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Case 1:19-ct-00297-ELR-JSA Document 411 Filed 05/16/24 Page 1 of 3 IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE NORTHERN DISTRICT OF GEORGIA. ATLANTA DIVISION UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, CRIMINAL ACTION v. NO: 1:19-CR-297-ELR TODD CHRISLEY, Defendants, BURR & FORMAN LLP, Garnishee. FINAL DISPOSITION ORDER AS TO PROPERTY HELD BY GARNISHEE BURR & FORMAN LLP This Court having reviewed the record of this matter and the facts of the case and finds as follows: A Writ of Garnishment was issued by this Court on January 11, 2024, and served upon Garnishee Burr & Forman LLP (“Garnishee”) and Defendants, Todd Chrisley and Julie Chrisley (together, Defendants”). After receiving the Writ of Garnishment, Garnishee filed an answer stating that at the time of service of the Writ of Garnishment, Garnishee had in its possession, certain personal property belonging to Defendants, namely funds held in a trust account. Case 1:19-cr-00297-ELR-JSA Document 411 Filed 05/16/24 Page 2 of 3 "Defendant, Todd Chrisley, received notice of the garnishment package, including the Writ of Garnishment, the Application for Writ of Garnishment, the Plaintiff's Notice of Garnishmentand Instructions, and the Clerk’s Notice of Post- Judgment Writ of Garnishment on January 23, 2024. Defendant, julie Chrisley, received notice of the garnishment package, including the Writ of Garnishment, the Application for Writ of Garnishment, the Plaintiff's Notice of Garnishment and Instructions, and the Clerk’s Notice of Post Judgment Writ of Garnishment on January 19, 2024. This Notice of Garnishment and Instructions informed Defendants of the statutory right to request a hearing before this Court to determine exempt property, and the statutory right to object to the Garnishee's answer, ‘The Defendants have not requested a hearing or claimed any exemptions. On April 24, 2024, the United States filed a Motion for Entry of Final Disposition Order as to Gamishee. Al prerequisites for entry of final disposition order under 2BULSC. §3205(bW7) have therefore been met. ITIS THEREFORE ORDERED that Gamishee shall tum over to the Clerk of Court for the Northern District of Georgia the funds in its possession, as specified below: Case 1:19-cr-00297-ELR-JSA Document 411 Filed 05/16/24 Page 3 of 3 ~ Garnishee shall pay to the Clerk of Court all funds remaining in Garnishee’s IOLTA trust account deposited on behalf of the Defendants. Payment should be made by certified check made payable to the Clerk of Court for the Northern District of Georgia, 2211 U.S. Courthouse, 75 Ted Turner Drive S.W,, Atlanta, Georgia 30803 with reference on the negotiable instrument to case number 1:19-CR-297-ELR. SO ORDERED THIS __16th___ day of May 2024. Steam K. Hess THE HONORABLE ELEANOR L. ROSS UNITED STATES DISTRICT JUDGE Respectfully submitted by: 4 Vivieon Kelly Jon VIVIEON K. JONES: ASSISTANT US. ATTORNEY Georgia Bar No, 143033 United States Atiorney’s Office 75 Ted Turner Drive SW, Suite 600 Atlanta, Georgia 30303 Telephone: (404) 581-6312 Facsimile: (404) 581-6181 Exmail: vivieon Case 1:19-c'-00297-ELR-JSA Document 409 Filed 01/29/24 Page 1 of 14 FLED vee JAN 29° 2024 EVP WeNieR, con INTHE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT = ounyes FOR THE NORTHERN DISTRICT OF GEORGIA. gi ATLANTA DIVISION UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, CRIMINAL ACTION v. + NO:119-CR-297-ELR TODD CHRISLEY, JULIE CHRISLEY, ET AL, Defendants, And BURR & FORMAN LLP, Garnishee. ANSWER OF THE GARNISHEE L J. Alex Little (Declarant), as the Partner___ (Title of Declarant) of Garnishee, Burr & Forman LLP (Garnishee's official name), BEING DULY SWORN DEPOSE AND SAY: 1. Choose one as applicable: (C1) GarnisHEE Is AN INDIVIDUAL Gamishee is or was doing business in name of _. The Gamishee is or was doing business under a DBA and the name of DBA As, . The official address where mail should be sent Case 1:19-cr-00297-ELR-JSA Document 409 Filed 01/29/24 Page 2 of 14 GARNISHEE IS A PARTNERSHIP OR TRUST: ‘The names of the partners in the partnership, or members of the trust are ialiacied sa Eibit 2} Declarant is the Exist (Title) of a partnership or trust known es Burr & Forman LLP____ which is registered in the State of ___Alabama The official title of the person completing this Answer is Partner . The mailing address for the person or authorized agent for this partnership or _ trust 420 20th St N #3400, Birmingham, AL 35203 (C1) GarnisHeE Is A GOVERNMENTAL ENTITY. The official title of the Declarant completing this answer is ——___________. {title of declarant). The Garnishee is an (Agency, Department, ete) of the . (official name of government entity) with a principal office located at [] GARNISHEE IS A CORPORATION. 1 Declarant is the (title of declarant) of the Corporation name), which is organized under the laws of the State of __. Case 1:19-cr-00297-ELR-JSA Document 409 Filed 01/29/24 Page 3 of 14 2. The Garnishee may be contacted through the following individual, at the following telephone number(s), and with the following identifying information: Alex Little, (615) 724-3200 Partner, Burr & Forman LLP 3, Onthe Ith day of January, 20_24_, Garnishee was served with the Writ of Garnishment, 4, Garnishee has custody, control or possession of the following property owned by the Defendants, including the following: Remaining Settlement Proceeds* any and all funds, checking accounts, savings accounts, retirement accounts (IRA and 401k), and/or investment accounts, any safety deposit boxes which are held in Defendant's’ name or over which Defendants hold signature authority: 4a, Description of Property Interest; _ Funds in JOLTA Trust Account 4b. Approximate Value: $29,932.23, 4c, Bstimation of Defendant's Interest in Property: * Remaining Settlement Proceeds as defined In the Application for Writ of Garnishment Case 1:19-cr-00297-ELR-JSA Document 409 Filed 01/29/24 Page 4 of 14 Defendants have 100% interest in the $29,932.23 held in the trust account. 5, Garnishee has custody, control or possession of the following other property or funds (non-earnings), in which the Defendants maintains an interest, as described below: None. 5a, Description of Property Interest: 5b, Approximate Value: NA Sc, Estimation of Defendant’s Interest in Property: NIA (Complete items 6-7 below if applicable) 6. Garnishee makes the following objections, defenses, or set-offs to the United States’ right to the Defendant's property: NIA 7, Garnishee was not and is not indebted or under liability to the Defendants, and Garnishee did not or does not have possession or control of any property belonging to the Defendants, or in which the Defendants has an interest; and is not liable as Garnishee in the action for the following reason(s): NIA Case 1:19-cr-00297-ELR-JSA Document 409 Filed 01/29/24 Page § of 14 Garnishee delivered or mailed an Answer by first class mail to the Clerk of the United States District Court for the Norther District of Georgia, 2211 US. Courthouse, 75 Ted Turner Drive, Atlanta, Georgia 30303 and referenced Criminal Action No.1:19-CR-297-ELR, Garishee delivered or mailed a copy of the Answer by first-class mail to the Defendant, Todd Chrisley 72600-019, FPC Pensacola, Federal Prison Camp, 110 Raby Ave, Pensacola, FL 362509; Julie Chrisley 72601- 019, FMC Lexington, 3301 Leestown Road, Lexington, KY 40511, on Savannah Chrisley, Power of Attorney for Defendants, 806 Lynnwood Blvd, Nashville, TN 367205, Garnishee delivered or mailed a copy of the Answer by first class mail to Ryan K. Buchanan, United States Attorney, Attn: Vivieon K. Jones, Financial Litigation Program, 600 U.S. Courthouse, 75 Ted Turner Drive, $.W., Atlanta, GA 30303. Dated this _!9th_ day of January’ 20_24 rapa (tive of Garnishee J. Alex Little Printed Name, Partner Title 222 2nd Ave S, Suite 2000, Nashville, TN 37201 ‘Address of Garnishee (615) 724-3200 Telephone Number of Gamnishee 8 Case 1:19-cr-00297-ELR-JSA Document 409 Filed 01/29/24 Page 6 of 14 Subscribed to and sworn before me this a dey of ne \ 2024, Notary Public(Seal) Aug: aol My Commission expires: 21% [GOA Case 1:19-c'-00297-ELR-JSA Document 409 Filed 01/29/24 Page 7 of 14 Case 1:19-cr-00297-ELR-JSA Document 409 Filed 01/29/24 Page 8 of 14 EXHIBIT A {Abrao, Oybt “Tieton, Bagi ‘no indy 8 [iigor, Adam R. 1 ‘Bak ToT ‘Bama, Matt W Baia rath. ‘Biumenthai, Jennifer (Bogard, Howard E. 1 L loa oe 1 iBusby, Gingar M. — ison, Chie Christian, Ed R. Viarke, Patrick J. meme iCohn, Ron ‘caieman, Jahn Jt {alins, hip 6 ‘Coulter, Bon B. ' | fBebrige, Marcel L, ~ | ene aE { ‘DeVries, Matt J. Ehventeid, Joshua A. Elliott, Bavid A. - t | Falgowekl, Cory C: [Foléy, Rion Gartenlatib, Doug [Gibert, Rachel. {Gliespy, Gerald. 1 Case 1:19-c'-00297-ELR-JSA Document 409 ‘Golden, Erie 8. ‘Hoyslip, Vie L. ‘Hemdon, Tucker T. ‘Heit, Erin. : ; ‘Hinkle, Logan L. ‘Hitson, Brent D, “Hoover, Jim A. [Fordo, Rocky W. ‘Houston, David W. ‘Fivang, ingu —— {ions ois. | [Joseph, Joe A.” i ‘Kaugat, Harvey 8 ‘Kavanagh, John P. laertmameer™ eee Boy: Latta, Forrest 8. [Ceeih, AianB, ‘Tinebery, Doug t ‘Giow, Lany 8. URI TV, Alex A ‘Long. |Lowail, RandyR. ” ” Canny, 769 F Mack, Emily H. iarigione, Ralph Iiianloy, Reid's. |fiason, Apa Filed 01/29/24 Page 9 of 14 Case 1:19-cr-00297-ELR-JSA Document 409 Filed 01/29/24 Page 10 of 14 ‘iay, Timothy ‘Ricinnis Saath” “Meck, Dorok F~ |Metheny, Bryance B. ‘ile, Soe ‘eg, Zach 3 ae (its, Gail L, ‘itch, Matt, ion, Bag, : : ‘Morrison, George Moseley, Jennifer Mi. ‘Nuri, Laura Wi. [Nicholson Jr, Ned E. | !Norts, Brandon |r Norman'it. ‘Patel, Bhumi 7 i ; [Pruohs, Bret” 1 [Rin ti, Sine 8. ~ i bertson, Sarah Roonen, WO -_ | Rosen, Rob 7. ‘Rust, Adrian ‘Riiheriord, Rossel 7 | |Siantes, David. ‘sao, ‘Solio, Malinda “adding A ‘ichael [Sith, Troy K, { [Snow, Ed C Case 1:19-cr-00297-ELR-JSA Document 409 {Spence Andy T, Springfield, Frank F Stieglitz, Graham 4.” «Sirohmenger, Chris R. ‘Sullivan, Allen A. ‘Sulivan, Shea ©, (Suma, J Elavern lThorson, Chad ‘Threadcraft, Joshua H. FFozzi, Rik 5” |Tumage Gatlin, Cheri Warfield, Patrick P. [Waskiowiez, Nichia livnattey, Caille 5. Wiliams, Scots, [Wright Grad 2werner, Tim M. Filed 01/29/24 Page 11 of 14 Case 1:19-c'-00297-ELR-JSA Document 409 Filed 01/29/24 Page 12 of 14 ATTACHMENT TO ANSWER OF GARNISHEE ‘The Original Answer (and checks or money order upon entry of the Court's Final Disposition Order) must be mailed to: Clerk of the United States District Court 211 US, Courthouse, 75 Ted Turner Drive, Atlanta, Georgia 30803 A copy of the Answer must also be delivered to: United States Attorney's Office 600 US. Courthouse 75 Ted Turner Drive, S.W. Atlanta, GA 30303 Attn: Vivieon K. Jones, Financial Litigation Program A copy of the Answer must be sent to the Defendants: Todd Chrisley 72600-019, FPC Pensacola Federal Prison Camp 110 Raby Ave, Pensacola, FL 362509; Julie Chrisley 72601-019 FMC Lexington 3301 Leestown Road Lexington, KY 40511 Savannah Chrisley, in her capacity as Power of Attorney for Defendants 806 Lynnwood Blvd Nashville, TN 367205 €0€E0E VO ‘equejy “Aq JeuINL Pal SZ asnoyunods Sn TTZZ DadsN 49 49/3

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