Biology Prep. Questions (6,4)

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The body constantly defends itself against attacks from pathogens.

The physical
barriers to protect the body are the skin and the nose. The skin covers all parts of
your body to prevent infection. For example, if you grazed or cut your skin, it
would begin to heal itself showing its acting as a physical barrier. The nose has
internal hair which acts as another physical barrier to infection. For example, when
the nose produces mucus. This traps pathogens before they can enter the lungs. So,
any pathogens are removed with the mucus when the nose if blown. Ciliated cells
waft their hair and move pathogens toward the throat where it digested into the
stomach, cells called goblet cells create the mucus to trap pathogens, and so the
overall production of musucs in the airways is to protect and be used a as physical
barrier for the body to fight off infections (6)

Chemical barriers against infection, for example stomach acid. The hydrochloric
acid is strong enough to kill any pathogens that have been caught in mucus, the
airways or consumed from water or food. Another chemical barrier is lysozymes,
which stop eye infections. These enzymes destroy bacterial cells by breaking down
their cell walls. They are found in saliva, breast milk, mucus and tears! These all
act as a form of chemical defense against infection. (4)

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