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Ship stats

Ships have Dexterity, Constitution and Strength stats, without any modifications they use the

Sloop (1 tile): Dex 20, Con 8, Str 8, HP 15, Crew 2, Rooms 2, Cannons 4, Actions 4
(Speed change if chosen gives +2 or -2 instead of +1 or -1)

Brigantine (2 tiles): Dex 16, Con 10, Str 10, HP 25, Crew 3, Rooms 3, Cannons 6, Actions 5

Galleon (2 tiles) Dex 12, Con 12, Str 12, HP 40, Crew 3, Rooms 3, Cannons 8, Actions 6

Carrack (3 tiles) Dex 8, Con 14, Str 14, HP 80, Crew 4, Rooms 4, Cannons 12, Actions 8
(Speed change cost 2 actions instead of 1)

Apart from the base stats, ships may have various modifications.

A ship has a large momentum, which makes changing its speed a large task, for this, the
crew can take an action each ship turn, to move the ship's speed up or down. All ships have
a base maximum movement of 4, apart from the base movement, ships that travel with the
wind receive +1 speed, and ships that sail against suffer a -1 to speed.

It is also possible to change the direction of the ship, a ship can only turn one left or one

As seen on the picture, if a ship is moving forward, it can only move along the left or right
hexagonal by turning. Whoever uses a turn to steer the ship can decide to let the ship keep
turning or to realign immediately after turning 60 degrees. (Storms might require continuous

Dropping Anchor:
A crewmate can take an action to drop the anchor, this sets the ship speed to zero, and if it
was turning, turns it depending on how it was steered +-60 degrees, unless the character
steering the ship succeeds a DC 5 x Ship Speed Athletics check, to maintain the steer. The
Ship must make a DC 5 x Ship Speed Con Save or take 1d10 per size damage.

Cannons and other similar weapons can be mounted in different directions. There are 3
different kinds of cannon mounts which impact the way that they are used. The most
common is rear cannons, these cannons can shoot anything on their side of the ship in a
total of 120 degrees outward. It is also possible to have chaser cannons on a ship, these are
cannons placed in either the front or the back of the ship, and they only have a maximum
angle of 30 degrees (Almost only a direct line). The last type of cannon is very rare and is a
rotary cannon, which can be steered with one action and shot with another, even though
rotary cannons need a large amount of crew to operate, they can aim in 360 degrees, only
limited by the masts blocking its view if it is mounted on a regular ship. These cannons are
usually magical or large machinery mounted on dwarven/gnomish ironclads.

To shoot a cannon, you roll a d20, for each tile away the DC increases to hit by 2, this starts
at 1. (A nat 1 misfires the cannon (An action must be used to fix the cannon) and 20 is a crit
doing double damage). Most cannons do not have any bonuses to hit, but some do.
The above picture is an example of the DC’s of shooting a rear side cannon on the port side,
and it also shows how the 120 degrees is spread out on the hexagonal map.
When shooting at another ship, the attacker gains a -1 per difference in speed (This is
direction dependent. (When ships are sailing at a 60 degree turn of each other their speed is
halved for this calculation rounded down)

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