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CHAPTER IV becomes a poor conductor of electricity (Loder,


 _______ refers to various technologies to produce
materials of _______ and _______. (Norio
Introduction Taniguchi of Tokyo Science University is credited
 _______ of _______ is of great interest to _______, with coining the term "nanotechnology in 1974).
_______ and _______. The prefix "_______ "  _______ "implies the ability to generate and utilize
denotes _______. structures, components, and devices with a size
 "_______ is a broad and interdisciplinary area of range from about _______ (atomic and molecular
_______ that has been _______ in the past few scale) to about _______ (or larger in some
years. It has the potential for _______ the way in situations) by control at _______, and _______ "
which materials and products are created and the (Roco, 1999)
_______ and _______ that can be accessed".  One of the most interesting aspects of
(_______, _______). nanotechnology is _______ similar to those
 The _______, traces the _______ falling under the produced by biological _______, _______ and
_______. Although _______ is a relatively recent _______ (Carraher, Jr. 1994).
_______, the _______ happened over a longer ___________________________________________
period of time. The emergence of nanotechnology in
the _______ was caused by the _______ such as What is Nano World?
the _______ in _______ and the _______ in
 To understand the nano world here are presented
_______, with the _______ of a conceptual
important personages who have contributed to the
framework for the goals of nanotechnology.
growth and study of the Nano World.
 The retroactive rediscovery of _______ "_______ "
gave nanotechnology a packaged history that
 The two terms often used in the literature with
provided an early date of _______, plus a
reference to the world of nano materials are
connection to the charisma and genius of _______.
_______ and _______. _______ denote divided
_______ stature as a _______ and as an iconic
figure in 20th century science surely helped
 As _______ (_______) said, "if you take a piece of
advocates of nanotechnology and provided a
solid matter (say a metal) containing an _______
valuable intellectual link to the past.
and go on dividing it to smaller bits, you will
 His paper on the Nanosystems: _______, _______,
ultimately end up with an _______. Before that, you
and _______, received the _______ award for
will reach a stage of _______ containing _______.
_______ of _______. _______ founded the
Such particles with diameters of (_______)
_______ in _______ with the mission of "_______”.
 Nanotechnology and nanoscience got a boost in the
 _______ are referred to as _______.
early 1980s with two major developments: _______
 _______ exhibit properties entirely different from
and _______. These developments led to the
_______ and _______.
_______ in _______ and the structural assignment
 _______ and _______ are the two key factors that of _______ a few years later
separate nanomaterials from bulk materials (The
 The _______, an instrument for imaging surfaces at
Royal Society and The Royal Academy of
the atomic level, was developed in _______ by
Engineering, 2004).
_______ and _______ at _______, for which they
 A substance of size _______ has _______ of its were awarded the _______ in _______.
atoms on the surface compared to a substance of
 _______, _______ and _______ invented the first
size _______ with _______ of its atoms on its
_______ in _______. The first ______________
surface. As _______ decreases _______ begin to
was introduced in _______.
manifest in the form of _______, _______ and
 _______ was the first to manipulate atoms using a
_______ in _______. He used _______ to spell out
 _______ refers to the scientific study of materials of
the _______. He shared the _______ in
nanometer size, ie, _______ (_______, _______). It
Nanoscience for this work.
is a combination of developments in _______,
_______, _______, _______ and _______, and ____________________________________________
Initial commercial applications
 According to _______ (cited in _______, _______),
it is a _______ that differs both from _______ and  The _______ saw the beginnings of the use of
_______ (p. 2). For example, _______ at much _______, although most applications are limited to
lower temperature than _______, 2002). _______ in the bulk use of _______. Examples include
extremely thin layers, in the presence of _______, _______ and _______ in sunscreen, cosmetics and
some food products; _______ in food packaging,
clothing, disinfectants and household appliances and precipitation, making these some of the most
such as _______; _______ for stain-resistant important feedback mechanisms to the greenhouse
textiles; and _______ as a fuel catalyst. effect.
 As of _______, the _______ estimated that over  _______ A minor but very important component of
_______ are publicly available, with new ones the atmosphere, _______ is released through
hitting the market at a pace of 3-4 per week. natural processes such as _______ and _______
and through human activities such as _______,
_______, and _______. Humans have increased
Potential Uses atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration by more
than a third since the _______ began. The main
The _______ ranked potential uses of _______ and source of excess carbon dioxide emissions is the
_______ with respect to development. The top ten _______, while _______ has reduced the amount of
uses follow (BBC News, 2005). : _______ to turn _______ to _______.
 _______ A hydrocarbon gas produced both through
_______ and _______, including _______,
Chapter IV
_______, and especially _______, as well as
Climate Change and Energy Crisis
_______ and _______ associated with domestic
livestock. On a molecule for molecule basis,
 _______ is one of the fundamental challenges ever _______ is a far more active greenhouse gas than
to confront humanity. Its adverse effects being seen _______, but also one which is much _______ in
may intensify over time if nothing is done about it. the atmosphere.
 _______ refers to the change in global or regional  _______ A powerful greenhouse gas produced by
patterns, in particular, a change apparent from the _______, especially the use of _______, _______,
_______ and attributed largely to the _______ by _______, and _______.
the use of _______. It is a catch-all term for the shift  _______ Synthetic compounds entirely of industrial
in worldwide weather phenomena associated with origin used in a number of applications, but now
an increase in _______. largely regulated in production and release to the
 _______, also called _______, refers to the rise in atmosphere by international agreement for their
average surface temperatures on earth. ability to contribute to _______. They are also
 _______ defines _______ as: "a _______ created greenhouse gases.
predominantly by _______ which add _______ to  Our _______ is also creating a _______ as
_______. These phenomena include the increased greenhouse gases trapped in _______ are
temperature trends described by global warming, released.
but also encompasses changes such as _______,
_______ in _______, _______, the _______ and ____________________________________________
_______, shifts in _______; and all extreme
What are the Effects of Climate Change?
weather events."
 The effects of _______ (_______) climate change
ranged from more frequent and severe _______ to
What Are the Causes of Climate Change? _______ and _______ in temperate regions as a
result of warming _______.
 Most climate scientists agree that the main cause of  It's not only _______ that are affected. _______ are
current global warming trend is _______ - warming increasing the frequency of _______; _______,
that results when the atmosphere traps heat _______ means that forests in some regions are no
radiating from Earth toward space. longer recovering from _______ and
 Life on Earth is dependent in an _______ - a layer _______around the world are becoming less
of gases, primarily water vapor, in the lower hospitable to animals.
atmosphere that trap heat from the sun as it's
reflected back from the Earth, radiating it back and ___________________________________________
keeping our planet at a temperature capable of
How Is Climate Change Affecting the Philippines?
supporting life.
 _______ is currently generating an _______ that  The _______ listed the Philippines as the number one
unlike _______, don't dissipate in response to most affected country by climate change because of
temperature increases, resulting in a continuing its _______. The _______ is located in the _______
buildup of heat. surrounded by naturally warm waters that will likely
 _______ that contribute to the greenhouse effect even get warmer as average sea-surface
include _______, _______ and _______. temperature continue to rise
 The most abundant greenhouse gas, but  To some extent, this is a normal pattern: the _______
importantly, acts as _______. _______ increases as warms as it absorbs _______. The _______ then
the _______, but so does the possibility of clouds releases some of its heat into the _______ creating
_______ and _______. However, as the ocean's By the end of the century, _______ are expected to
surface increases over time from the effects of rise by _______. This can lead to more powerful
climate change, more and more heat is released into storms because storms get their strength from
the atmosphere. This _______ in the _______ and _______. In the Philippines, _______ spikes above the
_______ can lead to stronger and more frequent normal sea surface temperature have been recorded.
_______. This is what has happened to the Warmer seas kill _______ and can thus lead to a
Philippines. Five of the deadliest typhoons have decline in _______, putting food security in danger.
occurred since _______ affecting and displacing
3. _______
thousands of citizens every time. The deadliest storm
on record in the Philippines is _______ which was The shift in _______ of our oceans can lead to
responsible for more than _______ lost lives, over _______. Because of the imbalance, _______ are not
_______ displaced citizens, and _______ peso able to develop skins, _______ cannot develop shells.
damages in 2013. _______ mat not be able to develop bones. This
 The Philippines also lacks _______; as a collection of further endangers food security and livelihood.
over _______ there is almost nothing standing
between them and the sea. In addition to their coral 4. _______
reefs, one of the best buffers against typhoons are Current data show an increase in sea surface heights.
the _______. These _______ help mitigate the _______ say this is due to the _______ in the _______
impact of _______ and _______ but almost half of and _______ of the globe like _______ and _______.
this have disappeared since _______ due to Sea level rise by _______ can submerge low-lying
_______. communities like _______ which stands only _______.
 Other natural factors, like _______ or _______, also
increase the _______. Sea levels in the Philippines 5. _______
are rising at about _______ the global average and The creation of tropical cyclones is already being
when it rises to _______, as what happened during recorded in areas where the phenomenon had never
_______, millions of citizens in coastal communities been observed. On _______, _______ (_______), said
in the Philippines have been displaced... to be the strongest in recorded history, devastated
 In the _______, the effects of _______ and _______ cities in _______.
cannot be denied. There used to be a clear
delineation between the dry and wet weather, or 6. _______
summer and rainy months. _______ have always
_______ in the Philippines will reach new highs and
been known as the dry months, while the rest were
lows. Some parts of the country will make it more
_______. Summer in the Philippines means _______,
difficult for _______ and _______ sectors which are
_______ and temperatures are quite high. Wet
highly dependent on weather. _______ cities are
months on the other hand are characterized by
already experiencing unprecedented amounts of
_______, _______, and _______. During wet
rainfall. In _______, rainfall increased by _______ from
months, sunny days are unusual, and in fact
_______ to _______. More rainfall will lead to more
unexpected. Nowadays, however, the wet and dry
_______ and can trigger _______ in upland
days occurs anytime in the year.
Climate change also impacts our country's ability to
_______ (_______) stated six ways by which climate feed people. _______ (_______) wrote:
change affects our country:
1. Climate change is altering _______ and _______
1. _______ and nutrition for millions of people in the Philippines,
according to the _______ n (UN FAO). According to
The _______ occurs when the surface of the ocean _______, UN FAO's representative to the Philippines,
waters in the _______ becomes abnormally warm. The due to climate change crop yields are expected to
energy created by this is so great that it can create an decline by _______ % while catches of main fish
imbalance in the weather in the different parts of the species are expected to decline by _______ % in
world. In _______, it can lead to abnormally dry tropical countries like the Philippines.
conditions. _______ can also make weather events
like storms highly unpredictable. Weather will have 2. _______. Because of too much heat too much rain
extreme highs and lows, making it "increasingly difficult _______ are ruined. An example of this is the _______
to predict weather patterns for purposes of planning which affected the _______ region from _______ to
and normal business operations" says a WWF- _______ which damaged crops in more than _______
Philippine study. hectares farmland and resulted to more than _______
pesos in losses. The drought has also affected farmers
and crops in the provinces of _______, _______,
2. _______ _______, _______, and _______.
3. _______. The _______ showed a decline in the _______ of _______ is yet another reason for energy
Philippines' ranking. From _______, it dropped to shortage. Most of the energy producing firms keep on
_______ among 113 countries based on the data using updated equipment that restricts the production
released by the _______ of energy. It is the responsibility of utilities to keep on
_______ and set a _______.
4. _______. Based on the latest _______ of _______
of the _______, malnutrition rate in the Philippines is 4. _______
also increasing. The Philippines malnutrition rate or
_______ still remains unused in most countries. Most
stunting among children _______ has increased
of the energy comes from _______ like _______. It still
_______ from just _______ in _______.
remains the top choice to produce energy. Unless we
____________________________________________ give renewable energy a serious thought, the problem
of energy crisis cannot be solved. _______ can reduce
 _______ is any great bottleneck in the supply of our dependence on _______ and also help reduce
energy resources to an economy. In popular _______.
literature though, it often refers to one of the energy
sources used at a certain time and place, 5. _______
particularly those that supply national electricity
In few countries, there is a significant _______ that
grids or serve as fuel for vehicles
can fill the gap between the _______ and _______.
 The _______ is the concern that the world's
The result is that _______ come under huge stress to
demands on the limited natural resources that are
meet the daily demand for power. When _______
used to power industrial society are diminishing as
doesn't match _______, it results in _______ and
the demand rises. These natural resources are in
limited supply. While they do occur naturally, it can
take hundreds of thousands of years to replenish 6. _______
the stores. _______ and _______ are working to
make the use of renewable resources a priority, and In most parts of the world, people do not realize the
to lessen the irresponsible use of natural supplies _______. It is only limited to _______, _______,
through _______. _______, _______ and _______. Unless we give it a
serious thought, things are not going to change. Simple
 The _______ is a _______ and _______. Most
things like _______ when not in use, using maximum
people don't feel connected to its reality unless the
daylight, walking instead of driving for short distance,
price of gas at the pump goes up or there are lines
using CFL instead of traditional bulbs, proper insulation
at the gas station. The energy crisis is ongoing and
for leakage of energy can go a long way in saving
getting worse despite many efforts. The reason for
this is that there is not a broad understanding of the
complex causes and solutions for the energy crisis. 7. _______
Frequent _______ and _______ are result of a
Causes of the Energy Crisis
8. _______
Some causes of the energy crisis were identified as
follows: Major accidents like _______ and _______ like
eruption of _______, _______, _______ can also
1. _______
cause interruption to energy supplies. The huge gap
The energy crisis is a result of many different strains between _______ and _______ can raise the price of
on our natural resources, not just one. There is a strain essential items which can give raise to _______.
on fossil fuels such as _______, _______ and
9. _______
_______ due to _______ - which then in turn can put a
strain on our _______ and _______ by _______. _______ between countries can also hamper supply of
energy specially if it happens in _______ like _______,
2. _______
_______, _______, _______ or _______. _______
Another cause of the crisis has been the _______ and reached its peak causing _______ and created major
its demands for _______ and _______. No matter what problem for energy consumers.
type of food or products you choose to use- from fair
10. _______
trade and organic to those made from petroleum
products in a sweat shop - not one of them is _______, _______, _______, severe _______ or
transported without a significant drain in our energy _______ can cause sudden increase in demand of
resources. energy and can choke supply. A _______ can definitely
cause an energy crisis.
3. _______
What are Possible Solutions to the Energy Crisis? 7. _______
Many of the possible solutions to the energy crisis are Both developed and developing countries should adopt
already in place, but they have not been widely a _______. They should focus on _______ through an
adopted. They are: effective _______. With current _______and _______
of resources, the consequences of global warming and
1. _______
climate change cannot be ruled out. Both developed
The best possible solution to the energy crisis is to and developing countries must focus on emission cuts
reduce the world's dependence on _______ and to to cut their emission levels to half from current trend
improve overall conservation efforts. Much of the levels by _______.
_______ was created using _______, but there is also
known technology that uses other types of renewable
energies such as _______, _______, and _______. CHAPTER V
The major concern isn't so much that we will run out of ENVIRONMENTAL AWARENESS
gas or oil, but that the use of coal is going to continue
to _______ and _______ in the process of mining the
coal that it has to be replaced as an energy source.  _______leads us to understand the fragility of our
This is not easy because many of the leading environment and the importance of its protection.
industries use coal, not gas or oil, as their primary  _______ is an easy way where each one can keep
source of power for manufacturing. sustaining and improving nature and ecology.

2. _______. Environmental awareness is important for several

Replace traditional bulbs with _______ and _______.
They use _______ and last longer. If millions of people 1);
across the globe use _______ and _______ for 2); and
residential and commercial purposes, the demand for
energy can go down and an energy crisis can be 3).
In addition, _______ essentially serves as an
3. _______ _______making people understand the _______,
_______and _______importance of preserving
There are a number of new technologies that make resources and reducing or eliminating the harmful
lighting controls much more interesting and help impacts of alternations caused by man. _______ helps
_______ and _______. Preset _______, _______, people realize the _______on lands and _______.
_______, _______ are few of the lighting controls that
can help to conserve energy and reduce overall
lighting costs.
Promotion of Environmental Education
4. _______
 _______is an ideology that evokes the necessity
People who use different options to generate power and responsibility of humans to _______,
must be given permission to _______ and get credit for _______and _______the natural word from the
power you feed into it. The hassles of getting credit of _______or _______.
supplying surplus power back into the grid should be  There is a need to keep our _______ for our
removed Apart from that, subsidy on _______ should children. They should not have to inherit our
be given to encourage more people to explore environmental problems and in order to keep their
renewable options. future bright, _______is imperative.
 While efforts are being exerted at the _______and
5. _______
_______to protect our environment, we should do
_______ can be used by big corporations to _______ our part as _______. Each one becomes aware of
and _______. _______, _______and _______could the worth of good quality living.
use the design to come up with the most energy  The _______is the major venue for developing
efficient building and reduce carbon footprint. environmental awareness in students.
Environmental issues often arise with a _______
6. _______
and the _______ and the _______.
_______is a process that helps to identify the areas  The _______plays an important role in the formation
where your home or office is losing energy and identify of children's positive attitudes towards the
steps you can take to improve energy efficiency. environment.
_______when done by a professional can help you to  _______in a process that allows individuals to
reduce your _______, _______and _______and explore environmental issues, engage in problem
_______. solving and take action to improve the environment
as a result, individuals develop a deeper
understanding of environmental issues and show
the skills to make informed and responsible
The 5 components of environmental education are:

There is no one road to solving problems. Rather,

environmental education teaches us how to weigh
various options and use problem-solving and decision-
making skills to arrive at the correct options.
Top 10 benefits of Environmental Education

Beliefs and Convictions

_______perform a vital role in enlightening people to
acquire values, traditions, beliefs, conduct and to
become stewards of the environment. Each of the
religions professed by the Filipinos also includes
concern for the environment. _______ felt he was
called to be _______. (_______, _______.) The
impoverishment and self-denial of St. Francis was his
way of _______. (Encyclical letters of Pope Francis,
_______further mentioned that true human
advancement should have moral character. _______ is
needed. More and more people are switching to
behavior that is safer for the earth. (Haveria, 2019).
_______is a tool for protecting the environment for
future generations. In this regard, the _______ which
stands for _______is being promoted as a way to
assist people in _______, _______and _______to
make wise decisions for our benefit.
_______ (2015 in Haveria, 2019) stated that _______
is built on ecological belief and deference to all forms
of organisms on earth. _______ is environmental
education in action.
Moreover, _______ (2015) mentioned in her study that
_______ can be seen in terms of academic service
learning which includes among others:

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