Anti Money Laundry Act 2010

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Acts, Ordinances, Bresident?s-Orders and Regulations


F. 9(4)/201b-I,egis.-~he ,foll&ini Act. of ~ i j l i i - e - s h o o r a


.(?arliamentJ .received the assent of the Resident 0 ~ 2 6.t .March,'20!b:is . . h . 1 .' published f6r general informatien:-. ,

I I ,


V ~ IOF' 2010 .



A7 A c i ro proviclr jol- pi-evelrtiolz of nzoJzey lau~zclering 1

is expedieni icj provide f ~ireven:icn of r;.,one~:.!htm.deriri~ i I D' combating financing of terrorism arid forfeiture of property.derivep from, or involved in. honey laundering. or financing of terrorism and for rnatterslconnected. , therewith 01: incidental thereto; . . . . ...

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I: is hereby enacted as follows:I

1 . Short titie, extent and cornmencement.-(1) called rhe Anti-Money Laundering Act, 20 10

This Act may be

It extends to the Whole of Pakistan.

Price : Rs. 30.50


"" " ' I n c IJ..\L.C





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( 3 ) It shall' come into force at once.

2. Definitions.-In the subject or context,


this Act, unless there is anythlilg repugnant in




"attachment" means prohibition of transfer, conversion, disposit~on or movement of property by an order issued under section 8;


".companyn lneans any body corporate and incltides a firm or other association of individuals:;



"CTR" means report'on currency transactions exceeding-such

Committee amount as may be specified byJhe National ~ x e i u t i v e by nqtification in the official Gazette; ., . . . . . . . ': . .

(d) (e)

"Court" means the Court specifieci under section, 30;

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"Director-General" means the Director-General of the FMU appointed under section 6; ,

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(f) . "financial institution" includes any institution carriing on any one . . . I . . or more of the followingactivit-ies,name1.y:- . .',,,


acceptanc;e of deposits and other. repayabie {uunds ,from the , public; lending in whatsoe,ver form;



financial leasing;


. m,,-.~'=-,,




L, --

L ~ l c -l-I lo~ .. ~ 1 , L

issuing and managing means of payments including but not limited to credit and debit cards, cheques, travellers cheques, money orders. bank drafts and electronic money; financ~al guarantees and commitments;


(vii) trading in-

(a) moi~ey inarket instruments; , ( b ) -foreign exchange: (c) exchange, interest rate and index instrumenils;





(d) (e)

transferable securities; and commodity futures trading;

(v~ii) participation in shares issues and the provision of servlces related to such issues; (IX) individual and collective portfolio management; (x) safekeeping and administration of cash or l i q u ~ d securities on behalf of other persons; investing, administering or nlanaglng funds or money on behalf of other persons; insurance business transactions; money and currency changing; and carrying out business as intermediary.



(xiii) (xiv)


. . ! . . . .. , (g): "'ffiscal offence" means an offenck punishable:.underthe Income . . Tax Ordinance 2001 (XLIX of 2001); the ~ e d & a Excise Act, 2005, . : l the ~ u s t o r r i s ' ~ c t9 6 9 ( 1 ~ ' o f 1, 1969) exsept sec'tions -2 (s),-15, 16, 32, 3 2 ~ ' a n d 1.58.thereof; the'sales Tax Act, 1990 an'd any other . law .as the FCdel-zil ~ d v e i n m e nmay notify. in thisbehalf; t .

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"FMU" means the Financial Monitoring Unit established under section 6;


"fcieign ser':cus cffenre" means an offence(i)

against the law of a fore~gn state stated in a cert~ficate issued by. or on behalf of, the government of that foreign State; and which, had it occurred in Pakistan, would have constituted a predicate offence;


(j) "investigating or prosecuting agency" means t h e National Accountability Bureau (NAB), Federal Investigation Agency (FIA), Anti-Narcotics Force (ANF) or any other law enforcement agency as may be notified by the Federal Government for the investigation or prosecution of a predicate offence;



THE GAZETTE OF p i i i i S T ~ N .EXTRA., MARCH 27, 2010



"investigating officer" means the offices nominated or appointed under section 24; "National Executive Committee" means the National Executive Committee constituted under section 5 ;


(m) "non-financial businesses and professions" means real estate

agents. jewellers, dealers in precious metals and precious stones, lawyers, notaries and other legal professionals, accountants, trust and company service providers and such other n o n - f ~ n a n c ~ a l businesses and professions as may be notifled by the Federal Government; (n) "offence of money laundering" has the meaning as defined in section 3 ; "person" means an individual, a firm, an entity, an association or a body of individuals. whether incorporated or not. a company and every other juridical person; "prescribed" means prescribed by rules made under this Act; "proceeds of crime" means any property derlved or obtained directly or indirectly by any person from the commission of a predicate offence or a foreign serious offence;




( r ) . "property" means property or assets of any..desciiption,-whether corporeai or incorporeal, movable or immovable, tangible or to., intangible, and includes deeds and instruments'evibencing.title or interest in, such property or assets, includingcash and monetary instruments, wherever !ocz:ed; (s) LLpredi~ate offence" means an offence specified in the Schedule to this Act; "record" includes the records maintained in the form of books or stored in a computer or any electronic device, or such other form ns may be prescribed; "reporting entity" lneans an entity specified in clause (f] or clause (m) and includes any other entlty designated as such by Federal Government by notification in the official Gazette;







"SBP" means State Bank of Pakistan established under the State Bank of Pakistan Act, 1956 (XXXTJI of 1956);
"Schedule" means a schedule to this Act; "SECP" means Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan established under the Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan Act, 1997 (XLII of 1997); "Suspicious Transactions Report" means the report on suspicious transactions specified under section 7; and

(w) (x)


( ) "transfer" means sale, lease, purchase, mortgage, pledge, gift, loan, z

or any other form of transfer of right, title, possessior~or lien.

3. Offence of money laundering.offence of money laundering, if the person(a)

A person shall be guilty of

acquires, converts. possesses, uses or transfers property, knowing or having reason to believe that such property is proceeds of crime; conceals or disguises thetrue nature, originl'location, disposition, . movegent or ownership'of property, 'knowing or,having reason to . 'believe ,that such property i ~ . ~ r o c e e d scrime;: of





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holds. or possesses on behalf of any other pdrson any property .'- knowing o r h a v i n reason to believe. that such property is proceeds . .. . o'f'; or


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participates i?, associates, conspires to commit, attempts to commit, aid;, faci~i:a:es, or counse!s tho OA--;PS;T\~ v ~ r\f the a r t r ~ ~ specified in clauses (a), (b) and (c).





Explczrzario~z.-The knowledge, intent or purpose required as an element of an offence set forth in this section may be inferred from factual circumstances in accordance with the Qanun-e-Shahadat 1984 (P.O. 10 of 1983). commits the offence of money laundering shall be punishable with rigorous ~mprisonment for a term which shall not be less than one year but may extend to ten years and shall also be liable to fine which may extend to one million rupees and shall also be liable to forfeiture of property involved in the money laundering:

4. P u n i s h m e n t for money laundering.-Whoever




Provided that the aforesaid fine may extend to five million rupees I n case of a company and every director, officer 01. employee'of the company found guilty under thls section shall also be punishable under this sectlon. 5. National Executive Committee to combat money laundering.- (1) Within thirty days of the commencement of this Act the Federal Government shall, by notification in the official Gazette, constitute a committee to be known as the National Executive Committee which shall conslst of the following mernbers,~namely:(a) M ~ n i s t e for Finance or Advisor to the Prime r Minister on Financelconcerned Minister ?./linister for Foreign Affairs Minister for Law and Justice Minister for Interior Governor SBP Chairman SECP - . Chairman NAB Director-Genera1 a n y other member to be nominated by the Federal Government.


(b) (c) (d) (e) (f)

Menzber Member Menzber Menzber Member Member


(2) T h e Director-General, FMU shall s!so act as Secretary of the National Executive Committee.

(3) T h e National Executive Committee shall



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meet regularly . to a e v e l 6 , co-ordinate.and publish an annualnational . . . strategy to fight money .laundering &id financihg of terrorism;. . .
determine offences existing In Paklstan that may be considered to be predicate offences for the purposes of this Act;



and provide g u ~ d a n c e sanction in framing of rules and regulations under this Act;



MARZX 27,20i6,

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(d) make recommendations to the :Federal Government,f o effective ~ implementationof this Act and framing of national policy to combat money laundering and financing of terrorism;:
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i s s u e necessaTy directions to .the 'agencies. involved in the implementation and adrnii~istration this Act; of
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discuss any other issue of national importance relating to money laundering and financing of terrorism; and '


apprbve FMU's budgetary proposals -for achieving the objectives of this Act;
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approve FMU's staffing requirements, pays, a1lowances;privileges and compensation .packages and.other.matters.incidenta1.thereto;
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t a k e measures as neckssary for. development and review of 'performance of investigating agencies, FMU:.and the financial institutions and non-financiai businesses and professions, relating to anti-mone)r.launde;ing and combating financing of terrorism;
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review training programs .for.Government,.financial Institutions, . on-financial businesses and professionsand other persons, relating to. anti-money laundering and combating financins o f terrorism; . . .. . . 'and . . undertake and perl'qrm such other functions as m a y be. assigned to it by the Federal Government, relating to money laundering'and f i n a n c i q of terrorism.
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C m i ~ shz!l b p - z ~ c j e t p d a C ~ n e - e l hx; I Vwu:.-, (4) The Nati~rii! E ~ ~ ~ l j tni ~z rt t e ~ Colnmittce to be composed cf-'


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Secretary Finance .

ClzairnzanM'eniher Menzber Member Member

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(b) (c) (d) (e) (f)

Secretary Interior Secretary F o r e i g ~ Affairs Secretary Law Governor S B P Chairman S E C P





(2) Director-General, FCIW, NAB

(11) (i) Director- General


any other member to be nominated by the Federal Government.

( 5 ) The Director-General, FMU shall also act as Secretary of the General Committee.

(6) The General Committee may invite any person to participate i n the meeting as it deems necessary.

(7) The General Coinmittee shall, i1ztt.r czlia(a) take measures as necessary for development and review of performance of investigating agencies, FMU and the financiai ~nstitu~ions non-iinanciai businesses and professions. relating and LO anti-money laundering and combating i~nancing terrorism; of review training p r o ~ r a m s for.Government: financial institutions, non-financial business'es and professions and other pe'rsons, relating to anti-money laundering a ~ l d combating financing of terrorism; provide necessary assistance to the National Executive Com-mittee in carrying out its functions and duties under this Act; discuss :in> yther issue of national importance relating to money laundering and fina~lcing terrorism; and of undertake and perform such other functi.ons as assigned to i t by the National Executive Committee.





" 6. Financial Monitoring Unit;-(.l) The'Federal Government sha!l, by notification in the Official Gazette, establish a Fiilanciai Monitoring Unit which shall be housed in SBP or at any other place in Pakistan.

( ) The FMU shall have independent decision making authority 2 day-to-day matters coming within its areas of fespol!stbi!icy. .



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(3) A Director-General who shall be a financial sector specialist shall be appointed by the Federal Government in consultation with SBP to head FMU and exercise all powers and functions of the FMU subject to the administrative ovei-si,ohtof the General Corninittee.





"(4). The' FMU 'shill exercise:'fht: f o l ~ o w i n. .~. .. .'.~ o. w e Gperform the . . and.. . . . . . . . . . . fi~nctions, namely:.. . . . .. .
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Transactibns Reports .and CTRs from to receive ~ u s ~ f d i o u s financial institutions and such non-financial businesses and professions&-may.benecessary toacdomplishthe objects ofthis . . . . . Act: .... . .
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Reports and CTRs 'and in to. analyse the Suspicious~Transacti~n . . that respect.theFMU 'may call.for-record and information from . . - any:agency.or-.pewon.:in Pakistan (with;..theexcepfion income. .of . . . - tax information) :t1ie:.transaction:.in_ question. All, such . . :':agencies or..persons :shal.l:be r.eq.iired:to .promptly provide the. . . . . . . . : . . . . . . -. . . requesxed inforination; :. . . . .. . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . .. .. . .. . . (b)
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::(c).. ..todi~semi&te,.. after.~h.avi.n~~:considered +th&-reports having and .reasonxble grounds to suspect, t h e ~ ~ . ~ s ~ i c i ~ u s T i a n s Reports action i . and a n y necessary information :to the.investigating agencies . : . . concerned as:-described(in clause(:) -of-section-2;. . . . .
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(d) .:;.to create :and:maintain-'a. data bas6 ,of ill ~ u s ~ i c i o u ~ ~ i a n s a c t i o n .: : ~ e ~ o andCTRs, re1atedinformation:ind such'other materials ~t.s the ~ i r e c t o ; - ~ t n e r a ldeterminks are. re1evant::td the work of the FMU to in that.respect, theFMU i~authorised establish : -necessary:analyticsoftware ~oeffecti.v.ely . . . . search.:the:database, sort ..and: retrieve :i.nfo&afion :and -perfo.rm real:.time linkaies . with. databases .of .other:-agencies.. o t h .i n . and. b . . : . outside ~ a k i s t a n may .be required from time @time;. as
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( e ) , .. to..coioperate-with financial iritilligenieiimitsin other:.dountnes. share and request.information ,subject to'.re'ciprocal . -agreements.:entered n b y the Federal: Government; . . :::. . "..:...: ... . i

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to represent Pakistan at all'international and regional organisations -and groupings.of financial inte1ligenie:uniti and otkiei international' groups-and forums which address the offence ofinonby:ladridei'in~,~. financing.of-terrorism and other related matters;.. : . . . - . .: . . .

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to submit to t h e ~ a t i o n a Executive Committee an arinua.1report l containing recommendations based upon necessary information.and statistics regarding countermeasures which can bk:taken t6 combatmoney laundering and such reports shal'l prpvide an overall analysis. . and evaluation of. the Suspicious'~ransaction~~eports'limited to details of the:investigations and prosecutions that.havebeen .or




are being conducted in relation to the offence of money laundering or financlAg of terrorism In Pakistan; and in this behalf to call for periodlc reports from investigating and pro~ecuting~agencies such in manner as may be specified by FMU: (h) to frame regulations in consultation with SBP and SECP for ensuring receipt of Suspicious Transaction Reports and CTRs from the financial institutions and non-financial businesses and professions with the approval of the National Execut~ve Committee; to recommend to the regulatory authorities of reporting entities to issue regulations as considered necessary in the context of combating money laundering and financing of terrorism in the areas of customer due diligence and ancillary record-keeping;


(j) to engage a financial institution or an intermediary or such other. non-financial businesses and professions or any of its officers as may be necessary for facilitating implementation of the provisions of this-Act, the rules or. regulations made hereunder; and


to pel-form all such functions ,and exercise all sucli powers as are necessary for, or ancillary to, the attainment of the objects of this Act.


(5) On considering the suspicious transaction report or CTR, the FMU may,.if deems necessary, convey matters involving regulatory or administrative hction to the cbncerned.regulatory or administrative body for ipprop;iate action. . .

(6) Subject to the regulations sanctioned by the National Executive Committee in this behalf, the Director-General may, if there appear to he reasonable grounds to believe that any property is involved in money laundering or financing of terrorism, order freezing of such property, for a maximum period of fifteen days, in any manner that he may deem fit in the circumstances.
7. P r o c e d u r e and m a n n e r of f u r n i s h i n g information by t h e financial institutions o r reporting entities.-(1) Every financial institution shall file with the FMU, to the extent and in the manner prescribed by the FMU, Suspicious Transaction Report conducted or attempted by, at or through that fmanclal institution if the financial institution and reporting entlty knows, suspects, or has reason to suspect that the transaction or a pattern of transactions of whlch the transaction 1s a part -


involves funds derived from illegal activities or is intended or conducted in order to hide or disguise proceeds of crime;





is designed .to evade any 'requirements of this .section:

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has no appare&'la,wfulpurpose after.examining the available facts, including the background and possible purpose of the.transaction; . . .. . .. . . . . or

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involves financing of terrorism:

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Provided that Suspicious TransactionReport shall be.filed-by the financial institutionor rkporting entity with the FMU immedidtely but,not later than:seven working days after-forming that suspicion.

(2) - . A n y other. government agency, .autonomous .body :or regulatory auth~rit~.m~~.shareint~lligen~etheir suspici.ons withih.therneaning of or report ~ ~ F in suspicious transaction r e p o r t ' o r . ~ O ' ~ M U normal course of their: business and the protection provided under section 12 shall be available tosuch agency, . . . body,or authority. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '.: . .
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(3) A ~ ~ C T R S shail; to:the entent a i d i n t h e &annerpresc;ibedby.$e FMU, .be filed by the financial iristitutions'br ieporting entities with the FMU immediately; but,not later than seven. workingdays,-:after. the, . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . transaction. . . ... . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .


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(4).. Every reportini'enti~.~ keep indmaintain all'recordre1.ated to ihall



Suspicious Transactions Reports and CTRs,filed. by it,for.a period.of at least five years after reporting of transactioGunder sub-section's (.1')',':(2)'and(3).
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. ( 5 ] T h e -provisioris of'.this. section..shallhave-effect notwithstanding any obligation a s t o secredy or dther res:trictiori o n t h e di<closureof:information : . . . . . . . .. . . imposed, by any other law or written document: . .
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( G ) . . Notwithstariding anything-containedin anyother:laworthe time us being inforce, any ~ u s ~ i c i o Transaction's Re@orts:required:to.besub~niiied.bji any person .or entity t o any investigating or agency shall, on .the commencement of this. Act, be solely andexclusively submitted to the . . exclusion of ail others.
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8. ~ttachrnkntof p i o p b f t y involved. i n money laundering.-(1) The investigating officer may,' onthe basis of thereport in his possesSion.received from the concerned investigating agency, 6y ofder in writing,'with prior of the Court, provisionally attach property-which he reasonably believes to be proceeds of crime or involved in money laundering for a period not exceeding ninetyydays from the date of the order.




(2) . he investigating officer shall .within forty-eight hours immediately . after attachment under sub-section (I), forward a copy of the. order, alongwith the material inhis possession refeired to in.that sub-section, to the headof the c ~ k e r. n. ~. d i n v e.s t.i g i t i n g . . . agency, in a sealed,&nvelope,in'the .manner as may be prescribed, and the concerned.investigating agency, shall keep such order and .material for. such period'as may be prescribed.
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i ~ (3) ~ v eorder of attachmentmade under sub-section (1) shall cease to have effect after the expir-y of that s u b - s e c t i n o r on of the'finding made under sub-section (2).of section- 9 whicheveris . . . . . . . . . . . earlier. . . . . . .
(4) .Nothing in:thissection :shall prevent the p.eison interested in the. enjoyment of the:immdvable property attached:under sub-section-(13from such . . . . . . ... . enjo:iment;.. " / .; .- ;. .... . - . . . . ... . .:. . .. , . .. . . . . .. . .. . . , , : .." . .

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the purposes of this. sub-section:the.exp;es~iin' "person. interested",. in relation to any,. includes all.persons . . .............. .::. . . . cliiming' .pren'titledto c l k i m a 6 ii-iterest'in the . . . . . . . '. .
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'~x~1arzatiolz.- or

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.. c ~ )'.Th, lnvestigatingbffiCkr'hh~ ', . pioviiional'ly attaches any. property








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under sub-section(1) shall, withina peripd ofthirty-days from suchattachment;' .file a c o r n p l a i n t , ~ . t a tthe~facts.of such attachment before the court. i ~. . . . . .. . . . . . . . .

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9.. ..~nvesti~ation.-(~):~he.investi.~atin~off~cer.shall, than not later


seven dais, from the date of ordkfof attachment madeunder sub-section (l).of section ?,.or, seiiure :1.4 or,-:section'15.;.serv.e: . . a:notice .; .days on the:.person,c6ncerned. T h e notice.:shallcillupon such person' to'indicate the. sources -of -his..income,'earning.:?: assets,::out~~ofwhich or by means o f . which he has acquiredtheproperty attached under. sub- . . section.-(.I3 section 8, o r , seized:underi's'ection.:'14 or section.:!5, the .%viderice of on:which:he.relies and:o.ther:relevant i.nformatioiand:particulars, and to show, the cause why- all.or:any.ofsuch-propertiesiho'uldnbt be':b& propeiti'es involied.iri'moneylaundering and forfeited:tb the:Fed&ral~ o v. e. r. n m e n t :



Provided that where a n.otice under this sub-section specifies any property as being-'he1d:by a person'on'.behalf of any otheiperson;a copy.of.such..notice . . . shall'also'be served upon suchother person: . .
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Provided further that where such property is held jointly by more than one person, Such notice shall be served upon all persons holding such property.


THE GAZETTE OFPAKISTAN; EXTRA., MARCH 27, 2010- - 111 - (2) The investigating officer shall, after-


considering the reply, if any, to. the notice i s s u e d u n d e r subsection (1): hearing the aggrieved person; and taking into account all relevant materials placed on record before him:

(b) (c)

record a findingkwhether all or any other properties referred to in the notice issued under sub-section (1) are involved in money laundering:


- Provided that if the property is claimed by a person, other than a person to whom the notice had been issued,such person shall' also be given an opportunity of being heard to prove that the property i s x o t involved in money laundering.
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(3) Where the investigating officer on. the basis :of report received from the concerned investigating agency determinesunde; sub-section (2) that any property is involvedin money-laundering,he shall apply to:theCourt for an order confirming the attachment-of the prqperty madelunder. sub-s'ecfi;n (.1) of ' section 8 or retention of property or record seized under section 14 or section 15. Such attachment or retention of the seized property or iecord shall..


continue during the pendency of the proceedings relating to any predicate offence or money laundering before a couit; 'and . .

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become final if it is proved in the court thatthe property is-proceeds of crime-orinvolved in money launijeringmd order'of such court becomes f i n d .

(4) 'Where the provisional order of attachment made. under subsection (1) of section 8 , been confirmed.-undersub-section (3), the investigating officer shall forthwith take possession of the attached property:

Provided that where the property seized is perishable in nature or subject to speedy and natural decay, or when the expense of keeping it in custody is likely to exceed its value, the Court may, on the application of the investigating officer; order immediate sale of the property in any manner deemed appropriate i n the circumstances.

(5) Where on conclusion of a trial for any predicate offence or money laundering, the person concerned is acquitted, the attachment of the property or ' retention of the seized property or record under sub-section (3) and n et income, if any, shall cease to have effect.




[TKXT. :

(6) Where the attachment of any property or retention of the seized property or record becomes final under clause (b) of sub-section ( 3 ) ,the Court shall, after giving an opportunity of being heard to the person concerned, make an order for forfeiture of such property.

(7.)After passing the order of forfeiture under sub-section-(6) of section.9, the Court may direct the release of all properties other than the proper-ties involved in 'money laundering to the persons. from whom such properties were seized.
10. Vesting of property in Federal Government.-Where an order of forfeiture has been made under sub-section (6) of section 9 in respect of any property of a person, all the rights and title in such property shall vest absolutely in-the Federal Government free from all encumbrances: Provided that where the Court; after giving an opportunity:of being . heard to any other person interested in the property attached under section 8, or seized under section 14, is ofthe opinion that.any encumbrance on the property or leasehold interest has been created with .a defeat the provisions of this Act, it.may, by order, declare such encumbrance or lease-hold interest to be l void and.thereupon the aforesaid property shall 'vest in the ~ e d e r iGovernment o,r . 'free from sucl~encumbrances leasehold interest: .
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Providedfurther that nothing in:this section shall operate to discharge any person from any liability in respect of such encumbrances, which may be enforced against such person by a suit for damages.
11. . M a n a g e m e n t o f f o r f e i t e d .properties.-(.l) T h e Federal Government may, by order published i n the official Gazette, appoint as many trustees and receivers as it thinks fit to perform the functions of an Administrator.

(2) The Administrator appointed bnder sub-sectj on (1) shall receive and inanage the property in relation to which an order has been made under sub-section (6) of section 9 in such manner and subject to such conditions as may be prescribed.

(3) The Administrator shall also take such measures, as the Federal Government may direct, to dispose of the property which is vested in the Federal Government under section 10:
Provided that. where the property seized is perishable in nature or subject to speedy and natural decay, or when the expense of keeping it in custody is likely to exceed its value. the Administrator may sell it at once after reasonable notice to the Federal Government.





12.;. ..No,c~ivil- criminal.:pro.ceedirigs... . or against. b a n k i n g companies,'.institutions,, etc., i n -certain cases.-Save as otherwise provided in. section 3?the financial..institutions,non-financial businesses and professions and their officers shall not be liable to any civil, criminal or.di'sciplinary proceedings against them for furnishing information required under this Act or the rules and . .. . .. . . . regu.lations made thereunder. . . ... .13. Power of survey.-(1) Notwithstanding anythlng contained 111 any other provisions of this Act, where an investigating officer, on the basis of material in his possession, has reasons to believe that an offence of money laundering has been committed, he may, with the permission of the Court, enter any place,. . *.

.(a):...within the limits o'fthe'area.assig&d t o him; or:..: '


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in respect of which he is authorized for the purposes of this section - . b y . such-.other.authority -who is:..assigned.the:area.-:within which . . . . . such place is situated;
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at which any act constituting the commission ofsuch~~ffenc<is.c~rriedand on, may require any proprietor, employee or any other person who may at that time beattending in any. manner to, or helping -him i:n',:.suchact to,. . . . . . . . .

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(i) ... afford him.thenec.essiry inspect:such.rec.ord as h e may require and which may be,auailableiat:.sbch place;- -: . . - .


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afford him the nicessary facility to check o r verify theproceeds . of cri'Ges o r a n y trinsiction.relat~d proceeds.of crimes which. . . . to . . . . rnai be foundtherein; and . . . .


furnish such information as he may requireas:to any mattei which.

m a y beuseful forior relevantto, i n y p r o . c .~ e d i n ~ i ~this &.kt..' r ~~~de . . . .

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E-~plu~zation.-For the this sub-section, a place, where. an act which constitutes the commission of-the. .offence' is carried on, .s<hallalso . . . - ... include any other .place; whether aGy activity i s carried .on therein o r not, in which t.he person carryingon such adtivity states that any of his records or any part of his property relating to s.uch .act are or is kept. ..
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. . ( ) The investigating officer referred to .insub-section (I), shall, after 2 . entering any place referred to 'in that smb-sectidn and within forty-eight hours immediately after.completion of survey, forward a copy of the report on survey, alongwith the beasons and copies:or details o f t h e materia1.h his possession, t o . the .head of the concerned investigating agen'cy;ina. sealed enieldpe and shall keep such record-andmaterial i n s u c h manner and.for.'suchperiod, a s may be prescribed.

1 14




The investigating officer acting under this section may,place marks of identification on the records inspected by him and make or cause to be made extracts or copies therefrom; make an inventory of any property checked or verified by him; and record the statement of any person present in the-place which may be useful for or relevant to any proceeding under this Act.




14. Search and seizure.-(1) Subject to sub-section (2), where the investigating officer, on the basis of information In his possession, has reason to believe that any person,(a) (b) has committed any act which constitutes money-laundering, is in possession of any proceeds of crime involved in money laundering, oris in possession of any records relating to money-laundering,


then, subject to the rules made in this behalf, he may either authorize any officer subordinate to him, or himself to,(i) enter and search any building, place, vessel, vehicle or aircraft where h e has reason to suspect that such records or proceeds of crime are kept;

( ) break open the lock of any door, box iocker, safe, almirah or other 2
receptacles for exercising the powers conferred by sub-clause (i) where the keys thereof are not available; (iii) (iv) seize any record or property found as a result of such search; place marks of identification on such record or make, or cause to be made, extracts or copies therefrom; make a note or any inventory of such record property; and examine on oath any person, who is found to be in possession or control of any record or property, in respect of all matters relevant for the purposes of any investigation under this Act.

(v) (vi)




' (2) The :po.wers to.-search-under,sub.-section,(..l.-).-shall;be,iexercisable' .. . .the.invest.i.~ating officer withthe prior. permissionrofitheiC.o.urt.:::r.-. . : .- .. .. . . .
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: . 3 . ~- e : . i n ~ & t i g a to r i ~c e ~ s h a l l , w i t h i ~ ~ : ~ f o r t y - e i g h t : h o u r a t e l y : ( ) .h ; iffi ....

after search and seizure, forward' a copy i,of.::the:r.+ort.on::, alongwith the reasons .and.copiesordetails of the material in hispossession, to theihead'ofthe c o n c e r n e d i n ~ e s t i ~ a t agency:in.:ai.seal.eit:en.(ielopeahdshall in~ keep:such .recor.d:and:material'in. suc11:manmer and fo! ~s.uch:perio&as-may: . . . . . . be pres&ribed.
....... . ..:.. .
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offic'kr,'upcn iriformation obtained during (4) Where the ii~vesti~ating sur~~y-:un~er~&c.tiofi:.~3;:.i~s~:~?tis.fied:t~~~tia~j/;e~~~ is-likeiyto be . . -concqa!.ed.or..tamperedw:i tli;::h.e:may,-ifor reasons; to .:be--5ecorded :i.n:.;writing, enter .and search-the.building:or.~lace:wh~resuch evidenceis.lo6ated:and:se.i;ze . . .. - . that evidence. . . . .
. .. .. .. . . .. . .. . . . . .. . .. . . . . . .. .. . . . . . : . .


: .(5).-The investigating.officer, property .undef.this :section,shall; ~ithin:~period.o.f thirty.days from.s.uch:seizure,;filean:appli.cation, requesting for' retention of such record or property before the court.
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. . . . . , . . .. .> :...,.. ... ..:. . ... \,.:. : ...... ~ >. : ; . . . . . . . . ;:. ...... : . . .

i :IS; :~earch:-of:~essbns.-(1):..1:f.~an~ i:nvest.igating:offi;;h-asreaseon. to .. ..believe.:'(the:?eason:for. recorded in:;wri.~fhg) :thaf;ani: person .::has secretedabout..the: .or anything ..under~.his~.pos~sesSion;:.~ow~ers~ip:.or . . :..'control,-anyrecord .or:proceeds .of,;beusefu1~for~~1:~elevan~ to :-any.proceedings under1this..ACJ; he:may,! .. .. theiprior:~p.ermi.ssion of:the Court, . . bensefwl.::for search that .person:and seize . s u c h ~ n e ~ o r d . . o ~ i.~ r o .~ ~ ~ : : : w h : i c h ~ ~ n ~ a ~ . . . ... .. .-' . ....or relevant :tb any proceedings unde; t . h i ~ : ~ c :.,t .::';:.-,;::,;. : . . . .


. . . . (2). . .The .investigatin&officer shal!,:within: forty-eightyhours immediately after .search and:seizure, forwa~d~:a~co~yi~f~~the.~re~ort~on-.sea~ch.~.and:seizure, -along wi.ththe:.reasons.and.copi'eso ~ d e t a i iof .the.material:inihispossession,..:o s - the headtofthe :concerned investigating .agency:in:a.sea,ledenvelope -and.shall 'keep 'skch -record and . . may.:be, . .~. . . . . . prescribed; . . . . . . . . . . . . .: . . . . .. .. .. : . .. .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... .. .. .. . . . .

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(3) - Where an. investigating officer ;has searched any person- and if arrest of such person is necessary, he shalltake such:person..within twenty-four hours to the nearest Judicial Magistrate:


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Provided. that the period of twenty-four~hours.. shall exclude:the time necessary for the journey u;dertaken to take such person to the nearest Magistrate's Court. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . :.. . ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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1 16




. . >(4) -:-:lf.:the. requisition-under subrsection:(3)' is made, the investigating officer. shall ::not.:det'ai:n:the: person..-for.more'thantwehty-four.;.hpurs~ andiif :the 'detention of such .person is requirei for more than twenty-four hours, the ':~in~.~siigatingoffi~er~dliall .obtai.n.-order fsorf.Judicial:Magistrate wbich period . :shall.:in:no;:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . ...:.,. . .... ..:. . . . ....




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.-;:;(5:) Magi.strate:before ;whom any-such.person is broughtishall:, if :. he.:

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.:~he:sees~:no:~reason-abl.e.ground -forrsearch; forthwith: discharge such rperson:

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(6) No female: shall b e searched by a i y one except a .female. . . . . . ...


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(7):'~~he:i~be~ti~~ti~~-officer-~hillrec~id:the staternent;o,f the,person

. . . . . . ..::..

:searqhed:under..:sub-section f:l) :oi~.sub:seetioni'(5;):~~.n-respecte :records: or d:th ..proceeds,of-crime:found. or~sei~e~i.n.:~h~;cours-e~of ..the;.search;........... . .::.:- .. j..:.:. . .
. . . . . . .

. . ..: . . ; :' . . . . . . .

(8) The investigating officer, seizing any.record orproperty under.sub..section -(l)--s:ha~l,iw,ithi.n: a.:period.<bf.thi~ty:-~days.,;fro.m:..such.:~&izure,: file'an . . application~requesting-for retention-.of~such~recorddd.or~proper~y~before.theCourt.
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. .. . .. . . . . , .. . ..... . . ,.; . . . . . . _ . . . .: .. .. .. : . . '. . . . . . . . . .

.16. Power to arrest.- (1). If the.investigating officer. or any other df~icer.of-.:the:agency :section 24 ,authorized i n . .this::behalfi by~th~~~edera~i'~o~ernment,:b.general..or., on..the -special.-order;: . . basis-of-rnater.ial':i~n;hi~.~ossession, yeaion;to believe;.(the r~ason:for.~such:belief :be:-recorded in - w;iting).-that .any..persbn..:has:.been'.of-:a? .6ffe"ce . .;:~hemay .after.6btiining.-warrant,:from::the .~ou.rt..or . . such:person.-gnd shal1,'as-:soon:.asmay be, :. .. . . .... : . inform him.';of.thegrounds.for such -arrest,:':. . . . . '.:. ..: . . -. . . . .
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r:. . . . . :2(2)::.Th e.investigating offic-er:or~.any'other.officer;: case m,, as:fhe -~shall;:irnm~di.ately:.after-.arrest~~of such perso~:u~de::s~~:.b-sec:i~~ (I-)forward a

cbpy..of.the order along.w.i.ththe copies or: details.:ofthelrnhteria1,in hispossession referred to.inl-thatsub-section to:the.head:of.the.concerned .investigating agency .aiency shall in .the manner:as ..maybe:~prescribed..and.,s~ch . keep such order and material for such period as may-be prescribed.
. . c3) . Every person. arrestkd inder sub-section- (1) .shall,within twenty. . four hours be.taken to a judicial magistrate having-jurisdiction:, . .
. . .

Provided that the periodof twenty-four hours shall exclude the time .necessary:for.the journey from the place of arrest to t h e ~ a g i s t r a t e ' scourt.

17. Retention ) Where any property .hasbeen seized under section 14 or section 15 and the investigating officer has, on.the basis of


i 17

material in his possession, reason to believe that such property is required to be retained for ihe purposes of investigation under section 9 such property may be reta~nedfor a period not exceeding ninety days from the time such property was seized: Provided that the investigating officer shall duly inform the Court about any peculiar nature of the seized property and, where necessary, seek appropriate directions for its proper care during retention. (2) The investigating officer, immediately after he has passed an order for retention of property for purposes of investigation under section 9, shall forward a copy of the order along with thecopies or-details of the-material-in his possession, referred to in sub- section (1) to the head of the concerned investigating agency, in a sealed envelop, in the manner as-may be prescribed, and the agency shall keep such record and material for such period ascmay-be prescribed.


(3) On the expiry of the period specified under sub-section ( I ) , the

property shall be returned to the person from whom such property was seized unless the Court permits retention of such pToperty beyond the said period.

(4) The Court, before authorizing the retention of such property beyond the period specified in sub-section ( I ) , shall satisfy itself that the property is prinza facie involved i n money laundering and the property is required for the purposes of investigation-under section 9.
( 5 ) After passing the order of forfeiture under sub-section (6) of section 9, the Court shall direct the release of all properties other than the properties involved in money laundering to the persons from whom such properties were seized.

18. Retention of records.-(1) Where any record has been seized under section 14 or section 15 and the investigating officer has reason to beIieve that any of such records are required to be retained for an inquiry underm~his Act, he may retain such records for a period not exceeding ninety days from the time the record was seized. (2) The person, from whom records were seized, shall be entitled to obtain copies of records retained under sub-section (1).
(3) On the expiry of the period specified under sub-section ( I ) , the records shall be returned to the person from whom such records were seized unless the Court permits retention of such records beyond the said period.


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::(4)ii-TheCourtbefore authorizing the retention of such records beyond the period men.tioned:in sub-section (1) shall satisfy itself that the records were required for the.Purposes'.ofinvestigation undersection 9.' . '':. ':

( 5 ) After passing of an order of forfeiture.under sub-section (6) of section-9; the~Court.shall:direct~ the.releaseof the records :to;.theperson from whom such -records.wereseized.. .. .... . .
19. Presumption,.as t o records o r property i n certain cases.Where-any-documentof public record is found in. the possessiontor control of a any -person:in the course . o f a. su-rv'ey-OK :search ; any predi.cate offence o r : w h e r e any been received .from .any p l a c e outside Pakistan duly adthenticate&by such.authority .or person and in-s.uchmanner as may .be prescribed. in;the course.of proceedings-.underthis Act,the Court or the . . .. . . ... . . . . . . investigating agency, as the case-may be;shall..: .

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(a) presume, that the signature and every other part of such record . . which purports .to beinlithi-;hand writing of any-particular person . or which -the.~ o u i rnay:reasonably, haveibeen signed, t . . .by or to be in the-hand.writi.ngof,any particu.lar..person,isin.that, person's. hand writing; and in t h e case of a record executed o r attested, that-it-wasexecuted-orattested by theperson . . .purports to have s o executed or attested-;and... . . . :


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adinit the dbcument in evidence, notwithstanding thatit is not duly stamped, .if such document is otherwise admissible in evidence.
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20.-.. .Jurisdiction.-The .Court.of Session established-under the Code of Criminal Procedure, 9898 (Act .V .of 1'898) shall; within its territoriaI. jurisdiction, exercise jurisdictisn :G try and adjudicate the offences'punishabIe under this Act and all matters provided in, related to or arising from-this Act:



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where.the predicate offence is triable by any -courtother than the Court of Session, the offence of money laundering and all matters connected therewith or incidental thereto shall be tried by the Court trying the predicate-offence; and.. where the predicate offence is triable by any court inferior to the of Session, such predicate offence; theoffence of money laundering and allmatters.connected therewith or incidental thereto shal.lLbe the Colurt of Session.

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. . . . 21.--<:Offences: :be and. :n.s.!-bsl.ila:ble.-(I) :to No.twithstanding::..anything.cont& t11e.';~t898' . .



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1,893) andsubject to sub-sections'(2)iand(3);-. . .


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ev.ery;offence :punishable under ,this.Act. shall.:b6.n.on-coinizable .. . . .- . . . . . . . .. . , o n , , a , a e ; ' , : ....... : : . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . ,


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(b).-. no person-.accused:of .an~.offence.punishable:under~thi~.A~t for a term of imprisonment o f . more than :three.years;.shall b e ~ e ~ e a s e d ... . . . . on bail or .on his own bond unless- . .


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.. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. : ( i ) -, : the..I?.ubIic..Prosecutor.has . been

Igi.ven,; ' .and

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where-.the -Public Prosecutor opposes .the-.application,:the Coust .is satisfied, that .~ther,e:.,~e,..~easpnable~,gf6unds .for . . :.] o&.such;~,q~ence..and':that ty :.not likely :to.,commitany .offence .wh.i.le-qn,:bail;I ..; : :, ::. . .. . . . . . . .

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(2) 'The court .shall not tdke cognlz&ce .of any offen.cL:.punishable' under.section. except upon a .complaint .in :w~iting .... made .by;-,, : . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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the .investigating office?; or. . . . . . . . . . . . . ..

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any officer of the Fedeial.Government or a ~ r o v i n c i a l . ~ o v e ~ n m e n t . behalf,by the.~ederal. o v e r n m e nby .. ~ t . . . . . . .. . . authorized in. writing,iz, .: . . . . . . . .. . . . ..a &neial::d;speiial .order mad$! . this behalf,;(jovernment:. ....... . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . .:. . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . ... : . . . . . . . .. .. .. .. . . . . . .:.:. . . . . .,I. . . . . . . . .... . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. .. . . ......... . . . . . i . . . . . . . . provided that &her&the,,peii& k ~ u s , & d , ..3.sfinaticial instituti.o.n., . . . . . . investigating offi&r6r,any qther authoiizid .officer,':the case maybe shall, seek the. approval. qf.,tl~e?. . . . . . . . . regnlatbry concerned . before filing such complaint,,. authority which. s. h .a .l not. withhold.its,debisicj~for.. h.i. d d exceeding sixty days. . . . . . . . . . ap . . . . . . . . . . . . :. . . .




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(3) Thecourt halln not take:copnizan& af aGoffence.piinishableunder sub-section..(l) of section . 33 except-upon a .:complaint . in writing made by the . . . . . . . . . ..... . .. . . . . . . . . . FMU:
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@)'The and diic;ition on ifintirig ofbail specified in clause (b) of sub-section(1) are"inaddition to the po&i and ~ i s ~ ~ e t i 6 r i ' ~ h d e i i the'code of Criminal Procedure, 1898 (Act V of 1898); or any other la$ f6i'th.e time being in force on granting of bail. ... . .
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22.' ~ p p i i c a t i o n Code.6f.C.riminai-~rockdure,. of 1898 (Act V of . . . . 1898)'to proceedings before ~omrts.-(1) Thk provisions'of'the Code of

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C1-irninalProce.dure, 1898 (Act V of 1898) shall, i n ' s o . f a r a s ' t h e y are not




inco~-rsistent wish .theprovisions of thisAct, apply to arrest, bail,bonds,.search, seizure, attachment, forfeiture, cofifiscation, investigation,pr.osecution and all other proceedings underthis Act.

(2) The Federal Government may appoint a person who is an advocate of a Hieh Court to be a Public Prosecutor on such terms and conditions as may be determined by it and any person so appointed shall be competent to conduct proceedings under this Act before a Court and, if so directed by the Federal Government, to withdraw such proceedings:
Provided that a person shall not be qualified to be appointed as a Public Prosecutor under this section unless he has been i n active practice as an Advocate for not less than seven years in the High Court.
'(3). Every person appointed as a Public Prosecutor under this section shall be deernedto b e a Public rosec cut or 'within ttie:rntaning of clause (t) of sub-section (1) of-section.4 ofthe Code of Criminal Procedure, 1898 (Act V of 1898). and the provisions of that Code shall have effect accordingly.

(4) :. When a Prosecutor appointed under-sub-section ( I ) , is, for a& reason, temporariiy unable to conduct proceedings before-..the Court, the proceedings shall be conducted by such rnay'be"authorizedin this behalf by the Court.
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23. A g p e a l ' t o High Court.-Any peison aggrieved by any final decision or order of 'the' Court.may p e f e r an appeal to the High Court within sixty days from the date of comrnunieation of the decision or oider on any question1of law.or factarising out. of such. decision or order: . . . . . . .


Provided. that .the High Court may, i f it i s satisfied that the appellant was prevented b y sufficient cause.from filing the appeal within the said period, allow i t to be submitted within a furtherperiod not exceeding sixty days. Exp1anatiorz.-For the purposes of this section, " ~ i ~ h c o u r means,t"

(a) the High Court within the jurisdiction of which the aggrieved party ordinarily resides or carries on business or personally works for gain; and

where the Federal Government 1s the aggrieved party, the High Court within the jurisdiction of which the respondent, or in a case where there are more than one respondent, any of the respondents, ordinarily resides or carries on business or personally works for gain.






. . . 24.. .. &p.poi~tment. investigating officers :andoftheirpaswer~,-(1) ..The.investigating.agencies, as providedin claus&.(j) iectioni2, may nominate of 'such persons as they think fit to be the investigating officers under this'-Act from amongst their officers. . .. :. . .

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(2) The Federal Government may, by special or gener&lofder,irnpoweian officer 'not below BPS-1 8 of :theFederal Government o r .o'.h".a. Provinciai . . . . . .. ' act as &n':iivesti~ating'6ffic&r 'under i h i s Act. . .
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(3) Where any person other than a Federal or Provincial Government Officer is appointed as an invesligating officer, the Federal Gsverament shah also determine. .the,terms. .and- conditions 0 hig. a~pointmenr...:. .. . .. . . .. . . . . .~. . ........ 1 . . . . .: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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( 4 ) subject to such ionditions,and.. lirnitgtipnsas the Federal .. ~ o v e r n m e nmay impose an investigating officer may exercise the powers and t discharge the duties conferred or imposed on him under this Act. 25. Officers to assist in inquiry, etc.-The officers of the Fedel-ai

are.-:hereby empokered :to.assist;and -iagencies!.and .... . . . .. .. . . other authoritiesin' the enforcement o f . t h i s . ~ c t ; . . . . . . . .
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26: Agre.emeiats' with foi-eign countri6s.-<T-)- T h e Fedei-ail . . ..,.. Government: .may enter -iritb an.-agreement .on.recidr6c~libasis wiiii :the ~ o v e r n m e n of a G country outsi,de~akistan'for-t . . . .

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(a) enforcing the provisions of this Act;


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exchange of information for thepreventian of any offence under this Act or under the corresponding law in farce in tha: zouncry;

(c) seeking or providing of assistznce or evidence in respect of any offence under this Act oi- under the corresponding iaw in force i n that country; and
. .

/d) -transfer of propsr;y're!ahng to any offence under this Act.or bnder the corresponding law in force i n that country. : . . .
(2) The agreement in terms of sub-section (1) shall be subject to such conditions, exceptions or qualifications as may be specified in the said agreement:




Provided .that .the agreement shall :not be enforceable if it may, in. any manne:, be prejudicial to the'sovereignty, security, nationa1,interest or public order. . .
( 3 ) In this section and the succeeding sections, unless the context ~ t h e i - w i re.quires,s~

( a ) the expression "contracting State"means any country or place outside Pakislan in respect of which arrangements have been made by the Federal Government with the Government of such country through a treaty 01- otherwise;

- (b)

the expression "identifying" includes, establishmentof a p;oof that the property was derived from, or used in, the commission of an offence under section 3; and

( c ) ''t~acing" means determining the nature. source, disposition, movement, title or ownership of property.

27. Letter sf request .ts a-contracting- $tate etc.-(1) Notwith.standin,o anything contained in this ~ co rt t h e c o d e o f c r i m i n a l Procedure. 1898 (Act V of .1898), if: in.the course of an,investigation into an-offence or other,p!-oceedingsunder this Act, the investigating officer or any office; superior i n rank to the investigating officer believes that-any evidence is required in ... . this connection with investisption into an offence or proceedings u~lder Act and . he is of o@ijlion that such'.evid-ence may be a&ilablk in any place in the contracting State, he may, with the prior permission of the head. of that ii.~vestigationagency, issue a letter of request to a court or an authority in the contracting State competent to deal with such request toof (a) examine facts and circums~ances the case; and


(5) take such steps as he may specify in such letter of request.

-(2j The letter of request shall be transmitted in such manner as the Federal Government.may specify in this behalf.

(3 Every statement recorded or document or thing received under subsection! i ) shall be deenied to be the evidence collected during the course of investigation.
28. Assistance to a contracting State in.certain cases.-Where a 'letter of request is received by the Federal Government from a court or authority




in a contracting State requesting for i ~ ~ v e s t i g ~ tinto an offence or proceedings ion under this Act or under the corresponding law in force in that 'country, the Federal Government may forward such letter of request to the Court or to the authorized officer or any authority under this Act as it thinks fit for execution of such request in accordance with the provisions of this Act or; jn the manner sought by the contracting state so long as doing so would not violate laws of Pakistan or is, in any manner, not prejudicial to the sovereignty. security, national Interest or public order.

29. Reciprocal arrzngements for processes and assistance for transfer of accused persons.- ( 1 ) Where a Court, in relation to the offence of money laundering, desires that (a) a summons to a r accused person; t (,b) a w a ~ a n for the arrzst of an accused person; (c) a summons to any person requiring him to attend and produce a doculllent or other thing or to produce it, or a search warrant,


issued by it shall be served or executed at any place in any contracting State, it shall send such su<?mons or warrant in duplicate in such form, to such court, judge or magistrate through such auti-iolitiesas the Federal Government may speclfy in this behalf and that court. judge or magistrate, as the case may be, shall cause the same to be executed.
(2) Where a Court, in relation to an offence punishable under section 4, has received for service or execution -

(a) a summons to an accused person; (b) (c)

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a warrant for the arrest of an accused person;

a summons to any person requiring him to attend and produce a document or other thing, or to produce it; or

<d) a sexcl? warrant, issued by a court, judge or magistrate in a contracting State, it shall cause the same to be served or executed as if it were a summons or wanant received by ~t from another court in the said




terr~tor~es service or execution within its local jurisdiction: and for where(I) a warrant of arrest has been executed, the person arrested shall be dealt with in accordance with the procedure specified under section 16;

search warrant has been executed, the things found in this search shall, so far as possible, be dealt with in accordance theprocedure specified under section 14 and 15:

Provided that the provisions of this sub-sectlon shall not have effect if the exercise of power thereunder is. in any manner, likely lo prejudice the sovereignty, security, national interest or public order.

( 3 ) Where a person tra~sferredto a contracting State pursuant to sub-section(?) is a prisoner in Pakisian, the Court 01- the Federal Go\~ernnent may ~lnpose such conditions as that Court or Government deems flr.
(4) Where the pel-son transfz1:red tb Pnkistar? pursuant to sub-section

(1) i

s a prisoner in a co6tracting State, tfie Court in'pakistari shall ensure that

the conditions.subject to which th? prisoneris transferred to Pakistan ire. complied with and ~ u c h prisoner shall be kept in such custody subject to such . . conditions as the Federal Governme::t may till-ect in \li.ridng.

30.. Attachment, seizure a,$d forfeiture etc.; sf uropertyin a contracting State or ~akistan.-(1) Where the investigating officer has made the an order for attachment of anjlproperty under scctibn 8 or wl~ere C&I-t has made an orde.;'confir-millg such attachment or forfeit'i~reef any F ~ o p r t $ undcr section 9anG s.uch property is suspected to be in a contracting s t a t e , t h e . ~ o u r t on an application by the investigating officer, n a y issue-aletter of request to a Court or an authority in the contracting state for execution ol'such order.
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Where a letter of request is received by tl~e.'Fedeial:Government ) from a court i n a contracting State requesting attachment or forfeiture o f t h e property in Pakistan derived or obtained, dit-ectlyor indirect!yl by afiy perscn from the commicsion of an o f f e n c ~ under section 3 committed in that contracting State, the Federal Government m a y forward such letter of request to the investigating agency, as it thinks fit, f o r execution in accordance with the provisions of this Act or permit execution of the request in the manner sought by the con~racting state so long as doing so would not violate laws of Pakistan or is, i n any manner, notprejudicial to the sovereignty, security, national interest or public order.





. . 3 ( ) The ;Federal Governmeilt may, .on receipt of. a..:letter..of request . . under section 27 or section 281 direct any under this .Act to take all steps necessary for tracing and identifyingsuch. property. . . . .


. . . . .

( 4 ) The stepsreferred to in sub-secfon (3) may include any inquiry, inv-estigation-of survey i n respect:of any person, place;' property, assets, documents,books of -accounts in any bank or-financial institution or: any. othei . . relevant matters. : . . . . . . . . .
( 5 ) Ally inquiry, investigation, or survey referred to insub-section (4) carried,out .by .a. n .agency r&nti6ned in ~ ~ b - & ~ (3). in n . . . . . . t i ~ accordance . . ..: wit< such~diiect~ons.issued. accordance'with. the. provisions .if thisAct. . . . . . . in . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . :.;




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(6). The: piovisions of this Act-relating: to. atta&hlnefit;gdjudid'atibn, . . . ..'forfeitire': vesting of ipopeftyin.the 'Fedeial '~ov~ernment;'su~ve~,':~earch and seizures shall' apply to the property in .respect of which 'letter of request is .. received from. a court of contracting State for attachment or.forfeiture of . . . . . : property.. . . : . .. . . .

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3 1.' P r o c e d u r e i n r e s p e c t of'letter: of ye<&st.-~very .letter of -. request s u m m o n s o r warrant, received by the Federal ~ o v e r n r n e n lfrom, and . every letter of request, summons.or warrant,. tra.nsmittedto.a.contracting . case ~ r a t e i n d e f . t h i A C shall be tranimittLd:so a.contricting state or,'th& s ~ .-. .. may be, sent 'to' the c o n d i r i e d court' in Pakis'thb i n . i u c h ' f o i m and i n Sdch . . . manner-as thk F & d & r a l ~ o v e r i m & t may specify.i6 this behalf.
... . . . . . .


32. P u n i s h m e n t . f o r v e x a t i o u s su.rvey a n d search.-Any inv.estigating.:officer.exercising powers. under: this:.Act .or 'any..rules made . . thereunder;who, without prior from the court;..
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(a),... surveys or searches, or causes to be surv.eyed:oi$earched, building , . . any. .or place; or .. . . (b) detalns or searches or arrests any person,

shall for every such offence be liable on conviction for imprisonment for a term whlch may extend to two years o; fine which may extend to fifty thousand rupees or both. 33. LiabiIity f o r faiIure to fiIe Suspicious Transaction R e p o r t a n d for providing f a h e information.- (1) Whoever willfully fails to comply with




..the suspicious transaction reporting requirement as provided i n section 7 or give false information shall b e liable for imprisonment for a term. which may extend to three years or with fine which may extend to one hundred thousand rupees or both.

(2) In the case of the conviction of a reporting entity, the c,oncemed regulatory authority may also revoke its license or registration or take such other administrative action as it may deem appropriate.
T h e directors,. . officers, . .. . . employees'and agents of any reporting entity, financial institutio'n, non-financial . business orprofe$sion or intermediary which report isuspicidis' transaction or CTR pursuant to this Act or any other authority, are prohibited from disclosing, directly or indirectly, any person involved in the transaction,that the transaction . . has been reported.

3'4. Disclosure ofinformation.-(I) . . .


(2) A violation of the sub-section (1) is a criminal offence and shall be

punishable by a maximum term of three years imprisonment or a fine which may extend to five hundred thousand rupees or both.


(3) Any confidential information furnished by financial institution, con-financial business and profession,or any other.persbn,under or pursuant to the provisionsof this ~ c t , ' s h n l las far as possiblk, be ..kept confidentialby the , .. FMU, investiiation agency or officer as the case

35. Bar of jurisdiction.-(1) No suit shall b e brought in any Court to set aside or modify any proceeding t a ~ e n order made under this Act and no or prosecution, suit or other proceedings shall lie against the Federal Government, or any officer of the Government, or FMU. its officers or any agency controlled or supervised by the Government, or members of the National Executive Committee or General Committee for anything done or intended to b e done in good faith under this Act.

(2) No Court shall have jurisdictioll to entertain any suit or proceedings in respect of any matter which.the investigating officeiand Committee or the Court is empowered by or under this Act to determine and no injunction shall be g m t e d b ; any court or other authority in respect of any action taken or to be taken in pursuance of any power conferred by or under thisAct.

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36. No.tices, beinvalid on.certaingrounds.-NO notice, . . sumdons, order, document or otherproceeding, furnishedor made or issued or taken orpurported to-have-been furnished .or mad&orissued or taken in pursuance . . . . . . . . . . . . of any of th&'provisi6nsof t h i s . ~ b Shall 'bk invalid, o,r:shall be deemed to be t invalid merely by reason of any .mistake, defect oriomission in such notice, . . . . . proceedings-if .such notice,.summons; order, . . . summons, order,.docu~ents.or.ot~er . . . 'doc'&nen.t o r , ~ t h ~ r . ~ r o c ~ e d i n g . substance and effect in. conformity with or accordingto the intent and .purpose,of this Act. .


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. 3 7 . - Offences-b y -:companies;-(J)] a person::comm'itting a . . contiavention~~6f y of th&'.proi;isionsofthis A c t o i 6f any rul'e,. direc'tion,'or in . . . . . . . . . . . order made thereunder, every p e r s o n : w h ' ~ ,?t:.:the"time the conb.averition was committed, was iesponsible for such contravention'in the conduct of the business of company. shall b e . - d e e m e d t o .b e guilty of the contravention and shall be.~liableto .be. .proceede'd. . agkinst.and punished . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . . . ~. . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . _. . . accordingly: . ; ..
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~ r o y i d e d t h a nothing containedin .thiS sub-section shall render any such t liab'1.eto if he proves that the contravention took place without his knowledgeor that he exercised.al1 due such contravention. .. . .:.: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



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~otwithstanding-anythingin,sub~~ection.(l~~:where.a . . . . . . . . contravention.~f of any of the provisions of this ~ c t . o r : any rule, direktion or. order made thereunder has b e e n committed by a company.and,,i t ' i s prov.ed that.the . . . . . cbfitravinti.on has taken . p.l ~ c e ' .G. i t h.thacoksent,,connivanc& or knowledge of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . anydirector,kanager, secretary or other, . . . such'directbr, manager, secretary o r o t h e r officer shall also b e d e e m e d t o b e guilty o f the . contrave.ntion .and shall- be. l i a b l e .to. be proceeded against :and punished . accordingly. . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . ..
Exp1nrzariorz.-For the purposes of this section the expression "director" in relation to a firm. means a partner in the firm.
38. C o n t i n u i t y of p r o c e e d i n g s i n t h e e v e n t of d e a t h o r insolvency.-

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any property of a person has been attached under this Act and no representation against the order attaching such property has been preferred; or




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any representation has been preferred to the Court, and

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( i ). . .ina~casejreferredt6 in. clause (a) such person dies -or is . . . adjudicated i s insolvent before prefel-rin,arepr&sentation to the .. Court;or . . , . : . . ;:.:. .


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'(ii).' in'a:'ca~e'i&fe&edo i n clause .(bj; such person die$. or is t . adjudicatkd a9 insolvent durin~the:~endency.of repiesentdtion,

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. assignee or . . . .


<thenit shall be lawful for the. legal representatives of such person or the official the official.receiuer, as:the case;to prefer representation-to the Court, o r , a t h e case may'be,tb:.continue;the.iepresentation . . . . beforelthe Court,;in the place of. such' person... . .. . . . . . . . : ..:. . , . . . . .. . , :. . . . . . . . . . . . -.. . . . . .






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'(a) 'kfier'ijassing 0f adicision or order by the Court, no appeal has been .$leferred to the High Court under.section 23;or
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...... (b) an)-such -appeal has been pref;rred:to the-High. Court,then. ... . . .. . .. . . ... . . . . . . . . . .

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(ij . 'in a case referred to in',clause the period entitled to prefer. . . . appeal.dies. or is adjudicated aninsolvent.hefire .preferring .an . . . . . . ... . - . -appeal to the H i g b ~ o u r tor . .. .. .. .. .. . . . . . . ,


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in a case referred to iri:claLise,(b) the person who had appeal dies dr i s adjudicated as insolvent duiingthe pendency. of the appeal.before the High court, .









then; i t shall be lawful for the:legal'iepreieritatives bf iuch$erson,or the official assionee'cr thk efficial receiver,as the case may be, :a prefer aii appeal io,ihe a -High Court or to continue the appeal before the.High Court i n place of such .'person andtheprovision of.secfion 23shali, so far as:may be, apply, or continue . . . . to apply, to such appeal. . .

( 5 ) The powers of the official-hs.signee or the official receiver under sub-section (1) .or sub-section .(2) shall be exercised by him subject to the provisions of the Insokvency (Karachi Division) Act, ,1909 (111-of 1909).or the Provincial Insolvency Act, 1920 (V of i920) as the case may be. . .
- . . . .

. 39. A c t t o have overriding effect.-(1) Subject to sub-section ( 2 ) , the prooisions:of. this.Act.-shall. have effect notwithstanding anything to the . contrary contained i n any other law for the time beins in.force,




(2) The provisions of this Act shall be in addition to, and not in derogation of, the Anti Narcotics Force Act, 1997 (I11 of 1997), the Coiltrol of Narcotics Substances Act, 1997 (XXV of 1997), the Anti-terrorism Act, 1997(XXVII of 1997) and the National Accountability Ordinance1999 (XVIII . of 1999). - 30. Members etc., to be. public aer-vants.-The .Director. General, Members of the National Executive Comm~ttee General Committee. and and oth& officers and employees of the FMU. investigating officers and the subordinate officers to him shall be deemed to be public servants within the meaning of section 21 of the-Pakistan Penal Code (Act XLV of 1860).
41. A c t not to apply to fiscal offences.-Nothing apply to fiscal cffences.

in this Act shall

42. Power to amend-the Schedule.-The Federal Government may, by notification in the official ~ a z e t t eamend the Schedule to this Act so as to , add ally entry thereto or modify or bmit ally entry therein.

The-Federal Government may in 43. P o w e r t o make rules.e consultation with the National ~ x e k t i v Committee and by notification in the official Gazette make rules for carrying out the purposes of this Act. to the supervjsion and . control of the National Executive Committee, the FMU may, by notification in the official Gazette, make such regulations as may be necessary for carrying out the purposes of this Act;. 45. Power to remove difficulties.-If any difficulty arises in giving effect to the provisions of this Act, the Federal Government may, by order, published ir, llie official Gazette, inake such provisions not inconsistent with the provisions of this Act, as may appear to be necessary forremoving the difficulty.
44. Power to make regulations.-Subject

46. Validation o i actions, etc.--Anything done, actions taken, orders passed, instruments made, notifications issued, agreements made, proceedings ~nitiated,processes or communication~issued, powers conferred, assumed or o exercised, by the Financial Monitoring ~ n i t * ~ o m m i s s iornits officers on or after the 5th January, 2008 xi: :.;i'ore the commencement of this Act, shall be deemed to have been validly done, made, issued. taken, initiated, conferred, assumed, and exercised and provisions of the Act shall have, and shall be deemed always to have had, effect accordingly.

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section 2 (w)]

. .

The Pakistan Penal Code, 1860 (Act XLV of 3.860)

.Punishment of abetment i f t h e a c t abetted is.committed in .consequence and where no espresspl-ovision is made for. its . . . . .. . . punishment. . . .

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Liability of abettor. w11en:one act abetted:and different .act:done: .Abettor when.liability t ~ ' c ~ r n m h t a t j . v e ; ~ n i ~ hforact abetted ment . . . . ,. . . and for act done.



, . .

Li.ability .of abettor;fo~..ail.affec~t~:c:au~ed by rhe'act,.abetteddifferent . . . . .. . . . . . .... . . .. . fromthat intended b i the abettor. -: : ' .

Abetment of (sffence pucishable viiih death'or impriso~lmentf ~ r life, .if.offence not cornmitteG, i f , . i c t causing done in

abetment of offence punishable imprisonment, if pffence be . . . not committed. . . .


Abetting commission of offence by .the public'.or~by more than ten.. .... . . . . persons. Concealing design t o c o ~ n m i t o f f e n c '.punish.abie'.wit'n' e death or irnprisbn.nlent for life, i f offence by committed::if offence be not . . . . .. . .
> . A


Public servant concealing design to commit offence which it is his duty to prevent. Concealing design to coyrnit offence punishable with imprisonment

-Punishment for criminal conspiracy.


Waging, or attempting to wage war, or abetting of war against Pakistan. Conspiracy to conmit offence punishable by sec.tion.121.





122 161

Collecting arms, etc. with intention of waging war against Pakistan. Public servant taking gratification other than legal remuneration in respect of an official act. Taking gratification, in order, by corrupt or illegal means, to influence . publicservant . . . . . . . . .. . .. . ... . .. . . . . . .. ... .. . .. . ::.:.... . . .


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Taking gratification, for exercise of personal. influence' with public . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . : .. : . . servant . . . .. . . . . . .. . . .; . . . .. . : . . . . . ., . . . .. . . .. .. ... ..... . . . . . . . . . .. . .


Punishment for abetment by public servant of offences defined in . . . . . .. . .. . . . . ..:. ... . :. section -1 6 2 o r 163. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . - :, . , . .~ . . . . . . . . ~ . . , . .' .
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I G5
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Public servant obtaining valuable thing, without coniiaerati.on from pel-son concerned in proceeding or business' transacted by.... such . . . . . . . . . . . .-.. .. . . . -. . . . pu~blicservant.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. .

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.Punishment for abetment of punishment for qatl-i~arnd;.

offences defined in section 161.. . .



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"32 316 327 337k

Punishment for qatl shibh-i-amd.

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Causing hurt to extort confession or to compel restoration of property. Wrongful confinement for -three or rnore.days. . .
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Wrongfulconfinement for ten or more'days.




Wrongful confinement for person for whose liberation writ has been issued. Wrongful confinement in secret. Wrongful confinement to extort property or constrain to illegal act. Wrongful confinement to extort confession o r compel restoration af property.





[ P AI[ ~
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. ..,Punishmentfor kidnapping. . . . . . . .. . . ...

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Kidnapping orabdyetingin.order.tomurder. . . .

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Kidnapping or adducting a pel-ion ilnder thk age of fourtee";

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Kidnapping or abducting with intent secretly or-wrongfciIlyto confine person:

36 jA:::":
. .

idn napping or abducting for extorting. property, GaiUible seciirity

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Kidnapping, abducting or inducing woman to compel for marriage . . . . . . . . etc. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. .. . . .,.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .



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Kidnappirig, abducting or inducingwoman .to cornpe.1.hermarriage, etc:

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366.A. 366B 367

Prdcuratiori df minor &I.


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. . . . .

Importation of girl from foreign country.

. .

Kidnappin2 or abducting i n order to subject , person tb grievous . . hurt, slavery etc.


. .. ,
.. . .. ..


'367' ~

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. ~ i d n a ~ or iib n k~ i n g inorder to subject perSon to unnatural. ~ d t . . . . lust.


Wrongfully concealing or keeping in confinement, kidnapped or abducted person. Kidnapping or abducting child under ten years with intent to steal from its person. Buying or disposing of any person as a slave. Habitual dealing in slaves. Selling person for purposes of prostitution etc.


370 371

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P ~ l t ~ l i THE G A Z r r E OF PAMSTAN,EXTRA.,MARCH 27, 2010

3718 374 376 379 380



Buying person for purposes of prostitution etc. Unlawf~I ~ m p u l s o labour. ~ ry Punishment of rape. Punishment for theft.

Theft in dwelling house etc. Theft by clerk or servant of property in possession of master. Theft of a car or other motor vehicle. Theft after preparation made for causing death, hurt or restraint, in order to the conlmitting of the theft. Punishment for extortion.



384 385 392 395 402 1028 406 41 1 412 413 414

Putting person in fear of injury in order to con,mit extortion. Punishment for robbery. Punishment for dacoity.

Assembling for purpose of committing dacoity. Punishment for hijacking. hijacki Punishment for criminal breach of trust. Dishonestly receiving stolen property. Dishones~Iy receiving stolen property in the commission ofa dacoi Habitually dealing in stoien property. Assisting in concealment of s ~ , , , ~ , , I Punishment for cheating.



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THE GAZETTE ,OF:PAKIS,TAN,EXTRA., MARCH.: 27i 20 10 .., : . . .


.[PART 1


. .

: ... .

. . . ... .

. . . . . . .


Dishonestly or,fraudulently preventingdebt being available for creditors. Dishonest or fraudulent execution of fees of transfer containing false statement of consideration. Dishonest or fraudulent removal or concealment of property. Punishment for forgery.
. . .. . . : . .


424 465
. ,. .

-467. .!: F~r.gery.;-will, of etc: .,


. . . . . . .
\ '



. .

. .-471 .
: .

Forgery for the;,p.urpose:ofch-eating:.:: . . .

. ,


. .

. . . .


' genuine a:forgedi'docu:~niiit.'.

. .

: :

. .... .

......... : . .. - . . . . ; . .:: : .

, . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .,: .



. . . . .





Making or pos,ses'singcounterfeit seal, etc. witb intent to commit . . . . . . . . punish.ab]e'under seetion &67;.;" '::'.' . : . ..... . .

. .

473 - .

~&king:orp,ossessing eounteffiit seal,: iic"&ith:.intent to'commit

. . ...

. .

Having of diturn,entI . describeddin.Section 466.0; 467 . ....... ;... . . k&&ir?g be fbrgedand,ihteiding.tbube'itasgenuine. .......
. . .



~ ~ ~ ~ t ~ t f o ~i ' '~~ .~ d k - v ui ~~e & ' ~ f ~ f6i'&fitfieniiiatingdocuments ' ~ describkd in section 467, or possessingcou~terfeit marked material . . , .. .
. .
. . . . . . . .

. . ...,.... .


. . . . . . .

. . . . .





counterfeit device or rnark.usedforauthentlcating'documents other than 'those described-in.: 'skition 467;-or 'possessing cou~iterfeit . : . . . marked material.. . . . . . . . . .. ,,


477 . . . .

.,. . . . . .. ., . . . . . .

. . . . . . . ~ r a u d ,-u l e n t ~ c a n.c .e ldestruction,. etc., ofwill, authority to.adopt, la~ . . . or.valuable security.

. .



Falsifidation of accounts.
. .

.. .

483 484

Punishment for using a false trade-mark . or property mark. .

. . . .


Counterfeiting a trade mark of properSymark used by another. Counterfeiting a mark used by a public servant.



135 -

. ,

Making or possession of any instrument for counterfeiting a trade mark or property. . .




. . . . . . .

. . . .

. .

.. ,

487 488 489 489A 489B

Selling goods marked with a counterfeit::tiade :.kark or property . . . . mark. - . . Making a false mark upon any receptacle containing goods.
Punishment for making use of any such false mark.

Tampering with property mark with intent to cause injury.

Counterfeitingcurrency-notes or bank notes.

Using as genuine, forged or counterfeit currency notes or banknotes. possession of forged or counterfeit CUI-rency-notes bank notes. or making or possessing instruments or materials for forging or counterfeiting currency-notes or bank notes.
. . .


. . . . .. . .. .

. . . . . . . .. . .

. :


'Making or- u s h i documents fesemb.lirig'.currenricy-notes or, bank . . ,notes. . . . . . . .


./ . ... . . .. ' ." ..



, .

. . .


. . ... . :.:..

.. . . .

cohabitation causedby . .it&in'dedeitfijllyinducin a..bel.iefof lawful ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . marriage. . . . . . . . - .


......... . . . . :.

. . . . . . . . .

.. . .

. . . ' . ... .

496A. . .......

Enticing or taking away or,detaining with criminal.intent a woman. . . .



. ..

Section -11 .

. .

The Arms Act,'l878 (XIof 1878)

. . .

. .

For'breach of section !, i 6,'.10, 13 to17.


section -111

Foesecret breaches of section 5 t.o .1:0; :14 and 15. .


The ~ o l r e i ~ n e Act;l946 (XXXI of.i94.6) rs


Section -1V

The Copyright Ordinance, 1962 (XXXIV of 1962)

Offences of infringement of copyright or other rights conferred by this Act.




67 .

'i~ossession-.o:f$ates- purpose-of maki ng:infcinging copies. for



. . . . .


. or:tendering.false.evider-ice;
. . . .

Penalty for ~nakingfnlse entries in the-Register? etc. or producing . . . .; . .. . .



. .



. . .


Penalty for making false .statements for the purpose.of deceiving . . . . . . . :. :.. . . or-i,rifluencing:any authority oi'officer. . , ,


False attribution or authorship, etc.

. . :.
. . . ..

. .. . .. .. . . . .. .

. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . ,. . .. . . . .
' :

Secticdar -V The Pakistan: Arms .Ordinance,. 1 . e .(W.P. 0rdinance.XX 9 - . j) . . . . .:,... .:,: .... 1 , . . . . . . . . ..: . . . ,.
. .


. ;


. . . .
.. .
. . .

. . .. . . .


.. . :

.. . . . . .. . .. . . .. . . . .

~ e n i ~ t j : f bieaiil df &;tiiins 4, 5; 8 to I I . or
. . . . .

. . .

. .

. .: . . .

Sectjab .-VIThe . Securities and.ExchangeAct,. 1 9..:6 .9.( .X. V I I bf 19.69). .... . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .


for A 1 olfenees under this ~ c t , ~ r e .s.. c. ~ .b .i ~ ~ . .m i ~ i m u ~ aperiod of 1 : . . .. . . . . .. . . . oves one year. . . ...... . . . . . .. . . , . . . . . . . . , . . . .

. ..

. . .

. . .

' .. :.

Section-VII The . ~. . m i ~ ~ a t. i o .n .. . . . ( X .V. I. I. I. . .:1979j . . . 0rdinihee,.1979. ~~~ . . . . :. . . .





.~... .

. .. . . .

17. Unlawful'imn~igration etc. . . . 18 .... . -Fraudulently inducing to emigrate.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 ~ali&'r&$res<itatioh ~ 6 v e r n m e ~ t : a u t h o i i t ~ . . " . of .: 22 Receiving money etc. for providing foreign employment.




. .

seeti& --VIII

. . . .. . . . . .. . .

T ~ control o f ~ a r c o t i e u p s t a n e g i k , , 1 9 . 9 (XXV of O ~ ~ 7 1997) : .. . . : . . -. . . . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . .

' '

. .

Punisl~ment contravention of section 4. for Punishment for contravent~on section 6,7 and 8. of Punishment for contravention of section 10. Punishment for contravention of section 12. Punishmen: for contravention of section 14. Prohibition of alienation of freezed property. Prohibition of acquiring property in relation to which proceedings have been taken under the Act.


1 5 .


. .


.. I

p A K... I ] I


. .



Section -1X. The Anti-~errorisrn Act, 1997 (XXVXI of 1997)

. AII offences under this Act prescribing lninirniim. punish!nenc -?ora period c?f . over one year.
. .

. .

. ,

Section -X National Accountability Ordinance, 1999 (XVIZI ~ r 6399) "

Section -XI

C~I-ruption. corrupt Practices. and



The'Registered ~ e s i ~ 0i-dinan'ce, 2006) (XL37 o,f..230Q) ns

. .

RAJA MrJH,4b;lPJlPJiAD APJii?.!, Secretary.


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