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Journal of Civil and Architectural Engineering

Received: Nov 06, 2015, Accepted: Dec 10, 2015, Published: Dec 14, 2015
J Civ Archit Eng, Volume 1, Issue 1
Article Number: JCAE-1-001

Research Article Open Access

Roundabouts: Geometric Design and Road Safety – Case Study in the City of
Kavala, Greece

Despoina Spanou1*, Fotini Kehagia2 and Magdalini Pitsiava-Latinopoulou3

MSc Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development, Postgraduate Specialization Program, Department of Civil
Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, University Campus, 54642 Thessaloniki, Greece
Assistant Professor of Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, University
Campus, 54642 Thessaloniki, Greece
Professor of Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki,University Campus,
54642 Thessaloniki, Greece

*Corresponding Author: Despoina Spanou, MSc Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development, Postgraduate
Specialization Program, Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki,
University Campus, 54642 Thessaloniki, Greece, E-mail:

Citation: Despoina Spanou, Fotini Kehagia and Magdalini Pitsiava-Latinopoulou (2015) Roundabouts: Geometric Design and
Road Safety – Case Study in the City of Kavala, Greece. J Civ Archit Eng 1: 001.
Copyright: © 2015 Despoina Spanou, et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons
Attribution License, which permits unrestricted Access, usage, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the
original author and source are credited.


Roundabouts are circular intersections with specific design and traffic control features, offering improved road safety,
operational efficiency and level of service, as well as aesthetic upgrade. Compared to other types of intersections,
roundabout installation is strongly promoted as an effective safety intersection treatment, mainly because, the potential
conflict points between vehicles, pedestrians and other prone users are limited and speeds into and through the
intersections are decreased. According to statistical studies relating to fatal accidents and injuries, roundabouts are
proved to be safer in low or moderate traffic capacity conditions. The main objective of this paper is twofold: i) to
present and analyze accident statistics in roundabouts from various countries relating them with the type of road users
and ii) to highlight their benefits on road safety by the provision of the findings from before and after studies, where
the conversion of traditional intersections into roundabouts led to significant reduction in the number of accidents.
Moreover, a case study is presented, where the conversion of at-grade, non-signalized intersection to a roundabout in
the city of Kavala of Greece is designed with particular reference to issues of landscaping changes and road safety.

Keywords: Roundabouts; Geometric design; Accidents; Road safety

© 2015 Despoina Spanou, et al. Volume 1 Issue 1 JCAE-1-001 Page 1 of 12

1. Introduction yield control of all entering traffic to all on coming
circulation already moving into the roundabout, channelized
Roundabouts are designed in such a way so as to approaches and appropriate geometric curvature, ensuring
effectively control the traffic flow at intersections without the desired speed into the circulatory roadway [1].
the use of stop signs or traffic signals. They are widely used
throughout Europe and the United States and are
increasingly being used in many other countries around the 2.2 Roundabout Categories
world in place of traditional intersection designs. In recent Depending on the size and number of approach lanes,
years researchers have shown particular interest on the roundabouts are divided into three main categories:
benefits of roundabouts, which constitute basic elements in  Mini-roundabouts
both urban and rural traffic networks. Improvements in  Single-lane roundabouts
capacity and road safety are included in these benefits and  Multilane roundabouts
make roundabouts an effective measure for improving the Taking into account the external environment of the
overall traffic conditions. The main attributes contributing to roundabout, namely, depending on whether a roundabout is
these benefits are the reduction of conflict points and the constructed in urban, rural or suburban area, there is a
prevailing lower speed levels in comparison to other types further differentiation in the following subcategories:
of at-grade conventional intersections. However the
improved safety of roundabouts is related to their geometric  Mini-roundabouts
design, which determines their efficiency and operation  Urban compact roundabouts
level.  Urban single-lane roundabouts
This paper examines the main features and advantages that  Urban double-lane roundabouts
roundabouts offer, as an alternative to other types of  Rural single-lane roundabouts
conventional intersections. At the same time, the basic  Rural double-lane roundabouts
geometric design features are described, with special Generally, urban roundabouts are characterized by smaller
reference to their contribution to the level of road safety that inscribed circle diameter, due to spatial constraints.
roundabouts offer to all their users. Towards this direction Moreover, special attention should be given to the choice of
the paper presents and analyses accident statistics in the geometric characteristics of the roundabouts according
roundabouts from various countries relating them with the to its location securing thus the safety of vulnerable road
type of road users and highlights their benefits on road users i.e. pedestrians and cyclists. More specifically in rural
safety providing the findings from before and after case areas approach speeds are higher and therefore great
studies where the conversion of traditional intersections into importance should be given on adequate visibility and
roundabouts led to significant reduction in the number of section detail issues. Generally it could be said that, keeping
accidents. The paper is completed with a case study in the the external environment constant, roundabouts with the
city of Kavala of Greece, where the conversion of at-grade, same number of lanes tend to show similarities in specific
non-signalized intersection to a roundabout is an ideal design elements [1-4].
solution for the area, with particular reference to issues of
landscaping changes and road safety. In specific the impacts 3. Geometric Design of Roundabouts
from the proposed conversion of the existing at-grade, non-
signalized intersection to a roundabout on the safety, the Roundabouts require specific geometric design and show
level of service and on the environmental upgrade by the some peculiarities in their operation. The general idea of
adaptation to area’s landscape are presented. their design is based on the reduction of conflict points of
traffic and of prevailing speeds. Roundabouts’ main
characteristics are the curved entries and exits to ensure low
speeds, the giving way to the already moving within the
2. Basic Elements of Roundabouts roundabout traffic, the deflection of traffic when entering
the roundabout, the traffic circulation around the central
2.1 Definition island, the existence of splitter islands along the approaches
Roundabouts are circular intersections with specific design and the pedestrian traffic only through the appropriate
and traffic control features. Basic elements of these crossing locations.
intersections are the counter clockwise circulation around a The basic principles that should govern the geometric design
central island (for right-hand traffic countries, like Greece), of each roundabout category are:

© 2015 Despoina Spanou, et al. Volume 1 Issue 1 JCAE-1-001 Page 2 of 12

 Adequate traffic deflection to ensure low entry speeds  Exit radius
and consistent speeds within the roundabout. In countries where roundabouts are constructed and used
 Proper alignment of the approaches, in order to avoid mainly for reasons of road safety and protection of
exiting-circulating conflicts. vulnerable users, there are no guidelines for design elements
 Appropriate number of lanes to achieve the desired that increase their traffic capacity and therefore roundabouts
traffic capacity. aremuch smaller compared to those of other countries. The
 Smooth channelization aimed at comfortable driving. opposite occurs in countries in whichthe priority is given to
 Adequate accommodation for the design vehicle. increased traffic capacity, where roundabouts are having less
 Design to meet the needs of pedestrians and cyclists. compact form [1, 2, 5, 6].
 Adequate visibility, for driver recognition of the
existence of the roundabout and the conflicting traffic.
4. Road Safety at Roundabouts
The main design elements relating to roundabouts are
listed below and are shown in the following figure (Figure 4.1 General
The level of safety provided by a roundabout is mainly
related to its particular design characteristics. In specific,
their design converts all traffic movements into right turns
minimizing thus potential conflicts (Figure 2). A second key
advantage that is achieved by the operation of a roundabout
and ensured bythe appropriate geometry is speed
management, which provides multiple benefits for users,
regarding the safety factor such as:
 Reduction of the frequency and severity of collisions for
vehicles, pedestrians and cyclists as well as for other
vulnerable groups (elderly, children, people with
disabilities, etc.).
 Provision of more time for drivers approaching the
intersection and consequently better visibility in order to
adjust their speed and carefully enter the roundabout
(particularly at the intersections of urban with rural
Figure 1. Key roundabout geometric dimensions [2] roads, where speed limits are different).
 Insurance of safer penetration of incoming circulation
 Inscribed circle diameter into the roundabout.
 Circulatory roadway width  Provision of more time to all users so that they could
 Entry width identify and correct any traffic behavior faults, which is
 Exit width very crucial especially for new users [1, 2, 6].
 Entry radius

Figure 2. Vehicle and vehicle-pedestrian conflict points in a crossing junction and roundabout respectively (4 approaches) [6]

© 2015 Despoina Spanou, et al. Volume 1 Issue 1 JCAE-1-001 Page 3 of 12

4.2 Statistics Referring to the Impact of Roundabouts on the accidents involving injuries have been decreased by
Road Safety 31%. Also Ogden [8] demonstrated that the construction of
roundabouts can reduce accidents by 60-80% in high-speed
Numerous "before and after" studies are internationally intersections and by 50-80% in low-speed intersections.
undertaken, in order to investigate the positive impacts on Later, Elvik [9] found slightly smaller road safety
road safety derived from the conversion of a conventional improvement rates, in cases of roundabouts which replaced
intersection to a roundabout [3]. signalized intersections instead of intersections regulated
The results of a study by Robinson et al. [7] given in Table 1 only with STOP and give way signs (i.e. reductions of 59%
reveal significant reductions in accidents after the and 46% instead of 64% and 53% for fatal and serious
conversion of conventional intersections to roundabouts in accidents respectively) [10, 11].
various countries. Specifically, the reduction for the United
States rose to 51%, for the United Kingdom ranged between Finally, a 2004 study in the UK showed that out of a total of
25-39%, for France between 57-78% and for Australia 207,400 road accidents involving injuries, the 18,000 (8.7%)
between 45-87%. In addition the same study for single-lane occurred at roundabouts with the rate of fatal accidents at
roundabouts resulted in a reduction of 73% in the number of roundabouts being 0.35%, while at other crossings 0.88%
accidents involving injuries,while in multi-lane roundabouts, [12].

Table 1. Mean crash reductions in various countries after conversion of roundabouts.

Country Mean reduction (%)
All crashes Injury crashes
United States 37 51
United Kingdom - 25-39
Germany 36 -
France - 57-78
Australia 41-61 45-87
* Source: Robinson et al., [7].

However, the statistics that have emerged from these studies proceed with the appropriate measures that should be taken
do not show the same level of road safety improvements for towards the improvement of road safety at roundabouts [13].
the various countries. This is likely due to the existing
differences from country to country: Regarding the impact of roundabouts on vulnerable users’
safety, the survey results are not so clear. Schoon & van
 Ιn traffic volumes. Minnen [14] reported that the reduction in the number of
 Ιn the design of the various geometric and operational accidents involving cyclists at roundabouts reaches 30%,
elements (operation of only single-lane roundabouts in well below 47%, which represent the overall road safety
some countries). improvement rate that roundabouts induced. On the other
 In the definition of accidents occurred at intersections as hand, the same survey indicated that roundabouts reduce the
each country defines different distance, over which an number of accidents involving at least one pedestrian by
accident is not considered to be associated with the 89%. Hydén & Várhelyi [15] also demonstrated reductions
specific intersection. of 60% and 80% in the number of accidents involving
 In the definition of accidents involving injuries and more cyclists and pedestrians respectively. Brüde & Larsson [16]
specifically in the definition of death due to accident as found that the rate of reduction for vulnerable users is highly
this varies among countries depending on the period in related with the roundabout category. More specifically for
which death occurs (just on the spot or some days after accidents involving cyclists they found reductions of the
staying in hospital). order 21% at single-lane roundabouts and 112% for multi-
 In cultural differences which influences driving lane roundabouts, while the respective reductions for
behavior. accidents involving pedestrians were 79% and 12% for the
two roundabout categories. Stone et al. [17] showed an even
lower reduction percentage in accidents involving
In any case, the comparison of statistics should be made for pedestrians, of around 7%.
roundabouts with similar geometric and operating
characteristics, taking into account as well any existing In addition a survey conducted in Great Britain found that
differences. In this way, wrong assessments are avoided and accident rates involving pedestrians are much higher at
correct and reliable conclusions can be made, in order to signalized intersections than roundabouts (Table 2) [2].

© 2015 Despoina Spanou, et al. Volume 1 Issue 1 JCAE-1-001 Page 4 of 12

Table 2. British crash rates for pedestrians at roundabouts and signalized intersections.

Intersection type Pedestrian crashes

per million trips
Mini-roundabout 0.31
Conventional roundabout 0.45
Flaredroundabout 0.33
Signals 0.67
* Source: Federal Highway Administration, 2000 [2].

However a French survey in 15 cities concerning the respective value for the rest of intersections is around 15%
comparison of accident distribution per user category, (Table 3). The above result shows that nevertheless the
between roundabouts and the rest conventional intersections overall reduction of accidents involving vulnerable road
showed that accidents involving bicycles and mopeds users at roundabouts they continue to remain significantly
constitute almost the one quarter of the total accident high, a fact that should be treated properly [2].
percentage occurring at the roundabouts, while the

Table 3. Crash percentage per type of user at roundabouts and conventional intersections in 15 towns in western France.

User category Other crossings (%) Roundabouts (%)

Pedestrians 6.3 5.6
Bicycles 3.7 7.3
Mopeds 11.7 16.9
Motor cycles 7.4 4.8
Cars 65.7 61.2
Utility vehicles 2.0 0.6
Heavy goods vehicles 2.0 3.0
Bus/coach 0.8 0.6
Miscellaneous 0.4 0.0
Total 100.0 100.0
* Source: Federal Highway Administration, 2000 [2].

4.3 Distribution of Accidents by Accident Type in collisions between vehicles leaving and vehicles entering
Relation to Geometric Design Elements the roundabout, collisions at the entrance and exit etc.
 Accidents involving pedestrians and other vulnerable
The main accident types that occur in a roundabout are: users, when one of them is hit by a passing vehicle.
 Single-vehicle accidents, mainly due to crashes towards  Accidents between the incoming and already moving
fixed objects and elements of the roundabout. into the roundabout traffic.
 Other accidents between vehicles, including collisions  Accidents during approach (e.g. due to lane changing
between vehicles already moving into the roundabout, and path overlapping when approaching the roundabout).
collisions between vehicles which are already moving Table 4 gives the accident distribution by accident type, for
into the roundabout and those exiting the roundabout, various countries [13].
Table 4. Percentage of accidents by accident type at roundabouts in various countries.

Country Single-vehicle Approaching Entering-circulating Other vehicle Pedestrian

accidents (%) accidents (%) accidents (%) accidents (%) Accidents (%)
United Kingdom 30 25 20 18 6
Germany 28 17 30 - -
France 28 7 37 15 10
Australia 18 22 51 9 9
*Source: Kennedy J [13].
**Values for Germany and Australia refer to accidents that caused only property damage.

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The accident distribution by accident type depends on the and eventually causes more single-vehicle accidents, but
roundabout category i.e. Small roundabouts with small also accidents between incoming and already moving
diameter of the central island have many more accidents into the roundabout traffic [13].
between incoming and already moving into the roundabout
traffic, while double-lane roundabouts have more single-
vehicle accidents and accidents during the approach to the 4.4 Accident Frequency and Severity
roundabout. The most important geometric elements
affecting accidents and are related directly or indirectly to Kennedy [13] tried to summarize, from a number of surveys
their incidence are: that took place in various countries, the average accident
frequency values at roundabouts - expressed in accidents per
 The curve of the entry path: By increasing this curve and year. The results of this study are given in Table 5 and they
thereby the deflection of the vehicle path when entering are based on the sample of roundabouts selected for the
(reduction of the entrance path radius), accidents surveys referring to four-arm roundabouts with single-lane
between incoming and already moving into the circulatory roadway. Specifically it was found that in the
roundabout traffic are being reduced, while accidents at United States the frequency was 1.5 accidents per year for a
the entry and single-vehicle accidents are increasing. small number of roundabouts (11) and with reference to the
 The entry width: The larger the entrywidth, the greater year 1998. In the UK, a 2007survey gave a frequency of
effect it has on the increase of accidents between 1.77 accidents per year, while accident severity, expressed
incoming and already moving into the roundabout as the percentage of fatal and serious accidents of total
traffic, while reducing the accidents at the entry. accidents, was 7%. In France it was found a frequency of
 The ratio of the inscribed circle diameter to the diameter 0.05 accidents per year, based on data of a 2005 survey for
of the central island. Great value of this ratio leads to about 27,000 roundabouts, while in Australia a frequency of
greater chances of accidents due to large traffic width 0.6 accidents per year for a sample of 290 roundabouts,
within the circulatory roadway. according to a research undertaken in 1998.
 The angle between the center lines of two successive According to surveys and as expected, the frequency of
approaches. A wide angle reduces the necessary vehicle accidents at roundabouts increases with the number of
path deflection and thereby increases the risk of an approaches and the number of lanes, due to the increased
accident, both at the entrance and at the exit. traffic flow and hence the increase of conflict points for both
 The approach width relative to the entry width, as this cases. Table 6 presents the results of a survey conducted in
indicates the level of widening and therefore the 2004 in Great Britain, on the frequency and severity of
possibility of an accident due to collisions with adjacent accidents, for a sample of 1162 roundabouts and for a five-
vehicles. year period, depending on the number of approaches and
 The visibility to the left: Increased visibility at the lanes [12].
entrance and to the left leads to increased entry speed
Table 5. Accident frequency and severity at roundabouts in different countries.

Country No. of roundabouts Accident frequency Accident severity

in study (accidents per year) (% fatal and
UnitedStates 11 1.5 -
UnitedKingdom 1162 1.77 7
France 27000 0.05 -
Australia 290 0.6 -
* Source: Kennedy J [13].
Table 6. Average accident frequency and severity at UK roundabouts by number of arms, for the period 1999 to 2003.

No. of No. of Accident frequency

arms sites (accidents/year)
Single Double Grade separated Accident severity
cway roads cway roads junctions (% fatal and serious)
3 326 0.63 1.28 0.79 9.3
4 649 1.08 2.65 1.79 7.1
5 157 1.72 3.80 3.66 7.1
6 30 2.11 4.62 5.95 5.2
All 1162 1.00 2.60 1.87 7.2
* Source: The Highways Agency, Transport Scotland, Welsh Assembly Government, the Department for Regional Development
Northern Ireland, 2007 [12].

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Here it should be pointed out that accident rate-defined as it appears to be quite high, reaching 36%, based on a 2007
accidents per 100 million vehicles traveling through the survey referring to a sample of 44 roundabouts with traffic
roundabout is a more representative indicator for flows ranging between 10,000 and 50,000 vehicles per day,
comparisons between sites but its estimation depends on the with an average value of 28,000 vehicles. In Germany the
availability of traffic flow data, which is not feasible in most accident rate ranges between 53 and 162 according to data
cases. Thus, the table below (Table 7) provides values of the from a research undertaken in 2005, a value too high which
accident rate for the countries studied so far, where data is due to the inclusion of only property damage accidents.
acquisition was feasible. The values given refer to single- The average accident rate in 179 urban roundabouts in
lane roundabouts, except for the United Kingdom, where France according to data of a 1991 research is only 4.5%,
they refer to larger roundabouts. In the United States, the while in Australia it ranges between 4 and 8 accidents per
accident rate is 8% for a sample of just 11 roundabouts, 100 million vehicles, also including only property damage
based on data for the year 2003 and in the United Kingdom accidents, based on a 1993 survey [13].

Table 7. Accident rates at roundabouts in different countries.

Country No. of Accidentrate Mean total vehicle

roundabouts (accidents per 100 inflow
million vehicles) (vehicles per day)
United States 11 8 -
United Kingdom 44 36 28000
Germany - 53-162 5000-25000
France 179 4.5 -
Australia - 4-8 -
* Source: Kennedy J [13].

5 Designing Urban Roundabout - Application 5.2 Study area and its Road Environment
to the City of Kavala The study area is situated in the eastern district of Kavala
and in front of its Arches, a historic monument of the city
and famous landmark of the area that separates the old from
5.1 Introduction
the modern city (Figure 4).
A case study of the design of the conversion of an existing
non-signalized intersection to an urban roundabout in the
city of Kavala of Greece is presented [3]. The city of
Kavala is located in northern Greece, 168 km far from
Thessaloniki and has a population of about 10,000
inhabitants. Motorized traffic in the city center is relatively
high as the private car dominates the citizens’ travel choice
(Figure 3).

Figure 4. Study area (Google Earth)

The specific 5-legged intersection is located in a

characteristic point of the city as it is combining traffic that
exits and enters the city, leading to the center and the traffic
that goes to or exits the port of the city. The land use of the
Figure 3. The city of Kavala (Google Earth)
surrounding area has a commercial and residential character
(Figure 5).

© 2015 Despoina Spanou, et al. Volume 1 Issue 1 JCAE-1-001 Page 7 of 12

is considered to be particularly important at this point, as it
is located in an urban environment with residences and
intense commercial activity nearby. Pedestrian mobility is
facilitated by the existence of crossings at all the study road
legs. Finally, parking is permitted along all the five legs of
intersection on both sides of the roadway. The level of road
safety offered by the operation of the existing intersection is
particularly low. The possibilities of through and turning
movements provided by the specific configuration pose high
risks, as they increase conflict points between motorized
traffic and vulnerable users.

5.3 Basic Design Criteria for the Intersection’s

Conversion to a Roundabout
Figure 5. Site of existing intersection
( The examination of the current situation with the traffic
characteristics described above combined with the
The five legs of the intersection have different operating and
surrounding area’s specific needs led to the necessity to
traffic characteristics, namely, one or two-way direction,
replace the existing intersection type to a roundabout in
width of lane, parking availability. Management of traffic
order to increase its operation and safety.
mobility is conducted in the absence of signaling and in
Towards this objective some basic criteria should be
accordance with the yield control rules. In order to facilitate
fulfilled concerning efficient mobility and safety issues
better guidance of passing vehicles, three triangular splitter
while addressing pedestrian and environmental aspects at
islands have been constructed. The intersection is mainly
the same time. In order the above criteria to be examined a
used by passenger cars, with frequent transit of buses and
typical sub-step procedure was followed, shown in the
HGVs (Heavy Good Vehicles). The presence of pedestrians
diagram below (Figure 6).

Figure 6. Decision making steps for the construction of a roundabout in urban area [6].

© 2015 Despoina Spanou, et al. Volume 1 Issue 1 JCAE-1-001 Page 8 of 12

A systematic and comprehensive approach has been signalized), for all the reasons mentioned above. It is worth
implemented in order to achieve a development process, mentioning that signaling the area would cause undesirable
which could provide an outcome where mobility delays, particularly on its main roads, with completely
requirements will be in harmony with community needs and immobilized vehicles at peak hours, complicating the
values. Specifically, the basic criteria of the development already problematic situation. Finally, a signalized
process plan were: intersection would not ensure the desired safety, since high
speeds due to geometry and also the violation of traffic
 The improvement of traffic conditions and level of lights, are phenomena encountered in similar categories.
service at the intersection, since the prevailing great
congestion on the main sections of the intersection 5.4 Traffic Data Collection
during peak hours lead to undesirable delays.
 The secure of vehicles’ continuous flow as well as The assessment of the existing traffic demand is based on
better management of all legs’ traffic flows eliminating accurate measurements on site. Towards this objective the
thus the overall waiting time. traffic on each leg has been counted and recorded separately
 The improved level of safety as the number of conflict for each movement. Moreover the traffic on legs with more
points will be reduced through its geometry while it will than one lane have been counted and classified by direction
impose low speed maintenance both at the entry and of traffic flow.
into it. The recording was made using a private camera, which was
 The aesthetic landscape improvement of the area due to placed at a point of appropriate height to cover the
green space configurations combined with the existence movements of vehicles of all directions.
of the historical monument of the Arches. This will lead
The Figure 7 below shows all the turning movements at the
to a general redevelopment of the area, highlighting the
existing intersection. Moreover, the potential conflict points
natural and historical richness of the city, attracting new
(33) are noted including all the conflicts between the various
economic activities and contributing to the overall
traffic flows (diverging, crossing and merging ones).
development of the city.
 The space availability for the construction of the
roundabout: This is fulfilled as the surface occupied by
the intersection is already large enough to cover the
required size of the roundabout (circulatory roadway
diameter, approach width etc.). Ensuring the desired
operating level and taking into account the heavy
 Additional expropriations of property will not be
needed as the only interference of the proposed design
will be with existing sidewalks. It should be emphasized
that the increased roundabout space requirements
compared with other alternatives will be offset by the
creation of more green spaces and parking spaces,
larger pavements etc.

According to what is discussed above, it was considered that Figure 7. Movement and turning possibilities of traffic in
the construction of an at-grade roundabout is desirable and
the existing intersection and potential conflict points [3].
feasible, in order to address the various operational and
safety problems encountered in the study area. Having
knowledge of all the benefits offered by a roundabout (more
In addition the composition of peak traffic by movement
environmentally friendly, lower maintenance cost, more
was recorded. This was achieved by a visual assessment of
configurations for pedestrians etc.), its construction is
the vehicle size and configuration of axes. The data
expected to bring numerous benefits for the area and its
collection results are presented below, in Table 8.
users, even compared with other intersection categories (e.g.

© 2015 Despoina Spanou, et al. Volume 1 Issue 1 JCAE-1-001 Page 9 of 12

Table 8. Hourly traffic volumes in peak season per vehicle category by movementin the intersection.

Movement Vehicle categories

possibilities Motorbikes Passenger Light Heavy goods Buses
cars trucks vehicles
1 64 198 16 1 3
2 16 16 1 - 1
3 61 93 9 1 12
4 23 84 1 - -
5 19 14 1 - -
6 94 411 30 5 6
7 2 11 2 - -
8 144 258 11 - 5
9 38 123 9 5 3
10 8 5 - - -
11 7 6 - - -
12 5 5 - - -
* Source: Spanou J [3].

It is important to note that the significant volumeof buses

and light-heavy trucks in this non-signalized intersection
delivers conditions of low level of service and safety. It is worth nothing that the entries and exits of all the
approaches were designed in such a way that the right
5.5 Roundabout Geometric Design border line of each traffic lane is tangential to the inscribed
circle of the roundabout and the left to the perimeter of the
Designing the geometry of a roundabout involves the trade- apron respectively. In addition to horizontal design,
offs between safety and capacity. Roundabouts operate more elements of vertical design, including profiles, super
safely when their geometry features force traffic to enter and elevation, approach grades and drainage are examined and
circulate at slow speeds. designed. The design of the new proposed roundabout is
The overall geometric design of the proposed roundabout presented in Figure 8, with all potential movements. The
was based on the Greek design guidelines. The process of number of new conflict points is reduced to 8 and includes
designing roundabout determining the basic form and only conflicts between diverging and merging traffic flows.
features depends on the geometric layout, speed
environment, desired capacity and safety evaluation. The
choice of the form of the present roundabout as an urban
compact was made mainly due to space limitations in the
intersection as well as to the very favorable environment
offered for sensitive users. The design speed was set to 30
km/hour. For roundabout optimal location, center lines of all
approach legs will pass through the center of the inscribed
circle. This location allows the vehicle to maintain slow
speeds through both the entries and the exits. In Table 9, the
basic geometric elements of the proposed roundabout are

Table 9. Geometric elements

Geometric elements meter

Inscribed circle diameter 28
Central island diameter 17
Circulatory roadway width 5.5 Figure 8. New movement and turning possibilities of traffic
Entry curves 10 in the proposed roundabout and potential conflict points [3]
Exit curves 14
* Source: Spanou J [3].

© 2015 Despoina Spanou, et al. Volume 1 Issue 1 JCAE-1-001 Page 10 of 12

of service reflects the contribution of roundabouts to the
increase of traffic capacity and to the general functional

Technically, the geometry of roundabouts aims to reduce

speeds, contributing thereby to a higher safety level, which
is considered to be the most important advantage
roundabouts offer. Examples include the reduction of the
number of accidents and in many cases the limitation of
their seriousness only to property damage. Crash reductions
resulting from conversion of conventional intersections to
modern roundabouts can be attributed primarily to two
factors: reduced traffic speeds and elimination of specific
types of motor vehicle conflicts that frequently occur at
angular intersections. These conflicts include left turns
Figure 9. The final design of the roundabout depicting the against opposing/oncoming traffic, front-to-rear conflicts
aesthetic configurations and pedestrian crosswalks [3] (often involving the lead vehicle stopping or preparing to
stop for a traffic signal or stop sign), and right-angle
conflicts at traffic signals and stop signs.
A main concern in the use of roundabout is providing
The design study of the urban roundabout in the city of
adequate safety for the pedestrian. Pedestrian crosswalks
Kavala described above proved that the conversion of the at-
with a width of 3m were placed on the design of the
grade intersection to a roundabout is an ideal solution for the
horizontal layout, at appropriate distances from the
area, as it will bring significant benefits in the sectors of
perimeter of the inscribed circle, to ensure a smooth and
operation, safety and aesthetics. Especially for the impact
convenient service for sensitive users.
that the construction of the roundabout will have on safety it
6. Discussion and Conclusions is pointed out that this will substantially improve road safety
Roundabouts are often a standard solution when it comes to by, eliminating the conflict points - especially the crossing
the conversion or the original design of an intersection, in ones - and ensuring a safer environment for both drivers and
both urban and rural environment. The attitude of the public pedestrians.
is favorable towards them, as both drivers and pedestrians
benefit from the minimization of delays, even at peak hours,
as opposed to signalized intersections. This improved level


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Web Reference: (last accessed: 17/10/2015)

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