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We see the protagonist sitting on the edge of a bed. It's still. He keeps quiet. The camera
changes position and focuses on the narrator who is only illuminated by a light falling from
The homunculus or the little man was an explanation used by alchemists to explain where
we came from. It said that the man was already formed in the sperm and that he only
used the womb to grow. Like a plant to which you give water, man began to develop, but
he was already a man from the beginning.
This version has already been left far behind, but there is an almost unseen story of the
homunculus... the real one.

The camera returns to the protagonist who feels something enter his ear. With his hand,
he tries to explore what he feel in the ear.
What was that?

The camera returns to the narrator.

The homunculus is not a small man from whom we come; He's a little guy that some of us
have. Nor is it what they believe. It is not consciousness. It is rather anti-consciousness.

The camera returns to the protagonist who continues to inspect in his head.
Something entered inside my ear, but I don't know what it is.
Will it be a bug? Oh, I once read on Wikipedia that some can get into your ear.
The camera focuses on the narrator.
You’ll have many questions. What is a homunculus then? Where did it come from ? How
do they work? Well, let's start by answering them. The homunculus is a small man, about
2 centimeters tall. They are not usually bigger than that. Yes. You are right. Its size allows
it to enter the victims ear. Why? They seek to lodge in the brain, in the pineal gland. Why

The camera returns to the protagonist.

Surely it is nothing.
(Lies down to sleep)

The camera returns to the narrator.

There, they say, lies the soul of man.
(Continues in a normal voice)
For more than two thousand years the homunculus has walked among us. Man has always
been interested in the dark arts. He knows that he should not go around playing with
those things, but he loves it.
Starts running an animation that follows the narrator's description.
There have been many alchemists in history, the first wizards. One of those was Zosimus
of Panopolis. A true magician and philosopher. Alchemy was for him the composition of
the waters, movement, growth, incarnation and disincarnation, extracting the spirits from
the bodies and uniting the spirits within the bodies.
Zosimus was frugal in his incantations. Where did he get them? Apart from being a
magician, he was a seer. Dreams spoke to him and he listened. The characters he met in
his dreams guided him towards his purpose: the good of the soul with enchantments.
Zosimus slept and woke up to quickly take notes and went back to sleep so that dreams
would speak to him again. However, I have to tell the truth... always. Not all dreams were
dreams to him and not all enchantments were enchantments. Dreams were disguised as
nightmares and enchantments as witchcraft. That happens when man messes with these
Dreams, a bridge between reality and the spiritual, represent a danger for magicians, even
for the most skilled.
Zosimus, he tells us, had an encounter with Ion, the priest of the inner sanctuaries
subjected to unbearable torment. For many dreams, Zosimus had searched for Ion
without knowing that he was looking for him. Who better to direct him to his work than
the priest himself?
Ion received Zosimus with pride in their meeting. He prostrated himself at the priest's
feet, recognising his authority and begginghim to impart a little of his magical science. Ion
looked at it, inspecting it. Many have come to the master and many hide their true
intentions and alchemy is not for the whim of man.
<<Why should I believe you?>> the priest said to Zosimus.
<<I seek only one thing from this beautiful science and that is to heal the soul of man>> he
replied humbly.
<<Similar words have been uttered countless times>>.
<<I understand, and rightly so. Tell me, O master, what must I do to show myself
<<It's not up to me to show what's worthy, that's up to you>>. The wise man turned his
back on Zosimus and walked. He quickly got up and continued his walk. After a few
moments, they finally arrived at a place, whose image for Zosimus surpassed what he had
once conceived or even dreamed of.
In front of him stood a small man, a homunculus, in a cauldron of water being boiled.
Zosimus was dumbfounded and horrified , his terror growing ardently when the boiled
homunculus articulated the following: <<the sight you see is the entrance, and the exit, and
the transformation... Those who seek to obtain the art, enter here, and become spirits by
escaping from the body>>.
Embarrassed and reeling, Zosimus turned around and prepared to flee. To his surprise, he
felt the sage Ion swing on him with a sword. They struggled for a while, wallowing on the
ground but fear presented itself as an advantage to the sage. After moments of struggle,
Zosimus was impaled.
His forces yielded to the will of Ion , who, without hesitation, dismembered and threw his
pieces into a cauldron. Zosimus felt a change within himself. It burned, but he didn't
suffer. His body was detached from his spirit. In the blink of an eye, he was outside the
He looked at Ion crying blood and melting. He also looked at his body inside the cauldron
melting. Soon, Ion had completely changed. He was no longer the great master magician
that Zosimus had found, he was now a misguided and incomplete homunculus. He glanced
at the cauldron and saw how his body had also changed into a homunculus.
Zosimus tried to cling to his body, but it no longer belonged to him. It was now the body of
the homunculus. When you seek to separate the body from the soul, even if it is to purge
it, you leave it free for other spirits to inhabit. The homunculus fled, and Zosimus with his
futile efforts could not stop him.
Zosimus awoke panting from his sleep. It was perceived differently. He vowed never again
to get involved with alchemy and hid his texts in fear.
Man and his obsession with the unknown, with the dark. He searches vehemently and
violently for it but... Once he reaches it, he backs off. What happenedto that homunculus?
How many more are there?
(He makes a gesture of not knowing.)
We see the protagonist again uncomfortable walking around his apartment. He is shown
to be desperate.
What's going on? What is happening to me?
(Becomes more agitated)
Maybe I should go to the doctor.
(Pulls on his knees)
What is happening to me?!
The camera focuses on a seated man who is looking at a projected image. The image is the
protagonist's point of view. The man has two levers and a steering wheel in front of him.
He smiles macabre and pulls a crowbar. The camera changes the protagonist.
Why? This was already a long time ago.
(Is disturbed)
No. I will not allow it.

The protagonist gets up and starts washing dishes. Takes a deep breath. He seems to calm
down and continue washing dishes. The camera returns to the man. He smiles again and
honks the steering wheel horn slightly. The camera returns to the protagonist. A whistle is
heard near him. The protagonist turns his face slightly but forces it back to his task. Take a
deep breathand keep washing dishes. The camera returns to the man. He lets out a laugh
and pulls the same lever and whistle.
The protagonist lets go of the dish he was washing. Closes his eyes and remains
motionless for a few moments. He clenches his jaw and breathes deeply. Then opens his
eyes and goes to the refrigerator. He opens it and pulls out a jar of milk. The camera
focuses on the man. The man honks the horn hard and pulls the same lever again. The
camera returns to the protagonist. The protagonist takes the jar furiously and throws it,
breaking it.
My head is a mess, but that is ok. I know you can do it. Let's pick this up.

The protagonist leaves the focus and returns with a broom and a mop. He starts picking
up broken glass with the broom. He finishes picking them up and starts mopping. The
camera returns to the little man. The man pulls the other lever. The protagonist drops the
mop and sobs. His breathing begins to accelerate rapidly. His hands are shaking. He closes
his eyes again and breathes deeply. He calms down and continues to mop. The camera
returns to the man. The man pulls the first lever, then the second and begins to honk
repeatedly. The horn is heard. The protagonist lets go of the broom and falls on his knees.
His breathing speeds up so much that he seems to run out of air.
No, please, no.
Why don't you obey me, thoughts? Why do you hurt me, memories? Be mine again,

The protagonist cries for a few moments and tries to compose himself. The camera
returns to the man, who smiles maliciously. He repeats the maneuver. He pulls the first
lever, then the second and continues honking. The camera returns to the protagonist.

I don't know what has happened with her and I don't want to think about it. I don't want
to know what she would be doing right now. I just hope she's happy, I hope she keeps

The protagonist growls, closes his eyes and stands up. The camera returns to the man who
begins to play randomly with the levers and horn. He finishes and runs away. The camera
returns to the man who collapses on the floor. Flashback footage is shown: it's the
protagonist getting into a car. He checks the mirrors, puts on his seat belt and starts
driving in reverse to get the car out. Out of the corner of his eye he sees a girl passing by
and immediately brakes. He is frustrated. He looks at the mirrors again and continues his
driving. He switches to the accelerator and keeps his eyes in the mirrors. He begins to
accelerate and in when he turns he looks at a ball and the same girl, he beeps constantly,
he tries to brake but his foot gets stuck on the accelerator.
The flashback is cut and another one appears. A flickering of different scenes is shown. In
one is the girl crying uncontrollably screaming: <<I can’t feel my legs. Mom, help. It
hurts>>. In others it is the man trying to help, who is scolded by the girl's parents.
It wasn't my fault, really. I swear not. This was a long time ago, but my eyes try to see the
today and what it would be.
(Brings his hands to his face)
My mind does not belong to me. Please come back to me.
(He continues to cry. The horn whistles continue to be heard)
Man believes that when he opens the door to the dark, he opens it only for himself, but
the dark entities do not obey the petty will of one.
The end

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