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SEN – 22413

Maharashtra Board of Technical Education, Mumbai

Government Polytechnic, Solapur


ACEDAMIC YEAR 2023 - 2024



Submitted by: -

Roll no. Enrolment Name

28 2200150157 Gagankumar Anjanayya Patil
70 2200150202 Ramesh Suresh Kamble

Submitted to :- Prof. Ashwini Mane

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Title of microproject- To Do Application

This is to certify that the following students

Roll no. Enrolment no. Name

28 2200150157 Gagankumar Anjanayya Patil

70 2200150202 Ramesh Suresh Kamble

of Branch computer of semester fourth (4) of diploma in Computer

technology of institute Government Polytechnic, Solapur. Code (0015) have
completed the microproject work satisfactorily under my supervision /guidance for
the subject Software Engineering (22413) in the academic year 2023-2024 as
prescribed in the curriculum.

Guide name: - Prof. Ashwini Mane

Date and sign: -

H.O.D Principal

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1 Abstract 4

2 Acknowledgment 4

3 Introduction 4

4 SRS Document 5



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 Abstract

In today's fast-paced world, effective task management is essential for productivity and peace
of mind. This micro project presents the development of a straightforward yet powerful To-Do
application. The application allows users to effortlessly add, delete, and view tasks,
streamlining the process of organizing daily activities. By leveraging intuitive user interface
design and efficient backend functionality, this project aims to provide a seamless task
management experience for users across various devices.

 Acknowledgment

We would like to express our sincere gratitude to our college,

Government Polytechnic Solapur, for giving us the opportunity to work on this micro-project. We
would also like to extend our thanks to our project guide, Prof. Ashwini Mane ma’am, for
providing us with invaluable guidance and support throughout the project. She shared her
expertise and knowledge, provided constructive feedback, and helped us navigate the challenges
we encountered during the project.
Our sincere appreciation goes to our friends and family for their unwavering support and
encouragement. Their understanding, patience, and words of encouragement were invaluable to
us throughout this project. Finally, we would like to thank all the resources available to us, both
online and offline, that helped us complete this project successfully
Once again, we express our heartfelt gratitude to all those who contributed to the successful
completion of this micro-project.

 Introduction

Welcome to our micro project focusing on a simple yet effective To-Do application. In today's fast-
paced world, staying organized is essential, and what better way to do so than with a personalized
to-do list tailored to your needs? Our application aims to provide a seamless user experience with
basic functionalities like adding tasks, deleting them, and viewing the list. With a user-friendly
interface and intuitive design, managing your tasks has never been easier. Let's dive into the world
of productivity and streamline your daily routine with our To-Do application.

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Software Requirements Specification (SRS)

1. Introduction:
The To-Do Application is a software solution designed to assist users in
organizing and managing their tasks effectively. It offers a user-friendly
interface through which users can create, prioritize, update, and track their to-do
lists efficiently. This Software Requirements Specification (SRS) document
outlines the functional and non-functional requirements, as well as the scope
and purpose of the To-Do Application.
1.1 Purpose of the Software
The primary purpose of the To-Do Application is to provide individuals and
teams with a reliable tool for managing tasks and increasing productivity. By
offering features such as task creation, categorization, deadline setting, and
reminders, the software aims to streamline the process of organizing and
executing tasks. Additionally, the application aims to enhance collaboration and
coordination among team members by facilitating task sharing and assignment.
1.2 Scope of the Software
The To-Do Application encompasses a range of features and functionalities
aimed at meeting the following objectives:
 Task Management: Users can create, edit, delete, and prioritize tasks
according to their importance and urgency.
 Task Categorization: Tasks can be organized into different categories or
projects for better organization and clarity.
 Deadline Setting: Users can set deadlines for tasks and receive
notifications to ensure timely completion.
 Reminders and Notifications: The application sends reminders and
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notifications to users to keep them informed about upcoming tasks and

Collaboration: The software enables users to share task with team members,
assign tasks to specific individuals, and track progress collaboratively.
1.3 Overall Description of the Software
The To-Do Application is designed to be intuitive, user-friendly, and adaptable
to the varying needs of individuals and teams. It features a clean and minimalist
interface that promotes ease of use and clarity. Users can quickly add new tasks,
categorize them, set deadlines, and receive timely reminders to stay on track.
The software prioritizes simplicity and efficiency, ensuring that users can focus
on completing their tasks rather than getting bogged down by complex
features.Overall, the To-Do Application aims to be a reliable companion for
individuals and teams seeking to enhance their productivity and organization.
Whether used for personal task management or team collaboration, the software
provides a robust set of tools to help users effectively manage their workload
and achieve their goals.

2.Functional Requirements:
Task Management
Create Task: Users can create new tasks with a title, description, due date,
priority level, and optional tags.
Edit Task: Users can edit existing tasks to modify details such as title,
description, due date, priority, and tags.
Delete Task: Users can delete tasks that are no longer needed.
Prioritize Task: Users can assign priority levels (e.g., high, medium, low) to
tasks for better organization.

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Complete Task: Users can mark tasks as completed when finished.Task

Create Category/Project: Users should be able to create categories or projects to
group related tasks together.
Assign Task to Category/Project: Users should be able to assign tasks to
specific categories or projects.

Deadline Management :
1.Set Deadline: Users should be able to set deadlines for tasks, specifying the
date and time when the task should be completed.
Receive Notifications: Users should receive notifications or reminders before
the deadline for pending tasks.
Share Task: Users should be able to share tasks with other users or team
Assign Task: Users should have the ability to assign tasks to specific individuals
within a team.
Track Task Progress: Users should be able to track the progress of shared tasks
and view updates made by collaborators.
2.1 Interface Requirements
Task List View: A clear and organized list view displaying tasks along with
their details such as title, description, due date, priority, and status.
Task Creation/Editing Form: An interface for creating new tasks or editing
existing ones, with input fields for title, description, due date, priority, and tags.
Category/Project Management: A section for managing categories or projects,
allowing users to create, edit, and delete categories.

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Notification Center: A notification center to display reminders, notifications,

and alerts related to tasks.
Collaboration Tools: Features for sharing tasks, assigning tasks to team
members, and viewing task progress within collaborative projects.

2.2 Performance Requirements

1. Response Time: The application should respond to user actions (e.g., task
creation, editing) within 2 seconds under normal operating conditions.
2. Data Loading Time: The time taken to load tasks and categories should
be minimal, even with a large dataset, to ensure a smooth user
3. Scalability: The application should be able to handle an increasing
number of users and tasks without significant degradation in
4. Offline Functionality: The application should support offline access to
tasks, allowing users to view and edit tasks even when not connected to
the internet. Changes made offline should sync seamlessly when the
device reconnects to the internet.
These functional requirements, interface specifications, and performance
criteria collectively define the capabilities and user experience expected from
the To-Do Application, ensuring efficient task management and collaboration
while maintaining optimal performance.
3.Non-Functional Requirements:
Intuitiveness: The application interface should be intuitive and easy to
navigate, requiring minimal training for users to understand and use
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Accessibility: The application should be accessible to users with disabilities,
adhering to accessibility standards such as WCAG (Web Content
Accessibility Guidelines).
Customization: Users should have the ability to customize the interface
according to their preferences, such as choosing themes or adjusting font sizes.
Response Time: The application should respond to user interactions promptly,
with actions such as task creation or editing completing within 2 seconds
under normal load conditions.
Scalability: The application should be able to handle a growing number of
users and tasks without significant degradation in performance.
Offline Functionality: The application should provide seamless offline access
to tasks, allowing users to view, edit, and create tasks even when not
connected to the internet.
3.1 Security
Data Encryption: User data should be encrypted both in transit and at rest to
protect against unauthorized access.
Authentication: The application should implement secure authentication
mechanisms, such as password hashing and multi-factor authentication, to
verify user identities.
Authorization: Users should only have access to tasks and features based on
their assigned permissions and roles, ensuring data confidentiality and
Data Backup: Regular backups of user data should be performed to prevent
data loss in case of system failures or security breaches.
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3.2 Reliability
Availability: The application should be available and accessible to users 24/7,
with minimal downtime for maintenance or updates.
Error Handling: The application should gracefully handle errors and
exceptions, providing informative error messages to users and logging errors
for troubleshooting purposes.
Data Integrity: The application should ensure the integrity of user data,
preventing data corruption or loss through mechanisms such as data validation
and error checking.
3.3 Flexibility
Customization: Users should have the flexibility to customize their task
management workflow, such as creating custom task fields or defining their
own task categories.
Integration: The application should support integration with third-party tools
and services, allowing users to import/export tasks or synchronize data with
external systems.
Platform Compatibility: The application should be compatible with a variety
of devices and platforms, including desktop computers, smartphones, and
tablets, to accommodate different user preferences and usage scenarios.
These non-functional requirements ensure that the To-Do Application not
only meets functional needs but also delivers a user-friendly, secure, reliable,
and flexible experience for users.
4.Schedule And Budget:
4.1 Schedule:
DAY 1-2: Requirement Gathering and Analysis
DAY 3-4: Design and Architecture
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DAY5-8: Implementation
DAY 9-10: Testing
DAY 11: Deployment
Ongoing: Maintenance and Support
4.2 Budget Allocation:
Development Costs: 10
Infrastructure Costs: 5
Testing Costs: 10
Contingency: 5
Total Budget:30

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 Conclusion

In conclusion, the creation of the To-Do application has successfully demonstrated the
fundamental principles of software development, including user interface design, data
management, and basic functionality implementation. While the project provided a simplified
version of a To-Do application with essential features like adding, deleting, and viewing tasks, it has
laid a solid foundation for potential future enhancements and iterations based on user feedback
and evolving requirements. Through this project, valuable insights and experiences have been
gained, contributing to the overall learning and growth in software development skills.

 References
• To Do Application
• Chatgpt

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