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JAMA Internal Medicine | Original Investigation | HEALTH CARE REFORM

Quality and Experience of Outpatient Care in the

United States for Adults With or Without Primary Care
David M. Levine, MD, MPH, MA; Bruce E. Landon, MD, MBA, MSc; Jeffrey A. Linder, MD, MPH

Invited Commentary
IMPORTANCE The US health care system is typically organized around hospitals and specialty Supplemental content
care. The value of primary care remains unclear and debated.

OBJECTIVE To determine whether an association exists between receipt of primary care and
high-value services, low-value services, and patient experience.

DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS This is a nationally representative analysis of

noninstitutionalized US adults 18 years or older who participated in the Medical Expenditure
Panel Survey. Propensity score–weighted quality and experience of care were compared
between 49 286 US adults with and 21 133 adults without primary care from 2012 to 2014.
Temporal trends were also analyzed from 2002 to 2014.

EXPOSURES Patient-reported receipt of primary care, determined by the 4 “Cs” of primary

care: first-contact care that is comprehensive, continuous, and coordinated.

MAIN OUTCOMES AND MEASURES Thirty-nine clinical quality measures and 7 patient
experience measures aggregated into 10 clinical quality composites (6 high-value and 4
low-value services), an overall patient experience rating, and 2 experience composites.

RESULTS From 2002 to 2014, the mean annual survey response rate was 58% (range,
49%-65%). Between 2012 and 2014, compared with respondents without primary care
(before adjustment), those with primary care were older (50 [95% CI, 50-51] vs 38 [95% CI,
38-39] years old), more often female (55% [95% CI, 54%-55%] vs 42% [95% CI, 41%-43%]),
and predominately white individuals (50% [95% CI, 49%-52%] vs 43% [95% CI, 41%-45%]).
After propensity score weighting, US adults with or without primary care had the same mean
numbers of outpatient (6.7 vs 5.9; difference, 0.8 [95% CI, −0.2 to 1.8]; P = .11), emergency
department (0.2 for both; difference, 0.0 [95% CI, −0.1 to 0.0]; P = .17), and inpatient (0.1 for
both; difference, 0.0 [95% CI, 0.0-0.0]; P = .92) encounters annually, but those with primary
care filled more prescriptions (mean, 14.1 vs 10.7; difference, 3.4 [95% CI, 2.0-4.7]; P < .001)
and were more likely to have a routine preventive visit in the past year (mean, 72.2% vs Author Affiliations: Division of
57.5%; difference, 14.7% [95% CI, 12.3%-17.1%]; P < .001). From 2012 to 2014, Americans with General Internal Medicine and
primary care received more high-value care in 4 of 5 composites. For example, 78% of those Primary Care, Brigham and Women’s
Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts
with primary care received high-value cancer screening compared with 67% without primary (Levine); Harvard Medical School,
care (difference, 10.8% [95% CI, 8.5%-13.0%]; P < .001). Americans with or without primary Boston, Massachusetts (Levine,
care received low-value care with similar frequencies on 3 of 4 composites, although Landon); Department of Health Care
Policy, Harvard Medical School,
Americans with primary care received more low-value antibiotics (59% vs 48%; difference,
Boston, Massachusetts (Landon);
11.0% [95% CI, 2.8%-19.3%] P < .001). Respondents with primary care also reported Division of General Medicine and
significantly better health care access and experience. For example, physician communication Primary Care, Beth Israel Deaconess
was highly rated for a greater proportion of those with (64%) vs without (54%) primary care Medical Center, Boston,
Massachusetts (Landon); Division of
(difference, 10.2%; 95% CI, 7.2%-13.1%; P < .001). Differences in quality and experience General Internal Medicine and
between Americans with or without primary care were essentially stable between 2002 Geriatrics, Northwestern University
and 2014. Feinberg School of Medicine,
Chicago, Illinois (Linder).

CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE Receipt of primary care was associated with significantly Corresponding Author: David M.
Levine, MD, MPH, MA, Division of
more high-value care, slightly more low-value care, and better health care experience. General Internal Medicine and
Policymakers and health system leaders seeking to improve value should consider increasing Primary Care, Harvard Medical
investments in primary care. School, Brigham and Women’s
Hospital, 1620 Tremont St,
JAMA Intern Med. doi:10.1001/jamainternmed.2018.6716 Third Floor, Boston, MA 02120
Published online January 28, 2019. (

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Research Original Investigation Quality and Experience of Outpatient Care for US Adults With or Without Primary Care

rimary care—defined herein as first-contact, compre-
hensive, coordinated, and continuous care—is consid- Key Points
ered an essential component of well-functioning health
Question How do the quality and experience of outpatient care
care systems.1,2 Beginning in the 1920s, following the Daw- differ between adults with or without an endorsed source of
son Report, many countries made primary care the founda- primary care?
tion of their health systems.3,4 By contrast, the US health care
Findings In this nationally representative survey study of 49 286
system is generally organized around hospitals and specialty
adults with and 21 133 adults without primary care, Americans with
care despite landmark reports, such as the 1966 Millis Com- primary care received significantly more high-value care (4 of 5
mission Report, recommending that each person have a pri- composites), received slightly more low-value care (3 of 4
mary care physician.5,6 Moreover, Medicare only recently be- composites), and reported significantly better health care access
gan supporting free coverage for preventive services and annual and experience. These differences were stable from 2002 to 2014.
wellness visits.7 Meaning Policymakers and health system leaders seeking to
Consequently, the value of primary care remains unclear improve value should consider increasing investment in primary
and debated in the United States.4 No definitive, large-scale care.
randomized controlled trial has evaluated the effect of pri-
mary care on quality and patient experience, nor will such a
trial likely occur. Moreover, observational analyses are chal- perience with care, and access to care. From 2002 to 2014, the
lenged owing to selection effects compounded by poor iden- annual MEPS response rates ranged from 49% to 65% (mean
tification of participants with or without primary care and poor 58%). The Harvard Medical School Institutional Review Board
granularity of the quality and experience that primary care de- determined this study not to be human subject research and
livers. Some observational studies have examined the asso- thus waived the need both for review and for obtaining in-
ciation of primary care with quality and experience of care, but formed patient consent.
these studies generally have been ecological in nature.8 For in- The MEPS supplements and validates self-reported infor-
stance, Baicker and Chandra9 demonstrated that states with mation by contacting respondents’ clinicians (mean re-
more primary care clinicians had higher quality and lower costs. sponse rate, 86%), hospitals (mean response rate, 90%), phar-
Starfield and colleagues10 found that the regional supply of pri- macies (mean response rate, 77%), and employers (mean
mary care physicians was associated with lower mortality, response rate, 91%). Clinicians specify details regarding of-
higher birth weight, and better self-reported health. Other stud- fice visits (diagnosis, diagnostic test, cost, etc); hospitals specify
ies have tested the effect of health insurance on health out- admissions; pharmacies specify individual medications; and
comes, although insurance may be a poor surrogate for employers specify insurance plan particulars.
primary care.11-13 The MEPS also includes 2 additional mail-back surveys: the
Ideally, well-functioning primary care should result in in- adult self-administered questionnaire and the diabetes care
creased high-value care, reduced low-value care, and better survey. The self-administered questionnaire includes items
patient experience and access to care.14,15 To date, however, from the Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and
individual-level empirical data on the impact of primary care Systems survey, the 12-item Short Form Health Survey, and ad-
are lacking. A more complete understanding of the associa- ditional items measuring respondents’ attitudes about health
tion between receipt of primary care and the quality and care (annual response rate range, 89%-94%). The diabetes care
experience of care, as well as how this has changed over time, survey, administered to respondents with self-reported dia-
could inform investments in and use of primary care. Thus, betes, includes items related to diabetes care (annual re-
we examined whether receipt of primary care was associated sponse rate range, 88%-97%).
with high-value care, low-value care, or patient access and We restricted our analyses to the adult population aged 18
experience. or older. Sample sizes ranged from 21 915 to 26 509 respon-
dents per year.

Definition of Primary Care

Methods We used a patient-centered definition of primary care that used
Data Source responses to a series of questions about core aspects of pri-
We analyzed data from the Medical Expenditure Panel Sur- mary care to determine whether the respondent was en-
vey (MEPS) from 2002 to 2014 with particular focus on 2012 gaged in a primary care relationship. The MEPS first deter-
to 2014. The MEPS is a nationally representative annual sur- mines whether respondents have a “usual source of care” by
vey of the noninstitutionalized United States civilian popula- asking them the name of a physician to whom “you usually
tion drawn from respondents to the National Health Inter- go if you are sick or need advice about your health.” We con-
view Survey.16 The MEPS employs a complex survey design sidered respondents able to identify such a physician who prac-
across 2 years that delivers English or Spanish language com- ticed outside of the emergency department as having a “usual
puter-assisted personal interviews to collect detailed data on source of care.”
demographic characteristics, health conditions, health sta- To further delineate respondents with primary care, we
tus, medical services use, medications, cost, source of pay- used 4 additional questions to replicate the 4 “Cs” of primary
ments, health insurance coverage, income, employment, ex- care: first-contact care that is comprehensive, continuous, and

E2 JAMA Internal Medicine Published online January 28, 2019 (Reprinted)

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Quality and Experience of Outpatient Care for US Adults With or Without Primary Care Original Investigation Research

coordinated.10 We only included those who responded affir- Propensity Score Weighting
matively that they would visit their usual source of care for all We used propensity score weighting to address potential
4 of the following: “new health problems” (first contact); “pre- sources of confounding between receipt of primary care and
ventive health care, such as general checkups, examinations, the outcomes of interest. Potential sources of confounding
and immunizations” (comprehensive); “ongoing health prob- included demographic factors, socioeconomic status, health
lems” (continuous); and “referrals to other health profession- and functional status, and engagement with the health
als when needed” (coordinated). Adults who answered no to system.20-22 This method resulted in a comparison between
the usual source of care question or to any of the other 4 ques- those with or without a primary care relationship, with simi-
tions were considered to not have primary care. Among re- lar levels of engagement in care who were balanced on the
spondents with a usual source of care, 95% met the full crite- above stated factors.
ria for having primary care. Respondents could have selected We used survey-weighted logistic regression to create a pro-
a health professional from any specialty as their primary care pensity score of having primary care, adjusting for all vari-
clinician as long as they met those criteria. Of the health pro- ables given in Table 1 and whether a respondent needed as-
fessionals selected, 70% were general or family practice phy- sistance with activities of daily living, assistance with
sicians, 19% were general internists, 3% were nurse practi- instrumental activities of daily living, family income as a per-
tioners or physician assistants, 1% were pediatricians, 1% were cent of the poverty line, and 12-item Short Form Health Sur-
obstetrician/gynecologists, and the remainder were from all vey Physical and Mental component summary scores (eTable 2
other specialties. in the Supplement). For those with primary care, we com-
puted the inverse of the propensity score. For those without
Clinical Quality Measures primary care, we computed the inverse of 1 minus the propen-
We developed clinical quality measures and quality com- sity score. We then multiplied these weights by the existing
posites from the MEPS as previously described (eTable 1 in MEPS survey weights.24 Item nonresponse across the survey
the Supplement).17 We evaluated performance on 39 clinical was low and after weighting resulted in a loss of 11% and 15%
quality measures, including 25 high-value measures and 14 of respondents with or without primary care, respectively. Un-
low-value measures. From these measures, we constructed less otherwise specified, we present propensity-weighted
6 clinically meaningful underuse composites (eg, recom- analyses. All analyses without propensity weighting are in the
mended cancer screening) in which delivery of the service is Supplement. Finally, to determine whether there was a “dose-
likely of benefit to the respondent, and 4 overuse compos- response” association between primary care and quality and
ites (eg, avoidance of imaging in specific clinical situations) experience, we also compared respondents with primary care
in which delivery of the service is considered either inap- to those without primary care who also had no outpatient visit
propriate or of little to no benefit. (eTable 3 in the Supplement).
To calculate performance for each measure, we first
identified those respondents who were eligible for the mea- Statistical Analysis
sure (eg, those with diabetes) and then determined whether In all analyses, we generated national estimates as recom-
or not they received the particular care (eg, retinal exam). mended by the MEPS by using survey estimation weights, pri-
To calculate composites, we divided all instances in which mary sampling unit clusters, and sampling strata that ac-
recommended care was delivered (for high-value measures) counted for the complex survey design of the MEPS and for
or avoided (for low-value measures) by the number of times nonresponse.25,26 For our main analyses, we aggregated re-
respondents were eligible for care in the category, as others sponses from the most recent 3 years of the survey: 2012 to
have previously done.18 2014. To examine whether performance was improved at the
end of the study period relative to that at the beginning, we
Patient Experience Measures compared composites in 2002 to 2004 to those in 2012 to 2014
We evaluated a global rating measure that asked about respon- using χ2 tests, adjusting for the complex survey design.27 Be-
dent experience with all health providers (range, 0 “worst cause we found few temporal changes, the results presented
health care possible” to 10 “best health care possible”). We also here focus on the most current data, from 2012 to 2014, but
evaluated a doctor communication composite that asked we give temporal differences where relevant. We performed
4 items (eg, “How often did the doctor spend enough time with all analyses using SAS, version 9.4 (SAS Institute Inc) and con-
you?”) and an access to care composite that included 2 items sidered a 2-sided P < .05 to be significant.
(eg, “How often did you get a medical appointment as soon as
wanted?”)17; responses were coded from “never” (1) to “al-
ways” (4). To better discriminate changes over time, we di-
chotomized all measures such that a positive response in-
cluded 8, 9, or 10 for the items scored from 0 to 10 and 4 for Respondent Characteristics
the items scored from 1 to 4, similar to the Healthcare Between 2012 and 2014, compared with respondents with-
Effectiveness Data and Information Set analyses.19 We calcu- out primary care, those with primary care were older (mean,
lated both experience composites by first computing the mean 50 [95% CI, 50-51] vs 38 [95% CI, 38-39] years old), more of-
for each respondent and then taking the mean for all ten female (55% [95% CI, 54%-55%] vs 42% [95% CI, 41%-
respondents. 43%]), predominately white individuals (50% [95% CI, 49%- (Reprinted) JAMA Internal Medicine Published online January 28, 2019 E3

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Research Original Investigation Quality and Experience of Outpatient Care for US Adults With or Without Primary Care

Table 1. Characteristics of the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey Respondents

With or Without Primary Care, 2012-2014

Respondents, % (95% CI)a

Without Propensity Score Weighting With Propensity Score Weightingb
No Primary Care Has Primary Care No Primary Care Has Primary Care
Characteristic (n = 21 133) (n = 49 286) (n = 17 964) (n = 43 766)
Age, mean (95% CI), y 38 (38-39) 50 (50-51) 48 (46-49) 47 (47-48)
Female 42 (41-43) 55 (54-55) 54 (53-56) 52 (51-53)
Non-Hispanic white 43 (41-45) 50 (49-52) 48 (45-50) 49 (47-50)
Hispanic 35 (33-36) 32 (31-33) 33 (31-35) 32 (31-34)
Non-Hispanic black 13 (12-15) 11 (10-12) 11 (10-13) 11 (10-12)
Non-Hispanic Asian 7 (6-8) 5 (4-6) 5 (4-6) 5 (4-6)
Non-Hispanic other or 2 (2-3) 2 (2-3) 3 (2-5) 2 (2-3)
Census region
Northeast 14 (13-16) 20 (18-21) 17 (14-19) 18 (16-19)
Midwest 17 (16-19) 23 (21-24) 23 (20-27) 22 (20-23)
South 44 (42-46) 35 (33-37) 38 (35-41) 37 (36-39)
West 24 (23-26) 23 (21-24) 22 (20-24) 23 (21-24)
Partner status
Married or partnered 42 (41-44) 56 (55-58) 51 (49-53) 53 (52-54)
Never married 42 (41-44) 22 (22-23) 27 (25-29) 27 (26-28)
Divorced or separated 13 (13-14) 14 (13-14) 15 (14-17) 14 (13-15)
Widowed 2 (2-3) 7 (7-8) 7 (5-9) 6 (6-7)
Educational level
<High school 17 (16-19) 14 (13-14) 15 (13-16) 13 (13-14)
High school/GED/some 58 (57-60) 56 (55-58) 57 (55-60) 57 (56-59)
Bachelor degree 17 (15-18) 18 (18-19) 18 (16-19) 18 (17-19)
>Bachelor degree 8 (7-8) 12 (11-13) 10 (9-12) 11 (10-12) Abbreviations: BMI, body mass index
calculated as weight in kilograms
Health insurance coverage divided by height in meters squared;
Any private 54 (51-56) 72 (71-73) 67 (65-70) 68 (66-69) GED, general educational
Public only 13 (12-14) 21 (20-22) 19 (17-22) 19 (18-20) development.
Uninsured 34 (32-35) 7 (7-8) 13 (12-14) 13 (12-15) Percentages weighted to be
nationally representative and
Perceived health status account for nonresponse.
Excellent 33 (32-35) 25 (24-26) 26 (24-28) 27 (26-28) Percentages may not sum to 100
Very good 33 (32-34) 33 (32-34) 33 (31-35) 33 (33-34) owing to rounding.
Good 24 (23-25) 27 (27-28) 27 (25-29) 27 (26-27) Propensity score weighting adjusted
for all variables in this table and
Fair 7 (7-8) 11 (11-12) 11 (9-12) 10 (10-11) activities of daily living,
Poor 2 (2-2) 4 (3-4) 4 (3-5) 3 (3-3) instrumental activities of daily
living, family income as a
Employed 80 (79-81) 65 (64-67) 67 (64-69) 69 (68-70)
percentage of the poverty line, and
Currently smoke 20 (19-21) 14 (13-14) 17 (16-19) 17 (16-17) the physical and mental
Family income <100% of federal 18 (17-19) 11 (10-12) 14 (13-16) 13 (12-14) components of the 12-item Short
poverty line Form Health Survey (eTable 2 in the
BMI, mean 27.2 (27.0-27.4) 28.1 (28.0-28.3) 28.0 (27.7-28.3) 28.0 (27.8-28.1) Supplement).
Chronic diseasec Out of the 20 conditions considered
chronic by the Health and Human
0 78 (77-79) 42 (41-43) 50 (48-53) 50 (49-51)
Services Office of the Assistant
1 14 (13-14) 21 (20-21) 17 (16-18) 20 (19-20) Secretary of Health.23 More detail
2 4 (4-5) 15 (14-15) 11 (10-12) 12 (12-13) and additional characteristics
available in eTable 2 in the
≥3 4 (3-4) 23 (22-23) 22 (19-24) 18 (17-19)

52%] vs 43% [95% CI, 41%-45%]), more frequently smokers (all P < .001) (Table 1). They also had lower rates of uninsur-
(14% [95% CI, 13%-14%] vs 20% [95% CI, 19%-21%]), more of- ance (34% [95% CI, 32%-35%] vs 7% [95% CI, 7%-8%]; P < .001).
ten poor (11% [95% CI, 10%-12%] vs 18% [95% CI, 17%-19%]), These differences were stable between 2002 and 2014. After
and had a higher chronic disease burden (23% [95% CI, 22%- propensity score weighting, there were no significant
23%] with ≥3 chronic diseases vs 4% [95% CI, 3%-4%]) differences in these measured attributes between respon-

E4 JAMA Internal Medicine Published online January 28, 2019 (Reprinted)

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Quality and Experience of Outpatient Care for US Adults With or Without Primary Care Original Investigation Research

Table 2. Propensity Score–Weighted Health Care Use With or Without Primary Care, 2012-2014a

Health Care Use No Primary Careb (n = 17 964) Has Primary Careb (n = 43 766) Difference (95% CI)c
Encounters, mean No. per year (95% CI)
Office visits 5.9 (4.8 to 6.9) 6.7 (6.5 to 6.9) 0.8 (−0.2 to 1.8)
Emergency department visits 0.2 (0.2 to 0.3) 0.2 (0.2 to 0.2) 0.0 (−0.1 to 0.0)
Hospital admissions 0.1 (0.1 to 0.1) 0.1 (0.1 to 0.1) 0.0 (0.0 to 0.0)
Prescribed medicines, mean total No. of fills per year 10.7 (9.3 to 12.1) 14.1 (13.7 to 14.5) 3.4 (2.0 to 4.7) d
(95% CI)
Preventive visit within past year, mean % (95% CI) 57.5 (55.2 to 59.7) 72.2 (71.2 to 73.1) 14.7 (12.3 to 17.1) d
Health care use without propensity score weighting in eTable 4 in the the 12-item Short Form Health Survey (eTable 2 in the Supplement).
Supplement and for 2002 to 2004 in eTable 7 in the Supplement. c
Positive difference, respondents with primary care had more use; negative
Propensity score weighting adjusted for all variables in Table 1 and activities of difference, respondents without primary care had more use.
daily living, instrumental activities of daily living, family income as a d
Significant difference, P < .01.
percentage of the poverty line, and the physical and mental components of

dents with or without primary care (Table 1; and eTable 2 in For the relatively small number of patients with heart fail-
the Supplement). ure or pulmonary disease (30 and 48, respectively), respon-
dents with primary care received less high-value care. For ex-
Health Care Use With or Without Primary Care ample, those with primary care received fewer β-blockers in
After propensity score weighting, respondents with or with- heart failure (difference, −8.4% [95% CI, −10.3% to −6.6%];
out primary care used health care with a similar frequency P < .001) and fewer controller medications in poorly con-
(Table 2), including similar mean numbers of annual office vis- trolled asthma (difference, −15.4% [95% CI, −18.5% to −12.4%];
its (6.7 vs 5.9; difference, 0.8 [95% CI, −0.2 to 1.8]; P = .11), an- P < .001). Of those with primary care included in the β-blocker
nual emergency department visits (0.2 for both; difference, 0.0 measure, 62% also were also seen by a cardiologist, and of those
[95% CI, −0.1 to 0.0]; P = .17), and annual hospital admis- with primary care included in the asthma measure, 48% were
sions (0.1 for both; difference, 0.0 [95% CI, 0.0-0.0]; P = .92). also seen by a pulmonologist.
By contrast, respondents with primary care filled more pre-
scriptions each year (mean, 14.1 vs 10.7; difference, 3.4 [95% Low-Value Care With or Without Primary Care
CI, 2.0-4.7]; P < .001) and more frequently had a routine pre- Respondents with or without primary care received similar low-
ventive visit within the past year (mean, 72.2% vs 57.5%; dif- value care in 3 of 4 composites (Table 3). Approximately half
ference, 14.7% [95% CI, 12.3%-17.1%]); P < .001). (49% [95% CI, 47%-51%]) of primary care respondents re-
ceived low-value cancer screening, which was not signifi-
High-Value Care With or Without Primary Care cantly different from the 44% (95% CI, 37%-50%) without pri-
Respondents with primary care received more high-value care mary care (P = .12). Within this composite, only low-value
compared with those without primary care in 4 of 5 compos- prostate cancer screening differed significantly (difference,
ites (Table 3). Approximately 78% of respondents with pri- 9.8% [95% CI, 7.4%-12.2%) for those with primary care;
mary care received high-value cancer screening compared with P < .001). We observed no significant differences in receipt of
67% without primary care (difference, 10.8% [95% CI, 8.5%- low-value medical treatments (11% for both groups; differ-
13.0%]; P < .001). The largest differences were for colorectal ence, 0.0% [95% CI, −2.7% to 2.6%]; P = .99) or low-value
cancer screening (16.1% [95% CI, 12.0%-20.3%], P < .001) and imaging (approximately 10% in both groups; difference, −1.3%
mammography (14.2% [95% CI, 8.8%-19.6%], P < .001). [95% CI, −5.1% to 2.5%]; P = .50). Respondents with primary
Respondents with primary care also received more rec- care received more low-value antibiotics (59%) than those with-
ommended diagnostic and preventive testing (difference, 9.9% out primary care (48%; difference, 11.0% [95% CI, 2.8%-
[95% CI, 8.7%-11.2%]; P < .001). For example, an adjusted 10.4% 19.3%]; P = .01).
(95% CI, 6.1%-14.6%) more received an influenza vaccine, and
9.5% (95% CI, 8.3%-10.6%) more had blood pressure checked Respondent Experience and Access
(both P < .001). For respondents with primary care and dia- With or Without Primary Care
betes, an adjusted 7.8% (95% CI, 1.2%-14.4%) more received Despite similar levels of use of both outpatient and inpatient
high-value diabetes care (P = .02). High-value counseling care, respondents with primary care had better experience than
among respondents with primary care was also higher (differ- those without primary care (Table 3). For example, 79% of re-
ence, 6.9% [95% CI, 4.1%-9.7%]); P < .001), particularly for spondents with primary care reported an excellent global rat-
smoking cessation counseling (difference, 12.3% [95% CI, 6.2%- ing of their health care compared with 69% without primary
18.5%]; P < .001). By contrast, respondents with or without pri- care (difference, 10.4% [95% CI, 6.9%-13.8%]; P < .001). Phy-
mary care received similar rates of high-value medical treat- sician communication was highly rated for a greater propor-
ments, such as receipt of a β-blocker for treatment of coronary tion of those with (64%) vs without (54%) primary care
artery disease (difference −4.6%, [95% CI, −14.3 to 5.0]; P = .34). (difference, 10.2%; 95% CI, 7.2-13.1; P < .001), and report of (Reprinted) JAMA Internal Medicine Published online January 28, 2019 E5

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Research Original Investigation Quality and Experience of Outpatient Care for US Adults With or Without Primary Care

Table 3. Propensity Score–Weighted Outpatient Quality and Experience With or Without Primary Care, 2012-2014a

No Primary Care (n = 17 964) Has Primary Care (n = 43 766)

Measure or Composite No. Mean % (95% CI) No. Mean % (95% CI) Difference, Mean (95% CI)b
High-value cancer screening composite 8667 67 (65 to 70) 28 750 78 (77 to 79) 10.8 (8.5 to 13.0)c
Cervical cancer screening 6300 83 (81 to 85) 15 756 89 (88 to 90) 6.1 (4.0 to 8.1)c
Breast cancer screening 1447 66 (60 to 72) 9632 80 (79 to 81) 14.2 (8.8 to 19.6)c
Colorectal cancer screening 3320 50 (46 to 54) 17 860 66 (65 to 68) 16.1 (12.0 to 20.3)c
High-value diagnostic and preventive testing composite 17 861 70 (69 to 71) 43 699 80 (79 to 81) 9.9 (8.7 to 11.2)c
Dental checkup 17 809 53 (50 to 55) 43 605 65 (64 to 66) 12.3 (9.8 to 14.9)c
Blood pressure measurement 17 354 85 (84 to 86) 43 274 95 (94 to 95) 9.5 (8.3 to 10.6)c
Cholesterol measurement 8572 92 (91 to 93) 31 975 96 (96 to 96) 4.3 (3.3 to 5.3)c
Influenza vaccine 3574 50 (46 to 54) 21 331 60 (59 to 62) 10.4 (6.1 to 14.6)c
High-value diabetes care composite 459 64 (58 to 71) 5419 71 (70 to 73) 7.8 (1.2 to 14.4)c
HbA1c measurement 281 69 (58 to 81) 3614 79 (77 to 81) 10.2 (−0.9 to 21.3)
Foot examination 448 63 (53 to 74) 5319 73 (71 to 74) 10.6 (−0.4 to 21.5)
Eye examination 452 64 (55 to 73) 5367 67 (65 to 68) 3.3 (−5.3 to 12.0)
High-value counseling composite 12 062 45 (42 to 47) 31 533 52 (51 to 53) 6.9 (4.1 to 9.7)c
Weight loss counseling 11 134 40 (37 to 44) 29 551 46 (44 to 47) 5.3 (1.8 to 8.7)c
Exercise counseling 11 143 47 (44 to 49) 29 584 53 (52 to 55) 6.9 (3.8 to 9.9)c
Smoking cessation counseling 2194 55 (50 to 61) 5654 68 (66 to 70) 12.3 (6.2 to 18.5)c
High-value medical treatment composite 1587 41 (37 to 45) 17 307 43 (42 to 44) 1.8 (−2.3 to 5.9)
Anticoagulation for atrial fibrillation 118 33 (18 to 49) 1339 36 (32 to 39) 2.4 (−2.4 to 7.3)
ACEi/ARB for heart failure 30 82 (67 to 97) 372 65 (56 to 75) −16.8 (−17.3 to −16.3)c
β-Blocker for heart failure 30 75 (54 to 97) 372 67 (58 to 76) −8.4 (−10.3 to −6.6)c
Salicylates or platelet aggregation inhibitors for CAD/MI 247 29 (19 to 40) 3403 30 (28 to 33) 1.2 (−9.5 to 11.9)
β-Blocker for CAD/MI 247 64 (55 to 74) 3403 60 (57 to 62) −4.6 (−14.3 to 5.0)
Statin for CAD/MI 247 60 (50 to 71) 3403 64 (62 to 67) 3.9 (−6.6 to 14.5)
Statin for dyslipidemia 846 68 (62 to 74) 11 633 73 (72 to 75) 5.2 (−0.5 to 10.9)
ACEi/ARB for diabetes and hypertension 302 55 (45 to 65) 4841 60 (58 to 63) 5.6 (−4.7 to 15.8)
Statin for CVA 67 57 (36 to 78) 882 57 (52 to 62) −0.3 (−2.9 to 2.2)
Antiplatelet for CVA 67 36 (14 to 58) 882 34 (29 to 38) −2.1 (−4.4 to 0.3)
Controller medication for poorly controlled asthma 48 74 (52 to 96) 579 59 (53 to 64) −15.4 (−18.5 to −12.4)c
Controller medication for poorly controlled COPD 51 56 (27 to 86) 555 34 (29 to 39) −22.5 (−23.7 to −21.3)c
Low-value cancer screening composite 416 44 (37 to 50) 6046 49 (47 to 51) 5.0 (−1.3 to 11.4)
Cervical cancer screening in older adults 314 42 (34 to 51) 4602 48 (45 to 50) 5.6 (−3.0 to 14.1)
Colorectal cancer screening in older adults 202 32 (22 to 42) 3240 39 (37 to 42) 7.1 (−3.0 to 17.2)
Prostate cancer screening in older adults 86 61 (43 to 78) 1243 71 (67 to 74) 9.8 (7.4 to 12.2)c
Low-value antibiotic use composite 442 48 (40 to 57) 3027 59 (57 to 62) 11.0 (2.8 to 19.3)c
Antibiotics for acute upper respiratory tract infection 310 56 (46 to 66) 2426 64 (62 to 67) 8.3 (−2.4 to 18.9)
Antibiotics for influenza 137 24 (14 to 34) 652 37 (32 to 42) 13.5 (12.5 to 14.4)c
Low-value medical treatment composite 2702 11 (8 to 13) 21 329 11 (10 to 11) 0.0 (−2.7 to 2.6)
Anxiolytics, sedatives, or hypnotics in the elderly 640 6 (3 to 9) 8490 9 (8 to 10) 3.4 (0.3 to 6.5)c
Benzodiazepine for depression 838 7 (4 to 11) 4733 10 (9 to 11) 2.8 (−1.0 to 6.6)
Opioid for headache 84 3 (−1 to 8) 676 1 (0 to 2) −2.4 (−2.6 to −2.1)c
Opioid for back pain 441 6 (2 to 10) 2902 6 (5 to 7) −0.4 (−4.4 to 3.7)
NSAID use for hypertension, heart failure, or kidney 1466 15 (11 to 20) 15 122 15 (14 to 16) −0.4 (−5.0 to 4.1)
Low-value imaging composite 520 11 (7 to 15) 3489 10 (9 to 11) −1.3 (−5.1 to 2.5)
MRI/CT for back pain 441 8 (2 to 13) 2902 7 (6 to 8) −0.9 (−6.5 to 4.8)
Radiography for back pain 441 15 (10 to 20) 2902 13 (11 to 14) −2.2 (−7.4 to 2.9)
MRI/CT for headache 84 8 (1 to 16) 676 9 (6 to 12) 0.9 (−0.2 to 2.0)
Respondent experience: global rating of health care 5698 69 (65 to 72) 32 120 79 (78 to 80) 10.4 (6.9 to 13.8)c


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Quality and Experience of Outpatient Care for US Adults With or Without Primary Care Original Investigation Research

Table 3. Propensity Score–Weighted Outpatient Quality and Experience With or Without Primary Care, 2012-2014a (continued)

No Primary Care (n = 17 964) Has Primary Care (n = 43 766)

Measure or Composite No. Mean % (95% CI) No. Mean % (95% CI) Difference, Mean (95% CI)b
Respondent experience: doctor communication composite 5807 54 (51 to 57) 32 433 64 (64 to 65) 10.2 (7.2 to 13.1)c
Doctor listened to you 5711 55 (51 to 58) 32 139 66 (65 to 67) 11.6 (8.2 to 15.0)c
Doctor explained so you understood 5785 56 (53 to 59) 32 362 66 (65 to 67) 9.7 (6.3 to 13.0)c
Doctor showed respect 5763 59 (55 to 62) 32 323 70 (69 to 70) 10.9 (7.6 to 14.2)c
Doctor spent enough time with you 5766 48 (45 to 51) 32 309 57 (56 to 58) 8.6 (5.2 to 12.0)c
Respondent experience: access to care composite 6113 52 (49 to 55) 31 240 59 (58 to 60) 7.0 (3.8 to 10.1)c
Got care when ill or injured as soon as wanted 2888 55 (50 to 60) 12 561 64 (63 to 66) 9.5 (4.5 to 14.4)c
Got medical appointment as soon as wanted 4737 51 (47 to 54) 29 221 58 (57 to 59) 7.0 (3.5 to 10.4)c
Abbreviations: ACEi, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor; ARB, eTable 3 in the Supplement. Table 3 data from 2002 to 2004 is in eTable 8 in
angiotensin receptor blocker; CAD/MI, coronary artery disease/myocardial the Supplement.
infarction; COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; CT, computed b
Positive difference, respondents with primary care received more (high- or
tomography; CVA, cerebral vascular accident; HbA1c, hemoglobin A1c; MRI, low-value) care or had better experience; negative difference, respondents
magnetic resonance imaging; NSAID, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug. without primary care received more (high- or low-value) care or had better
Outpatient quality and experience without propensity score weighting is given experience.
in eTable 5 in the Supplement. Sensitivity analysis showing respondents with c
Significant difference, P < .05.
no outpatient visits and no primary care vs those with primary care is in

access to care was also better (59% vs 52%; difference, 7.0% tion, and access to care as excellent. These differences are note-
[95% CI, 3.8%-10.1%]; P < .001). worthy when considered in the context of mixed or flat im-
provements in quality during the last decade. 17 To our
Changes in Quality and Experience Across Time knowledge, this is the first study to directly compare outpa-
With or Without Primary Care tient quality and experience when delivered inside or outside
Over time, we observed no changes in the above findings, with of a primary care relationship.
only 1 exception (eTables 6-10 in the Supplement). There was Primary care, however, was not uniformly associated with
a reduction in low-value cancer screening for respondents with more high-value care. For instance, primary care was associ-
primary care (53% [95% CI, 52%-55%] in 2002-2004 vs 49% ated with worse care for heart failure and pulmonary disease,
[95% CI, 47%-51%] in 2012-2014; P < .001). albeit with relatively small numbers of respondents without
primary care qualifying for these measures (approximately
Primary Care vs No Engagement 50 patients or fewer for both). Approximately half of patients
Our sensitivity analysis examining patients who were not at with primary care who qualified for these measures also had
all engaged in care showed substantially larger differences visits with a relevant specialist. Prior research shows that, in
(eTable 3 in the Supplement). Those with primary care re- general, specialists provide higher quality care in their area,
ceived more high-value care but also received more low- but largely do not address issues outside of their specialty; thus,
value care. For example, approximately 78% of respondents these findings should not be interpreted as suggesting that a
with primary care received high-value cancer screening com- specialty dominated model would be better.28 Care for pa-
pared with 47% without primary care and no outpatient visit tients with heart failure or pulmonary disease could poten-
(difference, 31.6% [95% CI, 26.5%-36.7%]; P < .001). tially be improved with better primary-specialty care co-
management, increased education of primary care physicians,
or other interventions.
The association between primary care and low-value care
Discussion presents a more mixed picture. We observed more preven-
In this large, nationally representative survey study, we quan- tive visits, which some have criticized as low-value care in some
tified the potential benefit of primary care with respect to re- cases29 although, generally, this controversy relates to “an-
ceipt of high- and low-value health services and experience nual” preventive visits, and most observers agree that some
with and access to care within the current health care deliv- frequency of preventive visits is likely worthwhile. Ameri-
ery environment. We found that receipt of primary care was cans with primary care had similar rates of low-value care on
associated with more high-value care, somewhat more low- 3 of 4 composites and increased low-value antibiotic use. An-
value care, and better respondent access and experience. Re- tibiotic prescribing in the primary care setting has been an area
spondents without primary care, even though they were re- of intense interest in the last 20 years. Related measures have
ceiving a similar amount of care, missed substantial health care been a standard part of many pay-for-performance pro-
benefits: about 10% fewer went without high-value cancer grams. Thus, we would have expected that primary care would
screening, diagnostic and preventive testing, diabetes care, and have been associated with less low-value antibiotic use. It is
counseling. Similarly, about 10% fewer respondents without possible, as currently structured, that primary care does not
primary care rated their overall care, physician communica- sufficiently protect against low-value care, but as the United (Reprinted) JAMA Internal Medicine Published online January 28, 2019 E7

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Research Original Investigation Quality and Experience of Outpatient Care for US Adults With or Without Primary Care

States transitions to a value-based system, efforts to de- particular, several prior studies used earlier versions of the
crease low-value care may be more effective.30 MEPS to examine similar questions. DeVoe and colleagues41
We also found that Americans’ use of primary care was used 1996 data from the MEPS to compare receipt of pre-
relatively low. About one-quarter of adults reported not ventive services for insured adults with a usual source of
having primary care, yet 67% of Americans without primary care and uninsured adults without regular care (akin to our
care had health insurance (and the majority had private sensitivity analysis) and found that the latter were substan-
insurance). Poor primary care supply or access may be tially less likely to have received preventive services. Later
hurdles,31 or some Americans do not perceive the potential studies found better reported communication42 and higher
value of primary care, particularly if they are younger (the rates of blood pressure and hemoglobin A 1C assessment
mean unadjusted age for those without primary care was among respondents with diabetes for those with vs without
38 years, as opposed to a mean age of those with primary a usual source of care.43 The comparison group in most of
care of 50 years) and healthier. These findings contrast with those studies, however, was a group that was minimally
those of other health systems throughout the world; for engaged in care. In addition, a prior study by VanGompel40
example, universal primary care registration is required in also used the MEPS to assign a continuous 7-point “primary
the United Kingdom32 and the Netherlands.33 care attributes” score to respondents and then examined
There are 2 main sources of confounding that should be receipt of preventive services. That approach, however, did
considered when interpreting the present results. First, not allow for the comparison of those with or without
some people actively avoid interacting with the health care defined primary care and did not use propensity score
system and thus have very few opportunities to receive rec- adjustment. Our work builds on these studies, adding
ommended (or nonrecommended) services. Including such multiple facets of outpatient quality and patient experience
persons in the “no primary care” comparison group, there- beyond preventive services, examining outcomes over more
fore, would bias our results. Second, the presence or than a decade, and using more robust propensity score
absence of an endorsed source of primary care also could be analyses.
associated with health status or the presence of acute or
chronic health conditions. In some cases, those with severe Limitations
health conditions might choose to see only specialist physi- Our study had limitations. First, although our definition of
cians without identifying a single first-contact physician as primary care was directly aligned with the 4 “C’s” of pri-
their primary care physician. Alternatively, those who are mary care and was patient-centered, it may differ from
relatively healthy simply might choose to forego having a other definitions of primary care.8 Instead of assigning a
primary care physician, instead choosing to access care as patient to primary care by virtue of a claims algorithm, for
issues arise. example, our definition was derived from the patient’s per-
To guard against these 2 confounders, we used a pro- spective. We acknowledge that we may have been unable to
pensity score weighting approach to balance sociodemo- detect the intricacies of each primary care service model,
graphic and clinical characteristics. We did not include use but if we were indeed missing important intricacies, our
measures in our propensity score model, yet weighting on findings represent the minimum difference between those
all other characteristics resulted in near-identical levels of with or without primary care. Second, our study was obser-
use (eg, similar numbers of outpatient, emergency depart- vational; thus, we could not interpret the associations we
ment, and inpatient visits). Thus, our findings show the observed as causal. Third, our use of propensity score
potential benefits of having an endorsed source of primary weighting adjusted for observable factors but not unob-
care for respondents with similar health status and condi- served confounders. Fourth, our quality measures did not
tions, all of whom are engaged with the health care system address all outpatient quality. For instance, we lacked mea-
to a similar extent, rather than simply showing that some sures of intermediate outcomes, such as control of hyper-
care is better than no care. We also performed a sensitivity tension or diabetes. However, to our knowledge, the MEPS
analysis comparing respondents with primary care to those represents one of the largest nationally representative sets
without primary care and without any outpatient visits. Not of consistently collected quality measures available for
surprisingly, those with very limited engagement in the sys- more than a decade. 17 Fifth, propensity score weighting
tem had markedly worse quality and experience. resulted in a small loss of data, but those respondents with
To our knowledge, this is the first study to directly com- more missing data were less likely to have primary care and
pare outpatient quality and experience when delivered more likely to have worse quality of care. Therefore, omit-
inside vs outside of a primary care relationship. Our work is ting respondents with more missing data biased our results
consistent with, but also adds substantially to, prior studies toward the null.
showing that areas with more primary care clinicians had
higher quality, lower costs,9 lower mortality, and better self-
reported health.10 Our results are also consistent with prior
research that demonstrates that adults with a usual source
of care,34-37 those who are attributable by claims to a physi- Receipt of primary care characterized by first-contact continu-
cian or group,38 or those who report highly patient-centered ous care that was whole-person oriented and responded to pa-
care39,40 are more likely to receive preventive services. In tient needs was associated with significantly more high-

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Quality and Experience of Outpatient Care for US Adults With or Without Primary Care Original Investigation Research

value care, slightly more low-value care, and better health care to improve value should consider increasing investments in
experience. Policymakers and health system leaders seeking primary care.

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