 77 Tllornhtll cres
Robt (Rosel tchr John Uyen Sep Schl h 98 Glad$1ooe av • Palk 0 (Kalhleen M) ace\ Can Fram ll 115 Vaool!f dr
Mc:Cotg Isabel h 30 Trtlltum Vtllage apl 307 McCULLOUGH. SEE MSO MacCll.LOUGH McCULLAGH McCULLOCH
McCOLl. SEE AlSO McCAll McCullovgh l<ennelh S (PenP!OQe 01 Cli$1) fue Depth 145 O"Neil
McCollum Ot1ver (Sh11ley T) asmbly opr I H Canada h 63 • Marvon F(Silorley)leb I HCanada II 215 Hariey
W•l!sh•re dr M.:<;IA l Y, SEE ALSO McCULLEY
Pal prm opr Elan Tl & Doe 63 Woltslllte dr McCully Irma M11 h 650 Grand av w apt207
lkCONij[LL. SEE AlSO MacCON~jEU · John A !Carol A) dlsp Preferred Traosp h 318 McNaughloo ave
McConnen Wm G(Joyceltchr Chatham·Kent Sec Schl h 92 McCurdy Bessoe 99 Pal'll
Kens.ng11011 pt Jas S !Candac"l gent mgt OeKalb Canada tile res Blenhe•m
Mc:Cold Btenda fllO! Hoglltandef chvs ~9 Dover Ooon dt John AIS t ynn) leehlll rep NC R Canacle h 27 Chestnvt dt
Dennis F!Brenda ll MJ lntl C1ge h 59 Dover Ooon dr S lynnlthr Tecumseh Sec Schf 27 ChtS!.'lllt dr
• .les$e F (I.IJtY 01 safety dept frederick TrFIIPOit h 5 Oe'.r011 IAcCulthen Donald F (Avis M) lab Aockftlllnll h 27 Maci,!.JIB~
dr cres
-luanne 1110' o...e lee h 84 Rovenolew dr apl4 McOfRMI(), SEE AlSO MacOERMIO
Rachel pkr Pinecrest Fds h 128lorne av MtOermtd DonE IWtlla Ml supvsr Mtnistry ol Transp & Comm n80
Mc:Cot~elll h 17Hacrotr Sytvesler dr
IAd:orl<ondale Oanl (Lolllall O)lab Eaton Yale ltd h 32 Rob 0 Sludl80 Sylvet1l!f dr
- Wm h 48 Southend cres lkOIARMIO, SEE AlSO McDERMOTT
McCorl<le Ooona M (Hugha) cik Best For Less res RR 5 Dlesden McDiarmid Doane K held rep AC Noelsen Co h 84 Rtverv•ew dt
• K payrOll elk Can Fram h 12 Melrose dt apt 1
McCORMACK. SEEALSO MacCORMACK - G h 50 Moc:hener rd ap! 60 1
McCormack Graham 0 tC•ndoe El elect! eng Can Fram h 91 · Joanne asst G t.Aezener Ontl Clonic 50 MIChener rd
McCor!llltk Chas lab libby McljeoM& Lillby 81·8 Lorne av McOooald Anoe h 63 Baldooo rd apt106
OJh 157 1'2Grandavw B h 20 Trolltum Village apt 308
· Gary H flonda) setv mgr Dlesden Mt,rs h 14 Galbraith • Carhy L r n Pvb G'nl Hosp h 47 Emma apt 102
· Haten stud! 106 Bedlord • Oennls G (Marolyn) shlmll mech He!coo Sh1 Mil h 24 Abe!~n
• Hug!l (lena GJ h 106 Bedford · Donald C IMarolyn II lab Eaton Yale lid h 135 Berry
Lauoe Sludl94 Wyanclott Elillab Nort!l AmefiCall Plastles h 43 1'2 Edgar
· Londa IChr Kent County Sep Schl8d 14 Ga'bla lh · Fred C lehf M'~eough Pub Schl h 586-C Grand ave
- L~ A (Nancy A) mgt drspeay Sl!fV Uni011 Gash 94 Wyandoll · Gary W(Moooca loll shlmliwkr Hereon Shl Mtl h 56 51 Mocllael
· Mark 0 Sludt 94 Wyaodoll av
·VIOle\ M t.lrs h 81·8 Lorne av • Gemude Mrs h 805 Grand a~ w apt 313
McCorr.Sioo Karen FSIUdl h 318 WeHlngiOn w • H~ M11 h 37 Oevoo rd
McCoutt Arnold (Ceclle) h 62 Nor1hland dr • J Rae !Edna Gl h 25 Phyllis av
McCoy Mary Jo Mrs h 14 Kendall · Joanne M (Btad) repttr Cllatnam Qa,fy News 14 Taylor ••1!113
McCrae!<~ ~eer~ S Mrs h 1881nshel at· · John A(Glenda l)lab Ealoo Yate lid h 36 Btoek
• Brenda M lab Can Fram h 8 Oewonshire rd · John W(Mabel Ll shop mgr McJ<erlle Au1omo1rve h 113
• Brian mgr Agnew Surpass Shoes res Blenheim Coverdale
• J les IM Jean) mgr Unooo Gash 120 Tecumseh rd · JOy Wk$ Shamrock Slores res Eneau
- K•m h 62 Taylo< av apt 2 • LPP. shtmllw~r Hurcon Sh1 Mtl14 Wade
Roo mgt Agnew Surpa» res Bienhetm · lloyd M h 94 Stanley av
Sllerry h 593 Grand ave · L~nn (Susan) res Wallacebulg SEE AlSO McCREA · Madeline Mrs h 14
t.AcCrae Cathe~~ne leht St Ursula Sep Schl res RR 7 Blenhe.m • Margl V Mts h 99 McNaughton av w apt 227
Danl N (Mary AI body w1<r Waycoo Inti h 51 Lowe · Michl S (Andrea l) opllcallab techn Btngham Optical Co h 33
GarOI<J N!Rose H) hrettghter h 47lowe Taylor av
McCRU. SEE AI. SO McCAAE • M•~e Irk drvr Thames Farms 220·A WelloJIQioo w
McCready B h ~ M•Chener rd IP\209 • Scott h 11 Aoelalde n apt 3
8t\a' J lab Can fram 2 Craven dl • Wm (Mary Ll fMcOooald Ctng & Jan Sl!fV) h 29 Phyllis av
• Oems A prof eng TOdgham & Case Assocs h 276 M!mtt av apt MCOooa\d"$ Restauranl (Loo Beatty) 4 11 Sl Clatr
317 McOoneiiB h 360 Sandyl apt 310
• Aobl Rf.lanoce Pl q...a.ldy con~ol Can fram h 303 Campus Pkwy • Bten<la C 28 Stanley av
• Wm 0 (MThl!resaJ grp leader Can Fram h 2 Craven dr • Chas h 454 BaJdoon rd
U..i:re<~;~ J ICIV lndoa~ Creel~ Ad Pub Schl • Chros SI\Jdt 76 Wthshore dr
UcCuaog .lacQaetine h 232 Park~ 2-8 • G~ald B !Phoebe A) (A·I Fum) h 60 Finch av
• Rob! M !Gr~l v pres lamblon Ptpe & Sply h I~ M.-y apt 607 Kaltler•ne Mra h 28 Slantey av
IAc:Cubbtn A Btuce counsellor Chalham-Kent Commuruty & Fam1Jy Paul V (Margo) tchr Blenheim Cost Sec Schl h 76 Wlltshore dr
S~vs h 4 I CO.erdale apt 30 I McDONELL, PHOEBE, Salee Rep Plneonneault &
• Ronal<! M llolaroon £) IChr Tecumseto Sec Schl h 2 Phyllis av Gebal Real Eatate Inc, Realtor, Rea 80
Finch av, Phone 382-8185

29 hlaecca St. HaMilton, 0...... Ontario
, ........... (416) 522-5066 Lla 113 Communities
9IWtey ell City Hilt h 17 8lclloniiP(202 .,._ (Ame M) '"'*'CI eng EIIOn Ylle lJd 1127 Wellon IV
flld)(JNNEll. SE£ AlSO MlcOCliNLl 8lrb bkDfMirrilllollrine h 100 Wcfllllnt IV 1111207
lilc:DDnnlll Anne (Tom) COOk CNicllwn's Vil'-llf Oly C.. C.... Eliz h 731111door! rd IP(I9
103c-dllt R John (l'lridiM)(WcGuite WcFIIWie Thornlsl h 2$ an.
Dlniii4JWII Cln fflm 11 ~IV HtUrd
DDnlld (Miry)llwyer $ Sidl h 202 Clmpul Pllwy IP(203 McFAYDEN SEE AlSO Wc:fAODEN WcFADGEN
• Glrlkl J (AnniiiOCit kpt IH Clrlldl h 3 Diane rd Mcfe<JIIIIl kYf Acl< Wlpll Clly llkry 87 Selnln'(n IV IPI•
. liMn llludl3 Diane rd Wc:Gifley Alltrl Emlwrghl Dlyrnond lid II ~ Queen IP(2
· Lori !l'lrl_. Cllilchn's Vtlllgl Oly C.. Cenn 587 Queen • Doug 11om mntnel Don Mlldlend l ..... Serv h ~ Queen IP(3
, _ T (lort AI lib C1n F11111 h 587 Queen lolc:Girvtn Olnll[lll) trtu II 70 ntle~IV
Pllllip R (Miry JIM) IIIOGa 119 AlP h 70 ~ McGee OlrTtll h 72 WOOdl
Slwvn 3 '*"' rd
Thai P lAme W) 119 AI P CW~l II 103 CcMrdllt
l J h 36 Soulhencl c:res IPI3
McGee lll')' J (Miry() I'll l'lrll IP(1
WcOONOUGf4. SEE AlSO 1otc00NAGH Ruswll 8 (a.a.g!M) lib PIH'Iclo Consr h 58 Dlggt
Wdlaugll Glldys 58 WtiNI!Qion • McGeorge & lllrry Ltd contullinO ~ & lind ~ $$
Wc00UGAU. SE£ AlSO lotlcOOt.IGAI.L AMi~
Wdlouglll Dlln D!HIIInl f1n1 lormn Ellorl Yale II 2t2 "'*""
(leo (KIINien DJIIb Clmclblll Soup Co h 148 Sunnyside IV
OIVId G (Efll A) pres OIVId G McGeorgt lid h 87lolc:Giorge IV
McGeorge OIVid G l id IDIVId GMcGeorvtl coniUIIIng eng S Slllfl
· J lome IE Glldys) h 311 ~IV e Donllcl DIVIIV'IMI P'11 McGiorvt & lllrry Lid h I KentlnQDl
• lOIIII co-Old Clllfllm.Kere Cornmwily I fnlly 5eM pi
Rob 117 I l'lrll ~ ICiw Alchlrds lnsl n 1311 Prinvoee II
Snh l h 100 Paplet.,."
WcDowett Glrlh I&.MI mech Week--ctvysier fllymo!Milld res
lu A Sludl 87 McGeorgt IV
U.00 SIUdl 87 WcGiorge IV
RR 2 Metlln
J 0 h 82 Dlllwn IV IP(307 McOIORGI, W G, DIST..IBUTION CINT"I.
Joe A(Norml Jl h 58 Sr Cleofgt A .. Neuta. ~
• Olive " 383 Wellinglon IP(205 us Grand . , • •
Ror1lld 8 (Nint;y l ) Cllgn eng Cln filii! h 71)4 (jqnd IV f .......... PMM 112·1140
IIlAh EMrs " 93 Prince AI'IIUIIV
Wc:Eiclnn Glen (Debbie A) lib Cln Fr1111 h 19 Sudbury dr 1P1 I lolc:GH££. SU ALSO MAGEE lolc:G£E lolc:GHI£
• lly!lle h 34 Wilton av McGHI£ SEE ALSO MAG££ WcG££ McGHEE
McGhie A G !Bonnie) ptes SuperciiPS h SO ChutthtU
McEaetnn w.~~n Mrs" •s Trttllurn Villlot 1P1208 McGill SEE ALSO MAGill
lotcEJIUurn Albtna Mrs lllldy l J Wulhlm & Co h S3 Devon rd
MeG II EIMd o-v..ll(ft Chlthll!l & Disl Amtlullnca SIN 207
Debbte h 183·1'2 Thll!les IYlelgh
Gordon " 8 Petri Clts 101 1
t ym J Mrs caletefia Sears h 15 Orchard Hll dr IPI3 Mc:G!I Piau e s Sl CIAu
• Wh 18 Olchard Ill dr IPI2 Teny (Jocile) ISSI mgr COI\IUmef credrllllr a# Nevi Sc:otil II
• WICht J l!lhwghl II 34 Soulhencl c:res IP(2 .USIAnlhony
Ycfvoy Wm IEIIIIIN NliiCCI Cln Imp Ilk a# Comm II 87 McGifvery Moch!appr Slndy £Ui011oblrs 107 l'lrll-.ood
W!Mppool..tMc:res WtGinn Wm G(~C) II 20 Pamela cres
McEWAN SE£ AlSO WacfWAN McGimis DIVicl (Meurene) drY! lnyhound Bus lines 11 s s l'lrll
WeE_, Har!y J (Etw RJwtll '--'~Lid h 5311 IV*
lKIOOI Mltjorie Mrs II 19 Bedlore!
YcEW£N. SE£ ALSO WlcfW(N .._.. 1<11111 Aolslnl Bras 75 CldiNoods cres
WeE-., Ah 22' liCIOIJ IP(I Shellgll 119 Roatni Bras " 75 Miry .,. 204
Amtlle 17 WcFIIIMeiV IP(322 • Slephen 8 IBrtndll dllll ~ Supenor MICh & h 7S n
lolc:Fidden o..ence ( " 18 AciNide. Wc:Givem llemldlae r n St .los Hoep 11 Sl George
Denil h " 1111111
.c n
c.o1 press opo £lin & Doe n28 HIUYI'd
. J II 2&4·1'2 Sl Clair Frllleis W(lluriJ ffee1 Clmpbetl Soup Co II 127 Vlllier dr
Jlnel-.n Onl Wlnllty a#~ & Fd"' RR 7 Or.edln • Hugll !AIIal fled IIIEW II 2 KIII(II*IY dr
Ja S(WI.IIne) 111111101111 Clna POll Corpn h 112 Euganoe · John D!LaurieI lib Mok1r Wheel Corpn II 170 1otiC111ner rd
Jay (Tracylilt! dM Or.edln Reidy Mix 11 •5 Ttm1111111 aw IPI • Pill< (leona) MfVfM l)!iorl Ga II 34 Wlldrole dr
204 Rote Mrs II 11 St George
Jenntfel II 378 l'lrt. IV IIP(3 lolc:GIIdder; Scon (lbclk) ~ Surpea 1P1 RR 7
Kdlle o1ce elk Owv* Shlllinglon & Co 112 Euganoe *
Mc(lllsflln Dfne II 805 Grllld IV IP(8011
KeMell C (June) II & ditmkr Cln Frwn II I 71 Emme • K1111 70 Tt1111'1w. c:res IP(2
!IIndy (.llnicl)llb Cln Frwn II 180 flllimln IV Silly lib Moklr Wlllll Corpn h 70 T'lrmw. c:res IP(2
Richd S IV-) h 1100 (jqnd IV * IP(I~ McGonigle Elil A II 5' HouiDI
• Aidlcl (Piuilnl)l & ditmkr Cln f11111 II I Cox IV • Keilh (T.-y) Mrv Monarciii'IOC*It lid 18 Tlllllm Vi111g1
RotM II 118 O'Niil l'lul h 51 Teytor IV 1P1 1
Role (.ln:e) prod *'dr S.. Wig h Ill' Plrry dr McGOWAN, SEE ALSO MlcQOWAH
WcfldQIII G EIMd h 128 Argyll c:res McGooorln Albll (W.Ie A) *"'Moklr Wlllll Corpn II 120 Sllnlty

lttlcflll R lrt~!DIInlF)._.,
11 Clnn1131 ~ dl 1
• K" 217RIIIIF
• Win GIWI!gl) "" Pine
lttlcf. . . . AWin (My .IIM)IIInnll 0.. lffdl01130 0... dr ltlcOrlll ""'" 13 ~ ld

• Residential
• Commercial KJ7",.......
~.~'AALV ®

~ ~~.'1 an Independent member broker

11 ~J 121 Heritage Rd., Chatham, Suite 202 C519) 351-1300


McGtegot BaEbala '-Irs lehr Kent COUnty (RCI Sep Scht Bd 5 Oo-<e
pi • R h 4D Trtlhum Y1lt.'ige apt 709
• C h 761.1ary apt 303 • Flaooy T(Susan Eltchr K~nt County Bd of Educ h 50
• Donald LtS.rbaralarea patrol supvsr M•lllstry ol Transp & Unlv-tydr
Comm h 5Oo-<e pi i ea- Too Value Ga5 Stn h 500 Grand av wIPI
RIC:hd l.llnell 1
Donald H!Donald H McGregor Vocal StudJo) h 4 ChalteriS 5001
· Donald WIZutma) capt Fire Depth 428 YICIOit8 I Y • Robl J 1Margll mnlne!! mecn Elan n & Doe h 10 Ellwood av
McGregor Donald HVocal Stud<O (Donald HMcGregorl 4 ChalleltS • Robl J !Mary C) h 483 V1c101oa av
• Dorothy '-Irs h 233 Ehzabe!h • Ronald (Cathy) wks I H Canada h 9 Stanley av
• Goldon J (Nofma Jl mgr Bell Canada h 67 Parry dr • Ronald letter catner h 262 McNaughton av e
· Gram (Salldra) ptmbl County Wide Htg & Coo1!119 h 15 Park Ia S ICIU lndoan Creek Ad Pub Schl
· Kern A (Maorone HJ h 244 EliZAbeth · Sally J h 282 Colbome
• Ma!1hl 0 IJ!S II 565 Grand •• e • Tnos E(Ve<a A) ~lsmn Weslem EQLIIP h 66 Qnawa d!
• MelOdy ldmtn Granada TV 5 Dove pi • Vera M h 1000 Ch81ong Crosa rd unot 23
- Mooay H (M Penny) eng tan Fram h 900 Cllerong Cross rd • w..,ne o1Cha110!1e IJco~. Best Forlm n74 Berry
• Norma J (J Gordon) bty adYsr Sfloppef's Drug t.1art 67 Parry dr • Wm 0 lElia Mr h 188 West
· Otis F tlolargl) h 43 Ameloa MciSAAC. SEE ALSO MaciSAAC
• Robl (Dawn) larmet h 134 YaM!! dr MciVER, SEE ALSO MadVER
• Ronald WdM & atilt Chatham & DoSl Ambulance h 26 Jackson '-lztVOR, SEE ALSO MaciVOR
dr MtKaogue Alt>t1UIIian199 Park
. Sle'v!<l Sludl67 Parry dr McKAY, SEE ALSO Ma<:KAY MatKEY
t.lcGlAAE. SU ALSO MMltlFI: MU(a~ lltuce Y(Kal~llll') h 104 freeia'ld IV
MeG we BeYerly E(MJane) h 33 Teamteh rd Donald B (lauta Jl gas ~ner h 539 Viaona av
· Chef·~ I.I'S tchr S1 Clair CoR h 87 Cardinal aes Hh 57 BakiOon rd apl203
• CIMI Mr$ rngr 1.1 ntelly Style St)op h 15 Wtltle!spoon aot 506 • Harvey e s G•""" rd
• Ehz !Wm El agt J S Pe1fer & Son res RR 3 J McGreo<M !Judith M) h 265 Queen apt 1
• Jam•e 51Ud11D English Side rd • Jean M rna Pub Genl Hosp h 4D Trillium Vollege apt 1103
· John ~tudt 87 C3rcl>nal etes · John M mqr Vtelorll and Grey Trust h 650 Grand av w apt60t
John C (Doroctly) h 98 Patteson IV Ju<l•lh Sludt 542 Kong w
McGu"e l.ltfarlane & Thomas la.-yer1 153 K•ng w • Malcolm !Violet Ml h 65 lnshet av
!tH e J d•sp Chatrlam Coach Lines h 190 Thames apt 51 • t.481toim H Or tEhzabelh) phys ·~ Thord h 542 King w
Pat~ tSuel wl<s Molor Wheel Corpn h 46 Cross t.lochl R Sfudt 3 EngltSit Sode rd
Paik lla..yer h 4 1 Semenyn a• apt 3 • ROlli formn f H C3nada 363 Campus Pl<wy
Stanley ERe-i pastor St Joseph's (RCI Ch h 180 WeflingiOil w • Robl !Karen) mech Transp he 5 Given rd
McGu1re·s Barber Shop (l.l1ke McGuire) 651 Grand av w • Robt M(Sharonl) slsmn Un•on Gash 3 Enghsh Side rd
MdlJGH. SEE ALSO Mactfl.JGH • Sally hbty techn Chatham Pub Llbry h 363 Welhngton w apt
lktlllatgey leo J !Doros E) h 32 Houston 207
• Pall J shpg elk Westem Equip 32 Houslon • Slt'Ve R studt3 English S~ rd
• Tenance Gsis 'Weslem EQutp 32 Houston Mcrleegan C11975 Grand IV W apt 108
l.lcll~ Tho& Pal•ooa) rngr & co-owner AMIIc l.adtes Wea~ McKEEN SE£ ALSO McKEON
h 11 Redwood Clet l.lcKeen M l Ph 15 Trithum Voltage apl202
MciLROY, SEE ALSO McELROY MtKee-et Derry S (Kathleen) lab Can Fram h 423lacrol~
Mcinerney John T(Joyce P) (Jacques Seed Col h 15 8augeenav • Jack•e c111 Woolco 14 1 Gle<~wood dr
McJIINIS, SEE ALSO Macl ~NlS • Mat•lda Mrs h 141 GlenwOOd dr
IAci'ITOSH. SEE ALSO MaclliTOSH Mcl<ellal Donald H (PhylhS F) eng Bell Canada h 119 Crystal dr
MclniOsh Arch e h 89 R••erv1ew dr 11)1603 • G1nny !Bud) olce cf1< Chry\let Shtlhngton & Co res RR 3
· Clm 421 VtC10<1U1 · Harold R (Ed,lh MJ h 1000 Charong Cross td unot 31
• Margt h 89 R•vervlew dt apt 4D7 · PhylliS Fl Oon) ICiv Chatham Colleg•ate lnst 119 Crystal dr
ThOI Glndry Pub Genl Hosp h 190 Thames apt 63 Wm H h 359 McNaughton a. e
Mclnt~re Alree Mrs h 45 Stanley a• McKenz•e Audrey mgr Capitol Theatre h 158 Patteson av
Atoan ISandral h 59 Tayl01 av apt 7 Bud (Jan) aqt Montreal los h 81 Delaware av
• Atch•e !Geruude) h 197 Elizabeth • Cat!M'rone Mrs h 108 Arnold
· Bradley s1udt 143 Vanoer dr Hazel h 100·104 Patk apt t
• Chattoue 1(Wayflfll elk Best For less 74 BerTy lolarJOioe h 49 Wilson ev
• Ches M (Shell~ Ml supvs~ Woolco h 143 Euoen•e Rodk J (Jud•rhl ICh! King George VI Schl h 131 Coverdale
• (),- Sludl ID EllwOOd av · Ross A !Georg11) dtYr Chatham Coach Unet h 591 King w
• Donald tErm) seaman Parish Helnbecl<er Lid h 11 Peart cres McKEON. SE£ ALSO McKEEN
apt 1 McKeon Dave wks Ultra Tech ltd 472 StClair
• Evan 5tudt 1DEJiwood a" • Gord !Arleen) lab Can Fram h 99 Ehzabelh
· Freel!< br~Jyr Chatham Masonry 79 War.icl! dr · Gregor G !Erma F) elk Sandy Elliot Mils h 24 Woodland ••
· Ivy C Mrs hsfkPf Solilh~m Reg! Cemre h 17 Befry · Harold w~s Pioneer H• Bred 245 Setku1c
• Jell rT9 Ut~ lndl Sply h 24 I Grand av e apl3 • Jut.e wks Pronl!et H• Bred 245 Sf'llorrk
• Jann w tA M Lorra,nel h 62 BUs • Katen 1ec ·treas McKeon Travel res RA 4
• Judy Aw~s Ctty h 47 OriOle pkwy • Katlvyn h 50 MIChener rd apt510
• Keone111 F I M.lty) tormn Wilson Concrete h 143 Varwer dt • l.l.chl B !Carol) olce elk 1H Canada h 37 Stone IV
· larry C (Anne) h 67 Gladstone av • Pe~ J !Verna) Irk drvr Overland Exp h 245 Selkrrk
· laura h 135 W•lham sapt 1 • ROlli mgr McKeon Travel res RR 4
• londutudl I D Eltwood av • Robl A (Karen l) lndl eng I H Canada he 5 Lynwood dl
• U.VJ(JIIe gg Park • Th 343 Grandav eapt 110
• Mar) lltdll Plush Plllll'l res RR 4 McKeon Travel ltd Robl McKeon Pf!S 119 St Cla11
• ltiJChi iDinlnl wldr I II Canada h 45LICIOt1 lolcKIIOiql MMIOII&I Park n I Gland IV w


McKrouQil Public School M.."V'cm orin 55 Fares~ aughlin Gmltl• s utJbv & Libby h 45 T11M111!S CtiS
Sewell h 7 Bucl<.ingflam IV IQC 112
lolc:Keough Sons Co Ud w110l hC!we Sae--an Mcl<eougll&nS 30 Dowr .los f (Jean Ill II 102 ~ODd ttet IQC I
• Woody S vM 1,1 eoiiQh Sons Co h 67·1'2 ThllmesiQC 0 ME h 55 TayiDt avl!ll204
lk~ h 2761olefrlliiV apt205 M.thl J h 258 t.l.;..'ia11gt11011 IV e IQC 104
1\a!hleen h 237 S8lldys • Pa;JI(~ ~ k:t~ Cha:ham Ken! Sec Schl h 35 ~· ••
PitJl adjs1r lien! & Esse• Ins Co Shelclon av IQC4
IA!:I(eflle t.1 !len !On: no) Inc R>thd S!eelii!Ol 16 Ylellinglon t S h • 0 Trilllum Vi 1!11104
lolc:KemtC!let Bruce h M Pine l!li23S Uct.lAcN S£[ AlSO IIJCI.EA'I
Ca!ollab Oomlar h 13A SUIWij'tlde a• !A~ Attn C \l.llfY El mech H J Heinz I.Jd 1'1 19 0 Brien Clr
MtKenall Helen ofl:e cl~ Huron & Erie Bev h 150 M.arv apt406 81'140 TrdliUIII Village 11'4 405
He5ler l h 18 I Gland au Dii•ill A (Vic~ I) eng Union Gash 75 Pamela ern
• t.1 Kalhleen ll 181 Grand IV e Jas drvr Dominion AlliD Tr-'1 res ~e
McKIE. SE£ ALSO MacKIE John set I.C) ~ Cl'la!ham Plastic: FllliC.'ling
lolclil.lOP, SEE AlSO OP • John A !Susan u 1nesm11 OrM Hyctro nee~ ern
l.tcKlllop Steve (linclal mgr l.akelatld lndl Sis 1!$ Blenheim John 0 II 268 Oellw11e 1¥
loldOtll Bruce R tMar)' G) h 43 Seneca R Tslsmn Cha:ham un 389·1'21'JnQ •
Peart 99 Pa1l! 11001 !o~Jri~yn) M!lldlan I<en! Coul1ry 114 of Educ h 12 Gra v
Ud<imm Ale• h g Cl«:hard His Clr 1QC 4 Ron wmgr "'al1lln Co ltd h 39 Ud a-latle ••
Alex tWildal se1 up mn t.IJIDI Wlleel Corpn h 40 Foresl Sanctall 4 5 Tlmmlns CI!S ap~20 I
UcKINLAY S£E ALSO ~KI.'MYM:KISt.£Y Sancn hiC!ISr "'~ 1128 Ord\ard H!s Clr apt3
lkl\inlly Helm 1m h 487 Oueen EllAN SEE ALSO Mn.£UA'i
t.tcKlnlay R 8 Qra;n Oe4 Richd pres s; Adelaide t n 0 61 Prmce Alllu a•
told( inlay Transport limited Harold Briggs mgr 55leesoo e1r Don R S1U111 18 Du!ferin a•
lklilNtEY, SE£ AlSO lbCI<lNUY ~y Norman 8 (Sh!ney II mgt Copy S~ 1'1 18 Out!erin IV
McKinley Edmund F (Vera) h 33 Allllone d Stllt1ry !NormanI dM educ lnSir CM All(() Club & Travel AfT.Y
Edmund C 33 Alhlone d 18 Oullerin av
EPIS G(Sylvie l.l)aCd HE Vamat!et h 20 Academy em Ma.ENNAN SEE AlSO t.IIICI.ENN•N
t.l_.e 79 Amok! t.ll:lrnnan Wh 190 Thames IIIli 74
Marleen coolo Smltt(a Reslt 391 liCrOI• Mtl EOO. Sf£ ALSO U £00
RDbl (Ueen) dM Counesy Calli h 330 Pl!k eoo AUen A IGeorglN F) Supllklion Gash 21 W~ ~
Rob! Ctt.larguerltel h 57 Devon ra Doug~ Put>~ HliSD 49 ~et&nl ~
·Sheila Sisler IChr UriiUiine Coli h 52 Cfoss • Doyle WQUit!CI Penl $erv 33 Kl!fT I•
t.lclilNNON SEE AlSO t.laclilNNt}N ~en l.bckl wks M.nn Tillev & Co 1!5 RR 1 Dever Cen6't
t.lcKIROY, SEE ALSO t.lo..'1:URDY Jao. 0 (Helrn) sub lormn Onllt;dro res FIR I Dover Ce!'.lre
Mcl<NlGHT, SEE ALSO I.I~KNIGHT John E!Donna J) h 159l01ne ••
McKnighl Clafence H !BeHle Jl corpl Of'f' h 99 ~'!lelt cr• t.l~ Lou genl acctn1 Ovysier SniD•ng!On & Co res RR 1'l Pa!Jioa A h 805 Grand 8¥ w apt 705 Dever Centre
t.l;:l(ra- A ICfV lndtarl Cfeek Rd Pub Schl
We h 455 Satlays 1;11 102
t.I.:LAOtlAN SEE ALSO Mad.ACtLAN t.!Jmyl(!A.Jrion Ml elety Super X llruQ511C~ Pl!easanl Clr
t.l~achlan Kev1n J reswch DeKIIb Caned~ Inc 1!5 AR 1
Nll24W kdr
Wayne C IM.Iry 1.1J lormn Oa;molld Co h 33 Km a•
Mclaclllin m VI .loan M mgr Union Gas h 72 Pamell c:es t.lcl.OtJGrlUN S£E ALSO MclAUGIU-1
• RIChd S1smn F WCclneyt)we lid 1!5 Dresden
t.ld.agan Dia11e (Jolln)leg31 aecy Kee & Robemon 64 Pl!yllis •• l.ld.oug!llln EUen w\J Sneally Pelt's 147 Oe!a.,-ert IV
• JOhn (t)ianel Rrgt t.1 n1s1rv of Conacbonel Ser; n 64 • II h 34 Orchltd pi
Phyflosav • Notma I.IJS cash!'alo! ~ h 95 Gladslone ••
lolcla n Ken! P ml•1dr Sass II!Q h 39 Ouflerln 1¥ Tenance I!lonnie) buS dM CllaNm COICh Lines h 14 7
ua..anctrm 0 Gav1e IIJS ICiv King George V1 Pllb Schl 2eO lar1: Oebw&reav
~James mtoe James llclanclras mgr 34811ang., M:.M»~ Alial99 Par•
• .las 10 Ga)'le) mgr .las ~ l.t!ge 8rkr1 h 2110 lM1< t.l.doWVI ThereSa 1171kf'llbnltwlll4 104

~ Clrlcty (£OJ lwdrst fa.lliiSy Hair Styles 144 I'IODCIS
Robin rehel Oev~ng Oav Centre 260 ll11<
MclAII£N SEE ALSO !AatlAREN · Ed !CincM •mse w~r Maf:del's Bev 11 144 'l'loods
t.lclaren Ann counsell01 ~..I!Slern R~ Centre h 85 BaldoOII • Jane4 Aslsld; Cha!Nm l.l'lS 43 Semenyn •• llll 16
rd IPI 1 • John c tllene P1 'lfl<s Suno1orl's Fence 1138 FOtlll
· BRn38Rossnlcru John P (Janel A) musJC ICtW 43 s-yn av apt 18 h same
!Aalsie h 190 ThameS apt 11 • 11001 GOr (OonnllJ rye SPeC 43 VICiolll h 332 ClmiM P'll..-y
S NII 3S3 ~ elltng!Dilw llll 203 • Root GOr rve spec 43 VldOiia •• h 434 Viclor11 av
• W•ild w1147 Lome av MQ.I.!IIUS Am h 650 Grand •• w 1;111!03
McLartv Ernest•ne ell< Best F01lns h 39 Oriole pl<wy McMASTER. SEE ALSO ~ASTER
·I< ly!e !Jean) h 113 E~··!l 8 Scoll(MSusan) rl es1 btkr McMalll Ga:lery ol Homes h
• Mark •lclt Otson'a (Tilbury! 120 llydlea~ •~ e•1 216 Cecile IY
• 1.1et1e En 12 Baldoon rd 11)1102 fl:adley A •· .dl ·7 O'Br.en dt
• M.may (llofollly) consll1!9 Bell Clnldl II 120 ltydica~ IY McMATM. CHARLES, (Betty), (McMath Realty Ltd,
1•1 The Gallery of Hom•), h 27 O'Brien dr,
MclARTY, RON, k iM Rep Plneonneault & GebaJ Phone 352-t471
Real Estate Inc, Realtor, h 11 Louella
crM, Phontl S54-0t35 • Dlne!l J Sludl64
• Ron (V!Ciovl elect Renard Greene ElediiBianhelml h 58 0.. id IJoanne) m counseJior C K0 MR h 21 Stone ...
Abmleen • Ehz h 96 Jettrey
· Todd 51UCI 120 ltyCIJcan ewe•! · laon H (Alina CJ h 15 Ctawtfl Clr
l.ld.a!Chy .u1co1m J (Deldre) cl1l t.I>NS~ry ol "''"'al Reaourcet lloyd c:r~ Callldllobtl~ 96 Jettre;
• Lome R n.m n PJ lirtl.ghler h 64 CQ.erda~
h 7 Patlelon ••
McLAUGHl.N. SEE ALSO t.lcl.OUGHllN •<gclab produce C1mD0a11 Soup h 57 Sneidon ••


23 1VAN ST., P.O. BOX 543, N7M 5KI PHONE 354-5045


GALLERY OF HOMES , (Frank R o... QC, Lawrence Q O' Connor. QC
(Chari.. McMath) & Jamea 8 a... QC), Brian W Knott.
124 St Clair........Phone 351-3133 Auoc:lete Lawyera, Solleltora, Etc,
43 William n,
.......... Phone 352-5450
McM,nan Hugll P (Belly M) h 15 Mallard pi
Paul h 225 Camous Pkwy apl302 M<:Ne..n Jean tchr Georgi!S P Van•er Sent 343 Gland av e apl 602
McM LEN SEE ALSO MacMillAN Mci.I:UAN Mafgtl h 343 Grand av e apt 802
l.lci.IOIIIII! K~ AIUiy Rl o!cr Cal\ada Agticullure Plant Prod McN•fl Calher~M h 45 Warwlc~ dr
Oov It 46 Romhelth rd *
• Rob (Carol!) n 382 Klllg apl 1
'-'<:NUlty Jan studl905·1'2 Chamlg Cross rd
Jl.~u..a.LAN SfE ALSO McMll.LEN
Joan Mrs lcllr Essex H•gl1 Schl h 905·1 '2 Channg Cross rd
McM.JIIan fll•llOf h 180 Grand ave M<:PHAIL, SfE ALSO MacPHAIL
McMUllEN SEE AlSO McMUllAN Ml:Pha1l Bernrce E Mrs h 237 Queen
McMullen Gl'Otg•na 97 Mcfarlane av apt 209 • Grego<y A 5tu<ll33 Meadowlea rd
- leo E(Cam•thal {1 v Fac11 Maoazn~e) h 155 Thornh•U aes HatOidrne Mrs h 20 Trfthum VIllage ap1206
lb•le ~ 1nstr !lell Canada h 193 Sheldon av • K!'nnelll J ltlerm•e El (JoybOx lldl h 33 Meadowlea rd
• Marv Sludl193 Sneldon av · le!la Mrs h 15 Tnlllum V1llag~ apl 104
McMullin Ela•ne M (Jay) secy lllondeel Glass lid 55 Brock Paul J (Anna MJ m1n•Sie! Chatham ChrtS1tln Cenlre h 89
· G Ah 76 Mary ap1807 R•vervlew dr apt 508
· Jay G (Eia•ne Ml glaz•er BIOndeel Glass h 55 Brock McPHEE. SEE ALSO MacPHEE" McPHIE
McNABB SEE ALSO MacNAB McNAB McPhetson Aline speech lhetaprst Kent COunty Treatment Cenlre
McNa•rntv E11217 Selk11k h 125 Poplar
· liz A opt' Studio 1 36 Grand w Edwd J h 33 Baldoon rd
• N')!man C!Sally) cape Fire Oel!l h 29 S•moniOII 111 W1r~,~ 1.4ra h 78 Mary apt414

· Sally (1-::Jmlanl tCIIalham Drapery) 29 S1m01llon dr McPHIE, SEE ALSO MacPHEE McPHEE
McPorttand Sian (Jane I) h 100 McFarlane flllapl 505
M:Na•ty Doug J lUnda M) operaliOns mgt OmMech h 95 S1 l.lcOUARRIE. SEE ALSO MacQUARRIE
· Douglas F (Georgona 0) II & d emkr Russell Toot & 01e h 19 McO\uggan M•Chl J h 3 Ordon blvd
0<10'p pl<wy
McNWARA. SEE ALSO MacNAMARA Mcflae Joan E dept hd Chatham Pub lobry h 190 ~laware av
M,Na,-nara Gerald A(louose) h 28 Blddell av M<!iJ!ed E 1.4ts II 401 YcNaUjjhlon a• e
• PatJc mgt tra•nee ReQf!ncy Racl<el Spons Complex (Brampton}26 McReynolds John G(Dale Allodl relat1ons Motor Wheel Corpn h
Boddo>il av 98 Umvers•ly dr
MzNaugllt Hugh h 79 Batdoon rd apt t 1 McRotcn.e Charhe Eagt J S P111ler & Son res RA 3 Bothwell
· John AS!iJdl 107 Cantetbory McRobbe David h 805 Grand av w apt 1QCS
• Robt(Eima Kl h 107 CanlerbUIY !SObel h 30 Trrll•um Voltage aPt 207
Mc.N4UGHTON SEE ALSO MacNAUGHTON McRoberiS lona bkor K~nt Carpet Centre res Bolhwell
McS~ey C h 165 Kong w apl36
Mc:Na~hlon Avenu~ Public School G C Edwards pnn 480
l.l~NaughiOn ave • Chas h 165 King w 8DI8
McTaggart May A Ml$ h 79 Sunnyside aw
Coli h 100 Mcfarlane av eJl( 310
• Ne~t L tJanet AI suovsr Umon Gas h 94 Card•nal ern
• Doa"f!~ a MeiOow Park N.usg Home h 45 Tlmm•nscreupt313 McTavosh Barb (Doogtas) dlr Mac's Mil~ 16 Sara cres apt4
~Naug!\IOn l.laiiC)r Apartments 99 McNaUI)Ilton av w Dave C lCOno1e Ml tab Ca~ Fram lid h II SouthPnd ern
• Aona!d v (Ahce Cl h 12 But~ll1gham av Douglas h 16 Sarah ern apt4
• SIJ!fla R Mrs h 805 Grand av w apt808 JOhn A t0ebb1e J) mech Waekens·Chrysler Plymoulh h 34
~oleN ear WJas CS Marybelle) supvsr Daymond Lid h 241 Tweedsmulr McNaughton av w
ave Ruth stsldy Nail Gro 1128 Sev!'nlh
McN~Il, SEE ALSO MacN£ll M<:Vtcar Jas A(talole AI prln McKeough Pub Schl h 69
M:N~ AAntt Mra h 383 Welhnglon w 81)1306 Wrllowdale pi
· lkeoda Mrs secy King Gra n & Feed h 161 Goldpark rd · Sieve !Brenda) pharm Wootco h 120 West
• Ca•l B (Janet Ll h 220 Pa1~ ave McWha Gladys Mrs h 4C Trrthum Vtllage apt 1004
· Douglas A stu<ll52 Beechwood cres eJll 1 • Robt h 1I Alpine av
• Fral'lCes Mrs h 85 P1ne 81)1118 1.4cWh•r1er WJ h 726 Ouee!!
- ~nK~wm21~~a~ Meades Donald F (Madeline} h 49 Gtenwooo dr
John 1'1 Ill (Nancy Al psydl1alnSI Pub Gelll H05p h 21 Chippewa Meaoow Park A!)anmenls 50 Mernn av
01 Meadow Part< Apl$ SO Mernh av apt 101
• IIIII\ h 24 Vante~ <If apt 4 Meadow Pari< NUl& ng Home Polrs Matgl Mellon admm 110 Sandys
Meanwefl Paul T mgt Ulllon Gash 565 King w
• M~e(lOI•I~ E!ltlgy & Thefma ContrOl h 82 Lomuw
M~ny Ahce h 44 Pavey
• R~ L 1.1~ h 52 ~..ood cres eJll 1
Meers MabeUe h 85 Pme apt 138
• S~evtn (Jac••el ..lot Motor Wllf!el h 15 Sudbury dr apt 3
· Tom h92 Slanleyav • Myrtlr Mrs h 3Lamson cres apt 1
Mc;N(Ill, SEE ALSO IAacNEill • R A h 452 Grand av e
~e~ll John B 383 Welllng!on w 81)1306 • Rrd1d A (Irene) drvr Chatham Coach Unes h 112 Selkirk
.Jot>.n UPalricta I c11< I HCanada h 10 Buel<ingham a- Ml!dd Brian G sll<rm mgr Zellers h 87 Wedgewoocl av
• Rll!l! Mrs h 65 Tlmmtns cres apt 217 Poledenbhk Elco (T•nal slk mntnce 1HCanada h 19 Redbud dr
· Mush 40 Elm apt327

Please Turn to the Last Page of
the Classified (Yellow) Section.
MEDENBLIK Memr Pii(Juclllll) d &Clotmlr1 Russell Tl &0te res Boa 48
Ceclat Spnngs
...., ( wiCir S.. Mig h 149 TiS111n1n 1'1 Mercer Bt\a E(PIIrlc:ia Ll eng C& 0 Ry 11 8Ao;on C1r
lllldlzD Annl 124 Conilill Eh 104 Plaeson 1'111)13
lillln Algd (Winifleell h 1000 Ollring Crc. rei unit 24 J 1137 Bllh 11)12
Mllllellblcl'ler 8rilll J (Gerianne) press opr Cln Fram Lid h 55 Jaslllb Minlslryol T~& ~11
Pnnce ~#tv 1'1 83-1 '2 tnsnes 1'1
Jim (MIInen) llsmn Chlmberllil'l Plea Joyce 11 6 O'Nell 11)13
s h 142 St Cllir M.wglll9 1'2 l'.lnQ w 11)1 11
l'l1rida secy CM~cillen lleisl1ll1 Mltlony & Hagle 8 Ao;on Clr
.... Woltglng (hmela)wU Kent County 8d ol [Clue: h 38 Ordon
blvd Regd 0 (Suzlnnr .., rofllrlt dM lololor Wheel Corpn h 80 Pine
Mlinlinglr Ot8ce V h 99 McH8ughlon 1'1 w 1PC 244 Rob! J ~n>ltadet c.n Fram h 650 Orllld 1'1 w 11)1 SOli
ltlrry [ (Meriel h 41 8rodl Sccll (Pill 110 Eaton Yllflld 11208 Joleph
l'lridl41 8rodl Wm S 11 38 8arllle
Mercury Press (Chalham)lld !.las Al\oningl91 Heriagt rei
Mlisllr Chea 1130 Trillium VDiage 1PC 106
Andw 11 181ndiln ~ rei w
• Andw S (EIIl)IMoczrk Tl & Oil) h 24 lndlln Creek rei w
MmOIII Allelwkl Russell n & 01e 19 Webb
Allei(W•nnolred) II & Cller!*1 Austell Tl & Die res Ill! 3
0.. llud124 lndlln Creek relw Blenheim
John II JlniAe) pres Weltlm E~ I.Jcl h 5331.8cro0 llrenl A1P111 I & diemi<J 11 4 Slirling II 11)1 1
John 0 vlce-chlirmn Wtlllm [quip h 228 (),!ley Clr Oh89~Cir1PC1006
Mill< 11 3411 King • EC~gW W (~LillO I H Cinldll19 Oinond C1r
J M h 118 Alvmlew e1r 11)1510
lllllllnson Gordon S IWirglr!lr) h 53 Wiltlhitl C1r Janice h 150 Fore!!
f'-. h 214 "-ton IV Jls (Jarlisl ~ & Clieml<rl!uswfl Tl I Die res EriniJ
Meldrum o h 75 McNiughlon 1'1 e lyle 0 lab MoiOf Wheel h 65J Olleen
Melhulsh 1'11111128 Oonl1dl Clr M~e wb Motor Wheel Corpn h 11S ~ 11)1 1
• Wm C IMiehelintl prqecl mgt Mlnntnger 8r01 Conllr h 15 Terry l (Kalllvllab Chrv11er CiniCII h 52 .Miele 1'1
Devidcres W1yne (linda F) I$SI Prov of~ h 20 .U0 IV
Melillo "--uuie LI*IIJ lormn Chlfllm Collctete h 43 Merlallll Adolfo (W.Ia) lab Eaton 'ale lid 11 2S) i weecJsmuir 1'1
Chnris e
lottliver Amy h 82 DelawM avepll07 Mlonoo V (0enesla) 11335 W!llinglol *
MeNet1 Robl46llt18downe ·~ Antleo (Vlncenzlllab l.lotor Wlleel Corpn h 69 Sy1•eslef C1r
Mellow Gordon L (llevtrly A)llb Cln Fram h 1111 Argyle ens · Carmelo (Maroa) lab Elan n & Doe n 124 .1oM
• Sheryl r n I Plib Oenl Holp II 34 3 Orllld 1'1 IIPC 513 .le!ry lllwyer MoiOf Wheel Corpn 20 John
Melnyl< Chlrlone (DIIel (fmprna 8ly Sllonl100 Frtelln!:l M1 5 SUI 124 .1oM
• Dale J (QIIrloae AJ repnnn Bell Clnedlll 100 freelllld 1'1 .los IGerlldlnellab Elao Tl & Olen 70 FIUbell C1r
• Glry INincvl rnntnc:e Molher"s Reslr 11 408 5lndvs IIPI2 · llurle ISSl mgr Town & Counlri Shops res RR 1 BleM!Im
• Ken E(lorie) lab Clwl fram lkl h 84 Riverview C1r 11P1 3 MatiallO \lotarll) const1 w!<Jlkllon Gash 181 Adelllde s
• Heney payroll ell< lletler Booking Serv 409 SlnCiys 1012 • t.Wio lludl 20 John
• Sieve W h 22 Clnlerbury • W.ISa WtiS Counlryside Reslr 20 John
Metoclle Ann .. 117Eiillbelh lllchele (Ciaitellormn Elan n& o.e,., 37 s1fvesler e1r
·Irene A Mrs II 20 TriUium v,~ 101107 Susan S1Ud1 181 Adell•de s
Wally 87 Tlylor 1'1 MIERIANO, TONY, (Mullcelltrlnga 'N Thlnga
Melon...,. Mrs h 99 McH8ughlon 1'1 w IPI223 Ltd), Rei A A 1 .._flelm. Pt1oM 171-11H
Mellon Elwood AIMildred G) h 31 FinCh 1'1 V•ranzo IModlellnii.U Elln Tl & Oit h 20 John
Geo J IMirOII see-n. Edglwoocl fiii!IS lid (PIIn Court) II 14 Merllees Melba R Mrs 11 I~ 104 Part. 11)1 10
llrilr Hill rei • Mildred Mrs h 650 Orllld 1'1 w 1P1 20 I
Michl J lludl 14 llrilr Hill rei • YICkJe h 27 TIIOmes
Melvlll At1hur t.t (llernlce) IIIII AI~ C1r 1PC 205 lolert11111 Ellz meld Mleels Inn h 130 51 Cllor
lucy 11115 Pine 1PC 11 S lolertlloeld Edwd J computer opr I HCin1C11 h 41 CO't'erdlle 11)1
Memeclovlch Clllly IKorv) Cllgnr The~ Florisl8411erry aoe
• Kory ICIIhy) h 84 lle!ly
• Miry l5011 Lxroi• c......
Rob! (Evai Sis Freedy"s Clo SIOrll II 5011llc:rob 3 WIIIIMI,I· - -· Account lllecultve
, lufte •• P 0 loll II
• S!lnley IRidiiiiO S.. Mig h 46 Prince Ar11ur 1'1 .......... Phone 311-tl03
Memotlll.,_ Bill Holling mgt 80 Twwdlmult I'IW
Memorill Pool 100 TWIIdlmulr 1'1 •
Memorial SQulle w I Sid! Mernn Tl'lfm 2 Kong*
t.lenlrd WI II 105 1'2lomt 1'1 Mernllllriln assl mgt TSC SIOrellld m RA 8 ThllniSYIIIe
• Mlrcel J (Cherlene AI lilt 11M C P EJp h 143 lotcHiugiDII'I w • Douglls L (t.letoe) h 21 Tlyloll'l
IPII · Evan Hillatblrii1C01101111S1 Union Gls II 250 TWMdsmuir l'l w
Mendes Helder P (t.letil FIIIO 8enn lrotl Fndry 194 St C1ak • Gllbl (Mir)Oite WI h 18 Coverlllle
Menefy Cllll (Helen) h 18 ~ dr leslie 0 (.lanice H) ass11111 mgt King Or1m Lid h 44
ltllnnonger lollrjory II 40 i rllllum Villlge 11)1 404 Bllmoraloel
Menon IIAI (Uma)lellr Chlllllm Kent Sec Sct11 h 82 er- C1r • Mldeleine Mrs inser1lr Chlfllm Dally News h 106 Forttt
• Slllsh lt.llrilynllellr Kent County 8d ol Educ h 81 Woodlllld M¥11 C Mrs h 199 Will
1'1 Memn Mlr1111 Wm 8oshop mgr 310 lolemlll'l
Mlnlllul1 a. f.lolnnt) pllnl chllnnn OlymonCI h 252 Plrk 1'1 w • W.VIn !Lenore) olce mgr CL Benninger Equip m RR 1
Menlll Hlllfl Clinic 115 Emma Paincoun
t.lenr.l Heel1ll Kenl93 Wrlli1111 n Mlrylou IS.. Noble Shops) m llurtong!On
t.lenyes John 110 AKWlndl 36 SOUihend Cltlll)l 1 • Morley Kllllrblr1 Jl lotmn Hydro h 55 ChurthiU
ltlenzils Robl W(t.tarfent Pl eng Cln Fram h 202 Campus Pkwy 1P1 • Rob! AISUSin) mgt libbey-SI Clai! Inch 70 Glenwood C1r
209 . v~ ,., 624 Sl Cllor

• School and Office Supplies • Office Furniture

180 KING ST. W. PHONE 354-0470

· wayne 108 Forest - Jacob !Eleonora! supvsr Unoon Gash 38 Lrncoln rd
Merry Tone 0 J Servoce 590 McNaughton av w Jan J sr acclg ctk Umon Gas 38 Lmcoln rd
Merla Jenl elnr Saxony MOle! MoerkaJns Th 615 King w
Mertz R h 27 Orchard pi Moffhn ·• h 50 Modlener rd apt 416
Mervln fl L (M Liltran) lonemn Onl Hydro res Ridgelown Bev stscfk Town &Country ShOPS Arnold
Mesqu,la Jose h 48-1 '2 Raleigh Bill set·up mnmce Chatham Plastic Finishing
• Tany 8 Stirling Ia apt 1 · Burwell (AnnaL) h 57 Ascot ct
Messeroclf Melcom h 28 Vanderpark dr Ch 272 Park av e
Mes~ey Lillian h 565-1'2 Queen MIFFLIN, CLAYTON, (Thelma), Collection Mgr
Mestenmaker Brenda EMrs krl hiP" VICIOria Home h 126 Mcfadden Credit Bureau ol Chatham ltd, h 121
av Partridge cru
Uelcalfe Alan M (Betty J) carpi QPP h 48 Warwtck dr Donald B (Shortey A) gas farm ag1 Petro Canada h 1000
• Davrd V (Sharon! (0 & MCycle) h 419lndoan Cleek rd w Channg Closs rd unot 47
• Jell h 38 Selkirl< • G Rh 74 StGeorge
• Mary h 85 P•ne apl 233 · Gary B (Beverley A) wks Eaton Yale ltd h 98 Arnold
• Norm mgr 8ufk Food Store h SO Merron av apt403 · Grant elect Chatham Elect h 21 · t'2 Hollyard
Mettwen DollJe Mrs h 24 FrtS! - Ivan 0 {Calhenne W) supYSt Urnon Gas h 25 McKinnon dr
Lloyd mecll Art Demars EntefP'lses 25 Gray apt 2
METROPOLITAN LIFE, Lyda 159 Cornholl
John A Ooeterllng, Salu Manager M•l<e h 195 Emma apl1
48 C.ntra........Phona 352-2414 • Murray 0 (Doreen) metermn Hydro h 63 Rossini eras
• Nancy J h 35 Barthe
- Sandra SlUdt t 29 Partridge cres
Mevrlle Waltraud h 397 Sandys apt 4 • Tammy ctk Kinney Shoes 63 Rossrni cres
Meyer Hugo (Pearl) pres Meyer Meehl Contr Lid h 615lacrolx • Terry atdt Maple Crty Gas & Qil63 Rosslm cres
·Linda blcpr All Can Trk & Trlr Spis h 122 Riverview dr apt · Terry L lab A WK lnd h 129 Woods
338 · Todd elk A & P 63 Rossrm eres
· Lynn A secy Davrd GMcGeorge Lid res RA 6 · Wayne h 38 Regency do
Meyer Mechanical Contractors Lkl Hugo Meyer Pfes 615 Lacroix Moke's Auto Repair 625 St Clair
Meyerink Bob slsclk Elk's Men's Wear res Dover Centre M•ke's Place Mike Buckler mgr ·Owner 564 Queen
• Oanllechn LaBelle's TV & Aplncs res RR 7 Mrke's TV Antenna Sales & Service (MIChl Devolder) 385 St
• Dlane (Fred) elk CAA flulo Club & Travel flgcy 333 Park av w Clair
• Fred (Diane) (Fred's Rig & Hom& Reprs) h 333 Park av w Mrke s Wool & Frames Mrke Romlscon mgr 615-F Grand av w
· Janoce asst Elk's Men's Wear apl Dovl!l Clint M•kullca ladostav (Anne) (laddie's Shoe Repr) h t42Tweedsmurr
• Jas (Eirz I) shtmll mech loll Metal Fabrrcators h 14 t Poplar ave
· John J h 10 McNaughton av w • Laory A (Irene) elk I HCanada h 104 flrgyle eras
· Mdll ITerry) h 625 Park a¥ w Mrlak J Wh 31 Prrnce Arthur av
• PatriCia lab Woodbf•dge Foam (Tilbury) 44 Copperfield eras • Randy mgr Harvey's h 87 Llydlcan av
• S h 27 Gregory dr e Mrlam Virgrnia counsellor Soulhwestem Regl Centre h 118 Park
Meyers Barbara h t40 Williams apt3
• Jrm !Shelley) farm lab Van Mar Farms h 124-1'2 Murray Mtlauo Sebas1Jano (Marra A) lab Libby McNeill & Libby h 19
lolezenef Glenn denltS1 G Mezener OnH Clinic res RA 3 Diamonddr
lhzyk S1antey (Theresa) H& d1emkr Russell & Die h 367 Milburn Evelyn h 75 Mary apt 109
Sandysapt4 · Kenneth J (Wanda) h 16 Homestead cres
MIChael Nrcos (Annal lab Eaton Yale Lid h 3 Devonshire rd · Stanley (Ita) h 72 Frelder av
Mochalel< Mary·Ann r n St Jos Hasp h 925 Gland av w apt 102 Milcz John H(Nancy E) resource techn Minlslry of Natural
MIChaud Andre Wh 104·1'2 Raleigh Resources h 79 Lincoln rd
· Ch 174Par1<ave Mllczrak Peter (Carolina) farmer h 66 Vanderpark dr
· Golles (Drane) (Mochaud Conslt) h 180 Eugenle Mrles Block 81· 1'2 King w
• Hermel mgr One Slop Vacuum & Sewing Cllntre 242 51 Clair Mlletlc Calolyn SIUd137 Ellis
Marvin (Charlene)lab J & ECustom Terp MitChel (Helga) lehr Kent County Bd of Educ h 37 Ellis
Rena secy One Slop Vacuum & Sewing Centre 242 St Cta11 Mlljkovoc Oragl (VIda) Wldr Dover Corpn h 61 Peters
MIChell Peter (losa) h 82 Closs Millar Jas (Mary) h 94 Baldoon rd apl 203
Moehoe Madge HSara Noble Home h 100 Mcfarlane av apt510 • Lorence A (Maron) h 560 VIctoria av
Mochlels Geoarda h tO 1Harvey • Marsha (Jim) supvsr Chatham May Court Day Nurseries res RR 3
Moke P (Debbie) mech Rovervrew Serv Cenlre h 59 Aberdeen Millard Oouglas R (Linda J) lab Can Fram h 136 Thornhill eras
• NJ h 22 Baxter
Mrchta Rrehd D (Karen A) supvsr Can Glaon Comm h 89 Sourlquols • Thos drvr atdt Chatham & Olsl Ambulance Serv res RR 8
Moc:lde Bt1an (lou) drvr atdl Chatham & Dis! Ambulance Serv Mrllben Ethel Mrs 46 Pine
resloodon Mrllen Dorothy K h 202 Campus Pkwy apt 109
Mleks Jean smstrs Lloyd Bag h 29 Charterlnpt 3 Mrller Allan R (Jozene) loreSitechn Ministry of Natural
- LUI.a~ Mrs h 88 John Resources h 233 Sandys
MICOircs Gabrttlla anomal hlth tectm Kent Velet1nary Chnlc • Beth stud! 35 Delaware av apt t
res RR 4 Appm • Bruce h 365 Grand av e apt 3
UJCIOby1e COmputers Joanne Breeders mgr 615·8 Grand av w • Cart F {VIola) h 58 Freeland av
Mcuda Uoyd (Mana) lab I HCanada h 4 1 flthlone C1 • Carla stud! 104 Paneson av apt 1
• VlfiCB Mrs h 422 McNaughlon av e · Carmen J (Calol B) (Mrller Rfg & Siding) h 36 McKeough av
loAodas Muffler Btal<es Shop (Dupuls-Van Hooren En1erplrses Inc) Chris C stud! 221 Grand av e
167Keol~s · Clare 97 McFarlane av apt310
M•elclalei< Edwd F (Donna) (J & ECUstom Tarps) h 80 Sourlquofs • Clemens h 650 Grand av w apt 307
· Henry K (Uarthl) lariTII!t' h 243 Melnn av • Oarry1104 Patteson 8\1 apt 1
Moe18S c.ot Ann Sludt 38 uncorn rd · David (Debbie) cond C & 0 Ry h 6 Dove pi

O...!d A(Gayle) I5St mgr ~of MJnl n8 Tasa~ cree Ltn h 26 Amelia
Dfbbie I'llPI CMd Evangelism FellowsNp n IS I Forest t.!Jl1ene Ediela1)' Pub Genl Has;! n50 w ang:on e
Denise ~51 wanc~ercu~ s7 Roulnl cres "'Wf 126 Prince Ar1nur ..
Ellz AM Sisler 1rUS The Plnrs S2 CICISS PeftJ tetM Hugh's Cltptl ClnQ n 223 fornl
EwS1 C(lavern) n S3 1'2 Grand IV e Sybils!sdk • ~ IOTrlllllim flllqagt20i
• helyn h 104 I'IOson l't 1P1 I Thelmlll 40 TIIMII1IS cres 1tJ1 •
rred 342 Sandys I!PI4 WiMIIrtd t.4rsh 28 r..~r•• e
• 0 h 38J Wellinqton Wepl 1()6 Mllsor!Oh 13~clt
G.sete stud! 57 Roainl ern Ktnnelll mgr MllellO• res RR 1
Cklham l (l)la<llle F)~ & dlemkl Slanda~tl Tube (B!enlle'.m) h llalt. (Glorll) h 103 Cdbome
45tmchCI u w Peter IRilsel mnance Libby MI. & Ullby 11 376 Pallo
Hea!llel 36 Ucl<eough IV e.eapt2
Hug11 (Carol) h S24 LICIOh l.l.lllyafd Alii •7 Sen< r!<
MILLER, J NELSON, (LouiN), (WatetllouM Chery1 AtA.Ilenl an CM Alllo CIIC & Ttaoel Agcy 47 Stllo.!tto
Jewellett), II U2 Lacroix, Phone S h 71 VldorlU\1
IM-2771 MJne GettruOe lh h 36 ~ton
JasC (t.Jnda GJ mn1nCe meC11 M111.-yof Transp& Comm h 103 1an AQQllt1Smn Union Gas h 29Liydatla•
Eugenle Kei G!Sharon UJcf• I HCanad3 II 20 Rect*OOd ern
• Kennt'!!l J trl< dm 6 Eng!!stt Side rd Uta £ h S35 Vic1DN rt
• Mary Ellen S1Udl 15 Eng! Side rd Slwon lid san:e·s fHhiOnS 20 Rect*OOd ern
Ma>•ne t.l t.I!S h S8 Devon rd Tim w\Mary Anne) br mgr BJ. 01 M..~ Sccta n 94 Pniq
Michl 'II sidong lnslk Wle! Rig & Sklng h 51 Hlgllland dr cres
Morns (Jean) 1Q1 !'aut Art~ Life Ins h 35 ~Qif IV lpl 1.1 :ner Ar1llur ( K) h 157 l!lefa des
I Da.. ne M 226 Yl Uaam s
Norah l M!$ h 99 ...~IV Willi 119 """'1'1 S!Udl226 YiilliaiTI s
• Pat mach Dill Cll 35 Delanre •• lpl I Jas w!Carole A) rld;O mlct17*1VI teem llt!l Cltlldl n m
• Pa!Jitne lArs h 232 Colbome Yi hams •
·Rh t6SKingwapl23 m wtv ioleQ 11 383 1'21\.ing •
• RIC~ h 5-« OUffil apt I Kt1lh J (Shatley Alas! Snpr Can Fra.-nll •1 CneS1niA dr
• Robl t.l (Oiane) lrt; dm Mmor Wheel Corpn h 22 t Grl'ld IV I M to t.41Chl (EilZI jan II~ I '2 Queen
t.1 'let Roofing & Stdo'flO Cetmen l.llle! mgr 1551 Grand av t M lord JciVl 'II (W tnc1y 0) Ugrndt HE Vannaner Lid h 9e
• Vltlol B IM Pallidal n8 EngliSh Slde rd Thornhill cres
· Waller l~l '*"-' l C 9d n 57 Rossini cres
Win V h 1• .13cbor1 dr
MJos Paul M h fi8 Sl George
I.I.!:Jsavljr-.1c l h 59 TI ,tor IV IDIII
W1111111red Eh 22S ar.'l<l av e .,. ~!IV 1sa COorO!Irtlh 119 r..~ eve
Wm G (Gait P) (Willaceburg l'loodcra h 138 Cecile IV MJson .Jm A di • mgr WiXIIco !'1 170 Slwldys
M er's Roollng & SldlnQ (Carrrltn lol.ller) 21 I'm IV t U.n A~ Bill field ~-mgr 677 Grand h *
1.1 hey John !Beetrkel ptm opt Ee1011 Yale Lid h 20 Trillium Mna'l Roy G (Cecile WI dtpl mot Union Gas n 81 0118101 dr
'lilllge apt 209 1.1 ndorH franl< A(.lean) Ill reo Tne Co-Ope.$s h 19
I,Hr:t CMOI l cD\ Can Imp !Ill of Comm 115 Pllfl<wood dr Hillcresl IV
· £art L (Htlda R) 1t sts rep Silver*DOd Oetlles h II 5 MINOORFF, ROBERT L, (Anne). Pret Earl E
Parlr..Wd dr Auatln and Son Umlled, h 71 Croaa
1.1 111gan Donald P ~ MJreprmn Bell c.nac. n 791.1t> Mate! Oouolas cook Sl Clair Resw I .·~I Grrd IV w apt 3
M lllne S~tpllell W (CarOiee E) rt & d•emloJ Air Kel Moulds L Robin 11• William n
(Wallecetlur1ll h 59 F&trcourt av Ul !e A II 203 Par1o.
.,.,mno PtO<IuCIS Umtted John KllfOh!S genl mor 148 Wellltlglon lola kll hlpr 5I Andmo s Resident4 106 Edgll
w R Jean 203 Patk
t.l nm.loltEd·lh) mec11 h 1•6 Tunrrnnscrn~ 4
WJ1Ungt0n JciVl A (Shanon l) carp Gra.llam & Kl!!llble h 40
I.IIIISI1Y of AQ<ICU!lln & FOOd Barty G F,_ agt1e reo 435
Semenyra IV Gta'ld av w
t.lills Alfd !Audrey Jl h 13Q ~ 1
• Anne a!lmbOM PennlngiOII'I 56 Jcsepll
Barry W (Judy Al COilSUrntfS loan ofct Royal Bk II 159
41 Fttth, 2nd Fir, Box W , N7M 51<1
· Betty Mrs ' *'Uibd 0111 Union Gas II 270 V!C.!Orla aw ·····-MPIIone 352-5040
• Buan lab Can Frarn II 45 Tunmtt'ill cres 101210
MILLS, C WAYNE. SupetVIIOf £nvlneerlng
Chatham Board of Waw Commllaloneta, h 44
John Plndet, Superintendent
• Chat (Ju!lf') d:ttsmn SuperiOr lolach & Tl h 34 Pacle$on ...
17 Seventh ..... Phone 352-0150
· DOll A (t.largt R) shop co-ordlnetor CM!Nim Coach Lines II 32
Palkwood dr
· Donald W (El$1~ MJh 125 Glerl*OOd dr
· Eleanor h 360 Sandys apel04
• Fkrtd Wlab C.ty h 60 Richmond 1D1 I
1kni$1ry of Nalural RetOIICIIS Wendy lolcNab dill mot '35 Grl'ld

t.l.nmry of~ Regtonal Asaarne1 Qlfa R S RJddell rtgl

• frwas K Ml1 h 126 Prince MN av I comm 435 Gtd"'d ... w
• Glenn Y (Yergae K) ICd On! Wllee1 Bd h 415 Cla•en dr
• Grace L Ml1 n 32 PrlfQ Mt'IUI av I
• Ha"'f l (1.4•10rad I) h 18 B•ICI'•OOd KENT COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE,
• Helen M h 11 Adelaide n apt I
21 Seventh
• tlub1 F (t.latgl L) corer &up\ISI Mll'ltSiry of Transt~ & Communoc
. -.... Phone 352-n40
h 72 Algency dr


Serving Th e Community Smce 1966
Industrial- Hot Asphalt Flat Roofing - Commercial
Shingl ing, Siding & Soffit
160 EUGENIE 352-4082
M•IIV~~~r r n 184 Wt$1
• Kenneth h 25 Harvey
PROVINCIAL COURT THE, '-' llopoulos Gus tPalltCck.nlry K•lchl!lll h 24 Raodoll ttea
(CRIMINAL DIVISION) t.l•liOY1C lucy cik Unton Gash 136 Tweed!IITiuor ave
21 Seventh M•lliVII!rlorna elk lec1a11's Variety h 287 Sandys
.......... Phone 352-8070 Monon David R IJudllhl rou1e co-ordiMtor Work we., COIP!l h
149 Punce AlthUt av
• H Glenn ~Ursula H) h 95 W•llowmac av
Tracy asst mgT HaTvey·s Resl/217 Park
PROVINCIAL COURT THE, Mlzener Glenn Dr dntsl 21 I S1 Clah
(FAMILY DIVISION) Miyne~ Frank tDo!Oihy Alii & diem~r H J Heinz COn 78 Bur100
L G De Koning, Judge av
417 St Cl&lr•....•..•.Phone 3540-0122 Mobil, Po..-er (Otv Hayes Da'lll Inc) G Allan Crosb<e mgr 1030
••••••.••.Phone 354-0122 RIChmond
Mocoa Btuno lab Elan Tl & Doe 47 Soutllend cres
Bruoo tGetald•ne) mach Elan Tl & Doe h 11 Retlbud dr
M111TStry of !he Envoronment Ed Uhlik sr envoronmenlal lechn • [)omenic wl<s Chal!lam Ptasvc finoshlll!l
435Gtandavw 0
Jos J appr blchiiGA 76 Sylvester ell
Mn•Slry ot TransporlalJOn & Communocallons Don McOermod fTIQI 0
Mano M (Joannel btklyT h 21 Campbe~ apl3
60Keil drs 0
Mano M(Joanne) wks Elan Tl & Die h 127 MerceT
t.IJnrslly of Tran&p0!1alion & Commooicatoons Gerf)' lkrrr eqwp • Salva!<Xe ~Mana Cllab Elan Tl & Doe h 76 Sylvester dr
supvsr 745 RIChmond Mocc·~e G282 Oueen
M•nor Snelley SIUdt h 198 Sandys Moccoo t.lano M(Joanne) bfklyT h 361 Patk av w
MoTBCie food Mart Glen Olr~er mgT 100 King w Uflfl - Mocz•k Tool & Die W01ks of Canada lid Andw Meko Jr mgr 21
M·randa Gtaclnda wl!s Albe~o·s Tavem h 63-1 '2 Lorne av Gregof)'drw
t.l•reau EG h ~ Pnnce Mhur av Modde Edwd l sfsmn Jack Carroll Ponloec BuiCk h 30 Trilhum
• Irene Mrs h 37 Gray Vllltge IPl 702
· Paul J slore mgt Frrestone (Samla) h 37 Pille Modern Buildong Clee"ong (Olvrsoon of Du llll1975 Grand av w
Moron Helen M wks Nor AlTier Plasti(S (Wallaceburg) h 73 apl104
Welllngtone Modern Miss Hair Styles !M&TQI Ewlngl92 Grand ave
· J h 87 Mary apl 204 Modeslo Denms H Or opiOm 157 StClair
I.I~Sener Wayne ICalhy) 1chr Raleigh Pub SeN (Harwich) h 40 Sl Moel~er L h 84 Mary
Anthony Moeller Oenms (Cimstone) olce wkr United CO·Op h 20 Anne
MaaJen Lori (Ronald I feoal &eey Benool Ven Raay Sprsaru & Manedr
Fuetlh 29 Anne Mane dr Moerman Waller {ChrlsiiMI h 99 McNaughton avw apt238
MoSSJaen Ronald h 29 Anne Mane ell Moesl<,. Ken appr mech Ray & Ralph's Grge h 124 TlsSiman av
IArssossqUOI & Rouvll~ Insurance CO 111 Helrrage rll unit 201 • Robt A (Thelma B)auto mech Jack Carroll Ponl•ac h 73
IIJSieie J Davld (Audrey El d•r Ken! County Bd ol Educ h 147 Freelendav
Cecileav Moffat A B11an !LOTs) lnclt eng l•bby McNeill & libby h 89
John 0 studl 147 Cec1le av Rovervoew dr apl 408
• Robl G studl147 Cecole av ° F~an~ D (Helen El (Inn Shop) h 650 Grand av wapl 706-707
t.I'SI!!f TtaiiSI!liSSIOO (Wm Helshorn) 98 Sl Cla!t 0
Perer quahiY ana!ysll HCanada 137 Fores!
M IChelf Bruce G!lOTs Mllchr John McGregor Sec Schl h e s Mohammed Shoraz (Margtllelv Kent CoufliY Bd of Educ h 32 Craoe
Eastia"'' dt dr
MITCHELL, BRUCE P, LLB, (Brend8), B•rrftter & Moor Donald A (Vera M) v pres can Fram h 100 Wyandoll
Solicitor M itchell & M itchell, h 741 Qu. .n, 0
Edmond J (t.lary El supl Hydro h 151 Faubert dr
Phone 352·1211 • Jas A Sludl 151 Fauben dr
• Cecil h 99 McNaughlon IV W apt 259 · Jas l(li<ldal h 32 OrChard His dr apt 1
Cta~era (PaiiiCTal StewaTd Can Leg!Ofl8t 62811 8 Orchard · Jean l Mrs h 99 McNaughlon av w ap!103
His dT apl4 • Jellrey T stl.ldl 151 Fauben dr
DII 40Tnlllum VIllage apt 801 • leonard A (Margl) h 46 McGeorge av
• Danby gro mgr M•racle Fd IAart h 18 Delloll dr • Uly Mrs 100 Wyandofl
Geo W(JeMoe)lnsp OPP h 427 VICIOIIa av lyla MMrs rna St Jos Hosp h 164 FOTest
• JeMoe Mrs h 40 Trolllum Vollage apl207 M A h 58 Delaware av
• Ka!hleen 0 h 40 Trolllum Village apt 50S M Steven studt 58 Seneca
• larry A I Mal)") II & doemkr HJ Hetnz CO h 256 Baldoon rd Marilyn F [J Perer) asstto lreas Hydro 58 Seneca
lena Mh 85 P~t~e apt235 Moclll G (Darlene T) opr M01or Wheel Corpn h 201 Emma
PetM J {Mil/llyn F) slsmn Rrchmond MilS h 58 Seneca
MITCHELL & MITCHELL, S h 45 Tnllrum Vrlfage epl311
(T P Mltc"-11, QC, Bruce P Mitchell, LL8) Seen M (lynn) mgr King Grain Lid res RR 2

Barrlatera & Sollcltora 0

Wendy C elk IGA h 140 Grand ave
4 Sl.w.t h, P 0 Bolt 471 MolaSI<r Josh 41 Semenyn a• apt5
•........•Phon• 351-2200 Molengraal Abf P (AliCe) (Molengraal Coostr) h 33 Pavey
Momney Maue 14 De Gtaeve dr
Monarch Propane Lid Robl K Wheeler br mgr 615 Sl Clair
• Robl S ILUCille) h 54 Sunnyside a~ Moncroel11an env planner Union Gas h 393 BaJdoon rd unll 19
· RoOt W(Jac:quelmeiiCiv John N Given Pub Schi h 97 Mercer Mondo Albina Mrs h 62 Stock
RonaldF IBrldgel Dl eng Can Frarn h 108 Glllld avw • Vouono (Mane L) lab RockweU 1n1emauona1 (Tilbury) h 47
Sherra<~ ec:ct Moler Wheel Corpn h 78 Rr...mew ell ap1 2 Sudburydt
MITCHELL. T P, QC, (Gertrud•), Barrltler & Monel Claude Dr 01al surg 9 Ursuline av
Solicitor Ml tch•ll & Mltc"-11, h 150 Money Broker The Elaloe BabtBter mgr 10 Ftlth
Cecile, Phone 352-4U7 Monong G Eh 383 Wellington w ap! 8°6

Smalley Brisco & Thomoson



M~ David 111Q' Fusl Choice Ita rcut!erl 30 Trmlum VilleQe
• Terrence w (Paula AI SOCial wlu Soulllwl!Siern Regl Ctn~r~ h
631Aercet • Vt~ syt!emS a.'lal"fll Union Gu 79 Gtegary dr ..
• w,lfd G(lsabel Jl n 202 Campus Pl<•y&llll 10 Vi ~yne T(Sandra! sys1em -~v~~ Union Gn h 314 ia~d pi
M:ntllolr.e Jean h 89 ft'VetVIew dl ape 207 Uoore Alb! !I •2 Ba!llle
Monnet Alaln brlo!yT 34 lorne 1v Ale• h 122 All!uncta ••
u~ n as Flelele< av • Anna hse+;pg Pub GeN Hasp II 75 M1ry 101 208
t.lonoyiOs Mle ~ FII!SlJ Grin (V!ellatebur;l 111 "!UQ!IIOn AnnaiJtl!e M11 II 154 Sefliirl<
avw8PI4 Anne R h I 8 Sel!<ltl<.
M;)Otoe 0ao1 h 150 M.lly ap1 206 B M !19 Satah cres 1D1 102
Monsen Olav M IAslrld) h 30 Trlllium Village apt I 007 ~':le F 11343 Grand av t&lll610
t.l~ey W !ef R (l'>'O!Vle) tt 150 Seflilt!< BrenGl h 360 SandY111l1212
~A!e,W(Shkler)tt 141 Addaldts M.xn Buslnes$ Forms Phil Oi Catlo olu mor •a F•l:h ~ 305
Ellt D(Kennetll) sec-v Geolges P Venter Schl 22 O"Brlen dl Cllas f (Mlti!) II 30 Trillium Vi':agt 11)1908
• Gary K Sludt 22 O'Bum dr David J s:udl 12 M.)hawk tl
Ker1ne!n w(Ellz 0) industrial eng Can f~ h 22 0 Blitn dr Doni J(lhgdtl:ne 1.t h 18 O•;ey dr
MOille Tammy secy 11 76 Mll'f apt 515 Donald (t):l•nl mntnce ISS! Clr; 11 14 P~t:e$0~1 a.
Mon:evne w 1e1 U(Gell:udel bldr 8 Parry dill same Donald J (Anne E) OOI!IIrtions mgt Union G&a h 12 M.JM•l< t1
MonlgOmery Brian Grl< dM Hlghpoinl Periodot8 I~ Joaph • [Jme A \IAJmtY lOU) fifet<gh!el h 20 Gtlmort av
• Carr'e slsclk llobbt Jon Casuals res RR 1 Dover centre Gary h 360 SancM a;ll J02
D Rob1 (!Mn E) h 40 Trilllum Village IIlli 806 Glen<U 64 RaJeJoh
• Ednll 1.1 alee 1111J! Domimon AJIO lranstr n 56 lome av G;orta C 113 ~ Cl
• Go! don h 650 Grand ..... apt 508 Gordon (Del na I h I 5 Carlo
Kennelh iBel1y) h 169 Joseph Hmo-.rd \IQncy) ~mbl l!!<.pt lOOt Amer PlasllCS II 91
• l h 278 Oueen
Rob W(Palroeil A) •ldr Slandard T~ (Bltnlll!tm) h 83 ~·
J h 15 Yi ilhe!S;lOOn 1:J1 I0 I
Julie!leav Jado J (Wi111111rtdl nso Menener ra l:ll 1 1o
• Robl (lindallll<r Fredl!rick TrallSp lid h 188 Emma • Jas tl'alrlclal •1dr Sass l.llg res RR 4 Froreoc:e
• Sandtal secy Blatt a MaYtJ h 221 Josepn ape A J, I U SIUdl 39 Cl'les!rd dl
• Scoll h 63 !.by!!noll rd .loami! ITI!dJ~Ill AnMersatv Shop 396 Grano •• e
Monlminy Jal1ice caUl cpr Domtal h 112 Sheldon •• atx14 • .loseplllne lA :'I 11 54 Bnxl<
IAonlrul House tFranl< Kyw) 185 Grai!CI av '* Joyce depl head ChalMm P!Ob llbry 11600 Grand I• wll)l3008
liaren ESIUdl 12 I.C-l)IW" tt
MONTREAL LIFE INSURANCE CO • • Ken N (Yvoonnt J) mgr le ers h 171 Mary\!11011 rd
NOI'm Wilton, Supervl tor Latry II 350 Sanctys IIPI202
111 Herlt.o- rd, Sui te 100, la.qy E(~J su;rN Can Posl Cortin res Bo• liB t R•dgeiC>"'"
P 0 Box 124, N7M IlL1 leonllld B(Grace E)IChl Tec:UIIISI!II Sec Schl II 18 fflldl pi
.......... Phone 354-H1 3 lynn "''' h 122 Eugenle
u h • 9 Raleogn
MOOOy CatTle 128 l'ftsiiDI I ~ a:llliii!Ot.-t 11ep1 c.n Tue 101 Prmcd.'1!lu!IV
· Clln (T•nallab 0om1ar Sonoco Cnlm 11217 Sandy1 l.lorler h 8 R;cllmolld ape 2
• Gotd l (llmtl hntmn Onl Hydro ,es Bl!!lllleun Normand G (Gera'tl nt) h 103 Tat1or ••
• '-''clll h 116 RIChmond Orval h 230 lnshes ••
M.cht H prur Tony's Pn!g& Oettg h 8 1'21f91~ · Oscar h 39 Regency ell
· Wh27Ba~ • Par• J tlltl!y Jean)~ Union Gas II 20 Holland a•
Moon Chas RtMantl h 7 B•ddellav PatriCia ES1u01 155 Patl< a• •
· Jack H(Hilel Cl h 18 Fa rCOUIIav Rat \W'M•t) lab Harwlch T"1) h 77 Wec:!ge.wood a•
• Jack K 1\ 9 Jotdar11v • Rayd \Matgl) txO. maon Elsmh Conslr (VIlrldsotJII 34
• JOI A \M.Vy lOU) h 418 Park IV w M.:.Naugh~Qn I• t
Kevin R 10 Cumbenand cret • Regd (Jean) tr~ CIM ~ lui Ctmelery 644 Bloornflfld
Linda h 76 Mary IPI 304 • Rtgd (IA.Itgll lab Clty h 664 Bloomf~d td
· l.lh 16Taantres Rlthd !Paulll pcano Jeehn h 29 tl!Uyard
• 1-Qtgl DIA."' h 85 Pine ape 112 • Root n 120 Elizabe!n
• FbCI1d E {Agnes I b I HCanada h 10 Cumberlan<l c:rea · RoblE \'y) -~ dr.lla•dla., Transp II 54 BrOCit
• flobl H(Tulal produCtiOn mgr Gaspro Inc h 14 Madera aes · Rob!R(~Aliii19· 1'2Sl~
· Ronald F {Mary El elecll HCanada h 23 Homtwood · Ron dr.t Loomos Courier Selv 55 Ta;lor •• a;ll 301
• Terry S {Stellal h 28 Altltll!ldraav • Ronald R (Sharon Mll!k dlvr 81lt; Ptodtnchul< Produce h 94
• Thos R (Doro:ny 81h 573 S1 Clair Mcfllddl!n ..
Wm (Joyce) has Pheasant dt Ross A\Ruth All\ 57 Fostef
t.~oanry Donna Jeant1er U!C h 153 Cornn.n '-«oooe Sandblastong lmpro.tmtnl1 20 Gilmore ar
• Mar)Oite Mrs h 148 Cornhtll • Shiller SlUCil n 38 1"2 Tay1or ••
PauiJOoaneJ lab Elton Yale lid 11271 Sandys • Sltptlen (Matltntllld poner Holiday IM h 45 TlmmoOS aet
Tom 146 ComhiU apl214
Moor Cha~ W{Batbata AI dlvr Tam Horton Donula h rl89 Sillldon • Sli'Dtlen J •..s LIDby McNeill & Ubb; 1126 Grll'll
av • T A h 76t.taryapl406
Douo SISmn lnll Katzman Rl ESI res Thamesvfl'~ • Tl!d D I~I dala P'OCftSing $Ujl'l$l' I H Clnedl h 396 Gra'ld
· Eva Mr1 h 113 Poplar
· John F (Grace ll h 831.C:f'ldden ••
• TlfTY dM a.lly ProOencnuk Produc.e 155 P11k a• w
· John H(Susunntl h 60 Buci<ongll&ln av • TerTy lynn •its Chatnam Ken! Ann M«il&rt( Reweled 39
• R Bronl h 50 I VICiortl av Cheslnuldt
• Rayd 0 (8etthl El lnsp I H Canada h 500 Viclorla IV • v ICIOf 113 S1nctts
Sllah A 1.1!1 h 99 McNaiJO'llOII a• will( 105 • YIOiel E M:s h 75 llro6<
• S~ey iElll!tnl CU$\OCila~ Ken! Ccx.n11 RC Sap Sdll Bd h 102 ·Vital llanorel h 113 Salldyt
Woods · Waller V«.eta Al h 91 P•ne

J obn,on.-.~ub\utll


l93 QUEEN ST., CHATHAM Phone 352-4343
Morra Roblllab Roc!MtlllnU h 136 Stewart apt 1
MOORE · Shirley SUI)VSI Can Canners h 1~ Sunn~tde av
t.Aorunt Paull Slsdk Soup 10 Hills
• Wm G (Roxanne H) h 39 ChesiiQ dr t.AOITIS Adrl8n dM HarOld t.liiCUS BolhNeMn SRiChmond
• Wm J (Evelyn) h 82 TweedsmUJr IV e • Alex (Uite) h n s R•chmood
Wm A(A [tleen) carp Pub Gent Hosp h 101 Pnnce Artfu IY • AI pileus-~ dM Oowt'ley Trl\g h 77 Baldoon rd IPI 17
- WmS (Helen Kl mnlnee!M Cen Fram h 61 Oriole pl<wy · &tan dM Loomlt Courtel Setv 55 Tayiolav apl30 1
Moorehouse Robl mntnce Woolco 62 Regency dr • Bnan A (Dorte~~ 0) carp h 7Q8 Bloomlteld rd
Moore·s Sew•ng lolachlnes (John Boucquez)615-t Gland av w • Clib I HCa!lldl h 160-1'2 Hatvty
Moorhouse L•ane 1119f Behndl & 8rOiher 9 Sara cres · Chits 39 Mcfarlane av
- L•lllln stsclk Yoong Ceneda res Dresden - Danl h 153 Timmtns Ctl!S apt 2
Sally Mrs Slen Pohce Dept 11 118 RiChmond - Dave h 35 Campbtl1 apl 2
Moose lodge 1692 Kirk Young secy 850 Richmond • Davld E (Amy Bl mall!lials c:ootrol mgr ~llory Hdwe h 1•1 51
M006e Playground 100 Tweedsmulrav w Cla•r
Yonlal Yvonne h 38 1'2 O.xley dt • Dtane l 39 Mcfarlane a•
Morlls Anlonio (.t.delaldl!)lab Elan n & Doe h 138 Holland av • Dona.ld G (Jeanl h 74 Cerd•nel Clllt
t.1oran John P IJul•el rep London Ute Ins res R!l 1Leemlllglon - GranttPam) sel-up mn MO!OI Wheel Corpn he s Gtven rd
Penny II 35 CempbeJI apt 1 · Harry h 925 Grand av w apl207
Prosser tltlenl rep London Ute lnl res t.earmnglon • James M (Doroihy J) purcll Unoon Gn h 27 Fmch IV
l.lorassun• AI h 50 MIChener rd apl 512 . Jane h 7 Third apt I
Morden Brtan 0 (lleborl!h) sac-treas labornblnfs Chatham Lid 54 • .lodee 63 BaJdoon rd apt 101
Kef'ISing1on pi • John (Irene) mach Sunnen Prod h 1 ~ Oxley ell
0 Ah 54 Kenslnglon pt • John A (Sal a) tab 1HCanada h 20 Trillfum VIllage apt 10 I
Donald J l!lcrts) (labomberd"s Cllalham ltd) h 133 Glenwood d! - Juhe stud1 1~ Oxley dl
Morden & Helwtg Ud AJ Kehoe IIIQf 49 Wtiliam n - Karen Es1udl 27 Finch av
· Irene L Mrs h 65 Timmins aes apt 113 n
• Kill (Margueflle coun101 elk Atlas lnll Trk & Auto Wrkg
Moreau Claude h 44 London cl h 24 Athlone d
Morehouse Brenda nurse h 196 V10t01la av apt 2 • Lloyd (Ada) eng Motor Wheel CorPil h 22 Ouall pi
Mole!and Adela tnS11 CAA AUla Club h 63-1'2 Harvey · Lori J slud1. 27 Ftnch av
Moroan An1onoo I Josepht~~a) h 57 Spw-geon dt - Norman C(Sh11ley A) Clk I HCalleda h 394 McNaughton IY w
- Beay secy Earl EAusl•n & Son res R!l6 - Ph 270 Welhngtoo w
B"an £(Bonnie) mecn o & MCycle h 142 Cornhlll • Pai!IC18 II 56- I '2 Park
Chas S h 45 Patt a• w • Penny supvs~ Ctlalllam May Coull Day Nurseries 270 King w
ED h 455 Sendys ICll 109 - Rose dk K Marl h 63 8aJdoon rd IPI 101
Florence Eh 99 McHauglllon av w apl151 • Sendy Wlrs Lumber1ack Rest! h 40 Delaware av apt 20
· Gerald (Audrey) h 232 TweedSmtlllliY e Molrlson Archie h 635 Lacroix
• Gel1ha M Mrs h 15 W11he!$p00n apl203 • Brent W~ChnsUna El optor11 199 Klog w h 34 Donalda ell
Jas (Ortlha M) h 89 FllvervteW dr apt 506 - Bunon A (Drane M) h 20 Alptne av
Ml h 28 Kendall · calder R(loUJse) asmblr Ealon Yale Lid h 14 Sparks dr
Mary postmaslef Zellers h 41 Spurgeon dr • Clles (Jane) h 32 Woodland av
· Robi (t.AJChaele) mtge tnsp NaU Victoria and Grey TruSI h 116 • Dave lchr Ctla!l'tam Colllnst h 32 Lacroix apt 5
Vanter dr • Dav•d C (Emoly t.A) h 65 TweedsmuU av w
Ronald v ~M<VY frances) llsmn IJiuon Gash 84 Allen · DaVId pn1r Ctlaltlam Plestlc Finishing
Mort SUm•kO h 180 Rah!tgh • Oav•d teller Tor Oom Bk h 40 Delaware av apt 12
hlom Ala•n G lab CNR 12 David a a • OIV1d pntT Paul Waddick Pnlrs 35 Parkwood dl
- A1b1 (Thelesa) lab Zlm-Mor Farm Oralnege h 89 Gladslone av • Dean R(Lorn E) •ns sl$111n Colonial life Ins h 86 t.lutnty
Gaelan ltouase)wils Sent·A-Yard h 175lorne av • Dena h 296 Pal~~ apl4
MtCI'ei R (Linda 1.1) h 62 Wt!ltnglon e · Geoh360'Netl
M·ke h 35 Orchard His dr apt 4 Gordon (Cmdy)lab Oomtar Sonoco Containers h 88 Jeffrey
· Roger 11 190 Thames apt•4 Jerry G (Nancy J) latl Can Frem h 752 Oueer1
Moltyama Margt chnsllan educ wkr VIctoria Av Un Cll h 805 John W(C Ann) mgr Union Gas h 51 Cedarwoods cres
Grand av w apl914 Kellh h 225 Campus Pllwy apt ~
Morley Ar1llur (Shirley) ptpely! Chelham Water Comm h 222 Kelly slsc1k Countrystde Flowe~~ 635 l.actolx
Delaware av Lawrence l ~Betty G) Wldl I H Ce~~ada h 36 Whippoorwill cres
• Rhonda IIUdt 222 Delaware av Lorrt E~Dean) bkprlower Thames Vattey eor-vauon Aulhy
ltlortog Bert h 20 Orct.d Hts dr apl 1 86Murray
• Brta~ A elk 8es1 For Less 20 Orchard Hts dr apt 1 t.letante A (Davtdii•Dm Chatham Pub Ubfy 32 Lacroix apt 5
• 01rtyne ho5less The Klngsway 20 Orchard H1s dr ap1 1 Palk (Oebofllh) dk Sendy 81101 M1rs h 26 Grand IV W
• Gh 489 Parle av w Paul hse pnlr 35 Parl!wood ell
· Hank C(A Mane) asmbl1 Eaton Yale Lid h 16 Southend cres Penyh 169For~
• Ja (Betty E) rngr .lim Mortog Sent h 25 Willowmac IV Rtchd Gstud! h 258 Woods
ltlortog J•m SerVICe Jim Mollog 111Qf 813 OUee~~ Roblllab Ventra Mfg 35 Pltkwood dr
Pelet J IPPf mecn J•m Mollog Setv 18 Soulhend aes Ronald (Jodi) wrhsemn Petro Ceneda h 707 Ouee~~
Morneau Peter 57 Baldoon rd apC207 - Rosaline H Mrs h 45 Trillium VIllage apt 211
Mornlogstar Manon 1.1ra h 168 Lome av Wayne D ~Donna J) trlc drvr Hall Gro h 582 McNaugh1on av w
lotorrell Elmer Gh 39 Oxley dr Wm C(t.Aarttla M) lormn Onl Eng Suspe~~atons (Blenheim) h 35
• Eitner J )r 39 Oxley dr Parkwooddt
Entd lolls h 29 Lowe Morrow Don (Penny) drvr Erie & HUlon Beverage h 36 Aberdeen
Florence A (lesltel cashr Shopper's Orug Man 44 ~ Geo {Ka1heftne) police sergt Chetsle System h 3 Blddell av
• HLeslie !Florence) u01011 ~P Roct<welllnll h 44 Poplar Mony 8 h 22 Adelaide n
Hakll .. ltlrs h 3t.letr01e dr Morse Edna h 50 MiChener rd apt4 14
t.t h 674 Gland au Gordon dM loomis Couner Serv h 55 Taylor av apt 301
Norman wllud1186 Foresa Tracy (John) pn elk Teasdale Graln Lid res RR 4 Blenheim
• Wm H(Belly E) rkdM h 186 Foresl ldorlhler Julien R(Evelyn M) recvr Natl Gro n 9 Pall\ Ia

• Hom• • Farma • Commercial


. ..... j
Realty Limited, Broker l!lfYa •
87ThamnSt., Chatham, Ont. _ ~~
352 6760
lotueller Heinz H (Etika1111179 Bloomfield rd
lotorNr AleNe J (Miry) hI I Richmond lollllftemlan The I BtU Brouwer) 39 Ketl dr 1
Gr( (l)ebt)ie) 111!1bk I HCanada h 11 Wallltd pi Uugan Donnll bit~ 8edlord lolytr1 ' ...,_, ... Bow 1188 Blenheun
o.y (Pallmt W) 1!11111Ce ~ ~ Cenre h ~ Jl " 6 Pell1 0!$ " " •
Timmlnl ens 111113 lotUQford Slrwlr1 N iDorolhy) 1187 Canwblly
• Kennelllll tCirolinelllll Wonltlry of~ h 15 Thom/110 Wugridge Edtlh II 4 7 Centre
ens Herb! (Grace) wlos 1ot01or Wheel Corpn h <lllondon d
_... J (Wonl AJ n •• 1 Willowmec IY • Jl5 A lab Wlllec lnd (WIIIaceblgl h 78 Aotlllclt I
Wor11mer Terry (Undll eng 1U1M1 C.0 ftlftl II 29 Holllnd IY Jim •o Wellonglon e
Morlon a l 11 eAllliOne c1 N h 955 Gland av w 101 Z0 1
Bill F lludl 130 lnal'lenv • OllYf lot Mr1 h 223 Wema ••
•on22 Jellrty Rob! 0 (Helen lotI CuA1mer cornpla!nes Union GIS II 57
• Douglas I( (Cirolyn P) rnech Fram n 130 lnstla lv Bt11tlewood cres
Eval dom wkr n • 1Clllr1lrts s
• Robl wIIUCII 7 ~ cres
florenct h 273 ~ Uutcahy Corallotrs h 199 Ucroi •
• Gordon A (Gerdl)wks C.n Fremlld II 31 Pefront trn • Gary ollranda I lib Ublly lolc:Heill & Llt)by II <l3 0 Nell
.11noce tr.tike) mgr to~-w s res AR 2 • Kim IPQI1S 119 Cln Tire II 85 llaldoon rd 101 11
~ ac10m wtu n•1 Chll1erls 1' 65 8lldoon rd .,. 10
• Vivlln 1111 Clmpbell Soup Co h 192 1 "2 Foresl lot~d!f llefiiDorottrrl h 215 lnnd •• e
Wales lennisl (Yvonne R) lab Eeton Ylle lid 1111 Slorry em · EriC II 1112-1'2 R.leigll
!obey Frank..- Acaln~~s Ano 1•s Faubert dr Jacob II 76 Wary IPI208
• Wh 805 Gland IYWIPI8 l<l Kenneltl h 205 Raleig!t
• Mane F n 100 Poplar IPI12 linda (fred) tdV c.Mn OvtSIIIII SeN HO 'fldort11Y
• r.tilo h 100 Poplllljll12 lotlllhtm Daflitl T I liMy G) II 527 Lacrou
• Rob4 J (~ T) lib I HCanada h 117 WedgewOOd •• J Ml) Iotts (l J t.lulhem & Col h 593l1Ct01l
· SWn 118 1"2Gtandave loolulhem l J & Co (J Mfy lotufllem) IC)Oitlng gdS peonl wallppt
• Wm 0 l!l'il! J)v pra KIIIQ Grain lid h 14S Faubert dr llobOies & 10Y1 270 King ..
~ ~ G (Pim Cl mgr Houtenok1 ftllllltt h 7 Paul f wldr Polssanl's (lllamtoS"rllle) 203......,
l'elerbofougn R ta cl~ L J t.llllh!on & Co 59J LICtOil
MOIS, GORDON, (MMellne), ~-Kent Wllld Eh 203 HaN~y
fWrllerMioll a AttP!IancM Umllecl, 11 a ~ Roberta ltllr !\en! County Bd of ECU: h 150 lollly 101

loloaop Bryan E (Gaill) lab E11011 Ylie lid h 1111 Sunnyside ••
lolullaly E frilllds d &Clteml<r I HClnatdl h 126lnsllellv
t.tolher"l PIZZI PIIIOUf & Spagllelli Houle Jim JenkJnl mgr <l59 Geraidllll! h 116 WOOCIS
S1CIIit R .la$(loluriel AI (Bargain Barn) h t I Jopt,-n
Molol Wl1eel Corpotlllor'l ot Canada lid NOI!!IIn ROICOe plant mgr · Robe 0 (Cindy 0) dnt DewIf Rile Sleam Wag< h 1<'2 lnlhes IY
650 Rl..,.._ dr • Thos II 31 O•lfi dr
Wolorola Canada Lid Donald Gray mgr •«
Molol Wllee! Emptoyees Ctldl1 Union ltmlled 326 Werroa ••
Rt~ dr unl1<l
Molt Bill mnlnCe sup! Chllhlm Place Will 551 'fldoril
ni!IOII'Iy dM a1d1 Ctlalllllll & llisl Ambulance h 8e !ny
· Tom W(SileUy L) h 23l011t! ••
lolullet Elsie II tOO lotcfltlalll! IYIOI803
. Ja L rnec11 WemG t.larlne 551 VlcloriiiY • Henry H 1Je1n O)lall [liOn Ya~ lid II J9J 8lldoon It! ~I 2
• NeHJe n 134 K•no e • .lllcoO h 85 1'1111! apl 205
Voole1 Mrs II 100 Wcf'lllane 1Y apt <l13 ~ lolllte 1o1 I)Ub 1\1111 nurse Kenl Chelhlln Hllh Unl1 h 102
•wm (Joyce) h 61<l llloornfleld rd Weflinglorl e ipt 2
• Wm A (fUn A) 1r1< dM Norrt lotlple Well h 551 YICIOiia IY 1o1u11i ~ (Challlm) Umllld John llullje pra 189 St
t.1ou11on Agnes G 1.111 lid Ztflen h 805 Grand 1Y w IIIII 1104 C1lir
. Enc (CIIhennel able fllllllehn Ben Clnldl n 53 Ofdon Uumlord Come J tDennos)letlfl tiiTMif 267 Campus pl<wy
blvd · Dennis W(Connie) leeef eamt~ II 267 Clrnous Pkwy
Wounleef & Eddlnglon lid (~ E Moulaer) fourlh « WurlcNn Ale• h 165 lllng w 1P1 7
• Plr1cil (~ & EOdinglon) h 21 SllptMnon IY Wurvo Dlltene llolriiCIV l<enl County Bd ol ECU: 221 Lllfk
t.tourllllll Plmell elk Bell For l - 83 Ellzabllll · John N 1111191 AI asmbll C.0 Fram II S 1 Wuldlor dr
• Welldy GCllh! Wtracle t.larl 90 0..00 rd • Woehl J (DIItene ll tlloms rep Tile Co-OperiiiOII h 221lllfk
• Wesley G(lollI h 90 0..00 rd
~ Dolores bltpr Dr J Gamble II «·1'2 0Nwn 1Y
• lol!dll h "56 V:OCIOrill•
• Stanlry &4 T111VN11S em 1Cl12
• Paul Etlorrwoe) lab Can Ftlllllld 1'1 29 Houlton • VIIOOIIottS 11805 Gland 1Y WIO( 702
• Peter J (Sitlton WI lab V S Servs II 52 Giant lolunslrrlljttr EUIIbetl1 V !Case ChiYIIIII h 312 Woods
Wouaie Albe (lollly Ann) rnech Clllenninglr Equip,.. AR 6 Muns!!tman JIICOb J (tort C) pt11r Kn Coutlly Bd ol ECU: h 117
~otovlola Gino Bullont 119._ t112K•no.,. Oriole pl<wy
lotowlll Jas 54 Woodland 1Y loUdod< Ca1henne Clllv Pno Canadl 22<l Tlllmlt
Worn Alan R lab Aoc:l<well Tilbury 15 Sourtquoil Ciii'IOil teeM Thames Cornmunlcallon Lit! 22• Thames
• Jas 0 lludl 1S Sounquo~~ • Jervulet cas111 Becl<e!'tl.hlk
R B1rry (Franc:es WI dept mgr Urnon Gash 15 SourtqUOIS • Ke-..n ko1wl<r Golden Clown Reslr 2« Thlmn
Moyr\llhan o.- qualify conwolleehn loldor Wheel Corpn h 11<l
• lolaty h 600 Grand •• " apl8004
BlylllewOOd cres 101 • • t.toldred WMrs h 19 S\IClblrf dr 111112
• Susan rwource IChr John Uyen SeN 161 Pllfk II • Olga wn Golden Crown fleW h 224 Thames lAwn 149 Rlletg!t • Robl A 123 Eugenoe
Mr Submlnne !Allin Rotenberg) &&0 Rlcnmond • Aooc WIEdrllllrl< dM Gorsky Trii\SC)Oit h 123 Eugenoe Subrnanne (Jack t.tokrnwsko)<l21 StClair lolurpny tOtoral banndr TIICUI!IIIh y_, n <te ~em
Muckle a..nhlrn H (...lent Clllb loldor Wheel Corpn II 113 • Belly secy Ken! County Bd ol ECU: 225 Campus Pkwy api2Qol
Thornhill ens · Clyde w!June AI h ~6 Pnnce n
• lNta 99 Pill< • Eoward C1nr Cllllham Plastlc: Fonillting
Wm l llorra•nel set·up mn loll! Wheel Corpn II II' Bax1ef • Edwd J ICirmel AI h n s Glenmlr 1Y
Yucldle Keilh J (Sandy E) IUdio IIChn 5I Clair Coil II <l • Edw'IIW !UIIne f) dM I H Canadlll392 Pllfk
Collegille dr • Elles 1CC1 mgr Cllllhlln Bookketptng " ' Aondeeu
Wl.ldlyt Andw (SUllo 0) lawye! Unton GIS h 311 Pamlll cres • Glrv Wwks Oldlfllllw Bldr's Sply h 26 Allred


General Contractors - Design and Build
303 MERRITT AVE. P.O. BOX 151 PHONE 352-7780
• Geo E (lOIS I) lab I HCanada h 225 Campus P!<wy apl204 • Alfd G IBetty MJ h 25 7 SandyS
• George J h 64 Emm1 • Alont stsclk Sames Wllli!S res RR 1 Dover Centre
· Gordon P (Sirlla I) 129ltiCilrnseh rd • Allan mach opr WaUec lnd 41 Beclford
Jolvl WtOoreen S) h 421 Parll ave • Antomeae 32 Ofvon rd
•Jos guatd Bums ll'llt Securoly Serv 170 Houston • Arsene J tAotiiJiab Eaton Yale Lid h 30 Tnlloum Village
·l h 15 Tromum Vollage apt 303 apt 1001
la-oNrence H (Joanne) h 66 Kendall • Barry 0 tEiiz)ledln Uno on Gash 130 Uochener rd
IANgt Mrs h 21 EII'NOOCI IV • BP.rnard fJud•lh) trmr h 6 Faubert dr
• Uar,otoe U h 805 Grand av w apl913 ·Bet-nard WtOomlda P)lab Can Fram h 91 O'Neol
• IA•chl (Ann) onsp IA•Ill$lly of Transp & Commonoc h 91 SOU!heod Brtan A tfawn EJ wks Cory h 120 Patteson a¥
cres • C n 84 Batdoon rd apt 202
• U>c/11 F ldw Challlarn KPIII Sec Schl h 43 Chestnut ell Catol recptnst tnuhne Motherhouse h 78 Olllwa cJt
• RUII recplllSI Orlan G Baggs 44 Delaware IV • CNs tab I HCanada h 49 Taylor a• apt t02
· Sandra Ah 45 Trdllum Vollage apl204 • Cllroi H !Annette) mec.h Joe Myer1 S~ll Stn h 259 Sarodys
• Th 65 Blidoon rd lpl5 • Cindy R 'tlldl 278 Oueen
Ll.nay- 50 Uerrolav lpl209 Civilie H (IriS)~ Urnon Gash 294 Delaware av
·A h 50 M ~nev rd lpl415 - Clarence J (One TJ h 70 Dover
• Andw (Jutoll h 113 HaiYey • Dan 27 Soutlquois
Uurray Aplrtmenls 20 Uorr~y Deneen wtrs ~y"s R!lllr 51 lor~ av
- Da>'ld h 297 Oueen lpl3 • Oenose w1<s Bk ol MOill h 35 Campbell apt 10
• 0on R(Belly} accts payabiP Daymond ltd h 574 St Clllf MYEl'S, DENNIS K, (Laurel), (Meddockt-Myera),
• Eh 805 Graod I¥ W apl812 h 2t Elizabeth
· Fred R tS Jea,~J h 19 Ems· • Oonatd J pron Georges P Vanter Schl res RR 4 Wallaceburg
• Heai"lef sply ldw 167 Thames • DorOihy ""'' h 46 Baldoon rd lpl3
·Helen I.lacK} legal secy Kee & Rollenson 4 1 Uaple • Edna Mar•~ Mrs h 32 Devon rd
• Jadl M(Helen) mgr Uapte Cdy Gas & Ool h 41 Mapte • Eo.d tchr ChathaiTI·I<ent Sec Schl h 236 Elizabeth
• Jolvl 0 (Mary) U& doemkr Supet101 Mach & Tl h 34 • Eoleen T Mrs h 75 Julietle av
PelerbotOIIQh • Etlz Mrs SWIChbd opr Pub Gffil Hosp h 76 Pone
· Lester tSharon) securoty guard Burns Securoty h 213 Adelaode · Elmer (Cecile) h 210 Har-.ey
s • Emtly A h 51 loroe a¥
· llnda Sludt h 101 o·Nellapt 4 • Eroc (Thefesal stsmn labombards Chatham ltd h 150 Joseph
· lorida J htdr$1 Brenda'a Bty Salon 19 EU.s · Fern MMrs secy Assn tor Children wolh learnong Oosabiloloes
• Ned Gll.laty Jl h 167 Thames h 259 fOI'esl
· Percival J (J Frances) h 224 lnshes av · Fred bartndl Knrghfl of Columbus Timmons d
• Rlchd h 455 Sandyl apt606 · Gary h 278 0\J~n
• Robl J IJalleVI eng Can Fram h 24 7 MIChener rd · Gerald J tl.larl()l1) &Is agt McMath Rtty Lid h 163 Pa~eson a¥
• Thos BIlA Doreenlind! eng Can Ftarn h 150 Moeheoer rd Gerald P 1Eiizl autopress opr Rocl<weA loU h 18 Berry
Warren Glab Can Frarn 574 St D.or · Glen C mntnce S1 Claor Communtty Est 01ce 96 Essex ct
· Wayne repr lechn Chatham Ofc:e Sply 574 St Claor - Harry C h 26 Florence epl2
• Wm 160 t.ncebeld pi
Jenrce Sly1111 F1rs1 Chotce Ha•reutters 50 11ax1er apt 1
• Wm R(Sandra A} 1Chr Kent Councy Bd of Educ h 8 Pavey · Jay~ M tRochd) elk Besl FOI' Less 116 John
~ray's Pharmacy lid Murray Bet-man pr• 552 Queen Myers Joe Shell Slatl()l1 Joe Myers mgr 306 Park IV e
M"rd Caitlenne recphl Or t.1 A Chorneyko 213 Joseph · John G tSusan B) graon trader G Thompson (Bienhelm) h 83
• Peggy dnllaSSI 2 I3 Joseph loladefacres
• Robl 0 dept mgr Oom Store h 83 Elilabelh
• Robl RIMargt Ml h 12 Alexandra av • Jos J !Jean) rngr Joe lAyers Sllelt Stn h 96 Essex ct
MuscM Sue h 12 Orcherd His ell apt 4 Myers Joos J & Sons (Jos J Myers) mech 96 Essex ct
· Tom tl.laty lou) lab Can fram h 40 Gilden Vale rd • Kathleen 30 Dover apt 6
Musgra.e Conslance E1Chr Kent Couruy Bd of Educ h 15 Tnlllum • Ken counsMior's aod Soulhwestem Regt Centre 118 John
Vdlage lpl30e • Kevon lab 80 Murray apt 2
· larry R (Vovian) tab Rockwell Inti h 72 lansdowne IV
· laurel (OennosJ bi<pr Maddocks· Myers 29 Elizabeth
MUSICAL STRINGS 'N THINGS, LTO., · lawrence h 17 Ellwood a¥
(Clint lenoot & Tony Merlano) · len J !Annette II h 97 Regency dr
Everything For The Beginner end The · leo R(Blanche) h 837 Grand av e
Profeeelonal In Mualcel Equipment, Mullc • leonard J (Aooei!P t) h 53 Helen
~nt, bctuelve O.lera For Yameha, · leonard w(Haz~l 0) h 878 Bloomfield rd
PMvey, Kimbell Plano. & Organa • M h 82 Delaware av apt 201
142 Orend ev e, N7L SZ3 • Maroe h 71 Bedford
..........Phone 314-0111 • Matk dnrr Truck line Pant 210 Harvey
• Mallon (0enose) wtcJt Stoney POint lndl SeM h 25 Orchatd
Hts dr eplll
Uusyj u....e-a R tSalldy) area doslr elk Ont Hydro res Blenhe'm • Matybelh cl~ Poloe Ins h 143·1'2 Thames
• ~" dk Oor.e lee 64 nmrruns eras
MUTUAL UFE OF CANADA, · MIChl lab Molor Wheel Corpn II 26 Campbell
Hugh DC lee, Alet Branch Manager, • Mocllllab Elan T1 & Doe 27 SounqUOrs
2.55Kino w .......... Phone SM-.... · Normal h 805 Grand •• wapt 908
• 0scat J lAudrty) Uk dtvr R EVan Gassen ltd h 138 Murray
· PA1171 Will
Myers Agnes G h 600 Grand av wlpl2002 · Pallid< A !Patricta)SIS mgr Chatha 'II Motors h 30 Clfdon blvd

• Abde W(Jean E) lab IAolor Wheel Corpn h 130 McNaughton IV ·Paul A (lllenda ll popestr Standard Tube h 21 Sparks dt
· Ray C (~en) mgr Oom Aulo TranSit h 27 Sounquols


124 IT. CLAIR IT. 351·3133
IQgorsen Ken h 50 Miellener lli11J12115
MYERS ~a Kim 15 Wdson av
Aiclld M (.IIY'II M) lllb C.O Fram lid II 118 .lct1n Nahfglng Randall (fbence) d gmdr Supericf Ti & Ole 1123
IIICI< S314elen
IWm Cvnlhil G II 1711 Weilingloo e
·IIICI< D97 Regency dr
• Aobl wits Cuminghlm Shlmtl Wb m RR 2 HajdZIOO u.ria Wish " Tlutmlllav
Aobl J (CIIhy Jl (R MAuto Restoration) h 2731M Hajji! Chas M(UIIIatl) pres lj & M[nlefpf!Ses II 420 V1c1or1a
Aobl P (5nlrron A)ldlllndia<ICreel\ Rd Pub SeN II 57 L11~ IY
Rockey lib Ealon Yele ltd 428 Slnclvt IIJI3 Gh 276 Mmin 1Y IIPI312
Rod (Ciaudetle) wks G J WIISOII S!f'f Sin Mnlnce h 57 Baldoon • Gnman G(Rosa~e SJ lab Domtar Pl<g 11 58 COpperlleld cres
Toov ll87 Mary 1111205
Aocldy II 72 BakiOOn rd ~ge 303 ~tel< Wm (lCIUIW) II 232 Patleson av
Aolllld C1<P II &25 Sl Qalr untt21 Namesllen Bill (Efil)lormn Carr1lbtD Soup Co II 10 Ken IV
~Tailor Shop (Tony Maglla'0)48 Richmond
• Routre LAM) wks BtU &.l<e f armt11!1 h 154 Timmins tres 11P1 I
RUlli h 278 Queen Napper El11 Acool<llotldat Inn n 151 Pl(ll
Stm lab Motot Wheel Corpo h 39-1'2 Tay1or av Jtmll366~ ...
Shlloo (800) &ecy HSrueldS & Assoc • Sl!pnen J •11 hlpr Beaver f dS 352 Colborne
• Sl!phen jOIIIntymn lnc!l Metal F1brC1rs 50 Merrill Natgi M6io (f"IIOmtnal ar Bcrm & Herd h 21 Collegille dJ
S~e II 50 Men n IV IIPI402
IWu!a Pildma 84 Pamela cres
~en (Sounds Sattonai MIISic ProdJ 27 SouriQUOis · Ram ISw"ldntl) ICIU Clwlnam ~en! Sec Schl h 84 PtmeYI ern
· wn 154 1'2 Prince A1111Uf av Nash Belly slscl!! ~·~ t.tyers res AR 2 Kent Bridge
Myers & Wal<.ely (SI!Ilhen J Wal<.ely) lawyers 177 Grand avo;. Hemet A lab Role Way Mntta h ! 8 OegcJe
Wayne 11 37 Prince Ar1hu!IV • L !:an 99 Plflo
Wayne W(l'llricll A) II & Clleml\1 Suoenor Tl & Ole hIll Madeline 99 Pat1.
Hee1her dJ kat n<'a Gr.-.:~ ("o \ ld II Ci ~ f<V 715 Rd•rnond
• Wendy h 31 lleecll.wood cres IPI 1
MYERS, WM M J, QC, (Mau,_), (Iedford, Myen w H Bvnerd. Meneeer
I " -1, II 100 Uydlcall ev lat. S.vlnga, Cllequlng, Morfeeeee, Loena,
Wyles Hazell h 134 William n lnv•tmenta I Othef Truat lervlcee
llyfe Mittel (leslif) fled HJ Heinz Co II 57 Baldoon rd ape 133 Klng w
307 . .PIIone 3~- 5510
My Trmll Gil pntr Ct!athlln Plastic Flrushing J Mcl<•y. Meneger
Natural Good Emporium Carol Handsor 1T9 12 f•llh
H 0 P HeadQuatlers 4 19 R•ChmOnd Naoo Cl'lls (Pterrelle) lab Motor Wlleel Corpo n 12 Jlt pi
Nablco N n 159 McNaughton 1\' •IPt 3 Na1.1~lus folnesS Club (WITI K Sn• ng)444 R.vtrflew d! Ullll
N¥llo Norman W(Melba) h 320 Vicloria 1Y S.11
Hachat El!Wd (\'lOIIIJ tred colin lfydro n 50 lotJchenef rd 101 103
Naylor R liarny {l)orolt1y l) h 43 AJt •andra 1Y
Jos (Barbara Ll bldO lnsp City II 36 PhNsanl dl Head Bt1149 Ta;lor av ape 204
Ml(hl (Beatrice) h 221 Harvey
Head Frances 1.1.'1 h 25 P~ Ia
Nacyzt'ISkt Juha repu Cha!llam Dady News n 42 Duflelln av apt G<m F l.lrs h 805 Grand av w aot414
2 Jacl< (Unclll riJ Economy fl!v h 228 Woods
Nadeau Allan (Cheryl) serv mech J H Ryder~ Madly ltd 181
• JohnJ rlr Tom Daher & C MatherS 130 Mooty
M Jane n 138 Patteson 1¥
Emile 97 Mcfarlane avlpl202
· Mad; l\Maty Tjlabl H Canada h 211 Harvey
• t.latjolatne 38 lansdowfM! IY
• l.liehl J (Jo;J mech Campbell Soup n 711 Parle 1v w
lolawa 8 (louise J) lab Dlvrnoncfa h 147 Wellington e
Pa R tDons CJ meclllal)Qr!l.blld's Cl\ali'IIITI Lid h 38 P111< 1Y w
• Rosalre (Theresa) II 38 l.lnsclo'llne av
• Richard W(.lllie W)lall t.l<*ll Wlleel Corpn II 400 lactoi.o
Nadllki John w(Bemice Allalllotolot Wheel Corpn n499lndlan
• Sandra 130 Murray
er.el< Ill w
Shirley J nse c1nr n 130 Murrlv
Nldolllot Ann d1< K Mill 8 Aeclwood ern
J h 109 Ooley dr
• Wallef IMI!vl n 8 Redwood ern
Negeo H n 15 Willllti!JOOI• ePI208 • Tnos (Dirtene) cool< lkltly McHeill & Lkltly h 1511 Sandys
Nagel Cornllls tGitdl HI pm1r ClllfiiiTI Oljty ...... n78 · Will drv. llbomblld'S Chllhlm Lid 21 1 ~
Nell A John lle'f (Joyce)~ Vldonl AwiMi Ch h 2 O...IY
Wlllowlnec I\'
Nagle Glllld E (linda C)l)lriOIIIIII dlr City n870 Clilllng crv.s 2 Owen I\'
Neale o J n&21 Grllld I\' t
Croll Ill Nell EJohn 0! (l yoo) pl!yS 228 S1 Cllir h 2•2 V1c1or1a IV
Hllold CHelenl n II 1 Raleigh • Elmer R (Dorolhy) n 34 L~
· Janel catv 51ldmln'all14 Chlrlng Croll Ill · Rheal.lrs99Pn
NAGLE. JIM\' J , (c.r.o.llell, RelftiWt. Nellney l-.nce (Edifll n 1100 Grind I\' • epeJOO 1
........,, ......, . . . . . Deuw., Heeve CIIQI 20 TtmOIIy ern
(W. . . . . . . .) • Cllol securtly Ol*d Vemon Securily II 11II RlvaMew dr eP1
· John Ewits Chalilm Pub Ubry 1114 Clilllng Croll Ill 8:11
• Jol wwks SoulhMillm R1Q1 Centre n 20 Murray epe2 Helves a.anc 1" Llydoeln I\',.,
· lindl (Giny) ICiif John ~ Schl870 Clilrlng Croll Ill Lou-Ann 125 Odev dr
• Milk W(MIIy Cl COI'fiPIAir Pll'lll'•101el HCanadl n Q Stmlnyn ·lollnon (wlcl ....., 1157 Amelia
I\' ept12 • Mk;hl1" llydlc:an IY Ill
Midi~ liD I H c..dl h ~ WellingiDn w Paricta wits Cliltlwn Plllllc F1111Vt 125 Oxley dr
~Uee~l ne Pint epe 228 Aobl DIMicllellll wits lnll BrOINrllood EIICII Wkrs h 1"
• Aulh Hh 914 Chlrlng Croll Ill llydQnaveJI
It's as easy as .. ·

to find " WH ERE TO BUY IT"

• RogerS rC.ol AI S1J!Mr Ellon Yilt US h 117 Pari~ IY • • Ross h ;76 Sef;Jtlo
• Ronald J (Sherry t.t) ~Eaton Yilt W h 125 Orley dr Terry (Y\IOntle) sander Fenton's 4uto Pnlllody Shop res RR 7
NebDion Corouc!lon lid \Nilson~ 231van lDINh 105 1'21Ung * apl 1
~ JeiTy J tfranceslllb I HCatlldl h 27 HlgiiiAr1d dr Nt" R Gordon (Jane MJ sis eng Carl fram n 2291.1;;."-ughtan •• •
~!Ids Ac7t CtM.811 h 94 llclola New YDI• Ha~r Culling Co Inc Cleo Lucio mgr 8 Ttl!td
Nell DaV\1 J (!lin) bkpr Indian Ct.... Golf & Coutllry Club II Uly loA's h 138 Jostpll
FIJIest N~ Ron IStilton) estmtr Sau Mig h 51 Sass rd
• John sWCIItl foriSI • Sharon,tAonaldlecttg Sass t.tfg 51 Sass rd '
• lot Jane Mrs h 85 PJ<1e ape249 Newbory AAn 97 McFarlane •~apt 101
• MJchl hlpr Creek Golf & Cou'*Y Club 14 F01est Ne,.byCtndy S CRO Chatlllm Pollee OtPI 48 TISS!man •~
• Sally Ann 14 F01es1 • HPete! IChrlSil~) leChl mech Carl fram h 28 o·snen dt
• Wm !Donnl Jel n) (Indian Creel< Golf & Country Club) II 14 • VICI:II H1Doreen)lab I HCana<la h 18 Tisslmatla~
Forest NN!combe 8 tchr India:~~ Rd Pub Sd1l
Hegri GriCe tecy Selv AYard 46 Alden • C Wts~ry 1RIIIh I) h 110"'"""IVw
• Sergio (RoSI Gl lib Bndge Conllr II 46 Alden . Jean MIL'S n 275 T~r lot
~;ei~ G e.1 ll~l h 595 lltng w • ~ I Belly P)wnblll HCanadl h 247 Mercer
• Jell 11 101 o·Nellllll3 • Leonwd A\Mna MJlab Carl Fram h 29 ~
- l(eme!h 1.1 rllt<llla I supvst Unoon Gas II 4 Jalp« av . Y - rna St Jos Ho$p n 26 Jo!1n
• lot Hazel t.l!$ II 106 lnshes 1Y N~wlltld Freo J mach op1 H£ Vana!ler lid n IS Trlmum
• Pllrn (JellI st)'tlst CIIT!eO Haor FIShions 101 o·Neili!IC 3 v~~age apt 309
• Rob1 N l l.lwgt R) spec IJrllonGis h 7 Reo.ood aes l1nda1Fredl secy Or 5nigeru Sug,ylllll 15 Tnlltum Village
• Sh 805 Grand" * lpl 310 ape309
l';e.l l Terance Ph 10 Trillrum VIllage 11]11011 Nf'IO'Iam Alfred F !Sandrllttll'mn IH Canada h 70 Ellzabe!h
Nelison Mary t.l!1 h 164 I '2 Oellw¥e •• c
• .Me h 1111 w~ l!l4 1
Nelles Dennis (lorra ntlllb c.~ Fram II 41 TIIIIOII!y Clts • Ronald h 32·8 Beecni>Wd CJeS
• Donald R18arbn F) secur yola ~yn Secwly h 89
· llOyd IDoreen l) cnt Cha#llm Colch lines II 39 Tweedsrnw av J Kenneth Banu, Supen'*>r of Production

· LOlli~ t.IJS phann ISSI I.tcNaughlOn B<Q V Drug Slote 4 1
325 Orand avenue e,
----.Pilon• 352·5841
Trmochy etes
Nelligll'l Ja'lell Mrs secy Sl Jo& Hasp h 4 7 BlythNrood c:res
N~1c ~tc Jonn A I Helene J) w>.s Clmlngham Sl1tmll Wks h 1
kelmet Ewt1yn Mrs h 469 Sl Cla11
• .lac:HY~) cfl( IH Canida h 189 Oeil -etv
0 Brren dr
· Mary 11 241Fores1 N~land Dav\d c !Ga\"'!J1ec11n lhted co.op h 148 Va~•er dr
Newman Oola M h 190 Thames lpt32
• Rosalll! lot recptnsll'loneef H•Bred lkl h 154 T•ISUNin ••
• Vltn lab bton y~ ltd 24 7 fOtiSI • Dolls r n a h 170 Rele~gll
• Ywonnei.Jac•l cfl( Llbomblrd's Chatharn ltd I§ Oe!lw'l!e IY • John R(l.taureen l) c1r!1.imn I HCanada 11907 Cllerang Crllll rd
lome U !SUt! El tx.!ler Otymond lid h 23 Houstan
NelsDf! Chr~ M••s Ci•~ Centre h 70 ClrCIINI aes
• t.IJChl ..~., Matlin T~ & Co h 650 Grind IY • apt809 Rob! 0 IBtL'Y AMI equip dsgnr Cl'l fr1111 II 145la1k
Pli"IOIIIIudl 70 C.CIInal Cfes Sue~ Tn County APIIWt
· Russell G (ttty) h Ill Crystal dl · VImJ(RuiiiCII\281 fori!SI
Nelsorl Gerrard Jo~ Sludll18 Adelatdt n N~ John h 142 laetO' I
· l.targl h 41H2 RIChmond
Ne!!les-•11111'1 Fran~. (I,Aatyl cablmkt 181 Faubtrt dr h ll'lle
~~Arlllut 1135~aes
Ntmcl!l 0ezso 1.....,} II 38 HIQIIII~ dr
N@olon EII 195 Gra!'ld 1Y * 101214 • ASilol< (J IAMrt) dsgn eng O!ll Centre lor farm Mach & Fd h 19
~a Douglas A 1 ~.twllyn)ISII mgr Ftdl Gcwl h 8 Vtllty rd s Date--it'" cres
· Hawara 11 4!1Amokl · Chis 0 IC.ol Al h 278 Pall<
liesdoty 1suc A(Vi1M Ired V) rnntnce tormn loiOIOf Wheel Cotpn h • Cta'g h 4 7 Emma apt 301
S2R~dl £ h 805 Grand av w aot509
• Mat) A lab PrOle lnd 52 Re~ dt laura secy tklroo Gas 138llltk
Nesc Rh 270 lolcNa.JOhlon •• e Ni!Y 0011 h 89 R•verv:ew dr 101503
Nede!on Bnan (~ Ml indl eng Clll Fram II 34 T1mrnrns • O..er1 C jEdna Jl pureh Union Gash 57 W ~IS!IIre dr
eteslp! 1 ScoliiiUC1157 Wiltshire dr
• G.lry ll~ ll mgr C.... Fratn II 227 1Aemlll• VIa 1er EcHtier~ Cl h 100 l.tcfarfa'!lla~ aot 705
• Leonerd w!Ann MJ 11 10 Phyllis • • Ngoc Pno.rng Hallh *~.I Chattlam Plastlc Finishing
• Ttcls C114')oofl (Ttl·V·Radoo Selv) h 881 Grind •• e Nrp:: PIIY'I!Il!Sa pr:n Cha!harn Plas!lc; ftnlsllrng
Neuer! Dean C (Key I) lernloriiJ mgr All~~ Darty h 279 Clmp.a Nguyen Dan ll147Emma
!by • Dung pnr Challlem Ptaw; Hnoshlng
~Ella ~II 1000 Channg Crllll rd Ullll38 • Son h 2 14 King w apll2
• Poclrw>y wILY""e 01 a ew ldr Unoon Ges h 55 Vr.derperl< a- • Son Cllelha'TI PlaS:.C Frni$11tng
"""• 0.. ~ 135 A Sl ()a,r NICh<M BarbatJ 4 slldk llndot 28 Murrey
NEUTI, ARTHUR A. lui*Ve- of Oletrlbutlon, • Bteroa studl 98 Sylvester dr
W 0 ~ Oltlrlbutlon Centre, II 107 • Eh 89 R,verv•ew drape 1007
Wlleonav • WBtuct !Pw1 Gl SIS mgr Plooeer HI·Bted lid h 96 Sytvesler
New ECII!h WW1rs Golden Crown Reo h 218 ~ dr
· I h 342 w ape2 liichola1 Jes:srelol l.lts h 134 Pall< II
Np;idllloyd 11 43 Pint t.!chofl S Agnes h 85 Prne apt212
Np; 0e1n ~ ~~Reolcnre 421 t.ICI'Iolls Amy Urs h I 00 f'oclla• ape 16
~11]12 • 110 R (~)~ant ll olce SUPII.Won Gal h 122 Crysla' Cll
• lobll caiiYir Doc!<'' Selv 178 Serutl< Nichols Doug (YOlanda I '-Cher Onl TeChl Cen!re h 28


It isn't the cost - 11 s the coverage that counts
and you get so much for so little
when you advertise '" the DIRECTORY

Gary (Judy) lab Uotor W1leel CorllO h 152 Vanier~ PII1JI f#i e) &lsmn Dill! Koomans & Sool Demol.tlon ~ h
J E h 40 Trilllum Vii~ lpl1 09 311 Colbcnle
Kenh 471 Kingw Noordefmeer [)an t.l SIUdl • I Cmir rd
UyrUe n 18Batlne Judy aid: Sunoc:o Inc res RR 3
Orv lie h 132 GlenWOOd dr btj .. SIUdl •• Cleek rd
N•cholsot! Georgina h 151 Edgar Pfler J IOiane GJ h w 1 Ctet~ rd
• Jalm (£kleenJ hNt 1rea1er Eaton Yale Lid (Wa~burg) h 14oordhof Ger1rude olce RlchatdsO<l & Ll>t!n AIX1S h J9 Wlllcwfi\IC
289Lart 1\1
louis V(louise) h 14 Broelc Nl0fdllolllles$!e M•t II 9!1 M 'Nillgl1lon lw w IPII32
Ralph D (EIIZJ h 111 Susw 01-;id J jJO&nne)ICtv ll'.enl Countt Bd ol Educ ll Ill Mercer
• Wm 1Nieo!e) mgr Eallln Yale Lid 1120 Stnea Nordtn GMy E('ft la<ne A) "9 F l W&O-IJd n 934 Olaring
HO:'I Palnling & W~,ng IN~o!a VUjaiiOVIe)IO Trillium Ctossrd
Village IPI 302 W::a!ne A (Gary)creddepii!Jo Gt N:J¥1 Sc:cW 934 Channg
Nail Wayne R(£tenor IChr & religious consullant Ken1 Crolsrd
Coun!y Sep Schl8d n 53 Syl\<es:er dr ·~man DMry1 ~ J 1.1 A'T'IISe!ne!\ls t!1S IIA 8
Nicolai Dennis 74 lome 1r< N~ Uer1e Cosmeta HJ!ary ~ t r q - 119 • IPI
UIChiiiUdl 7Hornu• 119
Uilke CTJ•ISioe) h 74L~ •• HMnandeau Deanna 80 Pr.eson ••
N•emeyer TJallO (Mir!el) h 1SO MatY IPI 106 N'ltmalldin Den1sf eli Z~ lets 3 .Joa!vll!
Ngn Pa!ridl SIOre mgr Guilds Used Fum Erma t.1 M:s n 1 Uraur ne Corr•enl h 11 Gold.'lltlt ~
Nghslvandet Oulncy LIBII!'IC:he) h 33 Cterll dr Joe CitY Viheels 1m ll 190 TllltneS 101 4 2
N'gh!Jngale RobliEidat H& ell~ mkr S~IOI Tool & Ote h 88 Leo (Susan) mecn Vannatter (Wallateburglll "2 llrk
Ouovegandr ~ E15mloneiiSrnblf EliDA Ylle II 3 Joanne
- U~ • .s Sne»y Pete's Res:r 12 AJpint ••
NIGHTINGALE, WILLIAM F. REAL ESTATE Rola'ld A IJoen P) !ormn Un!~ Co-Op n 12 A~pone ••
Nome RUlli II 178 1'2 l'i iDram S
LTD .. NoftiS C ICtv Indian Clffi< Rd Pub SeN
William F Nlfhllnoa.Ja, PrHidanl R Gh 292 Ho.-atd rd
AMI Eatata, Mortoaoa-. Appralaale Notf-.,"Q1111y f 1199 M.:~tauahton ltY w a."« 153
150 StClair, N7M SLI
.......... Phone 354-1too
Randy A Chevalier, C LU . I A ,
NIOHnNOALE, WILLIAM F, Prn Willi am F Diana Polaaant, Office Manager
Nightingale AMI Eatata Ltd, h 5 Jaeper av, 40 Centra Square, Sulta 302,
Phone 354-n4o P 0 Box 321 , N7M 51(4
..- ...- Phone 352-1020
N.¥.slch Sttve ( h 38 .1oM
N~ Ken: (Dee) •10' IBleMelm) h e6 Eugen!e
NISbet Andri!W C(Rosaloel h 18 Duluth N'ltlll OOfa (Harold) rec:p!nSI OrR J S . - 55 Gladslone ••
Rtchcl (Barbarallormn Na!l Gro n 32 Maple • Doris J Mrs h 73 W~Jowda!e pi
Sandy slsc:l!; ~s-Uv~ 18 Oufutll • Hltold N (Dora I W!! dr\lr Ptnec:reSI FdS h 55 GladStone •~
Ntshlmura TIN slSC:Ik lt!lets h 40 ~la.,.,are l\1 1Pl3 Nort11 Map'~ Mill 80 I Sl Clair
NlshlW I Colleen Sllldl 83 Kmg e · Ric:loh284~
• Ga•llludt 83 K1ng e • TIITlOihy ch• Pin«.reSI Fds 55 Gladslone ••
• ~ S I Yun 0) tab t.l~ Wlleel Corpo II 83 e ~Eldred R (Nancy El mntnc:e Eaton Yale lid h 5e
• Marion II II 11 Homtwood lanceLeld Ill
Roy S v.t nnle ~j) phOto 186 StClair h same • t.l Chll Sludl275 M.c:henef rd
SYd SIUdl83 King e • t.lortey R (l vta J) ll 129 Pt~'ltt A1t11u< a•
Verne V (WandllfiiCd Can Fram h 12 Valley rd 1 • V;arren £I Ellen fl b:l Slalldard Coml Toblcxo h 275 U.tnena!
Nssen Rlckh 75 Mary ap1101 rd
• Sleen v (Sat1ora ll tab Can Fra'" II 36lowt Nor1herll Sl t'S Co Lid Gelry lltaslef mgr 121 Her sage rd un!l
N••en Jas R l t.lalgl Ct wits I H Cai\ada h 124 Sl Geotge 102
N•winJom (Kalllyl pollc:emnh 157 Gold;le•k rd Norll'lland ~ A;llrtmer.a 455 Slndyl
N,.on Ilea 99 P1t11 NorthSide Te<a::o (Andy Bein1ma & S!M!n Tutl<) 3e9 St Clu
Ha!1ev f (Shl!leylleehn Uolon Gas Co h 188 ~aughton •~ e N'JIIon Hal R (GaIA) ISSIIT19f Canada Emptoymef\1 Cenlrl h 4
• p h 50 l.lidlenef rd apt 30 1 Tasanc:rea
• Paul A (Coll!!en C) iii"Yet 5 S~at11 h 25 Ftnch pi larry n 45 w.:lc;-..0." pi
Noack Helmut llhrteJ lab MOIO< ~ ~ 1175 Semenyn ~Willi ~.~My 91 lkfanane •. apt 203
1 Norlown CouriApanmen!S 45 TanmtnS c:res
Noble Sl!a ShOp (t.Qry lou IAerr•IIJ &39 J GrWid ••"' Nl)l(o"'~ Realaura.'lllld (Angelo Oellgrrnmat~a) 438 St Ct1o1
tQl Conrad (Fieurelle) sup1 Kent Cout1!v Sell Sc:lll Bd h 82 H'llwood Ere WIDorollly II II 68 Perk 1\1 w
Cardlnalc:res NJ!h .lo5 (Linde l} II &~rr·r t.locl1• Tl &[)e h JSI'embroOe
NooueJtl A h SO MemU I• 1P1 S07 c:res
Nolan - h SO l.!enift •• apt20 7 Nlllhef Undl std. KJddle Kobi:Mer 100 Ucfll'- I\IIIPI208
Darren ga, atdl NortnSJde Texaco 3 1 St George Notschael Frank (Lourse) h 6SO Grand •• w apl902
·Fred W(Charlene E) mec11 W1ycon ln!l Tri!S h 25 Sl George NtotiCCO NP.v\o (Y'f!lflnt Cllab I H Canada h 27 Patry~
· Fred!< CIEwefyn L) dM O..erllnd WesJem Trk Ll,.. II 31 St Nll't-elll AngelO conA' wkr II 16 Semlny!l It
George · fred (lfw•l Al 0P1 Oomlll Pac:~<agong Co h 204 Uc:Niughlon aw •
·Uwvl~tii318P.- • G;us~ppina MIS 18 Samenyn a-;
Noi!Je Garry H(Jean lJ ~ h 122 R'~lew dt ape 2" •ltvll A (fred( ptSI AITfHilndrt 204 Uc:Naugi!IOI'IIt '*
Noordam Je~ elk Kenl Ctedll Unoon h 218 Slndys • Sludl 2()4 loi!NI,quon •• w
( Dw 386398 Ontarto Llmtted)
Nov•ss 0 h 25 C.mpbeti apt3 O'CONNOR, LAWRENCE Q. QC, (Helen). (Mc:Navln
No\losad RIChd A !Ctlnshne 01 q;a1<1y eotWol supvsr Oom:ar Gaa l o ·connOf), h 1122 Charlng Crou
Inc h 8 Chanens road
NOVO!ny I.I,Jdred lArs h 1000 Cham!Q Cross rd unoI 13 Ted h 66 Dover
It~ Townr [)e<.eJopmenrs 392 Pa!k ave suore 100 Oco••Cil hcavallng Lid (MirtO Ocoviclll 65 Coverdale
Nugent Alllllt 1Shet11) P"lr 25 Pavey h same Ocovlcll Ho..alher slsclk Bas~on Robbins~ Cream 65 Coverdale
Da11td S1udl25 Pavey • Maroo (Willnofre<ll !OCOvoCil &cvtgl h 65 Coverdale
• Shltla slsclk Sara Noble Shops 25 Pavey • Rosa h 258 Forest
Nu•Q!!n Dan (fong) mech Honda Hse h w s Cleek rd Odds &EndS S1ore tEart Purdy) 60 Taylor av
Nunes PalriCIO tEi'tora) tab HJ Heinz Co h 46 Raleigh Oddy Alan (Molly) plmO< h 96 Heather !II
Nunn J Suzanne (Rodney n Wtll'l Standard Trust Co 6 Sparks dr O'Donnell John M h 150 Mary apt 704
• Rodney !Suzanne) pres & geol mgr K SRI~ Corpn Oehlncll Hany K (Judr) mlcroblolog•s1 Onl Centre for Farm
IRodgriO'olr't) h 6 Sparks df Maclly h 141 Oxley dr
N;Jteoborg Edwd h 213 Welttng10n w apt 6 Oestre~ Oona•u Ot tEllz) inlemiSI38 Tecumseh rd h same
Nussey Lon mgr Pet Centre res nroory Otloces 186 Weilmgton w
Nuttall Dana GtSudsan El denhlre lherapost 227 Grand ru w h Og•Me McFarlane av apt 105
54 Gtadslone • • Ogle 11atmn II 87 Mary apt 304
• Geo E(Joan A) h 102 Mcfadden av Chas F rMary) h 307 McNat~~jhlon ave
Nydam Gary lab Sass Mig res RR 3 · Ed M!Carol A) eng Coilavmo Conslr (Wondsor) h 11 Indo an
Nykolozyn Rob! h 264 KtllQ w apl 4 Creekrdw
Jarnce 307 McNaughton av e
• Oueen•e M Mrs h 28 Indian Creek rd w
0 Ogletree F T (Jessie) II 196 Delaware av
O'Grady Redmond J !Carmen Gl h 116 Forest
()akes Cyrol s !Jean) forrm Elan n & Ole h 55 Ascot ct O'Hara Bertha h 69 Peters
• Pamela 5!>-1'2 Stanley av • Douglas J d & d1emkr I HCanada h 65 Peters
~ <ey Ktnne1'1 All.lary Ann) V·pnn VIClor La~Sion Pub Sell! h • Hugh A IEiiZ M) h 32 Ale Kandra av
46 Ordon blvd · Jas P (lolanet shllf Campbell Soup h 58 Eugenoe
Dare lolargl lolrs h 271 El!labeth • ~ M secy Wellare Dept C111 Hall 58 Eugenoe
Oates leo EOr dnls15 Sixth • Mallon 65 Peters
0 &>e Thos W(Barbara E)IChr Jolln McGregor Sec Schl h 108 • MIChl J (Katnleenl h 40 Allen
Choppewadt · Owen J lab Can Fram h 32 Sr George
Oberle Dean (Cheryl) wks Tor Oom Bk h 50 Michener rd apt205 w
Patll (Linda C) methods analyst Union Gas h 27 Cardmal
O'Bnan 0 L h 177 Lome av cres
Jean lArs h 268 VICIOroa av · Sandra A acct l<enl County RC Sep Sclll Bd h 276 Me111H a~
O'Bt~ Alfoson WS:Udt 18 Madonna Cles aPI301
• Oernse stud! 881 Channg Closs rd · Terry h 188 Harvey
• Drane 0 Studt 881 Charong Cross rd 0 Heron wPaul (lily M) h 18 Sioux dt
• Donlld 0 (Grace) h 350 Colbome Ohlman Kellh h 160 Thornhill CII!S
• Donlld J t0orothy) la..vyer 226 Wellington w h 881 Channg 011 Gard Ani: RliSitlynn McOolll!td) 281 Grand ave
Clossrd o·Keete Barry h 363 Wellington w apt 103
· Fra~ C (Harold Jl ofce mgr O'Bt~en Jackhn Sulman & O'Ktll Gotf01d mgr Plush Plumb res Kingsvtlle
O'Bt•en 336 Oeta,.are av Okkema Anrne !Orval) (Dutch Cdn Bake Shop) 448 Gtand ave
Gerald J (Helen Ml lormn Bell Canada II 177 Oxley dr Herman (Rota J)lab Molor Wheel Corpn h 34 1'2 Park av w
O'BRIEN, HAROLD J , (Franca1), (O'Bri an, Mark ID•anal wks Baker's Farm Equip h 153 Timmins cres apt4
Jacklin. Sulman & O'Brian), h 338 Delaware Orval !Annle)IOutch Canadian Bake Shop) h 448 Grand av e
av, Phone 352-11017 • Sam• A drotr Mat's Anti !Sam111 34 Park av w
Ol<kemo Donna F wtrs Maple C•1y Country Club 25·1 '2 Prince n
O'BRIEN , JACKLIN, SULMAN O!<opny Andtea R Mrs sis C & G Rlty 21 SoouK dr
& O'BRIEN, • Stepi'Pn !Andfea RJ ICIV Kent County Bd ol Educ h 21 Sooux dr
Oland Jacl< h 3 Ouole pkwy
(Harold J O'Brian, David E Jacklin, Olbey John 0 (Olive) millw11ght H J Hetnz Co h 101 King e
Douglu A Sulman & Jerry O'Brian),
Otde Wm l (Joanne) uk dM R~path Sugar h 41 Devon rd
Berrletan & SoUc:ltort
214 OuMn........ Phona 352-01110
O'BRIEN, JERRY, (Marla), (O'Brien, Jacklin, JoMph Blakt Oldtrahaw, Praaldtnt
Bulman l O' Brian) h 281 Ellubeth, Phone Cement, Llmt, Pl11tar, Flut Lining , Sawtr
354-4810 Pipe. Flbrtgla11 lnaulatlon, Qyproc:, Gyproc:
K~,~ studl336 Oe!a.-are av Lath l Flrt Brick
• K••• SIUdl 18 Madonna cres 132 ColbOrna........ Phont 352-0720
•linda Wdl336 Delaware av
· lor"" J lfdoth Gl h 292 Wellington w
• M h 268 Elozabel~ Oldl'rShaw Donald M h 82 Raleogh
• Maua f Jerry) uc:y J H Jorden 268 EliZabeth Geo W !Matromt) h 108llydocan av ext
Mary 0 secy Oom ol canada Genl Ins Co h 85 Cross Gordon J h 44 Delaware av
Ned F (Joy E) cl~ Union Gash 18 Madonna cres Jas <Beny L) elk I HCanada h 14 Cardinal cres
Paull(Palr!Cll) elect Cll (Co\Jrlwnghl) h 140 Cover~le OLOERSHAW, JOSEPH BLAKE. (Donna). Prtl
Rob! C h 40 Trolllum Village apt 701 Oldtrehaw Bulldtrt' Supply Company Ltd, h 11
• Wtlld (Heather I h I I 0 Forest Eighth
~ocz Jadwlga 46 5emenyn av Paul G (linda) loeld crew David G McGeorge lid res RR 4
O'Comor Karold lol flolargt E) c::apl F11e Oepl h 16 loladonna a es Wallaceourg
• Karold 1\largU cape F1re Dept 16 Madonna aes OLDSMOBILE: SAL£S & SERVICE, (S.. Chatham
Motor• Ltd)

Yer••• •tre£ferlea ,$e'ltJing

29 Rebecca St. Hamilton, Ontario Ontario
Telephone (-i16) 522-5066 LIR 183 Communities
01~ DoriS lht 11 508 S1 Cla!J
Oll~nt Donald tBte<'lda1drvr etdt Chatllllrn & Otll Ambulant~
Serw h 146 Harvey
Dololny ~.~,., h !I Ha.'!l
Dmd SIIICll 24 Pt.y1ll& ltl
£riC P (Hea!lltl A) lonnn Datmond lid h 113 Sl M.dllel n
·Ed (M~gl 11 112·1 '2 Closs Frands AI Bernice A} II :?4 Phy1lls av
·lien R (P 111cia ._'Ill) pra 01111 HCanadl h 86 Arnold . J£112!17Granda••
• Ridld G Or (A Eileen) denlls1274 King w 114!5 Holland 1Y a.tlchl E(Bartlat~ lA) rtP11M Bell Canada h tO Ch!ppeo.e dr
• Th05 H(BealllCe P) d & dleml<J floct;..etllnll11131 Pall< (Joyce I) lab I Hean.da h 861nshes ••
Cllurchill ROlli agl 0 Nfllln5 h 363 Campua Pk"Y
OIIVISI!i Clvls SIUdl ~ Glenwood dr Rolli (EleanOre) tctv ~m ~.e!11 Sec SctJ h 8' I '2
Etlz stsldy Seats ~ Glerr.wood dr Ekzabelh
• Mom A(Judy AJ stud~ h 13 7 Clyslal d: T Gordon (Mlle) n 129 S1 Clair
• Me~ E(Jtan) mtllnCe ~orll Home h 94 Glell..oad dr o 'l~m Agnes h 40 Closs
Ol•vttra Bebrmlno V(Oiild\'1 PfeiS opr M!l Wlleel Corpo h 92 Barbara Estudl4 ~ Robertson "
Copperlleld U1G • Bernard J (Jlobon) wi<J SN M K•11 Union h 15 B.JQ...nghamltl
FernandO AtiAarla Rl lab Ealoo Ya e Lid h 23 Rand:lll cres Christine cD. l.l..n A Mall II 4 1 Cardinal cres
Shauker 11\ldl 23 Ral1doll aes • Danl R Sllldl 16 Of! GraM! dr
Wlljlllll SIIKR 23 Ratidoll cres • 0onna Mrs uey Union Gas n 1!5 Do! Gt... dr
OWer 8: 11 •~J Del<a b Canida lid 202 Baldoon IU frank l (Mealher)lab Libby MI.: ! Ubtr, h 238 Pa:aln
Cedl h 74 Centre 8\1
• Chns wl<s Mack Glass 202 Baldoon rd Henry trmr n• 55 VICIOI141 ••
• G~ R(Cialfe IAJ mcJ1 Miracle Fcl Man h II Wno-dale pi John (Ccnole1s.'lOP • " 0omon1on Aulo r,_,, res
Greg 20211aldoon rd JaM 0 0! (Jessie) obs:et:lca'l4 7 Emma II 42 Robe115on ••
·lela II 11 Sparlos dt • John F(Jennie I h 60!1 GraOO •• "'aoc
• Rooold J (Thmsal sis Jatk Carroll PonlliC Buldllld h 202 IAhS61 Pat1o:avw
ElaJdoonrd IAJIY E h 159 Adelaide t
Olms!ead [dw!l (lola<Ill) lab Roc!<.• I ~ II 1119 T1mmi!1S cres IPI · Md11Jh705AParl<av•
3 p h • 55 Sanct;11P1503
• Jat~ l (Clare lA) C0110ble Of'P h 1~ lali< • R n•o lii!VIUIIS cres IPI 1
Margi(Jackl recptnst Or G r Gnffllll 153 LW. Rlclld ('\1111';) 1r. 1r1< opr lA~ V.11eel Cor;ln h 2 Clerat dr
Olstn Dan 1182 Dela"'~ a• ape210 Alia let¥ 189 Adtla:de.
Olsen Sramps & Coins Bill Olsen owner -mgr 4 rrflh Rolli custocloan Mnt Counry Bd ol ElM: h 8 1·2 Comhill
Olson Ca!ol A &111dt 76 PA'lr•dge cres • Rose cj,etary Pub Genl Hosp h 141J llaldoon rd 11)14
Gordon G !Ann Sl e1tp1 mgr W:KJico II 76 Pwldge cres • V h 100 Poplar IPI27
Oltean Jennie !.Irs h 50 Broci< Ongena Glerln 171 Sheldon ••
()lym PI• SportS Ptlolat ~ William n .b.'lel slsclk Young CaMda 17 I Sheldon
o·uara 9t141~ !Jan~t)lab Van Gassen Lid (Cedar SPf•OOSl h 54 M~unce S (Janeu eled Venlrl Mfg h 171 Sheldon ••
Mlty • MJIIiY 5lliOI 171 5neldotlltl
• Dennis J I o.- LllefW tJrsuhne Coli II 27 Ell..ood lv • Shti1Pv l.lnPIII'IQ! RlllOS 175 McNall':" n a• "'
· Edmund lA (~le_n) h 36 Arnoid
lA chi J (lena! SCheduler Clvvsle! 113 So.mquols ONTAAIO CENTRE FOR FAAM MACHINERY &
• t.A till S I Rose) stalts!ic:al process conl!OI IAJior WMeJ Corpn FOOD PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,
II 24 K•r~.caldy pi S Foaaenler, PrMident
• Rose iiAdiii!Chr Sl Josepl1 Sep Sclll2• l<orl<caldy pi Dal e Sumal on, Farm Machinery M111ager
0 ~... Ann h 212 Elllabelh Jack Thatch«, Food Proc...l ng Ml1legfi
• Da~ J (Matgl E) area rep Ont Cled Union LIIIQIJ~ h 225 Campus Joe Boyle, Admlnlattatlon Man~~ger
~wyap~3011 170 Richmond, N7M 5J5
H3fly J 78 Dunn ·~ _ ..... Phone 354-1143
• IA.VJOt•e N Mrs h 78 DuM a•
• IAdlael P 78 Dunn I•
• l.l ytna A l3b ~IOIIA«<'' & Tl h 343 Grand 1¥ e tpl 40 1 Ontano Feoeratiotl ol A9f!CUI!ure Clluck Bokor mgt 380 Sl Cia r
• Patncii iA 78 Dunn a• Onlauo Humane Soclery Jenrnfer Turnef mgr 405 Plflo. ~< e
· Shawn P 78 Durin •• ()nullo Hydro l<enl Ala Office WHCllllmers are~ mcJ1 955
Chsnng Cross rd
OMEGA PROPERTY MANAGEMENT, Onlar10 Hydro Sub Sta!iOrlt s Mallie Leaf~
Donna Schamahorn, Manager
48 Kell dr 1 , N7M 3G7
CY-I~11o Legal Aid Plan Alec Woods tngf •a

.......... Phone 354-3581

Omnlleell Steel Wlltl<s lid John R De KOlling pres 2711nShes .. P•ul S.y, !trench Manager
Oln$tead J 118 Rlvervltr• elf apt • 32 110 Richmond, 1to11 122, N7M SKI
Ondlovdl\ Anlhy F !lAMie) v Pfe$ Supe1101 IAach & Tl h 82 ..........P hone 351· 2222
Glenwood elf
• Dawod Wd • BeSI For le&$ 132 Slt.. II11PI 1
• John 11 69 W1lson '" 0ntat10 PallO & Pawing SlOne (WIY"f Ba-.ies & Bob Clllpm&") 725
· Maly A_nn hllh nurse Sl .lOS Hosp 11213 Wood$ Rothmond •
· IA•ke h 123 1'2 Ktno w
One Stop Vaeuum & Sa..1ng Ce~~ne Lid Hennet l.ldlaud mgr 242 St
0 Neil Allee lA n 57 Baldoon rd ape 107 317 QuHn, P 0 Bolt ttO
• Ang~ta slsclk un,lormt Elite ret Dover Centre • ...... Phone 352· 1122
• Danl Atllrcnda Gl mgr Boddtlh Tue (leamtngtonl h 120
~ . • Commercial
•Recreational ~/AA ...V

® •Agricultural u
~ ;.~~.'1 an Independent member broker
.&;W~MJJ 121 Heritage Rd., Chatham, Suite 202 {519) 351-1300
Onlaroo PubliC Servtce Employees Union V Cooper statf rep 6
Harvey sutle C
Ontaroo Secondaly School Teacllet's Federat1011336 Kmg w La,.1ence J tllatbaral mngmntltbby McNe·ll & lobby h 8
Onlaloo Wheal Producers I.Wioeiong 8oanl Ross Addeman genl rn01 Homestead cres
880Rdvnond - Lou1s h 40 Tnffiurn Village apt1009
Ontong Barry F (Kalhleen C) rnech Chalham M!IS h 18 W1llowmac • M•~e cnef Molhel's P1Z28 8 Hornes!eed cres
IV • Pal~ J studl 67 Saodys
Ooslelbun J h 50 Memft IV apl310 She• ley cl~ Gordons M~ts 8 Homestead cres
Qo51emott Davt<t l*''Y rep~rno OOIIerhOffs Mty •o Valley rd • T P h 152 Wellington w
s O'ROURKE, TIM, (Beverley), (E C Brlaco
Oost~rhoH Jewellers lid John Oosterhott pres 438 St CI&Jr
· John [nnal (Oosletholt's Jwlry) h 40 Valley rd s
Limited), h « Lacroix Phone 35-4-~20
On Wayne N !Joanne PI (Wayne Orr PllotoJ h 11 Oav1d cres
Sllerry n 429 McHaugttton IV e Orr Wayne F'tlologfa!)her jWayne N Orr) 11 OaVKI cres
• Shffl B24 W~•ppoonr.ll aes Orrell Fred\ F fJacquer ne 1.11 (Phll's Aptnce Serv) h 768 Grtlld
Oo5lerho;s- h 276 Memn ev tPI 107
a• e
Dav•d h 276 Metnn IV api 105 Orson Oant wks Mocz1k n & O.e h 75 Mary apl 205
Mar,one (David) foeldmn Tiny Tots Nursery Soh! 276 Merrill
Orton Agne11 f,Ars h 25 Ellis
apt 107
· 8 h 600 Grand av w ap12012
OOSTERUNG, JOHN A, (Dutty), S.lea Mgr · Morley B (Kathleen) h 61 Harwoch
Metropolitan Lite, RH 105 Willa · Tammy asmbll Chalharn Plasbc Flnoshefs h 66 Murray
(Wallaceburg), Phone 352·2•14 Osborne Aobl (Ca!henne) aulObody reprrnn Fl Waekenslld ret
Oost•ng Petry goldsrnlh Ro~lsen Jw1IS 600 Grand av RR 2 Florence
Oostleo Ann eoo11 Pub Gent Ho5p h 76 Ellis Osman 0 h 141 Rate1gh
OOSTVEEN, JOHN, Building EnglnMr City of Osmon Albl IAmy) mOf Osmon's Hdwe 207 W1Hiam s
Chatham, h 11 Acedamy cr.. Albl EIAmyl (Osmon's HCiwe) h 207 Williams
Ooslveen John h 2921ndlan Creek rd ., Challene wus Royal Ta~ern h 69 1'2King w ap110
Karel A (Mnelle AI h 60 SuiVl)'Side av Chas h 721<ong e
Opavs•y Atoce S Mrs IChr Ouf Lady ol Fa!lma Sep Schl22 Chas Wbft tr1< dM I H Canada h riO Foresl
Vanderpal', dt · Douglas A (U .layne) asst rngr Osmon's Hd~~re II 11 Cedarvloods
• Anna h 149 Pai!eson IV cres
• Charhe 149 Patteson av · Frank A !Mary B) h 73 Essex ct
• Chas P(AlaS) (Cedlll Con$rJ h 22 Vandelparl< dr · Fred lab Can Ftarn h 175 Sandys
• Chros 22 Vandf>rpa~k dt • Fredl< G (Janet KJ data processor Can Fram h 38 Cumberland
· llulte mgt Gutlds Used Fum 371 King w aes
OpefatJOn Oor Kids 23 Barlhe • Geo R IBe~fey Jl mig eng Can Fram h 460 LacrOtx
O'Pilee Belly tS.III $!CY County W1de Hlg & Coof1ng 2071nshes · Janet I( M~ r n a Pub Gent Hosp 38 Curnbelland cret
av · Jayne (Douglas) merch Cedarwood& cret 11 Cedarwood
• liN IRonald I bi<JX County Wtde Htg & Coohng 229 Forest · Joan fThosl olea rngr R•spon Travel Serv 102 Par1!1dge Ctet
· Linda M sr as5l Chrldten's VaJiage Day Care 229 For~ · Lon slsclk 1.4ac's Convenoence S1ore Mur11y
• Margt M Urs h 209 lnshes a~ · S h 455 Sandys apt 509
· Ray (londa M) slltmllwkr County Wide H!g & Cool•ng h 167 · Scon studl460 Lacroix
Woods • Stuar1 Sfudl 460 LacrOix
· Ronald E!Bev~yJ h 229 Foresl • Thos C IJoan M) lel!ef came! h 102 Parlllclge cret
• Va~ d~ Woolco h 82 Gray Osmon's HarO..are IAibl Osmon) 202 Oueen
• Wm A 'Beuy Jl mat'..h Counlry Wolle Hlg & Coofang h 207111$hes OsowV.l l.'ary 69 Julieae IV
Op1eta Mary HMrs elk WG Burton Ltd h 72 Southend e~es apt 2
Ost James 0 (Jean) h 244lecrOtx
· M~thl (Ao$emary1tab I HCanada h 12 Pearl e~es apl3
OJXenchok Andw (LYIVliJ mdse rngr Union Gash 42 Peterborough
Orchard Joytt G h 27 Ox~ dr OSTERBROOK, BERT, Prn Oatarbrook Real Estate
Limited, h 5-4 Dunvegan dr, Phone
Orchard Part Apartments 122 R.vervaew dr
Orchard Par!< ApartmeniS 118 Riverview dr
Ordon M·ke 8 Na1 B'fl11h Parlt s 1 Thames Os!erbrOOic C h 123 O'Ne1l apt4
Orecc1110 Razo (G1ace) lab MOIOI Wneel Corpn n 242 Park a• e
· Tony lab t.lotor Wheel Corpn 242 Pari< ave OSTERBROOK REAL ESTATE
0 Regan Am I (Johlt) stsclll RICkt's 124 Argyle aet
Orendorff Et<l 87 1'2 llo';er
Oriel lucia Mswlehbd op< St Jot Hosp h 4· 1'2 Robertson av Bart Oaterbrook, Praaldant
0 Rourl<e Beverley (f•ml olce mgr Bedford Myers & Hansen 44 Reafdentlal, Commercial, lnduatrlal, Farm
llcror~ PropartJH, Appralaala, Mortgagn Arranged
· C.I W!Hazel \II h 66 ~xandrla~ 253 QuHn........ Phona 352-0551
• Clatence 1155 Mcft~tane av
• Oanl P (Mary) sis Seats h 160 Choppe'lta dr
• Oonald J (Jean)SI$1M Westons Bl<rs h 54 lowe Ostrander& Jewellers Allan Hughes mgr 100 King w unll105·106
• Edylha Ph 862 Channg Croa ra Ostropofec PeterS (Margt S) (Chatham Heal Treating) h 15
• Gary !Chet}i) lab Cash & Carry Lmbr h 102 Bly1hewood cres Lamsoncres
O'Sull•van Join SWIChbd opr Sl Jot Hosp h 372 Baldoon rd
11)1 4
· Wayne 0 !Bonn•e Ml v IX'" Kent County Bd of Educ h 48
Hedot fRUit!) h 70 WillShire dr BatlllOial rd
· Helen h 100 Mcfarllnee~ 11111 4 10 Oloote't Roadhouse Restaurant Heather Ktdd1s owne<·opt 220
• Jaci<IO'AOI.i'lo.e·~ Decrol h 42 Arne!• a Ravervaewdr
• Jtlf ct>ell.toehtt's Plm 8 Horneslead aes on l<~nneth (Joy) lab MOIOI Wheel h 156 F01es1
· John IC!Itlte l) W1(s I HC3nada h 264 FO!esl Ollavlaroo Carmine (Joanne) b!XIyr Mike Allner h 73
· John H IOorotlly Ml h 67 sanays Tweeasmu11 ave
• lany aldierrno City · Llnl Sludl 73 Tweeasrnuor av e


Ouaway lloyd ElMoldredl genl rrq Redol!h Sugecs 1188 OWEN
Kensington PI
OudkB<k Wallet G (Rena) purcllagt Russell Tool & Doe h 192 Wlesh~ tRose AI h 513 VICtorII av
E~~genoe Wm 0 IAiea)lall Litllly Mdletll & Libby h 511 ViCIOrll IV
0ue11e1 Gerard (~Mance! meth Laidlaw TII!\SP h 434 Sandys Owto& Wm K (He<aldl~ E} Ill) Can Frarn h 26 .11.-nea
apt 4 O•lev Gail A secy Supet!O! TI & Doe h 24 Slanley IV
• Paul IT erryJ formn Cunnongham Slltmll Wkl res Ctlartng Crots • ~~•lh E (Ru:h AM) lab Bronk's Canada h 111 Ucfadden av
Ouellette Alfd J IGaol MJ formn I H canada h 546 King w Mary 24 StaniP.y av
Blanch~ lA h 605 Grano a• w apt208 f It 357 TW!e<IStniJor av w
llfana atdl Da~ Cere Ceotre 151 MctUughiOn •• wep~3 O>nef Donald L (Katlllftn A) h 24 Hll,jtllaod dr
• (Blanche) lab KySOIInd~ h 68 VaOoer dr Ozl Rose Mr• h 1531./ollylcnoll rd
• Francos (Anne) h 89 Ao.ervoew dt apt 607
Gary LIDiane Dl programmer can Fram 1193 Pilltndge cres
· Gerard 0 IBe.ltall Rl h 46 Cwnoetfand etes p
• G\fy lab CF A OperatiOns 151 Sheldon av
Ivan 234 Woods PabiSoa• Paul J tRithetJ h 435 King w
• Karen slsclk Sutk Fd Siore 50 MelroU • Rachel tPa.JIIIehf Chatnaon May Cour1 Day N~ es 435 King
• Karenl\36 Regency dr
• Lawr~fSettyl h 132 Elllllbelfl
• Mart< studl 46 CUmberland cres
Pac Gregory l (Jar>iee Al eng I HCanada h 24 Pamel_a cres
Pacella Jas D (C JoyI analyst can Fram lid h 57 Wollowdale pt
• Mary mgr Conon Gmnv res Windsor Packele G!egory lawyer 93 Centle h 384 King w
• MIChl I Kathleen) h 234 Woods Pad<er Ronald J (lola111yn Kl tchr Kent County 8d ol Educ h 82
• Pamcoa M 214 Co-;Prdille onawa dt
• Rindy sludl 46 Cumberland cres Pac!<ham JohnS Dt M 0 H Kent Cha!llam Hllh lln<l h 323 V'odoroa
• Ray G (Linda K) wks A M Auto Restorers h 95 John av'
• Rochd J llfllrl< dM Llbbv Cootaoners h 214 Ccrmdale Melarut M t8oll) styltSl H•s & Hors Untte• StyfJIIIJ 112 Cross
• ROC! (Joanne) grader 01)1 Sea.i-On PaYing h 76 Vanoer dr apt
• N h 925 GrJn<la-v w 101 304
105 Wm pohumn h 1t2 Cross
• SOM!'e lab Ponecrest Fd h 151 Sheldon •• Padbury fern J h 600 Grand av w apl9007
009h Helen M sis assoc McMath Ally h 650 G11nd av w apl 40A • Gordon C (fem El h 27 Grant
Ouomf'l Guylaone (JeanPaul) Wlrs The Kingsway 16 Orchard His • Floy ess1 ci ty 1reaS h 50 l.lttnener rd apt 302
apll S31ldra C lnf1dleel d1 tatyOISt Pub Gent HosiJ h 78 o.'!'loew
Jos h 150 Mary apt 409 cres
Oulds Allee G Mrs homemkr Red Cross h 19 Houston Paddock Dh 61 Co-;erdi!Ja
Barbara nurse Sl JoS HOSp h 175 lnshes aw Paddon Edwd C IBetto;l h 143 Gray
• Br•an sti\Cik 45 Thames Paden Brien chi<r V.a Rail h - Murtlf lOt 2
• Clar~ N tAo$e Mtlab Ot~ h 32 O'N'!!I Padovan AnleO lAnnaI Iab C & WAs;lhall 1'\og Co I! 20 Romney rd
• Chlfd (Helen) h 805 Grand av w apt 212
· Bruno R (Jtan~ne) bu~er I Hcanada h 60 Thornhill etes
• Den•s w (Janelll IPil' meth B•ddell's Ttret & Battery h 370
• Ntr111a tclv Kent County 8d of Educ 20 llornnty rd
Pari< IV rapt 1 P . 1.1 Studt 11 7()- t '2 Sel<~flo
GamPt N tlau1111 h 240 Colbome Mauroct J wks Elan Tl & Ote 223 lnshel a~ ap!4
• Garry N(Mary Janel metermn Umon Gash 140 Grand av w
· Ronald V (Mabel I h 205Lar~
• GordOn R(Dorothy) h 45 Thames Paget K lolac (Una) mgr can Cenners h 35 Crystal dr
• Janoce pntr Chatham Ptasuc Fimshefs
PaoemenJ Gerard (1.40111Quel mach Superoor Tl & Doe h 11 I Wilson
Kalhlern M Mrs lab Domlal h 32 Klr~
lOIS 240 Colborne
Pa•tey Ken h 19 Pnncess n
• Mary Jane rna Pub Gent Hosp 140 Grand 1v w
Paone 8 h 11 1 McNaughton av e
• M•ke h 114 MoehenPr rd £vetyn h tOO Poplar apt 30
• Nh 165Kong w apl29 Paont!r Hetty t.lrs h 69 G'*ISIOne av
• Randy h 65 Maroon •• PaoSIOVICh Ale.t (Velllll Ml (l'H Julies) h 93 Ot:awa dt
• T101 Mrs hsekpr 73 P1ne • C h 795 Grand av w apt 206
• Wllld h 203-D Williams Geo wl<s Del Mar Fds h 936 Cllatfng Cross rd
Our Lady of Fat•me Separate School Mrs ~ten R~ prln w s Jas J 1119f Jutoer.e ll&Jry Bar 93 Ottawa dr
Baldoonrd · lol.<e (Wenda HI h 66 Aeget!CY dt
OUr Lady ol VoCIQfY Rect()(y 490$1 Clair
PaoS•OYoalt Jas J mgr A Pa1S10\'Ielt
Our lady of Victory (AC) Church Rev Eug J Bugala 490 Sl Clair
Our Saviour's lutheran Church Rev Paul GJamnlcky pastor 445 Paosfey Salldta studl 76 Mary ept30 1
McNaughlon •• w Pake 01!!11'11S (EIIZ) secorlty guard libby McNelll & libby h 50
Outhouse Bt•an (Blenda) h 50 Aocnmono M~rd8DI503
• EIY$e A h 224 Park ave apt 4 Gordon W (Ma/y Jol lOCI RIChardson Secwo~es of Clnadl h 4
• Wallace J (Nancy VI mntnce Chalflam Coech Lines h 65 Princes Glengarry e~es
OYecJca RICk E(Darlene) llnemn Onl Hydro res RR 1 • Jas G tMatgtl h 58 Chutc/1111
O.erdulve Catheflne 148 Grand ave · Jas J rrq PJke's Sport Shop Ltd 58 Cht.n:hi
· Ilene M111 secy Cred1l8ureau 11 148 Grand ave • Rob! (Debra) wks 1H Canada h 94 Atnold
Overland Express Division ofT NT Oell!s Dent mgr n s Richmond • Sam (Jeanette) co-ord Cenox Weeding Spls h 162 ParK av w
Owen Alii secy Indian Creek Ad Pub Schl • Saml h 139 Colborne
• Bradley J (Pauline! lab Can Fram lid h 866 Cllatlng Cross rd Pake'sSport ShOp& Trophy Cenlle (Jas Peke) 214 Ktng w
• David Gtudl 7 David cres Pakulos ValdiS Dr urolog•st 857 Grand av w suote 204
• Jas N(Kathy HJ lab I H Canada h 51 Batmoral1d PalM h 795 Grand av w apt 117
JtllleQ31aety 8 J Goodall res RR 1 Dover Centre Palabek Paul Optocallnc (P Palabek) 181 Klng w
M•ldred 99 Park Patanek Ltlloan Mrs h 49 Ardtllgh dt
l.loldred L Mrs h 1()().104 Park tpt8 Palango E'"'e area nv John Deerllltd 11 225 Campus l'llwy IPI
Nor1111n N (Jennette) t1 & diemkt I Hcanada h 5 Glenwood dr 317
• Rochd (AifhHd} olee mgr Children's Aid Soty h 7 David cres Paton Fred~ R (Helen) h 48 Faorcoon av


231VAN ST., P.O. BOX 5-U, N7M 5KI PHONE 354-5045

Paflell Gold llldl Suny's Gas Bar 4 Wl\IJlllOOI""ill PARK

Palmer Chefyf Am Sludl204 HaMy
• Clare Hag11c rep Royal B~ h 220 .,.!Cheoef rd • .lotln 0 tOoreen WI elld Sl Joe Hosp n 139 Coverdale
• Garil!ld (Elhel) h 204 Harvey Par~ Place ADarlments Tile 225 Campus Pkwy
• Hen~y M(c.tllerine HI h 581'111soo av PaJk Street Untied Church Rev Bruce Ross m.fiiSier 12 Dullenn
• J h 805 Grll'd a" wapt907 av
· J Gh 52 Wetlmglon e Park S~'l!et ~Jolted Chuteh Women 12 Oulfenn av
K•m J h 122 RIVerview dr apl 215 Veroa h BS Pine apt 102
lou Ann wks Mac's Milk 204 Harvey Park View API!Iments 138 Slewarl
Paoapoukls Ntek h 145 1'2 Ktng w Park Voew Apartments 132 Stewart
Paoasy Som~hrl (S•eng)lab Sass Mfg h 104 Randolf cres Park V11la Aparlmenls 143 Park
Paoaytohs MIChl (Androulla) mach Ealon Yale Ud h 82lark Park Wall & Aoor Fashions Boll Park mgr 570 Grand ave
Panchyshak Blenda Sludt h 207 William 5 Wm F (Jane Ll retailer Perk Wall & Fir FaShions h 47
• OOnaJd 207 Wtlham s Faorcounav
Panday Yajoa (SCallel!e) ofce Pub Hllh h 219 Thames Parker - h 40 Roehmond
Panelll Anlhy J h 16 Euge111e • Alice T h 40 Oefa,yant IV IPI8
Pangburn Consla.'lce (Richdllehr Cha!ham AMnt•Sl Schl697 • Bartllra J h 189 King e
GrandiVe • Barry tMacgll mqr Sears h 380 V1CIOIII 1v
• RIChd l (Connie Rl h 697 G11nd ave Parl-er Btad avr Coty Couner 216 1'2 Kiog w apt 1
Pan;l!f Iron l'iorl<S lid (Sypllo Pa11Jer & Salvlr!Oie Caporale) 134
lnshesav PARKER, BRIAN C. Prn & Mgr Dlr Ubby McNeill
PanJ"' John (Angela) h 155 John & Ubby of Canada, 1115 Eg!lnton av •
Panlarama Brenda Konecny mgr 100 King w unot 221 {TOfonto) (Don Mille)
PanY' Bloan lab Can Fram h t55·1'2 Selk!tk • C Craog tEI•z AI h 5-46 McNaughton a~ w
• Condy slsclk Kiddoe KObbler 10 Atlllone
• ECh 45 Tnlllum Villageapt301
• Cora J 546 McNaughton av w
• Emtl CShpg-recvg Monlstry of Transp & Comm h 16lamson etes
· Oh31 Emma
• Oanl G bldg serv Thamesv•ew lodge 42 Craven dr
• Rose Mrs cl~ Unoon Gas h 59 Peorone cres
• Oebolah mgr Ouec1 Film res RR 1
Pipenbolg Sid acct e•ec Rochard$011 Greenshoelds h 534
• Oonald h 593 Grand IV e
McNaughton av w
• FIOfence Mrs h 34 SpUigiOO dr
Pappas Geo P(SIII!fey Ll compressor eng Un•on Gash 31 Pamela • Gary J mnlnce Ctly 28 Soolhend cres apt 1
ores · Gerald£ (Irene Ml slsmn T J lipton h 62 Kerr av
• PJerre Gthangelone) h 75 Dover Gordon F(Evelyn Mj staly eng Ont Hydlo h 127 Churchill
Papps Allan W(Colleen) sec-lteas & dir Slandard Coml Tobacco Harry (Rosemary)lab Coty h ~ Sou1hend cres ap!1
h 211 Michener rd Helen h 36 lome av
· Bradley wldt Ouomalic & Olson 15 Oe Graeve dr Hefbl G (Palflcla E) rl est slsmn J SPeller & Son h 163
· Bttan mngmnll HCaoada h 75 Baldoon rd apt 10 Cecole av
Bttanl h 15 Campbell apl 4 J Ar!hur (Patrfcoa) pans mgr Essex Wldrs Spty h 42 Ctaven
lyle J (lorraone) h t5 Oe Graeve dr dr
M ltotl h 684 Bloomfield ref • Jas W(Janet) (Chatham Wldg Sply Ud) h 142 Venter dr
• Roge1 Wasmblt Clwytler Canada (Wondsor) 159 AdelaJde s · Jeff T prod lechn Hayes·Daoa Jnc res RR 5
- Trm 15 Oe Graeve dr - John (Ctndyl clll Oom SIOres h tO Alhlone e1
• Wm G(lOla MJ deputy choel Fore Depth 87 Mcfedden av • John C h 85 P1ne apt 132
PaQuel1e Chros GSlUdt 20 Pamtla cres • Jud•lto r n a Meadow Park Nursg Home h 69 llefry
· Oao J gro mgr A & P 11 FOrest apt 1 - Kalt!~ M M!S h 42 Sou1hend cres
· John J (Geraldlne MJ lchr John McG•egor High SchJ h 20 • Kel!tl (Jolt I mechl eng Can Fram lid h 36 Webb
Parnelacres • Keolll W(Roma) capt Fife Dept h 32 Buclunglllm av
· Paul (Karen) v.ldl Sass Mtg res RR 4 Merhn · Kent ESIUdl 183 Cecile av
Par~dos Andre (Georgia) elk Canada 1'061 Corpn h 167 Paneson · l h 195 Grand av w apl211
a" · lilian 97 Mcfarlane av apt 102
Parast<evopoukls Aorstlcle S (Georgtoa) (Smllty's Pancake Hse) h Louis Wmnlnce supl Southwestern Regl Centre h 4 1 Coverdale
75 Nor!hland dr apt 204
• Clm (Helen) mg. Uncle Tommy'a Res1r h 31 Orchard Hts dr apt M lab Ouallly Tnm h 122lacrolx
2 Mochl H(Doane L) lab Oeymond Ltd h 96 Argyle etes
Parthem Beniea lol11 87 Wedgewood a• Rh 468 1'2 Ktog w apt 1
Pardal Manuel (Maroa) auto body reprmn FenlOn's Auto Pamt RAh41 Sandys
Shop h 16 Jul•!lle av RJohn (Cindy U elk Dom S10fe5 h 21 O'Netl
Pardo lloyd G(Hannah MJ h 89 Rlvet\'iew dr apt402 Ralph h 65 Tunrnons eres apt 208
l.largl ~IOf Soulh"'e5tem Reg! Cenlre h 455 Sandys ap1 Roche! h 52 Beechwood cr• apt 3
607 Rlchd A!Marcia ll wka Eaton Yal~ ltd h 42 SlOne av
- llobt B !Dorothy) tab MoiOr Wheel Corpn h 110 ltlercer Rob! lab Roc:kwelllnU h 159 1'2 Raleigh
Pardoe 0oma Jean COUORIIOf Soulhwe$1em Regf Centre 35 Rob! I (Sandra) lift trk drvr Can Fram h 36 Tesan cres
Blylhevoood cres Ronald (CIIl!a E) h 24 Regency dr
• Luann v.trs Ehas Bros 35 Blythewood cres • Vugoma elk Can Imp Bk ol Comm 34 Spwgeon dr
• Munay E!Catot A) mnlnce Dover Corpn h 35 Bly!hewood aes · Ward lab A Gold & Sons h 199 Stanley av apt 7
Pile Con5lance (Randle)5ecy Of AV Prllall res RR 3 Bolhweff • Wm h 10 Oegge
• W, M (Audrey) h 220 Baldoon rd Petkloeld G•h & Coffee Shop The linoa Alderlon lnslt 1099
Patenl c.l SISIM t.lamng 8101 Conslt h 90-1'2 Park ParkiVw
• Eug DtHemellel br1<l Roorland 1111 h 7 Cedatwoods C!es Parkvoew TIVefO !Bob & Pa1t1Ct1 Ferg111011) 35 Witltam n
• Rlndiall J (Kalt!ryn ltl) c;onll.lble OPP h 131l.alt< Parl<yn Edgar L (DoriS loll h 130 S!leJdon a-v 801 108
Par~ Alllr1merlls 232 Par!< • Gleta h 16 O'N!!il
Park A•enut Car Wash RJohn Rose mgr 93 Park IV e • J Clolfd (Wotma C) h 151 Prmce Ar1hut ev
Park B h 126 Seiluli< • Jls L (Eleanor) dosp Union Gash 35 Oueensway dl

Please Turn to the Last Page of
the Classified (Yellow) Section.
Parmigl.anl p lulgl/ Anna 1.4) cnf eng Aa:ufcasl Die Casting
~Wa laceburgll'l 148 Ch•l'()eWI dr
Pemaby Alta Uts h CO Jri!llum Village IDII506 Bruce Ml.~) lltll HCltladl h 381 Grind IV e
Pamlafo Jozel h 32B Grilli 03>1d W IJO;UI prot eng Union Gal h 9 0Mn 1Y
• Jole1 h 3211 Grllllt Donald G(helyn) cable reprrM Bell Canada n 28 M~ge ••
Pan Edwin J (Slleny A) cnw IUdef Urlioll Gash 46 Wlndsol dr Dona!d 1.4 llf (l)enlse)IU!Q 39 Grl.1'd .. e n 112lty'dieal'la•
Harry (Helen) sis rep fcnylll Tra.ellluruu res RR 5
ThamesYllle ·(leo A (Patr1cla 1.4) h 69~ A Pat\ av w
l'eMy Sludl 46 wlndSol ell • J Archie (Gladys J) lab Can fram h 71 Oriole plowy
s~ J SlUCII 46 W•ndsol c1r
LIIT'f IPJ)I Rus5ell Tl & ~ res Lot 8 Oil Qly
Parrish A!lhur J I Barbara Alllnemn Hydro res R R6 la.., Abi<Pf fflguson Anlrnal Hosp \43 Pl!k apl1
W&llacebulg lynn ca$hr TSC Slores lid res~
• ESlhel 1.1 n omr.w c1r p h 4BJI(mg w
• floyO (£111) bus dM Cha!Nm Coath lines h llOO GrandlY .. Sheila 1CCts d1l C l Benninger Equip m AR 1 Rodnty
IDI0002 ¥i m E (Riby)lead l1and CXHlfel>na!cr N4~ Gro 1123 Joltph
Pamllllrenda A wt<~ Daory 0\le!!n 106 Bl~wood cres 1013 Yi rn J (Grace Q ~ progrlfiVMI' Cln fram Lid h 115
Geald A (Rulli AI opr Ea10n Yale h 106111ythewood Ctllllpl3 dr
• f\Jchcllab l:atnpbell Souo Co 1061ll\'lllf;lr~ cres 11)13 Paul Edw\IIEdnabell II 78 Granclav *
Shenv wt<.s oalry Oulen 106 ~ cres IDI3 f lby$ h 2131nshes 1'1
Pai!Y Chefiy olte mgt llf Pany 7 Oe\'01'1 Franl< h 273 WellingtOn w IJ)II A
· Oh4Couv Mar• 0 &ef'lrnn Versa foods 110 W·llowmac av
Frenk R (GracP £) h 39 H•llyard Sllirle) seq MtWCI Any I 10 Wilma
• Harokl 8 h 30 Trilnurn ViiiiQe 1111 G04 '1\ John (Shl~ AI slsrm EJectronlc: Spls Inc h 110 wUowmac
· John llf/AM!!)I~~~~ h lpl1008 8Y
· Park llf (Cheryll) phys 857 Grand Suite 107 11 7 Devon c1r
Pal !Maria) h 36 Ou1ferin 1Yipl1 Pautm Rneal (O;arlene) bb £a:on Y e lJd 11 •o Rlclvnond
• Pauli Donne )ICC! Challlarn Collcl1 Unes h 58 Phenanl dr Pallllon Joy IOdal "'1t1 les!el B ~Cel-ft h 147 Thames
PII10nS M!lur J I Annabel!@ Sl elect S WEled h 48 0 ~I Paulucd Hiram o([IUal h 47 Wlson a•
Dutton H (Mabel) 1'1 854 0ueen Sidle 1.1." n20 De o.._ a
Par11idge Cl1tfd C IJudv AI bus dM Chatham Coath lines 1163 Pauwm Dorol!1y H h tOO 1.1$ar:ant 1Y 101 611
Sheldon I¥ Pavllnal Mar, ldlr John lJ<ren Schl res FIR 7
Haul'le C (~)sis rep Roberts Eng•neer Prod I Oe!roil) Pa-~l N (Olga I plant mgr Solus u•g h 89 A1ver.orw dr apt
h 4 Wadonna cres 401
Pasarin N•clo. lab P<Oneer Seed Cofpn II 223·1 '2 FOtell Pawlak Bnan A(Cilhellne J) II 124 SuMyWe av
Pascoe Jud;!h R ben & 101 93 William n David [ (Cheryl l) h 48 Ou1ltrin ••
Pl$k Bonllle h 75 Mary op~108 Emes!(Helen)ll 23 liiddell IY
• Chert1 slsct!< EPIC Book SIOfe 19 Ja.-na d Helmut(AngNII & ~~Russell n& Doe,... RA9
• Gat!y F (Silll1ey AI mt*1Ce llrlullne t.lothe< House II 8 7 Doom llodll slsc£• Agnew~ 2661nshes
Ridld gent lab Can f IIIII h 22 Bedford

Coon dr
• Wrn ll<lmberty)lall £a10n Yale lid h 2081nshes av P * lo M) t (Jessie C) tctv Cha!hlm Ke11t Sec Schl n91 Ceclla
Pasla•sl<l JoM n11 r av1or ••
PaSSien Donald P \Moira In 178 l.lelcef Pa..wy les lab Can Fram h 343 Grand ave ape 812
PasiOtlu!l'k A SIU<lt 42 Heather dr • Rietld Sludl343 Grand h e ape 612
· Paul J ~Etr!e! T)lab Cln frarn h 42 Hea!hcr dt Sandtasecy Sian Pepper Slale Farm Ins 343 Grancl11 tiPI
S du ot OCCU!llllonallherapy Pub Genl Hosp 11 SO t.4idleMI rd 612
apt307 Pa•ton Ron (Tammy I mecn .J.I( F11111 EQUip lid res RR 1
Pa!Chen Elhel II 137 HaMv Pay~ Batbara A cr• Ctumbles 43 Coe!SWO!il ••
Patel h 45 TIIM'IIns ens ap~20 7 CE II 139Mc~l'lwlfll2
• n50 Merrill .. 1111 106 · CIIn t.lh310"-ri<
l'lleman Henry wsWdl33 0r1o1t p~<.y · Clarence (DotMnl •115 I HCanedll h 184 WOOC!s
• limy W( I,I¥Y) meclt IH Canada h 33 Oriole pl.y • Clay!onlab ClmobeD Soup Co h Zfll Pw~<
Patenaude Rulh 1eo Grand av e • Emesl R (Judllh AI chi msp Eaton Yale lid h 43 Coal5•'Jtlh
PatMOn Ga•l E CU$lOmef inqu•ry elk Union Gas h 9 Strati etes
• FtantiS *~.SCI~ SoupCo312 Par•
• Gart A n & dieml<r Super101 Mad! & n h w s Creeil rd • Gao w(1.41rg1) h llOO Park ....
· Glen R desp Overland Western Transp h 150 Maty apt 605 • Getry esmbly l•ne Clmpbell Soup 312 P~
• Jes altsmn I HCllleda 311 Sl Claor • Greg h 38lo.t
• Aobl {Amyl h 311 Sl Cla•r · Ida studl3 12 Patio.
• Robt C 311 St Clalf · .lis R lab Ea100 Yale lid 43 Coii1S*OI'.h 1Y
Patrldl Ah 75 t.l.lry 1P1 304 • .1oM l\.lncl311ab Campbell Soup Co h Zfl1 Pt~
• Allson fl9 S~ 158 Pt!!eSOn 1Y · John W1EIIal11273 foresl
• AMit' BJ ChurctltU · Robin 150 Ktng t
• Clryle ~ supvsr St Cia II' Community Est 01te res AR 7 • Rc»n •1!s lolcOonaids r 196 Pat•
• Ernae die set up rM Otwn'a (Tilbury) 1M Wedgewood av Peach OtiVtt 1Dlrlene) recvr Na~ Gto h 173 Sandys
• Ken (Sue) lab Ltbby t.4cNelll & Ubby h 57 Baldoon rd apt 306 PNCI!ey Oerncl( ..,-!(, Gas & Go
· M h 118 Rrvenotew a apl421 Pearce Rochd J (laos) h 249 VldOrll a•
• Matg 11ey Prl()(•ly ~ Purdon J Fre<lll fu$IJce ollht puce & deputflhtr!ll Caty "
• 1.43/)' Jane aecy Car5callen Re!Shar1MIIh0ny & Nagle
r• 97 Paneson ••
Peat! Audrty h 45 T1mmtns Clel apt310
• Wrn drtr Bennoe lmbf 158 Pt!IIIOII IV Pearson AMI SltClk ~~Robbtns Ice Craern 34 W.ltstllra a
Paaen WlrQIII 40 TriiDurn V1Uage apt407 • Btll h 37 1<1111 ape 3
Patl!'rson 8 h 430 King w • C tchr Indian Crtek Rd Pub Schl
• Balbe<li dera! linton Gal 127 ComiiiD Carmel HMrs h 225 EJizabllh
• Blal<e h 33 Paneson •• Dele..,-!(~ Cln frarn Lid II 4 ~ Cflll epel

• School and Office Supplies • Office Furniture

180 KINO ST. W. PHONE 354-0470

- John C (f'alncla A) CRa!IICd 1'hornt R>ddell h 34 W1ltshile • Garnet 8 !Mary 0) h 393 Baldoon rd urwl 26
dr • Theodore A h 7 Madonna era
• Oscar h 253 Klng e Pe11er1n Wanda mgr Ron~'s F8$111ons 80 1StClair
- Paul NINancy)lehr S1 Joseph's Sep SeN h 87 Joseph Pelleuer Adnan 11 37 Bartht aPI3
- Wm (.lana) dM-atdt Cflalham & Drst Ambulance Sent res • Latne h 99 Edgar
Waillcetlurg • Robl W(Mary) oropettt aw Prov GOVI h 27 vaney rd n
Peats Mh 225 Campus Pkwy apt 216 • ScoU slkmn Gordons Mkls 261 Selklrlc apt 2
Peok A/1hur L (Julia A) h 129 West - Shawn 99 Edgar
- Gladys 97 Mcfarlane av ap1208 Pellen CIIHd (Allene Sl constable OPP h 4 Whippoorwill cres
• Henly J h 55 Gray Petllruri Diane wks Southwestern Regl Centre h T6 Mary apt
• Jas 0 stud! 116 Llydocan av ex! 605
- John (Delwyn) eng Chinook Chemical$ h 236 Forest Pelt•er 8 E h 303 t.lcNaughton av e
- linda J Sludt 116 Llydlcan av ex! • Ch 650 Grand av w apt30 1
• Nell h 144 Murray • 0..-e L h 18 Cumbelland era
· Rhea 1om h 59 Sheldon av · Del lab Maar Wheel Corpn h 35 Delaware av apt 3
- Rob h 190 Thames apt20 - Francis (RIIaJh •s Joseph
· Ronald J !Jean) mngmnl COOirOI of spty & invenfOIY I H • Gary plmbt h 33 Oevooshore rd
Canada h 116 Ltydlcan av ext • Glenn B!Arlene Jl mktg mgr Can Fram Ltd h 112 Tecumseh rd
• Ruth P Mrs h 85 Randolf eres - Ken (laura Hl eng Can Fram h 54 Northland dr
- Sharon sludl116llydlcan av ext • Larry J (Cathemel h 40 Trillium Village apt502
Peck Teny S•ons UmltedTenyW Peck pres 240 Williams • LeoJ (Dianne Ml &lkclk I H Canada h 37 Couture dr
- Teny w(Jar!et) pres Terry Peck Signs h 294 Vldorla av • L.nda 92 AdelaJde s
- Warren R(Blanche M) h 84 John
Peck•a LOts li.lrs 11 188llydJcan av ellt • P h 35 Orchard H1s dr ap4 2
Peco Ec h 148 Uydocan av ext • Petnoa bartndr Klngsway HsJ h 188 Foresl
• Paul G (Emma) electroniCs lechn Bell Ceneda h 31 Arnold • Pholop A (Chloe 0) h 159 Gregaty dr w
l'edel<a Julio (li.lar.a)lab EaJon Yale Ltd h 106 T1m1111ns cres • Rayd IDOteenl wks lol010t Wheel Corpn h 102 Univm•IYdr
PHI Jos !Norma Al farm research lOng Grain Research h 178 • RIChd h 323 MICIIener rd
O•le)'dr • RIChd wh 276 li.lemnav apt 316
- K Lynn 1om s&aH asst tJn,on Gas h 80 Copperlleld aes - Sieve J (Kathy Ll (Peltier's Pest Control) h 84 Essex C1
· Pete 8 (Bonme) supvsr Umon Gas h 45 Juliette av - Terry A (PatriCia) mntnce Holiday Inn h 188 COverdale
- RDouglas 80 Copperfield aes • Wm E(Shirley G) plpeftr Ubby t.lcNelll & Libby h 92 Adelaide
• Thos 0 (Bonnte) genllatmn Daymond Lid h 28 Taylor av s
• W 183 Stanley av Pencarinha MFilomena h 55 TayiOt av apt 207
• Wm M (Polly M) eng Can Fram Lid h 8 Blown cres Penman Leonard E(Ann) h 52 Arnold
Peel Brtan slsmn Color Your Watld h 48 Wilson av Mary MMrs h 173 Sheldon IV
• Cornelius (Renskten) Oil' Roc:k'Melltnll h 12 Kerr av Robt <*vi Lake Ene Oxygen (W•ndsor) 173 Sheldon av
Peets J h 51Ta)'lor IV apl4 Pennell Leona 60 Grand av w eat 4
PEIFER, BRIAN, (J 8 Peifer & Son Umtted Reel Penner Les A(Be11y Allab C1ty h 31 Maroon av
Eatate Broker), RM 132 Cecile ev, Phone Merrill M (G Frances) h 116 Murray
S52-0712 Mochl S (Colleen R) 1C1v Oueet~ Eltzabelh Pub Scht h 8
Pe~le E Carollawye. 153 King w h 79 Faubert dr O'Brien dr
Earl (Isabel Ml mgr fuller BrUSh h w 1 Lynwood dr Penney Randy V (Mary Ellen) admin Pub Gent Hosp h 5 Lerose
Penoon115 Brian Wdietary Pub Gent Hosp 50 Wellington e
PEIFER, J 8 & SON UMITED, · Grace 11:11 wkr Maple Cuy Residence 40 Woods apt 4
REAL ESTATE BROKER, · Linda lehr Chatham 01st Christian Sec Schl 95 Raleigh apt A
Commercial, RMidenUal, lnduetrlal • Wm appr elecl h 40 Woods IPI•
S4 Raleigh, N7M 2M7 Peoolng1on Rob! W(Ann K) h 10 T11lllum VIllage apl205
.......... Phone 354-5470 Pennlngtons Helen Ale mgr 100 King w uM204
Penny Vone V Mrs h 84 Dover
VIOCeOI (Eslher) h 650 Grand av w1p1 803
PEIFER, JOHN 8 , (Bonnie), (J 8 Peifer l8on Pensom J Phlhp (Jean Elllmkr Superlat n & Ole h 159 Sl
Umlted Real Eatate Broker), h 174 Cllarlng M.chael av
CrOM rd, Phone S52-6123 Jean lltclk Cournryalde Flowers 159 St Michael
Margl E ~ est sis Petter Rl Est h 23 Indian Creel~ rd w Penstone Thos (Fern) d•S1 mgr Oellatb Canada Inc res Janetvllle
· PeQvy 1gt J SPeller & Son 23 Indian Creek rd Pentland Carl A (Margueme Ll h 100 McGuigan av
• Trac:ey 0 Sludt 23 Indoan Creelc rd w • Mooay fatmn Chatham Plastic Filllshlng
~·rce Robe GJ br mgr Nail G!o h 15 Finch pi · Wm J IJusune R) dM Courtesy Cab h 52 Latne av
f'NIIIrvroti (flonne) metal fnshr I HCanadl h 42 Lark Peoples Jewellers Margt Phillips mgr 80 1Sl Clalr
Petrone Carlos S (FrancesE} h 34 Devonshire rd People's Ptzzena 180 McNaughton av w
- Peuhne M h 9 Woodland av Pepper Arthur M(Pauline M) h 48 Edgar
Peilrey ERoy (Addie L) pnnter Chambe!laon Prm h 29 Otdon • Billie 0 (Mary Cl lab StClair Concrete (Wallaceburg) h 74
Ronald Pasat mgr Sears 29 Ordon blvd Brran studt 24 Jasper av
Roy p!SIM Chamber1ato Prm 29 Otdon blvd - Bryon shpr Manning Bros Conslln 210 McNaughton w
Pelgnms Dave h 150 Mary apt503
· Bryon W(Brenda J) mgr Brewers· Wrhag h 210McNaughlon av w
PeiJch Geo (Annal h 73 PMs Ch76Maryapt601
• Mlmy 73 Peters
Dale J studl 8 Jupiter IV
Ptflak Peler h 19 Redwood aes • Deborah A Mrs lnstln dlsp Bell Canada 156 Coverdale
PeiO.ey Brldy lnsllr Ben Canada h 37 Coverdale · Donald 0 (Judy A) Irk drvr Encore Tricg Pool (WindsOI) h 17
• Bnan J (l'llllCII E) lab I HCanada h 36 Balmcnl rd O'Brlt!fldr

El1.1 {Sian) bkpr Stan Peoper 111 Fcm Ins 24 Jaspel Inez UtS II 4S Trillium Vil!age IIPI \01
£va (M kl!l w lS Mallin TUley 6 Co 24 Thamhlll em Uas::n 1J.¥Y fl n 10 TriliUI!I Yillaoe ape 202
Glr1h (Rt.'lll) ltd & t.a,'nbe m RR 1 IJier.helm • Rlchd t~l DrtJr Soul!r•-es!em ~ c.ntre II 15lcme"'
.Gerry IAnni n 278 Merr!U•IOI217 f'ernll Da<ence K(MJtgl R) II Elan Tool & Die II 25 PI~
Gladys Gh 621ayior "' ept5 GeoF(llnd3f)labC8nframh217 T~avt
• J1s G (lOIS Mj pritl Kent County 8d of £due II 288 ~'YUOfllen Or1o CfteoQ M) II 8 Milone Cl
John c(M.vcelll P) h 2461nshes ••
Petry Don (Gerrvl 1Prrry Relrigl n ~Grano •• e
PERRY, DONALD 0 , (Jarl Lynn), PrM Parry
Julie M~ n 19 Dolsen r11 Aalrlgaratoon Umttad, h H6-C Orand av a,
· lol lvan (I.Yilfeefl f) •U C8n fram lid h 129 Oxley dr Phone 352-17&4
lolartinO (1ler1l'la MJh 92 lla!lnf Jact ~ II 202 Pa:!eson ..
Mary (llltt) cool< Children's Village Oily en l:enlre 74 .krllynn (Donald) sec-y Sian Pepper Slale Fcm 11\5 &6eC Grtncl
Satllr eve
• Mary Ellen YJio.s Waynorr 1'!1010 74 Banhe .[l cast¥ A& p ll 196 Sei>Cft
I.Lthl H (£va MJlab M.J:or Wheel Corpn 1\ 24 ThOrnhfU tres
Regd J (Rosalie E) S\11)'111 geNICCig Union Gas h 8 Juolltf Commerci al & lnduetrl al Refrigeration

• Robin II 70 tkNaug!IIOn 111 w IOl 4
& A ir Conditiontng ,
H6-C Orand av a, P 0 loal14. N7M 5L3
·Roy (Susan M) avr Frederit!< Transp h 148 Raleigll .•. Phone 352· 17&4
. Sharon lllllJdl 8 Jupiter ..
PEPPER, STAN. (, Agent State Farm
lnauranca Companiaa, h 24 Jupar, Phol!8 • Rc!alld (Theresa! n 283 Merce~
164-1201 Pers1ln Pa:ricla 1.1~ rna ~ Genl Hosp t\207 Coverda.'e
RotJ1 WdrY! Frederic!o 1 Tramp 207 CoverdM
Petsyn II ~e fl)crvla ) lalllo!rAOr W'leel CoP! II 141 MJtytnoll rd
PEPPER, STAN INSURANCE PetuiiO ~010 h 107 Ra!eigh
AGENCY, LTD., Pescha • Sieve (Ruby) h A~S Sand)'S IPI 106
Aoant For State Farm lneurance CompaniH PfttP l"~lhefl~ £ $ludl 4'1 Duf!enn ••
lift, Auto, Fire Nanc., sJscl~ [pte Book Sto<e
282 Wallington w, lox H , N7M &KI Tiles EINa!Y;y Sl mgt TBratty ltnnega<~ f INti Serv h 43
.......... Phone 3&4-1242 Dulfenn"'
l'es:lll Frill! tAdtlll h 65 Fletdelav
Pr1 Cenlre lort "mey mgr 100 I<Jng w utili 2 11
• Tl!fry 0 comgt Elias Bros Reslr 202 Cl<npus """'Y apl308 Pr1 World (1\lm Eberle! 210 Oo..rtn
• Wm 0 (l)ebcnh) ma1mn Be!l Cenadl 11 156 Covtrdl!t Pe!COt! Pa\11 II S1 Jaylor e• 8;)112
Pe!tf!way Cl)dlll805 Gtll1d ..... 101311 Pe!et n 14lornu•
Petey JF h 3D Ga 'bra !\ !'fief Pam Shops Lid (AJ 6 Eileen Du0dy)163 K•ng w
• Ka!hlel!rl 455 Sendvt IPI501 Pflers ~ L "'-'$114 SO ViettVI.II'i
Petty Perk 1 & Cllurchtll Garv w "'Sharon) tcrv .1o1m l.ltGreoor Sec Schl 11 235 Merrill
Percy Pill< w I Canle!buty
Perclee Laopotd !Laopokla) rnecll '-Ialor Wlleelll 10 PemtltOI<~ cns
Gerald A (Vera) h 16 WJson I•
l'lldu Chas h 600 Gland •• w apl 8007 ·lv-an (Denise) mecn Cnallllm Colen l•nes h 61 Edger
·Chis R {Jaddel mntnce BeO Canada n 75 t.lcGeorge av · larry Ilana I cflo. 5anct; EIIIOI MO!OIS res RA 3 ~Un
• JeH A(Cheryl AI leChn 8ef1 Cl~ h 72 Sv'>"eS!et dr Paul n 159 1'2 ONwatea•
• Wa~ h 102 PrimrOse II s h 16 w.tson ev
PerelrJ Ale> 55 Prillce I Wm G (llc!en 1.J dr;-y UcKin!ay TllftSP n 65S 81oornf.cld td
• An!onlo lliWIII h 20 Richmond Peterson FllllCeS c:J!; ~k.s· .,. r-etS J,.n "343 G'lW!d •• • IPI
• Fernanda lab lloyd Big Co 1155 Prillce a 512
· franciSCO lEmd~a11ab Bnlilh leaf TObacCO n 194 51 Clelf · lloyd£ (Dorol!r; 81 eleciiiJIOI Wlleal Corpn 11100 ~.W.
Henly (£metencllnel setup mn Motor Wlleel Corpn 11115 O'Neil avepl301
lpl3 • !Aialllllctl C«ysse·Shdlington h 886 Chlftng Ctoss
• Jose A (Marta Cllab MOIOI Wheet Corpn h 20 0!1111 pi rd
• Joee J (Manon Cl rnech P!giOII'I Glge 6 Farm Eqlllp h 282 s
Riehd h 476 Queen
<Men Pete s A<lto Rr!ll•r (Plelro AJ!IIlOI 57 Madera c:res
• Liz cool< Scon·s Cllld<trt Vtlla 55 Prtnce 1 Pete's A<l10 Repe11 6 Used Cal1 !Pttt Amelol 21 S1 Pllroel<
• Mh28JGrandiYW Pe1JI El h99 Mc~I'\IOill'i w iQI211
• t.tai\Uel Sludl Prlllet • Pell<au Brendlltll! MJP~t Cit; crm&ian Sdll n eoo Grind •• •
PetOiU Janet h 99 ~~ton •• w 11111226 l!ll4010
Perini Antonio (Stf.a Gl pntg COfllr 7 AIIJIIIIII• h lllfM Peine Rl h 112 GteQory dr t
Pe<lu'IS Bwbara ~ 8 1 Ptyllll •• F'flrO Canada Ha•.lt ~Boer mgt 450 Sl Clair
· CE~ • tM,;I •-JlJ.JdgPOniGovlh81Pilytllsav l'flr~ l4rk Atmslfong mgt 20 KeiJ drs
PERKINS, C EMERSON, (Marlan1!8), Provincial Petro Caned~ Gas Sla!JOII 0 R Thompt011 mgt 202 Per~ I< ;;
Judge, h 11 Phyllle av Pll!o Caned~ Ptoducts Corpn Ann Pardo mgt 280 RIChmond
• t.tanen~ J tC E) adman cflr Chalham·Kenl Communlly 6 Famofy Perusenko G<egory S (Suubn t.AJIIISp Elan n 6 Doe h 246
8efvs 8 1 PhylliS I V Merrtlla•
·Peter A (Amy Sl elk Ul1ion Gat h 5S Taylor"' apl304 Ka!tly Sludl 12 Oxley dr
· Way~ l t.Aat1lyn) lab Ea!on Yale Lid h 87 ViCIOtlllv • t.tarliUts h 17 Ot ley ell
Ptrks Frank (Jolaphtne) h 37 De Gll!'lt dr • Oleg w(Sandrl L1qualll'f control Eiln n & Ole n 143 S1
PetPcll (leo h 89 $lleiOon IV apl 17 U.c:hlelav
Pemn Devid (£hzl eng Cheule S)'5llm h 52 BaJmorel td • PaiA t.A SNmttwio.t County Yl Ide Hlg 6 Cootlllg 12 OXley dr
• Helen 1120 Trtlllum VllleQI apl204 • S~1 prsopr Elan Tl & Doe 12 Oxltydr


Servi ng The Communi ty Since 1966
Industrial - Hot Asphalt Flat Roofing - Commercial
Shingling, Siding & Soffit
160 EUGENIE 352-4082


Slephen (Maroa) Slaty eng Kent County Bd of Edue h 12 Oxley • Robl C(Nancy l) elk I H Clneda h 603 K•ng w
dt - T1m S !Cheryl) supvsr oltndl eng I H Canada h 77 Buckmgllam
Petrykowski Kevrnerry (Theresa) lab Motor Wheel Corpn h 175 8Y
l.lcHaughlon av w apt3 • WM!ChiiEiiZ A)aomon Twp ol H-\ch h 107 Ctyslal ck
Per..grew - h 22 Faubert d! • wm H (G!Iflrude) elecl Ont Hydro h 178 Tnames
- C 1.4oehl (C Lynne) meat ctr A & Ph 22 Wildrose d! Phung Oanh (Hanh) h 4 Gray apl3
PeU1pece J 1.4amn (linda J)lab I HCenada h 132 Sunnyside • Sally h 102- 1'2 Harvey
Phuny Oavh Ngoc ust cook Golden CIOifln Restr 4 Gray apl 3
·Lows (AloceJ h 572 St Clai! Poano Tuner The Bruce Johnston mgr 652 Grand a~ e
Petl1h Geo (Montque) constr supvsr Intrepid Genl Ltd h 233 Pteard J Ph IS Thomas
• Robt C!linda AI h 265 lark
Plccao,lly Square Unisex Hillrstyfong (Colleen GOiflden) 145
• Monoque (Geo) w>.s Cln Post Corpn 233 Cecoie IV
Pezeshkzlld Nader dsgn eng Cen Fttm h 30 Tnlllum Vollage apt G!anda'ie
P!Cdnln 0 h 805 Gttnd av lfiiPI 408
Plene Don (Janel ~ libby t.lcNelll & L1bby h 41 De Grae¥e dr
Plaff Hamiel R(Sharon Ml elect Nor Arnet Plasbc:S
• Els1! Mrs h 991AcNaughlon lv W apl256
(WanacetKKgi h e s Ctee~ rd
• Petey h 87 1.4ary apt 202 Poche! Bruno (Graztella) lab Elan TI & Ole h 16 Thornhlll cres
Pfe•le! Fred (Gettrude l) sec-11!115 Jack Carroll Pont•ac Buick f'lti<ald Chas W(Jeanrune) d & diemlu R~ll TI & Doe h 50
M ~rdapt611
h 45 Trillium Vollage lpl30'
• Jean P1erre (J!!flnllerl dtestr Olsen's !Tilbury) h 170
Pflug Ed'"" J (Ehz J) dtst mgt Gordon's Supet Mkt h 25
Tomm~ns cres apt 3
Balmoral rd
Phaor Barb (Doni cool< Tecumseh Hole! 57 Onole pk-.rty • l.iai)OIY A Mni h 805 Grand IV W apl902
- ChnsU!lll M tecpcns1 Present's Chomney Sweeps (Bienhetm) 645 Plcl<eung Aon quality controllfli9Chalham Plastic folllstung
Queen • Camtllkpr Cl\811\am Bookkeepong res Blenhe•m
Dottilly blqlt lndl l.4elal Flblocators ltd h 57 Oriole pkwy • Cheryl bi<Pf Chatham Bkpg res Blen~m
Pham Oup Phur: h 69-1 '2 St Cla1t · Doreen Esecy Lon Life Ins 145 Sunn)'Side ~
- Khanh N (Stnh)lab Steel Cylmder 1.4fg (Tilbury) h 213 • Ouncan C h 96 Cooierdale
Selkirk • Duncan C (Margtl) stsmn Capri furn h 110 Indian Creek rd e
Elmer 0 I Jean) mgr Bennoe Lmb! & Bldg Materoal h 82 Dover
-S1nh wks Challlam PlastiC Ref,noshe!s 213 Selldrk Gerald E(Margt)lab I H Cenada h 143 Tweedsmwr ave
Phan Van (Thanh) h II Forest apt 2 Gordon Jan Bowi-O·Oiome Bowling Alley h 202· 1'2 Queen
Phaneuf Bob drw Tr1ple ATo,r~lng 214 Richmond Grace 49 Taylot a• apt 102
Phelps Barry IChr McNaughlon Av Pub Schl h 50 Michener rd llpl L h 261 Selkortc apt 4
504 · larry jan Bowi·O-Otome 202 1'2 Queen
- Ch 343 Grand ate apt511 - Lola slsclk Bobb4 Jon Casuals 145 Sunnyside dt
- P h 8 Orchard HIS d! apt 3 - Ml h 64 Southend cres apt 1
Phthpow lorne B (Frances M) asmblt Can Fram h 150 Wlllowmac - Rob! J (Anne Mat1e) constable OPP h 23 GOidmere dr
3" · Rob! J I lila Ml mntnce Bobbl Jon Casuals h 145 Sunn)'Side av
Phol1ps Carole t.1ts slsclk Peoples Jwlrs h 7 Sherblooke pi P1dgeon fttnk & Sons Limited lawrence Pelt,er mgr 615 R1chmond
• Robl(GIOI18) Iedin Union Gash 393 Grand av e Podgeon Garland A (Ruth) h 55 Gregory dr e
• Sheibe IYdrsr Hair l.lnef 252 Queen -l(im J lormn I HCanada h 202 Campus Pkwy apt 202
- Tod wldJ Venlu!a Mig 7 SherbiOOi<e pi P•dbsnyJ NIChls (Kalherlne) lab libby McNeill & libby h 270
Tracy secy St Cla•r Boahng 7 Sherbloolle pi Mercer
Phlll•ps Balbara (Wayne) elk 1.4·111ng Prods ltd res RR 4 Poens Enc (Sherne) lab Motor Wheel Corpn h 30 Mary
Blenheim PIERCE, 0 A, Maneger Chatham Board of Water
• Befruce h 82 Oelaware •• ap1 408 Commlaalonera, h 111 Victoria av
- Bradley t.1 elk Cenada Post Corpn h 24 ElllfiOOd av Pierce David h 448 King w apt 3
-0 h 87 Hartey 11)13 - James C(Alta t.IJ h 824 Lacrouc
- eor.Jd Hh 975 Grand~ w 11)1209 - Naf1CY r n a St Jos Hosp h 82 Baldoon rd apl102
- Douglas A bl<r 269 Baldoon rd Re.CI J (Norma L)tellnstlr Bell Canada h 138 Prlroce Arthur
-Helen J consultant Un I!Mimnl Serv h 190 Thames apt 45 ~
- Jacob guatd Barnes Securoly h 145 Timmins aes apll Ronald h 87 Woods
-.las R (Aprol C) lab libby McNe.ll & Libby h 101 Randolf cres P1etens Mtke h 15 V1C1orla a~
- Jas R(Emily 1.1) kltslatf St Jos Hosp h 77 RlveNJelfl dr apt Paul 0 mn!roce Claw's Reni-AJI Ltd res RR SThamesvHie
4 Pletets8eny lOon) slsclk t.taddocks·Myers 107 Coatsworth
- Joan B 1.4rs h 40 Tulhum Village apt504 Donald E(Beny J) securlly guard I H Canada h 107
- l(aflllyne 0 op! Bell Ca!\llda 24 EJIIfiOOd IY Coatsworth av
- linda mental relaldatton counsellor 269 Baldoon rd Ellie h 360 Sandysapt 204
lorne nurse h 76 Naly apt702 Ruth A cashr Gordons Mkts 107 Coalswor1h ~
- Margl mgr Peoples Jwk127 Pet/ON cres VnlCe h 87 Tweedsmuor IY w
- t.1aqor1e h 269 Baldoon rd Poetras Geo J (Stlorley) sup! quallly contrl Libbey CntntS
- Mary 97 Mcfarlane av apt20 1 (Wallaceburg) h 474 Vlcloroa IV
- I.W<e h 27lorne •~ lpl2 Juhan (l.lary) opr Ubby t.lcNetll & libby h 467 Vldooa ~
-Ralph 0 lllo!OIIIy l)lab Rockwell Inti h Aleundll ~ R h 115 Joseph
-Stephen M (Matgl) aplnce aervmn GSW Home Serv h 27 Petrone Poetreman Marion mgr Things Eng~~ed res Thamesvllla
cres Plett Roger h 4 19-B Klng w
- Ylaa•(Barbnl '*.:h OPP h 878 Cllltong Croa rd Pleae Albtll.laureen) h 20 Mc:Klnnon dr
Pho· s AppiWQ S.VICe (Ph•IIP Cyslef)l59 Comhol Tony liMIChelle) lab Eaton Yale ltd (Wallaceburg) h B4
Phil s Sma~ Ef10'nes Sales & Service (Philip Van Boven) 342 Poplar
Grllld ~e P1gden t.t h 26 Sunnyside av
PhiJlPI Celherone wse Maple City Nursg Home 178 Thames Plggoa Eelolh IChr John McGregor sec Schl h 124 Stanley IV
- Nancy (Rob) secy Manning Bros ConRn 803 King w · leslie P (Ann T) lnsp Elan TI & Ole h 39 Anhur dr

Smalley Brisco & Thomoson



·leslle P jr Ofderty SydeMam Hosp 3ll Allhur It • R II 4!>5 Sandy1 apt 207
• Muriel Mil pub Ill nurse Keni-Oll!!lam ltlh Unil II 5I Rayd II 33 Dovel
Ttmmtns c:res apt 12 Rosalie lega' sec-; lhtcne!l & W:t:hell 4!>5 Slndy ( •IIPI207
• Phii(Katnl'lll) w~J MOIOf Wheel Corp!! h 31 Orchatd 111& CSr lpl · Roger II 23 Diamond Of

Plke DaY1d R(Maureen •~ 111g1 olllum&n resource Cltvetopmenl
• RolancU 1Bell, G! prs opr 1HCanada n 17 lkKinnon It
· Rosalie secy U~ lt• Flfl!l h ~ Ttflor lvlpl 105
~ GM n 33 S.ugeen •• • Aln~ell61 Spence~ ••
Ptlgef Fred h 8 Diamond elf Vlola U!S !'; 17!1 Colbome
Ptll AnUw(Ozone Smol<e I G•ll Shop) h 36 F"lt
PIRswonh Sandy secy Kem County Bd of Educ 43 Pembttll<e era
Pilon h Ill Jastph
• V"ICIOr G (l.llr' Y) rio Clrt1 ~ Qnn h 38 M:.liaugn!OI!

· WII10Dui»JrHI
Clarence IPa!rlcia 1tablm!~ Wlnclm!ll Cab! Shop Ill Joseph Y (Rllmeo) sfsldy CI GRea!ly res RR I ~
• Jacl< (Janel) corredlonal olc:r Challl&.lll h 128 lnd.'an Pinto A'IIOnlo U (MJril 0) II 88 Copper!.~ ens
Creel< rd e • Ctvistna appr ha:nl)1lsltw;ng ~ 88 ~em
• Jaoob CSaa•.JeJ Ollf cu. Agfomlll1 h 4 1 ... i.eougtll• Roy mecll Jack.,Gtge 88 Copoerftekl et•
·John 8$$1 mg~l.oeb"s Cash a Clrry 57 Baldoon rd e:JI306 Pioltsnyj Sian 11 31 iiiKI'WOOd em apt ~
· Roger H 1127·1"2 Prince I Piper All! F ~ l)la!l Ea:on Yale lid II 27 Galdmert It
P!lol Insurance Gllllefml '"0! 17 Ken! M.:aed h 931tatvfy
Ptlson Allan {Silirley) h 318 llaldoon rd Ylllylle (!lever~)_..,~ Scrip Oir1 II 194 W.)Oda
• TIITIOihy Jstudl318 Ba!doon rd Pirhalll p h 15 Gtllld .. •llll206
Plllllld Horman (Vldorla mgr True~ line PillS 1118 Covefdalt P\rOfl Maria J h 25 PrinCe n
- Vldorla (N-J cecy Trucl< lll'lll Pw1s 196 Cowerda e Piroi'I!!IOI ~ II 50 Merri:laY ept 502
Pmder Dan 1116510nQ w IPI22 Plno o.y P (Brenda lee) n 1 Vldoril N;ng Horn~! 1127
• Otn h 185 king w IPI 32 TIOeedsmuir •• •
· Jac~ H (Jacqueltl'll! A) ltnance mgr Mtr W'leet Corpn h 18 P!squem Atl.tonlo (Mantllill n lt'tf Motor W"l'!etl Corpn h 383
Oa!e.-!tw c:res lol:.Hlugllll)n Itt •
· John I Pamela) supt Clla!hlm I h 120 lnd1an Cree!< rd • Ptlmlln Atl!u C (~y'll J) JliM fcn;Vt Prinling II 171 £
• Phyllis h 47Emma apr I 06 Flore~U M LI'S 122 Bedlord
Pu~«rest foodS !D<• l.laple lftf MIll lid) Jaa to~unro plant mgr RoOt Klab Roc.> ...-en lttll tTilburvl 111 EIDs
75bwell Pmuo Mllllln IIWI 73 MIChener rd
P~nes The e s Ursulil'lll •• • Flayd A 1'-tug!)IJ!ocrss eng Can Frtm Ud h 73 Mtht11ef rd
Pon!< Salllldrl(~) cf• Challlam Pub llbry 218 Joseph Pill HoYoard H(Jenllefl II e I El!Sila•~ Of
· Stephen w(Saundra) SUP"N Can Frem h 218 Joseph Plua Shop (Oecla Domenicc) 397 U:.NIII(tllon •••
Plnsoonealt Carol cab dr<, h 428 Saoct;11013 ~mann v.wner 1echn Themes Valley Eng Kmg
Pinsonneault Alan J blwll care 1 D.!von It h same Plain Teny £ 30 A.delaldt n
• !lev G ~PI CUSlOd an WI1Sion ChurthiD Pub Schill 5Ac Plan! CattY S asmblt MJIOt Wheel20 8Uf10n IV
Klno• • Davld G(~ l)lab ~ V.llee! Corpn 1197 Pn1dge em
• Cllrlstme (VlnaniJIChr Sl Joseph Sep Schl res eo. 21 • Donald G(Doreen £) Glll:'lo lt't1 loi.JIO! 'il*l11 20 B1n1n ••
Pa I1COUI1 • GOfdOn V(Ka!hleen) ll 179 RIChmond
• EIIC 514 l<.1ng w Ke> n •It$ Ploneef COfl120 8ur1on I•
• FIOmlce M!S II 73 Sl Clalt 1tp1 1 Ll..lrte l tDI dl cU: Call Posl Corpn 97 Ptnndge c:r•
Terrv S Sllldl20 8ur1on ••
PINSONNEAULT & GEBAL REAL Planning tor People 280 GfW'Id •• e

Plant CNa ~~ c o- ..s o1 ftnclnce ~<en~ Countt Bd
ol Educ II 5A Alden
Relocan, Ao-nte In Kent County Ercen C(Mlitlonl n 85 WJson av
330 Of!ICII Acrou Canada, Cout to COUI Ivan C latl Clmpbel1 SOUP II 185 Kong t
FrM Relocation, QuarantMd Sal11 of Your Planl::lg MJry Ann d!sp Unoon Gas h 138 Slmen¥" ••
Home, 'P109I1 Mo.-lft9 People', AMI Eatate. PlaQue1 Aibl \Mirguerllel CUIIOdian St Joleptl's Stp Sctlf h 38
Mortgrog11, Pro~ Management G.venrd

10 Second, N7M 2PI Pill Heme $IIKII 78 UetCf'r
- -·.. Phone 354-5444 John 51udl h 205 TweeGBmu I 111 t
• John 1"-'.eJke) btklyT John Pial loAuorwy & tarpenll)' h 78
lktcer •
· Gregory lawn 1D.!von dr h Slmt • Lambetl (Shenljtl IPialeo Wldg & Equip Rep~) h 205
• ian compreoo·.or opt Un100 o., 5A~ ll:•ng w l•eedsmuif av 1
PINSONNEAULT, IVON J , (Patricia), Prllldent • Ptle< ISI1Cil set up mn MOIOI Wheel Corpn he s G•ven rd
PlntonnMult & O.bal AMI Eetetl Inc, P1a:co V.ekling a Equ•pment ~ IIMnbetl P!a1) 41S Park
Realtor, All 1 O.Von dr (WIItonwood), Phone PltUl1l Ooneld XIDellll) lonm Onl Hylto h 42 ~~ cree
- Jas !Joanne) h 5 Ettwooel av
Playtoot Wm Affletly Ann) autobodt reprmn Fl
125 lnshes • •
lid h
• ..lanite n.35 Cart1pbeJJ aoc 7 Pla:l Suile (Rodger & Jane l<.tmSley) 80 I S1 Cla·r
- Jas 1165 Pine IPI136 PleiSd'l AJbl E(Iabelle J) h 2S O'Neil
• Jas IJolllnnel cr• Mmst?y ol Trt!ISP & Corrll!lunrc h 50-1 '2 • llernlrd E Ie.ry ll invlrllory d ~ I HClrllda h 47 Wldgewood
· Jules A (Pa!ly A) lab Rock~llnt• (Tilbury) 112231nshel ••
· EllenE 51Ud114 HomeWOOd
Itt apl3 • Fredlo A !JacQuel ne A) 1111P Policl force h 14 Homewood
• • Kr-ML • & dlemkt Superior Uac~~ & n h 11 Sl Ar4tart apc 4 • Tanvny louisa 47 Wedgewood 1~
·Leo (Josephone) lmv h 12lark • T.m S1Uc147 W~~ a•
• Lise W1rl Ellal BIOS Res1r II 711 Y1111er It lpl3011 Ptot:>e lUll !"'-tt;t~) Ulld .:.r rngr c.n¢tll U111 h 27
· Mark (Debblel h 143 McNaugtlton •• w apl2 ~-rd
·Malta h 32 W-ICI< 01 Ploulfe Albl Tt._.,y) loriT'.n H)Gro h 48 W1!1on lv
J obn~on..J)ubtu£11



193 QUEEN ST., CHATHAM Phone 352-4343
Polos KonllliO n 474 Sl Cla•r
PLOUFFE Polowiel< AIt• (lorre•nel 1111 drvr Maple C•ty Gas & Oil Co res
Bob gas aldl Fern's Esso 48 W•lson RIU Blenhttm
- Donald h 116 Ursuline IY ap1 F Chety1 cas/v Gordons MkiS 4871nd&a'l Cfeel< rd w
Plurnb Gao F h 39 Pe11one cres · Dwayne S1ud14871odl«n Creeil rd w
Neil M (Chelyll) Sla1y eng Campbell SOup Co h 317 • Fredk tRosemaryl grp 1dr Can Fram h 487 lnd•an Creek rd w
TweedSmu•r av w t.I!Chi(Syfv•al COOl< U A WHall h 67 Baldoon rd apt2
Plummef Dh 40 TriiDum Vrllage apl805 s n 75 Mary apt308
Plumndge Marlhl Mrs h 1061kfadden BY Shelley Astudl4871ndlan Creek rd w
Wm h 81 Pr~nce Arthur av Wm (Maru!me) bar1ndl UAW local 127 h 174 TiSSlman a~
PlUSh Plum Gifford O'KIII owner·mgr 438 51 Clair Polyak .las 1111ona AI lab Libby McNeill & Libby h 52 Parry dr
Poag .las W(June II h 69 Devon rd Jim wks Inti Grge 52 Parry dr
PocJoeie & Cree (Gregory Pockele &DavidS Cree) barrlstm 93 Pomajl Gtrry (Frankl slsclk Add•llOI'I Ella Sl Cla11
Centre Pommamvllle Gto L (Leona! h 59 Glenwood dr
· Kennell! h 26 Dufferin IV Ponct Shirley n a VICiona Home for 11e Aged n 270 Colbome
Pocock Sleven supYSillbby McNeill & ubby h 167 Mc!Qughloo 8Y Pond Lynden c..t<s Kl!lliCounlr Bd o1 £due n 108 Slaoiey a•
"'IPI 2 PondProsa Slea~ Houst Russ Bt•non mgr 395 Gtaod aY w
Podvtn Eileen Mrs h 17 Phyh•s av • Pont Bla•ne 117 Oxley dr
Podzorskt Paul lab SuperiOr Ti & Ole h 11 D•ane rd • Buan "'Ks Libby McNeill &libby 117 OKiey dr
• Wallet appr Prole lnd 11 D~ane rd • Lesue stodl 117 Ox lev dr
Poehlman Dan (Debbie) lormn Labombard's Chatham Lid res RR 3 · lesl1e S (Maxme N) rstr Bell Canada h 117 OK ley dr
IAerllll • ScOII studl I I 7 Oxley d1
• V Ke~lh (Jean K) servmn Capri Fum h 16 Emma Pook Dennis R (Geraldine) mach Sunnen Prod h 50 Hyslop
P01le Jeanne K h 15 Wtlhelspoon apt40 1 • T M 50 Hyslop
Polssanl - h 53 Vanle! dt Pool J h 40 Elm apr 329
· Carol AMrs h 137 Tweedsmw IV w Pool Place The Ted & Judy Wagenaar owner-mgrs 220 51 CIBII
• 0 h 455 Snlys apl208 Pool~ At1hUI lilt drvr l•VIngston Transp h 7 Chestnul dt
POISSANT, DIANE, Oftlce MGr North Amerlea.n • Oa••d M !Mary El ffiO' £Ill ol N<M Scolla h 44 ChopPewa dr
Life Auurence Co, A• t5 81anley av, Phone • Oennts (Aodreal pol1cemn h 44 ROSSinl cres
354-712.7 • Denn•s J pol~eemn 975 Graod av w apt 308
• Oorolhy homemkr h 75 F01es1 • Don (MatglJ h 188 Vielonl BY
• J Maunce lab Rockwell inti h 44 Finch av · Douglas lab Mo101 Wheel Corpn h 45 Timmins cres apt115
· Jeannene l mgr Beaver Fds h 82 Gteg<J!y d1 w • Hs1ry E(Claire) h S1Grand av e
· Josephine h 30 Tnlhum Village apt 306 · Katherine P mdsg ell< Bools Drug Slore 183 Elhs
· loo•s (Mabel) h 122 Partridge cres • Ke~~nerh J (EIIzabellll hnemn Ont Hydro h 183 fll~s
• Margery ell< Tawco Clng 3 Meadowlea Kenneth P llnefl\1'1 Chatham Hydro h 975 Grand av w apt 308
Uaue Cf.lrs rned secy Kent Coonly Children's Trea1men1 Cenlre leroy J (Beulah£) h 15 Sheldon IY
32 Copperfield= t.Aargl Ann S1ud1183 Ellis
• 0 h 383 Welhng1on w aot B-13 Mochl 0 (Belly) wks 1B wLocal 773 h 27 Rossrm cres
· Ronald J lUane C) serv II!Chn Inglis Lid h 32 Copperl•eld Poole PatriCia llawyer 65 Adelaide s
cres · Randy J (KI!Uy A) Irk dM laidlaw Transp h 130 Sheldon av
· Ruth (Wayne) secy london life Ins res Thamesville apl215
· Sh 18Kerrav Poolman Fred H (Elaine Ml pra op1 I HCanada h 73 Houston
• Susan A lab Can Fram h 4 1Semenyn av apr 2 J h 150 Mary apl 601
• Thos J mech libby Cnlrvs (WallacebtJrgJ h 45 Timmins cres apr · Joe (Miena) (Poolrnan's Family Shop) h 2 Diane rd
212 Pootman·s Family Shop (Joe Poolman) 57 King w
• ViciO! l (O•ane M) lab Can Fram Lld h 95 Slanley av Poonawalla Abdemannan (l.lehlabeen) physiotherapist Sr Jol Hosp
Poosson Gerald (Doreen) ptanllonnn llnoled Co-Op h 120 Vanier h53ManonaY
dr Pop Shoppe The (Call Bushey) 47 Woods
Polaod Atldw !Marcella) h 136 T•ssrman av Pope 0 l h 123-125 VICIOOIIY llpl6
Wm (Oiwlyne) drvr Oom•noon Auto Transit res Thamesvme • Jesse 99 Park
Poplar Gardens Apar1rnents 77 Baldoon rd
POUCE FORCE CITY OF CHATHAM, Poplar Gardens ApartrneniS 73 Baldoon rd
Tllomu Bird, Cht.f of Pollee Poplawski Sian h I 8 Looe"a cres apt 2
24 Third, P 0 Box He, N7M 5K5 POPQe leonE (Marg1 R) lab Roellwelllntl h 185 Park BY w
..........Phone 352-1234 PoredOs lynn (Steve) brkl Johnson-Pudwetllns Brkr 95 Parry dr
• Steve (lyM G) planning eng Union Gas n95 Parry dr
Porquel Angela secy Smalley Bnsco & Thompson 27 Alexandra av
Polish Clnsdlan Club A~linslll pres 281 lnshelav • SeRf C (Oorolhy) h 91 Coverdale
Polka Dol Flbocs lid (Alan GSm•lh) 835-1 Grend av w • Ellis lab Motor Wheel h 27 Alexandra av
Pollard J Eh 70 McHauqhlon ll'f ., apt I · lDOIS dM Mayhew TobiCCo Co Whol h 123 Canterbury
Poilttnet leo I!Qyl mig mgr Eaton Yale l1d h 26 Saugeen IV Por1eoos Rae R (Isabel) h 272 Elrzabelh
• Wa•rr:r J SlUdl 26 Saugeen av Poner 8 Sludt h 40 1"2 Setklill
Pollock - h 260 lnslles av K M h 96·1'2 Sheldon av
• 0 Wayne quahty control h 276 StClair POfluguese Social Club 335 Queen
• Dan wSludl 59 ChipPewa di Posuna 0101e M h 236 Grand IV e
·~as 059~~adt Fred!< w1<s K Matt S9 Oriole pkwy
· F h25Webb G h 97 Bed!O«lap1203
Geo E(Joan £l h 650 Grand IV w 8Jll1003 Gary (Yvene) h 83 1'2 L01ne av
• Jim h 61 Sheldon IV Gto (Sadie) shp1 Great lakes Stick & Slone h 3881ndlan
• Ronald Eh 118 McGUigan av Cfeekrd w
Rosalie Mrs aecy Or J leigh h 118 tkGUtgan IV Hank W(Mary) h 51 Tweed1mulr 8Y e
• W Geo (P Jean) lab Rocbelllnll h 59 Chippewa dt · Henry (t.laryJtab Fredeflck Transp h 59 Ooole pkwy
• Wm (~8'1 Ml lilt drvr Oom Auto TrilllSII h 76 Essex d • Henry 0 3861nd•an Creek rd w

---~ • Homes • Farms • Commercial

• Realty Limited, Broker ~r."t

._._ • 67 Thames St., Chatham, Ont. _ ...-L!::Jm
352 6760
·Jolin (A111) prfn Calvin Clv!S1ian Schl 1123i TIOftdSmuiiiY w • lUCIIISSI mgr Young CaNda II 100 Udar1lroe l•lllC 302
.1oM (fran) 1fl< (lrvr Green fOrest Inc II U SoutllenO em • l.l..~t~ay (Pam) aUIObody reprmn F Lw•-lld 111 AR linwood
John (Pauline) pat1$111Q! R1tlmond l.l«ers h 78 ~ell Richd J (l'amell D! lnsp Union Gal Co II 14lloltllla'ld dr
M_dll (Calherint) h 82 Dellw&fe IV 1Pt•14 PrJliOYI frank (lucy)(~ .kn:llon) 18 Emef&!d 1)1
R II •9 Taylor IV 1;:11301 Prasad AV Dr~~ 1110 Wtlling!on w
Riddab MotOI WtJCel COrpo h 51 la110! av 1PII1 !'mad Aduva:a Dr h 385 I(lng "
~ A a;JP1 gllzler Er e Glass 79 l)urlveoan dr PraUnldlll SlltW••• V ol\ufldal eng Can Fr1m h 51 Sba dt
T Wsh Elm apl312 Prall Briall h 165 King •llll 33
·ltd tMargl S) wldr Sltss Mig h 75 Sou:hetld et• Dar1eo'le 123 WOOds
Wm lchr Chalham 0111 Cllrlstlatl Sec S<:hl2311 Tweedlmulr •• • • Doug'.as W (leMI M) s1srnn Wer City Trk Une1 h 186 Sl
Pol!ef Rob! J 1Nancylllnestnn Onl Hydro II 327 Campus Pl<wr W.tllael.-.
Poll er Alb! P ~Augusta I h 186 Harvey GerildOh 193W ms
• Roland h 189 Me Naughton 1v • a;ll 2 • Hally w\.s Oom AUIO Transllll ISS 1'21(lng w 1P1 8
Polls DJ h 383 Welll!lg!OII w 11)1313 lilda h 65 Tinvnlns cr• apc 112
• 0artene 1e11e1 C&fflef 393 ea:uoon ap~13 John h 58 Manon 1Y
Poublon Rob! (M.!Iy l)ll 30 lmhll!ld d! · MII2• V-drapl10
Pouget Freslne 1120 l rUUum Village apl1 06 · Teresa (Rob!} mgt AddJlon.{l; Sou!llilu:.<lorl
Ridld A(Shirley) 1U1Mt llbtly !.ICHei1 & libby h 305 Baldoon "~ M res ccunse11or ~Algi Cann 1140' ~
rd apl4
Pou!:er ARoy (helyn 0)8Ud t.t nlitry ol Agrlc & Fd h 58 Pray Chas l.banl mech I H Canada II 135 John
Ch!pprwadl ~ Chmed Fumi!Ure Co & P f C Aildions (Ptler Clemenlsl 10
• Elhe! M:s II • 36 King " Wel!lng!on •
• Roy A (Evelyn) audltor 0!11 M nlstry ct Agrlc & Fd 58 Prte John A(Janel) IChr 8lenllelm Oosl Sec~ h 17
Ch!ppe.-Ck Syt.-es~er d!
Prr!mtd Transpot1 Al:en M;Cully mgr 11 O.ven rd
POULTON, LAAAY J, (Sally), Aep Mettopollw n
PreniJU Hal Glt.lallt £1 corp! OPP h 583 V"ldOI!Ia•
Ufe, h 1M Thorn hill c;r" , Phof!e
• J 563 V"ICIOfiuv
S54-0N3 • l.lartt [Hal) m Dr Plrry 563 Vlc.lona u
Poulquoi Kennetn A (M&fion MJh 117 Crystal dr
Prescot~ Vern !llc!ty Ann) Itt¥ Joht1Mc<irlgor Sec Sclll ~ 87
PowtM - II 382 KIIIQ wapi 3 Hlgh!a.'ld dr
• H4!rry (Ruby) II 89 Rlverv•e<o dr 10180-4 Prestrvl! A~ Rust Prav'tflllon Cenre lid IDoug O..yer) 360
· Mar~. A 1141nsheaa• ·
· Michl 8 l.lohlnnal olce IH Canldi111HI.Ancellek:f pi
Presland £1mer l tFkn A) til~ mec;n bton Yale Lid h 130
• 1.1.~-r J (lia!hy M) esslmgr Consumers Dtalrg h 48·1'2 Wilson SheiOon ... a;ll 106
• Motgan A(Cwol A) lab Can Fram lid II 1141nsheuv
Presley Bryon CIUPVV MdeOet's lle'verages m POll Alma
• TllOS J (Janice) stsmn lolaedel's 8e'IW9S res Blenheim
· Rob! S 1£llzabelll A,) II 77 Olla.a dr Presion Bob II 50IJ Vlactla IV
Power Beverley atdg c!u Sl .los Hoell II 78 Mary 4111 705
• Timolt>y I Sharon 81 sis mgr ~!lf1 h 59 Balmotal rd
· Bob 111< cr.. 525-1 '2 Gtand •• e
• Bnan J lAM F) lb Rlv•era Wen's W• h 211 FaJbeO dl
~ Alb! V (C&!olyn Gl leMM Pllney Bo..- h 18 Romney rd
~ secy Preston Rl ES1 ~ 1'2 Gfltld It e
• Donald L (Dianne) producr mgr A&P 1125 0e w'lf'e IV ~A M.'S II 81)5 Gtand IV W 1111 J03
• Doug!a sis elk Willerllou9e lot1r1 23 Glenwood dr
Ruby C81hr A 6 P II~ 1'2 Gtand I• e
• Hany R I.Jeannette! CUSIOdtt'll< •no Oeotoe Vl Pllollc: S<:hl 11
• .im d!< t.t.Jc's Convenltnct Sbt 153 litmllns IPI3 PAESTOH, W L. AEAL ESTATE UMITED,
· Katen stsclk Otrect Film 24 7 Sell< Irk lllC 2 Real bwte Coneulwnta, Ac;c;re<llte<l Apprai Nte
• ~ A 247 Selkiiii!IPI2 Mortgage llrokere
• lolaty h 153 fUMIIIl$ Cfel ept3 145 Wellington w, Sulta 203, N7M 5L1
PIUI S lllfobotlhl wl<s BlfiO'lam ()pllcaJ II 1118· 1'2 Park - -- PhoM 354-0050
· Perry (Jean~nel op!Ctl 8•ngllam h 189 O>olty dr
POWERS, W OLEN, (Norma S), P'" & Mgr
Bingham OpUc;al Co Ltd, h I Diamond dr Preston Wl RWIOI 143 Wellillglon w SUile 203
Powolny R h 34 5 :JI Clair 1p1 2 l'retiOII Wm L illuoy) W.r Preston AI Esl h 89 R1¥t~V~tw C1r lpl
Prada Ectward F l~ary F) lormn IH Ca111da h 68 Grego~y dl w 208
• L ~ tudllt Geidel! ShellS h 389 1'2 l<ong w
Lena h 518 Sl Cle•r
• Wm T(Rae AMI lab t.loiO<
Pretty - II 80 Essex tl
Vt_, COrpo h 116 Gladslone It
• N3ncy compulet OPf Wael<ens-Civytlct Plymoulh Lid II 3981<1ng • - II 139 l.ld>augrlton •• " 11)1 1
"1!)13 Danny lab Lobby I.!:Neill & Ubby 24 Allen
PrallltlatVt II 102 Partt IY t · EarlS (IIYmei II <'4 Allen
Praoll Donald L(l.l.itloo 0) lormn Russell Tl & Doe h 47 Alden • Hazel M h 100 MtF.,.,.. •• apt 507
· Douglas D(CIIudial mac11 [) Cotpn 1121 Wade Robl A(Ellleedl [) geniiCd Moler Wtlltl COrpo h 811
· Gregory Mllesflt Allab b!On Yale Lid II 23 fOIISI Glengarry CtiS
• H Douo*lHa!ICY MJ f!\ICII Dovel Corpn 1162 Aberdeen • WIYilt Epnlr I H Canida h 94 8aldoon rd ap1 202
· Harold G (Phy11ls) flotlsl248 Grand •• w 11 same Prl'Ytll EdniiWrs II 85 Pont 11)1224
• NelSon J IBarbara J) eng IIIChn McGeorge & a.ry h 9 • Jls 8 IVIfOIIIall fueflglller h 23 Pnodge cres
LII'Ubeld pi • Jollab Vtnlrl Mig 23 Par1rodge cr•
• Robl DIGemldel h 542 lolcHiugllton •• w · len J tltenllttllllellr Cllaltla.'TI CollegieJ...a res AR 7
Praise Ftilowthlp CtiUICII Jolin LUbber1mtlllaer 7 Coliege Prevosl Henry Eh 278 Sl C1ai!
PraiSe ftllowsll•p Church Rtv John Lubbers mon1Sitr 196 Wo1ham Pr•byl TIIOI (Annll v 11e11n TOmmy's Tv h 975 Grand av w IDI
l'ramtllrg Frank (l<lrlnl hsekpr Pub Genl Hoep h 120 lome IV Pritt Alml 1.1 Mrs h 15 Tnlllum VIllage lllC I08
Prangley lauree 38 Mdarlene •• • Annabelle l'oepr Dr J 1.1 Shipley h 118 KIIIQ t


General Contractors - Design and Build
303 MERRITT AVE. P.O. BOX 151 PHONE 352-7780
PRICE Pronto DIVISI()It of Sunoco Inc Jan Matcnand co rnor 620 R1chmond
Pronto Sell Servtce John Rose mgr 212 Grand av w
Bernard w(Juha} licence mech Hall Gro h 600 Grand av w apt Proper Haman (Diane J) prln Chatham Chnslfan Sec Scht h 108
5007 Fauber! dr
· Douglas chef Ao5st4li'S Reslr h 123 Will tamS apt 3 PrOSSil Kev•n (Lil) pholo Alton Photo 56 Park
PRICE, EARL L, (Ietty), Mgr Bell C.neda, h • Ted w(Debra Dl mgr Advance Bty Sply ltd h 28 Whtppoorwlll
850 Orand IV w, PhoM 352-4255 cres
• Earle (Dot~e) drvr Domm10n Auto Trans'! res Bothwell ProiOpapas E11c h 6 Sarah Ctes apl5
• Geo H (Joan 8} u& dlemkr Can Fram ltd h 8 Webb . Harry (Jenny) coolc Thames·lea Res~ 1187 Northland dr
• Harold (Frances) mntnce mn Dover Colpn h 22 Poplar • Jim (Panni DJ (Thames -Lea Reslr) h 94 Umvenmy dr
• Julia Aelk Ostrandet's Jwlrs • ~lck (Thames·Lea Restr) h 24 Collaglate dr
· Julie Mslscl~ Add's 8 Webb • Nick T h 43 Taylor av !11>1302
• Kenneth T(Grace) metal finisher IH Canada h 435 Park ave • Ntck (fotlni) chef Thames Lea Res~ h 46 nmmlns etes apt3
. lOti studl 130 lark Proudy Bev IJudyl flrmn Bowi·O·Ororne 79 Paneson
· ltwt WllS T•m Hor1on 0onu1s 123 Wilham s apt 2 • ClviSitN &IU<It 55 Pme
• Shirley brkr Ross Ins Agnes h 123 Wtlliam sapt2 • Kenneth F !Charlene) lab RockweN lnll h 55 Pine
• Timochy (Brenda) bodymn Maple Cll)' Fc:wd h 360 Sandys apl207 • wBe-terly !Judy) route Sl5mn Westons 8krs h 79 Paneson av
• Tc:wn (Sandra) lofmn Rockwell IIlii h 130 lark Prout Henry G (Doloehy I} h 43 Canterbury
• Tc:wn Gwlcs MonarCh Propane 130 lark • Jos lab A WK lndl Coaling 148 Selkirk
Prtde Han SfYhno (Rob! wHowes) 274 St CIIJr • Rhonda counsellor Southwestern Regl Centre h 7 JeHrey
PrlllSUy Kerry h 455 Sandy$ apt 206 • Rlchd J IMine) safety tnsp Bell Canada h 148 Selktrk
Pneve leoN lab Ea10n Yale ltd h 117 Elilabelh Provw.a Jack (Vinzerua) lab Eaton Yale Lid h 54 Soutnend etes
Prtmeau Anan R (Nc:wma Jean) quafity COt1#o1 Sllndard Tube h · l!Jilll (Janel) PI* 74 Aleundra .,. h same
· Belly lab Campbell Soup Co h 196 Parll PROVINCIAL COURT THE,
• Cectle Mrs h 29 fbchmood (CRIMINAL DIVISIONJ,
• Gerald (Helga) stsmo Cepll furn h 18 Maple 21 Seventh ........ Phone 352·1070
· Joe lab Vertex Conslr 130 Sheldon IV apt 109 (FAMILY DIVISION),
·leopold h 135 Wilham s apt I L 0 De Koning, Judge
· lome lab Campbell Soup Co 30 Duke • 417 St Clalr.......... Phone 354-0122
· M 153-1'2 Raletgh
· Rob! (Pa1rca) prs opr I HCanada h 158 RaJe•Qil
Pnnoe Robl h 35 Kem PrOVOSl Atthur 8 (Dolores M) elk L C 8d h 107 Eugenle
Prins Calhy s!Udl 59 Beechwood etes Dh 47 Emmaapl302
Geo (Marion J) slsmn Clba·Gelgy h 59 BeechWOOd etes Palk C(Marilyn E) lab Eaton Springs h 15 Whlppoc:wwill cres
• Keooo h 40 Elm apl127 Rayd (Rose) lab Can Fram h 24 Southend cres
· ~len h 805 Grand av w IJP(213 • Robl (Carol) h 122 Vamer d!
Pnonty Pmonnel Nancy Cooper owner·mgr 155 Grand av w Prudenllallnsurance Co of America Dave Edwards mgr 785 Sl
PrtSCiak Joho (Undll) CII'C mgr Chalham Deily News
PrlSIIef t.lary·AIIna 3 PhylliS IN Pryc:w 81~ J nurse St Jot Hosp h 225 Welllng1011 e
· Clyde A h 209 Colbc:wne
• Mod'll (l.lagdelena) h 709 Parllav w
• Gh 141 5elktrk ap11
· Peter M(leoora K) sis eflO Can Fram h 3 Phytlts av
· T h 194liCIOtl · Gary fltihan)h 157·1'2Park
• Jacloe h 198 K1ng e
Pnldlard Gc:wdoo E(Madef•ne H) (Chatham Decrg Centre) h 3
!Ina! Httl rd • Juhe 198 King e
• Jamte A mgr RadtO Sllack h 442 Indian Creek rd W · larry lib Ea10n Yale Lid 225 Welltngton e
· Leta 99 Park · lloyd T (Rose) shp1 Libby McNetll & Libby h 213 Col.bome
· Wayne T 213 Colbc:wne
Prwo Jot (Concel!allab Elan n& Ole h 31 Patllwooef dt
Proba!JOn & Parole field Office Douglas Slapleton area mgr 93 Psmwnoe John (Anna) chef Smel~te Restr h 130 nmmlns cres
Centre apt2
Proballon Services P L Kyte &I.IPV&t 48 flllll suite 202 Ptasynskl John mech Maple C11y Outboard res RR 6 Merlin
Probosl Paul wkl Gc:wdons Mkls 11 Gram
Proc Walter (Brenda) syslems analysl Union Gash 74 GlengaJTy PUBLIC GENERAL HOSPITAL,
Proc•w Geo 8 (Pauline M• eng U111011 Gash 58 Glengarry cres J H Shillington, Executive Director
101 Emma, N7L 1AI
Proclor MasJOrle Eh 905 Charlno Cross rd
.......... Phone 352·f400
Prodenc:hult Billy Wllda MJ (Prodenchuk Produce) h 597 Park av
• Ida M(Btlly) elk Prodenchuk Produce 597 Park IV w
· lena AMra h 541 Pllk av w PUBLIC LIBRARY, (See Chatham Public
Prodenc:huk Produce (lltlly Prodenchuk) whol 85 Richmond
Prof«a Anltiy C IIIJdl 127 CoatiwOrlh IV PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION, (See Chatham
· AnlhyC (PatriCia M) tclv Chalham·Kent Sec Schl h 127 Hydro Electric Syatem)
CoaiSWOt1h av Pucovsky J S Or dntSI26 Fllltl soote 301 h 925 Grind.,. w apt
• Yvonne mgr first TIke Video res RR 7 Dmden 303
Prohaska Kameth mntnc:e Kem County 8d of Educ 145 Poplar Puddtcomb Alv1n (June) h 170 Patteson IY
•Sebasllan (Margl) carp Kent Counly 8d of Educ h 145 Poplar • Mtcliey h 20 Murray apt 5
Prokoposhln Bella 345laetolx Pudwell Anita (David) brkr Johnsoo-Pudwelllns 8rkl 9 Saugeen
• Ka!Je h 345 llcrorx
· lena 837 Plltc av w PUDWELL, DAVID A, (AnltaJ, Preeldent
Prole lnd lncorpc:waled (Jovan Prole) 50 Prlmtete Ia Johnaon-Pudwelllnauran~ Broker, h 8
Prole Jovao (Ins) (Prole lnd Inc) h 50 Prfmroeela S.UgMn IV, Phone S54-240f
· .._.lab Mo1or Wheel Corpn h 9 O'Bnen dt • Kelly A SI1Jdt 9 Saugeen av
Tracy llludl9 Saugeen av


124 ST. CLAIR ST. 351-3833
Pugh Ada Mrs h 94 Ei,zlbet/1 QUICK
• Cnnsll!na M Mrs 240 Baldoon rd
• Glen E(Cilnslena loll h 240 Baldoon rd - 1.1-c:ht J (Mary B) lab ES Hubbell & Sons (Thamesvnte) 161
• Vaughl1 (Martine) lawyer 10 Thud h 128 VICiona av Welhnqlon e
Pugslty John Acab drvr Courtesy Cab 821)elaware av apl401 • Riehd G h 51 Sheldon a~
Pulso Can<l•da 10 Card"''' cres • R;la h 162·1'2 Gland IV"'
Pumtrey Geo h 47 Vlciana av apl 7 • Tim S $1udl51 SM•oon av
• Lome E fShtrley) (Rondeau Treller Sis) h 180 Vanier dr OutQO Wm (!lonna) J)ISIIllllnslant Prtnl Shop
• RlcM Elllentse) drlr Super101 Propene h 2 VtiCO\lnl Ou•gtey J Gordon (Made!ttle} tl82 Dela""'e •• 11)1214
• Shelly 180 Ylntl~l 01 l.!chl " 76 Vanter dr apl206
Pumfruy Jams (ArJhllr) Sf'CY A Kun• ret Kenl Btldge • M·~e ~ mgr 1.1 n-A Man 164 Emm1
Punche1d Wm H (Frances) h 25 Oulfeftn av Outgty Pe'"' M (Judy E!lab I H Clnada h 58 Clnlerbury
Purcell P h 40 Rtchmond Oulnlan Lawreor.e M (Carol AI supvsr CtUidren's Ald Socy Offlce
Purdie oa~e J area mgr ScOll Ppr Co II 57 Colleolale 01 h .9 Healnet dr
PurdY EarlE (fd•tlll (Odds I Ends Sulte) h 80 Taylor av OuiM Jetk H !Jean AI p/lalm Boals OIUQS h 51 Hollalld av
• Gregory B (Theresa> delecttve Poltca Oep1 h 78 Pnyths av • Jas C tR•Ia Rl mgr Urluf1ne Coli h 120 Cecile IV
• Jas R unton rep Can Fram h 66 Ptly1Us •• • JQhn J iBemtee Ml slk!M I H Caneda h 51 Canterbury
Pumy Meal Marl<el 186 Grend av w Rodr!ey RIE Jeanette! II 42 ChutchiA
PurOialor Courier Ltd linda Sales mg< 465l!iwervtew dr - Ttm wts!ic Olsen Inc {TtibUry) h 94 8aldoon rd IPI
PUinam Bnan (SilVIa) model ml<r Can Frarn ltd h 84 lolcGeorge av 301
• Oav•d slu<ll 861Ac:Fadden av Quinton Thos tDor•sl h .31 Gladstone av
• Elan~ !RtChdl secy HFC 86 Mc:Fa.1den av Outrl()l'll~ (Andree) elk Sla•l's Frutlll~1 h 236 Sandy$
• Len h 100 IAcFarlane ev aPI 512 Ouo VadtS Przzerii(Costas Pana'(l) 421 51 Cielr
• Mtchelle M sludt 86 Mcfadden ••
• Rrchd E (EiatnP AJ wks Motor Wheel Corpn h 86 McFadden av
- Wm Lille<thal asmblr Ea1on Yale Lid h 109 Pr•nce .Arth\.11 •• R
- Wm N (Ool•s ll h 469 Park av w
Putters Alan 589 Park av w RC J"Sl riii~SIOre (Marion & Gerlldl'Ecuyer) 122 Woods
- Gerrll (Cornelia) h 589 Park av w
- Mark atud1 589 Patk av w R MAuto Resloralton Lid 825 Perl< av w
R & S Weldng iShefman Sm.!ll) 281 Grand ave
Puuock Eh 481 Park •• w
Raa)'!Oa~~ Henty J fGetma•ne Mll~· s 1V Sis & Servl h 156
Madet•nP E Mrs h 481 Park av w
Dal~vte.v cres
• Tim H lllb teclm Can Fram 66 Daleview cres
Rabideau Bnan 0 (Yvonne EJ sht'Tiltw~r 125 Foeldet av
Sal" Rep Vernon Olreetorl " Limited
" " 22 Lakeview av (Orlmeby) L3M 3M1 •Cllerl'll 18 Panrson a•
Phona(418) t45-2874 Clarence h 168 Grand ave
• Bla M h 87 Daver
• Geo h 297 Oueen apt2
Pye Geo E!Fanny) h 34 Oclvercourt • John tAiv1nal treal!'f OOf Ptoneer H•·Bted h 37 Llydtean av
.18111C1! A payroll supvsr Elan Tll O.e h 65 Willowdale pi - l h 94 Adelatde n
- La.vrence C(Josep/ltne 1.1) toumeymn lndl Mil Fabrctrs h 125
Pylnpiuk Cec11ta h 118 Lorne av
Pyymaki DaVid (Joy) prod mgr Natl Gro h 487 VlctOtla av Fielder av
• Margt h 200 Slanley av apl2
• Marten a Thames V.ew Lodge h 110 Gray
a • Mary stsldy 1.1a1y Kay Cosmetics 166 Grand av e
• Millon l!Ethel PI h 210 Welhngton e
• Olville (Manon) n 1DB Gray
• Pal secy Health Council 82 1'2 Closs
Orban Vrnor•o h 11 Algonquin dr Pal secy Heailh Coooc;JI h 82• 1'2 Cross
Ouacn Hop 220 King e Rtchd h 11 Ad!'la•de n apt4
Le h 43 Taylor av apt 202 - Sheila 219 Queen apl 4
Shtng 11 75 lolary apl 309 ~ Slwtla slU<II 7 Ordon blvd
Ouahty Roolrng (ChalllaiTI) Lid (MIIIIOW! Van Outen) 1•1 EiltS Race RoOI h 35 Ame!l a
Oua••IY Tr1m Shop (Jas N Bhs) 22 Adelaide s Rachelle's Urnsex Hatrslyltng Rachelle Byrne ITI9f -owner 60
Ouang Ta caok Lucky Inn h 210·1 '2 Queen Ballhe
Oueen Ellzabelh II Public School Rlchd Koop prln 79 Eugenle Radama~et Jas M (linda 8) h 116 Joseph
Ouef"' Sueet Vanety & CoHee Shop Lllr'Y Goldsm·ttl rngr 378 Ltnda (Jm) dnU aSSI Of 1an G Baggs 116 Joseph
Ou~n Radlord Donald t.b £11101'1 Yale Lid h 198 Raltlgh
Ouennev•lle John B (Pauline C) mktg rep Hilton Hll (Wtndsol) h Radio Cabs John Dehne pres 270 lnshes av
68Eitzabeth Radio Shack Oan Wrlghl mgr 100 King w unll212
• John B tPaultnelwks Wheels Mit 1M h 14 lottie av Radio Shack Jam•e Pnlc:hatd lt\Qf 412 St C1111
Kevtn cook 01'oota·s Restr 29 WtldtO&e dl
Potydore (C Jeanne) h 29 Wtldlose dr
R M ceramics wkr A.•c lnd h 73 TayiOt av aplB
D C Trowell, Pree1dant
Randy (Debra) mech Chatham Mtrs h 197 Selkirk Al1 Kovata, Vlc•Prea l Mgr,
Quesnel RIChd J (Shtrley Jl laO libby McNeill & Ltbby h 102 21 Kell dr a,
Harvey ..........P hone 352- 3000
Ouick Batb J h 39 Daver epl 5
Ouick Copy tRoel Van Eljkern) 392 Park av o sulie 10 I
- Datay 57 Park Ia Radlmesser James R orderly Thamesview Lodge 21 Oxley dr
• Davtd 0 sludl51 Sheldon av - loltne MIS h 21 O~ley dr
• John h 525 Par~ av e Radota Spore (Angela) press opr Ealon Yale Lid h 8 Ordon blvd
• Malinda J lab Chelham Plasltc Finisher 51 SheldOn av Raes Trudy l h 12 Hous:on

It's as
to find WHERE TO BUY IT"


RalfoulmaJ< !DonnaI mor Fuel ApplicatlOf'IS res Leamington RAWLINGS

Rah•l'l\lan loA h 164 Timmons cres
Raones Robl E(Janel) etect can Frarn Ltd h 227 MIChener rd · Howard h 345 Welhngton w
Rakus S h 29 Comholl • John Hre-eondohoner Waekens-ChrySlet Plymouth LICI 150 Mary
Raleogh ESiates (Alan & Marge Holl) l.lobile Homes 1000 Charlng • John H h 103 Wilson av
Crossrd • DtEdwinna AI formn Rawhngs On!long h 230
Ralph Oavld (leslee) rngr Hall Vielona & Grey Truss h 63 TweedS!TIIJU •• w
lancefoeld pi Rawluk Eh 15 Wolherspooo 81)1305
ltsa FIOUiosttnlormatoon Wheels Inn 63 Lancelield pi Ray Erooe 241 Colbome
- WiUd (Fran) h 92 Vanlm dr • Linda 24 I Colborne
Ramaut Fran~ A (Giena MJcarelkr Chall'lam Walet Comm h 38 Ray & Ralph's Garage (Ray Woltlng & Ralph Aokema) 400 Oueen
Dolsenrd • Rola h 241 Colbome
Josepllone Urs h r42-1'2 St Geotge - Terry h 373 Grand ave
Ramautars.ngh Lindsey (Doane) mgr K Uart h 43 Semenyn av apl wFranl<lm !Gwen M) st~mn CaSSidy's Lid h 62 Coats-NOrth av
15 RAYMENT, BRUCE, (Muriel), (Bruce Rayment
Rlmboet Paulone malrOn Chatham Ja I h 7 Ordoo blvd Contrector), h 13 Churchill, Phone
Rarnoodl Dh 466 UcHaughlon av w 352-2120
Ramout John h 89 Berry
RAMSAY, LAURA, (Stuart), With London FrM
Pr- (Chatham BurMu), h I Sarah crH, Apt RAYMENT, BRUCE CONTRACTOR,
7, PhoM 352-432t For Quality Cuetom HomH
Ramsdale Uochl W(Salty) h 167 Grand av e
Renovetlone of All Typee, No Job Too Small
Ramsden t.largl CMrs h 384 LlaOix
OeragH, Breez-aye, RecrMtlon Rooma,
• Na:hw L lechn Chatham Cable TV h 42 Emma apiS
Ki tchen•. Bathroom• & Room Addition•
RamslJos ll.taloa)lab Daymond h 196 St Ctaor
Eltlmatft Furnlehed Without Obligation
Rance Thos F(MarJOII!) spec rep RIChardson Greenshoelds ol
83 Churchill, N7L 3T3
Canada res RR 2 Blenheim
...•••..•. Phone 352-2120
Rai1COIII1 Douglas u (Janlce)lab Chatham Plastic A rushers h 39
Dover apt 4
Randall Dh 87 Mary apt 209
Rayment David G stud\6 MacMillan cres
Fred h 106 Hooslori apt 1
Jeff h 76 Mary apt508 •oon G!BarbaraI h 6 MacM• •an cres
• Douglas J stud\ 6MaoUII1an cres
Norman (Phylhs MJdtst eng Ont Hydro h e s JopltJl
· EarlE tSh11iey M) v-pres Labombard$ Chatham Ud h 122
Robt B (Phyllss Ml h 22 Sevenlh
· Shlrley secy Union Gas h 650 Grand av w apt 702
• Gary l asmblr Can Fram LtCI n 9 Pine
· Vera hsekpr h 256 Woods
- Karen L planning elk Union Gas 24 01101e pkwy
Randa lie Graham (Carole) cable sphcer Betl Canada h 46
· Lloyd lab Can Fram Lid 9 Pone
Card•nal cres
- N h 30 Trollium Vollage apt406
Randle Florence T Mrs h 8 Oelrolt dr
· Oliver 8 JMa.,ne D) h 24 OnOIP pkwy
• Granllab EaiOn Yale Lid 31 ErtS
· Paul Sl~rm elk Labombard's Challlam II 82 Oeiaware av apt 310
· Irene P h 24 0egge
Mal.anne J 31 Elli5
· Tracey clf!ocal Chatham 1.1111122 Faubert dr
· Vera M Mrs h 85 Pone apt 133
- Rayd R(MariOn) h 80S Grand av w lpl704
Raymond Allan stud146 Glengarry cres
· V h 171 McNaughlon av wapt 1
- Brad P lab Molar WhPel Corpn 51 Taylor av apt11
Wm J (Paulone J) lormn Eaton Yale Lid h 31 Ell11
• Jarvos h 8 7 Haf\'ey apt5
Rankon Hotel 000 Lee mgr 162 King w
- Lome wh 85 Pine apt 122
-Joan Mrs h 46 Glengarry cres
• Margt 99 Park · Steven 46 GIPOgarry cres
Marlene (Rochd) banndr The Kongsway res RR 1 Dcwer Centre Rayner Mark Slud\8 Academy cres
Paut A drtr Billy Plodenchuk Produce res RR 3 • RobtiJO'Imstr Can Post Corpn res Bo• 111 Pellolia
Ranl<in Rob41aW)'et 93 Wilham n • Roland J (PatriCia) postal elk Canada P 0 h 8 Academy cres
· Suzanne secy Maple Clly Olc:e EqU1p h 387 King w Ray"• Milk (Tony BarbutoI 27 Kelt drs
Velma Mrs h 32 Gray
Ranmeteare S J h 50 Metron av apt 510 RE 1 MAX WEST GATE REALTY LTO.,
Rapchak Ronald h 30 Trllllum Vtuage apt 705 Maurice Smyth, PrHident
Rapley Oenllr$(Margl) h 31 Lowe Lawr•nc• Smyth, Auoctete
Raposo A h 270 Wellington w 121 H•rltag• rd, Suit• 202
Raspbwg AUSisn A9 Lamson cres •.•••••••.Phon• 351-1300
Wayne (8rend8) tchr John Uyen Schl res RR 1 Palncourt
Raltlbom lelma l.lrs 59 Sheldon av
Ralhwtll Agnes C Mrs h 100-104 Park apt 9 Rea Boonle &lsclk Bulk Fd S101e 32 Eaton c1
· Allan S hreloglllef 2 Buckingham av Dennis A (Bonnie E) lab Eaton Yale ltd h 32 Eaton cl
· tlatold A (ShorleyJ boiling ltJP'tSI Hydro h 2 Buci<Jngham av Ken (DraneI spray pntr Waycon lnU Ud h 451 Oueen
Sholiey (Harold) elk Charlebois Furs2 Bucl<ingNim a... • S Hh 53 Spencer IV
Wm (Gayle) bus drtr Chalham Colch Lines h 32-1'2 l.lwray Read Gordon h 65 Baldoon rd ape 2
Rau Terry h 83 ~ aes • K 3 Detaw11e av
Raulchef Lorn reclllnll G Melena Ontl CliniC 18 !lobe pi • Melody Rh 116 Blythewood cres apt 3
• Osl<ar (lOIIl)&ISITinlaBeHU TV & Apktcs h 18 Dove pi Ralph N (Verda M) wks I HCanada h 3 Spasks dr
• R h 600 Grand av w ape 10008 Thelma u h 19 Louella cres apt2
Ravata Drywall (Roger HAlaroe)t6 Madera cres Reader Boyd (Lana) mgr Libby McNeill & libby h 585 King w
Rawlings Darrell Melk Gardens Mkts h w 1 Creek rd Ronald h 383 Wellington w apt108
Ra-.bngs Dr~ tong Co Lid FrankS Rawlings pres 715 Sl Ctaor Ready Thos R (Sharron E) lch! St Jo&ep/1 Sep Sch1 h 410 King w
• Et.1 h 8911lver< otw dr ape 908 Reaumf' ACl\aS (Manon E) lis & serv Cryderman M11$ h 212
• Fraoi< S (Fiaool.ngs DriiLng) h 144 Tecumseh rd Josepl'l


It isn't the cost - tt's the coverage that counts
and you get so much for so little
when you advertise m the DIRECTORY

Red Rooster Chop Suey HOUle (Guy YOUOliJ Hoy & Yam SeiDl 393
REAUME Olll!ell
fledc:fK' U11y 1.11'5 h 16 Buci<Jf10hall\ a•
• Seward M (Dont~a Cl bus drvr Challlam Coach Lines h 76 w m (lloat!!!) II)OI1s wrtr Chatham Deily New'S n 226 Wellington w
Wedgewood IV IPI3
• C h 2347l.Jtr01• Aedoalh Sugars l E OIIU if gent 119 285 lolerr\11 a•
• Carl!Ailcet (Jrvr Will$011 Conotle h 89 Rait!gh Aeeb Francis C{c.ol AI pr~ 5UP"V Websler M'O llonl h
• CarlE !Rose M) prs opr Can fram 1'1 42 Oaie-rew cres
15 Goldmefe dt
• Carol Ann lot h 76 Mary apt 609 Affl! t.larQt A c:onser.a110n olcr n 52 Hillyard
• Catl'lt (Wm) elk l J Darry Prods re$ RR I ParncOIIfl Reeder CKrl A{Mal)orre) meier rdt Cha~m Wa!er Comm h 24
Chrrs J 214 Sethrrk Arthur dr
Clem (Jeanne) h 1000 Charrng Closs rd unrt 38 Reedy Batb tcht h 78 Mary apt 609
• Colen!! R wn Elias BIOI Reslr t39 ChUtCIIIII Rret< •e l n 40 TriDtum VIllage 1111901
• David sea.oty The l(rngsway h 475 Ou.l Re8s ll':an Mt.IJS h 99 McNaUijhiOn a• • apt254
• Oennrs J (Micllelie) meier' reader Ont Hydro res llltnllerm Paul (Katlll"ne 1asmbly Can F11m h 88 Lorrre ••
• 0011ald l (Darlene J) 11 &doe aoalysll HCanada h t 18 Reeve Ber11Audrey J) h 161 Melee~
Btyth~wood cres ap1 1 oh !15 Taylor av ap1201
• EAnoe tchr ~nl COunty (RC) Sep SCht 8d h 925 Grand av w Evetyn WMrs w><s Bell Ca!l&da 57 Gladllone av
apl306 • Harold WslSmn Chamam Cable TV 119 Tweedsmulr av w
• Edwd W(!!Pverrey Jt tab Oavmond ltd h 259 Campos Pkwy • RootS thelyn WJco techn Bell Canada h 57 Gladstone • •
. Eilnosecy Union Gash 107 WUsonav Ron (1\nnl wt.s Chatll&m M.Jiic Shop h 297 Baldoon rd
• Glrbt 0 (Evelyn) h 214 Selldrl\ • Flonald S IGnattlam MUSIC SnoppeJ t 19 T~r l• w
Heren nurse h 10 Ttrlllum Village BPI 204 • Ruth (Rolli s~ Chatham MI.ISIC Shoppe 297 Baldoon rd
• Hrl<la asmbtr Can Fram lid h 1 COllege Srd h 150 Mary apt806
• lie h 26 Churchill • Sidney !Helen I h 98 Wtlton a•
· 1$abella wks Ktng Grern h 90 Cardmal Cles SIMif!Y H !Olive AI dM slsmn l J Daory Prod Lid h 119
• J Wm (Beverly) prln St Mary's Sep Schl h 15 MacMrllan cres Tw!'!'dsmurr av w
Jas A(Ooroihyt h 296 WOOd$ • Thos M (l yrm) POik:emn h 30 Canllrbury
• ~litter SUpv<;r Chlldll!t'I'S Village Day Care Ct!ltte 15 Reeloes R•Chd I (Lyl'lda l) h 126 WelllfiiiiO!I e
McMrllan cres • Wendy l h 28 ~ cres apl2
• John brkr Charron TranSP 1 College Regal C.apr&al Planne<s LIO GorOon Slnnger mgr 12 Gland av w
• John (Oebbre) wlo.13 Jack A~rd TreochmliJ h 87 Mary apt 203 suite 103
• John K stuot 19 Pameta cres Rpgat Towet locorp<nted apts 89 Rivervi~N dr
• Jos Mrs h 100 Poplar apt 4 Regan Tlwesa (Norman) ofce elk Chatham Dally News res
• ~e h 28 Archmond 'ftartacfburg
June Ecasht SGOIIs Chicken Vtlla 139 Churchill • Thos h 133 St George
· 1\aren M studt ISMacM•tlan Cles
• Krvm Cl t.luroel M) $upvsr Un•on Gash 239 Faubert dt
· lawrence G (Therese) parl<s & rec Cny h 139 Chun:lltU REGISTRY OFFICE, KENT COUNTY,
leshe wrtr Chail\am Oaoly News 955 Grand w apt307 0 R Craven. Land Reglatrar
• Loretta mliJr Coles Book Store h 24 Murray Land Registry otllc• No 24, P 0 Box 113-4
• Lorraine ~ $lsclk Pro Hdwe h 100 ~~cl ... . .. Phone 352-5520
• LOUtS A!Oorotny Jl mlwrghll HCanada h 4061ndllll Cleek rd
• Mh 32 Orchlrd Hts dr apt 2 A~nrer Jas h 383 WellrngtOII w aptl13
• M Mane acct 370 Park IV e 8PI 3 h same A J h 850 Gland av w ape 103
• Marron (Allen) &lsclk Chalnam CaJ<e Sply 212 Joseph • Roof V (Heren) "'ks Rock-ell lnU h 49 ~ rd
• Maurice C mech Can Tire h 46 Lowe • R011 v (lortll asmbly Chrome Tek Pla$tlcs h 102 BlyllleWOOd
• Melvin J (lorretta F) trkr 49 McKinnon dr h same cres apt 3
• Paul A (Norma Kl h 90 Altoxandra av Ronald G (Theresa) 8$51 mgr Walker Aulomotrve h 25 Mary
• Raocty (Laura) shpr·lliCYf AJ~ru Mfg h 103lark . s h 39 Taytcuv
• Rayd A (Arlene M) stkclk Mlnrstry of Transp & Comm h 490 • Scm J IJanos Cl mg~ Bachan Aero Spaoe h 22 Aomhe8111 rd
~Naughton av w RegiS G!!O J ccuntermn Mcl<rrhe Mtllen Ltd n 7 O•ley dr
·Aiel< h 150 Mary apt 101 • Henry fdwd (Satlhl CTh8-s Vai\ey EngcneerrnljJ Inc) h 12
• Rick (Penny) lab Sllndard Tube h 483 Queen Colle9•ate dr
• Robt E studt 406tndlan Creek rd w Penny caShr Mac's Mrlk res AR 4 Thamesvllle
• ROb! J (Sharron Lllab I H Canada h 110 SunnyJ~de av Ret>~ John w(Mary Grace) pres Bobbi-Jon Casuals n 113 Burt011
• AOQI'! G (Barba!l M) mntnce lormn Ctty h 100 lnshes av liY
• Ronald T (Kathleen T) payroll elk I H Canada h 19 Pamela l.lary bkpr Bobbt Jon Casual. 113 8ur1on
' cres AetChstetn Jamre L (Sandre ll wks Mtracle Fd Mall h 225 Campus
S n 72 Baldoon rd apl30 1 Pl<wy IPI314
· Scott E (Cht'!ylt sludl h 190 Thames lpt43 Rerd Alteen M dk 8k of lolon1 h 80 Soumend etes 1()12
• Shelley M wks Dairy Queen 370 Patk ave apt 3 • Barry (Patrrcra A) prol supt Mlntstry of Transp & Comm h 140
• Timothy A studl 239 Faubert dr LacrorK
· Todd 0 &1udl239 Fauberl dr Benha h 52 Ralf!tgh
• Wm A (Carolyn R) hh Irk dM MOior Wheel Cofpn h 57 • &ran W tEirz J) Y·prl!S mig Lrbbey·SI Clarr Inc
Lanceheld pi (Waltaceburg) h 21 Finch pi
• Wm E(Gatlly) pntr crty h 85 Raleigh • Bruce 0 (Rhonda '11,1110• Ilk of Month 14 Woodland av
Reay Krnnelh t.Joan Ml u& dremkrt.totor Wheel Cofpn h 85 Ch 410 Sandys ape I
Wedgew!Kid av . Candy computer opr can Fram h 62 Baldoon rd apt 103
Rec~er Brenda cashr Woolco Ph8rm h 154 Thames apt 8 • Cathy H studl 34 Htllorest av
R M M15 n 100 Poplar apt 18 Chas J 64 KrnliJ e
Record Stop (Perllllne Mrllson) 100 Kmg w unll 11 4 Ctatl<e 0 tEirz) U& dremkt Supenor n & Oae h n Pheaslnl
Records On Wheels Catny Baker mgr 801 St Clarr dr


(Otv 386398 Ontarto Ltmtted)
Rena s Rena Jubenville CIW'lel-mgr r137 King w
REID Renaud AJict 1.1 IJJS h 119 ~IV W apC 140
Donald~ Wbeels Yllm h 600 Grind IV w ape 3003
• Dennis (Sus&.~ I mecn l.Mxlmbllttl's Chllha!n lid 11 IS25 St Claif
· Donald A (Allee) prOf IUPVSt M!nlslry ol Transp & Communic II
141 T!$$lman ••
·Donald J INa11Cy HI h 305 l1111
· lafry 0 (Judy) folmn Na~ Gro II 115 Alturldta ••
• Edwd J slsmn Arne! Opcicalll 126 Cecil~ 1111
· Lloyd J (Uargl E) lab 11343 Grand ave apt807
• Ellz (Cbn} 119 ~ Shoe Place 77 PheaSIIll dr
• Elhel lolrsll 65 Joseph
Ra'ldY h 290 Fares~ apt 4
• F h 45 'TtJlliull'l Vtllage aptl09 • Rlclld W ·lolary GJ cool< Wheels Inn h 91 ~ dl
RENAUD, ROBERT, (JMnlne), Pubtlaher & Qenl
· f rank E,....,oon) h 45 1kKIOUQh 1111
Mgr The Chl!them Deily N-•· h 70 Sioux
• Frner J l.llneiJ business 119 Soultl..S~n Regl Cen~e h 34
Hillc!esl llv dr
• Gmld E(Aulh AI PI;"'Oi elk I H Clr1eda h 45 Trllllum • Robl f411r~annat1Chr Sl loiJchael Sep Sc.'ll h 141 Pr~ At1hur
Vir.aof llll 308 ••
REHDERS, FRANK, (Myr1), PrM Rendera &
• Harry s (tCiyllle) h 17 swu.,. "
Render• ltd, h 3 Plnec:rHt rd, Phone
• ~ N flleullh) h 10 Trillium ViliiQe apl107
· Ill f lollS h 6' Kong e J51 -212t
• J TllllOIIly gas lank asmblr I HCanadl h 40 Tn11tum Vollage Rencrrs Gera•duS (luanne) estmk SaSI lolfg res RR 5
apC 703
• Jas H (MMoon K) hne SIOresl<pr Hydro h 90 eo-.erdlle RENDERS & RENDERS L TO,
• .Nil fotld mgr Gallanl Clng Wllldlor Frenk Rendera, Preatdent
· Jolin I Janet) ,.1<5 Pub Wits Oepc h 121 William n Roofing, lntuletton • Complete Line of
• JoRpllirle Ill tsty1ISI ~~ne·s Ha~ Styles h 78 IliA<~ 1 Aluminum Producta
• lol R h 15 Wilhefspoon ape 202 400 Richmond, N7M 1RI
• lolarg162 Baldoon rd ape 103 ..........Phone 3544777
• ....,gl H leCy Grty's chin. Hall h 393 Baldoon rd un11 27
• Nelson RrV IICiln J HRydets t.Aac:ny lid res RA 1
• P~tbl At8atry1 cf>Chllham Willi Cornm 140 Uc:roi• Rennie WQ M ll'ltrlcii A) conslable Ol'P II 23 Hu1her dr
• RotJC lol ' U(lntQUtJ ~s Ha• Glo h 4 Copperfield c:ra • Vtess IDr:maiiiiiMitl free~ 01 II lie Coppertl!id
·Rod G 'IV! Anne) eng Unoon Gas h 7 Madera c:re1 CIIS
· Ruth A lolrs ~~~ Trolllum Volllge 45 Trillium Vtflage lpC 308 Renokls Bryte lab Eue Glass ltd 65 Sef~'"'
• S h 97 Bedlotd apt 205 Renouf Margl Mrs h 163 Gl'egorv rn ..
• Scoa 51Udl 17 Stanley av • Paul conslable OPP 183 Ot890fY dt w
• Teny(LU Ami rdsupCOQ..!f Twp h 91 Gregorydr ,. Renwick Allee I h 70 Aleundrl av
· Valent sty1isl fotSI Choice Hll!cuaert res Blenheim • 0 h 40 Trtmum Village ape 802
• WJ Dr ~ h 650 Gra'ld I• WlpC 805 · lbrold [ {V>ilda U) lar!llff h 7V Pamela Ct1t
• WmC (Reil!lll dtS1I Bealroce O..ty h 104 Wllippoorwm c:res • Miry I h 10 Ale<811dfan
R«<'s Card Shop (lUCien K Wageneet) 109 Kong w Reorganaed Chutch ot Jesus ChriSt oll.llter Day Sa'nts 174
Re.l!senslein Ja,...~ 222 Sel ,,... Faubert dr
~dus V 'IIDotwlli Ao "SD ~ lolldl & Tl h 51 Alden Reorgar111ed Chutd1 ot Jesus CruiSt of Liller Oay SaJrlls 90
REINHART, DAVID J , (DeniM ), (CarKallen, Gtanda•e
"--nlwt, Matllany, N-ele), h 107 King w Repergel M·•t' 1118louella c:resape 4
Aeonllwt Eva h r30 W<e s ReclusJ.J Steve A(Eiol) bt COI1I!It NaU Gro h 20 Ollawa dr
Re•per Lindell 43 Edgat Resell ~ry Mrs hsekpg Pub Genl Hosp It 71 Kerr av
R!'•ssne! Oavod A !Agnes loll lab I H Can.- II 21 O'Bt,en dr Resource C~tre Kent Pr~bylery 40 Pa1k
• ...old KICatollr>n)lab I HCanada h 116 Pwty dr Restonck La~ (Res!Oiod< Consul he slynwood dr
· lluyd U IS Jan) It 24 t.lcl\lllOOil c11 Reul<.ema AnM Eh 99 ~,~, aughlon •~ w 1P1 109
• Mabel 8 h lie Grind IV e Aeu!ef fred l tl.tary 8111711 Catdonal era·
• Mary A h 190 Tlllmeupe 31 Rlovell Cart h 30 1 Tflftdsmuir av w
• Rlyd R IJg'f« MI buyff Can Fram lid 11511en IV ~enue CallaiSI Customs & E•Ci~ l'lolhwa BalD IIJI)I10 Centre
• RotJC A(Che11e El IISSt l.f,n.slry a1 Revenue h 133 Sunnyllde ~e Paul Ute lnSunlllC~ Co Morr•s Mmet IQ135 Oetawa~e ••
· Wayne L1Robetlai ~ Roc•welllntl h 37 Ken ••
Rtw•ll Clata tilt Zellm h 10 TnUium VillAge lpC 104
~llefger Jutt; EfEdordllegal~~ey Ollf~ .llc~hn Sutman & • Ha<ty E (Kalh:eent (~WalCh Sholl I h II John
0 Btoen res Blenhellll Aeyttah Llargtl h 49 Cornhlll
Rto~·narl's Nancy labadie 119 100 Klng w unol 123 Rtynolds Alelha Mr1 h 112 Edgar
Rttlman'Hid Carmen Jlcl>.hn 119 801 StClair • Belty Ann travel counsellor forsylh Trav!!l Bureeu 39
Rei~men's tOnlano)ltd ladoes' wear Ga•l CAmpbell mgr 595·0 Olll•tgan dl
Gra'ld •• w • Bnan h 360 Sa'ldYt 1114 203
~IS J h 75 l.f.y lpC 302 BIIIII (Oeborahllab CampbeHSoup Co~ 23 Duke a
~ >!l ~ l lUar-, I() llmbiy I HCarltdl II 15 Oriole • OorOI!!y ... h 89 Ri•"tflfit.. dr 1(11 802
pi<.., • Elrl A tEiill mgr ~ Aplta 5«v h 105 Edgat
· RockS lPit l) lib I HCanida II 172 Adelaide 1 • Gary (Cheryl) hll "" dM CampbeD Soup Co h 85 Blkloon td
Atl<~ll Uargl.., h 35 Peterborougtl apt12
At<Tilngten David Rdelymt1 Ktazy t<elly's 22 Gl'ay • N01111 J !Joyce AI mg1 Home Aplnce Serv h 127 Cecile av
• Gordon C tl yndl./llab E11e & Huron Be¥ h 130 Gl'lfld av e · l'irighl J ~ 39 0ul1'<egan dr
· Gordon EIMatrl receM! Hall Gtocets h 22 Gl'ay Reln'k 5111311 17 BrOCk
· IMrt PI* Cllatll'" Plasloc f'onrshlng linen Ketti L 57 Hltw'CII
• l.AMQIII 37 Bar!'le 1pC .t • 11,_.., 0 cool< ElliS 81011 R~ 57 ...,...lch
R~ K1m 26 Second IPI8
REMINGTON RAND BUSINESS EQUIPMEHT, (See • lloyd Alab lltlby McHillll & libby h 57 Harwich
Chl!ttlam Office Supply Umlted) • IAary E57 Harwich
~ EdOlf ,Ho!dy1 beha.oora C!Dul'eeller Kenl Coutlly Bd o1 · U•eh24 T~t•
Ec!1.4 t 18 O>rtt._. dr RIIHCh89~a~apC11

\'eru•u •lrec::f•rlel cSe'l.ving

29 Rebecca St. Hamilton, Ontario Ontario
Telephone (416) 522-5066 L8R 183 Communities
Robl A ~Marot AI (P.llea Flool A Wall) h 41 FO!.ter
• Sh.rttv dng dept ~pllol Tllei1'1e h S4 T1mmms cres aot8 CANADA LIMITED,
Ted h 45 Semenyn a• ape7 Timothy 8 Bec:hard, Rea Mgr,
Rheault Roland tM·l'lll (Ravata Ory WaltlltlJ t\20 1 lari< lnveatment O.alert
Rhta Jos laD 1H GaMda h 27 Lorne av apt3 1..8 Wellington w, P 0 BoJt 38, N7M 5K1
Rhodes 8PJniCI! slscJ~ Anolven~~ry Shop 410 Sandys apt 2 •......•. Phone 352·1510
• Catny sccy WGThompson & Sons lid (B:eohetml h 81 Wedgewood
GI!Oflrey chart ar.ct Ward Matt en~ h 50 Mewn av apt209 • Je!ry IJoann~) h 1.13 St Cla•t
· Jay C(Betntce C! e~tmlr dsgnr Sass Mfg h 410 Sand~ apl 2 Jonn H IN·1~Y JJ wlcs Eaton Yata Lid he s G1ven rd
• Jt>ao Mti h 600 Graooa• w apt5009 R:thardson & L1~.en !Eldon R1chaldsoo & Jonn La;~o) chatl ac:cts
JoM B !Gad Al !John Rl10des Speoallvl h 118 Oateview crea i?590ueeo
RhOdes John Spectally (John 8 Rhodes)118 Oalfvlew cres Manan 971.1tfarfal'•av a01328
JoM W1Cla11e LJ heatlleat Opt Superoor Mach &Tl he s • Mlllene wi<S ll~n!·Cilat11am Hl!n n 126 ParVidgt' cres
Creek rd Ray Setll!ily guard St Cla•r Colin 15 \'i.t'lef1POOO apt 107
Phodes Kenneth wJ lawyer 3 Wi:!l3m s • AegdG (Vera MJ11M laelia• T~ n 15 '1~-t!lers[loon aDC303
• M h 600 Gra~d &v ., apt 5008 Robl (011¥1! ) h 82 Oelawa,. av alii 112
Teny lr~ drvr PlonP.!'! H• Breo lid 51·1'2 EdQar Aotll EIH Irene) sl9 rep lkMa:h Ally h i?27 McHauohton av .,
VIOla Mrs 99 P&lk z
Stella 1has P1ne aot t8
Rhody Donna June cecy Agrlc Canada (Hlt.'l of AOtmaJSI1182 Thos G •i<.41Neen) mech Bruinsma CoriO 1134 Glenwood dl
Delawar~ av ftpt 105 TtmU&CI>em rll110~
Glad)'S Mrs 82 Delaware av apt 105 W11 J (laura Bl h 485 Outen
Rhyno 01BM1 M:~ h 10 I Belly &PI 1 R.'C/ler Harry tGeraJdlnetagt Pwo Canada tt 516 StClair
AI Dey Lu w rel'l('~ 0 I MillY R!tchr Kent County Bd cl Edut h 53 Rdue Ben (Mltgt) h t4 Madon~~a cres
Cranedr Bertha rna~ rm Cllatllam Oa ~ NeoH 334 Pr•
R1ce Chns tab M·ntSIIy of Transp & Comm II 82 Delaware av apt 0 h 75 MJtY apt310
415 Dell r studl 20 Grl!9(lry dr w
• C10dy i?67 1'2 Grand BH Donald h6t· 1'i? FOUlln eplt
• Dovid F (Sandra J) Quality contrOI11\91l ~n Fram h 183 Frack rGrec~l h 11 Maple
Garr~ Ulermal ..rts Cash & Cany Lmbr n 334 Par~
- E11c J llau11e Cl counsellor SoUihwestem Regl Cenlre h 123 Jerry (Yv..,.ne) SUIMI can Fram Lid h 51 Poplar
Raletgh lew•s Wh JO Tnllium V!llage apt606
• F M ~lv1n (JOan) tehr Ken1 County Bd ot EdUC h 260 BaldOOII rd · liOnel R(Saodrallab Rocll,.,efltnlf h 89 Pall< av w
• Fred J tW,nlllfleol h 2i?9 Colborne · lorena Eh 100 Pgglar apt49
· Glenn (Betsy) mech LabOmbard's Cnatham Ltd res BIPnhetm lkthJ F !Elsa I PI"'S 8oe!house Lid h 61 Vanter dt
· John tEI$1e) h 82 DeJa ware av apt 305 Orvilll' W(T~•Ima El h 61 Berrf
• KPnnelh llMa•gt J) mr. nee Cha~'llm Wat~ Comm h 28 ~lh Pa: • F I yCI! l rv l C Bd ()rt<;den) h 20 Grtgory dt w
• Kipp(.lufle) SUilV'flftbomDard"s Chatham ltd t Del<! ware IV RICHMOND MOTORS (CHATHAM) UMITED.
Tony DIHchte, Prealdent
• Randy mech Labombard's Chatham Ltd 61 Delaware a•
· Ruth M~ h 67 Defa,.~rt av Volkawagen, Audl Salea and Service
• Trar:y lab ~pbell Souo Co 28 Roml\Wh rd 110 Kelt dr n, N7L 3W1
Alch Ann~ M lab Art lnd h 925 Gland IV w ape 210 Phone 352-84110
R1chard A Mable k1t hlpr Thames-lea Restr & Tavern 60 Forest
• Ovlde J laD Ptnecrest Foods 1160 Forest
• Pndltppe 1162 W~rw'ck dr RIChmond A Cra•g (lOUise f) compUter opr ca11 Fram h 133 Poplar
RIChards ~ h 50 Baldootl rd apl2 • R:tlld L (CarOl) tcnr McKeough Pub Schl h 28 Gladstone av
• Gary ~Ot•neJ adtstr Allstaltllns n 15 DetrOit dr RIChmond Squalr 40 Roenmond
• Jas E (Mary MJh 172 Forest R1C1C8 Donald M (Shea AI brkr Rowland Ins h 32 Thomlull cres
· Jolm Aappr fredrorick Transo 15 01ane rd Mart1n F tl!ea~'CI! FJ h 564 VIctoria av
Ktm A stud! 15 DelfOII dr • Shea '- I.Ars OW!l'!HI'IQI S1 Clau Paint & Wallppr 365 Thornll•''
lloyd C !Eileen) elk Umted Co-Op h 15 D1ane rd cres
Lloyd G(Beutah) n 9 Detron dr RIClcers Karen wks Chatham Cultural Centre h 267 Wellington w
Marianne stud! 15 D1ane rd R'ck,·s 04-bb'e Stoddart mgr t 00 King w Unll 127
- l,lary A h 106 Edgar Rickman Jloll slscl> Kent Carpet ~ke Floreoce
• Patk J tJaneu gent mgr Btdd~trs frozen Fds 11101 Churcntn RIClo mech Btadley Farms n 16 Earl e1r
• S Geo mgr CMtMm cable T V h 35 Seneca Riddell Eug S (Vada Ml !Gene Rtddell Trkg) h 114 Coverdale
R1chard'1011 Ann h 252 forest Gary Wdr.r Gene Riddell Trkg 114 Coverdale
• Bernard h t27Eugen'e Roddt'll Gene Truclung Eug S Riddell mgf 114 Ccrwetdale
• C h 130 Sheldon a• apt 205 Jas F INOla MJ ma•l contr h 555 VIC1oria a•
• Clllk A retailer RICh HtO Meo's Weat (Ot~n) h 24 James · IIcht J dM Gene R•ddell Trkg 114 Coverda e
Cl • RobltSheltal pott 97 l'i? Lacroix h same
• 0 B<uCI' !Pat Rl mech Ll'L Paoa·s Serv h 319 Campus Pi<"')' • Robl Sreg I assest corm Lambtoo-Keot Asses! O!oe h 23 Ctaven
Douglas E!Blenda l) lab Rock-eO lnll h 210 Pan< dr
• Eldon U (Hazel) ar-ct Rldlards<'ln Laken & Con 190 Mercer · Terry ll!e!nade:!e) ww.s Green Fores1lmtK h 15lruuurn
V11lage apt 302
· Terry l drvr Gelll' A,ddelf Trkg 114 Ccrwetdale
IT PAYS TO Rodgers~ W tloos MJh 43 St Anthony
ADVERTISE IN • Geo M (Atrce 8) n 107 Par« a• w
Helen 8 ctol H canada 107 Park av w
YOUR CITY DIRECTORY A•eostra Andw (Fenny) h 14 Wtllowmac av

~ ~.~'A A ...V ®
~ .
• Residential
• Commercial KJ7'1 r IIa. •• Agricultural


- ;;#j:_,.'l an independent member broker
&,WIIIJJ 121 Heritage Rd., Chatham, Suite 202 1519) 351-1300

• Gary tBasrha) auiO bod)' repr Sandy ElliOt Motors h 2 Wm ( ~argtl mgr G & RKwrk Slop h SO Mtchener rd apt405
Madonna cres • Wm E{Barbara Jl h 140 ThOinhlll cres
Jal"le 14 WdiOwma<: BV Rrst Theo (Nata'rel h 49 Faubert dt
Rreger Gary L lUnda) ofcr Can Ag11c Pian! Prod Oiv h 50 Rrtcey Douglas F (Rose Marr!!) admrn Supvsi" Libby McNeill &
Wrlco• cres Libby h 326 Baldoon rd
• Geoffrey R(Darlene Kl v-pres fin Libby McNeill & Libby h 25 · Paul h 20 Balmoral rd
Indian Creek raw - Peter C 326 Baldoon rd
·Lance 8CCI L R Colemar Acctg ~ 10 Hrllcleslav Rltchre Bernila I 51 Duke s
Rteghng Emma rl esl sis Pinsonneault & Gebal h 15 Kensmg1011 • Clement P lab IH Canada h 7 Orrote pkwy
pi · Clement T h 625 St Clarr unit 2
- Jrm (Sue) appr Honey Elecl h 22 Closs 0 Maxwell (Mary Jl h 144 John
Rren111ge. Pamela agt J S Per fer & Son res RR 7 - Dorothy J exec olcr Chatham· Kent Rt Est Bd h 225 Campus Pkwy
Rresebos Kalre {Jerry) ICht CaMn Clvls!lan Schl res Blenheim apt 112
Rretdyl< Paui{Aptil E) opesabonS eng Unron Gas h 225 Campus - Elma 99 Park
Pkwyapt308 • Kathleen h 30 Wellrogton e apt 4
Rrgaux M Mrs agt McMath Rlty h 67 Taylor av - Kevrn h 50 Merrrtlav apt 201
- Rayd slsmn L J Dairy Prods res RR 1 Lrsa M relief mgr Centre Theatre 225 Campus Pkwy apt 112
Rrgby Diane (Steve) asst mgr Colton Gmny 97 Bedford Mrldred h 5 I Duke s
. Jos h 237 Park av w Peter !Rebecca! h 10 F01es1
. Steve {Drane) h 97 Bedf01d apt ~07 • RL h 240 Grand av w
Rrggrn Matgt J counsellor 561 Oueen - Wm (Gladys! h 190 Thames apt 6
Rolla !.lilka Mrs hsekpr Tllarnesview Lodge h 18 Oxley dr Rile Way Marntenance Company (Uoyd Watson) r162 Grand av w
Ro~ley Jas T (Heli!n W) h 100 Mcfarlane av apt201 Rrller Blanche Mrs h 256 St Cla.r
• Regd B (Bon111e L) tab Molor Wheel Corpo h 40 T11nothy cres · Lew•s J (Ga•l) wks CP Exp h 265 Selkirk
-Stephen (Barbara) stud! h 120 Comhlll Rrva Allan (Knsl eng Dover Corpn h 97 Bedford apt305
Rrmmer John (Marcelle) canteen wkr Cdy h 28 Ingram Rrva•t Bernard !Dorothy) serv rep Chatham Wate~ Comm h 23
Ring OeMis (Carol) app!Sr Farm Cledrl h 44 Thomhrll cres Sutton a
Rtngrose Rob1 (Kelly) meat ctr Goldon's Supe.rnkt h 724 Gee tDeorse) hlpr Howard's Small Engines h 53 Degge
Bloomfreld rd - L 89 Rlvervrew dr apt 806
Rrntjema Oavrd S appr mech Smld"s Serv 545 Indian Creek rd w Paul h 466 StClair
Jack (Rrnljema Conslr) 545 lndran Creek rd w Paul V (Mar)OIIe) pov Fenton's Auto Pnl Body Shop res Box
• Mar~n (Pearll(Rintjema Constr) h 545 Indian Cleek rd w 1073 Tilbury
Ray tflrnttema Constr) 545 lndran Cleek rd w R•vara Oary lab Eaton Yale Ltd h 82 Joseph
Susan recvr FredeNCk Transp 5451ndlan Creek rd w • Henry C h 55 Mane
Tom (Rrnljema Constt)545 Indian Cleek rd w . J h 241 Elrzabeth
Rroux John J {Mrdlelle lA) constt wkl h 101 Berry apl3 J h 45 Tnlllum Village apt306
Rrpley Agnes Mrs h 761 Oueet~ • L Eh 50 Mrchener rd apt 112
Alan stud117 Maple Mrchl T (Conore L) assl mgr Rrvard's Saw Mrll h 22 Heather
-Alan !Constance) mg< Walpole lnd h 17 Maple dr
-B Ah 57 St Anthony apt1 Paul (Janel custodian Kent County Bd ot Educ h 119 Joseph
- Brent stud1 164 Harvey • R h S0-1'2 Joseph
- Dale EIF Jane) tchr Kent County Bd ol Educ h 23 Cedarwoods · Thos (Fay) h 488 Vlctorra av
C!es River Ridge Apartments 76 Mary
· Dawn Me+<pg Hohday Inn 115 Selkirl< apt 4 Rrvers Bev recptnS1 Or R 0 Knrazlew Raleigh
· Dean K studt 120 Cove~dale Oavtd h 374 Wellington w apt3
• Oebb4e a•d Maple Ctty Residence 48 Vanler dr Mar1011 n 134 West
- Deborah studt 17 Maple Robt (Sandra) data processor Can Fram h 97 Bed1ord apt301
· Jean MIS h tOO Delaware av Ruth Ann otce Oomtar Packaging 134 Wesl
- Karl D appr bodymn Rossini Aulomotrve Specoallsts 120 Sandra Ldsgrv Syd Kemsley FIOIIsllnc 97 Bedford apt301
Cove~ date Wm{Beverly) franchise deale~ Canada Bread h 108 Raleigh
• Karl lA (~ary J) mech Coty h 120 Covetdale RJverslde Offrce Equrpment Gerald Schrhl mgr 596 McNaughton av
• Kenneth wmecn Ripley's Te)(Bco Serv h 19 Poplar w
·Lynnwood L mgr Nature's Treasures lntl761 Oueen Riverstde Welders Limited (Don Francis) 175 Bothwell
- MJack (PhylllsJ) chalrmn ol bd Allied Corpn (TOI) h 912 Rrverv1ew Auto Body Shop (S Van Mennen) 449 Riverview dr
Chauog Closs rd Rrvervrew Industrial Mall444 Riverview dr
~elvrn !Gloria) (Betty Brite !lfy Clrvs) h 184 Harvey Rlverv1ew Park Apartments Inc ofce Gerald Wagner mgr 795 Grand
- Mrchl mnlllCe McOonalds 17 IAapte avw
• Nerl•e Mrs h 14 SUnset av RrveNrew Park Apartments 795 Grand av w
• Alchd J (Balbala A) bus dM Cha:ham Coach lines h 72 Rrvest Gaston recvr & corn clnr Kiog Graln Ltd res Parncourt
Sou!hend aes apt 3 V1ncent 421 Sandys apt 1
• Robt W!Edna P) h 55 Canterbury Rrv1era Harr Place (Aifd Zlnga)80 1 StClair
- Roger CI ISabel) h 50 MiChener rd apt202 RIVIera Men's Wear (Chatham) Ltd (N01man Shaw) 101 King w
Arprey-Butckaen Shelley J Mrs personnel asst Can Fram 90 Rrzzeno Jos A(Sandra J) wks I HCanada h t6 Chanerls
Dalev•ew aes Rluo Sh1rtey Ongena mgr tOO King w unit 222
R.cley's Garage 620 Richmond Roach Harold M(Grace) h 22 Owen av
Arsdon Otove h 15 Wrlherspoot~ apt405 Hazel Mr.; h 805 Grand av w apt 512
Arwbo<ough Fred (Marion I h 40 Trillium Vil•age ap11002 Roadhouse Ernes1 C (COla) h 439 Parlt av w
Risp.n Oeclftey Cl~ G & R Kwrk Stop Ltd 140 Thornhill cres Robbins Bonnie P prod line tnsp &Je & Huron Bev 34 Rom heath
• Ju1>e ctk G& R Kw•k Stop Ltd 140 Thornhill aes rd
• ~gltWm) cashr G & R Kwrk Stop Ud 50 l.!rchener ape405 · Car1 W (FIOielta 8) h 130 Woods
R<SPIO Travtl Servtce • Mrdrllgnt Sun Tours Lid (Ciarhon · Chrrsty bkpr Mad Man Madrgans h 190 Thames apt 53
Smrlh) 137 Wel'tngtOO w Edwrn J (Edrth Y) h 24 Finch av



Kent.t M)labRoc:k• ln!lhOOV~ dr
·lBITY lot (Ida [} 1C1V John lol.:(lregor Sec Schl h 30 Sioux dr ~.t'o 1n C ctJdl131 llydUIIIV e<l
Rela 1157 Ba dOCn rd apll03
I'Jmbeltv Astud!' 7 Ellzabtt!l
Scolt wl<.s Goldons MkiS h 82 Delawtte av IP!407
• Shane h 795 Gland av w lll)l303 L1111a "'" n 100 Poplilf apt 34
lee h 335 Pallo 1v w
.ferry lab G J Wa!SOO Se!v Srn lot:'IInCe 343 Gr8:1d av a a~ 4011
lee l (VlO y A) lab I HCanada h I!15 EmmiiOI'
leny (Calhy) lab Ocnsers Vlldg 11343 Gland av eapl400 lrig!l A'111 ell< 1\ ~ Phatm 89 W ~OOCI I•
• Westol\11150 Mary ~ I 007 linda J siJdlt V&doria A• Vlrlely h 47 Elizlbelh
F1obe11 Alld J (Shirley Kl press 0P1 Can Fram h 9f5 Hollal'ld '"' • Mh 150 Mary apt 305
·Crystal bkp1 MadMan l.t~•gao h 14 Degoe
• Oev1d mlller"s ISSt King O•a•n lid 79~ Gll!ld '"' w ape 210 · "' n 87 MJ1Y apt 305
lot A h 50 t.ltrun •• apl303
• Dlvld J Quahly Conllal WG Thompson 6 Sons h ~ Grecpy dr • MJrle lee 114 5 rrmmlns CttS apl I I I
M.l:hl C (Joyce A) spec compllot I H C..~ h 313 TW!IIdlmW
01ane cne1 Dovel
• Ge:a!lllab Olsen's Ouoma!:c n 133-1 '2 Sl Cla!r a••
M •e eled h 196 Vlctot;a av apt4
• Gerald wlnsllr Rendm 6 Renclefs Lid res RR 6 Merlin N :lfll\il Mrs h 54 Pa1:e1on e•
Henty fflste)lhop wkt Dominion Auto lransll rts Glande
R 8 II 600 Grand 1n• IQI9003
Poinlr • R H50M.."fflli8YIPI303
lena AloA~ h 925 Qral'ld IV W apll07
RaJd c stuc11 oo v~ ~
Pa!J< h 12· I '21ngtam fleod C ~ t.IJ1U1M1 ollndl q libby 6 libby
Ronald D (Tammy U consi!IUPI Elrlc: Ccn:rs h 47 Edgsf
• Steve Wlab t.l J Smllh 1121 Admlde n
Rot&IJ 315~···
Thos tParnelllauto pr.u h 565·1'2 Orand ••! ROlli t.1 stuc11 4 7 Elllabelh
Roberts Cathy SIUdl211 Sa~ Ronald r (Sytvil.l) supw Union Gas II 209 O•ltv dr
• 0 Gatv (Shirley A) carp h 15 Donalda dl ROBERTSON, RONALD 0 , Ll8, (KM & Robertaon),
• DaVid W(lorena MJlOco eng CNII h 30 Da'hoew CII!S h 44 Alpine av, Phona S51-t021
• Orvin 45 Semenyn IV apl9
Ru:n II 112 Amolcl
·Donald (Gail)* .s llbbey·StCIIlrlnc h 172 l.ancefll!ld pi
Sharon D IJ<S h 89 W~1XId ••
Douglas H(Romayne) n 1913 Baldoon rd
Tho$ ESludl 209 Oxley Ck
• Dwayne R 172 Lancef1eld pi
WJ II 600 Gland av w IPI2005·2006
Em1ly M Mrs h 3fl HV110Cl
Waller G(Annal II 137 E~~genie
• f velyn 97 McFarlane 8'i apl308
Wesl!v l1Phrttls) h 138 Ale•lndrl 8'i
• Geo F (lorraJne t.IJ h lOll Jolvl
Genv lab RocJo Inti n 98 Clrdln&J em
Ha<ry E(Shirley I) h 30 Ox'ry dl
Robins Harold h 55 Ta tier IVIPI I03
Robmaon 4!lan ll EunaI n 37 Mart
Bob (AtlQNI mgr Royll Trust res~
iio;.a<d J I Nicole) (Howard's Sma'l Eng!~~ Shop! PI 371 Pltk ••
lltmllab lJnlon Gas 128 .,.,ettmgmn e
e • Cha' FI Belly) 111< <~r<• Clly h 238 ColbOrne
• Jodll hoslesa Vt!fSI food SeM 172LIIIW eid pi
Cheryl swca 236 ~
Jos (lisa &tab Sass Mig n 14 2 wOOdS
l . - Sludl 15 Donaldl dr Chris r stuc~~•e Coa~ ••
• Cbrence B (lJncll E) ri dM A Gold & Sons h 17 L.cwe
lot AMRCV 11201.1~ lp!4
[);ay!lJ ( r) gram mcnr 1)1 Co-Op h 75 ~ ~
• 1.1 nR4 (El3nor) rnech City h 2311 WOOdS
DeniSe A s:en Unton Gash 72 8aiOoon rd IC)C302
Raody lab Sass Mig 142 \'roods • Dor(lllly l.lt111 250 l.ltrte!
• Rhon<ll 57 Collegl&le dr • E h 25 Olchard Hts dr IIIli I
Ridld 36 Hy$lop Edith 1.1 h 621<end.t!l
Rolli A (Marlene W) 1C1w Ken! County lid of Educ h 243 Grind • £uruoe 1~.i.'S WQrtS processor St Clllr CoD 31 Jolnnt
av t Robinson Glen J 19 Met
• Shirley slsdl< Plush Plum 30 O•Jey dr Grace E""' h 15 .,., lherspoon IPI408
Verna A Mrs h 334 Park •• e · I Emily Mtl h 303 MtNaughloniVI
Robert1on 881b tecy T~ P•net MOihtt Kse 77 Baldoon rd lpll9 • J lltldley tFra!lCeS lot) Q\llhty conrollnsp Cln f11m h 16
• Cieri< B h 29 1<1!111 Vande< park or
• Dav•d 1Eunoce) ICht Esse• County lid ol [due h 315 Baldoon rd Jas A (Judy) .. .manly a<lmrn Waycon lntl Trks h 20 Tasan ate
DaVId J studl 131 Llychatll lvt•l · Jas HIE~IIICCl Allegre' Mtgh 31 Joanne
Debboe at<n Calgo Gas 209 O•ley dr • Jas R (!Moll • ray ltdln PubliC 01!111 Hosp n 1141!.Jclungham
• Debfa J aldl Cargo Gas 209 O•tey dr IV
• Della wka Chatham Plasttc F1nlshers John W(G~n Sl cf• Canada Post Corpn n 128 WelhngiOIIe
Douglas A(Eia•t\ft H) h 203 McNaughton IV w Jos A w~s 0 E S 1Blenheim) h 343 Gland •• 1 api 204
Ellzlludl 203 McNaughton IV w • Kelly (SNI•on) lab Aca.teasl (Wal!aceburgl h 209 Joseph
EriC A •Marv E) wldf Elan Tl6 Ott h 903 Cllarlng Ctosa rd • ~P>~ln lab Carnllbtll Soup Co 20 Tasan t111
·Gary R !Della) genl op1 M~ Wlleet 1'114 Butlungl'lam IV liz slsd• Bur< fd Store 203 ~
Geo lab I HCanada II 70.1 '2 B.vlht lynn budqel ~ Union Gas h 805 Gr&'ld IV ., &ptiiOII
Gerard J (t.IMgl! h 414 VIdor IIIII • Wee (wid JasI h 216 Adelaide s
Golden rtr 210 Park ave apeS h 111M • IA.lry Jane n 12 Shlllng tupe 3
· laill (Janel) math rl!pi!M lllby 6 Libby n a • Cteek • M.till mech SallCty Elliot t.I.Jiors res RR I P•~
rd . I,IJdltll,_. ElliS Brol Am h 106lorna ••IIlii
• Ja5 II 600 Grllld Iii w ape 10003 l.tttnell mlliiWICI kmg Gram Lid 128 w ngtOn.
• Jaa 0 (lore~:;~ A) chart 111X1 Wlltl t.talle:!a h 131 lfyOIUII IV • M:lrielll65 Pint ape229
t>1 · Pat!< medl Slnctl' £hi01 Wo1ors 1115 RR I P11~
• John M(Donna) 11'P Gteat Wesllltl Ante res WaterlOO • Pa!IICIIl h 114 V.tst
• John wm water mngmnllo- Thamtl Veliey!OII Autlly Ronald R (Mil !Oil) lab Molor Wheel Corpn h 18 Allred
rnRR2 • Roy tll!endll wvmn IJIIiorl Gash 128 Clrd&nat an
• Judy Mrs h 4 I lled'.ord • Ruth h 7 lansdowne IV


231VAN ST., P.O. BOX 543, N7M SKI PHONE 354-5045

Shawna bkJll Ont Cen~e Farm Machy & Fd Processmg Technology AI J soctal wkr County of Kent ~ 50 Merrt« av ap1 205
3t Joanne Rogers Rayd (Patnc18) tl & d1emk1 Supenor Mach & TI h 178
• Sterhng C le:'.et earner res AR 9 M>ellener rd
• Steven Eh 154 Thames apt 4 • Roy T(Loos) mach Libby McNeill & Ltbby h 253 McNaughton av
Susan J bkpr Chatham Oa•ty News 303 McNaughton av e w
Theresa (CIIns) secy Schrestal tns Morpelh Thos M (Jeannelle El tchr Kent CountY Bd of Educ h 110
Wm J (Pamela S) tchr John McGregor Sec Schl h 57 Saugeen av Partridge etes
Wm T (Emily A) supvsr Can Fram h 46 Coa!sworth av Ro~e Henry (Cornelia) lab I HCanada h 109 Harvey apt 2
Roblla•lle Thorn (Ella) op1 Ubby S1 Clalf (Wallaceburg) h 224 • Man•n tDena) h t8t Richmond
Pattesonav Rokebtand Robl h 553 Park av w
Robson Barry (S.rgll) contrlr Chatham Cash & Carry h 35 Roland Ha•r Style Centre (Roland GagllOil) 61 Fourth
Stanley av Rollason BettY tRobtl sr teller Royal Trust 6 Card1nal cres
Roelle 0 J hnemn Ont Hydro 80 Tril11um 'ltllage · Frank H (Sylvtalll & d1emkr Supenor Mach & Tl h 5 Poplar
Douglas J flnemn Ont Hydro h 80 Trillium Village !larry 0 (Manlyn) dept mgr Union Gas h 236 Baldoon rd
Rocheleau A h 82 Oela.,are av apl 410 - Julie M wtrs Elias Bros Restr 5 Poplar
Rochon Claudette bkpr Mark's TransmisSion Cllntc res Patncoort Roller Alley lerry Woodcock mgt 497 Rtvervtew dr
Mark mgr Mark's Transmtss1on CtllllC res P8Jilcoort ROlls EmmaJean Mrs h 247 Welltngton e
Rock Edwd J (Kelly) custmer serv ffi9f Sears h 20 Webb • Gary A!Barbara J) opr City Water Poihruon Control h 49
Joe h t51 Patteson av Adela•de n
Aocl<welllntematJonal of Canada WA Rob1nson ac~ng fadlr!y · L D h 19 Canterbury
mgr 105 St Geotge Rolo Manuel J h 152 Rale1gh
Rodell Albt A mach Maple Clty Lndry & Dry Clnrs h 66 Oegge • Manuel R (Mana N) h 81 Woods
Rodger Jtm D lab Campbell Soup Co 18 Redbud dr Rolo's Portugesa Vanely Store (Manual & Marla Rolo)215·217
Thos !Mary) pres Computer Log Servldng h 18 Redbud dr McNaughton av e
Rodgers Roy D (ltene) h 54 Taylor av Roma Restaurant & Tav!fn (J1m Baker) 29 Ketl drs
Wm A ofce ltbby McNeill & Ubby h 112 Slleldon 11V apt 13 Roman Bruno !Mary) cement contr 352 Baldoon rd h same
Rodngves Humberto (Henrlquet1a) h 215 Thames • Carlo A fMartlyn J) lift Irk oprl H Canada h 100 Maryknoll
· John RlAna BJ constr wkr h 31 Lorne av rd
Roe Ch 63 Baldoon rd apl 303 Serg1o J (Sylvta M) lab I HCanada h 494 McNaughton av w
• Carole secy Union Gas h 200 Lark • Umberto (Anna) h 343 McNaughton av w
• Cmdy L h 32 Barthe Romansky Wally h 140 Park av w
· Gerald (Peggy Ml 'IrkS can Stl (ltlbury) h 19 James c;j Rombouts Adr1en (Mary) h 252 Grand av w
• J Ross (Ruttl Ann) v-prm Queen EUzabe!h 11 Pub Schl h 97 · Anne chi bartndr The Klngsway 549 Lacrotx
Card>nal cres Mary 44 Taylor av apt2
• J1m M 0p1 Slud10 1res RR 5 M!flin • Mary (Adr•enttan serv The KingS'Iray 252 Grand av w
Roe John A Dr gynaecologist & obStetrician 85 7 Grand av w Romeo's Grand Beauty Salon (M Ouquene) 655·Q Grand av w
SU>Ie202 Romlscon Janlne (Sw1ss Shop) h 46 StClair
• Kelly studt 200 Lark Ronda Cheryl A (Jose) pharm asst Supar XDrugs 116 Copperfield
Kimberly Nstudt 7 Regal pi cres
IJ ldred EMrs h 70 Delaware av Francisco J (Rita Ll studt h 109 Randolf cres
RIChard N Ru:h EfiZ)ICiv Queen Elizabeth Pub Schl h 14 · Jose !Cheryl AI lab Can Fram h 116 Copperfield cres
Dove pi Aon.-s Fashtons Wanda Pellettn rngr 801 StClair
Roebuck Bessie 153 Ellis Ron's Barber Shop (Ronald GnH1th) 4 Grand ave
Oenn1s W (Shalon) wks Can Fram h 60 Stanley av Ronse Marc (Sherry) h 367 Sandys apt 1
Ftank C (Do<a Jean) h 259 Woods Ronson Barry A(Beverly) quality control mgr Rockwell Inil n
Roelands VerotliCB h 45 nmmms etes apl312 17 Primrose Ia
Roelofs Gerrard (J~IInw M) lab Can fram h 50 Merritt av J Allison 99 Park
801208 · Margt h t091larvey apt 1
Roelofsen M,ke J (Eve) lnvstgr Employment & lmm1g Depth 35 Thos production contrtr ubby's Cntnr Oiv (Wallaceburg) h 97
Goldmeredr Bedford apt 303
· Pete l (Netlte) journeymn·hnesmn Ont Hydro h 72 Vanderpark Thos (Ja01ce H) co-ord1nator Libby McNeill & Ubby h 98
dt Glengarry cres
Roes Brtan D!Heather A) produce spac Gordon's Mkts h 48 Oo-ler Rood Gerard (Susan Ml wkS Kell Meehl (Sarnlal h 119 John
Ooondr Rooke Susan h t 14 Blythe'lrood cres apt 2
Btuce C (Looe D) wrhsemn Natl Oro h 19 Stone av Rooms Emtle (Nellte) meat mgr Oom Stores h 89 Riverview dr apt
ClaytOn (Mar1a) h 1000 Charlng Closs rd umt 50 805
R~h Ah 375 K1ng w • T J h 52 lacrOIX8PI 4
Barb sis rep McMath Rlty 496 V1aoria av Roorda AO<I-N (Jean) tab can Fram Ltd h 305 Sl Ctatr
John h 496 VICIOrta av Roose larry Irk drvr Green Forest (Windsor)376 Baldoon rd
· Path 85 Prne apl140 Root Donna wks Thames VIew Lodge h 168·1'2 Harvey
Aoeszler Brenda Dproof teller Royal Bk 40 Parkwood dr • Douglas (VIrginia) assl mgr admln Can Imp Bk of Comm h 6
· Geoff prod conuol mgr Clla!harn Plasbc Anlshers Viscount
• Gtant l lA llo<eenl h 40 Parkwood dl Ken (Linda) lab Rockwelllnll h 34 Soutllend cres apt3
Aoe:tll1Sberger OOuglas 61 Wrltshue dt Kenny h 20· 1'2 McKeough av
• Aloce 61 W'IIShore dr L1nda Mrs hsekpr h 138 Timm1ns cres apt2
· Gertrude Mrs h 61 Wlltslllre dr Roron Truckrng & EqUipment Ltd Roger Van Gassen mgr 955
Rolle! T h 40 Elm apt 221 R1chmond
Aoftelsen Henly (Coral pres Aoffelsen Jwlrs h 1 Teal pi Roscoe Jean h 142 Alexandre av
Roltelsen Jewellers Ltd Henry Roffefsen mor 597 Grand av w Norman Cplant mgr Accurcast (Wallacaburg) h 20 Saugeen av
· lou1sa v pi'es Rotfelsen Ms 1Teal pi Rose Arnold (EriCa) tchr Chatham Colllnst h 70 Woodland av
Ro!fey AQneS 1.4rs h 99 M<:Naughlon BY W apt 110 · Ber1 L (Joyce A) etev mech Dover Corpn h e s Cleek rd

Please Turn to the Last Page of
the Classified (Yellow) Section.
ROSS, WM McKENZIE, JR. ( Ada), Wi th Wm
ROSE Mc Keflzta Ron Son• Ltd, h N7 Chatlnt Crou
Darlene IT1C7 cargo OM 75 Perr; ~
Enc lab Ubby Mt.~• I & llbbv I 9 Pe!erDOrougll ROSS, WM MCKENZIE, SONS L TO,
Jltllne h 251 Park (Wm McKenZie Ro..), ...WI Fl orl eta
• Y adv1SQ sis Cha!llam Da!ly ~ 251 P11k Cut Flo - •. Planta, Flowat'l For All Oeeulone
· Joe h 37 Kent apt I Member F T 0 A
JolllllDOIIS) mgt Sunoco Inc res RR 5 aee Charlne Crou rd,
· Jolin C (Mary A) servmn Buc!o-O EquiD hI I RlCIImond .......... Phone 152-7140
• Jonn F(Shirley 01 mntnce mech Can Fram h 89 RJver.w ~
apt I()() I
• K Dh 483 • Rosseau Paul R(Susan £J ICht mslr 51 Clu Coli h 18 1'1 ildrose
• Raymond (Palrlcla) lab Domta• Peckag!ng h 4 Klngsloay dt
Rhonda rnne Plb GenJ Hosp n112 Tay1o!IV IPI 12 Rossetl 0 h 600 Grand IV •IPI1008
• Rolli II I5 I Mc.NauglllOn IV w 8DI I OaYld h 112 ShelOOn Itt aplll
• Aobt (Judy11lre reprmn Maple Cilv Gas & Otl Co 151 Geo tnsllr Dtnomy·s TV & Aplncs 11306 ON•wt ••

· Rolli J (Doris J) mgt Sun 011 Co n 75 ParTy dt
I!Dssfh Chas (£lhell h 95 l'ltll!
Rossl ~1811 bmn Sass 1.!:1;1 h 147.., 'liQII rd
• Rot= P (Rose MJriel fonnn Elllan Y lid n 19 Pelerborouoll Leune (ilogefl ICilf John Uyen Sc11120 Slcny cres
WUid cook Counlr'l Side Aesll h 73 Tay10r av1Ql6 • RogtJ (laurie l) ctart IICd Union Gas n 20 Storey ert1
Wm (Pitridll)lab Can f ram lid h 761WY ltll203 Slepllanic E Clnadl Employment Cern 14 7 U.-,1<11011rd
Ao:elle Cllas J (LIOian) h 2561WQ~ IV e 8DI308 flossiOnol Gulld3 h 398 Kmg • ~ 1
Rosematv'sladies' Wear (Rllsematy Broclie)l57 King • Ml:n n 76 t.AJty ll:ll312
Rosiet Grate t.Ars n 40 £1m apt211 ()me< J fY >-anne MJII 523 R!chmond
Rolignol Mthl 523 Rrchmond Rossini A and Sons 630 Grand IV e
• Rlchd 523 RIChmond Ros$Jn4 Afnil::t Mrs eoci.IIOS$!nl's Res:! n 128 U-;dlcalla• t•t
Ross Alt~ M ()WI In 187 Forest Angm liAudrte) (A Rouinl & Sons) h ~9 Vldcrila• •
Ross 8abcocl< ~ e 1 Dellwm av Rossini Aulomolivl! Specia':S:S (Cclo Rluinl)830 Grnl It t
• Ba<ba•a A 70 MJI'ray Carlo A (t.AJro!) (Rossini AII!OmOL•t SpeciaQ$151 1ft RR 1
· Bryan 0 h 75 IA.Ity IPI 105 B!enllrim
• Chell JI$Cil\ Fu$1 T e Video 71 1'2 Vldonaev
Harold (Nancy! dM Ctlallwn Coadlltnes h 8l Oela•are •• IPI
· Cheryl h 28-1'2 YldOIII lv 206
• Cindy s«y EleclrohJ• Rale1gn • Hugo (TOITI8Wilal 11112~ Grand a• t
• Donald h 89 R~>erv~t• dt apt305 l.l-4rgt A (Call) SKy Rosslnl AulomOI!ve Specla''SII res RA I
• Donald E{Shirley EJ elect h 300 Grind IV w
• EBruce h 39311aldoon rd unll4 RatdO L etecs A Rossini & Sons n~ lt:ng w
• Edna n 493 Pan. av w
~~~~ (Jean) (RossiN aRtstr & Ta.-ffnJ n600 Vlaoria ev
· fielding C (Fay E) h 44la'lld<rwne •• Rossini s Aes:3urant & Ttttm (Vtm Rossini) 6J.4 Glaod IV e
Glonal I Gordon) ICht Chatham Colleg!alt lnsl31<enslng!Drl Rosll<ooola Man (M61onl n 130 Cornllill
Ill Rosz Geo tAnnalla.!mer n 19 Ba'doon rd IPI3 •
Gordon (GionatiCiv Kent CQ~my Bd oC EduC h 3 k~
H Mh 600 Grand I • " 8DI 5002
pi . s Blake \1.1 Jean) Jus!lce of llle P~ n53 Wyandolt
Gregoty (SUIIt~) to-O!dlna!ol kent Yoluntemln Correctlonll Aola Angela IT1C7 Glob3l Fltg 123 'll lllam n
Sef'•'1 h II Pull c:res 101 3 Carfo(£mdllletrPella)'tl Global Flrg n 123 w!:lam n
Eddie (Giotal flrg) 123 W,;;,am n
ROSS INSURANCE BROKERS L TO, • Pa!rlelasluCI 123 Yiilhll!l n
(lrefla Szymanakl), O.nat'al lnauranea Rolaly Club of Chalto3m Rtv ken Andmon secy 80 Wellington •
110 StClair, N7L 3J5 Rulaly Part lh I Ball Patlc 80 Tweedlmuir a• •
..........Phone l52-1 550 Rutary Par~ Nl2 Women s Buildmg 80 Tweeesmult ••,.
Rowy Park No 3 Soccer llufldt119 80 TWftdsmurr •• •
Role'lberg Alllll rngr lo4r Submarine 136 Copperl•tld
• J Jtllery (Julie A) lab Libby's h 48London d · Ho-ward Wlr Subm)t'.nt 136 Copperfield
• Jolin h 49 ReleJgh 1.1!c/lael w'l 1.11 Submanne 143!IOI'I
Jol!'l N I IIW'f'll d11 Stepnen Afclafl<ler Funeral Hor1le h 70 Pllwn Submor•ne 136 Copperf1eld
l.lurray Roth FriOQa K 1.1!1 h 19 Dane pi
ROSS, MARGARET, Rap Plnaonnaault & Oabal Real • t.Aa~ln (Patricia Jl H& diemkr Eaton Yale Lid h 18 Oawld
Ettata Inc, Realtor, RM R R 5 Tilbury, ern
Phonetu-1164 • u.vy M:s 1131 PembtOke cres
Marg!lgl Pmsooneauu & Geoal Rl Ell res Tilbury Rolscllenk John (Borwtl hnemn lttdro h 15 Soutntnd oes
· Mary Lou slsclk Seers Ca'llldltnc 48 G~ av LOUISIEiilabellll h 171 Eugenre
• Ne> ue (Mat !On) n 48 Gladstone •• Rouble Ocnni(Paul) ICht S1 Jo6eph Sep SeN 7 DYif cres
• Ntlllehr Sl Clu Coli h II &ct.lng!lat!IIY • 1'1111 A (Donne f) tduC olcr ~ oC Edl.c II 7 01.!1 cret
• RiChe! W h 89 RlV!f'<•ew dt 101110 I Aoubos A h 50 Joseph
• RICk I Nancy) lhlml/wor Sk1nnet & LaPilse C<M1trs • Albt (JIIne) setupnm Eaton Yale Lid n 68 '1'1 Dow!1IIC a.
(Wallacebutg I h 3 Glenwood dt · ComiSIMnJh32Wi~
• Sherry 11 71 Victoria •• • Gmude lwe21$r sue·s Sly~.e Studkl32 W·.:hmpoon
Thl'resa 1.1 h t28 PrliiYOM Ia · Harry (Da1lene A)IIO Dlymond ltd h 171ngarn
Wlr.w (Ga•IIIIU!Mf Union Gas h 32 Olll'wa dr . SilOa J Sl$dl\ Footloci<er 68 w1:1owmae "
ROSS. WILUAM McKENZIE, (Hallie), (Wm Aouhizad GI'!OdsliMJnU) ~ ·~ Cha:nam Drapery 164 TIIMllnt c:res
McKenzie Rou & Son• Ltd), h N7 Charlng Aoul<erna JoiWI A tlla!g) pnn CtwlSilln Ebenezer Selll h 29 Tesan
Crou rd, Phone W -7140 cres
Wm A tErre Jl drvr K1ng5w1y Trllllj) h 22 w,tson I f Aounlree wJonn 11.1 Andleal IChr Chllham-l<tnl See Selll n • •
Wm M(Pamela E) nonst Rota Flowera n 164 Ch1ppewa dt Ei$11aom dr
150 .

• School and Office Supplies • Office Furniture

180 KING ST. W. PHONE 354-0470

Rouse Caltly elk The Rosary Flonst res RA 6 Ruc~er Nelfoe J Mrs h 376 VtciOna av
• EJtsworttl E h 59 ~llo•rk Ruckly - h 506 ~ugtllon av w
• Jom h 393 1'2 Lacrot~ Rud)"s Welding Lid 62 Byng a~
• June (Geol secy Beanoe & limbe res RR 6 Ruedoger D h 276 Memd IY apl203
Rowden O.Vod L (Joann W) sfsmn CFC 0 II 63 Cheslnut dr • Guenttoer (Etfeen J) mech I H Canada II 123 Cardmaf cres
• Donald 8 (Oorolhy AJ h 91 susse~ · Harold S1udl123 Cardinal cres
• Margt 176 Delaware •~ Ruessonk Btenda SIUd192 Allen
Aowt Condy h 126 Gray • Gerald J (Drane 8) lab Eaton Yale Lid h 92 Allen
• H Wa.,ne (hlarolyn J) landS supYSt'-loniS1ry ol NllU11f Ruest DominiC (Mary Janel --.ks Eaton Yale Lid h 258 Park
Resources h 893 Chartr.g Cross rd • Dougtas lab Rocllwefl fnll h 98 Park apt I
· Marilyn (Wayne) legal secy Benoit Van Raay Spisanl & Fuerth RufliiH Robt (Barbara) supvsr Unton Gash 81 Gladstone av
Rutman N h 162 Grand av w
893 Cllaroog Cross rd
• Robt (Evelyn) chef Oal<s Inn h r51 Taylor av apt 2 Ruogoero Caflalo mech Massey-Ferguson Lid 15 Park av w
• GIOVanni (Ann!O<nella) c:ons11 wlu OlltaSi ConSir h 15 Park
· Stella 8 Mt$ VOC onstl Are fnd II 112 Sheldon IV apt 4
• Wm B illartJm AI PliO H W Burgess Pub Schl !Walllcebl.rg) h 7
Ruhn~e Russel97 Mcf111ane av ape 202
Regal pi
Rule Isabelle h 600 Grand av w ape 90 10
RO'Ireck RIChd T (l.aurlyne M) sis mgr Nall Hdwe Specoa!lsls II 86
Argylrcres Mary (Robt) treas Maple City Outbo8rd 30 Woltshtre dr
RO'Irland D Rh 16 Raleogh RULE, ROBERT, (Mary), (Maple City Outboard
RO'Irlands David U (Molly Jl bltlr Rowlands Ins h 852 Oueen Ltd ), h 30 Wlltahlre dr
Robt )I•·Pfes ~aple Cny Outboard 30 Wtllshlre
Rulens DaVJd processoog dept Ubby McNeill & Ubby 260 Selkirk
ROWLANDS INSURANCE LTO., • Robt J (JacQueline M) Shpg dept Ltbbf MI;Neflt & Libby h 260
(JamH M Rowlanda) Sefktrk
121 QuMn ........ Phone 352-2MO RumbaIf Denms optometrtst46 Fiftll suote 306
Rumble Bnan L (Mary Ann) delymn Can Par II 123 Wtllowmec •~
• Chns secy Or Bradley h 82 Delaware av apt 311
ROWLANDS, JAMES M, (Barbera), (Rowlenda • Don II 46 BarU>e apt 6
lnaurenc:e Ltd), h 175 Charlng Croea rd • Eh 100 PoQtar apt 15
ROWLANDS, PAUL M , Broker Rowlencla lnaurance • Ehz 378 Park
Ltd, RH 175 Charlng CroQ rd Harry (Mary E) h 14 Sussex
Rowsome Rob h 179 Selkirk • JeH 360 5alldys apt 211
Roy Adrten G(Mary E) wks Motor Wheel h 51 Barlhe • Joay D paltSmn sandy Elliot Mtrs h 152 Colborne·
Edmond J !Yvette M) mntnce Rawlings DnJIIog h 115 · John M(Margl) (Rumble Homes) h 114 Dalevtew cres
Canletbory • Jos h r236 Grand av e
• G•eg h 407 Ktr.g w Karen wore apr Rchard5on Greenstuetds of canada 16 Tudo! ct
· Helen sllclk Sara Noble Snaps res RR I Patncourt Usa castv TSC stores Lid
RIChd (Judy) h 25 Couture dr Rob! elk Best For Less h 455 Sandya apt 506
Vonce wks CUnningham ShtmU Wks 115 Canterbury Ronald L quatiry control Cllatllam Plaslit Finishers 14 Sussek
Terry h 416 Sandys apt 3
Wonoofled 147 Woods
Rumoel5efgto R(Cecile K) eng E.aton Yale Ltd (Wailaceburgl h
110 Ktng w
22 Souroquois
..........Phone 354-1110
Ruochey J h 97 Bedford apt 307
171 Ketl dr aouth
Runciman Allan R tab Clly h 69 Bedford
..........Phone 354-4340
Mane L otce elk Kent News Serv 69 Bedford
Agrlc:utturel Centre, 171 Kell dr a
- Nancy 69 Bedford
..........Phone 354-MSO
• Ruth A lien Kent News Service 69 Bedford
Rundell K h 244 Seiktrk
Rup John F (Eva) COOk Ubby McNellf & Ltbbf h 256 McNaughton
Royal Canadian LegtOO Han Ray Lawson 8r 28 Mtfton Dodman pres
304 S!Ctatr
Rupen Chns Studt 29 Devon rd
Royal Canadoan Legt011Branch 628 37 Wlltoam n
• Ehz A Mrs IChl Sl Joseph~ Schf 29 Devon rd
John (Ellz A) h 29 Devon rd
172 Chartng CroQ rd,
John K stud! 29 Devon rd
Rusat Mykola (Loretta) wtchmn Libby McNeill & Ubby h 155
.......... Phone 354-1130
II No Anawer Dlel No Charge
.......... 1-aoo-211-871 0 Richd lab Libby McNeill & Ubby 155 Wlllowmac av
Steven 155 Wtllowmac: av
Rush Camille h 59 St Anthony apt 2
Roya' Ta•e"' Geo Benhelol mgt 119 King e • Darlene 30 Adelaide n
Joe G(Mary Beth) mtwrght Can Fram ltd h 106 Collegiate dr
Judy h 455 SandyS apt 101
ROYAL TRUST CORPORATION, - Mane h 40 Oefawareav apt 18
Savtnga, Chequlng, Mortgagee, lnveatmental PalnCla A POSimstr Canada Post Corpn (Pafncourt) h 14
Other Truat SerYicea Louelfacres
1&6 King w , N7M 1EA · Ron lab Can Fram h 199 Lacrol•
.......... Phone 381· 1411 Rushmore Alld h 85 Pme apt 106
Russ Lome (Mary Beth) w1<s Union Gaa h 46 Wtfco• cres
Russehen Kenneth A !Dawn) grp teadell HCanada h 110 Pnmrose
Royal VIOlet Mrs h 26 Sheldon ev Ia
Royie DorOChy t lchr Kent Counly 8d of Educ h 13larole aes RUS5ell Bradley P (Alta A) tchl John McGregor Sec Scfll h 179
1Wby Ralph DIBemda)IICCig depll H Canada h 3 Aberdeen Sytvesief dr
• Susan 3 Abefdeen • Carl tab Laclllne Farm EQUIP res Merlin

· Cheryl sewer Beaut's Uphol & Fabtlcs res RR I Cltartng Cross • Jolm 82 GteQOI'{ dr e
. Chftd J (Mary El craltsmn Bell Canada h 85 Thornhill cres - John lfra'lOne) bo<pr I H Canada h 82 Gr!QO!Y dr e
· Oh 194 1'2lact0rc Ryleu Chas (Donflill tedvt EarlE AIJ$l•n & Son h 76 va~•et dr
Oavod 1mecn eng Omnotecl'l S11 WI<S h 225 ~ J'!(wy apt 305 apt205
• Dwayne (June M) supvsr ~n fram h 44 Souliquots • Cliiii!IIU 1.11) 0£ S (8Jenheom}71 St Anlllor1y act 2
• Ehz J 47 Pine Oonllil w~ s Challlam Piastre fin1Shi"Q
Emma Mrs h 89 Sheldon av apt 4 • El~r f (DottS} tAy!fU Sunoco ServStnl h 301 Dela,.are av
. Frank (M~roet h 100 Poplar apl1 • fred reh~f lltWilrd Roy-.1 Cdn leg~ Br 28 res RR 8
· Garry wfdr Rtversode Wldrs Lid res RR 1 CMnng Crass • Gaty G (Patricla AI sis 11'<11 Salety Equop h 14 .1oM
Genev~eve h 75 Wlltshore dr • lfl!l!ld Clsclll Flettman's res RFI 8
Greta l Mrs h 114 Gray • John H lab Roc~w~ft tnP (lllbury)14 John
- Harold AtMur•~l Jl mgr Cen·Com Security SySI!Wl! h 16 • l<~?oth H(Donna Ml h 187 Thames
McGeorge a• - K•m w~s Pub Genl HQSCI187 Thames
- J h 127-B Raleogh l.lafy Mrs sls K·Mart h 15 Tnlloum Villaoe apl206
· John H [Elinor Ml mech I H Canada h 47 Pine - Timothy G (Betty lliab Molar Wheel Cotpo h 98 Sunnya•de av
• Jos Ch 30 Edgar - Wayne J (Barbara Jl mdsr mgr StloplllrS Drug Mar1 h 37 Pall< av
• Keooelll W(Darlene El lab l ibby McNeill & libby h 35 ...
vanderpark dr
• L tchr lndoan Creek Rd Pub Schl
· Leslie J !Lillian T) rormn llldl Mtl Fabncators lid tl364
Baldocln rd
· Lila cashr One Hour Marttn.ztng h 397 Grand eve S M E11!Ctnc Btenheom lid 400 Petit av w
Mervyn 0 (Mary) h 15 Crerar dr Saasto S h 24 ·1"2 Kong w
· Munef J Mrs serv asst Bell canada 16 McGeorge av Sabt>clly Omytro (Jean) opr Libby Mc:Netll & libby h 30 Cove~ dale
Norman 0 (florence AI h 533 VIC!or~ av Sabllz Geo J cDototny Gl agl Pruderollallns h 88 ParkW'OOO d!
· Ranae (Betty) ms brkr John$0n·Pudwelf Ins Bl~r h 84 Vantil! Sabouron Garry B (Nancy J) (Buns Mutef 8.\qy}l\ 54 Holland BY
dr Sachet Jerry G (Fraras) tchf Sl Jos Sep Schl h 30 Tnllium
• Richd h 31 Peters Villag~ allt 1000
-scon lab Lachme flllm Equtp res Merlm Sacwat Floormg Harry V111ney mgo- 701 Sl Clair
Sheri elk Fredelie Snoe Store 16 McGeorge av Saddlngton Harold W(Mana Jl data process~ng can Fram h 45
· ThO! L (Jo-Anne El lab Superoor Mach & Tl h 74 Trillium Sylvtslef dr
Village Sadler Alfd H(Conslance II mntnce Wheels Inn h 696 Queen
Russell TooJ & Ote Geo W~ertnga genl mgr 31ndus11•al Garry T lUnda Jl Jrir drvr Hydro h 28Pnnce Ar1h111 av
VIcki slsclk Colasanti's Channg Cross • Harold (Erma\ h 50 l.l.dlenet rd ept606
· Willie n 10 Tlllllum Village apt 210 KeMI'tn A(Donna J) lab I HCanada h 200 Mtehenet rd
• Wm l (Cheryl E) asst mgt Na" Gro h 117 Poplar Mtldred Mrs h 115 Pl!k Ia
Russelo Cheryl slsclk Kiddie Kobler 161 Oxley dr - R studl 200 Mocllenet rd
Jas Cparts mn Alias tnll Trio. & 4uto Wrkg251ngram - Rlchd 8 stud! 22 Maple
· 11 Ctareoce (Bell~ M) wtdr Sass Mfg h 25 Ingram Ronald E !Vera) e d p opr MOIOI Wheel corp h 22 Maple
Thos l (Winmfred) h 79 Alexandra av · Ronald E)r (Linda} mech Maple Coty Ford h 48l'rince Ar1IJur
Rust Check Centre 733 P!llk av w av
Rustin leo rep UAW lnU Union tea RR I Blenheim • Steven 0 (E!eo<etfv Sl dtr Bowman FU!lelal Home h 150 St
· Mark 28 Duhr.h Mrchaet IV
AuSIOII Otddle E II 46 Partridge cres Thos J (Jean) formn Ullby Mc:Ne•ll & LJbby (Walfaceburgl h
Rutherford Larry (Irene) tctu John McGregor Sec Schl h 22 115 Bedford
Water Vera slsclk Best W1SheS 22 Maple
Rutter Ilene h 62 Regency dr SadoQIJIS Marcei(Laura) h 75 Ba!Ooon rd apt3
RuUte Jtm (looHu)grp leader Can Fram lid h 392 Grand IV e Sager Alehd A (Sharonllinetnn Can fram h 153 Park fa
- Jos R (Kathleen M) h 29 Mary Sagrlll MO!IIS h 22 Oldon bhrd
· Scou sis LaBelle's TV & Aplncs h 617 Park IY w Saini Gobind 3 Finch pi
Ryan !ll)rfene h - Murray apt 3 - Gutsa.n (Shandal asmblr Covet Corpn h 3 Flnch pi
Eddte A h 289 Queen · Ram 3 Finch pi
- Edtih Mrs h 20 Trillium VIllage apl208 St Agnes (RCJ Church Rev Jonn Hurley pastor 52 Cro.yt1en
Frank A (M Claudette) set·up mn Motor Wheel Qorpn h 63 St Agnes Separate Schoof Oscar Chaput p!in 55 Croyden
Sl Amand Berttn 0 (Gall Al opr Oomlal Packaging h 219 t.lenln
Kevtn w11s FriCk's Flxlns
l8Utle SIUc!t 4().1'2 Selkirk
• Feh~ J tBonme llw1<s Nonh Ameocan PfesliCS h 60 Grant
- M h 116lllsuhne av apt 0 Leanore n 262 Sandys
• Nancy ~ 289 Queen 'fvoo (linda) serv techn Chatham 01ce Sply res Palncourt
- Robt J (Deanna C) bkpr Pioneef Corn h 14 Emerald pi Sl Ambrose Separate School Jas Dtfloo prln 30 St Anthony
- S&m H (Mary L) h 44 Freetand av St Andre,.·s Resldenc:e 8t\lce C McCallum admon 99 Park
Wm G (N01ma) prs opr Can Fnam h 50 Park fa St Andrew's United Church RIY Paul B Field minister 65 Wllltam
Rybansky Edwd J wldr Rudy's Wldg Serv 9 Brlar Hill rd
Randy G Sludl 9 Bllar Hill rd S1 Anthony (RC) Church Rev Geo Kadlec pasklt 2 Sl Antl>ony
- Rudy (Margl) ptes Rudy's Wldg Serv ltd h 9 Briar Hill rd
St Cla•r 9oaling Watren & Jean Coopman tngo"·ownert 725 StClair
Ryckman JaJ> B (Janice) asst MtnlStrY ot Revenue h 65 GladstOIIe St Clatr College or Applied Ms & Technology· Thames Campus
IIV 1001 Grand av w
Ryder J HMachinery Ltd Robt Hazlen mgr 940 Richmond Sl Cfau Community Estates 15 Dunkirk ct
Rye Debbie h 57 Baldooo rd epl 206 Sl Clair Cornmunoty ESlaleS Mobile Homes e s Sl Clair
Ryken Betty M nomemkl h 26 Galblaith St Clair Gnll (Wm Katoyants) 69 St CltJr
- Gerry wks Ryken Contr & Bldr 26 Galbraith St Clair M!llYIOu 502 McNaughton av w


Serving The Com munity Since 1966
lndustri~l - Hot Asph~h F~t Roofins - ComrMrci~l
Shi ngling, Siding & Soffit
160 EUGENIE 352-4082
Sl Clair Mobile Hemet 15 Ounklrlo d ST PIERRE
Sl tiM Yoeello&ay Ctuch mgr 64 5 Sl Cllit
S1 Clair Plll'll & Peper Shea Rdea mgr 4~ StClair • Ra~ 0 1146 Howlrd rd
StClair Teltlles Orlltnc Olgl ~ mgr 25 Wcfltllnt IV • Robt H (Barbara AJ lib Can Fram h sg Sunnyside •~
Sl Ctoi• Cattty secy Millon SIUdto • Robt H (Helen loll lab can Fram h 159 Parll av w
·Gene J !St Ctoc• Uemonalsl 11403 Oueen • Roger J IHazel lol) wl<s Can Frarn Lid h 83 Pamela CfK
St Ctoillolemonats ltd fEug St Ctol•) 403 Oueen · Sharon 64 Woods
Sl Denis DolphiS ftene\11525 St Cllll • Shirley Jun hSekpr Pub Genl Hosp 757 Oueen
S1 J1cQUeS Dorim1 (fllfiClllt) lib Cln Fram Lid 11 ~ Orchard pf f Mary h 99 t.ICHaug!liOII 8Y .. apl121
• J1c1< h 43·1'2 Adelaide I • Tenv B mech Cont•nental can 89 Sl>eldotlav apt 13
St .limes P!esbytenan ChurCh Rev RH Smrlh mln•stll w s Ctlven S1 Ursuta·a Roman calhol•c ChurCh Rev John Devine pas101 205
dr T-eedsmwa~ w
St Jeen Bna U tPlul•nt AI h 430 lndoln Cteek rd w Sl I.Qula's Separale School wCarrutllen prin 428lacroh
S1 John (Jolnne) h 183 Tlllmes Sl VIncent de Paul Chari!'( Store (Wtlle E•IY180 King e
• AlbC A (Wary J) lllllra Ventura lifo 11352 Colbome Sl W' ~lll!llS K A 11 4 l.leltoee dr
• B 11 17 0Mlns11ate rd Salolal< Eug IYMII) wl<s Pines Cllllhlm 11 188 EUzlbelh
· Ely J I.Uiel G) cook. ikl'ger King 81 Devon rd Salo~ Laan K lldmm 1'\b Genl Hosp h 24 Ellzabelh
• Gregory (U~Jt~el f11efiglller II 70 KendaO Salarnas Seml97 Mtferlane •~ ape 206
S1 Jottn's Ambulance 80 Emme Salamon leslie tAnneliOOI & cite ml<ll.loczlk Tool & Ote h 76
ST. JOSEPH'S HOSPITAL, Sales Oougles (Janel) h 78 Weoge.ood aw
W8yM F Hall, Eucutlft Director · Grace lot t.l!s h 118 Prince Arthur ••
K.alhleen Esecy Purolalor Couner h 54 Timmins cres apl 11
11tl0ng w, N7M 1GI
• Les Ill< chr S!larOn l ransp II 2 12 Thames ape 3
··-···-·P"- 112·2100 • Palrlela J "'" r•ec dtr tn.111am KentBro BtOIIlefS 124 St
Sl Joseph"s PariSh AudiiOrium & Ctedft uruon Room 164 • Percy !Edna I h 99 t.ICHaug!l!On av wepl230
Weflinglon w SallstliJy Edwd E(Donna J) rk elM T1811SP Rle Canida h '7
Sl Joseph'stRCI Ctuch Rev Slltllry EloolcGulre pas101180 WindsOidr
Wellmgeonw • G 1187 Mer; IIPI308
St Joseph's Rectory 180 Welrangton • • J h 4 55 Saodyt IPI 305
Sl Joseph·s Seperate School Uly Bondy pnn 25·35 Raleigh Sahve Sharon wks liolinl$11)' of Go.-t Serv h 31 Ouffenn av epl 2
Stlouislollrg ldmtnllk of Uonl h 100 Wcferlane avapt311 Salvador Ehz tab Pinecresl Fdi158T~~nmtns cres
Sl ()ngf Jerry underwrr Nor Arnef Ute kw h 73 Tay1or IV apl3 • Emenuef tEIIZI mech H J Heu\Z Co h 83 Penont cres
Sl Paul's Angll(;lln ChurCh Rev Gerlld P Edmoodlorl mlmter 18 • JoM h 183 loi(Niughton IV W apl 2
Dolsenrd • . - E I~ lolj tab MOIOI Wlleel Corpn h 47 Perry dr
Sl Peter Anna h 50 UemU IV epl30 1 • .lo$e R (Odetle) (Salvador Jenlloriel SeMI h 64 Partridge
St Prerre Abraham (Miry El h 185 Enls cres
• Alld WtOorOII!yl lab Can Frarn ltd h 80 P..-idgt cres
• Andrt h 54 Bl•ler SALVATION ARMY CHURCH,
· Andre lib klllleb l)llon h 111louelll era apl3 113 Wellington w,
· AMI h 757 Oueen - · -P"- 314-ISU
• Aurora 11 15 wr~~~npoon ape •oc
· Bernice tllrryl bOO Rowland·a lnl rea RR 1 Grande Pointe
• Bertrand J Cluetll A) dM Chinon Transp h 301 Woods
Chefyleecy Sian PeclPet Stilt Farm Ins rea RR 4 SALVATION ARMY FAMILY SERVICES,
• Cblld M(Ull*l AI sis rep Uonnllltle h 375 Fb~ 117 Wellington It w,
dr - Ptlone 314-1430
· Din J llollrllee A) Shop wl<t 0om Aim TIW*I h 115 Pl!ly dr
• Denl J tEI!IelM) lllsmn Ucl(eougll & Sent ltd h 113 Ollevlft
ern Selvllion Almy S101e Stan McCann mgr 28 William 1
• Darcy l fSandrll produce mgr P!odenchuk P!oduce h 108 Sam The Record Men Jennrfer Johnton mgr 137 Kong w
Houslon IIPI3 Samocej John F tHelen Jl hsel<pg Canadrlnna Nurag Home 11 194
· Dona£ (Clara) deiP 011t111m Coec:h linea h 95 Adlleide n Olley ell
• Dougla J l.._ilyn) set·up mn Roci!wea IIIII h 1 lotll<lonna cres SempiP Murray Rev pe$101 St Ursula"a tRCI Cll205 TweedSmu•r ••
• E•t J tSI'orley El eled Rocl<well Inti h 225 Cealt av w
· EdnaN Ur1 h 238Pifl< ave Samp&on Albert R IEhnor J) fclrmn Bell Canada h IS Onawa dl
• GIOI11 Dh 100 Wcfar1- av 11P1 106 · Diana h 45 T1mmrna CUIII(lt 205
• HaleiU Ur11Chf Georges P 'lanoer Sep Schl83 Pamela cres · lollrgartt cUSIOdllll Bd of Educ h 154 Klllg e
· lslbetle 47lome •• loleflesse lab Can Cannet1 h 154 K1ng e
.b IPiulinrJ dM Dominion A1Ao T,.,.. res Stoney Pointe • Micfll (Heelller) wks Hill Gro h 87 Arnold
· leell h 64 Woodl Samson Magel~~ (Aglthl) lechn De!lomy'a TV & Aplncs h 853 Plfl<
• M h 805 GtlndiV wapl314 IV•
1o11rt J bllpr 8Jdell'a Tn h 28 Regency dr Samwaya Hertlll!loennel eng Todgham & CaM Asaocl h 240
• lollrie h 85 T111V11111S cres 11P1 114 Ehzlbelh
• Widle1r Well< k Witt 225 Cecile IV . .. h 150 Wary apl805
PU J (Oiame ll ~Can Fram Lid 11328urtoii1V • R frri. (Phyllis U) h 107 Esse• C1
·f'U AIIb~~Co1~f>DIVW Sarchl* .Anna "'" h 78 Cenlre
• Paul 17 Second • Ulehl W• 1dr Rlverllde W!drs lld 9 .Anna lollrll dr
• Peter h 225 Plfl< · lim h 63 o·Netl
·Philip J (Dirlene Rllab Can Fram h 64 Peril IV w • T11n C appr Russel Tl & O•e 9 Anne Uer~t dr
• Rafpfll h 315 Wernli IV • Wm (lAona U) wldr I H Canada h 9 Anne Ulrlt dr
• Randy 0 wldr Olmdech Sll Wks 225 Cacllt IV Sandberg Betty .., (wid Jonas) h 15 Wlllowmec av

Smalley Brisco & ThomDaon 1\11 THE

111 ttanACEIOAD

PHONE 352-1660
ifS I:HOtl;i

Sllldlll0wtaltllllrl115!i7~ SAUNDERS
fltcl J (Oiwn AI fTht F""*"""')ll ~ lloomlllld rd
. Ja11n II (Dibrlll- eng PIAl 01111 Holp II IIIII CllciPiwl ~ Etit W I~ CJ lllmn Tilt Co-OperiDS II 112 TharnNII
Sllldlrlol! A11a111 (Miry)III*JIII2181Uftg w 11205 Elizltllll crtl
DoNIId ISI*IIy Y) ldW Olllwn-ICenl S.C ScH II 38 Crytlll 0rt C I~ W) c:IIIIIICd II 211Yiplt
~ .1111 S IPP' 1ockPni11 $i Trtlliulll Vlllgt
&Nnlll7 Mcf.... IW IJIII17 Jelhy A~ elk Mirldt Fd..., 380 Orlnd IW I
• Olo II(CIIIy) pollctmn II 343 Orlnd IW IIPI 305 • John G (.,_.)ICd llenoil VIII Ally Spillllj I F~ II 380
• .1111 II 10 Tnlium Vllegupl 3011 Grind lVI
· lldld II -.ell 311 Crytlll ~ John .. (.Jeln) chi ordlrly Public Glnl Holp 11318 S1
· llalll A(o..tdolinll)ll 75 Alllold s11 eoo Orlnd IV •1111 eoos
s..n llalll" 1110 ~ 111173 Wayne (lonlll) brk1 PNflrNd TllniP II 148 lllldoon rd IPI2
Stndl ~ Ellllrl II 14 Gregory~ 1 Wm C lw.QI &) ""*'C' Trlllum Villglll58 Trlllum Vlllgl
s..lard Ftlldll T ISI*IIy l) II w I E..-.n ~ Wm 0 (Lculle) clly ldllat Chltfllm Dilly Nlwl II 258 Elizltllll
Slnglllr lucy II 11011 Grind IV w IPI21111 SliM CIIICIII 285 Orllld IV I
SIN Olrlrd A(HIIen Rl114lll'lrk IW t Dona ICIW S1 UriiAI Sep ScH ree 8ol 'ln Stoney Point
• Mildrid II 50 cn.tlury Jts P ISIItdll wks "-ton T.-ntnl t.nhll45 Oriole pkwy
s.-t 0 II 28 OrcNrd Hll ~ 11115 Rene A (CIIherinel Ins lgl Grill ~Ins lq:y II 135
Otrlld 0 (April J)ll 452 Orft!IW I listimllll'l
S1n1011 Cora 1111r1 ell Clllldl Poll Corpn II 15 Thtlml VIeD N (Thnsallifl rll 011' EMDn Yilt ltd II 151Aw1on
. 01r11nt CW11111or ~Algi t.nh II 115 O'Nellllll ~
• Weyne II 112 Emml
Sevlllf John IL y!ldtJ..- Clll Frn 11 111
v'""' ~
S...lllrbn (Gill 119 SoaB Sludlol280 Wtlllnglollw
Sevlrd Leopold 1"1 87 IPIIr
• Eilwd !Greet) II 186-1'2 SeHclrk
• Wh 381 Wtllinglon w
• Oil (lllrbnlllhe*l SOC*! Sludlol II 280 Wtlllnglon w
Miry ... h 6 8eny
• Jahn II 55-1 '2lomt IW
· Jolt H(Sirlhl h 284 ~ Seville .line ""' 1131 £1tzabeth
SIVin Chll99 .....
· Yn Wd w1w 428 Slndys IPI2
· lllncy lltclk SOC*! Sludlol 280 Wtllinglallw
Sl'lole .11A1en lib Rod<WIIIINI29 ~em
~cor.- wlw II 428 Slndys IPI2
Rog!r J IAI•J lib EIIOn Yilt Ud II 2111'1r\idgt crt1
5ftndluk S II 795 Orlnd IW w IPI307
Sftldon Wm (AitaJII 40 TriRI\IITI VilllgiiPICOII
Slwld<l Wllllr (~)laD conslr PI 128 Woodl
Slrgllll aII 11 ComNII
Sawyer Oevld J (llertla II) elk ar-t"Aellll II 31 OlurcNR
. aIIIUiic ICIW lndiln Ad PIAl ScH
• " - E Mrs 11eCY llordtn I Helwig II Thcrmlll crt1
• fred a (Siwtey) II 100 Yt:F.- IW 1111121111
Strglnlon Thol (Donnel wb Ml*lr Wlleel Corpn II 1~ Woodl J1s P1"- £)lab I Hc..dlllll Tllcmldl em
l ym II sllcll\ PialI Sullt II TllomhlU em
- Philip J "'«~II ThclrMin cm
SAAVICE LIMITED, Wm l II 40 Trllfun VillagiiPI I 03
~G Allin, "uldlnt Slwytrs o..e (Miry).,.. "9 Chlllllln Olce Sply ~Cowl
K..aun ........ " - - Saxony lololelllmtlld Aobll Jtnnle Thomplon 1191 525 Grft!IV

11Atlelllldel. e
Saxony 11t111ur1n1 John VIVOIMI "9 525 Orllld IV t
Sly P8u1 0 (Jitnne) "9 CAA &lao Cllb II Ill GltngMy Cfll
s.yers J11 WIMiry l)lal> Clll Frn ltd h 551 ~ IV w
Selin Wlldlmif J 1Cor*n:e E) wier JoiW KcllniMk Home Saylor """"' wks IN! Aelol6ce 110 Clrdillll crtl
lmpiOoelie• II !1831'11tl 1W w Scad1Fionl"'«~17t s~~
s.. OIWid. s.. Wig"'"' 4
S..lotlnuleclullno llmltlel (WIIro J S..l114 s.. rd
Norm1n WIAQne$ 111J laD E110n Yilt ltd 11171 SyMI* ~
Salt Cln W(Miry lou) MCI6IIy olct I HClllldl II 52
• Wllro J 1J1W S.. Wig II 14 S.. rd lteclwoood CtiiiPI 2
·llalll J (,_. El o1ct 119 S.. Wig II I~~ • Glry WI,_. I) lab I HClllldl II 9 CheslwJI ~
s...tlt DlnniiW ~ R1i1J CQIIWIIIor C.......,_ · lllllln1115 """ 1111231
1158111Uftgw ~ llriln wh 41 " ' - " ~
s-o ..... J llull ldW o.v-
p Vllilr 8cN ........ 1
· JahnCII3711111tiPI7

a.NIIDDnlld. . . . IIIIIIHCIIIIIIIIIMCIINIIn¥111111 • AldiCI CIO*Yfl) ll:ly wlir IHC... 1183 Clll'lllllll •u•a,.111u
. ...........IIJIU...IIt
· UifdD_.. .. ...,_R__.,I...
~- --wiiiC..IIIdg . . . IIDIIINS•
CinO.,... .. , ........

........Q.dkA"111111M14D ••
......._........TIItllllt ,......
............. c.... .,,...
I· Wlnllf " •llolllnd •
ISciNIII ZIIIIM1111•111:111:4••• ... 2fR
lc:lllllldwdii ........ CIII
ld...............,.,,..,. I· ICIIrL-.cll.llauiMndCIII
· LMy EICift!Q...._..II ........CIII
SdiiiiiiiiiAIIIII 6 (JDinniJ . . . ....., Ellcl111........

aa•- ...,...........
.... ,...,c:lll......,flr...,l~ll· Set pne Ellllll.lllll::llllcld'I•IIR 5 .........

. . . . .llcflllllll.....
·01111._,. ....,
. . . . . 011111 _ , DIICIIb Clllldllllc
~EdlllliJ ......... &f\IIIIIIDIIILIIIIIIIIapiiiR
. IJallll E1**r J M1 ICIItr'l Cllllplnrlll121 Elllblll
·1.._............ ,.., ......111 .....,_.Donllda.,._,._-..........._


J obn~on..l)ubbJ£ll ESTABLISHED 1927

193 QUEEN ST., CHATHAM Phone 352-4343
Jeff Sludt 39 lnsheS •• · Alan 361 Tweedsmuu It w
ScNrl Roe:hd dm..!lldl Chlllham & Oost Ambulence Serv res • Gall lA~ SUPVII ~ ol Monl II 361 Tweedsmulr lv w
Wallaceburg . oso Menon at apl402
ScNrlock K ~ 190 Thames •PI 62 • Gaty sogn pnlr Clly h 249Lac:rO<•
Scha1 Fred (HennoetiCIV Chatham Clw1SIIan Sec Schl h 279 Schoenewe•ss Gary tlm11ia) buyer Na~ Gro h 167 McNaughton ••
Grand••• wll)l4
• Hemoe (Fred) lleoch IChr Cel•ln Ctvostoln Schl 279 Grand av SCholloeld Bnan H (Susen Kl mslr eng ROCl<weil lnll h 17
w Holland av
Schauer RIChd w~s lolarbn T11Jey & Co res Lumlngton SCholze C N h 40 T11lllum Voltage ape 704
ScheU Geraldt"' h 28 Edgar • Wm P (Chefyl) mg1 purdlg & cnlnr sis Lobby t.l~eoll & Libby h
Schenl< EIIZ 97 lolcfariane IV apt317 32 R0S$1ni Ctes
• K Com1s (Lena I U& doemkr SuperiOr lolacll & n h e s G1ven Schoon Bram (liennyl plstr 164 Berry h Nme
rd Schorga Le wh 263 Grand •• e
• Wilml lArs h 74 t.lanon •• ~ lA h 449 Klllg w apl 4
SchepanowslrJ C h 310 PLrl< a• e Schra111 8M1!II A h 923 Channg Closs rd
Schrpenows> I Cat Wash (Chis SchepaOOWSkl} 336 Grind IV e • &adley J (Ciw!$1tne Gl slsmn Park wan& Fir FaShions h 25
Schepanowsl<l Car Wash (Chas Schepaoowskil 379Pirlc IV e W-id!~
. Chis (VIdeo t.lovoe Shop) res RR 4 • Oev\d Rh 32 Eogar
· Helen (Vodeo t.lovoe Shop) res RR 4 · Donald (Ondy F) hnemn Bd Canada h 49 Tay1or It apl202
• Lena t.l~ mg Chlrl~t'a Varoety SIOre h 12 Pwk Ia • Oorotny J wkl Pub Genl Hoep h 39 Grant
· Lloyd (Kalhrl (Schep Conll'g Lldl h 24 V1noer dr IPIB • Eldon n261 Sellmk ape 3
• Tony s1sc1k Vodeo l.lovoe ShOp res RR 4 • Elll !John) secy K!!tll Rehrushers & Furn 87 Covl!fdllle
Schepens Qa.,d P (Loree J) ea:1 Co-Op Cledit U!\1011 h 150 · Frances S olce mgr Bennoe Lmbr & Bldg Malerllls 923 Channg
Semenyn IYipl 1 Closs rd
· Loree (0av1d) ICdS Tmy Tots Nursery Schl · Jean lArs I!Uflellld Pub Genl Holp h 168 1·2 Ktng w
Sc:1w!r C11ar1ene N studl87 Glen~ dr · JoM stk boy Nail Gro 250 Forest
• Johns (Donna) p/anl eng Ubbey·SI Claor Inc (Walleceburg) h John F (EIIl M) SIS mgr IA~rott Marine Boal Sis & Serv h 87
87 Glenwood dr Cov~dlte
Scherle Joan lArs h 168 Oelnare av • John F tlolargt V) cornp opt Un•on Gash 383 Campus Pkwy
Schteck Debbie IIAallin) rTIQI Junor·&40 Tnan c:rea • John W(Ooana Gllab Nail Gro n 130 Sheldon •• apt311
Marlin J (Oeborlh t.l) slsmn Crawford Plcllag1ng h 40 Tasan • John Wtt.!arolyn J)lab Wallec lnd (Walleceburgl h 76
cres Welhngtone
Schoel~ Darlene t.l legal secy Rhodes & Sereda h 20 Tnlllum
· Molly J ward secy Pub Genl Hosp h 200 lmma apt 10
VIllage IPI309 · Rob 39 Grant
SchoesleiBelly lolls secy·bkpr W1yne NOrr PllOio 35 Oolstfl rd • Robt 0 (KatiM!fl"') meat Clr A & Ph 132 Patleson IV
Sdloes:el Ed lnswance Agency (Ed Sclvestel) 392 P1rk"' e · Rocky 39 Gra"t
swe 102 • Thol h 44 Tayior •• apt 2
• Ed.wafd !Belly) (Schoestef Ins Agcyl h 35 Oolsen rd
• Thoc H (Madeh"') h 250 Forest
SchoN John Wh 176 Lac:rou - Tunh 153S~yav
Sclv•ker C Gordon (Helen) sergt t.luvslry of Cooecbonal Serv • VMIII h 312 Park
h 2761nooa~ Creek rd e • 'l'fm F S«V mgr Modis t.lufflar h 67 Baldoon rd apt 10
Schonder Elaone t.1 caslw K l.lar1 h 47 Emma lpl304 • Wm FI DonnaI h 78 Un1varslty ~
Sclwldler F11'lll h 29 Pllk Ia • Wm T parts mgr Norton Smith Cycle Serv 87 Coverdale
Wary A secy Sea Mig h 55 llylor av ape 307 Schramelt Karen M(RIChdl elk Bell For Lm 263 Campus Pkwy
SCHINDLER, WAYNE W, (VIc:torla), Mgr Sentry • Krvon Slaty eng 8 Reoal pi
Fire & Safety Servtc.e Ltd, P 0 Box 11 t , h • RIChd 0 (Karentlab Can Fram h 263 Campus Pkwy
3e5 Partt av w, Phone S51-22t7 • Vorgonoa h 8 Regal pi
Sciwlkel Tee~~~~ (Ellzl h 40 Elm apt206 Schran~ J h 224 llela•are IV
Schtnl<elshoek Trudy 1.111 h gg lok:Haughton •• w ljll246 • t.lark 0 h 82 Delaware 1v apt 209
Schives Llrry h 219 Queen ep1 I Schrum N h 18 Gray
• Louow n 805 Grand •• w apt 510 Lou1se 1.1 h 454 King w
• RUin 1.1 hrdrsr Soulh• eslefn Regl Centre 288 Colborne SchUIIIII H h 258 t.l~aughton aY e apt 305
Schlocsef Harold W(Mary) poslal elk Canada Post Corpn Schulll Kenneth M (Oorothy G) servmn Union Gash 91 Canterbury
(WallecebiKg) h 55 Water apl2
Lome (Valda) h 600 Grand •• w apt 5006
Schmtdl John (Shorley 0) h 75 Baldooo rd apl4 Schumacher Oebboa A leiter Royal Bk h 343 Grand ave apl 109
Robe Leb Can Fram Ltd h 54 Timmons c:rea ept3 t.Qc (Pat)ICd 588 Grand ave h 65 Timmons cres apt207
Sctvnllctlell .1\Q M (Willy) ofce tng1 Ont M111!S1ry of Agrtc & Fd Schustl'f Kalhenna 19 Dana pi
94 Ltrk
Schuur Jacquehne n a Thamesv1tw Lodge 279 Forest
· Willy (M.Mie) sis & M1V Murphy Tobecco h 94 LMk • Mary Mrs h 279 Forest
Schmoldl PaulK (linda Jl tt & dle<nkl SuperiOf Mach n h 73 1"
Schwabl The F1oest Meats (~uroce Wagner) 48 Wellington w
Stl.eAeldr Schwandt Allee IUoyd) tng1 A Schwandl21 Dover c:res
Schneoder C.y liS lns1r Assn tor l.lenlaity Relarded h 84 SCHWANDT, LLOYD, MAS, Mgr Oo.pel TeX1
Baldoon rd ape 302 Publl1hera, h 21 Dovwcourt, Phone
Oeenna 272 Baldoon rd $54-1111
,._oe lofQ h 135 Oalftlre "'
Wayne l ;Helen F) !Cieell Rd Gdns) h w I Creell rd
• t.Aitk lEla."'I mgr t.Aitk Schnetder Pholo h 53 William n Schwarz John (Marla) lab Can Fram h 5 I Peorone c:res
Schneoder Mlr!< Pholograptry (t.Aitk Sdwleider) 53 Willllm n - PattiCll elk Labombard·a Chatham Lid h 9 Dover
• Ph 955 Grind IV w IC)C310
• Wm 0 (Doane) eng•neenng 18Chnolog•st Onl Hydro h 235
Schneiklrt Joe (Oolothyl reprmn Bell Canada h 189 ElliS McNaughton av e
~gao Glenn lab Venturi Mig 361 T'*'ldlmw IV w
• Danyllab y.,...,, lotfg 361 TweedsmuiiiV w Schwe•IZ~ Dean h 46 Ouffer1n ••
• Geo H IV Jean) (Cuslom Doors) h 91 Mcfadden 1v

• Homes • Farma • Commercial

Realty limited, Broker l!lrYa •

87Th•meaSt., Ch•th•m, Ont. _ ~~
352 6760
SCHWEITZER Sea10n OoiJgla (.INn) h 130 51 Clair
H David (Autry 8) line ft/1 HCenada h 1118 Pwk IV •
Jeffery 0 sis Custom Oootl91 lolcflddeflav Harold h 35-1 "2 8ar1he
• Aabl Feled 14i Rele!gh apt 2 11 same Lei!On h 131 R41eigh llpl4
Scobe £liz h I~ 1"2 Hemy IPI2 Lloyd n3 71 Mc.Hiughlon IV e
Scon 1150 Mtrrla IV 1111407 Ronald h 76 Mary apt 803
• An 42111ar101l •• W ld J {Birbara A) line 0P1 I H Cenadt h 382 ~IV
• ACorlsllnce h 82 ~e av 111110!1 e
• Alfreede h 20 Emma SecQ Anne !USg ml Pub Genl HciQ 133 Bedford
Anllllotrs "'-ell< lend A~ Ofce h 30 Wesl Cynl h 133 Bedford
• Brian 0 (Pamela Ml slsmn Westburne Hol!ml11 h 188 Wurrly Secord H!lcla Mlotrs h '0 TrOOum ~ 1111202
ChuA (Gaill) ~';Stem eng IBiool c.n.dt h 28 O'Brien dr .los lab Campbell~ 1771nsha rt
• Qv1s1tne I elk I H Clrlldl h 77 Holland aw Sedge Anne t.Wie dJo Lewles ~ & Varlfly 231 LactoU
• Clilld J IOoroltry) stewltd Royal c.tllegion 8r 28 h 81 C1art1rce CIAngetlne .., h 231lacrot•
P!lyUISIV Colleen ciJo. lfWift ~ & Varlfty Slen 237l.aCrol•
. on 49 Taylor •• apt 106 Ehz Slull 231 lacrDtJ
· Dave h 3'3 Grllldav eapt 304 • Jilclo (l)ebejej h 4 71 J'wlo IV w
• Denis R ~Rela Mllab libby McNelll & libby h 40 Arthur dr JoAnne ell< lrwlft 8ooiJ & Variety Slln 5 £mr111
OorDihy K h 70 Rlle•gh · l eonatd IIUdl 231 Lacro!•
• Douglas h 112 TrliUum Village Thos h 82 Lome av
• Eh 150 Mary aot 207 Sedlace!o Ani11 0 Ilk elk Kllll Newt Sert 27 ~ n
Edna~ h 87 Mar; IPI207 Tony (VIIerit) CUSIOCfian Kent Collnly Bd ol Educ h 50 lincoln
• E11ftrl Or p/lys Sou1hwes1em Regl Centre h 4 Rornhl.tll rd rd
• Gary 0 95 WelfingiDn e Sedla~ A.'ld'r OtOd wldr Sass Mfq ' " RA ' Orttdlfl
• GaryO h 219 Queen apt 4 Seed Darlene elk Obit 1M 150 Sernlnyn IYICJI2
Heelllef llomlellegaiMCY Vaugtln Puoh 32 Lome •• DoriS MSW1Chbd 0P1 Soull>westem Regt Ctnn h 150 Slmeny!1
• Hennen J IA.Iatgl l) h 95 Wellington e •• 1012
· Jh2« 8 Se&~ Jolln F lUnda L) tJuS dm Chalhatn eo.dl lines h 795 Grlr1d 1Y
J 0 h 217 Jolepn lpl 0 •1111200
• John (Eunice) lndty Pub Gen1 flosp h 88 1'2 King •IPIII Seevet$loi'Mie Mrt h 88 Kong e
• JcM (Hazel) kMnellldl Oru ~ Socy 721111doon rd lpt Segall Clvls mntnce laidlaw rll'lSCJ h 154 rrwnes 101 9
201 5egarac Am 11 ~ lacrouaDt3
• John RtErlka) metal framer Wall System h 35 Ralldolf
• ~ellhA 183 WelhngiOIIt
a" s
Segee Besse h 1 7 s..nay,
Oouglat lib Duo- MaliC OlSen (Ttltuyl h 153 Park
• LOI'Ilfe C h 32Lome •• Segeren Tim G lab Libby ltolc.Neill & Ubby h 89 Sheloon IV 101 12
UargJ 1'1 289 Oueen Selle! Maty Mrs 173 O•trr dr
Marg11125 Sl Claor llflll 12 Sekl Glrr-e h 113 8aldootl rd ape 105
• Rtek J (LoiS £) lab can f IIIII h 16 t.lohewlc Cl Srfbey JcM J !BitDara J(lab Lobby loleNeiK & l ibby II 21
Robl Slull 75 Lome •• Pr•nces
• ~y h 24 WeUington I Selby Alatll!udl·ln-acr:IS Ward ltolalltae 247 Grlr1d IY t
• Ronald mtrmn lJniOil Gas h 85- 1'2 TayiOf av lllllarl N n 205 Colborne
• Ronald L Or !Rote) dnls1211 StClair h 173 Chippewa dr • l.tMila 11 34 ·1'2 Pllnce n
Ronald Wsupvsr WestiO!IIIIus h 42 WllldiOr dr Sheill 0 paJ OQmlar Sor!oco h 179 Wetl1012
• Rose mgr U01fofma Elite 173 Choppewa dr ~Donald l (Pame!allotmn llef1 Cenadt h 128 Grand IV e
• flllby H bo111eJ Eril! & IUon !lev h 45 Prua I Phthp ,..,ldredll! 82 Eugen.e
Ryltl h 205 Thames Seldon Harold gg Par~
• Stan (VIcky) OPr can Fram h 75 Lorntav Se!eciiOfl Place The lnde< Gahullla mgr 203 II.Jng w
I. Terry h 50 Mlchener rd 1111 Ill 0 Self SeM Car Wasn (Ches Schepenowsi<l) 158 flr;er.lfwdr
· Terry Lh 42 Ouflenn av apt 1 Selleck Tracy ws lolovlola Celt h 28 Wilhe!lpoon
• VetOIIICI h 183 Welllnglon I Seflef A1111ur (flortrQ Ml eng dJo UniOil Gas h 38 8ur10fi1V
. v~o~ee ""' can ee1111e11 11 28 Allred Judy SKy St Joe Hosp h 25 Otthard His dr 10110
Wm (Janet) IUpvst Cen Fram h 81 Varuer dr • Wayne At!Mne Cl tompulef 0P1 UniOil Gash 155 Sunn~ a•
• Wm J 70 Rlleigh Sellets l n 150 Mary apl 504
Seen Peatse 0 Clatte 59 Algonquin dr Seine$ H&lel AMrs h 10 lndlar! Ctetl! rd •
• Frenk (Diane AI dor of reteefth K1no Glam Lid h 59 Sel!lt! H Real ESialle Inc (Herman Stllzar)884 Cnarlll(l Closs
AlgonQUindr rd
Scolr's Chldef1 V•lla s.nct, Been mgr 541 Outen HermeM (H Seltz~ Rl ESII h 884 Channg Ctoa rd
StOlfi Chic:t.en Villa M Tllldtjowsl\1mgr 346 51 Cll11 5emenu1< r"" ba!!QUe! cnet Wheels lm n ,.8 Blldoon rd IPI3
Scoyoe Granarn S!\ld137 Phylhs •• Semeny~~ S~e"<en h 30 wooess
· Sam HICerof)"! R) rd 1UPC HUtOn Conslr h 37 Phyllis lv Semi<ow•dl Jotvl II 280 ColbOI!!t
Saeen Clah 270 lASheS •• Semmler M11ur R (Heletl) mgr gas sply operaOOflS Union gash II
Satbr The (Derek llal<t~) 65 Cenn Teal pi
5au101l Aline w1<s Sl Ancl!ews' Nut~g Home h 82 Dela-t IV ICll • Heten (An) secy Ward Malle1116 Teal pi
:104 r
Aob4 SIUOI 6 realp1
• Kttn 8( F) eout1er FVDillcr Courttr h 221 Fotwl Semple Gordorl A (OofOihy MJ h 77 Ba.t1er
Seabourne Jat h 143 Park IPI3 Semple OplometriSI(H Semple) 801 Sl Clatr
Seal On Pa~•no Co (Roger Van Gastetl) 955 RIChmond Sernyroz Sophia h 50 l.temU ••IPI202
SealleSI Dilly Produc:tl 1411 Raieigll Seney A w11' SherorOOI<e pi
s.nen Aabl P (Kalnlelnltupvst Union Gas n57 Urw...rty dr ~ 0 Oenc:e Sluc!CI 93 Wilbam n
Searl ea F1flh • Deborah (0 Sel!ty Oenc:e SIUdlo) 600 Lacrou
• Douglas h 54 1 Kmg w
SEARS CANADA INC, • Karol h 89 Oovet
130 King w ..........Ptlone 364-1181 • Shelley (Bobene Bly Salon) 4 Shertwool<e pi
Senior C•!llens Apartments 100 Poplar


General Contractors - Design and Build
303 MERRITT AVE. P.O. BOX 151 PHONE 352-7780
Sen<scal H.vold (Kalhleenl secunry guard Rockwell loll h 242
Sennema E11.0 H(Darlene) slsmn Gloua Spons Bourlqlle h 45 - larry T(NiCOll Al counsellor Soulhwestern Regl Centre h 33
Clystal<lr Glenwooddr
• Edwd J (\'lilmaJ mech M>das Muffler h 107 Catd>nal etes ShaPttO J h 600 Grand av w apt 7003
·Henly E (lola M) (Henly Senneml Rt Esl) h 20 Dell'o•l dr. Shlpl:ln Paut ICtndyl ~ng Sass Mtg h 9 Opal ct
Sennema Hervy Real Esaale (Henry E Sennema!20 Delrotl dr Shark Ralph (Thelma)ldm•n Thamesv1ew lodge h 502 McNaughton
· Rudy Eesrmtr Rendefs & Renders lid h 76 Mary apt 703 avw
• Wm (Barbara) asmblr Chrysler Corpn (Windsor) h 95 l1nooln rd Sharp Bnan Wh 202· 1'2 Paneson av
• D h 43 Taylor avapl207
• Doug cab dM Radio Cab 8 Hillyard
SENTRY FIRE I SAFETY SERVICES LTO, • Douglas cab drvr Radio Cab 75·1'2 Taylor a•
Wayne W Schindler, Man~ger • M•chl WIPPf mech Smlds Serv Stn 62 Sl MlchaeJ av
315 Park av w (rear) • Phd•p (Audrey) boilerm~r h 112 Randolf cres
._....... Phone 351 - 2217 • Wm Et ~erly A) foonn Bell Canada h 62 St M1cna'llav
Sharpe E Mel (Eileen) pnk Pub Ge!ll Hosp h 61 Edgar
• Gcrdon l (leta I h 14 1 llydocan av ex!
Sereda Dan J lnsp Canada Gram Comm h 130 Sheldon av apt 310 · Jeffrey SIUd161 Edgar
• Josh 915 RIChmond • Robr A tab Alias Auto Wrecker 221 COtborne
· .los (Jenn.e) slsmn Sandy EIIIOI Mo1ors res RR 5 Sharple5 Ka11lenne CJell~' camer 57 Seiklfk
Semsys Chns (Jucly) tab DeKalb Ca.nada h 179 1.1Jehenelrd • Ka!lle!trlf C l!'tte! ca•ner h 57 Selkirk
• ~ slsclk Sears h 62 Taylof.., apl1 Stlartll Sher•P n 1 Tha~ tY1 lodge 257 WQitam s
Ser1or'la P~ n s Htghllnd dr Shariall Helen slsldy SeMi~ Lmbr h 190 Thames apa70
Serv A Yard ltd Sam Ktmber ,ns 920 Rldlmond • J h 4 r Grandav e
Servu Geo A (Joenne Bl pnn Voctor11 Park Pub Schl h 68 · lorra•ne rRanctyl b<l<r Johnson·Puctwelllns Brkr 21 TIIOmu
Cedatwool1s Cfi!S Randy G rlorra>ne) carp Ma~n1ger Brosh 21 Thomas
Serv1ce Millet Goldon Holohan rngr 444 RiverVIew dr unit 7 Sharron John n 37 Ken! ept4
Serwatuk An!hy I' stul11570 McNaughton av w Shanow Wm F (VICtoria l)llfe Ins slsmn MIN> Ufe h 370 Park
· Anmy (O.ane R) mgr Daymond ltd h 570 McNaughton av w aveap12
Selo Celina SIU111 17 Moha.wk e1 Shauvan R- srudl n 202 Campus Plcwy ap1201
• Hongy1m tYant (Red Rooster Chop Suey Hsel h 91 Allen Sha,.. Anna-Mane stud! II 60 Berthe apt 3
• Hoy (Cynllua) (Red Floosler Ta.-em) h 17 Mohawk ct • Ann•e 73 Baldoon rd epl 19
Seron David C(Marlene 1.11bus admln Chatham Coact1 Lines h 146 • B n 805 Grandav w apt910
Bizabelh · Bruce A!Olive) h 38 Joseph
• Lenore fii!CI HY<!ro n 55 Ellis · Carole A 62 Sylvester dr
• Warren J wll! Girl Gu1des Canada 146 Ellllbelh • Cella Mrs h 100 Popfar apt 43
Sellertngton .m h 278 Park.., w • Chas A tThelma)lab Can Fram h 368 Indian Creek rd w
Seven Seas ReslaUianl & Tavern (Tony Klrlakopoulos)316 St • Chns Sludl64 Beechwood cres
Ciaor • 0 Glenn IE ~1e) h 30 Jackson dr
Seven:!~ Day M>enust Cburcll2r Mc!<eough av OaVld jan Civoc Centre 1149 Taylor av ap~101
Sevetl Elena lab Oomlar Sonoco h 393 BaJdoon rd UM 41 • Doug L h 21 Glengarry etes
5e-<1gny Dennis sander Fl Wae•ens Lid 56 Klfk • Oouglas n 85 P1ne apt 211
- l.lark J (Doane M} appr mech Can Tile h 56 Kirk • Ein C(Jeannetle B) flref1Qh1er h 80 St Michael av
• Thelesa 0 h 143 P~ apt 2 • Elda Mrs h 102 Gray
· VMan h 165 Park • Ehz slsclk Agnew Surpass res RR 6 Thamesvllle
Seoo-eU Jay 66 West • Frances Mrs n 11 H1llyard
·JohnS (DoroChy MJS\IP'ISf UniOtl Gash 66 West • Geo (Sharon E) mntnr:e Un100 Gil h 50 Regency dl
SeJSmilh John iludl 116 Argyte etes • Helma wprogt8111 rngr Cha!ham Cab!~ lV h 150 Murray
· .lohnO(Edna ll!Cha<nPI Tea~} h 116Argylecres · Irene Mrs lab Libby McNetll & Libby h 268 Mercer
SexlOI1 John A(Grtce () h 512 VlCIOriiiV Shaw Janel 102 Gray
Seymou AM COOk lucky Inn h 13 Thud • Jas B !Ehz!lab I HCanada h 101 Gray
• Helen h 150 Nary apt603 • Keooelh L !Bernadine Ll mntnce Mlr Wheel Corpn h 66
• Ulhan GMrs h 455 Sandys apr407 Coatsworth av
Seys Albl h 190 Thames ap1 34 • Kevin srudl35 Blythewood etes
50anyha Aorence 97 1.Acfarlane av apt 103 • Kev10 D st11111 h 925 Grand av w apt 106
ShackleiOrl Gtadyw M Mts n 387 lacr<Hx • Kevin J (Molhe PI eng Union Gas h 295 CamPUS Plcwy
Slladd Add•son (ShirleyJienl!f camer rea Norlll Buxton · l Gordon (El&le) h 274 McNaugnron ave
• C h 259 Colborne • Lllrry h 452 Grand av e
Shaggy Dog Groom1ng Boul.que (Unda Haskell & louann Srerling) · Linda h 163 Thames
444 Ai• etv1ew dl Urul 5 - lloyd J (JUlie AI (Screen·ill h 99 Pine
Sham Allen h 261ngram Lorne E(Manlyn J) opt CPR h 506 VICtoria av
·lawrence h 85 Baldoon rd apt 3 M A h 99 McHaughron IV w apt 229
Slwllthmundea lev INalashal systems 11111ys1 UIIIO!l Gash 55 t.tochl (Susan) tP M Arre Systems) h 200 ~
Taylor IV apl206 • M·ke cutw Beci<er's Milk 64 Beechwood cres
~Hail Slyies (Bob Wyers)r137 King w • Nanr::ey J 133 El1zabe1/l
~ SIO!es Pal omen rngr 420 ~ • Nalley ..,.Jh T1ny TOIS Nurwy Schll71 Foresl
$hanlo.s J T 138 Sl Claar · Norman A (Evelyn) h 43 Poplar
~ h 48 Stantey IV
• Phyll'a Mrs h 6 Gray
MatgC T Mrs h 138 51 C1u • RIChd 102 Gray
Shannon Geo (ChPryt) appr J>m & Flori Ball Ltd res RR 3 Kent • Robt B (Betty) supvs~ mnrnce Pub Gent Hosp h 133 Eliz.abelh
Bridge · Ronald A (Betty) sr drltsmn Unl()l1 Gash 64 Beechwood cres
• Geo D(V1v110) 1ec1e< camer h 5 Taylor av · Ronald E(Jacaleen II n 62 Sylves~er dr
·Gregory P t~l mech flollinl Au~ve Si)eCIIfJsts rea • Ruby Mrs h 16 8t1at Hillrd
Bl!!llhelm • Suun J secy Erie & !bon 8ev h 89 S/leldon av apt 23


124 ST. CLAIR ST. 351 -3833
Sy!Ytslellt.t.MYI h II! Wade John HIP Ellilltl e<lmin Publlc GtnlltOsO 119?7 Charlng Cross
T h 991.!eGulgat\8V rd
T 376P t1< av eap!C NOima!!B (VJtV J) ~~ Shlllng!On& Col h 862 Charlog
wh 105 1'2 KlngwapU Crossrd
• wa~er F 1t.tarv Calollnel h Jc Wade 0 B h 118 A 'ltiV1ew dr apt62
Snoa BeatriCe Mrs h 100 Poplar 11!126 Susan AIIUC!l 862 Cna11ng Cross rd
Jn75Em•tl Verla IIJS h 118 Rrw-ervlew drape 623
John f (Mar lOll P) h 66 Sheldon u Shine J3s W (Ame!:e !.I I~ I H Canada h 512 ~ rd
Sh!ng!~ A!fclllllllanl h'l7 Pnnce A'll'u a•
John A h 150 t.tarv ltll 902
• T II 35 Joplyn Shippey APaut!Ca'.ntrint HJ n '12 Hi'JoiSI••
Shear! B h 343 Grand ave apt 107 Shirltv K ~tf Bonnie Ctmn011 mgr 100 II.IIIQ w unit 220
Shearer Gordon aa:1 Matlin T1Ury & Co h 170 Gtllld av t Sh:rlr(a Ctlama (Snlrtty Zurunal 526 Gt llld •• e
Sheeler Hazel h 227 Forest Shoe Pl3ce Tilt Oilcla [Chilli) 6C9N ~ I• ,
KriSime G ICllr lamblOn Ktnl Sc:hl (Dmden) 83 ToreedSmuir Shoe Pbte tlw! Torn Eehlln mgr100 Nno" un:1226
Shoe!n»et DonN U wn Sa.torrt A$ res S:enht'.m
M h 67 1'2 Thames Bpi A Shoji OoMa SluCII 69 t.IJITI f
Ptlillip w(Belly Ann) cJ1o Oom Slares h 15 Peterborough f. rrn 69 M.6fay
Sheffield J Rav 1 QU&c:tv cam ollns;l Can Fram h 97 Pyoflaml II 99 HaNey
ltq~ Ann tngmerlllg d"• CAn Fram 69 !i;sray
" ppoorvr11l cres U.l11ha IJ$Sl aa:t Cha!llam Helo11!9 1,1..-r:ay
Russell 0 h 8 Glenwood dr
Sheldon Cresl ~ 89 Sheldon av Scoll 111111199 HaMy
Shrfdrlt\ Pelel G Or pnys 11 Vlc!orla av h 209 Vlclorla •• - · v -snaPubGK"' '~M.nay

SheD Vi ash Cenlr! Brian MJrlon mor COol Sl CIJ;l

Shen P t.t Lsv;ye< 180 Ktll dl s sulle 10 SHOPPERS DRUG MART,
Shepatd John F IHelenl sis Os:~btoo!< Al Es1 h 163 llydicatla• ICI K l r>Q w, N7M 1E3
til Phone 352-&511 & 352·3212
StlE'ptlard Garry (Linda MilalJ t.IJIOI Wlleel Corpo h 89 B Tavlor
Shepherd At!d (Vi nnlfrtdl asmblr E.a!on Yale Ud h28 Pheasant S.'lln btl h 26 Ptlerborougll
dl · lim C.Jtanl h 991.4c_!i 1ughlon •• '"Jill 158
DoltS J h 189 1'2 King e Sf1011 Uane l 1'1 795 Grand •• * 11)1217
Garrr tMadQellns sis h g Eng'~ Side ro Sllrt¥3 AI'IO'J!a P (I.!.JfiiY) ell! Besl For less 6631nd<a!! Cree!< rd
Gary l (linda 1.1)11 7'1 Duke • srwerve A 11 65 Tll!lmliiS aes 1;11206
Ken C (Sharon O)llll Polys&! h 64 t.laryl<!lOII rd Al'.an 62 Ouh s
RobinC (carol} IChr John t.tcOregor Sec Schl h 187 ~dale Oy> e n 24l V. ell nq~on e
Scoct C (De!lorall JJ sis rep 11-etropOI :an ll'e h 225 Campus Et*1l0d G CJudo F) bll I HCall3d3 h 276 Wet:inglon w
P"•• wapt310 GreQO!Y{Joyct) • ra(PubGtniHosph 16lomuv
•wrn E!Hazel Olan t HCan.'ldlll 24 Hyslop ttany u 1 )1'1 82 OUI<e s
• Yvonne 207 ~Irk M II 30 Tri11ium Vi :lfl ect 4 08
Shtpley Ba!II~!1C"fl fl:s M..;JJng Prods 11 90 Rr<tMe. a ap~c Shultll ~)one 1.111 ll 73 V"ICIOr::l ••
Ellz M•s h 100 Pop!ar apt 3 Shtq1le bO;Jr Sl A.'!drew's Res 11 100. 1OC f'a<\ ~ 12
· Jean MIS h 60 I V'ctotla av Shuiarl Gary P (Sandra E) lab U.JIOI Wtleel Corpo h 29 Oriole
• N!11CV l I Bat1J secy Ham.()ana Inc 90 Fll'terv~Pw elf IPI C P'<rY
Sneppald ~UN n IS Glengarry cres Sane)a (Garry) olce 111Q! Devos f urn res Plilli::WI
Slier~ Julie .n le h 75 8aldoorl I'd epe 2 Shulvef fred J M.lae:lntl h n5 Campus Plowy IDII07
Mitt!IIM.vgt AI Q\l!l11Y control M~or WMtl Corpo h 538 Jos tllerlnal nns <:empus r. ww IPII02
Mr.Naug!I!Dn lv • Slugold Gary t.l(t.I.Jnicl A) with ()PP /1 37 Holla'ld a•
She!brool: Denny 6linclen Shutt:~ Cll!d GdM B r Pr~ Produce 59 lome
Slltntl MSarnad (Sheleen) researCh Iedin 0t:op0c & Sons h 251 8 • apl C
CamousP\wv CltHd n• 6 Bar1he api 1
SHERIFF'S OFFICE, (SM Kent County Sllerttra CI•H tkr Prodench:l~ Frlllls & Vegellbles h 131 Ralelg!IIOC
OHice) 3
Shtor~ P<ss 0 (M.trgt Jl mg1 Good Ttme Trave• h 187 Faubel! elf · leon&!d M(Vertyn) n I I I Htghland dr
..:teom~~· Geo E1Mtldrld C) h 295 VICIOIII a• · VII!'a Mae 99 Pat~
Sllerrah Otbcnh IChf Oueen Mary Pub Sd1l h 40 Otla~ IV 1D1 Shuurmall Paul h 62 Oelanrt •• apt 403
14 Sl""«erY OtllOI8h wh IJlo or MJI'J h 193-1"2 Sl Cia'
lbant l h 156 Coppetfteld ttes · RebecCa A dtpl mor I( Marl II 193· 1'2 Sl Clu
• 1.1 h 10 Berty Shydelsehe~ AniOnil MIS lalllltlby ~U & ll:lby h 35

• ~ 1.4~ h 382l.acrolr TI$SIInall a•

Shtw Tr~etv akll Suny's Gas Bar res FIR 2 John (Mnet!ellall Mo:or Wlleel Corpo h 131 Sl ll!:tllela•
ShewtlurO Carollllf t.II ~Muri«llllmit! mt Kino Gta•n lid res • l.l.trY &Is Oavmond h 131 r weedsml.w • • ..
RlOgelown Y"Wdle II C!:ldl 131 SI Md'oeel It
• Gface 1.1" n 43 Hlghla.'ld dr s.btler1 Rob! I C.Jean) 1UPVS1 ol b'il:llng lnon Gash 91
John (DebOorl ell< Best r or less res Blenht•m NO!Illland dr
S IE ArChie (Carol) elk Canada POll Carlin h 54 Argyle cres SiCh S!ev1!(Kiten) jan OPP h 29 W-id( dr
A•Cilit (LI kame) ll 146 W ~IV Sld&9 SrenciiiL'I cD; MM1 II 217 Coltlome
Slliekls H & Assoclales (H:.Ig!l Sllieklsl227 Oueen Craig tshi!levl servmn E~• ~ 11 63 Adelalde s
S:ulling:OII MhUf LIMarlon ll mgr rates Union Gas h 71 Ed.od l (Janel I) tcrv tnullne Coli n 5C Syt;~ dr
wvandall fred A(Eilll) lab Roci<weU ln1l II 1C7 Sytveslef dr
. J h 10 frWium V~lage a;ll310 • Gtrlrudt ll 3A 3 Sanctr'1 10C C
• Jas 1.1 dM lllbom~rdl Cha!llam Lid 927 CrOll rd · Jm~ LIAUQUSUI reormn I H Callllda n n5 KlfiQ t

It's as easy as . . .

to find "WHERE TO BUY IT"

Lh34 Grat • Jean M Mrs h 650 Grand av wapt 1005
Larry 1146 HyslOp • John h 294Forest apl2
• M J (CIItC~ee} COOk Soolhwes1ern Reg! CentTe t\ 41 Coveldale • lOOn (Tammy) customs w~r Ross-Roy (WindSOfl h 54 Owley dl
api201 • Keooeltl tEIIZ £} lnll rep UAW h 24 Ale•a'ldta a~
Mane Mrs h 157 Emml M h 50 Mi(:herle( rd IPI40 l
MIChl Wwi<s Aladdtn Clog Serv 147 Syfves!ef dr • OM tAhCl'l h 34 Eaton tl
RICIICI B (ltnda} lab I HCaoada h 118 Venier dr • Peeter (.Ioyce I elecJ h 175 Sylvester dr
ThosC (Monica) h 165 Colbome Ruth mgo Cole·s Boolc Store h 111· 1'2 McNaughton eve
• Tom !Sharon! lab libby ~II & libby h 180 lnshes lrY • Voctor J (GladyS! h 14 Coverdale
S.ebet J 26 s~nyslde av SIMPSON, W ILLIAM L, (June), Prea Chatham
S~,onsson Jenn•fel ESludl5 O'Brien dl Motora Ltd, h 20 Fl rlt
• Jolin f tE PatriCia! eusiomet relahons mgr Un1on Gash 5 Sompson's fm;e Ltd J E Sompson pres 360 Ouetn
O'llrie!ldr Bnan h 166-1'2 Sl Cla•r
SoIeora Oaoltl.lafya'1111!) eng IBU Canadl h 26 Hooslon • Geo Lt5andra Ll v oron Gregory Or Pub SeN h 38 Glengarry
Soleo Management 600 Grard IIV-N apl 10012 aes
Silcox Allee J K;hr Chatham-Kent Sec Schl h 12 Arnold • Gordorl E !Edtlh l) h 89 Rtvl!f'fle"' di&PI 1002
S1lleH Frank R(t.l•ldred Al charter consullanl Chatham Coach • Ken G(Cattu 01 onspl HCanada h 911 Chartng Cross rd
lineS h 16 Wyandotl • Sarah llfran~l bolli"ll elk Oot Hydro res Oresden
• Karen L Sllldl 16 W)'alldolt SollCia•r A Jolin tumbler opt Dover Corpn h 411 Victoria ••
Sil'la Andre (AI~•alldnt~a) pope!lr Boersn. Constr h 173 Par~ av •s
• Archie 8 !Augusta AI h Oegge
w • Donald Hprogramml!f can Fram 27 Oolsen rd
Concelcao COOk P•necrest Fds h 63lol1le av Douglas G h 70 McNaug!IIOIIa• w apt8
Giorta cooll Fricks Fl>~ns h 63· 1"2lorne •~ • Etaone wl<s Oomtar Pad<ag•ng h 7 Cs1o
IAaroo 63 lome a11 Emroa wlcs Oomtilf Pacllagong h 56 Joseph
S•lve1ra frank (Susan) adv sis Cnalham Oaoly News h 70 Georgina cook Thamesv•e-N Lodge 34 7 McNaugh1oo av w
Aberdeen • Ger&Jd !lineal elk St Cta11 Gralll & feed h 175 McNaughton av
Sol>I!!mall Gerald M Dr oral surg 91Jfsullne 111 waot4
5<1';~ Qa.roes Ma<lt Jenlons 11191 744 Giard ave • Hugh (Hugh's Carpet Ctngl588 Gra.l'ld ave
Sit>~ a Drxn•'IIC 53 lome IV • James 0 (Mlllilyn) ofce mor kerll Counly Jan h 27 Oolsen rd
S•mard J M h 260 Ortey dr JaB<P. K;ht Kent County Bd ol Educ 4 11 Victoria ••
Jos P IIAane VI h 12 Soul/leod c:res · larry L lormn I Hcanada h 34 7 Mc:Naugnlon lrY N
Jos R(Kalllleeo) supvs~lab rel Rock'.oel Inti (Tilbufy) h 5 t.larolyn Mrs co-orool\3101 olaccl $1Ud>es 51 Clalf Colt 27
Indian Cleek rd w Oolsenrd
SIMARD, KATHY. O"lc:e Mgr London Ute • M•~e (KarenJtch( h 78 Park av w
lnauranc:e Company Queen•~ Mrs h 33 McGeo<gP IY
Paul Rsis Krazy kelly's res Windsor Ron ()I(Marglt ~ Ken1 Vel ChNC h 290 Forest IDI 3
SttTiiS 5efgoo lt.l.alll T) lab M7 Wheel Corpn h 112 Copperloeld · Ronald BtHeleo loll tab Eaton Yale ltd h 32 OeoO!'
cres · Ruth recptnst Ketll Vtter•lllr)' Cloll!C 290 Forest
Same lolaude !.ItS h 8tlnshes av · Victor tMary El h 51 W1itshore dr
Simmonds CalC (June 0) lab I HCaoada h 28 Coopevfoeld c:res . wJ;ls Or (Ruth AI !Kent Veterrnary CliniC) h 33 GreQOIV dl e
• Mona casht 81 Way 28 Copperlield c:res • Wolson !Josepl!one) h 350 Park ave
• Vmce prod k'Chn Hayes-()alla Inc 63 Baldoon rd apt306 Smden Jam•e drlstmn Sa~ Mig 74 Blyl/lewood Clet
Sommons Albl R IBeHy II buyef Can fram h 8 John SI"Qee' Serif Ann Mar•e) h 61 Oovl!l apt1
• 0 (fl h 268 Baldoon rd • Mary !.Irs h 111 Cornh1il
• Edrla G 1.4rs h 52 Oegge
· James Lt.leall)lor1t opt Cll Agrl Mart tlhamesvlllel h
871<.•nge~ 1
S•ngh O&Jr•l rMililmdef Pal) lab Oa·;mond Lid h 38 Mwoon av
• OB'Sha~ ()I(Beantl in~lSt 47-203 Emma h 27 Wilco• cres
· Gur•ndel tSunoerl prof eng TurncoCo (Bienheom) h 57 J&spef
• Joyce 1n1e1111 Chaot1am Daily News h 163 Wellington e av
· LA h 50 Moc:herler rd 8PI 407 • GUtpreel SIUd1 38 Mal lOll av
. <Men R !Gemlde 0) produetJon lormn libby McNe•ll & Ubby h 51111)01 H Roc (Annenel customer semnn Ont Hydro res RR 3
12 Homestead cres Sl ~tns Wm 0 mgr [poe 8001< Store h 82 Gra111
· Randall h 10-1'2 Forest Sillllllt~~~ aQI J S Peoler & Son h 89 RIV!IV•ew cit apt
• RochciBtS~ Cl lab Can fram h 73 PI& av w 504
• SIIM!18 stuc1t 87 Kino eepll · 1Aarg1 IA•s h 600 Grand av w apl 3007
• Steven h 24 St George apt 1 Streai 1om comrtr Ont Huma'M! Socy 91 8aJ1er
· Ya- SIUCII163 Welltllglon e Siroiov Chr"tma Mrs h 170 Park ave
• Vool4 Mrs h 31 Melee! • Herwy mgr County Mach Shop
• Welldy $!sdk Just KKis h 82 Oelawate IV OPI212 Srsa~ P.cter (Yvonne) mach opr Dorssers Wldg h 45 Tlmmtns cres
S•mon Man h 24 Vllller dr apt 12 apt315
SllTIOIICIC OOm•rnc IJuttal h 65 W11son av S1SSOII Jas h 89 Ro~rvtew Ill 101 704
S.mone O..e radio annc:r CFCO h 600 Graod av w apt 8010
S•Siet$ of St Joseph 16 RObt!rtson IV
S•morlS Jo.Ann IS4 Cornhill Soues Batry lab M0101 Wheel Cofpn h 73 McNaughton eve
· Norm EIBIIaUtCe)lrkr lS4 Cornhtll h same · Ceo IS tMar,one LJ200 Woods
So.'nOniOII I.IW!one Rbl<pr Rchardson & lai<erl h 160 Baldoon ro Si•ahngham K Rh 25 Orchard Hll Ill aot 8
apc3 Skated<I Stf!ll/lan (Soplt.e) cus!Odlan .torn N Goven Pub Sch' h
Somply You & The Gold COnnecllOn Barb Slav,~ mg~635 Queer~ 103 Coat:wonh 811
Sompson Da<ld 97 Mcfarlane av apl204 S~anderiS Constantlnos (Mary) lab Eaton Yale Ltd h 440 Sandys
· Donna retoucher Marlon StuOoO apt4
fred h 452 Graod ave 51-elctler Leonard !LOtiI• 'e) h 242 Fori!SI
• freoJc llmlinl h 75 Tweedlmuw lrY e SKI-DOO SAL£5 & SERVICE, (SM Maple City
• .Ia$ A tt.l.wy AnnellCIK Jolin UcGreQor Sec Scnl h 117 V!dona av Outboard Ltd)


lt1sn'tthe cost -It's the coverage that counts
and you get so much for so little
when you advertise In the DIRECTORY

Si<KJmOreCecii M(Edtll M)h 17Ve~dr su Gn40 Elm 1101320

SIIVIIbndall(~)lall fllx:l.-h 1111111 I I Beed>wood Ct!S
G M (!)lana) pnn materlalld'.eduiJnO ell< I H Canada h 3AJ
Sloa!l Angu5 w(tva) agt J S Petter 6 Son rn RR 8 Wal!aoaburg
Grand IY e apl 105
SJ.innel Halcrlurl J (OOI'!IIa C) h 225 Clmpus Phr'[ 101 103
8lal e R(Wlnda lol h All(endall
Doug! (Helen) apt sup! h !15 Taytor IV lpl I 0 I
• Harry E(Greta ll h 1000 Chatlog Ctoss rd unll 7
Helen MIS edmlnulQ elk St Jos Hosp n 1771nshes av J h 75-A VIII A'ler'IIV
IAar1< bus bOy Elias Bros Restr 78 Pllrl< av w Lori slsc!~ Tcr.n & Caunry ShOpS res RR 3
M¥gl A h 112 Sllelllon a•IIPI2
Marlo 0 (Paula A) stud! h 210 Elaabe!h
Shannon h 87 Mary apt 102 Sloln Relrlge!a!lol'o Ser• ce 55 hvlor av apl101
S~ •pper Btencla •l(evlnl cashr l.l~'s 1.1 lk
SIObCldlliC!< I. • (lOI$) 1001 & C!le m<r SUperiOI M.aCIIanl & Tool
DemllllltKim) cr• GonbiS IAkts h 12 W ~lll()OOtW 1ern h 52 lansdowne av
DorOft,y F h II EIIQII$11 Slue rd Sloh John D(Sonja 01 d & dle analt'll HCanada h 53
Semeny!l avapl3
Doug n 30Trtlllum VoUageapl 108
El h 89 Ri';er\11!* dr apl306
w.lamas S!Udl53 Semtnyn •• 11113
SliM Gemi!Pa!r.clal h ,.g !.!erctr
GordOn (£~1) h 54 Tweedsmulr ev e
H h 805 Grand av w ept1108
Wm (Hetty Ollab Can f ram h :wg T* tedsmuil ev •
• Healhef M SIUdl107 Sl MIChaela•
Jamie CQUaley conllol Clvome Telo ~ 32 l.t.nay Sma Bruce •UJnel h 18' Ellis
John A (t Eileen) pOioc;emn h 77 Wtlndoll EToz h 85 Pine 1101208
Kerwlll Hl!loreeo l)bb Can Fram h 107 St l.l:tllael 11 l.t.ner n 150 Pi~ ap~103
W11tJ>prr ·• ·• ·•·r~~,..,·
• Kev;n (l!tenda)bb HJ Heinz Co h 90 R!verrievr dr apc3
• K~ o lab Chrome Tech Pla$tlcs h 32 Mll'ra;
· lt.Ubelll7 Mdatlane IY ept101 I SMALLEY BRISCO & THOMPSON

• p h 303 w II1Q1Qn .. LIMITED,

SO Odal< Anna slsclio Bas> In·Robbins Ice Cream 50 Ot:3wl IF 8 ' Rock' Brtac:o, Lyle A Thomi"Ofl.
·Evan h 50 ~·• dr Peter Brlaco), General lnaurance
Slac~ Ida 1.1 h 3A3 Grand •• e apt 211 t 11 Heratage rd, Boa 520
Kenneth R (Pamela lab AccurCISI (Wat:aceburg) 11 76 Anen - . Phone 352-0MO
M!CIII ACl> Ca.'lllda Post Corpn h 891 Ollflno Ctoss rll
Vaughn (M Ga ~s Huron Constr n 159 1.1-CIIener rd
Slade M.vlene h 26 Cou!ufe dr apt 4 SIIWtev ~ten P t,t ,,
n 650 Grand av ., a!ll606
P~tJlme 408 Grand ave loA llerllle M·s h 16 Mary 11)150 I
· Sheldon (Marlene) w1dr Slss Mlg h 124 Jostpt~ Smallridge Doug (Sue) h 66
Slaglll Jaclo Studt 28 Hlghland dr SITIIfda Tracy II 113 125 VlcttN l'tll)l 7
W ltd l (lol :ctred S) t1ev apr WG TlfOmPIOI'Iltd (BienhelmJ h Smarl DaY1d FIJ&flcl P) ~ OPP h 26 Dale.- C1tS
28 Htg!llanel dr Jn t32SICbr
Stater Art cr.llr Becker"• 1.1·11< res W a!'~g Smarl Sel Donna l.lJtshall m<Jf 110 I Sl Cia I
Chris K (Unda) I & c!iemi<J HE VaMa!!et Llcl(W4!11ceburgl Smtd!ty Utlvln II 219 OIJeen 1!113
h4Vafleylll s Stnida s~ tllea!ral llandy'M Clla1hlm Putlllt)ry n 1a
Dafcy K (Dianne A) $hilt 6 rec"' Ene & Huron Bt.eages h 1' ~
CamQbell Smictl fred 5ludl99 Eugen~e
• Helen J Mrs te11t Victor LauriSton PIJb Scnl n 55 Euoenoe fred (HI~ Ill 128 W llow'IIIC IV
Marg1 n 1!58 ~ay Fred l.loannei(Smlds Serv Sin) h 66 8unon av
• Ridld E (JeMie 1'1 1130 W !am s 1011 •e
Jaf1n n Devon Ill
Srrarcn A (Trevor)lel:er camer 135 VI!Uef tlJ urm Gorclons t.t•JS 99 Eugen.e
Trever tlrr*.l Slandatd Tube n 135 Va ctr Ra!ph (Tina) lab Can Frn l.lll h 99 Eugenie
Wray K (Jane t.IJ......, Maple Leaf Ttl<.g 11 3A2 Sandys ept3 Smids Service St3l!on !Fred Srllldsl &Indian Cteed rd e
Slallel Shelly 2•1 Grand av aapl5 Smll ~(Pelel'lll!rCNlhlmt.lltCoutiOerN.nerl!S 12
SlauQhlel Brad!otd C (JOan A)lall Ioi lis & Heur1er h 27
Ced3r •"Oeds cres
• Donnll.lwl h 3Ail SlndyS epl3
• ~A t.bntlllll!ea mor Gas eov
Canada w n 12
Cedar*OOdS cres
• Oorollly Mrs rural rna• I carrier Canada P 0 h 85 Ba•ter
SmiSlOn Phone Cenlte J Sm•lh mgr 93 Cenl1!
John V (N JiU)IC!lr Chatnam Cotllnst h 24 Soou• dr Smll Hcndr (KbU>y UI ldv John McGregor Sec Scnl h 23 ~Qde!e
• u.Jbel Y h 805 Grand IY W 8pt 703
Sbv•k Barb (fra'll< 1mgr Simply You & Gold 39 Wllldlct dr aes
C)'lllllil S(U(II 39 W ndsOt dt • Sue cr• Rol!elsen ,..1rs66 Marion ••
lhOS (Susan) car restorff Wl!!<enaiVOCIIall Lid h 66 lolarl()!llv
· Donald J tl ~atllel)tcht 1<en1Count-( 8d of Educ 1157 Crw
Smitll 50 Metric avapl304
· A Duncan (Tcrrtel ~ l HCanada h ' 2 Vande<PIIk dt
r ran~ 8 (lllrbara JIICtlr John l.lcllregor Sec Scnl h 39 w.nctaor • A t.1 lflle t.trs n U7 Prmce At1r1ur • •
or Alan ll ynaI atwr K & ESanitllilln h 336 Sl eta.r 1013
Sleiglllhtlfm 8rtrl brkJ Ha-ortoylull & ~'ISOC Ins 1781Ury1inoll rei
Aotll h 22• Welllng1on., IPI3
• AIIJI 8 (Carol A) h 98 A'e•atl<lfl It
• Alld tHettnl n 11 P~
(Margaret). Aoent Confederation Ufe
Am!ler lynn secy JuslJc2 of 111e ~ Co&.ntt Court 9
lnauranc:e Company,
~ rd
P 0 Boa :sot
• A'let• plan! SWN 0cnV Sonoco Cnll'n II 2261nshes I •
......•-.Phone 352-IMO · A"lit• 11 tloltlodle) nif1ll aew Chi GordOn's Super t.llo.t 11 35
Rea A A 3 C~ttlam
- -Phone 354-3211 Atchie h 225 Cam!lus Pi -v 1P1 215
Arlo J (Inez11199 rl$$l!IWIIV •
SLEIOHTHOLM. S BROCK, Agent Confederation
8l<bn COilSlo1ble OPP n 455 Sanctys IPI408
Ufelnauranc:e Company, h 171 Maryknoll rd,
• 8ehndll G *~J Un!1ec1 to-Op 9 ~-Ill
Phone 352.,.211 Bua Phone 352-IMO Btmly J IS/IIrltVl n201 EUQC~~~e
(Ow 386398 Ontano Limited)
BlanChe Mrs h 45 Trillium VIIIIIOJ! apl106 • J h 43 semenvn ov a(llt4
• Bradk'y PtRosemary Hllab Can Fram h 59 canll'fO\rry • J h 85 Pone apt 206
• Bnan h 7 Thud ap13 • J Ah 219lnshe$ av
• Bnan M (Vaughn AI quality controlleclm MOIOf Wheel Corpn h J Donald !Rowena AI malenat supvsr H J He1r11 Co h 1DI Ounn
375 McNaJJOhton av w av
• Bnan R v-prrn llfesd41n Central Schl he s Joplyn • J IC.ari [Teresa M) me'!l clr A.\ P !Wallaceburgl h 56 Oov!!f
• euan T (Jacba G) h 15 John Ooondr
Bruce Rh 471 B K1no w Janelle 2261nshes ••
Bryon slud1 883 Charrng Cross rd Jas ll caret~r Blessed Sacrament Ch h 455 Sandys apt60 1
8yrrll' A !Saundra Mllab I H canada h 12 Wa!WICk dr Jas J lormn Chatham Hort1cullural Soey h 127·AAdela•de 1
Ch 36- r2 Oxley dl Jasl tEIIZ) ltnem!l Onl Hydro h 40 Collegrale dl
CR h 29 Jetfre~ Jas P (Rebecca JJ mlwrgtu Rockwell Inti h 123 Sellurk
• C l h 892 Char1ng Cross rd Jea-n cons McKeon lravel883 Channg Closs rd
· Gall 0 tPalrocaa Gl bodt shop 5 Madonna cres h same Jean 8 M:s h 37 M:::l<lnoon <11
· Carol AS1ud1 h 94 Baldoon rd apJ103 • Jean C Mrs n 491nshes a.
• tamem~e A h 82 Welhnglon e Jeanne ~rs h 39 t V'ICIOJ•a av
• Calhy (Mark) secy Juba law Olce res RR 2 • Jerry D tPa~•ci~ AI frmr h 373 Colborn&
· ChasE rllarbare MJ h 11 F1nd1 av Joan Dmntnce l<f!nl Counly Bldg h A7 Oxley dr
• Chas WI Caroline A) e'lg Ca~ Frarn ltd h 14 MMIOn 8\" Joanne lab Campbell Soul! Co h 81-A lOine av
Clara 99 Pa•i< • John Jill Sandys apt 211
Clark~" A"VIEdna Ml tR•o;p!" Tra-veiSefv) h 115 Metcer · John eog Sl Joseph's Hosp h 15 Dol~ rd
SMITH CORONA BUSINESS EQUIPMENT, (See Chatham · John B !Colleen PJ pohcernn h 64 Allan
Office Supply llmltad) John J flynfl\' Dllab lloby McNeill & libby h 22 Hyslop
· Cyn!hla D elk F1rs1 Ta<e Y1dl!o 17 OriOle pkwy • John W!Deborah t.) w~.s SmisiOO Phon~ Centre II 38 Joptyn
OaMr (Cathy) lab l1bby lkNetll & Ubby h 36 Orchard HIS dr John WIP!1)1hs)(Towne Auto Sply Inc) h 17 Cox av
apt I • Jul•" ward secv Sl Jos Hosp 455 Sand'(!lapl60 1
• Oalyt t1vrl servanl h 258 McNaugtllon ave apl204 June &lsclfo- Janie's Fa911ons 650 Grand av w apl408
• Da•e wiOf A~>erside Wlclrs h 4D3lacrol~ KaJhleen Mrs h 1Owr.n av
· Dave A h 39 T1SS1manav • Kevm h 11 RaiPtgh apl2
• Da.ld IChr McKeough Pub Schl h 9 Jup1let av · Kim (Oren) acctg Forsylh Travel Bureau res 8Jenhe1m
· David A IWg1ma CI&OI J S Peller & Son h 44 Maryknoll rd • Klr~ lab Pub GPnl Hosp 25 Crerar dr
• Oebb'e hrdrsr Bre'ld4's Bty Salon 4D3LBCrolx ltirry D booymn Sandy Elllol Mot01s IS Standaert dr
• Oenn1s wldr RrvefS!d~ Wldrs 74 AIYervleW dr apl4 lesley Fslsclk Ctolhes Hampe~ t87Lome av
· Donald E (Margvenl~ ll mgr Un1on Gash 25 Ardle1gh dr · l!!She lechn Un1on Gas h I 27 Cornh1ll
· Donald WIAudri!Yl insp can Fram lid h 50 Harwich leslie E(Jeanene M) h 89 Pnnce Arlhur av
Donald W!Robbin) sopvsr canada Post Corpn h 15 Sherbrooke l•la Mrs h 40 Tnlhum Vtllage api4D6
pi l1lhan !Clothes Hampe~) h t 87 Lome av
Dora Jean ell< Forsyth Tra~l Bureau res 8!enlle1m lillian Mrs sPCy Oul!f'n Ehzabeth Pub SellI h 22 Garatnal cres
DoriS Eh 82 Delaware •• apt 315 bnda 89 Pnnce Mhur av
Oouolai h 15 Cam~•leD13 llOyd tMarronJ 1> 198 fugeo•e
Dunta~ MllOrrll•nel h s s Grand av w lynn stud1 25 P11mrw. Ia
• Eh 79& Grand av w aol Z1& · lyon IGeol soc•alwkr Cllalham Kent Cornmun•ty & Farn11y SeM
Edt;lar G lAMe I) h 5331kNaUOhlon av w 97 Gladstone av
Edna !Ciar~<soo) secy AiSOin Travel SeN 115 Mercer • M A h 76 Mary apl 112
• £0..<1 h 137 Pru'lce Arthur av • M Bretl 11'-•m) cons fOISylh Travel Bureau res Blanlleun
• EC.111 (VIOlet) n 116 Mercer Smith M J LHrutod gra•n e~ 79 Centre
• Edwon Gh l53lancelteld pi Mahlon ~~al!tee)llnr wkr Ealon Yala lld h 26 Jellrey
• Elil secy MulU Comlm lid 25 Pumrose Ia • MartonE Mrs 11 99 McNa~ghiOO '" w apt 142
Elme~ h 100 Poplar aPt 40 • Mark llaunel chef SoulhweS1em Reg! Centre h 144 Semanyn av
· ElSie I h 2 Oar11ere pi ap12
• [rnttSt C h 74 Northland dr • Mar.m (Evelyn) h 50 M•chener rd api 303
· her en l !Helen) stsmn TesSie Balder AI Est h 127 Coverdale • Max !Sandra) meal clr Oom Stores h 96 Vanrer dr
f NOIIOI'IIIlortSI h 185 Delaware a• • Mtrle h 100 POI)Iar apl 48
• Gtna Ewks Arc lnd 2 Teat pi M:chaet 0 (llt>niSP R)slsmn McMalh Rlty Lid h 19 Mallard pi
· Gordon l h 1000 Charlng Cross rd unrt48 • Mtchl J 62 t Grond av e
· Graham (BJII•e Anne) lab 0 ES !Bienheom) h 284 lnshes av • Mtke J IJoanne CJieb lechn Can Fram to 63 Poplar
Glanll!Judy)lab Motor Wheel CO<Pn 11 150 Partesoo ev · Missy Mrs wtrs Taco BellS I TayiOf av apl tO
Gre:sa F Mrs h 100 PQOiar apt 36 Morley n 100 Poplar ap1 42
• HGlenn (Oorolhy AI "'OJ Can Imp 8k of Commerce h 14 Saugeen • Murray f !Ciaodta) drllsmn M1!1tSI!y of RPYenue h 159
a·· Matyknoll rd
tl Grant lllortSJ h 266 Tweeosmw ave Sm1!h Norton Cycle Serv1ce (W•nslon Sm•lhl 179-181 Thames
• Harlalld F (K.l!~ne Ellrnemn H)'()'o h 11 Oale.•ew cres Pauy Sludl 883 Chaung Cross td
· Harold h 150 Mary apl507 · Paul H (C8rolrne)lab Can Fram Lid h 29 W1lsoo av
• HarOICI J 1Ka!h~ J)w1dr Oovet Co.Qp h 17 Oliole pho')' Paula stud147 O•ley dr
· HarTy l~ne) a1d1 Scheoa~>J Car Wash 12 Park Ia Paultlll' (Wayne) chuo asSI Ch1roprac11C Hllh Cerrtte res
Harry A(leona) II 71 8 Oveen Dresden
· Helen secy Superror Mold~ & Tl45 Adetatde n • Peler {lona•nt'l mnJ~ Motor Wheel Corpn h 89 Alverv•ew dr
· Helen Rtv m111lstet StJames Presby Ch 50 F•nch d 81)1201
· Henry H iS¥anma~l.,.kS Can Fram h 114 Glenwood ell · Rachel G Mrs h 805 Grand av w apl613
• Herbl Helk Sre-o.~· Reta1l h 173 Par~ · Ralph M (8asbal'l J) wk$ Onl Egq Producers Mid Bd
• How111d A IEunoce T) n tOO Mcfarlane av apl508 (Wtllowdale) h I 15 Cornhlll
• J h 17 Thomas • Ratoh w lab Pallo & Flreolace 115 Comhlll

Yer••• •re~terlea $e'tving

29 Rebecca St. Hamilton, Ontario Ontario
Telephone (-416) 522-5066 L8R 183 Communities
SrTVcca ZcleNca slscfio l!!!lers h 48 Taylor: av
SMITII Smu1der1 MJI (l)ebrallrac!. ITU\!!'If C P Rail h 161 Timmins ens
Randy(t.l~ctJ. TacoBennSI TaytoravaptiO IIlii
Rayd 11a0 body meen 1.1* cuy FortJ n43 PP 1a Henry Ill> elm N:xm Vanrolloyt C2 FinCh Cl
Reid mdsr 841 V DrUil StOIC II 265 Outen apt I Mlrt>n h 67 BaldDcn rd apt 12
RJChd h 233 I"2 Oueen M.!!Tin sec~onmn CPR 4 2 FIIICII Cl
AIClld ll vndal h 85 £Cigar N~e M lab Slatldald Tulle (Bier.he•ml h 15 Tnnlurn V1llage
Aolllll320 ~ av w IPI204
Robt SIUdl r.!61nshes av Peter IJoafWle) h 42Ft~ C1
Rotll (!leathef) lab M!lllll ~nee! n 31 81v11lfwood cres Smyth A M h 76 Mary al!l502
• Robt H!CarOl MJp<es M J Sm•tn ICilatham)ltd h 84 Carol mgr Barnes w 111!5 20 8nar Hm rd
M~N3UIJI!ton av e • CheSler 11 1'2 Paneson a•
Rolli H!Ellen Bllatl Ctvome T114< PIM!la h 96 Semenyn av Dan A(Y~gellnfl con:r 8e!lel &lilt h 80 Fauberl dt
Rolli HRev 1U Helen) mlniS!et Sl James Presoy Ch h 50 Flncl'l [);a.-.e E sr paJ'foll tr. UIIIOII Gas h 72 1!3!00011 r<l apt202
Cl Ed4!1 L Mi• ellchr Cha:nam Col!eg~ lnst S68 Kmg *
Rob! I (Irene) SIJllYSt We$1011 Bkrs h 1150 Mur•av EllenE M-s h CO Warw d< dr
Rob! U (J:Ir.e E) qua IV COII!rol mgt I H Canadl h 56 Hta:lll!r S !.Ia bry I!!ChriUnilln Ga1 34 Glengarry ens
Btecllwood cres Jaclo h 342 Queen
Robe w(I Sandrallchr Kent County lid o1 £Clue n 43 Jill Am 11KY Ken! Counry lid ol Eouc n 4:J ONwart av 8D116
Cedarwoodscres SMYTH. JIM. (Dolor. .) , Prea KMII Jewelle,.
Ron S (Nancy ll piiOIO Schneider & Smitll Photo h 132 Hglla!ld ltd , h 14 Ardlei gh Drive Phone 354-1507
IV Jolly Wl!S Blrf~ Klflll 66 CornhiD
Ronald C(JoyceI grge serv mgr S ndy Elllollbs h 2 Teal pi John SM lechn Cha!!lam Ofce Spl';
Rosslyn 47 O•tey dr ~ Astud! 20 8rrar Hlll rd
Any K (Robtrla M) plant mgr Conlinmtll Can 1146 Da:e.Je-., SMYTH , JOHN H. (Carol). Parte Dept Mgr Sa.ndy
cres Elliot Motora Limited, h 20 Briar Hill
SMITH, RUSSELL, (Jean), (Gray'e China Hall), rd
h 313 Wellington w l(!m (!.!Jryl C)1:smll Union Gash t 04 Col'eg;a•• dr
S Eh 36 wllowmac IV SMYTH, LAWRENCE, (Heather), Ataoc:Jata Re'Mu
S Edwd (Judy) lab I HCa!l3da h 2150 M NauglllO!l av w Wett Gala Realty Ltd, h 34 G lengary cr. .
Sal1le h t28llydtean ev t •1 Phone 351 · 26e3
Sam h 79~ Grand av w apt306 MatjOIIf t..h h 40 Oela ..are !• art I
SamIGOr (Jeao E) a118e$1!lellSI St Joll Hosp h 883 Cha11ng SMYTH. MAURICE, (Margaret), Pratldent Ra'Mu
Ctoss rd Watt Gata Realty Ltd , h 1111 Charlng Crou
Sandra elk Baker lotklmllhlng 173 Par• rd Phone 352·115M
Scot A tndl e~~g I H Cenaoa h 20 M!llfay apt3
Scott drv• atdt Chat!larn & Oist A!!'bulance Serv 76 Mary apt SMYTH MEMORIAL COMPANY,
801 Dan Walah, Pr. .ldant
• Sharon AM.'S 119 !.In®-"*' rd Chrlt Brown, Sec:rataty
• Sht'rmun K \MJrv E) mgr R &S ¥.1dg h 98 CalllefWy Monumentt, Markera, Cemetery Letteri ng
S•monie h 85 Pull! apt 230 Our Speci alty
Steven lab Campbell Soup Co h 82·1'2 Tavior av 411 Jeltrey ....... Phone 35-4-31130
Stevw n (Nie) sl5trlnflarnes Farm EQuip h 650 Gland •• "' 101
Tlift SIUCI: 883 Chaung Cross rd M.dll J (Ed Ll 191 J S P!;'er & Son h rra K "9"
Terry ang ~ h 8 Elm
Tl!!ry 0 (Jut.a MJate1 Union Gash 16 Pamela eras SMYTH, P J , ENTERPRISES LIMITED,
• ThOrn (TIIOm:ls & Col h 50 Wesl (Smyth Memorial Company)
• ThOs 0 (V~ i h 14 H)'llop Da.n Wal th, Pretldent
Tom 11 4 : Coverdale 8PI304 Chrlt Brown, Secretary
Toov h 32 Orthard fils dr IPl 3 Monumentt, Markert, Cematary Lettering Our Speci alty
· v Lh 76 Maryapt 7t2 411 Jeltrey ·-..~ Phone 35-4-31130
• v,ncf! (leune) Irk dM Ofvos Furn res RR 2 Trilbufy
Vorg•nta C M!Slthr lndran Creek Rd Pub Schl 48 1hryl\noU rd
W1'1224 Par; ave IPI I Pat• J 0 S!Udl 20 B""' ll • rd
· Wayne G (Pauhne) '"'reed Chatham Oe•lv N....,s res Dresden t · ira,twj aw w .~'111
• Wt!S tEitzltch• Monarch Sec Sthl (Wndsor) h 25 PT•mrose Ia SMYTH. VIRGELINE, Rap Plntonneault & Gebal
W•n$!On N (NallCy £)!Norton Sm•th Cvcle Servl h 17 lnd•an Real Eetata Inc, Realtor, Ree 80 Fauber1
Cteel< ro w dr, Phone 354-8828
Wm (AIIIrwios Spurgeon's Rug Ctr~s h 85 Dela w~e IV Wm R (K:dai ll~ ·• A & Ph 6b Cornt
wm(Htlm) bus lldman StClair Colt 1145 Ac:lelalde n Snake 8atbara 11 140 Kmg e
wrn F (Audfev) (Gocllree's Men's Ww) h 25 Cter111 Clr Snary Laurie AIVIe hsekpg W'leels 1M 6 De.on rd
Wm Gh 452 Gland ave Robl (Barbara I mach ~ Molof Wlleel Corpn h e s Creek rd
Zelma 99 Par• • S•mone Y Mrs bb Maple OIV Bl<ry h 6 Oevoo rd
Smllll Almond Cherrvle slsdk ~·s Corvenience Store 62 Pat< Snat Dave Sl\ldl 343 Sand\'"1 IC)I 4
Smaty's Panca~e Houu restr Eric Polos mgr 307 Grand tv w Snea>y P!!e's J Richa:dson mgr 100 Ktng "" ullll 113
SmolderS D:ln wl<.s Sanity ElliOt MilS 112 Bur1on •• Snea>y Pe'.e's Res:aurant S&t1dra Venco mgr 801 Sl CW
· Joanne slsdk Mlcrobyl! Compu~ng m RR I Kent Bneloe Snefop E!wv M'S h 88 T,. eeclsmUot I< e
leo (JoAnn) SUPV$1 La:>ombard's Cha!l'lam Lid rn RR 2 Kent Snetgrll\<eOem$ R il.tatgl Rl b! mgr Will~ Silly he s lynOfood dr
Bridge f red aw Counlt I.IICh Sllap res Drt!Sdm
• fta'l(l A (Patno~ 0) tr1< 11M 8 & R Fue!sll 112 B:Jrton •• .bs (MJ1)1ou) h ! 68 West
Smol101 Mary Uts h 91 Gray Jas w(M.lbel u I lab HJ Heinl Co n 102 lbchmond
Smoulders Henry G (Col!~ Al lab Thames Van Farms h 31 i\allly lnSp Chrometett. h 47 1'2 Oela.,are av
l'l•llll!r$00011 larry JVate<•eJ lormn CNR h 158l01ne • •

~ • Residential ~/AA ...V ® •Agricultural •

~ KJl"I'FI~
. •Commercial


an Independent member broker
121 Heritage Rd., Chatham , Suite 202

(519) 351-1300

Snldet lvln (UM'f) 1160 lltlSdo\lrne I• Souc:llUI- lola!'• SIUCft 111 Pa,. wood Clr
SnlPOe Ber1 1~111 4 0 Elm apt202 Ronald 0 U.cwrame JJ IChr Chal!lam Collins! 11 t II Parl<wood
Snobelen AA>I h 46 Park dl
£\'!t1f1 ~~tnt Pub Genl HOSD h 296 Baldooll rd Soudanllfarly {Rolalie) h ~ MXhenef rd apt SO..
Ronald consllinsp WI~ & Ufnallld h 381 '2 Sd ·~ leo G IAMI I.AJiab I HCanada h 76 (loom Ooon dr
Snow Dan A1Jo- A.'VIe ll medl Hondl Hie ll 69 Snetdoruvepl 14 Soup 10 N:As (linda Bames!63 King w
SilO'*~ Rob11HelenJ s1smn Weslon SUs h 12 ~lrll C1 Sousa An1on1o L(lai.lll) cans11 ~~ Catat)'lie (Simla} h 71
Srtydel H S1uat1 (Grace El •1<s Union Gas 11138 Ctyslal df Pametacres
• Jamoe socl4l planner Cil'( h 39 Lincoln rd Jo:t l !UMII C) constr wl<.t h 7 SWI•ng Ia
• Ttrn h 360 SandY' 1!11301 ~nuet A(lalde Sl C00$1r wl<.r I< tnt Consll h • 75 ln<lia~ Cretl<
Sabry Helen h 103 Adelaide s rdw
Soc>ea Cet~o~ (Richdl secv Chf•st Aogln Ch 16 Elllabe!h ~not! A lab Chalnam Concrete' 75 tndlan Cleek rd w
·llf&e Sludl 16 Elllabetll Paula M stlldl 71 Pamela cres
Ridld A (Celia! (lnclocr Ollldoo! Wo..-l<gl h 16 Ellubelh Soutar fila h 190 Th!lneS 8pi26
Richd l studl 16 Ellzabelll JH (Karen)nurse Nl Genl Hosp h 57 Baldoon rd apiiO 1
Soei.'lll Set.ns h 75 Grav ltll 1 Jas w(Jayne AJ c&. RMera Men's Ww h 18 Windsor dl
Soenm ~ h 165l(ing •ltll8 Soul!l Chatham Vi ge 40 Elm
So!«1eous Chris I AMI I ,.U Tony"l Pizzi h 63 Baldoon rd e;t Sou Debbie Ecas111 Mncle fd f.lat118 Delroll dl
304 Sou:.'l Side Auto rowers 3636 Onlano Ltd 199 Pan< av w
SojCl¢ Ttd h 76 Mary a;lC 608 Sou:llem Concrete ProduCis ltd J Erlc Cox pres 100 Pan; Ia
-Zygmunl (Jac..~l1139 r ..~ .. t Sou:hg3:e Llllrlll h TO I Sl Cllil
SOkolowP ~e• llindll 11 261 I.Atrcef Verlll701 Sl 00
. .~om nT61bty ape a ScMlliefe Diane J pre$$ opr Oomt3r Sonoal Cntrn h 12 David
• Slanlty flt~a) CU$llldi4!1 Crll!!lam Colllnsa h 14 ern
Queens..-aydl! One ApartmeniJ 276lolerJII IV
. w11422 Sanl1vs ap14 SoiMwesl Salls (David Be•ton) w s Creek rd
Solan> loAMy J 11225 Campus Pl<.,y 81l1202 Sow •ns• r Clwis J lhop wkl Rendm & Rende<S lid 22 Bed!ofd
Solomon C l11168 Gray · Jill Ml'S nurse Can Am NUfSO Home •2 Ta~ '"
Clllld A!Meddt1 r!g & sldiog lll$lllw s Giw'tn rd h sa~ Rlehd (Jill) mgr Fun llehides n 42 Taytor ••
• Dough 43 Amut dl Slanley (Ehz) vri<J Supertor n & Die 1147 CeCiarwoods cres
• Gemlde Mrs 11 650 Gta'ld •• wltll 705 Slclllt.Ars h 911 av w 101205
• Jado ~I pres Ttlt lllllilie ShOppe f~J Lid h 200 Soya BeanJUr~;e!lng Board Doug VI~ BeCilOn mg< 180 Rl\lerY•f'"'
· terry W(U.theif l)lab ~ W'leel Corp! h 144 Holla'ldav
Sols> I Ed h 4~2 Grand a• t
Soy>o fctwd (Tei!YI mgt Colonial M~ n 711 Grand ave
Spaoolora Th 40 TrnUum V•llage apl305
• frp C\ISiodlao Kenl County Bd of Edue ~ 10 Lamson ern ape Spagllett• Juncbon fran~ Pra'IOVl mgr 17 K&ng e
3 SP8lenberQ Charleen (ROb!) b!o.;w CBteaul193 T.,!!eelsrnulr av w
• Ja1v1 TISitlla U) h 480 V"IC.!Orilev uaoet•ne h I00 Poplar 1P1 14
Sandia slscf), Kldd.'e Koble. S1 Clat • RQbl paSWr ~-Day Actv-mlst Ch h 93 Tweeosrnuu IV •
$:an1ey J (Ruby A) (Cha.."lam Bldg M11net) h S~ GreQory ~ w S1131>~ ~ 26 Florence
Y.lller (t.Urttyn) (Wall's Jan Serv) h 565 Sl Clair Spans Brad:ey R (Phytlis M) lab Can Fram Ud h 10 O'Brien dt
Sot*l• .m 1\.ors AI lab Aoc;t,we~Jintl 11 •a Aberdeen ClaySOn J (PBlricia A)lab llbby M!.NP.iU & Libby h 263
Somani Sam mg: Chal!lam Clnrs fOiesl
Somerset Cha$ Eh 1 Tatb av ClaySOn EIOorrs 0) h 28 0~ ev
• N~lson J llbrtenel sup! PoliCe Force h 40 Slmon1on dr Douglas I.A rnaso11 889 ChaMQ ClOSS rd
Somer-mt Gto H(W.nn:lled AI h 141 AleQIIdfa 1¥ Spatlo:.s fiOOI Cove!IRQ Ucl Lee S!*h pres 364 Grand IV e
Somrner<il!r Joan u cool< o. •ie lee Am - Yooay 8lll 2 frw (Sparlt.s Racing En~erPr~Sesi 11S Grand .. e
• M1lnftl O'y drv 1.1* Cllr Lndry h 2 17 Adelaide 1 Gregory J (Ctuls Ellab Can Fram Lid h 26lerose cres
Pa:J d> Du :e tee 211 Adelalde s Irene ~t-s 11 15 Del<t•'lle"'
Somooy Seve 52 VI eUIIIQ!OII e Jean lhslliiS Grand ave
Som< Ardlly (The'.ma!IIISP H J Heinl Co h 49 Yle$1 .1oM L Can fram Lid h 67 HNihel ~
• Gera!dint IN!• I rm Challlam Dllty Nt "' 52 8efry · lee IC/lallol!el pres Spa~h fir CO\' 11 46 H•llyard
Sood Ba'bhadar DDr IL SalOlI Pl'(thoatn$1106 Emma h 62 Spa~h IUtiOf ApattmeniS •04 Grand ave
OoJeo.•e. cres Spar>s AJting Enterprises Fran>" Spar~s mgr 637 Sl Cla•r
• Vi yall stual62 Ill ~<llf"* O'el • Rona lei U (Sue C) SUPVV FordS fWrndsOII h 475 VlctllriiiV
Soorl&ens Frario A(Oebbie)llntiM 0111 Hydro 18 o·euen ~ Rose J Mrs sis M,:l.falh Rlly h 889 Chll•og Closs rei
• frario (Otbbie) loreslry Or&l Hydro h 18 D'Bilen ~ • Auelh t~Grand eve
Soos Jos jr (Cindy) bnemn 0n1 Hydlo 11 45 1111rm h · IM!I Mrs h 148 Granda• e
Sooler Sllld<o Gil Sll\los mgr 121 w tom f conu w s Creek rd h same
SopW Jos J (frances! h '79 h ottd&mw IV w Spa~lrog Carman ISusan I ~ mgr Cl BennlllQel Equip res RR 4
Soper Helen t Urs nurst TllalntSvltwlOdge 75 Lancebetd pj - JoyEh81 Uurray
t.!et.lle l (Helen LI dot l<e!ll County Soc: & Family Serv h TS Robl Cdk Brtwt!!S'Wrhtg n 50 t.terln ••IPI ~
lanceheld pi Spano- Charil Uae A8':cts mach opr Cey h 223 Faubert ~
o eo
Sopot, 11 SumysJQe a. Jud;lh Esis UJty K4 y Cosme1JCS n 223 Flllbert ell
Scmll 0 4g Tartar 1• 1;)1207 Spearman Barbara J h 216 Par• IV W
Sorrelllar 1at1 Sl c:aa;r n & Ole (W~JII 403 SltiC!Y' la*rence J (Paula 0) a & dimt~r Superior Mlcll & TI h 208
ape I ..... •• w
• S 82 De!2u•e r• ap~202 Rosa MICh' Chalham t.Qy Court Illy Nnery h 19 SUMV1111t a•
• Tom control o1c1 Onl Humane Soc'y 91 Ba.tlef Terry SWC11218 Pirkl• w
Sorrtnkl Domonic lombltdl mgr 100 king w unllf 5 Spears R'lbl A (Palric:la U) II & ~ mech ~101 Mach & n h
SosnowlJ.. Edwd c<JacQ-Jelltlel prur &.men Prod h 1~9 ~amer df 15Ptne
Hh 123 125 YQlria evl(ll8 ~ Educ:allOII SeN!CeS Kent County RC ~ate School
• Helen 46 er-"'
· HalE h46Crt:lt~
Board 93 Glenv<?od dl
S~y Auto Glass lloyo Petnbenon mgr 167 Keil ~ 1


Speedy Video (EI:toroll Y~ey)4S2 Grand ave StleJens ~ J 9!1 lll.Naug!':tO!I ave
Speer lynn h 2411 Forest Stall Alibi (lJiy) h 130 5neldon av ap~114
Speers Glenda h 360 Sand'i' 311120 I Sla!lord Carl J dr\11 Oi1ecl Transp S~ h 75 Ta~1or aw
~ MacK!nlie (Be!n) wllll OPP h 11 Teal pi Slahlllrand RJ 1!9 Finch pi
Spelle!Alel £ lori!SI!r L.ooer 1'llames va ey ConservallM Sl3lua John h 62 Phyllls ••
Aulloily n s Glenmar av SlaJs lelia seq Emmanuel ~ Ch 212 M!Che:ler rd
Jolln (Shlrieyllab Can Fram h 87 Solthend CttS Phi!:p (leila) minlsler [mmaJul 8a;:ltlsl Ch 212 Mdltner rd
Matybeth atdt Pronlo SeH Serv Philip DRe-v (leltal pa$101 Emmanuel 111¢$1 Ch h 212
N HEarl (Krlly lou) Cllf eng I H Canada h n 1 Glenmllav lA dltlll!f rd
Spence Graham N (Doris AJmnmoe IOtmn St Cla;r Coli h 322 Stall"' Jrmat1 (Darlene) lab I HCanada h 20 KendiH
8aldoonrd SU'IIIS ltene bb Campbell's Souo JO Meta den
Norman h 30 Tnlllum V!llage aptlt08 SlaiM!ers Geo A tEIIz IAJ h IZ Indian Creel< rd w
SJ)t'IICer Dan h 386 w tngtan w S!3ntuy Donald h 4 S2 Grand ....
.~a:~< (Ge'malnl!l ern Clit'.ord"s Tra!ISP h 34 Timmins Cl!$101 S!andaenCiarence A (Jean YIIAIZner Cals:rlt• 168 ~ av
2 · DWh661o!Jry
L h 76 Uary a;ll409 Jet!rey E sludl168 Cecl!e av
RIChd A (Janet Ll!Jy MtNeih & libby h 61 Spurgeon ~d AI*! Glass LIU Denis M :ward rngy 202 Grand av *
dr Standard Commercial TCbatCO Co~ Canada lid salome ••
flrehd Edrt!smn Unlon Gash 3~ Par• ave Slandafd Comtnmlal Tobacco Cool CaMdllld E Hles!!r mgr
fbchd P (Lona ne Jl eno e>r-.1 Tech Ce111re h 174 S1 M thaela• 235 Paueson 8•
·Roy R (Johanna! h 2821ndian Cree~ rd e
Spree Chas dM Radlo Cab h 267 St Cia r STANDARD LEASING LTD.
S~•1Cez £Cimund (Shilley) counsellor Soulhwesle!n Reg1 (Keith end Ed Kohl
Cen!Je h • 1 Prince s 170 Queen, P 0 Bol 1450, N7M IIWI
Nlda h85Pmelll!l231 - - -Phon• 362· 2t22
Spat Brian J 267 Tweedsmulr ave
Colleen 1110' Belinda & BrOiher 138 Vallier dr
lucyV IA.'Sh 267 T~r ave Standard Trust Comoarr; J3s RGray 119 119 King w
wayne h 138 Vanier dr Standrsh Eh 181 t4NJJghtOnliW apt 3
Sp!Sa!li Sarro (£11111 I h 800 Grand av 'Wapi eoo9 10 Slang leo Conslruci!On Lid (leo Sllll!ll 22!1 Pw\ •• •
SPISANI, SERGIO, (lorraine), (Benoit. Van S~ang Loret:.'l program SUilYSI f'at\.s & Recreatlon Dept h 225
Raay. SpiNnl & Fu.rth), h NO C hatlng l'a<k ....
Crou rd Su• Gl!ftlatl eled Onllt,llro h 114 Gtengsrry aes
Spooner David IEdllll) ltnanctalanalyg Can Fram Lid h 10 Mll1ha w'IS Submarine Stop II 184 Wellington t
Pl!easanl dr rnos h :ze 'Nest apr 1
Jol1n C ll.t.ltQI 01 h 36 Warwtcl< d1 I om lab SuperlO< C.Srpe~ Clng 184 'II ettln!r.O" e
Sport M.!.1 Clwer1 Freernat~ 119 125 Kino • Sl31lislaw?y MJri Mrs h 34 Pll!• II
Spemn larry ln$llt TOWI!ty Ali10 Set-. Sl3ni< :>Jerry lll«Jo ~)(Mdt's SlOttI h S33 Per!< ••"'
Rayd 0 l£velyn} sNm¢MI Hereon Sheet Mml h 78 ~ Sla:11ey Geo \Eona MJslsmn n 10 IMt1hland dr
RiCI\d h 22 TIIMUllS c:res 1;)11 Stoll B (l~~n~ A)lns ag1 Sta fa<mlns ll39 CoppeMld
SptagueRMh99~avwapl115 cres
wBenon (Edna Rl 11 175 Edgat Sla!"..JJ Dons IIA.Irl<l eto~ Beda:cfs PlmDg & ~ 38 Edgar
Sprlgley AIICI!ey H PfSI Arrow Lndry h 6.~ RaiPlgh Ll¥io (DoriS) wits Tr~ Union 1Samiai1138 Edget
Spr•~ R h 14 7 M~Navgllton av waD! 2 Sl3!10tt>ic Pete! (Sonia! ICtlf Tecurnse!l Sec Schl h 222 William
Sp~~ng~r Oanl F (PatriCia A) lead letmn Mtr Wl-«1 Corpn h 393
Bai~oon rd Ullll 2!1
ES!ella G U.-s dr!r Court Bldg h 232 5anoy1
Spfucedale United Clllnll Rev Craig Drurnrnood rnrnts~e~493 STAN'S MARKETS LTD,
VIClOrlllv (Stan c.rnanec:).
Spurgeon Engines Lid Atlhur Spurgeon pres 4 7 Borrowma~ Farm FrHh Proch1c., FrHh Flow.,
S;ugeon L F h 50 l.lerrltt av JDI607 Arra~•n~ end Fruit leaketa.
Square Deal EnlemriSeS hOme lmprovemet~~S 44 FOS!e! 171 StClair n
SQutre G h 99 M<:Na~ av w 81)1 249 .......... Phone 364· 8200
· Robyn Studl252 T-osmufr a• e
• Wa!ll!f \Ruth) "'II HCl!llda h 9!1-1'2 Tly1ol av
S•!Qley Eve<en J tAnrue T) 11 4 1llltl01• Sla:~Si-J Stanley (Edmetl) stock cJ;. E~ Vat~ lid h 10 La.o100
Stnrcek Deborah F (Pe:lt) elk Can Post Corpn res RR 1 dr
Sta~osz RJCI\d wbb 0111 EngineetJ ~ h 145 Baldoon rd • Wa~ (Ann I.IJh 536 LIICIOI•
SIMI Claudelle do Challlam Pntg & Oectg 421 Slndys 1013 Stanlon Edgal (I.I.Juon) 11 100 Gtaoo a• •
• EUQeM MIS h 4:34 Baldoon rd ~Gordon A ll.brlt,n R) mgt Unron Gls h 16 Dana pi
· Jutes P w•s Can Fram 434 Balooon rd Mar• ulll•tymn Sne~•r Pele"s 16 Dena pi
St~ -nn h 110 Ale•lmdra ••
• Ar1l1ul L 9 Tea• pi
Srar• Jea'l h 85 Ptne &PI 243
SW•.s Stlldlty TIEI!Je E} rl< dM ChiPPtWI E~prlses h 117
· Harvey E(li.alllleen) lUI Eaton Yale lid n 70 Seobrd
leonafd EICI•• LIIChr TllburV OW Hr1J11 SCl\1 h &6
I Col!lOme
Henrv (Genld) n a1 Slndys
NOII.'IIand dt I Stass Hvct n~ Colbome
Shitlt'Y D(Isabel F) h 100 Mcferlane avapl403
S'a"' F•M ClallllS OoviSif'' Wlr"" 1.1 ~eod "'9' 121 HefllaQt rd
SlliCho Rudolph 1Ma•kol h 83 Chestnut dr
Stac~ Oa••d wks Sootllwe$1trn Regl Celltre h 711 Mary apt306
Donald G lA Jolin) (l<ent UphOII h 393 Baldoon rd un•l 15
• Ml ~PI Ke!li Upllol393 Baldoon rd apt 15 Stan Pep,., lnauranc:• Ag•nc:y Ltd,
v~o•N L 1162 Taylor •• IPI 1 252 Wellington w, Boa N7M 5K1 n.
Sladdon S.U 0 (Jeanne 1.1) sup~ Can Fram h 74 Amelll -·-·-· Phone 354-8242
SUele RotJ1 G 210 Pitt. av ~


231VAN ST., P.O. BOX 543, N7M 5KI PHONE 354-5045

Step!le!IJol\nGh 142Wihams
John G!Camel h 89 FlovetvrPN dr apt 608
STATE FARM INSURANCE Srrphens Bert M tWtlmal wks I HCanada h 158 Mrcllener rd
COMPANIES, Frances H ~rs hAS Trmmrns cres apt 110
Cliff McArthur lneurance Agency • '.l.ltV lou h 60 Mary
Auto, Ule, Fire and Caeualty Stephenson Ch 278· 1'2 Wellington w
12 Sacond ........Phone 352-5080 D h 29 Mcktnnon dr
• Da~•d M tr~ drvr h 343 Grand ave apl301
State Fa<m Insurance Co Eddte Busch lg112 Grand &V w SUrle · DaVid tDorean M) POiiutron COOirol supt Ctly h 28 McKtnnon
102 dr
State Farm Insurance Oon Dem01e mgr 8 Fthh • Gary l (Debfe J) slsmn Labombards h 4 t 4mella
States G~~~en h 36 Orchald His dr apt 2 • KPvln h 89 Sheldon av apt 21
Stat let Apartments 273 Welhnglon w • t<ustrn~ stud111 Pamela cres
· FrancPS lhs h 17 Second lirMence H [Metbal h 57 Kensmgton pt
Staul Geo IJ.lrwce Et lab I HCanada h 82 West · Mark T(l•eoe M) ltnemn Ont Hydro h 183 Eugenre
Slir•arz Johll tFrancesl h 86 Robffison av • O..en !Brendel dlVI MrnoSiryoiTransp & Communlc h 126
Stead Beny slselk People's Jwtrs 8 Ftnch pi Vanlet dr
. Bonn•• stsdl< Town & Couf\!ly Shops Grand •• · Tom L (Joanne R) rngr Canada TruSI h 11 Pamela cres
• Don h 53 Grand •• e St~ptl•a~ fowd ISIP!rne) h 82 Pnmrose Ia
- Heamer ct~ Gordons M<rs 8 Finch pi • Rob182 PnmroSt> ta
• Nancy EMrs secy Uoron Gas 6 DeJa-ware av SteplOe Clrffd W(Claudette Jl w~s Southwestern Regl Centre h
- Ronald A (Naf!Cy E) conS1r lnsp C.ty h 6 Delaware av 75 Coppeffteld cres
·Ronald DIBelly Jl lr&irung supvsr Unron Gash 8 Finch pi St~enbe!g Sylle Jan (Agneslasmblr Ca~ Fram ltd h 76 Raodoil
- Torson AtBerdene Pl wl<s Sears h 64 DcM!f Ooon dt cres
S~hyV>yn Waite< N (M Ida K)lthr St Ctall Coil h 105 Slerlmg Brad W(Calny) mgr Trp Top Tirs h 118 Gr8'ld ave
G~a• · Clrftd Htfilancy T1 lab Ea1011 Yale ltd h 121 Gregory dr w
SteehOUwer John Ilena) h 77 Houston Cynthia salad 0111 fhas Bros Reslr h 155·1'2 Patteson av
Steel Came<on lab Unron Gash 129 Mooay • fhz M h 4720ueen
GHarvey chiro Chlfopracbc Hllh Centre res Tilbury G•St>le !!$gill' Syd Krmsley Ftorislres RR 1 Pa1ncour1
Steele Ctavlon A(Gwen AI lab I HCanada h II De Graeve dr · Harry J (Theresa M) h 27 Randolf cres
• Dennrs A {Sharon E) stsmn Chatham Mlrs h 16 W~lowdale pi • .k'lom,. (Ehz) tenP.r camer 587 Queen
• Hope G sts Sears 7 De Graeve dr • Jos A (Gladys P) h 61 fOSif't'
• J h 207 Pa·~ av w les (Cheryl) asmbfr Can Fram h 65 Baldoon rd apt 1
Jas DILrlllanl prof eng Todgham and Case Assocs res RR 5 - Lourse slsclk Uvrng Things res RR 1 Palncourl
• Jas F (Beatrrce Ml prOject rngr Kent Chatham Hsg h 645 Oueen lulu Mrs h 66 ChurChill
· lillian Mrs h 41 Simonton dt Oscar tHelma) mech Verralllnu h 4 7 Whrpp(lorwlll cres
• Tellord E {Norah Mt h 23 Stanley av • Ph t07lacror.
· nmothy !Barbara) lab Duo- Malle Otvn (liibUl h 38lome a• • Ptulrp J IAivH\11 9) h 558 Sl Ctarr
Steen Bruce J Ilene Kl sts rngr Eue & Huron Beverages h 43 Richd J ll.ta•rnel o!ce I HCanada h 62 Church1n
Daleo~ <eW cres ROO! h 200 Pari!
- Debra 40 Beech.wod cres apt 1 • RObl P (Cathenne l)1ab fa ron Yale lld h 32 Grand av w
Geo R(AtptJonsme ll parnt ln~p IH Canada h 28 Ordon bl\'d Rolland TI Audl'ey Cl medl Vertlllllntl h 58 Prrmrose Ia
· .las A (BarbY) lab I HCa'lada h 74 Regency dr Ronald wtl & d·~ apPf Oecuma (Wallaceborg) 62 ChorchrH
• Manon 97 Mcfarlane av apt 332 • Rosaue S tRuth El trh Irk drvr Can Fram h 156 Edgar
Steensma Donald IAI•cel Otdefly St .los Hasp h 155 Bedford • Sevrlle Gw~1 Arc lnd 88 Taylor av
Steepe Royce ILadonna) quahty conutr Oom:ar Ltd h 4 Orchard Theresa 1 h I t 7 M·<:henet rd
HIS dt apt 1 ThOs ~..m~ Wheels Inn 121 Grego<y dr w
Stelanel\ Stephen tKa:nleenl h 65 O'N~I STERUNG, WALTER, (Jaan), Service Mgr Sandy
Slet • M • ~ snpg aut & bagge! Ktng Gra•n Lid res RR 1 Dresden Elliot Motors Umlted, Rea 1H John e
Steltna ~ d• Greens & ThulQS 127 Berry (Blenheim), Phone 178-5815
- Emma lab Chatham PlastiC Fnshrs h 127 Berry Waller EIVrOtet) h 50 Latk
- Karen elk S!'ars 127 Berry • Wm (Bonnre) plod anatysll H Canada h 27 Mallard pi
• L•nda lOme<) hrdflr RByrne res RR 4 Blenheim Steve Sich Apartments 365 Grand av e
• Robt studt 127 Berry Steveley Oanl S (Grace E) consrr lnsp Mlnrslry ol Transp &
Ste.nburg Da\100 IEOIIh) h 89 RIVerview dr apt 1008 Comm h 52 AlplnP. av
Stetnlr~ld Allen R (Ehzl rngr admrn Duo-Matte Olsen (Tllb\lryt • .loannP studt52 Alprne av
h261lar1< Shawn 'lhKlt 52 Alpine a•
Ste•nman R P h 150 Mary apt 703 Stevens Carol J (John WI mgr Happy Hour873 Cha~~ng Cross rd
Stemmte< Carol (Ken! acctnt RU$SeH Tl & Dle 123 125 Vfclorla STEVENS, CHARLES F, Account Executive Merrill
a.epra Lynch Canada Inc, h 21 Mohawk ct
- l<tm (Cir011 h 123 125 Vtel01188v apiA Donald KID MaKtne) supvsr Union Gash 301 Vielorta av
Stennen Bren w~s DeKatb Canada Inc ri!S RR 1 Blenheim Dorothy I h 931 Charlng Cross rd
Slenron oa~e J 59 Gran~
• F Lyle (Ger1rudel h 39 McGeo~e av
• G Raymond h 153 Elaabtth
Gar!h ICirleslal tab Ea'lttnans Fru•t Farm [Bienhe•ml h 106
• ~ J I~MQI L) h S9 Grilli Lorrn' av ap16
· l.llchiiM~rtenel dM-aldl Chetnam & Dtst Amb\ltance Setv h 19
• Geo A h 199 Stanley av apiA
CeclaN>oods CJft • Geotl h 45 Tlmmrns cres apt309
W"'' A VrrnaJ h 80 Elrzabeth
• Jas h 33 John
• Joan M<ilchr St Clarr Cotl h 40 Tnlllum Vrllage api707
STEPHEN-ALEXANDER FUNERAL • John A !Donna) wks Can Fram h 53 lansdowne av
HOME. · Jolin W(Carol J) comp Sins mgr Unron Ges h 873 Channg Cross
William L Aluander, Funeral Director rd
245 Wallington W, • M.lty Lou Slud1 h 270 Park av e
......... Phone 352-2710 M.chl $ll.ld1873 Channg Cross rd

Please Turn to the Last Page of
the Classified (Yellow) Section.
SWes Wm 0 (Aiieelll.t5 Simonton ell
STEVENS Slrmpson C8dJ conS1r wl<r Sllmolon Canst II 20 P!ne
ChH W(OIIsv OJ (Stii!'(IIOII ConllrJ h 20 Pine
·Michl J lib"'"" Mill 63l..wdowniiV Stimpeon Cons!ruction (Chat WStimCIIOII) 20 Pine
Aldld (WinOy) luntfal c1rt T8r8dy Hinnegln Funtfll SeN h Aob1 G (llatlleleen E1 t:Pr JtMson.Pudwelllnlllrlu h 25
1!i6WIINiml S~ell
11at11 ctKniWII 11wytr a.lnilrY o1 Alarney General n112.t Sllnson Nelson EI* ' WJIIIICh CJClf Aochelllnll n 24 Donlldl
Dllring en. rd ell
Aonald 0 II 43 Teytor IVIP(10!J Sllllltlg Bonnie l (Wml s1t1ctt AI .... Well Gill Ally 24 Mlllltd
•Scan Cstucll873 Ct!lrlng Cross rei pi
~ wl<sllbby Wc:Heill & libby 83 Lanldownt .. llrendl w1<$ ()oefatiOn 0111 Kids II 8 I &lidDon relllll3
Wendy IDk:l<) secy Wltd Wallele I 56 William I EW!s n I DO Popllt 11119
S1Mn1on 8llnclll h .tO Trlllium VriiiQIIIII I DO I frlnlo (YIOII)h IOOOCI\IringCrosuelunit 17
J11 Rev (!)line) recto1 Holy Trinity Arlgln 01 h 77 Setld~ Gary lab Duo Wille Olsen (T!Wy) 11257 Wdllam I
JMn 97 Wcfalllnt sv 1111 115 Jerome (Eiiz A)lelle! C1me1 II 5117 o..-t
lillie J tl~Mfterl reonnn Fentor~'s Aula Pnt Body Shop ,.. Nell h 217 Josfpllllll c
"' 1 Mlrtln Slilltng Pal\ I S Pat!!
M1r01 h 76 Wiry IPI204 Prosper .. h 192 Pan<
Mlrk R bkr Gordo~!~ lolds h 39 Dover 11112 Sbtlii!Q V•le!Y SIOie (John & (jeny Llftefll I88 Pan<
• Wm (Am) ~IIIII! drvl Hilt Oro h 20 .limes C1 wGary (Susan Jl asrntJif Roc~ well loll h 66 Devon rei
Sieve's Cullom llllorl (Sieve lOCI'«) 141 1'2 King wl!)l2·8 WK!!¥111 (Sally A) mgr Nlulilus filneSS Cenre h 9.t Trillllllll
SIIWitd Donald B lib I Hc.n.dl II 493lndiln Creek rd w Vdlagr
Gordon A (E lollryl h 2 Jlmes Cl Wallet oIEdrill disl mor Oel\alb c.n.dllnc res llllnheim

s.-d&on LOIS W!s h 173 fcral
ITaWMT, IMD. (RYIII), . _ . . . . . . . . . Honcla

Stew1rt Brlei(Rulhlmt) medl H J Elliollld h 19 Oelewlle IV

Brien !Cynclre l) spray pntr I HCIIIICII h 43 Berry
SIIICiles Alison PllriO: mgr I DO King • ..nt 223
SIOCfoJey Geolh; V(PIIricill mnl!a ~ ADOwslllrG II
Stoddart Debbie J (Donald A) mgr Ricko's ~5 WellitlgiDilw
Don h 225 Campus Plowy 11)130 I
• Brien MmM'ICI Wheels Inn ~ Pemtxokl c:r11 Don A(Debbie J) mgr Fooll~e! h m Welllng!On w
C II 20 Trillium Vill8gellll 103 Sloeckle J II~ Grind sv wl!)l307
c h 360 Slndys 11)1312 Sloef1r .1o1nne 8 c11< Onl Hydro II 513 Pw1o. IV •
s.-1 Clwilane M Or Ol*lm lSi Kong • Slollel Vlllenlin lib Cily II 39 Ricnmoncl
•o.n GIOrlnne ll IIIII mgr Sllndlld Aula Giles II I00 Houston Sloftvn Comls J lAIN In 13 W~ dr
1111 .. John c h 1&4 Selki/11
• 0rm1 W~~II) 0P1om 286 Kong w II !De Univenlly dr Stokes Anne Hodgson rngr I DO King • unll 209
• Dl'li<l !.loytel reprmrr Bell Cenldl n 4~ 1'2 Parto. Stokes Alb4 w!Rulli EJ h n s Glenmlr IV
• Oorolly B Mr1 clerical wl<r Soulnwtslem Regl Cenn h .tO Stokes Aplr1menls 88l.,oo•
Trllhlllll Vrlllge IPI907 BnanJOS~sve
• Frances h 5 RlleiQII • Don IElaineIll 40 Oellwlre IVIIII 13
Gerll<l tl yncll) lib Cln Frwn n761 Grind sv e t.rv F(SIW!ey C) elk A& P (WIIIIcebl6gl n 65 Grn
Grace h 5 Rllllgh • MiriiJOS~IVI
•Himel II l.t KensingiOn pi Wurrty o(leone! e1ea A Aoalnl & Sons 11 305 ~ sv
• Hellher A 26 PenQoke ern e
• Howlld RI.IMn OJ h 24 At~ dr • R li'MellCII (Wiry Ami sis rep Euteclle castolrn lllownlvltw)
Stenrllnsurlllce Broilers Glry Stenr1 mgr 785 St Cllif h 179 Chippewa dr
Join Eh 196 Parlo. IV 1 1111 I Ric:hd (Simone! ail drvl Dorsws Wldg ..llwn~ tllllmliml
• John S (Dilnt Olllb I HClllldl h 52 Pllllwoocl ell h 203 Eugenie
• KMn l hd secy o.twn Coli Inti h 65 Tlmmlnl crn 11111011 SlOkley TIIIIOI'IY S ICirol A) linetm Onlltydro II 149 Daley ell
ITEWMT. KIITM I , (leM), (.._CIMINI end Slolil<er Cheryt S Nih! SIUdro I 7 I ClvcMl
" - - ' , _ _, .... "'"', CMIMm. f IIOCIS W!s II 43 l.lercer
, . . . . ....1117 • J Breni11Ud150 ~ rell!)l302
• lome 63 llllcloon rclllll 20 I ITOUKIR. JAMU A. lltok• Hewfytull I
. .. Doreen h 650 Grind .. •1111403 ~ 1-lltoken Lld, IIIO
· lollbel!llnl Tlllmll¥iew lodge h 63 llllcloon rd 111120 I Mlc:llenef rd, Ape 302, Ptlone 112-7101
• Michl !Pall hd dllf Holidly Inn nr18.t Pw1o. sv e Stooe Evelyn tCIIn1e<l cook Tecumwn Hotel
• Murray C !Helen Mllrkr Overtencl Exp h 26 PenVokt crn Greg h 119 Be<ry
• R h .tO Tnlltum 111130 I Kenneth (Oilne) trio drvl Vat~ floOoys eor.s 11122 Ro......-
• Alndy brkr SllwM Ins Mn IWI Ill I e111P(I20
• Aobl drw·- Cllllltm & Drll Ambullnct Sllv 207 fllll9l RircJI"'*lcii J lib E-'011 Yllelld h I 79 Wercer
Ronlld H 10111 FJ eng Milling Prod 11 163 s~ c1r Wsyne II 47 Olchard HIS dr 11)120 I
• Rull M 22 Glenolfrf crn Stone!~ Geoff tGtor1a1 n 68 1'2 Grllld •• •
• S lelv's aide lndiln Creek Ad Pub Scht • GreiCiletl II elk Can Posl Corpn rn RR I
· Wallace (fr~~a~l drftsmn J H~ res RA 2 Blenheim • John L (Beverly) ob elk Libby & Libby II .tO Pa-.y
sa.-t~ lillftene (lolllcolml p1111m lotcColl Oruo Co res Stonehousl! An 15 CamcllleP 1P1 I
Dover Cern rom wrln OeUer Rig & Wng 23 BroCit
Slllnedrl Nldt blmdr Sllelllll AI* h 171 ~ ... Stoner Allan J IJ\Idillll) prs IICl' C«< Frwn UCI h 2 lliddlllsv
11114 • Beverley AW1rS Coul*y Kilchen II 144 Semenyn I V1111 I
SliCkIn Wm (lOITiintl wits Onlltydro h 600 Grind IV wape1 DO I • Oolnne l taec 1111 Police Oepl II 98 T..osmuif IV I
Sllekney Rldld (Nancy) lib I H Ctnldl h 142 1'-.on sv • l.trldfecl W!s h 488 Queen
Sllensh Henry E(Trill) (H s Elecll h 120 lndlln Creek rd e • Norah A htekpr 209 [rnml
• Kenneth E IIUdl 120 lndlln Creelt rd e SIOI!!y AMe Dice mgr Rr.etside Wlclr1 rn RA I
· Uncia P counee11ot Gtp Home 120 lndlln Creelt rd 1 • Olvld F 1Coleeo11Grlin Wklgl n47llydrcln sv
· Ph 21 Dunldlk Cl • Edwd (Irene) mech Rylelt Sunoeo SeN Sinh 97 Pft IV •
• Tltii~Pw!o.svw If- II~ Cln Posl Capt\ 97 f'w1o. IW W

• School and Office Supplies • Office Furmture

180 KING ST. W. PHONE 354-0470

Strong Robt C!Ch!lsl stk 1\ndlr B<ewers' Wrhsg h39 ComhiD
STOREY SlrOnks Ron A1Ne!T•e J) ~•s Er•e Glass Lid h 75 Gregory Cit w
Stroobandl G•lbl tlrenel h 1000 Cllal1ng Cross rd unH 22
- JaCk B t'-'argtl (Jaci<'s Gtgel h 93Melcet • UWtenct' tall Cen Fram 1000 Chlnng Closs rd Uml 22
·Jas R tBeverty B)h 201 Grand a•w apt2 Strutllefs Davod h 955 Grand •~ w ap11 05
- Jay mech Jack's Grge 252 Oueen Sti'IJZYnSkl Jane Mr1 s~wer Lloyd Bag Co h 14 Diane rd
• Ja f M Sludl 93 Mercer Stvall Barbara L <l•etn Health Science Cen~e 343 Grand •• e
• l.'at)Or•t h 89 Rovervle'IN dr epl 502 1!11308
• Thos (Cynllllal pl4nner J HJorden AICII h 204 UyOocan av e~ • Fran~ G (t.lallel J) guard Batni!S Secur11y Serv h 70 WI!!IOeWOO<I
• Tracy cfK U!wii!S 8oolt & Vanety SIO!e 5 Emma avapt3
Stone Mabel EMrs h 372 King w • Jaf1t'1 mgr llndor res Btenheom
Stoll<land (t.Aary Dale) 40 Williams • Ken Wlab 1H Canada h 213 Joseph
SIOfozonskl Edwd J (Peggy) technologist SIJos Hosp h 215 Mh41 A Joseph
FaUbert dr Rutly Mrs 11 72 Campbell
Slory Chas D (.lacqUI!hne B) lab Can Ftam h 112 51 M!Chaell't • Sheroe slUdl 70 Wedge«ood av apt 3
• Kllll H siudl 130 t.Aa!yl<oollrd TllOS E!C.tllyl dM Frl!df!fock Transp h 176 Adelaide s
• Macfoe tRchdl Sis Baronesw 130 Maryknoll rd • Tom F(Rabon l) (Oempsters Bread) h 425 lndlan Cleek rd w
• Rlchd A (Madge J) 5@C treas M•ILng Prods Lid h 130 • Wm Jolln tGiadvs M) lab Eaton Yale Lid h 195 Gregory dr w
t.lary1<noll rd Stubb!>r1oeld Don h 10 Blythewood cres
Stover Olane (Glen) acds Rowland's Ins 114 Hofland dr • Harold F (Allison) h 129 Gray
· Evelyn h 650 Grand a• w aDC 206 • Wm J h 73 De>'on rd
· Garry (Ehzl .,.;.:s I H Clnada tEiienheom) h 59 Wilcox aes
Stubbngs Wm h 383 Wellington w 101310
· Gladys 1.1 Mrs h 19 Pe~e<~ Slubble Margt MIS h 93 Stoetaon a•
• Glen LrOoane 1.11rnt~tnce Unoon Gash 114 Holland •• StUboll Janrce w•s Clletllam PlastiC Frmslnng
John 0 (Oima) h 40 Tnlllum Villagtt apt 1108 • Steve (Janoce) of~ admon Cllatha'!l Piastre Fnshrs h 165
-lllry D!Carol G) sel-tJP mn Standard Tube h 8 Wh1ppoorwoll
Sluc~ey Shawn 18<endal h 452 Grand ave
RobeD (Mal•nelasmblr Ca11 Fram Ud h 74 Pnnce Attllurav
STOWE, JOHN H, (Gloria), Prft Sand~ Elliot Shld•O I Haor Design Joann Coutts mgr 615·CGrand av w
Moto,. Umtted, h 10 Parkwood Dr SWOOICI<a Jos (Matgll h 4 Glenwood dr
$lowe John JI(Yvelie) v p1es Sandy Elhal Ml11 h 234 Merritt
Stull M•ke tPennyl ~Is Urgent fndl Spfs h 94 Baldoon rd aPI
av 302
Stowi!S Kelly (Susan) pvr Seal-On Pa•lng h 115 Selkirk apt5 Stunda lillian (Kent Mole!) h 420 Grand ave
Stram Dave (Otane) 11 & dlemkr Dove~ Corpn h 16 Donalda dr Slurgos Marg hygienist R Scot1 Onll Clinic 21 Crysl!ll dr
l(lm f (Janett.l)trl< dM Thobodeau up h 28 Joseph Sturgus Ron C(t.Aarg J) slsmn Pro Hdwe (Dresden) h 21 Crystal
Slr1lnge 8ef1tla 99 Park Cit
STRANK, BRIAN, (Sylvia), (Chatham Pool Stydonck l h 44 rayiOf av apt 6
Servlc.), h 2&4 Delaware av, Phone Styhanou Koui11es studl 39 Alpme av
• Sam (Marla) wks Eaton Yale Ltd h 39 Alpine av
STRANK, MIKE, (Etta Jane), (Strank Roofing & • Stella 39 Alpone av
Sidi ng), h 110 Eugenia, Phone 352-4082 Submanne SlOP The (Roget HeatltelrngiOn) 15 K1ng e
Sucha<d Arthur J tiOI Jl h 26 Oovercoun
Sugoyama JanetiSiugeru) olce mgr Dr Shlgeru Sugryama 49
(Mike Strank), Roofi ng, Sidi ng & • Sh•g!f\1 Mstu!l1 49 Ceole av
Eavntroughlng, Chimney Repalr1 • Sh1geru Dr (Janet Rl phys 42 Gland av w h 49 Cecile av
110 Eugenle•.•..... Phone 352-..012 Suo M~e (Mill1ha) lab Cll h 7 Edna
Su•IO! A.Jstrn IBeHe AI eng I H Clnada h 23 St PatriCk
• Barry A (C.lhy AI lrnanc1al p i - lnvt!SI0/1 Syndocate h 22
Stranl< Slephen (Beny) S1k chst I H Canada h 48 Aleundra IV Dunvegandr
Strapp lyonel 0 (lydia) medii HCanada h 97 Sandys • Bevetly A (Elaine) wlo.s I H Canada h 522 McNaughton ev w
Strasburg Della 1.1 Mrs h 100 Poplar apt 50 • Cathy A legal secy Bedford Mye~s & Hansen 22 Dunvegan dt
I.W J (llatbara A) lab I H Canada h 148 Cllfnhill • Hazel Mrs h 57 1.4c0eo~ge av
StrassRobC IMalgl) plant SUpl Redpath SUQIItltd h 164 • T1m &isclk TSC Stores Ltd ri!S Merion
Tecum&thrd Sullivan Jos A audt 50 Ellos
Stratlord Pa!Sy h 26 Baldoon rd Jo&l (Josephine E) h 50 Ellrs
S~eel David C (Maureen E) joumeymn Can Fram h 43 Manlyn lchr Victor Launston Pub Schl h 50 M1ch811el rd apt
Peterborough 404
• Harry T (t.lai)OIIe EJ h 163 Sheldon av Mark (Cindy) wks The t.luftlerrnan h 73 Baldoon rd apt 15
terry lab Motor Wheel Corpn h 161 Sheldon av Maureen ldlr Sl Jos Sep Schl h 5 Dovet
• MoJdrl!d h 165 King w8Dt2 • M*e J mech Labombard's Chatham ltd 62 Univers.ty dr
StrllfiOn Ken! T lndl d$Onr Wa'le<: lnd h 31 Bar#le ap14 • Paut (Peggy) admon I H Canada h 77 Jasper av
Strevell h 4 7 YICIOI11 lr 8pl6 • Robl C (Geni!Y•eve El h 82 Univm•IY dr
• llllda studl82·1'2 HaMy • V h 456lacroix
·Pam ell< Sears h 62·1'2 Har.ey Sullo Alex studl985 Chaflno Cross rd
Slrlk Frank (Colleen) h 157 Stanley av • Angelo (Viola) (Angelo Sullo Constr) h 965 Charing Cross rd
• Fr¥1k A (Jclseghone) CUSIOdoan Ken& Coul'lly 8d ol Educ h 30 . c h 199 Palleson ••
Cloyden • Carmela G 51Udt 985 Charing Ctou rd
• Jo5 J (Gloria JilltrJ<r HE Vannllla Lid (Wailacebllrg) h 15 • ErllO h 64 Syl\'tStet dr
Jafpl • Jerry llloA) 1511 rngr L C Bd (Wallaceburg) h 154 Midlener rd
Strrnger GOfdon (Ern!Tia) h 89 Rrm'frtw dr lf)l808 Sulman DouglaS aldelmn Crty
Stroh t.latQI971.1cfar1ane IV apl105
Strom Bob w(A Ba•nel tot oon rechn Black & t.lcOonald h 60 SULMAN, DOUGLAS A , (Lynn), (O'Brle.n , Jacklin.
Pamellaes Sulman & O'Brien) h 202 Chi ppewa dr, Phone
• Eta·~~ rRobel lel'oel 8k ot l.lofc 60 Pamell cres 351 -2176

IUUIAN. MORell D a, ....,.., Kent Cou"", 21
~ c.1 £ (IJ!Uin) II 29 8eny
Haney lrlrUaf I H Clr1idl II 130 V~~~~er G'
£dill 97 McfWIIIIV lj)l103
£mn1 G (Vera M) supcKent w.ncw n 49 Lac;roo Swa~n AIICI II 11~ Air•andraav
Emnl (Vfft) IUill Kenl Minor AC11S h 383 WeWnglon • _. Snln Bracnm Sa• & ~-Sharpening Service (Welty & Joyce
101 Swllt'.)374L«toi•
G h 891'211'"11 • _. 4 David lUnda! n382 l'ldi.¥1 Creel< rd.
Cleo C (M M Rult) h 14 WlllletlpOon Ttmotny An 2271nsttes ev
.Ill H(Unda)llb I HCtllldl h 611 Ttylor tv Wallace (~U) ISiOIIIIBrOI) h !17 ~
Jerry Murray . . 3 S.a.nston Krista llscJ!o StClair ""- & Wlllppr 17 ThanNU
Ptricia S h 122 RlvtMew G' IPI22S cres
lloberllllb lli)1!IOild h 12 Purl em 1Pf4 lawrence A(Hrlen) supvst HJ lirinz Co II 17 Tttornnm cres
ollotJI J lwnhill pn1r Clly n 70 Primrose 11 S•¥1 Geo L (Helen £1 n41 Klllo.
Sytvaa Mr1 39 Oxley dr S•~ Greg rnnrnce sup.v Kent-Oialrlam Hso
Summers Ah 805 Grand av w IPI409 S•ant Douglas K (.MI<lfl A) 1Civ Kenl Counry Bd o1 (Clue h 32
IIMrley R IAnni Gl COIIS1f 114M' r.tmlslry o1 Transp & Comm Finclle•
h 103 Pariowood G' S•I!U'I .las 99 Perk
Geo (fly} M& cliemb Elton Ylle lid h 114 TWHC!Imulr a• 1 Swaru Rob! J (lkmo~) lab Daymond lldll1MShtldooiY
l ym 114 Tweedslnuif •• e SiOiltkDW Gordon G (Nancy) 1C1v ~ll.ent Sec SeN n S D1Yon
Miry lou Clnllasst Trl Doni Dnll eer.e 103 PlrkWOOd G' Go
lbmao (Leibel h 1000 Chart"'l Closs rd unll49 S•~ till! {Paulme)lab llbbv lrrlc.Neill & libby h J I Comdale
Surnmerscates Alan (G~) lncty 119 Soulnwesaern Regl Cenrre It Jostama Sludl 31 Coverdale
!.7 Prtnee Mhur av S*1)'le l!l'uce £(SinO-a A) slsmn Blowrfs Auto SIJI't II 73 HNIIlef
Sumsion f Dille (Carolyn) !"II 119 Onl eer.e lor Ferm Machy &
FCI Processing
Sun Llle Assurance Compatty of CtnaCia Peter Kiblt mot 48 Frllh
suite 402
SWWtngen ~a!d IPalziCIIl rrrlhsemn Hill Gro n 37c 'l1cloria

S.,trr W•l 4IT!lnlll 1000 Channg Closs rd Ufld 8

Sunnen Aug (Marllll) pres Guspro Inch 210 VIC!Ofilav S*t!elman ~ WIM.ldrrdl n48 P1r!r tv •
.115 Acl~ SunneQUtp lid n 600 Grlllel av ., 1P1 10006 S•~ a !Sharon) lab IH Canida h 99linalln rd
Paul J (Bonnie M) w\J Guspro Inch 2'8 Oaley a H h 30 T• Htum Village tpl703
Sunnybfooio Apetlmenls 50 MIChener rd 1\ftn 30 Ttl urn Village IPI703
Sunoco Sell Serve John Rose mor 400 Oueen Sharon {B>IIJ IfIIIIaS)' Halt St'11esl99llncoln rd
SUI!Rt Va11ety (A Wlrleilletl 345 Plrk Shelly l SllJdl 99 llrcoln rd
Sunsl»ne Resltur1111 A DMslon ol4 18930 Online 0 J Pek:off S•latoschk Kerry Aprod rellabil 1Y leChn C., fram h 45
1110' 1561<.ing .. TlmrntnS em 1D1 306
5unys Klyoung KJm 119 349 Grand IV • Swan Calhff'.ne ruse Sr .los Hosp h 393 Blldoon rd Ullll 5
Super X Dtugs Dave w.nn mgr 428 432 StClair .lac~ w (Aibefllnel n 37 Willowrnac ••
Super XO.ugs Beverley lleeulejour mgr 83S Queen John l IOiana .lllormnllell Cenadlll355 McNaughiOn •• w
Super X Drugs (Ay Nlo Kh0)580 Outen Rolli 71 T1)'1or ••
Supero Mechine & Tool IChllharn) Lid .lad< Glrllck pres 277 Wm R (Sheila A) h 1~ Prince Atlhllav
WijJIImi Sllrinloels Gary IJennifefl mgr Gordonoi 1r11t1s n 274 Joseph
Superior ~ Conver'lloll Cerft John S1DIIyn mgr •• SwiS Marl< S SIUdl48 P•~WOOd G'
RIChmond ~II clio. lellff Union Gas 411 P•hood «*
Super101 Propane Limited John Stoffyn br rngr s 1 Rodvnond S!a!llty tfvel'in K) (Complete Mobile WISh) n48 Pario*Dod dr
Sura~ 123-12!. Vidarluv Swiss Clnlda Wool ShOo l.lalune RomlaconJ48 S1 Clarr
Sin Thai J (Shllley 8) eled I8£W twon h 25 Collegille Go S• ller f Gn 193£linbelh
S~owsl< I Adela Mrs h S28 S1 Clair Syt~~a Alphonse (Helen) lab City h 262 lolertef
Eelwd 628 St Clalr Helen (Aip/lOnSe)IIOstess Scotl's Cllicloen Villa 262 1r1ercer
SiJnla Miry h 3S I McNiughlon 1¥ w Svt<es Chuck lab tac:hine r erm Equip res Meriln
s-allotJI (Auelrty) 1t11 mgr L C Bd h 4 Klfkcaldy pi Sytvam Cdl1 Alt•.llldel fllllefal Home h 245 WeUIIIQIDIIw
Robe J Or (PhylliS) ptlvt 219 Wellington • h 48 Rober1son IV Svt~ Ed SIUdl &t I Queen
Suszelo a.y ofte Cll1 Fram h 45!. Sandys IPI302 lolarte M 641 Outen
Sulcftlle Kay h 320 f'lrtr. IV • Sylveslre Joanne lab Molor W'leel Ccitprl96 Adelaide n
Sutet PNrllrtrs h &so Granc!IV w IPI302 ~mes Geo £ h 123 Mchenef rd
SUI!lerianel Donald (Miry Ml 111rnn Dl•iy Fresh h 99 Cn•ppewa G- John (Frances Ll h 23 Allnur G'
Donald lnsttr Union 0. 99 Chlppewt G' Paulul!' lab SLindard T~ h 97 O'NeliiDI2
Donald ltMokhd M) IICM twon 0. II 15 WlllletlpOon 1P1 Symons GregG IM~~SliP"" Income & sit IIlilS Unoon
505 GIS n 56 Sytwester B'
~Mrs SUP"N Cllalham Socill Serta 14 Second MM•Iyfl 11 112 Gladslone ••
El!l h IIi 1"21(J"'I•IPC 3 wm n 805 Grand •• •IPI309
Jim n 37 Kent 1012 S~~es Ard; phOio II Klt)OSWat dr
• John R!Oonllljelll) IISSIIormrt Chllhltn Dl•ly Newt h 14 Second Anlla recptnSlllowlands Ins h 100 Mcfar11rle av lj)l711
o Miry lOon) bfllr .lolvllon-Pudwe Ins Brl<r 99 Chippewa G' lOIII(Annl plan! rngr Sass MlO h &t CllillPfWa G'
Aoy H(Gisele Ml *'<sllell CINdt h 127 Gregory G' w Svne Bonnie l r n 1 Pub Gent Hosp 4 16 Indian Creek rd •
• Wm C (Mirilme £) ldscpr Chllharn Horticulture Socy h 94 Ph811'20ovl!f
Beldoon ld lpl303 oR Murray illonnie ll elk I HClntda h 418lndltn Creek rd w
Sutllem H h 39 Coltswortn •• Scon Mftrmn Bowt-O~ome 4181nd1111 Cleelt rd w
Sulo Miry Mrs n 130 Twee<1smu1r IV e Shelley R lab II!Cttn Pub Gent Hasp 416lndoln Creek rd w
Suaon Doris II 30 Trt11ium VtllaQe IPIIO 1 SyWI Cllas J (MirOQ lab Cll1 frtm Lid h 80 Rober110n IV
oSJun231lrtelliiiiV oFrri (Marg!J oltr ollhe cour1 h 490 Queen
Wm J {Shllon J) press opr Cll1 Fram lld n 21 M1p1e lfelen (frri l lChl Sr Joseph Sfp SeN res RR 4
Suzy Stue ltene5.ramaskl mgr 100 Ktng • und 101o102 .los F lMiry) h 119 Robertson 1v
Svabsky Joe lab Eatol\ Ylle Lid n 50 Mentn 1YIPI102 SzlboAnctt;J(~f) wlr.s Roc:btll INI h 1121rturrty


Serving The Community Since 1966
Industrial- Hot Asphalt Flat Roofing- Commercial
Shingling, Siding & Soffit
160 EUGENIE 352-4082
• Edwd (Susan) mech I HC.nada h 7 Soolhend cres
• Jackte wi<S McOonalds 112 Murray
Stalal Juha Mrs h 57 4 Grand av e
Taregos John h 127 Welllng1on e
Tllfdlff Sehna Mrs h 322 P11~ ave
SzczepkOWSkl Wallace h t32 Thllfnhlll CIH
Taschereau Patroc•a h 63 Bafdoon rd apt 103
Sze;ely Frank (Adel~)tl & d'em"• SupettOI Tl & Ote h 65 Clane
TaSket Ca10tyn h 1341nd•an Cfeek rd e
• HarOld rRuby f) lab Rockwell loll h 633 Palk av w
. Paul•ne studl65 Crane dt
· Jack (Giadvsl h 8 7 Delaware av
- Sheila cash• Gordons I.Akls 65 Clane dr
• Jas ~ l•bby McNeill & ltbby h 10 1 Berry apl4
Szeps Jerry Dr opluhalmOiog,sl 857 Grand av w Slllle 206 Tasly lunch (Georgia Babahs) 69 Foorth
Sze....chuk Sophie Mrs h 121 Cectle av Tate/leU Josephine 544 Oueen apl 2
Sztlasy Debbte h r149 Raleigh Talsu Oawd F (Roberta T) lab Daymond ltd h 46 Otta"'a d!
- Deborah 38 Syl\lestl!f dr ·Fred Or tChnsbne) pas101 f~rsiBapbSl Ch h 100 F•elder av
· lou•s tMargtl h 98 Taylof av • Gary TICathenfll' AI ~dul•no supvsr Daymond h 8 Fmch av
· Maty~h t6 Wade Tatrersail l.lrs h 562 w
- Slephen W(Doris 1.1) lab Ont Eng Suspens•ons h 38 Sylveslel • R•chd J 1Ru1h Ann) f01mn NO!lh Amer Plashes (Wallaceburg) h
dr 15 Joseph
SzlmanSkt Irene 82 Delaware av apt211 • Rulh !J•ml bkpr Greal Wesl Aud•o
Wanda lehr Dresden Schl h 82 Delaware av ape 211 Tavares AnJon•o A tMaua A) mach Ea!on Yale Ltd h 257
Szopa Jerry h 65 Ttmmrns cres apt307 Mc::Naugnlon av w
Szusc Geo 700 Queen · Avlho1Mana) lab Ealon Yale ltd h 252 Oxley dr
Szymansl<• Ale~ (!.A 'Chelle) asmblr can Fram h 45 Tlmmtns cres • Eg.o.o eng I Hcanada 257 UeNaughton av w
apt305 hver•en N01ma IIA•ke) boOiy wl<f Cha'Tibertlllll Press
Bas<• IHelen) h 170 Sheldon av lav•eren M1ke A (Norma A) lab Tim Bnsco Echo Estates h 225
Betnoce lllSP cl1r Ont Hydro h 195 Coverdale Thames
SlYMANSKI. IRENE, (Ro" lneurance Brokere · Terry l counsellor Soolhwes~ern Reg! Centre w s Cfeek rd
Ltd), h 110 StClair, Phone351· 1110 Tawco Cleanmg Ceotre (Somani Sadrudln) r657 Grand av w
Theodore (Reg•na) lab RockwelllnU h 27 011awa dr Tayles Alla11 J (Healhet AI compuler analyst Can Fram h 77
• Maunce h 30 Trillium Vtll&t;ll! 1PI508
T TaylOr Abraham h 60 Prince Ar1hur av
Taylor Apartments 61 Taylor av
TJ's Vauety Italian Foods Judy Tesollm mgr 56 Raleigtl Taylor Apanments 59 Taylor av
T S CSlores lid linda Flanagan mgr 767 Sl Clair Taylor Apanments 73 Taylor av
T Sh•rt Place (BtU Mangal) 100 King wunll 130-A • Barbara pastry chef Wheels Inn h 90 Blythewood cres apl 1
TAB20Ktng w Barbara bkpr o·erlen Jackl'n Solman & O'Bnen 62lacrorx
Taco Bell Torn Sch•nkels mgr 328 St Cia•• • Bonn•e IVdrsr ~Bienherm)171 Grand eve
Tae K.wan Do Chang Sun K.wa~ master 23 King e • Bnan A (Juan.Ia l) wks llo'Yer Auto Wreckers h 334 McNaughton
Tal!etren Andw G (R1!a) mgc Btue Wiler Pools h 29 Kendall ave
· JamesC (Jean B) planl eng Datmoncllld h SIB laet01r • Chas Th 23lynwood dr
Tagfl8SICChi Rila slsl.lolor league 40 Mc:Kinnon dr • Chns h 6 7 Baldcon rd apt I
V1110110 (Vtctoria) drftsmn.eng Oav.d McGeOige Ud h 40 TaylOr Court Apanmerlls 49 Taylor av
l,ld(mnon dr Taylor Coun Apanments 43 Taylor av
Tahy Helen h 98 Slanley a• • 0 Arthut (Ed•lh E) h 68 Twee<lsmuir ave
Paul h 1141Jmm•ns cres apt2 · Dan mgr Blue Water Pools h 57 CornhHI
Takacs AdamE (Freaenkl C! m1 & d•e mkr Super101 Mach & n • Davtd M stsmn K.mney Shoes 43 Blythewood cres
h 43 Gregory dr w • Debta A S1Ud1 59 campbd
· Erv.•n 5ludt 43 Greg01y dr w · Donald IBtendal tchr Keot County Bd ol Educ h 15 Algonqurn
Tai<ahasht FlOrence Fsecy Cdy w s G•ven rd dr
M hwsG,.enrd Donald E(Helen M) h 28 James Cl
Tea (Shirley) prol eng David G McGeorge ltd res RR 7 Eldon (Mable) h 222 Grand av w
Take Conuol Inc Pat Tyndall dlr 84 Cenlre Ernesl A tRulh f) lab Motor Wheel C01pn h 955 Grand av w apl
Talach Gari(Zeb) agt J S Pe•ler & Son res RR 7 209
Talbot Benjl (Dorothy Mlbus drvr Chalham Coach Llfll'sh 151 - Frank WII 75 O'Neil epl 2
Wefllnglone · Fred IMary Lou) lab Ealon Yale Ud h 119 Coverdale
·flora counsellOr SOIJihwestern Reg! Celllle h 30 Tecumseh rd • Gary cab drvr Counesy Cab h 82 Delaware ll'i ap1 401
Taten Wrllementa K h 95 Cardinal cres • Geo w(Kalhleen V) h 46 Alexandre av
Tales Shelley prst H,ghlander Clnrs CotnlttU Taylor Gra•n ltd AN Mlll1rn mgr 14 William n
Tanberg Irene Mrs h 24 Oxley dr • Greg h 454 Krng w
Tame Rosema11e crrc Chatham Da,ly News h 17 r2 Ellwood av · Greg A (Debbie l) h 130 Sheldon av apt 315
Tamman A h 90 Barter · Guy (Sandy! IC/lr Tecumseh Sec Schl h 60 Thomhlll cres
Tannr!< Byron L (Valene M) dept supvsr Daymond Ud h 21 • Howatd (Joanne) f01es1er Onl Hydro h 16 Mcf()nnon dr
~leioCfeS • J h 407 King w
• El•io l ass1 formn Chessie Syste-n h 193 Sllnley av • J Harry h 4 Warwidt dr
Tans~~ Harry AOr (!Sabefla) h 133 Grand ave · Jacll C (Entd 1.1) h 1000 Channg Croa td UM 35
T.UOO David (Normal aU!Dbody reprmn Maple City Ford h 78 • Jack E(Oilfeen C) material mgr St Jos Hosp h 43 Bly!hawoOd
Varuer dt ape 304 cres
Evelyn h 15 Regencydr Jack•~ lyM cashr Becker"a 28 Hillyard
- J 11 76 Vanier dr lpl103 Jafll' P lab Campbell Soup h 31 Wade ap12
· Robt 'N (Shotley) lab l.lot01 Wheel Cotptt h 183 MIChener rd • Jas !Paula) opr Ea1on Yale Ud 16 McKinnon dr
Tho$ Sl\ldl 183 ~.~~ ld Joe h 12 Pearl cres apl 1
• Wm R(F*'IIy) h 82 Regency dr · John F(Barbera G) tchr St Utsu11 Sep Schl h 62lactat•
tape Brenda ruu Pub Gtnl Hosp h 65 Timmins cres apt 111 · Keith tBtenda) loans ofcr Tor Dom 8k h 96 Collegiate dr

Smalley Brisco & Thomoeon



TAYLOR Terj8 Fratllo 1Marllwn El lab Ellon Yale Lid h 10 Hytlop
Ternovan lltchi(Jolnne)lab reiiDons mgr Union Gas n 307
Ill 113C5 TWftdlmuir IV w V'ICIOrie ••
...... 127 Josepl) Tetpslra Joe lab I H Canada II 343 Grind 1Y e 1111201
1111111 MfV IICIIn J HRyder~ lolaclty Lid TII!act Forty ADerVnenls 15 Wtlher1pootl
MNnie A will Royal TIVftn h 90 Wellinglon 1 Terry Fred h 25 ~ 11111
·lotyrllllldl62lecroo• Krill (louanne) dM Ken~ Wtlderl Spry res Dresdln
Plm hnlrSI Wondereul 76 Miry 1111806 · Matg 80 Copperfteld c:res
Pll (llegiiiiCY Dr 111r1ow 1• Wi~ cres S Kmgsley (LOIS) CUSiomS lnsp ~ Clllldl h 150 lllry 1111
Aegd mklg c.n Fr1m h 14 WilCox cres 506
RJchd 0 (CirOI .1) lab I HClrlldl h 98 WUtowm.c IV TERRY, WlWAM G, (-..,), C1tr C'-11. II 115
Robe w(.llnflll plmbf h 171 Grind IV e McNeuglltofl .., . . .
Ronlld E 171 Grind IV e Tmy's Var.ety Llll (Wayne & ttelen ~ 212 Queen
· SKim (J MIIW) set up mn RockwefllnCI 11 26 Prinvose Ill T!Pry Tim mgr [ sllens Wear m RR 7 At'llnslon
Taylor Slud•o & VtdeO Producuons(Larry Tay1orJ 131 Queen Tesolln Alec (Jucl,lll A) DIS1r 129111ryMoll rd n Sl'lll
·Wille! J {1. Vdtl P) h e s Eastlawn dr Marco lib Russell Tl & Ote 129 Mlryknoll rd
·Willer W(Ruby J) COUIIMIIor Southweslem Reg~ Cenn II 511 Tsaull Gerald J rKatnryn Nl SiSieml lrWYtl Union Gash 220
Clmpbell Tweedsrnulr 1Y •
• Wayne E(Betty JJ plmbr local 552 II 138 Wdlowmlc 1v Ka1llryn N Mrs nurse Pub Genl Holp 228 TWftdsmuiiiV w
• Wm (Therts~l h 28tt.llylrd · Paul J !Candace Olla"Vff Clll fr1111 h eo Alltn
Teehen C Mrs h 395·1 2 King w Terry II 130 Sheldon aviP(303
Teasdale Oonni(Geo) secy Teasdale Gra'" Lid 82 SourlQuois V'tnCentJIRltliC)IabCIII Framlldh 184 T~ IVt
• Ceo l(Oonnlll I (Teasdale Grain) h 62 SostQUOIS Tttreaui1Betty E secv Ouro-f01111 Sl)t'ay 1nsu11non rn RR 8
Te.sdale Gra!!!lld IGeo Teasdllel1•8 Well.nglonw 8nan P i'~Sfrnn 'Nllftls Inn II 202 ClrnPtJS Pkwy IPC ~
Tebbull Barb r n Plil Genl Hosp h 138 TI!Mlins c:res llll 1 J Heclor I.-Aurora) deOI $UpV$1llbcy l.lcHeil & Ubby 1187
Ttbo Davld II 383 Welhnglon •IIIII 8 14 lledlord
Tecomsdl Hotel(Chatnarn) Lid (Stella 8yke)342 Queen · .los G (l.l.triO'Iel h J681.1GNaughlon ave
Tecumsen flirt. w 1 William n Paul lab Oufo-Foam Spray Insulation res RR 8
Tecumseh Secondary School Robll Wlddell prin 287lolcHaughlon R II 31 Orchard His dr at!~ I
...... Roger£ IKI!try Cl a& dtemk1 Super~or u.ct1 & n n 27
Teeter lflwlfy H (OorOihv WJ olcr Prov Coull CFamlly O.v) II 15 Cedanooocls ens
Harwich VIdor mgr Ouro-roam Spray 1nsu1a1ton res RR a
• Kennelh Yh 24 1'2 Edger • vneoo Grand av • llll 2004
Teeuel C James I Blrblrl A) pnn Indian Cteel\ Ad l'lb Schl h 81 TetzlaH Kennelll Wtlllrblrl AI mecll Elan ll & Ote h 42 Senec1
lanc:efield pi • Terry J I & diemkJ TOWfiS U8ch Tl & Die 4 2 Seneca
T__..Jim IIUdl 111 Glenglrry cres lOdd wpolamn 42 Seneca
• John C (.loin AI lab I HClnade h eo Belmoral rd TeWtnkel Oerlo. h 95 How1td rd
Lena wkl Chlltllm Plaslic Ftrnshlng Tewtoesbury Da~ J IMirShl Jl semnn Cl\alllam Hydro h 21 Owen av
louis W(.INn A) lab I HClnldlll 117 G1engMy c:tes Oavfd H IEIItne) stl<mn I HClrlldl h 3 ROS$inl an
Mlrg talhr W.C's ConYenience SIOrt t89LIOOi• E.latne reclllnsl Btendl's 8ly Salon 3 Roainl cres
· lollchl J (Mary) m'*lte mech Libby lkNetll & ltbby h 18 • J Dele Slkdk A & P 21 Owena't
Whippoo!will c:res JIQ. 0 tlllatgt Kl h 18 Gr.gory dr e
• Aobll( II) wkl G & l Vending h I 12 VIII Allen IV TelliCO Clllldllnc Ed Williams mgr 305 lilerrii!IV
• Theresa COOk lllolher's Ptua 117 Gltngllrry cres Thai Oui V h 220 Gland IV t
Telxena ClriOs IAtcede) lab Eaton Spttngs h 12 Cl- dr Thatn AlhSief 8 lEitZ) carp h 23 HtlltrtsiiV
Tel V Radio Service (Tom NeaietonJ !Mil Grind tv t Orbra Sludl 23 HtllcriSIIV
Teltlelro Anlonio F IHetvieaallab Norlll Amenc111 "'-des II ThameS City Phlrmlcy 47 EIMIIIPIZGl
1111 Coverdale
·Herwlellllltdlt Reilmln's 191 Coverdale
· l eno h 14 1 Ellzlbelll THAMES COMMUNICATIONS LTD.,
Tembikowskl Jol h 5891'1rk IV w RENTALS a LEASING,
• Mlrtl Mrs 589 Pill\ IV w Owned a Operated ay Paul Mayrand
Temesy Slepllen Ill (Florence Ill) c:or111r lJnoon h 311 Wtdglwood IV Autllorlled ..._ a 1arv1ce
Temple Nancy AWlrS Woolc:o 112 Sheldon IV 1PC 15 CenediM General Electrtc
Templeman lotlrgt55 Wellington e(rm 6) Com~ r- war Aedlo lptama, Paging.
Templelon Rlchd Hllotlrg Hl II 98 Wt11 Mobile Pllonea a Marine Aedlo
Ttn<ljlrski lllry mgr Scocrs Cllicken VIlli 15 ~ dr ... Dcwer
Tencllj<Mskt Ale• llllrill h 15 "'-M dr .......... PtloM 112·2210
• Ann Sllldl 15 " ' - ' dr Or c.JI
• Jetlrey 1111<11 15 PheiSIIII dr ........- 1-I00-2111215.. 1.D. 1NI
Tendler John A( R) rnntnee l'lb Genl Hosp h 410 P1tk
T~ltt Frances A 11rs h 42 wmowmac av
JOhn !Oor1s Nl Mrt mgr Stirs h 928 Chlring Closs rd TlllmeShe Ptaza n s Grind 1v w
• P h 383 WtlltllgiOfl w 1P1 309 Thames lea Ptaz1 Coml)ll1y lt!Tifled Dive Buckland mgr 615
• TIIM'Iy LICht WTLaing Pub Sclll928 Chlrlng Cross rd R.clvnond
Tengeii!S A h 157 Sheldon IV Tnarnes lea Restaur1111 & T1""" 1Mck ~~ 84S.K Grind
Altrlll<alen 0) rfg 6 lldtng 158 Sheldon IV h Mme IV.,
• LOUIS lab Cimpbetl Soup h 37 Woodl Thames lea VideO Davtd Vellazlrtl "9 815·C Gland IV w
TIMinl 0 h 118 RMnttw dr 111130 I Tllltnts Pill< Tow. Horth Aoar1men1s 150 111ry
Dlrl 8 (llndllllllab Clll Fram ltd h 119 Sl Mldlltt IV Tlllmts Tow. East Apnnera 800 Gland IV w
• DIVid l (Cheryl AI lab Clll Fram ltd h 88 Wtdglwood IV Tllltnel T - Wtll Apartments 650 Grind IV w
• Dawn lotlr~e I1Udl 119 SlllllchleiiV Tnarnts Valley fngl'-'"0 Inc Henly Regis pres 3112 Park IV t
Tepptflllltl'llld IWm N Ttppem~~n) 224 K1ng w 111111100
Thlmes-ttew Coull Aplr1men1s 87 Wary

J obnson..~ubbJ£11 ESTABLISHED 1927

193 QUEEN ST., CHATHAM Phone 352-4343
Thames• •e« Cwt Apartments 75 Mary ThompsOn AJbetU M.~ h 180 Richmond
Thames.-- lodge Ralph Sharp IKlm&n 475 G!llld av w 8 h 63 Baldoon rd aPI 301
Tllanh Tran Jlf'.ll Chlmam Pla$1JC FJ!ll$~ 210-1'2 Queen Blrne h 23 W•lal• cre1
Th&tdler Don J (Jolll A) h 15 Pill<wood dr • Bealrlce J Mrs h 16 Ja:nes C1
• Jan A Sludl 15 Plll<wood dr • Ek'vetlev nurse 5I .los Hosp h 176 Delaware av
Jel!ley C stu<:! 15 Parl<wood dr • Beverly J h 58 Partridge c:zes
Thayer R 0 h 150 Mary epl908 • Br..,n h 95 Taylor av
Thealller Vodeo Mart (.lis & Sharron Amold) 405 McNaughton IV w · Carol (Terry I mgr Maher Shoes res Wallaceburg
Theaue Vnleo Uart (Soan Aensen) 564 Queen - Cathy wtrs Ul Submaooe h 261 G<and a• e
ThePmes Craoe 202 Campus Pkwy epl105 • Cec1l A(Jean PI h 27 Jackson dr
Theemes Fence Co 202 Campus Pkwy lpl 105 • ChtaS:•M C ICh! I< Pill Couoty Bd of Ed\lc h 121 Robenson av
Theemes.<J•bson Secur•ty Servlce 202 Campus Pkwy apl 105 • Dary11S Sludl 149 ~ford
T " - Rage~ J (Th~mes Enterproses) h 202 Catnpus Pkwy apt · David W(Verna M) umkr Supenor Tl & O.e has Creel<. rd
105 Deb h 37 loroe av
· Todd J s1udl202 Campus P~wy apt105 • Debbie 396 lndaan Creek rd *
Theems Olin R 202 Campus Pkwy ap1 104 • ~~~ as;a TnOonl Dental Cenlre 483 Kang w
Theis Phtt.o Ch 92 ColleQoate d! Desmond J {florence loll h 145 Tvreedsmulr a• w
Thenaull Darmy R h 65 1'2 tw.ey • Donald M (Helm lot) Sll<mn Hall G<o h 39fllnd•an Creek rd •
· t.Aatgl65· 1'2~y · Donna MM.'S h 125 Pt~ Anhut .-v
Ther'" Emest1Ed•ltll h 61 Dover apt4 Oorleell!llnP Pllb G~ Hosp h 38 Taylor IV
Therr•tn Alfred h 123 Klll!l e 0or01hy J h 122 Foresl
• I.IAO< •Ks T~!I KOI\' Cat Ctn!re res l.lerhn • Oollg lab Arc lnd 2311.tldlener rd
ThlbaUil Emtle 11.tabel) IChl Oover You:h Cmlre h 16 Webb · Eh 76~anlerdrepl201
· IA.lbel pllyliothmlll$2 Home C.e 16 Webb Edvrd G (Barbara Al policemn h 168 Forest
Thobea.JI1 Edwd (CI'Ielyl) h 25 Orchard fts d! apt6 • Edvrm W(Darlene) lib HJ ~nz Co h 149 Bedford
• J h 30 Oovetcourt · EriC CtO.anne Pi (TilOt!lpson TV) h 153 Tecumseh rd
Jh42SI~ge Erkwood IGerlld•oel h 32 S1111on1on dr
• Wm G (Pettlda Ellab I HCllllda h 1 14 Blylhewood aes ap11 · Gayle E supC Orchatd Parx Apts h 122 R>ve<vae« dr apl235
Thtbet1 Alan h 72 Grand av vr • Geo h 46 Barlhe ftpt 4
· Donald lUnda loll opr Ealon Yale Lid h 154 Pnnce Al1hur av Greg !Sharon) lab Can Fra!Tl h 411 Park
0ori!('O bl<pt Beett e & Lambe res Tllbory • Jeen wi<J Children's Re~adence h 35 S•&kand ct
• Edwd B !Annal h 40 Oela.,areav ap1 19 · John IGaye) hreftgl'ller res RR 9
· lany h 224 Well•ngton w epl 2 John C (lynda) servmn Can Tue h 64 Rcmhnl cres
· Ronald P (Bonnre l) hre1•gh1er h 185 O•ley dr · John W!Jean) h 218 Ellzabe1h
• Wh 24 Ralergh l<enwood lab I HCanadl h 231 MIChener rd
Thobodeau-Fmch Inc And* DavrtoO mgr 99 Borro*'llln THOMPSON, LYLE A, (EIIMn), (Smalley, Brfaco
Thibodeaula.llllll.tl1 h 275 Woods ' & Thompaon Limited), h 150 Grand av w, Apt
• lOUIS E polr Chalham Pnlg & OeCig h 82 WiiSOI'I IV 407, Phona 352-1118
• Theresa lot h 202 Cltnpus Pi<wy lpl205 l.&alg ICCI Sh•rtey Downey & Assoc 168 ForeSI
Thiel Voola 97 McFarlane IV lpl219 · I.IJtlene iRobU secy SUs Mig ret Bo( 250 BleMecm
Thiesen I.IC'II H lEd·~ 1.1) ~~~Can Fram Lid h 235 Woods · Myrtle 97 McFarlaoe a• apc203
Ttwo•n AiblliShaton) ptopsha!lasmbltl HCanada h 22lome Patsy C •vs Ta$1y lunch 37 O•leY d!
av · Robina h 40 TniUum VIUage apt705
Things Engraves 14'1111 Pletermao mgr 100 King w un~ K-1 Robl tt.Aatyl ICht John McGtegor Sec Schl h 4 Bucl<~ngham av
m Thai .Me'"'"' Chamam PII511C F1nt1hong · Robe C !Jenn<e F) fiV S..ony Uote! h 525 Grand ave
Thom f.l•gl h 851'11le apt 129 • RObl HI Elhell h 46 Jeffrey
Thomas B h 336 S1 Cla·r ~ 4 Robe J {Landa Sl h 205 O•l~y or
• &lllabOisen's(Tdbl.fy) h 31 Dukes · Ronald W(PatriCII A) bUyer I HCanada h 2761.1ernn av apl
· Bruce G (Vtel<i) lavryer t.lcGwe lkfarlaoe Thomas h 81 102
Buci<.IIIQIIam •• s h 26 Second 1111 1
· Ch42Emmaapt 1 · Sandra IAilan) pt0Cl!S301 Chtysler Shillington & Co res
Thomas & Company (EIIl Kntghts & Thol Smllh) 52 VICIOTII av Dresden
• 0 h 224 lectOIX ap!2 Stal'ley !Mabt'll ~ 78 E~rue
• Earl (llura) h 80S Gland •• w 1p1 1014
• Edwd h 262 Woods THOMPSON T V SERVICE,
• Geratd B IColleen n sis supvar Hostess Fd Prods h 28 (Eric C Thompaon),
l.lact.lltan cres Magnavok Colour, Sale• and Service
Thomas Guesl Home (Helen Thomas) 212 Thamet 180 Richmond, N7M 1P2
Helen fThomas GueSI Home) ~ 212 Thamaa .......... Phone 352-8017
THOMAS, HUGH, P EHO, (MarJ), City Manager,
Rei R R 4 Chatham
Jas AIBrenoal w•s Dover FIOvr U!il$ h 85 Baldoon rd apt 11 Thompeon's Permal Pell<•ng 163185 Walhngton w
John llroy So!.l'!wntern Regl Cenlre h 190 Thames apt 21 Thomlon Brea 0 SIIJdt 107 Fauberl dt
· llndl Gh 56f) fMeo EOev\d studl 107 Faubert d!
• lynn Elndry Wheels Mil Inn 26 Maclootallan Clft · Edward GrEIIeen lA) mgr mfg seM Elllon Ya1e Ud h 107
• UcH A 2 0.0.1 CIT Faubert dr
• 1.1~ 2 De1ro!t dr • Elll!Wayne) slsldy F WContybelle Ud 722 R•Yer\'•ew dr
· s..n Urs bl<pr Pub Gent Help h 131 Sunnyside •• · Frances l.lrs nut1e PllbiiC Genl Help h 22 Meadowlea rd
• WDal'4 •.~vooe Al ISIN)Ir Can Fram lid h 82 Bunon av • G Rolli J (Cili•5Unel Will\ OPP h 65 Baldoon rd apl8
• Wm (Belly! 0 fiV Can Frarn h 2 Oetrool CIT • Halold IVJOieiJ h 30 Trrllium V•llage ~ 808
· 'limE (Jimler} produce mgr UIIICie Fd 1.1111 h 90 Tnlllllrn Thomlotl J PAslocslles Atth<lects & Eno•oe.s 26 F•flh tu•le
VIllage 201
• Ylrn H (0or0Chy 1.1) h 805 Gland •••IPI708 · John W tl.lararoa) shoP lab Ba~lll Fann EQUip II 46 Highland d!
• VIm S !l'alriCIII Iab ~wellln!l h 202 Tvreedsm\llr IV e • Ka!hleen urs h 150 1.1a1y apl407

• Homes • Farms • Commercial

Realty Limited, Broker

67 Thames St., Chatham, Ont. 1!1 rLl m-
352-6760 ~~~ -
· Linda J (Terry)l5 West c
lll.!lCy ct> Canada Posl Corpn h 67 ClliPPtW~ dr
lynn DSIUdi1D7 Fl1lbert ~ TlnQfey Par 11 31 Earl d1
Mallin (Computet So!!ware llbrt'l II 214 Kino w 1P1 8 Tammy secy recQ!nSI RDwwmlns 11 «6111c1ian Cree ro •
Roy studl 22 t.leaelow ea rd
Terry lllnCial 11«1 Rodwe!llnll1116 Wesl
T0111 {Cindy) II & C1 emkt Russell II & l)je rea RR I Blenhtttn
~ ....
Tinbne Rooc J (MlrJOIIt A)loresler Onl Hydto II 359

· Rulli Anne (Ryan) ISS1 t.I.:Col1 Drug Co 15 Coulure dt

Tllarne DaviCI h 388 8iiCioon rd Ryan AI~ Anne) lab Adams Sand & h 15 Coulure dl
Thome Riddell ch411eted ICCOUIIIal'lls •8 fll:lliUIIe 40 I Tinney Bartuecp!n!l Aow1and'l Ins res RR 1 Lleriln
li!Ofnlon C Nefl (Diane AI stsmn Ch pma~ Inc II 171 Josepn r'"1 T01s Nursetr SchooltR.1a lkt; dl 18 Do!sen "'
S II 25 I'2 Ha""Y to roP TaUots Brad Sl!tlino mgr 1oo KJno • un11 1oe
Wm (Julill W) d & Cll!ml<~ Can fram lid II 90 Wedi7-*«Jd av t tppon CQ,glasl (Donna! (Oougl;ls Tlpplt1 Masorvy Cons:r) 11 118
TIIOIPe Dave £ (Helen Cl h 71!5 Granll a• w IPI305 Se!O,.
David (HeJen) h 40 Southelld cres ap!4 T~pgon 0ouo1as ~tmnty Cons:z\ICiion (Dcuglas L TlDoln) 118
Donald E (Agles)ll & ~ analylt I H Ca!lll& h 17 0e Gr- Selk
dt · Terry D(llJr) Cl ,...,.s
Union Ga1 11108 Cecile rrw
Doroll1y lltdS retYble t.l eougTl & Sons 17 Oe GtaeYe d1 TlpQing Arthur H (Ann N tclv Kent County 811 of Ed<Jc h 33
E!IN h 85 Sheldon rr• PITyiUs ••
Glenn M (Unda S) grain kador N•lllheln Sis h 89 Sy1\ester • Chros J h 112 Rooensan ••
dt Tippen fbcl C tl;ancr) bael<. ~opt R TJOPitl h 40 Dela ,. ~ av
Jack WI~ II h30EalanCI apl11
· Willet l tBenna)slsmn Fuller BniSII II 152 Sheldon •• t.:e David T(Verona! n 79 Glrr"•WII dr
Thos J Vo'J11011) h 125 l.aCIOIJ
Thomeinscn E h 150 M.vy IIPI8D2
TiM lany ll52l~· apt 5
Thut$lan Geo IMade!lne) n s s Richmond
l ome IUnda)lolt Ill< dm t.IOCOt'tt1'1eel h 34 Clmpben
Hazel t.lr1 h 38 t.Qry
I.Uel160~1 apt 1
lltl't h 23 Al!.•.andra ..
1.! vy Ann u.-s 1nven10ry ell<. Bee • er's "' • Co 11 28 Gtay
Thus$ Mar1Jn G(Susan !A) ICht Georges P Vanlet Sep Schl h 21
Thornhill cres Terrr (linda) lab Can Fram h 57 Spence~ ••
..,. u · , W1letls 1m 8-~-;. · 1:-1 •
• S opporiUnll'; cllm lndiln Creek All Pub Schl
Trc~<net I eonard e s Easdawo dr
Tlcleman Jack H (Gertrude J) supc ~e COur1 ~ h 85 Pine
8pl144 . (Herbert H Todgham & C William CIM)
T1elemans Ran (Cheryl) alecl Honey EleciiiC res RR 7 Olesde~ Conaultlng Engln-•
210 Grand av a, P 0 Box 1328, N7M 5Rt
nessen v11 50 Mtchenef rd IPI409
Tllf111 - h 395 Kmg w - ···- Phone 354-0400
AClr11C I.Gulsa I n561 Sl Cia r
Demls 54 WJsan 1Y
Edllll II 48 Slanley 1Y
Gorelon J (Kay Fl h 78 l(endall
(Herbert H Todgham),
.las HSIUdl78 KenclaU
!Aadehne h 112 Sheldon av apl6 Ontario land Surveyor•
280 Grand ave, P 0 Box 1328, N7M 8Rt
Robt !A (floltS) h 80 Taylol ••
Sam h 42 Emme aot 3 ........ Phone 354-0400
• Shawn 78 Keodall
• Sluarl (JOyce) torel•gnter res RA 9
Tlllon Larry slsmn lf>glliJngale AI bl res Dresden TODGHAM, HERBERT H. (Irene), (Todgham & CaM
Aaaoc:tat.. tnc:orporated), h 137 Uydlcan av
• Satldra slslcly N•Ofllinoale AI ESI " ' Olllden
Til<.rnsl<y ~i bl<1 M•n-A MAll res FIR 7 Ext N7L3EI
Toelgllam John Slld137lt,d.iclrltftrl
Tilleml Hilda 11 50 MlChener rd II)( 1 1•
Jeny IIIIa 'f) carp Renders & Renders h 443 McH4uglllan 1Y e
Todono A~ (Ida I crane opt lo!J:Or Wlleel II 110 Blylhtwood
cres a:~~ 1
Tol~v la!l F IAtll't K) CNIIICCI Mat!Jn Tlllry & Co h 222
Ra~~ A \IAJtg!J lib Ellan Ytle 11943 Cl'llnng Cross rd
ltmbelt Bertha Mrs h ISS ComlliH • • VICI\lroo (Gerlld.n~ J lab Elan Tt & [)le h 229 Cecile ••
• FElhelda elk Seats II 84 Baldoan rd 1111 203 T~ Kev<n slsclk RadJo ShaCk 82 Delaware ap1210
Tunt!IIN~ TeuntS 1Helerll11266 Tweedsmulr av w M~•~ h 35 ~'I apt 5
Tommt~man All n 276 Merna •~ apt 304
• Wayne (Pill h 54 1'2 Ra etgll
TtmmermanS Atldw IIPP' mech Clll TIre w 1 Creel~ ro (tvs J W Tote John cliv c:ontrtr Sl Cli11 Grain & Feeos II 152
TtmmermanS) ltydJcarl•• e•t
John WIRonnie) rlt drY! !Mirtan<! Western h w 1 Ctel!k rd Tolhorsl RIC!Id J (A~) mgr I H Canadl h 54 er- ~
· John (~a) mec11 Wall'aGlge rea Rr 3 ToiiSl Casey H(Bernadelle Cl speolltlliOnlllllerprllelll9
Wa~er (lautse) fVt.tH GrgtJ res FIR 1
Timrnins Coun Aplr1lnetU 65 T.mmlns cres l ol1er Margt 11 5 Emmt
Tommtns Kater! elk Union Gl5 n 4 1 Ccverda 1P1 105 Tolsma Arll1l6 (Gezlnlt !J & ATOlsma Cantlrl h 118 Tllliman tv
• Pall'ick !Mary Anne) IUIO mecll RJctwnond MOIOI1 h t S Eastlawn TOlsma J & A Cons:rucllon 116 l islrnarut
dr John tl>l'll) COI1Ir 124 ~n Creel! rd e 11same
T•mmons Robl p~~arm K Man h 881 Queen lorna Chis 103 S1an1e; It
T1mrns Danl'll Mt.lrs sacy IA<IChell & IA•IcheU h 49 Pr nee AnllUt • Ola'llllt K (Tho& f) secy Bedford ._.,_, & Hansen 177 Par~ •• w
• J 11 168 Pade$anav
· Tho& F (lleall'oeel rig & tld•no 44 FOSler h 103 SllnJey a• •
Tom 111771'11~ •• w
• Joan h 293 Queen II)( 1 • y ·~ Sludl 103 Sl.1nley I '
Timson Emesa W(Donna M)l\329 TWMdsmulf •~ w Tomaro.ln (),car t.I.'S h 125 A~ n
Tindalt M¥y 1120 Trillium Yollage II)( 105 Tomasl ()amy producer Cl1r.tllm Clble TV h 30 Second


General Contractors- Design and Build
303 MERRITT AVE. P.O. BOX 151 PHONE 352-7780
lomiiSli!'*Skl Henly (Janma) mason contt46 Semenyn a~ h same TOTH
Janma Mrs cal<e deCI 46 Semen)'ll av
• Marion studl46 Semenyn av • John wks libby MCNeill & libby 74 Tay1o1 av
Tomaszewsl<i Rayd P Or foot specia!ost 230 S1 Clair 230 S1 • Marc M stud! 30 McKeough av
Cia or • M;Ke (Louella I lab Rockwell Inti h 30 McKeough av
• R1c:hd s1udt 46 Semenyn av • Ruth (Wm) recplns1 Or A J McCabe res RR 5 Merlin
• Susan A Slud1 nurse 46 Semenyn av Touchette C h 383 Welllngtoo w apt 302
• TJoho (Jamnal btklyr 34 Semenyn av h same · Chantal 272 Gland av w
Tomecek Ooleen tchr Sl Ursula Sep Schl res RR 6 Thamesvllle Touloose Cheryl h 51 Kirk
John F(Sandra J) mn1nce Libby McNeill & Libby h 47 Soulhend • Chnton Csecunty guard Roc~ wei Inti h 250 Woods
aes Geo R1r 4 Damel's pi
Tomhn Douglas E(Karen J) h 30-1 '2 Hyslop • Geo R (Ruth Ann)lab Daymond h 4 Dan1el's pl
Shetla h 54 Wetling1on e · Grace Eh 34 Prince n
TomlinSon Ken J tOous J) slsmn Maple C1!y F01d h 11 Stone av • Herman E(Jeannette! wks Eatoo Yale ltd (Wallaceburg) h w s
T01nhnson MoVIng & St01age 41 Sass rd G1ven rd
Tommy's T VT01n Pribyl mgr 615-E Grand av w · LOCII!n (Rosrnne) 30 Hillcrest av
Tormey Edwd sec-ueas Chalham Bldrs Exchange h 600 Grand av w • Rayd G (Madge) lab Motor Wheel h 36 Mcl<mnon dr
apl4009 · Roy 250 Woods
Tompkms Came lchr Chatham May Court Day Nurseries 11 • Ruth Ann (Geo) shpr Arrow Lndry 4 Daniel's pi
Goldmeredr • Vern (Eva) formo libby McNeoll & l1bby h 62 Ca.rdmal cres
. Donald wks Can Fram h 99 Essex ct Wm (Gioua) lab Elan Tl & D1e h 258·1·2 Woods
Harold B h 20 Bucl~~ngham av Toorangeau Ralph J (Gladys E) h 37 Wllkmson av
Jean h 100 Mcfarlane av apt604 Toortas Frank 24 Louella cres
T01n·s Appltances ol Chalham Inc (Thos Austin) 369 Gland av w · John 24 looella aes
lOinS Rob1 K (Rose) clergy Seveniii-Oay Advenllsl Ch h 82 • Wm h 24 Louella cres
Wyandoll Towers Douglas 15 Renfrew av
T01n's Short Slop Variety (Donald Reid) 173 Kell drs Earl H(Ehz) elect Rossini & SOils h 15 Renfrew av
Tong Chas w(Darlene P) carp S1mpson's Fence h 195 Adelaide s Ed 11~ d!vr Ene & Huron Bev h 48 Emma
• Oh 247 Park Town & Counlry Shops Chel)'l Labadie mgr 80 1 Sl Clair
• Robl (Cheryl) h 266 Gland av w Town House The room1ng hse 361 I(tog w
Wm J (Sh1rley I) h 50 Pine Towne Auto Supply Inc (John wSm,lh) 220 Richmond
Tcog Vong Manh cablmkr WmdmiU Cabl Shop 100 Woods Townsend Lillian M Mrs h 99 McNaughton av w apt 258
Tonkin C h 185fllzabelh • Wm J (NOima Ji h 3 Southeod aes
Tooy's Pizza Tasoulla Athanas'oo mgr 175 Ked dr & Townsh1p of Dovef General Offices John A Trudgen clk·treas 515
Toomet Da~1dW (Annette M) lab EalOil Yale Ud h 414 McNaughton Gral'ldav w
avw Towplk John (Bozeoa) lab Ubby McNeHI & libby h 7 Randolf
• Susan lab M0101 Wheel CO!pn h 403 Sandys apl4 aes
• Vern dM Preferred Transp 110 Adelaide n Towsley Auto Semce Roo & Manoo Towsley owner-mgrs 586 St
Wm G(Ruth J) f01m11 King Grain h 225 Campus Pkwy ap1 201 CIM
Top Yalu Gas Marts Gary Osborne 1110' 938 Charlng Cross rd • Cat~'e h 590 Sl Cla1r ,
Tope Orane Estud14 1 Glenwood dr • Manan (Towsley Aulo SeiV) res RR 1 Rldgetown
. Douglas (lolatle) h 545 S1 C1a11 · Marme secy Pr1011ty Personnel
• Harry P (Ca!hellne) capt Fire Depth 66 Mcfadden av Ron (Towsley AUIO Serv) res RR 1 Ridgetown
· Jas H(Siurtey J) asmblr Can Fram Lid h 204 Larl< Toys and Wheels Carol Caroo mgr I 00 Kmg w unll 225
· Ray lchr S1 Ursula Sep Schl41 Glenwood dr Trachy Enc (Donna Ml VIolin tchr 12 Academy cres h same
- Rayd 0 (EieanOI) supvsr Southwestern Reg! Centre h 41 Trader George USed FurniiUte (Geo Bloodel) 218 Queen
Gtenv.ood dr Tradesmen Fabt1caUng 733 Park av w
. R001 W(Chely1 A) ~mekpr Rockwelllnd h 71 Manon ev Trahan Febtame 97 Mcfarlane ev apt211
Susan slsdk Baskin-Robbins Ice Cream 41 Glenwood dr • Febtenle Mrs h 100 Poplar apt 32
Topham Rob!(Manlyn) h 75 Baldoon rd apt 12 Fl01ence M 349 TweedsmUII av w
Topolnydll Michl (Kalherine) h 49 Mcfarlane av Norman plant mgr Ch101ne Tek PlaStiCS 509 StClair
wane~ M hnernn Eaton Yale ltd 49 Mcfarlane av Aob1 M formn Chrome Tek PtasUcs h 130 Sheldon ev ap1 302
Topp Jerry asslmg< Crty 116 Adelaide n Yvelle rna Sl.lo6 Hosp h 455 Sandys ap1 402
Topping Isabelle n a Canadlanna Nursg Home h 118 Lark Trampleasure Sleven h 15 Wiltlerspoon api 306
TO?$ Peler J (lolatgtl) lab Can Fram h 87 Burtoo av Tran B T h 118 Riverv1ew dr ap1 633
• flooet (Moolque) lab MoWr Wheel COipn h 200 Elizabeth Huong (Cuong) lab Fleetwood lnd 122 Riverview dr apl224
lord< S h 40 Tnlhum Village apt708 Ham (Ly) fabt1cat01 Chapman Glaln Equip h 221·B Selkirk
10101110 DomllliOII Bani< lan Hun1ef mgr 414 S1 Clair • Thang h 150 Grand av w
T01oolo Dominion Bank The Clarlte Fe~guson mgr 75 KJng w Trans Canada Freezers Umlled J J Vanderl<aden mgr 135 Bothwell
Torra E Arnold IE Serruce) h 4 O'Btlen dr Transpofl Repair Service Inc ROll BrockenbUfy pres 90 Booowman
T01rance Glen F(Rhoda A) lab Can Fram h 102 Allen T1ansporl Route Canada Morray Wellerd mgr s s Richmond
• Jas (Susan) wks SupetlOI Mach & h 49 OriOle pkwy TranterR A Dr (Barbara) phys Southwes1ern Regl Centre h 258
Rhoda A lArs legal secy t.k:Nevtn Gee & O'Conn01 102 Allen YICIOI18 BY
• Terry programmer fam,ly Servs 33 Uydican a~ Tran The Son pntr Chalham PlastJc Firushmg
Torres Adekno lab Eaton Yale Lid 9 Primrose Ia Trask Carol bl<pr Chalham F01d Equlp res RR 2 Merlin
Ellndawtrs Satelhle Restr h 107-1'2 Cross Tratacllaud Janet F 118 Park apt 1
• Manuel R(lolatgatlda) lab Pub Genl Hosp h 4 I Pnocess s Maunce 118 Park ap1 1
Marguentr h 135 Semenyn BY apt I • Sadte M Mrs h 118 Park apl 1
Toscam OomlniCO (Carmela) opr Oomtar Pac1<ag1ng h 59 Alden Traubert Rhonda recptnst Kent Velennary Clinic res leamington
Toth Carol (Danl) ac:ag elk Chalham Oady News 22 Louella aes Traveller's Motel (Andw Berg) n s Richmond
• Dan! (Carol) stk control Daymond h 22 Louella cres Travene And'w l (Mary Lee) counsell01 Southwestern Regl Centre
Oennl3 J tConrne) hnernn 0n1 Hydro res RR 3 Blenheim h 36 Arlhor dr
- kene h 741ay101 av ArKtt (Eileen) h 78 Mary apt209


124 ST. CLAIR ST. 351·3833
Travls Belinda h 18Lcmuw TriniiCiy AJIItly C(I.IJne) II 176 TweedsrnuJrav e
Da e Cll$lOdian Kenl Counly Bel ot Educ 00 T~~~~m&-'1 •• Edlve F (liMa l) Dtad planner U~ 1.1· & Ubby II 7
• Oellbie f hSekpt Tha.mesv1fw lodge 184 Adela!lle I Ell¢sh Side I'd
·floyd A tiKI AcciJrCMI !Wal!acebufg) 11360 Sa"'llyt ape 208 f ra~ IM.lr111a 1h 716 8loomf ekl ra
Gafy 0 stud! 90 Tl$$!man av Hazel 11 ll9 Alel411dra ••
Gary WOfdelly Ttlamesv!ew lodge 11 184 A~ S l II 955 Grand av •llll 210
1.111~ M:1 h 629 ~f;ekl rd
• Glvlord h 6' Raleigh
Jas S hsel<p1 Cedar Sprlngt h 20 Scane • Randv At t.1¥y Anne) plmbt H.arry Brou- (london) h 87 Centrt
John Wm (Cons!a!ICe t.A Uhe C8Siinsp N ' Hdloe h 88 G•egory Ttlnca Alld AOr(Olety1) phys 857 Grand 1t1 w uta 203 h 147
dre Cr)'Sial Clr
• l(aren (Srepherl) mgr Becker's M• 8 Madonna cres John 8 (Bemly A) (CI:robell W'O~ & TrlnQI) h 82 Pl!y1111
• 1\ennetll A(ledonla I 11\pr I HCanada II 7~· Outen av
leonard 0 IOvnlhia i crane Oil! Onl Hydro h 90 TIISitnan •• Tri:lh latry busboy llheels Inn h 12 Jeftfey llll2
t.AaMII G (IWy M) lao I H Canada h t 6 At1:lur Clr u, Gta h 150 Grana ••..,
t.Ae'Cill'lle slsc!O Fa ,..ealhers 744 011een Shun (11luar!yllab Oom!ar Sor1oco Corlalners h 220 KinO e
Nicole Clio Oa-flllC"d lid 20 Scane !r1111le;1S OalV Aldl96 John
R1150 Ba11er apt 3 Rtlbl 0 h 00 John
RJchd (Patrldll 11 •o 1'2 Gray ~;n EIiane) slsmn Freeo-{s h 151 et..rcMI
Ridld l (lrl'!ll!)lab EAI«< Yale ltd h 31 w mac av Triple A Tow:ng Don ~ mgr 21• Rchrncn!
R!lbl Y (tlnda 1.!) lab Mccor Wllee! Cclrpn 1!103 Elizabe!!l IIOQP OorO!ny 1.1'1 h 57 Baldoan rd ~ 102
Sanclra stud! 15 Teal pi Paul G!Yvonne Jl ~ ~ Regl Cerin h 26
Wayne f (Vorgtnla) supt t.A nl$try of tilt Enwonment h 15 lllyl!1e'ool!Odcm
Teal pi Trollopt A bef1 J (Eleanor Jlldv Kent Cow1ly Bd of Educ h 63
w ing!Dfl E(Bel:y Jl lab Eaton Y •e ua h 27 Redwood eta fftl(tr ...
• Wm wh 600 Grana IV .., apt3009 Tramamanses- Ethel t.A 122 ;·a:ller a
Traylor Alflll nurse Tllamavlr'* lcd9e h 609 ~ •• w Tr«echaud Oa'tid u (t.IMIOfYI Oil! R£0 OoztnQ Co n 70C
W.nn (Alma) tr1<1 h 281 VldOrla av' Blcomlletd rd
Treac-p lin<la sl!clt. Direct Fllrn 78 V~ dl TrCIIIe! A!bel1 E (He!enlltiV 5I ClaK CoO illdsorl h 18 7
t.A:Jrga~ H (Unda) fl t. Cllemkr Superiot Mach & Tl h 78 l~(dlcan 8H•I
Vanderpar~ dr TtOIU!f Pho!ogfap.~. t87LI)!Ian •• t•l
Trl'ITiblav Brian I.Jollannel r:n lounn Chatham Dally News h 29 Trol1•et LOUIS P tHelen !.II h 6' GlettwoOd dl
LOfneiV TrOUIIQ lcrset-IJ!l mt'~ Cha:ham Pia$:;( F1111Shng
• EM h 89 R•vtr•iew dr 8Dl208 Trousde!l Fred'> J (Rlll CJ hAS Clloppewt dl
Emlle A(Donna) bn<lyr 24 Cornhlll h sam~ TrowJasAII 15W•tnmpoonap13QI
• Eugene Rdk Puce Hdwe II 10 Hillyard TROWELL, D C, Pr" Rlldlo Station CFCO, Ret
Eva h 3 Lamson era llll 2 Toro nto
· Fred J tHea!hefl slsmn Wntefn E®lp ltd II 25 Forest Troy A~ J(Bet!y)lab I H Canada II 155 Patio a• w
·laurie caw A& P 1oc Richmond He!ly 97Mtfartane av ltll I05
lionel J (Jean) siSfllll 1.1- Cit; fOfC II 104 ~ Ivy h 1U Co!nome
· louis Gsandrlt Ftn10n's AuiO Pnlllody Snap res RR 2 lrona u M.~n•1 a
Malk A IC/V Franlt's MJslc Centre h Ill Susser S Ford II 411aloer'a dl
Ue!Ctdes II 18·1'2 Walef Truck ltne Par1s liorman P11111d rngr 876 fbchmond
flatmond J IG Ka!Neen) h 51 Gregl)fY Or e Truclellu 11••9 '.lfiQ,..
Ru:h A(lloyd) Clio 11a1 FQf lm res RR 2 OaV1d llvm) t1«1 fords n 257 for"'l
Rutllanne stscr• Kodd.e Kobbler 1e5 RR 2 Roger t!.l.argtry)(I!Dgtf Trudeau El!al h 112 G~ C1r
Trembley leo 1!7 t.W' IV ljlC 318 Trudeau flooer Eleanc \Roger Tr~l 112 Glenw~ 0'
loU!II! 9 7 M;:Flflane ltlljll 318 TtU!Iell Mn Marie castv 9es1 nl$l'leS Clla!lllm Plae~ M ft 81
Trenchtess Ptpe sys:ems 240 Gralld a• e Cornhln
Trend Barbet Shop (Joe KIQoslra & David Weel<.J)Il7 Founn Ornnis (Dennis Haor Sly\e1) II •2 AmeliA
T~ t.A.l!Ln C(Balbara AJ eng tWin Union Gash 20 llcna!d A 10or~ 1.11scale Oil! l+ur1ln Conslf 11 51 m•a!ldriiV
Oor~ loA (l)ona!a IW1tS Golden Crow!! Aeslr 5 I Ale.anelrl ••
TrtYIZktS Fr~ W(VIolet IAJ h 122 Rrvervlew d!IPI 223 Ocris h BI Comhill
Elll SIU!Il 93 k!lt~y
·r~ Geo W(Ocnen AI mgt IA.:IIIlvTe Pllarm h 70 Parkw')()d Or
Tril:le' Derlene phOIO Soo:et Stuchos h 115 Cardona! OilS Frank 1SSCC bf\ I M!J.I.ath Rlt;' tiS Pa!ncov1
'Tricliet GOfdon (lsobel J) h tOO IJ$arlane ltiiDl 712 Ch3 Taylor a•
Lynelle Eh 53 Water Jamre S!udt 93 Jethy
Tlld R ot.A~ Gl mach Guspro h 939 Clllt•~ Crcm rd k'fri!Y osurvey~)( M lliSity ot Trai!SI) t. Ccmmun.e n •e1
TriOeU John II 239 M<!tllft av lactO!•
• John w (I.Cargl) a<~v s1s mgt Clla!hl!n oany ~ 11 203 JoM24T~av
ld John J (Patrlcilt ltmr 1151 Ourl'.egan dr
Trtdonl llenWCen:re (Y~O J Kuctllatuk & WJyM N CM!) 100 lllfl)' 'laney) wldr Da)'!1111f1d h 39 Wlson a•
KlnQ w un:t 117 LOfS 88 V.oocls
Tr~ Ctlllrdl ol God In Chrlsl Rev H F Vlncenl tnoniSler t.lJrylou ICIW ~ fll9 Cenn h 4 7 Pa:eson lo
210 Konge • Rav!l P 11 795 Grand •• w IPI 112
Tr190 AQICio J can Oil! HJ Heinz Co 27 ftuber1 Clr • Robin Sludl 93 Jeffrey
• AnlonloA (Teresa Gl apr HJ He!nz Coh 27 FIUbeflelr RctlllallllDIOr Wlftl CcrDtl 11 1611 Tlmminl eta apl2
ltdhum Vol!aQe Aper1rnen1S 20 TNlllum Vollage · Roy tFredal Plllf 88 Vtoocls h ume
Trillium Vllllc)e ~ 30 Trilllum Vil!aQe s .las !Belly) lab Can ftltn h 93 Je!'Qv
Tr Uum v~ ~ •s trlllium V'iJlaOe • l~ C lab ~ V.'heel Corpn II 2A TiiSitnllll¥
TrDiilltn VillaQe Apattmenls 15 Trillium VibQO • Vidorla l lh"\.1 Golden Cro-•11 Restr 51 ~linCh ••
Ttllbum Village Apartrnerli•O Tr~llllm Village • Y..esllsd>' E '1 Men·s \\tat
lrdllum VdtaQe ApertmenlS tO TrDlium Village Trudgen Oart1 J h 1111 Sheldon ••llll9
TroU111111 Vollage Tc-,., Houses 55 96 Trilllum VIPege Jane h 342 Sa:ictys apt •
f11mealrnpor1 Co 143 WelllnoiOfl• ~ 209 ln61Q N9"ra larrf pn11 Chal!lrn Plam: f,l'dlllng

It's as easy as . . .

to find " WHER E TO BUY IT"

Truong LOI h 70·1'2 RIChmOnd

• Thu Phuoc n 17 Grant
Tl)'on T h tO Trtlhum VIllage ape 306 t..1 h 925 Grand av w apt 103
Tse Andw d.e1n Pub Genl Hosp h 16 Sarah cres ap~3 e
• Mac•on 213 Q-rlpy <1r
TSira~ JS Jack (l<t.l) Pits J K T lnU Lid h 285 Lark ' Tur;,mgt:lf\ Conn•e sJsclk Country Woods Dovel
TStttb•S SieVe (Ca\ht t..l) mgc & ~owner Sa!elltte Res!! h 167 • Jack W (Joyce Mia~ mgtl C Bd h IS Seneca
Thornhill cres · Ph 83·1'2 Dover
Tsuhayama Joy secy Can Fram 106 King e Wm f h 62 Ltncotn rd
Tsukayama Jos Y!ROSie) h 106 Kklg e TumPr Beatnce Mrs h 821lelaware av apt205
Tubb David E{Karen I) 1chr Queen Elirabeth II Pub Schl h 70 • Bnan 0 (ll!lllell!l F) h 38 West
Eugenle • Carol Ann studl 84 Ralergh
Tucl< Harold LIBarbara Jean) h 98 Faubert ell • CMrvl elk Labomblrds Chatham ltd 45 LondOn ct
Ht"IY J {lleflha Ml h 67 O'Ne•l · Chuck h 27 Prrncess n
• Janet n•a TrtttJum Vtllage ape 507 · llebbie slscl~ Mac's C<Mwefltence Store res Bteohetm
• Larry W tl.lilfy Al{l'loperty Mvg & Mntnce) h 79 Ches1nut dr · llouQias GtMananot) buyer can Fram h 76 Houston
• Mat~ 0 (EIIz AI matenats control Can Fr!'ll h 14 Burton •~ • Ellz 1.1 Mrs n 84 Rate• gil
Rob1 F tRuth) lrlllfiC rngr Ltbby ~11111 & Libby h 34 • Elf..-ood R (lena) mntnce tlect Bnh$11 Leaf Tooacco h 60
lansdo-Nne 8¥ Bartlle
. Robl R (Helen) mach Rockw1!11 trul h 917 Channo Cross rd • Eft'~!!I 12 Tudor ct
• RUlh (Rolli) secy OeKalb Canada Inc 34 Lansdowne av • Fred 0 !Margt A) lab Can Frarn h 117 Mal)'knoll rd
• Steven (NOT1hside Texaco) res RR 3 Kent BndQe • Fred J tPaultne El dM Radto Cabs h 110 Wellington e
• Susan J 98 Fa\Jbell dr • GI!O N tab Holiday Inn n 62 1·2 Giant
TUCI<er lolabel Mrs h 156-1"2 Vidof•aa• • Glen stsmn Corey's New &Used Fum h 76 Edgar
• Maty A studl 156-1'2 YtdOnl av • Glen tel>! Kent CounttBd of Edlle h 81 Batdoon rd apt II
Tuc>-I!'*V Oa~ supvsr Cha:ham Communtty Creel Un 40 Alpone Bf JSh970Neti iiPI1
TUC~<Well Oan KtOaunne loll drllsmn Ullion Gash 40 Alptne av • J Wes tMyt11e Jl h 12 Tudor cl
Tuft-Kote llmol Car Presentatton Cenlre (Davtd Madill) 940 • Jf'nn•ler B mgr Ont Humane Socy h 91 Ba>cter
RIC/lmond Joan EM•s 192 Park
Tugwell FtariCll tllebbte) wks I H Canada h 82 Oelawate av apt • ~ Fh 66K~tt a~
304 • Jos B h 121 Sandys
- Irene h SO l.t>e:Mneud ape 106 K~ln lab A WK lndl 45 London Cl
TII!OOlQ3 Jacl'.ie ''"'Gulf Se!v Sto 122 RtVI!IVti!W dr ape316 lloyo IJudyllab Eaton Yale Ltd h 45 London ct
• Jas Rev (~ene KJ pastot catvart Chnsst•an Reformed Ch h 4 Lort~ w~s Chatham Plastic Fintshlng
DaMcres Mrkp L for~er IDUrneymn Ont Hydro 180 West
Tu•oslla Elite M•s h 495 lndtan Creek rd w Nelson G tJean) (Turner's Auto Aepr) h 79 Wilson a~
Steven A (Carmen) jan Chatham Kent Sec Schl h 21 Pnrnrose Ia Turner Park 100 TweedSmu•r av w
Tuten Ceceha 1.1 s~scn. Sears 123 Lancelteld pl • PalltCla h 179 Colborne
-JoM J (Germa•ne Ml tab Can Fram h 123 Lancef•eld pi • RoOt 1Mtd!~J lab Moczrk Tt & Ote h 223 lnshes av apt 2
Tullo Caro (J.hce F) h 132 Wrllowmac av • Ronald fPauhnel indl spraytng 343 Grand ave 101 407 h same
Tulloch Bnan 0 (Kdlleenlw.s I HCanada h 69 Giant
- Jas Earl lErma) h 92llelaware..., • Rot12 Tudor ct
Lesh!! A(llorOIIIyl h 17 Grat • Rov surveyor C.ty h 127 Joseph
Ran<!f 209 Etlg@nt!! • Sam 117 t..lai)'Knollrd
Ran<!y IAArlette)lab I H Canada h 209 Eugfflie • Tholtt<aren) :tab Eaton Yalt Lid h '16 Sandys apt 1
Tulp 8 J h 3 L•sgar • Wm POt t.loya E) phys & surg 284 Wellington w h 224
. Bnan 111< drt-t CP (Jp h 4 I 12 Gray Vlctolra av
· DaVId W1Gioua AI Slsmn l.laedtl't 8ev h 100 Argyle cres Tul!ens Rat !Nancy loll l'thtel$ t.A!rlnn h 19 Juftetle av
• Ernoe (Juc:htillab Can Fra"' h 20 '-berdeen Tw\gg Alber! F IR•tal II 97 KtflQ e
- Rosemaly Un h 29'lide a• • Ar11111r J i Beatr~) h 37 St Georgt
Tumm Ida 1.1 h 509 p_,k a~ w • B 122 Rrvert•ew dr apt317
T~~~ James G tShuley Ll h 162 Faubert dr • Bl?'ferley 0 (Margt) plmbt Ltbby McNetll & Libby h 59
· Jos T (Gtona) h 37 Spencer av Churchill
- l.lortev tMery1 El plsiJ Soutllv<esiern Regl Centre h 193 Thames · llaviO stuc!l 59 Churctu f
· Paul 8 lab Chathlm Cash & Carty 162 Faubert dr • Olllne secy Chatllam l.lental Hllh Clinic h 66 Sheldon IY
Aobl dm Sha~non Transp h 41 CO'rercsate apt10f • Frances 99 Patk
- ltrl)' h 108 Edgar Jas W !Hazell h 71 Fielder...,
- lMy 37 Spencer a• • Jud•lll AM btlltng elk Chatham liydlo h 100 Mcfarlane av apt
· Tim sludt 37 Spencer a• 307
· Tom tabRoc.l<wetl Inti h31 Spencer l'ol MargttBe-erteyJ secy Alexander Woods 59 Churchill
TullSIIIIIBrtan J tlltenda t..l)lab Can Fram ltd h 56 BMy l.lrke tab Standard Tube (Bienherm) 81 Wedgewood av
- Oenrns h 74 Park av w Ronald L IL<Mna El tab 1H canada h 278 Mema av apt 109
· Jeffrey Skld125S Parle av w • Wm llltendl) quality conuot tee/In Molot Wheel h 37 Chestnut
· John 8)r (Deborah loll lab Daymond h 59 Sunnystde av dr
- .1o1m 8 tl'h)11is A) IT\I'IUa mech CampbeU Soup Co h SO Wrndsol T,-t O..vtd Slnder Fenton's Auto Pnt Booy Sttop res AR 7 BtenheJm
dr • Tom sander Fenton's Au1o Pnt Bocly Sttop res RA 7 Bl~tm
• Mwrar 138 PaQeSOII a• Tyera Donald H tOebra L) hnemn Hydro n3 Devon dr
Ruth dl< St .101 Hasp 255 Park ... w Tyhu<SI cameron (Alice) sis rep John Deere Ltd h 393 Baldoon
Tutalo Bent R tOoana l) &14J1 Colla•lno Coostr (Wrndsor) h 26 rduM33
\lt•bon•• Tyndall Laurte A 65 Wiltshtte dr
Tllleoll! Dianne M COf'!l'1'ut\ll)' legal v.l<t Legal Assistance Kent h • ROOI H IHPJenl drhsmn J HJorden Aleh h 65 Wrltshtte dr
2490uten Tyrell M n 605 Grand av w 1111 90 I
• Eug F (Ala loll h 213 0>-tr-, dr • Mlk:olm IBelly) ICht Sf Cl1tt Coli h 69 WtllShtre dr
• K11 167 Slndy$ Margt 1133· 1'2 Poplal


It isn't the cost - 1t's the coverage that counts
and you get so much for so httle
when you advert1se in the DIRECTORY

u Aonlld D(Dianne) lwefigNII II 110 Ellis
ShannlliiUdl 21 Slugeen Wt
IJIIIk Edwd J (MIIIIII J) olct lotlnlllry ollhl EnWonmenl II 103
Trl us IOnQ •IPI 4
Todd A lib A E V~ liD EllS
~~ Wm H mgr body lhOp II 55 Taytor Wt 1P1 1011
IJI!IInlln Gtlek Orlhodox C1lurch ol Sl John IIIPIIII n s
Urrv "'' E1,1rt 11 47 Prince Altlur 1v
McHiughlon IY w Phyllis J h 4 7 Pnnoe At1llur IY
Uldl Velmll,lrt h IMI McH1u111*Jn IY wepl131 Ursultnt Molhlrtloule Fred LIWtOII Ul\ln 8' Urtullne Wt
IJidll Michl (Jennie) Nil Irk apt Libby lotc:NIIII & libby II 18 I Urwltnf ColleQf The Pines lfloh Schl Div Sitler Miry lllrgl
Oxley~ Parent ptln 85 Qtllld IY w
lJtlt Dennis J (EIIz 4111b McMor Willet COrpn h 91 lnlhiiiY Uslly LMI J ICiv l.tcHiu!1*ln 4v ~ Schl II 3D T~ VIIIIQI
Uln lith lid , 37 Crytlll dr epii!OI
~ CyniM 202 Clmpus Pkwy 101305 ~EIII,Irt1182~1Y
Unilc Frri (Miry) h 550 Clfllld 1Y • 101 1008 Gerlld (Donnll IJpedtOr I H Clflldl II 3 Kll1<caldy pi
Unitarms Ellie IlioN Scolll 2 I I 5I Cllif Uucll Jeen18 Ordon blvd
Urlion Clrbine 4gricullurll P!oducts Co InC IYw1 Jones ... 1110' Sergio (MINi lib E.llon Yllelld II 18 Ordon blvd
U211Werriew ~ uv-rllndt lootll1ln I"*iil h 378 lndiln Creel! rd .


..... Otlloe
.,.,., Molt....... ,, ........
10 ec.ll 11, N1M IM1
.... ,...,..1114100 VS Semces Lid lohke Deley mgr 1197 Richmond
Vado'vic f rri fJinicel contrlr I HClflldl h 43 WtdglwOOCIIY
VIle S/le!ry A343 GrJIIIIIY e 101204
VIIISJCa Slm (Palril;la Jl mgr lysli!ms & ~ts Delrldo
UNION GAS LIMITED, (Windsor) II u CoUto~* ~

L J GIIIIIWU, DMalon Oper..._e .......
'I DMalon ..._ l upameor
N L MoT...-rt, lupame. CUIII ner
Vlfdok Jo1v1 T (W.ieI mech IICIIIIIdl...n~IOiogoiiWxllllll !An Frem II 31 Wllcor
VIIIOII ~ tlllrlllllb E.llll Tl & Doe 118 ScdiiiiCI CIWI

llllofiMIIoft Aooou...._ Vlllnelo Anne ICiv Kent Counry S.0 SchiBd II I27 John
...,.,... *· Vlilcouf1 Edmond h 415 V"ICIOniiY

...... _...,...,..111. .1
"_,.... • .atoo
Vlldl 01scoun1 fOOds 1o11ke Glllly mgr 458 S1 Clll!
Vlldt¥11 Jorge ~)lib Elln T1 & Doe II 140 Hiney 1012
VIle 1'111! (Eiu A) prln a - d ScH II 158 Cadle
VIIIQuele Femllld R (Hazel J) r1t1 llldllw lrlflll) h 254,....
UriiOil Gil Tacmicll Slrw.ltrO¥ mgr 488 AlweMew ~ IYf
Ur!illd..., ....... Locll35 111 ~ ~ V111len 1"-l (Ctnnl E~l rea AFI5
Ur!illd A1*1 ....... LOCII 127 Did< CllliiiOfl p111280 lllrril VIII Ack8n R C ~ Aw!C & Urblllll I 15 Seldik 101 4
IY VIII Andlllllmoce J llldk ll.lddit Kobtller 117 Wllllllll n
lJrlilld Co-Op Teny ~ mgr 91 . . . _ nl Ccmls (JIIItl 110111 elk Public Glnl Holp II I I 7 Willilm n
llnlld ~ o1 Bruce Lowe mor 111 Herlllgl rd VIII a-len RotJI E (U Dillin) lllocl< I HClflldl II 108
Urielcl ~ o1 w.n v.- VIlli 119 335,.... ClnWtlury
IYt s- G wks AAC lnd 108~
lJnllld CCJ.lJOtrllivft ol Onlario Bob lotacKiy 1110' 135 Kill ~ I VIII...._ Rlyd lib I HClflldlll81lollry
lJrlilld Grill IS & TOlkalioll)24111ng w v~ Sillily 1"-Ydllwlhr Ptccdly 5q 81lollry
V111BiuMI Elsit l,lrt II 70 ~ 1Y
UNITID WAY 01' CHATHAII-KIIfT. VIIIBIYel Joe P (llonnil Bl G'vf VIIWOOOyi11 49UMtrllly ~
....... Alloi!C...c Couller V111Beetl f'llicil97 Ud. . . . 1Y 101305
K8NII ,...., ....... DhaiDr Ylll Betlt Altlur J ~II 1 .limes d

........... .........
Ullcla CcMIIIill. ........ ...........

Ylllllemmel Albi(PIIytlil) wldi I HClllldl h 24 Aolllni CIWI
Vlllbilltwoud< .Ill J COMr 1n1P lillni*y ol Trlflll) & Comm II
Vlll~io~Nt Geo (Tintl) n 202 Cempua Pkwy 101 103
Y111llommet Cornelis (KIIhilln)ldw Sl UriUII Sep ScH II 5118
lJrYiu 1'1111 c(llonnil J) ... 1110' Duomllc Ollen h 121 DIIIYitw IOngw
CIWI Vlllbonn Ala I'ICI)Inlll McM0r Wllell Corpn 203 P-.on IY
~ Wtynt C (Ciiolytl AI plenl apt Cl1y h 3D lndllll Creel! Emtly (1'11111 bkpr P Yen8owen 1115l.lllllleld pi
rdw Kilen lwlhr llitftdl'allly Sllon ,.. AFI8
~ Dlnnil ,......, ,.., 1ldlll UtiDy UcNiill & UtiDy 1197 VIII !Ioven Pllillmon ((lnlty) 11'1111'1 Smlll EngiNI 511 & Sarv) II
YicloniWt 1115 Llrafllld pi
UrbanO Atlel(lllril) wldi UaD Wllell Corpn II 10 Clrdlnal CIWI Y11111od11Mirln wb UaD Wllell111121111doon rd 10121M
u.ytclu ldw Olllhllft Uay Court Day IUwy 10 Clrdlnll CIWI VIII Brllkel Sui Urs h 78 Ulry 101402
Uiglllllndullnll Supply (Jill Uclnlyle)24 1· I '2 a-d 1Y t VIIIBrlllleglm Frri (Miry) 1130 KlngloRy ~
UIQUIIIiiiWI ~ itCJ111111 F l . . . . Lid rea AF1 1 Mallin VIII Brunlcrlol Joe wb Whllll . . 1m 71 Warwlcll ~
·Jill (Aannit Llll 1i11C11 Allldlil & Allldlil II 2iO fONIIIOI2 • Ulry Am . . . 71 Warwlcll ~
· JoiP(MintUih IDDUd. . . . IYIOI102 lokhl CICcn Cl lib I HClllldlll 71 Wlrwicll ~
• Klilllllllqlr ~ Aagl C... II 157·1'2 Hiney Y........... (a.lcfllle) pnt F l ,.._Lid Ill
· lllcN (Oawnll wb DIKIIII Clflldllnc rea AFI2 K8ill 8rldgt WllllciCII6g
· PiOII* J IAalllccal II 174 DliaMN IY VIII Cllillt Dllliae elk Woolc:o 102 Willllnglan t101 4
• Aoglr Y(Cirolyn Dl lormn e.Dn Y. . Lid II 2 I SaiQIIII IY • (Jill II 140 sa.w.t


(Otv. 386398 Ontarto Umited)
Yanca•lle Mark (BO<Wel d•ecast DPI Accurcast (Wallaceburg] h VANDERGAAG
50 MIChener rd apt515
Van Ca•lle IAaunce 140 Stewart • John P llngnd) plmllf Vandergaag Plmbg & Hlg h 1691nshes a~
Vanco Jozel (Sandra) 1nsp I H canada h 114 Baldoon rd Vander Gaag Peter A iPietert<eliPeter Vander Gaag Plmbg & Htg)
VanDaele Alme F!Angeline M) Ill< dM WalSOn Concrete h 33 h 21 Chestnul d<
S•ouxdr vandergragl Jac1<•e wtrs Blue Bonnet Restr h 190lhames apl4
• August 97 Mcfarlane av apt 311 Vander He1de Frank (IAargl) carp Jadco Co h 112 Sylvesler dr
Vandaele Greg !Sh~rley) lab Elan n & O•e h 140 Harvey ap11 Vanderheide John (Terry) wks Can Fram Lid h 291 Park
Van Oaele KeMeth J s1ud1 33 Stoux dr Vanderhoven Mtke h 37 Kent apt 5
-laiT)' J stud133 Sioux dr Vanderhyde Dicky h 140 HaTYey aj)l 4
• Rh 45 Semenyn aY apt 10 Vanderlv•ere Jonn G (Giona C) lab Eaton Yale Ltd h 32 Ellis
Van De Beld Ber1 h 258 McNaughton ave apl 101 Paul h 60 McNaughton av e
Vande Borne Jane cook Ross•nl Resu h 60 Barthe Robt J !Clara Mllrk dm Nail Gro h 90 Park Ia
YandeCaveye Jun tStephante) serv Monarch Propane Lid h 12 Terry A carp 90 Park Ia h same
Pearl etes apt2 VanderKooy John (Julie) ma11 hndlr Can PosJ Co!prl res RR 4
Yandecaveye M•ke (Anna Marte) lcly wl<r MO!Of Wheel Corpn h 291 Vanderlaan EHert (Allee) II & d•r.m~r Superior Mach & Tl h 329
MIChener rd Oelawareav
• Rene h 308 ColbOine Vander leeuw S h 40 Elm apt 229
YanOeHogan Carol (Frank) partner J M Amusements 93 Lark Vanlll'rttnden Anlhy gas aid! Maple Ctly Gas & 011 Co res RR 4
Van De Hogen Frank T (Carol D) (Joy La'ld Amusements) 1193lark Vander linden Antonius M IManina Ml wiiS Mar-lyn Constr he s
Vandei<amp Comet .a h 85 Pme apl I 05 C!eekrd
Vande~emp Gevrt ag1 Prud Ins 7 Isabella Van Oer Linden Jell !Anton•& H) v-pres MJIII Constr h w s
Van De Kete Khove Marg1 Mrs h 805 Grand av w apt 1001 Easllawn dr
van OeKerKhovl! Robllransp drvr Thames Van Farms h 383 Vanderlinden l wtrs Rossini's ResU II 100 Mcfarlane av apt 716
McNaughton ave Vander l1nden lou•s {Trudy)lab Wmdmtll Cabl Shop h 89 Argyle
Van Delft A•ck h 47 Emma apt 306 cres
Van De Moone Adolph 52 Harwich
• Ma11e P h 52 HarwiCh Vandermeer Anna smstrs 4 1 Ehzabeln h same
• Pauhne 52 HarwiCh Bill h 75 Semenyn av apt 4
Vandemoortele D•anne dm Radio Cabs h 216 LaCtolx • FE tf II fiOO<•ng lnsllr h 40 Jullerte av
Vandenberg Geo 0 (Unda M) res counselle< Soutllweslem Regl - M•ke h 290 Park av e
Centre h 72 Wedgewood av Wm !Nancy) appr fronl end loader Ben Bruinsma & Sons h 54
- Jerry h 38 Oevonsh•rt rd P11nce Arlhur av
- John (lOis) mntnce Southwestern Regl Centre h 18 Ttmothy Van Oer Molen Andw (Cindy) assl mgr Mufflerman h 434 Sandys
apt 1
Vandenbogaerde Marla wus Elias Btos Restr 153 Park Vander Molen M h 40 Elm apt 306
• M>dltiJoanne) slkclk 1H Canada h 67 Harvey Vandermoortele Randy h 142lacroix
Vandenbom Billy SIUdl 79 Sussex Vande! Naall Harry (Mildred Al pnu Vandernaall Pnlr & Deer h
- Wm H!Theresa) Uk drvr Green Foresllmbr (WtndSO<) h 79 683Park av w
Sussex Vandernaall WH!I (Marg!l67 AIIPn h same
van Den Bossche Gerry A h 76 Mary apl305 Van<X>r Park Adnan J (Catharine) h 391lnd•an Creek rd w
- Jerry (Sue) U& dteml<r Super101 n & Ote h 4 Diamond dr Vander Pryt J h 37 Joplyn
P l h 150 IAary apt609 Vanderschaaf IAargl slsclk Bata Shoe S101e V•clorla av
VanOenBossche Pa!ncra lleller typtSI Bk ol NoYa Scoba 393 Van der Schaaf Ru1Ze (Hente) lab Motor Wheel Corpn h 27 4
Baldooo rd apt 1 lnd•an Creek rd w
Vandenbroefe Fred h 13 WOOdland av Vander Sluts Don (Maggte) (Vander Sluis Bros Constr) h 11
Van Oenbroere Ron 0 (Mary Anne) counseiiO< Soutnwestern Regl Parkwood dr
Cenlre h 108 Berry VanderSiu•s Ellen H {Ken) serv rep Co-()peraiOts Ins res RR 3
Vandendool John (Hilda) PfS op! Can Fram Ud h 154 Chippewa dr VanderslUis Fred A (Kim 0) siS Woolco h 31 Chestnut dr
· Orval C(Bt.g•ne) mgr GO<dons M ~ts h 25 Juliette av · Jean h 15 Oat¥v•ew cres
Vanllen{)up$1raten Mary styhsl Cameo Ha11 Fasnlons res RR 1 LouiSe secy Thames valley Eng 25 Soulhend etes
VanOenEnden Jeannie M(John) elk Polka Dol Fabrics 72 Baldoon VanderSiuts Michl (Calhy) carp Bouma Constr h 379 Indian Creek
rd apl2()4 rdw
John (Jeannie) )oumeymn lndl Metal Fabrcus 72 Baldoon rd Vandersluis OHo (Tenal h 25 Southend cres
apt204 • Ray [Theresa) (Vandersluis Bros) h 361 Indian Creek rd w
Van Oensptegel G1lb1F (Stella) slkclk 1H Canada h 56 VanderSluis Ron (Oebbre A) bulldozer opr Ben Bruinsma Lid h
Spurgeon dr 807 Oueen
VanoenSp1egel Polly aldt Pronto Self Serv • Sally Mrs (wid Cornlsi elk Wiersma s Bkry h 300 indian Creek
Vander Eddy 64 Jelfrey rde
E1Y1n llorra•ne) lab Oomtar h 64 Jeffrey Vandersluis nm mntnce Pe11o Canada 25 SOuthend cres
VanderSiuys Adrian h 40 Elm apl310
Vander Gaag Plumbmg & Heating Lid Pete Vander Gaag 148 Vanderspek Jacob (Anlhonla) h 23 Pamela cres
Bedford · John P mntnce Sl Jos Hosp h 276 Merrirt av apl305
Russel 64 Jeflrey Vanderveeken Marg•e (Bob) slscfk The Dressing Room res RR 6
Vandertlaan Stoert lab RocheU IIIII h 40 Trillium Village apt Wallaceburg
1105 VanDerveen Greta (Edwd)lchr Calvin Chllsttan Schl res RR 4
Vanderburg Hans mgr lJVtng Th•ngs WtndSOt dr Btenhe•m
Vanderdu•m ~~~ (Gri~) h 37 Dovercourt Vanderveen Stan !Elsa) shpr Chapman's Gratn h 331 M1che11er rd
vanderee Ja~e 9711AcFatlane a• apl 207 Vandervtere Jam•e elk Min-A-Mart 60 McNaughton
Vander Ende l.alfd V tPatrlcla l) cabllll$llr Wtndmlll Cabts h Van Oer Vliet Allan fR•la) bodymn Rlvervtew Auto Body h 72
e SG1vtn rd Heather dr
llandf<ende la•rd (Pat) cabtmkr Windmill Cabl ShOp res RR 7 Jan h 40 Elm ap!304
Vanderoaag Gernl (Magdalena C) reprmn A & B Refug h 114 Vander VIlsi Wm (Hennlel mgr Un Co-Op of Ont h 89 Thornhill
l•mm•ns cres apt 3 cres

Yern•• ltlrecferlel $e1ving.

29 Rebecca St. Hamilton, Ontario Ontario
Telephone (-i16) 522-5066 L8R 183 Communities
Vilnl'~en larry il!osl!) medl C llleMinger EQUip res RR 5
Va'lllel We1d! Albt (AJidrey EJ metll At's Grge t\17 COI!egta!e dr
VIlli Oerw..J Wutemlllll n85 P~ liJll 14 1 B!enheim
Vat~ GJessen Hen1< (Jane) mQ! Sass L!fg Co h 178 Park ave
Y~cle Andv mech Al's Groe 625 St Cla•r und 12
Vanclerwoode Mona mgt Bata Shoe SIOfe Bedlord VanGlesstn ~ (Jane) gen! mgt Sass M!g 178 Part< ave
V~n cturp Nell;e lCl\1 Calvin Cnn$1i3n Schl h 95 TISSI1113n av
Va~ Der Woude Fra~k T w•t Thaml!t MacMie ShOp 434 IA<;Naugllton
IJanHal CtviS P (fliz) elk Can Po6l Corpn tl!t RR 1 ao..e. Cel\lle
Va~Har!ln Hti"Y fCatolvn) elect Honey Eleclnc •es Waltaceburo
Vandel,.,oudf' H h 97 Bedford apt308
VanOet Woud~ M>t/11 (Gat! tormn O"Aiiasl Cons1r h 434 Van Hee RQnald C (Rost'NIY) mr CMlllllrn & Olsl Ambuler>ce Serv
McN.tughlon av e • h50Meni11avapt408
Vanderzwao Jolin h <lO Elm apt 205 Vaot!efdfn Comll tlht1ha) h <l2 Oelronsll<11! rd
M~thn (Tont) h 212 Delaware av Va.nhelden John h 76 Semarrtn •~
Vande Sompr.l Arc~en (Marlene! plmbf Advance Plmbg n 50 van Heiden K~n J ~udt 2 1 Bur1on av
WOOClland av • M;uio A 11Ud121 Burtonav
Cam•el G (V'IOiel Mi "'h Advance Plmbg &t!tg 32 Briat Hilt rd Peter r (.~eat\ Ajln•!!~.lO!y CO!l!lol analyst Rocl<welt lnll h
lolict!l J f.lud150 Woodland av 21 11ur1on av
Zulll\3 M MJS (Advai1Ce Plmbg) h 32 Briar H11t td Vanhe:!e Donna mcnr R"'-eraliaJr Place 33 O••ey dr
Van [)oovan Boti(WandallaD Ventuta n 132 WI!SI V.rlhe C !Donna Ml(W C Conc:te!e f"lool11 h 33 O•ley dl
Van Oeven G h 53 Betty Va~ Fran~ (0awntrese3r;h OeK.alb Clnadlltlc res RR 8 London
Vandewal Adtlan J (Corl!l!l~a) !tal mQI' King Gra•n & Seed h 234 Van Hoof fill AsWelt 7 I 1<00hl3nd dr
T-.dsmuu av w Ma1fi"N {lambl'!lhal IVan Hoof Sidrnq Place) II 71 Norinland dr
Vande"Neetd Conn1e c:11< Woolco 25 Wlllslk!e dl van Hoof S.Olf'; Pirl' ,..,_~ "•" l'ool ll'" 747 Sl Cia r
Oebb<e SIUOI 25 W·~ ell' V AN HORN . J UDY, Rap Plneonnaaull & Gebal Rut
Jact (Ji(>lenl b HauanfS Gran M•ll h 25 W ~!It Eatate lnc, Raattor, Ru R R 3 Bothwall.
• Kare11 25 YI~IShire dt . Phone 8115-3&41
Vandl"keghe Larry R 1CI811e Ct QUIIhly conlfol Rockwell Inti h VanHorn J~<ly I IOYdllgl PII\SQfiBei!Ull & GebaJ Rl ESI res
110lar> Bolr"oo•.
VaiiOPWV!lCkel AM slit'~ & Brolller tes Bo• 117 ~ lm Vanholoe AI !I 49 Taylor~~~ apl107
Van Oe Wynd<et Elarne M stu<M 48 Collegme 111 · Van Horne DanliMat•el h 77 Baldoon td apl13
VanOeWyncl<et GtrorgeH~ mgl\l lllQ! Rellm~n·s It'S RR I J R h 37 l&vtor ilv
Van De Wync~~ M.ldf!fone h 45 Timmins cres apt 203 K•m n 188 A~lalde a
• Odlyn (Marytrns Bill h 48 Coll~ale dr • M•chl w(Maty Louls~JI :ht Ylallacellurg 0rs1 H1gtl Schl h 70
· Rene 97 McFerla~e av apt303 Blythewood ctes
VanOeWynckle N•colt wks Shamroc~ Stores VanHorne ShellY (81111 b<or Mad Man Mad.gan lOt VanAllen
Van Dteten JoM !Gt~lidtna) formn A Gold & Sons h 20 Rosedale Vall Humbeck Alid AtCAIIMel ~ 11 Mdlougallav
dr • R~ R II 127 1'2 CO!nhm
V~nd•erendOnd< M h 276 Mtolfirt av apt 207 Vanier 01 APif'.'T'eniS 76 Vatll8f dt
Van DoldE'r Phll1p !Dianne) COilllr w~i SaS$ M!g h 45 Bt!try Van;er MaMOI Apertmenls 24 Van•e< dr
VanDommelen Annt~ M h 50 M1~ne1 rd apt 513 Van•'•! ShOPOI! tCnatl>amJLJd The !Jack Solomon) ladles" wear
Vandongen Peter E (Helen Tt latfll'!t h 37 Croyclen ISB!IIng w
Van Dusen Colleen hs•kpg Pub G@nl HD$1124 Alpine av Van Kerlo:llollen Debbie Sludt 34 Cmen dt
• Glaovs P h 57 Pnnce s Vanllett~ Mti A (Wa!ly) mgr The Snoe Place 34 Cmen dr
~alher s 57 Prince s Van Ke<f<l'lO>-ell Waller A (.11.«11 AI fotrnn EalOn "fa~ ltd h 34
• JOhn h 54 Barter
Vandusen Joyce h 185 StaniPy av apt 2
Cta.en dl
Van l<etkoven MICill (l,ndal .,.,lcs St Cia" Plashes h 62
· Karen R h 36 Scene
BlythelfOOd crt'S
van OUS~"n MJrgt 137 Tommons crts apt3
VM Kesler~n Chas (Colleen! serv mgr Jack Calroll PontiaC
• MarO"'"tPatriela) (Oualoty Rig) II 141 Ell•s
Buick h 73 Ti$1man av
- NaJhan A 57 P11nce s
t.4 ·~I IHI'Ittl serv clepl Chatham Mn n 470 Vldotil av
Vandusen Paul 78 Van1er dt 101301
Van~es~en Paul h 9 Ortllard Hts dl apl2
van OUsen Ralph J (D<ane A) lab Eaton Vale Ltd h 24 Alpme av
VM l<~lertn Rrng !LyM) h 88 Btyo.l!ewood cres
• Robt W!Karen G) lab Otsen·a (Trlbury) h 208 SandyS
Roelol G (Joanne) cat recondllront!f Ru:hmond Mtrs h 188
· Sylvia Mrs h ~18 Patk
VanDyk Wm (Hel~n) tchr Calvin Chnstlln High Schl h 112
· Roy R (Nrna T)tchr Kent County Bd of Ed.uc h 15 Oua11 pl
O"Nell Vanloestern M·chii(Htll•~l mntnee Jack Calroll Pont!IIC n 221
Van Dyke Herbt llOUI~~~ h 27 W1ndsor dr
VanDyke lena !Peter) secy Chatham Dlst Clulst1an Sec Schl I 7
Vanleeu.,.,~ Joanne (MocrObYfe Computers) h 62llllrverSoly dr
Jup1te1 av Van Leo~u"'l'n Hans (Lyndaltchr Ursuline Colt h 3 Andtea dr
van Dyke Pt'ler G (Lena W) tab Sass Mig h 17 Jup1ter av
VanL111Q4'n Chns lab sass Mig 274 Tweedsmuor a~ w
Van Oyken A h 165 1"2 Adelo1de s Van llnQI'O Melvin (UIIkina Cl ~ pnn Cetvtn Chtrstlan Schl h
Donald h 40 Elm apt 208
274 IW<!edsmuu a• w
• John h 200 Emma apt t 2
Van loonS h 156 Joseph
Vandy~en NOll! 157 i "2 Har;ey VAN LOON, TONY, (Jana), (Chatham Plumbi ng &
VanEerd Amon drvr Dornu\oon Auto TtanSII res Box 501
Hardware). h 665 Quaan, Phone 351-3517
Van E11kern Roet M tMargt Al (Ouick Copy Pnnl Shopl h 32
Van Marrum Jack (Mary) sis rep McMath Ally h 340 l.lcNaugll!On a•
Van Gaaten Andw T pholo lnsllg Kent Colour Lab h 112 Sheldon av
• M Mrs h 40 Elm apt 99
apl15 Vao M..-etDet9"n ~man olce VtntSUy of Ttansp & Comm 16 Cross
Van Gassen Edwd h 40 Tnlllum Villagt' ape307
• Jos M lEmma) h 16 Cross
• P h 60 Elizabeth
Van M.oclell<oop Carol Mrs h 28 Glenwood dl
• ROb1n l d•£P ~Gravel & Constt h 51 H•glllalld dr
• Pe~ IC8rol Alll'ech RIChmond Mtrs h 43 Ea!l dl
• R()gf'f E tShl!leyann Jl gent mgr Seal· On Pntg Ltd h 85
Van M•ddlekoop Ann secy !lent County 8d of Educ h 34 WI!SI
Chippewa dt
Van M1nnen C h 975 Gtand av w apt206
Van Geemen Gertrude Mrs h 35 Allen
• Henry h 29 Kensu~ton pi
Vanger;en Donald CU$10dl8n Sl ~ Sep Schl tes RR 1

~ • Residential ~.~'AA ....V ® • Agricultural •

~ . • Commercial KJ7'1Fir. • Recreational


~ ;.Kf~.'l an Independent member broker
11 ~J 121 Heritage Rd., Chatham, Suite 202 (519) 351 - 1300
va~straten Gustaaf (~1!11ny) elk Bes! FOt Less n 19 Holland Itt
VA.~ HINNEN Van Ttla~g Tran mnti\Ce Chatham Plasttc Flntshtng
vanlhoumout Remo IE!IUiy) slult millet KulQ Gra•n ltd res RR •
• .lroyllindal r1 es1 agt C &G Rlty II 494 Oueeo Van:nuvne lilt (Nancy) mgt Mdlonal1fs Res!r h 153 'W est
John tTeellll h 275 Grano av"" March 49 Wol~wda<e pi
Vann Robllcflr Keont County Bd ol Ed!.(: h 160 Baldoon rd apl I
Par• A (Rose A) 510te mgr Cooper-Labad>e Tire Centre h 121
Vannoeu..enhlftze l<~Vln n& d.emkr Russell TI & Doe 50 Mochener
Pomrose Ia
apl516 vantygllem Ralph K(Arle!lP M) bllr Maubme Lole Ins 11 u
• !Jan~ Mt$ h 650 Grano •• w IPI202
• Ronald J !Gatti ptanl mot Rum!ll Tl & Ole h 116 Collegrale
Van Udffi Robl'r1<na M•s II 9Lam9QI1 cres
dt Van UdPrS Olga h 52 LacrOtM apt 2
• Valere (Irene El back hoe opr Van Gassen h 22 Oo'e pi
Van Vacrenbergh Jos G (Loro M) lormn Huron Constr Co h 70
Van Noord COrne~s (Cornelia Nl h s Colleg•ate dr
van Otrsci\OI Ala1 F Sll:mu appr l!ldl Metal fabtocat1011 47
V1111 Veen Peter R IM.Irg At set•lethn Maple C.ry Ofce EQUip h
Algooqum tk
225 CampUs Plo..,., apt 316
VanOorsci\OI Andy IJudyljoumeyiM lndl Melal Fabtctrs 383 King
van vemmet Albt 174 1'2 Gray
Van Vl•l'lber!lh!o Walle! S (loos V) wks I H Canada 11 190
• Bes:sJe tFrankJ sec aeas lndl Melli fabtm 47 Atgonqutn <k El11abelh
Van OltschOI Frank Lllle5si~ I.IJ (lndl l.!~l Fabncaliool h 47
• Edmond l!.Aarvl h 2• BalmOtat rd
• Wh 264 K111q w 81ll2
VanOIISCt'tOI Wm fNatal>el toomeymn lndl ,.elal Fabtcm res Rfl
Van Vlyman Anne Mrs n 76 Mary apt307
2 Rodney • Sue counsellor Southwestern Regl Centre 761.4ary apt 307
Vai100Sf!'n Henry car recondl~oner .lac~ Carroll Poot•ac 17
VanVo >enburg Slevt' h 87 l.lary apl210
willolflNIC ...
vanwaneohem w Fra~. 191 Prud 10s h SO 1.4!Chener rd 1101207
- wm IArv~<~l ~ 11 W''iOwmac a•
Van~ Jas h 42 1'2 Wolliam s at>l1
Van ~no..e Ehz stud! 125 Bedford
• Johanna L n a Maple Ctty Residence 32 Murray
• Roy tOol'lllallab MOIOiolla h 125 Bed!Otd
Van Wellt>n R•cfld J I!I'IQ Can Fram h 4 I Coverdale apl305
Vano•l!fb!'l<l' Edwo tPhyhs) orvr OomtntOII Auto Transot res Rfl7
VanZelst Ma~ 1Mary Etten) layout w~r Chamber tarn Press res
Va~ !herbe •e Elsrt' !.Ars II 54 To:nll\IM cres BPI2
Van Pelt Hugo l.laneii (lrrple H Mntnce) h 54 Bedford
Val\letten LpUtSe h II La...e
Vanpelt M h 258 McNaughton a• e apl206
VanZoeleghem Martft 8 h 100 McFarlane av apt 308
Van PoocheEitse Mr& h 191 Kmg e
Varco tndustrtai Sales ltd (Jon Varey)876 AichmO!ld
• Robl H del~ be)' SpaglleUI JOOC!ron 19 1 King e
Va•ey Jon (Patocoa) (Varco lndl Slsl h 393 Baldoon rd untt 17
Van Prael Brady Wlleslre) pcod techn Hayes-Dana Inc h 4 7 Emma
Palrtcoa tJonl bl<pr Varco lndl Sis 393 Baldooo rd IP1 17
Varga Anna Mrs h !i47 VldOrra a•
van Puyl'l'btOeek A h 138 Wolltam s
• Etta h 290· 1"2 Pa~
VanPuymbtoeck Duane P (Karen fl studt h 396 Ktng w ept2
Fran! (Jill I wks Union Gash 14 Oroole pk""Y
Vanpuyn"btoec• DarrellfK•m) mach opt U11t00 Gash 22l1mrniM
Gokl>e nursery Wheels M·r Inn h 79LallSdowne av
• Jolm rDar1- ) h 79 P!rflCl!S
VanPuymbroet> K<m &IYIJ~ FuSI ChOiCe Halrcutll!ni 22 Timrruna
• Jolin IIAary) h 144 CnorchiU
Van Puymb<Ot'Ck Lany 8 IDtbbie) IOtmn Oet..alb Canada II 35 Ros•e 79 Pn~ •
Mercer • Steve IRos•el h 129 St George
Varney Audrey (Alienists Batooeaa res Rt<lgefcwn
VanPupnbroec.k S h 586 A Grllld ave
.lac~ E(IAary M) h 170 Park IV w
Van Raay J Dailld ..,1<5 Gl.t~ N\lfRfy & Ga•den Cernre e s
• Trrry tBarbaratll209 Allelarde s
Varro tona 33 Lark
VA1'4 RAAY, JOHN F, (Sandra). (B•nolt, Van Leslie I Laura) nmbtr I H canada h 33 Laril
Raay, & Fu•rth), h 281 VIctoria av, Vary Fkxenct Mrs "Corl\holl
Phon• 352·665i Vasoce• Terry (Catllyl serv mgr J K Farm Eouop Lid
Mart" A"ta Jl tl>\as no:~te Nut$ely & Garden Centre) he Vasko on 28 sos;rnd ct
sCree!< rd Vas~ or Joe h 130 Sheldon av apt 212
• Paul studt e s Creek ro va~satto Francts (Frances) h 105 Wood$
van R~tschOten John R~v !Agn-esI pastor Eben· Ca.nad•an - Wend~ Sludl 105 WOOds
Reformed Ch h 481 McNa~~ghloo ave VaUQ~ran fd>l~ E Mrs h 66 Woodland IV
Van Roooys Batbar a secy lllames Van Farms ltd 354 Vtdofta av • Jolvl M h 56 .Vet longton e
· Gary D rrarnelal Iarmer h 45 Vanter dt · John R(Mary Bl CVaUQhan's llhr Work) h 25 Rlchmood
• Norman (Helen) latnM!I h 3M VICIOtia av Robt h 232 Park apt 2·A
• Wayrte A tSue l) v.•s Thames va., Fam1sh 391 ~ughtonav e Vaughan·s teat~r WOtk (John R Vaughan) r25 RIChmond
Vanrooyen 0 h 40 Elm apt122 Vavoulas John CMaty) cOOk Se•ony Restr h 15 Sarah cres BDI I
Va~en Datlene stsc, Duldl M!<tlld 15 Oa•~ cres • MIIY tJohn)..,tts Se•ony Res1r 15 Salah cres apt 1
Van R~ Gregory SI!XIl25 'Aohaw;. C1 Noel< J tR•Iol Ml cool< Saxony Res11 h 130 SheiOOn Itt apt301
• John AtEnal v pres ot l<nance Can Fram Lid h 25 Mohaw~ ct Vavouhs Peter (Catheronel mor Herttage Hse h 47 Earl dl
• 1.1 Ka!llleen budget an.alyll Can Fram h 84 Sass rd Vetdboom John (Rtta) mech J.K Farm Equop Ud res RR 7
Van R~ Lladdlne 1.1 Mrs h 37 Sl M.chael a• Veenema John tMargl h 99 McNaughton a" w apl 138
Van SrcJie DeWe L s:Oidl h 175 1·2 Delawltlle av Veenman Mary N l.lrsh 16SUSRI
Gera!O w ~ Uolor Wheel Corpo n 197 S;anley av Vee~>Slra Oooald J lAne!I wilh Dept of Pub Wks
• LOUise ctuell h 46 BaldoOn rd apt 1 Vt~jso Frao~ (Janel El •nsp Motot Wheel COtpn h 196larlt
VaMIC~It Rela h 99 tJt Naughton avw apt225 • Ka!l>y cashr Ztll~rs 196Lark
- Shelley 45 TIIM'IotiS cres ap1 112 Velclboom Amold GI»Mre) IOtmn 0om AUto TranSit h 67
\'an S~,;e 0aJ. K rllaren " l ISSI rngr Cln Imp Bk ol COtnm h 2fl7 Dunvegan or
Mf!rtef • 8ernatd rlreoe) asmbtr Genl M:ts fWtndsOt) 1123 Wtndsor dl
VlliSIOne Garth IChr Keot Coun~t Bd ol Educ h 77 Devon rd • Orant I ~rdl$r Thomas & Co 23 Wond$01 dr
· Gordon LIM.\Iglll owner mgt Duraclean Rug & Uphol Clnrs h • Jenn>e sis rep ~Maitl Rlty 67 Dunvegan dr
89 ~....tav wm J IJohanna AI 'lfl<s 1H Canada h 30 Holland av


Vella larb 0 h 3 I Orchard HIS or ap1 3 Vet met Irma M h 9 Pnmr~ Ia
Marcel h 34 James ct
• Mn 100 Edgar
Thos A John tkOreQOI Sec Sc/11 h 82 Selkork Vermene f.aroo (SueJ 29 1'2 TaylOr a•
velhnga Anneue J bl<pg Velhngn W01Jd. Wtde Travel Serv 94 Vermtui!'O David ltRulh .\Mel lab Can Fram Ud h 58 Won<!Sor dr
· l~~>S G \Marge<yl 11 123 Tweedsrn~.r~r a• w
Da1ev1ew cres
Berl (W1nmfrNl) h 121 Ursuhne av Vi!!mey Pete< !Woomal ~ dr.r filion Vale ltd h I TO Cardrnal
· Hh 19Lorneav cres
· Herman J (Vell!nga's Trav Servl h 212 Wolham s
· Jacob H !Barbara JJ h 321 McNaughton av w
larry appr mac:n opr Ken! Coumy Macl1s h 161 T1mmms cres apt
Robt f (Willy GI(Velllnga's World Wide Travel Serv) h 94 \'er•••••• ltlrecfttries
Dalevlew cres
Vethnga's World Wide Travei SerYJce 1Aob1 Vel1ongal244 Queen
Vefl!l Sydney !LOUise) <1M Ktngsway Transp h 42 Oe-<on rd
Venne Thos A (Deborah) fonanclal analyst Can Fram ltd h 223 City Directory Publiehera
Vet1tra Manutac;turtng ltd Ken Ntcnots mgr 2851nshes av N. A. FORD
ventura JoM n 65 Pneasanl dr General Manager
Lu•s M(Maroa C) lab Eaton Yale ltd h 77 "rgytecres
Venus De Mote Steak House (Geo & Lacky Oll'lOI & Gus Babl!hs)
953 Charlng Cross rd
Verbee~ Ron (Grace) wks Chalham Beans h 276 Memn av apt 310 Office Manager
verbeem Gilles C (Adf.anne Ll gdnr 393 Bafdoon rd uM 24 h
same 0 . EBERT
Verberc~moes Donna wks Libby McNe'll & LibbY h 78 R•ver11ew dr Field Supervisor
Verberg Mr1an J Or IM Joan) phys 857 Grand av wsulle 253 h CARSON L. COOK
877 Charlng Cross rd ·
Verbrem t.lai)IAnn (John) med secy Dr BoekhOUd res RR I Slenheom KEITH G. DUNNETI
Verbrugwn Alphonse t1.1ad!!llne Rl loeld supv$J Can Canners ALLAN G. EASSON
(Dresden! h 53 Cumberland cres
• Ann1e Mrs h 15 Trllllum Village apt 100 PETER C. MATHESON
• ChnsMe hoslm Sm•tty's Restr 53 Cumbelland cres DENNIS S. PYATT
• .lo$ephone Mrs 11 108 Eugenoe
· June Mrs secy I HCanada h 40 Tnttoum Village apt 904 JOHN J. WALKER
· Kim stud! 40 Tnltoum Vtllage apt904 Safes Representatives
Verburg A J Or phys 857 Grand av w suite 203
Verburg A Jas bOdymn Ai.,.I'V•ew Auto Body 145 Tossoman av
Adnan (Tona)laby mQI Bongham OplrC!If h 262 Tweedsmu" avw
Dav1d AlAos~) elk Gordons r.Akts h 2 lott'e av 29 REBECCA STREET
John (Marla) servmn Ont Hydroh 145 TISSlman av
N Mrs h 40 Elm apt 101
Rna I wks Onl Humane Socy 11 1I 7 Williams L8R 1B3
Vercauteren Alb! P !Jean M\ asmblr Eaton Yale Ltd
(Wallaceburgl h 20 Tossoman a• PHONE: 1 (416) 522-5066
Jean M Mrs spec·COIOpolet I H canada 20 Tlssoman av
Veres Gary L (Linda Sl formn Eaton Yale Ltd h 86 Marion av
Paul S (JudoIll Rl computer opr Union Gash 12 EngttSh Side
verfaotloe louts A (Bonn1el wldt R & S Wldg h 115 Eugenoe
Verfottlle Bonnie (Lou•e) slsclk Gray's China Hall 115 Eugenia
Verhey Harry (Sacwal Flrg) res RR 1 Palncoun
Linda secy Sacwat Flrg res RR 1 Patncoul'l
Verhoef Moke (BarD) lead hand·draftsmn Can Fram h 42loncoln
Verhoeven Germaine Mrs h 231<endatl
Jos (Margt M) (Vertec Contrs) n 75 Maryknoll rd
Verhoog Ann Mrs h 40 Trillium Vtllaga apt808
Joe Hmnlnce S1 Jos Hosp h 975 Grand av wapt 304
Verkaok Gary J !Carol El plant wkl Motor Wheel Corpn h 4 James
Geraldrne G slsct~ Plush Plum h 3 Craven dr
Henry (lena! (Chatham Tow1ng Servsl ~ 42 St Michael av
John (Allee El (Artist Frame & Pntgs) h 24 English Side rd
John (Louella) lab Cofell tnd h 19 Edgar
Kalhe<one M1$1Chalh3m Quality Pools) 42S Park av w Vernon Francis 11 59 Taylor av apt 2
· Louella (John~ slsclk Mac'• Molk 19 Edgar Verrall Beny 69 Tweedsmurr av w
Mark 3 Craven dt VerratllnternarJOOal ltd Srtl Verrall lllg! 125 Keol drs
· Mike h 40 Elm apt305 • J Archie !Eileen El h 90 Prmce Arthur av
Rte/ld W!Shirley A) pntr Chatham Pntg & Oecrg h 49 Tlsslman · John D flreloghter h 30 Trillium Village apt 802
leonard G (Bono tal tab can Fram h 69 Tweedsmulr a• w
Verle Boll h 141 I '2 K1ng w IPI 1 lolloan M Mrs h 65 Pone a01 202
Verleye Stacey studt 49 Houston Wm l (lynn G) (Verratllndl h 6 Cumbelland cres
Vermeersch Pat legal secy Wm Magae h 24 Vanier dr apt 5 Verscheure E11c F !Helen A) mech Daymond Lid h 95 Par1< Ia


231VAN ST., P.O. BOX 543, N7M 5KI PHONE 354-5045

. HeeiOt 0 (Eihetl h 30 Tnllium ViUage allf604 Jotqe B (Sandra Jl sllwkr F1ankel h 3<' Parry dr
• Roehd G (Kathryn '-!) Uto diem~r Supt~oOI Mach to TI h 67 • Jos lab Chalham Concre1e f01m1ng 85 Comhlll
C®Perf•eld cres ManueiiJul•allab I H Canada h 56 Balmatal rd
Ver~ lk..,n J w<s Nall Gro 9S Robertson a~ \lonall M ~e !Rabttlltra•nee MotQI Wheel Corpn h 26 Pnna
• Oavld G 101ane All>llyer Natl Gro h 131 John Artllul av
• Geo F 1Del01es M) h 95 Robertson IV Vtnce Anna lArs h 85 P•ne IPI223
• Susan Mr n St Jos Hosp 95 Robertson av • Bent r h 155 Comh•ll
Ve•stycken Gary P (Mirtam V) fl!lanclahst Can Fram Lid h 81 • Brian h 188 McNaughlon av e
Jasper av • ClaiPnce C IE Htlda) h 1 CtySIBI dr
Vt 'fd !June) h 79 Taylo< av • Oa•e stJdt 17 Healhl!r dr
Versfype GasJon 971kfarlane at apt 205 Douglas h 55 Sl Anthony IPI 3
Vertee Comraclofs Lid (Joe Vemoeven) 160 Ke4 d! s su•te 8 [ H•lda lArs rl eSl btkl MG Bunning Rl Esl 1 CfY$181 dr
Vertec Contra<:lo<s Lid (Geo James154 P•ne Geo IAnni budget analyst! HCanada h 78lark
ve...,er•a Lou•s (Ann M) h 15 Anne Mar.e dr • Jas 0 (lheresa M)lab I H Canada h 189 Wesl
• Robl L s!~mn I HCanada 15 Anne M31te d! • Kev1n C sJsmn Krazy Kelly's 512 St Cta•r
VeMlOII Janel F IEd ~~tdl cash• Shopper'S !>lug Mart res Channg lou•s J (Sandra Ll acctg I H Canada h 245 Oxley dr
Closs · lynn h 267 Grnnd a• e
Vesnaver Oavrd ASludt 48 Pa11y dr A K•m (A-nota Ml "' 'hs~mn Nail Gro h 16 Holland a•
Marcella 1MarlO) stsldf Re Max Wesl Gale Rlly 48 Parry dr · Tammy 189 Wesl
·IAartO P !Marcella I tl & d•e aldl MOIOt ~ h 48 Par!J df · Tent 189 West
Veuoretto Gu•do lt<atll•een) purch agl Do•'!'I Corpn h 103 V•C>•e Stud! 76 Larll
Ch•ppewaor Watler C WeartB) lab I H Canada h 17 Heather d!
Kaltly 1chl S\ ~~~ Sep Scht 103 Chtppe<~ta dr V•~t Agnes Mrs PfSf Arrow Lndry h 42 Glenwood dr
Vez•ne Oscar J (Verna M) mnlnce Chatham Place Mall h 263 Woods Alv.n (VIfgtma)lab 1H Canada h 343 Grand av e apt 609
V1a Rail Canada Inc 11<1 ofce Doug Marks mgr 360 Queen Corben 780 Bloomfield rd
Vlaenl' A h 11 Madonna cres Graham A!JoAnn El tral co-01dlnat01 Crly h I65 Gold park rd
Vteary JaCi< 8 (IAarlene) prod CO!lllol 5Up11!if Can Fra"' Lid h 429 • HarOld FRev I PatriCia Ml pas101 TrtedSIOtle Ch of God h 319
VtC101ia a. McNaugn1011 av e
• Rob! h 360 SartdyS apt 305 John A (I.Aary Ll prod quaT•ty 1H Canada h 83 Norlhtand dr
Vocente Ce!•a 45 O'N!it • Uar~ (Andrea) lab Ealon Yai~ Lid h 76 Van•er dr apt 204
Vte•erman Donald J !laune H) asst sis mgr H'ler•ch & Bradsby · Mary Ellen h 116 Konq e
h 36 Finch av Rtchd h 10 Trolllum Vollage apt 307
VIC~ery Allan E(lracte L) ptf1lr lnslant Pr•nl Shoppe h 243 · Roy G1L01rayne AI sply supvsr M•n•stry of Transp & Comm h
~ chenet rd 335 McN81JQhlon av e
• Carol batlndr l ecumseh Hotel 3 10 1'2 Weltongton • S h 925 Grand av w apt 104
• Kennelh A !Etleen) es1m1r Woodall Conslr h 265 Baldoon rd Vmcente llidiO !Mana) c1~ Best F01 Less h 209 Thames
• K~ E !Sylvta Ellab MotOI Wh~ COipt1 h 116 McNaughlon VtiiOtS Grace lab Can fra-n lid h 50 Mlchenel rd apl 4 10
IV., Y•nh fran Ngoc pnlr ChaL,a'!l Plass•c f'111csh1ng
VCI' ~y Hea!ttef lab Pt~esl FOOd$ II Randolf cres Vtnk G!'f81dus Ailloana PI lab Rockwell Inti h 1171nshes av
YICIO< La01l$10n Publoc School Jas Pepper pnn r44 Alexandra Vomer Beverly f tMane-Ciatrellrlc dm Ch8IIOO T1ansp h 285
av Baldoon rd
VICiona Avenue Uniled Church Chrtst•an Cenlre 36 Vlelorla av Tetty a1yltst Cameo Hair Fash•ons res Rldgetown

Voctona Avenue Uruted CllutCh Rev J Neal m•n•ster 88 VtCIOIJa

Vlctona Coull t37 Kong w

VooiPI Ronald E!Helen) employ & benehls supvsrl HCanada h
35 Canterbury
VrOIOI Ed•Jh B h 28 Arnold
YICIOt.., P811< Puolic Scttool Geo SeNlce pttn 215 ~urray • Ra)'d A tDebota~ Jl sta mg1 Frank's MUSIC Centre h 38 Arnold
VctO<•a Res•dmce lor the Aged JOhn Govene admm 190 Stanley Vlftue Ch 47 Scane
Vts Peter h 96 Howard rd
·~ Vanet; Slore !Shirley Whyte) 91 VldOIIB a•
Vocto"a Vls1Chel C h 76 Vanier dr apt 106
Vte!Ot"'n Order ol Nurses !Laos Fallon) 121 Hertlage rd un•l V•sse• At tee H lndrs VtCIO!Ia Home h 77 Baldoon rd apt 19
tOO • Ahce J h 578 Bloomheld rd
V•dat11011' Jea~ 249 Lacrob · Clarence R !Audrey Cl reprmn A V Doctor h 581nahes av
· RJh20 1.Aat10118V • Douglas J sludl 58 lnshes a•
VtdOO Ma.•e ShOp IC!Ias Schepan0W$1<.11229 Sl Clair E11c I JOanI contr Herb Mlllyatd Con sir h 135 Selkit~
V'ldeo Veult T~,. ~!IV Botv•n fTIOI 175 Rtchmood · John •E•s•el h 94 RaiP•gn
Vtdle G n374 Wtlltnglon w ape ! • Ken ESludl 58 lnshes av
Ytenfl"'a~ &tn.ard (Pa!riCia) secuttly guard I H Canada h 217 Ua•k 578 Bloomttetd rd
Woods ~allen cusiOdtllll h 12 Dutfefln av
V•etch VICI<t wlrs Bus Slop l unch h 4 7 B Beechwood cres Ate~ 578 Btoomheld rd
V•knanek An!lly !E!Ihe!l h 74 Ona·~~ta dr V1!Pk Agnes Mrs h 30 Trillium Village api 107
• Roctld 41l•nda J) drl!smn I HCanada h 136 Wtl.wn n Vleck Jos (Joanne) rt II d•emkr Thames Tl & Ote n 27 Pronce s
Vtl Ara.-.oo f411indol n409 Sand~ apt 4 Yotlech Merta h 360 Sandy! apl 307
V•tandr~ lkenda !CII'!I'Ierlll se:cy recotnsl Russell Tl & O.e 203 VOIIC~ R•ta h 14B Wtsl
Volk!'ll JOhn (IreneI c•k letters County Fatr h 80 McGuigan av
Cltii"''OIIkl!!<ldal tab Elan 11 to D•e h 203 Coverdale
· Susan stscl• Sl>ars 15 ~arton av M•chl T<Fiollerta Ml crane opr Ealon I'ale Lid h 75 Bly1hewood
Volatanda AnlontO A!Brenda Ll h 39 Sunnysode av
• ft'""IICIO l ~udt 85 COinh•ll
Motor• (Chatham) Umlted)
• Joeo B!Rosa l l tall Benn kon Fndrs (Walt.:lcdlurgl n 48 Y(lll;on~ G h 30 lou•se
Votltc~ Chtts h 32·1'2 Jam"S
· John P (M31J(Il)lab lk•lllh Leal TOblcCO h 85 COinhoH
• M•ke 32·1'2 James

Please Turn to the Last Page of
the Classified (Yellow) Section .
Vong ~anh TO"Q c.rp Wondmlll ca•oentry h 100 Woods
Vonlukaw•!!C•r Anne (Roma~) Slsclk ~ngton'9 172 Thont~,p
tres Mltk l (Cindy l} 8P larm agt h I t 1 Churc;ll•D
Von Lukawteckl Roman (Anne~~ slkrm Eaton Ya:e lid 11172 Maureen lehr Jolin Uyen Sep Sell! h 12 TIIIIOitly cres
Thornhill cres W~ Ooon1e lab lll>bV McNetll & lobby 148- I '2 West
von Uders Olga h 79 Prnl' • J«kle •n Co!lee Cup 148 1'2 Wesl
Voor1huyzeo AOIT!kre ~rs h 30 Seven!tl Jl!ane!la lab Libl>y St Claot (Wallaceburgt h «8 Satl(lys 1101 J
Voovenos Tnos coo~ Venus de Milo Reslr 171 McNaughton av w apl Larry M 28 Arthur dr
4 Ralp~ li A Mar•el rnech I HCil'llda h 28 Arthur dr
Vosbourgh Munay slsmn JiiCk carroll Ponttac h 15 Sudbury dr Tl105 HIJI!d'IIJCOipl OPP h 73 Choppewa dr
apll Wae~eos Barry p111r ~ Amer Plasucs 22 Gteng,arry cres
Votto Brenda J elk M•racte Marl 10 Hillyard Stall C tFrancrna M1lao Ealon Spr•ngs (Wal~burg) h 26
VO\Jk Danl (Mary} l01mn \lao Gassen Constt h 3 NOIIIlland dr Suuoncl
J frank tJano~l ml'dll H canada h 82 W¥WtCk dr lbadley F 1~1 v ptes Waeio.eMOlrysil!l Pfymoutn lid res
Vrabel Josh 38J Wemngton w apt 112 RAJ
Vreman l<etlh C IO•anel wks Rtnt1e1N Constr h 533 Sl CiaI! 8ry;l<1 J used car Sis !llg( Waelrens Chrysler Plymouth Ltd res
vreugdl'nhd CKees !Ehl) mgr tn!OtlllatJOO Sys~ems h 22 Br,ar RR6
Hill rd Can11el C (Mary Dle•r • repr I H Ca!lada 1122 G·engarry oes
• Cotnls !Johanna) h 40 Elm apt 212 Wae~eos Chtysler Plymouth Llmtted Fraflli Wa6ens p!es 475
• N·chls K stud122 Btial Hollrd lbcNnond
Vreugdf'MtD CO< J bocJI( d•slr Kent News n 75 Madtfa cres Wal'loens f Llto Gary llordln genl mgr 300 Memn av
• COl J 1r srudt 75 Madeta cres Fran> llflo?.f!llryt p!es Waelrens-Chryster Plymouth ltd res RR
Vrtes~ma Joanne secy J T Kovacs &Assoc Ins Blkrs 27 HOlland
Wat!le s Electnc LUNied Phd Bec!oe:l e:ecl4 15 R1Yer't•ew dl
- John C(Joannt' RJ 11 21 Holland a•
V11esmga Jotm (Carol) (Gig~ Trks} h 3081ndtan Creek rd e waoena-v S tl4iJ Elm ape120
Vroom Arne G tl<.a•en J) drltsmn Unton Gash 42 Cloyden Stmon 0 (Marguetole) h 161 Eugffle
Wagenaer Lucttn K tSuza'ltl!' ll tRe•d'scard Shop) h 27 Peters
Hank (03•SvJbro.tvr 73 Amelia 11 same
Vrouwo!l Kathy h 114 AleKandra a·; apt t AQ9E" C (linda! a~mbll' -.or C8n Fram h 69 Jasper av
Sh~·la s..-cy Martrn Tt~y & Co 27 Peters
Vrudelle Barbara Awks Famrly Court 240 Sandys
Vsetula Calhy h 31 Beechwood cres ap13 Wawnaur Linda IAooer) mgr Dolarnore Slud•o 69 Jasper av
Charlie (Joan) supllndl ~eta! Fabrdrs res RR 1 Chauog Waqgott Jack R IJod-i ll h 396 l.lcNaug111on av e
• Robl J !Donna F) prod mgr CN•ndsort h 268 McNaughlon a• w
• Chas I' appr lndl Metal Fabrc!ls res AR 1 Charmg Cross Wagner Gerald (June) wks 1H Canaoa n 65 Timmins cres apt 102
Ellen I wks Sl Clau Aeslr261 Grand ave Judy • pres T~ Pool Placa 220 S1 Clair
· Frank IHelen) eud•tor I Hcanada h 41 Orchard pi Teo mgr T~~ Pool Plac~ 220 St Cla,r
• Frank (Mary) h 71 Sl Anthony apt t Terry (l inda! ~lsmn L J 03,, Prod h 48 St Anthony
• Mary h 15 Witherspoon apt 307 Vtt F reptr Chatham Oa.fy News II 18 HaNey
Vudskos Peter !Ann) h 34 FuiCh cl Wagter Aile (Gert·•t h 90 Rt~-ew drill! 2
Vu(ano•IC N1kola (Ntck's Pntg & Wallpape<ongl h 10 Trillium WI.'Sieell Eh 34 8 1'11!51
Waote Arltfle f.trs priCing d< Unron Gash 61 Finch av
Village apt 302
· Ray !Donna) lab Motor Wheel Corpn h 276 Memn BY apt 1 16 DateR (!ltanel sis mgr campbell Soup Co h 384 Bai<IOOn rd
Vuk Freok (1.48118} carp fiCca Constr h 61 Sytwestl!l' dr • Oeaot' park leCtin v.nrstry ol Natural Resources 67 Finch av
Vutskos Geo computer analyst Can Fram h 150 Canterbury Wahbeyashl Don lca'!lenne) ~ 78 Northland dr
• Ntck (Tula) slsmn Royal Trust h 21 Sl)!mg pi • Lucy R secy Can Fram 80 AI gyte cres
• TokUlO IHatsuyel h 80 Argyle oes
· Sleven studl21 SP<•"'I pi
Vuu Chau wks Chatnam P!asttc f•ntshrng Wakay&IN Koklehllolrs h 100 Poptlll apt22
• Cuong h 21 Htliyard wa-e!.etd Mlllg 11991kNaughtorl av w apl154
· Debbie wks Chatham Plasuc Finishing WakPiy St~plleli(PattOCII) lawye~ 177 Grand BY w h 117 Pnnce
• Petl'l pnu Chatham PlastiC Ftmshrng Arthur aw
Vyn Jack (Ann•etlatl Sass Mig 11947 Channg Cross rd Walburg HeiYy wk1 t H canada he s G••en rd
Vynckler Oav1d G h 130 Sheldon av apt 204 • Netloe h 31 Barthe 1PI3
Keith lab Sea11 Wrhse h 32 Lacroix ap17 Walczak Jos M (Alfred;!) lab Ltbby McNeill & Libby h 8 Oavld
• Maur1ct !Rosel lao I H canada h 355 Sandys apt t cres
• RObt J !Franctne L) set-up mn Motor Wheel COipn h 29 Walden carte E tM•Idred S! h 926 Cllarlng Cross rd
Spurgeon dr • Gary (Belly) formn NO! Amer PlastiCS (Wallaceburg) 1\ 8
Vynkter Keith lob Ea1on Spungs h 63 Baldoon rd apt 203 Oonelda dr
Vyskocll Frank 0 (Colleen Al drltsmn Custom Cable h 127 • Mary d•~P RadiO Cab h 343 Grand ave apl509
Sylvesler dr Wald•e Blenda Sl!CV Kent County 8d of Educ h 343 Grand av e apl
Waldron J h 144 Grand av w
w Wall<er Automot,.e & MacllJne A dtv of Grancor Aull:lmOIJve Inc 69
Grand IV e
Walker B h 57 Sl Anthony apt 4
Wachsmuth Arthur (Irene) h 180 Uydocan av ell! · Brenda wks SaKony Motet h 267• 1'2 Grand ave
· Jean Mrs h 33 Poplar • C H II 559 YICl0118 av
• Rolle E(Cecilal h 37 Poplar · carole 0 c:il< Ill Way Stores 107 Eltzabelh
Waddelll J h 30 Trillium V11lage apt 706 Walker Oave 5ervtee Oave Walker mgr 375 RIChmond
Robf l (Esthef EJ pnn Tecumseh Sec Schl h 9 SouriQUOIS • David W!Clara Jl ~· dM Devos Furn h 62 Degge
Waddle~ Bernaro (Wendy) bldg supvsr Unron Gash 31 C8rd•nat 03••0 W(Oialle) mQf Dave Walker Serv Sill h 119 Eugenoe
cres • Geo R Dr (JoyeeJ phys 65 Vic~ av h 124 UydtCan ave.(!
Chns studt 782 BlOomheld rd Gerry W!Nancy l) c.rp Ministry of Transp & Communec h 55
· Jas R(Patrttrl) Slsmn FrederiCk Transp h 762 Btoomf•eld rd Beechwood cres
·Kim studt 762 Bloomfield rd Harer K h tOO Mcfarlant' •• apt602

• School and Office Supplies • Office Furniture
160 KING ST. W. PHONE 354-0470
- J h 5!i Sl Anlhony apt 2 Lyle R (Susan Ml mech I H Canada h 11 Manon av
WALKER, JAMES R, (Owen), Pr" Burton'a - WyaU W tDorothy Ml ctlllaby technologist Pub Genl Hosp h
Limited, h 34 Prlmroae Lena, Phone 154 Well•ngton e
!54-1002 • YvOMe h 343 Grand eve apl4 11
-Jane A wi<s Can Imp Bk ol Comm h 97 Bedb'd apt306 Wallaceburg Woodcraft Walerbeds Wm Mtller mgr 253 Richmond
- Jas A tMaobeth} h 35 Ktri< Wallbank M ke h 55 Taylof av lpl 106
Waller Davod WtRosemane) wrhSe Naif Gro h 19 Goldmere d!
WALKER, JOHN, WaJioe Donna h 98 1'2 Stanley av
Sll" Rep Vernon Dlrectorl" Limited Walling Jas A IJacQueline) wks E& BCoolong & Htg
Rea 1111 Melville (Oundaa), LtH 2A5 ileammgtonl h 99 William n
Phone(4111)1121-111411 M Fred h n s Glenmar av
Walrath Robt B !Laura! h 166 Tweedsmu11 ave
· S1ever1 atdl Suny's Gas Bar 30 Tnlllum VIllage
· John otce Unoon Gash 1SO Mary apl1003 WE h 30 Trlllrum V•llage apl 701
• Ken (Karen) serv mgr Chatham Computer h 97 O'Neil apt3 Walsh Ch 65 Baldoon rd apt 9
Walker l.Jnda 34 Primrose Ia WALSH. DAN, (Fonda), Pr11 Smyth Memorial
• lou•se h 650 Grand IV W !PI 808 Company, h 54 Elizabeth, Phone 352-43ta
Mabel 440 Sandys apt 2 Ethel F h 49 Oegge
• Michl J I Janel El quality control Can Fram Ud h 3 · John K h 42 Pnnce s
Wn•ppoorw•ll cres • M Eh 88 Randolf cres
• M·~e h 25 Orchard Hts dr apl9 Stephen I Barbara) wire ed Chatham D811y News h 256 Delaware
• Mtlllcenl A h 89 RIVerview dr apt SO 1 av
• MtMte Esecy Bedford Myers & Hansen res AA 2 ThOs G lAuth El h 35 Oxley dr
· Nancy sfsclk Jame's Fashtons 55 Beechwood cres Waners Oennts A (Ehzl dr<r Huron & Erie BeY h 41 Lowe
• Notman fJaneua A) h 75 Princess s Harold (Aulhl (Bucko Equip) res RA 5
-Peter {Mary! formn Morlele Cove & Lumley h 24 Suhon a - Reg B {Mary fl h 30 Tnlllum Vtllage apt 104
-Ralph HfAubyl h 247 Elrzabeth • · Ruth (Harold) bkpr Bucko Equip res RA 5
• fbchd (Sylvla) Cf1( Best F01 Less h 550 Lacroix - Wayne parts rngr Waekens.Chrysler Plymouth Lid res RR 4
Robr (Sh•rley) Jusbce ollhe Peace Prov Court h 16 Owen IV Wayne F IBtenda L) slsmn Wael<ens-Krochak ltd h e s Easllawn
Aobl G (Rulh Ml h 97 UntversJIY dr dr
- AU1h elk Besl For less 86 Essex cl Wallen Bonnie L Mrs secy Chatham Waler Commission 45 Trillium
· Terry U& ditmll<r Russell T1 & Die res AR 1 Charing Cross Village apl210
• Theresa mach opr Oomtar 667 Pari< av w • Denms (Bonme L) slsmn Canada Pkrs h 45 Tr•lllum Village
- Thos L D1 (Ruth) phys 41 Grand av wh 65 Buclungham av apl210
Walket & Wal~er {SIIIrtey & Glenn Wall<.et) lawyers 65 Adelaide s Watrs Garage (Walter T1mmermans) 190 Grand ave
· Wal1e1 F (Jacqueline) h 51 McGeorge av Walt's Janllor SetVK:e (W Solski) 565 S1 Clatr
- Wendy nurse St Jos Hosp h 65 Timrruns cres api 302 Waluktewlcz Diana M Mrs slsclk Woolco h 137 Primrose Ia
- Wm studl65 8(JCJ<ingham av Walzack Bnan IEIIZI mgr Chrome Tek Plasttcs h 220 Lark
• Wm {Shirley) (Cunningham Shlmtl Wks) res Blenheim Walzak Greg (Faye) acc1 Waycon Inti Trks h 44 Prlnoe Artnur av
Wa:i(wef Shoe Store Gary L Wilson rngr 115 King w Wanda's Fashions Wanda Pellerm mgr 100 King w unl1128-A
Wall Amanda srudt 182 ~•chener rd Wanless Elda Mrs h 650 Grand av w apl904
Joan studl 57 Phyllis av · Grace H h 15 Raleigh
John sludl 57 Phyllis av Ina 15 Raleigh
- Terrence F {Deanna) mlllnce repr Gan Fram Ltd h 182 Michener Wanless Park w s LacrOix
rd Wannamaker Dave sis Honda Hse 66 Willshire dr
- Virgon1a Mrs e k g lechn S1 Jos Hosp h 57 Phylhs av Roy J (Carolyn) lchr Chalham·Kenl Sec Schl h 68 Willshire dr
Wallace Ahce A h 103 Aroold Wanl Allee 14 Ktngsway dr
Anna EMrs h s s Rtchmond Want & Associates Real Eslale Ltd Gordon J Wan! pres 78
Cheryl A Glona Bondy Schl of Dance 132 Wllriam n Welhngtonw
Donald Eh 211 Metcer Darcy J (Mary AI v-pres Want & Assoc AI Est ltd h w s
E h 15 W11herspoon apt 501 Easllawn dr
- Janet (John} elk Best For less 42 Holland av Gordon J (Jean E) pres Want & Assoc AI Es1 Lid h w s
· Janel C {Janel Wallace AI Esl) h 132 Wilham n Eastla·"n dr
WaUace Janel Real Estaie {Janel C Wallace) 132 William n Karer1 rt est agl Wanl & Assoc h 125 Tweedsmulr ave
• Jean serv atdl Pronto SeU Serv Ward Edwd C (Magda J) recreation ofcr Cily h 66 Healher dr
- John A (Janet Ll reprmn Earl EAusUo & Son Ud h 42 Holland • Florence Rev assl m•nlster Park Sl Un Ch h 93 Elizabeth
av · frank W (Jamce A) 1v servmn Denomy's h 19 Emma
Jos AISst paris mgr Wael<ens-Krochak Lid h 76 Woods • J Wh 40 Tnlltum Village apl702
Joyce elk Gallanl Clng 375 McNaughton av e
Jam. . logan, Ward Mallene Chanered Accounlanlll (J DRobertson & A E Neal)
Fire Protection Contractora, 186 Welllngron w suue 205
24 hr Emergency Service, Michl (Joyce) plmbr h 375 McNaughton ave
R"ldentlal Sprlnklera, Ronald A (Joyce A) formn Kerr Farms Ud h s s Indian Creed
P 0 Box 255, Wlllaceburg, NIA 4LII rde
.......... Phone 827-171 t Rosemary 256 Vtetorla ev
S A Blake !Sybil) Crown Atty Kent COUnty h 256 VtC1orla av
Wardell D h 81 Baldoon rd epl 9
• leon $IUdl 154 Wellington e OebJe h 85 Baldoon td apt 9
• Uly MMrs h 132 William n Warden Vlctona A Mrs h 1000 Chatlng Cross rd un1116
· lloyd h 150 t.(ary apt 903 Wardlaw Les H (Rose E) wks Duo-Malic Olsen Inc (Tilbury) h 133
Par111dge cres

Waters le:sl•e 1Georgrna1 serv mgt Sames Farm EQurp h 46
WARDLAW Uni·,crsrly dr
• Wm J (Jean E) mgr Ourck Serv & Sply 11 760 Gra!ld a~ e • ~bel97 MtFarlafM! IY apt324
War(llaw·s Marn!enaoce Wm J Wardlaw mgt 760 Grand av e Robl A s!IJdl 46 Un~>e!Slly dr
Wardle Charlene h 349 Sandy5 apt 2 Vt •trer IIndt'! I"'J' DW.;h Cal' Credit UNon h 30 Orla-n rt av
Wardman Edna 99 Par~
Wardrobe ArnOld IEitzt plmbf New~trl<s Plmllg & HJg WATSON, ANDY. MPP. CONSTITUENCY OFFICE,
(Waltaceburgl n 40 Fatrcoun av 233 King w, Bo• 1418, N7M 5W8
Wares Kevtn l (Cathy A)lener earner h 127 Pme .......... Phone 351-3713
Warner Bent F !Rhoda HI h 195 Lorne av
Clarke A!Rosemary JJiab Cafl Fram h 54 lnshes av
Cola M Mrs h 100 McFarlane a~ apt405 Watson Ann Mh S Englf511 Srde •d
Gladys 6 Housron Bauy J (OraJI!' Li rnsutabon ..~r Rrre Way Yntnce h 454
Harry A(Manan I) Jab IH Canada h 227 Park av e '-lcNaug!llon av .,
• Kathleen 600 Grand av wapt 3002 Beanrce D Mrs h 557 Vlctorra av
• Lrlllan h 600 Grand av w apt 3002 Btran n 245 1'2 Pack av.,
Penny stuor 54 lnws av CaloJ mgr McK!"'n Travel res AR S ~erlln
Warnrca Oav1d R drv mgr Sears h 249 Queen Wd~ Conctele Products Umrted 314 lnshes av
Warnod< John I Debby) Sllpr & bagger King Grarn Lld res RA I 1 Watson Concre!e Products Lid H J Watson pres 252 Paneson IIY
• L h 204 SelKirk Dons AMls h 85 Pme apt221
L A. h 795 Grand av w apt309 Eddre (Eirz Al h 22 James Cl
Lela Ml'$ h 100 Poplar apt 6 EdWiiiC C IGIIJoys M1 h 173 E0gat
· Nerl S (Sandra Ll h 43 WrndSOI dr Frances J h 650 Grand a• w apt 208
• Ronald lAuth Amllab I H Canada h 128 PalleS4ln ev Watson GJ Servrce Sra!lotl i.IBIIltenance Gregory Watson mgt e s
Warren Darlene sis a$st Oexrar Shoes 99 Jonn StCiarr
• Oenrm; p~n Chambetlarn Press res Erreau Gordon A !Rose MJ 11 & ll•emkl Supenor Tl & Mach h 72 Allen
· Don h 76 Matv apt t08 Graham ~ 9 I Park..,'0011 dr
• John B (Tern Alrnsp Can Grain Comm n 334 Delaware av • Grego!)' J (Barbara I pres Watson Serv Stn Mnim:e h 30
. Mike R IShrrtey A) tchr Kent County Be of Educ h 29 Cryslal Pnmrosela
dr Hl'len l h 27 Scane
. Norman (Oellnma) tener camer h 156 SunnfSide av .)acl. n 35 WoodlaM iiV
· Robt (Aileen) h 5 J9 St Clair · Jane 99 Patk
• RobttJ~cQuelfnel lab Motoc Wheel Corp" n 40 WoodS apt3 Jelf p<"tsonnel drr Elan fill 0.~ h 393 Baldoon rd unrt t I
• Aobt J tGlenda)lab Can fram Lid h 240 Lacr01~ Joan l 72 Allen
Rogec (Tammy S) Irk drvr L!lldlaw Transp IWlndsorJ h 28 WATSON. JOHN 8, BA,(Jeanne), (Arnold, W1t1on
Timmins cres apt2 & Comi•key), h 22 MacMillan cru, Phone
• Rooafd l !Gladys M) h 99 John 354-0427
Thos C (Judith) tab I H Canada h 117 Selku11 John R tEtarnet lormn Onl Hydro h 222 Patteson a•
Wrlfd (Airce W) h 11li Tweedsmu11 ave John A (Marrene A) lab Oomtar Pacl<ag•og h 11 Onole pkwy
Wammer Oant J (Colleen) h 143 Wtfllam s l 283 VrClQ(ra av
Warring Mark S (Jeanne) tchr WallacebUtg OrS1 Sec Sent 132 Ma11lyr>wks Royal8k h 188 Park
vrctorra av Marron Mts h 20 Josepll
Warwtcl< Oenncs M (Manfyn E} lab I H Canada h 529 Park av w - Peggy E II Onole pi\V"f
· Ellz 143 McNaughton av w apt4 Peter Sut>V'lt Huron COOSl141levo!> d!
Keith h 138 Weltcnglon e AoblliMargl Al mntnce repr Rockwell Inti h 115 Prmce
Marvel A secy Me~ln Pub Sent n 82 Trtlllum Village Allhur a¥
R Bl\lce Or (Donna Ml dntsl227 Grand av w h 50 Cecile av Susan Mnursery schltehr (WallacebUig) 72 Allen
Randy (Juha) tchr Greg()('( Or Pub Schl h 80 Ounn av Ten'! w (Gate Ll ofce ct~ Watson Conctete h 23 Sherblool<.e pi
Rollt sludt 82 Trltltum Village • Thos 222 Paneson av
"Thos R (Gayle E) co-ord Unron Gas n 82 Ellis • Tlmolliy secunty guard Rockwell Inti 222 Patteson av
v h 455 Sandys apt 505 • VIolet II 805 Grand av wapt 803
. Wm A (Joan) bus dM Chatham Coach Lines h 629 Park •~ w • Wayne A tSh11l~y A) tormn ROCkwelltntl (Tilbury) h 253
Wasrlewskr Barbara studt 320 Delaware av Me!Cer
Frank (CeciliaI custodran Kent County Bd ol Educ h 320 • Wendy h 146 Lacrorx
Delaware av • Wm A (GrSP.Ie B)rnsp Canada Grarn C(JMliSSIOII h ~6 Trmmrn5
l.erty P (fllz M) computer opr t H Canada h 3 Madonna ctes cres apr4
Patrrcra s1udl 320 Delaware av Wm H (Maryl(H\11011 COnsll) h 4 DeVOll d!
Wass Oorrs Mrs h 99 McNaughton av w apt 118 Waii B h 50 MewII av apt 608
· MIChl f tOtane AI mach opr CFA Qperahons h 218 St Clarr • K h 35 Campbell apt 3
Sandy J n 296 Park apt3 Katherine J wks Motor Wheel Cmpn 228 Park
Walch Shop Ltd The tlarry Rewrll rngr 438 St Cta~r . K~lly It 0 Meceer
Watcher Gary G (Marion J) lab Can Fram Ltd h 144 Thmnhlll wauerud 0 L Or pllys 264 Wellington w
cres Walle<wOttl1 Theron (001'1SIIatmet h 34 McGeorge a~
Water Bed Outlet (Don Bryant) 930 Richmond wans John wkS Wendy's 57 Baldoon rd api2Q7
Wate1 Comm1sslon Grounds w s Lacroix Waugn Edna 6 RedbUd dr
WATER PURIFICATION PLANT, (S.. Garnet R . Wayne S (Joanna) sis & develop rep Pello Canada h 74 Burton
Newkirk Water Purltleat!on Plant) av
Waterbed way wavne JOhnstone mgr 703 St Clair Wauthlet Auorey C (Lidmtla fl mgr com ptod Ot:o PICk & Sons
Seeds Co Ltd h 885 Charlog Cross
WATERHOUSE JEWELLERS, B h 9 swan cres apr302
(J NeiJOn Miller) • Russell J h 333 Park
Diamond•, Watchn, Jewellery I. Glttl Tracy h 290 Park
123 King w, N7M 1E2 Waycon International Trucks Ud GWayne CoMOIS pres 700
.......... Phone 354--0200 RIChmond


Serving The Community Since 1966
lndustri~l - Hot Asph~h Fbit Roofins - Commerd~l
Shingling, Siding & Soffit
160 EUGENIE 352-4082
WJ';moulh Olanl 2S0 forest
Wtymu~ Bullcltng 48 Flllh
Wayne IWb Ah 202 Clmpus Pl<wy l!ll305 Keilh 598 Sl ~I
WNme Allltll II~ Woltowmlc Ill · l eame 5!udl SO Wchenel rei IIIli 614
• Che<y1 (Glen) 15 BirCI!WOOd linda lab Daymond h 8 1'2 Eelnl
• Glen w!CtoeNIJ d & doemb Superior Mlch & 15 n" Martyn h 30 Adelaide n
lkchwood • Randy w\s Scultrweslem Regl Cenue 490 McNtughloo 1• .,
WEATHERHEAD, KAREN Q , MAl, (Aobert), Robi39Ctoss
lee-T,_ RoMrt WMtllefMed Electric Wm 171 Comhlll
Umlted, A• 34 Joplyn, A A • • Phone Wm (Shelley) pansmo J K Flllll EqUip Lid res RR I Cllallng
SM-7.... Cross
Weeoon Chris J S1uc!l 31 Ptonce n
WEATHERHEAD, ROBERT, • Jolvi!Pali lab Molor Wheel Corpn h 251 Selldrl.
Robl J (Sylvia A) buyeJ I H Canida h 80 Wilson lv
ELECTRIC LIMITED, Roland A (OliVe) n !58 Murray
Robert WMtllerlleed, Prelldent
Ronakl A (PIIroa AJ lib hi<wflllnll h 3 1 Ptince n
EJectncel Wort! For Aelldentlel, lnduetrtal,
Weel<es Mary lou..,.$ SOUII>wntem Regl Cenn h 87lolary IP1301
Commercial& F•ma. Tile Electric Heel Weeh David A(Shanon l) bt!lf Trend lltbt Shop h 75 Tweec!smult
~. , .... Eatlmatw
23 Ivan, P 0 loa MS, N7M IKI
· linda J olce wlo.r Can f 11m h 1 Regency dr
..........Phone SM-5041
lollh 1S0MaryiP(301
W- Armmlhl Mrs h 3 Pegley
WEATHERHEAD, ROBERT, (Kuen), Pr• Robert · Sherman (Hildalwks United CoOp h SO Uoel!enef rd 1p1102
Wegzyn Ed lab Motor Wlleel Corpn 61 Taylor 1v ept3
WMIMrlleed Electric Umltecl, II 34 Joplyn,
Wed,. Chrlstone h 62 T1ylor a•IPI10
A A • Pt1one SM-7._.
We~ TIIDS (C!vislmt) h 275 Mercer
Weigl MGh 76 toWy llll 803
Wetverllrld h r98 Plrk Weile Plllo G tEialne C) 1C11r Sl Joseph's Sep Sdll II 90
David T Sludl 30 WillelSOI Clr Sllnleyev
Wesme Peter (Hitlle) formn Ben Brulnsrn1 & Sons h 85 ..IIIQef 1v
· .lasH lllorOihy) lib Rod<welllnll II 67 Spencer lv
Karen ecct ISSI Cao Imp Ilk of Comm II 189 Rodtmond • Ruby slsldy F WConeyblll!elld 85 Jesl* ev
• l<ennetfl wks libby lolcHeoll & lobby h 30 WOklnlon Ill Wtl/ AJuoe II 38 Gtanl
· l1<1y llolaroon AI &eey Dr Howwd Adlm5 h 49 Tey1or 111111l1206 • C!la5 (Citnerlne) II 28 OeiiWire av
· Lorne llon<lal perts f11Q1 Uaple C•ty Ford h 11Kirkcaldy pi Gary J (Eiaone Ml mgr U111on Gash 23 [meflld pi
• ~ C ICindv ll upllOI Kent Uphoj h 393 Baldoon rd Ullll 14 • Owen h 109 JoSepll apl I
• N Ross llolargl loll h 79 Brocl< WltU!IIIr W Dr dnll surg 227 G!lnd 1v w
Pel dk Weever Fd lolasler (lllatresvillej15 Alpine IV Wel<-.ert Verna t.1rs key punch opr 32loulse
WelbenkJ Ttm h 40 DeiiWare ev 10110
Suellen t&U) dot1Cn Dr BoekhOud rn RR 6 Dresden
- Tiolh 157·1'?SICII11 Weltxun Alld liRulll) h 23 O'Btlen Clr
Thos G (c.ol) (Welvtr Fd Uasler !ThlmeiVUieJ) h 15 Alpine Wtk:h lllha11 t.lrs h 805 Grend IV w lpl412
• Trec-t u mgr Sata Noble Shop 15 Alptne 1v
· LOlli sltdk Yodeo loloYIII ShOp II 14 Pl!k Ia
Weldon Munl'; W(Oebbte U) tr w1or h 370 Perk 1ve 1014
• Vl'wlan G t.trs 101!15 otcr Royll Ilk h 27 Ar111ur Clr · Pat CIMatv f) dk I HClnlda h 68 Bltmorll rd .
• WI!ISton W!Olive) h 24 Arnold • AIC:hd J (Eileen) h 36 Faucoun lv
Wetvers Hh 343 Grand lv e apl306 Weller Date II 23 Regency dl
Webb Edwd (~ !.IaroeI computer Uoion 0.. h 418 YICIOIII IV Wetlerd Cymh•a lrecplnS1 Bongl\lm Optrcal 95 CoeiSworlh 1v
• 0 Alan (A Pe~~t) supvsr Bell Cllllda h 84 Parll'idge trll • Gregory A asst 1!10' Husblrld TrMsp 95 CoelftOIIh IY
• Robl S f.liyne E}slsmo Kwy Kelty TV 6 S1eno h 15 Br,. Murray Alllor15 J) mgt Transp Rle <Anadl h 95 Coetswor'ltllv
11!11 rd W~Ultlgton Alblletle! carroer h 119 Park II
Webber Batblrl CISIV Gordons MkiS 455 0ueen Bdl t8ell)1 dM AiellO Cell h 342 Sll1dY' 11)12
()Qr()ltly lolr$513 Sl Clltf 0 JH {C Dianne) computer anatyst Union Gash 29 Atgonquon
Jolvl a & Clleml<r Dover Ptod 513 Sl Claol c:lr
Jctln (Ina) slsmn l J Oery Ptod" 455 ~ Dlnelll wks Panos & Recrelllon Oepc h ISO lolary 11)1100 I
Rolli J CO!'ISll .wltr JQiln Cono ConSir 455 Queen Donald mach Dayl!IOIId h 37 Cllll1erts
Weott Boll ...._ S I Hc.n.oa II 40 Beecflwood triiiPI 1 OorOihy 115 Perl< Ia
· BrOCk C stucll 34 Algonquin dr FIorence EUr~ h 2 H)'l)Op
· John 1F11~n JJ v ptn IC!mtn Unoon Gas h 34 AIQonQU•n dr Jolin R(Jean) h 12 Wilson av
1otar11 Mrs clio 8esl for lnt h 97 Fielder •• lolarvlll J (Citol) WI<S VS Vendtng Co h 35 W1lcow cres
Wl!bfr Oennis W!~tNeenJ •1dr Aocl<.elllnll (Tilbury I h 174 • Heney h 95 Adelaide I
Mlc:hene< rd • RICIII!d wio..s Chllhlm Pla$11C F•l\lshlng
DcuQias (lletry Jrill Saulolfg 1ft All 2 TI!Wy • Robl J !Oattene) mmnce Jkllonalcfs Reslr h 69 Gray
• Edglf C tllerna) utility mn Etlon Ylle lt4 h 14 Given rd · Ron h 46 Blnroe apt 2
leo A II 925 Grand av • II)( 204 • Rulli h 26lo&lple
Terrre 1nt Kenl VII Cine 11 e s ~ ro • Rulli t.lrs 27 Josepll
Websler Bill h 99 Wo:HiuQhlon IV w IP(24 1 Weflmgton ScnwabS Meats !Henry Schwlb)46 Cenlle
· c.or J wey Children's Aiel Socy 11 226 Gtllld •• e • Todd wkJ Bowen Mvg Co 35 Wilco• cres
Cory eng lold'.eoroe & Barry 598 Sl Claor Wellmen Barry J (Olga) lab I HCenadl h 1SO Hollend av
· Donald J IHeidi ()lib H& 8 1WelllcabwQ) h 184l.Url y • OennlS tecu~oty The KlllQSway 707 Holden
· Donald 1~1 ..,.. Slandltd Tlbl h 39 Cross • HoCkoe h 44 T1ylor IY epl 1
Donne ~ h 15 Berry Wells CIOII h 31 Wade epl 3
• £dwd Sludl39 Closs • 0.\'ld melt depl GorGons Uk1S 31 Wide apt 1
· Grilli R !Bema AI II 598 St Cllrr · Gordon P tPalriCII Mi bUyer Urllon Gash 7 Syf-* dt
lr• on(Shorley) • tdr I H<Anadl h SO Midlener rd IP(614 · .lick E(Carmen UI1Ct1 P~ HI Bred h 13 Mohlw1< ct
• Jolvl Hlliorlnl () h 122 ~ • ~ P (lolarlhl} opr £jJ()II Yale lid h 3e2 VICIOIII IV

Smalley Brisco & Thomoson



WNiey Carmel12571nshes IV
WELLS • Jas iMargUiab Libby McNe•lt & Ubby h 143 Paneson av
Karen h 42 Dullerm av apt 5
Kenneln (Phyhss) slsmn A•chmond Mtrs h 31 Wade apt I • ~•nt (Cheryl) ofce COat Kent Oosl Assn Menta ly Retlltded h
· Marsha t< 13 Mohawk ct 63 S.ldoon rd apt 307
Nfred tPalr!Cta AI SUM~ Chrysler Canida h 82 Gl~llgi"Y RoblE (.lollnJCUSIOdoan Cll ol Jesus Chnst of Liller Dat
eres Sa•fliS h 25 7 lnSI'tiUV
· ROb! tC"t>fY1l c!k I H Canada h 107 Tweedsrnu11 I> e Roy IAmefoal h 167 Pcolar
Ron J (Salldvll1oemn Oot HydrO h 100 Houslon lpl3 WMimg Cllr!S1IOP ci~ W~ffll Ctllysle! PI'(IOO.IIh 75 S.ldoon rd
Terry L (Sharron AI asmblr Can Fram lid h 68 wecgewood av apt6
• Vera Mrs h 27 LOWP • Gh 16 Raleigh
Well wood Clarence Wh 68 1'2 Fourth apl2 · Gh 7Danapt
Oennts 93 Patle$011 av • H Pat h 9 Ortllard Hts d! apl1
• Fran 93 Pallesor'l av • Jeffy J I !lev""lev Jl plmllf Local 552 n 55 PNOne aes
WelSh Brenda nsekPI Saxony Motel res Thrnav•l~ • ~ mach 001 B & M M'g h 21 Elll&bd't
• Peter h 17 t McNaugnlon •• w apl 2 • Naoq Mrs recp4RSI TOdOflam & Case Assocs h 75 S.ldooO rd apt
Welton Oa"'d (SIW'IIy) tchr Queen Eltlabeth Pub Schf h 114
Vanoer dt l'fhatls ~e~ty cllr Cllall'lam Pub Ubly 33 Renfrew av
• G LlOyd (Jean 8) ftnanctal consultant YMCA h 30 Peterborough - t<ennnelh C stud! 33 Ren!rew av
Wencel G h 14 Taylor av apt2 Mark 0 33 Ren!Jew IV
Wendel J n 360 SandY' aptt05 Wm R I G~nl drvr M1mstry of Transp & CommuNC h 33 Renfrew
, Wend{s Restaurants o! Caneda Janrce Ftem•ng mgt 720 Grand •• ll¥
w Whan Donald P iSasa1 El sagnal mnlrll CP Ra I h 67 P!l'tl
Wendy's S!>eil Self Serv !Wendy Doman) 306 Pafl\ a. e Wll/lrram Stao'ey •Orisel 51 sy~ analyst UniOn GIS h 458
Wenner Donald A trk drvr Procrenchuk Produce 78 Ounvega~ dr Ba•ooon rd
• Oonald E!Trudy) mgr Kent Credll Unron h 78 Dunvegan dr WHEATON, EDWARD. (Joyc:e), Admlnl atr ator City
• Ktmberfy Ann studl 711 Dunvegan dr Welfare Dept, h 511 Highland
· Mill P stud! 78 Ounvegan dr Wh· Pol!f AIOI IEd11hl h 107 Cross
Went John stud1122 McNaughton av w CcJly ISienhenl stlo (:jk Ken!~ Servoc:e 41 Co•er&te IPI
West~y Hall 40 Par~ 203
• Norma bkpr Smytl1 ~emortllts n 176lhames K~m M (Pa!ril;la H) lab Molar W"teel C(WJlll h 16 Cr1r11 dr
Well Dan l (Sylvtat elk PeliO·Canada n 27 Sl An!IIOny l Oll Sllldl 16 Crane dr
· Ellen Mrs h 575 Kmg w • Roblllorra•nel mgr Monarch Propane lid ret RR I
West End Mach•ne Shop Cart Csantt1s mgr 3 Tecumseh rd RobC H llliltan Tj nsl planntng dtr C1ty II 124 TI>OinhtR
• ir&d Wstudl278 Tweedsmull av w cres
• Geo A (J8SS1e Ml h 32 Berry • Steve (Cathy) tab Can Canners f!lresdenl n 4 I Coverdale apt
J G01don tEmilyl h 48 Cornhtll 203
· lawrence W(Paul•nel ins adjSU Royal Ins h 278 Tweedsrnwr Wheel$ filnesS & RacQ~t Club A01nan Ja!IIOfOVtiCl mgr 615
avw Rtchmond
Pelet T01 (Verona Al h 18 EngliSh S•de rd W~ts !no Robt Braatey mgr 615 R•chmond
Ralph (Norma J)lleld rep Equ•fa• Serv lid h 6 Craven dr W"eelsPiaza 171· 181 Ketldts
• Raf'tdy h 114 Alell8ndra IV apl3 1Wh•spertng Snop (Bematd Lalonde) 562 RIChmond
Tomothy E studt278 Tweedsmulr av w Willie~ Robt J tEiillne) mechl eng Call Fram h 15 Webb
Westbutn lndustual Enterpuses Lid Aobl Fler mgr 350 While AUdrey LIBM OP! Eaton Yale lid 91 Churc/1111
Rtvervtewdr • Barry 1(Ruth Tl mntnce can Fram h 78 Marion av
Weslendorp Clara Mrs h 14 MacMollan cres • Bemoc:e h 479 Queen
• Jol tMargl) lab Libby ~cNe•ll & libby h 103 Gray • Carol I tCatol's Ceram1c Stud1o11000 Cl\altng Cross rd un•l
· Kh IQO lhames api40 37
• AtChd 138 Patteson av • Cal/1erme (R & S Widgl h 23 Donalda dr
· Roy 103 Gray , • ~ue stud1347 M•chenef rd
Weslenfe" T L h 60 Gt~nd av w IJll 2 , • Coltn tSusanl ambulance oftt Challlam & OISI AmbUlance Sert h
Westerdyk Jacob (Wtlma) h 38 OaleVtew cres 386t<tngw
WtStern Equ1pmen1 Limited Electnc:al Wholesalers John Meko • Cra1g h 955 Grand av w IPI 304
pres 97 Sl Cta•r Fradoltne N Mrs h 15 DeQge
W~tgate Alex (AnneUe) tormn Bell Canada h 113 Patlrldge aes GeoHrey II IGwendohne) h 206 Richmond
Westhoek Construction Ltd (Jack Hoekstra) 232 Queen Hl!l'ley t< h 91 ChUIChill
Westla~e Bill h 14 Athtone ct Hel~n M Mrs h 455 Sandys IJll 309
Westman Blanche A Mrs k1l hiPI St Andrew$ Home h 27 Sunnyside Wh•le Hubl C01 surg 274 t<1ng w
IY lren~ h 85 P•ne apt 244
Weston Bakeroes Limited Aobl Oetussel mQ! e s Borrowman Janel h 185-1"2 Rate•gh
Weston Glen banndr Kinos way Htl h 452 Graf'td ave • Ke•th h 99 McNaughton av w apt 136
• Glen (Jane) h 237 Colborne • Kelly h 475 StClair
· Norman (Mary) h 40 Trillium Vtllage apt 102 - Ken h 190 Thames 8PI48
· Ronald G (Bertha) h 40 College · Ken elk Lew1es Book &Vat.ely StOle 54 1'2 51 Clair
· Wendy l x-ray techn Sl Jos Hosp h 130 Sheldon IV lpl211 • Ken Irk dM Russell Tl & O•e h 1000 Charing Ctoss rd unrl
Westra Heno•e A lludl328 lrtdlan Creek rd e 37
• Jim R carp J F Cotenbrandef Conslr n 76 Mary IJll 206 While Knrghl Auto GIRtng & lnteoor Cleantr'tg (Tony IMS)209
Robt (Tina) (Westhoek Conslt) h 3281ndJan Creek rd e Park avw
Westrtk A h 40 Elm BPI 224 • Larry (Stendal leal mngmn1 admln tmper~al fobac:co h 36
Wettlaufer Miriam wks Clly 35 Wilcox aes Garden Vale rd
Wavers Jim IPPI 11 & d1emkr Russell Tl & Ole res AR 7 · lee Ann elk Stan's Vauety h 265 Queen apl 2
MEhz Mrs h e s Given td · leo Slsmn Western Equtp lid h 59 P11k Ia
Whale 0 h SO Mtc:hener rd ept314 - Lloyd (freda) supt Carhon Arms Apts h 190 Thames apl 10
Whalen M A h 53 Park Ia Marguer•te h 196llydtCIIn av ext

J obn~on..l)ubtntll ESTABLISHED 1927

:. ~ .
193 QUEEN ST., CHATHAM Phone 352-4343
• 1.4ay Lh 805 Grand av w apt 308 • DOI•Oda h 40 Gray
FIOien<:~ Mrs h 52 McGeot!lf' av
• Ph 66 Prtnce Anhur avapt2
- Patkh 174·t'2Gray • H h 76 MillY apt 404
• Palla wks Chafhllm Pfasloc flnoslllng Hathe Mae Mrs h 72 O'Neil
- Ptrer h 73 S1 Cta.r apt 2 • Lllhan 8 52 McGeor~ av
R 168 Parteson av • Ronald S (Carol A) lab Eaton Yale ltd h 122 l1mmmscres epl
• R•ta h 285 Queen 2
- Rober1 pntr Chatham P1asltc Fin•shtng W l(~w•re Carol 129-1'2 Colbotne
Roberta 8 bal10dr Wheels Inn n 122 Rlverv•ew dr apt t 21 Dav•d h 145 Park av w
. Robt tab OlsOII'S of Chatham 59 Pa!lc Ia • Jack (Mary) mink ranch wkr h 14 TaytO< av apt 3
- Roger J IEhz AI mech Campbell Soup Co h 699 Park av w Jad H (Mary A) h r179 Colbome
• Ronal<! (Wanda! lab Daymond h 75 Mary IJ)I301 • KPn w0rv1 G01e SanilattOn h 129·1'2 Colbome
• Ronald A mgr GH Wood & Co h 71 Chulch It • M 49 Tayl01 av apt207
• Ronal<! J (Mitgt E) lab U C 0 h 22-1'2 W111Wn s • Rdld 179 Colbome
.s n 7 Aberdeen • R!Chd 14 TayiO< av apt 3
• Steve DtPallalassr liA•n•stry of Revenue h 53 TISS!rnan av • Robl 179 Colbofll!'
Whole Supply ltd Oenn•s Snelgrove mgr987 RIChmond W•dd•held John tKathle!'nl h 23 Dolsen rd
-Susan h 75 Mary ape 102 W•dd•s Jack M h 172 Mercer
• Tammy retp4nS1 House of SpeclaCies 202 Cam~ pl<wy llpl3 10 • Mary Jane 3 8tddell av
. Thos h 805 Graod av w ~ 609 W~t~'lQCI Henry !Johanna I h 62 Oxley df
· Thos J tC'Ial.e) guard I HCanada h 15 Pwy dr • J h 89 Sl'eldon a~ apl 7
• TIIIIOII!y A wl<s Ca'IIPbel Soup Co h 62 BaldOOn rd apt 302 • John tGrace)lab & Ilk drY! Sass Y!g h 87 Uncoln rd
· Wanda "'~s Chatham PlastiC Ftnrslling • Joyce (Wm) sJsldy C & G Reatty 31- 1'2 Duflenn av
WhltPhatl Ernest99 Par1< - Kees tTrnal h 40 Elm 81)1311
• Robl WtMary 8) supvsr IH Canada h 583 King w • Scon h 11 Cla•en dr
Wh•lehead Allan W aud Onl Ministry ol Agnc & Fd h 28 Juptler Wm W(Joyce El e1ec1 H J Hetnz Con 31 1'2 Dufferln av
av Wielhouwer -ll!l< !Johanna PI h 12 O'Neil
• Kathleen ass1 c1 admm Prov CIICiomonal Olv) 28 Jupiter av • Hank W12 O'Nett
• susa~~ J nu~se Pub Gent Hosp 28 Jupiter •• • Lwna lArs h 40 Elm apt 203
Whitelaw J•m A tBeve~ty Dl mi<tg mgr Ont Bd h 44 W•eltlovoer Roy carp C CT Cabls (Sarnla} h ID Lamson etes apt I
Alelli!Odra av Woema Ruby Ann rl eat agl Coneybeare Rl Est 85 Jasper av
Whlles•de Joyce Mh 10 0111en a• W•e~onga Clarence J (K Ann Ill & dtemkr Russell Tl & Ole h 84
Wh!lfO<d Frances N Mrs hsekpr 34 7 Pat~ ave Sunnystde av
Whitlock Dale tl273 Wellington w apt9 • Geo IMBIYI gent mgr Russell Tl & Doe res RR t Channg Cross
• Ridlard set-up mntnce Chatnam Plashc Anoshing • Glen h 112 Sheldon av apt3
Wh•'"lllf5h Frankhn J (Kathenne I) asmblr Can Fram h 139 • Janet held"'"' Kerf Farms I 19 Cardona! cres
CanlertMy • John (Celeste D) 11 & dtemkr Supenor Mach•ne & Tl h 1 19
Whll$011 eo..tney h 50 Menon av apll04 Card•nal cres
• Rodney M !Pamela OJ lab Elan n & Ote h 8 Ellwood av • Ka•en secy R 8 McKlnlaf & Sons 119 Cardinal cret
Wh•!lal<er J OM Stai•SliCS elk U111on Gas II 50 Michener rd apl • Mary Lou Mrs Slen Royal Bk 29 Pl!easant dr
411 Wtt!!$11111 Ba~ery Ltd (Joe & Jake Wtersma) 8 King w
WMtal Floyd H(lyd•a El h 42 Blythewood cres Wtersma Cindy stud1124 Tlsstman av
Healhel studl 24 1 Grand av e ap1 1 • Douglas Paul Sludl 124 TiSSiman av
• Henly f lab Can Fram Ltd h 370 LacrOix • Jail~ h 43 Tecumseh rd
·lloyd lab Roci<WeU Tlibl¥y h 49·1'2 Sellmk · Ja•e tCJara) (W•ersma B•ryl h 7 Redbud dl
• Roblll.laureen) motnce Cha:nam Coecll Lines h 63 Welhnglon e • Jell ASludl 73 Woodland av
· Roy D tMarolyn K) mrunce Chalham Coacto Ltnes h 577 Pari< a~ w • Jos IHilda Jl (W•ersma Bkryl h 124 Tlssiman av
Wlltnall Ma11ryn I Roy) lut tng~lndlan Clee~ Golf & COUiltry • Klaas (Teddy) bodyshop mech Chatham Mtrs h 73 Woodland av
Club 577 Park av w · Rh40Eimapl123
Whtnmgton Brad h 18 Devon rd • Roc~ elect Alben Mast Elecl h 57 Baldoon rd apt 306
· J h 20 Tnlllum VIllage apl303 Wteab•ckl Waclaw wks 8rtllsh Leal lob h 92 Jeffrey
Luie M h 21 Tecumseh rd Wtghtman Ch 387 1"2 King w
Rldod J SIUOI 45 Sauoeen av Wlgie Darren (UIIyJtOimn AWK lndt Coaling h 79 Baldoon rd
WHITTINGTON, RiCHARD L, (Katheri ne), Exec: Dlr 11)15
Children'• Aid Society of Kent County, II 45 • Glen M IEISJe V) produca buyer Dorn Stores n21 Btlar Hill rd
Saugeen av, Phone 354-0385 · lily (tan) casllr Becker's Milk
• Terry !Jolvl) prt runner Challlam Datly News 20 Trillium • MPI (Corinne) h 144 Copperlield Cles
Village apl303 • Peggy elk Wheels Inn tl 149 Raleogh apt 2
• Tom (LyM).,.I<s Can fram h 224 Joseph • Robl L (Mal'lhallr exec Can Fram Lid tl51 Water
• wrn C tDaleanna) tlediBEW h 78 Ch~.rcht W·~man Conn•e Will Elias Bros Restr 24 Van•er dr ap17
W'ht!wl>lm R L h 10 onawa df • Nancy h 24 Van•er dr apl 7
Why~e Atwt<t A !SIJI8t1) stsmn Weslon Bkrs h 45 ~ t1 • NdiiS tNelhe) mntnce Chatham Reaeat1011 h 50 MIChener rd
• EsNl'y L Mrs h 12 Allred apl609
• Judy 1C1W 1ien1 County Bd of ElM: h 12 t.lallatd pi • VtrlCef'll Sludl 50 Mtehenet rd 81)1609
• Jul.e A spray pnr A WK lnd CoallllQ h 36 Allred Wtlbur Evelyn Mrs h 20 W~k dr
· t.Wy 105· 1'2l01ne a• · lloyd (Margl) h 40 Trrlhum VIllage apl206
WJCiotll Harry T (Helen Ml h 20 Ellwood a~ • Wm T (Carol D)traf mg1 FrederiCk l ransponallon h 349
• Jas (Jann)(CampeeU Wicke11 & lnra) h 146 Crystal dr Tweedsmuor av "'
WJCI<.s D n 52 Well!OQ!On e Wolcolz Adam I.Joseplllne) h 219 Harvey
• Oa·od R (I<Men El mech & wldr Wolsorfs Alum Wldg (Charing Vl•lco• Bob Auto Eteclloc (Bob Wolcot) 515 RlCivnond
Cnlal h 65 TISIImarl a• W•lco• Chns 291 T"'eedsmulf a• e

• Don h 30 Trilllum VIllage apc304 R h 220 Park a<a
Douglas A 11 10 Francos •~ Wlham FO<est mg1 Gtllt Gas Stn 122 Rl~er.·ew dl ape 316
• Edtlh EMta h 110 Prtnce Ar11111r av Wilham ROlls McK~nzoe Patk G Kovacs mgr s s Grand ave
·1 h25 Dover Wtlharns Alv~ra c!~ ~·n· A ~ 364 Weihnglon w apt3
• Jas WI Janet E1 eiiiCI Rossin. Eitel h 39 Parkwood dr • Btai<e stud! 104 Gregory dr e
- Kenneth 0 (Andrea) set-up mn Roc~welllnU h 15 I Baidoon td catwtn wiclr Sass ~lg 104 Edgar
· larry J t~QI) mnmce Can Fram h 291 Tw~osmuor a• e • Clv1Sll~ h 14 H•llyard
laune 15 Oxley dr • Cutlls A(LaUta AI f01mn Vt!!ltra "'fg h 59 St AnUlony apiC
· Leonard G !Eiame f) •nsP Fire Depth 35 SudllUiy dr 0 h 11 Vande!parfl dr
· Lori {Willy) cl~ B~SI Fo1less 45 Tommlns cres 0 h 364 Welltngton w apl 3
• Maude 99 Par~ Dan math rep~mn Russell n & Doe 3824 Rosemo~JOI
· Michl !hr Moth~r's PtUa 35 Sudbury dr Davtd .,.;., Sl.illdfrd Tube (81e~hetr~)58 Crane dr
• Nora C h 117 M.:Guiga'l av Debbie 14 Hill)ard
• Paor shOp elk Honey Electnc res RR 5 • Edwd A (Jean) n 58 Ctane dr
• ROlli studl142 Gray Edwd 8 jRo&emary) {Ed W•l!iarns Te•aro Farm Fuell h 232
· Rolli M (Muroell tW•ICox Auto Elec1) h 142 Gray M·t~rd
• Ronald S (Helen MJ mnlnce leeton Bob campbe'l Mtrs h 15 Oxley • Fred!< S 105111 Be•l Ca'lada h 4 7-C Beechwood ens
dt Geolf T 111< dtvl 122 Rtver<ie'ow dr IPI215
• Slmley B (Myrtl~ J) h '10 0•~ dr • • HatOid E (V•rgttlll HJ h 38 Ellis
· Susan h 135 Wtl!iam n aPI2 Hazel h 460 Queen
• Terry tall Ro..taod Farms (81enhetm) h 125 Gray Her04 tlloberlal "'l<s Souln.etem Regl Cenn h 1000 Clllnng
- Thos (Hazell h 75 Allen Closs rd unat 20
- Tracte 151 BaldOOn rd • J Kathl~ '-'rs h 104 Gregory dr e
- Wayne 0 tMargt A) v prtn Tilbury Atea Pub Schl h 135 Cec1Je JW h 600 Grand •• w apt3010
av Jas lttoda) wl<' MOior Wneel Corpn h 13 Colleg<ale dr
• We!ldy $!WI 1<12 Gray • .IHnen~ legal secy Beno.t Van Raar S & F 58 Crane dr
Wold David h 567 Kong w Jl'f~y T tSusall Ml mgr Ratco Metal Stampong (W•ndSOtl h 39
• John Wh 10 Glenwood dr Sudbury dr
• Rlchd J sr drflsmn Union Gash 250 Mewn av · Jolin B (Margt Jl mlwrght Un•ted Co-Op he s Lynwood dr
• S !Chr Indian Creek Ad Pub Schl • John 0 Rev (Margt 01 mmister Cornerst0118 Ch h 229 Pllfk
• Stanley (Manlyn) chf lnsp staten Un•oo Gas h 7 GlenWOOd dr • Ju!te l d•sp PoliCe Dept h 343 Grand ave apl203
Wilderdyk Jacob (Dorothy) mech labombards ChatNm Lid h 225 Karoe L wtrs Wenoy's 104 Gregory dt e
Joseph Ka'h•P wtrs Abefdeen Hit n 93 O'Netl
• Leslte h 364 Well.nglon w ape 1
Wolken Ann•e Mrs h 45 Ttnlllllns cres apt 109
• Conrad L t8onlta M)lab can Fram h 84 Southend cres
Mochl wks can cannets (Dresden) 58 Crane dr
· John (Margt Jl cond Chessle Systems h 105 Parkwood dr
• Nelson wtdr Sass Mfg h I 04 Edgar
• K h210 Park ave apt 1 • Nelson tMattonl carp t.lannlnger Brosh 81 l!aJdoon rd apc2
• Kelly slltlk Soup 10 Nuts • Norman h 378 Pirk
• Mchelle Slsclk Soup 10 Nuts WIIIIIIIS PasiiY Snop tMary & Karl Scl\a'let) 586 Queen
• Rochd !JudyI lab can Fram h 40 Mercer
• Ralph L elk Call Pos1 Corpn nes Bol 123t
• Thos R (MI~IIe) promo1•ona! wkr YlolCA h 74 Kendall Rayd F caon•ng depl Libby & Lobby (Wallaceburg) h
Wilket Fred h 25 Campbellapl4
145 Ktng e
W!lkes Jas (Shtrley A) drvr East Side Tow• no (!letroll) h 99
• Roget F !Susan) p!es Kentownlld h 63 Cedatwoods cres
lnshes ••
Stan (Maureen Ml conliOI mgr Elan n & O.e h 9 Larose cres
· Ronald tCharlolte) lab Call Fram h 17 Htllyard
· Susan C0S1 acdO elk I H canada h 39 Sudbtrf dr
Wtlk•e John G 1chr R•dgetown Oo51 H•gh Schl h 1421.1ercer Ted tCindy)mg~ Downtown Chatham Centze h 225 campus Pk..wy
· Mary Lynn tchr h 215· 1'2 Grand •• e
apt 117
• W1lla R h 85 Van Allen av
Terry F (Cirol AI trkr Thames Van Farm h 67 Baldoon rd apt
Wtlkms B h 73 BaldOOn rd apt 22
·David h 120 fielder av
• W11ren lab 95 MIChener rd
· Douglas A (Batbara E) lrat mgr Standard Com I Tobacco Co h
• Wyan J handymn Ont Hydro 25 Lynwood dr
325 Tweedsmu•r av w W•lliamson John A t~oe I) plant mgr Rockwelllnll h 500 King
Timothy (The Klngsway) res RR 3 Blentle•m
Tracy cnshr Becker's M1lk
Mervyn l (Doris) auto ap~ Chatham Tri-County Apprsrs h 6
Wm (Eleanor) underwm N011h Amer Ute~ 77 Batdoon rd apl
Donaldll dr
• Ron trk drvr Chatham Place Mall res RR 1 Patncourl
Wilkinson Arch•e L (louisa) h 181 Park av w
• W•nofred h 45 Tntlium Village apl102
Wolkosz Balbara SIUdl 151 Wood$
Wijlunol Allen h 17 FOSler
· Edmund tSiettal carp h 151 Woods Geo E pntr MtNSiry of Transp & COIInm h 23 KorK
Wtltan Geo securoty gua1d 132 Goldpatk rd
· Jon W(Palllc•a A) drvr slsmn Maedel's Bav h 12 Ellwood av • Geo W(Margt El h 203 Sneldon av
· Lawrence (Milly) tab Na1 Hdwe h 132 Goldperk rd Wtlhng Beny Jo (Edwd) llkpr Mad Man Madigan 522 St ClaJr
Ed~¥d 0 (BenyJo) safety co-otd•na•or Can Fram h 522 S1 Cla•r
Willard John Studt 77 Amelia
· John COr (lhrg1 Rl dntst 14 Fillh h 77 Amelia • Je~•ey W~ & ~ repr Concord MNI Slamplng 522 S1 Clair
Wlllder Dwayne lab Motor Wlleel 3 LOI!Ie av W•llrs Edwd P (Lesley lA) audio techn 111 Sl George n same
·Tholl A (Blanche) h 3 LOU•e IV Geo h 380 Baldoon rd
• Wm (A1veana)lab I HCanada h 18 Oriole pkwy Jon A (Susan A) laD Call Fram n 145 Pnnce Arlhur ••
• Wm C (Nethe) cap1 Fire Depth 30 Ctmr dr • Katnleen bus dM n 118 Cornhlll
WtllemSl'll Hans lab can Fram 31 Woods · Linda Y tc/11 Kent County Bd of Educ h 70 Mcfadden av
Willen O.ane S (Don) sJs rep Co-()pefators Ins res RR 7 Wolloston Adela ode Mrs h 264 King w ap15
• Ctaog h 18 fleoency dt


General Contractors - Design and Build
303 MERRITT AVE. P.O. BOX 151 PHONE 352-7780
- Cynlh&a l 5100138 Kendall J 0253 Pwk
· Don h 108 Pa~k Ia · .lame$ 0 tShtney MJmgr Belll!!letal Canada loch 50 Oxley dr
· Donald R !Ethel Ml h 625 St Cla1r unol4 • Jas !Anne AJ lab Rockwellllltl h 20 Eugeo•e
- Doreen h 293 Oueen apt 2 · Jean tGuy) h<drsr Empress 8ty Sa101l9 Avon dr
Dor1nda 293 Oueen apl 2 • Jc!ll tSh8rOC'I) eog Can Fram h Ill Valley rd n
Francts A INofa M) h 4 1 OK!ey ell John 0 h 600 Gtand av w apt 900 1
Howard L(NOia) h247 Grand a~e • John G (Renee) det sergt OPP h 60 Glenwood dr
• Kevin (MillY) lab Campbell Soup Co h 106Lorne av apt 4 · Jolin T(Sh~rley A) grp ldr Can Fram h 79 Sl Anthony
- Margl secy Our Saviour Lutheran Cll res RR 1 •Jos constr owkr (Ridgetown) h 146 Park apl3
- PScon tSa!'ldra Jlwks Pub Gent Hosp h 33 Baxter • Kalny 0 Slsclk Woolco 50 Oxley dl
• PlvtlJp J (Mary) yard lormn Challlam Cash & Carry h 38 • Ltnda h 455 Sanors apt404
Kenda~ • Mervin apprst Tn County Apprsrs
• Robl S lab MOIOr Wheel 4 1 Oxley dr • MJrray (W•Isoo Pro HdwP) 19 Oul1er1n
· RobeS 130 Kang e • Munay 0 (Kathleen n tW,Ison Pro Hdwel h 19 Oufferm av
W•llm<Xe Barry Gcf• Brewer's Reta1l 14 7 Canlffllufy • Nerlwks t.lcOooalds 2 Dove pi
·Barry h 285 Grand av w • Patk J (t.lanlyn A) h 21 Park Ia
• Bradley J elk A & P 147 canterbury • PalrrCla h 100 Poplar apt20
- £dwd R (Jut1a Ml elk Prov Court h t47 Canterbury W1ISOO Pro Hardware ~urra y W•lson owner-mgt 410 Sl Clair
- Ju1aa slsclk Best Wishes 147 Canterbury • R Keith h 100 Pamela cres
Larry J lab I HCenlda 147 Canterbury • RICIIO h 27 O'Neil
W1Uoughby Albl C grp ldr I H Call8da h 455 Sandys apl605 • Rid! A (Betty A) macn opr I H Canada h 99 McHa~n1on av a
W 'Is Oaa'"lt Eh 96 Coverdale • RIC~ W!Heathel) h 52 Berry
- £mesl tRuThI serv I1'IQf Monarcn Propane Lid res RR 4 Merlan • Robt "lOr Rr•e<s•de Wid" ltd res RR 3
· John C!Grace El h 100 McFarlane av apt314 · Ruth h 49 Taylor av apt 103
·LOll wks R1versade Off1ce Equip h 130 Tlnvnans cres apt 3 • Ruth h 85 Pine BPI 203
• Peter IVIC~y) cf~ Best For less res RR 2 Kent Bndge • Ruth ~ blllrng dePI Union Gas h 111 Adelaide s
·Shelly CIShr Becker's l.lolk • Sydney J (lOIS Jl h 69 PhylliS IV
Wrllson C1'1 3fl Ofchard Hts ell apt 2 · Tammy stsclk Records on Wheels 50 Olltey dl
· Carl W 19 Harwich • Vrolet Mrs h 224 lacror~ apt 4
• OouQ1as 89 Rt.emew dr apt 505 • Wendy ~SCfk K1nney Shoes 50 01tay dr
Edath Ah 89 AlveMew ell apt505 • Wllld L (Shirley) lab Can Fram h 108 Coverdale
- Fredk G (t June) grp ldr Can Fram h 19 HarwiCh • Wlnn•lred 99 Park
WILLSON, GEORGE, (Elizabeth), Salel Anoc:late • Wm J (Diane fl formn Rockwelllnll h 20 Collegla!e dr
Kent County Realty Umlted, h 23 Klngeway W1Uon Chas F !Ruth) wi<S CI'A h 11 Foster
dr, Phone 351-30H Wtttshue Latry w(W11ts1'1ue & Son UphoiJ h 58 Wetllngtoo e
1.1~ S Pl'lr Chatllam Plastic A111Sherl19 HarwiCh W1mptess Pearl h 100 Poplar apl48
• Sa•1y (WatcH terter typos! 8k of Nova Scotia res WaRaceburg W1ncltn01 Arts IJonn ~IJD!) 193 K111g w
· Terry l (Manila l) car wslv Oua!;ty Mobile Wash h 118 W1ndtnlll Cabinet Shop ltd A 0e Haan & G 8Uitje mgrs 225
lllylhtwood cres ape c Nat.onal rd
- Wm H(Otane lot) h 47 Dela..ware a~ Won<111m Vernon (t.ABilon C) h 14 Cornhtll
Wilmont Earl owks M•nlstry ofTransp & Commun h 50 Baxter apt 1 Windsor Rrchd F(Doreen) slsmn Otversey Wyandotle (Miss) h 6
Wrtmoll Fuels ltd 149 Ralergh Aberdeen
Wm h 66 Canterbury Wlnheld Oen•se kennel atdt Ont Humane Socy
W1lsoo ArlhUI G (PhylliS) h 148 Glenwood dt Winger Dana h 600 Grand av w apt 3005
• Arlhor J (Deln ll w~<s t HCanada II 18 Grven rd • LOUIS h 78 Mary aut313
• B h 89 Sheldon av ape 1 Wrn~ler .las J !Manlyn El (Wonkler Secur'ty Systems) h 82
· Barry R lecM Can Fram h 91 Alexa!'ldra av lansdowne av
- Brad (Rosahill!) tab EaTOn Yale Lid h 28 Couture dr apt 3 Wtnsh1p Norman T (Gladys Jl h 137 Sunnyside av
• lnsllr Midas Mufller 91 Alexandra av Ronald !Eia1ne) mlwrght Eaton Yale lid h 2 Nonhland dr
• ClrHd G tDorOihy) h 89-A Taylor av Winston Churchill Pubhc School Robl McCully prln w a Crystal
· Colleen cashr Beckefs M11lc
• oa.e stscl1< Pro Hdwe res RR 3 Wontl'l R 8 (Vidal h 171 Foresl
-David l (Gloria WI Sis mgr Can-Am Frt Serv h 470 McNa~hlon w,mermans Tho5 Or dntst 412 Grand av e
W1p<!! Julll! meat dept A & Ph 121 Baldoon rd
• Oea1l C studl 108 Coverdale Wtsby Mary Lou w1\s Canadl Post Corpn h 134-1'2 Grand ave
· Oetn Kenl County Bd of Educ h 4 3 SOU1hend cres · Mike h 97 Bedford apt 107
· Diane wks Make'S Place h 87 Jeffrey WJSe Marguente h 100 Poplar apt41
• Ed~ M<S h 37 l.laple
WJSeman 8 h 455 Sandys apt 409
• Eva h 650 Grand av w apt 506 · Barry 0 IManoo M) supvsr Canpar h 20 Finch pi
• Fred press opr Call Fram h 81 Batdoon rd apt4
• CltHd lfraoces) tid agt Rosslru Broe h 381 St Cra.r
· Fred (Betty) h 2 Dove pi
• Eug 8 IM~ E) prod supvsr Oomtar Pacl<agtng h 33 Holland IV
· Fred !Ekll rmrnce Molor Wneel Corpn h 129 Goldpark rd
· John C (Jud•th C) lab Can F,.m h 83 Kerr tv
• Gf h 548 VICIDnlav Wt$ktn PauJ drvr loomts Cooner Serv 55 Taylor av apl301
Gary (G.lll) mgr Walklwell Shoes h 42 Northland 111
W1sman Cornelius (Cornelra) wke Libby l.!cHe.ll & libby h 78
• Geo (R•Ial U& dleml<r Standard Tube h 845 Park av w Argyle cres
Geo )r (PaltiCia L) h 649 P811< av w • Henry eted Maple C11y Ofce Equip 76 Argyle cres
• Gert-Lyn A (Rob! C) bkpr Osltandel'a Jwlra res RR 3
• Marg1 SlUdl 76 Argyle cres
·Gerry- ElEI'-"I h 33 Aberden W1$Sink Allan mech RIChmond Mtrs 128 Holll!lld IV
· Gay C (Jeantnellab L1bby lokNelll & Ubby h 9 Avon dr · Ken studl126 Holland tv
· tan !JoinI tl«1 Concorde Corpn (TiiOuly) h 42 CoetslfOCih av • Marlin (Getuude) $UpVSI IJnlon Gu h 126 Holland IV
• J 1'1455 Slrodys II)( 307
• RonaiCI eled appr 126 Holtand av


124 ST. CLAIR ST. 351-3833
WrSIUba Rud• (Gerda I 11 118 Rrverv•tw dlap1620 \-1000
Wrs.tnlowskr Peler (Oir•e fl genii!IQI SpurgP.OO's Engmes Lid II
30 Ktndarl M Chi WIM•ke WOOd Rl!nOvBhOilS) h3491lld•an Creek rd w
W•l~er tan (FrallCA!SI h 74 We!W•cl< dl Pa1110a h 51 Edgar
W•lt.e!Slone Edwd 0 (l.larguaupl Libby McNerlli & libby h 5 Paul O•t,ianon Nl h 55 Oriole p<wy
Mct<•nnon dr R MalCOlm lltoorel stsmn Maynew Tooacco h 150 Mary apl508
WrlterhoU Auke!rna hselopg deDI Sl Jos Hosp h 150 Cry&lal dr Robt G (Sn.r••y A) lotmn li~dro h 252 ~cNaug~.IOO avw
Wllwl(;kl Lesley S!Udl II CO\Ier<UIJ! • ROb! W (Diane MJ h 29 Pne.tsant dr
• Tanya I 1 COverdale • Rus~l (Theresa) h 85 Baldoon rd aD16
Wlodarczyk Antoni (lucy) mach opt OOmtar Pacl<agmg h 63 Murray Wm A(Gent'III'Vel)lab Aoc:Jrwelllnll h 12 Oriole pllwy
Robl radio anncr CFCO 63 Murray WOOdall Geo (Agnes) sopt Benn Iron Fndly h 115 Cecile a•
woHindin Peter olce can Fram h 30 Trillium Vrllage apt 205 • Gregory J stud! 85 Cecrle av
Wotlaszyn Jolin Wshpr Weston Bkrs 32 Galbta•th • Phiflp C Sludt 65 Cecrle a•
wm (1/tetor.a 11n32 Galllla•lh v. oodcOCJo. Clwls T Sllldl3 Da'i\d cres
Walafl!;~i Frank (lreoel h 211 Metr•n av c
Petl'f rMMy)lancl agt Unton Gash 31la'.1d cres
Joanne slid 211 lol«rrtt av VI QOdm80 DoogiM A(Unda ./) supvsl Can flam h 26 ~.hllod dr
• l.larv S lthr Sl Ursola Sep SChl h 42 Covetdale .lenll!fer sludl22 ~rand cres
• Tad (Eugenal sup•sr CanC!'1a Post Corpn h 50 CO\Ierdale • Julre res1r ...~, Grrnt & Ttvngs Resu 22 Cumberland cres
Walle. elk Canada Post Corpn n56 Collegoate df • Paul J !'-lar•on Gilomm 8rew1!1"S Wthse h 22 Cumberland cres
WOlle Carl slud1 h 159 Delaware av Woodrow Donald C (()Ia~ WliChr Challla.m·Keot Sec SChl h 136
• Dare B (Mane El !Ttlbtny Pnarm) h 17 Woldroee dr Perkwooddr
Ectwd H tSa!ldta A) pe1101111e! co·ordmalor Ulllon Gas" 627 Wood'; AI!'J W law;et 57 I!Mvey h same
Lacrou ~ F (lorra•ne MJ Slsmn A•vlffll Men's We. n 4 7 Ches:niA
• F106s Mrs h 6 I Elrzabelll dr
• fred C (Ilene AI shop 101mn Wa·•et Automotove h 16 Bar1he - K~Iy s:udl4 7 Chestnol dt
Gordon V !Mary! staff asst Urn011 gash 38 Gladslone ev l A h 210 Park 8\f UDI3
• Gre1a supvsr swtchbd Soulhwestern Reg! ~ntre h 52 Oeechwood • Lorrarne A M•s Jei!Pr T01 Oom Bk h 32 Mnl6 d!
cres apt 4 • M,chllao OOmtar 4 7 Ch~tnul dt
Mane E (Dale) cashr Shopper's Drug Mart 17 Wrldrose dr • Stephron h 250 Pari<
l.larlo. G (Nocole K) pntr Cllatnam PniQ & Decrg II 356 Lacrorx wootco Department Store Glen Crow genl "'9'80 1 Sl Cta•r
• Mu:lll Sludl 29 JacksOil dr WOOICO Ot'par.mPnt SI<Ke Credit Or!tee Mary Hughson 11'0' 801 St
• Sandra A Mrs tchr Our Lady of Fauma Sep SChl 627l1Crot11 Ctaor
• wm J (Yvonne Ml (WOlle's Statyl II 29 Jackson dr Woortma'l S H n 343 Grand ave apl606
Wolfersberger Alma Mrs II 159 Gray WO<~ Wear Coroornt•on of canada L•rnded Oa•e M.uon sis & serv
WoiiP"s Stallonery Bill Wolfe mgr 601 Grand ev w rep 46 Byng av
Wolle's Slatronery (Wm J Wolfe)440 Sl Clarr . WOikman Jerrr htdrsr P•CC80111y Sq res Waltaceburg
Wolskr wm A (C8thle O)la;vyer M1rnstrv of AHorney General I'! W01rd ol Flowers !Wm & C011n•e Walrath) 177 Kell dr s
77 Sytveste. dr
Wollrng Ed cabuAAr Wrlldmill Cabt ShoD n 1I K111gsway dr WORLD WIDE TRAVEL AGENCY,
Genv llrrldal acct Ch1Y$itl Shlnrnglon & Co 1146 Hrlletesl Paul Say, Branch Manager
10/ A Complete One-Stop Travel Service
• GezoenU$ A (Ire~ MJ asmblr I H Canada h w s Creek ret 110 Richmond. Box 122,. NTM 51<1
• Jenny M Mrs cllt Kent Credrl Un1011 25 ReniJrw av .......... Phone 351·2222
• Ralph (Wilhelmrnal mntnct Chatham Coach Lines h 146 Berry
• Aayd (Jenny Ml meeh Ray & Ralph's Grge n25 Renfrew av
• Rochd P 148 Berry WOIIh Douglas WIH\'Ienllab Ealon Yale Ltd h 33 McK•nnon dr
l•m Y!pg ctl< Pull G4!111 HOSP 59 W•I!Qwmac IV • Fred fJosepl\m~l lall Slandard Auto Gt= h 397 Sandy$ apt 3
• Norman ISafl~l dry Clnl AllfW lndry h 497 VICIOI•a av
Wong Dav•d cook C811ton Restr h 130 Sheldon •• aDI306 Ted !Elsie! lab Gan Fram n 286 Colbofr!e
M h 87 Ma~y aot 104 Worl/ly John h 195 F01es1
Wonnacon Toni trk dM FrederiCk Transp h s s RIChmond 1~1
Judy 195 F01est
- lad n 1561nst>Hav
Wonnercut Brenda Robinson mgr 425 StClair W01tn~ Cecile (Geo) secy Wortner Gun Wks 5 Elm
WOOd Annie 97 McFarlane av apl I 02 Geo tCecilel (Wonner Gun Wks) h 5 Elm
Br •an J sludt 625 St Clair un11 15 WO<tn~ Gun Wor•s Lid !Geo Wortn!!l) 433 Queen
Oavrd (Eiarne)trl<r Natl Gro h e & Given rd Peter slsmn W01tner Gun Wks 5 Elm
WOOd Oavrd Or orJhodOilt•st 30 Ralergh Woudeflbelg MU«ay (Margl J)latl can Fram lid II 33 o·Ned
Doane M 1etler Royal Bk 29 Pheasant dl WootdenDefg Mananne h 62 Taylor av apt4
• Douglas wks Temp Orascten 85 Baldoon rd apt6 WQlnial. Ted (Wanda) llmkr 1H Canada h 5 CrrSIII dr
• Elorne IDavrd)lomm Community Clnrs Wra1ght Chas S J (MJry) h 195 Uydrcan av eJI
Wood G H Co ltd 0 143 Wel11ngt011w JOlin G (lynn I) fOimn Eaton Yale Lid h 3 Pheasant dr
• Isabella WMrs h 94 Park av w Wressell H<llry B (Patncra) h 114 Park av w
John H (00rrs Alll t 000 Charlng Cross rd unll 25
Wrrghl A resourcr asstlnd•an Cree~ Ad Pub Schl
• JOilathallll.larv Lou) mgr Unron Gash 52 Whrppoorw II cti!S
AUan WtG4!flrudt) II 28.t Colbo111e
. Jos R rEn•d Cl n 55 Ma~a oes wrrg~l Auto Parts Lid iNOimanCross)159 Lacrot<
• Krti~Oil recplnSI House ol SceciiCf!'S • Broan A lett wi<r Campbell Soup h 101 Taylor IV
• L h 14511rng w a012 • Br•an 0 tJane fl elecll cor.:r !59 Elrzabetll h same
• larry P tlors A) ICIIr IndiAn Creel< Rd Pub Schl h 20 Madera • Bruce E eM MJel UA d•em.u Can Fram h 3 Fa111:00rt ,.,
Clt!S 0 B 11 4 Kens•nglon pi
• Leslie G !Karen) stmhr Local 552 h 19 Glenwood dr Dan IBelh) tnQt Rad•o Shack 12 ~lma • .,
• llOyd J (Donna J) macn Supe1101 Tl & Ole h 625 St Cl11r un•l Darrell J (lisa) 11 117 werhngton e
15 • Donna L guard Burns SecUirty 30Trrll•um Village eJ)I303
• Mary 99 Park • Dougras J!.i:Cilellel stUIJ 1140 Trmrrurs cres 1012
• Mehssa J w"-5 Spagtw!tt• Juncl•on Resu 58 Lansdowne av

It's as easy as . . .

to find "WHERE TO BUY IT"

Y~>.omc-.o'ieh M.>.~ 1Nadta1 h 11 Edr\1

WRIGHT Tania stu<D 1 t Ednl
Yamasal.t M •e (Uti I pharm Big 'I Drug Store h 7' Unlvenlty or
• ElwOOd (t.t¥y .Ia~I press opr Mote. W'\eel h 53 Batdoon rd IIlli Yang Saung So-• Cl!flstnn City Ha~ h21' J(tng w~t:~~10
102 Yankovich Fra~• P mbelly PI ~.s St:ongs & Things h 72
• Gari!IIF~rvvdale N16senesl 75 Cross Trl!Uurn Vlll3ge
-~gcna81.1tsll12'l~•· Yll!asl<:aviiCh !<emetll h 19 Zncon pi
Gerald (.kld.lhl pra Cha1lllrrl Bearings & Sills 11 15 Dull Ya!Cil~ F Barry (PatriciaI h 380 Baldoon rd
cres •wh 70 1.1· augP\ton 1v w IIPI6
• Gordon E(IMh J) gmunds~pr Trilhurn Villlge h 30 TnUI\Jfll Yaschuk Wm (l(aV) h 283 Joseph
Vlnaoe ePI303 YlleS k h 5 WPs1
• Ivan C (W•nlll! fl h 386 Lacroo• Yckeos U h 8 Sarllll cres &PliO
· Mit 11 75 Ctosa Vyron II 35 Kenl
• Kenoetn C (lltne l) h 2fi.C ColDOllie Yech ~ll'l\t person Gordons l.lktS h 61 TaMr ev 81l13
·IC!!Melh J (Joame) •\s Belldi• Co II w I G•-en rd Yen David SWCI13-4larl<
·lrncn UIS h 650 Grand a• w apt !lOS · l<ai KOO (l.allong) h 13-4 larl;
• leonard (A"'gell AI !IIOdel m!u ~ fUirn lid h '86 <>- Yeoman J h 28 Ttmmlns em aptJ
·lisa Sludi1S Duff ues T h 273 Queen aot3
· lyle G h 99 Taytofav Yr« K•-ang (Stml Png Can fram h !Ill Parkwood Cit
· Mary A Urs h 33 WyandOII Yip John (Sou M-"1 (li.CkY·In Resll) h 18 Sunset av
• UtMn 1.1 (leona UJ" lilymn EIIOn Ya~ lid h 35 All)(ne a• NP'...soocoo• Restr 18 Sutlllelav
• UoCN R !Patricia Ann) h IS Ceoterbury
• Orwille (f~l I'S ki/IQ!
· Tin Tcm 18 Sunset••
• W!IIStln (Sopllia SI mg~luc!o y-In ~ h 9 Chutchill
'fl righl OM!ie Pool 178 ktng e Yo1 TC Or (Tlll Uell ICI'Ir lambtOtl Ken1 ~ Schl h S3
• Fl.:thd E CO<l'*ner Wrl(ll"ll A® l'lr1s 33 Wyllldol Comworlhev
• FIJC!< 35 Alpne IV \'~.e Zoltan GIll it.Wla E) phyl Ont Depl ot Hee!!h 11 57'
·Rob W (Come) poce~ & reM Shappell Drug Mlrl h '7 1..8ef01•
Orchard His dr ePI302 YOII Donald N S1Udl202 MIIITIY
• Robl rrq ll'a•nee ShO()Oe!S Drug U111 h 250 Park a• w • Gary M wks Ene & Hurorlllt¥ 15la1'1Celll'ld pi
·Robe (hl!lttl e!KI Ce1 Frarn h 45 T1$1111111'1lw Geo A 18erthll slsrnn h 113 1.1-CNauglllon ave
• Rodl< 166 WeUIIIOIOII e • Heallle! Joatt secy Arnold Wa!:On & ComisJ<~ 202
• Rus:stll Alab I HCe'llda h 198 WllllllgiOn e · Jos G(S.monel h 103 Fteldet ••
• Rulh J Mrs IUPI Trllli11rn V"UiaQe 30 Trauum V1llage apt 303 · Kennell> G IUargl AI II 80 Berry
• S h 383 WelllnglOI'o wapi B 2 · l Grace u~ n 202 Murray
·Sherry (Sherry Wtollhl Dsgnsl h 8 Wel1 leo.,ence vI Alma CJ aSS1 aiii'Yllll HCellldl h 15laoce!tetd
Wug'lt Sherry Designs Sherry Wnght ~-mgr 137 kong w pi
· Stewart l(leO<IIII) h 8 Jay pi
• Wm R(Vctoual h 18 Houston
· lOUIS R "'"'I HCelll<la h 145 Gralld av
N Paul 202 t.IJrTay

V.•ISl!n Btuct C mgr Cha'.ela ne flor•ll h 15 TroUJutn V1llage • Rosematv nurv S1 Jos Hasp 11 • 3 Jetbey
1111310 w: 10 h 273 ftellinglon ... apt 7
w·oo~ Gencweta u:s h 266 Plfl<
· Henr,•a~eg&~ secv o·aroen J<dlln Sulml~t & o·Brie~ 268 Pan< Young Amos h 130 Grand ev e
· John H lab Oaymond ltd 266 Par•
BobS 48 Vanderparl< dr
• Brya~ R (Lane! prot eng Yly1he & U!nal h IllS MJCt\eflel ttl
V.ry Clarent'!' (Gaii)Yo1d! ca~ Fram h 66 Forest
Young Celllda l~ Prangley esstlllgl801 Sl Cla•t
Wyn VIa~ (Parn) bUa dM Cha!hem Coach lines h 28 S111!on d
• v. m J iChefyl E1ICJv John M:Grecp Sec SeN h 35 Lecroox · Cecil 0 (Audrey) h 1~ Colborne
ChHH (Chtisll~ Gl planlfllll' Libby M'-"etD& lJbby h 48
Wybenga Jahn (M,vg'.) elect IIWIInCe Oeymond lid h 118 Mcfadden IV
WY9't"18rld EIBonnoe MJ ISSIIormn CMI h 68 Soulllend aes V11l11Rf1J11'- ell
CheryU aecr ell< Ce1 frarn h 18 Couture e1t 1111 1
• !lal1 mecn8Jn & Oon'a Spring Serv et.•ng C«la
• S:~n •b UliiD! Yllleel h 87 Ba!doon rd 1P1'
Dan! R(Sharon Alia!) Eaton Yale Lid 1W1~l h 58
V.1llie & U!nal c;onsulbng engs 111 Herilage rd Ullll 203
w~ one rtucvl (Ken~ Cerpe~ Cenlre) h 225 VIdor•••• Will!!
Donald J lKalllryn Ullab Chtvsler IW•ndsofl h 187 Sylvester
• Yo4a">dl ''~lk Living Thongs 225 Yldoroa av
Wysma~ ~arM IVtrC'el lab I HCenaoa h U West dr
Young Ol•~t'fS ol CtnadltJ N S~Jnnet) 218 Queen
• ph 455 '>lncl-r' 104 510
f'" CheOng h 170 Selkork
GIOI.a h 14 Tay1or avepl'
X · Guy (Ciungi\Red R~ Re\tr & Teveml h 92 Sylves~et d!
Joanne"'"' Chatnarn l!ent Communo!y & Family SeM 45 Oroon
· John C 1.1oanne Slsupv1! Clul<lrt!l"s Aid Socy h 45 Croon btwd
y •e
· John J lab Norlh Amet PlasllcltWelllceburlll Vanderpark
• .105 11 59Lorne •• ep~ C
Ylgl Sallurl J (U1SakO) h 35 Prine~ 1 Ka1tl!een J h 3121ndia:l Cleek td e
YIP~[~ (lr-) (S{leeey \"Ideo) rei Cedlf Springs • lien h 33 Prince Ar1lv ••
· lnnt lE~dl ell< Speedy VIdeo rn Cedlf Spongs · Kit\ C!Y•onne UJ l01mn Ylat.son Concrale Prod h 84 HeaJher dr
Yll<o EJa;ne leCy ~Ken! Community & Fernlly Sen'S 118 Ill h J.43Grlr'llllw t ap1510
t...croo• · U¥~th600Granoa•• ~:'12011
-Jwt>esll~lh 111 Eugenot
• Sa'IG'I 11 Lecro-. IT PAYS TO
·Tarry il'!mr1c:f• llef\'1.-. Clly CowiCCenlrt h 87lorne av
• Thos Tlt.A.e UJ eM< MMiry ol Tran31) & Commuooc:allonl h 118 ADVERTISE IN
• Tony swell 111 [ugenlt


It 1sn't the cost - 1t's the coverage that counts
and you get so much fo r so htlle
when you advertise m the DIRE CTORY

lan>b&~J JohnS rR- Kl tl<r ~1011 Resean:h FoundallOn II

Ze111et Sill h 164 Har.ey
YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN z~renak John h 574 Grand a~!
ASSOCIATION, CHAT AM-KENT letieflllmr!l'd Wm Brad'•y mgt n s Gland ltV w
Zeytonog!u ~ V n a U~adowpat~ N!Jl59 ~ h 132 Sltwwt ~
George Batea, Prealdent Zhuk l.lary • ray tethn 51 Jos Hosp 9 Edna
John Lewla, General Menager Steven IMa~•al lab libby M~l!!ll &lobby 1'1 9 Edna
Randell J Adema, Program Director Z.eball Auto-True> R\!Stprooftng ICI'Iatham!lld 207 Park a~ w
335 King w, N7M 1G2 Z•eioll!o~l Danl J !Rebecca Rl U & dol!mkr SuoenO! Mach &nh
..........Phone 352-0850 756 Grand av e
llgmond San&a casnr Becker's Mtl~ h 376 Park av e apl 4
ldho Wm rep UAW 11111\Jnlon h 2 Jop11n
• M~rav W{M.lrgt Ml tclv M:NaUQIIIOn Av Pub Schl h 93 Choppewa Z,m VJf Farm Ora•""J'! lfranl< EZommet) 99 Cantetbury
dr Zomcfk Vera acct elk I H Canada h 240 McNauglolon av w
• OhvA C h 114 Stanley av Zommtf Abr E {Myrlel dl'tr slsmn L J Oa-ry Prod Lid h 54 Water
• Patrocll h 24 La!\&downf' av AMf' b • pr Ellflll Clla•n Eauio I 7 ~'frey
• Paul n 23 Webb A~ Y secy l•mmer Btos F111m Ora,nage 119 Oela.are av
• Ph~IIIS M~ h 805 Gland av w aot307 • 81anc/1e l.lrr. h 17 Jeftrev
• Rayd s1UOI92 Sylvester dr Bob tFay) h 31 Couture <k
• RQbllal) Htllerott\ & Bradsby Co Lid (Wailar•bu•gl 154 Ctlas O<derly Thametvoew Lodge h 5 MefCef
Cofbomp • Clu<S tSuel elect~ 81!C!oc rtS RA 4
• Roger stodl92 Sylvester dr · ChriSIINI J•l<sChall!aml<ent ViJSeo.JI!I h 127 T~ortv w
• Scon lab General Mach Shop 17 TayiO< ev Cla•re h 49 Ral•ogh
• Shlll~y C credoI ofcr Can Imp Bk of Comm h 60 Maroon av Claude lab C.ty h 8 Edna
• ThOS L ILO<raone} drvr ~mn 8~atroce0atrots h 167 Joseoh • Da'l J (Pal A) mact: Gus Pro Inch 5 PamdQe cres
· Tom INO<mal h 35 Lome •~ OPan lab MOIOI W~ Corpn 54 Waler
• T'ldd W slodl 167 Sylvester dt OotOihv h 10 Elm
Youngs Andw E(Ltle E) h 100 Mcfarlane a~ apl 111 • Ellen (Jerry) tll<pr MaSIN Clnrs & Lndry
· Etta M Mrs Sl!CY Lenover Brosh 94 lnshes •• Frank EIS!Iarron LJ IZ•m·Mol Farm Oralna!)!l h 99 canterbury
Younq·s Jewellers Cra•g Gobson mgr 100 King w uno1122 Geo IHell'fl) IZomml'r Bros F111m !lr'emage) h 119 Oela..-are ••
Youssel Ma~ (MaryAnne! serv mgr Fuel AOPftCaJoens res • Geo J lao Ztmrll"f 8tos farm Dra•nage 119 Delawate av
Leamington Harold J n 15 Witherspoon apl205
Yovtcoc Mike (Joan E) wks Eaton Yale ltd h 35 Collegiate dr H~<oerl A11.4 Evelyn) n 2Q Ku1o.
Ytsma Albl J (Jennoe) h 42 Maote Jas ll MAry Ll studl h 88 O'Neil
· HarOld ~tudt59 Ttssoman av · ~a~ Mrs h 43 Ltvdlcart av
· Jerry J (Detlta AI ton compu1~1 Nail Hdwe h 143 Eltube\11 • Juloe S4 wa~
• Jerry T (CO<neleaJ lab Lloyd Bag Co h 59 TISSiman av • K h 82 Oela..-are av apt306
· Ronald J !Mary Lynn) II & dtemkr Supenor Mach & n h 196 1<111154 Watel
Josf!llh • L11ry h 15 Eoglllh
YuhasZ Roealoe Mrs h 3 Lansdow~~~' av
Yunot Paul (8Ptty) eng Unoon Ga1 h 128 Mercer Ualgt !19 P11~
Vung Ahce h 25 Gray aot 1 • Mar•e 49 Ral~ogh
• M3•k (Dawn~I trenct>ef opr Z8T Lkl h 32 LacrOIX apt2
Yur~ Rose Mrs h 54 Edgar
Y~~~~~woch Arlhul lab A Gold & Sons n 199 Stanley a• ap« 5 • Ma<la M 10 Elm
l.lary E1M<dll) sten Kent N~ Sff\'1Ce 23 Svdbury dr
1.1 ~~~~A (Brenda 5) adv siS Chatham [)a!ly News n 43 St
z M•CtlaPI a~
M• ·111 H tMaryl asmblr can fram h 23 SudD\Iy dl
• MOiley F)' 10 Elm
• Rosemary Soster nurse The Pones 52 Cross
lacharczuk Mtchl lab City h 13 l l'leedsmuor ev e
Zagagttonl Albt (Pitllcta) auto body reprmn F L Waekens Ltd 20 • Wayne studI 119 Oelaware av
Mary Wm tEorth Chain Equop} 17 ~ftrey
Tony tEvelyn) n 20 u ary Z,mmeunan CJaooro 49 Ordon blvd
Zajdel Gustaw tAneana) h 15 Redbud dr • Oar10 (RuthI wks I f1 canada h 251 Grand ave
• Ja~ (Julie) lab Ont Eng Suspension (81enllefm) h 129 Tlsslman • Ed'*d 49 Or don blvd
• Emtho (Angetallab Eaton Yale Ltd h 49 Orden bl\ltl
Jar\PII 12Q lissrman a• Rob h 53 Sell!l'nyn av aot1
· ltonard !Ualrellab I H Canacla h 2Q Sylvester dl Zonck Terry (Rosel 11M EarlE Auston & Son h 12 Otthard Hts
Zardllk John (Sandra} lab I H Canada h 11 College drapl3
• SUlanne P Sludl II Coli~~ Zo119a fred IMarg) mgr Riviera Ha" Sties h 145 Timmins cres
Za~ Steve llle~ther) mng ed Challlam Dally News res R R 2 apt4
lakoor Odette II 244 McH3ughlon av w< AMell~ tlarryl leh< Sl Joseph 5eo Schl 206 Olley dr
Zaleski F h 30 Trilloum Vtlla<)4' apt 607 · Larry 8 tAnnenel fa11ner n 206 Otley dl
• Lerry h 10 I Oelawllle av Zovance Oanl h 40 Trilloum Vollage apt 804
Zander Adam (Vernettal h 66 Hll\'ey Zrvichlena Mrs 508 LacrOix
Zan~ngll Anoia eoonst>IJO< Southwesll!fn Regl Cenlle h 25-1'2 Sieve n 118 Roverv•e,.. dr apl622
Pronce n Zrv• OVICII LOUtS $tneyor Zomme1 Bros h 4 Gtay lpl2
· Bert J (Cerrone) carp 8 J Consu h 245 Queen Zmuda John M(Joanne) quaroty coni!OI MOIDt Wheel Corl)n h 6
• Cor11ne (Bell) slscl~ Shorley K 245 Queen wldl05e<k
·Fred h 805 Grind av w apt603 Znachol Eh 600 Grand av w apt7010
• Freato. J tEiiz) cabtmkr Leeds Cabts h 169 Sheldon av • RudoiP" IMary T) auto mech K Mall h 20 Madonna czes
• Henry IAhceJ n 33 Bunon av Zoeltman Wm !Orrkle) lab UbOY !AcNe. I & libby h 8 W•lnerspoOI!
(Oiv. 386398 Ontario Limited)
Zoldf Goldwyn T (Maiyanne) cons1141 0 Voctona av h same ZUIDEMA INTERIORS LTD,
- Nora 1200'Ne•l Klaaa Zuidema, President
Zoooervan Alex (H•Ida S) jan Chatham Dlst Christian Sec Schl h Henry Zuidema, Vlc:a-Presldant
t 14 Ptonce Arthur av Harry Zuidema, Sac:ratary-Traasurar
• Aneta IChr Calvon Chnsloan Schl h 42 Oufferln av apl 4 Cullom Made Draperies, Carpeting,
- Margl (l.larvon) teller Bk of Mont 133 Ptonce Artbur av Wallpaper, VInyl Floors. Caramlc:a,
- Marvoo M (Margl) mntnce eled can Canners !Dresden) h 133 Venetian Bllnda, Woven Wood Shadea,
Pnnce Arthur av Shop At Home Service
Sian S (Helly) (Zondervan ConSir) h 111 Tiss1man av 31 McNaughton av (Wallac:aburg), N8A 1R7
.......•.. Phone 827-4842
Zopf Bob h 52 Thornhill cres
Zruna - h 50 Amelia
· Chas J (Shorley) h 76 Tayt01av
- Klaas (~rg1) h 40 Elm apt 201
- Dan studl 76 Taylor av
• N1ck tO.ane) !Zuodema Interiors) h 126 Tweedsmulr av e
· Jos C(lJIIoan A) l!kr 95 Churchill h same
· Ronald slk boy Wootco 126 TweedsmUI!ave
- Robl (Pamela) qualrty control Motor Wheel Corpn h 118
Zurczak Pauline tJos) tchr St Joseph Sep Schl res Tilbury
Fielder av
Zurfluh Marton B (Norma J) lab Eaton Yale Ud h 33 Grant
- Sh 19Grat
Todd h 274-1'2 St Claor
• Shorley (Chuck) 76 Taylor av
Zsoros Helen (Moke) dnrl assl Or M A Chomeyl(o 20 OriOle Pkwy ZURICH INSURANCE COMPANY,
• Moke (Helen) wks Southwestern Regl Cenke h 20 Oriole pkwy Claims Adjustare Otflc:a
Zubyk Geo (Joan) prOject supvsr Momstry or Tr11nsp & CommuniC 382 Wallington w •.••..•• Phona 352~810
h 12 Beechwood cres
lunch ufe Insurance Wayne R cadolie agl 111 St Clair
Zucca AMamana doe1a-typtst St Jos Hosp 149 Tecumseh rd Zwohnsko Albl E lab Eaton Spungs (Wallac:eburg)
-lolanda hsekpr Pub Gent Hosp h 149 Tecumseh rd h 45 Maryknoll rd
Zwdema Cnas R wks RoniJema Constr 126 Tweedsmuor av e Zych Freda hbrn Chatham Pub libry 191 Uydlcan av ext

· Mary Mrs H 191 Llydocan av elCl

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