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System life cycle: the stages of developing a new system


Purpose of a new system:

- Increase efficiency, old system is redundant

- Old system is outdated
- Increase productivity
- Minimize costs

Computer Systems Include:

1. Hardware
2. Software
3. The people using it
4. Immediate Environment
5. Training Employees
6. Changing physical location of server
7. Firing employees


Conversing with clients and gathering the details and the intended goals of the system.
Consider the following:

1. lack of guiding organizational and business strategies

2. lack of stakeholder and end—user participation
3. lack of end-user 'ownership' of system
4. lack of attention to required training
5. lack of attention to various organizational issues
6. lack of attention to the design of tasks and jobs, allocation of information system tasks,
and the overall usability of the system

Context = background, environment, framework, setting, or situation surrounding

a system.

T Technical feasibility: is existing technology capable of creating proposed system

E Economic feasibility: is it cost effective/in budget

L Legal feasibility: does the system follow laws and regulations

O Operational feasibility: are the organizational strategies enough to maintain and operate
the systemy

S Schedule feasibility: how long does it take to implement

Changing Management:
process of shifting individuals, teams, departments and organizations from the present state to a
desired state.

Successful when: all stakeholders accept and embrace changes in their working environments
Maximize benefits AND minimize negative impact

Problems that might arise as a result of a new system:

1. Users might not adapt/like it

2. Might omit old features
3. Might be slower in certain circumstances
4. Technological incompatibility
5. Data loss
6. Expensive


Clear and valid mission a business wants to achieve


Communicate the changes to the key stakeholders


Implement new system if feasible

Evaluate: test and maintain system


Legacy system: old method of getting tasks done

E.g. floppy disks or windows xp

Merger: a combination of two entities or more

E.g. ​ABC and Disney

Problems posed by international mergers:

Issues of software compatibility

- Language differences
- Time zone differences
- Workforce cultural differences


a computer used in a network and which provides a service to a client, they have more
processing power, memory and storage than client computers.

Local Software:

Purchasing or downloading a program on a particular computer

Remote Software:

rent/use software which is located elsewhere on another computer

SaaS: software as a service

on-demand software, hosted software or web- based softwarex

1.1.5 - 1.1.6

Ways of installing a new system:

- Direct Changeover: Old system is stopped, new system is started. Takes little time but
no fall back if it fails.
- Parallel Running: New system is started, old system keeps running with it. Has a fall
back in case the new system fails. It is costly to maintain two systems at once

- Pilot Running: A new system is tested while the old system is running, if it succeeds, it
replaces the old system. If new system fails, there are little consequences because it is
only being used by a small part of the organization. Though there is no fall back for the
small number of people using the new system if it fails.

- Phased conversion: New system is gradually introduced. Allows training to use the new
system to be done in stages. If the new system fails, there is no fall back for that part of
the system.


Testing ensures that the computer system works as expected.

Static Testing vs Dynamic Testing:

Static Testing: Include reviews, walkthroughs, inspections. It is implicit. Example: IDE checking
syntax. It involves verification, which ensures that the software meets the specification. This
testing is started early in the development cycle.

Dynamic Testing: Takes place when the program is run only. It could be run slightly before the
program is complete to test certain parts of the code. It involves validation, which is checking if
the software meets the customer’s needs. This testing is started late in the development cycle.

Alpha Testing vs Beta Testing:

Alpha Testing: Testing done by internal employees of the organization. Is done when the
development of the software is almost complete. Is performed at the developer’s site. It allows
the detection of errors at an early stage. The tester’s carry out tasks that a user might perform to

Beta Testing: Is performed by clients who are not part of the organization. They are real users in
a real environment. Is performed at client location or end user. Clients can provide input or
feedback regarding the design, functionality, and usability of the product.

Black-Box Testing vs White-Box testing:

Black Box Testing: Involves testing the software without knowing the internals. Is basically
testing the product as if the user is using it.
White Box Testing: Tests the software knowing the internals of it and uses that knowledge in the
testing process.

User Acceptance Testing (UAT):

- The last phase of testing in the development phase.

- Actual users test the software to make sure it can complete tasks in real-world
- Tests to see if software meets user expectations.

UAT vs Beta Testing:

UAT: Is not a public release. It is done with coordination from the testing team. It is an extension
of the development phase.

Beta Testing: Involves a public “beta release.” Is less structured and is tested by the user alone.
It is done slightly prior to the final release.

Automated Testing:

- Using special software to execute tests on other software and compare the results with
expected results.
- Little to no intervention from the engineer is required.
- Is used to do difficult tests to do manually when the amount of code is vast.
- It can test performance, security and compatibility.

User Documentation:1
- Documents that explain how to use the features and functions of a software to the user.
- Can be a book, pdf, website, video.
- It shows the readers features in the software that may not be obvious.
- Increases productivity
- It must be simple, it is not very technical
- Its quality determines how fast the users will start using the new system.

1.1.9 - 1.1.10

Types of User Documentation:

- Help Files: Are supplied with the system and the user can press a button to show them.
- They can be used at any time and give instructions on how to use the system
- Though they can’t be used before installing the software, they are too general,
and lack search capabilities
- Online Support: Web services that are hosted by the developers to provide
- They are extensive
- They get often updated
- Can have real human customer support
- They have search capabilities
- They need internet connection (disadvantage)
- Live support can be redundant if the user is unfamiliar with computers.

Data loss refers to an error condition where data is lost or destroyed due to system failure,
storage negligence, or even transmission or processing errors.

Data loss comes with costs that depend on:

- How costly it is to go on without the data
- How costly it is to recreate the data
- How costly it is to notify users of data loss

Methods of preventing data loss:

● Failover System
● Redundancy
● Removable Media
● Offsite Storage
● Online Storage

Release Stratgies:
● Release - launching a new product
● Patch - software to fix or improve a program (usually temporary a fix)
● Update - software file that fixes problems with a program

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