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Full Card and Effects List

The Abjurer: "A magical sheild of protection surrounds those proficient in spellcasting." All
spellcasters gain +2 to AC.

The Anarchist: "The anarchy of battle turns the worst strike into the strongest." A natural attack roll
of a 1 or 2 now also counts as a critical hit.

The Artifact: "Magical items glow with an even greater strength." All magical weapons and armor
gain an additional +1 to attack, damage, or armor class.

The Avenger: "Vengeance fills those who seek to protect their allies." A creature gains +2 to attack
and damage rolls against creatures within five feet of an ally.

The Beast: "The ferosity of the beast lies in the hearts of all beings." All creatures have +2 to melee
attack rolls but are -2 to AC.

The Beggar: "The thin form of desperation flows through, sustaining itself on gold or blood." At the
beginning of the encounter, all creatures lose 3d6 gold pieces. If they do not have this gold, they
instead take 1d6 damage.

The Berserker: "The roar of rage fills eyes with madness and fury." All strength-based melee attacks
gain +5 damage

The Bishop: "The blessing of the king's priest touches those worthy." Three random creatures gain
+1d4 radiant damage on attack rolls.

The Broken One: "Weariness fills even the stoutest forms." All creatures gain -2 to melee attacks.

The Charlatan: "All hold within them the recognition that they know nothing." Any time a creature
casts a spell it must roll 1d20. On a 5 or below, the spell fails.

The Conjurer: "Ethereal servants fill the area, mirroring the violence around them." All creatures
have advantage on melee attacks.

The Darklord: "The death knight's cold touch caresses instruments of violence." All melee attacks
gain +1d6 necrotic damage

The Dictator: "After the battle few can remember the shout that changed the tide." Any creature may
take a standard action to give another creature a free melee attack.

The Diviner: "The eye of wisdom aims spells not at one's enemy but where that enemy is going to
be." All spellcasters gain +2 to spell attacks and the DCs of their spells increase by 2.
The Donjon: "Fear not death, fear the cage." A random creature must make a DC 13 intelligence
saving throw. On a failure, they are removed from play. They may repeat this saving throw at
the end of each of their turns. On a successful save, they return to their original position.

The Druid: "Barbed vines reach from the earth, seeking the living and the blood within." Any creature
that moves on its turn takes 1d4 points of damage.

The Elementalist: "Spells of elemental power blaze with chaotic might." Any spell that inflicts
damage does an additional 1d6 damage and gains an additional damage type. Roll 1d4: 1. fire;
2. cold. 3. lightning; 4. bludgeoning.

The Enchanter: "The gleam of a blue rune infuses iron with the weave." Any metal armor gains an
additional +2 AC.

The Evoker: "Flames burn ever brighter for those able to wield it." Any fire damage does an
additional 1d6 fire damage.

The Executioner: "The blade of the executioner's axe remains ever sharp." Creatures may critically
hit on an 18, 19, or 20.

The Ghost: "The tormented souls of the dead take pleasure in the failures of the living." Any creature
that misses an attack takes 1d6 psychic damage.

The Guild Member: "A payment to the guild returns dividends on the battlefield." Creatures may
sacrifice ten gold pieces for +4 damage on attacks or five gold pieces for +2 to attack extra point
of attack or both.

The Healer: "The touch of light burns brighter in the darkest shadows." All healing spells gain +1d6
extra healing.

The Hooded One: "The blade strikes deepest in those who cannot see it coming." At the beginning of
combat, one random creature must make a DC 13 charisma check or become blinded. They may
make a new saving throw at the end of each of their turns. On a successful saving throw they
are no longer blinded.

The Horseman: "The spectral mount drives hard for those able to ride it." Any creature that moves
up to fifteen feet closer to an enemy before attacking gains +1d6 damage on melee attacks.

The Illusionist: "Who can say which blade is real and which is but a figment of the
imagination?" Intelligent creatures that can see take 1d6-3 psychic damage at the beginning of
each of their turns.

The Innocent: "The bulwark is strongest for those who seek not the blood of their foes." Creatures that
do not harm other creatures on their turn gain +5 AC until the beginning of their next turn.
The Marionette: "The strings of destiny move all exactly where they are meant to be." At the
beginning of each round, a random creature takes a full turn under the control of either a
random player (if a monster) or the DM (if a PC). This does not count as their normal turn.

The Mercenary: "Those who take money for blood find themselves either rich or dead." When a
creature reduces another creature to zero hit points it gains 3d6 gold pieces.

The Merchant: "The gleam of the merchant's eyes speak to rewards given at a cost." At the beginning
of the encounter, a creature may sacrifice a gemstone worth at least 10 gold pieces to gain +2 to
attack, +2 to AC, or +1d6 damage.

The Miser: "The fear of loss eclipses the rewards of success." During its first turn in combat a
creature may spend an action to bury or hide 10 gold pieces. If it does so, it gains +2 to AC and
saving throws for five minutes.

The Missionary: "The prayers of the commoner releases a divine light." All living creatures gain 1d6
temporary hit points.

The Mists: "The mists turn all enemies into the shadows of doubt." All creatures take -2 to attack
creatures more than five feet away from them.

The Monk: "The strongest armor is the resolution of the heart and mind." All unarmored or cloth-
wearing creatures gain +2 to AC and saving throws.

The Myrmidon: "What is steel compared to the hand that wields it?" Any creature attacking with a
two-handed weapon gains +1d6 damage.

The Necromancer: "The elements of all magics become death in the end." All magical attacks gain
+1d6 necrotic damage.

The Paladin: "The blade of the righteous burns bright." All melee attacks gain +1d6 radiant

The Philanthropist: "Selfless souls seek those of greatest potential." Three random creatures gain
3d6 gold pieces and +2 to AC and saving throws for the next five minutes.

The Priest: "The light of the gods burns in the priest's eyes." All spell damage gains +1d6 extra
radiant damage.

The Raven: "Those who give the raven its due find reward in the deed." Any creature that reduces
another creature to zero hit points gains +2d6 temporary hit points.

The Rogue: "All become thieves in desperation." All creatures gain +1d6 damage when attacking
an enemy within 5 feet of an ally.
The Seer: "Those who see the wisdom of elders know where best to strike." At the beginning of
combat, all creatures must make a DC 13 Wisdom check. Those that succeed gain +2 to attack.

The Shepherd: "The most meager might succeed when guided by a caring hand." Three random
creatures gain advantage on skill checks.

The Soldier: "Iron and wood will never betray you." Any creature using a shield gains +2 to AC.

The Swashbuckler: "The swiftest blade draws the brightest blood." All creatures gain +1d6 damage
when attacking with a finesse weapon.

The Tax Collector: "All must pay the tax collector in the end." On their first turn, as a bonus action,
a creature must sacrifice 1% of its total gold holdings or take -2 to AC, attacks, and saving

The Tempter: "The tempter trades blood for blood." A creature may take 1d4 damage in order to
inflict 1d6 extra damage on their next attack.

The Thief: "The swiftest hand returns with the greatest rewards." Once per turn, on a successful
melee attack, the attacker may make a DC 13 dexterity (slight of hand) check to steal a random
trinket from the enemy.

The Torturer: "Pain brings the mightiest ruler to its knees." All creatures take 1d4 damage at the
beginning of their turns.

The Trader: "A ghostly grinning figure holds a glowing weapon in one hand with his other palm out
awaiting payment." At the beginning of their first turn in combat, a creature may sacrifice an item
worth no less than 10 gold pieces to gain a +2 weapon of their choice. This weapon disappears
after five minutes.

The Traitor: "Treachery lies buried deep in the soul." At the beginning of combat, a random
creature must make a DC 13 wisdom saving throw or be dominated by a random enemy.

The Transmuter: "Who is to say what true form one might have when the winds of chaos roar." A
random creature must make a DC 13 constitution saving throw. On a failure, the creature turns
into a trinket. The creature cannot be harmed while in this form. The creature returns to its
normal form at the end of its next turn.

The Warrior: "The way of the warrior is a resolute acceptance of death." All creatures gain +2 to
attack and +1d6 damage when attacking with strength-based melee weapon attacks.

The Wizard: "Magic lies deep in all things, binding us to the will of the universe." All spell attacks
gain +2 to spell attacks, +1d6 force damage to spell damage, and DCs increase by 2.

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