CoS Loot

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Every single bit of loot mentioned in Curse of Strahd (second draft)

If you’re here looking/helping, message NS4A2#4214 at CoS Discord #item-help!

● Barovia Village
○ Church
■ Tinderbox
■ Religious books (The Morning Lord)

● Tser Pool Encampment

○ Gold/Gold equivalents, Random magic item (table B in DMG)

● Vallaki
○ Blue Water Inn
■ Hat of disguise [Rictavio]
■ Ring of Mind Shielding [Rictavio]
■ Horseshoes/nails and mallet [N2g]
■ 2 Elixirs of health, 3 potions of healing, bag of tricks, 770gp [N2h]
■ 3 potions of healing, 1575gp [N2q]

○ Burgomaster House
■ 150gp [N3d]
■ Bridal Gown (plot item) and Magic Mirror of Summon Assassin [N3p]
■ Spellbook full of spells [N3t]

○ Watcher House
■ 700gp [N4k]
■ 200gp, Watcher pipe, Scrolls (real estate), plot books. [N4q]

○ Aresak Stockyard
■ Half plate armour (shaped for a tiger), healer’s kit, 3 holy symbols, 675gp, silver shortsword,
fancy hand crossbow (250gp), silvered bolts, something similar to a Monster Hunter’s kit, scrolls
(protection from fiends/protection from undead) [N5]

○ Coffinmaker
■ Bones of St Andrel, 6gp [N6e]

○ Vistani Camp
■ Ring of Warmth, spellbook of spells [N9a] (kasimir)
■ 500gp [N9e]
■ 3400gp [N9i]

● Bonegrinder
○ Youth potion, drink that infects with disease Cackle Fever, and Pale Tincture poison. [O1]
○ 150gp [O3]
● Argynvostholt
○ 4 potions of invulnerability [Q28]
○ +2 Greatsword, platinum holy symbol (25pp worth), half plate [Q36]

● Krezk
○ Ring of Regeneration [S7]
○ Sun Disk (750gp), potion of superior healing in flask (250gp), candelabras (1000gp)
○ Magic Gold Markovia Statuette (250gp) [S15f]
○ Scroll of Hero’s Feast [S16]

● Tsolenka Pass
○ Goat pelt of Respect

● Berez
○ 3800gp, oil of sharpness, scrolls (cure mass wounds, revivify), +1 sling bullets (10), pipes of haunting,
luck stone [U3]

● Van Richten’s Tower

○ Battleaxe, flail, morningstar, light crossbow, silver bolts (x10), fine clothes (x3), traveler’s clothes (x2),
several shows, harlequin mask, wigs (x3), climber’s kit, disguise kit, healer’s kit, poisoner’s kit, Lyre
(with golden strings, 50gp), cage with chicken, 5 eggs, silver ewer (100gp), tarokka deck, copper pots and
pans (50gp), manacles (x3), shovel, gold holy symbol (100gp), holy water (x3), perfume (x3), antitoxin
(x2), Hempen Rope, tinderbox, steel mirror, stake, spyglass, scrolls (Major Image, Remove Curse), map
of Barovia, journal page [V1]

● Wizard of Wines
○ Gulthias Staff [W16]
○ Necklace of Human Teeth [W9]
○ 480gp (including heirloom locket)
● Amber Temple
○ Wand of Secrets [X2b]
○ Spellbook of spells, glasses (250gp), robe of useful items [X5a]
○ Another spellbook, amulet of shield guardian control (1000gp) [X9]
○ Cursed staff of Frost [X17]
○ Tome of Understanding [X20]
○ Ewer of poison neutralization [X22]
○ Spellbooks with every single spell ever [X30]
○ 4 Gold hawk (total worth 1000gp) [X34]
○ Scroll of Wall of Fire [X38]
○ [X40] treasure piles
■ 175gp (in copper), 1500gp gems, ebony/wood child sarcophagus (250gp),
■ 1200gp in silver, silvered rapier (with glass hilt), gilded chariot (750gp),
■ 3300gp (in electrum), 6 dresses (25gp each), jewelry (2500gp) and coins (500gp), ceramic saints
statues (eight of them 250gp each, 50lbs each)
■ 2500lbs of iron ingots (250gp total), 30 holy symbols (5gp each) of many gods, 12 chalices (25gp
each, total 300gp), jeweled skull (250gp), 8 warhammers, 6 war picks
■ 900gp (in silver), 6 mundane crystal balls (20gp each, total 120gp), crown (750gp), life size wood
pony (25gp), 6 marble vases (100gp each, 100lbs each)
■ 150gp (in copper), obsidian scepter (2500gp)

● Yester Hill
○ Blood Spear of Kavan [Y2]
○ Anti-wood magic axe [Y4]
○ Gem of wine [Y3]

● Wolf Den
○ Electrum flute (250gp), 4 gemstones (total 200gp) [Z3]
○ 385gp (multiple coins), 30 gems (total 1500gp) and 7 bigger gems (700gp total), gold jewelry (300gp),
cloak pin (250gp), drinking horn (250gp), censer (750gp), all cursed [Z7]
● Castle Ravenloft
○ Mace of Terror, black cloak (250gp), chainmail, Icon of Ravenloft [K15]
○ 200gp (in copper), 1000 gp, 5000gp (in platinum), manual of bodily health [K30]
○ Necklace (750gp) [K32]
○ Doss Lute [K36]
○ 1000 books (total worth 80,000gp) [K37]
○ Daern’s instant fortress, 500gp (in copper), 1000gp (in silver), 10,000 (in gold) and 10,000gp (in
platinum), 15 gems (100gp each), +2 Shield, jewelry (total 2500gp), alchemy jug, helm of brilliance, +1
rod of the pact keeper, potion of greater healing [K41]
○ Platinum ring (150gp), pendant (750gp) [K49]
○ Several potions of healing (possible potions of poison), evil spellbook [K56]
○ Crown (2500gp) [K60]
○ Dragon Skull (plot coupon, 250lbs) [K67]
○ 75gp [K71]
○ 1500gp (in electrum) [K74a]
○ 3000gp (in platinum) [K74b]
○ Longsword, gemstones (total 150gp), potion of heroism [K74c]
○ Sentient +1 shortsword [K74h]
○ 1050gp (in electrum) [K75b]
○ Battleaxe [K75d]
○ Tapestry (750gp, 10lbs) [K83a]
○ Saint Markovia’s thighbone (mace of disruption) [K84 crypt 6]
○ Deck of Illusions [K84c9]
○ 3 necklaces (750gp each) [K84c10]
○ Holy symbol (25gp, plot coupon) [K84c11]
○ A rifled musket firearm, 20 silver musketballs, gunpowder filled horn, glider [K84c13]
○ Gems (2000gp total), 8 amber teeth (800gp total), staff of power [K84c15]
○ Spellbook, 5350 (mixed coins) [K84c21]
○ Corpse skin gold (500gp) [K84c22]
○ Speak with dead skull [K84c25]
○ Spork (250gp) [K84c28]
○ Luck blade [K84c29]
○ Holy symbol (750gp) [K84c30]
○ Spell scroll of magic circle, 250gp (in platinum), rope [K84c31]
○ Gold sarcophagus wrapping (500gp) [K84c34]
○ Signet ring (25gp) [K84c35]
○ Spell scrolls (cone of cold, fireball, lightning bolt) [K84c37]
○ Nonmagical silver spear (broken) [K84c38]
○ +2 plate armour [K85]
○ Tiara (750gp), gold bracelets (1000gp total), hijab (750gp), necklace (1500gp), mask (750gp), rings
(2500gp total) [K86]
● Death House
○ Shield [1]
○ Longsword [2]
○ Heavy crossbow, light crossbow, hand crossbow, 60 bolts, playing cards [3]
○ Blank books (25gp each), spell scrolls (bless, protection from poison, spiritual weapon), deed to
house/windmill [9]
○ Jewelry box (75gp), 3 rings (25gp each), necklace (750gp) [12]
○ 17gp, gems (30gp total), eyepatch (50gp), hairbrush (25gp), silvered shortsword (110gp) [25]
○ Arcane focus crystal orb (25gp) [31]
○ Cloak of protection, 4 potions of healing, chain shirt, mess kit, alchemists fire, bullseye lantern, thieve’s
tools, spellbook [34]
○ Gold ring (25gp) [36]

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