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Compiled by:
Ustad Usman Hijazi
(Religious Scholar/O-Level Islamiyat Teacher)
Youtube Channel :(Tutorials, Lectures, Speeches)
Ustad Usman Hijazi

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Table of Content
Life in Makkah
Birth of the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him)
Upbringing of the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him)
Chest Dissection Incident (Shaqq-e-Sadr)
Death of Aamina, Abdul Muttalib and role of Abu Talib
Meeting with Bahirah (the Monk)
First Journey to Syria
The battle of Fijar and Half-al-Fazul
Rebuilding of the Holy Ka’aba
The Holy Prophet’s(peace be upon him) marriage with Khadija (R.D)
The Holy Prophet’s(peace be upon him) first experience of revelation
Major Events of the Early Revelation
Opposition and Persecution
Major difficulties encountered by the Prophet (peace be upon him)
Major difficulties encountered by the Companions (Sahaba)
Migration to Abyssinia
Boycott of Banu Hashim
The Year of Sorrow
The Prophet’s (peace be upon him) journey to Taif
Importance/significance of the Journey to Taif
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Night Journey (Isra) and Ascension (Miraj)
Importance/significance of Isra and Miraj
The first Pledge of Al-Aqaba
The Second Pledge of Al-Aqaba
Importance of the Pledges of Aqaba
Migration to Madinah
Events that led to migration to Madinah
Reasons behind the Migration
The Prophet’s peace be upon him experiences in caves

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The life and importance of the Prophet
Muhammad (peace be upon him)
Candidate should study:

➢ the main events of the Prophet’s (peace be upon him) life from
his birth to his call to prophethood
➢ the main events of the Prophet’s (peace be upon him) activities in
Makka and his experiences with his opponents
➢ the main events of the Prophet’s (peace be upon him) activities in
Madina, his leadership of the community there and his conflicts
with the Makkans and others
➢ the Prophet’s (peace be upon him) actions and character
➢ the importance of the Prophet’s (peace be upon him) actions as
examples for Muslim individuals in their personal conduct and
relations with others including women and non-Muslims
➢ the importance of the Prophet’s (peace be upon him) actions as
examples for Muslim communities in their relations with other
➢ the Prophet’s (peace be upon him) significance as Seal of the
Prophets and last Messenger of God.

Candidates should be able to give accounts of the main events of the

Prophet’s (peace be upon him) life, and his significance in Muslim
beliefs. They should also be able to explain the importance of the
Prophet’s (peace be upon him) actions and experiences in the history
and beliefs of Islam, particularly in the way they provide examples for
present day Muslim individuals and communities.
Note: In examination, there will be either one or two questions on this
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Life in Makkah
Q(a):Write about the life of the Prophet (peace be upon him) up until the first revelation.
[10] [J/2010]

Q(a): Give an account of the life of Prophet(peace be upon him) up to the time the revelations
began. [10] [N/2014]

Q(a): Describe the main events in the Prophet’s (peace be upon him) life before he was
granted prophethood. [10] [J/2016]

Birth of the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him)

➢ The blessed birth of the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) at the time predawn on
Monday in the month of Rabi-ul-Awwal 571 AD, in the same year when Abraha marched
towards Makkah.
➢ His father name was Abdullah and grandfather was Abdul Muttalib bin Hashim who was
a grand leader of Quraish.
➢ His mother name was Amina, who was the daughter of Wahab, the chief of Zuhra (a
famous clan of Arb).
➢ Soon after the marriage of Abdullah and Amina Abdullah went to Syria on a mercantile
expedition but on way, fell ill at Madinah and died there.
➢ The widow Amina was pregnant at that time, she gave birth to the Holy Prophet (peace
be upon him).
➢ The child was named by Abdul Mutallib “Muhammad” which means “The praised one”
and his mother named him “Ahmed”. Both the names are mentioned in the Holy Quran.
➢ Soon after his birth. Thuabiyah a slave girl of his uncle Abu Lahab, suckled him for only a
few days.

Upbringing of the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him)

➢ According to the traditions of Arbs, children were sent to Arb villages for improvement
in their health and for learning pure and high native Arabic accent and were returned
after some years.
➢ At that time, several Bedouin women had come to Makkah to adopt the children for
➢ No Bedouin woman was ready to take the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) because of
being an orphan child.

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➢ Banu Saad was well known for the purity of Arbic language. A noble Bedouin woman
named ‘Halima Sadia’ belonged to this tribe.
➢ Halima Sadia came in the very last due to her ill she-camel;
➢ She placed her hand on his chest so he smiled.
➢ Halima Saadia took the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) because she didn’t want to go
➢ When she took him, her ill she-camel became active and goats started giving more milk.
➢ When she took him to her home, the blessings of God were noticed in her house.
➢ He remained with Banu Saad about five years where Halima Saadia loved him very much
and also he had great regard and respect to Halima and her family even after
➢ Halima Saadia returned him to his mother after five years.
➢ The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) said, “Verily I am the most perfect Arab
amongst you, my descent is from Quraish and my tongue is the tongue of BanuSaad”.

Chest Dissection Incident (Shaqq-e-Sadr)

➢ The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) had a happy time with the children of Halima
Sadia and looked upon them as his own kin.
➢ The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) stayed with them until he was about five years
➢ Hadrath Anas (R.D) reported that Hadhrat Jibrael (A.S) came down, opened his chest
and took out the heart, he then extracted a blood-clot out of it and then he said “That
was the part of Satan in thee” and then he washed it with the water of ZamZam in a
gold basin. After the heart was joined together and restored to its place (Sahih Muslim).
➢ The kids of Halima Saadia and playmates came running to his mother and said,
Muhammad has been murdered”.
➢ They all rushed towards him and found him to be all right and that only his face was
➢ After this event, Halima Sadia was worried about him and finally she returned to his
mother with whom he stayed until he was six.

(Death of Aamina, Abdul Muttalib and role of Abu Talib)
➢ In respect of the memory of her late husband; Amina decided to visit his grave in
Madinah; she set out to cover a journey of 500 Kilometers with her orphan son, her
father in law Abdul Muttalib and a woman servant Umm-e -Aiman.

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➢ On the route, she suffered a severe illness and died in Abwa on the road between
Makkah and Madinah.
➢ Abdul Muttalib brought the Prophet (PBUH) back to Makkah, and was more passionate
towards his grandson than with his own children.
➢ When the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) was eight years old his grandfather Abdul
Muttalib passed away.
➢ Abu Talib took the responsibility of his nephew in the best way.
➢ He put him with his children and preferred him to them, and he remained forty years
cherishing his nephew and extending all possible protection and support to him.

Meeting with Bahirah (the Monk)

First Journey to Syria

➢ Abu Talib was a merchant of perfumes and clothes by profession. He used to visit Syria
for mercantile missions.
➢ When The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) was twelve years old, Abu Talib decided to
have a trade journey to Syria.
➢ Prophet (PBUH) requested to accompany him. Abu Talib initially refused eventually agreed.
➢ When they reached Busra (which was part of Syria) there was a monk named Bahirah
(real name Jurjais).
➢ Bahira noticed few signs. (Small cloud shading the caravan, Bowing of trees and stones, turning
of branches)
➢ He invited Makkans for a meal. Makkans left Prophet (PBUH) behind.
➢ Bahira requested to bring Mohammad (PBUH)
➢ When he asked questions to Prophet in the name of Lat and Uzza Prophet refused to
➢ When he asked questions in the name of Allah, The Prophet (PBUH) responded and
answered the questions.
➢ He also viewed the mark of prophethood.
➢ Bahirah predicted and said while taking his hand “This is the master of all humans.
Allah will send him with a message which will be a mercy to all beings….I can also
recognize him by the seal of prophethood which is below his shoulders….”
➢ Bahira asked Abu Talib to take good care of him and to take him too far into Syria for
fear that the Jews may recognize him as the future prophet and harm him.
➢ Abu Talib obeyed the saying of Bahirah and sent his nephew back to Makkah with some
of his men servants.

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The Battle of Fijar and Half-al-Fazul
➢ Between the years 580-590 A.D when the Holy Prophet peace be upon him was about
fifteen years old, a sacrilegious war named “Harbul Fijar” broke out at the fair of Akaz
during hajj season (sacred months), between all the tribes especially Quraish and
Hawazin. There was considerable loss of human life for a number of years.
➢ The Holy Prophet peace be upon him with his uncle Abu Talib also participated but his
role did not extend beyond picking up the stray arrows thrown by the enemies and
handing them to Abu Talib.
➢ Due to the result of war for several years, seeing the evil, injustice, violence and cruelty
and extreme bloodshed took place, some tribes decided to form an alliance to protect
the rights of the oppressed, weak, poor and provide shelter to them.
➢ This alliance called Half-al-Fazul. The reason it was called Fazul is that the plural of Fazal
is Fuzul, and the three leading members named Fazal.
➢ The Holy Prophet peace be upon him was present on the occasion of the oath and was
greatly happy with its aim. He said in later years “I would not exchange for the choicest
camels in all Arabia, the remembrance of being present at the oath”.

The Holy Prophet’s (peace be upon him) marriage with Khadija (R.D)
➢ From the early age to his youth, the Holy Prophet peace be upon him worked as a
shepherd but later he changed his profession because the majority of the Quraish were
➢ He used to visit Syria for mercantile missions and he acted with integrity and efficiency
and soon he got the title of “Sadiq” (the truthful one) and “Ameen” (the honest one).
➢ Hadhrat Khadija bin Khuwalid of Banu Nufal clan, was a widow, known as “Tahira” (the
➢ She used to merchandise by means of agents to Syria, she was in need of a trustworthy
➢ When she was informed of the Holy Prophet peace be upon him truthful words, great
honesty and kind manners, she hired him for trade and sent him to Syria accompanying
her servant named “Maisarah”.
➢ When the trade caravan returned to Makkah, she noticed ultra profit and the blessing of
the Holy Prophet peace be upon him.
➢ Her servant informed her of the Holy Prophet’s peace be upon him good manners,
honesty and fair business dealings.
➢ She realized that she homed at her target.

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➢ She disclosed her wish to marry with the Holy Prophet peace be upon him to her closest
friend Nafisah, who immediately went to the Holy Prophet peace be upon him.
➢ He accepted her proposal after consulting his uncle Abu Talib.
➢ At the time of marriage, the Holy Prophet peace be upon him age was 25 while Khadija
was 40 years old.
➢ Through this marriage; they were blessed with four daughters Zainab, Ruqqiya, Umm-e-
Kulthoom, Fatima and two sons; Qasim and Abdullah, both died in infancy.

Rebuilding of the Holy Ka’aba

(The Arbitration issue)

➢ When the Holy Prophet peace be upon him was thirty five years old. There was heavy
rain and caused a great flood in Makkah that swept towards Holy Kaba and almost
demolished it.
➢ The Quraish were obliged to rebuild it to safeguard its holiness and position.
➢ The chiefs of Qurais decided to only use licit money in rebuilding the Kaaba.
➢ Each tribe was reponsible for rebuilding a part of it.
➢ Initially they were afraid of the wrath of Allah to break the walls of Kaaba.
➢ Walid bin Mughira made the first hit on its walls.
➢ When the rebuilding was almost completed, the question arose who would put the
balck stone (Hajr-e-Aswad) in its place.
➢ Then strife broke out among the chiefs and lasted five days. Daggers were on the point
of being drawn and great bloodshed seemed imminent.
➢ Abu Umayya Ibn Mughaira suggested “whoever enters first in the morning from the
gate of Safa of Kaba, he would settle the dispute”.
➢ On the very next morning the Holy Prophet peace be upon him entered in the Holy Kaba
and people of Makkah said, “This is Ameen, This is Muhammad. We agreed on him to
decide this matter”.
➢ The Holy Prophet peace be upon him showed a remarkable genius for problem solving,
he asked to bring a sheet, placed black stone on it by his hands then directed all
chieftains to lead a hand into the corners of sheet then he placed on the Holy Kaba.

The Holy Prophet’s(peace be upon him) first experience of revelation

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Q(a): Write a detailed account on the holy Prophet’s peace be upon him first experience of
receiving revelations. [10] [Nov-2004/2007]

➢ When the Holy Prophet peace be upon him was nearly forty years old, he had been
accustomed to pass most of nights and days in retirement meditating and speculating
over all aspects of the society of Makkah around him in the city of Makkah there was
unnecessary bloodshed, tribal disputes oppression of the weak, injustice, idol
worshipping, drinking, gambling and degraded status of women etc.
➢ He found of solitude and loneliness. He used to take some food stuff with him. He would
think about his lord and corrupt Makkan society. This act was known as “Tahannuth” he
was worshipping according to the religion of Hadhrat Ibrahim (A.S).
➢ His favourite resort a cave named Hira in the mount of An-Noor it was only two miles
from Makkah.
➢ During those days his drams started coming true. This was one of the sings of the
becoming Prophet.
➢ One night on 27th of Ramadhan 610 A.D as he was meditating in the cave of Hira, the
Archangel Jibrail (A.S) suddenly came to him in the form of man.
➢ Hadhrat Jibrail (A.S) said, “Read”. Muhammad peace be upon him replied I cannot read.
He then squeezed Muhammad’s peace be upon him chest hard. The Holy Prophet peace
be upon him later said, “it happened three times, then The Holy Prophet peace be upon
him asked Jibrail “What shall I read?” then Hadhrat Jibrail (A.S) recited the first five
verses of Surah Alaq, “Read in the name of your Lord Who created man from blood
coagulated. Read and your Lord is most bountiful He who taught (the use of) the pen,
Taught man that which he knew not.” [96:1-5]
➢ Then The Holy Prophet peace be upon him returned back home, on his way, he heard a
voice above him saying “O Muhammad you are the messenger of Allah, and I am
Jibrail”. Then he saw the angel in his full original form in the horizon, with his feet on
the earth, head in the sky and the wingtips touching the east and west. In this regard
Quran says, “And without doubt, he saw him in clear horizon”. [Al Takwee 03]
➢ When he came back home, he was shivering. He asked his wife Hadhrat Khadija (RD) to
wrap him in blanket He narrated the whole event to her and said “ I fear for myself”.
➢ She consoled and comforted him and reassured him saying “you have never done any
wrong to anyone, you are kind to others and help the poor. Allah will not let you
➢ Very next morning she took him to her cousin ‘Waraqa bin Nawful’ an aged Christian
hermit (scholar) he was blind but had a great knowledge of Torah and Gospel.
➢ Waraqa heard the story and gave glad tiding to the Holy Prophet peace be upon him
and said, “the one who came to you was Jibrail the angel the same who used to come

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to Musa and Essa and other Prophets. So you are also a Prophet. Now your people will
expel you from this city (Makkah) if I remain alive by that time I will be a Muslim”.
➢ Waraqa died soon after and there was temporary interval in revelation.

(b)Write down the importance/significance of the first revelation. [4]

➢ In the Islamic calendar, this year is known as the first year of Nabuwwah (Prophethood).
➢ The very night, popularly believed to be 27th of Ramadhan is called a blessed night
➢ Cave of Hira is a symbol of the Islamic revolution.
➢ It not only marks the beginning of the prophetic mission but also the end of the era of
➢ Revelation of the last book of Allah began this night.
➢ In this event The Holy Prophet peace be upon him was honored with the prophethood.
➢ In the cave of Hira, there was first meeting of The Holy Prophet peace be upon him and
angel Jibrail.
➢ This event is not only important for the Holy Prophet peace be upon him for the Arabia
but it also was a landmark in world history.
➢ The event brought a revolution that changed the entire map of the world.
➢ After this event, he started the preaching of Islam, and gradually changed the system of

(b): Explain the significance of the action of the Angel Jibrail, Waraqa bin Naufal and Hazrat
Khadija (RA) in this event.

HazratJibrail (RZ):
➢ The appearance of angel is the sign that the revelations are truly from Allah.
➢ It tells us about the function of an angel Jibrail he is responsible to bring down the
revelation to the Prophets.
➢ Hazrat Jibrail (AS) hugged The Holy Prophet peace be upon him tightly to enable him to
receive and recite the revelation.
➢ He was the first being who informed The Holy Prophet peace be upon him about his
new career.

Waraqa bin Naufal:

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➢ He was the first to explain to The Holy Prophet peace be upon him the significance of his
➢ He helped him realize that he had been visited by an angel Jibrail who had appeared to
other messengers before him.
➢ He also mentally prepared him for great opposition in future as he informed that he
would be exiled from his town.

Hazrat Khadija (RA)

➢ She was the first to know the experience of The Holy Prophet peace be upon him
➢ She was the one who cheered him up at the time of utter confusion and shock.
➢ She helped him sorting out his confusion by choosing the right person to explain the
strange experience The Holy Prophet peace be upon him had.

Major Events of the Early Revelation

Q(a)Give an account of the way in which the Prophet (peace be upon him) started to
preach Islam in the first few years after he began to receive the revelation.
[10] [J/2015]

➢ The first revelation had downed upon the Holy Prophet peace be upon him when he had
completed fortieth year of his life. The revelation had been stopped for several days
because of the miserable and uncomfortable condition of the Holy Prophet peace be
upon him.
➢ But when the second revelation came after a break it was the beginning verses of Surah
Mudassir in which Allah Almighty ordered him “O you wrapped up in you mantle arise
and ward! And your lord magnify”.
➢ Then the Holy Prophet peace be upon him started preaching first to his family members
and closest friends this phase of preaching may be called “private preaching” or first
stage of preaching.
➢ This continued for three years and about forty people became Muslims during this time.
➢ The first people who accepted Islam were his wife Hadhrat Khadija (RD) his cousin Ali
(Rd) his closes friend Abu Bakr (RD) and his slave Zaid (RD) etc.
➢ There was no opposition from Quraish because this phase of preaching was in secret.
➢ When the Holy Prophet peace be upon him got another revelation of Surah Shuara in
which Allah Almighty ordered him “ and warn your nearest kinsfolks” [26:214] so in this
regard the Holy Prophet peace be upon him invited 40 notables men from Banu Hashim

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and Banu Abdul Mutalib, to dine at his home but he couldn’t address them due to the
interruption of his uncle Abu Lahab.
➢ The Holy Prophet peace be upon him arranged another meeting in which he invited
them to the oneness of Allah and his Prophethood and warned them of the hereafter.
➢ No one responded to the true message and overall reaction was so rude especially by
Abu Lahab.
➢ Hadhrat Ali (RD) a ten years old boy promised to help the Holy Prophet peace be upon
➢ After three years Allah Almighty commended him to preach openly so Allah revealed a
verse of Surah Hijr in which Allah says, “therefore preach openly what you are
commended and turn away from the pagans”.
➢ After receiving this command the Holy Prophet peace be upon him assembled the
people of Makkan valley at the mount of Safa Hills, and he asked them, “would they
believe him if he told them that an army was standing behind the safa hills”.
➢ They all replied in the affirmative since according to them the Holy Prophet peace be
upon him had never uttered a lie.
➢ But when he invited them to the unity and oneness of Allah and his prophethood they
dispersed in fury and resentment.
➢ On this occasion Abu Lahab again interrupted and said “May you perish forever you
called us for this useless message.
➢ So persecution started since that day and gradually increased.
➢ In the beginning pagans verbally opposed the Quran and the Holy Prophet peace be
upon him. They insulted the Holy Prophet peace be upon him by calling him magician,
poet, fortune teller and had some evil power.
➢ Then pagans started physical torture to the Holy Prophet peace be upon him.
➢ An old lady who used to throw garbage and filth on the Holy Prophet peace be upon him
where he passes.
➢ The wife of Abu Lahab umm-e-Jamil used to throw thrones in the Holy Prophet’s peace
be upon him way.
➢ Sons of Abu Lahab were also very insulting one of stretches the cloths sheet around his
neck which suffocated the Holy Prophet peace be upon him to death.

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Opposition and Persecution

Major difficulties encountered by the Prophet (peace be upon him)

Q(a)Write an account of the major difficulties encountered by the Holy Prophet peace be
upon him himself during his time in Makkah after his call to Prophethood.
[10] [J/2007] [J/2007] [N/2010] [N/2015]

➢ When the Holy Prophet peace be upon him started preaching openly, to a greater
extent people entered into the fold of Islam. The Quraish felt threatened and began to
harass the followers of Islam.
➢ In the beginning pagans of Makkah verbally opposed the Quran and the Holy Prophet
peace be upon him. They passed bad remarks about Quran that it is a man-made book,
words of magic and poetry book, tales of ancient. They made fun and noises when the
Holy Prophet peace be upon him recited the holy Quran.
➢ They insulted the Holy Prophet peace be upon him and they also called him magician,
poet, fortune-teller and having some evil power.
➢ When the Holy Prophet peace be upon him both sons died one after another the pagans
called him Abtaar (sonless man).
➢ Then pagans started to give mantle torture to the Holy Prophet peace be upon him.
➢ Abu Lahab forced his two sons to divorce their wives Ruqayya and Umm-e-Kulsoom (the
Holy Prophet’s peace be upon him daughters) so both gave divorce in front of people.
➢ Once the pagans put the entrails of a camel on the back of the Holy Prophet peace be
upon him when he was in prostration in Kaaba.
➢ Abu Lahab’s wife Umm-e-Jamil used to throw thrones in the Holy Prophet’s peace be
upon him way.
➢ An old lady who used to throw garbage and filth on the Holy Prophet peace be upon him
whenever he passes.
➢ Then gradually pagans started physical torture to the Holy Prophet peace be upon him.
➢ Hadhrat Abdullah bin Masud RD reported that when I accepted Islam, once upon a time
I saw some people together were beating a person, some were pushing, some were
punching on his face; some were kicking on abdomen; some were grabbing the collar;
some were cursing but when the crowd was disappeared; I noticed that this was
happening to the Holy Prophet peace be upon him.
➢ The pagans of Makkah tried to pressurize Abu Talib and asked him to dissuade his
nephew (the Holy Prophet peace be upon him) from his mission or at least withdraw his
protection and patronage but Abu Talib negated both of their demands.
➢ Then the pagans of Makkah offered the Holy Prophet peace be upon him that they
would appoint him their king; marry him to any woman he wanted; or give him any

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treasure he wanted; only if he would give up his call but the Holy Prophet peace be
upon him refused all their offers.
➢ Then finally in the 7th year, it was decided by the leaders of Makkah to put a socio-
economic boycott of Banu Hashim and Banu Muttalib but practically it was the boycott
of Muslims.
➢ It was announced that no business dealings, marriages and other social relations are to
be maintained with Muslims. The Holy Prophet peace be upon him along with his family
and Abu Talib and family went to the hills known as Shai-e-Abi Talib.
➢ This boycott came to an end for three years in the 10th year of prophethood.
➢ This boycott deeply affected the health of Abu Talib and Hadhrat Khadija and they both
died after one another. The death of these two personalities put the Holy Prophet peace
be upon him into the state of extreme sorrow and grief.
➢ In the eleventh year of prophethood, the Holy Prophet peace be upon him along with
his slave Zaid RD proceeded to Taif for preaching Islam but his invitation was rejected.
Arrogant and cruel people of Taif pelted stones upon him and his slave and his shoes
were full of blood and he ran in this state for six miles.
➢ Finally, the pagans of Makkah decided to kill the Holy Prophet peace be upon him but
Allah Almighty informed him and ordered him to migrate to Madinah in the same night
Allah Almighty failed the scheme of pagans.

Major difficulties encountered by the Companions (Sahaba)

➢ Q(a)Describe the persecution faced by the first Muslims in Makkah.
[10] [J/2007] [J/2011] [N/2012] [J/2013]

➢ When the Holy Prophet peace be upon him started preaching openly, to a greater
extent people entered in the fold of Islam. The pagans of Makkah felt threatened and
began to harass the followers of Islam.
➢ The newly converted slaves and the poor Muslims were subjected to physical torture by
the cruel leaders and pagans of Makkah valley.
➢ Hadhrat Bilal RD was the slave of Ummaya Ibn Khalf; when Bilal RD accepted Islam his
master bet him with the sticks and lash. He was exposed to the burning sand and heavy
stones were placed on him. Sometimes pagans tied a rope around his neck and he was
dragged through the streets.
➢ Bilal RD remained steadfast and would always utter Ahad Ahad, (Allah! The One, Allah
The One)
➢ Hadhrat Yasir RD and his wife were poor husband and wife. They both were subjected to
severe torture by Abu Jahal and finally Abu Jahl killed Summaiya RD and she was the
first martyr of Islam.
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➢ Her son Ammar bin Yasir RD was cruelly tortured by the pagans of Makkah.
➢ Hadhrat Khabab bin Al-Arat was a black smith. When he accepted Islam, pagans used to
brand his head with a hot iron rod, his body was dragged over heaps of smoldering
charcoal and the blood and fat coming out of his back; due to this kind of torture he had
deep wound on his back.
➢ Suhaib Rumi RD was tortured to the extent that he lost control over what he said and
repeated anything that his torment asked him.
➢ Zinra was a Roman woman slave who was tortured till she turned blind.
➢ Hadhrat Abu Zar Ghaffari accepted Islam and he announced his acceptance of Islam in
the Holy Kaaba. So pagans attacked him so cruelly from all sides and would have beaten
him to death.
➢ Gradually they started to torture the rich personalities of Makkah.
➢ Hadhrat Uthman bin Affan’s RD uncle Hakam tortured him. He was locked in a room and
staved till he fainted. He was rolled in a mat and smoke was given to him from side for
➢ Despite the fact that Hadhrat Abu Bakr RD was considered to be the noblest and most
respectable of all the people in Makkah but he was attacked by pagans when he
delivered a speech of Islam in Holy Kaaba. So he was extremely beaten to such an extent
that his nose, ears and his entire face was besmeared with blood. He was kicked
thrashed with shoes; trampled under feed and he became unconscious and half dead.
➢ When the situation became very difficult, the Muslims were given the permission to
migrate to Abyssinia in the 5th year of prophethood; thirteen Muslims and next year
hundred and three Muslims migrated to Abyssinia.
➢ In the 7th year of prophethood; pagans announced a boycott of the Hashimities that no
business dealing, marriages and other social relation are to be maintained with
Hashimities. Practically it was the boycott against all Muslims. During this boycott the
wealth of Hadhrat Khadija RD was spend completely. Muslims faced severe financial
➢ This boycott deeply affected the health of Abu Talib and Khadija Rd they both died after
one another.
➢ In the 11th year of the prophethood; the life in Makkah was getting impossible. The Holy
Prophet peace be upon him along with Hadhrat Zaid bin Haritha RD visited Taif for
preaching Islam. Arrogant and cruel people of Taif pelted stoned him and his slave.
➢ Their shoes were full of blood and they ran for six miles.
➢ These great difficulties and extreme opposition increased day by day. So Allah Almighty
ordered Muslims to migrate to Madinah.

Page #17
Q(b): Explain how the reaction of these difficulties of the Holy Prophet peace be upon him
and his companions provides an example for Muslims today? [4]

➢ Muslims must learn from the lesson of sacrificing and devoting towards Islam.
➢ We should believe in Allah Almighty and never leave the righteous path.
➢ Muslims learn today the lessons of bravery, hopefulness, firmness; mercy and
forgiveness from the life of the Holy Prophet peace be upon him and his followers.
➢ We get patience, steadfastness, unshaken faith, love and devotion to the leaders and
unity among the people.
➢ For thirteen years, the Holy Prophet peace be upon him faced bravely the worst types of
persecution. The Holy Prophet peace be upon him was not deflected from preaching
even when offered bribes. He and his followers preferred to undergo hardship and
defeat rather than give up their faith.
➢ We learn that we should remain firm in the way of Allah. We learn that we should not
lose our temple during those hard days.
➢ We also learn that he took every decision on its right time like asking his followers to go
to Abyssinia or Madinah.
➢ the Holy Prophet peace be upon him showed concern for his persecutors and
forgiveness towards them we should also be forgiving towards our opponents.
➢ Muslims should help each other as Muslims are helping Muslims of Kashimir and Burma
and Syria.

Migration to Abyssinia
Q(a): Write an account of the first migration (Hijra) of the Muslims to Abyssinia.
[10] [J/2009] [J/2012] [N/2013]

➢ When the Holy Prophet peace be upon him started preaching of Islam openly to a
greater extent people entered into the fold of Islam. Persecutions were increased day by
day by the pagans of Makkah. Poor people and slaves became the real victims of this
extreme persecution.
➢ The Holy Prophet peace be upon him at last permitted them to migrate to some other
➢ Abyssinia was ruled by a king named ‘Nagus’ He was Christian by religion but he was
famous for his kindness and justice.

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➢ In the Rajjab of 5th year of Prophethood (615 AD) a group of twelve men and four
women led by Hadhrat Jaffar bin Abu Talib including Hadhrat UthmanRz and his wife
Ruqayya bint Muhammad, Hadhrat Hamza bin Abu Talib Rz.
➢ The pagans chased them but they got a boat and crossed the Red Sea and reached
Abyssinia and they were given protection by Negus.
➢ The Holy Prophet peace be upon him said on this occasion remarked ‘They are the first
people to migrate in the cause of Allah after Ibraheem AS and Loot AS.
➢ They reached and lived peacefully in Abyssinia, a rumour spread that the whole tribe of
Quraish accepted Islam. They were naturally very much pleased at the news and
returned to Makkah.
➢ But when they approached near to Makkah they learnt the rumour was false and
persecutions were increasing gradually.
➢ Some of them decided to return back Abyssinia and rest of them entered in Makkah
seeking the protection of a few influential people. This is known as first migration to
➢ Muslims who returned back to Abyssinia, lived peacefully on hearing this news, pagans
got worried; they immediately dispatched a delegation to Negus with gifts. The
delegation first met the chiefs and priests and handed over their gifts.
➢ In the royal court of Negus, the delegation said, “O king some of our young people had
adopted new religion which is against our religion and also against your religion
(Christianity) let them go with us”.
➢ At that stage Negus called the Muslims and interviewed them about Islam.
➢ The Muslims side was represented by Jaffar RD who delivered the following speech, “O
king we were ignorant people, we worshipped idols, ate carrion and committed all
sorts of injustice……….. in the middle of this, a man was born amongst us whose
nobility and virtue was already known to us. He called us to Islam, taught us to
renounce idol worshipping, be truthful abstain from bloodshed, honor our promise, be
helpful to our relation, be good to our neighbor, He ordered us not to associate
partner with Allah, offer prayer, observe fast and pay Zakat……. For this we were
deemed guilty and our people became our enemies”.
➢ Hadhra Jaffar recited some verses of Surah Marium. Upon hearing which Negus was
overcome with emotions and tears began to roll out from his eyes. He said, “by God,
this discourse and the Bible are the two stand of the same lamb”.
➢ Negus rejected the request of Quraish and told them he would not hand over these
oppressed people to them and they might live as long as they wanted to in Abyssinia.
➢ Negus later embraced Islam. Next year another group of 83 men and 19 women

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Boycott of Banu Hashim
Q(a): Give a detailed account of Quraish’s boycott of BanuHashim. [10]

➢ The failure of Quraish embassy to Abyssinia and the triumph of Muslims over them, let
to increase in the exasperation of the idolaters; conversion of Hadhrat Hamza RD and
Hahdrat Umer RD to Islam added fuel to fire.
➢ The pagans of Makkah having exhausted all their resources of persecutions, injury and
condemnation of the Holy Prophet peace be upon him, now resorted to boycott him
and members of his noble family, Banu Hashim who supported him.
➢ In the 7th year of prophethood mission, all the chiefs of Makkah drafted an agreement
against the Hashmites. They decided to place a social ban on the Banu Hashim, in which
none of them or their clans would associate with, buy or sell to those who sided with
Banu Hashim unless and until they surrender the Holy Prophet peace be upon him the
death plenty.
➢ They signed this document on 1st of Muharram of the 7th year of the mission, and the
scroll was hung up in the Holy Kaaba in order to give it full sanctity.
➢ Then for three years the Holy Prophet peace be upon him was shut up with all his
kinsfolk in the glen, which was sub-section of one of the gorges that run down to
➢ For three years; nobody could see them nor could they see anybody. They could not
purchase anything in Makkah nor from any trader coming from outside.
➢ If a person was found outside his natural prison he was beaten mercilessly and if he
asked for anything it was fatly refused.
➢ Some their stock of food was exhausted and they were reduced to famine rations.
➢ Their women and specially their children and suckling babies would cry with hunger; the
severity of the afflictions which they bore during this hard period but they remained
steadfast in their faith.
➢ At last some of the kind leaders of Quraish were deeply moved by the sufferings and the
hardship of BanuHashim and took the invitation to end the social boycott.
➢ In addition, the scroll was eaten by the white ants and the ban was removed in the 10th
year of Prophethood.
➢ During this boycott the wealth of Hadhrat Khadija was spent completely.
➢ During the boycott the heath of Abu Talib and Hadhrat Khadija extremely disturbed and
finally they both died after one another.

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The Year of Sorrow

➢ The extreme persecution and social boycott of BanuHashmies by

the pagans of Makkah, for three years greatly disturbed the
health of two major supporters of the Islam. The wife of the Holy
Prophet peace be upon him Hadhrat Khadija and his uncle Abu
➢ Finally they both died in the 10th year of prophethood mission one
after other.
➢ This year is called ‘Aamul-Hazn’ in Islamic history which means
‘the year of grief and sadness’.
➢ Due to the death of Abu Talib who supported him in difficult
times, the Holy Prophet peace be upon him at this stage, he lost
the protection of his own clan.
➢ Hadhrat Khadija RD had been a source of comfort and moral
support for him. Her death was a great blow for the Muslim in
general and specially for the Holy Prophet peace be upon him.

The Prophet’s (peace be upon him) journey to Taif

Q(a): Describe the events of the Prophet’s peace be upon him visit to Ta’if. [10] [N/2014]

➢ An important incident occurred in the 10th year of the Holy Prophet’s peace be upon
him mission.
➢ The following year, on the death of Abu Talib, the Quraish got free hand and therefore
accelerated their sinister pursuits without check and hindrance.
➢ At Taif, the second biggest town of Hijaz, a famous tribe Banu Thaqeef lived there. They
were famous for their bravery, wealth and strong in number.
➢ The Holy Prophet peace be upon him left for Taif with the hope of winning them over to
Islam, thus giving quarter to Muslims from the persecution of the Quraish and also
establishing a bale for the future propagation of Islam. He was accompanied by his slave
Hadhrat Zaid bin Haritha.

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➢ On reaching Taif he visited the three chieftains (who were brothers) of the clan
separately, and placed before each of them the message of Allah.
➢ Instead of accepting his message, they refused to listen to him and insulted him and
each of them treated most cruelly. They told him that they did not like his stay in their
➢ The Holy Prophet peace be upon him who was a rock of steadfastness and
perseverance, did not lose heart over this check from the chieftains and tried to
approach the common people but nobody would listen to him.
➢ When he realized that further efforts were in vain, he decided to leave the town. But
the people of Taif would not let him depart in peace and set the street urchins after
him, to hiss, to hoot, to jeer at and to stone him.
➢ He was so much pelted with stones that his whole body was covered with blood and his
shoes were clogged to his feet.
➢ Hadhrat Zaid RD tried to shield the Holy Prophet peace be upon him but he too was
badly injured.
➢ They both ran away from the city of Taif in the severe condition for six miles. When they
both were far out of the town and safe from the rabble, then the Holy Prophet peace be
upon him prayed to Allah for help.
➢ They both took shelter in the garden of Utbah bin Rabee.
➢ Seeing him in the helpless situation, Rabiash’s two sons sent to him a Christian servant
‘Addas’ with a tray of grapes.
➢ In short, a Christian servant ‘Addas’ accepted Islam.
➢ In the severe wounds, heart-broken and depressed condition, the Holy Prophet peace
be upon him set out on the way back to Makkah.
➢ When he reached a place near to Makkah ‘Qarn Al-Manazil’ Allah Almighty sent to him
Hadhrat Jibraiel (AS) together with the angel of mountain. He asked the Holy Prophet
peace be upon him for the permission to crush the people of Taif in the valley between
➢ But the Holy Prophet peace be upon him didn’t take any revenge and forgave them and
made a Dua (invocation) of guidance for the people of Taif.
➢ The Holy Prophet peace be upon him then returned to Makkah under the protection of
Al-Mutim ibn Adei.

Importance/significance of the Journey to Taif

Q(b): What do Muslims learn from the Holy Prophet’s peace be upon him conduct in this
event? [4] [J/2005]

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➢ He did not give up after Quraish negative response instead he looked for other options
and went to Taif to preach. Muslims learn the importance of persistence and dedication.
➢ The way he showed steadfastness in facing humiliation and beating from people to Taif
teaches Muslims to be tolerant and courageous while facing difficulties for the right
➢ After being beaten and humiliated he forgave them and refused the option of revenge
which teaches Muslims the ultimate lesson of forgiveness and compassion.
➢ He demonstrated his confidence with his expectation that next generation of Taif will
accept Islam which teaches Muslims to have good expectations and pray for their

The Prophet’s (peace be upon him) Night Journey (Isra) and

Ascension (Miraj)
Q(a): Write an account of the Prophet’s peace be upon him night Journey and Ascension.
[10] [J/2013] [N/2013]

➢ The last days of the Makkan phase of the Holy Prophet’s peace be upon him life are full
of extreme difficulties and problems and great persecution. In addition the Holy Prophet
peace be upon him suffered from great sorrow and grief and disappointment after the
social boycott and death of his uncle and wife and rejection at Taif, so Allah Almighty
wanted to comfort him and stronger his soul.
➢ In the 12th year of the prophethood, the Holy Prophet peace be upon him was taken for
a night journey on 27th of Rajab.
➢ The first part of the journey from Makkah to Bait-ul-Maqdas(Jerusalem) is called “Isra”
and the second part of the journey from Bait-ul-Maqdas to heavens is known as “Miraj”.
➢ In this regard the Holy Quran says, “Glorious is He who made his servant travel by night
from Masjid-ul-Haram to Al-Masjid-e-Aqsa who environs We have blessed so that We
let him see some of our sings. Surely He is the All-Hearing, Al-Seeing”. [17;1]
➢ The Holy Prophet peace be upon him himself told the story narrated in many authentic
➢ The event of the journey began with the visit of angles to the Holy Prophet peace be
upon him while he was lying in Hateem (part of Holy Kaa’ba).
➢ They came and cut his body, open from the top of chest and took out his heart and
washed it with Zam Zam water and returned to its original place.
➢ Then Hadhrat Jibrail (A.S) brought an animal called “Al-Buraq” which was smaller than a
mule and bigger than a donkey.
➢ It took him to Bait-ul-Maqdas and he tied the animal to the same ring on the door of
Masjid-e-Aqsa, used by the other prophets and offered two Rakaats.

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➢ Then Hadhrat Jibrail (A.S) brought two vessels, one was filled with wine and other with
milk. the Holy Prophet peace be upon him chose the vessel filled with milk and drank
from it. HadhratJ ibrail (A.S) said, “You have been guided to the fitrah” [Bukhari]
➢ the Holy Prophet peace be upon him ascended the heavens along with Hadhrat Jibrail
(A.S) when Jibrail (A.S) asked for the gate to be opened, it was asked “who is it?” and
“who is with him?” when he informed about their identify, he was again asked “Has
Muhammad been sent for?” after getting the reply in affirmative the guardian angel
said, “welcome his coming is good”.
➢ The gate was open and when he went over to the first heaven he saw an old man,
sitting with a large group of people on his both sides. He was told that the old man is the
Prophet Adam (AS) and on his right side are the souls of the martyrs and on his left side
the souls of the wretched.
➢ They the Holy Prophet peace be upon him was taken to all seven heavens one by one,
where he met the prophets.
➢ On the second heaven he met two prophets Hadhrat Essa and Hadhrat Yahya.
➢ On the third heaven he met Hadhrat Yousuf and one the fourth he met Hadhrat Idrees
(AS) in the fifth Hadhrat Haroon (AS) and in the 6thHadhrat Moosa (AS) in the 7th he met
Hadhrat Ibraheem (AS).
➢ There came a point he was carried to sidrat-ul-Muntaha (the remotest lote tree) and
was shown Al-Bait-al-Mamor (the much frequented house) encompassed daily by
70,000 angels.
➢ Here on this point Hadhrat Jibrail (AS) left the Holy Prophet peace be upon him as he
was not allowed to go beyond for his wings would burn, so he went alone and finally he
entered the presence of Allah himself, where he was given the orders about daily
prayers to be performed fifty times a day.
➢ Hadhrat Moosa (AS) insisted the Holy Prophet peace be upon him to have the number
reduced until it came down to five times a day.
➢ He was shown the paradise and the hell, where he saw those who unjustly consume the
property of orphans, they have snouts similar to those of camels, swallowing red hot
stones and then issuing out of their back.
➢ Then he returned back from the hevens he led all the prophets in prayer at Bait-ul-
➢ Next morning when he shared this experience pagans made fun and mocked at him
because it seemed so impossible but he answered that question about Bait-ul-Maqdas
by Allah’s help described in detail, a caravan that he had seen to prove the reality of his

Importance/significance of Isra and Miraj

Page #24
Q(b): Explain the importance of this journey to the Prophet peace be upon him himself.
[4] [J/2011]

➢ The Holy Prophet peace be upon him received comfort and he was consoled by
experiencing the remarkable journey which delightened him afterwards.
➢ Moreover, The Holy Prophet peace be upon him heart was filled with belief in extreme
that no matter what His God would never leave him and his direct communication with
God also filed him with joy.
➢ The Holy Prophet peace be upon him superiority over other messengers was shown
when he led them in prayer at Masjid-e-Aqsa and also when he reached a superior place
where no one had ever reached after the boundary of Sidrat-tul-Muntaha.
➢ The gift of prayers which is the way of communication with God was given to him and
for his followers too.
➢ This event also proved the fact of God’s power and will that each and everything in His
power and nothing is impossible for him.
➢ He also got the physical support from his followers who believed that if The Holy
Prophet peace be upon him said anything it happened.

The Pledges of Al-Aqaba

Q(a) Give an account of the events surrounding the Pledges of Aqaba and the main details in
them. [10] [N/2012]

The first Pledge of Al-Aqaba

➢ In 621 AD, 12 people from Madinah came to The Holy Prophet peace be upon him at
Aqaba and promised to believe in One God and to lead their lives according to the
teachings of Islam.
➢ On their return to Yathrib (al-Madinah) the six new converts told their fellows about The
Holy Prophet peace be upon him and the new faith.
➢ The following year 12 more men from Yathrib, came at the time of Hajj and accepted
➢ They took a pledge, at al-Aqaba to believe in the Oneness of Allah, to avoid all sinful
activities and to obey The Holy Prophet peace be upon him in all matters.
➢ This pledge is known as the first pledge of al-Aqaba. The Holy Prophet peace be upon
him instructed them to spread Islam in the city of Yathrib and sent Hadhrat Musab bin
Umair RA with them to assist them in the missionary task.
➢ Their mission was a great success and Islam entered each and every family at Yathrib.

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The Second Pledge of Al-Aqaba
➢ In 622, 75 people accepted Islam and invited The Holy Prophet peace be upon him to
their city Yathrib which he accepted.
➢ The Holy Prophet peace be upon him anxiously awaited to coming of the next
➢ In 622 AD, at the time of pilgrimage, a group of 75 person from Yarhrib came to
Makkah. They met The Holy Prophet peace be upon him during night at the same place,
Al-Aqaba so that their conference with The Holy Prophet peace be upon him would
remain secret.
➢ The Holy Prophet peace be upon him brought his uncle Hazrat Abbas RA to the meeting.
He was not yet a Muslim, but he was very sympathetic to the cause of Islam.
➢ The people from Yathrib invited The Holy Prophet peace be upon him to migrate to their
➢ At this, Hazrat Abbas RA pointed out the risk, which they would bring upon themselves
by inviting to The Holy Prophet peace be upon him to their city. But they replied with
one voice that they would put their own lives in danger to protect The Holy Prophet’s
peace be upon him life.
➢ Thus, they pledged at the hands of The Holy Prophet peace be upon him on his
obedience, protection and the promotion of Islam. This was the second pledge of Al-
➢ The meeting ended and The Holy Prophet peace be upon him asked them to appoint 12
deputies to be guardian over them and responsible for them. Therefore, he returned to
his house.

Importance of the Pledges of Aqaba

Q(b): How were these pledges important for the future community of Muslims?
[4] [N/2012] [J/2013]

➢ Until 10th year of Prophethood, the life in Makkah had become very difficult for the
Muslims. Khadija and Abu Talib had died the same year and the Prophet peace be upon
him had lost tribal support.
➢ The Prophet peace be upon him was trying to get the support of Arabs on their visit to
➢ The visit to Taif was a failure and it was dark everywhere.

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➢ He and his followers became more vulnerable. In this difficult situation the pledges gave
hope to the Muslims and The Prophet peace be upon him as they found support and
protection from a different, but willing source.
➢ The pledges showed the Muslims a safe place to live and practice Islam freely.

Migration to Madinah
Events that led to migration to Madinah
Q(a): Trace the events that led up to the Prophet’s peace be upon him migration [Hijra].
[10] [N/2009]

These events led up to migration to Madinah

Opposition, persecution and torture
Successful migration to Abyssinia
Boycott of BanuHashim
Death of Abu Talib and Hazrat Khadija (RA)
Pledges of Aqaba
Quraish’s attempt to assassinate the Holy Prophet peace be upon him
Divine permission for migration

➢ After three years of silent preaching, the Holy Prophet peace be upon him was asked to
invite the people to Islam openly. He gave the message of Islam to Makkans at Safa hill.
Makkans rejected him immediately and used hard language. Persecution started since
that day poor and salves became the real victims of this persecution.
➢ It increased day by day. When the situation became very difficult, two batches of
Muslims migrated to Abyssinia with Allah’s permission. the Holy Prophet peace be upon
him did not migrate.
➢ In the 7th year, pagans announced a socio-economic boycott on Hashmites. The boycott
came to an end in the 10th year of the Holy Prophet peace be upon him prophethood.
➢ The same year, the Holy Prophet’s peace be upon him wife Hazrat Khadija (RA) and Abu
Talib died. Life in Makkah was getting impossible now. the Holy Prophet peace be upon
him had lost tribal support because the new chief of BanuHashim was Abu Lahab, the
worst enemy of Islam.
➢ With hopes, the Holy Prophet peace be upon him visited Taif in the 11th year but his
invitation to Islam was rejected and there was not more hopes for the future.

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➢ Not long after his visit to Ta’if in the 11th year of prophethood, 621 AD, six pilgrims from
Yathrib accepted Islam on the Holy Prophet’s peace be upon him invitation. They went
back to Yarhrib and returned with another seven the next year.
➢ These twelve men met the Holy Prophet peace be upon him at Aqaba near Makkah. It
was the first pledge of Aqaba. They promised to spread Islam in Yathrib and the Holy
Prophet peace be upon him sent Musab bin Umair to educate them on Islam.
➢ The next year in 622, over 70 people from Yathrib, including three women, accepted
Islam and invited the Holy Prophet peace be upon him to Yathrib as their leader. They
agreed to protect the Holy Prophet peace be upon him with their own lives.
➢ the Holy Prophet peace be upon him was ready to leave Makkah not but before his
departure he started sending Muslims to Yathrib. The Quraish came to know about this
arrangement and they decided to kill the Holy Prophet peace be upon him.
➢ They selected on man from each family of Quraish so that the blame of the murder
should not come to one family only.
➢ Allah also informed the Holy Prophet peace be upon him about their plans and finally
instructed him to migrate in the month of Safar in 13 thprophehood, Sep-622 AD, the
Holy Quran says, “ they plot but Allah plans; and the best of planners is Allah”. [8:30]
➢ He asked Hazrat Ali (RA) to lie on his bed and to deliver the belongings of Makkans next
day. He went to the house of Abu Bakr (RA) where he was ready for the departure and
both of them left Makkah.
➢ A massive search was undertaken and the Quraish set a huge reward of 100 camels on
the capture of the Holy Prophet peace be upon him but Allah saved His prophet.

Events of the Prophet’s peace be upon him migration from Makkah to

Q(a): Give an account of the Hijrah of the Prophet peace be upon him from Makkah to
Madinah. [10] [J/2014]

➢ The Prophet peace be upon him had earned enmity of Quraish by his preaching and
after the deaths of Khadija and Abu Talib and the rejection of Taif, he was defenseless in
Makkah. He had lost tribal support. The preaching of Islam in Makkah had come to a
dead stop in Makkah.
➢ On the other hand people of Madina had recognized his mission and accepted him as a
religious leader. They also offered him and his follower’s protection at time of second
pledge of Aqaba. The Prophet peace be upon him was ready to leave Makkah now but
before his departure; he started sending Muslims to Yathrib.

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➢ The Quraish came to know about this arraignment and they decided to kill The Prophet
peace be upon him. They selected one man from each family of Quraish so that the
blame of the murder should not come to one family only.
➢ Allah also informed The Prophet peace be upon him about their plans and finally
instructed him to migrate in the month of Safar in 13 thProphethood (Sep-622 AD)the
Holy Quran says, “ they plot but Allah plans; and the best of planners is Allah” [8:30]
➢ He asked Hadhrat Ali (RZ) to lie on his bed and to deliver the belongings of Makkans
next day.
➢ His house was surrounded, he left his house reciting the 9 th verse of Surah Yaseen and
threw a handfull of dust at the enemies and miraculously escaped unhurt.
➢ He went to the house of Abu Bakr (RA) where he was ready for the departure both of
them left Makkah and travelled to hide in a cave in Mount Saur, five miles south of
➢ The cave was infested with scorpions and snakes which bit Abu Bakr (RA) but he didn’t
let them come near to The Prophet peace be upon him.
➢ Soon after their entry a spider wove a web and a dove built a nest over the entrance,
which showed there was no one inside.
➢ When pagans realized that they had been tricked, they launched a search for him they
offered to pay 100 camels to anyone who would bring him back, alive or dead.
➢ They hid in cave for three days and nights. During this stay, Abu Bakr daughter Asma
would bring them food and his son Abdullah brought the news of Quraish.
➢ Abu Bakr rz became worried when some pagans reached almost so closed to them, but
The Prophet peace be upon him assured him that Allah is with them.
➢ When they knew they were safe. They rode on to a place called Quba. Near to Madinah
and waited for Hazrat Ali Rz to join them from Makkah. They stayed there for 14 days
and established the first mosque of Islam called Masjid ul Quba.
➢ On Friday they left for Yathrib and on the way he performed first Friday in the house of
Bani Salim. They entered Yathrib on Monday allowing the camel of The Prophet peace
be upon him to stop at the place where he was to have his house. It stopped at the
house of Abu Ayyub al Ansari RZ.
➢ The Prophet peace be upon him was greeted with joy and reverence in Yathrib. The city
was renamed Madinat-un-Nabilater shortened to Madinah.

Q(b):Why did people of Madinah invite The Prophet peace be upon him to their town?[4]

➢ People of Madinah invited The Prophet peace be upon him to Madinah because they
had become Muslims. After the second pledge of Aqaba they had invited The Prophet
peace be upon him to their city. Now it was their honour to have The Prophet peace be
upon him amongst them.

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➢ Besides they could not see The Prophet peace be upon him life and the lives of their
Makkan brothers in danger.
➢ Besides this very important reason, people of Yathrib wanted to get superiority over the
Jews of Madinah. The Jews had been waiting for the last Prophet and they used to say
to the people of Yathrib that a new prophet was coming soon. When he came they
would be the rulers of Arabia.
➢ When The Prophet peace be upon him was born in Ismailites rather than Israiliets,
people of Madinah decided to invite The Prophet peace be upon him to Madinah and
get the honour to call the The Prophet peace be upon him their own.
➢ The people of Madinah were divided in two tribes. One was Aus and the other was
Khazraj; both had major differences and used to fight with each other. In The Prophet
peace be upon him they found a common leader who could keep them united.

Reasons behind the Migration

Q(b): Explain why the prophet peace be upon him thought it important to make this journey.

[4] [J/2008]

➢ The most important reason was that after the deaths of Khadija and Abu Talib the Holy
Prophet peace be upon him was defenseless in Makkah. He had lost tribal support. The
new chief of BanuHashim, Abu Lahab was the worst enemy of Islam and the Holy
Prophet peace be upon him.
➢ The preaching of Islam in Makkah had come to a dead stop. In thirteen years Hardly 200
people became Muslims. Response from Arab tribes was also not a very encouraging
➢ The persecution against Muslims was increasing day by day Now the lives of Muslims
were in severe danger.
➢ One the other hand people of Madinah had recognized his mission and accepted him as
a religious leader.
➢ They appeared to welcome him and also offered him and his followers, protection.
➢ Now the Yathrib was a good place to establish the first Islamic state. Therefore the Holy
Prophet peace be upon him decided to leave Makkah.

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The Prophet’s peace be upon him experiences in caves

Q(b): Give a brief description of the Prophet’s peace be upon him experiences in caves.
[4] [N/2007]

Q(b): Outline Prophet’s peace be upon him experiences in the caves of Hira and Thawr.

[J/2010] [N/2014]

Cave of Hira

➢ This incident took place in 610; Muhammad was 40.

➢ The Holy Prophet peace be upon him had withdrawn to the cave to meditate and pray.
➢ A figure appeared and ordered him “Recite!”
➢ The Holy Prophet peace be upon him protested that he could not recite.
➢ The figure squeezed him tightly.
➢ This squeezing and the command happened three times in all.
➢ Then the figure recited to him Sura 96.1-5.
➢ He returned home to Khadija, confused and afraid.
➢ • (No details of the rest of the story.)

Cave of Saur

➢ This incident took place in 622; The Holy Prophet peace be upon him was 52.
➢ After his followers had left Makkah, The Holy Prophet peace be upon him departed with
Abu Bakr.
➢ When the two knew they were being pursued they hid in the cave of Thawr.
➢ The pursuers saw two nesting birds at the mouth of the cave and saw no need tolook
➢ Abu Bakr was bitten by a scorpion or snake but did not cry out.
➢ The Holy Prophet peace be upon him reassured Abu Bakr by telling him God was with
➢ Abu Bakr's daughter brought them food.

(b) Explain why one of these experiences was important in the history of Islam. [4]

Page #31
Mount Hira

➢ This was the occasion on which the Qur’an was first sent down.
➢ It marks the beginning of God’s final guidance for humans, telling them how to livetheir
➢ It marked the change from polytheism to monotheism.
➢ The Holy Prophet peace be upon him was changed and was chosen for prophethood.


➢ If The Holy Prophet peace be upon him had been captured Islam might not have
➢ The success of his mission depended on his leaving his home.
➢ He had to trust to God and to his followers for survival.
➢ It shows that meeting force with force is not always the way to success.
➢ The importance of the incident is such that the Qur’an refers to it.

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