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He is responsible to give permission for temporary release of equipment:

a. LOTO Coordinator.
b. Shift supervisor.
c. LOTO Authorized person.
d. LOTO effected team leader

39. When LOTO speci c procedure need to be prepared:

a. For new equipment before start up.
b. If the SOP/SMP are covering how to shutdown, isolate, block & secure all hazardous energy
types step by step to handover the equipment safely.
C. No SOP/SMP for the equipment with ful ll requirement of LOTO Speci c procedure.
d. all of the above

38. The color of general lock is:

a. Yellow
b. Green
c. Red
d. None of the above

37. Before LOTO removal check:

a. Work area inspected and unnecessary items have been removed.
b. Machinery or process equipment components are operationally intact.
c. Ensure everybody is safely positioned or removed during the restart process
d. All of above

36. Is responsible to control LOTO keys cabinet by applying his black lock:
a. LOTO Coordinator
b. LOTO authorized person
c. Shift supervisor
d. Plant manager

35. After securing LOTO step, the next step is:

a.Preparation for LOTO
b.Try out and verity
d.None of the above

47. The rst step of radiation isolation is:

a.Verify if source container is on "ON" position before switch it "OFF"
b. Switch it "OFF"
c. Verify if source container is on "OFF" position before lock it
d.look it
46. LOTO coordinator shall be:
a. Operation supervisor, operation specialist level or above
b. Maintenance Engineer, maintenance planner
c. Shift coordinator, shift manager
d. None of the above

45. The steam is considered as energy ______ source:

a. Thermal
b. Electrical
c. Mechanical
d. Gravity

44. LOTO Equipment Speci c Procedures must include the Step-by-step requirements to achieve
zero energy:
b. False

43. The LOTO Authorized person shall has demonstrated Hands-on Pro ciency in applying LOTO
to the machinery or process equipment:
b. False

42 LOTO affected person can be:

a. Any one from execution team who will work on the isolated equipment
b. Any one from operation team who can be affected by the equipment
c. Both A&B answers are correct
d. None of the above

41 When transition locks will be installed on the equipment:

a. After the handover form project and before startup
b. After isolation of electrical power
c. When Equipment has stopped temporanty and no one is currently performing work on that
d. Before de-LOTO

48. The intentional opening of a pipe, line, or other part of a process that contains or has
contained material capable of causing injury to people; is de nition of:
a. Line break
b. Electrical isolation
c. A&B
d. Radiation isolation

49. The active LOTO certi cate is controlled by:

a. LOTO Coordinator
b. Shift supervisor
c. LOTO affected team supervisor
d. LOTO owner isolator
50. Which of the following is a TRUE statement?
a. Risks are a source of potential harm
b. Hazards are a source of potential harm
c. Hazards and risks are the same thing
d. Risks develop into hazards

8. Joint site visit to the location where the work will be performed usually by:
a. Permit issuer & work executer.
b. Permit receiver & area operator.
c. Permit issuer & contractor safety of cer.
d. None of the above

9. Photocopies can be made to substitute the Work Permit if it is lost:

A. True
B. False

10. It is allow to complete and close the work permit before closing the related certi cate:
a. True
b. False

11. Working at height activities can be cover under hot work permit scope.
a. True.
b. False

12. Standby man is allowed to cover more than one con ned space work permit.
a. True

13. Maximum Validity of LOTO certi cate is 30 days of equipment zero energy isolation
a. True
b. False

14. During will do? execution of work under work permit, chemical was release from the process.
What y will do?
A. Stop the work until the release is stop
B. The receiver must inform the issuer immediately and continue the activity
C. All valves need to be checked
D. Stop the work and cancel the work permit

15. For a welding activity inside the Con ned space, it is required to have:
A. Con ned Space Entry Permit, General Work Permit, JSA, and Electrical Permit.
B. JSA, Con ned Space Entry Permit, Hot Work Permit and ventilation plan.
C. Con ned Space Entry Permit, General Permit, and Hazards Assessment Form.
D. Hot Work Permit, Hazards Assessment Form, and JSA.
19. Fire Watch duties:______
a. Test for ammable gases and vapors
b. Assist in con ned space rescue
c. Perform housekeeping during work
d. None of the above

20. For Con ned space entry Permit, the receiver must be.
a. Contractor
b. Direct hire
c. Manager
d. EHSS Personnel

21. After preparation of the work permit the Issuer and Receiver together perform a ________
issue the work permit
a. Site visit
b. Gas test
c. Emergency drill

6. What is required for Excavation activities more than 1.8 meters:

a. Formal JSA
b. Excavation Permit
c. Con ned space Entry permit
d. All of Above

5. Who will conduct hazard assessment & control form at planning stage:
a) Issuer
b) Receiver
c) Owner Manager
d) Both A & B

4. Who is responsible to obtain work permit affected area counter sign?

a. Issuer
b. Receiver
c. maintenance manager
d. Both A&B

3 PPE to be inspect and con rm before use by:

a. Issuer
b. Receiver
c. Both A&B
d. rescue man-ERT

22 Conduct gas test to ensure that:

a) Flammable conditions do not exist
b) Employees are safe
c) To ensure that gas detectors are working ne
d) To control work permit hazard
23. Maximum validity of hazard assessment and control form is:
a. 30 days from the initial day
b. Until job completed
c. 7 days from the initial day
d. 30 days from the execution day with revalidation of managers

24. Normal lifting will be suspended if the wind speed exceed:

a. 40 km/hr
b. 42 km/hr
c. 36 km/hr
d. 32 km/hr

25. When (Total Risk Factor) TRF risk factor reach 8:

A. Risk assessment to be conducted
B. Formal JSA must be conducted immediately
C. Permit Issuer together with the Operation Manager shall decide on the necessity to conduct a
Formal JSA or not
D. None of the above

26. To ensure all sources of energy that may impact the safe implementation of a task(s) are
isolated ar controlled:
a. Isolation points shall be correctly identi ed
b. LOTO Coordinator shall be operator level and above
c. Use and provide chemical PPE
d. None of the above

27. Gravity could be found in machine and equipment parts that might descend, slide, or fall if left
unblocked, for example in a mechanical press:
a. True
b. False

28. Each isolation equipment has one energy source only:

a. True
b. False

29. The General LOTO requirements:

a. Identify hazardous energy sources
b. Verify SOP/SMP and when necessary, create a LOTO Equipment Speci c Procedure
c. Select the right LOTO device
d. All the above

30. Transition locks color is:

a. Blue
b. light blue
c. Red
d. Green
31. The LOTO affected person before he receive the work permit he has to install his_________
a. Blue
b. Green
c. Red
d. Yellow

32. LOTO Authorized person is responsible for:

a. De-LOTO the equipment back into service after work completion
b. Maintain the LOTO Control sheet
c. Apply the personal lock on LOTO box
d. Use the Satellite box to control the process locks keys (red)

33. One of main LOTO preparation steps is to:

a. Verify the LOTO Speci c Procedure
b. Secure the isolation equipment by using red lock
c. Verify the zero energy after securing the isolation equipment
d. All of above

34. LOTO affected person does not have right to ask how the energy of the equipment is secures
LOTO veri cation point.
a. True.
b. False

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