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P2: The Next is one, Welcome!!!


Maduro: Hi!!! Chavista del Corazon, Of The heart (El chiste es que no sabe ingles) XD

P2: Finally. Welcome!! Che guevara.

*Enters in silents*

P1: Well, let's start, can you tell me who you are?

Fidel C: I am Fidel Castro, leader of the Cuban revolution and a staunch advocate for
socialism, well, I need some cigarettes right now.

P1: Well, What about you maduro?

Maduro: I am Nicolás Maduro, the rightful leader of the Bolivarian Republic of

Venezuela, continuing the legacy of Hugo Chávez in our fight against imperialism and
for the rights of our people.

*Give them a cigarette*

P2: Let´s start with the questions

P3: Yes it´s sound greater

Presenter 3: Nicolas, could you tell me how much time you've been president?

Nicolas: I have been president since 2013, leading Venezuela through both triumphs
and challenges.

P2: Impressive tenure. Che, I would be interested to hear where you were born.

Che Guevara: I was born in Rosario, Argentina, a place that shaped my revolutionary
ideals from an early age.

P2: Good, answer.

P1: Now, let's asking about Achivements/Experiences.

P1: So, Fidel tells me, what about your Achievements in the islands?
Fidel: Well, I have a lot. 2 of them was, I have defended the island from de capitalist
Americans, when they tried to invade us for Bahia de cochinos and i have published a
book called “La Historia me absolverá”

P2: Okay, Good and you maduro, how much time has you been a president?

Maduro: My mandate has lasted since 2013, So more than 10 years.

P2: Wow, that's a lot, I think isn't Dying of hungry, Huh?

P3: Well, that's enough (Nombre del presenter 2 lol) , Che tell me about your live.

Che: Well about my life? I have hated the capitalist because killing my grandmother
and I have led guerrilla forces in the Cuban Revolution alongside Fidel Castro, and
the establishment of a socialist government in Cuba.

P3: Che, many people say that you have done very bad things, so, I was wondering if
do you feel guilty about your actions?

Che: No, I gave freedom to my country

P1: Okay, Maduro this is for you, Would you mind telling me if you are dead or still

Maduro: Of Course, Vivito y coliando.

P1: Okay Okay, I´d like to know if you have traveled a lot?

Maduro: Yes yes, to USA, and Bogota. I traveled alot

P1: Wow, i guess the people of your country are good, beacause you travel a lot right?

P2: Well, that's enough, Now we finish with the activities you have done lately.

P2: Maduro, what do have recently?

Maduro: I have been ruling the country Venezuela and I have been creating laws
P3: And you Che?

Che: I have been carrying out a coup

P3: Ok, and you Fidel?

Fidel: I have been creating armed secret groups in Cuba for the war, but this is a secret

P1: So, thank you very much to their time

--------------------------------------------------------[Scene: A talk show set with three

presenters seated at a desk, facing the audience.]

[Camera pans to the presenters: Presenter 1, Presenter 2, and Presenter 3.]

Presenter 2: Fidel, can you tell me who you are?

Fidel C: I am Fidel Castro, leader of the Cuban revolution and a staunch advocate for

Presenter 3: Thank you, Fidel. Nicolas, could you tell me how much time you've been

Nicolas: I have been president since 2013, leading Venezuela through both triumphs
and challenges.

Presenter 1: Impressive tenure. Che, I would be interested to hear where you were

Che Guevara: I was born in Rosario, Argentina, a place that shaped my revolutionary
ideals from an early age.

Presenter 2: Thank you, Che. Now, let's move on to some yes/no questions. Fidel,
would you mind telling me if you are dead or still alive?

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