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Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani November 2020 - Present
Bachelor of Engineering in Chemical CGPA: 7.78/10
Computer Languages C++, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Python
Software & Tools React.js, React Native, Git, Carbon Design System, MySQL
Software Engineering Intern July 2023 - Dec 2023
Tikkl Events India Pvt. Ltd.
• Learned JavaScript, Regular Expressions, Git, & React during onboarding .
• Developed the Book Search Web App using OpenLibrary APIs & styled it with the Carbon Design System.
• Used React Native and Carbon to develop key components and pages for Tikkl Mobile App.
• Wrote comprehensive JEST snapshot tests and Storybook documentation for each component.
Data Analyst Intern May 2022 - July 2022
Grasim Industries Ltd.
• Worked on the reduction of higher combustibles in fly ash produced in thermal power plants.
• Studied various research papers on coal-fired thermal power plants and boiler efficiency.
• Developed an M.L. model to predict the amount of unburnt carbon in fly ash and optimize boiler design.
Movie Rating App Feb 2024
Tech Stack - React.js, Redux Toolkit, React Router, SCSS, Axios, OMDB API BITS Pilani
• Developed a responsive React app using Redux to manage state & Axios to make HTTP requests to OMDB API.
• Implemented key features like movie listing and details, using Redux Toolkit for efficient state management.
• Developed a sleek UI with components like Header, Footer, and MovieCard for an enhanced user experience.
• Utilized React Router for seamless navigation, ensuring a dynamic and engaging user interface.
Book Search Web Application Sep 2023 - Oct 2023
Tech Stack - React.js, OpenLibrary APIs, Wretch, Carbon, React Lazy Load Image Component Tikkl Events India Pvt. Ltd.
• Developed the Home page which has text input and search button components.
• Query search gives a list of the different books. Each list item has a link to the book details page.
• Used OpenLibrary APIs to fetch book names, details, authors & cover on the home page and book details page.
• Used Carbon Design System by IBM to design my website and make it responsive using Grids & Columns.
Reduction of Higher Combustibles in Fly Ash May 2022 - Jul 2022
Tech Stack - Python, NumPy, Scikit-learn, Pandas, Google Sheets, Google Colab Grasim Industries Ltd.
• Collected 500 real-time industrial data points and performed ANOVA tests to select variables.
• Trained Machine Learning model on test data to predict unburnt carbon in fly ash.
• Applied Linear, Decision Tree & SVM regressions on coal petrological and power plant operational variables .
• Conducted error analysis on the results to identify best algorithm and optimize the boiler design.
OASIS Coordinator - Media Relations Club Apr 2022 - Apr 2023
Successfully collaborated with media representatives from prominent local newspapers, including Jaipur Seema
Sandesh & Amar Bhaskar, securing coverage & publishing articles to promote our college cultural fest, OASIS.
Award for Academic Excellence from West Bengal Government for top 10 rank in Class 10 ICSE board exams.

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