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Capstone Update #4

What I have accomplished so far

Based on the how to flick video script I created was able to effectively and efficiently create my flick

I have finished fully editing both my “how-to backhand” video and “how-to flick” video, as both are
ready to be published.

I have created a YouTube channel where I will be publishing both videos.

What I plan to accomplish by the end of the week

Be prepared to have the exit interview.

My needs (materials, time, space, mentor etc.)

Create time to be prepared for the exit interview. Finishing work from other classes and being all caught
up with missing work.

Challenges I encountered and how I have overcome them

Since my phone is broken and can’t record using my phone, I have been using my friend's phone to film.
When editing my backhand video, I was really struggling to edit my video in a timely manner, but by the
end of it I was able to find an efficient way to edit which was more efficient and helped me get a grasp
on how I want these videos to be edited. With that, I was able edit my flick video much faster while
having it be same quality of editing. Having a video script tailored to my liking was also very helpful
while filming my flick video, because as I was filming my backhand video, I realized how unhelpful my
script was when it was giant blobs of text instead of just having the main key points highlighted and I
knew the times where I would just voice over example clips.

Pictures/Video evidence of my progress


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