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ITU Journal: ICT Discoveries, Special Issue No. 2, 23 Nov.



Patrik Hummel1, Matthias Braun1, Steffen Augsberg2, Peter Dabrock1
Erlangen-Nü rnberg, Department of Theology,
2Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen, Department of Law, Germany

Abstract – In this paper, we characterize the notion of data sovereignty as a normative reference point for
information and communication technology (ICT) governance. We explain why in our view, establishing
data sovereignty means more than securing privacy, but also requires the availability of controllable
means for sharing information with others. We argue that in the context of big data applications, dynamic
consent mechanisms play a key role in steering information flows in accordance with the proposed
normative reference point. We close by suggesting legal and governance aspects of implementing data
sovereignty: explorations of data ownership notions, aiming at data literacy in education, encouraging
transparency about data processing activities, and introducing representative data agents that channel
data flows in accordance with individual preferences.

Keywords – Data agents, data ownership, data sharing, privacy, sovereignty

crucial target area for responsible engineering and

1. INTRODUCTION governance frameworks.

At the World Economic Forum 2018, Yuval Noah In this paper, we characterize the notion of data
Harari began his speech by highlighting that data sovereignty as a normative reference point for ICT
has become the most important asset in the world governance (2.). We explain why in our view,
[1]. Data will take on the role that land played in establishing data sovereignty means more than
ancient times, and machinery has in the last few securing privacy; it also requires the availability of
centuries. It will be the basis for the main products controllable means for sharing information with
of the 21st century economy: not textiles, vehicles others (3.), ideally on the basis of dynamic consent
and weapon, but bodies, brains, and minds. Those mechanisms (4.). We close by suggesting legal (5.)
who own and control data, Harari claims, will and governance (6.) aspects of implementing data
shape the future not just of humanity, but the sovereignty.
future of life itself.
If we anticipate data to attain the status Harari REFERENCE POINT
envisions, questions arise about how to make use
of this resource, how to allocate it, manage access As the deployment of big data applications and
and usage rights, and maximize its potentials, e.g., artificial intelligence intensifies across a variety of
for research, health, sustainable development, and sectors, one up-and-coming concept in discourses
economic growth. In order to pursue these ends on responsible governance is the notion of data
responsibly, data should be leveraged towards a sovereignty. Although not used uniformly
better and more just future in which it benefits throughout the literature, the concept relates to
everyone. We are witnessing the age of digitization, issues of control about who can access and process
big data, automation, and algorithmic data data [2–5]. Historically, sovereignty denotes claims
processing. Radically new ways to gather, access, to absolute power relative to a domain, e.g., the
and interpret data are emerging. Information and power of a sovereign nation state in its territory.
communication technologies (ICTs) both generate Calls for data sovereignty transfer this picture to
data and are the locus of data processing. This the realm of data and ICT: sovereign data subjects
double aspect of their data intensity makes ICTs a are those who are in a position to articulate and

© International Telecommunication Union, 2018

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ITU Journal: ICT Discoveries, Special Issue No. 2, 23 Nov. 2018
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ITU Journal: ICT Discoveries, Special Issue No. 2, 23 Nov. 2018

claims to power about their data. Governance shall dignity in at least two ways: first, the linkages
strive to make individuals data sovereigns. make data processing more invasive than ever and
result in an unprecedented degree of transparency
One important clarification is immediately in of the individual. Second, these tools are not
order. Taking sovereignty as a normative reference limited to capturing, describing, and analyzing us
point is not the same as approving and demanding and our activities. Our lives become shaped by
respect of just any claim to power. Compatible with them. There is a spectrum ranging from harmless
and arguably inherent to the concept of nudging to potentially more egregious
sovereignty is a relational aspect: whether a claim interferences with decision making and even
to sovereign power is legitimate depends on its preference formation. The worry is that self-
content and the relationship between the putative determination and autonomy come under fire, and
sovereign and her claim’s addressees. If that the ideal of data sovereignty becomes
arbitrariness or unreasonable self-interest drive unattainable.
the claim, sovereignty turns into despotism.
Negotiating sovereignty and its scope is a 3. BEYOND PRIVACY?
discursive process to be carried out in dialogue
with others and society. A variety of definitions of privacy exist. It is one of
the most prominent values invoked against threats
With this in mind, we can distinguish two levels on of overly invasive and manipulative interventions.
which data sovereignty can be impaired. Firstly, For example, Luciano Floridi describes privacy as a
the sovereignty of nation states appears function of informational friction, i.e. “the forces
compromised by challenges and perplexities of that oppose the flow of information” [11]. The
aligning [6] the online world (or parts thereof) more this flow is constrained, the less accessible
with national legislation. For example, information becomes to others.
commentators worry that governments which use
cloud computing could store data outside their Privacy could be understood as merely a protective
jurisdiction and run the risk of compromising and constraining concept. While acknowledging
national sovereignty by conceding control over the importance of privacy in this sense, the
information [7]. This is why some authors identify normative reference point of data sovereignty goes
data sovereignty with the ability to geolocate data, beyond it. On the one hand, data restrictiveness
to place it within the borders of a particular nation can express self-determination, focused on
state [8], and to resolve uncertainty about which individual rights exercised in ways that exclude
laws apply [9]. others from one’s informational sphere. On the
other hand, data sharing can be the expression of
Secondly, individuals cease to be data sovereigns if solidarity, orientation towards claims of others,
they are unable to articulate or enforce claims to and commitment to the common good. Data
power and/or if they are unaware of the flow of sovereignty reflects that individual decision
their personal information, the nature of the data making mediates between restrictiveness and
that is being generated about their lives, who can sharing without categorically privileging either.
access it, the ways in which it is processed, and the The notion thus demands that privacy protections
mechanisms in which such processing feeds back are complemented by controllable methods for
into their decision making. In the worst case, weaving informational ties to others [12].
potentially autonomous and reflective subjects are
degraded to mere objects of data flows. This being said, there is overlap between privacy
and data sovereignty, e.g., if privacy involves the
In this context, caution is needed against a looming "claim of individuals, groups, or institutions, to
granularization of human dignity [10]. Big data determine for themselves when, how, and to what
tools, algorithms, and neural networks extent information about them is communicated to
continuously recognize patterns and reduce our others" [13], or more generally if it means “control
lives to conglomerates of data points, which over personal information“ [14]. These notions
themselves can be rearranged and set into relation take the individual as the basic unit of analysis.
to other fine-grained data sets: linkages unite Something similar goes for the Fair Information
social media data, shopping behavior, traffic data, Practice Principles [15] which specify individual
health records, forensic records, political attitudes, rights related to accessing, amending, and
financial transactions, and more. These controlling data, and have shaped legislation in the
developments threaten to compromise human
ITU Journal: ICT Discoveries, Special Issue No. 2, 23 Nov. 2018

United States and beyond. Data sovereignty, on the order to stratify and tailor services towards the
other hand, takes as a starting point the social and individual. In these contexts, and especially in
collective setting in which individual claims are cases of rare disease, a patient’s decision to share
being articulated, recognized, and respected. her data directly affects the clinical prospects of
Privacy understood as contextual integrity [16], others. With the emergence of artificial intelligence
where the appropriateness of information flows in the clinic, patient data is being used to learn
turns on context-relative expectations and norms neural networks designed to improve quality,
governing access, is mindful of the social speed, and resource efficiency of clinical decision
embeddedness of privacy claims. But unlike data making and treatments, e.g., on personalized
sovereignty, it appears to leave positive cancer therapy [18]. With the rollout of electronic
entitlements to share information unarticulated. health records, sharing one’s personal health data
has become easier than ever.
Two examples illustrate that such entitlements are
vital. First, our lifeworlds are increasingly digitized In this context, we can also mention the
and mediated by data. Floridi and others [17] use increasingly popular concept of a learning
the term onlife to capture the intertwining, fusion healthcare system [19] which seeks to embed
and indivisibility between our analogue, offline knowledge generation into clinical care, including
lives and our ICT-driven activities and self- the systematic consideration of routine clinical
understandings. While privacy protects individuals data in evidence bases and research processes.
against misuse of their data, Floridi argues that its Some authors see an “obligation of patients to
primary importance flows from our status as contribute to the common purpose of improving
“informational organisms (inforgs), mutually the quality and value of clinical care and the health
connected and embedded in an informational care system” [20].
environment (the infosphere)” [11]. Because of the
significance of information for the self-constitution If one prefers to be more careful [21] with regards
of inforgs, privacy breaches infringe upon their to a duty to participate in endeavors of this kind,
identity. This is what Floridi suggests constitutes one fruitful avenue is to examine the range of
the distinctive wrongness of such breaches. attitudes and dispositions which subjects bring to
the table all along. Gift theorists maintain that
Still, violating privacy is just one way of wronging certain acts of giving are fully understood only if
inforgs. Compatible with and arguably inherent to we recognize their aneconomic aspects: These acts
the proposed picture is that the integrity of inforgs involve a sense of endowment, are being carried
requires not only protections but also entitlements. out without the intention to prompt a return,
Privacy protects a deeply personal sphere, but the transcend the individual’s self-interest, and convey
personality and identity residing in this sphere is a symbolic, non-commodifiable aspect that
itself constituted by informational ties and encodes the donor’s dedication and investment of a
relations to others. It is the sharing, not the part of herself into what she is giving [22–24]. In
retention of information that constitutes identities these ways, gifts present elements of recognition
in the first place. Inforgs conceive of themselves that cannot be offset against other things and
and re-identify as well as recognize each other on introduce these elements into interactions that
the basis of information flows which catalyze social otherwise would be guided primarily by a logic of
bonds that are constitutive of a fulfilled life. Indeed, economic exchange.
intimacy and closeness are paradigmatically
located in areas where informational friction is Health-related acts of giving impact the recipient in
suspended in the right ways. As Floridi illustrates, an immediate and bodily way, and the donation of
upon returning to Ithaca, Odysseus is recognized personal health data is no exception. For example,
by his wife Penelope on the basis of his knowledge genomic data is highly intimate and essentially
of information that only the two of them have in personalized, yet some individuals obtain their
common. genomic data from direct-to-consumer genetic
testing and proceed to share it with researchers
Second, sharing data is vital in many contexts and even the public domain. Empirical evidence on
where we hope to enjoy the benefits of state-of- the motivation of these individuals suggests that
the-art technology. For example, personalized they are aware of looming privacy risks, but
medicine requires the availability of large amounts besides curiosity and the desire to learn more
of data in about their genomes, the sharing is driven by the
intention to contribute to medical research and to
ITU Journal: ICT Discoveries, Special Issue No. 2, 23 Nov. 2018

genetic testing and prediction [25]. unaware of the future use of data which they might
otherwise willingly share in the present.
We propose that once donations are examined
through the lens of gift theories, it becomes The power of data processing technologies as well
apparent that they can generate social bonds, as tendencies of market concentration in the data
convey recognition and open up new options in processing domain pave the way for cumulative
social space, for example by interrupting patterns effects [29] between data from different domains of
of economic exchange and enabling activities and our lifeworlds. As mentioned, nearly all parts of
interactions that would have otherwise remained our lives and activities are datafied. Linkages
unlikely or impossible [12]. If these potentials are amongst datasets make boundaries blur and the
realized, donations can advance individual sphere of personal secrecy shrink.
sovereignty by reinforcing the social structures in
which the individual leads her life. Consent to data processing is supposed to allow
individuals to exercise autonomy and self-
Our claim is not that sharing data is the only way to determination as well as to protect them from
advance data sovereignty. However, through their harms. If future use cannot be fully transparent to
acts of giving, donors can enact beneficence, the data subject in the present, and if one piece of
solidarity [26], and shape scientific processes. information, once conjoined with others, can give
Proponents of citizen science even speak of a away much more than the data subject foresees,
human right to participate in scientific knowledge what should we make of the individual’s consent to
generation [27]. If data subjects are to be the processing of her data? For example, to what
sovereigns, the positive dimension of sovereignty extent does consent to the terms and conditions of
thus calls for ways to facilitate the sharing of data. a social media provider justify the inclusion of
customer data into epidemiological analyses [30]?
This does not mean that privacy claims shall be
deflated, and that people must share. It is perfectly To some extent, such challenges are reminiscent of
compatible with the proposed normative reference discourses on the ethics of biobanking where it is
point that individuals exercise data sovereignty in antecedently open which research will be carried
restrictive ways and refrain from sharing. It does out with biological specimens. One proposal is to
mean, however, that ICT regulators and system seek broad consent from specimen donors for a
designers should also think carefully about room variety of research endeavors that remain
for maneuver for those who, under suitable unspecified at the time of donating the sample.
circumstances, prefer to share rather than to While some defend such models, others criticize
withhold data. The controllability of data flows, them for sacrificing the requirement of
including the ability to protect, share and retract informedness that is vital towards exercising self-
information, should be at the center of responsible determination [31]. Another option is to seek
governance. tiered consent that authorizes the use of a sample
towards a range of broadly defined research areas.
4. INFORMATION PROCESSING IN BIG DATA Unfortunately, in our context, the very notion of a
REGIMES tier is deflated in view of the cumulative effects just
characterized. If data tiers fuse and intertwine
In the context of big data and automated
sooner or later, it might be mere window dressing
information processing, the significance of
to suggest that data subjects can realistically
individual data points cannot be fully understood
consent to only some particular tiers of data
in isolation. How informative they are depends on
whether and how they are conjoined with other
data points and sets. Difficulties like these motivate consent forms that
are dynamic [32]. Individuals’ preferences can be
Data undergoes de- and re-contextualized faster,
expected to change over time, for example if
more easily, and more frequently than ever. The
technological advances open up new possibilities
character of data points is in constant flux. One of
for drawing inferences from a given dataset. This
the clues of big data tools is that they seek to
calls for refined and real-time control mechanisms
identify correlations that are ex ante unforeseen
that allow individuals to provide and withdraw
[28]. This means that individuals are bound to be
data in accordance with their evolving
preferences. One
ITU Journal: ICT Discoveries, Special Issue No. 2, 23 Nov. 2018

initial step in this direction is the notion of data beyond its status as mere binary code, which can
portability, i.e. the right to receive personal data be taken to motivate sui generis laws that codify
and to transfer it from one provider to another, the agent’s ownership of the data she generates
which has found its way into the EU General Data [36]. The problem with this approach is, however,
Protection Regulation (GDPR). As Vayena and that due to the factual differences between data
Blasimme paraphrase, mechanisms like this seek to and objects, this would currently be a property in
turn data subjects into data distributors [33]. title only. Additionally, since the EU so far does not
have a comprehensive competence for this area,
These are positive developments in view of the
such legislation would have to be limited to the
foregoing insights on the embeddedness of inforgs, national sphere. Another, maybe more promising
whose privacy is essential to their integrity, but strategy involves the proxy/agency model already
who also demand ways to share information with familiar from dynamic consent in which proxies or
others and sometimes even donate data for the representatives make decisions on behalf of the
greater good. What could regulators and designers data subject (cascading consent) [4,5]. The idea
of ICT systems do to promote such activities and to here is to employ surrogate notions for ownership
put users in a position to exercise, maintain, and in the property sense. This could help to enable
modify dynamic consent? We now formulate data subjects to (re)gain and sustain control over
suggestions for two domains. their data even without the pains of strenuous and
time-consuming individual supervisory efforts.
Given that technology keeps evolving at an ever-
increasing pace, regulators are faced with an uphill Indeed, attempting to make ICT users data
struggle. This is demonstrated by the intensity of sovereigns can appear to overburden the
the current debates about the GDPR and its ability individual. Ordinary users cannot be expected to
to ensure the right to privacy under big data have a clear picture about the complexities of ICT,
conditions. With regard to data sharing, another all the pathways that their information takes, and
problematic aspect has to be addressed: contrary the sophisticated algorithmic analyses and
to popular belief and some misleading semantics, adjustments that are based on the tracks they leave
under the current regulatory regime there is no in the infosphere. We simply might be asking for
ownership of data. The legal concepts of ownership too much if we demand each ICT user to be data
and property are restricted to objects and real sovereign, threaten to overestimate the amount of
estate, and the specific provisions of intellectual responsibility that should be ascribed to individuals
property (IP) law do not cover mere data [34]. This for their own data integrity, and open the door to
does not mean, however, that there is no need for holding them partially responsible for privacy
clear rules regarding who has control over data breaches and unconstrained information flows.
access and data use and who can profit from them.
Quite the contrary is true. If we keep in mind that The worry can be addressed by highlighting that
under the law as it stands, the consent model while data sovereignty is a feature that is
serves as a substitute for more advanced usage eventually realized in the individual ICT user, the
rights, it becomes obvious that the development of factors that enable data sovereignty extend beyond
complex and dynamic consent mechanisms already the particular data sovereign. They are tied to a
goes a long way to reduce friction. And yet even multitude of agents and levels. Governance
more innovative solutions are both imaginable and mechanisms that strive to realize the normative
desirable. In order to safeguard the data subjects’ ideal of data sovereignty thus need to be
sovereignty, supplementary legal mechanisms are multidimensional [4,5].
needed to ensure that personal rights as well as
rights to freedom can be enacted, remain Individuals themselves are entitled to be provided
respected, and become legally enforceable if with education that enhances their literacy with
necessary. One of the strategies discussed by legal regard to data infrastructures [37]. They cannot be
experts is the introduction of genuine data sovereigns if they proceed under ignorance of
ownership in the property sense [35]. Data is central features and abilities of the technology they
behavior-generated and thus encompasses a are using. Critical reasoning and power of
cultural ontological status judgment are key to evaluate the consequences,
risks, and
ITU Journal: ICT Discoveries, Special Issue No. 2, 23 Nov. 2018

benefits of data-restrictive choices and data information.

sharing respectively.
In the end, data gathering and processing
Still, individual caution and data-restrictive choices organizations are the entities who develop and
only lead so far. It is up to regulators and data implement innovations, and who determine the
processing organizations to ensure that easy-to- extent to which users can be data sovereigns.
understand information on data-intensive ICT is Service providers can support this process through
available and disseminated. In particular, careful technological infrastructures that allow the
reflection is needed on how the ideal of individual to control the flow of her data. In the
transparency could be attained. Transparency can ideal case, data processing rests on the informed
imply disclosure. However, requirements to consent of the individual whose data is being
disclose technological designs, code, and data processed, while she retains options to withdraw
processing algorithms raise several difficulties. consent and mandate deletion of her data from the
First, even if disclosed, such information remains service provider. Controllability would go a long
unintelligible to the lay user, and thus does not way towards harmonizing the benefits of big-data-
advance her informedness. To some extent, terms driven de- and re-contextualization with the
and conditions suffer from this problem as well: privacy and expectations of individual data
everybody accepts them, almost nobody reads subjects.
them, and only some of those who read them
understand them. Disclosure of code, just as terms Governments can take on a key role in this process,
and conditions, would have to be complemented by by encouraging the self-regulation of
societal discourses with a variety of stakeholders organizations. For example, independent, industry-
and experts. Only then can the disclosure of wide data audit and certification centers can make
complex technical contents end up guiding the non- responsible data management visible. Where self-
expert user. Second, even partial mandates to regulation is lacking, the state can take over
disclose codes and algorithms can affect business through regulation, monitoring, and sanctions. The
interests and incentives for innovation on the side GDPR is the most recent example of the range of
of the ICT providers, e.g., if this de facto instruments that can be employed internationally
compromises protections of IP. A more promising while leaving individual nation states discretion to
avenue is to mandate disclosure of the purposes spell out the precise nature of these tools in their
and aims of a given algorithmic tool. This would jurisdiction.
make it possible for outsiders to get an idea of the
intended functioning of the tool, and to assess The rollout and alignment of technological
whether it works as advertised, e.g., reaches the standards for data interoperability and
intended goal with the proclaimed precision and programmatic interfaces is an important area
without undue discrimination against certain where industry and policymakers can work
populations [4,5]. together to harness data. Uniform standards and
formats for exchanging and connecting data from a
Moreover, disclosure by itself is unhelpful if variety of sources and between different systems
individuals lack room for maneuver. Amongst the make data comparable and translatable. It also
features of the platform economy is that its players facilitates quality control and documentation.
benefit from economies of scale and network
effects which sooner or later lead to market Data interoperability and tools to link, organize,
concentrations [10]. This effectively constrains the filter, and curate data efficiently [39] can yield
choices of individuals for moving from one significant benefits towards the normative ideal of
platform to another. As inforgs, it is out of the data sovereignty. First, interoperability is key to
question for individuals to refrain from using ICT data sharing. Lack of interoperability does not
services. One condition of data sovereignty is thus necessarily threaten privacy, but it does
that policy and lawmakers find ways to uphold compromise potentials for exchanging data, a
competition and ensure that the market offers a challenge for example in endeavors to utilize
plurality of data-intensive services from providers routine clinical data for medical research [40].
with different privacy and control mixes. This also Second, while standardization does not by itself
involves discourses on the pricing of data [38] in advance data sovereignty, it sets the stage for
order to compensate individuals for value introducing technological solutions that help
generated through the processing of their individuals to control the flow of their data.
ITU Journal: ICT Discoveries, Special Issue No. 2, 23 Nov. 2018

Architectures such as personal data stores [41] concentrations and emerging power asymmetries
enable users to monitor and administer personal that many blockchain technologies witnessed in
information and metadata, and thus offer ways to the recent past. For example, a very small number
implement dynamic consent mechanisms. In of mining pools dominate the majority of the
addition, trustee and delegation systems can act as bitcoin network. More generally, even technologies
data agents or brokers, i.e. mediate between data intended as decentralized and disruptive can be
subjects and processors. Such agents would dominated by a small number of players.
effectively take on a representative or proxy role
and thus extend the reach of individual consent as The question of which technologies and designs
described above. The behavior of the data agent is increase or constrain data sovereignty deserves
based on predefined rules on how to handle and ongoing critical and multidisciplinary reflection. It
administer data, including storage duration, might turn out that existing approaches, if applied
deletion, exchanges, and anonymization. These wisely, already go a long way towards capturing
rules are set by the individual herself or by other and enforcing dynamic consent. Further research
representative bodies such as consumer protection is needed to compare longstanding and novel tools,
agencies. The data agent also supervises and the benefits they offer, and the trade-offs they
records exchanges of data, and facilitates rollbacks involve relative to different use cases.
if necessary [42]. The system requires auditing
procedures to monitor and ensure its proper In light of the foregoing, we suggest that a
functioning and accordance with the interests of paradigm shift is necessary. Traditional
the data subject it shall represent. Once a user- approaches like consent forms and data-sharing
friendly interface is in place, data agents promise agreements tend to be input-oriented: they set
to reduce complexity and effort by serving as constraints at the beginning of data gathering and
reliable and convenient instruments for individuals processing. What seems called for in view of big
to handle their data. Such systems avoid data and its de- and re-contextualization that
unreasonable technical burdens and cumbersome obscures future use is output-orientation [10]:
decision making on each and every instance of a making sure that the freedom, claims, preferences,
potential act of data sharing. and values of data sovereigns are respected when
the downstream effects of data-intensive ICT affect
Blockchain technology offers further innovative their lives.
avenues for controlling and channeling data flows.
Administration is decentralized, peer-to-peer, and 7. OUTLOOK
hard to manipulate due to cryptographic backward
links between blocks. Data added to the blockchain We have proposed the notion of data sovereignty
can encode metadata such as origin, quality, and as a normative guiding principle for ICT
the extent of consent to processing [4,5], resulting development and frameworks. Responsible and
in immutable audit logs reflecting an individual’s ethically sound informational governance guards
preferences. The technology could thus in principle individual privacy, but also goes beyond
be used towards enhancing controllability and data establishing informational friction. The concept of
sovereignty. For example, there are proposals to data sovereignty encompasses entitlements of the
equip patients with cryptographic keys to their individual to connect and share information with
health records in the blockchain, and thereby others. It thus demands not merely constrainable
empower them to full control (e.g., through a but controllable data flows. Once implemented,
smartphone app) over who can access what kind of data sovereignty honors individual autonomous
data over which period of time [43]. decision making while being mindful of legitimate
business interests and incentives for responsible
Despite the justified enthusiasm for blockchains, innovation. We highlighted a range of measures in
they also poses challenges. As Primavera De Filippi law and governance more broadly conceived that
[44] explains, blockchain technology has its roots can advance this process: explorations of data
in emancipatory and even somewhat subversive ownership notions, aiming at data literacy in
movements that intended to use cryptographic education, encouraging transparency about data
technologies for the sake of individual freedom and processing activities, and introducing dynamic
data protection, particularly against governments. consent models, as well as representative and
These liberating intentions contrast with market proxy systems that channel data flows in
accordance with individual preferences.
ITU Journal: ICT Discoveries, Special Issue No. 2, 23 Nov. 2018

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