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Essay on All Social Evils

(Unemployment, Corruption, Pollution, Inflation, Drug Addiction, Terrorism, Over

Population, Social Evils, Smoking, Social Injustice, Smuggling, Child Labor, Poverty, etc.)

It is a fact that __________ is a widespread problem. It is a curse which has influenced our
society badly. It is one of the greatest social, economic, political, and moral problems. it has
become a cause of great disturbance in our peaceful society. This problem has taken an alarming
position for the last ten years. Now it has really become a threat for our society. That is why it
needs to be stopped immediately.

It is very disappointing to say that the problem of __________ is not only the part of our society
or country but also it is spread all over the world. This wide-spread problem has disturbed the
whole world. In our country, its intensity has greatly increased for the last few years. It has rotten
our social, political, economic and moral institutions.

There are many causes of spread of __________. The major cause of __________ in our society
is our loose administration system. The high ranking officers are not serious and sincere to their
duty. They do not deal important matters with responsibility. As a result untold troubles are
created in our country. The government has failed to check the evil results of __________. No
efforts are being made to check the problem of __________.

Another major cause of __________ is lack of education in our country. Most of the people in
our country are uneducated. They are unaware of harmful results of this evil.

The cooperation of public with the government is helpful in this matter. The government should
also take effective steps to control the problem of __________. The administrative system should
be made strong. Literacy rate in our country should be increased because only the educated
nations can know and solve their problems. Public should cooperate with the government and the
people should realize their duties. They should take deep interest in the affairs of the country. It
is only through national unity that we can make our future bright and brilliant. Religion always
plays a vital role in the affairs of any nation. It gives guidance to overcome problems. Islam is a
universal religion and a complete code of life. So Islam can be helpful in solving the problem of

The above mentioned steps can eliminate this social evil __________ from our society. The
check of this __________ means the welfare of our society.

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