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WRITTEN TEST Name:_____________________________________________

TEENAGERS C teacher:___________________________________________

1. read the following text; then answer the questions.

Ron never thought it was going to be such a sad day; it was cold and gloomy,
everyone was getting ready to the departure, he would never see his country
anymore. But it was on his parents who thought leaving Dublin and Embarking into that huge ship
way to New York was the best thing they might do, to save their matrimony and begin a new
brand life. Unfortunately, after all things they had to come through when they arrived to New
York, they just found out it was not such a golden age, as propaganda said living in America was.

A. where do you think the scene took place?__________________________________________

B. how did Ron feel about departing?______________________________________________

C. what did his parents think it was going to be like leaving Dublin?_______________________


D. what did they finally find out?__________________________________________________

2. Come up with an advice for each situation, remember to use different modals (would, should,
could, must, have to, may, and might)

a. “I have a terrible toothache”(go/doctor)__________________________________________

b. “I want to go to Miami but I don’t have money” (I/lend


c. “tomorrow’s the midterm exam and I don’t understand anything”(You/Study)


d. “Fry, can you explain me the math homework, please?”(I/explain


e. “it’s raining cats and dogs, and I need to go out”(you/umbrella)


3. Complete the following text with the verbs from the box, remember to turn them in past or
past continuous if necessary.

Come be(x3) realize watch change

Find have(x2) take break

Last movie I_________ was fantastic. It________ about two boys who __________the power to
travel in time, and they ___________ to rescue a nice girl who_________ trapped in the past. They
_________ through a lot of strange situations, until they finally ___________the lost girl
and________ her to their present. At the end of the movie they______________they
___________ the rules of time and space and for that reason things _____________ and then
everything ___________ different.

4. Sally’s planning her vacation journey to the mountains; help her organize her activities taking
into account the pictures. (remember to use “going to”)

a. b. c.

she is going to sleep in a tent. ______________________ _____________________

______________________ ______________________

d. e.
____________________________ _________________________

____________________________ _________________________

5. use will or going to depending on what the person wants to say.

a. The day is dark and cold (rain)____It will rain

b. next week it’s Christmas (travel)___________________________________________________

c. I left the papers on the office (work/tomorrow)_______________________________________

d. some people say the world (end)_________________________on December 2012.

e. I lost my ID, so I (vote)______________________________________ next elections.

f. you have an important test tomorrow (study)_______________________________________

this night?

6. listen to Victoria talking about what she did last weekend, TAKE NOTES HERE and write AT
THE BACK OF THIS PAPER, as much information as you can remember about her. Remember to
use simple past.


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