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S8/FM firmware changelog

Command to update to the latest firmware version:


Update to above version will cause a turn off ETOLL feature - only if a device had version older
than Sep 14 2021 16:08:48. It is required to turn it on again using ETOLL command after update if
ETOLL feature was turned on before the update!

● SV: Mar 27 2024 13:30:35

○ It has been added
○ Removed comma (marked on yellow) from the response TACHOREQFTP
containing the names of downloaded files DDD:
○ The bug causing sudden loss of data read from the CAN bus has been fixed.
A restart or resynchronization now restores data reading.The bug causing
sudden loss of data read from the CAN bus has been fixed. Restart or
resynchronization was restoring data reading.
○ The functionality of the SLEEPMODE function has been corrected, as it was
not working properly on versions SV: Mar 4 2024 22:50:53 and SV: Feb 16
2024 11:45:18.
● SV: Mar 4 2024 22:50:53
○ It has been added
■ DTCREAD command
○ The minimum state change duration for EXPANDER PRO MODULE inputs has
been reduced to register changes and generate data frames (1 means 200-
400 ms)
○ Wake-up functionality for the CAN module has been added after sending a
command to it, provided that its sleep mode is enabled after turning off the
○ Control over output JP1-2 for S10.5 terminals has been blocked, where this
wire is used for connecting the D8 signal
● SV: Feb 16 2024 11:45:18
○ It has been added
■ bits 6, 7, 8 in [inputs2] field (new event number = 122 for bits 7, 8)
S8/FM firmware changelog

■ ZCONFIG3:10 - fuel inlet protection handling for ZWP-Q80

(Bluetooth) (EN) Fuel inlet protection - ZWP-Q80
■ ZVALUE2:21
○ It has been removed
○ Rarely occurring problems with incorrect date or time in data frames have
been fixed
○ Changes have been made to the operation of the CIPIA-FS10 camera (EN)
○ Fixed an error causing the lockup of other functions on the white connector
when the 3D sensor is activated
○ The sending of the first incorrect frame of the DDD file has been corrected
○ The operation of the RAWGPS command has been improved
○ Corrections related to frame generation based on event 121 have been
implemented - in rare situations, spam of this event could occur
○ Transitioning the GPS module into GLP mode instead of disabling it in sleep
modes has been implemented
● SV: Dec 1 2023 12:06:40
○ The CAN module update process has been improved using the CANUPDATE
command, and additional logs are now collected during this process
○ Recognition of the "_" character when sending commands via SMS has been
○ Fixed a rare situation where incorrect date appeared when the GPS signal
dropped to 0 - this issue was observed only in the case of S10 terminals
○ A "MODE" parameter has been added to the LTC command
Note: Enabling this function requires restarting the device for the update
to take effect
○ Added TILT3D command
○ Added ZVALUE2:20
● SV: Nov 6 2023 16:58:45
○ Fixed generating event 121 (driver mode change), it has been noticed that
sometimes in the data frame with this event number, the driver's mode did
not change
○ Fixed downloading DDD files by terminals with EG915 modems..., the issue
may have occurred only on the mentioned software versions: SV: Aug 28
2023 18:34:25, SV: Oct 13 2023 15:21:54
● SV: Oct 13 2023 15:21:54
○ Added Expander Pro Module input and output support (eventid 14 = input,
eventid 203/208 = output)
○ Added new conversion factor for [total_fuel] field from electric cars (total
effective energy used)
○ Added CIPIA-FS10 support (more here: (EN) CIPIA-FS10)
S8/FM firmware changelog

○ Fixed JP1-2 output operation

○ Fixed data presentation in the data frame from the BYD machines
○ Fixed disconnecting while sending TACHOFILE (observed on modem M95
with firmware 28 Aug 2023)
○ Fixed modes 3, 4, 5 of the NETLISTENABLE command - using these modes
could cause that GSM modem went into manual logging mode what finally
was the reason of lost communication with the device
○ Deleted commands/features:
● SV: Aug 28 2023 18:34:25
○ Added GEOSPEEDDELAY command (more here: (EN) GEOSPEEDEVENT
- Description of functionality)
● SV: Aug 21 2023 11:52:05
○ Added Himoinsa CEM7 power generators support by S10 devices
○ Added commands:
○ Added CANDEBUG modes:
■ mode 5
■ mode 6
○ Increased CANCMD command length from 40B to 80B
○ Changed CAN module reset type from main power reset to reset by
command after AUTOSYNC procedure
○ Fixed appearing of incorrect values in the fields with data from the CAN bus
○ Disabled turning off GPS module when RTC is not on the board
○ Deleted commands/features:
● SV: May 29 2023 16:24:31
○ Production improvements
● SV: May 11 2023 12:55:04
S8/FM firmware changelog

○ Fixed counting values in [Drive_time_over_rpmlimit] and

[Drive_time_over_speedlimit] fields
● SV: Mar 8 2023 10:56:22
○ Improvement of logging to GSM network in case of EG912 modems
○ Added ZCONFIG3:29
○ Added bit 4 in [inputs2] field
● SV: Dec 7 2022 13:33:12
○ Change in event 25 generating - every time when main power will be
connecting, event 25 will be generated
○ Fixed unexpected resets in case of FM15 CAN
○ Added ZCONFIG3:28
○ Added BTLE module support by Expander Pro Module
● SV: Oct 17 2022 16:15:26
○ Improvement of CANPARSER working
○ Fixed error with counting values to [ecopedalpress] fields when
DRIVINGSPEEDMODELIMITS was set to other values than 0,0,0
○ Fixed error with setting ID 500 using CARSET
○ Fixed occurrences when cutted data frames or other uncorrect packets
could appear after second TACHOSTATUS response
○ Fixed error with counting GPS distance
○ Added auto-resetting of BTLE module in case of any problems with its
working when ZCONFIG3:19 or ZCONFIG3:20 is turned on
○ Added possibility to program one temperature sensor to more than 1 field
○ Added ZCONFIG3:27
● SV: Aug 17 2022 14:43:32
○ Fixed error with counting values to [ecopedalpress…] fields
○ Added ZCONFIG3:24, 25, 26
● SV: Apr 29 2022 10:38:12
○ Fixed logging sim card to GSM network in case of EG912Y-EU LTE modem
(PCB: S8_v31)
○ Added ZVALUE2:19
○ Added ZCONFIG3:7
○ Added ZCONFIG3:23
● SV: Mar 24 2022 13:42:42
○ Fixed ZCONFIG:5
○ Added ZCONFIG3:21, 22
○ Added ZVALUE2:18
● SV: Mar 9 2022 14:53:42
○ Fixed GETPOSITION answer - deleted $QR:GETPOSITION=...
○ Fixed an error in ELA INNOVATIONS feature that the device returns 0000
instead of FFFF in [R2] field when proximity/humidity sensor was not in
bluetooth module range
○ Deleted possibility to set password longer than 4 characters (it was not
compatible with information in the technical documentation)
○ Fixed NETLISTENABLE mode 1 - before this fix GSM signal was not
○ Fixed ETOLL zone
○ Added ZCONFIG3:18
○ Added ZCONFIG3:19
S8/FM firmware changelog

○ Added ZCONFIG3:20
○ Added ZVALUE2:16
○ Added ZVALUE2:17
○ Added S10.2/S10.3 support
● SV: Oct 21 2021 16:50:49
○ Added ZCONFIG3: 17
● SV: Sep 27 2021 18:57:58
○ Fixed problems with event id 23 when DALLASMODE is set to 1
● SV: Sep 14 2021 16:08:48
○ Added TOW3D
○ Added ZVALUE2: 14
○ Added ZCONFIG3: 15, 16
○ Added possibility to set input/inputs as additional condiition to generate
ETOLL packets
(PL) ETOLL - System Poboru Opłaty Elektronicznej Krajowej
Administracji Skarbowej
○ Added ETOLL LED diode state in [RANGE] field
(PL) ETOLL - System Poboru Opłaty Elektronicznej Krajowej
Administracji Skarbowej
○ Added event id 127
○ Added PTO state in [inputs2] field
○ Fixed lack of $OK for ZCONFIG commands
○ Improved CARSET command working
○ Improved SOFTUPDATE command working
● SV: Jul 5 2021 13:32:41
○ Added ETOLL command
(PL) ETOLL - System Poboru Opłaty Elektronicznej Krajowej
Administracji Skarbowej
● SV: Mar 9 2021 08:29:23
○ Added AUTOOUTS command
○ Added ZCONFIG3:13
○ Added ZCONFIG3:14
○ Added 0xFB 0xF6 (description in sleepmode command)
○ Added family code 0x09 as thermometer code
● SV: Jan 7 2021 16:33:04
○ Added BLEMACFILTER command
(EN) BTLE - Bluetooth identification
○ Fixed counting time in [Total_driving_time_with_accelerator_kick_down]
● SV: Dec 15 2020 13:49:38
○ Added Live Tacho Counters
(EN) Live Tacho Counters
○ Added ZVALUE:9
○ Added DALLASIDBUTTON command
○ Added TRACKING2, TRACKROAM2 commands
○ Added new ELA INNOVATIONS sensors
(EN) ELA INNOVATIONS - Bluetooth sensors
S8/FM firmware changelog

○ Added ZCONFIG3:12
○ Fixed TRUCK TE550 support
(PL) TE550 truck III - instrukcja podłączenia
○ Fixed 121 event spam (TMR module has to be updated to version
○ Modified ZVALUE2:13 to binary mask
● SV: Sep 24 2020 20:05:39
○ Added ZVALUE2:13 - it provides possibility to choose other input than
ignition to start immodallas feature
○ Added ANALOGFILTER3D command
○ Fixed spam of event id 54 in case of disconnect only “+” of 1-Wire
○ Fixed ZCONFIG3:4 - CAREDRIVE MR688 support
○ Fixed problems with logging to GSM network by 3G modems
● SV: Aug 3 2020 12:38:28
○ Added event id 10 for towing stop (TOW command)
○ Added BLEVOLTAGE command
(EN) BLE Eddystone UID/TLM
○ Added DALLAS iButton's with family code = 0x09
○ Added a lock against updating TMR 1.6 bootloader using firmware 2.*.*.*
○ Fixed ZVALUE2:5
○ Fixed error codes
● SV: May 14 2020 19:20:42
○ Added ANGLE command
○ Added SPEEDALARM mode 4
○ Added programming ELA Blue COIN T TAG’s using TEMPID command
○ Added state (connected/disconnected) of BTLE module in field [inputs2] (old
○ Added new parameter (0x16) for total fuel in case of LNG
● SV: Apr 2 2020 16:41:18
○ Added ZCONFIG3:10 - ELA Blue COIN T TAG’s support
(EN) BLUE COIN T - waterproof Bluetooth temperature sensor
○ Added SPEEDALARM mode 3
○ Added filtering for BLE TAG’s - if they are not available then field in data
frame will be blank instead of inserting ‘0’
○ Added engine speed and fuel level for Himoinsa CEM7 power generators
○ Added BLE Eddystone TAG’s support
(EN) BLE Eddystone UID/TLM
○ Fixed issue what was causing activating JP1-4 after disconnecting main
○ Fixed issue what was causing that parameters from ZVALUE work only after
device restart
○ Fixed reading SMID card number using SMID command
● SV: Feb 11 2020 16:29:00
○ Fixed ZCONFIG3:6
○ Added ZCONFIG3:9
● SV: Feb 7 2020
○ Added ZVALUE2:9
S8/FM firmware changelog

● SV: Jan 30 2020

○ Fixed ZCONFIG2:2
● SV: Jan 22 2020
○ Other improvements
● SV: Jan 21 2020
○ Fixed support of sending commands to devices from TRUPHONE SMS gate
● SV: Jan 16 2020
○ Added support of sending commands to devices from TRUPHONE SMS gate
● SV: Jan 15 2020
○ Added ZVALUE2:8
● SV: Jan 9 2020Fixed caching adblue field
○ Added new event for ZVALUE:23 feature (eventid = 30)
● SV: Dec 20 2019
○ Fixed mode 2 of IGNITION command in case of lack of GPS signal (ignition
was not turning off in case of lack of GPS signal)
● SV: Dec 19 2019
○ Added ZVALUE2:7
● SV: Dec 13 2019
○ Added ZVALUE2:6
○ Added DALLAS buttons support with family code 0x81
○ Added INSERTGPS command
● SV: Dec 10 2019
○ Fixed problems with password to terminal shorter than 4 signs (before,
inserting password shorter than 4 signs could locked device)
● SV: Dec 6 2019
○ Added caching adblue field
● SV: Nov 26 2019
○ Fixed problems with mode 3 of SETGPSKM command in case of lack of GPS
signal (total distance GPS was disappearing from total_distance field)
● SV: Nov 22 2019
○ Added RH-21-1WIRE HUMIDITY SENSOR support[DK1]
● SV: Nov 8 2019 16:59:39
○ Fixed disappearing BTLE tags
● SV: Nov 7 2019 12:17:58
○ Added ZCONFIG3:8 – dedicated customer feature
○ Added ZVALUE2:5
● SV: Oct 11 2019 16:43:53
○ Added read BTLE tags without any filters according to BTLE protocol
● SV: Oct 10 2019 17:35:28
○ Added VOLTCHANGE feature
● SV: Oct 8 2019 17:06:20
○ Fixed BTLE module support (BTLE module was going to sleep sometimes and
was not sending information about visible BTLE tags)
● SV: Sep 6 2019 14:13:33
○ Added ZCONFIG3:6 – dedicated customer feature
● SV: Sep 4 2019 17:17:09
○ Fixed ZMASK – works with OUTS command with OutputControl parameter in
mode 2
○ Added event 39
● SV: Sep 3 2019 17:50:26
S8/FM firmware changelog

○ Added new function- After recognizing CAN for machinery inserting in field
VoltageAnalog4 voltage of accumulator and in field RANGE temperature of
○ Added new command FORMATNAME
● SV: Aug 27 2019 17:13:02
○ Added ZCONFIG2:3
● SV: Aug 22 2019 18:12:55
○ Added ACCAUTH mode 2
● SV: Aug 19 2019 16:43:50
○ Added inserting voltage value from JP1-5 input to [VoltageAnalog3] field in
case of FM11 IP67 TMP (EXTENDED)
● SV: Aug 12 2019 16:15:22
○ Fixed logging sim card to GSM in case of using 3G modems
● SV: Aug 6 2019 16:27:02
○ Fixed refreshing value in the [tachograph] field
● SV: Aug 1 2019 14:15:39
○ Changed requirements for generating data frames in roaming network in
case lack of GSM signal (earlier, data frames will be generating according to
○ Fixed IGNITION mode 2
● SV: Jul 18 2019 16:55:28
○ Added ZCONFIG3:5
● SV: Jul 8 2019 14:11:37
○ Added NETLISTENABLE: 3,4,5
● SV: Jul 5 2019 12:47:08
○ Fixed events 120 and 121 generation
● SV: Jun 28 2019 16:30:11
○ Fixed ZVALUE:30
● SV: Jun 27 2019 11:55:29
○ Fixed DRVID spamming after turning on ZCONFIG:20
● SV: Jun 26 2019 17:15:24
○ Fixed receiving commands when device is in SLEEPMODE
● SV: Jun 25 2019 15:00:38
○ Fixed events 22 and 23 generation
● SV: Jun 24 2019 16:38:39
○ Added state of CAREDRIVE MR688B (connected/disconnected)
○ Added information about network type – TECH parameter in SS command
● SV: Jun 21 2019 14:54:59
○ Added blocking of displaying indicators (ZVALUE2:4)
○ Added CANSERIAL command
● SV: Jun 18 2019 15:39:18
○ Added asynchronous event when engine temperature indicator appears
(eventid: 168)
○ Added asynchronous event when airbag indicator appears (eventid: 169)
○ Added support asynchronous events from 33 to higher from CAN module
(eventid: 133-167)
● SV: Jun 13 2019 15:05:52
○ Added sending photos support from CAREDRIVE MR688B
● SV: Jun 5 2019 13:46:58
○ Added CAREDRIVE MR688B support (ZCONFIG3:4)
S8/FM firmware changelog

● SV: May 28 2019 16:38:04

○ Fixed JP1-4 input working without main power
● SV: May 15 2019 15:15:23
○ Fixed counting total fuel for parameter format 0x06
● SV: May 14 2019 15:52:45
○ Fixed displaying temperatures from DALLAS sensors in first data frame after
waked up from SLEEPMODE
● SV: Mar 20 2019 17:57:33
○ Upgraded OUTS
○ Added new parameter to OUTS:2 - pairing of the output with the input (if
the input is enabled, the output will be controlled for the time specified in
the [Duration] field)
● SV: Apr 8 2019 13:55:47
○ Added support DALLAS keys with family code 0x08
● SV: Mar 12 2019 13:24:47
○ Upgraded random-access memory
● SV: Mar 11 2019 14:23:32
○ Added field [priority_zones] to GEOSPEED command
● SV: Mar 8 2019 15:12:40
○ Modified SMS-PDU parsing
● SV: Mar 7 2019 12:41:19
○ Upgraded GEOSPEEDEVENT feature
● SV: Feb 27 2019 09:49:01
○ Fixed generating events after wake up from SLEEPMODE
● SV: Feb 19 2019 16:53:11
○ Added saving data frames into archive in case of using SLEEPMODE
○ Upgraded POWERMODE:3 - works in conjunction with ZVALUE2:3
○ Added ZVALUE2:3 - selection of input to the POWERMODE:3 function
● SV: Feb 18 2019 17:12:15
○ Fixed BTLE module support
○ Added 1-Wire support in case of using SLEEPMODE
● SV: Feb 6 2019 12:30:25
○ Fixed IMEI command
● SV: Feb 5 2019 16:39:14
○ Upgraded ZCONFIG2:1 - from version Feb 5 2019 16:39:14 in case of S8.5
terminal there is no need to turn on this option
● SV: Feb 4 2019 14:29:38
○ Added support for commands sent by SMS for 3G and LTE-M modems.
● SV: Jan 31 2019 13:49:22
○ Fixed EVENTID:54
● SV: Jan 30 2019 17:59:28
COUNTERS functionality (ask your supplier for more details)
○ Added EVENTID:54 - is responsible for connecting/ disconnecting the
thermometer to/ from the Terminal
● SV: Jan 23 2019 13:09:45
● SV: Jan 15 2019 15:58:36
○ Fixed ZVALUE2:1 and 2.
● SV: Jan 10 2019 16:23:38
○ Added new command – ZVALUE2
S8/FM firmware changelog

○ Added ZVALUE2:1 - time after which output 2 will turn on in lack of GPS
signal or lack of GSM signal or no connection with the TCP server
○ Added ZVALUE2:2 – time after which output 2 will be turned off
○ Added new command ZCONFIG3
○ Added ZCONFIG3:2 – inserting in [vehicle_speed] the maximum registered
value from the last data frame
● SV: Dec 19 2018 16:01:32
● SV: Dec 18 2018 15:50:02
○ Added ZCONFIG2: 32
● SV: Dec 12 2018 12:40:25
○ Added new parameters to SETENGINEHOURS
● SV: Dec 7 2018 16:13:48
○ Added new commands – GPSJAMMING, GSMJAMMING
● SV: Dec 4 2018 15:33:17
○ Added event 193- a new event in BLACKBOX has been saved
○ Added parameter 0 in BLACKBOXREAD- returns the latest saved event
● SV: Dec 3 2018 13:59:23
● SV: Nov 28 2018 15:12:51
○ Added BLACKBOXENABLE command
○ Added BLACKBOXREAD command
● SV: Nov 9 2018 16:02:41
○ Added mode “2” in NETLISTENABLE - Semi-automatic logging for 2G / 3G
● SV: Nov 5 2018 16:02:41
○ Changed minimum SLEEPMODE time from 10 to 8 minutes
● SV: Oct 30 2018 16:48:16
● SV: Oct 25 2018 16:44:24
○ Support FM10_v9 PCB
● SV: Oct 22 2018 16:54:27
● SV: Oct 18 2018 15:08:39
○ Added mode “2” in VIRTUALACC- function enabled for FM15
● SV: Oct 16 2018 16:44:34
○ Added GEOSPEED command
○ Increased SMSREPORT from 253 to 1364
● SV: Oct 4 2018 13:39:47
○ Fixed CME ERROR: 4 in case of 3G modems
● SV: Oct 3 2018
○ Fixed Jamming detection in 3G modems
● SV: Oct 1 2018
○ Added Jamming detection in 3G modems
● SV: Sep 28 2018
○ Fixed ZCONFIG2:20
● SV: Sep 21 2018 15:10:31
○ Added ZCONFIG2:31 – SENT-GEO feature
● SV: Sep 17 2018 18:00:15
S8/FM firmware changelog

○ Added ZVALUE:31 – Delay for SENT-GEO feature

● SV: Sep 11 2018 16:33:48
○ Fixed ZVALUE:26
● SV: Aug 27 2018 16:29:19
○ Added support for SMS number up to 20 characters
○ You can add “@” to o command send by SMS
● SV: Aug 16 2018 11:29:40
○ Added ZCONFIG2:30 – Inserting in CAN engine speed maximum amount
between the frames (RPM)
● SV: Aug 14 2018 13:36:45
○ Added ZCONFIG2:29 – Dedicated customer feature
● SV: Aug 3 2018 16:01:02
○ Fixed TIMER mode 1
● SV: Aug 2 2018 15:29:52
○ Added archive compression - increased data frame twice
● SV: Jul 23 2018 17:00:20
○ Fixed EVENTID 34 - When POWERMODE cause gps sleep
● SV: Jul 17 2018 13:50:07
○ Added CANOBD command
● SV: Jul 11 2018 11:43:50
○ Added blocking CAN events above 99
○ Added forcing login before every reading from the tanker
● SV: Jun 28 2018 16:02:22
○ Fixed synchronizing CAN bus in case of TERMINAL FM15 CAN
● SV: Jun 26 2018 13:08:35
○ Fixed problems with refreshing inputs after device reboot
● SV: Jun 22 2018 15:36:56
○ Added mode 5 in SLEEPMODE
● SV: Jun 19 2018 16:54:23
○ Added mode 7 in IGNITION
● SV: Jun 14 2018 14:01:48
○ Increased amount of Dallas iButtons from 1-511 to 1-2047
● SV: May 30 2018 15:54:34
○ Barcode reader support added – ZCONFIG2:27
● SV: May 18 2018 13:38:24
○ Fixed that a device wake up from POWERMODE (modes where GPS sleeps)
and send first TRACKING/TRACKROAM data frame with 0 satellites
● SV: May 9 2018 17:42:26
○ Added ZCONFIG2:23- The feature that allows sending and receiving
commands via Rx, Tx using UARTDATA command
○ Added ZCONFIG2:26- Sending data frames via RS232TTL also with default
baudrate 9600 (other baudrate can be set using ZVALUE30)
● SV: Apr 27 2018 15:15:26
○ Bit7 has been changed to bit3 in inputs for the function which hides position
● SV: Apr 24 2018 14:47:59
○ Added ZVALUE:30- You can set baud rate here 0-115200. Default is 0 treated
as 9600. You can also set unusual values.
● SV: Apr 20 2018 12:30:57
○ ZCONFIG:24- Added sending frames on external port when there is not TCP
connection with the server
● SV: Apr 17 2018 11:34:43
S8/FM firmware changelog

○ Added new parameters to VIRTUALACC – speed, samples to turn ignition on

if switched off
○ Fixed supporting 1-Wire thermometers
● SV: Apr 11 2018 16:51:03
○ Fixed card login in SIM900
○ Fixed fields in frame format F16 – wrong order of fields
● SV: Mar 28 2018 14:27:34
○ Login time GSM BG96/UG96 has been extended
● SV: Mar 26 2018 14:28:59
○ Fixed ZCONFIG2: 20
● SV: Mar 22 2018 15:57:10
○ Added F16 frame format
○ Fixed generating events 195 and 196
○ Added new parameters of ecodriving
● SV: Mar 15 2018
○ ZCONFIG2: 21 – Function IMMODALLAS controls output 2
● ZCONFIG2: 22 – Function IMMODALLAS controls output 3
○ Added dedicated customer features ZVALUE28 and ZVALUE29
● SV: Feb 28 2018
○ ZCONFIG2: 20 – No refreshing GPS position when drivercode field is empty
● SV: Feb 26 2018
○ Fixed generation event 101
● SV: Feb 22 2018
○ Fixed spamming events 22 and 23 when iButton was applied to the reader
all the time
● SV: Feb 20 2018
○ Fixed transmission of data frames from archives
● SV: Jan 23 2018 17:00:46
○ Added supporting the Bluetooth 4.0 Low Energy module
○ Added COPS command that checking list of the available GSM networks
○ Added TTL logic for inputs (ZCONFIG2:18)
○ Fixed working of the 1-Wire LED in case of the FM series
○ Fixed L76 GPS support
○ Fixed CANUPDATE process
○ Fixed LED diode working in case of FM23
○ Fixed generating data frames according to TRACKING/TRACKROAM
○ Fixed counting of analog impulses
○ Fixed wrong values of altitude
● SV: Aug 3 2017 13:13:51
○ Added ECOROLL feature
○ Added events for start/stop impulse counting (for JP2-7)
○ Added EXPANDER support
○ Added new POWERMODE modes
○ Added new SMSREPORT modes
○ Fixed reading of accelerator pedal pressure
○ Fixed communication between Terminal GPRS and Garmin navigation
● SV: Aug 1 2017 16:05:47
○ Added ZVALUE:26 – time for expiring DALLAS authorization
● SV: Apr 24 2017
○ Fixed downloading DDD files
S8/FM firmware changelog

○ Fixed reading of SMID

○ Fixed problem with angle (Device was sending a lot of data if angle have
value 359)
○ Fixed values in [axle_all] and [service_distance] fields
○ Fixed displaying of GSM signal by led diode
○ Fixed Garmin packets
○ Fixed generating data frames by TIMER function
○ Fixed counter of total engine hours in case of GPRS Terminal FM15
○ Fixed SMID request
○ Fixed rapid accelerations and braking counters reading
○ Added refreshing information from tachograph on stops in case of GPRS
Terminal S8.3 D8
○ Added new events basis on the CAN-bus - exceeded accelerator pressure
limit and car START/STOP (ZVALUE 21, 22)
○ Added function that replacing value in [range] field by impulses from JP2-7
○ Added new events that are possible to generate while SLEEPMODE
○ Added function that returns error when DALLASID have index bigger than
○ Added new events basis on DALLAS reader - iButton readed and iButton
○ Added automatically calibration of 3D sensor
○ Added 4th parameter in SLEEPMODE function (for 3D sensor)
○ Added dedicated delay values in INPUTDELAY function
○ Added dedicated customer feature ZVALUE23
○ Added dedicated customer feature POWERMODE3
○ Deleted eventid = 17 in case of GPRS Terminal FM10/FM11
● SV: Nov 15 2016
○ Fixed support of downloading DDD files
○ Fixed correctness of available data in the F12 frame format
○ Fixed the troubles with automatic synchronization of CAN module (no
answer after $OK:AUTOSYNC)
○ Fixed sending data frames from archives
○ Fixed SOFTUPDATE and CANUPDATE procedures
○ Fixed error with generating data frames every 1 second if the value in
heading field is 359
○ Increased range of 1-Wire sensors (cables of sensor can be longer that
earlier – up to 100 meters total)
○ Added GPS Jamming detection (only with GPS modem L76)
○ Added SYNCFRAMEMODE function
● SV: Aug 12 2016
○ Added F12 frame format
○ Fixed support of LI2DH sensor
○ Added support of CME/CMS errors
○ Added Jamming detection
○ Added calibration state of 3D sensor to inputs field
● SV: May 5 2016
○ Zconfig:28 bug fixed with immodallas inverted
○ WIFI module support and bug fixed
○ battery voltage value in F7 fixed
S8/FM firmware changelog

○ Internall changes and optimization (SPI/synchronization process)
○ Sleepmode added new features and bug fix
○ SMS buffer overload bug fixed
○ Modem start procedure fixed
○ Added Quiet mode in WIFI
○ FM10/FM11 support
○ CRC in Can module data bug fixed
● SV: Feb 12 2016
○ IP - DNS during Softupdate process problem fixed
○ CAN data bug fixed (total_fuel and total_distance)
○ Inputs refreshing when input event was generated fixed
○ RTC time bug fixed
● SV: Jan 15 2016
○ FM23 support added
○ Wire support bug fixed (27/31)
○ Softupdate/Canupdate procedure optimization
○ Deleted SETGPSKM automatic change after auto sync CAN procedure
○ Full Mobileye support added
○ Tachograph field optimization
○ Basic bug fixed
● SV: Jul 13 2015 14:35:59
○ Added frame generation lock (startup time 60s)
○ Added buffering last fuel state
○ Changed interaction between VIRTUALACC and IGNITION function.
○ Added new error codes to TACHPOREQ function in accordance with
TACHOREADER documentation ver. 22 April 2015 ( status answer: 17+[bits
○ Added event 120 and event 121 for async changes in TMR D8/KLINE support
(drivers card, driver status and so on…)
● SV: May 21 2015 10:18:12
○ Fixed accelerator field (limit: 8bit length)
● SV: May 11 2015 01:37:16
○ Added new parameters to ANALOGFILTER
● SV: Apr 16 2015 19:42:58
○ DALLASMODE added function
○ CAN TACHO CARD bug fixed
○ CAN D8 BUS detection
○ INPUT bits bug fixed
○ Added sequence number to F0 and F1 frame
● SV: Apr 1 2015 21:09:11
○ TOW bug fixed
○ added Analogfilter function
● SV: Mar 14 2015 01:20:04
○ Range bug fixed
○ CAN FF bug fixed
○ Added ZCONFIG 29 (INP1+-> voltageAnalog1 INP2+->voltageAnalog5)
○ M95 CAN UPDATE added functionality
● SV: Feb 7 2015 17:09:05
○ Tracking 8 bug fixed
○ GSM logic revoke revision 30 Dec.
S8/FM firmware changelog

○ bug fixed (Tr_Present = 1=> axle weight problem)

○ Added new field to $AL+SS command-> TIMER_DEBUG: (current counter
state)| additional info
● SV: Feb 7 2015 17:09:05
● SV: Jan 9 2015 01:14:10
○ Waiting for GSM: 5 minutes
○ Added new field to $AL+SS=0000,? -> MSV: Modem software version
● SV: Jan 5 2015 19:20:10
○ Fixed bug that causes M95 GSM logging with no pin sim card
○ M95 COPS rescue function
● SV: Dec 30 2014 23:13:45
○ Added to detail info "electric car charging"
○ Replaced CAN torque with CAN range value
○ Fixed bug allowing in special condition updating S10 device with wrong
● SV: Dec 26 2014 11:33:12
○ Added startup event blocking mechanism (40 sec)
○ Added auto TIMER counter synchronization with GPS time
○ Added rescue modem command for SA region (AT+COPS=?)
○ Added softupdate firmware for S10 Terminals
● SV: Dec 11 2014 00:41:43
○ Dallas Immobilizer: Only JP2-2 is activated
● SV: Dec 10 2014 08:39:41
○ Added SETGPSKM mode 5
○ Fixed bug that causes inserting wrong values in [mileagegps] field after
device reset
○ Rebuilt Timer mechanism
● SV: Dec 5 2014 11:10:02
○ Removed max value for [engine_temp] = 9999
○ Added frame printing rule: [engine_temp] > 9999 => [engine_temp] = null
● SV: Dec 4 2014 01:23:08
○ Added new value (20) to command ZVALUE. This value is used for CAN
speed correction calculation ( [new speed] =
○ Added max value for [engine_temp] = 9999
○ Fixed bug that causes wrong time measurement in TIMER function

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