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BSc Architecture and Spatial Planning

Preparation of Final Project

Subject Type Semester ECTS Code
Lecturer Dr. Egzon Bajraktari

MSc Vullnet Shaqiri, MSc Gazmend Uka, MSc Jusuf Xhibo, MSc Visar Shllaku

The course aims to develop student’s skills and abilities to advance an architectural project idea to the level
Aims and objectives
of the main project – working drawings - in accordance with law, respective guidelines and best practices.

Upon completion of the course the students should be able to:

1. Process and conduct an architectural idea from concept design to working drawings taking into
consideration municipality planning requirements and procedures.
Results of achievement
2. Understand differences between architectural drawings at different scales.
– learning outcomes
3. Apply the knowledge and prepare appropriate working drawings – main project.
4. Complete main project with all necessary documentation including technical specification and
bill of quantities.

Lecture plan Weeks

Introduction 1
Design task – municipality requirements and procedures 2
Conceptual design 3
Conceptual design 4
Conceptual design – completion 5
Submission first part 6
Main project 7
Course Content
Main project 8
Main project 9
Main project – dimensions 10
Main project – details 11
Main project – technical specification 12
Main project – bill of quantities 13
Main project – completion 14
Final submission and evaluation 15

Teaching/Learning Activity Weight (%)

Lectures (CLO 1, 2) 25 %

Teaching/Learning Project discussion (CLO 1, 2, 3, 4) 25 %

Methods Individual consultation and project critic (1, 3, 4) 50 %
Assessment Activity Number Week Weight (%)
1. Active participation throughout semester 1 - 15 10 %
(CLO 1, 2, 3, 4)

Assessment Methods 2. Completion of assignments (CLO 1, 3, 1 - 15 50 %

3. Final Presentation (CLO 1, 2, 3, 4) 15 40 %

Resources Number
1. Class 1
2. Laboratory 1

Course resources 3. Moodle 1

4. CAD software and computer 1
5. Projector 1

Activity Weekly hrs Total workload

1. Lectures, discussion 2 30
2. Design task - assignment 1 15

ECTS Workload 3. Laboratory

4. Individual consultation 18
5. Independent learning 25
6. Public presentation (Final review) 2

Ligji Nr 04/L-110 për ndërtim (https://gzk.rks-gov.net/ActDetail.aspx?ActID=2833 )

Aplikimi për leje (https://dphnb.rks-gov.net/k1/index.html)

Udhëzim administrativ MMPH Nr.04/2017 për kategorizimin e ndërtimeve

(https://gzk.rks-gov.net/ActDocumentDetail.aspx?ActID=14819 )

Udhëzimin administrativ MMPH 06/2017 për përcaktimin e procedurave për përgatitjen dhe shqyrtimin e
kërkesave për kushte ndërtimore, leje ndërtimore dhe leje rrënimi për kategorinë I dhe II të ndërtimeve
(https://gzk.rks-gov.net/ActDocumentDetail.aspx?ActID=14823 )

Udhëzues – paraqitja grafike e dokumentacionit ndërtimor (https://dphnb.rks-gov.net/Fazat/Udhezuesi

Shtojca C (https://dphnb.rks-gov.net/Projektet/Projekt_Kryesor/161104_Projekt_Kryesor.pdf )

Rregullore MMPH Nr. 03/2016 për normat minimale teknike për ndërtesat e banimit në bashkëpronësi
(https://gzk.rks-gov.net/ActDetail.aspx?ActID=13054 )

DIN 1356-1

ÖNORM A 6240

Bizley, G., Architecture in Detail I & II, Oxford: Architectual Press, 2010

David, P., Megumi, Y., Detail in contemporary concrete architecture, London: Laurence King Publishing,

Emmitt, S., Architectural Technology, Oxford: Wilez-Blackwell, 2002


Contact gazmend.uka@ubt-uni.net

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