Mock Test 1. God PS 2022-23

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Mock test

Ime i prezime ____________________________

Br. indeksa ______________

Fakultet za medije i komunikacije Univerziteta Singidunum

Departman za psihologiju
Kolokvijum iz predmeta Engleski jezik 2

I Put the verb in brackets into the most appropriate conditional:

If it ________________ (rain) yesterday, we ________________ (go) camping.
If I ________________ (rich), I ________________ (buy) the car I saw yesterday.
If I ________________ (rich) on Saturday, I ________________ (buy) that car.
She might be able to come if she ________________ (had) the bus.
They ________________ (joined) us in the project, had they known it on time.
If you ________________ (eat) too much, you ________________ (feel) sick.
_______ / 10

II Put the verb in brackets into the most appropriate future tense:
I ________________ (go) to the shop. Would you like something?
Peter is not sure if he ________________ (throw) a party on Saturday.
Look at the clouds, it ________________ (rain).
Please, call me as soon as you ________________ home.
By the end of this lesson we ________________ (get tired).
This time next week we ________________ (take) the midterm test.
Luke and Jack ________________ (come) tomorrow! Their plane ________________ (take off)
at 9 pm.
In two hours I ________________ (clean) the house and I________________ (watch) a movie.
_______ / 10
III Translate the sentences into English (5 rečenica će biti; ovde imate dodatnih 5 za
Dok se ti vratiš s posla, očistiću kuću.
Ako budem imao para, kupiću nam ulaznice.
Da mi je ostalo novca, kupio bih nam ulaznice.
Da imam novca, kupio bih karte za tu utakmicu.
Sledeće godine u ovo vreme, završavaćemo drugu godinu studija.
Sledeće godine u ovo vreme, završićemo drugu godinu studija.
Na odmor idem u Peking, avion mi poleće 9. juna u 10 ujutru.
Verovatno ću ići u Peking na odmor.
Ići ću na odmor u Peking, to je za sada plan.
Dok ti dođeš, mi smo već obavili posao.

_______ / 10
III Explain the underlined word in the way most convenient to you (translation, synonym,

Filter bubbles are formed by the algorithms social media sites like Facebook use to decide which
information to show you, based largely on your own tastes. The idea is to keep you engaged, but
the result may be a worldview skewed to fit your own preferences and biases. With 62 per cent
of Americans getting their news from social media at least occasionally, the fear is that filter
bubbles could affect how you make decisions in real life.

keep you engaged _________________________________________

skewed _________________________________________
Biases _________________________________________
Occasionally _________________________________________
affect _________________________________________
_______ / 10

IV Put the most appropriate word in the gap:

Moderate modest initiative incentive enforced endorsed
__________________________ views are not very welcome, especially among the extremists.
When you punish people who raise their voice, you don’t give them a(n) ____________________
to speak.
A law needs to be _______________________ which gives teachers more authority.


V (An unknown text; questions + a short opinion essay)

_____/10 (4+6)
_______ / ukupno 50 (21 minimum za prolaz)

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